Airing Dirty Laundry In Town Square (LOL)!! | Stardew Valley 1.6

welcome back to the channel and welcome back to the stardew valley 1.6 playthrough series it is great to be here and I hope you’re doing well today my friends so we are back on the farm it’s the 15th of fall a fine Monday and there’s plenty of work to do so let’s get on out of bed and let’s get started on what should be a productive day so let’s go let’s flick on the old tube and the weather report shows what exactly well that it’s going to be a clear and sunny day tomorrow perfect for the stardew Valley Fair so at the Valley Fair here we have to bring nine items with us to put on display for the community we will be judged and we will be issued points depending on our performance so I need to select which nine items we want to bring I’ve got a few ideas and I’ve got one secret weapon that I’m leaning toward so stay tuned for that figure out what that secret weapon is but yeah we’re going to definitely hit up the fair tomorrow the goal there is of course to crush so let’s go and displeased Spirits here today no surprise kind of scary and what do we have looks like jod uh is all out of breath here mentioning the workout that it takes to walk from her place to my place jod it’s not really that far though like it really isn’t anyways I came by to ask if you wanted to have dinner with us tonight you don’t have to but if you decide to come could you please bring a large mouth bass ah I see what’s going on that’s that’s right one of those big slimy fish from the lake I need one one of those for the casserole okay okay well it’ll be at our house around 7:00 p.m. tonight don’t forget the large mouth bye yeah Jody I mean I see what’s going on I see what’s going on but we are of course all about Community Development and engagement here so why not I say we go and meet Jody’s Family let’s have some dinner right and let’s build a relationship right absolutely so we’ll definitely hit that up need a large mouth bass have to catch one of those we can find those in the mountain lake of course so we’ll make sure we do that here today I also want to get down to Cinder snap I want to just make a regular habit of getting hardwood right looks like we have a few crops to harvest as well got some honey got some good stuff happening here today so let’s just go ahead and get all of the crops harvested let’s get some stuff sold let’s pop in and check out our animal friends get them milked and get some eggs right get all the farmly duties done here today let’s check the mushroom cave as well let’s check the tappers to the West let’s just do all of this stuff and then like I said let’s structure a day around getting a largemouth bass and getting to Jodie by 7 so let’s go here um let’s see so what do we have oh basically have a full inventory so why don’t I offload some of this stuff and then we will get into our animal FRS all right dried mushroom do I want to keep a wedge of cheese for the display I think I do so let’s sell the mayonnaise let’s keep this uh gold star cheese though uh goat cheese sell that I’m going to hold on to the honey corn cranberries cots got some lava eel row so that can go in our row chest which is right up here okay looking good uh broccoli that is a good edible to use use for energy and Health Restoration I’m looking at you skull Cavern a copper bar let’s put this back let’s put the honey back okay uh what else do we have we have some sap some hay fiber pinear all right looking good throw this cheese in here for now all right Luna so Luna has been pet correct she sure has good girl Luna all right into the barn and what do we got popping in the barn well looks like Hampton is ready and eager to find some truffles you go get them today Hampton I’m counting on you I’m not keeping score or anything but man you have been slacking Hampton don’t let me down Sean Kemp how’s it going you starting or on the bench today coming off the bench Kemp is coming off the bench today all right a whole bunch of milk there which is great so let’s get the door open let’s get that pig looking for some Truffles and into the coupe we go and what do you know we have a new chick that is hatched but it looks odd so now we have to come up with the name and I’ve been thinking about this my friends and frankly this individual did not ask to be in the stardew valley playthrough but this individual has also been asked asking me for an emo duck here on the channel I think this is our best bet this is as close as we’re going to get so welcome to the farm kunda you know who you are you’ve been asking for the emo duck I have delivered do good things for us do good things for us corundum welcome to the farm all right how about the the rabbit Chesire still at two stars or two hearts I should say yeah we want to get that heart counter up a little bit higher on the rabbit we need that rabbit’s foot so still got some time of course but let’s get it to two and a half hearts here real soon looks like we have some maple syrup over here might as well take the opportunity to explore to the West see if there’s anything else yeah I’ve got some syrup here how about up this way some more syrup still don’t really know what I want to do with this island I mean we’re kind of in in the phase of let’s make money and not let’s decorate but once we get to the phase of let’s decorate you know I want to hear from the community what do you think we should do with that little island spot right I’m thinking maybe a little fish pond get some nice uh nice Stone tiles down get some maybe some exotic trees right just set the aesthetic not necessarily for functionality but just go all in on looks with that spot there right let me know what you think we should do with that little plot of land there that unique asset that unique feature to the metal lands Farm all right so let’s get our milk processing here so goat milk yes absolutely let’s get some eggs rolling as well Luna sleeping by the mayonnaise machine Luna machine mayonnaise machine and actually we do have capacity in our incubator now so let’s go ahead and get this dinosaur egg processing as well well not processing but incubating boom why not raise another Dino right scientists thought that they were long extinct well you haven’t been to the farm lately scientists wonder what Demetrius would think uh okay maple syrup so the crops have been harvested looks like we got some mushrooms we can process here real quick yep you bet fiber in the white chest here let’s get the mushrooms processing might as well process some trash as well okay trash mushrooms and let’s figure out what we want to bring with us so I want to bring cheese I want to bring large milk that’s iridium quality I think that’s going to sell rather well well not sell sorry uh present rather well I should say getting my wires crossed here today don’t know what’s going on might as well get some ore smelting as well we’re really hurting on copper so let’s get five more units of copper how about an aridium bar yeah I think we should grab an aridium bar for the display it’s one of the rare items in the game right so we might as well okay so we have three let’s see anything in here I guess cloth you can maybe make that case I think I should just sell that instead actually so let’s sell it how about anything in here maybe like the chocolate cake although I don’t know how well that presents let’s search for other options uh Crimson fish and angler yes absolutely a caviar yes absolutely a starf fruit yes okay so these are all high value items for sure so that gives us seven okay so we have seven what about like a diamond yeah let’s go with the diamond that gives us eight and we need nine so what are we going to do with our ninth entry well I think I’ve got an idea and it involves like I said a secret weapon so let’s go ahead and head south to Cinder snap I want to hit up the secret Woods get some hardwood of course want to make sure I do that routinely and then we can leg it back up through town get to the mountain lake catch a larg mouth bass for jod but first looks like we have a what a raccoon here okay so if you remember the end of the last episode right we had that ferocious Windstorm and then we repaired this stump here and it looks like a hungry raccoon moved in and the raccoon is appears to be prospecting us for fish now I must be transparent I’ve done no Research into this I I don’t know what this is all the new 1.6 features I’m intentionally not researching these things I want them to come up organically in the playthrough right that’s kind of the point of this play through so I don’t really know what this is so let’s check it out okay so the raccoon appears to be asking us for five oysters and a smoked salmon okay so we got to get a fish smoker then maybe we can weave that into today’s tasks but yeah smoke salmon oyster not sure what happens once you complete this Quest my guess is it’ll probably ask you you for something else and give you a reward that’s just a guess but really interested to see how this raccoon Quest you know evolves absolutely that is a new feature to 1.6 and I’m real excited about it so that’s great love that so let’s gather some hardwood here real quick absolutely all right the hardwood let’s get some more Dodge some slimes where appropriate and where possible more like get these stumps here maybe one of these days we’ll get this axe upgraded to a gold axe as well don’t think you can go wrong with that of course you got to put it on the shelf for a few days not the end of the world I suppose but yeah I want to routinely get hardwood it’s just something that I want to do on the daily so let’s go back through the woods here and I mentioned the secret weapon probably for like the fifth time well what I mean by that is hey little girl you want a Blackberry is this a gift oh okay never mind it’s not a toy it’s it’s in edible like you eat it tastes good juicy healthy the secret weapon I’m after here today though my friends so we have finally reached enough trust with Marne to enter the bedroom and grab the famed lucky purple shorts right and what we’re going to do tomorrow is we’re going to put them on display in front of the whole entire Valley tomorrow for everyone to witness Marne likes blackberries right sure does absolutely and I’m looking forward to the reaction of Mayor Lewis who actually judges your display so it’s going to be funny it’s going to be wholesome jod likes the Blackberry as well have found a walleye in the trash is that Jody’s house is that Jody’s house nope jod should have just been uh dumpster diving in her neighbor’s garbage would have found what she needed for the casserole tonight that’s all right she needs it a little fresher we will certainly get a large mouth bass for jod absolutely so at least I could do for a free dinner right so let’s pop on into Willies here and so elore Bab let’s get the fish smoker cost 10K but given our prowess with the fishing pole right I think it’s a sensible purchase for us so let’s go ahead and get on up to the mountain lake now and then uh the raccoons want salmon right so I think we can catch them in the river during fall if I recall correctly hard to say say but I think so I believe I’ve caught some salmon in Fall I think trying to think during the what Trout Derby I guess I don’t remember but we’ll spend a little time in this location here after we catch the largemouth bass should give us the perfect amount of time to catch a largemouth bass and just salt away a few hours while we’re waiting for the dinner event at jod so let’s make it happen but first let’s focus let’s catch the large mouth bass I saw lonus over here too if we can get it quick enough maybe we can catch lonus as well I know lonus loves the blackberries for sure all right so let’s get it first try here it’s either a large mouth or a chub let’s see what is it it’s a large mouth very nice okay no time wasted there at all all right Blackberry here you go lonus my friend great gift thank you you’re very welcome and then Demetrius up here very interesting specimen study it well my friend study it well all right so let’s roll let’s head down we got mayor Lewis there I’ve got something of his and it’s going to be a comical event once we get there I mean we all know what’s going on LS and for those that don’t well they will shortly matter of a day here my friends all right let’s see if we can grab a few salmon that’ll get us a little closer to completing the raccoon Quest I would hope the Salmon’s in in season so that’s a small e we’ve certainly caught those before excited to get the fish smoker up and running though I think it doubles the value of your fish like just doubles it and we obviously have a level 10 fishing so there’s a salmon right there perfect got a few more hours we might as well keep fishing here maybe I can store some of these uh less lucrative fish in the fridge we can make uh meals out of them tiger trout or maybe we uh just start a fish smoking operation and that’s just what we do with our fish from now on I think that probably makes sense probably makes more sense I think there’s more useful meals to make right looks like we have a panning spot there suppose I don’t have my pan on me do I uh no I do not so this is what’s going in the display tomorrow my friends lucky purple shorts in the middle slot you know it it has to happen we have to do it it’s just what has to happen all right fish let’s go what do you say another salmon wonder what the how the quality factors into a smoked fish as well there’s lots I want to learn about the fish smoker so we’ll uh we’ll take advantage of it maybe if we have a few hours left toward the end of the night tonight take a look I would assume it cost coal I don’t know I’m just using logic here I would assume it cost coal does the quality carryover I would assume it does if it’s going to double your price I don’t know we’ll find out a lot about the fish smoker here a new building to 1.6 very cool right a SMY so we’ll make this the last cast here and we’ll head into jodies all right there we go what do we get another SMY okay got some good uh fish to kind of play around with the fish smoker with maybe we can sell him side by side to see the price difference we’ll see let’s coffee up and let’s get the Jodie see Maru do we have anything that you would like I don’t think you like blackberries a chantrell probably but I kind of want to hold on to my chantrell thanks this looks looks nice you’re very welcome very very welcome I appreciate anybody that appreciates the Blackberry for sure and I’m not talking about the old cell phone all right Jodie hey how we doing Jodie hi come in do I smell fresh fish yes you certainly do just caught it a few hours ago it’s been in my backpack Sam could you come in here and help a dinner yes ma’am like Sam’s a musician got the electric piano there little drum set guitar wow this looks like quality bass AK thanks so much for bringing this you’re welcome maybe wash it off a little bit it’s been in the backpack just bouncing around that crispy bass was delicious the breading was out of this world almost feel like part of the family now well that’s nice it’s good to feel like you belong so what do we have okay so not much more really to do with that event I suppose okay so I suppose we could uh do forging we could cut down some trees what don’t we cut down some trees I think we spent a lot of wood making those big chests so might as well replen our wood reserves here all good things all necessary things right got to be solid on the old wood reserves for sure got some Moss here got to love that moss in fact where are we at with our skills let me take a quick peek 99 and N so forging you get forging experience by cutting down trees right so think of this as a just a way to boost a little bit of forging experience so I think as time allows here we can get back to the farm in at a decent hour get a fish smoker down and let’s smoke a salmon just so we have it for the raccoon got some Moss here very nice like a hazel nut as well another Mossy tree here two units of moss there looks like we have another Mossy tree right here as well good we need plenty of moss so I’ll be building bunch of acorn logs here in due time my friends or Acorn logs mushroom logs excuse me just getting my wires crossed today you ever had those days where you just where things make sense in the old mind but they don’t necessarily translate to uh verbal speech right it’s kind of one of those days all right we’re getting some wood here definitely getting some wood all right it’s about 10:30 I think we’ll get back to the farm around 11: that’ll give us just a bit of time to drop some stuff off I think I’ll simply just sleep with the nine items we’re taking into the fair tomorrow on me we’ll do that as well capitalize on just a bit more wood here while we have the energy and time all right let’s pound down some coffee and let’s get back I’m very interested in seeing what this fish smoker is all about let’s go I’m not bringing back any o oysters no the muscle all right so we got to get some oysters as well otherwise I was about to say we’ be able to complete the raccoon’s Quest here but doesn’t look like we’re going to be able to do the oysters bunch of coal here that’s a good drop that’s a great drop uh let’s see how about three slime yeah throw that out all right it’s getting late yes indeed yes indeed all right so fish I think we can throw the the prospective fish that we’re going going to uh smoke here so let’s just load it up for now uh what do we need for the fish smoker real quick 10 hardwood sea River and Cave jelly okay luckily I have those things all right so let’s put the seeds back okay Acorn so we’re looking at the cave jelly it’s appears to be kind of rare okay fish smoker we got it so Place fish inside with a piece of coal to create smoked fish which is worth double quality of the fish is preserved okay so I got a lot of questions answered right right there very nice okay good stuff I wonder how fast it it operates that’s my next question we’re going to find out more here my friends all right muscles yes throw those in there uh mushrooms about all this stuff let’s get it let’s get some more processing okay looking good let’s get these doors closed any truffles here Hampton man Hampton’s just been Ice Cold Man yeah no truffles that is surprising although I guess if you look at recent Trends it’s not really all that surprising right a goat cheese let’s sell it manise sell its sell two pieces of that cheese let’s just sell the common mushrooms sell this random BlackBerry Hazel not sure sell it okay fish smoker let’s see where should we put this so let’s do a salmon boom all right cool very cool now like I said I’m I’m curious as to uh how long it takes 3 69 okay so we have all nine pieces going to run out of uh time here put the wood away chantrell mushroom it’s not worth risking sleeping on the farm here so let’s head to bed we have the stard Valley Fair tomorrow so let’s go all right made about 8500 bucks not bad the typical random array of stuff but it’s money nonetheless so day 16 Dawn and it’s Tuesday of course and we’re going to get in nice and early to the fair fortune teller let’s see very displeased spirits well that’s completely fine all right so we have Evelyn here good morning dear good morning Evelyn you like what we’ve done with the place it was a lovely walk out here I haven’t seen this Old Farm in a long time looks even better than I’ve remember well I mean we put some effort into it that’s for [Music] sure here I brought you a little something it’s a gift from one Gardener to another hey thank you Evelyn that is great so that is of course a garden pot this allows you to plant plants indoors if you need to these pots are really handy you can use them to grow crops of any season indoors they also look nice outside but out here they can only house in season crops if you need more they’re really easy to make too here I’ve got an old magazine clipping with instructions got the recipe as well very nice thank you Evelyn well I better go George gets grumpy if he doesn’t have his oatmeal on time you have a great day thanks what a sweet lady Evelyn is right all right so we are back here my friends let’s pick this corn Let’s scan the rest of our crops here anything else happening looks like we have a few eggplant looks like we have our ancient fruit here my friends absolutely we have our ancient fruit here okay so I think we can comfortably put the ancient fruit in the display right so what do we get rid of then think caviar is fine aridium bar I mean we can probably do away with that do we do away with the cheese how about the diamond the diamond just feels like I don’t know we have 23 of them right so the diamond kind of feels I don’t know maybe a little less rare looks like I did accidentally pick the fairy Rose I did not mean to do that so that’s not good but what do you do well you you sell it that’s what you do so we’re just going to sell it that’s fine smoke salmon okay so that can actually go we’ll put that in here and let’s get a tiger trout rolling next what do he say in fact how about I take me take like 30 units of coal we’ll put it right here in this chest I just got to be careful oops of course need one unit just got to be careful not to make that the the main chest for coal right so let’s get the Luna machine all watered up and loved up on good girl Luna and let’s see garden pot so what do I want to do I want to plant a coffee bean why because I’m spending like $3,000 on coffee so let’s get a coffee bean planted right here why not in fact do we have some speed grow can we add speed grow I think you can Deluxe speed grow see if we can add that to our we sure can boom all right we’re going to have coffee plants in no time and then we can just start making our own coffee and then eventually espresso right it’s kind of like why not looks like the uh fish smoker does operate pretty quickly here so mushrooms yep trash yes let’s grab these two uh fruits off the tree and let’s get in and check on Gary Payton and Sean Kemp Hampton Gary pton what’s up buddy all right Noel we milked you yesterday going to be dry today not sure which one of you is uh Sean Kemp but you’re starting today all right just got word from the head coach you’re [Music] in pound on the coffee and let’s go in and check on our emo duck kundum Chesire is still sitting at two hearts all right let’s Elevate the happiness whatever you need ches Shire I got it for you just let me know what you need right what do you need for happiness it looks like our trees are full grown here so that means mushroom log Arrangement time um we can do that after the fair though we’re going to have to all right so tiger trout yep the fair has begun smoke tiger trout okay we’ll sell that very curious what the sell price is going to be uh cheese yes sell that sell the mayonnaise sell the dried mushrooms sell the apple and the pal got a few items to get processing here and then be getting into the fair real soon so duck egg yep all right we’re looking good with our assortment of items here Chantell nice we got five of those so we can process those curious how that sells as well uh no more garbage believe it or not okay so what else what else do we need to do before we move onward looks like we have a dead plant right here this is It’s just unsightly right bothers me so let’s take care of this yeah man no dead plants and then we have yeah so we have another open spot right here so let’s go ahead and get this spot filled up too all right so are we good that’s the question are we good I do think that we are good I mean we could do some auxiliary things like get some more copper processing why not there’s a truffle That’s My Boy Hampton that’s what I’m talking about solid solid find there pal they’ve been underneath your feet the whole time all right how about a fish smoker let’s get one of these rolling as well smoked Walley Don’t Mind If I Do all right let’s roll Before Time runs out let’s roll all right so welcome to the fair so the main attraction of the fair is the shop here or the reason you want to participate it’s the shop here trading your star tokens for prizes yes and there are some compelling things including a rare Crow we have a star drop prize ticket a nice light green rug pepper poppers plus one speed that’s not bad a Fedora if you’re a fedora wearing type it’s not going to usurp our uh dark cowboy hat though I’ll tell you that um and then here’s our display so we can actually put things on display here and the fair doesn’t end but we’re getting the lucky purple shorts right in the middle of course why wouldn’t we right so aridium bar aridium milk some nice cheese and there they are Marne what do you [Music] think Wily’s got the fish that you would expect him to have looks like he did some foraging as well got a nice big wheel of cheese there some cloth some eggs and of course Pierre’s uh produce Pierre takes uh pride in in what he’s doing here what we can actually do is we can have the display judged so let’s go ahead and do that it’s big day our most important Festival of the year if you’d like to participate yep we got it set up mayor Lewis we are finished setting up our [Music] display so let’s go check it out huh what do you say come on I got something to show you come on see see okay so no comment yet maybe he just kind of brushed by it you know maybe he had to do the old uh Double Take All right what do we got mayor Lew what did you think what did you think it’s been judged return to Mayor Lewis for the result you was that some kind of sick prank those are very private here take 750 star tokens and don’t tell a soul now go clean up your box and bring me my item [Laughter] tomorrow so we got 750 big ones here my friends and you do have to clear out your [Music] box if you forget to do so of course uh bad things happen you you don’t necessarily forfeit your items but you have to go through lost and found to get them but yeah mayor Lewis did not take too kindly to our uh our display that was some strange looking purple lettuce in your grand display I swear it looked just like maro’s special un oh H never mind yeah we know what’s going on Marne we do know what’s going on but we get out ahead of the curve here with 750 star tokens I think you actually get more if you take first place but I I really wanted that funny event why not so the best way to earn some star tokens is the fishing mini game so we’re going to crush this for a little while we’re going to get what we need we’re going to get on out of here so just as you would expect you are you get prizes for catching fish if you get a perfect I do believe that you get bonus points so we want to try to get as many perfects as possible here and that’s what we’re going to do I think I can uh short cast this if possible and obviously we’re unable to use our aridium Rod to improve the bite ratees so we’re going to have to do with this what appears to be a bamboo pole that’s all right all right we got a chub going to have to cast it just a little further next time all right we got to hit [Music] here nice and steady reel it in got a Shad this one’s a little more aggressive or at least it feels like it it wants to shoot up that was a salmon all right what what do we have next [Music] here another salmon perhaps that’s a [Music] sunfish let’s keep going so I want to get the star drop obviously that’s a no-brainer you want to get that I want to get the rare Crow believe that’s 800 and the prize ticket so ideally we have 3,800 if I got a little extra maybe the Fedora as well given it’s an an item that can go in our dresser get 156 there Perfection bonus of 276 so 432 a total score 516 star tokens very nice just a couple more rounds of that will get us the allotted star token that we need so let’s go let’s grind let’s game it [Music] up all right so this is the most challenging fish in the pond I do believe this is the catfish and I would say in a way that you you don’t want to encounter the catfish it’s got a good base score but it’s hard to get a perfect on [Music] we want to get that perfect bonus we want just capitalize on it so let’s keep grinding here let’s get what we [Music] need and let’s get out of here right maybe I can get my uh mushroom logs all fixed up here before the end of the episode and we’ll [Music] see all right we got another catfish on the on the line here they just kind of like Bob and weave a little bit you know what I’m saying is this another cat feels like it sure is all right so time runs out and how do we do this time around 320 Perfection bonus 696 star tokens tremendous [Music] all right so back on into the old fishing mini game here we at 1962 so we’ll actually almost get there we’ll be there real short shortly that is let’s go all right catfish see if we can get the perfect no not quite just a dirty little fish those catfish are I tell you [Music] who all right let’s keep grinding here my friends let’s just keep doing it [Music] [Music] Perfection is good that’s what we want to see [Music] all right let’s keep going I’m not going to lie I don’t miss the days where I spent most of my episodes fishing right I was much earlier on I don’t mind fishing in stardew Valley here [Music] but it’s kind of mundane right just a little bit [Music] all right 303 Perfection bonus and 588 star tokens secured so let’s 2550 we need a few [Music] more so let’s go let’s just keep on grinding here hey man seaweed is not going to cut it [Music] let’s catch some fish and let’s catch them perfectly let’s go unless you get a catfish that does stuff like that [Music] doesn’t get much easier than that right the smly just catches itself I tell [Music] you let’s keep going here let’s keep grinding [Music] [Music] all right another catfish here he going to Dart downward and then back up yep that’s what they [Music] do let’s get a bite let’s go oh come on I’ve been [Music] robbed all right so let’s assess do I need the prize [Music] ticket I mean we definitely want the star drop right the answer is yes so we got the star drop secured that found a star drop it’s strange but the taste reminds you of my dog rare Crow yes collecting all those so let’s see it’s like a, 500 dried sunflowers I mean those aren’t appealing to me at all [Music] right prize ticket bring this to the prize machine in Louis’s house for a special reward we’ll be paying lisis a visit that’s for sure we got something of his light green rug is kind of cool looking I guess let’s do it like two more times we’ll [Music] see I’m sure it makes for great content the the fishing mini game right especially in the stardew Valley [Music] Fair well that’s all right we got the two most important things so [Music] I think I’ll go with the prize ticket I don’t really know how I feel about that green rug right I mean it’s not it’s not really that nice [Music] looking and plus we are so far away from the age of decorating things right I think during the winter we can probably take a little bit of time to sort of plan out the farm for the following Spring right let’s get some pathing down let’s get some walkways built right things like that but it’s just been a low priority when we got other things to do this catfish is troublesome for sure my goodness [Music] all right see if we can get like two more here let’s go now we’re only going to get one and we’ll be lucky to get one here let’s go all right so we do get the hit all right that’s not bad 182 242 Perfection that’s another 500 star tokens okay very nice let’s do it [Music] again ah catfish right out the gates huh [Music] all right we got him score of 30 on that catfish there but the time it takes to reel in that’s that’s the real [Music] drawback another one [Music] feel like the catfish is more difficult in the fair mini game than the fishing mini game itself this kind of feels that way maybe it’s the equipment we’re using could certainly be all right let’s keep grinding here let’s go let see if we can get two more maybe three see if we can get two more game let’s go let’s make quick work of this one and let’s hook another let’s go yeah this isn’t going to happen yep so that’s nice that’s not happening uh 227 [Music] though 636 so that is the prize token so let’s do it one more time and then just make use of the star tokens we get so this will be the last time here my friends I know this is uh just super compelling stuff here [Music] so do you think mayor Lewis was happy with us I don’t think he was too happy with us in fact usually the uh you know the the demeanor of the characters is you know pretty welcoming and nice and generous and kind in this game but I think you saw a side of Mayor Lewis there in that in that little cut scene right is this some kind of sick joke right I think you saw another side of Mayor Lewis for sure we’ll be paying you a visit real soon mayor Lewis don’t you worry [Music] all right let’s keep grinding [Music] here I don’t think I really want to participate in really any of the other events here at the at the fair I mean there’s a few other mini games you can play but I mean by far the the fishing mini game is is the one to play it just is the way to get the most star tokens I mean you can you can do the the gambling mini game right this guy right here you can do that you can wager it all if you want you can play a few other mini games you can do this which is strength level gym teacher that’s funny Mammoth on we got to at least get it once here let’s [Music] go too late there bulldozer yeah whatever we’re a gorilla bulldozzer Ox let’s go all right trade in the star tokens let’s go we want the prize ticket you bet fedora or a green rug I’m going with the green rug I’m good on the Fedora might as well buy the pepper poppers and not enough for the dried sunflower unfortunately darn let’s go ahead and get a survival Burger you bet and what do you say we get on out of here there’s nothing really else to do I mean you can talk to some of the the towns folk right there’s some Out of Towners here right a tourist got Marlin showing off his uh Wares Clint has his uh stuff do the fortune teller here looks like Sebastian is smoking and we’re not talking fish there my friends not really much else to do this isn’t a new event or anything so we don’t have to go crazy so I think I’m content leaving in fact I’m not sure why I’m taking the route I’m taking so let’s get on out of the fair it’s kind of it’s one of those obviously it’s really useful CU you get a star drop [Music] right but you know as with most festivals it completes a day for you which if you’re trying to get certain things done might not be the most useful use of a day right but for us we’re actually sitting pretty good right now with kind of where we’re at with everything right so let’s throw the prize ticket in here um pepper popper so this is Decor we can throw that in there let’s put this stuff back ancient fruit can go here as well I want to look into getting a seed maker though I know we do get one for free so we can sell the caviar as well absolutely let’s sell the truffle oil that Hampton got for us tremendous fine Hampton a diamond goes here of course May Lewis’s purple shorts what do we do do we just hold on to him stop this this torment of the poor old man I think so I think it’s the right thing to do the right thing to do is return them do we want to do the right thing I mean typically we try to do the right thing all right so how many mushroom logs do do I have exactly that’s the question because I want to get my mushroom log Arrangement going here so let’s sell the smoked Smallmouth okay so hardwood Moss right yes mushroom log okay so I need 48 total which is a lot it is let’s see guess if I can at least get the the middle section done while we collect more resources and that’s what I’ll do all right so six I need 12 okay so here’s six more locks right so let’s see okay so it’s an arrangement a little like this so it’s this tree it’s like this and these creeps get out of here man hey wood cutter is weekly I’ll take that actually and a few things about forging okay tremendous so yeah we just build them in a pattern like so like this sorry I’m kind of looking at a diagram while I do this and this is not my uh design by the way this was uh Brandon a viewer of the playthrough series kind of queued me into this so I took a look at it and it’s apparently a pretty effective way to maximize your mushroom logs so it’s something like this but it requires a lot of mushroom logs right all right that’s symmetrical that’s even we can always add more tomorrow but let’s get to bed if the game will bless us with the ability to do so all right we get to bed so we’re going to wrap up the 16th of fall we’re going to wrap up this episode as well um let’s see so what are we looking at here just a bunch of random stuff again right it’s kind of like the emmo of our farm the modus operandi of the farm is to sell a bunch of random stuff and make a bunch of money smoke tiger trout 944 though my goodness SMY 315 yeah I’m liking that fish smoker for sure so looking forward I mean we have the raccoon Quest that we have to do need a few more oysters for that so Beach foraging needs to be a priority right I already got the smok salmon really interested to see what the raccoon will continue to offer us right what kind of quests what kind of rewards kind of excited to see how that develops of course we have mayor Lewis’s purple shorts right so we got to get those back to him what else do we have well I mean we’re midall right so winter will be coming soon and you know once winter gets here relatively quickly we’re going to be able to complete the community center so that is all exciting stuff here my friends definitely exciting stuff so stay tuned to the playthrough series and if you’re enjoying it you know please give the video a thumbs up that really does help you know I realized that there have been you know many many playthroughs of stardew Valley on YouTube right we’re not uh we’re not on The Cutting Edge of that by by any stretch but you know uh help get the likes up because that does get the viewership up on these videos right and also if you are enjoying the playthrough series and you’re new here right maybe this is your first exposure to this Channel or stard do Valley on this channel if you are enjoying it then please consider becoming a subscriber right we’re we’re playing this one casually releasing an every releasing a new episode every what four or five days or so can maybe uh bring that up just a little bit but you know I do like the video that has been released to at least get a little exposure before releasing another so that’s kind of the thought that’s that’s the logic so anyways my friends thanks again so much I really do appreciate it and we’ll be catching you in the next video thanks a lot bye [Music] [Music] [Music]

Folks, SDV 1.6 dropped and we are starting a BRAND NEW playthrough on the new FARM!! The farm is the meadowlands farm and it’s an animal start. Follow along on this epic journey!!

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Game Description from Steam:
You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home?

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