Stardew 1.6 Meadow Farm!!! – Stardew Valley [Modded 1.6 Update!]

uh y’all y’all 1.6 came out recently and I just want to play it like all the time cuz it’s so cute it’s so adorable and I feel like we should get into this start a new start start something new start something new I I want to try the metal lands I have not played 1.6 yet I have watched other people play it it looks really good uh okay what’s our farm name well Pokemon Pokemon Farm uh we love we love whoopers we we love whoopers I know there’s all these different cats now oh they’re so cute look at all the dogs apparently there’s also Turtles and I’m very excited about a turtle no we’re going to get this little guy cuz it looks like blue cuz every time we play these games we always get Kevin so this time we’re getting blue um pigtails is cute it’s also cute too yeah let’s do that one uh hair color Okay real question though do we need to skip the intro or should we watch it should we watch the intro is that changed cuz I don’t know if it changed or not skip okay they changed a small bit into the intro okay on the bus oh that’s fine oh my God this looks like we’re going to the Black Parade the jacket’s cute okay let’s see a that’s actually cute I did remix them yeah I remixed them cuz you know we played this game enough to like remix things so I feel like that’s fine ooh big beardy is that sideburns let’s get some earrings okay so we do a new Shadow or uh shadowlands yes stardo shadowlands um we’re going to be in the metal Farms we’re going to start with a chicken we’re get ourselves some chickies I’m so excited and our cat is going to be blue we’re going to skip the intro we got remix let’s go uh oh there is mods so maybe it just takes a moment because of all the mods oh oh yep there it goes hell yeah look at that I got some hay I got some hay mildly perturbed okay let’s see what our new Farm looks like Louis I don’t care oh oh birthdays that’s right winter 26 Vance hello welcome all right well it’s going to be a long time B before I see you oh oh right we still got East scarp okay okay so this is this is the metal lands Farm we start with chickens we get chickens for free oh look at these babies hello guys zoom in a little bit here you go let’s zoom in a lot there you go I can’t see okay what are my chickens names papaya and peachy holy [ __ ] that’s adorable peachy and papaya that’s so [Music] cute oh well this one’s definitely Anna wait can I rename you AKA I can’t we all know deep in our heart that’s Anna we all know deep in our hearts in our heart of hearts that chicken is Anna let’s let them out they’re so tiny they’re so tiny oh I like being able to start with chickens that feels me with so much happiness you got POA and Dot salt and pepper shut up that’s so cute I’m clear out some of these weeds hope we can get some um some of these mix seeds save us some money this is what I do now whenever I start a new Farm I look for mixed seeds cuz you know they’re they’re all going to be just random seeds the naming got so much better oh my gosh it really did like I don’t know if it’s always been that good or what but it’s really cute fishy and row oh do they have other ones like mashed and potatoes or mac and cheese oh my God mac and cheese mix flower seeds that too oh hell yeah okay fair yeah maybe Mash is too hard maybe like just potato cuz potato’s cute we need to make ourselves a little uh do I have that I I do oh Ash helped me install all of our old mods so obviously I have the um the bag put the bag anywhere so we’re going to use that to our advantage cuz I don’t care come on get it potatoes and gravy beans and toast that’s so [ __ ] cute that’s so cute I can’t I can’t oh this is new tech sign pardon I got the hiccups okay let’s put all that in there let’s go to town oh we’ve seen these we’ve seen this one before I’m not going to waste my time watching leis talk to his sister do it on your own time Lewis okay um I do want to buy a lot of seeds if we can so let’s go up here let’s let’s look for some for some sellin ah there’s one also we got to woo Pierre’s wife so who are you excuse me who are you floor okay that’s probably a ridgeside person you don’t like any beans that’s fine bread bread bread bread bread how difficult is it to mod this game is very easy to mod um you just need to download a program called sppy and um a lot of mods when you look at them they’ll actually tell you exactly what they need in order to be um in order to be used is this Co-op uh no not this one this one’s just me I’m by myself today um by myself uh but yeah a lot of the mods when you click on a mod it’ll actually tell you like exactly what things you need to install with it um Nexus mods does a really good job of giving new like ways of downloading them easy or you could just download them directly from like the site Ash Ash what the [ __ ] are you doing here hi okay excuse me um Carolyn I need to start wooing you so that I could start getting some tea seeds from you okay let’s let’s sell the bread we going to get some parsnips we’re going to get like three beans my beans uh we’re get some potatoes oh my gosh oh my gosh everything’s so expensive good thing I’m playing after the mod apocalypse oh when everything broke yeah that’s fair let’s go see if there’s any um green onions down here cuz I would like some green onions to sell back to here hello yeah whatever Haley Haley I still don’t like you I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m not sorry but I’m sorry oh I should be really good friends with um what’s his name that guy cuz I feel like he gives you strawberry seeds really early on if you’re friends with him and Anderson Mr Anderson him Andy all right well he likes he likes this so uh let’s give this to him hello we’re definitely also going to befriend chicken chicken man Shane we’re going to befriend chickens yes we’re definitely going to befriend chickens but we’re also going to befriend Shane cuz I do want the the blue chickens I need those blue chickies yeah yeah if we talk to him every if we talk to Andy every day and give him like gifts we could get some early strawberry seeds [Music] look it I like when everybody’s outside makes it so much easier for me to talk to everybody oh my God I have to sneeze again okay are we playing with any mods uh no I think most of the mods are the same mods we had last time um obviously there’s a few mods we can’t use again just because it’s uh some of them haven’t been updated yet pre bless you thank you thank you oh look at all these boys physical therapists Shir hello yma you’re a child oh there’s so many people here you add the skull C cave elevator back in hell yeah well I’m nowhere near Skull Cave but that’s great to know for next time cuz we starting a whole new save baby uh baby all right let’s plant these things boop boop boop boop boop boop I don’t think I have this many seeds all right let’s uh let’s do a row here here we go here we go um one two come on let’s do that one perfect perect this is 1.6 yeah yeah yeah this is 1.6 we got we got it I’m very excited to play it um I’ve been seeing so many cute things y’all there’s so many cute little things we could befriend raccoons I think there’s like a bookstore [Music] um there’s like new holidays and [ __ ] I haven’t seen any of the new holidays I’ve actually been very good about not looking at that but there is just random things that I have seen can we get another seed oh my gosh I love Decor I love decorating it’s like my favorite thing in games is decorating y’all in shrouded also had a huge update and they added a bunch of decorations and a new B man I can’t tell you how excited I was to play that as well oh also there’s like not only are there pets but there’s like little things that could follow around we could actually have a frog friend I don’t know how to get the Frog friend maybe we have to marry Sebastian cuz you know we eventually raised frogs together as a couple the couple that raised frogs together stays together a jam thank you so much for gifting those subs trinkets oh and you can have multiple pets too we could have both Kevin and blue I can have both my boys here but I also really want the frog the frog the frog frogs in a terrarium look look I’m very excited about frogs I don’t know if you know about this about me but I’m very very excited about frogs the return of frog sun is true okay let’s see these have been watered correct yeah looks watered okay um It’s the Return of frog ofan frog Chris uh like froga Christie froga got to come with names for these frogs Prismatic frogs there’s frogs that changes colors shut up that’s that’s not real is it don’t get me excited don’t fill me with hope oh my goodness Jam you are so sweet thank you so much for gifting another Community sub do’ are is so incredible thank you so much oh everybody everybody is so nice this is why I love our community I love hanging out with you guys let’s go Bon let’s go bite there I go oh look at that we sold one thing there’s a void one a void frog or is it just avoid chicken cuz I like the idea of avoid frog okay it’s time to go see Willie oh my gosh a thank you for them bitties everybody here is so sweet thank you so much I honestly like I love streaming with you guys you guys make it really fun and I just like being hanging out with you all also my chickens hello oh y’all are so cute and tiny you still got food okay we need to build you guys a silo so we can get some more food oh you know what I should do is I should leave some stuff here behind I’m not going to use that let’s keep the Scythe because there is a possibility I’ll find some more weeds which might have more seeds been living vicariously through the uh with the update through US hell yeah well I’m excited for you to be here as [Music] well man I love like rideside but I also feel like ride is so much I’m going to get to you rid side eventually I’ll get to you okay let’s see what’s going on here oh it’s Morris’s birthday um what’s a what’s just a regular like do you not like anything that I have right now like not even a little bit seems like he like all the food in the world [Music] um do you like daffodils can I get you a daffodil for your birthday no oh my gosh what can I get you for your birthday my sir my good man hash browns you know there’s a possibility I could go buy something at the uh the salon Saloon did did they update Morris’s uh story does he have like some like um does he get like like a some type of closure or like some type of like um [Applause] Redemption cuz he’s not like a terrible guy he just happens to be like trying to run his business just like PE like if anybody’s terrible it’s Pierre cuz Pierre is like constantly trying to undercut everybody a lot of the other NPCs got new dialogue okay I’m just wondering cuz like once you finish the community center Morris is just kind of like out so I’m just wondering like if there’s anything that changed with him in 1.6 catch that fish oh mayor Lewis is the worst so is Pier those are two terrible men you’re playing expanded and Morris is awesome hell yeah I feel like a while ago I was playing expanded and I did try to do some more stuff with Morris um I think that worked out a little bit I remember that he had had some new stuff and they were just kind of like flushing out his character and making him seem like you know like more of a person which I liked oh flounder okay I’m going to sell some of these so I can have some monies I need some monies okay you know I’m GNA keep oh wait what the [ __ ] was that sardine bait do I need a sardine cuz what okay okay okay okay ooh can I okay I have the bamboo pole okay there’s a new machine to the right of Willy’s shop is this thing inside oh oh [ __ ] what’s this oh that’s cool so now we got to get some new Boppers oh I want to have it randomized every time I like that that’s cool hello do you like fish thank you thank you for taking that 4:00 got some new ideas to sleep on forgot I could just do this okay [Music] um there’s a duck bobber I need that duck bobber yeah I heard that fishing got a huge update um and I saw saw that like there was a Tik Tok I saw that was like don’t sell your fish you should save them because once you get this thing you’re going to make a lot more money okay I still got to talk to everybody what was I doing today [Music] ooh hell yeah we got ourselves a bone hell yeah okay we’ve seen this we’ve seen this we’ve seen this donate my first bone to this place let’s put the bone here I did it yeah money oh we should meet everybody else here hello child hello floor we meet again other child hello baby jazz Penny okay just make sure we we talk to everybody let’s go talk to Clint yep hi Clint oh feels like you got more stuff in your house doesn’t it wait can I break these oh no those are those are those are decorative only dang excuse me what is this how do I get how do I get over there how how do I just have to break this I need two things to break I got I got to upgrade my tools so I can get that trash can what is that I love how I could see it ah I don’t have the money I I’m broke I’m poor I’m poor I’m so poor okay so I know the bookstore cuz I’ve heard about the bookstore I’ve heard it’s up here though this is like the expanded I don’t know if this still the same oh it’s still the same okay there you go yeah well I mean I did have this zoomed out a little bit I have my game zoomed out so maybe I could just see more okay don’t don’t don’t perceive as I go through the garbage I’m going to go find your mom oh hell yeah it’s it’s a workout day let’s meet everybody let’s give everybody a little quick shout out hello is this considered meeting you guys that is considered meeting okay uh let me give this see you do you not like it yoga day I don’t think you give me good prices sir hnis has better Rewards I mean this still feels the same maybe like better [Music] um maybe it’s not like better rewards but like better well I mean maybe it depends on the reward try doing three in a row okay okay I guess we’ll do this one we’ll start here it’s just carps carps are easy to catch they’re in the mountains I think tickets you can get tickets like are they good tickets or are they bad tickets is it like I’m going to go to jail ticket is your son up hey I can finally meet Sebastian without having to track you down hello raffle tickets okay raffle tickets prize tickets okay I just like you get tickets I’m like Oh my first thought was the police are going to come at me buffan hi oh I love buffan do you do is there anything I have that you like no okay I’ll get you strawberries sir don’t you don’t you worry I’m going to get you some strawberries we all like Buffy in here come on [Music] fishy fisher fisher fisher fish oh oh it’s fine I I don’t mind there’s so much I feel like we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll come across all these things also there’s so many Secrets how else will I learn oh God God damn it I got excited I got too excited I got too excited is there a mod list for the game oh not I don’t have one I haven’t put one together it’s basically our old mods that we used for our last Ser session but with like a few less mods um I know that we have bridgeside and and East scarp we also have um expanded um and then there’s a couple of just quality Life mods you know like the backpack anywhere the I think the the automated one is still in here too come on I need carps oh the sprinkler from Sophia yes I should definitely get that that’d be good to have early game they’ll save me so much energy where the hell are the carps wizard catalog will allow you to decorate with wizard themed Furniture I’ve never been more excited he has some cool stuff in his house good Lord concerned ape you brought a banger that’s another chub but where’s the carps I really don’t want to sell any fish right now just because we don’t know what the uh Community Center has I’m a CH I’m a terrible hoarder in these [Music] games a few new catalogs God damn I love decorating in these games so good [Music] all right one more CP one more carp oh yeah the big chest I’m very excited about big chests we just need one more carp hell yeah we did it okay just got told wiie about it I think there’s also like seasonal veggies now too what are you doing what are you doing Pier I don’t know what you’re doing and you scared me what was he doing over there was he just like staring off into the distance using his secret stash it’s true oh man do you guys remember when I found his secret stash that was so [ __ ] funny okay I’m broke I’m going to buy oh my God coffee is that much money well I’m not going to buy anything I’m so broke so broke what what are you doing back there excuse me Ian Ian buff Ian what are you doing I love buffan I’m going to marry that boy I’m marry that boy okay well Wily’s probably at home do you think he’s no he’s probably he’s probably at home he’s sleeping he’s probably sleeping we’ll talk to him in the morning we’ll be like like check out these check out these car carps check out these carps C we CAU them ourselves we carped them ourselves let’s clean up a little bit while we’re here let’s clean up a bit God I love this game this game’s so good this is like the epitome of cozy for me I can play this game for hours you missed the chicken names the chicken names are papaya and peachy and they’re so cute so cute Ash Jasmine mhm hi look at this what’s up it’s so zoomed out on this big monitor I need this big monitor on all my monitors so I can stop resizing Windows when I move things back and forth where it’s exactly Ash you have to meet my needs all right Al look how cute you are I’m I’m amazing Ash let me get my little get my little watering can it’s true Ash has to be nice for me nice to me for 20 minutes all right it’s late it’s late I got it I got it game going to bed ooh doggy o doggy oh it’s right it’s raining I don’t have to water the crops okay good yeah Clint I know I got like one geode I got like one ore could you calm the [ __ ] down he’s like I smelt it on you I smelt that copper I knew I knew you had copper get out of here Clint got things to do I got a man to talk about um some fish with let’s close out for the day oh my God you guys grew up so fast oh you guys grew up so fast sweet babies they’re adults now when did that happen I feel like it was only yesterday they were just sweet babies still oh sweet babes sweet little babes Bluegrass gives them a friendship boost hell yeah we got a lot of blue grass in their little farm area tomorrow when I let them out they can eat that blue grass if they want to I feel like I should probably do some fishing today you know since it’s you know rainy also should probably start heading south let’s clear this area out there go oh my God what is this this gigantic tree okay oh yeah we should say hi to Andy uh see let’s go down here oh that where the raccoons live a I heard about the raccoons I didn’t know they live there t it’s exactly where tooro lives only happens after the greenhouse is repaired okay gotcha good to know Andy yeah you like horseradishes my man you might want to zip up your um your uh overalls I’m I’m kind of seeing some backside there’s possums in this game oh my gosh that’s so cute they’ve scared you like are they just kind of hanging out and doing posum things that’s pretty adorable let’s go out here there’s so much forgea bles over here all right we should also do some um fishing today too cuz it’s raining we can get some of those uh rainy fish rainy day fish like to you know get that out of the way if I can okay now head over to Willies can make some money off these things also early gifts you know just stuff things and such when do I get to meet my wasand I always forget is it like day four that I get to see the junos then I talk to the wbond on day five I can catch a a catfish now hell yeah let’s do it um I think they’re down here at this river right day five and then day six okay yeah I always forget like what day it is cuz it’s always like it’s the first week where you get the community center but I never remember if it’s day four five or six ooh there’s a Shad oh it feels like a catfish that was a catfish just trying to plan my days you know oh my God what if I what if what if what what if what if what if there was a dinosaur egg in that that chest what if been really cool if it was um don’t need that let’s put you guys away oh I have to talk to Willie and give him the carps I get to keep the carps but I just need to show Willie that I caught them oh my gosh right if I well I mean we have to upgrade the the coupe first right so that costs what like a th000 couple thousand gold yeah level two but once we get the incubator then we can make the dinosaurs and once we have the dinosaurs we make the money and once we have the money then we have the power once we have the power we get the ladies and then once we get the ladies we rule the world it’s the hierarchy of things come on this is why I can’t look at chat and fish at the same time there we go it’s 1,000 10,000 10,000 Coupe there’s five or six new expansions for The Farmhouse yes I’m excited about that pjm welcome to the stream hello okay I I want it’s true chat is distracting cuz I just want to see what you guys are saying I want to keep up also carp no catfish you’re not a catfish you feel like a carp or a chub come on Catfish come on Catfish oh it’s definitely not a catfish I’m going to abuse this system of chests oh oh oh you’re Lively but you’re not catfish Lively [Music] has that always been there like when you level up and they’re like I have learned something today has that always been a thing or is that just recent for this new update that’s new okay I do like that because it’s like hey you did something go to bed learn learn about it just added great I love that okay okay we had the one chance to get a catfish and we [ __ ] it up this feels like another Shad oh no it’s a chub is it a chub or a chbe yeah I’ll switch here in a second probably another chub yep knew it all right let’s go talk to Willie will Willie I need to talk to you I got some carbs to show youa also got a sod pop oh there you are um hi I did it get the cart getting started hell yeah fan phantomman thank you so much for that re that resub for 11 months almost said brand new sub I was getting excited thank you oh oh an energy boost j a cola now gives you speed I love that it’s like a small boost but it’s good that’s great I like that excuse you sir tea also gives you a speed boost hell yeah that’s great I like early um early speed boost stuff like I could go and buy coffee but like that only lasts for so long you’re not an eel oh Dino egg Dino [Music] egg coal I mean Coal’s fine I need coal ew ew e eel you’re not an eel you’re an anchovy I need me some eels and anchovies just want all the nightfish right now all the the rain and nightfish now there’s so much that’s new Scarlet it’s great you don’t feel like an eel either yeah you’re just a halit you do playay start on the valley on your phone just not the update I I I’m wondering when the update is going to happen for mobile users cuz I would love to play this on my switch the [ __ ] is the sea jelly oh plus one to fishing okay that’s not bad that’s not bad 1 minute of plus one fish or 7 Minutes of plus one fishing it’s for the smoker oh hell yeah let’s get that smoker come on eel eel oh you feel like an eel I had to I had to I had to get it no regrets eel and bait okay so we got the eel let’s go back and see see if we can get that catfish I need River Mountain and ocean jellies interesting if I oh yeah cave River and 10 hardwood okay that doesn’t seem too hard they’re decently but I mean if I can get one then I’m good cuz all you need is one to to make it so I’m feeling pretty good about that all right catfish you better be showing up I love a good jelly Quest I love a good jelly oh my god when we were in um Seattle me and Ash decided to go out to like a fancy restaurant to like celebrate a little bit so we went to this like place called I think it was called wild ginger something Ginger it was like this um Asian fusion type of food that had like a lot of like I think it was like Vietnamese Thai stuff like that but one of the things that they had was uh for dessert is we had the Sango or Sango Sango oh my God it was so so delicious I was in love had toasted coconut it had um the tapioca pearls had coconut cream oh it was so good sakuran was great I liked it we um I I definitely made a small profit which I’m using all of that to pay for Kevin’s meds cuz Kevin has very high vet bills um and it was really fun I got to meet a lot of really cool people I got to see a lot of really cool cosplayers um it was just really really fun I want to do it again I’m definitely going to apply for it next year cuz you know Seattle’s not that far away and uh it’s definitely a lot easier to get to and uh participate than I thought it was because like our hotel that I like booked was just like three blocks away from the um from the event and uh we had a few hiccups in which like our car couldn’t stay with us at the hotel it had to be parked at another parking lot which sucked and then the battery died um and then once we actually got to the setup we couldn’t figure out where to get our registration badges or like our Badges and I had to run to the summit which is a completely different building than the arch uh at the convention center it was not fun God damn it carp or that was a stupid um catfish I [ __ ] it up H well it’s not it’s not 2: a.m. yet we can keep going I know rain again I just like getting things done early so I don’t have to think about it again looking forward to the tutter stickers yeah tutter stickers so cute I was surprised like I thought I was going to sell a lot more of like other things but the tutter stickers I definitely sold the most besides Withers Withers definitely had a a big boost like people loved Withers but everybody loved the tutters so I I only came back home with like 10 of them okay let’s see let’s make another chest oh [ __ ] fishies in this chest fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish we’re keeping a lar of fish right now cuz I don’t know which one needs to go to the uh I’m not sure which ones will be useful to me for the community center so many [Music] fishes a fraggle Ro K video K-pop video with espa excuse me fraggles are up in K K-pop now I got to look this up I got to look this up that sounds wild hat Mouse I love fraggles fraggles are great I haven’t seen fraggles in so long I know there’s a new show on Apple TV but I don’t have Apple TV oh uh I need hay the rubo is nice that’s good hello babies baby chickens are so cute be free you know what deserves a reboot and I haven’t seen it yet the show reboot I would love I would love a reboot of reboot it was filmed in your location that’s cool I have to say I read that it was filmed on location and I was just like they actually went to fragle rock to film it not Fraggle Rock I want to go to fragle Rock Donut fragle Rock M down at frag Rock okay let’s go town which one your fav you love rev and boober you know I’m going to admit it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Fraggle Rock I cannot remember their names I did like the dog though I thought the dog was very cute I liked how they muppz the dog I also like the fraggle that wears the hat like the the trilby hat he’s really cute Penny wants his Fresh Farm Fresh parsnip I could do that I could do that tomorrow what is day four I don’t think my par Snips already it has been such a long time it has been a very long time where’s your wife excuse me I need to talk to your wife I need to become really good friends with your wife okay I’m gonna try to be really good friends with your wife there’s a Fraggle Rock in New Mexico what the first I’m hearing about this down at fragar Rock I have seen dinosaurs dinosaurs was like a core memory for me when I was little we used to go to um the mountains and we push trees that were like pretty old and moldy like they weren’t big trees they were like little tiny like just saplings and sometimes my dad would set up like branches on the ground as if they were trees and we’d push them over and be like ah dinosaurs we were cute um that show was cute God damn it had such a depressing ending all right let’s go scare Sophia hello do you like [Music] um do you not like any of these okay well at least it was a that that’s cool thanks okay let’s see 6 oh oh man 350 did you see a green worm I didn’t see a green worm but I wasn’t really paying attention there was a worm on the beach looking for the worm on the beach oh there is a green worm hell yeah I didn’t even see him hello two carrot seeds hell yeah I’ll admit I didn’t see it the first time I ran through I think I was distracted by other people and by other people I mean um talking to peoples oh yeah we need to get our skeleton tail gos got another skeleton piece for you here we go carrots are good for energy hell yeah okay okay I think she’s the only one that actually talk to us during the day okay I met Morris okay we still need parsnips cuz that’s all we need now is the cave open yet there’s also some new stuff at the end if I chose the JoJo route oh interesting you thought I said parrots oh I’m in really bad at mumbling I may have said parrots but I definitely said carrots oh they’re still working on it I’m trying not to mumble I’m trying to enunciate more oh there’s some worms hi worms thank you whenever I say parsnips I you think of Phineas and furb did they eat parsnips in that show cuz I honestly don’t know one two three four five six seven perfect okay let’s do you guys on this side two carrots there we go perfect got a lot of good stuff H tomorrow’s going to be [Music] um the Thursday the Friday store lady maybe I should sell some things H let’s sell like the star version of those just so I can have some money in case there’s like a really good item we’ll sell those guys how am I liking the new Farm it’s good I like it oh I should also [ __ ] before I get too far away I think I learned how to make fertilizer did I did I not maybe I should buy some fertilizer for these cauliflowers well no we’ll get the chance to grow more cauliflower [Music] hello oh hey first cut scene with Andy now that we had this cut scene we get our strawberries I know I’m happy that it pauses too yes a thank you Andy hell yeah now we got some strawberries give some to Andy or not Andy the Ian buff Ian buff Ian loves strawberries we’re going to Fast Track that marriage there’s mods to actually stop the time in multiplayer we haven’t tested it yet that’s cool I haven’t got the sprinkler yet should I go back I just met Sophia today I haven’t talked to them that much maybe I have to wait a day let’s try again [Music] where is she there she is not when you first meet her maybe like tomorrow I’ll get one the first time you meet her you basically scare her you’re like hey sup and she’s like oh my my God what yeah at least I think that’s how it works I have no idea where I’m going ooh a it’s over that that was fast it’s pink now a pink bobber oh my gosh so cute who’s the frog in the bottom left corner that’s my son frog ofan he’s my perfectly beautiful boy frog ofan look at the green bobber he is my son and he’s adorable he’s just a silly little guy he’s just a silly little guy I sometimes forget he’s there cuz he’s so quiet it’s true me and Sebastian started a frog family oh that feels like a lifetime ago so long ago when I was married to Sebastian I was so shocked when he wanted to start that frog family thing I was like what a bone flute if I played the bone flute will it s summon Anna God I hope so calling [Laughter] [Laughter] card oh man so good so good let’s go little fish getting a lot of fish bone flute I need half a heart for the sprinkler okay cool well I just met Sophia so all I have to do is just give her like a good gift getting so many good little fishies okay so there is a ocean jelly then there’s a river jelly and a cave jelly so I just got to be on lookout for another jelly sea River Cave oh hi you can’t get by me Willie why did you come this way yeah come to me fishy oh another bream we’re just going to fish for this this jelly we might as well right we got nothing better to do besides going to bed waking up planting strawberry seeds in the morning oh hello just bait got grub yum it sounds good me and Ash have have rediscovered Subway eat fresh um we ordered Subway off like a door Dash app the other night cuz we were like lazy and I was like you know what I don’t dislike Subway so we’ve been going back to Subway and eating their foot long sandwiches a burger and halumi fries that sounds good their Bread’s okay you know I always go for the wheat bread it’s not like the worst thing ever in the world but you know cake bread oh is it like do they add a lot of sugar to the bread I could see that do I get the spice de pickle chips from Subway I don’t even know they had those chips I don’t usually get chips with at Subway I mean a long time ago I used to and I always got like a Dorito or Cheeto but like we’ve just sort of been going there just occasionally now just to cuz it’s just it’s easy you know it’s easy food it’s not like a lot of food it’s easy so so that’s what we’ve been doing it is a really big sandwich though I will say so it does keep you full for a while grab pots oh interest if you ask for a 6 inch you can ask for the rest of the loaf and they’ll make it at home make your own sandwich you get home interesting sometimes I just feel like they reuse that extra bread because they’re like hey maybe someone else might want this you know little six iner someone might want this um I just always assumed that they were just going to use it for the SE like the next food look at Blue speaking of cats hi Kevin what are you doing I got to be careful not to pet the top of your head you got flea meds on you oh yes I’m going to adopt this cat blue it looks like blue and everything oh he’s such a cute little baby okay [Music] Susan Okay stock Andy gave me those seeds thank you Andy [Music] jojamart Robin okay okay okay let’s put these strawberries here still haven’t learned how to make any um fertilizer that’s fine I guess good morning chickies [Music] yeah someone wanted a parsnip I can’t remember who we’re not going to sell them all okay we should also get more parsnips oh yeah oh my goodness that legit scared me Jam thank you so much for gifting those subs you’ve been so generous thank you so much y’all drop them Bears also if you gotten a sub make sure that you reload your Twitch so you can get all those good emotes right away thank you so much a everybody’s so sweet everybody’s so sweet I love it oh let’s keep this gold one in case we need gold parsnips I don’t think we we need to but there’s always that chance that possibility all for Kevin oh thank you Kevin’s trying very hard at being the best boy in the world okay who needed this paret Penny Penny wants pars oh it’s alysa’s birthday Pam Pam I got you a carp oh I got you a carp Pam don’t you worry Pam we’re going to pair your your your uh your red wine perfectly with this carp you know I should do I should name this one um fish chest oh yeah I never met Alex did I nope hi okay can I get inside your house now just half an hour more then I can get inside this little car got to name it fish okay come on let me in Penny you can’t get far there you go there’s that oh oh I got my first prize ticket I got money and a prize what do I do with this a jam thank you so much Anna would steal Kevin’s face what do I do with this prize ticket hi sopia you look perfect would you like this I can’t tell when I’m going to be at half a heart with you go to Louis’s house oh here we go Louis can I ask why you don’t put this in the community center why is it in your house help promote the spirit of Goodwill among the town’s folk you included it’s a pretty simple sometimes you help others you’ll receive your ticket is the town in that much like is the town really like not talking to each other enough that you actually have to incentivize friendship this is what happens when you add when you add like compensation for friendship Lewis yep I’m in it for the prizes look Lewis look I’m in it for the prizes all right I’m going to be real with you I’m not going to be real with the others don’t mind me oh oh I get a chance to get one of these oh wait oh [ __ ] I could get a oh [ __ ] so if I do three more or if I even do one more I could get myself a sapling stardo battle pass it’s true it’s true okay I also need um let’s see do you not carry any freaking oh my God Pier I need I need some I I need I need some fertilizer Pierre Pierre Pierre look at me I need fertilizer go talk to your wife about this Caroline can you can you I need Pier to take a [ __ ] so I can put it on my farm so then I can have things grow faster I need fertilizer I need it what was I doing before all this I got so distracted um what was I doing oh me let me turn this bone flute who the [ __ ] are you oh you’re the veterinarian you’re the veterinarian that Anna’s angry at oh hey there you go we’re going to plant all these things here oh look at this little little mow let’s put you in here let put these in here for right now cuz I don’t need them right yet I got to get little tiny minnows let take advantage of this we’re still going to the Friday store as well that has not escaped me [Music] oh my gosh yes rad cabbage or truffles would be huge good Lord so much garbage so much garbage Sunfish oh I like the different Bobbers now that’s kind of fun I also like that I have mine random every time I fish this is kind of fun I imagine they’re achievement based right s oh I looked at chat I thought it was a minnow it wasn’t going to [Music] move it’s a lot of cute ones later I’m so excited man this is like a trash spot I mean yeah I got some fish but most of it has just been garbage it is like lasting a long time though I think it’s making up for the fact that it’s just giving me garbage but once I get that smoker I’m going to be making so much money look all this fish look at all this fish I’m [Music] saving there’s a skull that Bobbers a skull [Music] I still want to go to the uh library and deposit this bone flute and I still need to go to the Friday store I’m I’m going to stay here until these bubbles are [Music] gone but who [Laughter] skull skull of my enemies goodness this is taking forever come on jelly oh it’s a happy face oh school’s out that’s a lot of children [Music] [Music] I’m going to run out of energy first before this thing stops hey River jelly we got the river jelly worth it worth it that was so worth it oh it finally ended oh thank God I was worried I was going to be stuck there all day got to get this bone flute here ooh what you got for me flute okay God damn it Chris I am I am I’m giving him that old bone flute it’s true toot [Laughter] toot oh you got me with that one you got me good okay I got to go to the Friday store see what they got see what they got cooking over there maybe they might have a cabbage oh my gosh Stephanie thank you so much for that resub drop them Bears drop them bears and your favorite emote woo grops Buck choy oh they do have artichoke seeds is artichoke is that like a year two thing artichokes H okay well I’m going to buy that if it’s your too hell yeah you can get them in mix seeds in year one though okay well we’ll hold on to this oh my goodness what friendship level do you have to be to get wild bait from lonus uh that is a good question I cannot remember it’s probably not that hard though also I just remembered we have mods we probably could get some of these year 2 stuff early as well just because of how like this game allows it let’s save a spot for the sprinkler when we do get the sprinkler four Hearts okay that’s not too bad let’s we go and then put you there okay let’s water all this it is a cut scene there’s also new baits I did see the Sardine bait that was pretty cool okay uh let’s see I’m going to eat a dandelion so I can plant the rest of these seeds I I like want to grow at least one of everything if I can also I can’t wait until we get fertilizer so that I can make some fertilized cauliflower so we get a gold star cauliflower cuz that would be great oh it’s Friday Friday’s a great night to meet everybody so let’s go to the saloon and talk to everybody you can make targeted bait for every fish that’s cool that’s pretty neat oh my God everybody’s here just say hello to everybody here’s a Vincent or Victor who’s this who’s this lady who are you gizabelle Ybel can’t turn off lights all right wait there’s like one more person I didn’t meet who are you I feel like I said hello to you but I’m not sure who you are no not you Emily kin okay if this was the OG town I’ve met everybody at this point yeah there’s like 28 the only one I haven’t really met I think is Robin and the whis biz I I did just talk to Robin while they were dancing but I don’t think that really counts blue oh oh blue what a little baby man yeah scarecrows I need those so bad blue scoot your little ass I got to watch the TV there you go melted the fireplace perfect okay um I need you you and you I need the wood as well uh not enough wood first off let’s close this for the chickens good morning chickies okay I need to figure out where I’m going to put this uh scarecrow at let’s see scarecrow I mean this would be the perfect spot right here um this will harvest tomorrow so we’ll put this here then we can put the uh new sprinkler there when we get the sprinkler that works out uh have a good night jam and thank you so much for hanging out and uh dropping all those gift subs and bits really do appreciate it I’m very generous thank you okay what’s I doing now or we’re going to catch that catfish that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to get that fish nothing’s posted today how am I going to get tickets so I can get that that orange tree excuse me people need my help I’m here to provide help for those that need assistance hello anybody will anybody allow me to assist you I’m really looking for these little things now Community Center um I don’t have it open yet uh I have have to wait until lisis is like hey here’s the cut scene you know that cut scene for it and I haven’t had that yet can you give me the sprinkler yet um I don’t think you like clams I don’t I don’t think they appreciate clams so I’m not going to give them a slam plus I feel like I gave him two gifts this week oh got suck oh because it was raining it skipped a day got it okay so tomorrow we’ll get it tomorrow we’ll get the the cut scene and then on Monday I think we’ll be able to actually do community center stuff okay see if we can get this catfish skull I need a catfish I need a catfish yeah I feel like they should open probably by tomorrow I think it takes like a full week taking notes yeah I need to start taking notes man I miss having that little uh bubbles how quickly it allowed us to fish got real spoiled there for a while is there any bubbles down here bubs bubbles no no bubbles yeah the ad seem to be more than a little bit like excessive I did I never said it I think Anna and Ash were the ones that set it up but if you don’t like ads and you can you know financially help yourself you could either get yourself a sub or use your Prime sub um which is free you got one free sub every month you could use that to keep yourself ad free on this channel Another River jelly they nerfed the tea saplings are they are they like cheaper now [ __ ] me just smash my finger oh that hurt catfish got him oh theyed to be worth a lot oh yeah I think people used I I think I’ve seen like streamers um who are much professional at this game than I am uh use the te as like a selling or to sell and make money like early money that’s too bad they’re 250 gold what were they before like 600 maybe I’m I’m only guessing I have no idea I imagine they’re worth a lot more than 5 oh damn I feel like they should have kept it at 500 because it is one of those things where you have to actually work at that relationship it’s not like an easy like money but I guess to each their own right oh do you think we can get this thing in here try from back here oh there’s a rubber duck there you go there was a little duck I like the duck the duck was really cute come on I know you got stuff in there I know you got more than rocks in you come on let me just let me just get that cool fishing thing out of you I love how there’s so many secrets in this game yeah I probably do need a higher fishing level you’re right I got some cheap stuff I just wanted the the the hanging thing there’s an aridium croba statue oh I need it I need that one for sure oh wait oh I guess you’re done working fine I guess I did show up 20 minutes after you closed fine hi lonus you don’t need new friends but I can still be your friend my my dude my guy my my buddy my pal let me be your friend it’s finally open I thought I was supposed to get like a letter maybe I did get a letter and I just didn’t pay attention oh the [ __ ] was that is that a fish or a frog okay yeah we’ve seen this already let’s put these away I really don’t have the energy for this I’m going in you I also need know know what I also could use is my pickaxe really don’t have the energy to be in here but you know what we’re going to do it anyways we just hang out in here for a little bit there we go hoping for dwarf Scrolls my God if I can get a light ring that’d be amazing I have to tell you I’ve been playing in the last two or three starter runs we’ve had getting a freaking light ring has been so hard that’s really bad [Music] um that’s good energy there’s no energy it’s pretty good energy he pretty good energy I mean I could eat the fish but at this point we might as well save it for um that smoker right make those big dollar Dees I’m I I can’t stay down here too long God damn where is this goddamn ladder excuse me I need the ladder is it going to be every Rock I check oh my God you know what it’s fine I’m leaving I know right I’m just I’m upset I have 11 energy left I think the TV said today was a bad luck day anyway so it’s fair it’s fair I don’t I don’t need it that badly we can always go back plus I need to get like a cave jelly so once we get down to the um is it the 25s the 20s is that when you start seeing the Cave the the what cave water cave Lake yeah 20 okay ooh wayin whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Deluxe bait the [ __ ] is moss oh that’s cool SRA displeased spirits of course of course of course well but it’s potato day okay I probably should sell some of these eggs so you guys [Music] there are okay it’s like where were you you have yet to see green rain uh we I mean we’ve only had two rain days and it hasn’t been green so just watering those just in case I plant something there okay how do I get the smoker I’m actually not sure okay um sa if the cars you buy the blueprint from Willie okay interesting good to know come on I watered like the same thing three times there you go okay oops well once I get the the cave jelly then I can actually start looking into the um the smoker but we’ll get the cave jelly soon here we go there we go now we got the community center all we got to do now is go [Music] um check out the note and then go hit the the Wes Bend Tomorrow there’s a new Dance Festival o egg Festival ezekiel’s birthday there’s something here it’s cute book seller book seller flower dance nice dessert Festival there’s a festival for desserts I want that so badly uh okay uh let’s see let’s keep one potato keep the carrots okay let’s buy four potatoes again let’s sell one carrot make some money back okay I want to go to the desert Festival oh it’s a desert Festival you got me really excited Katie I was like man dessert Festival sounds is amazing thinking of all the cakes and the pting got real excited but there’s new food there that’s cool I like that oh Rose I’m sorry that you’re sick that really sucks oh God damn it I would like to become better friends with your wife oh we haven’t met George yet your real life Farm is named Calico desert because of this game that’s so cute real Farmers real let’s go see what we can get excuse me hope it’s a cabbage a beat oo the mazzamaro oh they have goat milk in here I think I can buy fried eggs at the egg Festival so I’m not going to buy that a beet though but also the goat milk would be really good because that would also Fast Track if I needed goat milks or not oh why why do you play with my emotions like this also the muzam Maro is amazing I’m too broke to shop at you so I’m going to leave oh you’re right it does need to be a large goat milk it’s true you’re right let’s go plant these [Music] potatoes potato potato potato potato oh you know I also oh no I’m good okay let’s deposit these things let’s go up to the caves let’s go exploring let’s go explore let’s get cave stuff so we can get this smoker oh mushroom would you look at that there’s lonus I’m not going to give you my mushroom lonus cuz I probably would I’m going to need to eat it while I’m in the cave I just wanted to say hi I wanted to say good morning God I love this mod bless modders everywhere bless modders for making amazing mods that makes the game so much more enjoyable not to say this game isn’t enjoyable I just really appreciate having not having to worry about buying a backpack right off the bat it would be in Wonder would you guys wouldn’t it oh my God Spirits are displeased with me it’s going to be the very last Rock isn’t it it was the second to last Rock great there we go there you go that’s what I’m talking about oo 9 to six oh no uh give me that back no you know it’s it’s only level one I could just throw it away yeah goodbye the club is the best weapon type is it because it stuns them o oh he had an amethyst on him can attack the button can spam the attack button and get slam a lot of damage oh interesting oh what do you have on you sir oh another another way out okay cool oo that guy died in one hit nice okay come here infinite gravel oh crap I’m getting to that point where I need to like get rid of [ __ ] um put you in here you know I’m not going a God damn it it’s fine baby’s first geod I don’t really need these right now bab’s first geode this mushy eat this cave carrot here we go ooh that destroyed that crab that crab is gone got decimated oh you know what I need uh you hell yeah look at that I got a [Music] scroll scroll was buried in the [Music] dirt uncovered its secrets are the poles broken oh I don’t think they should be twitch is broken on Opera oh interesting they’ve been broken for you for a while that’s too bad I’m sorry hopefully twitch will fix that soon that’s a good idea pey man yeah try that exit and leave and come back wow I didn’t realize that carrots had that much energy holy [ __ ] I’m at level six if I can get to level 10 that’d be great we go o that was a lot of good stuff all at once o we I’m sorry storm eggy and Olie for your chickens Ya that’s so cute I love those names that is probably the cutest name I’ve heard today eggy and olly another cave carrot eat all these cave carrots they have such good names they’re so adorable like I don’t even want to change those names they’re too cute I wonder if they had like a a poll or they like ask the community to help name them that just seems really cute oh I see cuzz all of those names are super duper cute just new naming randomizer it’s like too cute the cap carrot salt and pepper is so adorable too okay just two more levels let’s see maybe there’s some good uh Cave carrots in here yep there’s one hell yeah what’s the mod where I’m putting stuff in chest I don’t know the exact name of that mod uh I it could just be a backpack mod or chest anywhere um chest anywhere there you go it is so good and I I abuse it so much but that’s fine you know I’m not a pro stard player I like just to have fun and enjoy my time and it’s great cuz then I can just kind of throw [ __ ] in there whenever I feel like it oh [ __ ] it’s 12:00 a.m. already crap yeah got me some leather boots I didn’t even realize what time it was I got to get out of here I am new boot goofing we’ll make it it’s a bit of a walk but we’ll make it new boot goofing we did we did there was like a beat um a battery I can’t remember the other thing is but I even regardless I was pretty broke so I wouldn’t have been able to actually afford anything that’s fine blue scoot over this is blue in real life him sleeping on my bed me having to push him oh into the Mind into the M rainy day I love rainy days fences oh my God I can’t wait to get more pets slay 10 slimes go talk to my wbond oh wbin you couldn’t keep me away you couldn’t even keep me away I will be there at all these carrots so many good [Music] carrots let’s go up here chickens chickens jimins I learned something new I can feed the horse with carrots once I get a horse give them all the carrots first got to get a horse go okay these carrots out um I think yeah there you are get these guys okay so let’s put more carrots here put you guys there and then we have 2 4 6 8 nine nine spots to fill let’s bring my scythe just grab random uh weeds see if we can get any more um seeds from them let’s go see my wusband got to talk to a man about some magic ooh it looks like they changed his area a little bit Yeah they moved his like it used to be just straight like you had the long stairway up and it was straight it looks like they gave him like a little patio like area I love it oh yeah we do need to donate more to the museum it’s true hello wusband long time no was I do get the point well I named the horse well in the past the horse has always been named Ma we could call it hson if we wanted to you name your old one radish oh that’s so cute I’m just going to skip this we’re skipping that that’s that just takes too too long hello though do I have anything on you on me that you would like F1 he does like potatoes and parsnips and quartz I can give you a quartz look this is how we start wooing you oh look at this bed look at this bed oh yeah I my Forest magic yeah I got the forest magic for the community center o o that’s easy that’s easy one that’s an easy one okay that’s fine summer forging winter forging okay has a new icon does it oh that’s cool you were one with the forest and Magic whoa there’s a bunch of them now well some of these are Keys oh my God I got to get all the hearts with blue [ __ ] oh my God there’s so many new things oh no oh no I got to be I got to become friends with my cat got to make sure he’s got water every day yeah there’s like there’s a bunch of stars and stuff you can give your pets gifts I know that you can make your pets wear hats I know that like you could put a hat on a cat Cat in the Hat exactly Cat hats they give us Gi Oh they give us gifts hey hell yeah oh it’s my other husband Kenneth hello I do believe you like a quartz I think you like the other quartz when it’s refined it’s still a good it’s still a good gift okay let’s see 20 copper I’m going back in there anyways what was I going to do in here so I going to buy some more okay let’s put [Music] these you know what I should do I should go talk to Sophia and see if she’ll give me the uh sprinkler I don’t care what you think of me Louis if you think I cared what you think of me I wouldn’t be digging in the trash in front of you let’s go talk to Willie let see if we can actually even get the the smoker 10,000 Jesus Christ Willie should should I name all the farm animals after FF characters Fast and Furious I mean I could do that in this one it’d be very e easy for for me to do that this should be a rest of development we could do that too especially the chickens cuz they all do the chicken dance cha cha CH caow cow give me that sprinkler hell yeah thank you George Bluth George Michael no there a lot of good names all right let’s go let’s go uh do I have I do have fertilizer thank God okay I’m want to try to get some gold star um cauliflower for the luau you got to prepare let’s put down this sprinkler let’s put it here excuse me we’re going put it right there and then let’s go get some [Music] you see like 15 we’ll water the cauliflowers [Music] um two three okay sweet got a lot of good stuff in there already okay um next next I should go to goons and deposit some things yeah let’s go deposit these things at go and yeah then and then we’ll go to the caves there’s a now achievement for having the perfect soup at the luau ooh wait who the [ __ ] was that who are you beatric who’s beatric wait where am I going east scarp I don’t think I’ve ever seen beatric before like [Music] ever to be fair I have haven’t really hung out at East scarp at all so have I met you Victoria hello wait you’re romanceable oh you’re not fine oh hello I got an anov let’s put that with the rest of the fishop Anna was friends with her last series I mean it’s kind of hard to know what Anna gets up to in these series cuz Anna does a lot of things by themselves whenever they play these games they just kind of take off and do things and I was also like really trying hard to bone that elf like really hard and the fact that he has such a long list of things that you need to do is so hilarious oh man you know what I was going to do also I was going to go to the community center but I’m already halfway here so I’m just going to go in here then we’ll go to the community center before uh we go home let’s go 10 we’ll get down a couple of levels and then we’ll go to the community center I’m so lucky I have two of them now and I need a bomb for this this room also I really appreciate this um little popup for how many items you got for quests that’s really helpful to me a news fan every day it’s true I really like that ooh ooh give me your goods nice rubber boots went to immunity okay it’s not the best but it’s better than nothing Molly Molly hello how are you Molly it you oh hello you love to see me doing the de it’s it’s it’s good we’re doing some good Dos a lot of good happen in here a lot of new things that we’re learning new things and such did I finish this Quest no I need three more okay Molly how are you I miss you so much I can’t wait to see you again oh yeah that’s right ho all right so we got here let’s leave got to level 15 oh my gosh Molly there was so many good things at sakura con but there’s also some bad things the bad thing is I didn’t realize how badly I wouldn’t say it was bad it was probably still pretty good compared to other cons but there was a lot of misinformation because I feel like the staff were all just volunteers and they didn’t really there wasn’t a lot of communication amongst each other you know so I had a hard time getting proper information because I wasn’t sure where to go but that said it was still a good con it was still a really good convention um there was just a lot of things that I was just like oh I didn’t realize this is how these Anime conventions work yeah cuz like they had like a bunch of volunteers working the information booths and I was like hey I’m looking to get my art badge they’re like oh you can’t actually get it here you have to go to The Summit Building I was like well the email says I could just go here to the fourth floor and they’re like no no we don’t have anything here go to The Summit Building so I go to the summit building and I kid you not I stand in line um I stand in line they’re like oh we actually can’t find you in the system or oh you’re supposed to be in a different line so I kept going through different people they couldn’t even find me in the system at all and I was like I’ve paid all my fees I know I should be be here and I talked to like four managers that day before they’re like oh actually you’re just supposed to just go to the artist alley and I’m like I was just there they’re like oh yeah the the booth to get it is actually within the hall and I was like okay well can you tell the security to let me in then cuz they wouldn’t let people in without badges it was such a weird ordeal after we got our badges done everything was great like it was very smooth sailing after that but yeah it was pretty it was pretty like I feel like I’ve done nothing wrong and I’m being somehow punished sounds about right oh I will say though being at the um the PA convention not during uh PX is really interesting because there’s just so many things there that’s so easy um I guess what I mean is like oh [ __ ] doesn’t want a Dandy L it wants a green onion did I sell the other green onion I did [ __ ] me um it was kind of nice because like there wasn’t that much security so we’re able to actually enter in through like the back areas which I feel like they don’t do normally [Music] um yeah okay I need another green onion it’s true it’s not filled with flashing lights and video games but also all the the cosplayers were really cool there was so many good cosplayers there was also a lot a lot of ass I saw so much ass during this convention so much ass just because every anime costume it’s just full butt cheeks out so much ass we actually yeah there was a there was two St fans so there was actually one that did show up uh they were really really sweet I unfortunately didn’t get their name um because they are very nervous which is completely fine you know um but they were super duper cute and sweet and we you know I said hi we talked and um there was another fan that actually runs their own booth and they sell all these really cute cat products like the cutest cat products um um and I got to meet them at twitchcon last year which I’m really excited about they’re really nice but then I did learn Molly and here’s the thing that I did learn about the conventions this year is that apparently twitchcon has moved from SE from October to September which means that in order to go or in September it’s going to be Pax Rose City and then twitchcon all in one month and I think I would die if I did all three yeah so if I did get into any of the conventions like if I got into Rose City I’m not going to twitchcon just because of the fact that that’s too much you would die I mean it would be really good for me to go there and make good money but I’m also like what happens if I get sick I don’t want to put anybody else in like danger yeah it’s a lot good morning chickies I don’t know yet if I get into roseon then I probably won’t go to Twitch I don’t know yet I’m I’m still contemplating what I want to do I would like to go to twitchcon to see you though that would be my big one that I would do if I could I I’m just really worried that I’m going to get really sick at one of these conventions and spread it to the other conventions which I don’t want to do but if I do end up going to twitchcon I’m dragging enna with me and Anna’s going to stay at the booth to help us out because I would be dead by then I’m going be so dead Jacob I can’t even afford an iron bar that’s right CL wants to inspect them you well I I don’t think Ash is actually going to twitchcon he he didn’t like it the first time he went with us last year because he wanted to experience it at least once um I do I will appreciate that it’s actually handing in or it’s going to be in San Diego which which is much better than um Vegas Vegas stresses me out San Diego is at least easy it’s easier yeah I’m definitely going to drag Anna to these things and be like okay look listen listen Anna listen you’re coming and you’re going to be the booth babe that’s going to run both of our booths so that you and me we can go relax for a moment did I not get a ticket from you uh oh my God I need a gold I need an iron bar Jacob you’re killing me I was hoping for something easy so I could just oh God damn it Jacob two three Jacob oh jacob jacob jacob jacob jacob jacob jacob Jacob you do got to make money it’s [Music] true Molly I just want to hang out with you that’s all I want to do that’s all I want to do in life we won’t go to the parties as much cuz I’ll bu I’ll probably be dead by then you have to weaken a Bernie me if we go out be like absolutely dead oh um let’s see Stone I need this put you guys in here for right now there we go stay up play video games hell [Music] yeah okay just need to make one more chest the automate Mod’s on here right yeah it is sweet oh perfect okay uh put this right here so they don’t touch then you grab these and you grab these and then you grab this one oh no can’t fit inal um okay as much as I like to do more of those I can’t do it because I’m too can’t hold them all I can’t hold them all let’s grab you let’s grab you okay there we go so put these in here CU it just makes it easier for me to see them okay now I need a green onion have any good names for horse been helping your sister on her Farm have you been helping your sister name the horses on her Farm cuz we haven’t gotten a horse yet I don’t think we’re there yet it’s going to be a long time before I see a horse there’s no green onions [ __ ] [ __ ] should have saved one H do you think I can buy one back from from uh Pier good couple eggs well I soell it yesterday but I feel like they they hang they hold on to them for a while definitely sold them a couple days ago let’s see hell yeah I got it Anna Anna it’s not Pokemon cards I got Pokemon cards behind me though Anna how’s it going I found a bone flute we y’all were very [Music] proud cop deals Pokemon card stream when you ordered some more cards today or yesterday or you just got them today I can’t talk anymore I can’t talk that’s hilarious though I actually got some Pokemon cards in today as well oh I do need the kale okay Brewer’s bundle eggs okay broccoli summer squash okay I can’t do any of those yet you saw a dog named Molly it’s perfect oh pups I think I can do most of those fish let’s see I need one of you I need uh one you is it this one oh catfish Shad tiger trout okay whoops catfish and a Shad tiger trouts I think are fall deep lake in Spring no it’s it’s fall okay um I can get those two you I think are also in fall whoa monster fish or masterfish I got most of these let’s see I need a carp oh I don’t have a carp no carp let gotten rid of those carps oh that’s the Bullhead [Music] sardine definitely got one sardine that’s a herring no wait do I not have sardines crap pot I definitely have stuff for crab pots got two things for crab pots there we go there we go perfect okay oh my God I would love a master card that was just called masterfish be so good oh yeah this is why I’m a hoarder in this game I just hoard everything until I don’t need it I’m going to get to the bottom of this mine oh I also did this hell [Music] yeah wall sword I read that as a wall scroll decorative sword that’s nice oh oh I got to slay a thousand monsters I can’t get in there yet I have to slay monsters Marlin is like nuh-uh uh-uh only monster Slayers in here only people that can slay like Monsters can slay my monster cuz it’s his bedroom get it I’m tired I feel like I’m at that point where I like everything I say is just funny but it’s not it’s not funny at all it’s just me in my head being like that’s pretty good it has been 3 hours it’s [Applause] true ah crap he’s turning into a bug there you go get out of here sneakers oh [Applause] man do I need a break nah I’m good good I’m good I’m just being silly I’m just being a silly little Goose just being a silly little guy with innuendos on my mind get dead okay there go I can go downstairs or or I could go fight more monsters so I can get into Marlin’s room is anything up here not really worth it that’s fine let St to high you know it you know it which tool am I upgrading first I definitely probably should upgrade some of my um my my watering can just because you know I want to at least have that available for the summer and then after that play my [Applause] pickaxe give me that Doug little dugey he looks like a little Diglett Diglett dig Diglett dig trio trio okay where was the exit we found it over here right oh there you are Canton or lolan ooh I mean I do like the OG Diglett that doesn’t have the hair but with the hair you could do a lot there but also it seems like it would take a lot wait can I not get you piece of [ __ ] oh thank God okay I thought I couldn’t break this one um but I also feel like you know with hair it’d be dirty and you’d have to like somehow get them like cleaned up every once in a while it just feels like it’s a lot of work for a little guy I do like how cute he is though he’s very cute with hair but do they only come in blonde they do they have other like can we get a brunette one oh my God I’m just thinking of like you know how like there’s like Pokemon fashion where like people dress up their Pokemon probably like dye its hair make it look really cute they remind you of Hansen yeah I can see that they kind remind me of like the Beach Boys glow ring I needed you glow ring Boop hell yeah very happy about that I need my fishing rod there we go oh these new B ERS are so cute oh stonefish hello excuse me there’s so many new Bobbers I have it where it just automatically like randomizes it so I have like a bunch of different colored Bobbers there’s a pink bobber there’s a rubber ducky they’re all really cute I did reset my farm gwenny um I wanted to do the Meadow Farm so I got a Meadow Farm right now and it’s really cute my chickens are papaya and peachy oh I guess I should go home Marlin okay right now we’re trying to get the fish smoker however I do need to make more money I I feel like a lot of our crops are going to pop tomorrow oh it’s been so long since I’ve had a glow ring this is so nice oh hello carrot seeds okay tried to pet the cat and I sat in the chair sturdy ring oh I love you my little kitty cat you’re so cute two days of rain this is great you know what I should do is I should put these in here too is that the only thing I have yeah okay let’s fill her up did I not buy more seeds could have sworn I bought seeds I do have the spring seeds it’s true actually let me carry this continue carry that one cuz it’s a possibility I can get something um like a artifact chick babies chick babies don’t eat egg say good morning to chickens not egg I love that you can make friendship with the chickens now this game is so cute Anna you could make friends with the chickens okay so much rain also you could be friends with your cat and they couldn’t like have them get you stuff they give you gifts you can put hats on them o hello and oh yeah also M multiple pets can as many pets as you have in your house oh I can’t wait for Turtles I can’t wait for turtle [Music] pets do they swim in the ponds on the farm I don’t know be kind of cool to see though all right cave jelly I need you I need you cave jelly okay come to me come to me I mean this algae is good when I do want to make some fish F ponds but I need you to come to me cave jelly also when the hell do I start learning how to make mayonnaise do I have that ability already oh my God I had this ability for a while I should start making mayonnaise I have so many eggs that I’ve just been holding on to I think another I need another Earth crystal though I think I give my only one to um gos well I’m not going to drink it I’m only going to drink it once I’m rich okay right now I’m too poor to drink [Music] Mayo if I drink Mayo I’m doing it in front of Mayor Lewis because I feel like he’s the only one that should see this monstrosity look at this duck oh the little duck is so cute oh it’s so cute this little duck bobber drink Mayo has a percent as a speedr running category that’s so funny ghostfish but no cave jelly oh broken glasses great always good always good to have yep good good good I need me a cave jelly I’m trying to remember does the cave does when you fish up the jellies is it like fishing up um algae do you just automatically catch it I can’t remember it’s automatic okay so it’s just a waiting game oh another box fish or stonefish [Music] oh my God we’re spend all day doing this spend our entire day doing [Music] this damn I already got a ridian one okay we go home we’re going to make ourselves a Mayo machine oh I can’t do anything with this um we’re going to make ourselves Mayo machine and then we’re going to make a recycling machine so we have a lot of trash that we could start recycling oh trash have I found another Earth crystal not yet no not yet what nice that you started another farm with your sister P PJ that’s cool my God we have so many fish come on just give me that jelly just give me the jelly I want some jelly Anna are you going to open your cards tonight are you going to immediately jump onto twitch and be like we’re we’re opening cards today that’s content [Laughter] but what if you get a [Music] Charizard but are you going to do it tonight are you going to do do it [Music] tomorrow look at this pink bobber isn’t it [Music] cute [Laughter] [Music] that’s fair I’m just giving I’m just giving you Guff look at the skull now I got a skull bobber you do you got to look pretty for the zard good Lord cave jelly come to me this is taking [Music] forever I have like a small booster pack and I think one of those boxes those not those like boxes boxes but like the one that comes with a promo card and like four packs four boosters behind me I ordered them and I completely like forgot that I ordered them it’s like when I was watching you twitch stream I was like I’m ordering a bunch of these things they all got weirdly delayed so they’re just coming in randomly do I collect yeah I I mean I like collecting them I think it is fun um but I mainly want to like play with them I just need to figure out how to actually do it mother catch goodness we’ve been here this entire time I mean they are rare yes but they don’t feel rare cuz I managed to catch the other ones really fast this area just has like a low catch rate so it just feels longer oh my gosh I just realized the Bobbers also changed the color of your fishing line that’s cool cuz that one was yellow the pink one made the fishing Lane pink I bet there’s going to be like red ones and blue ones and green ones man I’ve been fishing here this entire day let me eat these [Music] leaks Oh I thought that was a rainbow I got really excited surprised there’s no level up yet I feel like we’ve been waiting like at least least 10 seconds per catch maybe even more how close my to level five uh fishing 402 experience we got a ways we got a ways come on Jelly let’s go jelly H more trash I need get that mod that shows you how much experience you get per thing that’s a cool mod I’ve seen people with that it just shows like you cut down a tree and it’s like oh here’s this man experience oh God damn it I missed it it’s a bear oh my God Ash needs this one on his fishing rod it’s a little bear oh that’s so cute I wonder what achievement you get is where that came from like like is it like the mother catch one that does that I got to sell some of these fish smoker or not like a few of them at [Music] least you want a m that puts Ash face on a bobber that’s amazing I bet you I bet there’s going to be Bobbers like that mod [Music] Bobbers oh hi man we’ve been doing this all day look at all these ghostfish we have thankfully we have this joa Cola we can actually run pretty fast home I always forget that I have to bomb my way into the dwarf cave I always forget that come on just give me one goddamn jelly okay fine fine I’ll catch another stupid fish oh this duck duck is so cute yeah I know it’s getting late we’ve literally been standing here all day just reminds me that when I was at sakur con someone actually gave me a little rubber duck their entire aesthetic was rubber ducks they had like a rubber duck all on their hats they were like wearing duck themed items it was really cute and I was like you look amazing and they’re like thank you and they gave me a little rubber duck as a cool thing so I got this little tiny rubber duck yeah a fossil’s it’s still better than nothing it would have been cool if I got a dino egg as a you know oops you wasted your entire day of fishing here’s here’s a dino egg as a condolence would you like an egg in these trying times all right let’s see let’s uh let’s get rid of you seven I’ll definitely throw these in the shipping bin okay that’ll be my that’ll be my money for the day go to sleep when’s the first Brook day I’m not sure it’s a good question um don’t go anywhere guys I’m going be right back I have to use restroom and then I also going get some water so hang tight I’ll be right back she was his one what number one Ichibon needs number one yeah and he she was his number one in what my god do you get it chat and what is he talking about piss [Laughter] no absolutely not it’s the warm team we’re warm absolutely you’re both the murderers this is terrible for me oh no te this is so bad for me definitely not the murderer I can you definitely are with that Tye of BS run they’re the murderers feel as long as we’re together be no no no no no I know this to of voice oh no I’m dead Ked you yet I don’t trust any of you this is overwhelming is he above I see a ghost of your husband up there oh my god what have you done I didn’t I definitely didn’t kill him and put him in the walls are you sure are you sure what you say you did you hadn’t to said it my goodness definitely didn’t kill him and put him in the wall oh man and some people are going to get stuck in the wall all right look how buff he looks though yeah in the fishe he looks so buff he goes to the gym okay he goes to the gym he works out can you do it on the bottom thick thighs thick thighs thick thighs I want oh or just a full Barrel body thick thighs save lives okay yeah hold on how do I get how do I get a picture okay okay I’ll move on I’ll move on I wasn’t prepared for that I was not prepared they literally put us in the game we asked to be put in the game that’s us you know you know I once thought we were too horny on main for Yakuza no they found and they they were like this this is they found a way they found a way to right here those monster [ __ ] will [ __ ] this statue of a Kappa just get the gear there okay me I’m almost dead Ash get down kiss [Laughter] [Music] me Ash stop hanging whoa [Laughter] hi I should have known cute things are not nice in this game I know PC man I should have known from [Music] [Laughter] downtown get [ __ ] wrecked oh that’s sad come look at aerion’s underwear oh my God I’m sure you see a dick right no no oh I didn’t even I didn’t even think about that Jaz hold on I got o he’s got a little tattoo on his back does he yeah oh yeah look at that hold on I’m going to remove underwear oh wait wait wait don’t look chat don’t look chat don’t look oh okay actually you can look you can look what is is he a kandall for you it’s a little leaf oh it’s a leaf that’s adorable I’ll show you Jazz I’m going to take a screenshot of what I see okay I see a leaf I don’t see a leaf the leaf is amazing oh oh damn yeah yeah damn girl damn yeah oh I hear I’m getting out [ __ ] this okay ‘s running away I’m going to go back upstairs and keep exploring oh oh oh my God oh my God no oh I got so distracted cuz my mom just arrived oh ja when we respond you inform them of what happened I’m going to go say hey to my mom I’ll be right back and wherever you are get your butt in here and we’re leaving cuz everyone’s dead I’m not still alive don’t leave without me don’t worries no I’m saying I’m waiting for you and then we’re going that was so we Wasing oh I’m dead oh no oh hi Ash right outside oh there’s the dogs right there too dogs there’s so there’s so many dogs holy [ __ ] oh y I’m back how is the clips the clips [Music] always a good time always a good time those clips oh and my vtu broke I wish you would stop breaking and I don’t know why you keep doing it y’all if you ever see anything that’s funny clip it then we can add more to this this growing compilation [Music] oh hi Andy yeah yeah I know about crows yeah I yep I know about crows you wish you could clip but you get taken out of stream that’s fair uh there was this idea that um I saw earlier I was in Rebecca Ron’s chat and they had a nightbot command that would set a marker that would set a marker in the um in the Stream so that people can you know like one of us can go back and actually clip it and I was like that is really smart that is so smart so maybe we should do something like that maybe we’ll we’ll get a um some type of a nightbot command going so that like people can just hit that make a mark on the stream and then we can go back and clip those moments it’s a lot of watering oh I’m out might as well let these chickens out good morning my babies good morning babies that’s right I need to make a Mayo machine come on out oh forgot to do the one thing I wanted to do let’s get more water M Our Last [Music] Summer there we go just going to throw everything in here so we got 1 two 3 four five six seven seven spaces if I could make the money I could probably buy another um sprinkler from Susan yeah yeah the blueg grass actually spawns naturally in the um the Meadowland Farms you also start with chickens instead of uh parsnips so it’s really cute lots of good benefits oh I broke the combo stupid Jacob and his iron lust I got one okay what’s the difference between the regular glass I think the uh the JoJo the Blue Grass uh provides more uh friendship points to the chickens like the animals love it a lot more than they would like regular grass have I met you Maru okay um [Music] E I still have time to grow some of [Music] these seven okay does it also make them grow faster that’s [Music] cool I can still recall sum oh it makes more hay oh interesting okay um all right I need one of you uh I need one of you a green bean potato I don’t think I got any cauliflower yet oh I don’t even need the potato okay that’s easy you read somewhere that Pierre secretly sells A drugs I don’t know about selling drugs but I do know that he has his own stash and the reason I know that is because if you befriend him there’s a cut scene in which you go through his stash or not you don’t go through it but you find it and he’s like don’t tell Carolyn he seems like an old hippie could turn into a money grubbing joik let’s put the fossil in here you thought that was his Porn Stash I mean it could be I’m not going to knock him if he has one that’s fine with me he could have his own stash if he wants to I just know that he’s like don’t tell Carolyn and I’m like what are you going to do for me if I if I get that cut scene I’m going to try to extort him for all he’s worth HH there’s the Earth crystal that we needed hell yeah that was worth it oh tigis holy [ __ ] that’s amazing oh my God that’s amazing I love that so much that’s that’s a good burn I mean it’s true it’s true you’re not wrong you’re not wrong at all oh I did get an over wood oh [ __ ] you’re right snap look I got distracted by that that that perfect burn now I got nine seeds for summer melons such a good burn okay uh um okay egg festivals in 2 [Music] days okay let’s make ourselves a manise machine I don’t think I’m going to see Sebastian till like evening time when he goes out for his smokes let’s see I need need wood and copper crystals let’s get you do I even have wood sorry don’t even have wood I can still recall all summer [Laughter] don’t don’t don’t limit yourself deis you’ll come up with more you’ll come up with more more good Burns for Pierre I know you will we all believe in [Music] you let me eat some of these carrots ooh carrots are good Cardinal hello welcome 1.6 is so fun I don’t think we’ve seen any real big changes yet cuz we started a whole new Farm but we got two chickens that are so cute um and we’re we’re on our way to making a smoker we just need $10,000 U hello thank you so much for that resub I am enjoying the update indeed I love these chickens now that we’re going to get the um the the egg machine we’re going to make more money I wanted to play in older save but I also wanted to like do the Meadow Farm cuz the meal Farm’s so cute plus it’s kind of fun to see everything from the beginning because I feel that there’s going to be a lot of like little changes that we’ll be able to notice okay uh let us make a chest [ __ ] can I just drop you on the floor there you go [Music] perfect got that song stuck in my head uh Mayo I need the copper bar okay uh Mise mayonnaise did this break looks like it did break that’s fine I want to put this here put you there um and then we’re going go to chest three which I’m going to rename to junk chest we grab all our little Eggies yes excuse me do you not automate oh maybe they don’t automate while they’re indoors cuz that happened before with um we had sheds we had to just basically restart the server to get it to work I mean that’s fine put that there see if I hit you okay yeah those are definitely now there you go can the egg chest be Nam named egg in the boys yes 100% yes egg and the boys I love that okay let’s put this stuff away let’s go find Sebastian and give him this joj Cola I think um we’ve seen this issue before where like if we put down a um a shed the automation doesn’t work right away um we always have to like restart the whole server oh there you are perfect and I feel like once I probably restart it it will be um fixed man I’m really angry that [ __ ] Jacob and his iron bar ruined my streak of giving I would have had another ticket if he didn’t ask for that iron bar also the fact that he wanted it like right away I’m so upset I’m very upset by that that um oh this is the ores and such okay uh get you back junk chest get two carrots okay let’s see if we can get another um let’s go back to the caves see if we can get that thing that’s a good point icus I don’t know we should test that theory next time there’s one that doesn’t work for us we should just skip it and then if we get a third one after that and we get a a a ticket then we’ll know for sure cuz I really want that orange sapling [Music] come on Cave jelly I want to stop looking for you let’s go cave [Music] jelly there’s no need to be on a streak do you not need to do streaks is it just every three cuz I could deal with that if you if you get it like every [Music] third okay so you get tickets even if you’re selected with request okay so it’s just I guess it’s every third nice Okay cool so we’re bound to get one next help reward because we helped Pam we gave her that carp and then we gave Sebastian the joa cola so we should be able to do it well we also helped Clint too I just really want that sapling cuz literally the next reward is a sapling and I’m very excited about that that’s a free tree oh this bear is so [Music] cute Vance welcome hello you got your first ticket from winning the egg Festival you also get tickets for winning the festivals Lewis is really trying to get people’s votes for the next election watch watch each ticket be an actual vote for Lewis this is how he maintains his power every ticket that you put into the machine is is a vote for Louis can this be Canon now because I feel like Lewis would do this kind of shady [ __ ] he embezzled money to make himself a gold statue and now he’s using this tickets to keep himself in power Morris runs for mayor oh my god oh I want Morris to be mayor I feel like you’d be a better mayor than [Music] LS oh my gosh Paradox yes yes I would love that so much that’d be so funny I still want to learn how to mod um portraits in this game cuz I still want to do a portraits oh [ __ ] it’s already 12:00 a.m. how did that happen why did no one tell me it was 12:00 a.m. God damn it it’s hoping for cave jellies so we got another fish we were we were we all of us was like too busy thinking about LS anyways going back to what I was saying I I do want to still make like a a portrait mod for this I should start doing that actually I think next Monday stream if me and Anna are not playing sons of the forest I might just do a portrait mod stream let’s really let’s really like Kickstart this this portrait mod thing we’ll do the core group we’ll we’ll get like we’ll start with two ladies and two guys and you know you you guys can decide which ones we start on first oh before we go to bed eggs shipping sell you too sell you as well okay got to go to sleep got to pet a cat oh for sure definitely one of them’s going to be the Wesman we’ll go through the we’ll go through all the romance options we’ll do the romance options first because obviously those are the best ones right and then and then we’ll go through the other NPCs we’re going to say yes to the wbon only because like he is a romance option for expanded but we should do the the core what is it eight first can I make pixel art I am not good at making pixel art but I can make I can draw I can draw like nobody’s ever drawn before it’s not true I can draw chickies chicka babies where’s the other one oh these are big eggs where’s where’s the other chicken oh you guys are very good at hiding chicken babes uh oops was the pantry it was the animal bundle I need both of those eggs okay those chickens were looking for Foods that’s what they were doing they were up to up to no good started making trouble in the neighborhood should buy potatoes and probably some more parsnips so I think today is the last day for cauliflowers if I wanted to grow some cauliflowers if I wanted to grow more cauliflowers that is don’t really need to Yeah tomorrow’s strawberry day but I already got strawberry seeds Andy gave me three strawberry seeds very sweet of him oh there’s my cat blo B what are you doing being a melty cat you being a melty cat so cute let’s go to the uh the store first I don’t actually need the the five golden cauliflowers I thought I did um we only have sum we have rare crops this one I think is going to take a while cuz we’re going to definitely need like I would like to get the greenhouse going first but we obviously have to get the greenhous here first um maybe I might plant it have to plant it outside for the first year we’ll see might have to I might have to waste a rare seed for it ideally I like to put them in the um Greenhouse ooh maple syrup pale broth ooh a fez ah I want that Fez oh my God could you imagine bluing a fez I’m broke though I’m so poor I’m going to buy this we might I think we need that actually and [ __ ] everything’s so expensive do I even know how to make uh Taps tree Taps yet not yet I think I need that well I don’t know if I need it yet cuz we haven’t unlocked that part of the um the community center need to do one more bundle and then we can unlock that part Maha thank you so much for that reub Holy butts 51 months dang dang we’re going to put this in here for right now cuz I’m not going to waste it let’s go but yeah yeah the golden cauliflowers for the luau so I want that good luow I mean I could tank it I could be very easy for me to tank it oh every time I hear that that sharp ding I always think that I’ve found the uh I found the the trash hat cuz I’m the trash man that’s true I also do need the grandpa shed though that requires a obscene amount of batteries in hardwood we we’re going to have to need a lot for that animal bundle crops oh you know I haven’t done is I stopped talking to Caroline should go back to talk to her yeah I’m going to need maple syrup wait 200 I don’t even have [Music] 200 does anybody like these Harvey does he likes them he doesn’t love them he likes them I want loves s these do you like Green Onions hold still don’t move there you go yeah here you go count with these I’ll sell the rest eight potatoes okay what am I doing what am I doing oh I should make the um the recycler oh I need an iron bar I do need some iron for that that also one of these days I need to go up to East scarp or not East scarp uh ridgeside there’s just so much to do there’s just too much to do and not enough time to do it oh I already have three okay forgot I bought those okay let’s put that back guys are done tomorrow okay I can actually turn those in on Sunday for the uh after the um after the egg Festival oh all right well so there’s not much I can do right now I guess I’ll go back to the caves try again for more of those um more of that jelly or I could just wait until I have more money and uh go directly down to get some iron that’s probably actually the smarter idea let’s do that let’s go try to get some iron let’s get one of these Salina though lius I would never destroy your tent I would die before I stored your tent never I would never do that you know what’s really shitty is him saying that someone destroyed his tent implies that one of the people here in Pelican town destroyed his tent that’s really shitty to me and now I’m wondering like who could have been maybe Alex I feel like Haley is too concerned with her her looks and how you know herself that she wouldn’t really go out of her way to like destroy something like that I feel like it would probably be Alex and I say that because he is a high school teen [Applause] jock maybe Sam and then Sam immediately felt really guilty about it it’s true LS could have done it to clean up the town I mean yeah he’s definitely in college but let’s be real like he acts like he’s still in high school he still acts like he’s still in high school Morris doesn’t care I don’t think Morris even cares at all he probably is like he goes to work and he goes home and he’s just like I’m done I don’t have to think about this cuz I think he actually buses in from another he he doesn’t like live in the town he buses in so why would he go to a different part town just to [ __ ] with lonus you know I think it’s Alex Alex seems to have that like almost like popular like I PE in high school mentality but I mean he said that like he’s like please don’t destroy my house as if like he’s implying as if somebody actually destroyed his house like an actual person if he said like Monsters destroyed my house at one point or like you know please don’t knock it over it was recently destroyed by monsters at one point the way the the way he phrases it implies that like somebody actually kicked it down which sucks oh another club is this better huh weird this one has stats that’s cool I love that that’s really cool I that’s just my head Cannon about that particular event cuz it does make me like it does make it sound like you know somebody in this in Pelican town did it oh my gosh this is full so full put that in there okay did I open a um I don’t remember if I opened a uh ladder on this level I don’t think I did oh I did could not remember eat leak eat leak nice I’m going over here just to see if there’s any Dougies I knew it y’all always have bombs plus if I kill 20 of you I get a construction hat junk chest there we go God I hate flies the flies in this game are so annoying is it blue it’s still a construction hat it’s cute oh yeah blue definitely needs a construction hat he definitely he joined the maima construction agent or Construction Company he build [ __ ] oh my god there was so many good cosplayers at soccer Deon one person actually came up as majima with the giant sign was like majima construction agency and then on the other side it was like a picture of kiru and it says have you seen this HBO I loved it blue is [Laughter] Nita nsha to K or to Kevin’s majima if anything I feel like Kevin is cyu and blue is majma cuz Kevin is kind of like H whatever whereas like blue has like a lot of like pent up energy I did find my people it was great I was very happy I’m going to die in this cave oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no let me leave uh I need a sod pop Kevin I’m talking about you got to run fast got to get home going to run fast going to get home it’s 1:00 a.m. and I’m running really fast think we’ll make it yeah we’ll make it I think we’ll make it yeah yeah May yeah yeah yeah yeah we’re still good we’re still good we’re still good blue sleeping in my bed elixir of life I did it I made it the spirits are very displeased cuz they know I’m about to kick a bunch of children’s asses at uh in uh and an egg hunt Okay let’s put that in there okay um got to get rid of some stuff sell these sell those keep one green bean cuz I feel like there’s a recipe for green beans not a recipe ree um a quest for green beans get rid of this kale we’re keeping the stobs for buff Ian cuz buff Ian love strawberries can sell these big carrots okay yeah we’re good chicken skins whoa the [ __ ] how’d that pine cone get in there is it cuz it’s next to a tree the oh it auto shakes the tree that’s hilarious that’s so funny I mean I definitely need a lot of these so I do need a lot of these seeds the mods are definitely working buff Ian needs to be romanced him so buff I should probably water these plants before I go to the egg Festival oh no that would be terrible yeah I need to get the copper watering can watering things one at a time is rough wish there was a way to sell things to Pierre while I’m at the events so I can buy things instead of having to like save my money for the next day cuz I could like if I could I’d be like please take these let me exchange these for your valuables and services okay um I think I have yeah four parsnips let’s plant them here there we go all right to the egg hunt all right I haven’t seen what the egg hunt looks like like in 1.6 so I’m really excited ooh we already have seeds so I’m going to buy seasonal plant seasonal plant oh I can’t afford a lawn Flamingo [ __ ] [Music] 69 [Music] nice let’s talk to everybody got to Pam why would you spike the punch like that spike your own punch there’s children here at this [Music] event [Music] I really don’t remember this woman Barbara beatric I really don’t remember you from the East scarp but it’s possible that they upgraded escarp like updated it God there’s so many people to talk to if I talk to you Andy I haven’t oh I just wish I could just Spam through this as quickly as possible did I talk to you Harvey okay I am part in the the egg the eggs the eggs the the the the annual finding of the eggs lus how you doing oh I do want me some devil eggs wait is Victoria like her mother who is this [Music] woman [Music] who is this woman okay good Lord there’s so many people to talk to now oh Paula’s pretty Anton’s handsome Jerick looking good but here’s my boy Buffy in [Music] oh my God there’s so many people I like how they separated rideside from um Pelican Valley I don’t remember Irene but she’s really cute oh here’s my other husband Kenneth Phillip looking like Sugar Ray Richard Richard I don’t know why reminds me of a snail good Lord there’s so many people to talk to I’m not even like paying attention I’m just going through the the Motions as F fast as I can stairs anger at eggs that’s me I’m so hungry for eggs I stare angry at of [Music] them okay I think I got damn near everybody did I not get you Jesus how did I miss you okay godamn child okay let’s talk to these two [Music] children I can’t even I’m like one penny off of a fried egg so broke so broke and I stare angry all the time with passion more passion let’s start this egg hunt look at all these kids all right I just got to be Abigail excuse me oh my gosh you know what it would be really funny if I had like a an espresso and I drank that before this and so I was just zooming around this entire thing how did I sit down these children are [ __ ] hih here yeah I’m hungry blue you’re getting your Fancy Feast in here how many X I get seven [Music] eight Sophia [ __ ] you how many eggs did you get [Music] how many eggs did you get I had eight [Music] eggs H how many eggs did she get I call a redraw a recount I’m upset I’m upset it’s fine 10 to 12 that’s so many eggs all right well I got the bee house that’s a lot of money I’m rich again I’m rich again all right y’all this is what I’m going to call it for tonight um we played some good stardos we we did a lot of good stard doing today um thank you guys so much for hanging out with me this has been really fun we will be playing some more stuff throughout the week tomorrow I believe Anna will be streaming uh I’m not sure if they’ll be streaming on YouTube or twitch that’s for them to decide and Friday we’re going to play I believe some of that um content warning game yeah the the one made by [Music] um I think it’s landfall yeah landfall it’s the silly one we’re going to play that if you open Pokemon cards on Twitch games on YouTube Pokemon on Twitch I have to po my Pokemon cards too and then I could be like Anna Anna fight me fight me with my Charizard [Laughter] EX y’all thank you so much for hanging out with us huge thank you to everybody that subscribed resubscribed and drop Bitties you guys you can’t do this without you so thank you uh we really appreciate all your love and support and um you guys are amazing thank you for letting us hang out with you every day and helping us do what we do uh huge thanks to our moderators for being here tonight they’re here a little bit later cuz we started a little bit later but you know what we had a fun we still had fun and um thank you everybody for being here we’re going to raid who should we [Music] raid let’s see who should we [Music] raid I feel like I’ve followed a bunch of people on Twitch during Pack’s ease but no one’s streaming right now [Music] um Hospital 666 takes 2 hours to complete sounds good sounds good good to know um uh all right I don’t know who this is but we’re we’re following them on Stump their name is rinka they’re playing some Cult of the Lamb so go and join them I actually haven’t really watched their streams before but if they’re following if we’re following them on Stump they must be good people uh so go over there give them a follow uh y’all be nice and uh give you know give them the same love and support that you show us so have a good night and I’ll see you guys Friday bye

We’re back playing more Stardew Valley in the 1.6 update! We got a lot of mods happening and it’s chaos.
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