Minecraft Manhunt, But It’s A Treasure Hunt…

in this video bblu and fans try to hunt me down as usual but this time it’s a treasure hunt as you m you get chances of finding treasure that can be common all the way up to Legendary which has some crazy items inside so stick around until the end to see who gets the best treasure be sure to like And subscribe before we continue I want to tell you about today’s sponsor click click dig it’s a free-to-play idol mining game where players can dig deep into the core of several planets you’ll have to strategically position a team of miners to gain bonuses along the way way unlock skins to gain permanent bonuses for your miners technology and challenges and you can gain even more permanent bonuses by resetting with a big bang I personally love the amazing pixel art style and the zany cast of characters so if you love incremental games you can wish list click click dig on Steam right now and thank you click click dig for sponsoring this video all right what is this aquarium boys I he copied me I had this first I had this first no yeah yes yeah really bub I got him with that yeah good oh good job you just made lose half my health I got to go Goodbye Oh my God I just we’re right behind him though like that’s the thing you’re right behind him you made me lose half my dead no guys guys I think this is Survival Island wait what’s the twist we’re on Survival Island that’s not the twist though what’s the twist just tell us the Twist and then we let you Inn why would I tell you the twist we tell us the twist we let you go let you win you’ll very quickly figure it out oh op op loot V is walking on water help yeah he’s shooting there’s nowhere to go oh there is if you look inside oh look at the bar the bar exam for the for the lawyers if I tell you the twist can we have 5 minutes of pece no um second if I tell you how to do the twist 30 seconds a pie but we get to follow you around as well so after the 30 seconds fine okay that see I don’t agree to all that what the hell maybe door Dash once a month has a deal like that free delivery type I just went off a survival island oh my God I’m going to die oh you knock me down D I tried to boost you don’t call me dumb bu okay so 5 minutes of Peace if I tell you 30 seconds and we won’t follow you 30 seconds and you won’t follow me yeah yeah we won’t follow stop stop stop all right go go mining go mining what okay you need wait oh okay that’s a Twist you have to go mining why are you jiggling like that why’ you do that how many is 30 seconds up by now probably yeah no I’d say so no what did you get from mining mine treasure dude you’re not going go quicker okay I got a treasure box oh my God common default treasure wait and I got op loot how do I get treasure you got to just mine for it what what o I’m going to keep mining stone until I find another one you think it’ll work for me though no maybe no cuz you wait how come you got more I only got one because I think it’s like it’s like it’s like hoplight where it’s like a chance drops oh look dude what the hell that sucks though good no but it’s iron I already have iron how are you getting more oh my God f is getting RNG right now why ooh oh I got a I got a oh my God I got another one I felt unnecessary making fun of him like that so Stone types are extremely important when it comes to M treasure they have different treasure spawn rates Stone has standard common rare epic and legendary Granite higher epic rates diorite has higher common and the sight SL magma blocks have higher rare lower common and epic ores have higher everything guess what I just found diamonds wow I don’t even know like act what loot you can get from these but I I think it can be really good there’s armor weapons you can get really good from from what I know I think it can be better than netherite what what better than netherite better dude that’s not even real it is now I only got common so far am I stupid I got rare get common too rare fine oh baby oh baby yeah man I haven’t gotten anything good though you guys are going to be you’re going to be ahead this cave we’re in is kind of snag ooh oh that really that sucked I just want to get like a legendary oh you’re not getting anything legendary only thing you’re getting is coal for Christmas little boy oh oh and that’s true I heard I talk to Sant before no okay where’s all my loot at bro how is my luck so abysmal can making fun of him no I don’t want to do that cuz his luck is abysmal right now if we just keep being mean then his luck will get worse and worse and worse stick around to the end of the video to see if his luck gets better guys might you might want to stick around I think bubble might be gearing up I’m speed running dude I have 10 diamonds what can you share no you to did you take all my iron out of the furnaces oh my God my luck my luck has just changed a bit o guys still stick around though cuz it could get even better than still stick around though cuz it might actually get even better or maybe it gets really worse and it leads to a very intense situation for Bubba where he has to come up with a crazy hey a crazy Minecraft Manhunt clutch moment yeah the others good luck in there you’re in the nether I wouldn’t say that I I would it said you have that achievement so I I would I would actually say you are there Bubba’s going to be so raging and angry all right please lucky no not lucky how bro I got I got I mined a diamond and it just gave me a common chest that’s freaking unlucky all right so you guys are what going to find the Fortress and then already there when might be oh I just got a I got a rare nether chest what what mine a m nether a I got to get out there and try the different biomes eh okay I got to step up my game here this is getting embarrassing um okay I think I’ve extracted all the resources from this cave maybe not might being a pickle B frce don’t die ooh I like it all the ones I’ve gotten from Diamond have just been like common but I have a I have a good amount of diamonds now though so I like that good you’re going to need them actually so stacked it should come in handy yeah I actually I actually like how things are looking for me at this current moment in time all right oh okay wait what did you guys what did you guys get the chest from in here what were you mining Netherrack I think we’re mining gravel did you try to Pearl up to where we were yeah oh oh wait that’s huge I see Bubba oh where in the jungle jungle hey just go after him oh do that anything this oh I don’t like whatever sword that is I don’t like it we can like almost go to the thing dude your fire is so annoying is fire no he’s just placing flint and steel come on please give me luck right now why is it there has to be the play I’m just not that lucky but okay where did bubster go what the I pulled out my compass for one second you’re gone oh why am I using my pickaxe holy what what he do oh my an axe crate just did like three hearts and he’s just following me he’s following me I don’t know where you are I’m trying to find youing in your direction he’s here he’s here he’s here oh no oh my God I was so low he prob in the bath I I just hit him with my Pearl where my where’s my Pearl at I’m in the lava you can you can clutch you can clutch up I think what do you mean oh wait I have fire RS I I just okay got it got it got it got it got it I wonder who’s going to be the first to get something better than like a rare chest me it’s going to be the person with the fastest pickaxe surely where uh why do these chest suck holdo the one’s in I’m on him I’m on him I’m on him I physically jumped in real life you on him yeah yeah I’m on you like the bubonic plag as well Bubba oh wow oh my God that was a surprise the bionic plague the bonic plague oh my God that’s actually crazy yeah yeah he landed he’s in the Bastion look oh my God what oh he’s right there I see him I did not like that I don’t like it don’t like it he don’t like it when he’s fighting when he’s fighting I want to go in there with him bro okay ow wait wait good idea wait what’s happening how’s he taking damage hey what do you hear that that’s a mob blocks oh my bobbly him oh my God oh my God oh my God what is happening where’d he go he’s down he’s down it’s down on down I hate bastions oh you idiot don’t follow B blue J he spectral it’s there it’s there oh my God no way you did that no way you did that no way you did that no way you just did that no please dude I can’t be a laser for so much longer where are the Pearl oh my God is that all the way over there F oh dude where where did you die where where no bubba wants to get your loot tell me where you died tell me quickly yo what’s up up yo what’s up oh fans is here too we finally caught up to him I saw his trading hole he was trading with Mobs I saw his Granite path I knew it was him I saw gang so many thing that LEDs To You O ooh there’s so many things that lead to you bub you had no idea a little cookie Crum Trail for us didn’t you oh my God he just clutched I saw that where where down he’s he’s down down down down down down down I’m so confused idiot oh huh what is wrong with the piggle in here I don’t know pissing me off hey bubble Babble just mine mine what the where’d he go where’ he Pearl he pear pear pearly Pearl what he’s this way right he’s all the way over Yonder he’s like DJ Yonder right now woo Buble do you have a boat a boat can I have a boat mine no you dude oh my god well rip oh my god dude are you’re going to die I’m going to die you do it I was going to do that trick I don’t have a I mess it up it’s like the Parker clip oh my God where is he oh my God I’m going to burn to death burn a that burn to death burn to that burn to that kill the thing burn in depth burn a de keep mining the area we might get some treasure oh look look treasure my God wait is that treasure oh that’s bubble is that treasure no that’s bubo what is banga blob I just I just treasure clutched weeping Vine he’s trying to kill me oh my God this is such a bad spot to be F come back come back come back come come Immortal fans oh he’s going to C me out Immortal you’re on your own buddy emergency [Music] baby I don’t like it I don’t like it he said ah baby I don’t like it I don’t like it what what’ you get oh no what was it what was it was it what was it oh my God was it good it gave me a potion of strength two resistance Fire Resistance 2 this is so bad for me bad for [Music] me look o moly God oh my God those crazy yeah yeah yeah I want the better one though man how are you guys getting such good stuff just give me something good like you giving my friends I have six gas tiers we can make crystals if you want I have seven gas tiers here okay once we get to the other world let’s just make crystals and then heal the dragon infinitely oh wow yeah yeah food M too Obby you know what I’m happy for you that you’re actually getting items yeah you are you’re I’m just so I’m just so happy for you oh see he’s he’s trying to he’s trying to see he’s trying to be really positive so the game hears him and then gives him good items I’m just so so pleased with your progress see look at him he’s manipulating us oh wait hold up wait a minute what the what the U I’m not going to lie that sucks and I have nothing I don’t have stick or anything to make back up oh Bob ster where are you where are you nowhere but everywhere but nowhere all I once down here [Music] oh I ran out of arrows he just keeps peing yeah I need to find black stone real quick y I’m dead don’t die your armor just popped holy moly watching trash that’s so trash Now comments before you go crazy yes I know there was an debris but if I had ancient debris then I would still need two more plus I would also then what the he just got legendary treasure what he get let’s go steal it let’s go steal it hey bub we’re going to steal it oh my God I just stole it all I stole it all like 45 gas tiers but that’s bad I know but still that’s literally that was the whole thing what did he get I don’t know something interesting two interesting things actually got I can’t believe I got an epic and then a legendary back to back to back to back it’s a little bit useless what I got but also not at the time don’t die oh now he’s burning cuz’s I don’t know where he went push it up down left right oh why is it so trash oh there he is hey why you crouch like that why you why you perched like that you can’t see me no I can you can yeah you’re illuminated oh my Shields oh that was not a good take all damage you take that was not good F where are you oh bab coming oh Babble stop go back go back go back coming go back go back go back go back I broke a shield I broke his shield good oh you actually did okay one more thing before I skattle I’ve never actually used what I want to use before now I think I have everything I need and I can skattle on out of here what is the okay this is not what I was expecting to come out to oh you guys are there no okay okay yeah you’re both there you how’d you guys get like you guys got like custom swords and stuff didn’t you y I got two like two or three legendaries and I got nothing good out of it I think we’re just a b i to tell you the secret yeah if we tell you the secret then it’s just then you just know it it’s like well then it’s not going to be a secret if everyone knows about it yeah oh what the oh oh what the how did you get oh oh my God B just oh my God I don’t know why I took the one thing I never never used the things I got from that for them there’s two items in there I will use but the other the other ones nah H maybe we’ll see we’ll see if he ends up using them at the end of the video make sure you stick around to find out okay I need to actually go be efficient oh I wonder where this will take me maybe not what is what I thought is this not it I found your little hole down but it took me to like just a normal cave but I’m assuming it’s down that means it’s down here somewhere oh fcy company he’s here he’s yeah [Music] yeah where’ you go you just disappear I don’t I actually have no clue where you went a you’re not allow to go here okay I won’t oh no way you have fire as that’s cool and all but oh not useless oh okay I like that I like I’m getting a little bit of this late game [Music] luck he threw an eye no he threw an eye oh no Pablo I did a mistake oh there’s literally one eye that’s missing wait where which one it’s uh it’s right it’s right next to us oh I see dude he has an insta mine pickaxe how does he have that I don’t know but he’s trolling me with it [Music] oh God oh my God does my armor have mending on it oh my you can you can come in you just got I want to you guys want to you yeah we’re not going in there oh you guys don’t want to come in stay away from it all right well you wasted my my one item cool yeah I’m in okay okay I’m going to come in and just one second okay oh what the dragon’s breath course fruit do you have extra um pickaxe yeah what the hell he he he went down wow that hurts o it does oh it does a lot doesn’t [Music] it oh my God A Notch Apple did he just use it he use a notch yeah I’m using my pickaxe it has sharp four that’s not good better I don’t think but okay going to d a diamond pickaxe access D is a lot oh my God I missed my head I’m actually a bot B Burger I’m actually a bot oh my okay so you guys have much stronger items than I yeah that’s cuz we level 30 Enchanted not because we got good gear did you’re not here in the new update oh my balls oh my God he just T to Crystal me he has crystals back he has crystals he has crystals he has crystals he has Crystal it’s fine it’s fine I I knocked him down bro I would never except a bub off crystals what the hell that’s remember he said the item he never used before bro I thought it was the anchor no it was the anchor but the crystals were in another chest I got where’s schabo schabo he’s in here he’s in he’s in he’s in he’s in he’s dude he almost I thought he’s going a crystal [Music] me oh my god dude where did his armor go that was with that was with a gab too why does he have iron armor his armor broke he’s going to B Burger do it oh my God I almost got [Music] him he’s going to B per Crystal me dude don’t get Crystal that be really embarrassing oh shoot he’s cry he he Crystal oh my god he has so many yo chill out he went down oh my God oh my B blue oh my God the dude what was that he just Crystal the dragon where’s bub bro bubble oh God yo oh my God bro how does he have so many he’s a do it again oh my God he just Whi him with his tail dude it’s if he does that again the dragon could die if he it it was personal oh my god oh did he just Crystal you or what yeah but I I I lived oh I blocked it bu your your Shield it broke yes kill no I anchored him I anchored him I anchored him well I guess you guys are just luckier than me

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Minecraft Manhunt, But It’s A Treasure Hunt…

In this video, @Baablu and @Fantst try to hunt me down while I attempt to speedrun Minecraft! BUT while you mine, there is a random chance to get treasure! The treasure can be common, rare, epic, and legendary!

Twist: https://modrinth.com/datapack/mine-treasure/version/1.4.3

Check Out My Merch: https://bubbo.store

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Thank you guys so much for watching! If you enjoy, consider subscribing!


#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #MinecraftChallenge #Manhunt #Bubbo


  1. I have a good idea for a manhunt based on this treasure hunt twist:

    1. Give your hunters 10 minutes to hide a chest with treasure (Gapples, custom pirate potions and loot) and a wooden sword.

    2. You get a treasure map which will give you hints towards finding the treasure (North, East, South, West) upon completion of pirate themed tasks such as: Stay in a shipwreck for 1 minute + Hit one of the hunters while on a boat + Craft a spyglass.

    3. You can get a few pirate themed items if this challenge seems to difficult: Parrot which helps fighting the hunters, hook which makes the hunters bleed (lose hp) over time or maybe a pirate sense that helps you find better loot.

    4. You have to kill both hunters with the wooden sword found in the treasure chest to win.

  2. Reminding me why you were my favourite manhunt yter when I watched them a lot, this is so good all the way through and has an actually super interesting twist, not to throw shade at others ofc

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