Maybe It’s Time For ConcernedApe To Let Go Of Stardew Valley

stardew Valley was released in 2016 but solo developer Eric concerned ape Bome had already worked on it for over 4 and A2 years before it saw the light of day initially conceptualized as a fan-made alternative to the story of Seasons games the final product was released in February 2016 and went on to become one of the best selling video games of all time an incredible feed for a solo developer stard New Valley is considered by many to be one of the best video games ever made and baron has been updating the game regularly to this day I think it’s time for him to let it go of course it’s not my place to decide if the game is finished or not or if it deserves to be left as is as the so developer and the person who knows most of what a completed stardo would look like that’s up to Baron but it’s still very concerning how often the creators that breakout hits end up working on a single game indefinitely to keep providing new cont content for its loyal audience we end up seeing games become pseudo live service titles updated over and over with new content and expansions with no end in sight stardo Valley is to some extent engaging in this practice while this isn’t inherently negative I do feel that the normalizing of infinite free updates is a bad thing it would be disingenuous to Simply imply that the player base has no impact on a developer’s decision to continue expanding and updating a game because of course players exert pressure on devel Developers for new content stardo Valley’s core audience while relatively tame is loyal to a fault new content gives them a reason to keep playing and that continued interest draws new players in and as a solo developer working with a single other developer Baron is in complete control of the pace and scope of updates giving him agency to stop if he wants to for any reason this isn’t always the case for devs who may end up stuck on a single project for years but when you look at the wider industry it’s clear that because so many surprise successes have updated their games for free over long periods of time players expect this to be the default for developers it shouldn’t be maintaining a game at this level requires work and work should be paid far be it from me to tell developers how to monetize their games but it’s not fair to expect every single Studio that makes an awesome game to provide free expansions and updates for the next decade the practice is so prevalent and deep rooted that even no man Sky players are begging the studio to stop doing exactly this new players will no doubt join the update but free updates and expansions will no doubt serve an ingrained audience where the returns are diminished stardo case feels especially preent because again Baron is a solo developer he’s not only working on stardo Valley fulltime but also developing the highly anticipated haunted chocolate here that game was announced in 2021 and still has no projected release date and really who can blame him Baron has said he’s eager to work on it again but but won’t do so until the newest stardo Valley update is bug-free on all platforms meaning it has to be working well on PC Mobile and console maintaining a game pretty much on your own is hard but doing that while developing another is harder if there wasn’t a set expectation of games growing indefinitely after release would stard do Valley still have the same updates and additions without that pressure to expand would we be closer to playing Haunted chocolate here I can’t answer that question but I can say that developers deserve to work on the projects they’re most passionate about instead of the projects they’re best known for it’s been 8 years Baron has done more than enough [Music] [Applause] [Music]

Stardew Valley must avoid the practice of providing free expansions and updates for the next decade.

Original article by Tessa Kaur:

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  1. I remember Concerned Ape saying that 1.6 being bug-free and in all platforms is a priority first and THEN get back to Haunted Chocolatier. I think it's great that CA is giving us such passion and commitment and sometimes I feel bad because it's all for free?!?!

    His dedication and effort to SV is indicative that Haunted Chocolatier will be just as good, if not better, as he has proven to us time and time again that he is reliable and passionate about what he does.

  2. I'm sorry, who exactly is expecting him to keep up these major updates? Legitimate question- is this actually a major thing in the community or are you just pulling this out of thin air?

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