How JJ Family Superman Arrested Mikey Family in Minecraft (Maizen)

oh friends what a wonderful day today the whole family relaxes by the pool Mikey look Superman JJ’s family is flying here to us yes I see it perfectly but what do they want from us apparently this is something important Mikey and his family you are under arrest surrender to us immediately what so far for what reason are we arrested you have no right to this Mikey I repeat again you are under arrest I will tell you the reason later you’ll be in jail already you simply have no other choice or we will force you to go to prison okay the main thing is don’t touch us we will go there ourselves and be arrested no need to hit us move on the police will take you away and lock you up in our Superman prison no one has escaped from there yet friends that’s exactly how we were arrested we won’t even be able to escape from here okay we’re going we need to see what’s going on with this prison for JJ and his family I absolutely don’t understand why we were imprisoned I really hope that they will tell us at least something because these are really big problems great we are already here this is apparently the captain of this prison you understand correctly I’ll make sure you don’t escape JJ Superman thought that you broke the law that’s why you are now in this prison you will have to follow my orders but we didn’t do anything none of us did anything like that this sounds very very bad I was told that I should keep an eye on you that’s what I will do I simply have no choice this is my job but we really don’t want to be here May maybe we can come to an agreement somehow you let us go and we won’t tell anyone anything I really can’t help you you will have to sit in this prison until JJ says to let you go this could be a very very long time friends that’s why I’ll go look for your clothes now you will have to wear prison clothes this is really very very bad if we dress up it will be more difficult for us to escape but we simply have no other choice we too will just have to listen to his orders and carry them out family do whatever he says we have no other choice I really hope that JJ will tell us why he imprisoned us because it really violates all laws and regulations do we live by them I want to use my rule and find out from him why I was arrested and why I was sent to prison this is the most important thing for me now in any case for now I’ll have to really get used to it here trying to literally survive and see it through to the end find out the reason for the arrest now that you put on your uniform you definitely won’t run away we can find and catch you very quickly we didn’t tend to although we have no choice we will follow your rules because we want to get out of here as quickly as possible good behavior will help us escape from here no one can tell us what to do or how to live this is really wrong JJ is to blame for all of this I really hope you believe that but I wouldn’t put my hopes on all this JJ should be around here somewhere security I brought another villager he needs to be arrested and put in jail JJ come here immediately you promised to tell us why we were arrested we have to understand how we should complain or what we should do we don’t want to sit here the sooner you explain to us the better it will be I’m not going to say anything to the bandits you must stay in my prison as long as I want this is not fair at all JJ refused to talk to us anymore he is really very angry with us we must make sure that we don’t get out of this prison we need to arrange our escape from here I don’t want to linger in this place therefore my family and I will have to do everything possible to survive and see this through to the end this is the most important thing the sooner we do all this the better it will be I hope we can see this through and win this battle this is the most important thing now it seems to me JJ left to catch the villagers we stay here and listen to the captain now you will need to come with me I will take you to your cells where you will sit all this time this will be a very very long time indeed if you try to escape it will only make things worse for you Superman JJ and his family can find any Bandit it’s no problem at all I don’t understand at all why we sat here but we simply have no other choice we just have to see it through and win this battle villager what happened to JJ why does he do this to all the villagers when JJ and his family got superpowers they started arresting everyone they didn’t like that’s why there are many prisoners in prison they are villagers he’s really putting them all in prison now for no reason to own the entire Village this really sounds very scary we definitely need to do something about this we have to come up with a plan and get out of here this is the only way we can stop JJ it will be hard anyway but we will have to cope with all the difficulties how is the family help everyone get out of here we have to come up with a plan to get us the villagers and everyone JJ arrested out because it will be fair to everyone I really hope that we can bring this matter to the very end and of course punish those who are to blame for all this I’m sure we can do it you just need to come up with some brilliant plan baby Mikey you have some very strange blocks there break them as quickly as possible and take a look oh apparently there is a small tunnel there just right for his small stature try to get in there and see what you can do this will be really very interesting maybe Mikey needs to find a way out try to steal the guard’s key he will definitely help us escape from here this could indeed be very risky but we should definitely try it he will definitely succeed yooo he did it he got the same key this means that we can finish the job and of course get out of here we need to make a perfect plan but there are a lot of guards and cameras here we must examine everything as best as possible in order to draw any conclusions everything back as it was so that no one thinks that you changed anything hide this key in a very safe place so that no one can find him this is our Escape Plan I really hope that everything will go according to our plan we have already found the key now we must understand where to run and how to do it this can all be incredibly difficult each of us is doing everything possible to escape therefore I hope for the villagers too they will definitely have to help us Escape From Here we need to better work out the plan and start doing it friends oh friends what a hard job a superhero does we must search the entire Village for Bandits can you imagine they all started breaking laws together they really are all to blame and should be in jail There is almost no one left in the village but the last villager is hiding somewhere here we will definitely find him and arrest him it will be right after all every Bandit should be in prison I am sure that he is a real Bandit and we will save our village if we can arrest him this will be correct on all counts the sooner we solve all this the better it will be I hope that I can see it through to the end and of course win it is most important I hope that my family will help me in Catching this Bandit I really give them a lot of work but I can trust them they are the closest in any case everything we do is correct we made the most secure prison and put a lot of Bandits there they are all arrested and have no right to escape but this Village is nowhere to be found it’s like he disappeared somewhere but it’s okay we will definitely find him and punish him because you can’t run away from us so often the sooner we find him the sooner we can send him to Mikey’s prison I’m sure he’s very interested if this is true then it’s a win oh apparently this villager is in this house it’s closed everywhere and you can’t get to it but if we are superheroes we can go anywhere so wife help me let me go inside and arrest this Bandit he definitely deserved to be arrested and thrown into prison by us we’ll get to his house through the roof he definitely won’t expect us like that hey we finally found you give up as quickly as possible oh no this is just terrible am I really going to be the next villager you throw in jail yes villager you simply have no choice you are a criminal just like everyone else we can prove it and throw you in jail this is how working moments go in our family we have almost filled our prison and we’ll soon simp control them all we will catch everyone and Destroy them that’s why we are definitely doing everything right we caught the main band it’s Mikey and his family friends Mikey’s wife is with you I’m working in the kitchen here I cook food learn a lot of interesting things so that I can tell Mikey later we can definitely find some very cool way out we just have to try to find this way out as quickly as possible I hope that there will be no problems and we can bring this matter to the very end now my task is very simple I have to feed all the prisoners then then I can go about my business and show you something very cool Mikey and everyone else will love this thanks to this we will definitely be able to escape and get out you just have to try really hard but I hope there won’t be any problems the guards just need to watch carefully that there are secret places where you can escape this is the most important thing now I’ve almost given out food to everyone I really hope that we can escape from here very quickly indeed after all my plan is simply unrealistically ideal Mikey would love to hear it and how I implement it great great everything is done and ready now I wanted to show you what I’m talking about how can we escape from here this kitchen has ventilation with her help you can escape only it is tightly closed in the refrigerator I’ll need Mikey’s help this is the only way we can escape from here I don’t know where it leads but I’m sure that we can cope and escape from here but if there is a way out there it will be just incredibly cool then each of our family will successfully cope with their task we have to get out and do everything we can to make it happen so when Mikey comes I’ll ask him to clean the refrigerator this will help me a lot and I can get out very quickly great here they are I have to tell Mikey about this place wife have you really prepared food for everyone you’re a great fellow what do we do now any ideas Mikey I found the ventilation you have to help me move the refrigerator H I’m really hungry but okay let’s see what you’ve got there if this helps us all Escape that will be very cool I want to see it through to the end JJ is keeping us here illegally that’s why we must use all our capabilities to escape ventil would be a really good plan great thank you so much now we can check exactly what is there but I am very worried about security maybe they’ll want to see what I’m doing here nothing bad will happen the Villager and I will distract the guards then you will definitely be able to go somewhere and see what is there what if there is some incredibly cool exit there that would be very interesting try to distract the guards I’ll go there and see what’s there perhaps we will be able to find a way out and we will really win this battle very quickly I want to see things through to the very end and of course win this will be very important and cool in any case we can prove to everyone that we are not Bandits okay we won’t give the police a chance to come in so check everything there as quickly as possible villagers help me don’t let any policemen get into the kitchen this will really help us all a lot great while Mikey distracts the guards I can just go downstairs this will be really really cool we must finish this job and tell everyone how to escape from here there really can be a lot of people in the ventilation here I don’t even know what I’m looking for we just have to find a way forward and try to follow it if there are problems this is very very bad there is some kind of descent down here we’ll have to see what’s interesting there if there is a passage there we can definitely get out and win so far there are only iron doors and a descent somewhere down we need to look around here and find something that will help us Escape at least one thing YooHoo this is a room with cameras they really are watching us here I really hope that we can go through all these stages without getting caught on camera because I want to finish the job and win this is really very important to us to be honest I spent a lot of time and effort I hope there won’t be any problems and we can win this battle YooHoo we can open chests with this key let’s take everything that’s here in the first chest there are blocks and materials this could really be very very cool we must take as much as possible let’s look at the second chest friends in the second chest we already have weapons here’s even a mining drill here he will definitely help us dig a tunnel and bring the matter to the very end we must just take it and go through all the difficulties this will be a really cool Escape JJ Superman definitely won’t expect such an escape I need to get back as quickly as possible so that we don’t have any problems friends great the day has come now we are completely ready to escape my family has everything they need we were given weapons and we are ready to escape from this prison I wife will break down all the doors and we will get out of here then the Villager will take us through and cover all the places with cobblestones we won’t even give the guards the opportunity to approach us it will be very fast and convenient we will really show a cool level the sooner we do all this the better it will be I want to see it through to the very end and win without any problems it is most important I hope that everything will go really smoothly this is the most important thing for each of us I believe that we can cope with any difficulties and bring things to the point where we run out and save ourselves this is the most important thing now our Escape begins we must work as a team cover each other and take your time we have to finish this all really quickly and get to the very end this is the main thing for each of us everyone deals with what their role is so we can escape if we work as a team I really hope that we can do this after all security is everywhere here it will be a problem to escape from here once and for all the faster we work the faster we can get out of prison but I think it will be incredibly difficult we are going very well we don’t have any problems yet and don’t even have any worries therefore we can reach the very end without any problems my wife will have to break down the thick walls and then we will definitely be able to to get out this will be our final test we will have to cope with this 100% Mikey and family be careful if we are spotted JJ’s super family will come to us we definitely don’t need this now I really hope that we will not have serious problems and we will be able to win in any situation absolutely any you can break walls we have already come too close and must show that we are escaping we won’t be able to hide it much longer now we will have to escape in a couple of seconds break down this wall yooo we really did it we’re moving on we need to speed up wife we must finish this job and escape this is the most important thing we need to do here we simply won’t have a second chance anymore break it faster we have to get to the very end and get out of here there definitely must be some way to get away quickly Mikey look the police are already waiting for us apparently it will be necessary to destroy them as quickly as possible in order to occupy the ship you can rely on me I can solve this problem with the police myself you either surrender or we destroy you apparently we will destroy you get it YooHoo we did it we were able to defeat all the police on our way look there really is a ship here we’ll just have to sail away from here as quickly as possible we simply have no other choice we were finally able to get out all the other villagers will now run out too but we won’t be able to wait for them for long we’ll have to jump on the ship you’re completely right we must save all the other villagers but it will be very difficult we need to stop JJ with all our might this is really very important if you want to defeat J AJ and his family then I can help you we’ll go to the military they just wanted to destroy him and his family apparently we have no choice because JJ starts putting everyone in jail this needs to be stopped as quickly as possible and just take it and Destroy everyone this will be the main thing run after me all the military will want to know that Mikey’s family is with us this is a really big Advantage we can make a trap and Destroy them all at once apparently a lot of villagers don’t like that JJ’s family has become like this that’s really fair because all they do is imprison everyone there are a lot of different equipment here and all the soldiers are ready to fight this will be a really serious battle you will need to prepare for it as much as possible Captain Mikey’s family helped a lot of villagers escape from JJ prison that’s why they will fight against JJ and his family for us we will be happy to help because we really want to save all the villagers and Villages from this power of His she definitely interferes with him 100% but for now we’ll go and have a little rest then we will save the villagers in their Villages therefore friends we say goodbye to you see you very soon goodbye everybody

How JJ Family Superman Arrested Mikey Family in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.

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Maizen – @maizenofficial


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