Mikey Emerald vs JJ Diamond HOUSE INSIDE BED Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

oh my God JJ there are a lot of insects under my bed it’s terrible was there a rat under my bed yesterday I have an idea let’s have a competition whose bed is more survivable H you propose to shrink and build a house inside the beds yes it will be fun look Mikey we’ll have to build a shelter under our beds everything is very easy you can take resources right now for survival oh do you have any questions well I think it’s a really good idea idea what do I get if I can beat you or do we just play for nothing H we can decide later let’s first prepare for survival we will have to survive under our beds and fight all difficulties I need to take all my resources think these diamond blocks will have to suffice well I took all the essentials yeah I took all the essentials let’s start the trials then listen you have the shrink potion or how are we going to get small simple and efficient device stand here do not move I will activate the lever great now we are small yes we did now we are small y we are now midgets and our house is so big just look at what a big carpet has become we need to go down Mikey we’re on the second floor now we needed a reduction device on the first floor so we didn’t run for long great and here are our beds look JJ maybe we should just jump down the stairs and hit the floor it’ll be faster Mikey do not forget that we have become small and we can suffer if we jump from such a height there’s some more go quickly JJ I want to start the trials as soon as possible great we’re finally on the first floor you ready Mikey yep how do you think you can beat me if you want to give up before the trials I’m not giving up on you and I’m sure I can win okay first we need to make a ladder so we can get into the mattress if I win I’ll make you eat a bucket of frogs all right let’s get started the sooner I can defeat you those quicker I can eat ice cream I wonder who will live under a mattress first you need to make a ladder so I can get up H Mikey’s already in the mattress I must keep up with him great I’m not going to have spiders in my mattress or something like this so this is my bed only inside there’s a lot of feathers I need to take them for myself they might come in handy maybe I’ll make myself arrows or something else H I think I better throw the feathers out so they don’t bother me so far I don’t need these feathers is that what Mikey what’s he doing he also found feathers in bed is he sneezing I think he’s allergic to feathers that looks very funny hi Mikey I see you also started with cleaning you got a lot of farts in your bed too yes I would even say too much well I will go other things to do H I must hurry I have so far cleaned only one room I wonder what is in the other rooms I will build here a diamond Anvil there I need to go to other rooms I know that there are all sorts of insects in the mattresses but like there is no one so it’s time to start building my base H I’d like to have some paintings hanging here it’s a good thing I brought a little piece of furniture so I just have to hang the painting and I’ll finish this room great my room is ready still I am a very good Builder I have so well decorated the room I am sure that my base is much better than Mikey H I have one idea so I need to invite Mikey to visit I only wanted to invite you to visit and you came you too stuck building your house yeah I built a house show me how you made your bed and then I’ll show you how I made it you have so much beautiful and modern furniture here you’re lucky you took the furniture from the beginning and I took only wooden chairs what about the other rooms is it a game it’s a table football I haven’t played it in a long time oh it’s like a cupcake machine too bad I don’t have one I love sweet this is what it is it’s a treadmill you have great here but I just don’t like that you have all the rooms look alike H all right let’s go to my base what’s wrong with all my rooms are similar but if you want to play table football or Billiards I can do it on any team H if I’m being honest I’m wondering what your room looks like let’s hurry up cuz I’ve got things to do all right we’ve got it H you’ve got something unusual here I love that you have Emerald walls I understand this is your dining room you certainly have little Furniture but it’s not that important H show me the other rooms wait JJ it’s like a sauna I can sit and warm and then swim right away it’s just genius all right let’s go to the other room it’s beautiful here it’s your final room I like my base it is very convenient as long as I like it you’re right Mikey woohoo listen let’s go outside I somehow have a bad feeling h h Huh look looks like you were right something bad happened look it’s a villager what’s he doing in our house who let him come to our house if I were big I’d punish and drive that villager away while Mikey and JJ are gone I’m going to take some of their resources that’s what I do when they’re gone what why didn’t we notice it before we should stop it somehow I won’t let anyone rob me this villager doesn’t even torment his conscience he’s a thief look Mikey he took our diamonds I’m a little hungry see if they have any of their products how can this happen and if I go around the village and Rob villagers why this thief will not stop I am sure that the villagers should know about him he is still stealing our products now I know who ate my yogurt last time ah great they have delicious pork steaks Mikey and JJ always have the best food especially delicious yogurt H so all this time he stole our food yep I thought you were eating my steaks all the time where did this villager go did he go to the second floor yep so what do we do now how do we stop this villager Thief H we can’t even call the police my phone’s on the second floor of the nightstand it’s a Pity we didn’t knit Firearms with us we would have attacked him and then he would have left listen Mikey do you have a plan of action yes I think we can attack him together then we’ll have a chance H I think then we will easily defeat this villager he descends from the second floor H what was he doing on the second floor all this time it’s coming our way I have a bad feeling for some reason I think he wants to do something to my bed I want to jump on the bed I haven’t done this in a long time what is this insolence he is doing this villager is too big he’s going to break my bed my house will definitely break down now I have been building it for so long how could this have happened you should have put a CCTV camera in the apartment so I you see everything I think I’ll tear off a piece of bed I love emeralds very much the bed is broken but nothing there is another bed what did you have some nerve did you see that JJ he just tore my blanket to get the emeralds he completely destroyed my base uh-oh he’s going to my bed I think the villagers are about to break my bed too my bed is hard so he won’t be able to jump oh why is the bed so hard how does JJ sleep here I think I broke my leg how can you even use such a bed better I go to the doctor to check my leg great he jumped off my bed and slipped and hit me he broke his leg now he will know what will happen to him if he ever has to come here again let’s go to your house I want to see if we can restore it h well it seems that this room is whole it is not damaged went to the Next Room unpleasant of course but we will figure something out don’t worry Mikey I’ll help you all rise up although we are the enemy and we have a competition but the Villager has spoiled everything H the main room was most affected in other rooms everything is not so bad some you can see cracks and somewhere there are no blocks don’t worry Mikey if you want us to make your base I still have some diamond blocks I can give them to you that’s why we always get in trouble huh these are like spiders why did they come now I urgently need to make diamond armor and weapons run JJ there are too many spiders uh-oh we can’t beat these spiders there are too many why did they come now how do I hate spiders and scorpions they are so nasty H I thought we had no spiders in our house well nothing now I’ve made a diamond sword and I’ll chase away the spiders so I made a crafted table now I have to make a diamond sword and armor I wonder if Mikey has diamonds can he make his own armor I guess I don’t even have to fight spiders when they see my armor they’ll be scared and run I hope after we win or chase the spiders no one else will come I hope the villagers will not return okay we need to go outside and deal with these spiders H get out of here these are our beds and our houses I’m not afraid of you now I have a diamond sword and armor all right they backed off what did they crawl to Mikey’s house when I told them to back off I meant do not touch our beds H now spiders crawl on Mikey’s bed we need to help Mikey and get rid of these nasty I wish I had a walkie I could ask how Mikey’s doing H I’m not the only one who can beat all these spiders and if Mikey had a diamond sword we could easily defeat these spiders H I hope no one comes except SP Fighters okay I need to stop talking and help Mikey anyway no one can beat me in this armor I must hurry need to climb the stairs H how much cobwebs are there I came to help you Mikey how many cobwebs where are the spiders now they are in the gal room there are too many of them I tried to fight them off but I did not succeed help me good I need to be on my guard spiders could be on the walls or on the ceiling in this room like there is no one maybe spiders in the other room H like there is no one did the spiders come wrap the whole thing in a web and just left amazing but there really is no one here don’t cry Mikey I have good news there are no spiders in your house they’re gone so now we just have to clean up the cobwebs and your house is going to be as good as new yeah can you help me clean up the cobwebs I just don’t have a sword so I can’t do it there are emeralds in my chest if you wouldn’t mind fixing my base sure no problem your base will be better than Mikey was I promise you in principle not much work I only need to remove the web and your base will be ready by the way when the Villager jumped on your bed I thought your base would suffer a lot more it’s a good thing you have a bed of emeralds because if your bed were made of wood they would have cracked in half in fact there are a few emeralds missing in from the walls H the main room was most affected part of the floor is just not there so it must be sealed I have to fix the walls in the ceiling I have to hurry I do not want to spend the whole day on the repair of the house especially if someone else attacks I will have to fight back H how many cobwebs are there I thought that the web would be the easiest to clean but because it is everywhere and there is a lot of it it is more difficult than I thought the good news is that the cobwebs are getting smaller every second soon I will be able to completely repair Mikey’s house I have to finish this room Mikey I think he called it a sauna I have to remove all the cobwebs and fix the walls all right now we got to run to the next room this is the main room it is the most damaged there is a lot of cobwebs and too much cobwebs So the faster I start the sooner I finish H great so far I’m doing fine I’m slowly restoring Mikey’s room thank you JJ I don’t know what I’d be doing if it wasn’t for you H after I finish I’ll have to arrange the furniture I’m going to run back to my house and I’m going to take my beautiful furniture and I’m going to share it with Mikey there’s going to be a story to be told great I’ve almost restored the main room there’s still some left and and this room will be ready now we have to put blocks of emerald and the most difficult thing will be left behind well now we have to remove the remnants of the web that is left on the floor I almost restored your room Mikey there is still a little I will hang the paintings to hang on the wall as long as they are fun even great there’s not a lot of cobwebs left thank you JJ for helping me rebuild the base I just wish I had some real Furniture great I totally won the Mikey base now you need to quickly run to get the furniture I’ll have to go and put all the furniture in Mikey’s house h fine I’ll take what I need I think I’ll take the most expensive and Elite room well I’m sure Mikey will love his house when I arrange the furniture H thanks for deciding to share your furniture I know it’s very expensive and rare I can’t can’t wait to see what my house will be like after you set up all the furniture I don’t mind Mikey I just have a lot of this furniture so I just don’t need it I’m sure if I needed Furniture you’d share too just a little bit more and your room will be ready oh I don’t think I’ve got all the cobwebs down I think I’ve got everything down anyway I have to hurry up and get rid of this cobweb H by the way Mikey you owe me so if I ask you for something you have to help me yep H to be honest I think the Villager Thief will be back soon I suggest you go to the door and make a trap so that if anyone enters the house he will be trapped what do you say to Mikey H well it’s kind of a good idea but how do you know he’ll come back H he broke his leg maybe he learned his lesson listen Mikey that Thief said that’s not the first time they’ve stolen our food F and resources so I’m sure he’ll try again to break into our house and steal our resources all right then we just have to wait I hope this thief comes I have almost finished the construction of the Trap there are quite a few left I hope this trap will work if you want you can see if the Villager thief comes I’m sure he will all right fine I’ll do it nice trap work and you didn’t believe Mikey y I told you this thief would come back now won’t have anyone stealing resources anymore

Mikey Emerald vs JJ Diamond HOUSE INSIDE BED Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

Gummy Bear vs. Security – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd-HMNSmSCs


  1. Mikey and jj can I be your friend in mineral and roblox 😊😮😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ please can I help you out in all videos you make I am good at that thing but i'm still alone 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

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