Having a FAIRYTALE FAMILY in Minecraft!

oh check me out I’m Cinderella I got that really R RZ oh my God that is not what it’s called what hey look BB Bob Boop sorry I try to be funny whatever Zay is I’m an ogre it’s handsome oh then we got Squidward over here oh my goodness oh huh o pick a house avoid the big bad R oh this sounds familiar H what should we choose it’s a wolf F you know the story just be quiet about it it’s got to pick the prin no it’s obvious they’re trying to us watch out watch out you watch out big wol us oh that’s a big head don’t whatever you do just tell him not by the hair of my chin chin chin we have no choice we have no choice oh my Lord they picked wrong well at least we survived oh where did he going oh wa where he going run run run no okay well we’re just going to pick the brick house from now on right Aaron wait is he uh well the woodh house works first time let’s go again what no we should pick the other one yeah you can go wherever I’m going here um maybe we should just like I said brick no no no definitely not I feel like it’s going to be too obvious okay I hate to say it but I think we do hey yeah yeah you’re right you’re right all right if we die it’s my fault I’m sorry oh oh he’s back wait he went for hey he’s not supposed to be able to blow that down oh look see see uhoh wait is it done or I guess one second second isn’t good enough do we uh we won yeah we win oh hey check out the houses Kim are you Rapunzel whated I guess it’s got that time for a haircut U while I do have some shears maybe we can cut some of this back hang on oh wow well there we go oh she’s Human After All oh check out her castle is lit oh my God laugh please hey look but hey it’s a fixer upper hey sh this is my swap oh we got a cool Tower you got Kim’s Tower hey that’s mine yeah I think it’s kind of oh what the what happened get you all right what happened I can’t move oh she’s sleeping beauty so she falls asleep yep I’ll check out the room okay oh look we got some free wood in here oh neat wait what is that all right we can uh oh secret base oh a lever is a secret base o a secret bookcase what’s it it’s the rose you’re the Beast from Beauty of the Beast don’t you touch my rose I’m pushing the button here what does it do oh my gosh are you dead did you die oh oh I got to hold it oh you have it wait what do I do with this though hey that’s pretty cool check that out you can probably beat up a lot of people with that we can win should we do it now or wait maybe can I oh um oh hey you can change back well I guess I should hide this okay let’s see um I have a wand you have a rose I wonder what else we could do maybe we could no what the huh wa what the sky is falling savior Story We supposed to save a story we need our Happ after oh where’s coming around our house bre house down hey there’s a story book in The Middle come on come on I can read I can read what is that supposed to mean I can I’m just saying I can read the better is okay the better is the better is my SW oh there’s multiple books what are we supposed to do with these uh um I don’t know what we do I pick the purple one cuz I like purple one on basic Okay just grab all the books I guess we probably just need one like what a stb a treeve use wish wisely what we get to make a wish can we wish to fix that hole maybe we can use it to fix up the house please or I’m going to have to fix not sure how it works but I don’t know it’s worth a shot yeah I mean let’s uh let’s give it a shot let me let me wish for it okay so I make this wish is it going to work I don’t think singings involved babe uh two oh wait okay I thought it would work a this wish sucks I sang and everything I can sing better nothing happen it’s now time for the magic of manual labor D I don’t want to I want to to sing I can’t sing I want to be prous and sing a song or babe you can sing a song whenever you want it’s all right really I can oh my gosh I’ll think of a song to sing little more little more you’ve got this yeah I know I can see it um it looks pretty good it’s a little off to the side but you know I can’t really face that direction from this corner well I’m just saying I like my symmetry okay so well don’t see you appear with your symmetry oh be careful don’t fall don’t worry I got this there roof is done oh I told you not to fall no one Falls like on I guess um maybe we should go check him out let me go check out what’s going on put some more rocks down over here because that way it would just oh why is this place just rocks and mud well we also have Boulders that’s just a big St by Rock I can’t believe this trouble in a lot of paradises looks like happily ever after is definitely going to need some help yeah let him fight it’s better for us okay so let’s think about this logically they’ve got a tower they’ve got a swamp and we’ve got a oo what is what was that a a duck let’s grab it for anyone El sees it yeah yeah let’s go hey that’s a that’s a dog actually now that I’m looking at it looks like a goose yeah but no no no what about that thing up there what was that I don’t know but this is definitely a goose that’s a weird looking chicken over there shut it Zan it’s not a chicken duck oh oo okay it’s a all right where’s the Goose goose Quest gather all the geese oh wait what does it say again I said duck Quest gather all the duck see what we have to do oh look at those I don’t know this looks a lot like a goose you know when I was a lad I ate four dozen geese every morning to help me get large nobody asked wait what oh just raw like you just ate them like oh my goodness I need more geese come on you get in there I got the gold one all right from now on it’ll be five dozen hey that’s my geese hey hey what you I got the geeses stop messing around hey geese steer yeah oh I thinking cam F I heard you call him geese I mean like a duck whatever I it’s a geese I I I lose all right a defend the geese I know I don’t come on geeses freaking in I got nothing all right come over here I didn’t want to have to use this but I’m going to he’s got beast mode get him get Beast M if I have to too this Cinderella ain’t afraid to throw her shoe okay you Bey man this Cinderella will throw down if needed to get my geese is a geese all right there we go wait what no a dang it I didn’t even see anyone taking them don’t you oh my goodness stay away to the go my gosh nope this is my I cannot believe I we’re being stol from this is Si give me give put that back get out of there they won oh my goodness wow all right uh what the oh look we got two shiny eggs we still got one though we got two eggs we didn’t get any eggs happy with one right because we were so bad it wasn’t just me that was bad get out of my face they fighting over there all right I’m bringing this time you know we need to let them uh chill you know yeah all right let’s see I guess we just let the eggy hatch right I know should we sit on it or let’s watch it all right I don’t think staring at it is going to do anything wait never mind it work staring at it did something all right but what if we get an ugly duckling I want an ugly duckling I want an ugly duckling oh wait what oh a swan I love all babies a is a cup B okay but it’s not a swan yeah what it’s got horns wonder what it kind of fair I want a baby I want a baby right now it’s not fair it’s not fair it’s your fault we don’t have one you’re just as bad at these games as I am Zane oh that’s rich coming from you Kim really rich you know what we can keep the princess one but the monster one needs to go what no I give me that bab oh she fell asleep oh too late wake up come on all right back upstairs he just toss a baby out for being I cannot believe this Kim what can’t you see I’m thinking here check out this baby over here huh normally I would take the baby for myself but you need one a little baby oh I know I’ll just rewrite the story and say this is my baby now yeah oh that’s a good idea the we go to a good home everybody win wait you’re using the book you could just grab it oh kid get this baby where’d it go oh wait what happened oh yeah Cy’s got a baby it’s mine now little a they just adopted the baby wait it’s a baby what do you mean he threw the child out and Casey’s still asleep wait is there baby green it’s so cute the baby’s adorable oh I’m going to teach you the entire ropes little baby I’ll show you how to be a good ogre h no oh no I didn’t want a baby ogre I wanted a cute little baby it was an ogre when you got it oh my gosh a baby’s a baby they’re all cute yeah I guess okay time to start teaching them ogre stuff just open the door let me in them as gross as you okay this is I don’t want anything to do with this yeah they’re really throwing shade over there in their fairy tale you think our baby’s a little beast or like what I want to know you’re so cute no matter what I love you so much half half the goose Fair’s back oh really ooh it’s another block what that mushroom or a mushroom yeah oh I love cat I got it no I need to get away from this never ending nightmare it’s love muss a take me far away o I like this what are we wearing why do I have a elytra I got one too Whimsical Wonderland reach the end o oh Ian look at you it’s a race all right let’s see maybe there’s o hey Rockets we need these for elytra oh we get to fly over here all right grab Stacks I’ll just get some of these we do we go down the rabbit hole into the dark abyss you mean it’s a rabbit hole oh here goes nothing Alice in Wonderland let’s go let’s do this it is Alice in Wonderland I love this okay okay I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine okay I’m alive I’m good this is awesome I’m all about the forest aesthetic just so you know yeah we all know that you filled our house with mushrooms and witch stuff I know I did flying ow I keep crashing into things ah ah again oh where’s good job I don’t think anyone else is used for using the lra shut up I got I got it huh the where F we didn’t win anything what do we got there’s nothing here we win anything there is something behind you no no no it’s for your own G just walk away walk away is it is it Aaron oh it’s definitely not a good cake this is definitely a trap but it says the sign tells us what to do yeah that’s what a trap would say what if I oh my yep that’s it you’re dead you’re just dead now enjoy your last few minutes living babe wait where’s the baby where’s the baby wait the baby’s gone no where’s the baby he was on the couch but now he’s not here where where’d the baby go their house got bigger what oh my gosh jump he’s a little beast look at him I got him I got him oh you got him oh oh my goodness so handsome he’s a little furry you know maybe we need to give him a b I love them no matter what out of my way snooze Fest I want this cake no way I want it get our house better oh yeah I want to see what’s our house going to be oh let’s see pretty flowers lame no pretty all right that’s what’s going on over there what’s going on over here I don’t know Kim what if something pops out of this and tries to eat us oh just eat it already you whip I am not okay you know what fine I will just going to do this there that wasn’t where where’d he go wait what’s happening over here I don’t know I’m nosy I want to go see what’s happening what just happened to me oh he’s tiny a little thingy oh that makes sense quit laughing at me this isn’t funny sorry oh what was that dude oh I can’t hear you from all the way up here I’ll use my Oar Roar at you you’re going to walk like this wait no they’re not working they’re not working anymore at this size all come on just get away let’s go decorate the baby’s room and you know maybe our room too yeah we got the whole upstairs to decorate exactly all right baby we got some rules no brooding no looking out the windows and standing on the wheels that’s dangerous oh my gosh he learned it from you I’m fixing the house what are you talking about you can’t just take it back yeah what’s going on over there I don’t know but they’re fighting though yeah I’m going to go see what’s going on yeah well I need the Manpower now with Casey asleep half the time it’s not my fault s the yre baby ours what guys wait you got the baby and you love him oh no no no I just keep thinking two extra ogres around will keep be extra safe from Invaders yeah makes sense stay if you’re not going to give us back or what oh they fight that’s it that’s not even fair she doesn’t even want Zane too oh Casey are you jealous no I’m just saying zann should have been on my team instead you seem perfectly fine with Ian being on your team at the start Casey why do you want me now oh drama can you turn to the Beast and like stop this they getting like super drama juices fine I’ll do it get in there goig get him all right everybody calm down stop it stop it hey I said cool it don’t fight wait what happened do rumes arrive defend your kids Rubble steel skin oh that’s just same I’m over here what the heck is that that no this guy this guy not nice they’re going to steal the kids they protect me yeah they’re also going to kill me the fairy tale get them here little CH get get out of here thingy oh yeah yeah all they’re fighting these things guys guys there’s a baby they to a baby get him do oh we got to protect Baby’s Gone oh my goodness that’s my baby where’s our baby baby our baby go hey hey you get out of here get him they’re stealing from us can’t believe it downstairs from KY and gets away with it and oh the bab no kill him kill him oh my goodness get back here I got this C take off my shoes and I’ll run after you sit and afraid to throw down like I said before can’t have my baby either where where we where we at oh huh oh where’s the babies give them back give our babies back solve my puzzle get your kids back get give me back my babies no how about we kill you and take them anyways might never mind what are we looking at here is like a flower something I have no idea it’s something red where would we find the other pieces what is this oh no this is going to take forever they just figure out our mama’s going to be mad I’m working on it ooh hey this a parts here we know it’s got to be orange I found rose petals hey ours is gold okay Rose another piece maybe that one there the orange one say lantern we got to find a lantern J I already did one find more got to find more got to find oh there’s a chest over there all right let’s see okay andum up and all right F I got two more in pedal and we already have that okay good I got two more oh uh uh I think we’re missing three pieces got this one and I have one piece okay right here oh we already have this one and you got another piece or anything yeah I got a duplicate but I got one more nice uh I got one there all right one more one more let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go oh oh two more two more we got a spinning wheel here we go wait you got it ready go go go go go going going going going and wait I think we’re missing a piece oh wait I have over here come on come on Kim one more we got our kid back now Casey I don’t think this is working do we do we help them or uh uh I don’t know no I want them to get the baby’s back so maybe we should mama what’s those babies uh let’s see I just need one more orange one and you did it wrong it’s got to go there I can’t find the last piece let me let me move this one down okay good good go and then that there thanks Aaron any other pieces we got here you go dude I’m missing too so here’s the pie okay let’s see there you got you got it another one somewhere else okay we’re done oh hopefully my little ogre baby is safe nothing find E’s last piece oh bandom go casy go go go go go go go we got to get all the babies back I just throw it in you got like 2 seconds come on I didn’t realize we had to work together what are you doing oh my Lord a little bit down to the wire aren’t we we need did it here baby excited cool baby so I don’t feel bad baby is back a yeah but this time let’s not let some creep take him I know um you know what I’m going to go Patrol for Gremlins how about you try to make something here from wait Gremlins wait what are you talking about oh we’ll find out all right let’s see and Casey how yall doing how going than you are now I’m so glad you’re there this is not how this story is supposed to go why what happened did you fall asleep on something oh we’re going to have to rewrite all this let’s see oh I know oh Rapunzel’s hair grows can see oh she fell asleep again no story has been oh she on wait no I had to oh wait wait wait what the heck is happening is going on okay oh my goodness Kim’s hair is everywhere oh wait this is hair he’s dead by the hair is everyone all right I’m kind of stuck at my house and I really don’t want to leave now at least they’re safe oh oh there’s there’s oh my good are these like lights they might oh those are those are oh my goodness get those away get rid of that oh this is oh stay out of M how did you help K with the H for well I started cutting it after a while here take one of these oh wait we have to cut this oh shears what the what’s that oh oh back up is it like slime in the hair bubble gum SC this I hate this I’m about to die this is all over our house Tim can you control your hair please how hard it is to wash my hair oh is this lice no it’s tantri this is better than lice I don’t know I don’t think Dand driff moves okay it’s Dand driff shut up just hang on ktim okay say wake up you CA this she’s asleep again a girl does not need this much sleep okay that’s not what you said before you were like I remember okay now we can go back to being handsome focus focus please how are you even get to up there you can climb I guess we have to climb her really disgusting hair uh true that makes sense all right Kim I’m coming up all right let’s go up here we’ll just chop through as we go girl you need to get some more conditioner Rapunzel Rapunzel get out of my house I can’t y wait how did you even get up here I don’t know someone wrote me here Casey it was an accident all right C all right we’re done be careful about these wishes all right now now what do we do come on Kimberly let’s go downstairs all right back down we go wait do we have to cllean this all up by hand okay I think we’re all settled right now and oh oh Aaron check it out wait what what is it Goose Cy got a please tell me I’m getting another kid or a pet Candy Cane let’s find out what happened go check the Box O Let’s see oh o gingerbread C hungry witch run away wao you don’t have to tell me T run away away is on the heart she’s going to turn us into food and eat us what beautiful eyes you have and a point just stuff us up and eat us oh we got to find some place to hide come on come on oh boy oh man Casey watch out watch out watch out oh don’t sound okay we’ve got to run right now oh no I have just keep running guys the good news is we’re in the cottage just save us can we eat the cottage Aon run what do you think I’m doing I I tried to hide here and I can’t get out come on no no no no no little help maybe we should eat the candy or something how did I win what oh yay okay that was cool but wait what do we get what do we get anything floor baby a new baby I’ve always wanted another baby AR why is she on the floor we got another baby we got to have like 70 more okay one come on baby oh not again I know the perfect place we can put her uh where upstairs or couch on the table actually on table baby all right let me see if I can actually use something in my magic W oh check it out oh wait now it works Nursery isn’t it cute thought this is going to be our bedroom the magic work it does all right baby time to go to the nursery aop there we go baby go to bed why are you talking like that because say I don’t know man hey go away from there there our son go meet your sibling you stay away from the windows hey what’s going on a now we know you have your story book yeah I do yeah why I haven’t used my wish yet you guys did well give it to us we need a more to get rid of these smelly Swamp People hey what why do you guys think you can use our book you guys already used your wishes yeah why can’t we use ours for us because you’re winning and therefore we deserve it more uhh how do you win at this game there’s no winning we’re keeping our book you can’t have it quiet everyone I’m going to make sure we all win how about that I got it Aon don’t worry all right but I’m going to watch I wish for everyone to get there happily ever after yay there I sung I told you I would sing and I did oh story has been altered O Let’s see what happens but what does that mean oh what the wait what like this no I think we got a problem Oh everyone everyone’s still not as handsome as I am oh what in the world I don’t like this I’m H us I don’t think this is a happily ever I’m beautiful Z’s even worse now oh thanks sorry guys I thought this would help happily ever after huh I mean we are happy with ourselves that’s a pretty good reflection you know well I guess at least we’re all the same that’s true whatever I’m still more handsome I guess that’s really the end

Once upon a time… In a land far far away…
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====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ Ein: Chris Escalante
★ KC: MegaMoeka
★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau


  1. Aphmau is kinda cringe and the content can be caught lacking(my opinion bu the way ) the content is pretty good for kids content

  2. ❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️

  3. Aphmau my sister loves you so much today she told me to comment you and say that she loves your new fruit blox they are so good❤ and her name is also Jess

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