and a dash of salt and like yeah it’s done M what a nice smell I think it’s time to set the table and call these gamblers in for dinner I finally finished making this dinner complicated recipe but looks quite delicious hope the boy likes it otherwise I’ll be upset I hope they’re not wearing headphones or they won’t hear me boys dinner’s ready come on down I hope you heard me huh hey everybody yes ma’am we’re coming we’re almost done playing the game with Dad there’s not much left to do you’ve got one more enemy to level come on it’s right here oh yeah and then we can enchant the whole set of armor yeah it’ll be cool then no one can stop you and you can defeat that Dragon hey he hey this skeleton can’t hurt me because my shield reflects his arrows oh looks like Mom called us for dinner come on I think we’ve played well enough for today we could go on after dinner just a little while longer well maybe we’ll see I’m a little tired of sitting and playing for so long yes to farm so much experience takes a lot of time this is the disadvantage of such games you need to grind a lot to get cool stuff I don’t like it but mom looks like she made something delicious I’ve been waiting for you for 15 minutes the food’s getting cold we’re on our way right Dad yeah we’re a little late but that’s okay we have a character with 30 levels of experience yeah me and my dad earned a lot of experience so we could make cool armor and be unbeatable oh that’s very good but how are you doing at school well it was I heard bad news from the teacher yeah I got an F on my last test oh my gosh why’ you get an F Well I uh it was a difficult theme and the teacher didn’t really explain it and gave a test on it wow who Could That Be At This late hour JJ are you expecting some friends over for a sleepover I don’t have a lot of friends at school who know my address I should open it I don’t even know who it could be all right I’ll look but stay behind me in case it’s some muggers or something they could get hurt all right good JJ stay close I’m not afraid of some mugger I went to boxing and I know how to fight yeah but people can be bigger than you and O I’m sorry to disturb you at this late hour but could you take me in I’m soaked and hung wow that’s unexpected I’ve been wandering the streets all day and I’m so tired I have nowhere to go wow but what happened to you our house burned down and my parents abandoned me because they wouldn’t give me food wow that’s too bad Mom Dad we have to let him in he’s been through so much oh this is hard but I guess it’s okay if he stays with us for a while I could be useful well okay that’s doubtful but okay well I guess that’ll do I think it’s right that we help him what’s your name my name is Mikey okay Mikey I guess you can stay in JJ’s room until we figure something out since it was his idea my room’s really cool it’s got tons of toys and room for two I love toys but first you need to go wash up you’re covered in mud I fell a couple times while I was walking and I fell in a puddle of Mud it was unpleasant yeah it’s noticeable wow he looks cool yeah he’s just adorable what are we going to do I think he’s going to live with us now what I suggested he stay with us for a while not for Life JJ he has nowhere to go and the shelter will only make it worse he is this way he’ll have a good life at least oh God okay I think he’ll be a good boy and a little kindness to him will help us make him a better man and we’ve got room for one more kid so there’s no problem with space yeah sure cool I washed up and now I look nice and clean you’re just like monstrously clean we’ve thought about it and decided that you can live with us now and be part of our family we’re just setting the table for dinner you can join us oh yeah mom made a super delicious dinner I think you’re going to love it I don’t know about that but I loved it yeah it smells really good and I’m really hungry and any food seems super delicious to me right now yeah enjoy Yes dear she’s an excellent cook it’s true mom always cooks something incredible and delicious it tastes delicious I can’t imagine you wandering around in this rain thank you for hosting me and giving me such good food well now you live with us and you’ll always have good food and a friendly family so enjoy it your story is so sad but we’ll try to make your life here a lot better than it was before yeah we’re a good family and we have enough money to make you happy too so don’t worry will you really let me stay and live with your family are you serious JJ we talked about this and besides it’s probably time for you to go to bed you’ve got school tomorrow yeah okay all right I get it it’s uh wow cool and you’ll go with Mikey it’ll be good for him to go to school too wow I never went to school yeah cool I’ll take him to school in the mean time we’ll go to bed thanks for dinner yeah I’m glad you liked it JJ I hope you show Mikey your room and while you’re at it you can sleep on the same couch yeah of course I’ll show him everything good night and sleep well good night yeah you too I’m going to go show Mikey his new room room wow is this really your room I just had a corner at the end of the hall with a couch well you can lie on your right side there’s plenty of room for two so I won’t mind if you sleep with me wow thank you so much I used to sleep on the floor but this place is so cool wow he fell asleep instantly he must be really tired after that walk okay it’s awful that he’s living with me now but what can you do so good night everybody I’m going to bed the next day yay school’s finally over let’s go home I got a bad grade my dad’s going to be mad at me you’re all so stupid I’m the prettiest girl in school yeah JJ your classmates at school aren’t as smart as me I think they’re pretty normal guys they’re fun to play with JJ if you hang out with them you’re going to be a dumb kid uh like you’re the smartest guy in the world buddy oh yeah I’m much smarter and better than you and your classmates together uh I don’t think so my parents will obviously be pleased when they see my grade on the school test you’re such a bragard I don’t like it at all I just know my place and you need to know yours hey why don’t you not tell your parents about our grades cuz I’m not doing so good H but I have a normal grade my parents are going to get upset about my grade and beat me up for it okay I won’t talk about the test thanks Mikey I knew I could always trust you don’t worry it’s going to be super cool uh okay Mom Dad hi it’s so good to see you oh it’s our babies home from school hey there kids how are you doing we had a school test I did better than than anyone in the class hey we had a deal with you wow Mikey is so smart and awesome oh yeah I am uh yeah Mikey’s cool by the way JJ show off your grades too uh I lost my test sheet don’t lie JJ show me your grades now or we will punish you okay okay okay just don’t get mad I don’t have the best grades you know oh my God rated E that’s the worst grade in the world looks like JJ will be dumb for the rest of his life hey I’m not stupid take an example from Mikey he’s the smartest boy in the family thanks mom I’m trying to be the best kid I can be for you oh he’s so nice and sweet now he’s our favorite son come here we will hug our smart and favorite son hey I was actually your favorite son and Mikey is not your son at all nobody wants a dummy son like you JJ oh that’s it I’m offended go away to your room guys who do your parents love more you or your brothers write about it in the comments now we don’t need a JJ because he’s too stupid then I don’t need such Unfaithful parents I can live a normal life without your hugs uh what they already put Mikey’s bed in here am I really going to live with that arrogant smarmy guy it’s so embarrassing I always like living alone here never mind it’s time to play my favorite computer game Roblox I’m a real pro at it hey no games dummy what don’t you dare touch my computer I bought you this computer you need to fix your grades and become as smart as Mikey I don’t want to become a boring freak like Mikey Mikey’s a good student unlike you and he’s a better son than you let me play on the computer and you go read your books what why can Mikey play and I can’t because I don’t have bad grades unlike you come here JJ you’ll have to study for the test again by reading 100 textbooks overnight what but I can’t read that much in my whole life I don’t care study otherwise we’ll kick you out of the house this is all just too unfair how am I supposed to read this it’s just dashes and dots Mikey could do it and so can you there’s no letters oh my God Mikey we love you so much you’re the coolest son in the world oh yeah thanks Mom Dad you’re the best parents ever oh my God he’s so cute I’ve never heard JJ say that before hey I used to say those words to you all the time shut up and read your school books you’re stupid I can’t read these these books are unreadable hey are you all crazy hey hey hey he JJ really can’t read he’s so stupid friends do you realize what’s written here write about it in the comments I feel so bad that Mikey is sitting at my computer oh my God I’m never going to get my grades fixed 3 hours later no one in my family loves me anymore I’ll never be able to fix my grades I don’t belong there anymore because everybody loves Mikey now it seems unlikely that anyone will notice that I’ve left the house how could they swap me for Mikey guys would you love me or would you love Mikey write about it in the comments I think it’s time to apologize to the parents you should be a good son oh what’s that sound oh what was that I got hit by a car I can’t believe I had such a terrible nightmare it’s a good thing I’m alive it’s so good to be in my home time to apologize to my parents and try to be their favorite son again looks like I fell asleep while trying to learn all those High School textbooks thank you so much for this super duper cool gift what it’s a Nerf blaster I’ve wanted one of these for a long time now I’ll be able to shoot a Nerf at a JJ hey can I play with Nerf 2 it’s so cool hey by the way I totally forgot uh why don’t you notice me hello I’m here talk to me friends why don’t they see me write about it in the comments it’s a good thing there’s no annoying JJ around oh yeah he pisses me off too oh my God what’s happening why can I walk through you like a ghost have I become a ghost I don’t like this at all what am I supposed to do ah I don’t want to be a ghost Mom Dad help me please oh my God what’s happening no the next day we’re playing ball here with my dad and mom it’s so cool hey everybody haah they made me play ball um mom’s kidding we don’t pretend I made them all play with me catch the ball JJ haha we’re having so much fun oh yeah Mommy catch the ball are you having fun uh well yes of course you know I’d love to watch soccer on TV rather than play it myself stop whining dad kick the ball to me okay catch it I got him haha I love playing catch with my family so much oh my God kicking a ball in heels is so uncomfortable be patient we need to make it look like a happy family family for our son hey what are we stopping for the thing is it’s night time and it’s time for you to go to bed by the way it’s starting to get dark it’s time for the kids to go to bed oh you’re right we’ve been playing with the ball for a long time haha I didn’t realize it had been 6 hours it was real fun spending time with you son I’m so tired of him oh what what are you talking about uh nothing he he I was just kidding we have a lot of important things to do tomorrow plus JJ has to go to school tomorrow oh I hate this school so much but okay since you’ve been playing with me all day I’ll obey you what an obedient and good child we have isn’t he oh yes JJ is a very good and obedient boy thank you for such warm words I love you Mom and Dad go to bed already fast uh okay why do you have to yell like that uh just kidding for fun ha and Daddy and I need to talk after you go to sleep oh yes we have to go good night JJ good night to you you are the best parents in the world I love you yeah you too I’m so tired of him you should know friends do you play with your par parents write about it in the comments it’s so cool but you know what I’m not tired at all I don’t want to sleep maybe I should watch cartoons listen what are we going to give JJ hey keep it down he might he and besides we’ve talked about this what are they talking about it’s supposed to be a surprise I’m sure he’ll love it and it will be a good gift for us too oh that’s what you mean I can’t wait for tomorrow this is the coolest surprise for our son ha oh yeah as long as he doesn’t hear us it has to be the perfect surprise let’s go to sleep because I’m tired of playing this stupid ball well well well surprise for me now that’s interesting I love surprises I wonder what they have prepared for me could it be the new iPhone or a new video game console I don’t know so interesting the next day woo finally my lesson’s over friends my surprise is waiting for me what do you think they have prepared for me bye-bye dumb classmates I have a surprise and you don’t by the way don’t forget to like this video And subscribe to our Channel very nice sign that reminds me to say this ha there’s my parents now they’re going to give me my surprise he’s going to be totally shocked by this shocked I’m so excited it’s going to be something very expensive and cool hey JJ come here hi Dad Mom I’m running bye-bye my school I’m getting a super duper cool surprise today well where’s my present what kind of present I think he’s figured it all out then there’s nothing to hide anymore we really prepared a surprise it’s waiting for you at our house oh yeah I’m so excited you guys are the best parents ever what did you get me tell me it’s a surprise you’ll see what we’ve prepared when we get home be patient JJ you’re really going to love this he uh okay I’ll be patient for a while but I’m so excited to get home is everyone seated let’s go at least give me some Clues as to what you bought me no clues you’ll see it for yourself and we didn’t buy it for any money at all oh really it’s not worth a dollar who l later that’s some nonsense then cool surprises should cost a lot of money look at this first you’ll love it okay then what are we waiting for let’s go home quickly I guess I shouldn’t have told you that you’re too emotional because you don’t surprise me every day this is all your fault when was the last time you surprised us what yes you don’t do any surprises for us at all I’m your surprise you must love me for nothing wow is that honorable of you I don’t think so here’s your surprise JJ come look at this okay let’s take a look at that hey Mom Mom Dad it’s so good to see you who the hell is that is this my surprise yeah it’s your new little brother oh what are you talking about I thought I was going to live alone no I’ve lived here all my life stop fighting already you’re going to live together whether you want to or not okay I think we’re going to be friends how wonderful I knew they would be friends I like that already I’m so excited to have a little brother of my own hey I’m actually older than you kid I don’t care about that thank you for your brother where am I supposed to live with him in the same room you can both fit in there I don’t like you okay I want to live alone you’re not welcome here I don’t like you either but we’re going to have to live together in spite of that hey where’d you go you’re going to live on the street this is my room it belongs to me what the hell is that a green bed that was my bed get out of here don’t you dare touch that my parents let me sleep here it’s my parents and that’s my bed get out of here you green idiot your filthy Hooves shouldn’t be on my bed now you’re going to shut up this is my bed now and don’t even think about arguing uing about it where do you want me to sleep on that point I know a very cozy and comfortable place for you it’s right there there’s already a bed for you what you’re suggesting I live in this stinking closet are you crazy you stink too you’re going to live in a smelly little room it’s all right I’m not living here hey where are you going oh my God he’s playing on my computer his parents let him do that too how could they this is not a cool surprise at all friends do you fight with your brothers write about it in the comments comments unfortunately it’s time for me to live here for a while 3 hours later Hello friends I’m so bored here nobody wants to play ball with me as soon as Mikey started Living With Us everyone suddenly forgot about me look at that they’re playing without me ha we’re having so much fun without JJ ha we’re having so much fun without JJ he’s so boring I’m so much better than him yeah they’re much better off without me but I’m bored too maybe I should play with them nah ha this is so much fun catch the ball daddy oh that’s so sweet did you hear that he called me Daddy honey catch the ball no I got it ha good job hey guys can I play catch with you all it’ll be more fun together actually we don’t have a lot of space here Mikey’s right you can’t play here in general get out of here yes go to bed it’s late you’re not welcome here yeah go away and we’re going to keep playing ball oh my God that’s so hurtful I wanted to play ball too nobody cares seriously but I’m your son we played ball yesterday stop whining get out of here okay I’ll go now I have a grudge against all of you don’t even call me to play with you I’m much more interested in playing alone I’m shocked how did this happen some new kid who was adopted on the first day is more important to them than me H Mikey you’re the best son in the world the best son he’s not even your own son oh my God that’s so hurtful I hate him he ruined my life he took my family away from me that was my room what a pleasure it was to rest here now it’s stupid my Nike’s room they told me to go to sleep saying it was getting late but they keep having fun I was even surprised at their insolence I should teach Mikey a lesson so his parents stop loving him friends who do your parents love more you or your brother or sister write about it in the comments and I have a plan for Revenge I can make a little bonfire and then I’ll say Mikey did it a little fire would be nice moments later oh my God it’s all burned up all I want was a little fire oh no we got to get out of here otherwise I’m going to burn or suffocate I definitely can’t be in here for too long ouch now that’s a problem how am I supposed to get over that big burning beam hey somebody help me I don’t want to die Mom Dad oh my God I’m so scared oh my God JJ what happened why is this place on fire save me please how are we going to save you there’s a burning piece of wood stop talking and help me put that log out and get me out how are we going to get you you out save yourself how am I going to do that I can’t touch it just jump over it I cannot jump you already don’t like me oh my God no one will help me so little air oh my God I’m so sick oh my God why is it so bright and where am I now what’s with the white office am I in a hospital well I guess I survived that fire after all what a fool I was oh hello doctor what happened to me you were rescued from a burn house you’re lucky to be alive kid where are my parents can I go home you don’t have a home you burned it down by the way your parents brought you some goodies oh cake I love it don’t they resent me I did set the house on fire that’s a very bad thing I did okay I got to get out of here right now I’m really embarrassed in front of them JJ where are you are you alive oh he’s alive oh I’m so glad JJ I’m sorry for messing with you I won’t do it again I take no offense to you I’m sorry for everything I’m the one who set the house on fire the most important thing is that you’re alive we don’t take offense okay I thought you guys didn’t even like me after Mikey showed up so I thought I’d do some damage well that was stupid yeah that was really stupid I won’t do it again and I’d rather not fight with Mikey anymore I’m sick of your family squabbles here but get out of here the patient is already healthy oh really it’s about time let’s get out of here I don’t like being in the hospital then what are you waiting for get out of here get in the hallway let’s not disturb the doctor okay thank you so much for saving me bye-bye JJ please forgive us we love you too and so does Mikey and don’t play with fire again because of you we have nowhere to live I’ve already apologized stop insulting me yeah we’re all to blame here not just JJ okay I think we’ll stay in a hotel for the first time then I’ll decide where to find a second home hope we don’t move into that straw house this is the house it’s all because of JJ tell him thank you at least we’re not homeless okay we’re waiting for you all in our car hurry up okay we’ll be right there JJ let’s really be friends I won’t fight with you anymore putting you in the closet was a bad idea yeah ha and taking my bed away from me too but that’s in the past we’re brothers now I don’t know I don’t think we can be friends again stop let’s be real brothers sleep in the same room share toys computer and so on that sounds so dumb I agree that’s what real brothers do they know how to share everything oh yeah we’re friends and Brothers now so cool that’s a good idea and I shouldn’t have messed with your parents and you in the first place yeah I’m in charge one week [Music] later we’re watching daddy’s favorite cartoon right now and that cartoon is SpongeBob except we lost the TV remote we’re watching the cartoon without sound we’ve been watching this cartoon for 10 hours I’m really enjoying this I want to keep watching this and how much more do we have to watch this it’s the same episode on TV all right it’s getting late it’s time for JJ to go to bed but I don’t want to sleep why do I have to go to bed so early because you have to go to school tomorrow needs a good night’s sleep for the next day can I not sleep at all I can keep watching cartoons and you can go to bed no are you out of your mind all children should sleep at night it can only be done by adults like us okay I’m going to bed looks like there’s no changing your mind okay what about a surprise for JJ what what are they talking about keep your voice down he can hear you oh there’s some secrets in here I was wondering if our surprise is ready for him yeah we’re already he’s going to love this super cool surprise the most important thing is that he doesn’t know anything about it until tomorrow okay I have a surprise waiting for me tomorrow I like that you don’t have to worry about that everything will be fine let’s keep watching cartoons woohoo let’s go I love watching SpongeBob without JJ we still need to find the remote I don’t even know what they’re talking about on TV well it doesn’t matter I’m not interested in cartoons at all I’m more interested in what they did to surprise me guys do your parents surprise you write about it in the comments I’ll be very interested to read it I can’t wait for tomorrow maybe they’ll get me a new TV or computer that’s why I love my parents so much and here comes the next day I’m sitting in the last class of school look at that stupid teacher anyway these three squares form a triangle isn’t that great it’s called geography or chemistry I seem to have forgotten that duh she’s talking complete nonsense it’s just physics who’s so smart and loud I can’t hear that smart guy shut up and listen to me besides she’s completely deaf ha now I’m going to draw you some new squares they’re going to be way cooler oh my God it’s finally over how quickly the lesson was over I hope you have learned this useful knowledge you can go now have a good day goodbye teacher I’ll forget about it as soon as I leave the classroom by the way I almost forgot about the surprise from my parents they are supposed to pick me up from school today oh and this is our favorite sign like And subscribe guys like this video And subscribe to our Channel there’s my parents I’ve been waiting for them all day JJ’s coming and we’re going to tell him everything Mom Dad I finished my homework hi everybody I’m so happy to see you today he’ll be super impressed with it oh yeah that’s very cool hey I’m actually here can you see me who’s talking here oh JJ hi we’ve been waiting for you here we didn’t see you at all ha you know we came here for a reason for a reason H uh I thought you just wanted to take me out of school no we’re here on one thing JJ we have a super duper cool surprise for you what surprise I love surprises your surprise is waiting for you at our house hurry up and get in the car and let’s go friends what do you think this surprise will be write about it in the comments and now I got to go home why don’t you give me some hint of the surprise you’ll soon see for yourself all right we’re home where’s my surprise there’s a surprise waiting for you inside the house all you have to do is go inside let’s go JJ you’re going to be crazy when you see this I already have a bad feeling about this surprise don’t worry JJ we’re all going to love this surprise all you have to do is go inside okay okay well what is it where’s my promised surprise now the surprise will come to you on its own ha hi everybody my name is Mikey who’s that boy and where’s my surprise I don’t understand anything Mom Dad I’m so happy to see you Mom and Dad what why does he call you that we adopted a little brother for you that’s your surprise what I didn’t want any brother at all it’s not necessary we’ve wanted a second son for a long time and I really wanted a family and a brother look at that cute little boy oh yeah I’m a very sweet and nice guy you’re neither sweet sweet nor nice I don’t want no brother take him back to the orphanage back to the orphanage what Mikey will stay here and live with us and stop whining already it’s your brother you should love him I don’t have to do anything you’ll do whatever I want you to do because I’m the boss here now what boss what are you talking about I lived here before you that’s why I’m the boss and you’re not calm down baby oh my God why is my whole room green there was a red carpet and a red bed I hate the color green don’t worry you’ll soon get used to my favorite color who gave you permission to change anything in my room I don’t think you heard me you’re nobody here now I don’t want you in this room at all are all orphans from the orphanage so rude by the way where am I going to sleep you took my bed and there’s no other one here um I think I know how to help you kid follow me I’ll show you a new place to sleep I don’t want a new place I want to sleep where I slept before that’s the stinking closet you’ll sleep in while I play in your room are you out of your mind I’m not sleeping here I’m going to tell my parents your parents love me more you little little punk you’re not going to do anything to me that’s where you’re wrong I’m in charge of this house stay here super duper boss of this gym I’m going to go play with your toys loser hey where are you going oh my god I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life friends can you live with a freak like that write about it in the comments I won’t stand for it it’s time to punch him in the face this is my room and my family uh-oh I think I’m in trouble what happened oh my God what did you do you’re an idiot I just didn’t know how to turn it on you could have called me that was my favorite TV now my parents are going to kick you out of the house for sure I don’t think so you’re the one who broke that TV not me what I was in the pantry at the time it’s all your fault and soon you’ll be kicked out of the house for such a mistake oh my God what happened here we heard some noise from upstairs what you broke the TV oh haha let Mikey answer that question what Mikey what happened here JJ broke the TV now he’s blaming it on me what it’s not true Mikey did and he doesn’t love me don’t believe him I’ve never even been here JJ we’re disappointed in you you broke an expensive TV and upset Mikey you will be punished very badly for this don’t believe that stupid orphan he’s turning you against me on purpose his words are too hurtful to me stop acting this mess you’re going to apologize to Mikey and clean this place up oh yeah it’s time for work JJ here’s a vacuum cleaner this will be your punishment am I going to clean that that’s not fair I’ll try to make friends with him next time Mikey’s the good one and JJ’s the really mean one oh yeah I’m good if you don’t clean up we’ll punish you even harder JJ oh yeah you should learn kindness and friendliness from Mikey what friendliness you’re the meanest most horrible guy ever oh that was frustrating you should clean this place up as soon as possible I hate you you green freak it’s all your fault your parents are just as stupid as you are it was easy to fool them don’t you dare say anything about my parents let’s talk more work JJ because you have a lot of work to do and I’m going to go play outside oh my God friends would you like to have a brother like that write about it in the comments I’d like to continue to live alone goodbye my favorite TV three hours later I finally got it all cleaned up it’s as clean as it was before Mikey got here I vacuumed and cleaned up all the glass shards but that TV doesn’t work anymore and it’s all because of stupid Mikey I’ll have to think of a way to get rid of him I don’t want to live with him but it’s too late I’ll have to think about it tomorrow JJ wake up I have something to do with you what do you want get off my property stop taking offense at this trifle come with me right now I promise you it’ll be awesome oh my God is this another one of your brilliant ideas to embarrass me in front of my parents sh they’re busy with cartoons haa it’s a good thing JJ didn’t have time to break the second TV follow me outside you’re going to love this uh okay I still don’t like it SpongeBob is really cool while your parents are busy watching children’s cartoons we we can have fun like real two grown men um that sounds cool follow me to the garage I have a plan hey stop what are we supposed to do in the garage it’s full of all kinds of unnecessary and boring stuff you don’t even know what I’m going to do so tell me about it I hope you don’t want to ride in my parents’ car that’s what I want to do I quietly took the car key from them we can drive around the house what it’s dangerous we could crash into something parents are going to be really mad about this I don’t agree to do this with you if you’re so worried about it I’ll take all the blame seriously I don’t believe you at all after you smashed my TV it was an accident I don’t care you’re going to screw me again none of this is going to happen I’ve been wanting to drive one of these cool cars for a long time uh all right I want to ride it too but we’ll drive it carefully don’t worry I’ve been stealing cars since before I came to the orphanage wow so you’re a criminal huh oh yeah I’ve stolen about 100 cars 100 cars it’s impossible to steal that many cars they were toy cars he oh no you can’t drive at all you almost hit a soccer gate stop whining now I’m going to figure out the controls and everything’s going to be super cool please be careful ah you’re the worst driver ever I’m already regretting bringing you with me I’m a professional race car driver oh and what’s that button no don’t press that button ah ouch oh my God my head hurts so bad oh no what did we do looks like the car broke down a little bit a little bit it’s smoking you broke my parents car how could you even crash into that bus stop I didn’t know what that button did then why did you press that button you’re so stupid parents will be really angry maybe we can get this car fixed before they notice the problem all you know how to do is break things oh my God our car what happened to it my car broke down ah she’s in so much pain Mikey did it again he crashed into a bus stop he’s lying again he made me ride in your car he also stole your keys no don’t believe him who are we supposed to trust I don’t even know it’s all JJ he hates me and wants to evict me from the house no JJ you stinking freak you’re also a liar you’re in for the worst punishment of your life it’s not my fault I beat you again JJ run back to your parents fool oh how I hate that awful Mikey we have prepared for you the most humiliating punishment in the world oh yeah what have they prepared for you Mommy Daddy come to think of it I would never do that he would do that from now on you will sleep in this garage this is where you’ll think about how badly you’ve behaved oh no not again I don’t agree to that not allowed to sleep at home this is your punishment JJ you are the worst son in the world sleep here and Mikey will sleep in your room good night bully JJ what have you done this isn’t funny anymore I think it’s very funny it’s the maximum level of trolling good night JJ I hope you don’t get cold in that garage oh my God I didn’t think Mikey was capable of fooling me a second time I don’t want to sleep here oh my God I only have $351 that’s not enough to pay for the house where am I going to get the money I’m in big trouble I also need to buy food so my kids don’t go hungry we’re so poor Mom I found a piece of bread behind the closet it was delicious that’s awesome Mikey but it looks like we’re about to be kicked out of our house my job doesn’t want to give me any money at all oh God maybe we should start stealing money from the rich no Mikey stealing anything from anyone is wrong and then what do we do just sit around and wait oh who’s that ringing the doorbell I don’t know we certainly weren’t expecting any visitors to our house and who’s this here to see us uh hello did you want something we didn’t seem to be breaking the law hello ma’am you just broke the law I’m the sheriff of your Town’s Police Department my name is Lieutenant dick you have received complaints about you from your home maintenance company you are not paying your bills you will have to leave this house you’re so poor and you also stink get out of the house oh my God this is bad where are we supposed to live now I’ve got a little baby I’m so poor I don’t want to live in a dump it’s not cool at all it’s too dirty and cold out there oh my God how did I get here so fast seems like people just get teleported here when they can’t pay for their house oh my God now we’re homeless we’ll have to find food and garbage cans to survive but Mom I’m used to eating nothing except Burgers Now look for your burgers in the dumpster you’ll be lucky if you do it faster than the rats but Mom it stink so bad in here I know but we have no other choice oh I slept so well on my soft bed Hello friends my name is JJ it’s so cool to be a rich dude look at the way I live live my life not like some stinking bums I should go and say hello to my dad he must be doing some rich business oh yeah even this sun seems kind of luxurious to me though even the poorest people can see it I’m going to make the coolest breakfast ever good morning Dad what are we having for breakfast today good morning JJ I made some super cool berry muffins but I can’t have breakfast with you I have to go to work right away why are you late already of course I work in a factory I start my shift at 8:00 in the morning okay it’s a good thing the kids don’t work anyway don’t forget to eat anyway I don’t want the food on the table to spoil okay I’ll be sure to eat thank you so much for taking such good care of me by the way I almost forgot about your pocket money here’s some diamonds for you I think you’ll have enough for a day oh that’s just what I need thanks for that too Daddy you’re welcome because I love you son I’ll do anything to make sure you don’t feel poor thanks Dad I’m definitely not in any danger of that that’s great bye-bye then I’m off to my super cool and expensive job oh yeah how cool is it to have someone rich in the family who gives a lot of money friends how much money do your parents earn write about it in the comments and I’ve got some things to do today while my Dad’s away I’d still like to spend the money he gave me how cool is he driving off Over the Horizon in his red Ferrari I want to do that too I’m so glad I have my own personal car I’m so rich that car is in our garage of course it’s not a red Ferrari but it’s very fast tdd dumb how do you like my super cool car write in the comments if you like it that’s what I’ll be riding around town today my plan today is to drive around town and look at all the Beggars and smelly people it’s so nice to know that I’m richer and cooler than them even though my dad taught me not to brag about money it still feels so good I need to realize how I am better than other people and yet I still have to spend my diamonds that my dad gave me 2 hours later hey hello everybody I’m on my way to town it already reeks of poverty in here everyone turns around and gets jealous looking at me in my cool car you can Envy me too in the comments oh what kind of super poor is that somebody give me money for food we’re very hungry oh my God they must need a lot of help please give me food uh I don’t have any food but I have a bunch of diamonds I think you can use that money to buy food instead of looking for it in a dumpster like that green dude does hey woman what’s your problem why are you so poor we were evicted from our little house because we couldn’t pay our bills now we live in a dump oh that’s bad life isn’t fair now we have to find food in the dumpster that’s what my son is doing now oh my God this food is going to be dirty and unhealthy look I think these diamonds will be much more useful to you you’ll be able to buy food and not starve for a while are you serious you want to give us a bunch of diamonds that’s so generous it’s the little things to me my dad will give me the same amount tomorrow take this I hope you spend it wisely wao Mikey come here quick we’re rich now I’ve never seen money like this how much money did they give us 16 diamonds say thank you to this generous Mister wow thank you so much glad to help a poor person like you thank you so much now we won’t starve to death and I won’t have to search through garbage dumps for rotten food anymore yeah well it’s not cool to go digging around in there at all now we’re going to go to the store and buy 2 months worth of food mom can I get one sugar bun just one Mikey because we need to spend this money wisely h i felt so sorry for them hey stop don’t walk away sounds like he wants his money back how about living with me in our cool and expensive house you’ll never look for food in a dumpster again you’ve got to be kidding me it’s very funny to him no I’m serious come with me I don’t want you to be poor wow he’s really not kidding that would be really cool so we won’t have to go through the garbage anymore then we have to agree of course you do you’ll feel great in my house my dad definitely won’t mind having guests then let’s go to your house right now let’s go there’s only one seat in my car for me I don’t care at all the important thing is that we have a home now okay then I’ll drive my car and you guys can chase me it’ll be fun yeah it’s going to be fun come on let’s go come on catch up with me H Beggars chase me but I’m always faster than that he now we’re going to live off this rich guy all that’s left is to catch up with him to live in his rich house Catch Me Up Haha JJ well we still have a long way to go no Mikey we’re almost there this is my house me and my dad live here now you can also live with us for a while until you solve your problems wow what a nice house I really like it here well settle in and make your yourself at home excellent thank you very much JJ well maybe you can show us the house come on in and follow me now this is your new home for a while you like it oh yes it’s very cool and very big you probably have a lot of money Mikey you decided to swim in the pool yes I really love pools great now you can swim here all day long listen to JJ how did you build such a huge house yes your house is really very cool and huge how were you able to build it oh listen Mikey it wasn’t us who built it all but my dad hired workers and they were able to build it all wow this is very cool yes I really like this house too so follow me now I’ll give you a tour of our cool house and don’t forget to feel at home and now you can live here as long as you want wow JJ your house is really huge and very cool thank you very much for allowing us to live here yes you are always welcome my dear friends I don’t feel sorry for anything for you you can do whatever you want to relax sleep eat delicious L and much more let me show you the place where you will sleep this will be your bedroom so follow me yes okay JJ we’re going look now this is your new bedroom this is where you’ll sleep wow how cool are the Mikey you like yes I really like this bedroom it’s very big and very huge there are even balconies panoramic windows by the way look in this room there is a safe this is my dad’s safe all our money is there wow really yes this is very cool good only please don’t touch touch anything with him and guard him yes okay we will guard him very carefully you don’t even have to worry by the way we want to sleep so we’ll probably go to bed right now okay I won’t disturb you you can go to sleep well and peacefully well thank you very much JJ once again for allowing us to stay at your house good night good night my friends are so great well what should I do now I guess I’ll also go relax and have fun okay I guess I need to mind my own business I’ll go to the first floor by the way I’m very interested in when my dad will return from work oh hi JJ how are you doing I just got back from work hello Dad I’m fine I’m having fun here eating delicious food and working out with his own Affairs this is a very wonderful son well how did you spend this day oh listen dad he was very busy let’s better I’ll tell you tomorrow okay son I’ll go to rest and you can continue to do your own job let’s see you soon bye-bye okay Dad I’ll get busy with your job and good night to you too okay just don’t stay too late and go to bed on time okay Dad I’ll do that damn I should have told him Mikey who it is who did you bring here to our house who are these two why are they doing this in our house Dad I completely forgot to tell you I sheltered two homeless people come to our house they really need help yes we had nowhere to go and we didn’t know what to do thank you very much to the JJ for being able to help us yes Dad you see I’m not lying they really really need help well I didn’t mind helping these two people but why didn’t you tell me anything I also need to be aware of all the events that are happening in in our house listen JJ well you can leave them but only they will sleep in your room on the floor you understand me okay Dad I understand you they will sleep on my floor just please don’t swear that we were allowed to stay yes it’s true now we can spend the night just as we wanted listen you’re very lucky because most likely my dad could kick you out because he very strict person let’s go now you will sleep with me in the same room only the truth is already on my floor but then so then on the Street this is much better wow JJ you have a cool room you have a computer cool bed thank you Mikey I also like my room you can settle down though you will have to sleep on the floor but I think for a couple of nights this is the best option well good night everyone Mikey you too go to bed you probably haven’t slept for a long time yes okay JJ good night to you too I hope I’ll sleep well yes if you can’t sleep you can watch cartoons no thanks JJ I think I’ll happily fall asleep oh how lucky I am that my dad allowed me to leave them in his room and I’m very glad that I helped them today was a hard day so I’ll go to bed too good night all my friends the next day well I finally woke up what a good morning stop where are the Mikey and TV woman I don’t understand where they disappeared they’re nowhere to be found not even in the yard and in the pool either we need to find them urgently they couldn’t just disappear maybe something not very good happened to them I need to ask my dad maybe he saw them hey Dad where the hell is there no one even dad disappeared somewhere I didn’t quite understand something friends I’m very scared there’s no one in my house everyone disappeared somewhere hello JJ finally I found you you haven’t seen our friends whom you sheltered no I haven’t seen anyone this is very bad JJ in my safe all the money disappeared what how could this happen no one knew about our safe yes I’m thinking about this too list listen Jay Jay you didn’t tell anyone about our safe no dad I didn’t tell anyone although stop I told our friends about this JJ are you crazy you couldn’t tell anyone about this now all the money is gone and your friends are gone it’s 100% they stole all the money how could you do this I’m sorry Dad I didn’t think they were capable of this the next [Music] day I live in a children’s orphanage I don’t like living here at at all everyone is hurting me so I’ve made an escape plan that’s the way the kindergarten teacher moves through the corridor when she passes my room I’ll run away I’ll break the window and I’ll be a free man knock knock JJ I’m coming in I hope you’re dressed oh good evening teacher what are you doing here I’m just drawing nothing too serious okay don’t do anything stupid JJ or you’ll be punished again okay go to bed it’s late all children should be asleep at this time okay I’m going to bed now if I see you awake at night again I’ll punish you again stop threatening me I have the right to do this good night JJ okay good night see you tomorrow ha we won’t see each other because I’ll run away from you okay first I need to check to see if there’s anyone in the hallway who can hear me hello is anyone here looks like everyone’s gone to bed this is the perfect moment to escape friends would you run away from the orphanage too write about it in the comments I’d rather be homeless and sleep when I want to then be here and Obey that stupid teacher I hope I don’t break my legs ah o that hurt but not that bad goodbye orphanage now I’m free I can do whatever I want 3 hours later I completely forgot to bring warm clothes and food I’m so stupid friends like this video it’ll make me feel warmer and I’ll definitely be able to find food and now I need to somehow find a place to keep warm or at least sleep on my own I would sleep on a soft couch but I don’t think I can find one on the street what am I supposed to do um this looks like a good place for my first night out there’s a campfire but there’s a pile of stinking garbage next to it well that’s not bad I wasn’t expecting a cool house but I was hoping for the best at least it’s warm in here and thank you for that good night everyone the next day it hurts my back to sleep on the floor good morning world I’m awake friends would you be willing to sleep on the street for $11,000 write about it in the comments now I have to go look for food the garbage cans next door will help me with that we have to go to the bank to get our diamonds honey we have a lot of diamonds you can’t have too many diamonds Mom we need more hey if you’re so rich could you give me some diamonds I have nothing to eat my God what kind of poor boy dares to talk to us I just need to get some food I think we can give him one diamond we certainly won’t get poer for it yeah we’re a kind family oh that’s so nice of you here catch the diamond boy I hope you spend it wisely thank you so much you are the most generous people I have ever known thank you yeah we’re cool I can buy bread with this diamond oh my God he’s such a beggar I hate talking to him anymore uh that’s kind of rude bye-bye poor guy we’re going home in a super expensive car he reeks of poverty I don’t know how anyone can live so badly oh my God they’re pretty arrogant moments later I bought bread for a diamond the bread was too expensive friends what would you buy if you were me write about it in the comments you know I want more diamonds I’ve only got enough bread for one day at the most I don’t want to find any more food in the garbage wo they’re still here we got our diamonds now we can go home and rest we’ll be swimming in diamonds like Scrooge McDuck get in our green Ferrari this cool car will get us home in no time that means they have a lot of diamonds H maybe I should follow them I’d love to see that bunch of diamonds I still wouldn’t give the diamond to that bum what really he just wants one diamond for me when they have tons of diamonds he’s so greedy okay we just need to follow their car to find out where they live that way we can see how many diamonds this family has maybe I can can take some to make me richer the most important thing is that they don’t see me good thing their car isn’t that fast and there’s their house they’re so dumb they didn’t even notice me running behind their car and they have a pretty rich house I’d love to live there and the car is so cool only it would be better if the car was red a green Ferrari looks stupid this family has absolutely no taste in cars I would spend their money smartly okay I don’t think anyone saw me they don’t even have security cameras any Thief could easily get into their yard I wouldn’t be surprised if they forgot to lock the door to the house behind them and yes they’re so stupid they’re probably all sleeping in their rooms yeah no one will see me I bet they have diamonds in that safe I wouldn’t be surprised if they forgot to lock the safe they’re all so stupid surely no one can see me oh my god there are so many diamonds in here I could be super rich if I took them all for myself what’s that sound oh my God you’re that Homeless stinky boy uh-oh I’ve been burned I got to run who the hell is that it’s a thief we gave him the diamond on the street that’s a cheeky boy and the police should put him in jail how dare you even come here excuse me please get out of here you little thief okay okay I’ll go just don’t call the police I don’t want to go to jail stop right there you belong in jail stop time to get out of here I don’t want to see you around our house again you’re so cocky you missed a whole Diamond you’re awful get out of here before we call call the cops dirty stinking Thief you’ll never get our Diamonds oh my God the robbery didn’t go according to plan well it’s time to go back to the dump I have to look for food amongst the piles of garbage again but I think it’s worth tackling tomorrow oh this is not how I envisioned a free life outside of the orphanage friends would you ever consider stealing if you were homeless write about it in the comments that’s a bad thing to do but I have to survive the next day oh good morning again everyone and I’m hungry again what am I going to do I’m so hungry would you share some food with me write yes in the comments if you agree and this is my breakfast today I’m not sure it’s even edible what’s in my box it’s empty those passers by were the first to help me hey and I shouldn’t expect any other good people passing by oh who’s that over there hey you bum come here I got a surprise for you what that’s the boy from the rich family I love surprises hey what kind of surprise you got for me I’m sorry for trying to steal from you by the way it doesn’t matter I want to give you some more diamonds I realize this is not an easy life for you at all wo diamonds I could use some right now I’m so hungry get them over here quick oh you want those diamonds so much then find them in that trash can loser oh my God why did you do that you idiot he he have fun you stinking bomb you’re so funny get out of here then it’s not funny to make fun of homeless people I’m an orphan without parents you’re a total loser oh my God I was just unlucky enough to be born into a family as rich as his I have no other choice I’m going to have to dive into this stinking dump ew that was so gross but at least this diamond will make me hungry again today I got to do something about being so poor but still it hurts me so much to be treated like this I continue to be bullied even outside the orphanage Hey kid you got a problem I can fix it e ski bitty toilet you’re nothing but trouble and you’re a stinker one one I’m only offering to help you and how can you help me I can switch you with that rich family they’ll live in the dump and you’ll live in that rich house this is going to be fun uh that sounds kind of weird but okay I’ve got nothing to lose anyway are you seriously agreeing to this giving up an entire family for a miserable life they helped you I don’t care I should only think of myself that way I can survive okay boy Abracadabra but dumps oh my God what ow ah where am I did it really work I’m in their Rich apartment oh my gosh this is so cool is that that green TV guys computer wow it’s so cool I’ve never seen one of these in my life in fact I should look at their whole house it’s all mine now that’s a lot of space and warm now I won’t have to sleep on the ground wow that’s a lot of toys too and the diamond safe is mine now too wow I’m super rich now friends who wants to get diamonds from me in real life write about it in the comments wow there’s enough for all my viewers that’s enough for me to last a lifetime I’m fabulously rich now I can throw diamonds left and right just like that family when they only gave me two diamonds total that’s so little wow and they have two other super cool cars in their garage there’s even a red Ferrari that’s way better than the green one I couldn’t even dream of having such a cool car would you like to ride with me write in the comments now is the time to EXP experience this machine in action God it sounds so cool I could listen to this engine forever but I’ll be a good rich man I won’t bully the poor and miserable homeless that’s not cool you guys have no idea what a thrill it is to drive this car it’s just the coolest fastest and reddest Beast Ever uh uhoh I think I’ve seen these somewhere before just take a look it’s that rich family now I’m in their place why I’m the one who became homeless I want to play my computer again haha they’re the ones I can make fun of what are we supposed to do we don’t know how to be homeless I don’t want to look for food in a dumpster I don’t know we have to make money somehow hey you beggar stinkers I’ve come to give you diamonds what who the hell are you there’s a familiar face have we met anywhere by any chance uh I don’t think so this is the first time I’ve seen all of you uh then what do you want from us I want to give you a little gift I think you could use these diamonds start your life from scratch it will be enough for you to buy a cool house and stop starving wow you’re a really kind dude thank you so much to us for that now we are rich again ha glad to help it’s your money anyway ha all right I’m out of here what are you talking about no no no no I didn’t say anything it’s my money and I decided to help poor people okay thank you good boy good luck with your life and it’s time for me to leave in my super cool car I think I know him I gave him diamonds several days later today is the first day after the weekend as I have to go to school and it’s a very good thing I got up on time because being late on the first day would have been really bad okay well I got to get my backpack and get to school or I might be late if I’m late I just have to tell my parents I’m on my way out so they don’t think I’m asleep at this hour here I am and I’m almost out of the house Mom I’m about to leave oh son you’re so good I thought you were still asleep I myself am well aware that being late on the first day is a Bad Thing dad go say goodbye to your son go to school son or maybe you want a snack before you go to school get some oh I’d love to eat of course but I’m already late and have to get out already that’s right better not be late for school see you tonight son of course after school I’ll go straight home and tell you how my day went come on get going or you’ll really be late okay bye everybody bye JJ see you okay time to go it’s good to be at home but you have to go to school to make a lot of money it’s going to be hard to get ahead without school so let’s go what great weather we’re having today with great weather I’m in a great mood what who’s crying what’s wrong oh no it’s some little boy let’s find out what’s wrong because I can’t get past a crying boy hey why are you crying what’s your problem boy I’ve just been abandoned by everyone and now I’m alone do you live here alone in a dumpster in this small space yeah it’s the only place I can be unfortunately I have nowhere else to go God you can’t live like this how do you eat I eat differently depending on how many kind people pass through I have a sign here that says if someone puts food in a box I’ll eat oh my God how long has it been since you last AE 2 days ago maybe I’m sorry I’m very sad no don’t cry no stop stop don’t worry I think I can help you after all all is not yet lost I think we can work something out how are you going to help me I think you can stay with me my parents wouldn’t mind helping out wow I didn’t even expect that from you of course I’ll take it thank you very much I just have to go to school first you can sit in the cafeteria and eat as long as you say you’re a student of this school great I’m very excited my name’s Mikey by the way nice to meet you Mikey my name’s JJ so we’ll be friends now that’s so cool I have one friend now I’m very happy about that I’m glad too Mikey here we are this is the school I go to that’s what she looks like how beautiful this building looks it’s so big yes and she is considered one of the best in our city Only the cool kids go here then how do I get in here I don’t think I’m going to make it don’t worry it’ll be fine just tell me you’re studying here but they’ll realize I don’t study here and K kick me out no one’s kicking you out let’s go I’ll be late for class what am I supposed to be doing here all this time all the food here is free you can sit back and eat in peace wow what does that say JJ where it’s right there on the Blackboard in the classroom ah here here’s some important information for our viewers read it and do as it says yeah cool that’s right that’s the way to do it okay well you can go to the cafeteria it’s on the second floor I’m going to study maybe you can walk me out you’ll see everything there I just wouldn’t feel comfort going in there alone all right let’s go together I’ll show you around make it quick awesome thank you so much I really appreciate you helping me out come here Mikey and look this is the cafeteria all the food is free too take it and eat what you want wow that’s pretty cool it’s still so good yes we have such a great selection here so sit and eat I’ll come back for you later okay thank you so much again I’m really glad you’re being nice to me I’m finally going to have a good meal you go eat and I’ll go to class it’s so much fun to watch he needs very little to be happy it’s both sad and great at the same time and it’s time for me to run to class or I decided not to be late I ended up doing the same as usual well at least now I have a friend and I made him happy and sitting in class is boring and timec consuming anyway okay kids today we’re going over a new topic it’s quite complex so listen up there you go I didn’t even miss anything much although I’d love to eat with Mikey together right now but I can’t 3 hours later here I am finished with my homework I’ve already called Mikey now we’re going home together I’m going to tell my parents about him wow they’re here to pick me up at school I didn’t even think about it then we should tell Mikey about it and warn him hey JJ I’m finished we can go great Mikey I haven’t eaten this good in a long time this kind of food at your school is really cool except my parents are here to pick me up and they’re standing there waiting for me wow it’s exciting but we’ll carpool if all goes well now I’m going to tell them all about you and they will definitely not refuse to help you Mom Mom Dad hi I’m done hi we’re just waiting for you who’s that standing with you is this your new friend hi yeah it’s Mikey I met him on my way to school he has no one and lives in a dumpster and I would love for him to come to our house with us well we don’t mind let him come and see how we live let’s go home already guys thank you so much see Mikey it’s all good thank you so much for such kindness you’re welcome let’s go home yeah let’s get in the car and go I’m tired of standing here get in husband you drive and I’ll ride next to you you sit down too Mikey don’t be shy I’ll show you my room and how I live I couldn’t even dream of it thank you again JJ you’re welcome I wouldn’t have left you living on the streets anyway so get in and let’s go would you guys do the same thing if you were me be sure to post in the comments let’s go all right I want a private room three meals a day and pocket money every day why don’t you have fries and a Coke in bed every morning you can do that too Mikey that’s too much you’ve been living on the streets today and now you’re demanding Royal Treatment we don’t even have a JJ living like like this unlike guests like you Mikey you’re going to have slightly worse conditions but it will be better than outside we will see about that it’s all a joke I’m not that picky that’s good to know here we are at our house you’re going to live here now no fries or Coke in bed but it’s better than the dump it’s pretty good my parents house was bigger than yours but you’re right I’d rather live here with you than in a dump you and I will have our room on the second floor there are lots of toys a computer and a TV oh not bad I thought you lived in a house of mud and straw as you can see I’m not as poor as you thought yeah you’re living quite well I’d love to stay here you will live here I’m bored playing here alone and I want to help you thanks for helping me out JJ you’re a true friend without you I’d still be living in that stinking dump it doesn’t matter look how cool my pink doll is oh what are you a girl or something only girls play with dolls hey actually that’s not true my dolls are really cool hey kids it’s bedtime it’s already night you need to go to sleep fast and where ‘s my bed JJ will sleep here and you’ll be outside yeah yeah it’s late that way let’s go to bed uh maybe I heard something wrong okay it’s really late so where should I sleep I’ll sleep in my own bed I don’t know about you I told you Mikey you’re going to sleep outside oh why can’t I sleep here we’re not having some stinking homeless kids sleeping in our house we will not allow this you let him sleep at our house and now you’re talking nonsense where is he allowed to sleep then let him stay here I don’t stink by the way sleep ha we have the perfect place for him I don’t like his mood anymore let’s go see what they did for me maybe the bed’s on the first floor uh we only have parents sleeping on the first floor we’ve taken care of your private room Mikey you’ll sleep alone and no one will bother you ha the bed is outside what are you talking about this is your place to live Mike isn’t it great just what a homeless person needs are you out of your mind Mikey’s not a dog he’s not sleeping here I told you Mikey wouldn’t sleep in the house this is not a funny joke nobody’s messing with you you idiot you should be grateful to us hey don’t insult my friend he can go back to his dumpster my parents are so stupid Oh my God JJ go to bed too you have your own bed in the house while I sleep in a warm bed Mikey will be sleeping outside that’s not fair we don’t care go to sleep both of you um I don’t even know what to say you should go home I see how you tried to talk them into it but it’s no use thank you for helping me but that’s not right at all while I’m sleeping in a warm bed you’re freezing in here that’s not cool go sleep in your house tomorrow maybe we’ll figure something out okay whatever you say see you tomorrow good night Mikey I can’t believe how weird my parents are guys I can’t sleep as long as Mikey’s out there in a dog box I’m not sleeping in a warm bed I decided to wait until my parents were asleep to quietly escort Mikey to my room we have to do it quietly so they don’t wake up then Mikey will sleep in my room with me and in the morning he’ll go back to the dogghouse so his parents won’t find out that’s great my parents are asleep and no one will see me everything’s going according to plan hey Mikey where are you are you still awake I came to help you why are you awake at this late hour and how you can help me you’ll sleep in my room oh that’s impossible your parents forbid me to be there because I’m homeless yes they’ve banned it but they won’t notice anything while they’re asleep and if you stay here all night you might get sick besides you’re my friend I can’t just leave you but if your parents see me they’ll kick me out of this dog house it’s All or Nothing Mikey we’ll get to my room through the roof that way there’s less chance my parents will see us that’s a great idea I like it well let’s go to your room I feel like I’m sneaking into a total stranger’s house to spend the night hey that sounds fun I’ll have to try to actually get into someone’s house that I don’t know JJ it’s illegal in our country and in what country can this be done I know for a fact that they do that a lot in Spain it doesn’t matter we’re not in Spain we’re on the roof of my house nobody’s going to put us in jail for this let’s go this way that’s how we’ll get to my balcony and this balcony leads to your room there’s my room just keep your voice down my parents might wake up because of the noise all right JJ I’ll go quiet and stealthy just like a ninja good for you now we’ll go to sleep quietly and in the morning you’ll leave the same way you came here oh what is this a computer wo quiet Mikey I love computers I want to play computer games shut up you’ll wake up my parents hey what’s that noise from upstairs oh my God they’re coming hide Mikey who are you talking to uh with myself why are you awake at this late hour uh well how shall I say something I just can’t sleep so I thought I’d read a book out loud and I accidentally woke you up I apologize for that H you’re acting weird you never read books at night now go to bed I won’t make any more noise what are you hiding Mikey what are you doing here we told him not to be here did you let that stinking homeless guy into our house yes because it’s my friend get the hell out of here hey don’t touch my friend get try sleeping outside yourself for starters you two are two overly angry parents I won’t live with you we’ll live on the street together like two Faithful Friends don’t talk nonsense JJ will live here and he’s not going anywhere I’m going to get out of here you’re not the boss of me let’s go Mikey if you’re not welcome here I’m not going to live here we’ll live in the dump together it’s always more fun with two buddy hey JJ please come back we won’t let you leave and I’m going to leave you because I don’t want to live with such mean and stupid parents oh my God our own son is going to run away from us bye-bye I hope you have enough for a whole house for two oh let’s go JJ we’ll sleep together by the dumpster huh great idea Mikey I’d rather be with you than them go wherever you want to go stupid JJ oh let’s get out of here they’re still insulting you they don’t want me and you let’s go and you’re going to teach me how to live in a dumpster you’re better at this it’s simple you get food in a box and you can sleep in this house made of newspaper it’s really cool haha really cool cool we’ll have our own bonfire and if no one gives us food we can catch some rats and roast them on the fire now that’s real survival


This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day

Original Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial

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