Minecraft But, I FORCE My Friends To BUILD A VILLAGE..

one year ago I made a video where I got my friends to come onto this server and build a house but they only had 1 minute to build you guys seem to really like that video so I thought I’d put another spin on that type of video today I’m going to be inviting my friends onto a server but they have 5 minutes to build a village they’ll come on one by one and have their 5 minutes to add to whatever the village is looking like and by the end we’ll see if it actually looks like a village or not it’s not let’s be honest it’s not I saw what the house looked like it’s not going to look like a village I’ve chosen this space for my Village to be built obviously you can see there’s holes in the ground everywhere and uh it’s a you know the terrain isn’t fantastic but you know what I thought that would make it a little bit better a little bit more interesting to see what people actually do I thought I would kick off and what I’m going to do is right in the center of the village which is going to be right here on this hill I’m going to build a big old statue what’s that statue of you ask of course it’s me of course it’s of course of course it is okay we got a nice little Stone platform here I’ve got to take a look at myself right white shoes black jeans blue top when we do guess the build we kind of do it in the I’ve always done it in like this style that looks like me right that looks like me I think look there I am that looks like me I think stop I can see your comments already flying in in the comment section stop that right now stop it shall we get our first first person on to to build with their lovely little 5 minute counter I think so before we do that subscribe to the channel I’d very much appreciate that hit the cheeky like button if you enjoy this video comment Down Below on what video you’d like to see next give me some little ideas in there and let’s get our friends in okay Scott you are the first person who will be adding to this Village do you like little me over there I do I’m ready have you got an idea no but seeing as I’m like the first person I basically get to lay down any ground work slash have to do any landscaping that’s required yeah yeah you’re pretty you’re pretty clear on it right you’ve got five minutes are you ready okay here we go boom we have started this is this is a pretty long time I’m not going to lie yeah but it’s also like one of the worst areas I’ve ever seen to have to build on you’ve picked one with a giant Ravine SL Cavern down one the side well you know I just I just thought I saw it I thought it was a nice place for my statue to go and and then I didn’t really pay attention to anything else around it so what are you doing a little bit of terraforming are you I just wanted to flatten off one of the giant chasms The Village has let me let me get rid of this tree for you let me help you out there oh my goodness your helping this is wonderful news let me just let’s just get rid of that right you’ve got 3 minutes 3 minutes 30 I love I love the fact that it just looks like your shirt is detached on the back as well stop stop it’s like you’re just wning sleeves with the side parts of a shirt I’ve I’ve got two halves of a shirt on yeah yeah yeah you just pinned it together you’re going to have to make I’m going to I’m going to make it a full a blue shirt in a second you’re good I feel embarrassed now what are you making what is a problem I 100% invited you because I knew that you’d build something cute right yeah what is this we’re just making a little uh shin you know get thees going in the village I I don’t I don’t like early content Scott I don’t like him wake up wake up that’s that’s actually your conscious self saying that to you right now cuz you’re going to Calla Jimmy oh my God wake up every time someone comes on now and I invite them they’re going to go over here and go what is this uh who is this made by and they’re going to say someone like I know olly grian Joel and I’m going to have to go yeah that was Scott by the way yeah keep guessing what I was relying on you this is where the little coven witch person lives what in the who what what have you done with who are you and what have you done with Scott right you’ve got 20 seconds to finish that roof go go go go go go go go go just going to do that and time is up right um cool Yep this is um dolores’s house um she’s a practicing witch she doesn’t fully understand it um the summoning thing doesn’t actually do anything um I regret this idea already right next welcome Joel are you ready to build uh no please can I get my blocks first uh yeah sure sure sure um please add something substantial you know something to this Village Scott just dropped a whole thing on this uh that’s obviously cute little me in the in the center um You’ve Got 5 minutes to add something wait can I make it actual cute little you first got one oh little Rosy Cheeks although they look a bit low maybe gosh look like you got some sort of R yeah maybe they just leave was okay all right I’m cute just like that right all right what anywhere you want me to anywhere obviously keep in range but yeah you’ve got you’ve got as much room as you want all good okay ready okay I’m ready yeah 5 minute start now okay right we’re going straight off the bat with some oak wood Jim standard oak wood walking you through this build how many is that 1 2 3 4 5 no not good right oh no or is it yes it is okay’s dud dude hey hey hey you got five minutes this is chill this is nice no it’s not chill it’s never chill when your speed building this is to be fair I’ve just realized it is the exact same time as we get in get the build videos and well you say it is but it seems like it flies along all you’ll see don’t worry don’t worry your little cotton socks off thank you thank you I’m guessing is what they oh wait I can already see that man is who’s it looking like what is you right yeah it’s me baby wait this is how you had cute little cheeks as well oh look at those oh he’s so adorable oh my gosh right I think tons of lighs right now by the way so if I sound weird that’s why oh really yeah so yeah that’s not fun is it no not but we’re fine we’re making it through anything for you Jim thank you appreciate that so little house but instead of it being a regular house it’s it’s a you house oh well dude you’ve got 3 minutes 39 you’ve got plenty of time you’ve only done a minute 20 it’s fine it’s all good easy I’ve almost done the hair I can start adding more stuff on as well yeah don’t worry about the interior don’t don’t worry about it no I’m going to do the interior now what uh that doesn’t look like me at all what’s going on it does that looks like you that looks like you I feel like the hair needs to be don’t overthink it I’m overthinking everything that’s my life don’t that’s you stop all right I think I’ve got lighters no I generally you can hear my it’s not good it’s not good um you sound bad Mangrove doors nice like that cuz you know it looks like a mouth like ah ah I’ve got ters all right I do have why you you seem like I’m not I’m not no you do why SW and I can’t I’ve got a cough I know little nose in it on mustache it could be right what else you going for uh I guess wait I can bring that down that maybe that there you could you could terraform it up to the the statue maybe into the you me to be honest all right cool no worries just suggest me You’ got you’ve got you’ve got 1 minute 15 okay let’s see if we can make it here we go here we go here we go fast he is look at that oh my gosh how high is it why is it so high why so high shut up okay I can’t speak properly it’s not okay you can’t Mark me right no I can’t I can’t you’re doing me a favor going oh look at that the there finish the pth there I know I I know what I’m doing bloody hell calm down God I shouldn’t be making fun of you makes me sad you should you really shouldn’t all right let’s get some of these as well just stick these around oh dude this is this is great got 25 seconds you got chill time now uh cheeks are too pink no they’re beautiful no we’re going to do we’ll do it like this and time is up there we go lovely time is up but this this is fantastic look at that first house in the in the Jimmy solidary Village right here straight into your mouth from the statue that’s how you that’s how we like it go on let’s go straight in there we go careful all my tonsils in there yeah yeah yeah they’re swollen in there right can I just add those in quickly yeah quickly quickly add them in go on that’s what they look like is it that’s what they look like right now right get better soon Joel go get some honey and stuff you know we do right up sorry I 5 minutes is up but all right byebye bye okay Lizzie are you ready I’m ready all right your 5 minute timer Starts Now add to this beautiful Village I’m going down to the Ravine you said you hope somebody does something with this and I’m going to be that person go on I don’t know what you can do figure it out terraforming is necessary I think I want to do something with it I just need to figure it out it needs a bridge across obviously was literally in my vision I was like I hope someone builds a bridge or something AC oh and a path could go straight up here to the Statue a I like this thinking and then I saw this cool path bridge design that you can do with these what copper I mean this is not very safe this is not very safe but cool though right yeah it’s cool in the Jimmy solidarity you know Village we don’t really like safety so go ahead it’ll be fine okay one of the most dangerous bridges that you could possibly use to cross nice you still did it yeah that is safe unless you want to take the difficult route that’s a bit scary that one nice I like it I like it okay and now we need some paths obviously yes yes so we got a path over to here to Scott’s demonic thing yeah I don’t yeah still don’t know what happened there and the statue oh gosh oh gosh you have to go up oh it’s really quite hilly here it’s quite steep I wanted the statue to be you know quite high up there it is oh go okay this is fine we can get there the path it’s one block wide now yeah all right okay there we go there it is there Statue and then we just need oh Joel’s already done a path sweet okay I don’t need to don’t need to PA there this is fine just do this and then I was thinking on the way would it be nice if there was a little little um little wishing well maybe oh yeah yeah that’ be nice I think I’ve got time for one of them yeah pigs come on out of the way bud you’ve got time you’ve got time let me fill in some of this as well for you that’s a pot wait where is it invisible it’s not for me well it’s invisible for me that’s fine is that I’m just going to yeah but I I memorized where it is you’ll just have to tell me if this looks good because I can’t see it what there we go lovely that yeah and then just for some little decoration oh can’t place these oh yeah oh yeah look at that see that coming oh there’s a lot of them isn’t there yeah oh yeah looks really good maybe some bushes you got a minute left a minute left I’m a big fan of like native wild flowers what yeah so that’s what this is these are actually native to the area I’ve decided so I always think get get Joel in get Scott in get Lizzy in they’ll add something really fundamental and amazing to the village and what have I done we’ve got a circle summoning something we’ve got a wishing well surrounded by things um we’ve got a little Bridge down there and we got Joel’s head really fundamentals to the to the Village yeah it’s what the basic necessities you need here and your time is basically up yeah wait oh can I make one change you go on go on just breaking the rules a little bit but how how much nicer would it be to have a bar Blossom here oh that would be yeah y that would be sick that’s better you can’t see the pots but that that better do it look good that’s that’s good that is good what an essential what an essential service now I’ll be here this is essential yeah you gete thank you okay olle are you ready to add to the Jimmy solidarity Village oh yes you can see it’s thriving can’t you yeah I mean you brought me in here my first thing I said was where’s the village but I’m starting to get the idea of of what you wanted here you want something to fill it out really give it a bit more purpose I want I want want more pizz you know you want pizz you want you want chap yeah that’s what I want I want kachow you want that’s what I want right your five minutes starts right now go go go I’m in I’m in I’m in right first thing I’m doing I’m flattening out this bit cuz I’m actually going to expand on Joel’s bit cuz I don’t like his being just a big head plopped in the middle of nowhere so I’m going to bring it round okay all right I can I can help out if you want where okay well I’m I’m I’m just trying to get an edge cuz what I’m going to is I’m going to make his head the little centerpiece of a thing that I’m building so we’re going to build it out a little bit here trying to make it rounded here rounded here till we get to like here and then this we’re not going to fill this bit in we’re going to leave this bit kind of like open like to there I think yeah yeah you’re getting the vision you get any Vision well you don’t yet cuz I’ve not said the vision so don’t don’t get ahead of yourself keep yourself humble okay so now what we’re going to do is we’re going to cover it in loads of water no call this the Jimmy solidarity uh inauguration Pond nice I like that yeah that’s Co I don’t know what you’re being inaugurated for yeah I’m going to I’m also going to make it a little bit kind of like tropical themed so I’m going to put some fish in it some nice fish lovely little fish yeah you getting the vision now I’m getting some type of vision I can see Fish I wish little these little rais bits are annoy me yeah let’s let’s uh get out get those there we go oh the oh I like these all right get some more fish in get some more fish in I’ll get some more fish in you you know what I sometimes I don’t I don’t help as much as this because it’s you I’ll go on I you’re so sweet you’re sweet man it’s all right we’ve got by the way you’ve got uh three 2 minutes 40 left all right about 2 minutes 40 plenty of time time I’m trying to bring this little path you’ve already got round to the side so we can kind of have like a little fishing dock going on top of it that’s kind of okay yeah yeah I see I see what you’re doing I see what you’re doing let me just add some more fish in here for you give a second do you know what I really respect you using all the new blocks every sing I’m trying to do I’m trying to get involved yeah I like that one of these to hold up the uh hold up the thing yeah yeah and then oh why can we put like a fisherman hold on U hold on what’s the block that makes a fisherman happen he he’s um he’s a he’s oh oh he’s a thingy oh oh well you got to tell me I’m running out I can’t I I I’m trying to let I’m trying to think there bar a barrel it’s a barrel it’s a barrel barrel okay stupid barrel nice they got a lovely little fish there oh yes yeah do you want to get some seagrass in the bottom yeah get some seagrass in I’ll get some Coral in there cuz we’re making this a little bit more a little bit like themed around the open waters you know what it’s a big feature to the Village this is huge there any more fish we could throw in I’m going to throw in some puffies some puffy fish puffies some puffies in there yeah just so there’s a little bit of danger little bit danger little bit and I’ll put a sign and we’re going to say and your time no no no y O’s Ina inaugurate inaugural Pond I can’t spell there it is there it is is there it is thank you for your time dude how’s he got out where’s he gone me fish off he’s off how there was barrier blocks it how’s he done that how has he done that okay sausage welcome to the Village are you ready I’ve been born ready Jimmy I can build anything I want you want a castle I’ll build a castle let’s go ready you want can have a full-fledged Castle in 5 minutes please easy no we know you can’t do that you’re something else but you ain’t that well you could be actually right You’ve Got 5 minutes sausage to add to the Village here we go boom 5 minutes has started I got to kiss ja’s head before we start okay go oh nice nice do it I had to do it I like that oh perfect listen I’m going to build do a castle trust me no you know what maybe not a castle how about a blacksmith I’ll do a blacksmith take a blacksmith okay all right take a blacksmith okay I we got a fisherman down there so uh we could take one of those we got ‘s ‘s got a little fisherman down here in the in the pond over here we’ll take a blacksmith that would be nice yeah you said it’s a village right so villagers have these kind of houses right so it makes sense yeah you’re probably the first person to actually think oh villagers need uh villagers need buildings you know they need they need J JS stuff like that cuz otherwise everyone else has just been doing you know silly stuff so yeah I would have done a silly thing but you know what I respect you Jimmy thank you I appreciate that you might be the only person who does but yeah just for now but when we’re done with this you know forget it who did the uh the Joel head there we go who do you think did it you Joel it’s either you or Joel okay it was him oh or unless you had Etho on a little earlier maybe he would have as well dude how are you making this in 5 minutes this is a this is challenge right here you got one minute it’s counting down actual house proper house I’m so sorry it didn’t happen until now yeah I you know what thank you thank you so much welcome yeah that’s what I’m here for you know the man is here bom hey dude is he staying in or is he just he better stay if not I’ll murder him and get another one that works y you could all right he’s going already uh you one more bit 10 seconds no what is the word for five and a four and a three yeah it’s count down and it’s got oh time is up hey for got a door can I please place the door please place the door trap the Villager in you’ve done a you’ve done a fantastic job here you’ve done a fantastic job wow I can’t believe I did that in five minutes let’s let’s um let’s trap him in let me kiss ch’s head one more time [Laughter] okay okay gem welcome to my Village so far um yep yep it it’s something uh the the center of it is me look at little old me uh you’ve got five minutes to add something to it and your time starts to the Village starts right now um okay yeah um you know this is a horrible location for a village it’s really hard to find a spot to build yeah so um yeah the terrain is a bit all over the place I thought someone that I invite on might sort it out it hasn’t it hasn’t happened at all not my problem Jimmy not my problem you’re building the speed I saw sausage actually had a full-on plan and he actually built really really fast as well he bu he’s built the only building at the moment um oh nice how nice of him so this might be this might be the same what are you what are you going for I’m going for like a little village house and then I’m hoping I’ll be able to build this really quickly and do some like Decor afterwards maybe a custom tree nice okay did I don’t know if I’m going to have time did you want me to link it up should I should I I can do a little path to it if you want yeah why don’t you do a path that would be great all right let me let me link it up to the bridge as you do that all right okay cute little purple house jeez this is fast I am F have you not met me before no you’re just this is you not played guest the build with me I I have I have yeah you you are good it does do you know what that does actually give practice I like that you’ve got 3 minutes you’ve had 2 minutes not tons tons tons of times so much time I have so much time get some trees in we haven’t even got any trees here yet so we going to do like some little cedar trees y nice tiny like I don’t know maybe you could go over some of the other builds and maybe uh just uh wa you want me to fix what I no I just I just want you oh maybe even terrain something okay what do you want me to fix hey just just maybe some terrain maybe Joel done here oh my gosh Joel was the head Ollie was the pond the pond is a choice that’s for sure do you know what I’ll fix it with some trees down side more trees more trees that’ll help uh the good thing is about uh bringing you in is you know you actually put some fundamentals in you put some you know things actually make it a little bit more feel bit more full sausage did the same which is great he did the blacksmith up there um and I’m going to make sure I get flip so he fills it in even more I’m going to help ol’s Pond a little bit here I just I just think that it needs some lily pads I’m sorry Ollie there you go it just it needs some lily pads you know with bone meal bone meal a little bit yeah nice it’s going to be so cute okay okay okay I added some trees I added a house y I feel good about this this is nice you know what every village it needs a little a little Lantern along the path there we go a yes yes all the way up all the way couple of little lanterns there we go guess guess who that is behind you right here uh uh yeah you won’t guess either you’ll be surprised your your time is up but get who is it that’s Scott Scott yeah no idea zero idea well I’ve helped Scott’s area yeah you actually have the Scott is living next door yeah you’re living next door to something uh wild going on yeah oh dear but I appreciate that you’ve made it feel a little bit more homey I love it absolutely love it you’re welcome thank you very much okay Catherine hi are you ready to build in my Village uh-huh you have 5 minutes and it starts right now okay I’m just going to I think I just build here nice nice spot it’s a great spot people are going do you know what I actually thought that people would stay a little bit closer um to the middle but people go no no no no you pick your spot stay there stay there people keep going people keep going more out and out and I love it they’re not like filling the gaps in between they’re like taking their little spots love it what are you building for me I build a treeh housee oh wait you think not that I just did one or anything wait you telling me you think you can build a treeh house in 5 minutes a very small one did you want me to fill in this a can I fill this in it’s just a yeah you can fill that in that’d be great thank you that’s all right that’s all right yes see it’s going to be very small this is it this is the the wait wait let me that’s all right that’s okay that’s just a little babe just a little baby I like this a lot did you want me to get a little path linked up to you yeah yeah you could like put some petals around or something all right petals what type of petals PS pink pink petals all right let me yes let me get some of those I’ll start the path oh I’ve got no time to do anything yeah you have got 3 minutes left you’ve had 2 minutes no yeah it is it is going speedily I demand to be able to finish my build I I cannot meet those demands sorry I demand that I can finish my Treehouse I cannot meet those why because you’d be the only one that I allow that to to that to happen and you know okay that’s unfair well okay fine so you’ve got here you can help me add some leaves I need some leaves all right right right right I’m goinging on com well it’s not leaves I want pink blocks so use Cherrywood use pink concrete use wool use anything to make the branch bits look fluffy this looks so sad this no no this looks good this looks nice sad sad sad sad looks good sad more petals and like a little Pond oh nice yeah waterfall ponds yeah very nice oh where where’s the leaves up here JY there’s a branch sticking out with nothing Sor hey don’t don’t blame me you’re the Builder here right this is true you’re correct this is true you’ve done a completely different build to every single other person in in the village so far which is good that’s what we wanted you’ve met the criteria yeah you got 20 seconds I must die the wall JY I’m not even going to make it I’m only going to make this the path of the way back I did it you’ve done it I died all the Sheep pink you oh my gosh there’s sheep everywhere you’re just going to let them roam this is their house this is their cheap Tree House yep thanks timer but there is one that is not died and he won’t be died now it’s you can’t you don’t know which one it is now right this is this is good Captain I like this I like this a lot thank you than no thank you thank you for adding to the Jimmy solidary Village here it is is love it thank you oh man whip welcome to the Jimmy solidary Village are you ready to add to it I you know I think I am I I I think I’m I think I got an idea it looks like you know some beautiful builds out here already but I I think we can add a little to it yeah I think I think we need to add something your five minute start right now okay okay I’m thinking all these pink sheep they they need a home they need a home to live somewhere so just going to do a little yeah at the moment they’re all over the place they’re all yeah nice he’s terraforming I needed someone to to do something with the land no I was just making a back wall oh right okay right um this kind of looks like a big-ish build for a 5 minutes is it doable we’ll see we’ll see we’ll uh maybe maybe do you want to help me with uh like the inside of this if you were to make like a big box do you want to put in like Co dirt for the floor oh yeah yeah yeah yeah let me do that let me do that here you want to replace the bottom of that the bottom the bottom block all the way around with the bricks yeah yeah look at me learning I’m learning here wait what block is it that’s tough oh the new brick brick it’s one of my favorite yeah yeah yeah it’s so good and then do you want to help me just bring all the stairs like this front section and then this right here needs to be and then yeah now that we just do so like that gets copied across and then this for all the stairs can just go and uh it should be fine I do need you you got a minute to bring all the sheep in though so if you all right I can do that cuz like you know the Sheep they got to they got to be in their little pen where they’re living now all right there it is okay right the rest are you hello we got some new friends we’ll leave the other die all pink yeah yeah yeah that’ be right that great great great great great yeah yeah easy look at that 10 seconds left just to chill yeah yeah that’s uh just put some extra trap doors in there and perfect that’s fine there go got St for you look at that timer done you dude you have popped off that’s incredible it’s simple but now now all your sheep aren’t roaming around so dude that’s not simple that is that’s five minute building Madness that’s good that I could never I fix this this is the wrong way okay there now now we can leave it yeah well thank you very much FIP okay it’s a new day I’ve had eight of my friends build for this Village right here a sausage with a lovely blacksmith Lizzy with a bridge and then a wishing well type thing at the back here Scott with uh circle of fire and Hut gem with a lovely house over here with some trees some lanterns even done some trees over here got Catherine’s treeh house down here with pink sheep Joel’s head and then Ed by ol’s Pond and fisherman and then F’s Barn all the way down here now here’s the thing I’m going to do I’m going to build a wall all the way around this I’m then going to patch up little bit to make it look look look a little bit better and then we’re going to do a raid we’re going to do a raid on this Village so let’s let’s get the wall up I thought I’d do the wall like quite strange in the way of different Woods just in different shapes and stuff like that um OD as well not in the not in particular order as well um and then see see how it looks right we’re going to do this kind of pattern all the way around might take a little while cuz uh Village is big as you see okay the wall is fully up like I said I used an assortment of um Woods Spruce and Oak use some fences on the tops use some slabs as well looks cool so all the builds are inside and now what we’ve got to do is start a raid I’ve given myself full diamond gear three stacks of arrows and a bow stack of steak diamond sword shield and a bad Omen bottle which we’re about to drink yes we’re in 1.21 so there is bad Omen bottles now which is insane my thoughts are that they’re not going to be able to get through the wall or they’re going to spawn inside the wall we’ll have to wait and see let’s do this that’s an odd sound I just placed some more uh villagers to to make sure the raid uh triggers here we go raid is starting baby hello boys oh jeez oh dudes the wall has worked they’re killing each other all right so the first wave spaed outside the wall that is unbelievable thank you very much second wave starting where are they going to be oh they’re in oh God right okay no they’re in oh no he’s chasing one of the fellas already don’t you dare I should have put them away don’t you dare thank you right third wave okay second wave they got in where’s the third wave going to spawn oh he outside it’s outside yes yes yes yeah hello boys thank you right back in we go oh I did it hey that was a level one raid that was a level one raid that was do you know what that was easy completely easy anyway right nothing you know like these walls they’re strong nothing’s getting through them and you know else is strong this guy this guy right here there it is the village is amazing right hope you enjoyed everybody we’ll see you next time winner W’s you know it

I forced my friends to build me a village but they have 5 minutes each to add something to it. Let’s see how they do! Comment down below!

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  1. I really bothers me that the path to Scoot fiery summoning circle isnt centered with the circle 🙁 I would havew to correct it myself if i was you. the fact i cant is driving me nuts.

  2. i really love this 😂❤ everyone’s personality shines through sooo much.
    But i really am curious how much of an actual functional serious village they could create in that limited amount of time? Like what would they put down if they really needed to life there?

  3. Jimmy you should make this village world a survival series. And for the people in the village whoever built a house that's their house for the whole series. Can you please do this please.

  4. JIMMY – You need to do a Part II fo this video, and maybe a Part III, where you get more peeps (Hermits) to come and expand the village, rather than starting again from scratch. See how many people you can get contributing towards making the village grow ☺️

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