๐Ÿ”ด Back with my Family on Stardew Valley Multiplayer | Stardew Valley Co-op Live Stream (PC)

e e e e e e e e hello hello hello hello um y’all let me just preface the start of the stream by saying ignore this makeup I don’t know why I went heavy-handed today but this like fake eyeliner smudgy thing like is it cute I don’t know I don’t know how I feel I feel like I look like a raccoon feel like I look like a raccoon but hello hi it is I the Loth um very quickly before we just jump into it because I’m ready to play ribbo we’re waiting on you by the way my friend Bri and I are here Bri and I are here um Sean will join shortly let’s see let me say hey Lola hi Crystal AKA classy cozy gamer hello Tyler hi you’re making it at the start of the stream versus the end of the stream hi hi hi Yan 32 welcome in my friend um night racer hi lth I’m watching your stream while I recover from having my wisdom teeth removed that’s the worst that’s the worst rest well my friend join the the Cozy Vibes of stardew Valley actually it’s a Tanuki looking good thanks thanks there’s no cupcakes there’s never cupcakes ribbo Okay think I caught up on those but I I guess yeah I don’t know we’re just not going to look at it okay I took my photo for tomorrow’s thumbnail stream and I wanted to go a little bit darker with the eye makeup I don’t know how I feel about it I may not replicate this tomorrow I don’t know but very quickly before we start we’ve got our top five Chatters since June 15th ribbo yet again like you’re just blazing like ahead of everyone I don’t understand sedi and Crystal y’all were very close like by one and then Yan 32 and lurk y’all are tied like how lurking is completely fine chatting is not necessary but I do appreciate those that are chatting um because if you’re the number one chatter AKA rbo for the past three streams you get to be on the number one chatter command so big ups and hype in the chat for ribbo who talks a lot apparently apparently he’s a he’s a talker that that that there ribbo you know boo ribo close race for second and fourth yep yep 100% I think fourth and fifth are basically the same second and third we’re very close ribbo is just there’s no no touching ribbo he’s he’s gone rbo sounds like the robotic version of Santa’s elves I mean ribbo is a bot at the end of the day sorry y’all let me fix my mic real quick hang on okay okay I actually have no audio so for all I know you’re calling me names and throwing things at me oh my gosh let’s get into the game because Bri is here she just got off work and we’re just going to play some games let me hide that let me go to let me unmute myself in Discord and y’all will hear Bri okay Bri I’m back I’m about to switch into the game are you ready yeah I’m ready sweet and y’all let me know if you can’t hear Bri very well I will turn up the desktop audio let’s see go to that to this and let me press the correct one this time Co-op last time I joined the farm and uh oh my God I got scared for a second cuz it wasn’t loading um I just entered the farm and it wasn’t in co-ops none of y’all could join but I figured that out now here we go wow we have some gold is Bri a type of dessert Bri is a type of cheese that is true I did think about cheese but dessert I don’t know I don’t know a Brio bun I’ve been playing too much stardew on switch so I don’t know how well I’m going to do I don’t remember any of the controls there we go I’m joining right now uh what are controls I don’t remember I like this is going to tell me anything I don’t know let’s just go outside oh my gosh oh Bri is a dessert in France okay we had a girl on my slow pitch team named Bri and her nickname was big cheese oh jeez I can’t remember the controls movie I also don’t know the controls I can’t I don’t know what I’m doing I’m also struggling wait what are you what is what oh okay well that c does that I’m what how do oh are you using keyboard yeah um you know what I’m just going to use my mouse oh I’m just going oh no no no don’t destroy the plants jeez this is a struggle y’all [Music] I don’t know if we need any of this stuff for stuff oh I have red cabbage seeds in my my chest by my house so when summer comes we need to plant that for the community Su oh cabbage seeds chest yeah one stop there we go oh yeah cuz it’s summer are we still in summer oh yeah we don’t have enough time to PL it Goa no we’re in spring right now are we yeah we haven’t made it past the first season what is what what is time like I don’t it’s okay it’s been a while it has we haven’t played selling the strawberry I don’t know um I don’t do I I’ll save the gold star ones do we need them like I don’t know um I’ll save the gold star ones in case it’s like for a quest or something I just don’t know how these are organized I think the middle one’s veg I don’t remember anything my mind is a pigeon y’all you should know that I don’t remember this is why you don’t have more than one uh save file I guess I I I’ll save my gold ones too and I’ll sell these I guess do we need a cauliflower like I don’t remember yeah we need cauliflower we need two actually I have one wait why do we need two one’s for the community center and one’s for Jody’s Quest oh nobody cares about jod I mean yeah but I’m a completionist I like everything being done true this is the farm that yall do the work and I just sit back and spend the money so I’m just kidding oh I think that extra one is for Jody cuz we already completed the spring bundle okay oh you’re right cuz I’m I’m struggling to find where this needs to go okay um I’ll put it in the one of these chests sure oh you’re right because I’m I’m struggling to find where this needs to go okay um I’ll put it one of wait a minute wait a minute hold I’m rbo was that rybo coming in yes sorry y’ you could see Discord for a second my bad oh my God okay rbo make sure to mute the stream yeah like I could hear myself and I literally jumped I was terrified that was [Music] scary uh what was I doing oh okay I was selling these strawberries oh my God I forgot what I was doing okay yeah lockl behind the scenes yeah you LOL it’s all bad right now ribbo you’re the you’re the one that’s supposed to know computers like figure it out oh Sean’s here in the oh we got to water the plants oh snap you’re right what did I do with my tools these are questions I don’t remember the answers to the last one I think okay and we’ve got um and then we got a large brown egg so we can give that to the community center too okay cool I can run that over in a bit you haven’t taken care of the chickens yet right cuz I’m going to do that next oops oh I I just did I just ran over and P them that’s fine one last thing for me you keep your tools in the fridge oh y I’m going to try my best to keep up with the chat but it’s really hard to for me to multitask yall should know this by now I’ve tried my best that way they’re ice cold oh my [Music] God what oh this one’s ready that’s right we have an ancient seed you have anything else I can go wear we’ve got Got unmilled Rice which I don’t know what it’s for oh let’s see do I plan on Romancing anyone in the save I don’t think so there’s too much going on there’s too many people this is the fam Farm I don’t I don’t I don’t know I have a a farm save on my switch as well I am Romancing Emily on that one and whenever the update drops on switch which I don’t know when that’s going to be forever from now probably yeah I haven’t said anything about when or if that’s happening oh we got a dino egg yeah we have to upgrade the coup oh yeah so we can um fertilize is not the right word what is that word what do we need to do to it incubate yes yes it took me a second I was like what is it so we need wood then right wood I just did this the other day wood H and that’s where my brain ends let me move sorry y’all hang on let me move Discord over here can’t check you can’t check it it’s 4 o’ already I don’t know what to do with this m rice I guess I’ll put it in here I think it’s 400 we have 376 so whatever you chop down I don’t know who’s chopping trees I think riba’s in here he’s just muted himself because he’s got to figure it out I say the chickens are cute but I make most of my money from my cows I have yeah cheese is really good we need Mayo machines at some point too um we need to save Earth crystals if we’re in the mines yes and rybo’s here with this blue hair running around oh wait is that Shawn I can’t remember what rbo no ribbo is the old man and Sean’s the blue-haired guy I don’t remember Sean is this you LOL that’s me okay hi Sean quit following me Do Your Own Thing stop following me Sean figure it out don’t you have some fishing to do Sean where do I put the wood oh um put it in this chest up here I’m in this one I don’t know if giving jod the cauliflower will complete it for all of us it’s fall guys I’ll my pockets right now um I don’t think it will but like I don’t really mind oh this is full do it next spring Sean just put it in any of them cuz I’ve got the rest of the wood sweet we have 410 pieces I think we have enough but we can’t do it today I’ll have to worry about it tomorrow what day is it Monday she’s not even going to be there tomorrow it’s Tuesday don’t they all like work out or something if you can catch her in her building at like 9:00 as she’s passing by the counter sometimes you can catch her to like um open up the menu but it’s like I think she w walks past it at like 9:00 exactly I’ll try it I’ll do some trash fishing we need 400 wood 150 Stone and 10,000 G oh I need to check our I judge youa I need to check our Stone then you said 150 um I think so okay oh yeah we have plenty oh we might get enough gold after that strawberry Harvest you’re right we can scavenge extra wood um somebody should make the recycling thing of medle what’s it called the recycling machine I can make it I think everyone should be able to make it it’s a pretty early oh you don’t put 82 wood in the chest thank you Sean I didn’t even look to see how much I need for it uh oh I can make it right now I don’t know if we have iron bars though I’ll look I don’t think we’ve gotten that far down in the mines I don’t think we have either uh geia Cola in there we’ve got iron and coal didn’t we put a furnace somewhere oh yeah right here I’m going to go to the mines tomorrow as in two minutes from now is there is there a mod where you can play as a May probably I don’t know I don’t really look at any of the mod stuff my computer canot handle it I’m pretty sure I’ve seen ones that like can make your character like look like look like I’m not sure if you can play as him I just put some wood in the the brown chest I don’t remember which house is mine Sean um I don’t know how to help you out with that buddy at least bows is not here so you can just steal her house oh snap it’s 1:00 a.m. I’m I mean you can you can sleep in any bed it doesn’t matter that’s my house Sean [Laughter] [Music] whatever anywhere anywhere but there Sean what is wrong with you it’s fine I’ll go to a different place he’s like I’ll go in this house I’ll I’ll do I’ll sleep in Bowser’s bed I thought I put my TV in a weird place to to remember um I think you did Sean O level two farming um but I don’t remember either all I know is ribos is the silver whatever it’s called the camper yes dang look at all that money from the strawberries hey rbo you figured it out hi rbo hi sort of I can hear myself and that’s really annoying it’s close enough you can hear yourself in your own ears yep it’s horrifying I’m going let y’all do the farm stuff I’m going to hustle just see if I can wait I’m going the wrong way I got to see if I can catch uh Robin um we need 10,000 G so we can’t oh wait for the upgraded Coupe yeah I thought it was five or uh four or sorry five the first one is four to like get the house you’re right you’re right a dang it I found the an artifact I can go donate where are we keeping the eggs uh one of the chests oh I see we need to just make a May Mayo machine and start doing that so we can drink the mayonnaise is of course it’s the only reason you do that even if Sean doesn’t understand that is the one goal oh the flower dances tomorrow y’all I’m going to head to the mines oh I remembered what else I was going to do I’m like sitting here running in circles I didn’t know what I was going to do okay here we go uh recycling machine it has been made if I can make some copper bars and use we have have some Earth crystal I almost said crystals we have Earth crystals some crystals I’m going to make some mayo machines I went all the way to the mines and I don’t have my sword a don’t you hate it when that happens thought it was in the chest by the mines I’m going to make two Mayo machines sorry BB no worries Sean life goes on without you my friend sorry that was I didn’t mean for that to sound so dark that’s not how I meant it like we could we could do this without you for a little bit like that’s what I meant oh that was way worse than it needed to be with nothing H off crystals this is our chance to catch rbo as the number one chatter is so true Yan get to chatting cuz rivo can’t do it Quist yeah Earth quistal we only have three left in the chest by the way y’all um what else was I going to do oh yeah this I mean honestly we only need two mayonnaise machines at the moment cuz we only have two chickens is that the only thing we need Earth crystals for that I can think of off the top of my head I think you’re right um Mayo real uses to be put on pizza I don’t know about that I think that might be where I draw the line and I really like Mayo too everyone knows this I’m soell have so much fish in this chest oh it’s just one of each okay you can use Mayo to barbecue chicken I mean y’all let’s not start talking about food cuz like I’m already hungry but I had a I had a chicken pot pie right before we started it was delicious oh my inventory is full okay fine see Tyler knows um we ignore the mention of cupcakes cuz they’re non-existent okay wow they aren’t real rybo’s trying to make cupcakes a thing and they’re not a thing okay I died not the death really was knocked unconscious really my gosh I don’t know where to put this getting attacked by bats I don’t know where to put this I just wanted to get some iron did I lose h fine 200 g and nothing else good the cupcake is a lie Tyler in fact that’s a little hint at my idea for the merch for that to be fair ribbo is creating my merch as we speak imagine if you could become a vampire if you got bit by a bat and stardew like imagine there was like a Halloween that’d be pretty cool like only during fall you could do that that’d be such a fun like hidden thing yeah or like only on Halloween or something yeah that’d be cool like you have to get bit the day before so that on the Halloween Day in the game you can be a vampire for a day that’d be neat I don’t know what that would mean for you could fly around I don’t know that’s what you think of when you think of vampires is flying around I they turn into bats ribbo it’s got oh that’s true there’s something correlated there [Music] okay we got some ho can’t be outside till it’s night or you can carry around an umbrella turn into a slime on Halloween to scare the town people I mean you could scare them by being a vampire mayor Lewis won’t even talk to me cuz I keep wearing his purple shorts around town sorry friends we have discovered a hole in the side of our house I need to run to the hardware store and seal that up there’s a hole in your house Sean did the cats do it or was it the chickens like what’s happening here if you don’t want to play with us you could just tell us I mean a hole in your house apparently he’s got a hole I don’t know there’s a hole there’s a hole there’s a hole in Sean’s house classic homeowner problems it could have been a raccoon I inspired it with my makeup today ribbo I like your little get up thank you you look very festive I don’t know why festive was the word that came to my brain but here we I can’t do anything cuz I got no energy and I got no health so go lay in your bed for it little um oh yeah cuz you can do that start replenishing your energy I forget you can do that with other people like when you play on the farm together oh you don’t have to go to bed you can just like stand in the bed oh yeah you just lay in it you don’t have to hit like go to sleep Sean you have a hole in your house he he put check Discord there’s a literal hole that’s not good oh my gosh you can see sunlight on the other side of that of that wall Sean like that’s an issue should probably fix that yeah it’s from the uh oh in the basement oh no that looks like potential rat problem written all over it do some more trash fishing see you ywn y’s leaving he’s got things to do rbo does he have a hole in his house too maybe Chelsea’s like seal it now uh yeah at least youall have cats so if you do have a rodent issue they can take care of it Max will take care of it we’re supposed to keep the seaweed but we can get rid of the green algae I believe so um I do think we have some algae in the box so you can probably just sell it too along with whatever you catch [Music] I meant to do that earlier I forgot guard donkeys now that would be actually kind of hilarious I have a dog she’s not much of a guard dog though she’ll growl when she hears something but I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever seen her actually save me from a situation she’s just cute that’s all she’s there for to warn me of sounds and be cute that’s all she’s that’s all she does Bri what are you doing still in the mines yeah I’m trying to get us um iron and coal Coal is the big thing mhm I’ve gotten eight so far but there’s a lot of dust Sprites near me so trying she could save me when I least expect it that’s true you never know there hasn’t actually been an instance where she needs to save me [Music] so oh I got enough coal to smell the iron I got oh I forget that time does not pause when you’re playing with people I’m like like looking in the chest thinking that there’s time is paused it’s not the case right what did you do today nothing actually tried to fix my sound oh that that was your entire day I haven’t done much how about you I played a game I played that froggy Refuge game whatever it’s called oh the one you played on stream right I played the demo I have that actual game now on switch and so I played that today isn’t any good oh yeah it’s addicting like I had to stop after an hour like I had to force myself to stop those are always the best games mhm is that a Kirby shirt did you click through that thing oh rbo get I was looking at the Kirby shirt get it together I’m just sitting here like just waiting like who are we waiting on I don’t know yes it’s a Cirby shirt it’s uh been washed quite a few times now it’s not as oh we have the caves I think which cave do we want do we want mushrooms or bats I like mushrooms myself I mean bat is usually better just for Community Center but like we’re not really trying to do like we’re trying but like we’re trying but we’re not trying you know like yeah but um the the mushrooms comes with a dehydrator oh that’s it’s true that’s new let’s do that I want to I want to test out the dehydrator I don’t know how it works we got mayonnaise y’all I forgot about it y Mayo I’m going to go put it in the chest I could not rival meiku there’s no way is mayonnaise an instrument mayonnaise is probably one of my fave I call them Condominiums even though it’s a condiment it’s not the same thing but we we’re so close to having enough for you’re right I’m going to do some more fishing I guess I’m going to go down we can sell some of the gems that we have and probably make enough to get it started oh wait no today’s the flower Dance I mean we don’t have to go do we want to go do we care but she’s not going to be open I don’t think oh I see I was about to go down and go fishing but I think I’m not going to go that way so I don’t start the flower [Music] dance we’ve all seen the festivals before we don’t have to see them now I might be tempted to go to the Moonlight jellies just because of how it sounds I like that music oh of course but the flower Dance I mean nobody’s going to dance with me anyway so why does it matter it’s useless to me I don’t have anyone above one heart I don’t think I’ve I hav talked to a single person have I talked to people that’s a good question have I talked to anyone Robin Robin’s the only one I have a heart with no one else everyone zero I love how it shows y all at the top Bowa single Bri single ribbo single shre single like wow just call us out like that game Jesus it’s because we’re marriage candidates I guess it’s just really telling that we don’t care about that part of the game right now oh you got the bus fixed Crystal I haven’t even done that yet I don’t even know how to do it to be fair um it’s the is it the Vault bundle oh you have to finish one of the okay oh the one with all the money yeah oh well I’m never going to do that one I’ll never finish that one we don’t even have it open yet I think I think the only one I’ve gotten close to finishing is on my other save I mean is the uh Boiler Room I actually was able to complete the community center on my my last save the one that I was I started right after 1.6 came out [Music] oh sorry y’all if I keep looking down it’s cuz my husband is traveling out of town and he’s texting me right now they are close to their destination you had to leave me behind not because I didn’t want to go it’s because we didn’t have the fun uh to take Luna to board Luna for a week and uh I just started this new job so I don’t have enough vacation time to go so you had to go without me sad I’ll just stream more so I can just talk to y’all oh I have too much stuff that’s my favorite spot to fish where are you fishing that little Island there no where you are oh I was like I can’t see you RI I don’t know where you’re at I don’t fish here very often um because I don’t like come having to come all the way up here but I didn’t want to go down where I normally will fish CU of the flower dance so oh man y’all have four kittens that you found in a barn that’s cute that’s amazing I love cats I would have a cat if my husband wasn’t allergic but I’ve never had a cat before I have three cats breath a cat lady I am yay more algae [Music] apparently the one cat we didn’t get spay or neutered we thought for two years was a boy was actually a girl oh no accidental birth but y’all have been blessed with four kittens kitten quistal quistal or quals and kittens oh orange tabby cats a shirt yeah I got a pink shirt from where um a dust Sprite they just dropping clothes apparently oh no don’t die don’t die don’t die three you’ve walked 10,000 Paces congrats dang I do that in one day at work taking almost four weeks here I have caught 100 fish but the last thing I caught was not a fish so that doesn’t make any sense it was a river jelly a breeze in the rbo what are you doing again I’m just heading back I was fishing oh okay well we should have enough money after we sell all of our fish for the upgraded CPE tomorrow I’m going to sell everything I caught oh does anybody use the slingshot no I’ve never used it no the only time I use it is in the the fair for that one game got some more lanterns I’m throw these around so we can see so Sean can find his house next time he comes I’m lucky mine’s on Wheels so it’s obvious which one’s and it’s completely silver and you’d think that Sean would leave the big house alone cuz that’s my house but oh maybe I should fish for the next hour stand oh the cat’s here yeah our our farm cat is a orange tabby as well cuz I wasn’t paying attention when I started got 80 now we have what 80 we have 80 well 79 but still out would of nowhere how did I know why you said that ribo without even looking in the chat hello JB oh hi JB JB you can join our chat if you want I can add you or you can you can even join the farm does JB play stard do I don’t think so loser it’s probably building furniture or something oh he’s at work work sad making those smoothies or whatever you do I don’t know oh night oh yeah I forget you’re new pme is JB so if I say hello JB that’s who I’m talking to if I was home I would be all in that voice chat okay that took me too long to read hi lur hello since you are here can I even show it right here no I don’t have it saved let me see this you have made the chat the top Chatters thing ofall you tied for fourth place with yawn 32 congrats a think aall no passed out in my own house you were so close to your bed yep you’re back on the board you could even be number one lurk because ribbo is not in the chat right now cuz he’s on voice chat so it’s a travesty just saying anyone has a chance to be number one because R’s not there yep JB ribbo and Bri are on the farm with me Shawn was here earlier but he’s got a hole in his house that he’s patching so have a hole in our heart y instead oh the sellers in town we have enough for the CPE now the C I’m going there now I’m just going to wait till for her to open cuz I want to have a duck we can get a duck if we upgrade oh yes we need all the Ducks [Music] the only way I got here too early it’s not even 7 she doesn’t open until 9: oh well oh wait I’m in the wrong spot I got to go see Robin not Barney I got ahead of [Music] myself got I got brought the wood with you and the stone yeah I’ve got it just went the wrong way by the time I get there she’ll be open uh what farm did we choose we chose the is it the Meadow Lands is that what it’s called yeah the Meadowlands Farm the new one for the update so we started with the coupe and the chickens Roy Roy’s here ra why did I say Raw raw is here you’re known as raw now I can’t today’s a Str I have done nothing like my brain should not be this fried today I need to friend Shane so we can get blue chickens I mean that’s the only reason you friend him I married him you do you have to friend fine I won’t do it on this Farm do you have to marry him or friend him friend him oh thank God friend Thundercats deep cut right is that where M from need something built yes I do okay here we go I could go a glass of chocolate milk so I’m with you night racer yes you work on that Robin big Coupe acquired she’s got to build it though have you thought about adding the time stop mod I use it a lot especially if I need to go to the mines um I don’t think my computer could handle mods so probably not is it just me or are you a little zoomed in on the stream oh uh I am cuz I I went to Window mode for my window capture okay because if I click out of the game it won’t go black like the screen won’t go black for yall for like the people watching it’s weird I got you computer props you know we’re going to do a cross country tour just to bring you a new computer it’s on the list just haven’t it just cost so much money that was such disdain it really does just cost so much money like my computer was made to play Old School retro games that are like emulated like it’s it’s it’s an emulation computer that’s all it was built for it’s not made for why I use it so has its limitations bye Crystal thanks for hanging out good luck with your videos we have so much grass do we have a silo yeah we do let me chop some of this grass this is ridiculous I didn’t know if we were saving it or not so well that’s the Blue Grass I’m trying to save but I mean I can get rid of some of this it’s it’s you walk really slow when you’re in the grass is our Silo full because this nothing’s happening um the book seller has a couple books that can make you walk faster how do you know all of this re because um after 1.6 came out I um started playing again a lot and I completed the community center on that file it’s cuz Bri is smart ribbo okay she knows all fair enough that’s true I’m also like lowkey addicted to this game this is why I don’t need a steam deck rbo because you would not see me on stream okay it’s going to happen it’s sitting right here just doing nothing and it’s because you what you got uh the newer one I got the old yeah I know I’m not harvesting any hay I don’t understand why why I guess cuz our Silo is full I don’t know cuz I’m doing it right you use the Scythe but there’s just so much like look at all this like I got rid of quite a bit but we still have all this so I’ll leave this alone but at least this whole area here has been cleared it has to be just full I think that must be why I mean our our chickens can barely walk around there we go I got more Mayo check the silo now you got me concerned go let me check let me check yep it’s full answered acquired 240 of 240 pieces of hay there we go now we know mystery solved you’re welcome the question they already knew the answer to but we had to check to make sure oh it’s going to rain tomorrow good we don’t have to water anything I don’t know what else to do I’m going to do some more fishing oh wait we have this cave now hang on there’s nothing in the cave yet it’s empty yes Bri has maximum knowledge we all know this it’s the only that’s I mean it’s one of the reasons that I had to have Bri on stream today I I I did my time around Brie’s schedule because Bri is the master of stardew rbo and I don’t know a dang thing can’t can’t rely on us well thank you cuz when I stream my farm my other one um I rely on like those in chat like lur quest uh Crystal knows a lot setf if she was here and then when we do this I rely on bri CU I don’t know anything I’m just here fishing for trash that’s all I’m doing it’s very helpful to just have the stardy valley Wiki up in the corner so you can just keep checking it yeah but I’m also lazy why why have that when I can have a a a know-it-all not know-it-all a stardew knowledge Siri like at my fingertips I be like hey [Music] Bri what is the Book seller selling today I’ve caught one fish in trash yes stardew encyclopedia yes that’s that’s the word words are hard for me y’all you’ll learn that very quickly if you come to any of my streams like crystals like crystals a raw can’t even read people’s names I use Wiki when you have Bri in me exactly lur I don’t who needs that I just shout to the void and hope you all answer me I didn’t really do much today I bought a big CP that’s all I did and cut grass I did man’s work made a big purchase and cut grass football and beer speaking of that reminds me when I finish streaming today um I need to go to the store y’all cuz I need adult drinks for tomorrow night’s stream because I I can’t play that game 100% sober cuz it’s scaly rbo I can’t handle scary stuff I need I need liquid courage so I got to go to the store we getting SAU on a Sunday of course the Lord’s day you know it’s the day of rest and the day of getting SAU it’s called that’s why it’s called sauce Sundays which which which game again well I can tell yall now I’m going to be playing Exit 8 on stream tomorrow night and it’s not like really scary it’s just kind of it’s like an anomaly game so you are walking in an empty subway and you look at all the posters on the walls you pay attention to the hallway and then you walk around the corner and you’re walking down that same hallway again but you have to notice an anomaly like something’s different if there’s nothing different you keep walking if there’s something different you turn around and go back um and you have to do it so many times until you’re actually able to exit the subway and some of them are kind of scary some of the anomalies so I am I’m a big baby when it comes to that stuff so I need liquid courage so I need to go to the store the cat’s in my room yeah it’s like a psychological Thriller spooky game yep yes it it’s and what’s scary is like you have to walk down the hall and like turn the corner and then either something will be different or it’ll be the same and you just have no idea and you don’t know what the different thing is going to be and sometimes it’s like subtle uh like you’ll see a creepy face on the ceiling uh I saw play it for all in so I know kind of what to expect but I’m still going to be scared it’s it’s it’s going to happen okay explain to me all how these torches can be lit when it’s raining magic it just just works I don’t know I forgot to put bait in the Crab Pot do we have any I don’t think so do we have let me see oh we do in the brown chest in front of the Big Cabin chy we got another big strawberry Harvest love to see it oh and green beans we already donated a green bean didn’t we I don’t remember um let me check on yes cuz we finished that bundle okay cool I’m going to sell this one um so I’m at the traveling car right now what she what she got we’re going to be asked to spend money in a minute if it’s it’s not we we haven’t found it on the beach yet what is it um and then there’s a [ __ ] that big gray shell and then there’s poppy SE and I’m pretty sure you need a poppy for or actually never mind is it a poppy yeah and it can be any color I have learned Bri on my switch save the other day I was like oh I have this poppy oh no it’s red it’s not the right color so I gave it to Emily cuz I’m Romancing Emily she hates poppies I’ve learned and then I found out after I gave it to her lur was like it could have been any color Poppy and I was like oh so the one Poppy I grew I wasted basically I should have just started the day [Laughter] over um almost everyone hates poppies h they’re the worst I got to wait till next year again um I feel like the poppy would be the best thing to grab it’s 900 I don’t know what the seeds are normally though let me look that up I mean it’s already past time to grow one right I mean it doesn’t really matter it’s for summer oh never mind we can get it way cheaper at years so should I get the [ __ ] uh it don’t matter me it’s 400 do it why not both of them well because we can get it a lot cheaper at piers in 3 days oh okay let’s do that then I keep forgetting we’re not in summer I’m like but we’re already in summer no we’re not I have too many farms I can’t keep up with what season I’m in anymore I never struggle so much playing Animal Crossing I don’t get my Islands mixed up we have mushrooms yay I think we need five I think so yes we had exactly five sweet so Su are it’s that plain like brown one it’s dehydrating or whatever oh okay and we need the red mushroom for the community center don’t we I have one I’m going go take it up there I’m pretty sure I don’t know if we have that bundle open yet I might be wrong though let me check I’m here might be the forging one we already donated a red one oh well then iell it wait we need it for something else either need a we either need a red or a purple for one of the bolon board bundles I just don’t remember which one eh I’ll save it poppies are pretty and could be made into things can they be made into things I didn’t know that Robin work faster no don’t drink the mayonnaise not this time penny is the only one who likes poppies why doesn’t why don’t more of them like flowers like it doesn’t make any sense they like flowers they just spe specifically don’t like poppies oh don’t understand I shouldn’t have to think about it you should just like what I get you okay I got to be picky oh Tyler was like oh what oh my God what fish is this right both you want to see a concentration face it’s on ah please do you want you Kyler for that this fish doesn’t want me to be successful dang it I hate it here I don’t even know what fish it was fishing somewhere else Bri how’s the weather um there’s a rainbow outside now oh nice rbo you put the Crab Pot down here it did I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before I always think of the beach I always think of putting it at the beach and not uh on a river It Was a Race Against Time though I see lli looking on the stardy wiki I don’t see opium on here I must ask Bri see this is this is why I have youall I can’t find it and poppies just makes me think of a wiz o I’m sorry a fish name called a chub is just the funniest thing to me childish or not I think it’s funny oo a Shad I just realized something let me fix I’m at least going to fix it so I’m zoomed in but y’all can see what day it is I just realized like I’m cutting off like half the date on the game here there we go that way you all know how much energy I have which it’s not much right now there we go that’s what I was thinking I don’t need the chest I don’t need the chest I mean okay no fish devil hate it also got to see the money so we can see no know when lockless splurges all I did I bought the responsible Coupe and then Bri bought a cockal okay we we’re being wise we don’t have sha our fisherman who’s constantly Just Fishing though Sean is like super far ahead on stardew than I ever have been oh I’m gonna die again [Laughter] rbo got one more floor to go you’ve passed out three times on this stream we haven’t even made it a full week yet rbo did you bring food with you yeah like there’s so much food in our chest like you can grab some it’s okay all that fish you could have saved some of the fish to eat I hate this fish I don’t know what fish this is but I hate it well that might be good because it’s raining you can catch it [Music] what I don’t understand there’s some fish you can only catch when it’s raining right oh like a catfish there might be one for the community center oh I think I found a catfish nice I’ve never caught a catfish oh I didn’t catch it oh that might be what I’m trying to get I don’t know I can’t catch it whatever this thing is [Music] I just keep catching breams and shads and chubs I think you can catch a cat fish in the river but I don’t know if I’m technically fishing in a river what is this a thick River I think that’s considered a river it’s a thick River it’s got an island in the middle not the chub and the cockal you know you got to have both of them just have one or the other oh I leveled up nice I got a chub to thank for that yeah chub it’s getting late well I’m not going to be like rbo I’m going to bed we need the trolley so that we can get around quicker we’re all headed up to the farm and ribbo went down where are you going sir where are you ated I used to be called oh no JB please please this is a PG stream I’m just kidding oh my God that was great you should have put spelled it with two C’s JB what are you doing always letting us down that golden opportunity I forget why your TV is in the middle of your room it’s so I can click on it as soon as I get out of the bed I don’t have to I don’t have to walk up yeah I’m a speed Runner I’m a speed Runner R this is what you do okay um I can craft us a bee house now oh I’m going to do Fisher o money money money lock with is mid maxing without knowing the controls shut up Tyler nobody likes you listen it only took me it only took me 5 minutes at the start of stream remember all the controls that’s just details okay thought we were done talking about it thank you for purchasing a coup okay it’s raining again oh wait our c is done I’m GNA throw huh had a curry fish oh nice I’m going to get our Dino egg and incubate it it is time it is time for the dino are we ready to have a baby dino on the farm I’m so ready I finally found a dino egg on my other save and I accidentally donated to the museum and I was really upset about that because now it’s gone you have to donate one though right you have to donate one yes but um it he doesn’t give you one back if you donate it oh I don’t know why I thought it was like an ancient seed what else can we make um I’m I make it oh we don’t have enough wood I got to get some more wood we have cloth our first set of cloth need one more for the crab potb nice sweet should I make a charcoal K kill I don’t really find that they’re that worth it cuz then you have to give up a lot of your wood to make coal oh yeah per whenever you make it that’s right well also eventually get one from as a reward for one of the bundles I’m going to go chop some trees just for fun you never never have enough uh wood I’ll just chopp in any trees I’m going all over town I’m a trees in the game right yeah on Ginger island or whatever yeah Ginger Island I’ve never been on Ginger Island I just know of it I’ve seen a lot of stard content y’all I just don’t remember a lot of it and I also have not gotten very far myself I’ve heard The Whispers I’ve heard ramblings h welcome in indium I think the dinosaurs May attack the dino doesn’t attack you does it I have no clue I don’t think it does it’s just there to be adorable and it’s for the Vibes if it attacks me then it’s content I guess I don’t know it’ll be fine it’ll work out hey more seeds it’s one of these Mossy trees I don’t know what that means oh brilliant Bree Sage oh you get Moss from IT JK I figured it out now I’m going to chop it down well then we are just going to not do that hang on ah this stupid thing I hate this there it goes oh I CAU some aridium quality fish no not I’m an idiot we going get some money from that I just can’t catch these catfish I shouldn’t have to explain why I’ll be a Good Samaritan I’ll replant some trees especially since I keep chopping them all down there should be some more he in the brown chest I think I sold them which is why I’m play War now yeah I think I pretty sure I sold him I was thinking money I was like money for well I’m getting a lot of algae do we need alrey for anything you can use it as food and the unmilled rice I can never remember what this is for through a mill to increase the value or what yeah I’ve never used uniled rice I usually end up selling it like immediately oh snap we have a geod in here I need to oh we got a few I’ll take those to clints tomorrow I think I have some gems that need to get donated in the chest in front of my house okay I’ll grab them too cuz probably some of these geodes will have some too let’s see Gunther Gunther okay I’m like ribbo I can’t do anything I’m out of energy I’ll just chill in my bed for a moment ribbo what are you doing he left I’m curious to know how Shawn’s patching job is going I can’t believe he has a hole in his house like how does that happen thanks for hanging out with me today on the farm I had to like look back to see how long it’s been I was like how long has it been like months it’s like almost July which is weird I can’t believe we’re already halfway through the year I don’t want to think about it that’s too much and then June was a blur because I felt like there were so many different games that were announced and mhm what do you call a Frozen pop star chilly eyelish actually that’s kind of funny not going to lie I’m scared when I when somebody asks in chat want to hear a joke cuz like sometimes it’s not a good one like it’s not appropriate so like I never say yes I’m always just like just put the answer and then and then I’ll decide SEI hello my other stardew Sage is here ha I beat you to it rivo rivo had these glasses he was running to the recycling bin and I beat him to [Laughter] it he’s just staring at me waiting [Laughter] I’ve got another pair like we’re both just waiting let’s see who gets to it [Laughter] first no he beat me oh my gosh maybe we need two recycling bins this is going to take ages right but we’re going to pass out waiting for this recycling to finish come on are We saving the green algae uh I’ve been saving it but I don’t know what to do with it I don’t know what it’s for I don’t really think we need it I think I sold the fish we needed for the community center you sold something we needed I think so gasp yeah you’ll be okay this isn’t the farm that I’m trying to finish everything on I mean it gives you stuff to do like I’m not as concerned this is just to chill really is to get my 1.6 fixed because it’s not on switch yet dang making that fishing money one recycling machine two people who come on top apparently rbo did we all been there there he is I can hear you now ribo yes I can hear you again I was like I couldn’t hear you at all I’m guessing you were talking to us I was determined to get in there Emily came to visit oh yeah because of the cloth hey look Emily came to [Laughter] visit yes we do Tyler thank you for the reminder uh setf you’re number two on top Chatters thank you for your constant support my friend you might be able to beat rbo because rybo’s not chatting today I’m mute for now yeah now I must become friends with Marne only so I can get those shorts and then wear them and then Louis will never talk to me ever on any save just fine our dyo is still being made oh we need it I sold a Shad too Bri I didn’t know we needed that I haven’t even thought about that uh let’s see need any mushrooms I think B was saying something about I don’t know if it’s the red or the purple one that we need for the community center that does remind me I need to look down here did you already go to the cave ribo yeah but I couldn’t carry it all so there was a there we’ve got our first if we get five you can dry them and they’ll probably sell for a lot so let’s just save all our mushrooms cuz once we get a stack of five we can dehydrate them in the machine that’s in there we need a common mushroom I’ve got four in my pockets and immoral and I have a moral so off we go what was I going to do I came to this chest for something and I forgot oh I was going to take all these eggs out wait I can’t I can’t fit them all can I buy the fiberglass Rod it’s 1,800 uh sure yeah I don’t care do it just gets us more fish and more money at the end of the day I’m putting a chest in the no don’t drink it in the CPE there we go there use your words Loth um so we can put the eggs and the Mayo in here so I don’t have to keep running back and forth on the next episode Will May mayor Lewis ever get his shorts back he will never said if he will never get his shorts I will keep them in every save if I can help it too many things really need to buy the backpack yeah I only have the one line of inventory I’m okay though so if anyone else wants it before me that’s fine I’ll allow it okay I hate that buying it doesn’t give it to everyone I know like you have to buy it however many people are on the farm trash do I sell the dried common mushroom stuff um I have no clue I don’t know what to do with it after it’s been made I got a treasure chest that’s an extra 5,000 G guys yes okay I’m buying the backpack then oops I hate it when I place something where it doesn’t belong yeah I wish there was more restaurants other than the salon it would be neat if you could like work at a restaurant in the game like like there’s not enough things to do in this game but like it would be cool if you had the option to work if you wanted to but I guess the whole point of escaping to a farm is that you’re tired of working so maybe maybe that’s maybe that’s dumb here it’d be cool to have a job very often [Laughter] I quit my job at Amazon if they had like a cafe yeah and it was open like 6:00 a.m. to like I don’t know like 400 p.m. and like have it be like opposite hours of the salon yeah for the morning people AB who’s Abby oh Abigail I’m not giving you anything Abigail sorry I’m an Abigail hater like unnecessarily like she didn’t do anything to me I just don’t like her oh my God Clint is is closed cuz I didn’t make it in time dum Justice for Abigail no get that out of here get out of my chat with that set of no oh yeah what if your spouse was able to run a side business where they sell the stuff uh they’ve made with your resources well I feel like they’re it would use up all the good resources then I don’t know oh trash Oh Vincent W witnessed me dig through the garbage I’m embarrassed I love how it announces it to everyone oh no it did oh no that’s embarrassing whoops okay Shane well I don’t really like you but I’m gifting everyone flowers in town okay just deal with it who doesn’t like a flower exposed yes right I mean it did expose ribbo the amount of times he’s passed out so I guess it’s fair I’ll have to try for Clint again tomorrow this was unsuccessful our cat needs water and we didn’t water any of these plants does it matter we didn’t no um no cuz it seem the oh yeah so F you plants are not watering you forget about it Shane needs to touch grass yes we’re still playing Sean is your hole fixed did you fix that gaping hole in your house is it fixed Abigail deserves better giv her a diamond ring no oh my gosh you can’t just ask someone that well I just did I fixed that gaping hole congrats yay oh the traveling cart is here today what does she have we have money what does she have must buy a fish oh she’s closed she’ll just try to eat the diamond ring probably 3K is money it’s more than zero I’m not intelligent with our money not on not on the fam Farm we learned this very early on is tomorrow the first day of summer yes we’re almost there y’all Sean get your butt in here it’s almost summer I always fish out a joa cola and never always get the hole filled and get in here yes game better not glitch it has frozen a little bit on my side every now and again it’s scary I thought for sure that I was going to crash earlier I’m like overloading my computer by having Discord open I’m chatting and I have steam open and three tabs in a browser open I’m doing too much I can’t even I’m doing so much more than that well it’s probably because your computer can handle it mine’s a little baby it can’t do it oh we can give them we can donate the cloth and the solar Essence okay I forgot about that yeah we have plenty of cloth we can donate one and solar Essence I think we’ve got several I’m stuck I can’t see yeah we have three of them actually none of the tabs are Wiki tabs they’re all stream stuff I’ve got streamlabs open nightbot and then uh YouTube Studio yeah Tyler I do have all the tabs open this is how Bri knows so much she actually has the tabs open and I just asked her the questions no worries seted I don’t we’ll be here for a little while I don’t know how long a little while that is a neat looking chest though hey it’s summer this is what Olaf sings about in Frozen we’re excited Spirits are annoyed our farm is in the local paper that’s fun okay what is the summer crop what are we buying what are we planting um we definitely need pumpkins and corn and melon you can grow pumpkins in the summer never nope I’m wrong sorry I was like wait a minute we should also start smelting stuff to make sprinklers okay wait a minute did I know something that Bri got wrong hang on a minute I must Revel in this moment [Music] if y’all want I can start making like the pattern for the sprinklers uh yes cuz I will mess it up 100% I’m going to go see Clint before he closes cuz I will not make that mistake again oh I just put a diamond in the chest oh I’m going back I’ll grab it ribbo will supervise [Music] just double cheing there’s nothing else okay now what do we need for sprinklers what type of materials are they I think it’s just copper and iron okay for the basic sprinklers ribbo you can go to the mines and get us copper honestly if he wants to just start putting them in the we probably need to make another smelter thingy yeah probably be a good idea I have no clue how many seeds we’re getting so I’m just kind of I’m just keep going with the pattern Sean has joined or he’s he’s playing stardew he hasn’t joined yet we’ll we’ll count later I guess this is how I always mess up making the farm pattern because I miscount so starts playing single player Shan Capri do what you want you always do oh look he’s joined I immediately hit him with an axe I’m so sorry he just spawned right in front of me what a great warm welcome to the farm Just Hits some with an axe oh my God that’s too funny okay so I woke up in the house with the TV next to the bed okay I don’t know I don’t know which which house that is because you did move your TV Sean that doesn’t really tell me much I did something wrong we have so many rewards ancient seeds recipe star fruit seeds melon seeds cauliflower seeds standing geode uh spring we can plant some of these melons I’ve got nine of them oh yeah that’s perfect star fruit is a summer and I don’t can you plant an ancient seed whenever uh yes once you have the the recipe you can just um make it into a seed you can plant okay you still grow yeah I’ve got the ancient seed recipe then so we have 11 seeds of we did not purchase that we can plant today so I’ll start planting in your little formation that you’re doing Bri I guess and then we can count the spaces and buy a bunch of melons I don’t know I’m back dogs wanted to play fetch a I feel like that’s right but like I don’t it looks weird so the um negative space is where the sprinklers go I’m confused yeah oh you’re doing the diagonal thing okay I see what you’re doing yeah I don’t think we’ve gotten far enough for the the quality sprinklers I don’t think we have um let me see I’ve got I’m going to grab some stuff and start smelting I just have the regular oh I can make oh I don’t have the recipe for that do you have um the recipe to make the furnace cuz for some reason I don’t oh um let me see yes takes 20 copper ore and 25 stone okay we have a lot of copper so we can do that I’m I just need to put it back in the thing for you to grab I don’t know if we want to make like two or three more let’s see I’ll make two more and we need oh I need I need I need charcoal we need um one of each for the sprinkler recipe oh okay uh I have too much stuff in my pockets of course I do let’s see I’m going to put the cauliflower seeds that oh we can plant the red cabbage seed oh sweet putting it next to our ancient fruit what’s the it’s copper iron and what it’s just a copper bar and an iron bar oh cool okay that’s why it looks weird okay did I place these right or am I doing something wrong no I messed up it’ll be fine it’s not that big of a deal we might just need to water that one cabage by ourselves so this is a spot here um is that right um or is it went over no cuz I messed up this one by the by the Cabbage seed let me figure out here supposed to be like this how it’s supposed to be so here yes and then I don’t understand I’m trying to place these little Stones where it needs to go it’s really confusing if you want to give those to me I don’t know if you can if it’s multiple yes oh I got one it just gives you one at a time I’m going to throw it in this chest it’s in the where most of our materials are and I can make more of those I just made a few cuz I didn’t know I’m going to keep making bars down here just I feel like we’re really going to find out if I did it right once the once we have the sprinklers there we go that should be good what is that just Stone to make that yeah it’s literally one stone to make each piece which I have all the stone in my pockets I realize now I mean you can just drop it in the chest I’ll make a couple more copper bars do not take long to make but the iron bars take forever it looks a little wonky but yeah I was I was like Le tilting my head to the side I was like there’s something off with it but I don’t know what it is it’s because I’m missing this one here for the Scarecrow like there supposed to be oh that’s supposed to be one we can move the Scarecrow no it looks it looks really weird I don’t know why it looks so weird ribo what’ you plant what’s this wheat okay I can make some sprinklers now so let’s start making these maybe this I’ve got three um what’s there like I’m scared to plant the seeds that I have in my pockets until we figure that out oh you know what the problem is I based all of this I started in the corner but I didn’t go around the ancient seat that’s why it’s throwing me off okay I can fix this can we base it off of what we’ve got here or yeah I’m going to just like redo this okay ribbo don’t play anything Sean don’t play anything so sorry guys trying my best we’ll just oh I accidentally picked up your thing you’re fine I have more um I’ll just keep smelting while you do that I got to make more sprinklers yes finally can make two more okay I think I’m going to have to fix this tomorrow I put the spring plers in the chest okay R’s like I’m going to bed I’ll fix that make another one of those oh my goodness I realized just now that I was shrimping in my chair I need to lean back day two weather report sunny tomorrow and the spirits are somewhat annoyed what do we need I spend the whole day in the mine uh getting materials like copper and iron is probably a good idea Sean or if you want to earn more money you can go fishing Bri and I are trying to figure out this Farm today we’re trying our best and before I plant any of the seeds I have we’re we’re having her figure that out wow I messed this up so bad uh whoever wants to buy the backpack upgrade first can it’s fine yeah so Sean if you want more pocket space yeah go ahead we’ve got money right now I’ll allow it oh I’m going take care of our chickens real quick our Dino egg is not ready yet sad oh my gosh our chickens are laying four eggs now oh I don’t have pocket space it always scares me when I come across the cat and it’s like passed out it’s so scary like did I forget to give you water yesterday I know I’m really questioning it it’s strange coming back to no upgrades yeah because you’re so far ahead and you’re save Sean welcome to the regular world we really haven’t watered the cat let me do that I don’t know why this is so confusing today Bri is using every part of her brain I really oh it’s too much I’m going to make some more stuff to make more sprinklers I can make two more I’m just need to get rid of everything like that’s what confusing me I think I see what you’re doing be like that um you’re going in diagonal right yeah I mean you can I think that looks right the museum has lots of rewards for us oh grab them then Sean R don’t get a headache thinking too hard she’s trying her best okay listen I worked a full shift today I’m tired okay I feel like that’s this is just how it’s going to be right now I think we should buy seeds before he closes yeah that’s the other thing we have to count how many we need okay um well there’s four each so however many sprinklers times four there’s eight sprinklers well we can make one more ah accidental wait don’t I need the can you make the sprinklers yep I have the recipe oh okay cool um you can also place the the torches on top of the sprinklers oh snap so that it doesn’t like waste any space let me do that then I’mma type cuz no audio I think it’s J’s fault ribbo get your life together like what are you doing ribbo could never stream without audio issues even if it’s not even his own strength I was like it’s his ribo staple um we have an ancient seat over here it’s fine I can go there oh wait do we all get the same rewards from the museum because Sean has the same oh let me go yeah cuz like that means you can get you can get more melons too Co I’m pretty sure we can I got ancient seeds they’re ancient I was going to say a joke on that but I refrained I refrain Sean you’re welcome oh I need to check on our mushrooms oh we have so many I have too much stuff gosh dang it Oh wow was it an old man joke 100% my inventory is [Music] full I’m like stealing torches from other places on the farm so I can get this to look nice oh I have two in my pocket it’s okay I only need two more eating them from over here cool ah come to me I’m just kidding I needed only one more okay now I want to plant the seeds I have and I also have don’t need this spot here Sean almost got hit with the old man Zinger like I held back a little bit and I also have nine melon sweet that means ribbo you can go to Museum and collect stuff as well we can water some of these ourselves too we don’t need those corner pieces cuz um they won’t get no I’m saying we can water them ourselves cuz some of these will have to especially if ribbo gets more seeds cuz I’m get upgraded sprinklers then well we’d have to rearrange the whole thing oh JK cuz like that one is like very square like it’s just like the eight spots around the sprinkler cauliflower in the chest oh yeah the Scarecrow I don’t know where to put it right there that’ll cover all of it open Flames near crops it’s so we could see our farm unlocked the board bundles I don’t know what that means the blls board oh should we buy more crops I’m going to do it I’m gonna buy one two he closed Oh e I don’t like that sentence did you all see that a a chub frenzy has started in the mountains did you did you see that in the corner that was a chub frenzy excuse me what does that mean wait rbo I heard you for like a second by the way 16 I need to buy 16 seeds tomorrow I will not remember that but I’ll try my best ribo I need in here get out of the way he’s just standing there oh you can still open it oh I’ve been sitting here waiting been sitting here waiting love you can put flares on sprinklers a what I don’t know JB it said something about a chub frenzy I don’t know you could go to joa we won’t tell anyone joa for whated oh I don’t know when they close we got three of these now yeah I don’t know what time they close I’m just going to wait I don’t know what else to do with my day I’m like ribbo I’m just here they close at 11: by the time I get there though all of our stuff is water yes oh and now we have four ancient fruit yes tell us about the chub frenzy Sean please what does that mean is it like a school of fish like going crazy so you know how you get bubbles in the water and it like they bite faster oh yeah it’s kind of like that you caught caught a carp in the chub frenzy they’re like jumping up out of the water it’s a pretty cool animation I never go into joa either lur I don’t know lur wait a minute you you didn’t know this wait a minute you’re very important things to type like what I do like how lit up the farm is now it looks so cool I’m so happy he added that so that there’s not just like a giant dark spot on the farm because of like a field wait that wasn’t a thing before no oh well no wonder I can’t do it on the switch I was like why can’t I do this on my farm now I get it good job Sean you caught a chub way to way to catch that chub there Shan wow ribbo that took you five years to type if that’s what you were typing this whole time frenzy in all caps I have nothing to do so I’m just in bed stardy Wiki says joa opens until 11 okay chubs ho Sean is on it today yeah mhm Sean how did you how did you fix the hole in your wall what did you use to patch it with I’m curious what is this Dad skill that I don’t know still shocked since everything else closes so early yeah I always miss um when things are supposed to be open what was that an earthquake oh I was like what I was so far from po I used some expanding oh expanding foam stuff okay day three I was wondering where my doggo was and I look and she’s just laying in the sun over here looking out the window she’s cute so furry right now she’s losing all her fur because it’s hot outside again um my dog looks hilarious right now cuz it’s just like all the toughs of f are like sticking out [Music] oh I got the quest of the purple shorts heck yes I also did oh my God I’m so happy about this okay Marne likes eggs so you can give her eggs we have so many eggs let me go grab some I must do this ah somebody left the gate open that was me I knew they wouldn’t run out in the little bit I was in there I thought I did it I was like oh no I’m going to grab a single egg is it any type of egg bye Sean yeah any type of egg I think dinner’s ready now I’m going to eat hot dogs real quick get you some food then Sean I’m just going to get a gold star quality egg and hope she likes it okay I think it’s a light a white one all anyone all eggs except the void egg okay okay I got to buy 16 seeds so let me do that real quick before I forget and then I’ll go find my what options does everyone have for drinks today I have coffee and water I always have coffee and water lurk I finished my coffee already though working on my water but I do need to go to the store for adult drinks after stream so I just need to I keep saying it out loud so I don’t forget Hot Dog’s on a stick send the sun in here it’s raining and humid oh water and iced tea that sounds wonderful where am I going oh yeah closed on Wednesdays I’m going to joa this is your fault Pier this is your fault I’m going to joa it’s all your fault Pier I’m not waiting another day let’s see are we doing melons do we need uh what other seeds do we need hops um I think there’s eventually a quest for Pam to make some hard CPS I’ll get two of those um but those regrow so you don’t need that many oh I think they regrow every day well snap I should have just gotten one okay uh I guess the other 14 will be melons do we should do we have a poppy already it’s the dang poppy we need a poppy don’t we yeah we we didn’t buy one okay one Poppy and then 13 melons cuz that’s how math works okay I hope I did that right let me plant these before I forget Pier wants you to work hard and finish Community Center to get him open seven days I guess so the war flashbacks to the poppy Fiasco yeah lur I was talking about that earlier gosh got to do that next summer now I’ll put these on the [Music] end no I don’t want to give you this okay oh I ran out of water the last one there I did count right look at that math heck yes for the first time ever yes an uneven distribution of melons they’re all over the place but it’s okay don’t sell the poppies this time I know the color doesn’t matter I understand I’ll try to remember okay where is morning it’s Wednesday oh she’s in her look at look who’s in here with her Louis oh no I’ve already given her two things this week rip I guess I’ll just talk to you dang I’m not good enough friends with her yet where are we at we have no Hearts well Bo I will bring you an egg next week I guess then somebody else might have to be good friends with her I don’t know um if we get any diamonds she does love that yeah why can’t he pick up his own shorts he’s right there I know right he’s embarrassed I guess oh actually I’m going to buy a duck y’all yes go by a duck what should the duck’s name be yall in chat think about it while we’re walk while I’m walking down there he’s still here purchase animals duck the chickens names are the default names I think it’s like Dot and something else we for I never rename them they already had names when we started and I just haven’t named them Quakers quackers crackers no I don’t know what’s a good duck name g what do you think [Music] um I don’t know a lot of times what I do when I get names is I hit the randomizer until I like find what I like okay we got wio chippa no Wanelo no Choco Choco Cho’s pretty cool like the shoes isn’t that spell with a C I’m still thinking about the chub frenzy rbo get your get your head out of the gutter gremley oh wait wait a minute that gives me a idea we’re name him Gremlin Gremlin the duck love that Gremlin the duck I’ll send little Gremlin to her new home right away heck yes oh dang she left her room open but I can’t go in there that’s sad I have an easier time naming chickens than Ducks same yes I prove I don’t know what else I want to do I’ve been streaming for two and a half hours I can’t believe it’s been that long already um I guess I’ll go fishing oh we need to water our cat Bowl when in doubt I Google name of I Google names of ducks I try to I try to stick to a theme for my animal names um on my stardo Farm I was naming them or at least for the chickens uh I was naming them after like birds like names of birds like species of birds I guess but then the duck I I was at a loss oh I accidentally watered the cat I meant to give it attention there we go are we adding more do we need more uh I mean we don’t need it but I was just trying to get those Edge ones so we don’t have to water them we just have to water the ones on the top oh okay cool C good thinking wow this is a lot I just realized I did run through our iron but we can always just go get more of that I think that’s maybe what I’ll do tomorrow what should I do now oh fishing like I’m just running around doing nothing now okay oh let me look at this hey yes I forgot I never grabed these no don’t eat the mushroom no I do think I have enough mushrooms to do another dehydration so let me grab them let’s see aha just curious to know how much these dehydrated shrooms sell for so I’m selling one yeah my character is hungry it wants to eat all of the food 100% yeah don’t know why probably because it knows that I’m going to the store after I stream my stomach is like talking to me night fishing is the best fishing yes always a joa are we inside uh me and ribbo are fishing together a cute I’m just trash fishing mostly dang I didn’t realize it was already midnight I’ll catch one more fish living that chub life R always got that chub on the mind uh what time am I ending stream I’m not sure I’m not sure we’re kind of just vibing Bri do you have a a hard stop you need to end no rbo you can chat about it if you want I’m going to bed I character is Sleepy oh the cat’s in my bed I have leftovers from lunch so I don’t have to worry about making dinner I have nothing I had a a chicken pot pie before stream but I’m already hungry again so I don’t know I’ll have to get something when I go to the store my coworker and I went to a Chinese place today for lunch o so I have beef and broccoli for ribbo ribbo barely made it had pizza I might have pizza I can make a cookout kit and Moss soup I’ll need to eat here soon yeah how about what time is it are yall okay if we just finish this day yeah and then call it sounds good so satisfying seeing a lot of these just being watered oh I forgot to sell my fish ooh and now that that’s open we can give a chug to that bundle M soup sounds less appetizing than algae soup I’m going to see what it it takes to make that on oh it’s a recipe I’m looking in the wrong spot um ah you one no that’s Forest magic that what I’m confused um I think you need the kitchen to see your recipes that you got oh you’re right we need the cooking thing dang you need 20 things of moss that’s a lot of moss to make moss soup that’s ridiculous not doing that plus I don’t have a kitchen [Music] so there you are chicken come here it’s okay the chicken names are DOT and paa like polka dot cute so cute our Dino is still trying its best um Vincent the kid MH is one of his favorite things is um rapes and that comes out this season so we can save those to give him love gies oh okay I’m trying to think what I’m going to do today what a duck I guess I’ll go to the mines cuz why not I haven’t done that at all uh let’s see oh what level am I fighting oh my combat is n is terrible it’s the worst it’s zero so I need uh the wooden Blade no I can use the steel sword I think yeah you if you haven’t been in the mine you should get one on like floor 20 or something so you can just stop in there on your way down but that’s if you haven’t been there yet yeah I’ve been pretty sure this one is is the one that I had okay okay okay okay we’re going to the mines it’s midday already we’re not going to be in there very long the time goes by so quickly when it doesn’t pause when you’re in a menu three the trash really I didn’t see him he was gardening where what did yall do oh uh Louis caught me digging in the trash oh yeah well it happens oh I forgot we have this chest up here we have quality retaining soil just in this chest oh that was me I found it and then I went up to put it in the chest so that we could save it oh I don’t need this Crystal dagger I can’t use it yet oh that’s okay oh oh my God I came this whole way and I didn’t bring a freaking pickaxe with me I’m such an amateur like how at least riba’s going to the mines he’s prepared get out of my way Abigail I don’t know I don’t know if we all have the same Quest on that leader board not leaderboard that Bolton board by Pierce but mine was giving George A Jojo Cola which you can just buy at the sleep oh we’ve got a bunch in the chest does it need to be a fresh jojola no I don’t think it matters okay cuz I hate that when I read it’s like I need a fresh one what’s fresh like but if you buy it you just get the 75 a train a train a train a train run I’m going to go go go to the train my God it’s so slow I’m never going to make it to the mines now ah hurry my little feet can only go so fast Abigail move yes nothing’s happening oh this isn’t one of the so antil climatic there’s nothing here Get Some Coal oh yeah coal come on keep get in Coal that’s it that’s all she wrote that’s all they gave us that’s stupid useless that’s it who am I I don’t know who you are who cares huh oh what’s this o copper it’s copper okay well we got some stuff I’m stuck I was only able to pick up one piece of coal I got seven oh wait got it okay I don’t know how much materials I’m going to I could I would have gotten more materials if I just went to the mines than if I wait than going up there oh yeah my mining skills are not good in this either it is weird coming back to a a save that’s different than the other one I’m working on cuz like I have so much more on the other one like levelwise and on this one I’m just I’m just a baby I don’t have any skills um yeah my in my other save I have full speed so it’s like actually like walking so slow ah what happened there’s monsters too many and I’m just a baby just a baby they’re everywhere oh my God come on bat figure it out inventory full of course they want to be your friend I don’t want to be theirs though that’s the difference takes two to tango jeez I’m so weak ghost pass away already for real this time oh my God this is going to take 50 years it’s already 7 o’ in the game they are so annoying like I’m just standing here and hitting it one shot at a time I don’t know why I came all the way down to level 65 though I’m not leveled enough goes to mines fights one ghost the entire evening jeez y’all I this is torture this is literal torture I found some stuff in the chest that can be donated I’m going to go do that thank God the ghost is dead J oh never mind oh gosh that was literally took years off my life I am I’m playing ghost tennis wait no I don’t want to eat that yet um I really need okay good I wanted that solar Essence at least fought that ghost took forever I heard a about I’m getting out of here this is ridiculous I can’t do this anymore get out I hate you bat yes The Vault Bund is open now jeez what will open the vault B bundle is open oh nice I left my sword in there so I at least don’t forget that next time well I forgot my pick pickaxe this time so I guess whatever it I don’t know long live the ghost no it’s dead right R there’s no living for it it’s gone pizza roll oh my God pizza rolls sound good you know what lur you inspired me that’s what I’m going to buy when I go to the store I’m getting pizza rolls that sounds delicious where’s the beetle I don’t know where the beetle is why do you ask rbo fun fact about our friend Ryo Bri he has he has started a a um a new X SL Twitter account called loth’s Beetle because last night was it last night no Thursday night on the Nintendo Drive I uh was being attacked by a Beetle and a fly and yes I was under attack by these bugs and so ribbo decided to make an ALT account of of a Twitter account called lockless Beetle it’s probably still a thing like it didn’t take me long to figure it out like as soon as I saw it I like took a screenshot of it and I was like sent it to and I was like really and he’s like how’d you know I said it it wasn’t hard to figure out that this is is your account that’s [Music] amazing okay that was the last day you all made it through day four summer we finally made it to summer I know this whole time I thought we were in summer and we were still in [Music] Spring eat just e at all of y’all thanks for playing games with with me ryel you can hear me fun I know it was fun it was fun we won’t wait as long maybe we can do another one later this week I don’t know though with with with uh your work schedule Bri um I get out at 4: like every day oh okay thank you for the hangs thanks ribbo appreciate you my friend thanks Bri I’m G to close out of the Discord chat so I will I don’t know I’ll message we’ll see if we can do this another night I think I already have like two other streams planned for this week so maybe not maybe next Friday we’ll see we’ll see bye everyone bye y’all say bye to Bri y’all bye Bri okay is just me hi oh there’s no music playing I just realized let me exit stardew Valley so my game doesn’t go crazy and let me bring up my music real quick um um sure this is a good song to play it’s relevant it’s very loud though okay all righty y’all I am ending stream here um like I mentioned I will be streaming this Tuesday uh not sure what I’m streaming yet I don’t know if it’s going to be more stardew or if it’s going to be one of the other thousand games that I’m playing all at the same time like little kitty big city or something um but tomorrow night I don’t have the time yet but tomorrow night I’m going to be playing Exit 8 here on stream um and I need all the support because it’s supposed to be a little scary so I’ll see yall tomorrow night oh yes rbo thank you yes yes yes yes Tuesday night I’m going to be starting a links Awakening uh on stream because if y’all saw the Nintendo Direct if you didn’t I’m sorry I’m about to spoil something for you um Legend of Zelda echo of wisdom is coming out this September it’s actually the weekend after my birthday when it comes out excuse me um and so in that game you get to play Zelda but it’s in the style of the latest links Awakening game that’s on switch so just cuz I haven’t ever beaten Link’s Awakening I got stuck in one of the areas and I never picked it back up again so we’re going to start that on stream so yes Tuesday night I’m going to be starting Link’s Awakening on Stream So get excited for that and then tomorrow night I’ll be playing Exit 8 so ending the stream here if anyone isn’t following me on any of my socials or have not seen my actual website I do have a website I know it’s a it’s a great bday gift for sure I will be buying it for myself yes please links Awakening so I can vicariously live through you bye Roy I will definitely be playing that next week um let me see see I know for a fact that KO is streaming right now um aelia 22 is streaming right now um if none of y’all are following KO uh please do I don’t know why you’re not she’s doing a I think a 12-hour stream today because it’s her 4year anniversary of being on YouTube um I’m going to end stream and probably to the store so I won’t be in K’s chat but if y’all want to go over there and say hey to her um I’m sure she’d appreciate some more sweet hangs I think I’m not sure what she’s playing though I haven’t even looked what is she playing what is she playing nothing at the moment she’s in a Monsters Incorporated uh Mike wasowski onesie she was wearing a Tom Nook onesie earlier so maybe she’s playing Disney Dream light Valley I think she’s wearing an outfit based on what she’s playing so that it looks like that’s what she’s playing right now um so if you’all want to go say hey to her go right ahead that that’s at least somebody else you can go watch after leaving here but yeah I’ll see y’all tomorrow night for Exit 8 or and or on Tuesday for links’s awakening bye y thanks for hanging out for me today with me today thanks for Bri and ribbo and Sean for playing with me as well and I’ll see youall tomorrow night yall be good bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music]

A lovely community member gifted me a Stardew Valley Steam code, so we’re back on the a co-op stardew farm with my friends! I’m back for some more 1.6 update things on the Fam Farm!

Carpool Gaming – https://youtube.com/@CarpoolGaming
Rybo – https://youtube.com/@Rybo

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Past Stardew Streams – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO7Z2eMzO9B7KeEnWFBO5YeuQo_o6SUyB&si=HG-WYQg9LENQ4IZS

– NO SPOILERS! We all want to discover things on our own! If you spoil anything, you will be put in timeout & banned (Lockleth & mods to use their discretion)
– I do not condone any sort of racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other type of hatred.
– Do not share your age for your own safety. You must be at least 13 years old to chat.
– Treat everyone with respect.
– If you have issues with these rules, you can DM me on Twitter/Instagram. Otherwise, please respect my rules & community when you are in my chat.
– At the end of the day, we are here to have some fun & play some games!

Website & Merch – https://lockleth-shop.fourthwall.com/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/lockleth/
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