Stardew Valley (Ep6: Our First Fair)

hi everyone my name is Tyler Oakley and welcome to another Tyler Oakley games video I have new videos right here every single Thursday here is the schedule for this week join us this Friday for emo night join us Sunday for Supermarket simulator and Animal Crossing I am live on Twitch Tuesdays Wednesdays Fridays and Sundays and let me know in the comments what is your favorite fair food or fair ride have you ever been to the fair um I would like to read your fair stories in the comments below here are some of my favorite comments from last time wow thank you for all the love on the anxiety transformation it was iconic yeah you’re right it’s true this is episode six of our stardew Valley Series so if you haven’t seen 1 through five you can see the full playlist on Oakley games or if you just want to start here enjoy okay so I need to re um acquaint myself with like buttons okay it’s a good luck day today it’s clear and sunny tomorrow it’s raining thank God it’s fall don’t really remember what I was up to [Music] eggplants some corn car okay let’s check in on our cows hello cows thank you for the milk hello cow thank you for the milk okay we’re going to turn our milk into cheese berries are worth collecting when berries start popping up on these bushes going around and collecting all the berries is really worth it I find I have 255 blackberries Jesus I think it was a very good luck day today if I were smart I would have gone to the still can to the mines I guess I could o solar Essence I think I mean those all these bat wings tell me why that single bat dropped eight bat wings something something’s not adding up bat infestation be careful freaking bats it’s 11:00 p.m. yeah we’re not going to get to another level I mean another elevator level I don’t think although I do have a farm totem that I’m prepared to use look at it’s freaking bat okay it’s 12:20 I really do got to yes I got to go oh man it’s hard to leave when I see more more Sage rocks to be gotten you know got to go got to go got to go okay and we made at home in time can I get a GG for another successful day on the farm without dying yay book seller is in town today speaking of which I have a book to read learned a few things about foraging that’s nice today is a very bad luck day okay good to know let’s start with our crops we’re going to go get some new fall seeds cuz I’m not going to just do fall seeds all fall for the rest of the Fall we have like other things we should be planting let’s check on our [Music] chickens hello chicken hello chicken hello chicken hello chicken [Music] okay let’s give Willie some water now we’re going into town red snapper a red snapper do I have any red snappers [Music] [Music] uh all righty you know what um it is not raining today which means we really need to make sure we water our plants do we need anything from the book salesman combat sure I need a red snapper let’s first drop off some things to Gunther hello Gunther I have some donations for you that’s for you um this is for you and this is also for you oh what’s the new reward a skeleton skeleton does anybody have a skeleton weird question but does anybody have a skeleton like in their house like you know like a skeleton display like a like a science scientist would [Music] have no me neither bear hero says this is random but I loved your seasons of The Amazing Race you were a joy to watch hey thank you that’s very sweet I had the most fun I I feel like I watch Amazing Race and I see people arguing or like I see people not enjoying the experience and I’m like damn you get to do this once twice if you’re lucky three times if you’re really lucky and they forget to enjoy it I’m really grateful that Cory and I like every morning we were like this is our reminder have fun you know oh oh I need three apples oh and I forgot to bring my bat wings okay how’s Mr Cory cool he’s doing well he’s on like a mega vacation right now like I think he’s like got back to back to back trips that he’s on which means we recorded like four episodes of the podcasts ahead of time so for the next month every episode of the podcast was recorded last week hold on I got to plant some [ __ ] pumpkins then I got to water my stuff damn it’s already 1:00 a.m. and we started watering at 700 p.m. so it’s really a Time suck when you don’t have sprinklers I understand but I just don’t have the materials to make sprinklers yet can I get a GG in the chat for a successful day in the game without dying let me put my skeleton up stunning beautiful oh new crafting recipe iridium sprinkler well yeah okay that’s great seed maker sprinkler quality fertilizer um o we our crops are cropping one thing I do like about um growing pumpkins is you really don’t have to pluck anything for most of the month okay it’s Saturday in Saturday Saturday in the game Saturday my chores around the farm today are it’s already 4:20 p.m. in the game we need sprinklers Stat or at least a a a watering can upgrade good lord it’s already getting dark out I didn’t even leave my farm today Christ let’s go into town a cave carrot for Emily easy another successful day on the farm leveled up in foraging noise it’s Sunday which means the traveling Merchant is in town now I know how to make trout soup and it’s a very good luck day today and thunder and lightning tomorrow okay a lot going on another chance to water my plants yay okay that’s all of our plants let’s do our stuff for the day curious substance and carrot cave carrot for Emily where is Emily about to be right now Emily boy Emily yes hello Emily hello guys let me just double check yeah this is fre you and I got a prize ticket as my as a payments in addition to some cash a bed thanks no I want to go to the mines I need to get some ghost ectoplasm oh and there’s a new Quest yam for Sam easy I’ve got yam’s Galore all right okay so I just need a ghost to drop some ectoplasma sir oh I got my ectoplasm how many do I need deliver an ectoplasm to the wizard oh that’s it okay let’s go that was it for you my wizard ah it’s briming with the energy of Forgotten Souls perfect now beone I shall require perfect silence to discern the true nature of this substance okay what can I do with the rest of my time perhaps chop a tree all righty 1:30 a.m. it’s time for bed 1:50 can I get a GG in the chat for a successful day in the game without dying pear now Sun Cur sweet our so you’re so sweet it’s a very good luck day in the game today and it’s raining which means I don’t have to water my plants we’re going straight to the what straight to the what straight to the m thanks to the ectoplasm you delivered to me I’ve made a major breakthrough in the field of Arcane engineering enclosed you’ll find blueprints for a most useful machine a mini Obelisk okay dear Tyler I just want to remind you that the stardew Valley Farm is happening tomorrow don’t forget to bring your nine items for the Grange display remember the fair starts at 9:00 a.m. in the Town Square see you there okay big day coming up for us okay I do need more seeds and I can’t justify fall seeds when we have this many days left of the Season like it is fall seeds are filler seeds we need to go get like some money-making seeds you know okay we can’t make any more corn 13 days for pumpkins there’s 28 28 days per season or what pumpkins pumpkins pumpkins now we are going to head to the mine oh is it yam time for Sam time yeah oh Sam Sam Sam come out of here Sam Sam I have a [Music] yam Rock Rejuvenation or lotion CR cranberry lotion Rock Rejuvenation what the hell does that mean a ruby a topz an emerald and a jade oh [ __ ] what is that what is this mushroom log grows mushrooms every so often the more wild trees are nearby the better it works Emily might be who I pursue what color is her hair she’s spiritual okay is that what we’re calling it blue yeah maybe maybe she is the one oh wow oh my gosh oh my goodness if I’m going to be cording a a lady I at least want her to be giving queer energy and you know blue hair not to make an assumption but blue hair is a little bit queer energy on that one you know am I going to try to find Sam before the end of the day it’s kind of worth it it’s for a lot of money if he does he leave his room maybe I’ll get one elevator level and then I’ll go find Sam if I can and the one stair I cracked open was at the very beginning of the Spiral and I really need that one stair I need to get to level 60 before I can leave otherwise I could just use a farm totem but I’m not going to I want I really want to deliver to Sam but I don’t think I’m going to find him in time if I don’t get out of this spiral I just need to no it’s [Music] 11:40 cool I’m going to try oh it’s 11:50 so I know where he has to go from the bar to go home he would be heading this way he would be coming this this direction so there’s a world but I don’t think the world is this world no he’s already in bed it’s okay oo hold on we have to make a decision people are we a fighter or a scout all attacks steal 10% more damage or Critical Strike chance increased by 50% scout scout scout everybody’s saying Scout so it is written so it shall be oh oh my God today is the day today is the day for the the the what’s it called it’s the stardew Valley Fair so what should I grab for the stardew Valley Fair oh honey yeah we are going to make a lot of money this season all the corn all the pumpkin we’re kind of we’re kind of farming well let me pet my dog and let me water my plants before we go to the fair we’re going to finish watering our plants when’s the last what what’s the like the last moment you can join the fair before you don’t before you miss it 2 p.m. so I don’t need to like water all of my plants but I definitely would like to get as much done as I can because when you leave one of the stardew events the time elapses to like the end of the day and it’s like okay well I would like to utilize as much of the day in a productive way especially when I don’t have sprinklers [ __ ] I need to I need to figure out what I’m bringing Jesus so I need nine items to bring what do I got maybe a crystal or no maybe a I’m looking for gold star things fairy rose gold fairy rose gold pumpkin an eggplant hot pepper a blueberry a hazelnut you say bring the blue shell [Music] so I have 1 2 3 four five 6 7 8 9 10 10 good options is there anything that I sh the hazelnut is a no okay an aquamarine [ __ ] it’s 150 [Music] oh wait is it at two or three okay I’m here it’s the fair okay let me put my things in we’ll start with that okay how’s this line up for you maybe cheese this is a good lineup people are going to be like whoa hey Marney I tried my best but my display is pretty weak compared to pierce what about mine what about mine Pier who do you think you are my store carries the finest quality products in the whole valley please inspect my grain display closely and you’ll see for yourself what’s this are you strong like me Smash the stone stand on the red oh oh okay that was fun hi Alex hi Haley hey Pam better hurry up kid before old Pam here fishes every last lunker out of the tent all right okay let’s let’s let’s do what needs to be done okay when you bet do you bet orange or green statistically what do you know you don’t bet nobody here bets oh come on but I love to have [Music] fun 528 star tokens I could double it one thank you I could double it right now you don’t believe in me that I could double my double my winnings you don’t have faith Penny says I won the wheel of chance 10 times in a row and now the man won’t let me play anymore yeah well they hate to see a bad [ __ ] win Robin really works hard on her carpentry stuff she really deserves a little recognition now and then okay then do it you know I would have made a pretty good clown I think I missed my calling hold I’m feeling I’m feeling a little I is she flirting is she reading the room she said she has her own clown s you you don’t know people you don’t know who has their own clown Soul going on you know what I mean she doesn’t know about my clown maybe I don’t know about hers oh my God does she does she is she is she like me is she one of God’s [Music] children he doesn’t look very happy I guess mayor Lewis had to cut costs with a budget clown this year if anybody ever calls me a budget clown I would feel seen hey Abigail I already beat all the games now what look at these tourists it was a long bus ride here but totally worth it the valley is so beautiful Simon loves it don’t you Simon Okay Pierre is very serious about his grer display he’s been setting aside the best looking produce for weeks okay let me see if there’s like something that I do want to purchase with my tokens I do do want a rare Crow I do want a fedora I do want a prize ticket oh my God 100 hey I want all of it I need all of it okay I need to I need to I need to which which do you bet on which is the which is it waited for green it’s not waited anymore with the update damn are you lying are you just trying are you lying to me [Music] hey um I’m going to get my star tokens we’re going to get our rare Crow we’re going to get our hay we’re going to get our star drop we’re going to get our blah blah blah blah blah blah blah we’re going to participate in the gra display competition we’re going to finish the day [Music] only 252 star tokens okay we’re going to keep going winning the fair is a th000 tickets oh you know what I did not remember that that’s good to [Music] know and I could double it instantly if I bet it [Music] all [Music] okay so if we win the the thing we’ll have 2,000 so let’s go do our let’s do our Grange display shall we hello Tyler it’s the big day our most important Festival of the year the stardew Valley Fair if you’d like to participate by setting up a grange display I’ve left an empty stand for you just let me know after you’ve set everything up so we can get to the judging okay I set my thing up are you already finished setting up your Grand’s play yes it’s time I’m very honored to be in the presence of so many locals it’s happening it’s all happening oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God hey Willie I don’t have high hopes of winning the fish look nice but they don’t exactly smell great yeah I get [Music] that m can I get a shiny luck in the chat shiny luck in the chat this is [Music] important your Grange display has been judged return to Mayor Lewis for the result okay I think we had a pretty good display oo congratulations you won first place with a rating of 97 wow oh my God wickedly talented your priz is a thousand star tokens spend them wisely let’s go bet it all and double [Music] them just kidding I won’t do that or will I no I won’t do it what is that what is that what is that what is happening to me what’s happening what is that some type of funky you found a star drop it’s strange but the taste reminds you of dime hum your maximum energy level has increased oh I didn’t know it was like that okay we have 300 left let’s double it come on oh my [Music] God yeah mhm mhm mhm can we double it [Music] again [Music] no I’m trying to to get up to 500 tokens [Music] again oh right right right right right right [Music] okay okay [Music] [Music] Oh I thought I oh I have one coin left can we double it [Music] ah riches you don’t know riches like I know [Music] riches okay it’s over it’s done thank you get your stuff [Laughter] it’s over and it’s done it’s okay it don’t matter nothing matters I don’t know if you know this but nothing matters we got our scarecrow we got a raffle ticket we got our star drop you know we did all the things I would I would I would exchange my nine wonderful items for for all of those prizes anyway a successful day in the game without dying can I get a g g some items were placed in the town lost and found those are so my items I just need to remember to get them if you’re here next time you need to remind me to get my lost and found we did it another successful stardo Valley Stream let me know in the comments your favorite Fair memory of all time or your favorite fair food or if you’ve ever been to a fair or if you’ve ever competed in a fair is anybody here going to a fair where you have to like try to make the biggest pumpkin that happens that’s a real thing join us on stream Tuesdays Wednesdays Fridays and Sundays I will see youall soon don’t forget to subscribe give this video a like and yes okay bye

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  1. i loveeee the fair !! honestly love sampling the weird ass foods they always have?? like gator mac&cheese lmaoo and my favorite ride is always the tilt-a-whirl because my tummy goes all wOoOoOooOOosh to anything more “intense” 😭😭

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