89% perfection in stardew valley 1.6! (Streamed 6/19/24)

and welcome back to the stream I hope you had a good day so far we’re going to farm today I need this today I haven’t played stardy Valley in over a week so I’m really excited about this it should be fun anyway good morning hello everyone hello hello hello hello let me get my game up so that you can see it and I’ll load into the save um then we can Farm um anyway hi welcome I forgot that we just passed 100 hours in this save that is absolutely vile that is horrifying when when you see a number like that it’s kind of like oh no oh dear it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s a little scary but it’s fine also hi M you left my channel open from yesterday’s stream did I like jump scare you when I went live and started speaking to you I’m sorry if that is the case sorry U it was strange yeah cuz I just started talking yeah a lot of people tell me that because they start watching like the VOD from last night and then all of a sudden it changes to this because they were like watching yesterday’s stream and then it cuts you live on top of the VOD instead um and then it scares them sorry um also Ally and myum and Daisy Michelle Emma tan thank you for the Subs I appreciate that um best morning notification ever I know it just said farm and we’re all here we’re ready you’re also here from the VOD yeah sorry about that okay we’ll have to like kind of catch ourselves back up to speed of what we were doing last time cuz I haven’t played in a little bit oh good have one of those should I leave that empty until these other gold ones are ready so that I can have them be like on the same just this one just this one not all of them but just that one cuz it’s really bothering me how they’re separate right did somebody say junimo Kart G don’t even don’t even bring junimo Kart up don’t even talk about Juno cart don’t you say those two words to me okay not right now K damage thank you for the reubs I appreciate that leaf glasses too thank you so much um okay okay we should be fine then um no it’s prairie king today I mean I might actually play a little bit of prairie king today cuz we haven’t done it yet so it might not hurt for us to work on it like a tiny bit but not a lot not a lot I just might you know check it out I’m not very good at it so it’s harder for me than Juno cart I think to be honest but we’ll see not more than seven hours at most okay I swear I won’t spend seven hours on it that much is true I can be somewhat reasonable okay oh God all right put that in there and then I will put these back too so if you’re just tuning in um we’ve been slowly working on trying to get 10 million gold which is a ways way um don’t eat the I’m trying to pick this up it’s a ways way um we have a lot to do it takes a long time to get there um but we’re doing our best um and that’s kind of where we’re at as of the end of last stream we have about 5 million right now which is not actually that much um we need to buy the golden clock so that’s kind of our main issue uh guided fa Farah Nera NAA thank you Elsa and and Katie and Wildflower and Stephanie thank you for the reubs oh my goodness um thank you very much we’re not going to play Sims today coffee um we’re not going to play Sims today I played Sims every day for like a week straight on stream so there’s a lot of Sims content for you if you want to watch that um but we’re going to play a little bit of stardy Valley today um cuz I haven’t played stardo in a while and I am in the mood to farm um have I played Any Dream Life Valley recently I haven’t played Any Dream Life Valley in a while um it’s been a few months um there’s so many games that I want to play and not enough time to play them and truthfully uh dream light Valley has not really been on my radar um so I haven’t played it but there is a bunch of stuff that I want to do just how do you find the time for all these things you know okay we have not been in here in a few days have we you can tell it’s bad we’re getting a bies in town you know what I was talking to Dan about this literally yesterday because um he was reading online that they’re going to make a bues in like Okala or something um which is not near me but we don’t really have like any in Florida so that was kind of funny cuz everybody speaks very highly of that place it’s like a it’s a gas station but it kind of has like a cult following don’t ask me questions about it I I’m not from why won’t it pick this up um I’m not from there Texas is where these people have them right um their bathrooms are very clean yeah I’ve heard that um and they have like a lot of snacks that people like to me it sounds like it is kind of similar energy it’s not a grocery store but I feel like it’s kind of similar energy to Trader Joe’s in like how they have all of the stuff that you know they have these like own brand snacks and stuff and it has this cult following um so anyway I don’t live near one so don’t ask me questions about it like I said I’m not the one to ask for details but um okay yeah it’s like wa Wawa we have Wawa here um and people kind of treat it like that so um anyway interesting local feelings about gas stations you know there’s one near Jacksonville yeah there’s I think there’s two right now in Florida um but again I’m not exactly near one of those oh I was trying to put pumpkins in these wasn’t I oh whatever it’s fine it’s fine I’m going to sell all this stuff real quick um and then we have to try and get some more wood planted I think needs to be our next order of business okay keep all those nice can you have cats in stardew yes I in fact have one you can have cats in stardo and I have one of them why do I have you know what we got to sell some of this stuff cuz we don’t need all this extra wine this is ridiculous we can be clearing out a whole bunch of these things that are unnecessary okay I have 108 battery packs that’s ridiculous that’s ridiculous okay go away now we can try and make some more um I want to try and craft a whole bunch more of the what’s some the called the kegs I need more kegs we don’t have very much wood left that’s another main problem right now is we’re we’re like using all of the oak resin we’re getting to make kegs but now we’re like super low on woods so we might want to go try and plant some trees also ignore how ugly this looks okay ignore that um is my family following the Stanley Cup finals honestly I have no idea I have absolutely no clue about that I don’t know uh my dad might be but he’s not like the biggest Sports guy so he probably isn’t actively watching them but he might be hearing updates um that’s boring I know I’m sorry that’s hockey is what they’re talking about um okay I will grab all of these then are the Maple Leaves playing if not then no yeah I’m a huge Maple Leafs fan totally true true 100% not a lie why would I lie about that you know okay let’s chop all of these trees that we see around the place um oh did they start us that’s cool I got to be honest I do not follow Sports in the slightest like I do not know a single thing about sports I am the absolute last person that anybody should ever ask about sports um forgot about the Maple Leaves thing yeah me too to be honest it’s not really something I think about very often okay I’m going to plant a bunch of trees up here oh really Sushi that’s pretty cool do you get like um do they get a bunch of access to tickets to the game is it like easy for you to get to go um cuz that’s cool you have seasoned seats that’s so cool my friend hope is a um big sports fan but mostly women sports um so I hear her talk about these things and that’s it just start you run while on Xbox oh it should um and if you have Game Pass I mean there’s no reason not to check it out um I I got to be honest I don’t play on Console so I don’t really know but stter runs pretty well on everything even the switch with and the switch doesn’t run much well these days so um stard is pretty good you can play it on mobile if you want to um okay I’m just going to clear all of this honestly cuz I could use some more of these little guys doesn’t hurt to have some more fiber and some more Moss so yeah I guess the downside is that it doesn’t have the new 1.6 update on Console yet um but if you only have access to it on console and it’s free that’s not like a reason to not play it especially if it’s your first time playing it um so you regret buying the switch do you really I still really enjoy my switch um it’s just hard if that’s the only thing you have have to play games on because a lot of things just don’t run that well on it and a lot of games just don’t optimize for it so they really struggle with the switch um but I still think it’s a good thing but um it definitely like if you have access to a computer like it just is a a better playing experience a lot of the time you know um okay I probably should have brought some more seeds from home to plant um out here but I have a couple more of these too okay that’s to be chopped like later you know regret to switch Animal Crossings or Comfort game yeah that the thing is I literally bought an extra switch just to play Animal Crossing so um you know I personally have a a strange outlook on this compared to a lot of people oh thank you so much I look forward to seeing you that’s going to be so fun uh Cassie I’m really excited about it it’s going to be cool uh it will be very very fun I’m looking forward to twitchcon um I’m getting I’m at the point where I’m starting to get a little bit anxious about it but that’s normal that’s just conventions you know um but I’m looking forward to I think it’s going to be super fun um okay yeah we were talking about it the other day dog shampoos because it the news dropped when I was live like what two days ago um about life by you getting cancelled I was really really shocked by that and really sad about that that’s the rare Crow I was missing oh my God I’m so stupid I thought I bought this I didn’t so I didn’t have it this entire time and I thought I did it’s here now so that’s good I was really embarrassed when I discovered that it was canceled do we know why yeah they said um and this is not really uh I don’t know it doesn’t make that much sense to me but basically they were like um we want to fix it there it’s going to be we’re not going to be able to fix it so we’re just not going to fix it which leads me to believe that they have seen all the criticism of the game they want to try and like redo the entire thing to make it look better but it would take too much time and money so it’s a big money pit and uh the developer like had to cancel it or so that’s kind of what my take on it was based on what they said um it’s sad uh there’s been a lot of talk I don’t know if this is true I’ve just seen people say this um and I’ve seen screenshots on from like Reddit and stuff of people talking about how um a lot of the assets or maybe all of the assets were like purchased pre-mades from unity and stuff which um means that to for them to try and make them all new would be sort of a problem um but I’ve seen uh people talking about that which is uh interesting I guess that happens a lot these days but but um yeah I don’t know if that’s an if that’s a fact but um yeah it sucks it sucks that people spent so many years of their lives working on this thing for it to get cancelled like um I don’t know it’s really sad the whole situation is really sad I think but what can you do um was it close to being finished well it was supposed to come out in Early Access like last month and then they delayed it like three times um yeah it’s been a really weird um release and non-release but yeah they closed the entire Studio down so like all the people working on it they’ve lost their jobs like the whole the whole situation is really really sad um and and just I don’t know I didn’t I really did not see it coming to be honest um so it really sucks it really sucks um yeah clearly capital I was I don’t think I ever was actually afraid that it would get canceled it was kind of in the back of my mind but I just I don’t think I ever saw that actually happening so I was genuinely really quite surprised when they actually canceled it I think um I don’t know I just don’t think I imagined that it would end up like that cuz it was so close to coming out um I don’t know it really sucks the whole thing really sucks it’s a game called Life by you it was going to be a new life Sim um I mean it really just goes to show you how hard it is to make a life Sim um it’s really hard to get a new one off the ground it it’s awful what happened to them but it like really I think I think speaks volumes about how difficult this is um did I watch the Nintendo Direct yesterday no I didn’t have any time Phoenix um I was uh hearing updates uh from friends but I didn’t watch it um I hope that paral life doesn’t go the same route I really hope that it doesn’t I I think paralives has um looked promising um just because I don’t know it’s cuter it’s got more like I don’t this is going to sound like so weird but I think that paralives has um more like heart to it at least right now compared to Life by you I think that’s one of the biggest problems that life by you had aside from it being ugly was that it just didn’t have the same like there’s just something about the Sims you know what I mean and it just didn’t have that I think that paralives has a little bit more of that um which is good um but you know they’ve been working on it for a long time and it’s going to take him even longer to finish it so we’ll see what happens um Life by you promis too much you thought I mean I think that paralives is over promising too to be completely honest um I think the paralives is doing the same thing where is My Horse flute oh there it is um I think paralyze is kind of over promising as well but um we’ll see um we’ll see well that’s the thing Kaa I mean like they were people were playing Life by you they had it like in the hands of creators for Early Access and it was meant to come out for Early Access to people that backed it like six months ago and last month and it kept getting delayed so I don’t know it’s games do get cancelled frequently and like this when they announced quite early I guess that’s true but um for them to be like taking your money selling you the game for you to play in Early Access and then having to refund you twice and like all the um yeah not good um not good no paraly is not the one from Paradox that’s confusing um but paralives is not by Paradox paradox’s game was Life by you that just got cancelled um that’s Paradox they said it sounds promising it’s the one that got got canceled a couple days ago um I thought it was promising cuz it had a a company like Paradox behind it too but unfortunately um that is the reason it got cancelled I don’t know it really sucks it really really sucks um yeah it is weird how Paradox was making one and there’s one called paralives and it’s not the same company uh but paralyze was doing it first so um kind of confusing though if you’re not familiar with them both okay let’s see if we can plant a couple more of these too this whole thing is a mess how I’ve got it laid out but I don’t really care to the bus stop um I shall chop these trees as well low key M Gaby thank you for the reubs froggy and Mega paraphraser um par lives occasional egg M near Golden Emily thank you all for the reubs I appreciate that um okay um oh I didn’t hear about that lolette about a Star Trek game I mean clearly I don’t follow stuff like that very closely I’m a simmer but um that’s sad to hear okay I might try and plant some more of these seeds tomorrow we’ll see what happens going to go to bed um yeah there’s new Among Us rolls coming out or they came out yesterday um we’re going to play among us this weekend um my friends and I are trying to organize a day that works for everybody I can check how the poll is going right now um yeah it looks like we’re probably going to play among us on Saturday um that’s say it has the most votes 147 that’s pretty good um so we’ll play a little bonus among us we just played last week but we didn’t know there was going to be an update so we want to check out the new stuff my aridium trash can is ready okay good no okay my stuff’s not done yet blessing of the butterfly two days in a row oh my goodness okay need shella to get more roles next time I know I wish that she got to play more of the special roles um what day did we play Tuesday or something honestly it’s all a blur okay I can make three more of these which is good stuff we’re getting there um the only new game you’re anticipating is haunted chocolate here is it the only new game you’re interested in I mean that one’s going to be probably years away um which stinks but okay um oh was a little to the left coming out with the new DLC really that’s exciting too I’ve broccoli I should probably save some of that broccoli um cuz I’m trying to make sure I have enough of all the crops okay A little to the left seeing star might as well have five Solutions I still haven’t played a little to the left I need to give it a try huh there’s so many games I want to play oh gosh I would very much like to do that um sh scream had you laughing in tears really that was funny shell is very funny um I would adore it yeah I’ve heard so many good things about it I really have I know I would like it um hello little dinos how are you all doing do I have any eggs yes okay I’m going to check on my Island today as well have I played unpacking yeah we streamed unpacking um we have played unpacking yeah look I had no broccoli that’s good that I save some then I don’t need that much corn do I I’ll sell some of this too go away I think I’ll keep my mushroom rooms cuz I might turn those into um I might dry them I guess is what I’m trying to say should I dry those I probably don’t have enough to be doing that do I probably not um do I have enough coconuts to be drying yes I can do that maybe I could [Music] dry some of those too oh my God all right yikes one two three four okay and put those in there I will jar all these pumpkins good little bit more money this way everything makes Kayla cry oh yeah unpacking definitely made me cry that one got me I such a cool game I really enjoyed it um oh why do I have all those in there don’t do that um okay unpacking was so cute it really is isn’t it it’s a nice one you’re going to see inside out too today oh that’ll be fun I want to go to see it but I um unfortunately have so much to do this week in preparation for twitchcon so I think I’ll be able to see it this week or until I get back but that’s fine um yeah maybe I should replay unpacking at some point soon cuz I really haven’t played it in a while um it would be fun to one two three okay so do I need like a letter in the mail from getting all of the scare crows and if so does that mean I don’t have all the scarecrows cuz I got it yesterday and I don’t have any mail but I have all of them did I get the one in the desert yeah I did I’m literally going to pick them all up because I need to know what I have and I’ll just replace them doesn’t arrive immediately okay I have the one from the casino the casino one is the alien right I have the dwarf one I thought you need to sleep yeah I got it yesterday I got the last one yesterday maybe I don’t have the dwarf one if so I’m stupid again this is the problem with this game like you play um in multiple saves and you keep thinking that you have all of them how to put them all outside of the letter I have them all outside don’t I maybe I don’t have the dwarf one out here maybe that’s my problem that’s number five that’s number one that’s number two number three number four yeah we’re missing the the dwarf one did I check the star in my wallet thing to check is this the does it even have that in here I don’t think that this has all the rare crows well I’m going to go get another one of the dwarf ones maybe I didn’t buy it I could have sworn I did I find this extremely confusing whatever I really thought that I had them all but maybe I just didn’t and that I’m silly how many hours did it take me to get this far oh I’ve got like a 100 hours in this save um well that I definitely have all of them now oh my Prismatic butterfly was by the bus was it really oh oh yeah look found it by accident thank you okay um is it in the achievements list oh maybe it’s in achievements I don’t is it an achievement huh it’s not I didn’t think so either what are the butterflies oh it’s a um it’s my little little thingy from this today it’s my like prize from the statue today um it’s a random occurrence okay which ones do I like the best maybe I’ll put my alien over here cuz that one’s cool and this one cuz that one’s cool yeah getting all of the scarecrows the reason that you really need it is because it gets you the deluxe scarecrow recipe and I need the deluxe scarecrow recipe um so I can f finish Perfection um so that’s the real problem here is that we just don’t have it still um but I didn’t have all the rare crows even though I thought I had them all so I like the alien cuz you can put hats on it that is fun isn’t it that is a fun aspect of it I think I have my snowman over here for a while now the question is where where did I have these other rare Crowes I know I just got another one so maybe I’ll put it up here just for The Vibes um what was the green thing by the ponds oh that’s a thing this is um that’s my thing he works there by the ponds okay I think I should probably get another one of these like in here somewhere or maybe like up here I’ll put it right there cuz that should help with this stuff right and then I have one more what do what do I even want to do with this thing oh my goodness maybe I’ll put it up here cuz I’m event actually going to replace this stuff with another shed but this should be fine okay I’ll save this extra one then shifa Hazel Abby Shelby thank you for the reubs I appreciate that okay we have to go to the island now cuz I got to check on my crops over there I don’t remember what day they’re done on I think they’re done on Saturdays but I could be wrong so we must go find out um oh have you really popped cat um you are not too old to play Minecraft that is so silly there is never a time where anyone is ever too old to play Minecraft um Everybody Plays Minecraft okay we’ll just get all of these harvested I’m glad I came on the right day cuz then I would have been sad if I missed it but all is well and then I’m going to start putting these um these are what we’re going to start dehydrating once we get back home with them question do you think that it’s better for me to sell the golden quality ones or is it still worth more money I need to dehydrate them I know it’s slow but we have a lot of time so or else did I plant my star fruit we have star fruit in the greenhouse I need to get some more star fruit planted on the island um better to dehydrate yeah I kind of think it is technically better to dehydrate them but um I don’t know I don’t have the Artisan perk on this save though do I I did that on purpose cuz I was going to try and play with the other perks that I never use but that does cause us a lot of problems I can get 89,000 right now the dehydrator stuff sells for the same amount of gold as the gold quality is it go get it from kobis right now what to change in the sewer for guys I know that Artisan is better I I am well aware trust me I’ve got a lot of hours in stard I was intentionally trying to not play with Artisan just to see like how it would go with the other perks the only problem is I’m not liking it very much but I’m well aware that Artisan is like way better um I I was just doing it on purpose to see cuz I haven’t played without it now we just need money though so it probably will be be better to swap but I don’t know um we tried and now we saw so I think you could swap now yeah I probably should um but I don’t know I sold my gold quality ones for now we’ll go back home in a second once I chop these trees um oh that all fell into the water so that’s unfortunate not these two please okay thank you yikes um yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes okay I hate it when that happens I know it’s horrible it’s so sad um okay and we got all of that tree done 129 wood I’m really at least like barely scraping by with wood despite I guess I haven’t planted that many trees around the regular Farm but um oh really Clary that’s horrible that’s horrible yeah we shouldn’t bother with the gold ones yeah I’ve got a wood Farm in the Quarry I need to plant more trees in the train station we’ve been saying that but I haven’t done it yet so um late game Wood’s a struggle for you too yeah I just I don’t know I’m trying to craft so many kegs these days and I never have enough wood to do all the kegs that I want to plant oh I almost forgot to put I should have brought starf fruit to put in these but I will just do this instead while I am here I’m going to need to get myself some more kegs as well okay I’m going to sell a couple of those things smoking some fish for extra cash we could start smoking some of the old fish that we have too yeah um The Keg grind is grueling yeah trying to get all of the kegs it just takes so much time and it’s so sad it’s horrible um okay I wanted to check this real quick cuz I don’t remember if there’s anything new in here here um make it to level 100 in the skull Cavern with powerful monsters I can do that we only have two days left but won’t hurt I’m trying to get oh I have all the recipes now don’t I okay good we can start buying some fun stuff like Galaxy Souls beat the mines the other day oh that’s cool that’s pretty fun um okay well do you actually think I should switch to Artisan I was really going to try and stick it out but now everyone in the chat is bullying and judging me but I did it on purpose I did it on purpose um I really I always play with it for a reason everyone always plays with it for a reason but um okay did the same as me and off did this same as me and chose opposite professions you say stick it out you’re brave for that to be honest you are very brave for that okay regular quality is in there um I’m going to save oh wait I’m going to put these pineapples in those too I might as well um let me grab all these look at how ridiculous this is absolutely ridiculous do what I want it’s my game well I haven’t decided yet I’ll think about it panning spot oh look I never find panning spots I carry this stupid thing around for so long I never even get any that’s not bad that’s not bad at all okay it’s midnight well I’ll keep a hold of all of these things that I just collected today on the off chance that I do decide to switch um I will hold on to them for a second longer okay you never carry your pan too lazy yeah I don’t normally sometimes I’ll put it as my hat where is it um then you look silly so yeah I don’t usually carry it either to be honest all right save all of those save all of those things I have one extra one of those you can put it as your hat yeah it’s kind of fun huh oh my pumpkins oh it’s a good thing I came in here then okay well weird timing that they’re like half and half different times but whatever whatever um you just changed Chad’s life I know that was like a a life-changing bit of news wasn’t it okay let me put that stuff away and I’ll save these real quick okay I’ll think about changing my profession I’ll think about it I’ve actually this might be the first time if I do change it it might be the first time that I’ve ever changed Prof professions um because I never do that so maybe um maybe that’s like good enough reason to do it because I sat here being like Oh I want to do something different but this is different cuz I’m changing so [Applause] there that’s one way of looking at it that’s one way of looking at it um okay blessing of speed that’s good stuff today why did I pick bombs can’t destroy you oh you know what I got my Deluxe scare car recipe we have to go into the skull Caverns today good humor yeah we have to go cuz I have to get um to level 100 with the powerful monsters that’ll be fine um save all those things in there Cherry Bomb I don’t really care to bring explosive ammo I don’t think we’re going to need it I will bring all of these okay bombs good bombs cheese all right bring Jade for staircases I guess it is a Sunday um I don’t really bother with that most of the time oh I can make my Deluxe scarecrow right now okay sorry do I want to make bombs probably not I think I’ll trade for them I have a bunch of quarts that I’ve been saving um and then then how much iron do we have 495 I guess I can make a few more I don’t really want to spend money on bombs though I can make so many mega Bombs all right let’s [Music] go what other crafting recipe do I have left I think that was the last crafting recipe I’m pretty sure I’ve crafted everything now we’ll have to check on the perfection tracker um but I think that was the last crafting recipe that I had to make so oops wait hello I am here because I wish to trade bombs with you I’m probably not going to use all those staircases right now but didn’t see the achievement oh that’s true I guess I didn’t have the achievement pop up what am I doing ah help stop stop there yeah I didn’t craft every item we have to go through everything and see then we could upload our save to hold on oh it won’t have today’s saved though we’ll do it to we’ll worry about it tomorrow there’s no need to think about that right now we can worry about it tomorrow we have to do this first is there anything important in there okay hello everybody oh I forgot I brought my frog that was the one thing I didn’t think about [Music] huh okay let me zoom out real quick too and we’re off did I not eat my spicy eel what is wrong with you little s um when you’re finished do you start a new save yeah I probably will start a new save when I’m done with this um we’re going to go back and play modded again after we’re done with this we’ll probably play the expanded mod can the Frog die no thankfully not the Frog uh cannot be killed it just exists there with you oh I didn’t get the oh my god do you see what I just did there was radioactive ore right there and I ran right past it absolute fool absolute fool okay this one sucks give me my the hole maybe I kill these little guys oh you gave me bombs that’s good just don’t worry about it oh yeah bombs don’t damage me today I forgot that I had that pop I don’t have to run I have this bombs cannot damage you okay what are we doing um I am trying to get to level 100 in the skull Caverns with uh worse monsters right now I keep getting the same popups from the stupid key quests I want to do different ones but I’ve done these like skull Cavern ones a million times um and there’s not that many different version of them but I’ve just done the same thing over and over again I’m over it yeah we did the regular mines to hard um so we could get radioactive ore we have them set as hard still probably we went like on a whole radioactive ore Quest maybe last time we played stardo um so I don’t need it that bad right now but Owen I swear to God that thing had one of those key gems in it and you ate it I shouldn’t have brought the Frog I don’t actually like the frog that much in the mines oh my God I just failed to place a bomb and I almost died isn’t this one shella oh cuz it’s yellow that’s true this one is shella um oh when’s my green one yeah I uh feel like the frog is just cute it’s not really my favorite for the mines but I guess this one is good cuz it does eat them completely so it does help um I don’t know I think I maybe would have preferred to have my uh quiver can you just die please you’re very inconvenient they’re not even that bad the scary monsters okay we’re on 18 I’m going to die just cuz I’m not not even trying to kill them you haven’t found a quiver still the one that I’m missing is the fairy all this time I still don’t have a single one of the fairies um I have all the other ones but not the fairy and everybody keeps being like Oh bring the fairy into the mines when you do the like the can’t eat in the mines Quest and I’m like I can’t I don’t have it yet the fairy gives you a little bit of Health back um when you kill monsters is that what it is I don’t I don’t really think that I need it that much to be honest I think that I’d probably benefit more from the ones that I’ve been using but wow there’s a lot of bats on that level okay I don’t think we need to do infested levels I don’t think that’s necessary for us right now okay uh I haven’t gotten the fair yet gives you health while you’re in combat yeah that’s what I thought what do I know though I can’t give you the exact answer of what the fairy is cuz I’ve never had one I still have not got it and you will get lucky and get it today meanwhile I have like seven frogs or something Anna Tiger Lily thank you for the subs um Robin y thank you so much um I feel bad hitting these things I kind of think they’re cute oh I just walked pass radioactive ore again oh my God I’m so silly it’s okay it’s not that bad to get did I get slimed just then that’s ridiculous go away okay that’s 30 we’re actually not doing that well right now I need to be quicker how did the frog eat the whole thing I know when the Frog eats the giant slimes it’s so funny okay there’s some radioactive ore that’s the spirit why is it not dropping the ladder over here I guess we traded for loads of them so I might as well just go right the little frog thing is a trinket it’s called um they help you in combat it’s from the new Mastery star system in 1.6 I don’t I need to stop running away I don’t need to run from these the frog is giving the Among Us mod pack it kind of does everybody keeps asking me what mod it is or like do I have a mod how do you get that mod and it’s not a mod it’s just from the new update um golden mystery box okay I need to go faster jeez eight levels we’re on 45 not bad eat my espresso any suggestions for a cat plushy name oh good question anybody have any any name ideas for their cat plushy it’s 140 I’m still only on 46 just skip it some of these we should just jump ahead honestly we need to be a little bit smarter about time okay it’s okay you’re embarrassingly bad at skull Caverns yeah I don’t think you’re bad at skull Caverns I haven’t seen you play but I bet you’re not bad at it yeah we can also spam staircases we once we get further down if we need to oh my God we’ll be fine okay you should probably eat Kayla be a little bit more careful instead of just standing next to monsters and not doing anything about it okay that’s good I’ll place this down here oh good I didn’t have to waste it I don’t like these no I just wasted two staircases stupid okay 54 only three levels from that boo boo oh you have a calico cat plushy that’s so fun I actually don’t have that many Plushies maybe I should try and start trying to get more okay oh really Mar I I mean that makes sense a lot of books I read make me anxious too so you’re not alone if it makes you feel any better okay all that time we finally got a little bit more radio Radioactive ore yikes um AIA thank you for the re up too the Frog just ate a serpent yeah and it ate that little fire thing too I thought for a second that was radioactive ore and it was just an emerald I read Alie hazelwood’s new book yeah I read it this week um it wasn’t my favorite of her books but I did like it enough um I actually have a signed copy not to brag um oh my spicy eel ran out thank you I need to pay more attention die there we go there we go sign copy I know I bought it I pre-ordered it from my local bookstore and I didn’t even know it was going to come signed and then it did so that was cool um I need to eat breakfast but I can’t look away from the tree see that’s so funny I got this tree bot in my Discord server um it literally it’s just a tree like you work together to grow a tree and everybody has been like so I don’t know just obsessed with this thing recently it’s like taking over it’s so funny um we only got it it’s not even been 24 hours but um it’s uh really speaking to [Music] us okay um bye thank you wait where it’s in the it’s in the tree channel in the Discord server um have I done the quest with the bear and the secret note I think I’ve done most of the secret note quests my problem is I keep forgetting what I’ve done in this save versus another save so I’m like I think I did that but did I do it in this one I hope so well I have to check I’m going to upload my save to the um stard you.info or whatever website and we’ll see what we’ve done and what we haven’t done cuz I want to see what crafting recipes we missing still I got got by something leave me alone okay four levels we’re almost there chat we’ll be fine we shall be fine I don’t know why I was just trying to oh my God you have to eat stop pay attention ah okay yikes our tree is so tall it is it’s doing very well you should be so proud oh my God I need to start like actually trying to kill these things I’m so used to just kind of like not bothering and like running past them but I’m just going to use a ladder on this level I don’t care to blow these things up they’re too far away okay why are you not killing them well it’s just purely out of speed it’s faster sometimes to run past them if you can place a bomb fast and get the whole fast and you don’t have to bother um but sometimes I’m not as fast as I think I am um so that would be the reason time okay that’s 100 I got my extra stuff and I got far more totems I don’t think I care to keep going too much further in the scary Minds because I feel like I’m just wasting bombs so I might honestly just leave relatively soon I might kill some of this stuff but I I don’t know I feel like we’re just wasting things at this point yeah I’ll get the things on this level and then we’ll head out probably I think that is my plan all right let’s leave oh yikes wow did I ever find the fairy no we didn’t get another trinket today no trinkets it’s all right one of these days we’ll get it there’s nothing you can do to like encourage to find that one specifically so um Sage Kate Mitchell thank you for the reubs am I more of a coffee or tea person I’m honestly neither I don’t really drink coffee or tea um that’s boring but I don’t really do either okay I’ll put all this away real quick you thought I did but then you realized it was the pink cake yeah not quite a fairy that pink cake huh okay put all of that in there I will take all of my tools back um okay cell cell nice nope doesn’t go in there that goes there now I got to zoom back in and then we will go no no not that zoomed in yikes maybe 90 is okay for me okay maybe I will go talk to kobis then real quick see if we can switch profession not talk to him but you know go into the sewer I’ve decided that I’m sick of being brave and trying to play with not Artisan I’ve decided I’m over it how do I feel about bubble tea for some reason you strike me as someone who’s not into it oh it’s a texture thing I can’t I can’t really um I want to change change my farming is that what I was trying to do is swap my farming one cuz then it would switch to Artisan I just did that very fast without thinking that was right right okay good okay I just saw a little creature let’s go back home we shall go to bed so I dislike both popping Boba and tapioca I like popping Boba better than tapioca um but I don’t really I it wouldn’t be like my first choice like if everybody’s getting Boba I’ll go with you but I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to get it you know but I don’t really drink any fancy drinks I’m so boring about that like I literally just mostly drink water so I’m no fun um okay those are all my grapes I’m trying to save those I’m going to start drying The Grapes too okay hello everyone thank you you never had Boba oh really there’s boba places all over the place around here um they are very very common okay it’s only 10 p.m. so I’ll probably grab all these too love you some play old water yeah I know so boring but it’s water’s good for you you know do you like smoothies oh I drink smoothies I don’t really go out and buy them though I usually just make them at home I think that’s that’s the key takeaway from this is that I mostly just do all this at home um okay save that too you think we’d get along real well are you the same way Emily that’s funny um I’m glad to hear it okay one two three nice we’re getting somewhere I haven’t been putting anything in that yet because I’m going to wait so I have them all in the same time cuz they’re going to be done in a second probably tomorrow or something I’m not sure exactly what day though all right let’s dry this ancient fruit while we are at it and pick all these up okay go away can’t send a texture of gelatin oh I’m the same I don’t eat any gelatin though I’m the same way all right let’s go to bed cuz we should have Artisan tomorrow um so then we can start selling most of these things okay s SS like Kate thank you for the subs oh crops worth 10% more Artisan okay now we are set up and we can sell everything you know what I’m going to expose duck Dan for a second real quick Dan is like obset obsessed with Jello he calls it jelly cuz he’s British G but Dan is obsessed with Jello like it he literally is obsessed with it it’s like his favorite treat he loves Jello-O he’s been buying Jell-O recently and making it just for himself cuz I don’t eat it obviously has gelatin in it but it’s so funny he’s obsessed with Jello um I respect I respect it you know he knows what he wants he likes jello oh I’m so bad about this I haven’t been keeping these water these are my coffee things but I got to get them you had the individual cups as kids oh he buys like the powder stuff that you make from scratch um oh thank you Marne I actually need that okay is there a vegan version of gelatin um I don’t know my assumption would be I don’t think so take all that why not I don’t think so um I mean people make like they use like AAR AAR to make it but I don’t know if they make people make like jello is what I’m talking about not just gelatin but like I don’t think people make like straight up Jello-O with it do they they might I don’t know if I want that though I don’t like Jell-O I never did so I don’t think I would like it like um you’ve made it did it turn out okay I’m not I don’t know if that’s for me can’t tell a difference interesting I’ve had that people use that in like recipes sometimes I’ve never had like a Jello-O substitute before but I don’t like regular Jello so um okay it’s just as gross as Jello though yeah see you get it you get it um all right I’m probably not even going to bother with these tea leaves turning into tea but it’s good to have as like a backup for the future yeah there’s a lot of gummy Brands um the UK specifically has so much more vegan candy like that than we do here um it’s kind of cool don’t put the save tracker oh yeah I’ll have to do that today I probably should do it right now um I want to get stardew checkup okay let me see if I can upload my save file and then we will see what recipe I am missing okay I’m looking for Moss Meadow this one okay so here’s our stardew DOT checkup um we are looking for the things that we have not done yet um I don’t have friendship with my own children obviously that’s fine I haven’t got Abigail’s eight heart event and I haven’t got like any of Leah’s heart events which is interesting um warp totem desert that’s the last thing I haven’t crafted oh wow we haven’t um done the rewards from a couple of the secret notes too yeah so we just need the golden clock and then um the last recipe and then of course stupid prairie king stupid you don’t need to do that Perfection though um wow I did make a desert warp totem I’m it’s always the silliest things that you realize you haven’t made yet you know okay we’ll get all this star fruit saved I need to plant the extra seeds that I have hopefully I have enough just on me that’s a website called stardo checkup if you’re looking for it uh you can upload your save file and it can help you if you can’t remember like what you’re missing and like that information is like I could have found that you know just from like scrolling through all of the recipes that I have but um it would have taken me a while so that was easier your last recipe was a fishing bobber it’s so funny it’s these things that you think you’ve made you know but you realize oh I actually never actually crafted that it’s like how um for the longest time I thought I had all the rare crows and I was missing two I did not have all the rare crows and here I was thinking oh I definitely have them all no no you don’t Kayla no you don’t oh God W work for console no you can’t use it on Console cuz you can’t upload your save like that from console um Cherry Bomb that’s nice yeah I’ve seen luxie using that stard do.a website too um I have not used that one myself um I don’t really use it that often I mean that’s like my third time in this save pulling that up and it’s mostly just been for the crafting to see what I was missing cuz I was close to being done and I I hadn’t finished so I wanted to see what I was missing completely um oh I put those in a chest I knew I was was trying to sell them I like I sat here wondering why I did that okay take all of these it’s your first Wednesday stream really that’s cool yeah I’ve been playing this save for a while this is like my 100 100 hours I’ve gotten this save now um kind of ridiculous if you ask me but it’s fine it’s fine all right let’s try these real quick good how much does that sell for 69,7 120 that is what we need um you planting coffee beans just to make coffee or to make money oh well I don’t really the coffee beans are mostly in there just for the vibes I wasn’t really planning on uh using the coffee beans for money if I’m being completely honest um I have 12 more of these that’s pretty good I don’t even know if I have enough yeah I don’t even have enough iron bars to make the rest uhoh my outside kegs were done too the ones on the other side were done yeah I don’t want to um put anything in them until I have more ready okay put all of that away save all of those I will probably sell a couple more of these things too um how much was that worth actually 22,000 that’s pretty good um okay save all of that keep those in here we want to make five more of those still I need to reorganize all my stuff as well cuz I’m okay good yeah the neighbors are mowing like again I don’t know if you can hear it it’s slight but there is some mowing outside again um unfortunately I think I am a little bit low on star fruit so that’s kind of bad we might want to try to plant some more star fruit um on the island but we’ll see about that we shall see about that oh wow that’s loud now they’re on this side of the house hopefully it’ll be short oh man they’re sometimes they’re earlier than this sometimes there later it kind of just depends this morning it was raining so I think that might be why they didn’t do it earlier cuz sometimes they do it before I go live but they always do it on a Wednesday every single time I guess realistically and I hate to say it but it’s probably preferable in my mind for them to do it on Wednesdays than if they did it um that’s milk when I was trying to record I think yeah now that we have artism we want to get some more of these things made um so we’ll probably try and do that um but like it’s it’s less bad if they do it when I’m streaming than when I’m recording I think is how I feel about that I don’t know what you think um they mow every week oh we’re in Florida they I mean they do something every week I don’t know if they mow or if they’re like trimming bushes or they’re always doing something though um they’re always doing something okay I want to save some more of those looks like I’m out of hay yeah I have a little bit more I just got I probably should come put there we go okay hello creatures are any of no there’s nothing in there oh my God I think we’re in trouble we’re not going to have enough stuff to put inside of our um in here oh wait oh I am not out of starf fruit never mind here I was thinking I was out I was so nervous we’re not out of star fruit false alarm false alarm there’s like 3 400 in there or something I forget how many it said but we have plenty of star fruit we are totally fine okay let’s make some more of those oil makers oh jeez I don’t have enough hardwood oh my god um that’s bad I can make a couple more Mayo machines though we have to go chop some hardwood I probably should plant some hardwood wait let me make some tree fertilizer real quick and I’ll plant some hardwood trees uhoh we are in trouble now for some reason you’re craving Sushi are you really apparently yesterday was National Sushi day I know because my friend Brew um is obsessed with sushi specific specifically Sushi Tuesdays and um yesterday was a Tuesday and National Sushi day one two three four five six okay how many did I make 15 um well I’ll probably put a couple extra over here cuz it won’t hurt if they just try and grow and I’ll put these all I’m putting the tree fertilizer in places where I know that it won’t fall into the water cuz that is not what I want okay that’ll be good oh here’s some that’ll be good too what about Taco Tuesday oh Taco Tuesday is overdone it’s all about sushi Tuesday these days you know that’s what we really need I never actually partake in in bruise Sushi Tuesday if I’m being honest um why do we need hardwood cuz I’m trying to make more uh truffle oil makers turns out I have no hardwood so we’re kind of in trouble okay you’re craving Sushi now too uhoh well what have we done all right well we’ll chop some hardwood in here real quick um when I was at my I went to visit my friend hope in New York um and the beauty of New York City is that there is a million vegan restaurants um and my friend hope brought us to a few of them and we went to one that has some really good sushi but I don’t remember the name of it so I don’t I can’t tell you oh why not plant hardwood trees I just did um I just did I just I didn’t have um enough and I need more hardwood like right now so that was a desperate times call for desperate measures um so um anyway we have some more we got some extra from over here too there’s hardwood on the island too um but it’s kind of late and I don’t really want to go to the Island right now okay uh Fox Court and thank you for the subs everybody you have the quy full of trees yeah I don’t have any hardwood trees in the quy but I probably should I I right now my bigger concern up until recently was not hardwood but regular wood so that’s what I’ve been planting more of um okay well we’re going to check and see if I can make more of my um things I want to oh my stuff’s ready now okay now it’s the big time I got to get my iron did I craft the totem yet I have not crafted the totem yet no the totem I’m not that worried about that’s not we’re not in a rush for that part um what we are in a rush for is getting the rest of my kegs finished hi snap are you going to sit with us oh wait real quick I want to make my am okay you’re on the desk now hi so good to see you thank you one more oil maker too all right let’s go do our kegs real quick um I can Harvest you one two three four five we’re getting there I know what do you need snap do you want to sit on my desk do you want to sit on your bed I can’t really pet you cuz I’m in a rush to harvest my starfruit wine but I’ll pet you in a second okay oh my God she’s mad at me I’m sorry Snappy I can pet you I’m sorry I can pet you D thank you for the 103 sub thank you so much you’re so cute worm okay nice now I got to put all my star fruit in there I like to place them one by one to be honest because when I do it this way I know for a fact that I’m not going to miss any but I know it’s not the most time efficient way of doing it okay the tail just in the camera snap you’re so funny the people love it um it like sometimes when she does that it focuses specifically on her tail as well which is also kind of funny you can’t see my face you just see tail okay almost there with all of these and then we got to go do them on the other place too I don’t know how many we have in the other one but thank you snap just Tails please M Olive thank you for the subs um okay you like the mouse clicky noise do you I like the mouse clicky noise too I quite like doing it one by one like this like to me I think this is very satisfying just going through and doing it one by one oh I messed that up but I enjoy it from this direction I hope I have enough I think I put some in here right so we should have enough okay almost there keg filling ASMR yeah I should do it from the bottom cuz then you can see better okay we’ve almost got 6 million and we’re going to make quite a bit of money today like a ridiculous amount of money today one might even say so I’m feeling good about that too I know thank you snap thank you so much I’m going to have just not enough that’s so annoying there’s a little bit more down here 46 more snap says it’s time for a cat break yeah she wants attention so bad okay I’m I’m done now I can pet you I’m done now is that better you feel better oh random fan thank you for the 16 Monon resub thank you so much all right save the rest of those it is already midnight I think I have time to go down and see about um using some of our machines again though I would very much like to at least I think what I might do tomorrow is start trying she like hit me in the face with her tail I think what I might do tomorrow is uh move some of these outside but I might do this for now don’t pick those up okay stop okay that was the perfect amount of those High farmers and snaps tail hi Christine um yeah I’m probably going to move this too but we’ll start with that snap I can’t see oh my God it’s already 1 I am okay we’ll be fine we’ll come back and fix the rest of it tomorrow I got to go sell this stuff real quick look 75,000 that is disgusting oh we got cat cam there we go that is absolutely disgusting lots and lots of money okay we’ll sell these for another 98,000 these are for 25,000 I had seven more kegs in my inventory I have to do them now I can’t I cannot have them be delayed oh no oh no oh no they’re already out oh my God I’m not going to make it no they’re going to be off by a day oh that’s going to make me want to cry okay fast take this okay one two three four five six seven I just can’t do it can I I missed one but I got most of them I got most of them that’s fine we still have to put a couple more in there anyway this is ridiculous we made 1.2 million today go see Casey approachable thank you for the subs yeah we could fairy dust that last one if we wanted to get him set up that’ll be fine um it’ll be okay all right she’s going to fall snap you need to be more careful you’re literally going to fall out of your bed if you’re not careful ridiculous creature is what you are okay lus found me passed out um I think I’m going to sell some of these cuz I have a lot of extras so I might just get rid of them real quick I’m going to keep this cheese um this is all going to get dried biscuit Factory is a dangerous job occupational hazard of falling out of your machine apparently okay what we should do now is also craft the desert warp totem before I forget okay this is good thank you everybody um desert warp totem craft Master we have officially crafted everything oh you can’t see my achievement proof of craft Master now you can see it um we did it we have officially crafted everything that makes us 90% Perfection I’ll change my stream title I ordered biscuits a year ago I still have not received them can I contact the customer service department um yeah I don’t know what to tell you Owen unfortunately this cat is a scammer and I don’t think you’re ever going to be getting your biscuits um snap’s more important than the achievement maybe maybe okay look at how many of these we have this is ridiculous yeah the golden clock is officially our last thing yeah the absolute last thing that must be done is getting the gold for the golden clock we need 10 million we have 7 million but now that I was Brave and decided to switch to Artisan despite my stubbornness of wanting to play something different um it won’t take that long maybe a couple weeks in game uh and we’ll be good to go all right store all of that I’m going to turn these into dried fruits the lightning Poes give me battery packs I actually don’t really need them anymore I could probably start selling some of the battery packs that I have cuz I have like a 100 or something ridiculous like that um is that all of them I think so okay hi everybody oh no I got to buy some hay they’re mad at me we’re in year three this is fall of year three uh right now uh-oh sorry everybody awkward super awkward um all right I think what I will be doing now is taking these things and I’m going to put them outside um chest included because I want to be able to see them when I’m out there I think it’ll be easier for me to use them okay um just Auto pet work in the yard to pet all of them I don’t think so no I don’t think so oh my God that’s ridiculous put all the eggs inside of this real quick okay the loom too did I leave the loom in there I thought I picked the loom up I think what you’re talking about there’s an auto pet in there still so that might be what you mean by Loom maybe I’m silly and I missed it um okay I’m trying to decide how I want to go about this because part of me is thinking like we should just line them up around here right one two 3 can you move thank you can you move move move move well that’s annoying um I have some truffles that I can put in there there we go that’ll be good for now um I guess I can put I want to have more of these truffle oil machines um I know I have some inside of that room oh hello truffle Oh I thought I had more truffles in here I guess not that’s fine well I want to get more truffle oil machines I just can’t really oh my God I hate you for this [Music] leave it’s ridiculous it’s ridiculous I literally can’t even put this in there now I can okay good um and I guess I can put these like this I don’t know that’s kind of like ugly a little bit but it’s fine yeah putting machines in front of this grass will stop from spreading power Panda but this grass doesn’t spread anyway it literally has has not spread in so long um so it’s not going to make a difference that grass doesn’t even spread um I wish it did that would be really nice but that grass literally does not even spread um move we’re missing the golden clock for Perfection crushy it’s the last thing we just need more money we’re really uh struggling oh my God if this thing doesn’t leave I swear I’m going to start screaming move I’m going to put um like flooring in here I think in the middle you personally rage sell your animals when they’re in your way I can’t say I blame you for doing that I’ll just put it here I’ll make another one of these soon enough it’ll be fine okay those are all eggs I can put goats milk milk regular milk think I might have forgot the keg outside the night before I think I did it first I’m pretty sure the keg outside is fine um what um okay why aren’t you selling your raw truffles if rning the oil well I I have been selling my raw truffles for a 100 hours in game comod I want to make a couple truffle oils though um as you can see I only have a couple oil makers and I get like a million things per day okay take all of these please we got to slowly start moving these around um all of you go back in there I’m going to sell those ostrich eggs too but not yet okay everything is moved around we should make some better money this way because we have more stuff I think I’ll just leave those in there too um okay that should be good for now they have ostriches in stardo yeah they sure do um you can get them from the island I only have one right now but they do have ostriches in stardew okay this is lava eel R it’s not worth as much is it that’s fine did it really J I’m sorry to jump scare you with the p postcard uhoh uhoh all right I will save this thing I’m going to save a couple more truffle oils cuz I want to have a little bit more I don’t have any duck Mayo so it won’t hurt to save a couple of those um I do have that okay sell cell cell cell cell cell cell sell cell okay um you started hiding the postcard around the house first step oh and you’re a monster how could you do this her okay that’s not bad I don’t believe that I have any more ancient fruit that we can age or dry or whatever so I’ll just keep trying to work through all these cranberries um oh I have a little bit more actually that’s fine um got this live in play redhead thank you for the reubs too everybody I appreciate that um simsy The Keg wasn’t done please check well if it’s not done then I don’t care I don’t want the keg is out there so that they’re not off schedule that one okay that one’s not done you’re right but that’s the same schedule as the other one so it doesn’t matter The Keg outside is literally just so I can see when they’re done and those are done and they’re the same schedule so it’s not a problem they’re I’m not if I put it now that defeats the the whole purpose um that the whole point is for them to be on the same timing so we don’t need to panic about it is okay um sell those okay I appreciate you noticing but don’t worry don’t worry it’s not a big deal um save all of that stuff okay I think I’m going to bring these over I just want to see how many more I have in this room um I should be fine and then we’ll put the others in that one I only need a couple more kegs for these buildings then we can start putting more kegs on the island so that’ll be good too okay save this now I got these little guys to put right here and in that time all of this was finished oh I need to buy more stuff from hold on I need to go talk to the to Marne I can buy stuff when she’s not working cuz I have the book so I’m going to go buy some more hay and that’ll be good too okay supply shop that should be fine for now okay Andre thank you for the resub I appreciate that um how many hours did I put in that save in this save we’ve got like 100 hours in this save now I think almost exactly we have like 101 hours or something um which is pretty fun kind of a scary thought when you think about how much time that actually is but it’s okay it’s fine it’s totally fine everything’s fine um oh you got this Andre you got this um the fence post in the back and the chicken coop is broken so the animals can get out oh I’m not that worried about the animals getting out to be honest I’ve been leaving the gate open cuz my dog has been in there a lot um so I’ve been leaving the gate open even so I only play it on stream Oddball I only play it on stream we have not played this save at all off stream um I don’t really play that many games off stream or off recording because like just to give you an example yesterday I started recording Sims videos at 8:00 a.m. I finished at 3 p.m. I ate lunch then I went live at 400 p.m. so I wasn’t really um uh playing games off stream you know when we’re doing a lot of this pre-recording stuff so I I haven’t played uh really games off stream in a little bit and I don’t know I kind of like if I want to play a game when I’m not streaming it kind of makes me just want to um it almost makes me just feel like oh maybe I should just go live anyway because it’s more fun to play while you’re live you know it’s kind of my thought process at least okay one two one two if we could start getting all of these eggs processed that would be super good um plus people don’t want to miss the save I would play in a different save you know if I was going to do that when’s my twitch con trip it is uh next week um so not quite yet but soon oh I need two more eggs actually is what I’m missing twitchcon is not this weekend but like next the next weekend the last weekend of the month I age the wine I don’t age the cheese Billy um the problem is I make a lot more wine than I need to be aging um because you know how the seller takes like months literally to age um I am aging a lot more already so I have to sell extras but oh is this full okay that’s fine I’ll keep these then that’s okay I’ll put it in this chest actually I’ll get to explore the city a little bit I’m excited about it um I I’ll have time to explore and go to the convention so it will be really fun um maybe I’ll sell a couple of these too honestly I just want to sell a bunch of these things that’s full just start clearing it out you wish you were going I know it it’s a really cool opportunity I’m excited to go um it’ll be kind of fun what was I going to do I swear I had like one more thing I wanted to do I think tomorrow I’m going to go to the island and I might replace the pineapples with star fruit I might try and rearrange some of the farming at the island yeah a bunch of my friends are going to be there um which will be really exciting so um where is the twitchcon it’s in reram um it’s in reram this year so can I relocate the house yeah you can move the house if you want to oh you know what that’s what I was going to do see I have a 100 of these um to be put in here they’re not done yet though one of them is not done cuz I was going to try and have them synced up but it’s not working cuz they took longer than I thought they would um they took so long oops okay I’m going to water these little things I think they might no they don’t okay we’ll keep get getting that growing you’re going to try and go to the San Diego one oh that’ll be cool I really honestly have a lot of fun at twitchcon I think it’s a a really fun convention so um oh really Meg that’s exciting what a cool uh honeymoon location that’ll be so cool um I excited to hear about it when you go I’ll be there first but I’m excited to hear about your time hey Jesse thank you for the resub um 570 gold okay okay still hoping it’ll be in Boston soon the twitch con yeah that would be cool unfortunately I don’t anticipate that twitch will literally ever do that the the devastating fact of the matter is I think they want to keep it on the West Coast cuz it’s easier for them because they’re all in California um I wish that they would do it on the East Coast that would make my life a lot easier it’s like a 5H hour flame for me to go to San Diego that’s no fun okay yeah anyway I agree it would be easier if they did it over here they did apparently um there was some talk a while back when they were moving it they did it in Vegas last year um and there was apparently some talk uh when they were when they were plotting if they might want to do it in New York City um but the reason that twitch likes to do it in San Diego is because they can kind of like it’s almost like a twitch takeover of the whole city when there’s a convention in town um cuz it’s a bit smaller and like it’s uh more compact I guess people are less spread out so they prefer a layout like that for the con um which is why they didn’t do it in New York City um but I don’t know I’m not involved in the planning of this I don’t know what they’re talking about but that’s their reasoning why did you not eat I put I gave you stuff yesterday there should be enough food for you ridiculous ridiculous okay I might move one of those down so it can actually be even again oh my goodness move okay 12 well I want to start getting I’m going to sell those eggs out right I think I’m going to start getting um some of the single eggs put in here processed to clear up some inventory space in there or like like chest space I need more eggs did we do anything exciting I think so we finished making um we finished crafting everything now so we’ve uh crafted every single recipe we’ve got the achievement from it um we’re getting somewhere store that and that okay my goodness so much stuff what events do the Sim gurus tend to be at you know the Sims grou some of the Sims team used to go to twitchcon um I think that was honestly just partly because like some of those people were big fans of the convention um I don’t know if they have any plans to go to VidCon this year um they might be at twitchcon again last year um there was a couple folks they’re more like behind the scenes folks than you would know um they’re not like really as public facing um so I almost don’t even want to say their names because I don’t know if they like are that public cuz they work just some sometimes just at EA and not really just on the Sims but yeah there were some people why did you not feed them eat I guess they didn’t eat yesterday is that why you’re all monsters so annoying anyway they sometimes go to twitchcon um not really in like like a meeting the community capacity as much um if that makes any sense but some of them are there from time to time okay do a lot of the EA people know me yeah yeah more than I realize um I sort of I’m going to sound like the brat for saying this again oh my God but I sort of approach it like oh hi it’s so nice to meet you and they’re like little simsy We Know Who You Are um and I I guess that makes sense I suppose um if you work on the Sims it probably does make sense but I’ll be like hey I’m Kayla and they’re like yeah but I don’t know I’m not going to assume like that makes me awful so I’m not going to sit here pretending that you definitely know but I don’t know sometimes um like to give an example like when a new pack comes out a lot of the team wants to watch review content and like um sometimes like positive reviews will get sent around to the team that worked on it so like you know people they find out because they see people talking about it so um they definitely uh learn okay I need to make myself some more copper bars we’ll start that that will be really good okay I will grab all these too real quick and then we go to the ah no I wanted my trinket on that okay um do I have more that I can put in there it’s like every day it’s a on a daily basis we’re just sat here processing stuff trying to make money oh it’s a mess okay 54 that’s good we can work with that what are we working on right now to get Perfection money just money to be completely honest um we’re really trying to earn the 10 million gold that we need that’s the desert oh my God I did not mean to come here well maybe I’ll buy some star fruit seeds maybe it’s worth it that’s good yeah we need the 10 million gold to get the golden clock and that’s kind of our last uh last big thing I did not get my return scepter do you think I should buy the return scepter it’s 2 million we talked about buying it last time and then we chickened out but we’ve made 2 million today so we could we don’t really need it though is the problem and it’s so much money it’s more it’s really handy to have and it like feels fun to have cuz I’ve very rarely get it in this game so it like feels like it’d be an exciting Edition but you don’t really need the return scepter you wait until after I get Perfection yeah but how much longer am I going to play after I get Perfection is the question you know okay let me see if I have any speed grow that’s Deluxe speed grow I might try and make myself some no I won’t I need regular speed grow okay um I need pinear and Moss that’s easy for me to get my hands on that was more than I thought was making wow jeez okay that’s fine moss menion moss menion all right we’re going to go replace the um on the island I want to replace the pineapple I have with some of these okay so I do have a couple more of my little friends unfortunately for me maybe I will just line them all up like that I know that they’re oh you can’t see them they’re it filled in the space don’t worry um I think to be completely honest I think I might go back and I might try and get some more idium sprinklers to use down here and we’ll see if we can maximize any space at all cuz I don’t really care how it looks I just want to have money okay let’s go back and get R of sprinklers I can make like four or five of them I might even already have a couple I don’t know we will see I have some regular sprinklers I don’t need those what is there to do after getting Perfection um I mean it depends what you want to do you can just keep playing the game never stops honestly make like so many of these because even if we don’t use them we can like just space out everything with big ones to maximize the number of crop spaces um yeah you can just keep playing you get a pretty cool reward for finishing Perfection and you can just keep playing and making more money there’s not that much new to do after you get Perfection obviously um hence why it’s Perfection um but it is still I mean there’s I think the game is fun but I’m probably not going to play much after I finish Perfection so don’t know if that answers your question at all okay I excited to have some starf fruit over here oh what am I doing die die die die die die can you hold that okay that’s good I got to figure out the best way to lay out the sprinklers yeah you could get divorced and remarried a bunch of times I don’t know I mean keep in mind right I already have a 100 hours in this save and I’m not that close to getting Perfection I guess I kind of am um so there’s the the game has a lot of content you know that’s a a real bonus of it um okay strawberry thank you for the resub I really appreciate that um please get the cut scene of dating everyone oh I’ve done that we we did a save where I tried to I was playing what I called evil stardew and I did like jojamart and we tried to date everyone all at once we did do that on stream um so that was fun I don’t know why I hold the ground like that yikes I’m I mean I can just continue on with the existing sprinkler layout if I do it like this and that might not be so bad we have enough where why did I do that how was the JoJo route I find the JoJo route boring my my thought kind of is that um the community center is really fun for me I really enjoy like the whole effort of trying to finish the community center and like collect everything so doing the JoJo route to me is like kind of blah just because it’s all about money um so I guess maybe it’s good for speedr running but it’s not really my vibes for like regular gameplay I don’t think um one two three four put you right there put you right there oh dear that’s going to complicate things maybe I could put this here does that that won’t water all of it will it I guess I could put it closer that should be fine okay um yeah I think it’s meant to be boring though the JoJo route cuz it’s supposed to be like evil you know so I guess that makes sense but it’s not really my vibes you’re playing joa in your safe because you want to decorate with the joa catalog that’s so funny any excuse to use the joa catalog huh one two one two goes right here okay that’s kind of weird I’m not going to lie I don’t even know if it’s worth like having it over here the bottom gets to be a real mess it gets to be a real mess maybe I won’t even like maybe we should just line it up like this just so it looks better oh no no little simsy you want money you have enough sprinklers do it anyway stop okay let me plant all of these real quick and then I’ll Water them and then I’ll put speed grow oh hopefully I have enough that might be a whole other issue is that I didn’t bring enough starfruit seeds I thought I’d have plenty but in hindsight this place is pretty big okay it just looks so ugly I really wish that the island was like I know that he did it on purpose and like he’s trying to make it look kind of I don’t know like overgrown and stuff intentionally but to me it’s just so ugly you know um and I wish that it wasn’t I really don’t like it very much the fact that it’s this ugly oh that one’s not even going to get watered go over one more that’ll get watered okay that’ll do I got to put my speed grow down oh I can’t even tell what I’ve put speed grow on oh my God I probably should have done the speed grow first we got to be really careful if we just make sure we go in exact lines we should be fine yikes okay oh I missed one do I think I’ll get Perfection today I don’t think so I think we still have a ways to go it takes a long time to earn the last bits of money so I I honestly expect it’ll take us a while um I don’t think we’ll be able to achieve it today okay um water all this I mean we’ve been close and working on money for so long and we’re still not really even that close you know um so we have a ways to go unfortunately we’re not going to get them all watered oh my God this is a disaster they’re going to be out of syn I was too slow oh this breaks my heart this absolutely breaks my heart I’m devastated by this you have no idea oh my God I shouldn’t have watered any of them Flair T thank you for the subs it’s okay it’s okay pain horrible nightmare hopefully it’s all got speed gr oh those didn’t even get watered oh yikes okay that’s fine I will just toss them we can manage that I will put a little walkway we’re also going to put a walkway like kind of of all the way around this ah I just broke one oh my God it’s fine they’re all messed up anyway okay put it right there yeah I’m doing this to stop the spreading weeds if I can the seasons last 28 days days in this game well we have a little bit of space right here these things I think got destroyed by spreading weeds too so maybe I could put some of this on here okay if we really want to we could probably put some more sprinklers in this area um I could do one like right wait put you right there that’s fine do I even have enough seeds for this okay and then maybe put that actually worked out really well look at that I don’t have quite enough seeds that place is messed up but we’ve got everything planted it’s very extended fuddle thank you for the resub thank you so much um you were having gallery problems this morning oh I haven’t played Sims yet today so I don’t know I don’t know if I’m having gallery problems today but I hope not okay I’m going to grab all these real quick um that’ll be good your seems to be fine today yeah I wasn’t having gallery problems yesterday I was having my game was crashing and it was struggling to download stuff problems which I guess is partially a gallery problem but the main issue was just like the downloads were crashing my game when I was trying to load everything um I didn’t mean to break that okay what a mess it looks awful it looks absolutely awful that’s okay I can put some more of these weeds or more of these little things right here and then I will probably save oh I have ancient fruit seeds this whole time I didn’t know I had ancient fruit seeds in there you should bring this home with you you should honestly bring this home with you too okay I passed out yep thank you for helping me Willie extra wood okay now I’m going to go check on what quest there is in the Walnut Room and then we’ll go back home okay oh that’s weird um Dear Universe I think that tomorrow is the day that I get my last reward in game in The Sims but I haven’t I’m not sure um ancient fruit is still better than star fruit since it regrows and the seeds are free versus 400 gold each yeah I mean the problem is um it just takes a lot longer cuz we have to um I don’t know I mean maybe it’s better now but see think you can score 50,000 points in junimo car endless no I refuse to do it again absolutely not um absolutely not I’m going to get me another one of these do it no I spent like three streams trying to do that I’m not doing it again I absolutely refuse no way no way okay we’re going to go back home I got to put all these things down at home um oh that’s totally fine Tara that’s totally fine if you want to I don’t want you to feel like you have to um but if you want to that’s totally fine also um I guess as long as it’s like uh can reasonably fit in my suitcase you know um as long as I can reasonably get it home um but uh it’s totally fine if you wanted to bring me something to twitchcon I’m not going to say no I just it makes me feel bad that you want to because I’m like you don’t have to bring me anything but if you want to that’s totally fine um and nothing illegal I mean like that too but I don’t I’m not too worried about that I don’t think I trust you on that front oh okay thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you um the login rewards reset for anyone else yeah I saw somebody say that yesterday so I don’t think you’re alone in that oh my God we’re going to have so many more of these for the island here we go that’s 10 more okay you never got him beside the first really huh um yeah they this whole roll out has been a mess hasn’t it said you had to wait but it never came up oh weird yours are all claimed interesting yeah I hate how it’s not tied to the EA account too there is a way to um you can back up the file like if you get a new pc you can back up the file just like you could with your saves um I forget what the file was um you have to Google it cuz I saw something on the forums about it um but you can back it up so that you can bring it to your new computer it’s like a user info file or something if I remember correctly but don’t hold me to that look it up before you try and do it just in case you know um user settings oh it’s the user settings file oh my gosh yeah so you can back that up you can back up your user settings file and then it won’t it won’t go away um no it’s not EA account tide it’s really stupid it’s really really weird I don’t understand why they did that it makes absolutely no sense to me but um I assume that it’s because of like uh a money Andor time or effort issue like it was easier for them to make it stored locally so they did um but I think that defeats the purpose so whatever um yeah the average player won’t know how to back that up no the average player will have absolutely no idea what that even means and I find that really frustrating um save that and that okay go away those are still worth a decent amount of money which is good don’t sell the cheese okay we have to make as many more of these as we can I don’t have enough wood ah okay we need to get enough wood to make three more kegs I think I might try and go to the Quarry and see if they’re grown um yeah the average player is going to be so confused if they switch computers and then lose their rewards yeah they’re not going to know what that means I think that they should give them in an sdx drop to everybody um I think that they uh fumbled the launch of this and they should give them out to everybody and I’m going to say that I’m going to make a video about it tomorrow when I get my final reward um and then uh I’ll talk about it some more but I think they should give them to everybody I’ll see if we can make something happen it’s not a chest that um the thing with nine spaces paloa is actually a mini shipping bin um so you can use that to to ship things it’s like it’s the same as like your big shipping bin that you have on your farm except it only has nine spaces um and you can move that one around a little bit more easily um it’s like an extra shipping bin basically so it’s easier for me to just things in that one cuz it was right next to me instead of going to the big one but you can’t sell everything in that cuz it’s only small okay well I’m going to run out of energy doing this but that’s fine as long as we have enough to make like five more cuz I just got two more Oak resins um okay yeah I’m sorry Elizabeth it’s hard there’s so many reasons that people wouldn’t be able to log in you know and it sucks to miss out I I feel I understand what they’re trying to do with login rewards and I I do respect the desire to reward players like I I respect them wanting to reward people who play The Sims a lot like I think that’s cool of them and I get it um I just hate how it’s like you can miss out completely like I wish that maybe it was like um I don’t know if it like constantly grew like if you had to log in like 15 times total and you could do it over the course of like forever um that would make me feel a little bit better about it cuz then it’s like less of a chance for people to miss out you can still get it eventually even if you can’t get it right now um so I think that would be preferable to me but I don’t know I feel complicated about it because I I do respect what they’re trying to do I think that it’s nice to try and reward players but um it just wasn’t maybe it wasn’t rolled out in the best way um okay that is a mess all of this is planted in like the worst way possible I don’t know how I manag this so bad it’s fine let’s stop oh Erica Tera thank you for the subs I appreciate that um does the cute sword of the Galaxy sword stats uh it does because I forged them together so the cute sword is the Galaxy sword um it just looks like the cute sword um so it is a Galaxy sword it just doesn’t look like it you can do that too anybody can forge them so okay that’s five more save all of those put that away okay now I got 12 more KS that’s pretty good I’m going to go bring them to the island yeah it matters what slot you put each sword in um when you’re doing it you can see though what it’ll look like um I forget which side it has to go in like first but just move them around you’ll see that it’s going to be right when you’re doing it okay yay more KS those are like right behind my face aren’t they but just take my word for it they’re they’re there now and we’ll be rich I’m not going to put anything in them cuz I want them all to be on the same time frame so I’ll wait um if I Forge it with the Galaxy Souls it will lose the cat one and look like the regular sword does it really oh no am I going to lose it is it possible to get a second one of the cat swords or is it going to be gone gone when I put with my Galaxy Souls uhoh I find that concerning if I do it after Souls it will stay oh yeah well it’s too late for that I can get another okay that’s good then then it’s fine I’m not worried then um I am not worried stop doing that I’m trying to harvest these little tea leaves while I still can oh my god I’ve messed like everything up in my stop okay let me water my coffee beans I just got to get them grown I think that they have retaining soil on them but I can’t remember um you could unforge them first oh can you unforge them does it work like that um oh tomorrow’s Festival well let’s see about that I don’t know how it works I don’t I don’t think I realized that you could do that I don’t I’m not 100% sure if that’s possible but I’m down to try it will not hurt to try um you can now okay good then that’s fine okay can unmerge the Rings okay so you should be able to do the swords then I don’t think I’ve ever tried to unmerge anything in this game is it new Ian it doesn’t matter I just didn’t really realize you could do that okay thank you for all of this stuff greatly appreciate it and good Farm is so impressive you think so I’m glad you like it I quite like how my farm is looking I don’t like this corner I might try and plant some trees down there or something but otherwise I’m liking how it looks so far okay um and don’t feel I’m seeing some people be like oh my God I’m so behind cuz you’re comparing yourself to my farm but remember that I have literally speedrun experience in this game and I’ve been playing it since like 2016 um so it’s don’t don’t compare yourself to this and feel bad about like I never want anybody to feel bad about themselves because of they’re stardew Valley Farm you know but um most people play a little bit more casually even I play kind of casual to some people there’s some really wild speedrunners out there but um nobody no one’s allowed to feel bad about themselves that’s not the plan too box pancakes uh cats thank you for the reubs um okay you’re excited for 1.6 on Console cuz you’re so jealous of the idium Scythe I know the idium Scythe is like a lifechanging experience having that um the Frog buddy is not a mod cozy taco no it’s one of the trinkets that you can get with 1.6 um and my cat’s name is snap um when did you first get truffles it’s winter now oh you can’t get any truffles in the winter so if it’s winter in your game they won’t give you truffles you’ll start getting them in the spring again um okay eggs go in there I may even just sell some of these I’m not going to lie just for the sake of time but maybe it’s fine for now do fairy roses stay alive on Ginger Island they should cuz everything grows on Ginger Island I’ve never tried to plant them on Ginger Island though but the Island’s like basically a greenhouse so um it should work fine like that okay good stuff save both of those I have a fair bit I want to keep some just when I can I guess I could probably sell some of these maybe it’s only a little bit of money but every little bit counts you’ve never gotten Perfection really this is my second time going for it um I did it once before this but this is my second time so oh I’m out of pumpkins oh that’s fine hey luxie thank you for the raid welcome in everybody we’re playing a little bit of stardew we’re working towards Perfection I’m 90% now I just need the stupid golden clock the money grind is a is a rough one but um welome in it’s good to see you I hope you’re had a good stream um what am I doing put that back okay okay I might go get some of my caviar stuff that I can put in there then uh oh my God there’s ads playing oh worst case scenario why did that happen twitch how could you do this to us now of all times no oh no I’ll have to introduce myself again when the ads are done probably I’m so sorry Raiders I’m so sorry that’s horrible timing okay and almost done with all these just about exactly enough that’s good would it be worth it to make aridium bars to sell I I would probably say yes to that um I think it probably would be worth it to make aridium bars to sell I have not been doing that that much um but I probably should because I have so much aridium I really could be doing that if I wanted to um ignore me recycling this trash okay I just feel bad about I I saved it outside of the water and now I’m going to recycle it let’s make some aridium bars why not yeah see look how much aridium we have ridiculous ridiculous okay we shall start there all right we also have to go again this is the second time that we’ve had to do this today boo but I might do it again um just so we can get a little bit more of those points key Gems or whatever the wi and Prudence thank you for the subs I appreciate that um okay I think the ads are done playing I’m so sorry Raiders if you’re still here I don’t know if it gave you the ads but if so that’s very annoying thank you for coming by um oh if I have the skull Cavern set to hard mode than I take the quest it will be extra hard really is that how that works that’s kind of fun I didn’t know that um should we try and make some more of those Mystic trees maybe I will make some Mystic tree saplings I don’t remember where to get them I might just not have the right stuff in my inventory am I being silly where should I be looking it’s next to the stairs oh there it is Acorn Maple seed Pine Co mahogany seed okay we can do that I’m going to make three more of them I think I’m also going to make myself a couple tree fertilizers and then I’ll plant more down there okay yeah it’s cuz I keep my seeds in a different chest um two years up isn’t that wild to think about but wi it really is kind of wild when you put it into perspective like that um that is a long time okay one two three Mystic trees yay has anyone seen the new inside out yet no I haven’t yet I want to go see it I would like to go see it in theaters I just don’t have any time cuz I’m going to twitchcon soon so I’m like pre-recording and stuff um okay let me actually text my parents back real quick speaking of that I was supposed to go see my parents tonight um we were going to celebrate Father’s Day today CU my dad had to work over the weekend um but I don’t know what their plan is so I don’t I should probably ask them that now before I uh do anything else like what time you know where are we going what are we going to do I don’t actually know the answer to that this is the meal lands Farm um it’s the one that came out new in the update um okay 20 truffles my goodness that’s ridiculous okay let me see if I could just take some of these eggs that are like small stacks and I’ll try and turn those real quick I got the exact right amount of them that’s good take that too I’ll do some of these smaller stacks of milk what’s my favorite Farm type to play on you know I um I think I really enjoy playing on the standard Farm just because I like having more Farm space um I don’t really love the metal lands Farm because it has all these weird little pockets that make it hard for me to organize my crops um I know that’s me being quite picky but that’s kind of how I feel about it I don’t know um the metal lands Farm does does have some cool Perks at least um like with the chicken Coupe from the beginning um so I have enjoyed that aspect of it but for the most part I might be a standard Farm girly I also like the forest Farm if I had to pick one I’d probably pick the forest Farm a lot of the time because it’s nice to have all that access to extra hardwood early on um oh did you Jesse what did you get what is it what is it I’m so curious you installed mods to plant crops anywhere so you like the farm see that’s good that’s if you need to do things like that to make it more likable for you it is a beautiful farm so um do I still play Heyday you know what I actually haven’t played Heyday since uh like the end of April because I didn’t have time during my fundraiser I was so stressed out of my mind in May um so I’m off my Heyday kick I’ll probably pick it up again but I haven’t opened it in like a month I’ve changed I had a real problem but I’ve changed you got into Heyday because of me don’t talk about it too much I’ll start playing it again I do think it’s fun but I don’t know I started playing that it was fun and now you’re addicted really it’s just fun I just like it um okay Heyday is a mobile game it’s like a mobile farm game okay I’m going to go through and chop like all this wood real quick unfortunately for us it’s almost the end of the season which I must say I’m not the most thrilled about um I don’t really want it to be winter but it’s fine um I chopped all these already huh maybe I’ll buy some more hats while I’m down here well that could be a good use of our time let’s do that I know I have a lot of these already oh my God some of them are so expensive too I have the ear muffs um I don’t know Tropic clip trucker cat gnomes cap oh my God eye patch I don’t think I have the chef hat paper hat Jester hat white bow oh my God I’m spending way too much money space helmet Governor’s hat Blue Ribbon I don’t even think I have that Goblin mask oh I’m spending way too much money right now this is a problem I think I have a bunch of these at the top I don’t remember I think I do supporting the Hat Mouse is small business yeah spending all my money on hats I want to get a new outfit maybe I’ll change when I get home we could always try and make some more clothes that might be fun when we get Perfection I think that we’re going to start playing modded again with the expanded Mod Sims girly um I don’t I haven’t decided if I want to go back to my original Perfection save or if I want to start a uh sorry my original expanded mod save or if I want to play again from the beginning in the expanded mod but I think I’ll play with the expanded mod next after this I think I might start a new one though um cuz I’m kind of curious to see more it’s also hard to go back to older saves because it’s like you forget what you were doing you know and I think it might be fun to play now that I know a little bit more about it I think it might be fun cuz we have some more options oh hello oh my God I can bring you something do you want a gift wait I want to get a picture of this I’m taking a screenshot that’s good stuff hold on I can do that I can do that super cucumber is it still compatible with the update it should be um because they updated the expanded mod but I don’t know we’ll have to see how far along as my first expanded file um I think I have like 50 hours or something in that save I don’t remember exactly how far long we’re probably in year two maybe yeah I barely had any mods outside of expanded I had like two mods with that save if so he will ask for three gifts and you have to do it same day or you need to start over that’s fine I think I can manage stop talking to me oh that’s cuz it’s not my horse I’m going to go do it now I think we have enough time I have lots of things you don’t need to do it same day oh hm I me to download more mods I think I’ll play with way more mods when we play with the expanded mod again we’ve played a big vanilla save so it might be fun to have more mods um oh my God I’m being so slow getting all down here there’s no time limit okay so we’re fine we’re fine you’re welcome yuck what do you want now okay largemouth bass so you’re saying I can do it tomorrow tomorrow the trash bear is p patient you left him on red for months really okay we’ll be fine then we’ll be fine I’ll go get the largemouth bass though cuz we have enough time every non rainy day okay that’s easy easy all the way up again then we get our stuff then we go all the way back um large mouth bass all the way back again you haven’t even started befriending Leo well it’s hard the Friendship stuff is hard so I don’t blame you I might finish it tomorrow I don’t think I’ll do the SEC the last one tonight there’s three right no I can’t remember okay all the way back down five okay there’s five never mind there’s way more than three so I’ll do this one and then I’ll stop for today eat your snack yay oh wait what do you want next so I know is that like the algae soup or whatever well I do the community upgrade for Pam I probably should pay for some of the community upgrades now that we have so much money maybe I’ll pay for that tomorrow I think I’d like to let’s do it tomorrow we can get some of the shortcuts too um we might as well okay I’m going to get a whole bunch of eggs and I’ll get some of these oh is my inventory full okay I won’t get eggs I’ll just go to bed I realize I have have so many hats you bought Pam a house and then married Penny and moved her out nice nice I think we need wood for Pam I don’t remember how much it is we don’t have that much wood is the only problem um if it’s only a couple hundred it might be okay but if it’s more than that we’re not going to be okay is it like a th is it bad or is it just like 300 I just don’t remember does anybody know okay day 27 of fall I feel like it’s 500 oh it might be too much yeah it’s 500,000 gold or is it 300,000 gold or 500k I don’t remember how much wood it needs the money is not an issue it’s the wood oh I got blessing of [Music] speed that’s good we can work with that okay I will be taking all of my pumpkins please thank you maybe I won’t buy it yet cuz look I want to get more um kegs so maybe I should use my wood for my beloved kegs I don’t think there’s a Tapper on that tree if there’s any trees that don’t have tappers on them I can chop them is there something in the oh uh-oh okay I do have some trees up here that I can chop I needed more hardwood so this is good you passed out in the skull Caverns just as you got to a chest level oh the game is cruel I’m sorry that happened to you that always happens of course of course it happened 950 wood oh okay that’s what I thought I knew it was a lot 950 is worse than I thought all right we can’t upgrade Pam’s house yet she has to wait not until I get more of my CS I knew it was a lot but I didn’t remember if I thought that’s what I said right was like I hope it’s not a thousand well you’re not in luck Pam will have to wait a little bit longer Unfortunately that’s okay I have helped you stay motivated for your final paper you got this you got this um I am glad that you’re almost done or that you’re working on it okay honestly my own streams helped me stay motivated for when I was finishing College I was a lifesaver back in the day um okay back in the day oh don’t like thinking about it in that context but it was a long time ago was in 2020 so um all right that’s all good I have a few more things that can be harvested here and I have lots more pumpkins that we can jar now oh look my duck was swimming that made my day okay let’s get them in the jars then first I wonder if we have many powder melons cuz I don’t actually know if we have a lot of powder melons or not um I might want to check so that we’re ready to plant some we could also make some in the seed maker for now if we wanted to okay sell those things please um check my darn gift what what are you talking about what do you what do you want me to do um what gift okay I wanted to oh what was I going to oh let me put this in here where do I have all my collectibles in that room we were going to see about how do you unforge them you know I won’t forget the algae soup don’t worry I’m not going down there just yet so we have some time I’m pretty sure I already have um I think I already have some probably a lot of it press the X on the forge okay let’s see if that works oh The X unforge oh I even got my stuff back oh okay well that’s good I’ll just leave it unforged for now um I’ll just keep the Galaxy sword for a bit and then we’ll upgrade it and then we can forge it back together I don’t have enough stuff to finish it yet so we have to wait okay um I want to fix a couple fences while we’re over here I will bring this around with me my fence gates even broke mess oh my algae soup I got to do that too okay so much to do so much to do okay I think it should be in this chest um algae soup okay wasn’t it Moss soup no I think it was this algae soup I’m pretty sure based on the picture I could be wrong but I think it was this soup I will go and give it to the trash bear now and then we have to go also to the island today oh wait look I wouldn’t have finished harvesting that would have been a disaster we have to harvest at the island too so lots to do today okay did she say Moss soup poor Moss oh poor Moss being turned into soup it’s a disaster okay let me get my little horse friend come on let’s go and then I’ll go all the way down I’ll bring this to my little bear friend and then we’ll go all the way way back up and go to the island um oh it’s daytime is he not going to be there until night time am I silly for coming down here right now uh-oh you can teleport your horse to you with the Horse flute The Horse flute is how it works um only on rainy days oh is he only there on rainy days it wasn’t rainy yesterday was it I think I know less about the trash bear than I thought I did oh I think it’s CU of the festival I think it’s the festival that must be it it’s a holiday today well that explains it um let’s go to the island only lots to harvest now lots and lots to harvest yeah I don’t think he’s there in the rain I think that he’s just not there because of the festival cuz from my understanding the rain is the time that he’s not there non-rainy days but it’s just the festivals happening so he’s not here today okay I will get all of these things harvested I’ll plant or I’ll put them inside of the cegs then we’ll go back home the tiny yellow thing following me is a frog believe it or not oh one of these doesn’t get watered I didn’t realize oh well it’s going to have to just deal with it these are not blueberries these are ancient fruit um and I have a little bit of star fruit planted too it’s ancient fruit okay look at how much of that there is that’s ridiculous absolutely ridiculous okay I shall turn I missed one at the bottom did I it’s okay we can go back I can’t see these kegs with them being vertical like this so I will go all the way up with them all the way back down with them and then I have eight more to put over here and that will work out pretty well too all right slowly but surely we’re getting some more we will hopefully make some good money from that that makes 73,000 very bottom oh yeah I did miss one look at that okay let me chop this real quick and then we can probably go back home I guess I might as well water this while I’m here it’s not going to be growing at the same time as the others there’s no point but we are here so we may as well all right back to the house being um Mrs tancy D thank you for the res Subs by the way um I really appreciate it okay I will turn all of these I will dry all of them at least I think we have enough still to we have enough starf fruit to get us through another Harvest of these but I’ll save some in case I need to turn them into wine but I’m going to plant all of this oh not enough okay sad good um I will not do more of that though I’ll save the rest to make into wine if we need it I might just sell the gold for now it’s not better to use a dehydrator than the kegs love but um I I’m trying to process that like as I’m getting it right um and so I don’t need it for my Kake right now I have too many kegs and enough stuff to put in them so I’m dehydrating them um in the meantime so I can be using everything um okay get rid of that stuff nope wrong thing save those in there save you there how much wood do we have 530 okay I think I’ll make tonight also some more ridium bars that’s good money right there and I’ll take these too I really like our little machine chest or machine room I think it looks pretty cute in here I’m glad that we made it like that I think it was a good choice are there advantages to using the stone chest no they just it just looks different and I guess it might be easier for you if you have more Stone than you have wood um but okay um I’m going to go chop some hardwood real quick and then I will go to the oh wait I’ll do this real fast too I’m trying to get through all the processing of these things if I can um but then I’ll go to the Festival here’s my goat’s milk okay one two three one two three two okay oh my God there’s so much stuff it’s easier to collect these truffles when they’re not in there I have so many aridium bars I probably should start selling them huh I have loads of them in there I’ve been making so many I can maybe I’ll sell some right now maybe I won’t get the hardwood today I’ll just go sell him you like it when I use the Horse flute and the horse is like three steps away from me really I know I I mean I have it on me I don’t want to have to get my horse I’ll just call it you know it’s fine okay save all of those extra eggs and the goats milk okay and then we’ll go up up I almost said upstairs we’ll go up here we’ll um get a couple other things that can be sold I might actually grab these fruits you were not notified uh oh did you not get a twitch notification I saw some people saying that yesterday that their notifications weren’t working it’s very rude twitch it’s very rude um okay hasn’t notified you for a while I wonder if you should turn off and on the notification button I don’t know if that makes a difference but I wonder if you could try and turn it on and off again maybe it’ll um okay I will sell all this again go away we should make some pretty good money today all right and we are off to the festival in a minute not quite yet in a minute you can cycle through your inventory by pressing tab um so you can change which uh inventory thing you’re looking at I don’t really need any of those items honestly I don’t really have much need to be here so yeah the aridium truffles are better to not process um if you’re getting aridium truffles it’s technically worth more when you don’t do it but okay I might come talk to some of these people while we’re in here ticket from The Maze yeah I’m going to do the maze don’t worry I’m not going to not do the maze don’t be silly Leo’s unblinking eyes are glued to the screen that’s kind of creepy H if you have Artisan you technically make like 200 gold more with oil okay yeah we have Artisan but is it worth it to make all of them probably not you know let me out thank you what do I not get a pump I thought I got a ticket I just got a golden pumpkin well that’s actually messed up yeah the 200 gold is like not that much so do you not get tickets I thought I got a ticket someone told me I was going to get a ticket whatever golden pumpkins worth 2500 maybe it’s every other year is the ticket so we got it in year two but we will get it in year four again after this maybe that’s what it is that’s fine oh let me check real quick if my stuff is processed again because if I could stay up to date with the processing that would be really good yeah they are ready okay I’m trying to stay on top of all this just run down and grab it all one more of those okay that’s good stuff lots of money to be made from this and I can sell some Meridian bars too as the people have requested um oh I could probably sell a bunch of these things I mean look at how much of this I have that I don’t really need like this is ridiculous um and then we have so many aridium bars I might even just sell a bunch of them let’s see how many how much money we can get from these gems today I don’t sell that sell those all right have I sold one every item yeah we’ve done everything except the 10 million gold for Perfection we’ve got um like everything’s done for Perfection except the 10 million gold so usually keep like 20 of each mineral yeah 20 is a good number for keeping I’ve just been like shoving them in there so I have so much 600k today I will take that I accept luny hary thank you for the subs um that’s pretty good oh well now it’s raining so I can’t even go to my my friend the trash bear um all right all right hello oh what’s the luck looking like today this is the final day for it Spirits feel neutral today I don’t really want to deal with maybe I just won’t do it cuz I don’t really want to go to the skull Caverns on my last day of fall we’ll get another Quest next week it’s fine um if I can get one more round of wine won’t that be missing 2 million 2 million I can’t speak I think it will be um we’ll have to start figuring out where we want to put the golden clock cuz I haven’t organized a place for it on my farm yet so we’ll have to start trying to picture like where we want it to go what we want to do it might go there I don’t know um we might want to start thinking about all that now cuz we’re getting close um the wine should be done in a couple of days as well so that’ll be good put on the little island yeah the island near Grandpa’s Shrine is maybe not a bad idea for it either we can maybe try that too my Farm’s a little bit full yeah my farm is a little little bit full right now that’s 162,000 just from these that’s so good the Cranberries aren’t like the best for money but I have them already growing so I’m kind of feeling like I might as well you know um so I’m doing it anyway you’re saving all your stuff to sell at the end of the season oh that’s exciting that’ll be cool all right well too bad so sad for the um animals because this was their last day to come outside before the winter and they aren’t going to be able to cuz it’s raining so that stinks for them um yeah the clock keeps the farm from degrading so when you have the clock you won’t have any weeds you won’t have any broken fences um I I don’t know it’s nice it’s a nice way when you have like so much money at the end and not much to spend it on and it’s nice to not have to worry about that stuff anymore but um it isn’t necessary obviously it’s just needed for Perfection specifically so um if you want to get Perfection it must be done all right that was pretty good I will just take all of these real quick to oh my gosh so much is happening do you want to save both of those too I got to get my fairy roses too that’s right I’ve got flowers to harvest they will die other wise basic fertilizer oh wow thank you so much that’s so generous um okay save all of that I will make six more of these wow how much wood do we have left 350 we’re really going all out there’s a Perfection tracker on the island so that’s how you can see how far along you are with perfection um and there’s like a cut scene that happens when you get it so you’ll know you’ll know when you finish it um this will only my second time seeing that so I’m kind of excited about it oh I’ve managed to get through almost all of my eggs I’ve got eggs in here now but we’re getting somewhere we’ve processed basically everything yay okay save that too and just put those in there for now I’m going to close this cuz it’s going to be the winter time it might not hurt if we went to buy some stuff from Mar um so that we have enough food to get us through the winter but we have some for right now so we might be okay hi everybody how much does dinosaur Mayo sell for important question how much will I get I will just store these away real quick all right more eggs to do I have read all the books yeah we’ve done um oh wait in the museum no um 11:20 okay that’s pretty good that’s pretty good sell the eggs if you have the artifact book okay but never mind did you mean the book’s that book The artifact book because if so I can sell the eggs um I have all the books one Dino egg is 1,50 but you said dinosaur Mayo is 1120 so I have enough time to process it all 11:20 with Artisan yeah should be okay um how long I staying live today I will probably get off stream relatively soon I wanted to get to the first day of winter at least um which is tomorrow in game I wanted to at least finish getting to Winter um so that is the plan sell sell sell sell sell okay keep that too how my fish pond things gold you can give them animal crackers the the new animal crackers the golden animal crackers that double your produce yield you can give those to the fish pond even um so that makes them gold cuz they have animal cracker on them okay one two three four that’s good for now we’ll expand that more later on don’t really need to for now what’s my schedule of what time I’m going to be Live Well I stream it this time every Wednesday so I’m live uh on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. eastern time and all the other days I stream at 4:00 in the afternoon eastern time um I’m not going to be live again later I only stream once on only stream once I I stream just in the morning on Wednesdays I can’t be live later because I have some work to do I’m uh pre-recording so I can go to twitch conon but um I stream in the morning on Wednesdays typically um last time you checked I had 3 million less gold yeah we’ve been doing pretty well with money today things are going okay for us around here so that’s good these are your favorite streams aside Among Us really that makes me happy I’m glad that you think that um yeah the seasons affect your game so like the the seasons will affect the weather obviously but more importantly like you can only grow certain crops in certain seasons um so we have fall crops planted right now and we’ll have no crops planted in the winter um okay I’m going to start looking at these powder melons and trying to um turn them in the seed maker that is a good start you’re eating your dinner right now yeah I know it’s funny the time zones isn’t it cuz for me it’s the morning but for a lot of you it’s like way later in the day okay um yeah anyway there’s powder melon in the winter but that’s it um and it’s not really that many crops so um that’s nine powder melon seeds if we can just make some so we can get some planted tomorrow morning that would be good oh you can buy seeds at the raccoon now can’t you oh I’m so silly what do I have to trade the raccoon for the seeds I got to get my fairy Rose too what is the raccoon want from me for my seeds pine cones oh that’s easy I can do that let me get them from my chest you cooked and ate my dinner while watching me really you ate dinner while watching that’s fun I’m glad that you had hopefully a good night maybe um oh look how many I have so many pine cones like more than anything else that’s good okay I’ll trade for those then that is good tired Kitty foxy Jackson thank you for the subs um okay I don’t want to help you I want to buy powder melon seeds how many that’s 26 I mean I have enough where it’s like we can’t plant that many but we could maybe get like oh I don’t know should I try and get like 144 or something to fill in the there’s no need I’ve never had that many powder melons before what happens if I keg powder melons is that worth any good money how much is a sty valy how much how much is a sty Valley how much is a pumpkin pumpkin is oh these are worth nothing never mind no they’re not worth it maybe I can dry some though okay well having something planted in the winter is better than having nothing planted in the winter so we might as well use our stuff while we can right okay did I have more in here that I couldn’t fit no only drive them for the raccoons just sell them otherwise yeah I mean it’s not that much money but if we have enough stuff where we could be drying them I don’t feel like I’m super opposed to at least doing it a little bit even The Preserve drawer I don’t think is worth it The Preserve jar takes too much time so slow okay I have powder melon seeds I guess I’ll just keep those on me for tomorrow right how long until winter winter is tomorrow in game um so not long now yeah the powder melons are also nice to help keep spots till before spring it’ll save us some time in the spring so that’s good we could just plant them and then leave them be have I tried dehydrating mushrooms yeah we’ve been doing some of that we’ve been dehydrating the mushrooms right now I’m dehydrating a lot of cranberries because I have so many from Fall um but we’ve definitely been doing the mushrooms too which is pretty good will the bear appear in Winter oh does the trash bear appear in the winter I think so it’s just it’s not in the rain right that’s all oh man I hope so do I go over my cave anymore sometimes the cave is kind of out of the way so it’s I mean we don’t make that much money from like two mushrooms so I don’t go in there every day but we do go in there sometimes okay you’re still farming yeah I’m going to get off stream relatively soon here um just going to play a little bit longer okay save all of that I think I’ll play one more day and then we’ll go all right that’s a little bit more money 69,000 from that dried ancient fruit not bad okay one more day one more day she says is it true who knows we’ll find out uh magic thank you for the resub okay 296,000 that’s not bad CLA you’re for the resub as well thank you so much um yeah I think the trash bear does come in winter so I think it should be fine um hello Maru Burr it’s cold I guess winter has arrived it sure has and I’m going to get dressed for it hold on I have ear muffs I know I have don’t do that I want my little blue farmer pants maybe I can mix and match with a cuter shirt I do have this turtleneck but I don’t really want to wear all blue um we could wear a blue hoodie but that doesn’t seem very cute turtleneck sweater here’s my ear muffs here’s my blue pants here’s my sweater no I can wear all blue that’s cute we can keep that okay I’m ready for the winter it’s [Music] happening okay I got some wood that’s nice of them to give me also I guess all right we will plant our powder melon seeds up here for now yeah I blend in with the blue wintry Vibes don’t I um okay blue Cris in stting Valley oh no okay you see wine oh is the wine ready oh chat oh we’re doing pretty well here I wonder if we could get it today I don’t think we’re going to get what we have eight H I wonder if we could I kind of am curious to find out okay just get all this we could probably like scr up some extra stuff to sell we have a lot of stuff here so maybe we could get Perfection today oh I did not anticipate that we would finish it today we’ll see how the wine goes we’ll see what it what it gives us let me just water these real quick I probably don’t have to but I want them to be in the right order did I check the basement oh I didn’t check the basement either oh I probably should we might it might actually be ready in the basement the last thing we need to do is just buy the golden clock for Perfection uh we need 10 million gold for that so what we’re discussing is do we think we can get the 10 million gold today maybe do I mean today in game or today IRL I I maybe mean today in game depending on how much wine we have I don’t remember what the full amount is um so we’ll see we have a lot to collect we have enough stuff to sell and the wine is the big kicker so it might work out it might even be okay um liquidation sale yeah you know what I’ll do let’s not check how much everything’s worth let’s just sell as much as we can without looking at the price points and then we’ll see what we can do we’ll have it be like a fun surprise tomorrow when when the game loads I don’t want to know I want it to be a surprise we’ll we’ll do a mass liquidation sale and then see we need a lot of money we need a really large amount of money but you never know why not sell to Pierre I mean we could sell to Pierre but I kind of want to see the full price at the end Danny cuz then you can sell everything all at once and you get one final popup at the end um don’t do those we’re going to do these these are for extra when you sell a pier you can’t sell everything to Pierre and then it’s just um like some things at a time but if you did this then we could sell everything all at once and get one big popup in the morning and that excites me I wonder if we have enough star fruit to get us through this I don’t actually know the only benefit I in case you were wondering about that um when you sell to Pierre the bonus is that you get the money immediately he doesn’t give you more money you just get the money immediately instead of waiting until the next day for your things to be done um so that is beneficial um sell the animals it’s like our speedrun no I won’t sell my animals I won’t sell my animals I still need those we might not have enough money today so we can’t be doing wacky things like that we might not have enough I got to get the Kake at the front door don’t I whoops I have to go back to it okay we have the other kegs too in the other chest so much how many saves is it normal for a person to have on stardo I mean as many saves as you want is the answer how many saves do you have I don’t know um your sad is coming to an end well we still have a few more things I want to do I’m going to try and beat um I want to do junimo Kart unlimited not unlimited I want to do junimo Kart whatever it’s called the like progress Mode still and I want to try and do um some of the prairie king as well so we have some those are both mini games but I also want to get a return scepter so we have to get some more money for that um we haven’t finished getting all of the reward items from Mr key so there are a few things that I want to still do even if we manage to get Perfection there’s still more for me I think so we’re not quite done with the save yet there’s a lot of late game things that we still haven’t finished okay not Judo card well it won be for a little bit and then we’re going to play with the um expanded mod so we’re not done don’t worry okay I don’t think I’m going to have enough star fruit I might have to go get my ancient fruit from the other maybe I’ll have exactly enough oh we’re good um did Dan get Perfection yet I I think he did did Dan get Perfection do you remember anybody I don’t actually know yes boo boo okay let’s sell these things real quick few weeks ago kind of a while ago okay he’s done then that makes me feel devastated that he beat me but I was doing so many things I can sell like half of those oh why do I have so much caviar in there that’s the thing right like a lot of this stuff we don’t really need to be keeping um so I’ll probably sell all this too but he didn’t get junimo Kart oh he did though he did get it though um probably none of those if I check the basement oh no I meant to do that I meant to do that too nope he only beat me because of my fundraiser yeah he had more time when in May I wasn’t streaming stard every day in May oh did I put away dried cranberries too just then oh I did we don’t want to do that I should have some things in here we have more pickled pumpkins still we also have some extra crops that can be be sold so we can do that as well um which will be good I’m going to sell all those aridium bars I think let’s pickle these pumpkins and then we’ll make some cranberries again we sold some meridium bars yesterday in game and I’ll do it again I have a lot of gems that we can sell too um save those put that on there okay I’m just going to really quickly put this in here for a sec cuz I don’t want to think about that let me think about crops that can be sold so I like to keep like one gold quality if I can there’s no need to be storing all this extra stuff oh my God this is ridiculous um save like 20 of those maybe save like 10 of those I can sell a bunch of these extra flowers cuz I have so many of them flowers aren’t really worth very much money but no we don’t have a prismatic frog still I know okay that’s a bunch cleared out of there yikes um what else can we get rid of maybe some of those I’ve been trying to dry the pineapple but maybe I could just take some yeah take some of that we can get a bunch of these things out too maybe I’ll sell like all all these aridium quality coconuts cuz who needs that many aridium quality coconuts it is winter now so we can get rid of some Crystal fruit I don’t have any leaks look at how many of those I have ridiculous um yeah try and sell those wow what else can we get rid of maybe only keep one of each item no I I don’t think I’m going to have enough um they’re saying maybe keep one quality of each item but like I have a bunch of these that I don’t really need I’m just worried like what if I need them later on you know take those uh I’ve been saving grapes cuz I was going to dehydrate them but maybe I’ll just sell some I can sell those too it’s probably in our best interest to like really pair down with all of this you know I went through all of this already didn’t I we have some extra fish too and we don’t really need that many of these extras some of these that we have like you know six of them or whatever we can get rid of those yikes okay maybe the batteries I actually already sold 50 batteries I also still have over 200 blueberries do I well I’ve been drying blueberries so I have some extra of everything yeah we do have extra of everything don’t we um I think I’ll try and keep 25 of each gem oh my God I didn’t sell any emeralds last time I’ll keep the Jades cuz I’ve been trading maybe I’ll well I actually don’t even trade them I never even use the staircases this is the thing maybe I will save a little bit of extra Jade um honestly just get rid of like almost all of the idium bars cuz I I can make more of them very easily I have so much aridium um okay Dan got Perfection on Spring 22 of your four really yeah I would have got it faster too if I was using Artisan longer um but I was being a brat and deciding that I wanted to try to um do it with like other perks but it’s not worth it um well I have loads of spicy eel already Brit that’s the thing I have like way more than I need of all of these things which is why I’m trying to do all this um we’re scrounging up as much money as we can oh I can dry some of those things real quick too after this okay oh just giving him a head start yeah yeah sure sure okay that’s why I did it um just so Dan could get a head start and one two three good one two one two three okay do I have any extra food I can sell too yeah I actually have a lot of it that I can sell if we want to oh here we go more stuff oh I got nothing to put in this H I’ll worry about it tomorrow it’s fine it’s fine I wonder how much the wine is going to be worth I don’t think we’re going to have enough I bet we’ll have like close to a million I don’t think it’ll be enough but we’ll see how it goes um I think the Aged wine is going to have to be the the the big finishing point no we haven’t we don’t have the Iridium quality aged wine yet so we haven’t sold it yet on purpose um I can get a couple more of these things I have so much more cloth than I need okay I’m just going to sell it if we play one more day it might be enough it never ends does it um yeah yeah I mean there’s probably some food inside of this chest if I wanted to clear out some of these things I mean it’s not worth that much money but if we wanted to toss a couple things that were not really using I don’t really care about selling food might get the wine tomorrow it might be tomorrow I don’t know what day it’s going to be done we’ll see I think this is the best that I can do as far as selling everything goes what about the island we were on the island yesterday or two days ago in game the stuff’s not done yet um could use the fairy dust on fire of them we could use some fairy dust I might go check the island and see if my starf fruit’s done I don’t think it will be was I here this morning or not I don’t know powder melon seeds nope not done okay yeah I have some slime eggs that I’m never going to use as well if we wanted to get rid of some of the extras but what if I want them eventually that’s the problem what if I end up wanting them you know what else I could clear out oh hold on this chest we have so many extras of these things it might be worth it for us to go through and oh keep that extra star drop tea but we could go through and clear out some of these extras that’ll be some money too title says Fallout winter oh cuz we’re on winter day one or something uh we’re on winter day one so I haven’t changed it yet um season just changed all right I will sell all this you slept in today I’m glad Brew you deserved that I’m glad you got to sleep sleep in okay this will be some money that should help us I do have a second Treasure Chest inside don’t I cuz we have one inside of the um we have a treasure chest inside of my fish tank I think okay I want to keep the extra dolls that’s worth 3,000 okay maybe I’ll just keep two extra dolls I sold the Moss soup oh did I I have more inside of the house it’s fine oops I sold powder melon seeds I didn’t mean to that’s okay well chat I think we have gone through and sold everything extra that I am comfortable with selling right now cuz I’m not trying to sell everything I just want to sell what I’m comfortable selling now because I might not be we’re not done yet you know we might need these things still so I’m not trying to get rid of everything just some things um just some of them um okay I can do this real quick too no I need one more milk can I show my total earnings real quick yeah I can do that hold on let me just place this real quick before I forget um our total earnings are 17 million gold so we’re doing pretty well all right I will sell this stuff then and then we will sleep and see what happens I’m really actually kind of nervous we’ll see what happens to us all right so I have no idea how much money we’re going to make tonight H hopefully it’s like 1.7 million I don’t think it will be that high but we’ll see wait one last check on the basement one last check nope okay all right manifesting it’s going to be a lot of money no matter what we’ll be close 1.3 million oh my God we’re so close when the golden wine is done we’re going to have it okay I don’t think I’m going to play another cuz I do have to record a bunch today um so I probably shouldn’t stay on too long look how close we are oh my God we’re so close yeah this isn’t done yet either um but next time we play we’ll get Perfection and that’ll be really fun I think it’s good to space it out anyway cuz then we can warn people in advance you know um so we can tell people like Hey we’re close to Perfection you might want to come cuz we’re almost done so this way um our next starting stream will get Perfection let me look at my own stream schedule real quick because um you know what I might do okay so we’re going to I think my stream schedule in the Discord is wrong because it doesn’t going to play Among Us on Sunday it’s not going to happen anymore cuz they want to play it on Saturday I think I’m going to play stardy Valley on Sunday so on Sunday morning we will achieve Perfection I think that is our plan we’re so close we’re so close yeah we’re going to play among us again on Saturday because um one of my friends uh not one of my friends what am I talking about all of our friends uh want to play with the new update um one of our friends wants to play I said it again all of our friends want to play with a new update because it just came out yesterday so there’s some new roles so we’re going to play again we did just play last week but there’s been an update um so anyway the other thing is that um I so I was a originally planning on playing not so Berry tomorrow but if we’re going to play Among Us um on Saturday uh I think that I’m not going to have enough time to Finish the build and I want to post the build on YouTube while I’m away so we might have to move not so Berry and play Not So Berry on Monday so I can finish the build um let me look at my schedule again real quick um so I might have to do a little switch up just because of the Among Us schedule um but let me readjust this real quick finishing our new build okay and then the sty Valley time is wrong probably but that’s fine um I don’t know sorry I’m editing my like Discord stream schedule so it’s public uh but I think it’s worth it to switch around just so we can play with the new Among Us update because it it’s exciting to play with the new update when it’s new you know um so we want to play it before we um do that okay I’m just making sure it’s all fixed I think that’s fine so we’ll build tomorrow um we’ll play among us on Saturday we’ll play stard on Sunday and get Perfection um which will be kind of fun um you work on Sunday morning oh no I’m so sorry I can’t do it next week cuz I next Wednesday I’m going to be like in Amsterdam um so it won’t be at 4 I think I’ll do it in the morning on Sunday um my Discord says for cuz I thought we were going to play among us on Saturday um but we’re not it’ll be at this time I think on Sunday morning um the morning is uh more doable for me on Sundays so I’ll fix it in the Discord right now I’m just have to get the stupid thing it’s so annoying to get the like Hammer Time Time editor okay the um the Discord schedule is is correct now okay you don’t care about this probably but now I feel better about it cuz it’s correct um have I seen spoilers about the new Sims pack no I’ve been oh my Discord just broke oh maybe discord’s down it’s like actively spinning I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers about it because I don’t really want to be spoiled um so anyway I think on that note I will probably end the stream here I did just see someone put a ticket in my Discord server this morning I didn’t see it till just now about the sticker pack from St Jude um so all of the incentives that I mailed like my stickers my postcards those are sent out done um the sticker packs from St Jude have not even been mailed yet because there was way more than they were expecting um so they had to buy a bunch more stickers um that’s a common theme across our challenge so if if you uh like redeemed the sticker pack that St Jude is sending out during our fundraiser it hasn’t been sent out yet um it takes longer for them because they have uh real jobs on top of of doing this for us so um do we patience please um but they had to get a bunch more extras too so it’s been taken up some time but they haven’t mailed them out yet so you didn’t get forgotten they didn’t get lost they haven’t been mailed out yet so um okay I think now is a good time for us to go and find someone to raid um and then uh we will probably end the stream here and I will see you tomorrow in the morning wait not in the morning in the afternoon I was going to say I got distracted cuz my friend playing The Sims 3 I saw it in my following list and I was like that’s the one that’s where I want to go my friend M’s playing Sims 3 right now and you know I love the Sims 3 I love the Sims 3 so I kind of want to go watch that if that’s okay um so we’ll go hang out with M um her Sim is called cardboard box wow um Ren Coco Michelle Damen thank you for the subs thank you for hanging out with me today chat I really loved this it’s so fun playing stardom and we’re so close to Perfection now we’re so close we have so much money um and I will see you over in M stream okay thank you for hanging out love you miss you everybody say bye Snappy she doesn’t say bye to you ever she actually doesn’t care about you bye Snappy okay I’ll see you later bye and stop stream


I’m live every night at 4pm EST! Don’t miss my next stream! https://www.twitch.tv/lilsimsie

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– Origin ID: lilsimsie

Business Inquiries: teamlilsimsie@unitedtalent.com


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