I Survived 100 Days as a MECHA TIGER in HARDCORE Minecraft

on day one I was built inside of a jungle as a baby Mecha tiger all around were regular Tigers who were all staring at me welcome to your family little one I created you because our jungle it’s in danger it is why just then the nearest tree line burst open only to reveal a large Mecca Kingdom mechanized Knights went throughout and started to destroy our entire biome clear the area no yes destroy this filthy nature on the animals that living it see my mega Kingdom will be built here in the name of King gatron I ran around and watched as my fellow Tigers were either captured or killed it’s too late if that King succeeds this entire jungle will be wiped out you are a tiger at heart and are the only one who can stop this you have to escape my child no on day two I ran for my life crazy mechs were flying overhead and use their advanced technology to industrialize the land what the trains trains and deadly drill cards were Now everywhere taking down all of the jungle’s resources no my home this is horrible oh no in my pant panic I used a strange ability to jump up really high and land on the train wow wo as a mecha tiger I have special powers sweet what the a mecha tiger on my train where’s your ticket uh ticket I don’t have one then prepare to be punished wait no please wait but the Mecha conductor didn’t listen and began to swing at me with his large a I ran away as fast as I could but in a matter of seconds I was cornered oh yeah there’s two of us buddy no ticket no ride having nowhere left to go I decided to jump stupid tiger it destroying those trees I have to stop this entire Mecca Kingdom but how just then I heard someone yelling not the potatoes huh I went over to see an entire Farm was being destroyed and a small scared fet ran up to me wa another Mech please Mister you got to help help with what just then exploding out of the barn was a very angry meca turkey with that on day three the meca turkey continued his destruction amongst the farming outposts please Mister we’ve been growing those carrots all year hey I ran in towards him and to my surprise I let out a powerful Roar sending him back what the how many abilities do I have a not working under King Atron when I turn you in that will change the Mecha turkey charged straight into attack me he had deadly Rocket Blasters and each explosion was able to take out chunks of my health oh no I can’t go out like this you won’t alone huh I turn to see a few villagers lined up armed with farming gear you mess with the farm you mess with us the villagers join the battle they definitely weren’t the strongest but we’re creating enough distraction for me to get my hits in no this is Thanksgiving all over again and with that the Mecha turkey Was Defeated left over on the ground was its Rocket Blasters wo better grab that I went to pick them up and as I did something began to happen my body was built up even larger and not only did I have 10 Hearts but the Rocket Blasters had attached directly to my body wo I just took his powers you took down one of King aon’s Mecha Knights thanks I’m sorry Mecca Knight what’s that well King H1 has the strongest army in the world that’s led by his six mechanites each being completely different than the last in power and strength it’s why his kingdom is considered Unstoppable wao maybe I can take down those nightes and use their powers to stop kingat tron’s tyranny once and for all well I know where another one is but it’ll cost you protection from the other animals I’m a small guy you know okay deal the Fret was happy and brought me over to his home wo a jungle Hideout huh this place is completely untouched and it’s home on day five I quickly went to work on making this place my home I made a nice Mecha themed tiger D to stay in and even added some nice Mecha themed blocks throughout as well ah perfect before I could celebrate for too long though I was HIIT from behind uh another Mech you’ll pay for what your friend did the player ran in and started to swing at me with his wooden sword ah dude back off what are you even talking about with my new rockets I blasted him back you saw another Mech ch and it destroyed our party man come on I’ll show you I followed after the player until making it to a destroyed beach party a couple of other players were in hiding and looked totally defeated where’s the mech I’m not going to show you that’s a death sentence unless unless what I was brought to the edge of a savannah and there was a strong looking Outpost recently a faction came by and stole all of me and my friend’s gear if you get it back for us then I’ll show you where that stupid Mech went okay you’ve got yourself a deal on day six I hopped on top of the Outpost walls to take a look inside I saw that this place was run by a bunch of creepers good thing we got that loot you know if we didn’t I would have erupted yeah George it’s in our DNA too I better be careful when no one was looking I quickly jumped down and was able to break a window and head indoors there on one of the walls was a vault there things must be in there bingo I opened it and I was right it was full of the player’s loot to easy ah uh please don’t Intruder the alarms throughout the Outpost went off and the creeper charged in towards me he had crazy explosions but thanks to my new upgrade he didn’t stand a chance it didn’t have to be like this I quickly got all the stolen Loot and ran outside but in front of me was a row of the creepers oh no I’m surrounded you come to my home and steal from me you started it this doesn’t belong to you having to think fast I shot out an explosion on the roof causing it to fall down and on to them ah no he’s getting away with them distracted I made a break for it out of their home we will find you on day seven I made it back to the players beach party but they were all crying in their hot tub CH on this sucks oh quit whining here you go I gave them all their gear and they looked a lot happier CH this is more like it my confidence is totally back all right we had a deal right I followed the geared up players and it wasn’t long until we made it to another beach party players were panicking throughout and in the midst of it all was a deadly Mecca Wolf the shores belong to King Atron not on my watch the Players and I charged in after him he blasted crazy spews of fire at us and had heavy bites to knock us back why aren’t you like other wolves man with with one more giant slam the wolf blew open a hole beneath the two of us which made us fall we were now in a very dangerous lava cave one drop and we are done for you are strong join us be on The Winning Side never you hurt my people and you will pay he was very weak from all the damage and began to run away from me oh no you don’t I began to jump from rock to rock chasing after him I was built to be a tiger so I was a lot faster than he was as we resurfaced I dealt a finishing hit it doesn’t matter the kid now knows of your existence he will find you that’s not good on day eight I picked up the Mecha wolf scrap piece after it merged with me I had 15 hearts and was able to shoot out fire beams from my tail sweet from there I went back to the beach and quickly helped the players build it back up to what it once was party time after what that Mecca Army did I’d be happy to help you take him down okay sweet I brought the player back to my base and quickly got to work making him his very own home to stay in with its own Armory as well that way you can never lose your loot again CH sweet from there I made some extra tiger D just in case I found more of my people I hope they’re safe there you are I still haven’t shown you that necan knite come on I followed the fet out of The Hideout until reaching what looked to be an ancient passageway the key to finding the next mechan knite is through these doors and what’s the next Mecha Knight the Mecha dragon G I split up from the fet and was about to enter but saw that it was locked what come on before I could do anything water was placed over my head in a matter of seconds I short circuited on days 9 to 10 I came back online only to see I was in a display case in a carnival there were zombies roaming around and stopping to look at me Welcome To The Moon Carnival a place meant for fun and games let me go I broke out of my cage and made a break for the exit but on the way there I saw a Strang looking key the key for the temple you are a bad tiger get back in your case right now no I’m going to take that key that key is a prize you want it you have to earn it pal okay bring It the Clown Zombie brought me over to a course full of games and challenges no zombie has ever completed both of the courses in a row but if you do I’ll let you go and give you the key he walked over and began to ring the Carnival’s Bells but the game commence on days 11 and 12 I started off the first challenge which was a task to knock down all the cups take B ha I don’t need need that using my Rocket Blasters I was able to knock all of the bottles down in one hit no the final Challenge from there I was met with a speed challenge finish the course before your timer is done 3 2 1 go for any normal zombie this course would have been tough but using my fire jump and gadgets I was pushing through it fast until soow down in a matter of seconds a barrage of zombies started to flood the course and they all tried to get in the way to stop me no the timer was going down and I only had 5 seconds left thinking quickly I use my Fire tail attack to make all of the zombies panic because of this distraction I finally made it to the finish line but too bad Spa what you were 1 second too late YOLO no in the midst of my defeat an explosion sounded off at the entrance of the carnival there waiting was katron with his Mecca Army oh no he found me on days 13 to 14 King Arron’s men began to Rampage throughout the carnival and destroy everything they could I know you’re here somewhere you tier find him now with enough rewind he will be my imp what no my home we got to go right now they’re too powerful the clown listen to me he grabbed the key and the two of us made a break for it that King you’re against him yeah I am because I said this the clown threw over the key to me wa thanks anything to stop that jerk he can’t just take things that don’t belong to him tell me about it with that the clowns zombie and I split was and I was able to unlock the Temple’s entrance sweet I headed inside and there waiting at its Center was a large dead tree that was alive I am the elder tree hi tree sir I’m here looking for the mecca Dragon the very thing that’s hunting me down it’s a lost cause the only way you find the meca dragon is if he finds you first wait you said he’s hunting you down his mission is to find any tree he can and Burn It To The Ground if he burns me down then the rest of the Jungle will fall with me I think I have an idea but you may not like it on days 15 to 16 the elder tree followed behind me and I set him in the middle of an empty Plains is this really necessary that dragon wants to find you and so let’s set a trap he won’t expect just then rustling went throughout the nearby trees oh no it’s here in a matter of seconds entered the Beast wait it’s a sheep the plan didn’t work genius the Sheep was then crushed by the large Mega Dragon oh no it totally worked he’s massive without hesitation the dragon flew straight in towards the elder tree I prepared ahead of time though and flipped a lever which caused a protective Dome to build up around him I quickly shot at the dragon and gained its attention yeah stay away from him the dragon was very angry and began to fly right at me deadly beams were being fired down all around me and I knew I wouldn’t last long how am I going to defeat him like this he can fly just then I stumbled upon on a snow biome maybe the storm here is bad enough to bring him down I have to try I quickly ran in and as he followed the blizzard was too much for him my plan was working where did you go you weakling I used the snowy landscape to my advantage and was able to get the jump on him take this before he could spot me I was able to hide away again and continueed to get the upper hand W I’m actually doing it enough games with a massive beam attack the dragon shot all around himself destroying all of my cover oh no he ran towards me to take me down but right before he could reach me a tech likee explosion occurred right on top of him what because of this distraction I was able to deal the final hit on the dragon taking him down for good what was that it was me I looked over to see there standing over a nearby Hill was my Creator you you’re alive look at you I’m so proud of you my boy thanks pops I looked over and saw the dragon dropped down his piece of scrap after picking it up I gained an additional five Hearts Not only was I larger in size but I now had grown my very own tiger wings like the dragon I can now fly around as I please W this is amazing now that we have United I’m must show you something I followed my Creator until arriving back at the entrance of our jungle but it was completely different lots of its trees were gone and an empire was beginning to be built up the rest of our Tigers they’re in there not for long but I need to get you home safe first on days 19 to 21 I brought my father and the elder tree back to base with me I got to work building up a nice place right next to my home for my dad and inside the two of us worked together to build up a really sick lab I might be able to make you some pretty cool stuff give me some time sounds good I walked out and saw that the elder tree had made its home right at the center of the base this place will do for now yeah yeah I walked over to check on the fairet who was standing in front of a chest H open now well okay the fet opened it which caused a huge explosion to ignite throughout our base what the [Laughter] heck huh I turned to see a troll uhoh The Jig Is up hey not so fast the troll tried his best to get away but with my new wings I was able to survey the skies and spotted him climbing up a nearby Mountain Bingo I landed just as he got to the top only to see that I was at an entire troll Town dude come on he was just an innocent troll you could have killed someone well that’s who I am a trolling troll trolling troll oh on days 22 to 26 I walked throughout the troll town and it was absolute chaos trolls ran throughout continuously pranking each other and causing nothing but to destruction I better get out of here I was about to fly away but then I saw it at the end of their Town being hung over lava was one of the king’s mechanites wo what happened what the heck get prank [Music] Loser yeah that’s what I thought I went over to the mech but was quickly cut off by a group of the rules hey hand it over nope we pranked this sucker a few days ago we turned him off yeah he’s ours now come on there has to be a way I can take it hold up I’m going to [Music] TNT follow me I follow the troll until making it to the edge of a large TNT build in that t TT lives the trickster he’s a new guy who thinks he’s better at pranking than we are if you can help us pull off the best break ever on him we will happily trade the mech okay deal on days 27 to 29 I entered the TNT house but as I did gas started to fill the room oh no I was expecting a visitor you falling right into my trap the gas was getting to me and caused the room to start to terraform I was now in a large TNT maze wao I must be hallucinating I got to find a way to snap out of it I began to go throughout the TNT maze but around every corner there was a different prank wa you think you can harm my home you see you won’t get the chance I kept pushing on dodging all the pranks I could But Not only was my vision getting weaker but so were my hearts thankfully though I finally made it to the center and standing there was the large trickster I did not think you’d make it this far but this will be your end let me free I ran to the trickster but he had an ability to disappear and appear as he pleased not only that but he had very strong explosive attacks yeah just give up before I accidentally misfire misfire that’s it on days 30 to 32 I looked around at all the TNT around us with my firetail I shot all around the room causing the TNT to ignite no what are you doing get pranked buddy just like that the TNT exploded no not only did my hallucinations end but the entire TT house blew up in one go wao I did it dude blowing up someone’s house that’s just griefing I like your style that trickster loser didn’t see what hit him speaking of where is [Music] he I think I found him anyways thanks for helping out y prankster that Mech is all yours sweet I headed back to the trolls mountain and saw that the mech was there for the taking on days 33 to 35 I went up to the mech okay time to fight this thing I broke it down from its chains which caused it to turn back on what where am I no I must go the mech tried to run away but with my wings I was quickly able to cut them off moth you aren’t going anywhere you work for the king and that ends today that’s the thing I don’t want to I’m sorry what king Atron treats us horribly the only reason he needs a new kingdom is because of all the damage he had done to his last I’ve seen his actions over time and no I don’t want to live this life anymore Wa Would you want to join my side then and help me take him down certainly here take this the mech tossed down a part of his Mecha horn and once I collected it I became stronger I now had 25 hearts and had my very own horns attached to my head with them I had the brute strength of an entire Mecha Golem wa this is sick come on it’s time you meet your new team on days 36 to 39 I made it back to my base with the Mecha Golem foo look out hey it’s all right this guy he’s one of the good ones oh well it’s great to meet you friend the pleasure is all mine I took the time to build up the Golem his very own home fit with a comfy interior for his size here you go why thank you out I’m watching you creepy I then looked around my base and noticed our home was getting bigger I have a lot more people to protect now with that I went to work building up a defensive wall around the entire base and everyone was pitching in thanks guys before we could finish though I heard a familiar rumbling in the nearby jungle false steam ahead oh no I ran out towards the rumbling and saw the mecca Kingdom’s train was barreling Through the Jungle in the direction of our base no I can’t let them find this place on days 40 to 44 I quickly flew up onto the train how do I stop this thing oh no you don’t I looked back and saw the mecca conductor from before I’m not scared of you not any more what about me hey guys I mean come on what problems have words not solved we can talk this out right yeah you think we’re just going to let you go again King Atron nearly scrapped us last time this time you’re not going anywhere I looked past the two of them and saw the Train’s primary power source Bingo all right so be it we began to fight on top of the train as I flew around them to try to keep my distance get down here they began to shoot out their mechanical arms at me to try to pull me in but I pushed them back with my Roar with this opening I swooped down and blasted the power source with my Rockets which caused it to explode the train instantly came to a stop and flung The conductors back into the jungle yes that was a close one I then looked over and saw that the train had a full cart of jungle wood on it delivered to the lumber yard huh I better check this place out on days 45 to 47 I flew around the jungle until finally finding the lumber yard landing on its trees I watched as countless flying robots worked under the command of a large saw blade Mech that must be one of King Arron’s mechanites where is that Lumber shipment we can’t build a king’s Kingdom without it and he’s definitely not a nice guy tell me about it I turned around to see a gorilla was up in the trees with me shh I’m on your side that is as long as you’re against them I am wait what do you mean they built this lumber yard right on top of my home they killed everyone except me and I’m done running I’m so sorry they attacked my home too I want to help then let’s do this together I’ve been watching them and they keep going into this one building it’s got to be important then we better get in there first we went down and began to sneak past some of the robots and thankfully made it inside of the building once there there was a long hallway that led up to a set of doors that’s got to be did huh this almost feels too easy as I said this platforms lowered from high up in the room and artillery Bots began to activate yep I knew it oh shut up and run on days 48 to 52 we started to run across the hall as the artillery Bots launched tracking missiles at us oh come on no fair I was being blasted around by their attacks as more Rockets just kept coming but then the gorilla jumped in the way wo are you okay yeah just keep going I ran forward and used my new Golem strength to burst open the doors into the next room once inside I noticed we were in their Central planning room there were crazy blueprints all around of the castle for katron they’re going to do the same thing they did to my home but do it to the whole jungle not if we have anything to say about it come on someone probably heard us by now as I said this flying robots started to float in from above Intruders get them we began to get swarmed by the flying robots and the gorilla was getting overrun stay away from him thanks just uh repaying the favor come on we got to go we ran out of the planning room and back up to the lumber yard when where are you two going oh no now that my men have softened you up it’s time to die like the animals you are come on can you see what you’re doing to the Jungle this isn’t right oh wow you know now that you say it like that I still don’t care for King Atron the mech rushed in and started to attack me ruthlessly with this massive saw blade ah it dealt a lot of damage and he was already wearing me down to low Hearts no then the gorilla ran in and pushed him back with his brute strength we can’t beat them like this you need to find another way I looked around and that’s when I saw it I have an idea buy me some time I’ll try I started to fly up as quickly as I could to the top of the crane you’re not going anywhere men stop him more flying robots flew up to cut me off ah hey I flew around and kept them at Bay with my Rockets as I finally made it to the Crane’s controls okay foso here goes nothing on days 57 to 59 I turned on the crane directly above the saw m and dropped it down onto him but he just kept dodging no I kept trying over and over again and one of the times before he could Dodge the gorilla pushed him under it no yes that one’s for my family thanks for helping me take back my home even if it’s not really the same anymore no thank you all I did was press a button I went over and grabbed the saw blade scrap which caused me to upgrade again I gained five more hearts and now had a powerful saw blade integrated into my body wo you know you’re more than welcome to come stay with me if you want I’d like that he what he’s become much stronger my king maybe too strong but not for you my king no one is stronger than you flattery will get you nothing the rest of you gather up the tig of prisoners I know just what to do with them on day 60 to 63 I made it back to base with the gorilla I saw that the rest of my friends had finished building up the defensive walls nice great work everyone from there I took the time to help the gorilla build a nice jungle home next to the elder tree I can finally relax now thank you Foo don’t mention it I then went over and found my father in his lab dad I quickly caught him up on the blueprints I saw at the lumber yard and kingat tron’s plans for the jungle oh dear well if you shut down the lumber yard we should stop them from getting other resources too and I know just the place you you should look next the mecca mines sweet that must be where they mine all their ore correct but be warned it’s guarded by a terrifying Beast of course it is all right where do I need to go I journeyed out of the base following my father’s directions straight to the entrance tunnel of the mecham mines but the tunnel was caved in come on I tried blasting it open with everything I had but nothing I did was working I think I’m going to need more Firepower just then I heard an explosion off in the distance what was that on days 64 to 68 I followed the noise until I saw a skeleton with explosives what the the skeleton then caused a large explosion At His Feet Again d d it uh hello oh Helly partner what brings you to these parts I’m trying to get into the mines and honestly I could probably use those explosives you got there well I’ll be I’ve been trying to blow that place open since the darn Beast took my good throwing arm great does that mean you’ll help me I’d love to but we’re going to need a whole lot more boom sticks and what I have here here take this the skeleton then threw me over a list of ingredients come back here with those three things it I’ll make us the best darn explosive you ever saw sounds like a plan I went out and mined some sand grabbed a lilac flow and then the last ingredient some Gunpowder you can do this Foo you can do this ow hey I remember you hey nice to see you with that I was able to take down the creeper with one more hit okay this better be worth it I gave all the ingredients back to the skeleton who whipped up a powerful explosive in an instant he come along now on days 69 to 73 the skeleton and I made it back to the caved and entrance of the Mecha mines all right now stand back would it be better if I I got it I’m a professional right we began to make our way inside of the tunnels only to realize this cave was like a maze we began to blindly nav at the tunnels but hit dead end after Dead End come on for a mind these tunnels sure look untouched you’d think all those mechs would want all this fancy ore I began to look around and that’s when I noticed you’re right they only care about iron I have an idea follow me from there I began to notice a tunnel that had blocks mined out of them and we followed it until finally making it into the mines we did it sh it’s sleeping huh I looked over and saw that in the center of the cave was a massive Mecca Cerberus oh right on days 74 to 77 we began to sneak around the edge of the mine when I had another idea all right I think we can Ambush him now we’re talking I’ll go this way he quietly circled around the other side of cus and we were both closing in okay ready what 1 2 do you smell that yeah it smells like bones let Carnation the curus began to chase the skeleton around the mines a little help here partner I quickly flew up and began to launch attack after attack down onto him but his armor was just too strong I then noticed some loose Grabel high up in the ceiling hold on I blasted the ceiling with my tail fire causing a large pile of it to separate the two of them where did you go the skeleton and I quickly hid in the back of the Min to regroup what do we do this armor is too strong for me I can’t damage it I still smell you all right now I got an idea but you’re going to have to trust me on day 78 to 80 I flew up into the air to grab the cerberus’s attention hey you’re not my chew toy forget that we’ve heard about you tiger come here I began to battle them in the air as I launched Down rocket after rocket but the CPUs just kept powering through my hits he then launched out a glob of molten scrap which hit me out of the air King Atron will be very happy when I bring him your head the meca Cerberus was about to finish me off when suddenly hey over here you oversized lap dog what did you say that’s right come get me no what are you doing so long partner the skeleton allowed the Cerberus to bite down on him which caused the dynamite to explode you little punks no no we continue to fight and I use my new saw blades to cut into the now weakened Mech I could tell the skeleton sacrifice definitely hurt his armor which allowed him to take a lot more damage take this with one final saw blade hit I was able to take the meca curus down yes on days 81 to 85 I was finally able to grab the scrap from the cus which caused me to upgrade one final time I now had 35 Hearts grew even larger in size and had three heads W I couldn’t have done it without you thank you from there I launched my Rockets into the exit tunnel which closed off the Mecha mines for good that should do it it was then I heard some voices shouting nearby touch him he’s getting away what’s going on I ran out and watched as one of my fellow Tigers had escaped the mecca Army he was running for his life throughout the jungle somebody anybody help no one’s here to save you Beast oh no you don’t I flew in and used my meca Roar to take down both of the mecca knightes at once it’s you you’re still alive of course I’m so glad you kept fighting where are the other Tigers I’ll show you on days 86 to 90 the tiger led me back to the mecca Kingdom’s fully built castle and there in the center was King Atron putting all of the Tigers in cages get in there you filthy animal hurry up and get the rest in their cages this would bring out that Mega tiger soon enough what will you have us do now my king take to the jungle and if you see that tiger make sure he knows we have his people right here in our crusts he’ll surrender soon enough he’s using my people as bait would he really set them free if I surrendered would he there’s no way he he can’t be trusted we need to stop him now you may be right but I have to get you back to safety first come with me on days 91 to 94 the tiger and I quickly made it back to my base oh foso there you are ah and you found another tiger yeah you’re not going to like where the others are I gathered everyone in my base and quickly updated them about what katron said and my newly thought up plan but foso are you sure about this a dude the king eyeball dude is totally crazy I agree with them foso you can’t everyone this may be the best way to make sure everyone gets out of here alive your heart is truly set on this tiger I’m sure of it and I know deep down I have to do this on days 95 to 99 I reluctantly walked out into the clearing in front of the mecca Kingdom King adron I’m here ah you finally come to give yourself up for your people or are you here to fight I’m here to surrender as long as you promise to let my people go Che within an instant I was surrounded by the mecca Army what the I don’t make promises tiger I’m the king I make the rules in my people follow them no kill them the knights were about to rush in when Vines wrapped around them no my father leapt in and took down the remaining knights around me what is this triggering sorry King but two can play at this game even if I was still scared for my boy I told you it would work look we looked over as the fet had snuck by to free the Tigers from their cages no no no King Arron’s anger caused them to unleash wild beams of pure energy that began cutting through the jungle everyone get out of here a beam was heading straight for my dad no I jumped in the way and took the hit G you will die first on day 100 it was finally just me and the King Mech face to face in front of of his kingdom do you know how much I fought for my rule you have no right to deny me no all you’ve done is take and take from my home and now I’m going to stop you here and now I flew up into the air as we began to battle his powerful beams of energy shot all around me but I did my best to dodge throughout the air take this we were trading hit for hit and each of our attacks were cutting into the other’s Hearts I tried to fly in close with my saw blades but his beam hit me out of the sky and put me at extremely low Hearts yeah you could have been a great night in my Army but now all you are is useless he began to rain down blast at me and I tried my best to use my feline agility to dodge each of his Hits come on I can do this there with one of my saw blades I was able to cut him down all the way to the ground and hit him with heavy hit after heavy hits you you just an animal you are nothing compared to me your Reign ends here King Atron I ran in and used the most powerful mecar I could finally taking down the king for good and with that my entire jungle could return to the way it was

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Mecha Tiger! I had to save my jungle from the powerful Mecha Kingdom! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!


  1. I Like this Concept But i fr just want to see you to be evil like got control or something for a few days yk [ Just Giving An Idea ]
    How about Mecha Lion?

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