Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 96 – Confusing Willy

hello again everyone welcome back to a stardew valley it is day 23 of fall no birthdays but my idium pickaxe is ready all right George’s birthday is tomorrow weather report welcome to kou 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow looks like a storm is approaching thunder and lightning is expected and our special forecast for the F Islands region it’s going to be clear and sunny all day all right so tomorrow would probably be a good day to go out to the island although I do need more uh Stone 117 crops already 38 unwatered crops did I not plant some new things somewhere probably didn’t actually now that I think about it 24 crops are ready in the greenhouse 31 machines are ready and the farm cave is ready but first let’s go down here and check actually yes that is quite a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] okay everything seems to be [Music] working there we go [Music] oops okay uh I know two that we well there’s some others that we could also [Music] do all right I’ll take a look at something else in a moment uh actually let’s get you in okay can’t let’s do that [Music] this a lot of stuff [Music] ready a lot of stuff ready [Music] all right okay put all of you in there for [Music] now uh I need some need a lot of wheat seeds I don’t think that’s going to be enough not sure if we’re going to get another crop of the Corn pomegranate wine let’s actually go ahead and take these in here for the for now okay get you in there also not that get you in there I do want however you okay we do have enough of that don’t have a whole lot of that left but we’ll get some more later okay get you in there since I have some of these and these are all done I don’t know how long any of those others are going to take but that’s a good compromise at the moment [Music] okay you all in there okay feeling healthy it’s good for you that is uh rather disappointing there I think those do go at different speeds okay that’s a little annoying go ahead and sell those off all right get you in there then you then you all right is one of my chickens mad potatoes looks fine gravy looks really [Music] happy yellow looks really happy today yeah one of them just looks fine so I I don’t know what’s going on with that one but it’s being a little bit uh [Music] annoying okay I can go in there take that up to the house [Music] stuff I want to do things with all right come on horsey let’s go head over here okay I think I’m going to have enough space as long as I’m in here I might as well pick these [Music] up there we go all right so that’s pretty full on inventory ventory got some more trees I can chop [Music] [Music] down still have that duck feather so I should probably do something about that actually cuz I do have this I can just use this to either quickly sell things that I don’t care as much about or even temporarily hold things so fiddlehead fern from those okay still only have the one all right chop these trees down then I can make a couple more uh tappers okay two tappers so that’s one there that’s one there [Music] [Music] all right so two milk and four of that for mayonnaise [Music] there we go okay so that’s pretty good did I get a Tapper on there I did all right what do I want to make now um probably more of these all right go and put these away for now sell that you in there that’s fine ah it’s too late to for me to go get my uh pickaxe unfortunately I forgot about that uh we’ll get a l it’s not a huge deal get that in there where where did I uh put my other green tea I had some other green tea where did I put it I’ll put that in there for now did it end up in here no did it end up in here no I am very confused as to my green tea ended up I had to have some in in some container somewhere that I just add to existing SI or did I actually sell it and I didn’t even pay attention to that cuz I do have some in here like that’s that’s for gifting I am so I I I confuse myself uh sometimes only sometimes only sometimes all right well [Music] um don’t really care about the Prismatic slime p Pirate’s wife find a Keepsake that belong to Birdie’s husband uh I do have that where is the item for that actually before we uh do that Acorn Maple pine cone mahogany all right 10 10 10 10 all right um and then those and then I need to make some tree fertilizer fiber and stone let’s grab some Fiber so I need to give the rose to someone I do not remember who going grab that Omni Geo and copper not too shabby lost a little bit of that but that’s okay in okay so there’s that that is unfortunate I can do a little bit more panning iron ore a golden mystery but wow that is a lot of things come on pan please bone fragments I didn’t know you could get bone fragments from that I don’t know that I care about getting bone fragments from that but I’m not really doing anything else right now so panning is that is going to going to be annoying to get to aridium ore Fire Quartz and Omni geodes nope can’t get that one all right my my panning uh Joy has has come to an end sadly all right what does it take to make recycling machines anyway wood Stone iron bar all right I need more Stone though could buy some could buy some okay there’s a whole bunch of stuff already stop it I wanted this one let’s make a strawberry wine could make more starfruit one though nope stop it there we go all right more wine in here go ahead and sell off this green tea all right so we can get that golden Mystery Box open uh cracked open tomorrow um do need to um pick up my uh my pickaxe what could I leave to get upgraded so if I’m going out to the island I guess I could just like fish out on the island that’s definitely a thing all right let’s see so I can get enough uh star fruit seed I mean uh ancient fruit seeds so there’s that what else do I want to plant I can take these two take that here is my stardew Valley Rose so I can go try to find someone to give that to um think for a second what does this actually say a rose that reminds you of the valley it smells heavenly well Sandy likes flowers so I could run out and uh see her trying to remember what is soul because I think there’s a rotating stock right she sells Omni geodes on Wednesday all right so that is I think what I was thinking of and something that I could buy eventually I will need I will probably need to do that um there’s just there there’s something tickling the back of my mind of something that I need and I cannot remember I’m not sure what it is I probably want to switch out my tackle if I’m going to do some fishing out there what else think I want to take these back out I think I need those out there it’s just something nagging me I feel like I need to get something and bring it there right strawberries that is part of it part of a complete breakfast uh I could bring more star fruit guess we’ll do that and Cactus seeds I don’t have enough um they produce every 3 days which is actually not that great you know what we do not want to do cactus out there so if it produces every 3 days that is uh actually quite a lot that I would be missing I’d have to get out there very frequently and until I have the Obelisk to teleport me out there it’s a little bit dicey shall we say that’s one that’s two no that’s that’s four what is the all right there we go so that’s four that’ll fill up the rest and one of one or both of these will fill up the others I’m going to need to get some more of these for spring but we we’ve got time for that I think that’s it [Music] then all right as long as we are coming to the end of the season oh guess I’ll grab all of this as well is getting late that’s fine did not actually mean to close that open that back up okay none of that matters I just need one in there go and sell one of those all right anything else that I want to do to prepare I got all of that who’s calling me at 1:00 a.m. you hear a squeaky voice on the other end hey o poke me sell good hats please come and bring coins poke me like coins click a hat Mouse called me oh I got to go buy a hat at some point then although I do really like what I’m wearing now um speed grow basic fertilizer do I have any other fertilizer I do not have any other fertilizer that’s fine we can just use basic fertilizer then it’s not a huge deal all right into bed we go go to sleep for the [Laughter] night I do not approve do not approve all right torches duck feather uh 10 goat cheese at 1120 for 11,200 uh 2576 there um 1680 for the green tea 3591 for the mayonnaise and then our aged tiger trout row 294 blobfish row 3920 rainbow trout so the tiger trout row is better than the rainbow trout trout row but uh I have the rainbow trout because there is a very very small chance that you can get a prismatic Shard out of them something’s better than nothing it’s kind of how I feel all right day 24 of fall it is George’s birthday so I do need to get him something [Music] um H I know he likes leaks I know he likes leaks what else does he like does he like anything that’s uh I mean leaks are pretty easy to get but also I like turning them into um other things he likes fried mushroom and I can make that I can make that pretty [Music] easily K Kitty thank you all right welcome to kzu 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be cloudy with gusts of wind throughout the day and our special forecast for the fern Islands region it’s going to be clear and sunny all day fortune teller o i see a glimmer within my scry or bashard of Knowledge from the future the spirits are in Good Humor today I think you’ll have a little extra luck all right rerun of queen of sauce which is pumpkin [Music] pie 30 crops are ready 16 crops ready in the greenhouse 52 machines are ready all [Music] right all right there is some stuff done in there let’s do wine there we go all right get you put away all right just one comment mushroom right yes so 1 2 3 four five six one moral probably shouldn’t have worried about that but oh well in fact just going to go sell all of that got some wormies down here chicken statue all right I do I think I can go um go to the beach now we go chicken statue take that diamond all right fried mushroom for George we are getting lots of uh uhoh [Music] all right hold on move these later I just need uh space in my inventory there we go that is a lot of mushrooms that we have gotten there that’s pretty good actually that took a long time as well all right so what happened down here I think that was just leaving a I think that just left a a void egg all right I’ll have to come back in for that one which is perfectly fine by me by [Music] me for all right well we got that we got that so that should be enough I think yeah there we go okay not going to worry about the rest of that I have spent way too long uh doing this already not going to worry about that should have gone out to the island by now hey can I ask you something I put too much gel in my hair today it kind of hurts don’t touch it what that is not exactly asking me something Alex is my grandson have I told you that already huh speak up I have a present for you you remembered my birthday I’m impressed thanks the good mayor put me in charge of the town’s Public Gardens the fall flowers are delicate so don’t go stomping on them I know how you kids like to do no i’ I’ve seen that episode of uh of Star Trek next Generation I would not not do that I’ll collect up this stuff later maybe let’s get a ticket off to the island we go we it’s not exactly fast but it does get us here literally 1 second later and I forgot to get my uh pickaxe again [Music] you know what it’s just a [Music] thousand I’m dumb that’s terrible like really really really dumb but it happens all it’s like you were just there and now you’re back again it’s so weird why did you go out there and come back uh I forgot to do something here oh I understand that can I go in please thank you my idium pickaxe received an aridium pickaxe I am going to wait on potentially doing other upgrades for now so I wasted some [Music] time that’ll uh make up for an octopus bait that’s not too bad hie Krabby bye Krabby all right all I just took you out there and yet you want to go back you’re a weird one you know I know I know but just so long as you know [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] take [Music] that okay well we’ll uh be clearing up some inventory space [Music] [Music] soon so I do have the speed grow these all right so they’re going to be a little bit late on coming in but as long as I’m doing that let’s get some more um I think I’ll leave that that as is for the moment all right what else strawberries okay so that’s all the ancient seeds I can get for now dang it actually you know what since I’m not going to like time doesn’t matter too much out here and as long as I am not uh uh really trying to like I’m I it’s not going to be a big deal if I I’m not out here every day to to pick up stuff so I don’t think it matters if I water know just delay their growth by a day whoopy dooo all right but I do want to get fertilizer in there we go then I need to go back to the um the desert at some point to buy even more star fruit seeds all right could go for melons or pumpkins or something like that I mean these are the most valuable but I do like I like to vary it up all right I have some tarot tubers there we go should have put that one right there oh well I’ll probably get some more think I’m going to run out H maybe not nope all right okay um so that is all of that that I wanted to do next up back out here um is that not what I need all right hold on I do not I thought that I just needed that do I need to use a bomb H I need to use a [Music] bomb I need to use a bomb all right well sorry sir unless I get some uh actually I should probably uh not do that let those trees grow oh artifact Trove that’s nice wild bait there is that okay seven iron ore okay I can make a bomb and sell that there we go I wish it would to pop up like a message saying um like you don’t think a a pickaxe is enough to break this CU then I would have been like oh okay I need to bomb it cuz you can pickaxe the one back in the mine which I didn’t realize thank you I thought I was done for I’ve been stuck in this cave for months one more kave of mushroom salad and I would have gone off the deep end so rubbery anyway I’m Professor snare I’ve been conducting a survey of this island flora and FAA for the last year truly a remarkable Place well I think I’ll go back to my tent and freshen up a little I’m afraid I smell like mushrooms hey you should stop by the tent sometime an enterprising individual like yourself could be a major asset in my projects farewell I actually should leave the bones now that I think about it for now at least because I can use this to help me get uh um more bones for the eventual like when when the uh 100 bone qu Community Quest shows up again ah come in welcome to my field office as you can see it’s quite empty getting stuck in that cave was a huge setback to my project but that’s where you come [Music] in yeah I’m in the bone business you see so so you got a little bone there earlier ancient bones in particular and this island is full of them so if you ever encounter any bones fossils or mummified specimens on this island bring them to my desk okay or make it work worth your W donate to museum all right so that’s all we have so far you’ve outdone yourself Ela this is one of the most pristine specimens I’ve ever seen thank [Music] you Island survey please report the number of purple flowers present on the island I’m I’m I’m feeling like cheating [Music] here let me see all right I’m ready to report there’s 22 oh yes that seems to be very accurate thank you I got some golden walnuts Island survey please report the number of purple starfish present on the island all right I’m ready to [Music] report uh there are 18 purple [Music] starfish yes yes that seems very accurate thank you boy not not exactly a whole lot of uh walnuts there okay can I get to my chest so I have another one of those I was going to do fishing here and I didn’t you know what let’s let actually leave that here can I get into the house probably not nope dang it so close oh well that’s the way it goes uh maybe I’ll head back out to the island um again because I do need to do some fishing we’ll see how it goes uh 111 25 for farming so cheese summer squash cactus fruit eggplants truffle oil cloth and mayonnaise forine red mushroom and a chicken statue for 150 so 11,350 that’s not too shabby not too shabby but that is going to be where we wrap it up this time when we come back next time uh hopefully we can find some more of those uh um fossils but we will see for next time see you then everyone

Look, what can I say, I forgot something!


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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