How I Beat Terraria’s Mod of Redemption | FULL MOVIE

find your way into this Wonderland cross the maze the dark the innocent chase the face the thrill the heaven I catch your world upside down far away to a place where senses will Decay your G and mind will Shadow play I got to world upside down the mod of redemption is a mod in beta that has been recommended to me more than any other terraria Mod so we’re going to see what it has in store and I must admit I quite like what I see the First new thing I run into is a tree buug and it’s kind of funny having this be the first thing I encounter but at the same time a mod that takes the time to add passive mobs like this has clearly had a lot of effort put into it since there was a cave next door I figured I’d head on down and see what loot there was to be had there were a few regular wooden chests and ore but nothing special so I did what I usually do when playing a new mod and that was exploring the surface to see if there was something new and interesting I made a quick stop at some living trees and headed into another cave that was both a jungle and regular biome which is a nice way of sneaking into the jungle early game even so I didn’t get far and the treasure was just regular stuff night fell so I slapped some houses together and went back on ground to continue exploring scratching my head because I was sure this mod had a lot of content but I haven’t RI really encountered much yet well time for that to change while underground I was informed that a portal rumbles and I followed its prompt to check the map somewhere on the surface there was a question mark I hop skip and jump away and now we’re getting somewhere chicken can I kill it yes I can there’s an NBC here selling several Forest themed items nothing I can afford and nothing particularly interesting but it’s nice that he exists since the living tree I found didn’t have a fledgling staff and on the other side of this Lake I see a portal huh oh what oh just th huh hello what this guy is apparently searching for his friend and since I have no idea where his friend is or what’s going on here he eats on back into the portal but when he did that he dropped something interesting put this in your hand will point to an ancient stru all right I am I am down for I am so down for this okay that arrow that appeared apparently points to some structure and that has me super excited but before following the Arrow’s Direction I explored the rest of the shrine and found this cave where I figured breaking the dirt looking thing would be a good idea what if I break this aha I found someone oh goody he sells dirt and mud wow such a useful NPC when I returned home to ready my treasure hunt I spotted something in my inventory I didn’t recognize it looks like a boss summon and sure enough it is a boss summon I I I can still do it I can still do it I’m confident I’m confident in this I can no no back away no uh I found the boss all right we’re going straight down I’m find I’m finding this whatever it is I’m finding it and so the Epic treasure hunt begins and I find the thing in a minute flat I lost my poor me there’s a shiny anything there’s a treasure chest with a mage accessory it creates a blue pulsing so if you see that it’s from this thing the gold can be mine but it’s not gold it’s antique Doral there’s an a cursive gem on a pedestal so that’s promising we all love a good curse there’s also another chest with a mage weapon that is super awesome if I hit an enemy with it the enemy would be bound making them immobile and incapable of attacking so easy Target and I love it the attack is hard to land though and takes a couple of seconds to use so it’s not overpowered but it is a great utility weapon for early game most interesting of all the enemies have a different way of attacking oh he has a has like a specific attack okay ouch oh ouch ow ow ow ow ow ouch Retreat that’s enough Adventure underground I think I head to space and I’m greeted with a massive surprise when the first is Island I find is this stunning Temple that looks like a golden portal frame I couldn’t interact with anything so I guess we’ll get to that another time but it looks sick the rest of the potion got me nothing but one more sky island with a Celestial magnet and that’s quite unfortunate but at home I quickly set up magic storage some people point out that I have chich shei active during these runs and that’s true it’s there in the events of gamebreaking bugs in these mods which I have run into in the past but also to set up things like magic storage so I don’t have to worry about spending time organizing and it’s easier to find modded recipes this way it helps me better showcase what the mod has available and that’s the real points of these runs to do a half blind run so as to give my genuine experience but I also want to make sure I don’t miss too many things speaking of which I spotted a new recipe in the storage system called The Chalice of alignments and I used [Music] it what do you wish for an explanation of alignment what the heck there’s good and evil alignment in this turns out you can be evil or good in this mod there are quests and who knows what else honestly not too much is explained with this just that there are different alignments and a few notes on what each alignment might mean for me in the future I’m honestly quite confused but I assume there will be more to explain it later someone someone from chat said I should check the portal again so I did mined a workbench and a shrine beside the portal and got a scroll I don’t think I would have ever found that if it hadn’t been pointed out to me so I’m not sure how I feel about that I don’t usually like when something is unclear like that especially since the scroll is actually a boss summon maybe it’s not a necessary boss summon but it wouldn’t have occurred to me to mine the workbench next to the portal there was a little sprite indicating something on it but for all I knew it was just a decoration a little ways away there was this cool lab looking thing this is going to turn out very well I can feel it all right I can’t break into this place I can’t break in so I guess we’ll return to that later in progression I don’t know when speaking of I still have made next to no progression so I spent a bit of time on the ground Gathering resources I crafted a pretty good early game modded sword and when reading its description it said there was a chance it could chop off the head of a humanoid enemy and that just sounds awesome I sure hope that happens at some point it’d be so cool a little ways below the treasure hunt structure there was another section with a few more treasure chests one I a grappling hook that is legitimately the worst grapple ever but it is better than nothing I just already had a regular hook another chest had a boss summon and this thing called a Crux card that mentions a bunch of stuff to do with spirits and I got no idea what it means by that I had explored just about everything in the regular cave so the jungle one was the only other place that made sense to explore there wasn’t anything in particular that happened there I just continued to gather resources and Life Crystals and by the time I returned home it was just about the end of daytime now that boss I had summoned earlier is a pre King Slime or maybe a boss right after him or something in progression but what difference does that realistically make he’s super early game and can only be summoned during day so I built a quick and dirty Arena and summoned Thorn bane of the forest being around King Slime the boss isn’t the most complicated thing you’ve ever seen his attacks would seem to be on a randomizer as well but each of them are reasonably well graph there’s one attack where he uses claws on your position but a glowing projectile is shot at you before the claws attack making them easy enough to dodge he will shoot thorns in the cardinal directions I’m not sure how else to describe this pattern he has a Vine attack that moves in a fan pattern with another move he spawns what looks like Thorn traps on the ground but I never got hit by them so I have no idea exactly what they do finally he’ll shoot several thorns in one General Direction all the while he teleports in between each attack and during second phase he spawns this Thorn looking Shield that spins around him and I’m still not sure what it does he also moves faster during the second phase overall it was a pretty good fight and well balanced for my stage in progression though I must say when playing melee and maybe more specifically with the blade of grass the telegraphs were far more difficult to read the particle effects for my blade and the telegraphs were very similar in color and so my choice in weapon might not have been the best for this battle it was an even worse choice because there are typings in this mod meaning this is a grass type boss and I’m using a grass type weapon and thus my damage against him was reduced slightly the boss dropped a good bow and another Mage accessory but I still don’t have any good Mage weapons at this point my eyes drifted to the scroll from earlier looks like another boss summon so I tried it the pale bat imp spawns and is immediately slain by this cleric who says I have sinned or something for spawning the Imp demands I repent and informs me he will smacketh thine buttocks with a hand of judgment I am getting smited in the buttocks I tried to win but I’m not ready for him so we’ll get back to him later and by that I mean right now all I wanted was some more health and so I explored the jungle a bit until I was at full or well I guess near full health while down there I did find a small structure with a spider statue trap oh what have I done what have I done what have I done so I guess we’ll return to that boss who is threatened to smacketh thine buttocks he’s also called The Pale bat imp or at least that’s what it says yeah this guy isn’t an imp let’s talk to this boss his moves also appear to be on a randomizer so I guess I’ll just list them he has one where he cast light beams from heaven and these can do crazy damage if you get caught in them but they are also quite easy to dodge sometimes he would shoot projectiles while doing this and sometimes not I couldn’t really find any kind of consistency with it which is weird one attack blocks you in with light beams while he’s summon swords that spin around all you have to do is jump between the swords but it was actually hard to do his holding book however you really do have to look out for oh what oh oh oh oh oh wait how do you dodge this I can’t run faster than that when that finished he was down on the ground and the only way to hit him is either shooting between the shields or attacking with true melee this is actually really creative it’s free hits but if you attack with a ranged weapon then you’ll hit yourself this even includes projectile shot by my blade of grass there’s another move where he shoots light Spears in a fan formation that is sort of everything but the next time he used his holy book it did did something totally different than the first time this beam is terrifying and does massive damage but it actually actively creates a way to avoid it these platforms will appear above the laser as it moves and I presume if you platform a little bit you’ll be fine but I was way too slow on catching on to that fact the holy book did a different attack every time I saw it so I have no idea how many variations it’s got but I love how he is consistent across the board with one Wild Card move it’s cool now this boss doesn’t just die when you beat him first you get a little cut scene with text while he’s on 10 Health he mentions something about sparing his life and I’m curious if I attack him now would I kill him if I don’t would I spare him does this impact my alignment I waited and watch to see what would happen oh he just explodes okay I I was going to let him live I was going to let him live well that was weird but this mod is messing with my head I’ve never actually been hesitant about fighting an enemy before in Terraria but now I’m double guessing myself as to when I should kill or hold back another event that did this was the raveyard that spawned soon after wait what raveyard raveyard what is happening right [Music] now this is absolutely awesome there were more skeletons on the other side of the mountain and I was going to show Mercy until they decided to attack me so I threw hollowed hand grenade the priest dropped earlier on which I believe is extra effective against skeletons also the shield spinning around me reflects projectiles and is dropped from the priest as well I killed the ey of cthulu while all this was going on but all the while I made sure never to kill a skeleton that had a trumpet or was dancing I only attacked the ones that were hostile to me until the party ended skeletons got bored and went home okay I am really confused as to how this event works with the Rave being done we’ve hit that point in progression where we can hit a lot more bosses being able to merge my accessories would be quite helpful for accomplishing that so I destroyed a crimson heart to create that opportunity for the Goblin Army I also have so very little vertical movement the easiest way I could think of for bettering my hops was finding a shiny Red Balloon and after exploring most of the Skies I was concerned my world hadn’t spawned with a single one of those shiny Red Balloons but thankfully the very last one I found at the very edge of the world had what I was looking for which means it’s boss time except streeks are echoing through the night streeks echo through the night what the heck does that mean okay now I’m going to stand here I did wait a bit for the boss to spawn and then got bored waiting and just went ahead and summoned the boss myself this is the keeper hello how you doing and then you know that natural spawn well it naturally spawned oh that’s that’s not a stabby end ouch okay there I think I see it now I think I see it now oh that one’s still going at me that’s not nice that’s that went quite poorly and I actually didn’t realize until afterwards that the boss had spawned a second time during the fight I figured she summoned a clone of herself and I was just screwed I also had a problem what with not having Hermes boots or any kind of Speedy boots at all so time to go get some of those there’s not much of a reason actually in exploring a spider cave there’s not not really any doesn’t really connect to caves they’re usually their own separate thing oh never mind go overly confident I summoned the keeper again let’s talk this boss she has a random pattern which a lot of bosses have in mods and I guess all of them in this one have as well at this point the keeper attacks with a blast of sights with will Dash in a straight line shoot sparkly purple things that bounce at least once and worst of all she had what I guess I’ll call Soul vomit because what else could this possibly be in second form she’ll also shoot purple skulls but it really isn’t that much of a thing you know in the way the whole fight I was being hit constantly and still managed to somehow pull out a victory I really should not have won and several of these attacks were stupidly tough to dodge I’d highly recommend waiting until you’ve combined several accessories as you need a lot of movement to avoid these attacks they either have minimal or hard to see telegraphing that also take up most of the screen I took the loot back but then chat said I missed something I have no idea what this is but I could give it to the Chalice for a Hint it wasn’t much of one but the items description said it’ll attract something underground so that’s where we’re going and I might as well mine a elevator while I’m at it oh what the oh hello gold digger Finally Found You verman uh-oh prepare to reap what you sow oh no oh he’s got a lot of Health too okay good he he looked kind of ghostly I wasn’t confident in my ability to deal damage oh dear oh no he has that same attack I hate that attack so much run run I’m reaping what i s I’m ring my Z yes sir get out of my way please oh I just jumped into lava oh that was way too close come on come on that was way too close I can’t hardly believe I was able to actually beat that thing kind of brutal having him randomly spawn underground I guess you could make an arena and then wait but I wasn’t sure if that would work as is he’s dead and I got his sickle as a reward there was also this teddy bear and the Chalice said it would bring peace to The Misfortune I kept mining the elevator for no reason other than I was just there and along the way there was this funky looking Stone mining it I am given Stone I thought it might be a modded mini biome but there was nothing in the area I have no idea what’s going on with this it’s a different texture am I am I crazy this is a different texture right but it’s just regular Stone now item descriptions are much more useful than the chalice and the teddy bear says it’ll bring peace to the keeper whatever that’s supposed to mean so am I supposed to give the teddy bear to the keeper okay we got 7:30 look I got a teddy bear oh oh okay she okay thank you boom this made my good guy alignment a three whatever that means she dropped a crown though that makes humanoid skeletons friendly so I guess that could be helpful I killed the brain but who cares that’s vanilla once the brain died though there was something at the NPC housing who are you what the who hello oh holy okay the size of lost souls depends onal individual power the stronger of the will the being the bigger of the Soul on the soul use a body that cannot Infuse with the G of the Soul has been found worthy V infus with on most occasion of the skeleton will be created however the soul is strong enough it will form a pale Brown Flesh on the skeleton creating a fallen I have no idea why he spawn but I don’t think the brain had anything to do with it he does something with repairing fragments but I have no idea what fragments are he also has a shop with a neat magic weapon and this ooh I likey hold on to that he sold a violin which I thought would be fun [Music] why is he playing it like that he’s like okay I think I think I see where it’s going I don’t know what they think a violin sounds like but that’s not it am I playing this wrong this is Terraria now that I was spending time with one NPC I figured I’d check out what the other guys were up to and this one had this thing called The Eagle Crest spell book that summons the Eagle Crest Golem the description also says it’s only sold after the brain or eater have been slain let’s use it and see what happens oh ah ah ah oh that’s an enemy oh boy oh it’s rolling oh oh oh no no no run away okay how do you avoid that if you’re already how do you avoid that might be that staying close to this guy is the way to go unless that happens the bosses in this mod have been fascinating so far there we go and that was the Eagle Crest Golem he dropped several weapons one was a neat Spear and another there was a funny sling that says it’s hard to aim in indeed it is there was also a magic weapon that rolls on the ground which was actually very interesting the others were frankly a bit weak a very small buff would make them more viable in my opinion except for the Mage weapon that is which is a fascinating weapon just to use the goblin spawned and that’s probably one of the events it’s most viable or useful for now we’re getting on a roll thing is the weapon does more damage based on either speed or Heights not sure which it’s like a mage tossable jousting Lance is the best way I can describe it it even gets an extra effect if you throw it optimally very strange weapon and satisfying to use the next boss on the list is the seed of infection which requires meteorites and I have a question who wins a meteor or a single Quality of Life mod okay we have or [Laughter] excavator meteor meets or excavator just no just not not a contest so I made the summon and here comes the seed oh it’s just right there oh it just oh it just spawns in no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that’s not what I thought it would happen H I need this PL I need the other accessories so I can actually get to the platform without needing to Grapple so we went on a journey to find the goblin tinkerer but that ghost boss earlier was chilling next to him I tried getting the jump on him but he wasn’t taking damage so I spoke to him and he wants a token from his creator the keeper huh wonder what that could be no matter I want a rematch against the seed of infection but with far better accessories the seed will summon little green masses in front of it shoot waves or green projectiles which is not to be confused with the fan of green diamonds that then explode into an even bigger fan of projectiles he’ll shoot into the sky and these things will rain down and does your typical dashing there’s a laser he shoots straight down which is honestly one of the least intimidating lasers I’ve seen in any boss he has a few other attacks but they’re all variants of him shooting the same type of projectiles Killing Him opens a portal and this guy pops out what oh w h Huh he says there’s some resemblance between me and another guy he also dropped this sick weapon hold up let’s backtrack one thing I have missed entirely is the foul morning it’s a frost SL pump Moon style event but during the day and it’s also meant to be fought super early game like around aak cthulu I’m way past that but it’s an event where you fight a bunch of chickens so of course I got to try it before the event starts you must beat an easy boss who actually has mad damage resistance at a certain phase but that’s only because he also drops an item in this phase that you have to use to make him stop acting all Panic then you can do damage oh wait actually the Chicken King dude drops the summon for the event it’s not that you beat him to summon the event so messed up the order there a little bit but anyways the event you kill a bunch of chickens and that’s fun and all what the heck but this event does not have the right to have music that goes as hard as it does legitimately one of my favorite songs in any mod and yes it is currently playing in the background this isn’t me making the chicken event overly dramatic this is the actual music that plays and as you fight an army of chicken the event drops a Sentry that creates an aura that increases the player’s jump height and movement speed and I love how inventive they were making a centry that Buffs the player rather than attacking this brings me to Skeletron easy fight gets hit by star goodbye I didn’t see anything at first after killing him but chat fored me I ADM missed that crystals had formed in the icy Caverns I did do a little dungeon exploration first to you know grab the lovely little mamas and cobal shield when I was done with that there was some new portal that had appeared so I got to check it out there’s too many things for me to explore right now I can never set my mind on anyone and stick with it but check it out super cool blue portal oh hello Oho T okay you speak some language are you want to attack me yes you are oh you got Health hold up hold up don’t please come on keep moving keep moving oh oh oh did it just reset a dang it so turns out I need to stick around the tiny little Arena to fight this boss or else it’ll be considered having run away I tried to battle again but still couldn’t for the life of me deal damage and with this small dark space serving as an arena I was not coming close to winning so instead I checked out the newly generated crystals in the tundra I thought it would be a whole new biome but instead are basically prehard mode Crystal Shards found in the tundra and better yet they glow I do love that very much I always have found the tundra hard to explore feels like the caves are less open and there’s a lot more mining than in the other biomes so these glowing crystals made it a whole lot easier to find things combining these crystals with iron makes a new bar called Pure iron alloy this crafts a real cool armor set as well as some need weapons a very traditionally medieval aesthetic I was hoping this new armor and weapon would magically do more damage against the boss Cav cavia cavia sure but that wasn’t really the case now the reason for my lack of damage is that apparently there is this whole armor system when fighting the Goblin Army sometimes when I attack the Warriors a little text would appear saying I’ve broken their armor same thing with the dungeon I have no idea what caused this but that same armor effect was coming into play with this boss only now I couldn’t figure out how to break it my chat was trying to help me but the whole time I am trying to figure out if the mod explain this somehow mod of redemption really is a whole different Beast than other mods you have to change your mindset when engaging with it and as in many ways it’s a whole different kind of game there’s Elemental advantages so sometimes what would typically be the strongest weapon isn’t anymore you really do have to carefully read the description of items or else you might miss their use and even then you might have to do some puzzle solving you have to actually consider whether to finish off a boss or not it’s a different anyways no idea how this armor system works whether it was ever explained or not or what is effective against it but I did make a crossbow from the pure iron alloy that broke her shield and at that point she just autod dodged most of my range attacks still could do more damage but seeing a boss Dodge my attacks was definitely a shock I chose to spare her because I guess I’m going to be a good guy for this run and she now becomes an NBC after giving her some materials and then placing a forge next to her she’s able to upgrade two weapons one I have one I don’t and the one I have becomes this real neat ice magic Tome defeating that boss was pretty much the final thing that this mod introduced in pretty hard mode so after she went down I finished the elevator mined for some hellstone made a hell bridge and summoned the wall of fresh for the battle I used the pure iron sword crossbow and ice magic toome together they were able to beat the Wall ofresh quite handily the ice to in particular could do crazy amounts of damage but timing it correctly can be a challenge I am admittedly a little disappointed there is nothing new before the mech so I got to do most of the typical grinding and early hard mode prep before getting into most of the modded material but there is still a few interesting additions using the I call it the pan Hammer all right it’s the pan Hammer to me I broke the Crimson altars but before mining the ores I spoke to this NPC called Adam sometimes the NPCs sell new items at different points in regression so checking what they sell after beating bosses is usually a good idea and Adam is selling several new items most of them are materials for weapons and accessories that require other materials I don’t know how to get but the important thing is the nuclear warhead up for purchase when I got the thing I figured I’d set it down and launch it somewhere but that’s not how it works you set it down and then arm the thing and I love how they added an independent UI to do this rather than just clicking the thing it’s it’s pretty epic this item can only be used in the outer thirds of the world so after I traveled to the ocean to the far right I set the thing down and pressed the big red button boom uh yeah I’m not moving I I am going to take this like a man I did die the ocean and surrounding area is now a nuclear Wasteland with enemies suffering from radiation poisoning except the zombies that is has M why is a zombie have a Hazmat nothing particularly interesting dropped from the enemies initially and they were the only new thing I noticed there’s probably more to it but I’ll check it out later for now it’d be helpful to get set up with hard mode armor and you never know what you might stumble upon when exploring don’t get oh we found a lab we found one there it is I don’t know why I was that excited but there’s a lab thingy and I’m sure it’ll be important later I finished mining for admin tight came across skull Digger whom I gave the wedding ring which made him quite happy and crafted the Ranger armor set just wish there were more modded weapons available right now wasn’t sure which class to go for since I hadn’t come across any modded weapons in early hard mode but my Amazon delivery drone did arrive with a lovely vanity set in toe what what I accept this gift and I shall wear it proudly okay whenever I play terrario one of the first weapons I just about always farm for no matter what is the Onyx Blaster thing is it’s not even my favorite strategy anymore it used to be but not anymore it wasn’t until I farmed the dark shards I needed and started working on farming the Dark Souls that I remembered my favorite Ranger strategy using the dart pistol or rifle over the Onyx Blaster the dart Rifle and Pistol are just so underrated and now I will keep on using them until people realize just how good these are so instead of farming for souls to get the Blaster I got 15 which is enough to make a dark key to then summon a crimson mimic before moving to the rest of the mechs and a little more hard mode farming I needed to touch upon one pre hard mode feature I missed last time someone in chat notified me that if I used this item called the dead ringer on a skeleton near the Blue Portal that something special would happen and indeed something special did happen I was given the ability to Spirit walk which after mapping it to a key gave me the ability to walk into the spirit world like the avatar or something the skull Digger from earlier happened to be here and giving him a Crux card an item I also found earlier in the game gave me a summon of sorts rather than counting as a summon proper this card summons the skull Digger using a material collected by killing ghosts in the spirit world he doesn’t take up a minion slot and actually has a set amount of health and thus can be killed by enemies he’s a useful summon and apparently there’s more skeletons around and if I use the dead ringer on them I can get more Crux cards and get different kinds of ghostly summons like this one it’s also possible that I would never have gotten skull Digger if I hadn’t been nice to him anyways that’s pretty hard mode content so it’s not going to help me a lot anyways I farmed two Crimson mimics which was all I needed to get the dart pistol killed a few wyverns for Souls of Flight and then tried to farm ice Golems for a frost feather but literally no tund enemies responding which made absolutely no sense to me and the farming session was cut short as the twins spawned all on their own I figured I might as well try to kill them but I was totally lacking mobility and potions and that combined with them being the hardest Mech boss for me personally I was going nowhere fast so I guess I got to get some wings and the easiest way I could think of doing that was farming for Souls of light in the underground Hollow I also needed some of the souls for a Mech spawner anyway so twice the farming twice the fun oh wait I actually needed Crystal Shards as well for Crystal darts so Thrice the farming even better after gathering enough Souls I still needed two more feathers so I really quickly grabbed them to craft Angel WI wings while it was still day I figured it made sense to find the Shimmer really quick cuz I I haven’t already the Fargo mutants mod allows me to purchase boss summons and if I beat Skeletron then I could buy mechanical skulls and Shimmer them for easy souls instead of farming for more at least that was the idea I had each summon cost nearly 50 gold though so it’s not really cost effective but whatever finding the Shimmer is good anyways it’s just a little funky because the nuclear waste land reaches down here so the beautiful Aether biome has been transformed into this irradiated mess when the Knight rolled around I took down Skeletron and gosh darn it the night nearly ended and I’m scratching my head why did it take so long whatever the case I discovered the mod added this cool Hammer that makes me fall fast as if I were on the slimy saddle and it does more damage depending on the speed I’m falling at and I got to assume that there’s a Max um I guess speed that you can fall it’s sort of like a jousting Lance in that way I crafted a flamethrower and then lost to the Destroyer I feel a bit underpowered and sure enough I am I’m a ranger using the melee emblem rather than the ranger one well that’s kind of silly so I threw it into the Shimmer and also used it to uncraft the lightning boots until I got a better modifier there was also a bunch of radioactive enemies down here and apparently they have special drops not sure what they can be used for but I’m sure the stuff is helpful but all that Shimmer stuff definitely made a big difference because the next night I took down the destroyer and and twins I was putting things away after the fight and came across a craftable accessory called The Infected Thorn Shield which is an upgrade to the shield of Gulu there aren’t a whole lot of mods I played that made this thing an upgradable accessory so this is really cool it’s an accessory so many people use from the aak cthulu all the way through most of hard mode so having an actual upgrade to it is really nice at this point I thought that the lab thing near the surface could be explored but it could not however I did come across that one lab during pre hard mode in the underground Crimson so I double checked there turns out the pixa is able to mine through some of the green Gunk near the entrance and from there I have to play the impostor and jump through some vents at the other end this robot guy hands me a key card that opens up some doors in the lab it would turn out as chat told me that this NPC is actually a mini boss thing is though the vanity set I’m wearing turns out wearing it makes the NPC friendly and so he just hands me the key card and walks away and that’s kind of sick the vanity isn’t just vanity but now I’m disguised as a robot and so the robot guy likes me inside the lab there’s a treasure chest but they look more like lockers to me they they all have weapons or accessories or other useful things one has a summon weapon that creates a damaging Aura another has a shield cthulu alternative but this one can reflect projectile so long as they don’t deal more than 200 damage which has me curious if I have enough damage resistance and high enough defense could I reflect Moon Lord’s laser that’d be pretty epic if I could even if I don’t go for that build though it’s still a useful item there’s a gravity hammer like the ones from Halo oh sick yeah goodbye night Edge there are still some blocks and walls that are locked still and so I’m uh funneled into only certain places and it’s kind of tough trying to navigate the place it ends up leading me to this one Corridor where a new mini boss spawns oh oh I do not like being in the small enclosed area don’t like how little room there is I don’t like how the walls or the room here is becoming less and less not a fan of this come on perish perish okay we got this there we go very nice beat him first try pretty simple boss really but it’s stressful having the wall slowly falling down on my head but the flamethrower posted him pretty quick I wasn’t able to find anywhere else to go so I left the lab and immediately wanted to use a mini Warhead found in the lab it was a consumable so for some reason I thought I’d uh eat the thing and something would happen but eating isn’t the only thing meant by [Music] consumable uh oops oh just so close to taking them out now I needed to farm some of the stuff in the wastelands to craft an energy source for a weapon from the lap but I ended up finding another Ranger weapon Instead This thing is actually incredibly strong but that’s not the only thing I took from the radioactive biome did I radiate my home whoopsy whoops whoopsie can I purify it oh this is not this oh no oh no I found that medication in the lab as well and good thing too it cured me oh and the percentage thing charging next to me is actually energy for the Ranger weapon I found that weapon is neat but when the one dropped from the mobs does this there’s no contest this brings me to the next modded boss the king slayer 3 which well what actually happened to King Slayers one and two anyways which I had to summon three times before uh fight actually broke out wait maybe that’s why it’s called King slayer 3 oh he just whips out a gun I don’t like that attack wait is that a he’s doing a boxing stance right now hold up oh okay that time it did damage last time it didn’t actually do damage and I was very confused oh my goodness he just whacks you across the world stay away from me stay away I love doing the big beam there we go there we go oh what what do you mean to a we’ll call it a draw then okay open inventory to make you know I’ve been a good guy so we’ll call a draw don’t distract me again okay AOS ding ding excuse all right get this is only the second boss to the best of my recollection where I’ve been given a direct Choice as to whether to kill a boss or show Mercy as I’ve been playing the good guy up to this point I figured I’d keep being a good guy the boss still dropped a treasure bag which was wonderful was worried he wouldn’t and an accessory he drops blocks damage to a certain point but the attack that breaks the shield does double damage a bit of a double-edged sword but it has me curious so I’m using it at this point I moved on to the spaceship and mined into it at last the boss was now chilling on the inside and the boss bag had dropped a key that allows me to access all the chests here there’s a weapon for all the classes but since I’m running Ranger we’ll focus on the Dual pistols as well as a piece of furniture or whatever that passively grows life Fruit making it perhaps one of the most useful pieces of furniture I have ever found the guy in the ship has nothing interesting but he does say he wants uranium which I can’t can’t get at the moment as far as I’m aware so I suppose I’ll return to him I Min all the chloride I’ll need but I don’t know if I’ll be using it since the boss also drop some stuff that let me create hard light armor perhaps it’s below chlorop FY on tier but it does have a special ability to fire a bunch of rockets at a Target which is just too fun to pass up only problem is that I forgot to use the Ability like ever life ruit is also something you need at this point so I slept for a bit which helps life Fruit and planta bulves to spawn more I guess it works better than just going to the jungle and looking there still wasn’t a whole lot of them though and I used boom shurikens from Fargo mutants mod to clear out a massive area for the planta Arena I collected a number of things and went straight to fighting the big plant Tech revolvers worked wonders against her in the first form and then the flamethrower which is already pretty effective against planta but in mod Redemption the typic advantage of fire over plants made the thing even better against the boss so she was really easy Golem was a bit of a different story The Revolver still work pretty well and I had a shield that is supposed to deflect projectiles I thought this might make me nearly invulnerable but this boss created a problem with the small confines of the Arena whenever I would deflect one of the projectiles I would bounce backwards and then I would be vulnerable to the several shots that were after that so to dodge one I would take multiple hits the arena itself wasn’t the best either but whatever I lost a Golem and the second fight I totally won just ignore the death screen okay the Golem died and that’s all that matters this brings us immediately to the Omega prototype who is actually supposed to be fought three Golem but after planta which has always been a weird place in regression to me my instinct is always to go straight from the plant to the sentient harden clay so whenever a mod places a boss between them I always end up fighting them after Golem anyways but here we are at the Omega prototype oh oh my uh-oh get the get the get the gun get the gun oh no oh what is that bright side they’re not seemingly that great at hitting you once oh that did never mind wait what oh I’m out of bullets you’re kidding oh that’s m M the fact that this boss will at times have the amount of your wing time is absolutely insane and that alone made this boss a leagues harder than I thought it would be I fought the boss two more times and lost and I’m wondering if I might need to do some more farming for better equipment but the sword was so close to being destroyed in that last fight so I figured I’d find out what happens once it breaks so the fourth battle was the one when I took down the sword in well we need to die a lot faster here okay pretty low there we go got the sword no wait what that was it turns out the sword is the only thing I need to defeat but there is a little guy and he’s got a separate health bar and I cannot but wonder what would happen if I took him down instead of the sword might really change things considering how this mod works but I suspect that follow the evil path and I’m trying to be a good guy I made a neat gun from what the boss dropped and the funny thing is the next boss is the same boss but different the moons and Martian Invasion are listed as being between the two boss variants but if you ignore those then you can go straight to the second boss which I figured I’d do for the heck of it oh oh no I’m liking this this is pretty cool there’s a worm boss I can get behind oh that’s an epic explosion right there all right now the question is with oh oh oh oh wa you try the shield core then we can continue to make it vulnerable which is what we really want it’ll get progressively oh what the heck it steals the screen why come on come on come on come on come on come on come on blow up there we go okay and oh it’s that one oh do we first right oh let’s go how that battle was much easier is beyond me but that is genuinely my favorite worm boss fight the only potential rival is polarity Mod’s convective Weaver but if I remember right that mod is no longer under production which is sad so I guess this one’s my favorite now anyways turns out I’m slowly suffering the effects of radiation poisoning once again and I have no idea what to do about it I already consumed the pills that heal this poisoning and I have no idea why I’m being poisoned in the first place so I spent a couple minutes scratching my head wishing I could just die and be done with the poisoning because it’s taking forever to take full effect but I did talk to the NPCs and Adam the guy with the green hair happened to be selling the pills I needed to recover which is fantastic I’ll I’ll take it killing the boss allows me to crft something like four new Ranger weapons and one is an upgrade of the weapon I loved that dropped from the radiated enemies this makes the gun into a rocket launcher and when it’s spinning the Rockets home in on a Target so I just have to hold left click and gun will do the rest of the work for me it may lunatic pus nice and easy and all the pillars except for Vortex were also pretty easy I think with this specific weapon Vortex is actually not the best I tried fighting Moon Lord with the thing and I think I did pretty well I just need to do a better job at this whole dodging thing and should maybe get some knockback immunity now this is the point when my YouTube channel was hacked and I recorded the rest of this in the middle of wondering whether the channel would ever return and I was recording just to try and get back to some sort of normaly and get my mind off things but was also having a hard time about doing that so we’re just going to focus on showcasing the Final Bosses of this mod once Moon Lord has beaten the robot guy talks about there being another machine and a drone flies over and gives me this key card looking thing that I recognize from the underground lab I was now able to mine the green ore which turns out to be uranium which I should have given to the robot dude into spaceship but totally forgotten he existed uh it’s also kind of crazy that I just carry this around in my pocket now and one of the newly accessible treasure chest is a neat light bet there was also a photo that’s got something to do with lore and another chest with a chainsaw that has three different forms one spins around one shoots and another is just a regular chainsaw kind of cool except for the regular chainsaw form I was stuck for a while though because I couldn’t jump into the green liquid without dying quickly but then I mined this little dude on the floor and got a Hazmat suit and that let me just jump right on in but that didn’t mean everything was safe so guess I have to do some platforming and at the end of it there’s a mini boss I beat by grappling to the ceiling and shooting kind of cool how it’s a fish that falls below platforms that I can’t break also kind of funny that I can just grapple to the ceiling almost immediately after that was a second boss with really pretty lasers overall he and the previous boss were both pretty simple but also some good fun and them having designated Arena has made things quite interesting because unlike most Terraria bosses you know except for Golem where you can just kind of Do Your Own Thing you needed to use the arena in the way that it was designed to win I ran into a problem after this not being able to open up the lab doors wasn’t really able to figure that out so I went back to the surface to fight the third robot prototype dude hello oh uh oh no oh oh oh oh oh what what am I looking at what was I looking at now at this point I must say it was often hard to tell what the bosses were doing because I often used the celebration MK2 and there were so many particles it was hard to tell what was going on this robot would do its basic charges that also shot Arrow things up and down it shot red electric orbs that hung around and Rockets where a bunch of targets would be indicated and then everything kind of just went Kaboom he he has a fast shooting ey laser and a big ey laser and every time he uses it there’s a text box above his head saying eye laser which is kind of goofy there are several variants of the IE beam one is just straight and normal another is wavy another is two beams going up and down but overall they’re largely the same not actually a very complex boss although I’m not entirely sure how the rocket attacks work I can’t tell if there’s Splash damage to them or if you only get hit when you’re inside the red squares that show up beating him for the first time is also not enough because now he’s overheating oh why is it oh why why is it health back why is it why is it health back no oh no no no no no oh I wasn’t doing any damage it was just oh the robot guy mentions another boss that has me afraid but I think it’s not in the beta either that or it’s not going to be a boss let’s move straight to the next boss and by that I mean I am still skipping the one in the lab because I couldn’t get through the doors it’s kind of cool because in order to make the boss summon you have to place the Eagle Crest golemi into blocks in a certain formation if I did have a critique it’s that I had no idea what stones of origin were and kind of just guessed maybe it’s mentioned somewhere but I just happen to guess the right block because you do have to place the right block regular Stone won’t work I’m pretty sure it’s only this one when I summoned this post Moon Lord boss it was very similar to the first pre hard mode boss and I was a little disappointed but just wait oh wow oh what’s it doing what is it doing oh oh that’s sick oh it’s Thor it’s just Thor oh my goodness oh oh hello what what is that what am I oh that’s what that’s doing I can’t shoot oh oh that may very well be one of my new favorite Terraria bosses but he’s after after the two lab bosses I’ve missed and I figured out that I had been given the key cards or whatever they’re called that opened the doors I wasn’t able to get past I thought I had used them earlier I thought I had tried to do that and they didn’t do anything so I didn’t try again but they were right there in my inventory this brings me to the mace project he’s a big robot head hanging on a track on the ceiling he’ll shoot Fireballs in a couple ways electric grenades green bullets once the first health bar is gone he shoots a massive Sunbeam if you don’t do damage fast enough or something he he shot it the first time but not the second time I’m not exactly sure how it works in second phase he does several different things that’s honestly hard for me to tell because the explosives are masking my view of everything kind of all right but not a lot of space to react to many of the moves and this brings us to the final boss of the lab patience Z and if I’m going to be honest I really hate this boss and maybe it’s just skill issue okay maybe it’s just it’s just my fault but I could not beat this thing even if my life depended on it I even used weapons from other bosses who are later in progression and still could not beat the thing and genuinely don’t know what to do there are some attacks of his that are fine but two of them would kill me in seconds one of them is where he shoots big lasers that rotate around the central eye and this alone wouldn’t be that bad but there’s also other projectiles that find your position and shoot there and these were so hard to see and in part because there were these telegraphed lines and the projectile itself look quite similar and even when I could see them I still died they were really hard to dodge the other attack was a laser shot from the lower section of the boss since it’s kind of split into two the eye and what I guess is patient zero he’ll transfer to this form at one point and immediately shoot beams at me on telegra CFT so I’d have to notice the change and start moving right away and I often didn’t there were also green balls of death that split into several more projectiles that were often very hard to Dodge I was able to figure it out as I went along but it took a very long time to get H used to it basically this boss for me either had attacks that were nearly impossible to dodge or ones that were super easy to dodge and there was no in between and the ones that were really hard to dodge would kill me in seconds and if I didn’t die then I would take enough damage that there was no hope for recovering I really didn’t know what to do so let’s get back to my favorite boss who I’m going to just call Thor which also might be why I like it cuz I just love Thor at first you just fight Thor but at some point he summons a friend who doesn’t do much in the way of damage but mostly hits you with debuffs I could be wrong though as several of the attacks were not shot straight from the body and could have come from either of them there’s lightning all over the place in this boss battle and there’s a part where the green guy will put land masses over your head so you can’t shoot the lightning dude cuz he’s above the the land mass and there’s even a chance they’ll throw a sky island on your face mostly there’s lightning everywhere it that’s basically what you need to know took several tries and I’m not a fan of how one of the attacks in particular stuns you so you just can’t move hate attacks that do that but whatever I love Thor so this made me happy and now finally onto the final boss in order to summon it you have to kill patient zero which sucked for me but killing him makes it so so these purple wyverns can spawn they look awesome but are basically just wyvern variants which is fine but their spawn conditions felt very similar and I hate wyvern spawning conditions it’s so inconsistent you can either be in space for 10 minutes and not get one or you can be there for 10 seconds and get 10 I hate it to craft the boss summon I need 20 Galaxy Stars 2 and those drop from these purple wyverns and that requires you to kill at least three of them probably but the summon awakens the final boss nebul nebulus nebulus nebulus something like that the first battle didn’t go great because this thing uh moves fast and so you want to move fast as well and I didn’t have a soaring Insignia from Empress in the battle after that I got one and the starboard’s Infinite Flight and exceptional speed actually made this battle quite easy I love this one attack where it summons chains like an octopus and it grabs you and tosses you it’s pretty neat but everything else is just shooting stars in one way or another he was kind of underwhelming after patient zero proved impossible and Thor took several attempts maybe he won’t be the final boss and once beaten he says something that makes me think he might return but yeah that’s the mod of redemption in hard mode it’s still in beta but with everything I’ve seen in Pre hard mode and now hard mode and post Moon Lord this mod has great promise and I can’t wait to see what they do with it in the future [Music] [Music]

Terraria’s Mod of Redemption is pretty neat. Doing a full run to make, what you might call, a FULL MOVIE [wink wink YouTube algorithm]. Anyways, the mod of redemption is a cool Terraria mod currently in beta, be sure to check it out, it’s definitely worth a shot!
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*Terraria Original Soundtrack:*
*Terraria Otherworld Sountrack:*
*Calamity Mod Soundtrack:*
*Mod of Redemption Soundtrack:*
*Core Keeper Soundtrack:*
– Axolotl Pet, New Animations, New Shields, Shadow Armor Revamp, Color Buffs, Colored Emblems, Chinese Moonlord, Tomes retextured, Desk dragon, Better World Icons, Colored Boss Relics, Pylon, Crabby Angler, Dryad Deer, Eevee Fennec, Cyborg, Clockwork Dragon, Kobold Invasion
#terraria #gaming


  1. So I wnat opinions. I just beat terraria mm for first time (never killed moonlord on either expert or normal and I don't like journey) I 100%D the game and now Im doing a pure summoner run which im having a lotta fun and am considering doing after that pure meele or smtng. Really here I'm just asking for ideas should I just do pure class should I do some other challenge (I hear secret seeds are fun ) or maybe get into mods?

  2. For me, there is no better mod than Stars Above! I recommend checking it out, it even has ester eggs when you mix it with other mods like calamity etc.

  3. 6:19 to be fair it never occurred to me to make a golden or platinum crown and take it to a demon altar to make a boss summon. Not to mention the Deerclops summoning item.

  4. I'm not a big fan of mod of redemption, mostly because the pre hard mode and post wall stuff feels like it was made by 2 different teams. I enjoy both, but it's so jarring to go from the super polished pre hard mode to the less well made sci fi stuff.

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