NOOB vs HACKER: PRIME TRUCK House Build Challenge in Minecraft

our friends Mikey and JJ are in big trouble now we have to build Prime truck houses to keep them and their family safe but can we build them in time before this giant tornado hits us yep we have 20 minutes before the tornado arrives we better be quicker else everyone is in danger you’re right Milo don’t worry JJ’s family I will protect us first we’re going to need to grab some quartz slabs from the inventory and some quartz stairs as well h I wonder what flavor of prime we can make our truck we’ll need to do some Blackstone and some Blackstone stairs to figure out the wheels before we can even do that the first wheel is going to go all the way over here Yep this is looking great and then H I think instead of building directly on the floor I’m going to leave a little bit of a gap that way we’ll have a bunch of air underneath us and it should make the truck a lot more stable in a really windy place like a tornado it’s really good that we’re at the prime factory so we can build the prime trucks exactly building a normal truck would be so silly right now hey besides a Prime truck might even be round which means it’s way easier not to blow over in a tornado that is willly f oh yeah boy but I’m really sad there’s tornadoes coming yeah me too I really wish we could just live in our village in peace with Mikey and JJ and their families and be happy but oh boy tornadoes always strike this area this might be the biggest tornado we’ve ever seen yeah and if I see it I’m probably going to cry no Milo the tornado shouldn’t make you cry it should make you try extra hard to make the best possible Prime truck you can make okay yeah I’m going to try really hard and I’m really liking what I’ve started with wo Milo your truck is looking so funny um are you making it out of bamboo yeah this is just the front of the truck don’t worry oh okay but Milo you’re going to use some more tough blocks right like Blackstone or quartz um yeah Sur uh okay Milo as long as you use really strong Blocks Your Truck should be totally safe from the tornado oh yeah boy truck time yeah it is truck time speaking of trucks look mine is coming along so well look I’m building the quartz at the very back of it right over here hey this is looking so epic I’m going to make a little slide popping out out the back and then I’m just going to make the front extend a little bit forward just like this I’ll need to make sure that I add a bunch more Wheels in here it will have a custom driving Zone oh boy this truck is about to be so cool I’m going to break a couple of these blocks so the custom driving Zone can have its own little area like this then I’m just going to make the front of the truck the front of the truck will be a different shape to the rest of it so that’s why I’m building it like this oh no I’m pretty much going to cry wao Milo why are you going to cry there’s Mr villager over here his name is Peter and you know what he told me no Milo what did Mr Peter tell you he told me that this tornado is going to be so destructive that it might even destroy the whole world what Milo that’s insane oh my goodness our trucks are going to need to be really fast if they can outlive the whole world yeah pretty much I’m freaking pull Milo don’t worry I’m going to make sure that my truck is so good maybe you can take a look and copy it to make sure that your truck is really good as well no way I’ve got my own idea and it’s actually going to be way better than yours sorry chip uh Milo I do not know about that wait you’re making your truck out of wool yeah that’s a really strong material right no it’s not Milo wool comes from sheep wool is really really soft you need to make it out of concrete I’m using blue concrete red concrete and white concrete for mine because I’m going to make the ice pop flavor of Prime oh that’s funny cuz I’m actually making the blue flavor oh no Milo this could go really bad for you no it’s not going to go badly I’m actually feeling very good about this whole situation well Milo I’m feeling very confident because look I’m already making the red level of my ice pop Prime house truck build oh yeah that’s fantastic too because the ice pop flavor is pretty scrumptious yeah it’s delicious I really like the way it tastes it really does remind me of an icy cold ice pop and hey look I’ve already built the entire frame of this red section now I’m going to break a couple of the blocks so it can be properly round and oh yeah this is really starting to look how I wanted now I’m going to place a couple more blocks here just like this oh wo this looks perfect I’ll add a little bit of white here for the start of the lid and then the lid can be this red color hey why don’t I even make the entrance into the back of of my truck start here yep this looks amazing now my truck will have a really cool shape it actually reminds me of some super effective security bunkers oh yeah this truck is going to be amazing I just need to make sure I properly build the rest of it and don’t mess up on any of the rest of the design otherwise I won’t have a proper Prime truck it’ll just be some silly Circle Truck and it might even be lopsided that would be the worst option ever because then it might fall over CH I just had a memory oh wow what’s your memory Milo well I have a memory from last time I was drinking the ice pop wait a minute that’s my favorite flavor of prime come on Milo what’s the next part of your memory well it gave me the brain freeze oh Milo are you sure you were drinking ice pop Prime and not just eating an icy Paul yeah it was ice pop Prime and I had it in freezer because I wanted to make it into a real ice pop hey that’s actually not a bad idea I’m sure that would be a really cool cooking hat yeah face I’m actually a really good Chef what no way Milo I’m definitely a better cook than you my cooking hacks are so good and it’s not just cooking hacks I’m good at I’m also good at build hacks that’s why they actually call me the hacker hey chip what is it Milo do you even know how to cook bro uh yeah Milo I always be cooking yeah he’s cooking up a good build of uh yeah I guess you could say that look now I’m moving on to the white section of my ice pop Prime there are two white sections I’m going to have so many rooms inside my ice pop Prime truck house yeah I am too because I’m I’m going to have lots of good rooms to keep everyone safe from that crazy tornado uh yeah Milo speaking of the tornado why is your truck Square won’t the tornado just blow it over like it blows over every other building well square is the only shape I could remember what Milo there are so many other shapes um did you forget the shape Circle oh yeah well now did you say it I remember oh my goodness Milo if you build your entire truck as a square it will probably roll over with the tornado but with mine being a circle if it rolls onto its side it will keep rolling until it goes back onto the wheels my truck is actually not just a circle it’s a cylinder it’s really really cool hey that’s actually pretty smart boy yeah it is pretty smart thanks Milo wo I’m really excited to see how this truck goes though I bet it will do so well against the tornado there is nothing it can do to stop me yeah and also KSI can come into the truck uh yeah of course he can KSI is a welcome in my truck any day yeah but he’s especially going to come into the blue truck because he likes the blue raspberry the best really I didn’t know that oh I thought he liked the ice pop flavor the best like I do nuh KSI is my friend not your friend wait a minute Milo last time you said KSI was your friend you were actually talking about a picture you have of him are you sure it’s the real KSI this time yeah this time it’s the real one we had a really fun hangout the other night where we were playing tic tac to wa that sounds really cool actually Milo I’m so jealous I can’t believe you got to meet KSI maybe if you’re nice to me I can introduce you to the KSI wao that would be so cool yep that would be amazing Milo when can you introduce me to KSI well I’m going to organize a friend’s picnic on Sunday maybe wo a friend’s picnic sounds so fun if I went to a picnic with my friends I would probably bring a giant crate full of ice pop Prime oh yeah boy that would be scrumches but that would actually bring the blue raspberry flavor and everyone would enjoy it the marleine no Milo like my flavor the best it’s so cool because it has three different color sections that means it has three times as many flavors inside I’m CH I had a for just now wo okay Milo what’s your thought well what actual flavor is ice pup flavor hm that’s a really good question I don’t know I think it’s kind of lemony and a little bit of sugar flavor oh and I think there’s a little bit of Cherry in there as well yes see I asked the big questions yeah you really do you’re kind of crazy like that Milo you’re always asking some really big questions yeah I got another big question if you want one sure Milo what’s the question why is the sky blue oh um that’s a really important question um it’s kind of like the same reason why tornadoes swell around it’s cuz there’s lots of water in there and the sun kind of bounces off it but wait a minute Milo that reminds me the tornado oh my goodness it’s still coming I need to make the inside of my truck before the tornado arrives if I want this thing to work at least don’t worry JJ’s family I’m going to get this done I promise yeah I Promise Too the number one way I’m going to get this done is by making the driving section of this Prime truck right now oh boy this needs to go really well if I can’t drive this thing then I’m not going to be able to escape and neither will JJ’s family will all be stuck here while the tornado destroys the Prime truck and everybody inside all right now the Prime truck itself is looking really good I need to make sure we add this red front section it kind of looks like the lid of the Prime bottle even though it’s not because we already built the lid right there this still looks really really cool all right I’m going to need to make sure we give it a little bit of an edge like this hey this looks really good already now I just need to make sure we can curve it down slightly oh yeah this Prime truck is already looking so epic just like a real bottle of prime except this time this bottle of prime can actually move I’m also going to grab some gloss so that we can properly see out the front I’ll place the glass right over here hey this looks perfect I’ll also place it on the sides just like this and I can’t forget the other side it’s very important not to miss a single spot when you’re building a Prime truck like this all right this is looking pretty cool but I’m going to add more red concrete to the top here the more of the red concrete I can add the more secure and stable it will be hey this is looking really good but I’m actually going to thicken the front section just a little bit this way it will look even better H okay this is looking a lot better it was looking a little silly before but now it looks so epic now I also need to make sure I make the inside I’m going to add a little bit of a ladder to the side here I’m actually going to use a brass ladder for this because it’s so much sturdier than a regular wooden one now in here I just need to make sure we build the floor a little bit higher that way we’ll actually be able to see out the front when you’re driving it’s pretty important that you can actually see otherwise things could go very wrong especially if you’re trying to drive through a tornado now that we’ve placed down all this black stone for the floor I’m going to add a little chair here but wait a minute I can make this out of actual chair look we can even still make it out of quartz but wao now it’s a proper chair that we can actually sit on I also need to make sure we add a valve this will be what the steering wheel is we can have three different steering wheels each steering wheel will be a different flavor of ice pop Prime we can steer it in so many directions this is perfect I’ll also need to grab some levers as well as well as some Redstone torches to put on the side we’ll put the Redstone torches here and the levers here W this looks so complicated like a real driving area now I’ll also need to make a lightning rod coming down from the roof and on that I’m going to make a little no block this is going to be the walkie-talkie where we can talk to the other truck drivers that’s how I’m going to talk to you Milo otherwise I won’t be able to to talk to you and it will totally not fit at all well I do want to talk to you because I want to be able to tell you all of my ideas yeah that sounds great Milo I bet all your ideas are really cool yeah that’s pretty good and also my truck is coming along really nicely W let me come see oh Milo your truck is looking uh great Milo what is Prim that’s how you spell Prime actually Milo this is not how you spell Prime at all and what does this say this is KSI Milo that’s not what it says on a prime bottle oh I don’t know I haven’t really thought about it very much but this is how I want my truck to be because it makes me feel safe and secure okay as long as it makes you feel safe and secure um Milo I just have to check something real quick you just keep working on your truck yep that’s fine what Milo does not know is that I actually have some secret cameras set up this way I can check how far away the tornado is without worrying Milo because he totally will Panic if he knows all right let’s check the cameras right now okay here we are the best camera is actually me and Milo’s Village look you can see Milo’s KSI Prim truck and hey you can even see a little bit of mine that’s the prime factory and wa the wind is blowing really heavily let’s check the other cameras to make sure everything is totally fine on them too camera number two is a little nice Forest Area I remember setting this one up it’s a little bit far but it’s kind of close it’s good to see that everything is totally fine over here but H we need to check the third camera oh no camera number three is showing me some really bad news news it’s a giant tornado wow it’s destroying the Plaines biome it’s lifting all the animals up into the air and there’s lightning too oh no it’s destroying the grass this is really bad and wait a minute this PLS biome is kind of nearby this means the tornado is getting really close oh no we need to hurry but I don’t want to tell Milo because he’ll totally freak out I need Milo to concentrate on his build for now so that hopefully he might even fix his Prim truck the number one step in building my Prime housee is to start adding in a kitchen area H I’m going to need to find something red blue and white in order to get the proper colors for it hey these look really good and the signs of the drawers are white as well that way they’ll totally fit perfectly all right this is looking good but now I’m going to grab some more blue and red things okay hm what else can we get oh of course we definitely need a kitchen oven but I think they only have gray concrete this could be pretty bad you know what let’s grab a blue kitchen counter and a red kitchen counter too I’m going to need to put these camera in my hidden inventory that way I won’t lose them by accident I’m also going to grab a fridge and H what else can we grab oh I know we can use a blue oven just like this then we can grab the oven range hood like that and wao it is time to start making this kitchen let’s add a blue and red kitchen over here and then we can add some blue kitchen drawers next to the blue one and some red kitchen drawers next to the red one hey this looks pretty nice actually I like the colors a lot We’ll add some fridges in here and over here next to the fridge we’ll put the oven I’ll also put a red kitchen drawer and then above the kitchen oven we should put in a white oven range hood look it Stacks downwards hey this looks really cool it looks like an actual proper Little Oven Hood wow you could cook some really good things in here but H we still don’t have kitchen cabinets let’s definitely grab this light wooden wool cabinet I really wish I could pick the other colors but this color is way too similar to Milo’s flavor of prime it would not be good to have inside my Prime bottle because I’m trying to show him that blue raspberry is not the best flavor and actually ice pup is hm this is looking great but we also need to add in some chests this way we can store our cooking ingredients inside I think we’ll need a lot of carrots and a lot of golden carrots and of course we definitely need some blue ice and wo look there’s even ice pop Prime that’s so good let’s make sure we fill an entire chest with it although wait a minute I actually have a better idea let’s add our carrots and golden carrots and some ice as well to this chest then we can put the rest of our ice pop primes in the fridge wo this is so cool by adding them into the fridge we keep them so chilly and cool this kitchen area looks great although we need to decorate it a little bit let me grab some flowers and I can also grab some flower pots too now I’m going to grab different flowers for every different color of ice pop Prime this looks so great we’ll add red tulips and The White Tulip can even appear twice cuz it fits in with red and it fits in with blue wo this kitchen area is looking really really great but now we need to add a little bit of a sitting area I’m going to add some coets in the middle and I really wish I could do orange carpet because that’s my favorite color but instead I’m going to add in some blue white and red ones wo this looks so good I might even make this floor a little bit bigger and I’ll just do that by adding some more blue and some more white the red can be a little bit smaller because there’s the least amount of red in an ice pop Prime bottle most of the color is blue and white Yep this is looking really good now in here we’ll need to make some sort of little sitting room I’m going to grab a nice table but wo there are so many tables to choose from which one could I possibly pick that would be the best oh I know I can just do this one Yep this color fits perfectly now I can just grab blue and red table lamps look at that these look perfect I’ll even add some more flower parts in here like that wo these look so cool because this area already has a lot of white I’m going to add a red tulip and a blue Cornflower hey these look great now we’re going to need to pick some nice chairs I already used the basic quartz chair for the driving section so wao we’re going to need to grab some blue and some red chairs these work perfectly through the exact right Prim colors my favorite part about this kitchen area is you can just walk around it it’s actually not blocking the entire way through but H we also need some paintings as well paintings can totally make this place look amazing We’ll add one painting over here we just need to make sure the colors really fit in with Prime and wo that’s blue that’s exactly the right color perfect now on the other side we’re going to need to add another painting here but H I wonder what painting we could get no that’s not icy that’s fire and that’s the weather oh my goodness are there any paintings that fit the colors of this Prime hm maybe we can do a couple different small ones this could be pretty tricky though wait a minute I have a plan we’re going to do two of these blue landscape paintings hey this kind of looks like the prime colors all right this section is now looking really good but I think it could use some sort of chandelier I think a white chandelier fits in really good but we’re going to need to make sure we add in some chains by adding in some chains we really help hang the chandelier from the ceiling this looks so cool wow I would definitely want to eat here because it’s so so fancy I’m also going to add a little bit of a window to the back except I think I’m going to use blue stained gloss just like this oh hey Milo I can see your Prime truck from here oh that’s good because it’s looking beautiful right yeah it looks uh certainly very interesting hey I like your giant window at the back and Milo why is your couch all the colors well because this way I can have all the colors of prime inside my hair wo that’s pretty cool and Milo why do you have a telescope um that’s just for when I want to look at stuff oh okay that’s very impressive but Milo you realize you’re not going to need a telescope to see the tornado right yeah I am cuz tornadoes can be really sneaky uh yeah but they can also be really loud and you can see them everywhere they can be huge but oh no I need to keep lying to him oh yeah I’m sure this tornado will be totally fine you just need to keep building your Prime truck really strong yeah that’s good and with this telescope I’ll be able to see the tornado coming way before you yep totally definitely you absolutely will Milo oh my gosh he totally won’t Milo does not know that I have my camera system set up so I will be able to see the tornado way before he will I’m going to need to be the one who starts the emergency warning first because Milo will probably get distracted watching his chicken show on TV I’m also going to add a bedroom Section hm I think these beds look really fancy I’m going to add blue ones and red ones and we’ll also add white ones too you can’t forget them when you’re making a prime house that’s the ice pop flavor We’ll add a blue one and and then a white one and wait we’ll leave a couple blocks of space in between them otherwise nobody would have any space on these hey these look great let’s make sure we do the exact same color of beds on the other side wow these look amazing there’s also a lot of extra room just in case anybody wants to stay over and that way we can help people now we’ll also add an andesite ladder here and on the other side this way we can totally get up the bunk beds and we can grab anything we want from the other side because we’re going to have chests there wait a minute maybe instead of chests we can totally have shul boxes that’s perfect because shulka boxes have blue colors white colors and red Colors oh yeah these look so good now H we’re also definitely going to need some carpets in here I really liked that ice poot Prime carpet design from before I think it looks so cool in the kitchen so I think I’m going to have one here too although for this one I think we should have a different layout we’ll have it facing this way instead of the other way because otherwise oh boy this entire Carriage will be full of different ice pop Prime carpets now we’re going to grab even more flowers and put them on top of these little suer boxes this will be so nice looking We’ll add a blue flower here and a red flower there wow these look so nice I can’t believe this living area looks so good H I think we’ll need to make some sort of separating curtain though even if it’s just out of gloss this way if somebody’s using the dining room but somebody wants to nap like I don’t know maybe JJ’s baby we can all use this Prime truck without disturbing each other it will make it a much nicer place to live and wo hey this actually looks really cool now for this this next section I say we use blue stained glass wo this looks so epic I can’t believe this Milo what sort of things do you have inside your Prime truck well I’ve got an Xbox fridge an Xbox fridge wait a minute I need to come see this what is an Xbox fridge well it’s a fridge that has the Xbox and hey don’t put stuff in my house oh sorry mow I didn’t mean to and yeah wait why is the Xbox logo on the side of this fridge why don’t you click it and see what it says wo it’s an Xbox series X fridge Milo that’s a very Pro game of fridge yeah I bet you don’t have it no I don’t I just have a normal fridge like a chump that’s so funny chip wao you also have a computer Milo it looks like you’re doing hacking on this thing yeah just doing the hacking and learning the maths but Milo how can you hack if you don’t know math that’s why I’m such a good hacker I know all the math problems well I don’t know any math problems that’s why I’m trying to learn them okay that’s actually really cool Milo the more you learn the better you’ll get and wo what is this this is my toilet oh my goodness you know what Milo it smells really bad in here I think I need to leave and go finish building my Prime truck because uh the last time I checked the tornado is still coming oh yeah I forgot about that oh my goodness Milo how did you forget about the tornado well I got so distracted doing the math problem oh don’t worry Milo as long as you focus on making your Prime truck really good the tornado will not be a problem at all okay bye bye Milo all right now we can get working on the next part of my my living area inside my Prime truck this is going to be a weapons and armor room we’ll have chests on either side like that and of course we need some Arma stands hey this looks really good H I normally would use netherite Arma but I think I actually have a better idea I’m going to grab a crafting table and some leather armor that is because we are going to dye these leather armors into the colors of Prime oh boy this is about to look so cool and because we need to get white pants for leather pants we can just use iron that way we’ll get a little bit of extra omond in there oh Yep this is going to look so great we’ll make sure that the bottom piece of armor which is the boots are a nice blue color then we’ll make sure that the leather tunic is a red color hey this really does look like Prime armor wao look at that it really looks so cool let’s make sure we add it to these armor stands but H it’s not strong enough I think we need to use some smithing tables in a smithing table you can get real netherite armor and combine it with things like lapis lley as well as Redstone and quartz to make sure that you get every single color into your netherite armor that way it’s the same strength as netherite but it actually is the color of these different Prime bottles first we’ll put the netherite chest plate in then we just need to add one of these templates now we can turn this into red wo look at that now we can make sure that the pant bottoms are a blue color we’ll just put one lapis in and one smithing template and wo that worked too wait a minute I’m so silly I should have added white to that section oh my goodness am I getting confused by the tornado it’s distracting me so much this is bad I need to focus up otherwise me my truck and JJ’s family could be toast all right look at this armor this looks so good now by having really strong Prime colored netherite armor we can keep ourselves really safe during this tornado wow these different types of armor looks so cool but we need different types of weapons we’re going to need to grab some netherite swords and netherite pickaxes that way we can walk around in a pinch but wait we’ll also need to grab some slow falling potions that is because in case the tornado lifts us up we need to be able to quickly walk back down I’ll put a bunch of slow falling in this chest and then we’ll put a bunch of netherite swords and a bunch of netherite pickaxes we’ll also need to grab a bunch of water buckets that is because water can be really good at breaking your fall when you fall from a really big height that is normally I would add some elytra here but we can’t do that if we equip elytra then we won’t have any chest protection there are lots of objects being thrown around by the tornado and if any one of them hits us we could be in some serious danger H we’ll need to think of some other things oh I know we’ll need to grab a shield this Shield will be very useful it can block any debris from hitting us I think one thing that could also be really funny is having some cushions this way in case we’re folding we’ll have somewhere stuff to land I’ll add a bunch of blue cushions here and I’ll add a bunch of white cushions here finally of course I will add the red cushions on the right hand side now we have one cushion for every color in the ice pop Prime and we actually have a lot more than one for each it’s more than 64 this weapons and armor room is looking great but but we’re going to need some chains in here this will make it look way more intense and way more scary oh yeah this looks great now we’ll also need to hang some lanterns off of these hm I think these Soul lanterns are perfect because they’re kind of blue a little bit like the ice pop Prime color although uh-oh they’re a bit close to Milo’s blue hey if Milo can use a bit of my blue color in his I can use a little bit of his blue color in mine it’s only fair all right this is looking pretty good actually wow I really like how these lights are looking but oh wow I just came up with a really good idea we’re going to put Ender pels inside this chest this chest will be absolutely full of them this way in case we need to teleport at the last second to get anywhere we’ll be able to jump inside and grab so many of them it will be very very useful wait a minute Milo what is it there’s a big problem oh no don’t worry Milo I’m coming over to help and Milo why are there frogs inside your Prime truck I don’t know but I was trying to put down the froggy chair and then all the frogs are here in my Prime wait a minute Milo when you were putting down the froggy chair did you accidentally try and put down frogs instead yeah maybe but it’s a big problem and I don’t know what to do Milo oh my goodness well you can’t hurt the frogs now you got to build a little enclosure for them so that they can stay happy in your Prime bottle oh man I don’t really want the frogs to be here but I guess I have to H wait a minute Milo I have a different idea if you don’t want them in your Prime maybe you should use some slime you can use slime to lure frogs any any way you want look they’re all following me wow I did not know that was a thing yeah it’s pretty cool come on Froggies over here I can show you a better way oh I just really hope they don’t get hurt luckily frogs don’t take fall damage at least not from this height they’re so used to Jumping that their legs can handle the F from any distance hey Froggies follow me chip I’m going to use some slime as well wow that’s amazing good job Milo you keep getting those frogs on out of there well thanks for helping me that’s really really nice yo welcome Milo I just want to make sure we can both live through this thing otherwise I’d be really sad yeah I’m feeling really good about the tornado I don’t even think it’s going to come here anymore uh what Milo you don’t think the tornado is going to come here anymore probably not oh my goodness Milo that’s really bad uh I just need to build some more things H I’m going to need to grab some quartz stairs here but I can’t get my mind away from worrying about Milo I can’t believe he doesn’t think the tornado is even coming that’s ridiculous because it definitely is I’m going to add a little bit of stairs to go to a different level in my Prime bottle hopefully I can build something up there that can help both of us now I just need to make sure I link the staircase up to the roof so that we can properly get out there I’ll just need to break a couple blocks so we can actually get up oh boy wait I built the staircase way too far let me make sure I can break a couple blocks this way and wait a minute oh no it’s raining this is really bad oh no I can’t tell Milo he’ll totally freak out now that it’s raining I really need to check my cameras again come on I’ll grab this camera system in I’ll need to go into my Prime bottle to do it in secret so Milo doesn’t notice and freak out let’s check these cameras I need to see exactly where this tornado is oh yeah look the camera on Milo’s House shows that it is definitely raining and oh no I can see some dark clouds forming in the sky we need to check camera number two right now oh no I’m checking camera number two right now and I can see the tornado in it this is terrible that camera is the second closest camera to our village the only other camera is the one that’s actually on Milo’s house this is terrible the tornado is getting closer and closer this is really bad I need to build the engine right now otherwise my truck won’t go all right I’ll need to move over to the front to get started on it I’ll need to grab some of my Best Equipment to make this engine this needs to be one of the best engines I’ve ever made I’m also going to put this camera back in my secret inventory because I really don’t want to do anything bad to it now I’ll need to grab some gears this is about to be very complicated first I’ll need to put a little motor in here and then I’ll need to set the speed to 100 you know what I’m going to set the speed to 200 that way this thing will go really really fast I’ll add a bunch of wheels in here so that this engine can actually properly work whoo look at that this thing looks insane I’ll need to add these wheels on both sides uh this actually might be too fast maybe 120 is a better speed yep that is way better this way you can really see how fast it’s going I’ll add one more wheel here and then another one over this side wo this engine is looking crazy already but there’s even more we can do I’ll need to make sure I add a big fan here this way it will connect up properly now we just need to add an encased fan there we go wo look at that the engine is already blowing the more wind we can get out of this engine the more it will push back against the tornado this is really important to make sure that we do not have anything bad happen to us hey look at that this looks amazing now we also need to add some pipes to the engine to capture any of this air and wao this looks insane I think we also now just need to add in some campfires like this this way the engine will burn very very hot finally we just need to add in some carpets like that to block off the whole thing otherwise it might get destroyed by the tornado hey this is looking really cool we do need to add some more exhaust engine pipes over here up the top of the truck wo that looks perfect this is looking so incredible now in order to make sure this engine properly works we’ll need to link up the wheels we’ll need a bunch of different pipes and we can also use the shafts as well this is really handy the more we can use this the better our engine will work okay this is looking awesome let’s keep adding this to every single wheel so that every single one can properly rotate and oh no what’s going on something really bad just happened and Milo why are you standing next to this explosion hole with a flint and steel in your hand I don’t know what you’re talking about Milo that explosion got part of my truck oh no I need to rebuild it Milo what if the tornado had come and that had made me not be able to use my truck well I wasn’t really thinking about that I was just trying to do something really awesome what Milo with TNT oh my goodness you’re so crazy no I’m not oh my goodness I can’t believe Milo did that that was so irresponsible of him and knowing Milo he’ll probably try and do something like that again he can be so cheeky sometimes I think in order to make sure he does not prank me ever again we need to prank him and give him a taste of his own medicine before he can get too into the pranking hm what could I prank him with uh I need to think of the prank while I’m building my wheels which were a really important part of the truck wait a minute that gives me a really good idea because my wheels are so important to my truck Milo’s wheels are so important to his what if we steal Milo’s Wheels I think that will totally work we just need to be really really sneaky with it h let’s try and see how we can do this first we’re going to need to grab some dirt blocks that is because Milo loves dirt we’ll use this dirt to prop up his truck while we steal the wheels otherwise it will actually flop over which will be really really sad and Milo will definitely notice that all right we’ll add a couple more dirt scaffoldings like this oh my goodness these frogs are so bouncy luckily they’re so bouncy and springy and noisy which means he won’t be able to hear me nearly half as well now we’ll remove his first wheel oh wow I can’t believe the truck is still staying up now we’ll quickly run over to the other side and steal the wheel and wait a minute is it hailing oh my goodness Milo will definitely have something to say about this I need to remove these last few Wheels before he tries to talk to me and realizes I’m not in my base okay this is looking pretty good but it still could totally blow over I’m I’m going to add some chains here now so that we tie Milo’s truck down this is so funny he’ll totally freak out and he’ll think his truck is going to jail or something because of all the chains this will show him not to prank me with TNT all right now that we built this we need to quickly run over to my truck before Milo realizes what’s going on a chip it’s hailing you’re right Milo it totally is hailing oh no this is really bad the storm’s getting closer oh no I better go outside and make sure everything’s ready to go just in case it’s here wait a minute I think I see it and oh thank goodness Milo I thought I saw the tornado but it must have just been the wind blowing a certain way CH oh Milo what is it what is going on I swear I built the wheels here and now it’s just dirt and chains oh Milo you always Place dirt you probably did this without even realizing no I didn’t chip I promise this is a really mean prank and hey I bet the fell just did it yeah it was probably the Villages good thinking Milo Milo has no idea that it was actually me this is so funny let’s quickly get my wheels spinning and then we can just add one last thing to the top of my truck before the real tornado comes now I need to get my wheels actually rotating we’ll need to grab a cog wheel like this oh yeah this is about to look so cool actually one really cool mechanical trick is I don’t even have to make every wheel rotate as long as the back ones rotate the front ones will too this is about to look so cool we’ll place down these mechanical bearings like this now we can use our mechanical belt to tie all of these in together oh come on we’ll need to grab these properly yep look at that that looks amazing now if we keep building this all the way over here eventually it will tie up to the other ones oh this is about to be so cool actually instead of using the regular mechanical belt we’ll need to make a little midpoint here so that they can actually properly connect yep there we go that is looking perfect now we can grab this mechanical belt and Link it to there wao that’s perfect now we’ll do this one as well now all we need to do is power this rtion in the middle and the entire system should properly work wo look this whole thing really does work but oh no all the wheels are driving backwards let’s quickly fix that by doing this okay now every single wheel on this truck is driving forwards and it looks amazing wow I can’t believe this this is so exciting but oh no I know that tornado is coming soon I need to build the final things on the back of this truck otherwise this could go really bad first I’m going to make this area a little bit easier to access okay just like that perfect then I’m going to add a giant jet engine on the back this will be so powerful that it will let me move no matter how strong the tornado is this is the real secret to making sure we can survive oh yeah this is about to look so amazing and up here is also the open area this means we can climb up here and get a real good Lookout about wherever the tornado might be coming from especially if my camera systems stop working they might as the tornado gets closer we will have no idea until it’s too late so we’ll just need to be really careful wait a minute Milo are your wheels made out of gravel now yeah I upgraded them to really good material wait a minute Milo do you think gravel is better than the material you had before yeah I really do think Dad and also I do want your criticism oh okay sorry Milo okay your wheels are definitely something yeah thanks buddy you’re welcome Milo oh my goodness Milo’s wheels are insane there’s no way that’s going to work oh well I guess he’ll figure that out the hard way I really hope he doesn’t lose to this tornado though that would be really sad I guess the only thing I can do is focus on making my truck absolutely perfect W look at that this jet engine looks insane already we’ll need to add some proper mechanisms inside so this thing can actually power up though this engine will need to be very powerful so we’ll need to grab a bunch of these motors wo they go so quick this is insane now that this final one is powered we’ll need to add some campfires for some actual heat Force okay we’ll put the campfires right over here I think but in order to actually have this work as a proper engine we’ll need to add a bunch of fans here boom now they should totally blow out a bunch of energy out the back look at that that looks insane oh boy poor Milo I really hope he manages to move his truck soon though because right now the jet engine is facing right towards him okay I better turn these things off otherwise this could be pretty bad okay here we go I’ll remove the campfires for now now it’s just a nice little breeze I’ll also grab some coets because I’m going to add another defense into the tops of this truck we are going to add some fans to blow away the tornado’s energy hopefully this actually works I’ve never tried something like this before now if the tornado gets close the the fans might even disturb the rotating of the tornado this will be way better if a tornado is not spinning properly it can’t do damage this is a great idea I just hope it actually ends up working as great as I’m imagining it in my head now we’ll just place the final one on this side and then we just have to do the same on the other side wow this is going a lot better than I thought it would I’m kind of excited to see if my Prime truck will be able to survive this tornado I’m also going to grab some iron bars to reinforce the SIDS of my Prime truck wo look at that this looks so strong the iron bars make this thing looks so tough I really like this actually wow I cannot believe it let’s make sure we get the other side too it’s really good that we don’t have any Windows on my Prime truck because if we did that would be a lot of extra gloss the only gloss we can have is inside at the back and at the front but that’s just for getting a good view of the tornado there’s no reason to get a view of the tornado from inside tornadoes are scary nobody wants to see that while they’re cooking some brownies okay this is looking so good though wow there’s one final thing I want to add before I get every body inside the truck this is an ultimate emergency command block I will only use it as a last resort but I do not want to use it unless I absolutely have to oh boy I really hope this can stay secure let’s use iron bars to keep it in place otherwise we could have a real disaster on our hands all right everybody is safe and inside my Prime truck don’t worry everybody we are going to get through this tornado safe and sound okay I’m going to go get Mar’s family to bring in some Myra oh good idea Milo look they just just here outside of mine um wait a minute Milo weren’t there three people in Mikey’s family before um yeah I think I remember ding free people uh wait a minute there’s Mikey his wife and Milo where’s his baby oh no where is Mikey’s baby this is terrible and Chip I think the storm might be coming now oh wait really oh no you’re right Milo the clouds they’re starting to form and they’re forming everywhere Milo this is no regular storm this is a tornado we need to find them before the tornado strikes quickly look maybe he’s gotten into one of the trucks in the prime factory yeah let’s check all these trucks Oh Mikey’s baby Mikey’s baby where are you he’s not inside this weird building here at all oh no Milo it’s also started to rain again this rain feels heavier though and uh-oh is that a dark cloud forming right above the prime factory that’s terrible champ monkey’s baby is really important we need to find him I agree come on on Mikey’s baby where could you be wait a minute Milo Mikey’s baby probably has some sort of happy place someplace he goes when he’s scared or stressed we just need to find where that could be and get him inside your truck okay chip I’ve got an idea really what is it Milo how about you pretend to be a baby and then we’ll figure out how babies think oh my gosh that’s so embarrassing are you sure you can’t be the baby okay I can be the baby oh okay thanks Milo um all right now you’re a baby where do you plan on going wow Milo what’s funny is you kind of do do seem that different as a baby yeah that’s rud I mean go g hm okay Milo now that you’re a baby where would you go well maybe I go inside the truck that seems like a crazy place for a baby to go besides he wouldn’t go inside a truck we want him to go inside your truck a that’s true oh man ship I don’t think he’s going to be around the prime factory plus it’s not a very happy place right now because the T native no wait a minute Milo if he’s not in the prime factory he’s probably somewhere in our Village oh yeah that’s really true maybe he’s going inside your house and it’s jumping on the Slime oh I really hope he isn’t doing that my house does have a giant cookie on the outside of course he’d want to go in oh Mikey’s baby if you’re inside my house stay away from my slime bounce pad hello monkey’s baby are you in here okay he’s not in the playroom either that’s good I really don’t want him touching my Rubik’s Cube I hope he’s not in the kitchen touching the hot stuff yeah me too that would be terrible okay thank goodness he’s not in I don’t think he’s in the fridge either oh in the sink yeah no that would be bad he’s also not in the gaming room H we need to quickly check upstairs Milo we don’t have a lot more time oh man this is horrible I swear he was there the whole time and now he’s just disappeared yeah where could he even have gone Milo I’m not liking this I don’t see him anywhere in my house oh this is horrible but hang on a second what is it Milo I just had a little fart in my brain wao What could could your thought be Milo well mik’s baby is actually really loving my truck and my truck is blue so maybe he went somewhere else that’s blue oh wait a minute I know what you’re saying maybe he went inside your house yeah quickly let’s get there right now just in case he’s in there yeah I agree oh no Milo those dark clouds are spreading quicker than ever before we need to find Mike’s baby and we need to find him quick Mikey’s baby and chip Milo look it’s Mikey’s baby he’s on your shelf hiy Mikey’s baby get down from there how did you get up there oh my goodness okay Milo I’m going to get my truck started if you get Mikey’s baby inside yours okay come on Mikey’s baby come on we got this now that everybody is safe inside each Prime truck I’m going to check my camera one last time oh no look the tornado has arrived in the village I need to get off the camera right now and let Milo know Milo Mikey’s family everybody the tornado has arrived in our village oh no okay everyone get your truck started so we can drive away yeah come on hold tight everybody it is time to get this thing moving oh look Milo I’m sitting in my driver’s seat and hey these wheels are totally turning yep I can hear the engines turning on but ship my truck isn’t working what Milo your truck isn’t working oh my goodness Milo is this because you made your tires out of gravel H maybe it is this is how it’s getting torn apart oh my goodness this is really bad I need to go over and put Milo’s wheels back I don’t want him to know that I totally broke them but uh I guess I need to explain otherwise Milo will know I’m coming over I need to get my armor on otherwise it is not safe oh no this is horrible don’t worry Milo I’m coming to save you I’m putting on my netherite armor right now oh my goodness it’s so difficult to get off the stand hey come here Arma okay Milo I now have all my Arma on I’m also going to grab my Shields my Ender pels and slow falling and sword everyone here is totally freaking out because we can’t drive and the tornado’s going to get us don’t worry Milo I’m coming oh wait I almost forgot my pickaxe oh my goodness that could have been really bad but wait a minute Milo’s tires are made out of gravel how am I going to mine gravel with a pickaxe H I just have to do it come on come on Milo uh don’t look at what I’m doing right now I’m just helping you I had nothing to do with why your tires are gravel in the first place okay whatever you say I’m also getting rid of these chains and I don’t know what that weird concrete thing was but I’m getting rid of it too oh no the tornado is ripping up the road this is bad I need to grab some real Wheels like I have on my truck all right we’ll use polished black stone like this come on this needs to go quicker all right Milo you now have one wheel I am building your wheels myself for your truck a that’s actually really awesome yep you’re welcome Milo don’t even worry about how I know exactly where your wheels are meant to go okay I want okay thanks Milo okay I’ve built your wheels in but oh my goodness this is getting really crazy the wind is blowing so much I need to use an endar to get back over to my truck except whoa hey my jet engine pushed me out the back this is really bad come on Milo why is your truck not starting I don’t know oh I have a feeling I built the big bit too big don’t worry everybody you need to evacuate Milo’s truck there is spare room and spare beds on my truck to keep everybody safe come on everybody we got to go to chips truck here’s some Ender pels so you don’t have to worry about the tornado and here’s a slow falling potion too oh my goodness this is bad I also need to grab a swiftness potion maybe this will help them walk even quicker so that they don’t get pushed back by the tornado and look Milo it’s working come on guys we got to get on come on come on oh we don’t have a lot of time hurry the tornado is destroying the prime factory this is terrible oh my goodness everybody on all right is everybody safe inside the truck I think so I think everything’s all good and watch Yip this place is incredible yeah thanks Milo I really agree come on I need need to go start the engine they were totally working before so I bet they’ll still be working now I’m going to jump over these tables using my slow falling in uh wait a minute what why is the engine not starting up anymore oh no it must have gotten destroyed in the tornado a chip are you serious this is bad but don’t worry Milo I have one last defense on my roof don’t worry I’ve totally got this okay let’s go use it Milo I made a secret command block on the roof what does that even mean Milo it means when I pull this lever it will destroy the tornado I just hope it manages to keep us safe in the meantime please keep us safe all right are you ready for me to pull it do it all right I’m going to pull it in 3 2 1 go okay it should be working wait a minute Milo it’s totally destroying the tornado oh my gosh I BL you your ultimate idea finally saved the day hooray we managed to build Prime trucks and save Mikey and JJ’s family from that tornado how y we did it yeah woohoo

Maizen Mikey and JJ are in big trouble and now Chip and Milo must Build NOOB vs HACKER PRIME TRUCK Houses to save them!

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. Milo is so silly yayaya I love chip banana jakaj l❤❤😊 ip naiimo come now or else you will be nana 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
    Chips 🍟 🍟 🍟 👇 yay

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