Turning Minecraft into a Space Exploration Game

space everybody has some sort of fascination with it its vastness Beauty and endless possibilities of things to see and explore that will never get to so instead we fantasize about it and today we’re going to be doing exactly that by turning Minecraft into a space exploration game who my God doing tricks run run run oh my God all right we want to make a space game the first step would be getting a proper game engine cuz Minecraft is just not going to cut it now sadly that’s not possible but I know something that can bring it up closer to Modern engine standards Veil so I contacted the only person I knew who had ties to it ammo and lo and behold they rolled the red Culp head for me they invited me to the veil server introduced me to its team and one person among this team Ryan took an interest in the project and decided to teach me and already things were looking pretty wild okay first of all I think it’s F4 is it F4 or is it F6 F6 editor what is this Gmod so you can go to Veil and you can click on like fragment Shader and you can edit it live um if you what what the what the F this is crazy man this is crazy you can go into vanilla shaders and like edit their vertex and fragment shaders like on the bar yo what everything that’s solid is now um You it up but oh my God you have to do I’m a hacker I’m a hacker I’m a hacker at this point oh textures is useful um when you’re working with frame buffers but if you just Skip by using the slider or the um every loaded texture no way can see oh man that’s why is it blue oh yeah yeah it is a parot yeah after getting acquainted with my new tools eventually Ryan taught me a bit more about shaders and very quickly we started working on spheres in order to render a planet then all it took was getting some textures figuring out the maths struggling for half an hour and boom we have a planet now the cool thing about this being a Shader is that it allows me to do interesting stuff with a veil Shader editor so if I upload this as you can see uh I can start doing some uh pretty pretty shady operations but now what I really want to figure out is uh actually rotate the planet and make it spin okay this is this is somewhat working if it wasn’t for that line oh yeah that works pretty nice okay now the second thing I want to try I kind of want to see if I can do like a simulated atmosphere on top of it oh there we go look at that it’s a bit hard to visualize but it’s an upper layer that’s so cool you can see it’s gliding along the surface it’s very very basic for now but a I’m making progress this looks so good already oh and another bonus of using the Shader is that I can have a shadow like this and I can make it change depending on where the sun is compared to the planet okay now to practice shaders I’ve got a little idea on how to do that if I remove the atmosphere you might be able to okay no not like that bro if I make the clouds very dim as you can see here I’ve got this night map of Earth in one of my ideas what I want to try to achieve is make the dark side of the planet planet Earth actually used that texture and then the light side of planet Earth actually used the uh daylight texture uh that actually sounds pretty complicated but hey let’s practice maybe if I do this okay that’s that’s not the result I was looking for okay there black spots here but it is half working look at this look at this the back is actually lit up the way it should and the front has black spots uh okay I think there we go okay okay yo look at that oh my God that’s awesome hold on I’m going to make this a little bit faster if I put this upload there you go as you can see oh as the day wakes up people turn off their light look at that oh my god oh and now if I had back the clouds look at that oh my god oh there’s so much okay yeah well the planet still face through my face but there’s still so much stuff please come on but there’s so much stuff that that that I I I can just I can just do now I’m I’m on top of the world and after some time learning and making progress on my own Ryan came back to me and this time around he had quote unquote a funny idea okay uh f3t what have you done that’s awesome what oh my God I just oh my God are you ready how are you giving it so many weird shaves so easily the light actually works so well with it that’s crazy try now what now it’s just a bow W wo wo oh I do not like this I do not like moving and it’s just pulsates what is what have you done oh oh oh oh that’s just oh it’s freezing what wait it moves on different oh no oh no it looks like an amoeba it just looks like an evolving amoeba Planet wait does this work try this is one of the other things of Ray marging I’m not sure if I did it [Music] right I don’t think you did man all right all right that’s that’s really funny but why do all this is it a planet just spherical well yes but ultimately the goal of giving it different shapes was so we could achieve one realistic detail elevation which following a little trial and error yo it works oh that’s sick as yeah that is super cool wow that’s cool like this shot here is beautiful it looks so good wait why why is this mountain they’re just happy to see me I guess just bouncing up and down and with the elevation out of the way and after a few more silly Ryan ideas you could do a live weather data no I’m not making accurate R me out it would be really funny if you just looked out of your spaceship all the rain clouds are actually where the rain clouds are we eventually got around to the next thing our planet needs an atmosphere we then spent the entire night in a Cole with Ryan and kappin fighting in my code like little rats and once more with a lot of trial and error and a few Ryan takeovers in due time that’s really really cool that’s this is beautiful and now thanks to Captain and Ryan we have an atmosphere around the earth that is uh actually accurate see when light goes through our atmosphere the different wavelengths composing it get influenced by the different gases meaning some colors will get lost and spread differently than others and that is called raist scattering now it’s a bit hard to see on the lit side as it’s mostly blue here but if we get to the unlet side as you can see here the lights CS differently and look at that that’s oh my God that’s so beautiful anyway now that we’ve got our planet we can actually get started on our space system so we want a spaceship that flies around space and can go to different planets but that’s going to cause three problems the first one is going to be render distance now imagine this room light is all sun which is really cool we can see it now but if we get too far away eventually Minecraft is going to make it disappear because well render distance and the same goes with any other planets that we put along the way eventually if we get too far we might see like one planet but not the others again because that random distance the second problem is actually going to be the size of the world now theoretically Minecraft’s world is infinite horizontally but if we go down eventually well we’ll reach the void and if we start taking damage in our spaceship that’s that’s just not good and the third problem well I want a spaceship to be buildable so we can have the crew actually add things to their rooms or have some common areas that be decorated by the crew itself you know I want it to be editable but unless we use valky in sky or create Aeronautics we’re not going to be able to do that now for the first problem well veil’s got us covered since I’m rendering planets in the world directly with shaders instead of objects well no matter how far we go it’s never going to disappear even if our renter distance is becoming ridiculous as you can see we can still see it until it’s just going to be a tiny tiny tiny dot very far into the distance and that is very very nice but we still got the world limit and buildable ship problems but to that I think I’ve got a solution thanks to my boy Einstein relativity see when an object moves around the world which is going to be a square spaceship here relativity dictates that for all we know it could actually be the world moving around it and that’s exactly what we’re going to do instead of having our spaceship move around the universe we’re going to have the universe move around the spaceship and I know this sounds complicated but given we’re not going to have any blocks and we’re going to have planets instead well this is actually much easier and cherry on top with that way we can also rotated to simulate the ability to go in any direction with any rotation we can spin we can roll a spaceship it’s going to be great trust me all right so I’ve gone ahead and done a bit of work so now in the keybinds there’s now a bunch of ship controls so we’re going to go into my new space Dimension and as you can see I’ve already went ahead done a little platform mount it it starts working oh my god it works we can only go up and down but look at it I can still interact with the blocks build around well well the universe just moves around us look at that now it needs to be smoother and there’s a bunch of more controls that I would like to add but yeah there we go that’s the base concept all right and now uh you should be able to turn around and go up and down look at that yeah there we go and we can move around go up and down around Earth and then we can come back now it’s not very smooth right now but uh it works if you omit one detail uh currently uh the I’m going forward I’m going towards it right now yeah the rotations are currently a little bit messy they’re currently not working so um yeah I’m going to have to ask Ryan for help all right uh once more Ryan just just carries everything look at that look how smooth that is we can roll we can rotate we can go up and down we can oh okay I’m still struggling with the controls but look at that now if we get like upside down while the earth works as it should you know they just not getting far away from me we have a spaceship system ready and quite frankly just just perfect now there’s still one thing I want to do currently the controls are very clumsy and really hard to grasp given it’s all keyboard no mouse so uh let’s make it work with mouse all right so I added Mouse rotation now and if I’m correct oh my God okay it’s a little strong it’s a little strong but look look I’m looking around and it’s moving I’m I’m I’m moving this with the power of my mind going up going right oh my God I’m loving this so much already and now now all we’re missing there the roll oh my God it’s so good it’s so gorgeous it’s so incredible all right I need to test this in multiplayer now oh oh oh is is it working so much internet lag you sound like you’re lagging I’m I’m on my B Spot 100 terab hello oh oh my wa wait oh my god it works that’s so cool that works so well oh this is cool you got a rat on your windshield you the Earth wait hold on hold on I got an idea oh my God that’s so bad it is that’s so bad right I have an idea I’m looking back on how I coated the seats and if we put two of them down the ship will go twice as fast oh my God this is so much stop trying to take the wheel away from me no we’re going straight to the ocean no wait not let’s go right this is fun oh my god let’s try this dude stop I don’t see the Earth anymore where are we oh oh it’s right there and now that we have our space system and properly tested it to make sure it works even in multiplayer it’s time to get a proper ship so what type of ship do we want exactly something like an alien outer World Star Wars no as you can see from behind me they have something else in mind see some time ago I played this game called prey which takes place in a grandio and beautiful space station Talos Swan styled around Art Deco an art movement originating from the 30s and let me tell you I absolutely fell in love with that space station so I want to do a ship that’s similar to it which might have been a mistake because what was supposed to be a space mod is now 80% Furniture now we’ve got luxurious Woods marble gold stairs panels ornaments bookshelves cabin railings glass privacy glass lamps Neons couches tables doors buttons shower heads paintings and in new plushy that’s right after Vana and white women God complex I now come in a third flavor gay Rockstar look at this gorgeous flowing hair flamboyant by seexual colors adorable little rat and stylish Ender ey she’s great to display cuddle with have on your desk anything you want just not violence because that would be homophobic once more this baby is super high quality super detailed and just perfect since she was made for pride month 10% of sales will go to the Trevor Project and she also comes with a cute little pride flag cape look how adorable she looks with it and just like previous blushies she ships worldwide but is only available for 3 weeks after that she’s gone forever she’s literally the reason this video in Project exists so if you want to support me or the series go get her the Link’s in the description anyway we’ve got everything to build a ship so let’s build the ship so I hosted the server got on with some friends and we started working on in-game Concepts however during this first week we were struggling to make any good progress and after complaining about it that’s when many friends including Ryan shamed me for using worldedit over axium is that like a world edit competitor it’s not even a competition figuring I’d give it a try I popped it on the server and we started getting the hang of it in the best way possible by messing around this is awesome [Laughter] uhoh you guys need help why do they have candles on them wait how are you doing that guys this is what the in Builders [Laughter] used yeah please I oh that’s cool wait what did you do no I didn’t do that I didn’t do that that wasn’t me that wasn’t me that wasn’t me who else would it be mother after a lot more messing around enough to destroy 300 World 300 times over we eventually calmed down got some concept art made and this time seriously let’s build a ship [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that’s cool oh I think you’re cooking oh my God wait hold on need trim the tow hold on Trim in the fence I now realiz oh my goodness I actually have the ears number one muff fun Club let’s go oh that’s sick oh that’s so satisfying the whole build is so good I love this yeah this whole build turned out incredible when I go back to the old shape yeah oh we came a long way it’s a little r on the edges oh wait the under section of the ship as well oh ew all gross funy look how much it’s changed like this is the previous crew quarters and this is the new crew quarters it’s so much nicer just in every aspect possible finally after a month of building and decorating we finally have a ship so next step fleshing out the solar system implementing a stbox a sun and adding the other planets and uh it doesn’t look like it but uh everything’s so big it’s it’s it’s it’s actually massive if I move around you can see the planet barely moves which makes it feel like a sky box but no no no it it is real it is it is very much a planet and uh it feels very small because I go very fast but uh yeah as you can see it’s uh it’s pretty big and Mercury is over over there as you can see here followed by then Venus Earth Mars and then further back Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune and you want to know a little secret it’s not even accurate the planets are actually a thousandth of their size and so is the distance separating them and as you can see with how distant every planet is if you look at the sun it’s so big here but then you just see Neptune which is the furthest planet from our solar system and and and will live here I’ve never actually realized this how big our soul system is it’s it’s actually mind numbing and to be honest it wouldn’t make for a good space exploration game so screw the scientific accuracy let’s just make it ready now if you remember earlier when I press F6 I can access the Shader editor uh now what I didn’t know is that Osa went ahead and made a planet editor uh I can just I can just adjust them on the spot right here change their size change their position yeah we’re going to have a little bit of fun with it look at this this is so nice oh by the way yeah I didn’t show you look how gorgeous Saturn look looks C helped me make some rings for it and look at that shadow and it’s not like a texture either look if I move Saturn around the shadow is dynamic and actually evolves depending on where it is compared to the Sun and if I put it under the sun look there there’s barely even a shadow and I know this solar system scale is completely off and not accurate but uh like just consider it an outer walls reference with the planets added and the scale chosen I then got to work on the atmospheres of each individual Planet trying to replicate them as close as possible to their real counterparts while still being way more defined for style and if you look at the pictures I used you may notice that Saturn isn’t the only planet with rings Jupiter Uranus and Neptune also have some that just a lot fainter and since I found a texture online for ess’s ring I decided to go ahead and add them in game oh and bonus fun fact even though you might end up hating me for that one if you like Neptune for its deep blue color well I’m sorry to break it to you but that’s not what it actually looks like that texture behind me is actually based on early Voyager 2 images that were overprocessed and oversaturated to see the detail but since then it’s been shown that Neptune just like Uranus is closer to a dim gray than the deep blue that it’s known for yeah I know I also got my heartbroken learning this while working on this project oh and I completely forgot but uh maybe the earth needs a moon as well so there it is now and now all that’s left to add is an orbit and our solar system is done oh and looking back on the previous solar system I made for a video over a year ago damn we have come a long way and now that we’ve got both a ship and a solar system to fight it around all we missing is some planets to explore however since we’re going to do custom planets and we’ve already coded a solar system a ship system and so many other things in this video I think just one planet for now will be plenty enough but which one do we do Mercury is just a rock Venus is too toxic Mars is another rock and Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune are gas giants which means trying to explore them would basically have us crushed in an instant so I’ve come up with a ninth planet for this solar system Janice and while I was working on my own things my good friend Ider Square decided to join the project and help me by coding the welin for it so let’s Discover it you ready yeah I’m ready and welcome oh okay so the Sky Box will definitely change but oh yeah I’m liking this oh W these craters are so cool what yeah so that is a medium crater I think there’s uh different sizes if you if you head over yeah that way there’s a much bigger crater W this is so clean we haven’t seen it all though there’s more to this so want to dig down okay okay I’m following you I’m following you oh oh wa these caves look sick and there it is there it is the oil oh my God these caves who wa [Music] what oh I’m actually are what the hell this is so gorgeous how how did you do that so quick it’s impressive it’s so good I was just going to go and make like a dimension with just like Stone planes and big caves and just like give the illusion of it being impressive but you you actually went and did it well we’re not done because the oil has special behavior here it is doesn’t look too good right now but it it does oh my God that’s so cool is a there yeah we not in Minecraft anymore it’s very jittery wait wait wait on for when it goes down more than two blocks oh that’s so cool oh that’s so good oh my God oh my God it’s so smooth it’s actually so smooth it is inhumanely smooth there are six 64 different heights per block of oil that’s how it gets so smooth yeah oh my God that’s oh oh that’s good oh yes that’s good wait can we y you can drain it I’m going to drain it into the void oh that’s awesome all right and now that we’ve got a planet to explore all we’re missing is the tools to do just that the first one is going to be some sort of light right now these caves are way too lit up and normally they would be pitch black so we’re going to need some sort of flashlight now I’ve done this in the past with shaders for a horror mod but the problem was that this wasn’t really compatible with multiplayer as nobody would be able to see your flashlight however lucky for me Veil also comes with a fully custom light system that works in multiplier so after oselot and cappin showed me a bit about it all right we’re probably going to get on the Moody brightness settings so we can really enjoy this now currently you can’t see anything but if I pop into the light editor as oselot and cappin showed me I can add an aerial light like this oh and as you can see it’s it’s already looking looking really good but we can edit it and make it go further as you can see we can just crank the distance as far as we can and oh look at that that’s already looking really good now my idea is that I’m going to hook up in the code to have this slide actually follow the player around so if I just set my position in rotation to view it would just go like this and just follow anywhere I go so let’s go that okay now it works we just we just have a functional flashlight and now it’s super smooth look at that oh my God that’s so clean and after ising it a little more and testing it in multiplayer all we have to do now is to link it to the new helmet item and then boom you’ve got a flashlight now that’s the flashlight out of the way but if you look behind me you may notice that the terrain is very Steep and very hard to Traverse so something like a boost or a jetpack could actually be useful to us and you know flame effects they’re easy to make I’ve done them countless times in the past with load Stone but this time around we’re using Veil so I’m going to have to learn its particle system and after ammo showed me a bit about it I experimented and got this look at this oh it’s so looking really good what I love about it is that the particles actually have a light there’s a blue light and then it turns to Orange ah this is so cool we’re going to have fun with this all right and now that I’ve added a jetpack that you can actually equip now all we need is a trail of the right color sound effects and movement and the light on the side of the blocks coming from the particle this is oh my God this is just unreal look at this and now that we have some smoke look at that how it brings it all together all oh oh that looks so good with the lighting on the smoke as well yeah jet pack done although not really cuz there’s still the matter of fuel and oxygen to be discussed C8 went ahead and added exactly those two fuel and oxygen and as you can see from the balls from my bottom left using the jetpack realistically uses both of them because you need oxygen to create a flame and whenever you run out of either yeah you can’t use the jetpack anymore if it’s oxygen you run out of well you’ve got bigger concerns than that but if it’s fuel as you can see on Jus there’s this oil named Ika which is a super Fuel and whenever you get into it it refuels your jetp pack oh and you may have noticed it but uh yeah it also redu the gravity on Jus and it’s so much fun to mess around with he made sure absolutely everything has lower gravity so that includes other entities like items but even block particles and even the E particles look at that it’s so much slower now which makes it very treacherous because even though it doesn’t feel like you’re falling fast uh trust me you are and now that we can probably travel and explore Janice what exactly are we doing here well for this first episode I would like to make it so that the mission is actually repl finishing the fuel of the ship in order to explore outside the solar system and as you’ve seen a few times already this’s oil on Janice and this oil as it has shown is not actually you know a classic Minecraft liquid it actually has Dynamic properties and it flows very nicely and we want to showcase that so we can’t just have blers come down here pick up the stuff with buckets and be done with it no no no no no I’ve got a much better idea the extendable pump when you place this pump it will extend around 20 blocks with pipes as you can see and then once it’s done it’ll start pumping and if its Base is located inside IA it’ll start sucking it in and throwing it to the end of the pipe we can also extend this so if we add another pipe here normally the oil yep should start pumping here and the idea is that we’ll use these pumps to extend them from the pool and bring them up to the surface near the ship and oh it’s it’s it’s going to be a mess and finally we’re going to need one last piece of equipment in order to find our way around these caves they’re just so massive and once they’ll be pitched black it’s going to be hard to find our way back so let me introduce you to pocket Stars they’re basically just glow sticks just just balls as you can see I’ve used the veil light system again in order to make them emit some green light and they look pretty nice but they just float around now and we want them to have physics and turns out the Ryan is pretty good with [Music] those oh look at that look at that look at that woo oh look at those just bouncing around just just flopping around and since it is something we can throw you know what that means oh my [Applause] god oh that is that is just pure uranium oh yeah that’s a little bright and now that we have most of Jenis with the world gen and everything to explore it we’re still missing one big thing that I love to do the ambience and the first thing that we’re probably going to need as you notice it is is the sky it’s currently still the Minecraft sky and look look there’s even the moon here so let me just there we go much better ah look at that now we’re actually in space we we’re actually physically on genus but the cool thing is that this actually works with any Planet I want so if I just really quickly change it to Mercury we’re much closer to the Sun and the planets are way way further than us but you haven’t even seen the coolest part yet see mercury has no atmosphere as you can see the sky is just the stars and we can see the Sun and sometimes other planets but other planets they have atmospheres and I made sure they work so for instance if we go to Venus who has a very thick atmosphere oh my God and oh look now we can see mercury in the sky and yeah this is cool we have a custom Sky Box that works out out of the box but this isn’t even the coolest coolest part yet even these atmospheres calculate somewhat realistically how the light travels through them you know what else is influenced by atmospheres sunsets so if I just go and increase the speed of the world you’ll see that the atmosphere around us actually changes depending on where the sun is there’s a blue h in the distance until eventually once the sun fully sets there’s just nothing but the night sky and actually as you guessed that also works with the sunrise look at this oh oh that’s so pretty but now that makes me curious I want to see how it is on other planets one that I’m really curious to see is Mars cuz fun fact according to cappin sunset on Mars are actually blue and given I’ve coded the atmosphere red I think theoretically yes it actually work works yeah know that’s blue yeah it actually works the sunset and the sunrises that are actually blue ke’s calculations are incredible now we’re on jupit and we’re not able to be on gas Jones but I mean come on come on you just look at this just just look at this behind me oh my God look at that sunet now that’s really neat and very beautiful but if my calculations are correct on Saturn please please please please my God look at that oh and look at that atmosphere oh my god oh oh I think that’s my favorite so far oh that’s so oh and you can see the shadow on the ring actually go oh my God now I just hope we can have the same result with Uranus cuz I gave it a ring oh yeah but the ring is not at the same angle so we’re not going to be able to see it sadly oh but that atmosphere though oh never mind that oh the atmosphere but I do really want to see ur’s rings so oh my God look at that oh that’s gorgeous oh my God that’s oh oh that’s beautiful and finally Neptune oh my God look at that blue oh and look at that Sunset the sunset are so good all these atmospheres just oh they look so stunning however it’s time to finally add Janice physically cuz I still haven’t gotten around to adding it to the solar system so maybe we should do that that but with Jenis being a fictional Planet even though it’s heavily based on Pluto we can’t just download a texture from the internet we’re going to have to be a little more creative and after a little bit of research I found this blender plugin that allows you to create fantasy Planet textures the only problem being I don’t know how to use blender but with determination a lot of time and a little bit of help from capping eventually we managed to come up with the planet texture we liked all right there it is look at that oh the craters look so good oh yeah oh that’s nice oh that’s gorgeous look at that Sky Box now this is gorgeous but the moment we go into ground uh it’s going to start causing problems as you can see in the caves yeah no that that that looks a bit off so CPP and Ryan naturally helped me make a little fug and now it should be a whole lot better see you can’t see the end now it’s just oh this is like this looks terrifying but in my opinion this isn’t terrifying enough no no these caves have to be pitch black oh my God and normally normally if I didn’t me anything up the surface should still be fairly lit up yes okay but actually that gives me an idea you know how the sunset and the atmosphere actually change whether the Sun is up or not well yeah normally all of this should be pitch black whenever the sun is not visible and I kind of want to try that oh oh you see this it it’s inverted but it works wait wait wait wait wait oh my god it works it it it it works it works works so well oh my god it works so well oh that’s so cool wait I just got an idea may in heaven anyway to finish the visual Ambiance I’ve removed every status bar we’re not going to need hunger we’re not going to need experience and if you look on the bottom right of my hot bar Hots have been replaced with an ECG as you can see on the bottom right it’s nominal but if I start taking damage eventually it should start transitioning to Orange then red and it gives you a warning and given I’ve removed hunger all you need to do to heal now is just eat and it will directly regenerate your health with a minor detail that uh if you have a helmet you you well well you can’t actually eat cuz you know you have a helmet on and one final thing you may have noticed but players will be automatically put into Seuss look how cool I look anyway that’s the visual Ambience taken care of now time for the audio the first thing we’re going to need is some background noise as you can see right now I’m in the ship and there’s a slight har and whenever I go into space oh oh yeah that’s good and on top of that if you also equip a helmet you can hear yourself breathing and it’s already pretty nice but other than that everything just just sounds the same we’re in space we got to reflect that yeah it works look at that everything sounds muffled and actually when you get back on the ship everything sounds normal again and to finish off the oo ambulance now whenever you run out of oxygen as you can hear you start suffocating and if you were curious as to what happens when you remove your helmet in space you just die and now we’ve got everything I mean mostly everything cuz we still need to find a way to get on the planet and since you remember the Shipe doesn’t actually move but the world around us we can’t just lend it into the dimension because you know that we can’t move a structure so my original idea was having some sort of shuttle ship entity that you would fly from space down to the planet and get to it that way key word original because the moment I mentioned it to Ryan we can just have the ship move on the planet put it on there and give it physics you know remember when I mentioned Ryan was really good with physics well that wasn’t out of nowhere as it turns out he’s one of the developers of a mod called landlord a library that allows you to build moving block Contraptions ever heard of create Aeronautics well yeah he’s one of the people behind it and for some reason as both of these projects are not out yet he and the team behind them thought my s space mod was worthy of getting early access to it I’m I’m I’m baffled thank you as a result we once more got on a call and Ryan started working on getting the ship to actually land so if I’m right and we go into this planet it should teleport the ship and I should I should be on the ship those are all should bees okay why is there a cave what the it’s just a fuing cave wait it doesn’t even look like the blocks it’s just a cave it’s it doesn’t even 3 two 1 lift off and uh we’re Landing oh my God that’s terrifying oh my God okay can we get the whole ship okay um so I guess the ship didn’t come with us uh oh I’m in aame wait that’s not a cave that’s an entire Mountain I don’t think that’s the ship but that’s just wait is this sh oh let’s go oh my god it works oh my God yeah oh okay uh I have work to do but you should probably go to bed rat all right all right for the next few weeks Ryan would be working with landlord while I was busy polishing the the mod and after getting everything ready including the ship physics which you’ll have to wait to see we were finally about to organize a little space Expedition but around a week before that Ryan came to me saying he had a special surprise and wanted to show it to me on the build server oh what the wait no why is there dead coral fans welcome to the forest of bushy Delights how’s it going what is this there’s our Ed all right so what did you want to show me at [Music] why do I do that okay so you want to see something cool um yeah I want to see something cool I’m not sure if it’ll work wait no way what get a FY glass out get a FY glass out look oh my God Ryan Ryan what the [ __ ] so the transparency is a bit messed up so it’ll look much better when the square doesn’t show up and it’s seamless oh my God Ryan you’re insane take a guess as to how many um how many of these are out there I don’t know a million a billion 1.2 million 1.2 million who this was me last night prototyping um how I wanted you know instancing to work so this is like an enormous storm that I was just playing around with the idea of instancing with it’s a pretty big thing that changes over time this was I believe like 3 million Cub you’re insane you’re like actually mad I love it thank you so much it’s incredible I’m my jaw is dropped and with that gorgeous surprise out of the way the mod is finally ready so let’s get to the best part playing it so I assembled a crew with six of my friends got six additional creators and gave them Amnesia and now time to go to space welcome to the angel swing the first publicly available spacecraft and your new personal space yach with its Grand Atrium luxurious suits and many amenities such as a gym Pool Spa arum home Cinema and much more it is the perfect state of the art vessel to enjoy a private cruise out of our beautiful Earth’s atmosphere whether it be by your yourself or with esteemed guests at L we value personal space and we’d love for you to join us for an exclusive tour that will convince you the Angel’s Wing was made for you the future looks bright and you’ll hold its golden [Music] key you must be mad rat the ship’s a thousand years old and it’s not even made for extra solar system travel Blake the station is going down by the next 2 weeks it’ll have turned into a glor fied Mega toaster we have no other ship from all Expeditions being sent do you have a better idea besides I’d rather try our look with a gilded coffin than be crated for sure Ryan can probably fix up the engine being in a museum most of the ship should be intact and working condition and critically out of fuel true we’ll have to stop by Janice but it’s our only chance tell Ryan to get on it now and you and the others start uning the cows we leave in a week we only have a month left of water are you sure that’s a good idea would you just rather let them die I mean they wouldn’t feel a thing in the state they’re in of course you’d say something like that but you trust me right always have I’ll get on it all right let’s see if you’re worth the billions you probably cost all right I think there’s the last of them the few we still have should all be alive all right let’s see if they wake up let me just oh my god oh well they’re they’re all alive look at that oh my God wonderful Jesus christell was that welcome okay okay okay I can explain everything why was I dead it’s the wonderful Miracle of Life welcome what happened okay so that’s that’s a very long story uh you’ve been in In Cold Storage for quite a bit can you all tell me what you were doing yesterday sitting in ice apparently no it’s not perfect I’d recommend we get out of the cold room my God I got to stretch a minute there man all right should we tell them now I think it’s better if we get the cat out of the bag as soon as possible follow me please what is this place we’re like underground or somewhere I’m about to answer that just please follow me up please follow me up the ladder okay so about the cat out of the bag I’m apologizing in advance for any shark you may receive but uh welcome to space wa wa my God what what okay oh lovely are you kidding wow wow I told you it’s it’s a long story it’s a long story that sun is way too close this safe when did this happen we’re in orbit around Mercury so we’re safe we’re safe so uh Welcome to the Wing this used to be a space yacht pretty much oh we we haven’t turned on any of these lights we need to find a cozy area maybe the games room would be comfy enough perfect this is perfect all right damn who is that get a hold of yourselves guys she’s pretty yeah she’s pretty dead that’s the thousand-year-old painting as well she used to be some kind of rat themed rockstar I don’t know sit around please by all means so you acted like that was a big reveal but what is this supposed to look like otherwise oh my God it’s so bad it’s so much worse than I thought long story short welcome to the future with the last people in the solar system Jesus Christ we just evacuated from a space station where you were kept in ice and we pulled you out of cryostasis and now we’re here please don’t tell me this is like a reproduction Mission no it’s not we very much but not in that sense I mean it’d be okay if she was still alive anyway we’re leaving the solar system today aboard this ship and I’m going to be honest with you our chances don’t look too hot we’re most likely going to die but I think now is a good time to give you a tour of it and so we did exactly that going through the different art rooms showing them the Suites eventually arriving in the Alum where I explained what my plan was here’s the plan I don’t want to leave this solar system and leave everything behind and have regrets and not come back here we’re never coming back here there’s no reason for us to come back here so what I’m suggesting you guys probably don’t even know the solar system and the planet that make it up but as you can see look we’ve got oh my God Saturn is so beautiful look at it so pretty I think I think I have a telescope if anyone wants to take a look Jesus Christ what are those discs around you those are rings it’s a massive field of debris orbiting the planet we might be able to visit it that’s exactly what I was going to suggest let’s do one last toour of the solar system if you look at the planets we can pretty much visit every single one of them if you want we’re currently stationed around Mercury what was the one with the big it looks like gas almost it was it was over there before it’s so pretty oh that’s Jupiter we can visit it yeah however since the atrim had a better view of the solar system we headed back down in order to decide where we would go next but very quickly guests started having questions wait so rat where’s the rest of our kind then it’s Among the Stars we used to live on this planet called Earth but at some point it became uninhabitable and since then we’ve been trying to find a new world by sending Expeditions out of the solar system but the problem is none of them come back who knows if that means that they were successful we don’t have communication that can go that far and now it’s our time to leave we’re most likely going to die but might as well try that’s the point of life I don’t know man Prett ble I mean can we at least try to survive the reason you’re here is because we’re exactly doing that right now trying to survive if you just keep sending Expeditions though if they’re not coming back you’re just sending people out to die is that I’ll be trapped in a space station you want to visit the space station you want to visit the space station we can drive very grateful no no no no no no no no no no no rat we are very grateful than you for thank you for thank you shut up thank you for aling us you you turn to Garfield the is this one look the same yellow so yeah let’s decide on on a planet we can’t visit all of them we’re going to have to choose which ones we want to go to I personally think considering we all initially came from this random Planet you’re talking about Earth I think we should look at that one first I think that’s a that’s a pretty good idea all right with our first destination decided we PR the engines and it was time for the first takeoff oh we’re going there we go I guess it’s moving oh that’s crazy oh that’s crazy wow Jupiter wo wo whoo whoo whoo wo okay okay honestly I just accept everything that’s happening right now everyone everyone we’ve arrived to Earth if you want to take a look at it we’ll be departing in a minute bened us oh my god oh my god wow it’s so okay this is this solar system this solar system this is slightly scary my God why is it so smoggy oh my God we’re actually wa oh my God what wa okay all right all right calm down calm down wait I can give you guys a really cool perspective if you stand here like right in this corner you can see the whole ship above you w yeah true once we flew a few Rounds Around Earth and everyone was disorientated enough we set our second course to Jupiter as cab heavily requested it and given the heftier distance between it and the Earth people ended up with a lot of time on their hands that they decided to spend by exploring the rest of the ship with some even finding the most remote locations W what the [ __ ] but with quite the long trip ahead of us others started questioning their predicament I don’t think it’s suspicious that they have a month of water left and that’s when they decide to lock us out of cry stasis what use are we to them maybe they just wanted some company honestly yeah you know spend the final days dying in luxury surrounded by friends and family and by that I mean random strangers they just pulled out of Gro the power imbalance is crazy here we know nothing they know everything who should think it’s strange it’s the same when you’re a child and you’re listening to your mom we’re not children we might as well be we don’t have any memories that’s what I’ve been saying this is the most suspicious thing they wake us up out of nowhere and they’re like we’re going to give you a tour of the world what if we’re like test subjects and naturally it wouldn’t be long until those doubts reached me hi clown all right Captain what’s up without any of the bull what is going on here why do you revive us with one month of water left what was I supposed to we’ve kept you on cold storage for thousands of years even though you are not our responsibility I guess is just called being decent there’s no bull everything I’m telling you is the truth I’m trying to understand you had 2 months left to find some solution some way to live but instead what you do is you wake up six strangers no memories practically babies in that sense we won’t help you survive and you take us on a joy ride you’re wrong on one part yes I am taking you on a joy ride but if I revived you it’s because I see potential everyone can help us survive a little bit better and on top of that a tiny detail you may have forgotten because with your whole Amnesia and everything before we woke you up we we the last six people in the solar system do you know how lonely that gets so I’m I’m glad I cut our resources in half I don’t mind it I welcome it I just hope you’re right I also hope I am man for the record I do appreciate it that you brought us back I appreciate that you appreciate it as dumb as that sounds I will uh I’ll leave you to it I think you need to concentrate with suspicions alleviated there was one big problem out of the way however as it turns out clown wouldn’t be the only troublemaking guest I can’t believe people used to live there it’s it’s okay hey slightly scary what what are you doing I uh well I’m I’m it was it was dirty I was just about to clean it I got a uh mhm well I’m just it’s clean kab hi follow okay you remember how there was like that thing over there uh oh it’s gone oh oh God it’s gone oh God who’s touched it oh no I don’t know wait actually is it actually just gone did someone steal it wait oh no I think someone stole it I feel like we should tell rat I’m going to go tell rat rat hi someone stole something oh it’s back funay funay huh fun how peculiar how peculia funy isn’t that strange how many of these plushy things do you guys have on the ship yeah why are there so many of these there’s there’s multiple of them oh my God it makes a noise honestly I love it oh that’s neat oh it’s so [Music] cute okay that’s loud enough it’s so cute and of course why would he stop at plushies um oh hey uh where are the rations stored anyway uh in in in the storage if you need some like here like well I’m just I like I’m a little bit peckish could we just walk through the storage um I’m pretty sure you passed through here if you were with our captain Oh okay brilliant thank you so much that’s all I’ll need you can uh you can leave me be however when it came to other guests they had something else than thievery in their mind after a little while around halfway to Jupiter everyone was done exploring their ship and now guests were no longer doubting the crew but started doubting their self or rather that past one I have no idea where anything is oh that’s where we’re at the start ooh that’s where yeah yeah we had the big meeting had the big meeting we sat here we were told good morning you’re going to die soon it’s fine yeah why would you revive us what was the point in that why did you do that rat said that we have a high chance of dying anyway so so You’ bring us back to die with you at least you can experience this I mean you paid probably hundreds of billions of dollars to be cryogenically frozen and I don’t know why I would even pay for that what were we thinking you think we actually like made the active decision oh yeah you know let’s uh let’s get Frozen on a space station to get found and God knows how long later I don’t even feel like I know who I even Am anymore well I don’t know who I am I don’t know anything about me do you know anything about me was there anything on like my record or something we just know your name that’s it and most likely that you are rich we don’t know much about your history but I mean it’s a possibility that you tried to uh live longer extend your lifespan by cryogenically freezing yourself I mean there were there were so many of you that didn’t make it through so we’re we’re glad you guys woke up you probably actually help fund the death of our world I wish that at least one of you could remember how it looked like I don’t even know what I ever accomplished in my in my actual life I I feel like I’m in like an afterlife now I guess it’s the prettiest afterlife that I’ll know so you guys you guys don’t have any idea what happened to the other people that went on exhibitions once you travel a certain distance from the solar system communication gets harder and harder and harder do you think that there’s a chance that maybe they all found another planet to inhabit maybe if I’m being honest it’s highly unlikely but there is a slim slim slim chance which you know I think gives us all a little bit of hope he Blake yeah um Fundy wanted me to show him the storage area and uh I I I don’t know like uh he he’s just there right now want to let you know don’t don’t I’ll what did you take uh huh I mean I can show with the russan are I can show some other stuff as well yeah I I already showed him but no no I’m all good we should we should just leave I mean we’re all good I think I think we should be fine I’m not peckish anymore thank you so much just uh hold on oh I could go check the logs and see if we no no no no no well listen listen listen listen listen I feel like we’re in such a close Community uhhuh yeah okay there’s well Le that look look there’s so much there’s so much see yeah there’s so much I’m guessing side like what hey hey hey hey hey before we continue before we continue and check the logs I was just thinking this is the cold room that is probably the warm room I was just thinking we should move all the rations down here that’s what I was thinking okay now while funy was busy stealing time and time again eventually we made it to juper oh we’re we’re it looks like we’re approaching juper right there and you just know I had to show to their number one fan Captain’s Loft and how you have the best view I can do a flyby and we’re going to go to sadurn after that wow oh my goodness it’s so pretty what the hell oh my God what’s that big red spot that’s a storm the storm the size of Earth the S wow and now that we had seen Jupiter our next destination was my personal favorite the rings of Saturn BL Sila can you get everyone on the ship and let them know that they need to meet at The Atrium we are about to uh have a spectacle either we’re going to die or this is going to be very beautiful you don’t want to miss this this is my favorite part yeah no this is great you guys are going to love this so is this the Earth have a solid surf no no no this is Saturn this is Saturn oh so Saturn made of gas yeah we did earlier have we changed our mind do you still have memory loss from being frozen I don’t know if this is safe but we’re doing it I don’t know about this rat are you sure this is a good idea here we go oh I can actually see them wait I can see the particles wow oh my gosh oh my goodness oh my god wow all right we’re going in okay we’re going in oh my God okay um are we getting too close right now oh my God okay wow oh I love the oh this is amazing what what the hell D it’s a spectacle for sure oh my God why is red driving the ship like an F1 driver dude he’s like drifting around look at the shadow it’s beautiful it’s so gorgeous that is so cool oh and then we should see a hexagon yeah the hexagonal storm on top of Saturn you’re stressing me out rat with your driving through the uh through the Rings wasn’t this bad come on now have some faith in the captain we’re alive that’s all I care about just for uh extra Assurance he’s driving without any navigation systems what oh yeah they’re all down they’re all broken you see all this glass normal it would have navigation systems so I got to rely entirely on my perception that doesn’t completely give me Comfort but uh I don’t really have any other choice than to trust you so I will I was going to say you don’t have another choice to deal with it once we were done saring through debris we set our sight on our last stop Neptune where I would explain to everyone the second step in our journey oh that is a deep blue no this is not water this was water ice no this was not water ice this is hydrogen gas blue and my name was fondy ah and my name was all right we’re going to stop here I need to gather everyone about that errand I was talking about you know right sometimes sometimes I forget this is Minecraft while I’m staring out that window no genuinely yes all right listen up people listen up this is Neptune our last stop for our little tour but now we’re going to be looking for another planet called Janice cuz we need to refuel and luckily for us it has just that Blake have you check the levels of the ship I have but you’re not going to like what you see oh my God this there’s nothing I mean there is something we probably should not have been randomly flying around then yeah I was going to say it’s fine we got 15 minutes so we need to find Janice and let me guess you don’t know where Janice is no we don’t know it’s so small and hard to see we’re going to have to find it and while we were panicking about how little fuel we had left little did we know that wasn’t going to be the only problem dropped on our hands so oh my God who used the AL what what was that who the hell did that wait there’s no one down here what what what wait did the button St down there St down there no uh oh my God yeah okay we need to break that wiring where where is that it was this one I moved it over here now it’s fun oh no no no no no it’s still activated I I don’t recommend you be over here you should not there is an issue with the there an issue with the airlocks great this is so fantastic I’m going be so honest guys I don’t think these people are trustworthy at all just idiots we’re trying our best tell me when you press a button I’ll tell you when I’m pressing one right now that wasn’t it okay that one that one I press any I didn’t press any you didn’t what okay we need to be careful that is scary God damn it why does every time I organize an expedition the ship’s got to be haunted that’s tja Vu can I not catch a break but despite the airlock malfunctioning and part of the crew trying to fix it the rest of the ship we’re still searching for Janice so our life depends on them uh-huh on us and them and a whole lot of other people you remember anything yeah oh my God what you’re Ryan issue I’m Ryan I guess okay so it’s a little red rock is that right it’s a little white and red rock it be bigger than the Stars it’ll be bigger than a star yeah oh wait I see I think I found it where where where hold on hold hold on hold on I got it I got it I got it I got I got it okay okay okay I’m locking on I’m locking on I see I see I see yeah you see it you see it all right I need to not lose it I’ve got my eye on it let them wait in the rest Janice has been found Janice has been found literally directly ahead of us it’s a small dot at the moment oh one yes very very small I don’t know how rat expected us is buy that we’re approaching that’s small anymore huh okay we’re we’re going at really high speeds okay now I should break oh wow is the planets red is that the oil is that like a cloud that’s due to thins but you’d have to ask eight cuz I’m no expert in it hello oh you’re here well perfect uh eight what’s the red thing on Janice so the whole planet is made of nitrogen ice and given long exposure with the sun’s powerful Rays these compounds called tholin will form which have a red tint and you’ll notice that there’s also parts that are white because meteor impacts thanks to its proximity to the Kyper belt will throw up all that material cuz only the thin surface is what’s red everything underneath is white with Ace listen on organic compounds out of the way we all headed back down to the restaurant where would brief everyone on the upcoming Mission all right listen up people listen up we’ve arrived on Janice and we are going to refuel for a modern ship all we have to do is to just drop the refuel hose down the EOS shafts that can be found on the planet start pumping but the problem is our ship predates jice so we’re going to have to load it manually but naturally we can’t survive outside the ship so that’s why you’ll notice that you’re equipped with suits and there six helmets in front of you they have integrated flashlights and wa I used to be in a video with a YouTuber who made a flashlight back then and this one’s a lot better I know it’s great isn’t it after showing them the rest of the equipment and letting them gear up it was time for us to land all right we’re Landing oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my god wow oh my goodness what here we go wa we’re heading in oh we’re here oh wow oh God the gravity oh my God it’s actually moving oh my goodness this is so cool I feel like the foot of the ship is grazing the ground yeah this is this is not a safe height luckily for us we landed near an nior shaft and everybody being excited to explore started dropping out all right time to go let’s do everyone I’m ready I swear to God if there’s aliens down there this is lethal company okay oh my God make sure you’re sticking with your group here we go oh [ __ ] wo oh I can oh I can see all of them go out oh that’s surreal this actually scary as it is this is spooky all right we’re on the clock now uh let’s head towards the shaft yep let’s do it wo yeah God the ship is wow gigantic actually meant all right so it’s all the way down here I have a feel like there’s not a cave at the bottom of here which is kind of funny doesn’t look like anything down there it doesn’t look like it however sadly that shaft didn’t lead to any caves as such everyone hopped back on the ship to replenish their oxygen and after almost Le Blake stranded no wait for me Blake Blake Blake everyone dropped a second time and started searching the surface for any other Wells oh it’s so cool seeing everybody fall oh my God this is the coolest thing ever oh you can see the you can see the other planets too up there and actually as a rat bored and lonely in the cockpit with a billion dollar ship in his hands you know exactly what’s about to happen look at that thing oh he’s doing a barrel he’s doing tricks oh my God wait what is it what is that’s not how that’s crazy that thing looks awesome it’s so cool this is like the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in Minecraft ever that’s insane oh guys we have like no fuel what do we do oh my God he’s almost going upside down oh hi Ryan oh my goodness I look I look behind for 1 second and look back and R doing tricks we got 15 minutes of fuel left This ship’s going to crash what is he doing Oh my he hit the ship he’s hitting the terrain uhoh wa oh that is that Wing is going to break everything man I’m keeping a safe distance yeah I know it’s it’s a good idea what are you doing funy I’m going to see if I can I can stand on him while he does tricks oh here we go here we go look at this this is awesome uh oh okay so hey guys oh no what’s he doing oh this will be so good oh here we go baby yeah we walk the ship look at this we can walk it oh my god oh run run run run run oh go go go go oh no what the hell bro this is a very qualified Captain yeah no what’s up here we go okay we got to run ow oh oh my God help me help I can’t do anything I got rations I got puckets Stars I got balls I talk got anything what do you want me to do oh no I’m going to fall oh my God fall oh my God you oh my God look at the sun oh my God wait a grave wait stop burying me nice as we had found another ier shaft I stopped the ship once more and we revived everyone who succumbed to my killer tricks however once more luck would Prov to be on our side it’s like 50% that are uh-oh dead end and after hitting dead end after dead end after dead end another issue very quickly arose how deep is that oh my God uh I’m running low on oxygen gang we got like four bars left we should get back to the ship this is not good I’m running out of oxygen I’m running out of oxygen quick oh yeah I’m basically like almost out of oxygen oh no oxygen level low I’m getting a warning I swear to God I’ve got I’ve got less than a minute left and rat is not stopping the damn ship guys I think we might be I was Turing night time as well oh God I can barely see anything yeah it’s darking scary out here this is genuinely like the most terrifying experience I have two oxygen bars left I’m going to die dude this happened exactly oh God oxygen level up okay this guy is just gone he L than this dust dude he doesn’t realize that we have like a limited supply of oxygen yeah oh I see the ship I see it I see it I see it don’t move stop moving rat rat stop moving oh no no no no no no no no no no no I’ve got a sliver left I’m going to kill rat I am going to kill rat I have one bar it is blinking I’m I’m be honest I do not think rat is the most qualified Captain well he’s the only one we’ve got you can make it you can make it uh-oh my oxygen level is low there’s the ship there’s the ship you’re almost there oh I are you suffocating my oxygen level is critical I’m just going to fly up I’m going to fly I’m going to fly up no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no eventually after a dozen acre sha that led nowhere I decided to stop the ship once more and get out myself oblivious to what was going on outside all [Music] right you bastard huh I’m I’m on it what’s up you kept flying away when we were running out of oxygen really Y open up oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to get on get get out get get hurry hurry you idiot you you left us for dead why did you keep flying away you left us all hold on Ryan’s going to suffocate Ryan get in get in get in get in Ryan Ryan I’m going to suffocate IDI I’m thought I was gone you genuinely almost killed all of us what were you thinking what were you thinking you’ll try to fly the ship okay there’s a 15-minute timer rat you know that keep that in your head we don’t have that much oxygen you have control you have control of all of our lives this is not K why is everyone yelling at me because you almost killed us now while I was getting scolded eight was still outside and was investigating the io well I stopped at and lo and behold this time around it’s good this one’s good so after everyone calmed down healed up and stocked back up on oxygen we went out for a third group drop determined to refuel the ship but beforehand explore Genesis caves all right all right let’s go oh my God you put balls everywhere yeah we love balls all right let’s get going we have limited time we have 15 minutes of oxygen 3 minutes of fuel if you use fuel you will burn oxygen faster so use your jetpack sparingly if you don’t fly the ship away cow Bunga baby all right let’s do it all right let’s go meet back at the ship in 15 minutes that is so down deep they’re just they’re just gunning for it you know okay I’m going whoa oh my God look at that beautiful down there that’s the Sea of ier that’s what we need to bring back up to the ship you can see this stone is like a little darker this whole place used to be filled with ier but it was drained dra over I see it I see it I see and it’s these shafts that allowed it to be drained oh my goodness whoa what the hell oh my goodness gracious all right let’s go it’s so dark so neat yeah it’s so cool it’s actually so spooky it is oh my God all right okay let’s let’s leave behind like a pocket star to make sure that there’s actually a traceable path towards us just as a souvenir I’m getting I’m getting a few blocks some nitrogen ice for the road I’m just Gathering some of this stuff I’m going to get some too this is so cool all right where do we want to go left or right I think we already lost cab okay well what is the flashing what the hell I don’t know let’s uh let’s stick with the others yeah that’s probably a good idea we shouldn’t get lost this is like Expedition coded it’s really weird this is really Expedition coded I always thought it would be Expedition coded hey rat what’s up what’s the goop down there that’s a that’s the fuel we’re looking for is this safe to like go in I don’t know how deep that is maybe we shouldn’t test it 3 2 1 go oh my God dud oh my is Pitch Black wait hold on wait wait ready can you imagine that like all the ior that you see at the bottom used to be like way higher than this used to be all the way up yeah that’s crazy all the way up here and what did we do with it we destroyed Earth humanity is so great there was a monster look over there look at that oh wait you can see their light it’s so cool seeing them back there look at them watch this watch this one small step for man one giant leap for Mau kind first Mau on Janice and after a little more while exploring and having fun we eventually got around to doing the task we were here for in the first place I got the pals if that’s something like I just put one down oh here we go W all right we pumping the ier oh it’s like coming out the top I’m going to put another one on top got it oh it’s going up next why are we making it so tall to get it out oh you tried to kill me they’re a bit Rusty but wa yeah they wow look it flows down [Music] W oh w yeah it’s going to be fun to have to pump it back up to the surface and I put stop I put some lights on the Sha beautiful we got it now we just got to get it up oh yeah careful funy your oxygen fast oh I have I have little oxygen you’re right yeah let’s go back to the ship oh my God I’m running out fast where’s the ship right there right there we’re all good all right I’m already half oxygen I would recommend we probably start tracking back uh oh that’s the way back yeah can we upgrade our oxygen tanks somehow right now the the oxygen tanks are not even oxygen tanks they’re just recyclers they’re meant to be used for low duration maintenance operations outside the space station so they’re not even made for space exploration we’ll find a way to optimize it I had the vision a bit ago I cannot stop it I canot stop here until it’s done oh wait they started pumping the E up okay that’s cool yeah that’s sick oh my god oh I think they just saw the vision oh my God what is that what’s this a vision from the past I had I had the vision I could not stop it I’m running low on oxygen so I’m going to have to go back up really quickly um so this is going to be an issue isn’t it yeah I’m running low care oh we’re going to cut it close go go go go go go go get it get it oh man God oh get out get out get get get in get in they need oxygen get in get in close it all right we got this we got this easy oh my good you guys need to be better under pressure come on I didn’t even break a sweat all right we need to pump the E pick a canister up from the Shelf here what you guys up to come on let’s load the E on the ship let’s go oh taking a good break yeah it’s not like our life depends on this or anything yeah it does it does it does it does it doesn’t at all it doesn’t at all I understand irony and sarcasm all right oh there we go there we go all right it’s going to start spilling onto the surface yay let’s go let it flow let it flow let it flow let it flow [Applause] y take a shower man go right ahead are you gling I’m gloop I’m gooing so so much right now who wait the pump the pump stopped working oh I think someone put it like really close to the surface so it’s running dry it should have been deeper this is going slow should we take another Expedition down to get another pipe system uh yeah I think that’s a good idea actually let’s do this quick I don’t want to run out of oxygen again woo okay I forgot my jet pack yeah yes that’s good that’s perfect yeah man you got it you got it you’re natural look at all these green lights in the cave oh it’s so neat right it’s almost like crystals it’s so beautiful all right look at that hey bring that baby up oh this is sick oh well not quite like that we really didn’t choose the easiest way to go about this we’re all mining instead of like using craters this is it this is it oh this is perfect yes I’m completely submerged this is so cool we’re literally just gulping Iko what do you mean this is so cool there we go good job yeah nice ni sick is it going up oh yeah look at that it just happened You’ see every time they put a container in oh that’s so neat I’m going to head out to rat tell them it’s probably full by the time I’m there helmet helmets helmet helmet helmets helmets helmet helmet oh my God hey hey it’s fall all right everyone um pack up the stuff tell the others to pack everything with the Angel’s Wing now fill to the brim we started packing up and me and a few others jumped back down into the caves in order to make sure we got every single pocket star and pump we had left behind and after picking back up everything we could come across we took one last long look at the sunlight shining in the caves of Janus through the well and swiftly made our way up to board the ship ready to depart I think it’s turning day to Jenis okay no it’s noon on jennice okay well how’s the party go pretty good we got everything we could find I don’t think I have enough of oy to go back all the way up to the ship Oh no just try your best just try your best go go go try go go go you got this come on slow come on slow M no hold I’ll I’ll steam you I’ll steam you go go go go go go go go go go woohoo there we go all right let’s get going however Rises were about to get ready leaving the planet luxus approached me saying she wanted to show me something come here real quick oh you built it I oh no hold on take my stem you got it oh thank God oh my God y oh it’s so cute and you got like a little chimney with the pump a that’s that’s a waste of material but I’ll allow it all right let’s go back up goodbye glue all right oh everything’s so neat and tidy oh my God look at that why why does the airlock cycle itself I we got to fix that some point that’s scary and with the ship now properly fueled up and US ready to go everyone felt like celebrating but we couldn’t do that just yet we still had one last challenge to survive the takeoff all right we’re going to lift off Jenis now just a little disclaimer the only way is up if you think you can handle it do not take a seat otherwise I’m just saying the ship’s going to tilt all right where do you want to go where do you want to go where do you want to go let’s go to the front oh I want to I want to stay here I want to be able to stand on the chandeliers I want to stand up there man there we go woohoo oh my God oh my God oh my God oh here we go you ready I cannot handle it it’s okay I’m strong I’m hanging up oh this is so cool Ryan take my Jetpack let’s go thank goodness all the furniture is bolted down yeah thank thank God that help I it I it generators are on the gravity generators oh [ __ ] wow we we really should not have done that all right let’s go back to the meeting room you were right rat I could not handle that the whole spaceship flipped upside down and then I died and then I crashed now back in SPAC in with everyone mostly safe we gathered all the ice samples collected from Jenice stored them in the cold room and after setting the ship on its way out of the solar system IED everyone to the upmost lounge of the ship so that we could take one last look at it all right really enjoy it this is the last view of the solar system you’ll have wait we’re leaving today yeah we’re moving away as we speak we’re already quite a ways oh man I’m going to miss Jupiter bro I’m sure even though we might not reach what we’re looking for I feel like I feel like we’re still going to have some fun along the way and yeah this is the last view of the solar system so enjoy it take a good peek guys and after contemplating a bit and taking a group photo Blake surprised us see during a little tour of the solar system while he was wandering the ship he happened to come across a can of marshmallows we therefore headed to the alarum where we made a campfire roasted some and following it everyone went to settle in the streets to get some rest after a long day but as we were drifting further and further away me and Blake prefer staring at the stars [Music]


Massive thanks to everyone who worked on this project!

Featuring @WinSweep @Luxintrus @EightSidedSquare @ryanhcode5950 @silved@BobaBearIsWizard @Fundy @ClownPierce @JustKaboodle103 @Garfilled @Sloimay @DijonMustrd

Support me on Ko-Fi or YouTube for cool perks and alpha / experimental mod access!
(like this one, though it won’t include Landlord, physics and the Angel’s Wing)

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/doctor4t_
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doctor4t

Need a server? Use code RAT on Nodecraft for 30% off your first month!

– “I sawed the demons” remake by Andrew Hulshult: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_o5j9srb40
– “Space” (from Outer Wilds) by Andrew Prahlow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9p-yVwF71o
– “The Sun Station” (from Outer Wilds) by Andrew Prahlow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcEoHjGdbbY
– “Into Shadow” (from Outer Wilds – Echoes of the Eye) by Andrew Prahlow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5bAoy1_bBI
– “Outer Wilds – Reprise” by Andrew Prahlow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-KFYqCHZ7A
– Rest from Epidemic Sound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/jrtvak

#minecraft #doctor4t


  1. ngl them not taking extra and not making sure the fuel is extra full makes it seem like all the characters know they wont make it even if they tried so they just do the least amount just to make it seem like they are trying to survive.

  2. The sun doesn’t actually look like that though 😢… Also the atmosphere doesn’t seem to influence its look and the planets wouldn’t always be in between the sun and your planet.

  3. I had never heard about Veil before. Oh my god.
    Edit: btw if you are trying to search for it, change your browser to firefox because google is really bad at actually giving you the correct results. If that doesn't work, it's FoundryMC on github.

  4. Absolutely amazing work from everyone!
    It would be so epic if you used distant horizons to make the planet shaders an actual physical representation of the planet. Not sure if that's possible though.
    Also is it possible if you could make the skybox rotate as you move along the planet so if you move fast enough, it's always day. (You could also then move along the planet until you get a view of the rings on Uranus)

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