Hermitcraft 10: Episode 19 – I build now

welcome back to hcraft season 10 this is episode 19 and look at me I have been AFK for the past couple of days I have 517 levels which makes me a tiny bit nervous and hopefully I have got a bunch of stock for the gold shop okay this is pretty good that is what that’s like nearly nearly two double chests worth no it’s not my m is terrible it’s like three chests of course I brought no suar boxes with me oh my goodness scar Scar’s thing just completely nailed me that would have been a horribly embarrassing way to die so I’ve got my Sher boxes but while I’m over here I’m also going to pick up a handful of redstone components because I’m going to install something in the gold shop that I should have done a very very long time ago oh hey look I just found some more stock I cannot wait to have an actual storage system so all of the gold is going in and now it’s time for me to add in an automatic refilling and Diamond taking system into the gold shop I don’t think it should be too difficult I just need an item filter underneath here I’m going to put in a double chest for my diamonds yeah that is that is hopeful I have heaps of wool left over from doing the outlines for my base so now I can do proper looking redstone on the hermitcraft server now the wiring for the mine cart is all hooked up I just broke my ender chest with a fortune 3 pickaxe excellent and this little setup right here is going to fill up our mine cart chest with all of the gold automatically so hopefully I should be able to stay in stock stock for a little while longer I’ve also finally done what you’ve all been telling me to do I’ve improved the price of my gold it is now Four Diamonds per stack instead of three but as a final Act of malicious compliance uh these gold nuggets if all of the gold Runs Out will go in if someone’s willing to pay four diamonds for one stack of gold nuggets then I I deserve to be in trouble because clearly my pricing is very far off but those mats I could charge what 376 per stack of gold three stocking Saga was almost over but then I got a message from grian he said he’s put some iron blocks from his AFK session in my rock Box okay that’s actually a fairly decent quantity he was there for so long I have no clue what he’s building how many chains does he need seriously is the man building a dungeon I should I be fearful of him wonderful that should do the business for the time being I don’t know how we’ve arrived at a point where iron costs less than gold but here we are and Hermits if you’re watching this please remember shop at my shops let’s get to work on some building shall we in the previous hcraft episode we laid out all of the wire frames for all of the Builds on this area of the mountain and I got to say now that I’m back and it’s been a few days really really happy with it I think the composition and the way that everything is lining up looks great I spent all of yesterday working on the graphic design and concept art bits and I’m extremely excited to get started so let’s get the ball rolling with the boulder Bros gosh this is by far the smallest full build or full kind of business on this area so I didn’t really want to do concept art for the build itself because I kind of imagine it as a yard like there’s a small little heart and then there’s going to be piles of rocks but I did still want a piece of concept art that informed some of my creative decisions so I present to you the official Boulder Bros promotional calendar for anyone who spent a time in like a lumber yard or a workyard you’ll know that they tend to have their own calendars it it’s it’s like a strange thing that I wanted to try my best to recreate for my m build and I think it’s come together pretty well they were clearly scraping the boss swi of the barrel when it came to accreditation because they’ve got big Ron approved on there which I I don’t know if that really means anything so that’s a little insight into the psyche behind the boulder Bros themselves now let’s crack on with the build and this was actually a bit of a process you know originally I was just going to have a tiny little shop type thing almost like a a worker shed or a storage container and then have piles of rocks and although that idea kind of remained fairly unchanged I’d say the building got considerably more complicated just because I realized on this scale I was going to struggle to make it look like anything other than a featureless block if I went for anything too simple so I switched out that idea for almost like a cabin and I wanted the cabin to look as rickety and as handmade as possible so I ended up using hanging signs which is a bit of a weird technique but I think they almost look like wooden tiles I really like the way it’s come together it gives tons of depth it gives tons of of features there’s a lot for your eye to focus on and then as the roof started taking shape I started thinking about how the boulder Bros would actually go about moving all of these massive Stones around and I I thought it would be cool to add a little crane on top now this took a little bit of time to work out the placement of it there were lots of things that didn’t look quite right but after shifting it around for a while I ended up with something that I I really like the look of and then the little claw hanging down in front looks great I mean I’m not entirely sure how they would articulate it around but you know we can leave that up to our imagination and then finally we’ve got the hanging signs which show the boulder bro’s name and weirdly I went through a bunch of different wood types before going back to the concept art and seeing that it was an orange and white logo so I should definitely use orange and white signs and I think that ties everything together so let’s take a quick walk through the area and I’m going to do this from a few different distances first distance is the far away distance almost the compositional distance I think it fits in quite well then we have the flying in distance which is great because all of the entities start to load in as you fly up to it and at this point I think this is where it really shines this is a very kind of detailed lots of things going on build you know it’s only tiny it’s really really small but I’ve put a lot of time into it and I think it shows I think I think it’s got a nice little soul to it you know it’s got It’s got a heart I know that sounds ridiculous to say feels weird saying it to be honest with you you could probably tell I was apprehensive to say it but I like it like I I really really like this little place almost feels like a shack that that my granddad built or something again it fits into the world nicely it’s it’s got a story behind it I think it goes well with the other two builds which is great because this is a balance that I didn’t really want to disrupt I was a bit nervous of disrupting it so I’m glad I’m glad I’m staying on the same wavelength here yeah I am super super pleased this is great this is going well now as I was building up the boulder Bros Joel popped over just to reassure me of something M I’ve just come over here because I saw your Tweet uh I’m not sure if you saw it is it was a while ago but I just want to let you know I’m back to making videos now that took me a long time Discord wow okay yeah no I did it’s been 10 years so I thought you should probably know look I I I haven’t I wasn’t lying I’ve been I’ve been a big fan of yours for an extremely extremely extremely long time when that when that was brought up I did see that I I I saw my did you actually someone someone tagged me and I thought it was quite funny I I feel like it is a good time to mention you know glint I was a big fan you know love the days of glint I I remember the the you know you and Matty Mondays that was that was going Mondays y that good times good times uh is Big Ron still got the diamond deals on uh no I think I think I think he sold out yeah oh my gosh yeah who uh who ow scar all these did you buy any of these or oh gosh I’m so jealous every single time I fly over the mountain I see your like incredible town and I I I swear like a new building seems to pop up in that place a lot right oh it’s it’s yeah it’s taking out of me but it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine got colors as well though yeah there very colorful I think it’s going to get less colorful over time but I’ve like I’ve put these in place to to like kick myself into gear because I am so terrible at getting started like really really bad and you I honestly I I’m liter I’m looking at a you know I I said I was a fan of yours 10 years ago I’m still a fan of yours now clearly cuz every time I fly over the mountain I’m like man I need to I need to to click myself into gear so I’m starting to work on my town a bit more as well nice nice I’m excited it’s going to look cool when the whole Mountain’s surrounded I also noticed that you’ve still got the statue EO built you around here uh yeah yeah I mean I don’t really know the backstory behind this but I do know that Etho is obsessed with you Etho might be the one fan of yours that’s been than me I I I’ll let you know now because it was about four three months ago now but that I did build that statue in case you didn’t realize did you not know that no I didn’t oh that’s really disappointing cuz I thinking that you hate it and you actually liked it I was well disappointed when I watch your video and you liked it it going to be ugly I was framing EO oh no well that’s I mean look I’m glad you like it still kind of well the thing is the thing is Etho Etho is someone who I feel correct me if I’m wrong here but he doesn’t really show much like positive emotion towards people that’s so then when I saw that he had built a statue of me I almost cried and now you ruined my day well do you want to make you I can make hum are jealous he actually built a statue of me oh my goodness and now that that’s all cleared up and I’ve revealed myself to be a super fan of both Joel and Etho uh let’s crack on with the next build and that is going to be this one right here so if you remember correctly and this lime green area this is the Farmland this is going to be Farm storage and then that is going to be the farmer’s house and then all of this is going to be the crops but just on the edge of that is going to be the miscellaneous items this is going to be all the random stuff and I want to do this in the style of almost like an Antiques SL junk shop you know one of those shops that is just overflowing with stuff things General items of questionable origin and questionable usefulness or Style isness now I’ve decided to call it Jill and Bobs bits and Bobs and I have done some concept art for this build it’s just a concept sketch I didn’t get around to painting it this time but I feel like it does a good job at getting the message across of what I want this build to actually be so this build overhangs the edge the whole kind of law behind this one is that this is a shop that because it is overflowing with things has gradually expanded over time and you can see there’s almost like an original structure here and then then there’s bits that attacked onto it and still there is not enough storage so there are loads of opportunities for just items and things to be stacked up on shelves both I guess internally but more importantly externally as well to the point where they’ve actually installed a ladder on the side of the build and theyve now started storing things on the roof that is how far this has gone it is completely overflowing with random bits and Bops now just like a lot of the other businesses in the area I’ve also designed a business card for Jill and bills bits and Bobs and it looks like this a place like this wouldn’t have an actual business card so it’s just written on a piece of paper and you can see there’s no email there’s no phone there’s no website uh the only way that you can know if they’re open or contact them is by knocking on the door I feel like that is totally in character and I’m sure many of us have at least once been to a shop like this so that is everything that I’ve designed for Gill and bills now let’s go and build it and I have jumped around for about an hour trying to decide where to start and what colors and what block palette I want to deal with here I guess this is a good reason to paint my concept art I know that I definitely want one of the sections to be a cyan tone it’s then just working out what to go with it I’m going to fly around the server for a bit for some inspiration W this is cool W this is cool W this is cool W this is cool W this is cool W this is cool W this is cool W this is cool W this is oh wait that’s my base okay I now have a brain full of cool ideas and I’ve decided I’m going to mix orangey tones or I guess these are kind of more ready orangey into orange tones and then there’s going to be cyan tacked onto the side opposite ends of the color wheel it’s going to look lovely let’s see what this transition looks like okay I actually think that looks quite good I think that is a strong St but I do think it’s a little bit Bland so I’m going to add in this which yeah I’m curious how this looks I’m I’m kind of seeing this as like a structural brace for the bottom section of the overhang and there’s going to be shelves and things and partially I think this is going to be covered I like it I like it yeah that’s worked out it just adds a little bump of saturation I think all of these kind of sit in a very similar saturation level whereas that is I guess it’s not that much more saturated now I think about it but is a is a slightly different tone I don’t really know what I’m talking about but I’m I’m liking it but before I get bogged down on the details I want to start work on adding the attachments to this build so there’s going to be one in the back which I’ve got in the concept art and then I think I’m going to Chuck another one onto this side as well and you can see I kind of have some blocks worked out in my inventory the more I think about this the more I don’t like the fully saturated cyan so I might try and ease them off a little bit and mix things up I’m just going to start chucking some blocks in uh I’ll see where I can go with this oh these blocks are so sent aren’t they they really are like they are an intense intense color uh hm I’m going to hide the fact that I fell off there by pretending that I want to turn around and look at it I actually quite like it I do think we are these These are blending in a bit too much with that like it’s it’s basically hidden right yeah maybe we need Canan across the bottom again or maybe I mean I I do think I should still add can n here but maybe I should extend it really far down like maybe I should add some supports that go right the way down to the bottom I mean that probably makes the most sense right like architecturally okay I’ve been faffing around a little bit more and I think there’s something happening here I think if I can add a little support underneath or maybe when we just get the trees higher then I can work out what to do I have to remember a lot of this bit is actually going to be quite obscured by all of the trees if we look at the forest line yeah this is going to be tickled this is going to be tickled by these I’m also potentially falling into the Trap of judging a build too early before I’ve placed in all the details like imagine what Willies would look like if it was just a raw build without all of the extra bits it would look pretty pants but equally I don’t want to waste a bunch of time adding bits to a build that is pants to find that actually it’s been pants all along I just flew all the way to the shopping district but I don’t know what I’ve flown here for okay thing number one is definitely beehives because they look a lot like cardboard boxes this is my least favorite wood type together by quite a considerable margin these also aren’t exactly my favorite just because they always seem to be so far apart from one another and you also get so little wood per tree and trap doors are stupidly expensive that is the only reason why I’m gathering this stuff okay I would say this is interesting and I would say it’s cool and I think if you know that this is a junk shop it’s good but there’s too much going on uh so we need to commit to One Tone here I think we need to either get rid of the stone or get rid of the cyan oh and part of me is leaning towards getting rid of the cyan I’m even considering switching all of it to to Pink I could go with cherry blossom that also could look quite nice yeah I think I might also need to reduce the number of box that I have oh yeah I don’t know I think I’m going to sleep on it and return tomorrow morning and that seemed to work out pretty well I came back the next morning and had a new kind of energy for the build after being quite confused I decided I would reduce the number of boxes cuz I definitely felt like there were too much I thought I would keep the color scheme relatively similar but then increase the height of the build just a tiny bit and add some consistency towards the top add in a few more windows add in some features like balconies and things to make it more recognizable as an actual structure and of course put a roof on top and all of those things combined actually made this section of the build work I was starting to stress out I actually didn’t think I could do it but I’ve managed to pull it off even if it did take me an embarrassingly long time so now it’s time to work on this part of the structure by the way I forgot to mention check out this little thing I really really like this I kind of wanted something to draw the eyes downwards a bit more so I’ve added in this which is almost like a lift it’s the way that these people Jill and Bill transport the items from down underneath here up to their shop I love it I don’t know what’s happen to me lately but I just really love decorative hoists and lifts and things all right let’s get to work okay so I’m going to add another cyan section to this area here just a small extension to the front the inventory situation is abysmal okay currently this looks really weird but I think once we add all of the details and things it will start to look good the roof is definitely helping the situation and now that I’ve got all the boxes in and a few of the details and things I really really like this I think this has come together well I think it fits the miscellaneous items just random bits and Bobs Vibe really nicely so this is going to be the entrance into the place and I’m going to work on that in a second I think for now I actually need to kind of scramble some more boxes around the local area yeah okay nice this is great I mean it’s definitely one of the busiest things I’ve built in a very long time but that’s kind of the point like it’s meant to be a really busy build there’s meant to be loads of things overflowing from it it’s a bit of a weird style for me but I am enjoying it okay we got door door nice nice nice nice okay this looks great right let’s move on to this section I’m thinking couple of Windows maybe a little a little shelf going around here with some boxes on it and then the roof which I think I want to slant like this I think in the concept art I had it going diagonally to this corner here but as I’ve been thinking about how I would do that in Minecraft I just think it will look a bit awkward like those sorts of angles are a bit tricky to do so instead I’m keeping things fairly linear and as far as I can tell things are going well like I like the way this is coming together I love this block combination tough this stuff and then the mossy stuff and then slightly weathered copper is just it’s just the best all of them have really nice matching undertones of green sometimes I think I haven’t actually gotten better at building I’ve just had blocks added to the game that I like like if you look at all of my new builds look how much like the percentage of blocks that are being used here that have been introduced in the past 3 years right let’s see where we’re at nice okay cool this is now looking like an actual structure it’s looking cool I think the big standout thing was this area here looks pretty flat so I’m going to start adding in all the windows and of course all of the boxes oh I’ve just remembered I need to add in the ladder the ladder needs to go up here up to the roof and there there’s going to be boxes on the roof I’m still not entirely sure how I’m going to do the ladder so I’m going to cross that bridge when it comes to it but now I thought I’d do some work on adding some boxes and some windows to the front which I think has come together really really nicely I just need to add the supports for the roof and then I think we’re done with this section I tell you what I I cannot believe the inventory situation when you’re building I mean that it’s just crazy the problem is almost all of the crafting recipes leave blocks behind so that means that every time you craft something which you need to craft things all of the time when you’re doing lot of building you just end up with loads of leftover blocks that you don’t have space for it’s like if you want to craft up a trapo you use up two logs from your stack of logs and then you’re left with two planks after you’ve crafted the trapo so you need you need two more spaces for one more item I don’t know if that made any sense but I feel like it does now these coer trap doors they need to be powered to be opened no they don’t they actually work like wooden ones I did not expect that okay oh I’ve got an idea for how to build our ladder yeah that was me accidentally pressing the Escape key that’s how bad I am at using the keyboard how does that happen I don’t know I don’t know how my finger got all the way over to the Escape key oh and on the topic of complaining about crafting wow wow wow I know they’ve changed it in the latest snapshots but this is still I mean the fact the fact that that even went through Mojang’s decision process what this ladder idea this best look good this if this if this ends up looking ugly I think I’m actually going to quit but I I I don’t see how it could all right so those are the edges of the ladder and I actually I don’t mind it in the Raw copper although I do think it will look a lot better once it’s s and remember I’ve based this on the fact that these are going to go s yes yes I was a bit worried that it wasn’t going to connect up to the trap doors but I think I think this works I think that looks like a that looks like a ladder right that totally looks like a ladder remember this this copper is going to be aged okay it’s all going to be sign I’ll give you I’ll give you a quick a look that is that’s what it’s actually going to end up looking like yeah that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool how does it look on the wide it looks really cool oh that is awesome yes yes this build has actually worked out this build has worked out I was so scared but I actually think it’s come together I kind of I think we should do something to transition this to the top maybe something like this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes nice now it all looks connected this that is that has made my day super cool okay our odds our odd bits and Bobs shop Jill and Bobs bits and Bobs is now all completed I guess the final thing to do is add in the little signs put a couple boxes Up on the Roof oh what a satisfying sign that is okay job done what a fun hermitcraft episode loads of graphic design stuff loads of concept art two really cool builds that I’m super chaffed with restocked my gold shop small beans hasn’t quit YouTube it’s been a very good day hope you enjoyed and I’ll catch you in the next one see you

I can’t keep hiding this, I think I’m now a builder. In this Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft video on the Hermitcraft server, Mumbo gets to work on building the Hermitcraft Magic Mountain city. This massive Minecraft survival base is covered in Minecraft houses and Hermitcraft shops. This Minecraft build includes story telling, and a lot of world building.

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo


  1. For the junk shop, if you are still worried about the bottom bit being too similar to the cliff, you should add a layer of big contrast. Either something colorful to break up the grey, or something significantly darker or lighter. My mind went to basalt for a nice black bottom to help it stand out!

  2. Ah yes Jill Bits and Robert 'Bob' Bobert, the hoarder couple. Sitting on their hoard of knickknacks and trinkets like a pair of dragon/magpies. While they do ostensibly own a store with the goal of making money, they always seem mildly annoyed to let any of their products goo.

  3. Sooo, when are we getting a bouldering documentary? I loved your other documentaries, and since I also climb, I at least would enjoy a short bouldering movie.
    Also the presence of a sahara coin on the concept art backdrop reveals whole new levels to the mumbojumbo cinematic universe (M(J)CU)

  4. mumbo just does his own thing every season. if grian doesn't involve him in something he is gonna play on the hermitcraft server as if it was a singleplayer survival Minecraft world. The shops and stuff are just a chore for him.

  5. Jill and Bill or Jill and bobs changes so much who knows. should name the snails that and put them in there. The boulder bros crain looks like a stone bench to me after you put the slab between the stairs.

  6. hi mumbo, if you use procreate for your concept arts then if you press the icon right next to gallery then click on canvas then there is a drawing reference button which you can mess about with. it can give you grid or squared canvases and will make your lines all straight. not sure if you all.ready knew this but I hope it helps.

  7. I still feel this entire base would have look much better if the scale was a just bit more. Rn it feels like a lot of details in a compact box. Too late to change but still looks good

  8. If you make a farming/plant shop, I think "Sneed's Feed and Seed" would be a cool name for it! Goes with the small town feel of the Jim's and the Ron's in the neighborhood.

  9. Mumbo: is building better than Grian
    Grian: is starting a government instead of resisting
    Pearlescentmoon: is building complicated redstone

    Me: confunsed screaming

  10. I love mumbo's builder arc! Seeing his confidence growing with his building, stepping out of his comfort zone, not making geometric structures and making lore that informs his design choices. Its all great!

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