welcome to the Heather SL Crystal lucky block challenge race wo guys there’s Heather lucky blocks and Crystal lucky blocks and at the end there’s a Heather and Crystal Arena babes here we will fight for your love whoever wins in the arena fight will get to date you what happens if Luke or Roxy or Alexa wins let’s go I get to date OHS what okay you are not winning this but hold up are these actual custom coded Heather Lucky Blocks yeah and they’re way better than that ugly girls hey don’t say that but we can start left to right so Luke you get the first lucky block and you’re mining a crystal one all right I’m going to give it good luck by hitting the whip hey and that na neigh hey and blood got a sponge hey y That’s trash all right Alexa your turn let’s see if you get SAU in you got your girly Pap yes my girly has never let me down I think she just let you down you got horses which actually might be useful in the fight if you get a saddle yeah and they’re pretty cute but now it’s Crystal turn o and you have a crystal Lucky Block let’s see if it’s good or bad okay give me a minute let me just do the shuffle dance yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay oh I got under eyes and I have Ender nice you could use that in the fight to teleport around my turn I got a Heather Lucky Block I’m just going to give it a kiss good luck there no bro kiss head no no no retry retry retry H I already kissed it boom really bro I got droppers that’s what you get for kissing it that is trash Heather your lucky block is duty booty but you’re about to mine a crystal one how do you feel about that I’m going to smack her with my axe oh oh no super lucky pickaxe hold up let me see the enchantments on that is that crazy op uh-uh you going to steal it I’m not going to steal it I Pinky Promise slide it whoa um is this allowed in the fight it has attack 50 speed sharpness 10 yeah I’m going to smoke all of you guys no that’s crazy and that was from a crystal Lucky Block so hopefully I gu something like that next all right Roxy your turn let’s see if you get some sauce or if you get some trash wait give me a second let me meditate that doesn’t do anything to the lucky what the bro is floating how is he doing that Luke how did he just do that blood got a beacon no trash all right and now I can’t it mine it lill your turn let’s see what you get all right let me just give it a little and then boom what gold nice you can make armor Roxy get back stealing’s not allowed Roxy here oh my gosh that was crazy so so far Heather had the best luck on the first one and Lily had the second best but now Luke it’s your turn let’s see if your luck turns around home slia yes sir come on Heather’s the better girl anyway yes no how did that work you spoke to the lucky block and it gave you a diamond sword dude yes sir I’m going to use this to Boom all of you oh no bro really wants to date me all right Alexa your turn let’s see if you get some sauce huh yes I’m going to give it a good luck toot e she just farted in your face all right Alexa let’s see what you get please give me something good I got some lucky leggings oh my lordy Lord ooh how good is it let’s protection five fire protection five protect protection bro it has every enchantment five this is insane wait a minute Alexa punch me does it make you take damage uh no not yet oh I just took two hearts it’s cuz it has thorns that’s overpowered all right crystal your turn and you’re mining a Heather Lucky Block let’s see what you blood got dispensers it’s a Heather Lucky Block that’s why I got dispensers yeah that is not good all right crystal time let’s see what I get and let’s go I got the safe helmet Alexa we’re twinning yes lucky twins oh yeah now Heather your turn let’s see if you can beat that okay easy oh I just got another Lucky Block she got a block from a block let’s see if she gets another block from the Block that she got a lucky sheep oh my God on your head hey do not put it on my I dropped him oops you just killed him are you serious right now all right Roxy your turn let’s see what you bro got obsidian that says go Li hey go Li what does that even mean wait we can’t even eat it it’s a fake piece of cake this is cursed all right Lily your turn let’s see what you get from your Heather lucky all right 1 2 3 Kaboom wo what is that look at this thing holy moly it says Heroes potion fire resistance jump boost invisibility and absorption is overpowered Lily you’re going to be almost Immortal in the fight that’s fire good job oh no you guys are going down and you got that from a Heather Lucky Block which I have up next all right ly your turn let’s see what you got dud all right boots and P boots and P Bo P wo whoo wo watch your J oh my gosh iron block that’s heat I can make an iron chest plate with this hey give it back oh no a l oh my wait you have a ly Yes sersi No Stealing aloud all right Alexa your turn let’s see what you get dude okay I’m going to do a lucky backflip now it should be lucky I’m going to throw some bread on it too ooh that should give it some luck come on give it the sauce go Alexa go did you just get a stick are you serious that is so silly but actually if you get ores like diamonds you can make it into a diamond sword so that’s useful since we don’t have wood they could have just gave me a diamond sword yeah all right crystal your turn and you have a crystal lucky block it might be good I’m just going to put my heart around it because my babe loves Crystal not Heather are you serious just mine it and my God I need to see this pass it over how good is this thing a guys Crystal may have just won the entire challenge protection eight Thorns five no SC this is insane Crystal there you go and Roxy just try to rob it no all right my turn watch let me see if I get something good ooh a chest with h wait I got wood so that means Alexa your stick was useless and H I don’t need any of that junk thank you do all right Heather your turn now and you have a crystal Lucky Block which is lowkey kind of crazy good right uh yeah qu too what did you just spit on it and oh wait chickens and diamonds I’m taking okay you guys can’t just Rob did everybody just hey I just got robbed in blood daylight Crystal you can’t steal stealing’s not allowed H are you a noob what just happened Crystal give her diamonds back you gave her unlimited bad luck okay there you go all right Roxy your turn let’s see what you get with the Heather Lucky Block let me get it a little Queen toot what Alexa you’re being a bad influence on Roxy let’s see what you get dude no is that a luckington boat ouch hey hey we no what what is your okay Rocky stop messing up the arena chill Please Please youed Me Oh my gosh oh my L Roy got something crazy that is such a good oh oh gosh dude save that for the fight you’re messing up the map save that for the fight up everyone yeah all right Lily it’s your turn let’s see if you get something as Saucy as Roxy so far he got the best one but maybe you can get something better I’m super sweet so all my kindness should pay off right that’s not how the world works that’s not wait wait what it’s raining crystal Lucky Block what she got diamonds lucky tools okay okay what’s up oh what look Luke did you just get the alltime best drop ever dude uh OMG share some of the luck Lily oh my go bro okay okay everyone has to give her what you just got cuz she got diamonds wait Lily give us a tour of what you wait over here too Lily oh my gosh what oh my gosh oh my gosh you got 24 diamonds just from the ones that I got here I’m going to throw them all to you count how many you have in total and throw it to me I want to count H OMG I have so many take all these what oh my Luke it’s literally never ending dude it’s literally never ending I cannot bro 60 that’s crazy what else did you get I also got this ooh let me see I saw you had a chest plate how good is it it’s just a normal Diamond chest plate I also got this Lucky Block ooh let’s see if it’s Saucy and are you serious how good is that how good is that I got the leggings that Crystal has bra are you serious right now dude and you also have emerald and gold okay Lily actually got the luckiest one Luke let’s see if you can beat that dude yes sir you guys thought you saw luck until you saw this oo no stop stop don’t no don’t say it’s good how good is it how good is it oh my gosh the Hero’s Bow punch five infinity and punch one that is crazy if you got an arrow you’d be overpowered I’m not giving you no Arrow bro I’m not giving you no Arrow Oh no you’re a meanie I’m going to grab it I’m going to grab it you’re not getting it wait wait got it you’re not get it did you actually get it yes sir I did and I only need one cuz it has Infinity that is crazy he actually got it all right Alexa your turn you got a crystal Lucky Block let’s see if crystal is more goated than Heather cuz Heather has been dropping some good so far yes come on crystal I know you’re lucky ooo a chest and no don’t even look inside don’t even look inside that’s trash this is ridiculous all right crystal your turn with the hether lucky what did you just do to that lucky block she’s fighting it Luke she’s fighting it I think she got beef with it and then she got a fish that’s what you get oh read it read it read it read it what does it say it says uh I’m funny bro all right my turn I have a crystal one watch and learn let’s go I got another lucky helmet and actually I’m going to take it off to save it for the fight wait wait I have two so I’ll just wear this one drain the mining Heather your turn okay watch this ooh End Portal frames are totally useless all right Roxy your turn you have a crystal one let’s see if it’s sauce or trash all right crystal come on yes yes are we twinning are we twinning wait let me see yours let me see yours all PE it PE it I promise I won’t steal is it the same one dude uh uh wait I think mine has more are you serious let me see it drop it right now no our the same bro trying to lie until I let me see it all right lill your turn it’s called lucky helmet and you also have super luck so let’s see if your luck goes into the crystal one as well yeah please Crystal please be the go oh with you guys too this is insane full yo Luke how is Lily so lucky bro she got some secret sauce uh bro forget that this is where the real Luck’s at oh my gosh I need to keep trash talking bro got a quadruple lucky block and it’s Crystal ones let’s see if you can wait wait mine the Gold first you don’t want it to get destroyed mine it up dude uh oh no you’re actually looking out for a brother yes sir BR M all that gold and Crystal stole a gold block I’m snitching I’m snitching I saw that oh nah are you serious right now are you serious right now oh God bye-bye all right Luke your turn let’s see what you get from these four and kosi cow no all right who’s next uh kosa a wishing well wish for something good Luke wish for something good I wish I wish upon a tar for girlfriend what you have to throw something inside ly bro uh uhuhuh what did you get what did you just get rotten potatoes ew w a that’s gross that’s trash maybe I’ll get something better in yeah oh wait wait Luke cop okay that is like the worst or I’ve gotten all right next you have one more dude all right for good luck I’m going to throw you off the world really really dude go oh come on get something good get something good come on BL got a diamond axe that’s actually good for a weapon No Cap how much attack damage does it do it does more damage than a sword but it teack slower ooh that’s fire all right Alexa your turn you have a Heather Lucky Block let’s if it’s Saucy or trashy okay watch this woo ender pearls that’s good for the fight you can teleport around yes are going to be super useful in the fight double she just wasted one nice all right crystal let’s see what you’re going to get it’s a crystal Lucky Block so I think it’s bad what uh what what what’s up what happened so you think Heather’s locky blocks are better than mine we could prove it right now let’s go lucky block for Lucky Block okay I’m going to do Ringle around the rosies with this one see if you get something Saucy um watch the she got rotten flush newbie all right let’s see what I get with the Heather one I’m not even going to do anything goofy I’m just going to break it like that what aw this is trash but that’s better than rotten flesh wait actually it’s not that bad because look I can mine these for levels so I can enchant oh yeah you’re actually a billion IQ yes sir I’m already at 11 Lev Heather your turn you have a crystal Lucky Block let’s see if you get sauce or if you get doooo cheeks okay hopefully I get something good o a chest wait look oh no BR that’s a troll that’s a super troll all of Crystal’s chest always trolls with doooo and wait I just need to get four levels so I can enchant each part of an armor set oh okay I got four levels nice and Roxy it’s your turn let’s see what you get dude and did you get wooden tools no yeah you did no all right Lily your turn let’s see what you get uh all right boom ooh you got some eggs Lucas you have a Heather one do you think it’s going to be good or do you think it’s going to be bad it’s going to be good I’m going to put some arrows in it for good luck oh no Luke’s getting serious out here mine it kowa w another wishing well wish for something good this time something good I wish to become 6’3 handsome and a giga Chad that is got poisonous potatoes again no Alexa your turn okay watch this ender pearl to waste it and then kachow okay how did that just work oh no it’s a lucky chest plate no that is fire oh no okay now Crystal it’s your turn and have you been dancing this whole time to Lu ify it uh yeah now it should be super lucky oh oh no diamond nice wait I’m going to dance on this Crystal one check me out guys check me out pouette and then what are you wearing Heather where did you get that from that was so beautiful okay uh that’s goofy Mega pyramid wo that’s actually crazy op it comes with eight lucky blocks and also Gold Blocks all around this is lit everyone clear up the pyramid except for the lucky blocks please do not break any I just wanted a super clear platform so I can mine it and I’m collecting all of this gold to use thank you very much okay this is about to be serious make sure to patch up any Holes in the Floor just in case I get a rare item and now I shall mine this one o a chest with another troll I am not touching that all right crystal give me the sauce please o I got a really overpowered fishing rod dude okay next one I got a emerald block okay that’s actually pretty useful cuz I could lucky something with this then I got a oh my gosh OMG you’re rich with gold yes sir and gold is perfect because you could Lu ify Lucky Blocks with any orb let’s try this more gold gold pants I’m going save this for the fight and what the what m Lucky Blocks I got the Lily drop all right let’s see if I get sauce oh oh wait what did I just get oh ooh 10 attack damage on my lucky axe that’s my new weapon guys that means it two Taps people how much damage does that do crystal oh my God one left no that’s crazy okay let’s try this one gold on top let’s go yo Luke I got so many from this one and I just got two chest plates back to back let’s go bro is actually so lucky can I have one I’m keeping this one for the fight this one is just for the actual Lucky Block breaking though so I don’t die did I just get that was that a lucky bow was that a lucky B no that was a pickaxe oh oh yeah it was but wait this one’s actually really fast I’m going to try this Boop oop unlucky squid no thank you let me try ooh a normal lucky block and it says plays to get rewards wait this just a normal one let me see what this gives me oh iron wait Diamond yo what is my luck right now ly sheesh that JN turned into diamond oh I know right and let me mine this I got bro the boots for the set I officially have the full golden set guys dude you’re actually crazy overpowered and I got a second I have three chest plates right now dude I literally have three chest plates and now let me buy this one over here okay yo what is my luck dude it’s been my turn for like 10 seconds you’re buil different all right now Heather it’s your turn let’s see if you get sauce or if you get trash okay easy pickings did you just get a block from a blocka bro why do I keep getting that and ooh wishing well what do you wish for I wish for omy to be mine and for him to look at my hair and compliment me no no no uh I hope you don’t get that wish as well let’s see what you got you have to throw it inside the well here I got you wait everyone back up give her stuff don’t cheat don’t cheat don’t Crystal literally just stole Crystal stole so much give it back no cheating allowed there’s some over here I only took one Diamond how many did you get in total Heather I got 20 diam so far what what about now what about now 35 dude that’s enough for a full set nice now Roxy it’s your turn why do I have speed let’s see what you get dude right I wish I wish I PL a star to get everything in the world what that is a fishing rod I keep on getting fishing rod all right Lily your turn and you’re the luck queen so you probably are going to get something Saucy right uh yes wow lucky block into an emerald now bad all right ly I think I had the best won that round right dude n cuz you ain’t seen this boom blood got a sponge nice all right Alexa your turn let’s see if you got something better than a sponge huh yeah you already know I am ooo dude lucky potions Save The Unlucky ones for the fight and you can use the lucky ones now cuz you can get something good all right I’m going to spam them ooh oh oh oh oh bro bro oh my gosh you got cookies you got XP wait can I go inside can I have some XP please yeah sure oh let’s go I got seven levels that was op so far I’d say Alexa’s the second best right now Crystal your turn let’s see all right one more little dance oo she’s stunning on this y let’s see what you got uh no that was crazy that’s awesome wait I can use my speed pickaxe look at how fast it mines Roxy it literally insta burs it well my fire breads can do more bro does not have fire bre see I did all of that in 3 seconds that was me dude all right crystal let’s use speedrun mine these Lucky Blocks go super fast super fast okay one oh I got a lucky helmet but I think mine’s better yeah definitely is just speedrun speedrun go obsidian obsidian and p o iron block not bad all right next one is another bro a diamond block that killed you that’s not so nice I’ll mine these for you I’m not going to pick up the stuff though shovel axe combo and then Mr rainbows oh gosh excuse me excuse me and the last one is iron block oh diamond block diamond block sorry Mr rainbow all right my turn everyone ah I’m stuck sorry about that crystal watch and learn let’s go Luke I got the hero’s boots shees dude you’re going to be super crazy in the fight yes sir all right Heather your turn let’s see what you get from your Crystal Lucky Block okay 360 kabo ooh did you just get another Lucky Block bro if that happens one more time yeah you’ve been getting that a lot and oh watch your jet Diamond o w that’s good all right Roxy your turn you have a Heather one now all right bro blood got Lambs why do I keep on getting unlucky why is everyone getting lucky when a me all right Lily your turn let’s see what you getun watch out oh no that did not end well at all it’s such chaos everywhere oh my gosh but wait do you guys want to do a flash round we should do seven lucky blocks in a row and just speedrun through it and see if you survive ready yeah 3 2 1 go one oh gosh oh really a pyramid on the speed oh guys I’m stuck inside the pyramid oh gosh hello someone help me someone please help me I’m busy mining bro what oh my gosh someone please I’m dying oh no babes babes I’m here for you oh thank you let’s go I got the chest plate oh wait Roxy’s getting good sound like okay Roxy I got the sword what is Roxy getting right what is it no I’m on that ground boy we that seven Luke what’s going on why is Roxy screaming right now blood is getting super overpowered nice and wait another chest trash and okay I didn’t get really anything from that but books no thank you I’ll skip over here and whoa lapis is good for enchanting Heather and I got bunnies and oh gosh parkour better be Shifty with it easy and bro I keep getting the pyramids with the crystal ones and Lucky Sword how good is this sharpness 5 let’s go lucky pants now I can actually wear it cuz I already have lucky pants but I’ll just put this one on for the breaking okay good and a hea one over here and you know what guys just keep going and Hero’s potion strength with instant health and resistance this is overpowered yeah I’m getting so much good stuff I already got the full set I think no oh my inventory just got cleared from a Lucky Block get absolutely destroyed and it was from a crystal one oh my gosh all my progress just got reset I actually have to lock in dude Luke I’m about to lose now I’m about to lose now I’m about to lose now yes sir I’m going take you on a date boy what not happening wait I’m getting lucky I just got a Lucky Sword and a lucky blow okay okay okay okay come back come back season it’s all fine it’s all fine and yes crystal pyramid a pyramid inside a pyramid oh my gosh Come on sauce sauce sauce sauce a I got straight trash and Luke I don’t have a pickaxe anymore dude can you assist me out please yeah I got you you got to help out the less unfortunate I am not oh I wouldn’t say that Luke let’s go I got the overpowered axe oh my gosh yes yes yes that’s going to hurt my booty cheeks yeah it is and oh I got the lucky helmet yo I’m lowkey coming back right now and oh there’s a lucky block in there I can’t squeeze in but I don’t want to waste time I have to lock in and Heather Lucky Block that I got from a Heather lucky block and then wait a minute I have an idea I’m a lufy this block plus 12 luck then I could put the emeralds plus 20 copper no that doesn’t work what about iron it does gold it does I’m going to wait to get some more Ores and continue to Lu ay it bounce bounce bounce bounce and guys the finish line is near I better lock in cuz then I’m going be cooked bro yeah I’m getting so much of the goodies oh no and oh ah that’s a bad diamond sword but it’s something I could trade with one of you guys and if no one’s going to use this diamond I don’t mind 41 luck let’s go I’m going to make this into 100 luck and get something guaranteed good same with this one come on just give me some ores please no not Mr rainbow Lily you’re cooked oh gosh how did you survive that I have no idea that was crazy SAU another Lucky Block Heather your blocks keep give me crystal yours too I just keep getting blocks and let’s go Luke I’m going need that iron pickaxe please where are you oh gosh I’m coming oh my goodness you are so far back dude pull up in CH plate don’t mind if I do I’ll take those two hi ly follow me dude I I’m going to need your help cuz I got a diamond block and dude you still have so much to mine yeah and I have crazy gear already are you serial right now dude nice are you saving it for the fight uh yep I don’t want to reveal it just yet take the pickaxe smart thank you and hurry up cuz Lily is so ahead right now and wait this diamond block I’m going to turn it into diamonds and look a fire guys the tables are turning right now no caps 77 oh my gosh 100% luck let me do it with this Boop oh 36 thank you very much and I’ll make this 12 okay 100% luck sauce really bro I just put all that stuff in for emeralds that’s dooky trash seriously dooky trash but I could use emerald block to make it 100% and chain armor I am not doing that again I’m just mining it normally okay give me something good let’s go uh sharpman 10 on an axe 50 attack speed oh no Roxy got the same one I got SP four times oh gosh this is not good this is not good hi Heather we just passed each other hey I got the lucky bow ooh nice oh the axe is so overpowered Roxy you could spam hit it and normal axes you have to click and then stop it did you just get a bunch of ores yes sir you know what did oh no and oh gosh how close are we to the end Heather we’re like 10 more blocks away oh no I got to get something good BR stop giving me blocks wao wo really copper I thought it was something Saucy I don’t want lucky blocks from a Lucky Block I need me some sauce all right crystal Lucky Blocks provide me with the goods please I just got straight trash and emerald block that deleted the stuff I got nice uh saddle if I get a horse that would be that would be pretty good then over here o Lucky Block really bro oh he no no one saw that I saw that in 4k you did not see that in 4k and bro there is actual damage going on back here Luke what is happening over here dude I’m getting really unlucky oh my goodness gracious I’m following Crystal and Luke’s path Crystal are you okay yeah I’m perfectly fine I’m actually getting a lots of armor right now oh no and Luke dude how are you so far back Broski at Alexa too yes I just keep getting these pyramids oh no yeah the pyramids are super hard look just got a diamond block and he’s leaving it are you that rich bro I got cleared your inventory got cleared no wait Luke since you help me out dude here have some stuff I’ll give you this hero sword are you just you don’t want it okay I’ll take it oh there you go and here’s a lucky chest plate just cuz you provided for a crystal don’t look up don’t look up at what you just got oh my go I know I just got a bunch of diamonds how are you this lucky I don’t know I got like a pyramid and then I got a square thing in one oh no she got the double pyramid combo hi Lily is it going down over here you know it is oh my gosh everyone’s getting such Goods okay diamond block thank went the Finish Line’s right I’m sorry sorry H sorry about that Lily ow that did some damage hi Roxy oh did you already make it to the Finish Line yeah I got a lucky well for you at the end so it can be a surprise thank you I’m oh gosh I’m blind I’m BL what’s happening what’s happening what’s happening oh gosh what’s happening okay I opened my eyes to destruction I just kill everyone yeah it was the creepers Roxy them blew up all at the exact same time and Luke how many blocks do you have left now dude I don’t know I’m stuck in a well right now oh no Alexa save broki save Broski I’m trying I just fell out of the world oh no we’re pulling up back right now but it is so hard there’s giant hi Alexa you just teleported to the giant zombie butt yes I got to save my ly poo oh no Luke are you still alive dude uh yep I got like the thing to make you breathe in the water o nice is coming in hot right now and I’m all the way back hi Heather that was such a long jog right yeah I know and I’m going to mine you down why would you do that hey stop don’t do that leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone boop boop boop yo what what is going on Luke on your side there’s just so much stuff going on my path is fully destroyed I have to go around hi Lily I had to go all the way around over here finally I made it and bro I got a block from a block your block is such a troll dude I know sometimes it be trolling I know right and oh Emerald don’t really need it cuz I’m towards the end and I can’t upgrade anything what did you just get what’s the silence for what did you get I know I need to save this guy uh nothing Loki what’s what’s up what’s going on you’re being super secretive and sussy B is it an iron golem n Wier no no no no no no no oh um super villager no no no no no it is I saw it so Roxy tra him do you have any extra really bro why would you do that oh my gosh now we have to travel so much come on bro did you really have to like really did you have to you have to walk I just oh gosh this is not a good T Luke what’s going on what did you just phase out of here cuz I teleported no I Ender pearled my boy oh nice I just teleported out over here oh I throw away my ender pearls Heather do you have any extra diamonds I could borrow please I have 26 for you ooh wait I can actually have it uh you’re a girl girlfriend she’s not my girlfriend but you’re a go for that now what armor do I need I could use a chest plate let me get that kot katat does anybody have three diamonds they want to slide to omy poo anybody at all oh there’s a diamond block right here on Hiser I’m about to steal it thank you Lily I can have all the okay Lily just made a rain on me thank you Lily yeah I’m just that rich W Lily and buy these oh my gosh let’s go oh I’ll even buy this I’m not stacked up bro oh wait I need eight more does anybody have a more they want to donate to the omy foundation I got 25 if you want bro uh all right slide that oh thank you Crystal I appre bro I’m at 40 right now ly I was a broke boy I just had to ask and they gave me everything wait can I have the rest of mine yeah I got you there you go buddy and booties and now I am stacked out and wait guys did we finally reach the Finish Line everyone pull up to the arena the battle is going to start it’s about to get serious everyone pull up to the corner and oh gosh there’s lava okay we’re going to do a best two out of three so I’m going to do SLS spawn point at a so when we die we respawn here and organize your inventory you guys have 30 seconds go I’m going so fast yes sir SS you’re about to get cooked like bacon I am not going to get cooked like bacon wait dude this lucky ho is kind of crazy sharpness 10 but it’s not as good as my ax I’ll throw it out lucky leggings is this better no I don’t think it’s better and oh wait water’s actually clutch cuz I could burn up the floor and then I can turn it into obsidian lava buckets is goated I’ll grab some of those and everything else basically is complete junking thin get out of here get out of here boop boop boop wait I could use the smoke in case I get poisoned oh and okay I’m ready guys are you guys all ready yes wait give me a second I need to Splash my lucky potions 5 4 3 2 1 we are beginning really ow Alexa oh my gosh ow yes I bet you don’t like that unlucky what is happening right now oh my gosh oh my gosh die for that Alexa come here pow what’s up what’s ow hey she’s CED she’s CED she’s CED yo what’s up she’s CED what’s up what’s up how are you not how are you not bro I’m just putting lava on your head that’s not cool Lily come here what’s up Lily’s in the lava you’re dead buddy you’re dead not for long oh my gosh how are people not Heather how much damage does that do chill that’s like all my HP please please please chill get out of here oh my gosh it’s actually going down right now there’s holes in the map guys there’s holes in the map and Roxy has a lucky potion oh no this is not good this is not good this is not good I’m dying over Lucas wait come on come on stop using the fishing rod you troll oh my come just kill it I just kill Crystal Crystal’s dead Crystal’s dead if you die stand out of the map stand out of the map so we’re not confused Luke is this you invisib yep I’m going hit you my sword ow what oh my gosh hi Lily how are you guys not dying at all I have literally no Health right now this is not good cuz you’re not that Baka I am that Baka and right now it looks like Crystal and Heather are dead and oh everyone else roxxy’s bow is crazy L move out oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Luke what do I do hi Luke you let me kill you that’s what you should do oh my gosh leave me alone I am so low hi Crystal I’m taking so much damage right now baby I feel so bad for you I would come and help you if I could oh no but wait it’s going down over here it’s going down ow ow leave me alone leave me alone yeah no one get back to me oh Luke how much health do you have right now dude I have full health oh my gosh yeah spam it on spam it on I’m lying I’m half a heart I’m half a heart oh no right now it’s me Lily and Roxy Lily go for Roxy now go for Roxy I don’t want to go for my my boy my my my my friend Lily died she was yapping too much and now wait I got arrows so I can use my Infinity bow oh my gosh I’m so low Roxy and your armor does damage to me dude please don’t hit me please I actually need to win I’m so I’m just doing it I’m just doing [Applause] it how much how much health how much health did you have dude I had I I had full health oh my gosh plus the golden apples all right everyone pull back up I’m doing SL effect clear at a all right we’re starting in five four wa I’m coming I landed in the water give me a second give me second I got you it’s TP at a omy poo 5 4 3 2 1 go and if Roxy wins again he wins the entire Challenge and then you’re going to be dating Roxy hey yo instantly n you’re trash you’re TR stop stop really bro Alexa killed me yes easy pickings ah I’m already out bro just killed Heather and she was already dead Heather are we trash we’re terrible I just died trying to hit Alexa Luke died too yo is Roxy about to just win yeah this is pretty easy guys wait Lily died too Alexa you’re let to go you’re not that guy pal oh my gosh Roxy versus Alexa yo get him Roxy get him I still babes oh gosh Roxy do not let Crystal win I’d rather dat you than Crystal you didn’t hear that I’m slowly dying oh oh I just got all my health back a je Crystal a je no snip oh my gosh this is crazy bro it’s Alexa versus Roxy get that butt over here oh no Alexa come on go try something I’m just pretend like I’m not half a heart right now what oh no she’s cooked she’s cooked she’s cooked she’s C Alexa run stay away from me Buck no oh you have to hit him off Alexa you have to hit him off that’s your only chance oh my gosh this is too intense how much health do you have I only have one heart bro oh no oh no yes are you serious right now did Roxy just win both rounds like it was nothing uh and now we’re done on Career hey with you no no no no no no Roxy can’t win anybody better Roxy could win and we’re going to make it so this round decides it all no more two out of three final round are you guys ready yeah yes sir all right start and F Alexa I didn’t I didn’t Alexa Alexa Alexa Al you know just go for it go come here Crystal I’m going to Roxy go for Roxy every want to go for Roxy team on Roxy he’s too overpowered team on him weave weave weave weave weave what what just oh no I just fell let’s go Luke did you die and Crystal did you die too I fell in a hole lot y I fell oh my gosh roxxy’s too sweaty Heather get him it’s me and Lily left oh gosh get that Bo I’m in I’m just somewhere yeah we know you’re in oh my gosh why are you fighting Lily Heather now it’s just me and Lily against Roxy how much health do you have Roxy like swim okay it’s just me and Roxy okay Roxy wait let’s talk about this before we start oh go she’s not talking L’s not talking about L try Harding L do give arrows give me arrows AR I’m cheating a little bit I’m cheating oh my gosh I’m glutch oh my gosh L now Luke Now give me arrows L give me arrows I got you b t my bow oh I’m spamming it Ro your toast your toast your toast I got their yes Su wait no I’m I’m still to you have to get to three St guys all right Roxy he doesn’t even realize he has no armor on 3 2 1 go come here Roxy n you’re cooked bro you’re cooked Luke I’m good what is that on your head dude I got a RGB Apple but Roxy is’s dead and Luke is dead now it’s just me and all the girls hi Crystal the bow is the most overpowered thing in the game with the lucky bows and Crystal Lily wo combo I’mma smoke both of y’all boys what’s up Lily what’s up ah don’t hit me I’m hitting you like it’s hey hey hey back up a lily stop stop ah she does so much damage you know I do yo leave me alone Lily you try hard oh my gosh Come here what’s up what’s up and Alexa where are you even at dude uh n be blackx oh no shorty is definitely dead I was already dead oh oh got come here boy come here boy wait Heather you’re go Heather let’s go me and Crystal me and Crystal me and Crystal me and Crystal stop it Crystal oh my gosh oh go yes no wait I was blown up my rock it’s me and Alexa it’s me and Alexa Alexa I see you I win let’s go babe does that mean you’re dating yourself that is the best possible answer and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are playing a CRAZY FAN GIRL LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft!


  1. OmM please play blade ball game this time teams whoever wins real it's going to be Crystal header never went to get to 5 wins I mean download get you get you but for real for real

  2. I just realized Crystal might be a real person too can you be a liars all the time I just kids by The voice how long does lying about his computer that are broken 🤨 oh that's why release the music video tomorrow please don't don't then is Lol
    And diamonds you bad describe but if you do that I will subscribe to every single video now it's your first subscriber to

  3. Oh nah omz almost at the end of the video you admit that you rather date roxy then crystal and Heather wow just wow omz then you won at the end of the video ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  4. Ohms i know how to get the the dusty trip store you have to attach a plane on to the starting van then attached all the items onto the plank and then getting your ban and then drive away and that's how you do it

  5. I love crystal 💕💕❤️❤️❤️🩷🩷🩷😚😚😚💞💞💞☺️☺️🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😊😊😘😘😘

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