Minecraft But There’s SUPERHERO Hearts

the superheroes of Minecraft stole my hearts leaving me with nothing no stay back these are my hearts not yours oh that’s not good we’ve got to find those superheroes to get your hearts back yeah but Guido where are they wait ah Guido look it’s Spider-Man and he’s jumping in their Ravine oh Guido he’s just webbing around down there yeah it’s like he’s mocking us buo are you thinking what I’m thinking let’s go squish that bug now every time I kill a superhero I gain their hearts and some incredible superpower abilities hey Guido check it out I look awesome that suit looks a little small for you yeah it is a little tiny but it’s not really really about the suit it’s about my abilities and I’ve got a grapple and two attacks right here quido what in the Multiverse was that it sounded like the Hulk it is the Hulk and he really looks mad Hulk smash wo wo wo look out that was a close one yeah this isn’t good Guido as long as we’re in this Ravine this is just going to be target practice for the Hulk okay you you know what let’s just try web out of here here we go oh we’re just a little too short and now we’re back to square one great I’ve got a better plan the Hulk is constantly throwing those rocks what if we W them in midair and made a staircase out of here oh yeah and then we can climb up each Rock and get out of this Ravine all right first Boulder inbound yeah nice now just do it for the rest of the boulders here comes the next one gotcha you know fun Hulk angry Hulk smash hey W that was a close one wasn’t it Guido um Guido hey hy why don’t you pick up someone your own size what in the multi is that Guido okay well at least he’s distracting Hulk for now but I’ve got to get my friend out of there there’s no way he’ll survive just looking at the Ravine some of that dirt looks pretty weak I’ve just got to get Guido to bring him closer to the edge hey Guido hit him harder what do you think I’m doing now I’ve just got to aim carefully with my weapon yeah there’s only room for one green tough guy in this Dimension I’ll be taking them and check it out Guido the Hulk heart looks exactly how I remembered him m is the black eyes I gave him yeah you really got him good Guido and the power is my wait I’m just back in my normal outfit yeah you look exactly the same oh no did we get click baited no no Guido I think it’s fine I think we just need to figure out some way to trigger the power what Norm turns Hulk green is that he gets mad Guido insult me I thought this thing would never come nobody finds you jokes funny your fashion sense is terrible everyone just wishes you went on a long holiday and never came back Chris says you don’t wear theodan Austin says they don’t mind everyone calls you Mr bossy when you’re not there your hair is stupid you’re not a real Adventurer Billy is soid cool [Applause] Steve smash but obviously not you Guido we’re still friends than the Multiverse wait a second Guido what is that it’s a blue laser stretching all the way into the sky oh that can only mean one thing Iron Man man that’s probably coming from Stock’s Mansion come on let’s go listen kid I’m sure you’re here for your heart and all but it’s mine now Move Along toodles me Hulk Steve me want sorry had something in my throat uh yeah I really do want the heart please and thank you well don’t say I didn’t warn you Jarvis help me out here uh Guido are you see that the giant rocket yeah I couldn’t really miss it well it looks like it’s coming this way okay I’ve got an idea here we go there come on kid really could have knocked stop stuck no ah Guido he’s too I up for us we have to bring him down through the sky to get our heartb I don’t have all day Jarvis activate home defense systems oh no no Guido we’re locked inside uh you’re the H couldn’t you just break through yep we’re locked inside um Steve what was that looks like some kind of security turrets it’s a turet I’m trying Cleo but I’m just so huge I can barely move without them shooting me okay you know what think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts there we go now I’m much more agile and I’ve still got my Spider-Man Powers Yeah there must be a central main frame around here something that controls all of Iron Man’s technology that’s right quido and I think I just found it now let’s see here we’ll just simply switch off the turrets and wait a second I can access Iron Man’s suit from here what happens if I switch the user from Tony Stark to Steve the adventurer this is going to be so good you know it’s a real shame if I want to take out the green guy I’m going to have to destroy my own house oh well you can always buy another hey Guido check it out he’s launched a missile now if we change the targeting systems from us to Iron Man himself then that nuclear detonation is going to go straight to his face H jvis AO oh now that was a big explosion now let’s go get a heart and here we go oh my gosh he landed with quite an impact doesn’t matter what Steve here’s the next car uh Steve you hear that I think this Mansion is going to collapse at any second come on follow me right behind you buddy Steve the next heart is located at that Village on my way quo thanks man wait a second is that no no oh no it’s Captain America I don’t want to do this but I have to son oh so it’s a civil war you want huh then take this that’s not going to work Steve his shield is too strong oh what is it made of Bedrock or something okay let me try move around this way oh my gosh he’s literally camping this building there is one more thing we can try this Iron Man suit can access satellite Weaponry all the way up in space but to Target him he has to be stuck still oh and of course this is the time he actually stops camping that’s just typical uh you know what let me try my lasers again okay I’ve stopped him hit him with the satellite no he’s still moving Steve needs to be longer than that oh this guy is so annoying no vibranium it’s hard to come by and harder to break surrender never no this isn’t going well I’ve just got to pin him down somehow uh wait remember earlier those turrets I wonder if I could deploy my own awesome wait what is that it’s a magnetic turret once can get Pinn down by the other turret we can head over and power up the magnet turet okay there we go it’s online oh I’ve got him exactly where I want him Guido how about that satellite Weaponry up here we go not so strong now are you cap and there we go the fourth heart is mine the Captain America heart which does smell a little burn but I’ll still take it check it out Guido another super tight costume and we’ve got Captain America shield uh is that coming back uh it was supposed to but I do have another one now let’s get to the top of this building and see where we can find the next superhero heart honestly Guido we’re making such great progress I think we’ll find the final few hearts in no time yeah no time at all M huh that’s the bed symbol the next heart must belong to Batman come on follow me yeah yeah in a second Guido hurry up sorry sorry sorry woo hold on a second I can’t go into the water H well the B symbol was coming from over there on that ice there’s got to be some way to get us across here without touching the water okay you know what let’s place down the magnet turret once again reverse the polarity and use our Shield oh boy now it should be strong enough to launch us back wo w w what the heck is that it looks like someone was fighting now what in the multiv US was going up I heard there’s someone Cooler Than Me here well I see you’re just these two DeWees must be my reflection or something cooler like Darkness or black submarines for my 12th birthday uh did he just call himself a dream listen it’s really nice to meet you man but we’ll be taking that H now wo wo calm down what is wrong with this guy I don’t really know fighting is uncol BR those bad Rings were just a test I prefer doing something edgier like ice skating um ice skating with a CH get back oh my gosh can you believe this there’s no way we’re going to catch up with him unless we do something like this wa Steve hop on wo whoo W oh there he is keep going quo we’ve almost got him watch out for the Bing quo you’re the one staring this thing you watch out whoa Guido he’s going to the right take the Sher here we go now I’ll hop off we’ll get the shield ready hopefully this thing is strong enough ah you might have the heart but I’m still [Music] Batman well that guy was weird look weo I’m Batman uh don’t you mean I’m Batman no okay sure and check out these b r whoa lightning look out see you what the heck is going on it’s not even raining wait I think it’s coming from those storm clouds we’ve got to get up there okay let me check my utility belt aha the BET grappling her surely this isn’t going to work wo okay that was intense well now that I do have this grappling hook it’s going to make traversing these clouds a lot easier but it doesn’t really make it any less scary J Don’t Look Down steeve okay oh and if I do happen to fall off I do have the BC which will give me just enough time to reposition my grapple and get back to safety nice now where do we go oh my gosh that is the biggest St I’ve ever seen hey Guido looks like something just got summoned in some kind of building maybe you can grab onto it yeah I’ll give it a shot if we aim carefully whoa okay yep that worked wa I think this is Asgard uh wait is that Thor stop right there human you are not worthy of asard leave or face the fury of a god oh no you don’t oh silly human thank the heavens you are no God quo that was a close one I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to fight Thor we got five Hearts F it’s now or never well here we go who wao Guido his attacks are Relentless he’s got to have some kind of weakness I don’t think so Guido he is a God okay that hurt okay we’ve got him now no he’s just way too fast we’re not going to be able to hurt him this way we need to turn his own powers against him wait a second the barang they’re made of metal so Yow TR The Landing wait dude yes I actually think that might work we’ve just got to put this bank somewhere high up somewhere like the top of the desert temple let’s just grapple over there W no okay yep there we go and now we’ll put the bang right here and here we go um I said here we go quido what’s going on the Lightning’s not striking and now th is coming to finish us off I used to have a brother like you trixy little boy you now would be good time to move boom did we just kill a God yes quido not only that but we also got his heart huh guess I was worthy after all the next heart isn’t too far away steam come on all right Guido right behind you we see the sandstorm I’ve never seen one this close before yeah that’s the worry quido it’s getting closer oh hey one an honor for you to meet me name is Flash I know who you are and you’ve got something I want enough talk what I can’t tell where he is he’s so fast come on qu being a coward Show Yourself hey my P friend this is getting boring I’ll just take a couple laps around the dimension he’s so fast how is this even possible he isn’t so great and I got the perfect way to stop him so uh what’s your plan Steve because right now it just looks like you’re getting your butt handed to you well as you can see the flesh is following the exact same routes every time so all we’ve got to do is line ourselves up with the perfect spots and then we’re going to throw the hammer that way this area seems about right yeah we’re all lined up and now we’ve just going to throw meia now finally we got him to shut up and check it out another heart hopefully this doesn’t turn me into a jack woohoo W slow down W look at this you’re right I’m L wish we had that race with Batman now we’ve got a jungle up ahead that’s where the next heart is I see a guido I’m almost there okay where is the next heart oh my gosh Steve it’s adman how in the multiv am I supposed to get his heart watch it little one your heart may be mine now but you can have it back wait really oh thanks man if you can find me why you little come on guo let’s get after him just make sure you don’t lose track of AD man’s Fe or we may never see that heart again uh it might be a little too late for that you see the problem we’re facing Guido is that he could be hidden in any one of these bushes and there’s a lot of bushes in this jungle so how are we going to get rid of them so the only way to find Ant-Man is to use our flash powers and cut this entire Forest down W there an anill he’s going to be inside uh-oh looks like we’ve been caught quick defend me wait a second what the heck is that oh my gosh it’s a giant anend take it down with your B Ste we’ll do Guido I’ve just got to get some space use my flash powers and look this poor little L can’t even keep up with me I wouldn’t exactly call it l no but I would call it dead oh edman I know you’re in there gu I’ll have to handle this myself now what do we do well weedo we still have those Vines behind us wonder if we could use them to our advantage now I take these Vines wrap them around the legs of Antman and bring him down oh that guy was a real nuisance that’s another heart down only a couple more too I wonder how crazy the powers are going to get wait a second what what’s going on is that you yeah but what the heck is another me doing out here I that was was strange maybe the answers are coming later let’s just keep going you know Guido I’ve been looking for the next heart for hours and there’s absolutely no sight of it yeah I don’t understand we searched this entire jungle it almost makes me think there’s only one place where it could be the moon that’s an oddly specific conclusion to jumps you but sure come on hop [Music] in Guido Fly Me to the Moon and we have left off wa brace for impact well Guido here we are the moon but I still can’t see the next Hearts anywhere in fact I can’t see a whole bunch of anything out here what did you say I said that wait what was that noise uh Steve looks like we’ got a new friend ah it’s Superman I think he stole one of my hearts too so now we have to destroy him got any kryponite I’m not one to underestimate opponents but I must tell you that the only Kryptonite left to destroy me is right here oops well there go Superman’s one weakness no no [Music] no no no no no no watch out for the laser we can’t just run forever Guido it’s time for us to fight back yeah uh-oh oh Guido is no use he’s way too strong well could you do me a favor on strange down uh yeah maybe what’s your idea when he threw that piece of crite away I sure that he threw with enough Force where some of it must have come loose oh yeah maybe we can find some of it down here like what about behind that rock let’s see please please please let there be something ah a it’s the tiniest piece of crite in the world that’s right buddy and it’s so small that Superman doesn’t even know it’s there now if I use my anman suit here to make some adjustments and now we can make this Kryptonite hug uge dude that is huge and look Superman is terrified what a baby no how did you find more and that gave us the Superman heart just one more heart to go Guido Guido how do I look are you wearing underwear on the outside of your pants uh uh uh maybe humans are so strange now we just need to figure a way to get off the moon although I’d say that’s a pretty good bad it’s the same portals from before yeah with the weird alternate version of me I think we’re about to get to the bottom of this mystery the reason why we’ve seen so many strange things today now come on what in the Multiverse we’re in some kind of etherial D menion I don’t know and who is there let’s let’s stop Dr Strange wait Dr Strange I actually kind of like that guy his real name is Steven ah that can be only one your stay in this Multiverse has transpired for far too long in the name of time I Exile you from this realm uh steeve what is he doing oh the magician is making pretty colors I don’t think that’s what it is we need to go yeah yeah in a second to dude quo what the heck is going on it seems like Dr Strange kick us out of the dimension and now we’re traveling through every world in the Multiverse wait what wait this place looks a little broken you can fly with your superan abilities let’s take a look around uh okay he this is so weird it seems like these blocks have just kind of been puked out over this Dimension wait I know what this is this is the garbage patch of the Multiverse where all the dimensions dump their Cosmic waste oh that makes sense there’s just so much random stuff here it’s where all the Minecraft Dimensions unwanted stuff gets thrown okay another question for you Guido what year is it let me just check the year is zero zero then that means we’ve got back in time and if we’ve gone back in time then we can find Doctor Strange before he teleported us here there that’s got to be doctor strange come on let’s go uh Guido it looks like we found some kind of ritual yeah and if this is earlier in dror Strange’s timeline then this must be when he became a wizard and he’s using my heart to power his abilities that was the green Glo we saw well I’m not going to let this happen oh I’m just about to introduce him to my friend meia hey how’s it going nice hairer listen I’m just going to be taking my heart now you have destroyed the amulet I cannot let you live for the sake of the Multiverse whoa hey back up Baldi Don’t Make Me Hurt You Steve I think the heart SS you in danger oh now where are we the superheroes of Minecraft start wait was that me it sure sounded like you Guido look it’s me from the starts of the adventure just before I got all of my heart stolen we’ve got to do something uh I really don’t think we should yeah Bonk there they’re all gone yeah but I really don’t think we should have done that you know in those time travel movies where you’re never supposed to meet yourself in the past or terrible things will happen uh yeah I guess so well I think terrible things are going to happen

Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/

This is Minecraft, but there are SUPER HERO HEARTS! When Steve’s hearts get stolen by Superhero Characters such as Batman, Venom, Spiderman, Miles Morales, Captain America, Iron Man, Thanos, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, and The Flash, he needs to defeat the Heroes and steal the hero hearts BACK from the Minecraft Avengers and Justice League! Steve needs to learn how to be and behave like a real Super Hero if he wants to use all the Superhero powers, gadgets, and abilities! Can Steve learn all the secrets and abilities of the Superheroes, get all the Hero hearts, and upgrade into the ultimate Superhero? This is Minecraft but there’s custom Superhero hearts!


‣ Check out our WEBSITE and make your own Checkpoint character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/
‣ Buy Checkpoint MERCH: https://creatorink.com/collections/checkpoint
‣ Check out our INSTAGRAM!: https://www.instagram.com/checkpoint.yt/
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‣ Join the Adventurer’s Guild on Discord: https://discord.gg/rzXUDvt

~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by: https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk/
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations: https://twitter.com/AmbientTeam

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Carimelle: https://estherchristova.carrd.co/#home
Cyrus Rodas: https://twitter.com/CyrusRodas
Dallis MacKenzie: https://twitter.com/Dallisaur
Corey Wilder: https://twitter.com/WilderCorey
Brooke Johnson: https://brookejohnsonvo.com


‣ GTA 5 DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/35VAw0f
‣ MINECRAFT DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/3mKfUOL
‣ ROBLOX DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/2HquZVz


Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #Minecraft


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