2 Noobs Set Sights on Terraria’s Final Boss with NO Wiki

me and my friend have been trying to take on Terraria for the very first time without any Wiki and it’s been a massive mistake however this video is a really special one we’re nearing the end of this beautiful series and Blake and I decided it’d be a great idea to live stream the final few episodes check out the link in the description I’m also trying to hit 150 likes on this video and while you’re there hit subscribe so I don’t feel lonely at night enjoy oh oh Blake oh Blake oh Blake oh no where did you go I’m coming home okay that was too much that was too much all right all right hold on hold on oh my god dude you’re almost dead dude don’t go that way Blake don’t go that way man what the hell don’t do it don’t for what is over there that was crazy so you need which which pillars do you need you need the sun one is that right yeah the the I think it’s the one that you were at the solar solar pillar that’s the supposed to be the melee pillar apparently okay so we need the Stardust and that one we’re we’re live on Twitch so twitch chat is helping us out a little bit here um so we just go fight it right I think somebody’s saying we need to be underground for the solar underground for solar do we we probably should get some Buffs too I don’t think we have any Buffs do you have any Buffs um I have a pumpkin pie I didn’t really set myself up too well here for like future me you know oh oh we need to be on the ground not in the ground okay thanks twitch chat thank you very much I don’t know how you got that little miscommunication there uh how to communicate still you know we don’t really have any good potions if you were an Archer we would let’s just try to let’s just try to Raw it you know what I’m saying whoa sorry is that a bad way to say that that’s probably a bad way a little aggressive right there let’s try to let’s try to just get right in on the on the sun you know really we’ll go we’ll sneak in the back door real slow go plow the sun you with me I love that we we didn’t teleport either you know we compl no I want to I want to run up on it I want to like like a true warrior true samurai oh okay okay okay so we’re just going to get right into it oh yeah I need to all right I have I pressed B I don’t think anything happened uh I still haven’t seen so I I believe we have to we have to kill 100 enemies in order yeah yeah so so we need to kill 100 enemies before we we do anything else if I’m understanding corly so we need to stay on the ground for this the alien the aliens abducted me hold on hold on I’m trying to I’m trying to negotiate I’m trying to negotiate they’re probing me they’re probing me hold on where oh my God where are they probing you oh they’re throwing me back they’re throwing me back I think I’m back why are you using these words I’m being thrown back by some proing aliens the aliens took me out bro are you dead or they just took you out for a date no I lost connection you lost connection dude it’s a very important time I know I’m I understand I need you right now I’m trying bro so I did get the spooky breast plate upgrade last time which is kind of nice um but aside from that dude I’m about to I’m about to Spring a gasket right now careful Blake careful chat I do not want to be in random things calm down it’s wild that’s a wild statement to say we’re we’re we’re recording for YouTube you got to be on my team here 33 33% 3 3% how the Bro all right there’s a lot of a lot of enemies here of course as soon as we go live we’re having issues you’re having issues I’m hosting it so I’m kind of vibing random user we have defeated one of four pillars this is our first one since we’ve been back we’ve how long’s it been since we recorded Blake it’s been like literally 2 weeks almost yeah like yeah two weeks at least crazy it just hasn’t lined up we’ve both been doing some crazy stuff in life money moves not really I mean for for Blake it’s money moves for me it’s just anxiety and here we are here we are doing some crazy stuff now we would be doing crazy stuff uh if I could get back in here good God have mercy so Blake I do have some beef with you I can’t lie bro I don’t have time for beef now I can’t lie with you dude I have some crazy beef with you what are we even beefing about bro I’m requesting tile data how can we have beef I don’t even have the tile data to beef with bro I think I hear knocks on my door none of this is adding up none of this is okay right now it’s our Flor open up holy wait somebody is at my door hold on did you order a pizza did somebody order an extra large sausage pizza bro it I swear to God this never happens cuz everybody’s farting so much Nate’s at the door I’m back I’m back can we restart the server cuz it’s not letting me in okay sure sure sure I I’ll restart the server this is not happening I hate to Hate to bur let’s go it worked welcome back like it never happened dude hey you know we what were we about to do we were about to go check out this whole Solar just just follow me Blake we we’ve done some damage and somebody in chat has said if we put Frost hydras underneath the pillar and teleport away they’ll just do the job for us so me guy on automation oh it just reset all of our damage oh what do you mean dude now that I’m here we’re going to we’re going to double down I already defeated 100 though Blake that’s the problem oh my god dude these worm guys are insane yeah just stay on the ground Dodge and weave on the ground apparently oh so okay so don’t fly yeah don’t fly according to chat according to chat like I have some crazy beef with you I’m not going to lie to you what all right so what’s the deal with this beef what are you talking about over here I’m I’m literally you leaked my face Blake what you leaked my face how it was in your Discord you you mean the video forever ago that we did that we made before before the cloud channel was even a thing yes it was like 20 seconds long yeah you weren’t even like on YouTube at that point I know I it’s so it’s so crazy but hey how did they even link that to you I don’t even think I tagged you on that I have no I have no clue but dude you got some serious detectives in your Discord bro your Discord has they know my IP they have my address it’s got crazy at this point Bas personal private investigators yeah if you’re watching this video and you’re curious to hear or see what my face looks like it’s in the Discord so come on by come join the Discord and the link and uh see my my uh my beautiful face or mediocre face I’ll let you decide I ped a Ray J on you uh a WF what pause what did you do I’m fighting enemy dude we’re far away we’re far away bro oh oh we finished we finished let’s go oh sweet all right so now we got to get the pillar yep I’m putting the hydro staff underneath it oh we got him we got him oh this is good this is good this is good he’s gone he’s gone he’s that was Annihilation dunzo bunzo did you get solar frag you’re overwhelmed with pain yeah sounds about right average average Wednesday um I got a nebula fragment what did you get did you get anything cool okay I got some solar fragments it looks like let’s see I got eight solar fragments that’s it it looks like a quick Sunstone and a strange plant and a strange plant all right that’s yeah oh look at all these in the sky I apparently I can get an upgrade with the solar fragment yes I have 31 solar fragments if you want any oh wow you got a lot yeah let’s uh let’s check out chat at least reply with the good face reveal don’t do the don’t do the bad ones come on you come on here this crazy oh we need more villagers near the hollowood pon just by the way just PT so we did get a nebula fragment we got one nebula fragment how many did you get Blake nebula fragments I do not see any I only got one is that fine I don’t think uh maybe let’s let’s ask the what’s the guy’s name Jan the [ __ ] Jan Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well hold on now Slow Down slow down he’s a nice guy he’s a nice guy they’re saying they’re saying the twink one is fire the what I don’t know I don’t know that’s what chat’s saying the the pink one is fire no no they said the twink one the twink one which one who’s the twink I don’t know it’s not me crafting uh lunar hook solar is melee and nebula is is magic so what’s the one for Summoner cuz I want Summoner okay we got to get Stardust next that’s that’s the next one this doesn’t oh I see the melee damage wow huge melee damage increase is it holy crap bro this m I’ll throw oh we don’t have luminite bar though oh dude I need I need a lot how do we make luminite bar hold on wait wasn’t that we need luminite and I need like a [ __ ] ton more solar fragments how do we get more solar fragments I thought we made luminite all way on the right you remember that with our shroomite guy or no that’s shite that’s what the lunatics I thought okay we actually can’t get luminite at all right now according to uh Potato Man on Twitch oh so yeah I how do chat how do we get this how do we get this did you give me your solar fragments by the way cuz I’m trying to make this armor uh yeah I I get it do you have luminite no but you didn’t give me solar fragments I need solar fragments here here I’ll give it to you all right all right what’s up welcome to the stream yeah there’s more see there’s more armor there’s armor wait where did it go are you able to make it without illuminite though yeah cuz I oh I think for just the AR oh wait no okay so right now we can only make the the powerful weapons and uh we have to wait on the armor damn it wait so how do we make the luminite then uh that comes after the final boss according to chat what so I have so I have to use my current armor to to get where we’re going I guess yes so let’s go now take on the Stardust Pillar To the Left you ready Stardust Pillar To the Left okay uh are we going to take well I guess we can’t take the pylons do you want to take well we could yeah we could we didn’t have enough villagers at the other one oh hey it worked okay yeah let’s do it I’m over in the jungle perfect perfect you know like our top line of how many Subs in the in the Torches okay hold on We’re In It top of our top dude I I will actually get arthritis if I add all the new Subs um so I’m going to unfortunately say that one’s a bust thanks anyways for subbing for like what do you mean but the Torches no dude we are definitely going to add enough torches to Le before the series ends we will put every single new Sub in this world before we we do our final video also heal up cuz you’re going to die you’re literally about to die my God you’re about to die I’m I literally I watched you about to die you’re looking out for me I don’t know the strats here I don’t know the strats I just got rail not that not that literally just not that I dropped 36 gold I’m going to pick it up I’m stealing all that you should use those fragments at the manipulator I don’t know what that is is this the manipulator I don’t know which one’s which one is the manipulator it’s me I dude I’m carrying us right now just by the way I around I know you are all right I’m here let’s do this thing what are you singing Blake can we talk about uh what you were up to this past week dude I went to bonaroo dude how was it how was it was amazing for those of you who don’t know what bonaroo is it is a music festival that has a ton of different Indie kind of music it has a bunch of I’m getting railed by this guy that’s also what happened at Bon oh my gosh oh no I died I died oh [ __ ] this one’s a lot harder but so bonaroo is really cool I I uh I don’t know if you can tell I sound a little more California than usual um I definitely more chill defitely what’s good my man I feel good uh it was definitely a very oh sa progress oh nice we’re chill we’re literally chilling dude that is beautiful uh um but yeah dude like I really learned a lot about myself I learned a lot about what I want to do on on the YouTube channel and I listened to some amazing music that you just that you just can’t beat that’s fantastic you got to you got to share some uh some videos of some of some of the good sets I will share because the face has been revealed I’ll share some videos in the Discord I’ll share some photos of me in the Discord from the festival you know and then dreams we might have a little bit of a webcam so who knows I’m feeling I’m feeling like exposing myself you’re whoa you’re changing up all over the place I know you weren’t expecting that were you yeah I know dude you know You’ mentioned something else about doing like a possible uh face cam or not FaceCam but like liveaction video on the YouTube as well yes uh I think that would be really fun oh other worldly voices linger around you okay so we are on our last last guy last uh pillar before the final boss and chat has told me that we’ve missed a few bosses we haven’t fought the Empress of light we haven’t fought who the what yeah I know I know that’s that’s a new one to me as well do you remember Duke you want to go take on Duke still we still haven’t beat Duke yeah let’s go let’s go beat Duke real quick bro let’s go beat these [ __ ] I’m so ready to get the Revenge we need on Duke this is this is what we’ve been missing so what is the Strat what is the Strat for dud and did you get any Stardust fragments probably I’m counting on you to grab the uh uh what’s it called the bait for this thing the bait all right I got you I got you oh oh there’s another pillar there’s another pillar over here I’m not don’t take it don’t take it don’t take it going I’m running I’m running we can’t finish that like oh I know I know I know I know I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m getting away whoa Stardust cells St Blake I can I can make a dragon I don’t I don’t know if we can fight D I don’t know if we can fight Duke do I want a dragon or oh what do you mean we can’t fight Duke let’s go to the left side sick though oh yeah cuz there’s water two oceans okay so guys do we go dragon or or the other thing somebody said dragon de nuts God got it all right understood you’re about to make a dragon yeah I’m about to have a dragon as a pet real talk word uh I also don’t have any of the fragments it looks like I have nebula fragments that’s what do I need to craft this thing oh but the cell staff looks stronger it does 116 damage whereas the dragon only does 77 you know you know at this point listen to the chat they know that they know better than us they know better than us bro you know this okay hold on hold on a second cell staff is useless all right trust us on this one all right all right all right we got it we got it we got it Dragon it is we are officially Dragon Warriors can you make me one I can only spawn one Dragon guys make can you make me one guys I only have one dragon can you make me one you want a dragon can you make me one like you’re not a Summoner please oh and the one person says oh you said oh my go do you have any said it was a pet you said it was a pet do you have any Stardust I know dude we chose the wrong one what do you mean all right you want to see my dragon yeah where by the ocean oh you’re on the left side yeah bring bring I hope you oh my god what look it’s doing circles around this this club around this joint look at that look at the dragon all right we got to test out this Dragon damage watch this hold on let’s find an enemy here uh there’s a whole bro why we’re here bro uh gamer uh dude uh I don’t have one moment did you forget all the supplies I literally I thought I made I was so excited leave me alone I literally made a big stink about like hey make sure you bring a fishing rod and the bait dude you were there minutes before me either of them I don’t have either of them you were there minutes before me and I don’t I can’t find any truffle worms I wish there was a search function in this thing dang it we need to go truffle worm hunting again no no no no no all right I have a fishing rod I know there’s a truffle worm somewhere there’s got to be I have a glowing snail if that works does a glowing snail no no where’s the TR somebody somebody bear somebody that knows this world better than we do please tell us it’s so funny cuz like they do some comments will be like it’s in the second chest on the third floor and I’m like bro how do you know this they they see they just see everything right I I respect it you are more observant than I could ever be they they have their eyes peel they also can like pause and zoom in like and then be like and then comment and be like how did you miss this you so there’s also that you know ID there’s two sides of I scrubbed through this video four times I watched I watched this video at 0.25 speed to to micro look at and inspect every mistake you ever made BL where is this truffle worm oh sh how did you lose the Truffle worm didn’t we literally went hunt we l we went hunting for the worms and we got find the Worm for you all right we got extra worms specifically for this I’m going to find it it’s the last thing I ever do maybe I put it in oh I found him I found him I found him let’s go you suck I rock let’s go shut up you literally have been here for like 20 minutes dude go it’s a massive W all right let’s go to the ocean we’re going fishing we’re going fishing when’s the last time you went fishing I cuz I feel like you would suck at fishing in real life I recently went fishing I’m pretty sure I bet you didn’t catch [ __ ] I didn’t yeah it was more of a meditative practice it turned into that for me were you like kaying or something like that be kind of kayak and fish yeah no or did you did you have you ever Bo do I have a story to tell you in one minute but first first let me ask real quick yes I have I have hold on chat what’s the strp for Duke do we need to be over the water or do we need to be on the sand um but yeah so I have a story a story time with with cloud while we’re waiting for submissions to come through I think I know the answer but the the kayak story um basically like long story short I went shark fishing in a half kayak like the front was cut off and I I paddled out 200 yards in at midnight into the ocean and like who who would have thought that I would have done this that’s the stupidest thing you could do right and I decided a half open Kayak yeah you’re an idiot yeah so I had the fish in my boat I had like every I had three people on the shore I was like the person that like sent I was like bringing the bait out I was basically the you yeah you’re like walking yourself into a horror movie I know this sounds terrible so I had I had this flapping flopper on my fish I had a squid that was alive on my thing and it’s like suctioning to the theid and I had one other fish and I just hear from the shore like 200 yard away drop the first one and I dropped the squid in CU I’m like trying to like suction the things off or whatever it is I throw that thing in and bro I battled so hard away I’m like all right all right we got to get to the next one here what’s next drop the second one drop the third one in I Survived long story short there you go you’re fishing you’re fishing four sharks um yeah that’s so crazy dude that’s like the most Forest [ __ ] ever I know it was in Florida it I was say there’s no way that wasn’t Florida it was in Florida and chat this will be uploaded to YouTube when it’s finished um so thank you for asking that question question let’s get it going you ready Blake are you buffed yeah uh yeah and apparently I need to make a weapon after this too Blake Blake Blake Blake Blake what I’m dude I’m right here come on Blake come on come on we got him dude oh dude my dragon doing damage you see that I need you to tank Blake bro you’re just pulling them all over the place with you here we go here we go get him down uh what’s he doing um oh don’t go in the tornadoes don’t go in the tornadoes um um um I’m about to die you’re dead you’re so dead but hey he’s really close to death yeah I got him I got him I should be able to get him 13 seconds 12 seconds okay he’s down at 10,000 I should be oh I your uh your hydro thing is still here oh it’s helping out let’s go yeah yeah 3 seconds I want to be there for when it’s done no oh come on come on can I get it can I get it no he despawned Blake how no Blake it was was an inch away it was an inch away all right honestly honestly Blake we can do this if we have potions we can do this if we have potions do you have another truffle worm cuz I didn’t I I have three I have three okay cuz I literally only had a pumpkin pie I don’t have any other Buffs um let’s let’s make some Buffs I’m going to make some more pumpkin pie cuz I didn’t even have that okay that’s an issue that’s definitely an issue and chat What potions do we make and what do we need we need some pots to craft whoa no that’s what they call them dude that’s what I used to I dude I used to play this game called Kingdoms At War if anybody else out there has played Kingdoms At War that game is fire um but it is you know you call potions pots it’s just honestly no that’s respectable I feel like every OG game you would call everything pots yeah yeah yeah no no I’m with it okay so we need iron skin regener swiftness life force wrath and rage that sounds like a lot of work that does sound like a lot of work do we do we have the materials for that though cuz we have a materials chest for a reason you know what if we just use the gravitation potion hear me out here you know I feel like it’s not that what if we just turn gravity off and send Duke to the moon what if we what if we just turn the gravity off and then Duke goes back up with the aliens and then he’s just a problem later in the game and then the aliens suck him up and we win easy win all right so where’re Are the pumpkins Blake let’s just make some more pumpkin pie I got a couple pumpkins here I got like 139 of them right per yeah yeah yeah we’ll just craft some some uh some good old pumpkin pie see where do I need to craft for the Sol fragment thing there you go that’s manipulator all right so that will give us a medium Improvement of stats and then let’s try it again you ready Duke has controlled fight I don’t think that would help you guys I’m not ready at all what do you mean you’re not ready uh where where can I craft my new weapon with the Sol fragment oh he said it’s like the manipulator Come Here Blake you haven’t had that this whole time yeah know I was going to go ahead and make it like cuz everybody like was saying that I should make it and like I just realized that we fought Duke here’s the manipulator ah oh oh okay so they said Daybreak ooh this is It’s a spear I don’t know how I like the spear is hold on hold on chat is the spear actually good or it says craft the day break it’s Lally double the damage hold on Daybreak single Target bosses is that yeah the solar throwing sphere what’s Daybreak well we’re about to find out did you get the day break yeah I made it all right use it let’s see let’s find out uh I need to replace that too okay we’ll deal with that later oh oh it’s over oh yeah we’re good it’s over let’s go duke time du all right so I also need to try to hit them with Morning Star more frequently uh because call me lock Martin cuz I am swinging like a hell let’s go you better start taking some of this some of this oh my god do they stick to him please help me Blake I couldn’t even see him I couldn’t even see him I’m really not the accurate with this thing if I’m being honest dude I need you to take this where are you where are you okay I’m here oh bro it’s game over I got him I got him I got him I got locked in I’m locked in bro I’m locked in you’re so dead come on man how what do you mean come on oh I didn’t even buff I I just realized that too trying to swim okay 5,000 4 he’s almost two come on I got I [ __ ] did it wo wo wo wo wo wao hey we’re streaming Blake relax dude hold on man hold on bro I did it I did it I got him I’m very proud of you we got a razor blade typhoon let’s check this out hold on a second oh let’s go check that out that was huge that was huge bro that that was incredible absolutely insane oh what did you get any other drops uh probably uh I don’t know let’s see uh it doesn’t look like it actually I think you picked up everything all right so let’s run it again you ready again why not we got to Let’s Farm some drops real quick oh little Duke drop okay all right little Duke drop action let’s run it let me just grow my uh dragon real quick How to Train Your Dragon dragon my um all right uh yo yo press B Press B all right all right all right uh I am and you know what here I I’m going to let you do this because hopefully he’ll Target you now come on over here grab grab the fishing rod and put that I don’t want to I don’t want to do all this just just put it in your ammo slot yeah get to pull the fish in then get all right and then right after this we’re going to go do the Empress of light and it’s going to be a great time what is what is this whole of light I don’t know we’re going to find out do you know how to fish how do we even spawn it dude I’m fishing what are you yelling at me for bro did you just get a drop yeah I got like a little crate you’re using the wrong ammo what do you mean how do I pick use the Truffle worm I have it in my inventory what do you want me to do bro you got to put it at the top right top right like where the arrows are yeah that’s kind of dumb all right oh I think this is it I think this is the one let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go all right all right is he targeting you yeah he is on me like Wi on right he I am trying to find you but you like disappeared bro I’m sorry I’m bringing him back I’m bringing him back I’m bringing him back here we are what’s up all right there we go my dragon’s doing damage oh my gosh that Dragon does a crazy amount of damage what do you mean I dude I got him to like half Health before you even saw let me let me live in in pleasure y okay I’m up on the I’m up on the bro you’re leaving me alone over here hey but you’re not dead though you’re not dead though you’re right now Duke is just running C all right I’m going to let you just do your thing I’ll be here for the drops okay Finish him finish him finish him please please let’s see if I can do this where is he where is he uh he’s been defeated he’s been defeated easy mode I did all of that like for for you you’re dead just to walk him down at the last second I don’t want to hear it oh I got a staff I got a tempest staff thanks for the duin O 100 summon damage summon shark natos let’s go this D shark NATO is shark NATO like a bunch of Duke fish Rons like hold on so can I have a shark NATO and my dragon uh probably I don’t see why I I can only have one shark NATO oh it sucks apparently okay all right chat says it sucks kind of a kind and we didn’t get any other drops so no other drops I got tuna you want some tuna oh for you you’re welcome here uh what about those do you need those nebula oh let’s go see what we can make with those I didn’t know you had that those are for uh ranged I’m pretty sure who I just got a a notification defeat every boss in Terraria but we haven’t actually beat everybody maybe that’s the base boss base bosses I guess so I don’t know if I have that one uh is it let’s see what’s the name of the achievement I love a good achievement dude uh I I forget to be honest with you all right let’s let’s teleport back home um let’s let’s go see if Empress of light is available for us to meet what do you you haven’t even said how you spawn this thing dude yeah how do we spawn Empress of light oh you so you don’t even know no why would I know bro you were you were talking this whole time like you’re like yeah we got to go do this like I’m the goated I’m look this is why we’re streaming okay so we need to be in in the hollow biome to summon it and you have to find a certain butterfly called the Prismatic lace Wing that spawns at night in the hollow biome surface at night in the hollow biome surface and here’s the Strat actually no we’re I’m not even going to readin I’m not even going to read the Strat we’re just going to run it the Strat the all I see is kill shiny butterflies at night that’s what I’m seeing find a rainbow butterfly at night in the hollow perfect easy enough Hollow and then let’s wait until it’s night so it’s 10:00 a.m. though wow wa if you made it this far of the video hit like And subscribe you know we got to no oh this is so cool what is it come here come here come here where are you I got to show you what what my new weapon does it makes like these star Trails on the map this is so cool hold on I’m coming I’m coming dude oh I’m so fascinated this let’s see it look at this here you got to you got to come check out like a fresh spot down here here come on I’m before I see you come on come come like right down here you see my dragon is so sick so look at the map on the top right yep you see like the little vein it’s doing nothing for me no what oh wao wo wo it is a little bit no that’s my dragon doing it for me can you just toss me the weapon and I’ll try it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah give it give her a shot it’s a cool little thing that’s not doing it for me what you don’t see it on the map like where it’s like making like those little like light veins into the wall no but this is a crazy weapon dude it’s pretty sick all right thanks yeah hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh give me my Hellfire missile all right all right all right all right that’s my that’s my lucky my lucky missile all right so where does this butterfly spawn at night is it underground or is it above ground they said surface uh I yeah they said surface you know what we can do in the meantime Blake is set up a tiny Arena over here so I’m going to go make a there’s a unicorn oh not anymore what are you sorry I’m going to go I’m going to go grab a fireplace I’m going to go grab a uh one of those things that gives us more armor I have a table and chairs you are so useful I I just letting you know you know in case you needed it uh thank you all right so I’m going to assume that we’ll try to fight it right around here probably and I’m going to use I mean it’ll just be in the hollow like on the surface right that’s all like as far as like location right yeah yeah yeah on the surface so I’ll just place the campfire by all of our furry friends over here nice uh let’s see real quick boom and boom we got some five extra armor there which is massive for me and some health regeneration oh it’s in the hollowed hold on it’s not in the in the surface is this is this the light is the light blue Hollow or is it yes yeah with the with the blue grass that’s the hollow the light blue yeah okay where yeah yeah okay okay you’re in the right you’re in the right place we’re in this is the hollowed got it yeah oh ow ow I’m just doing a little exploration down here I want to really see what kind of damage my dragon does so let’s let’s try to take on this Harpy real quick oh that’s an inst kill wow all right did you get rid of your DPS meter oh let’s see it take on yo it’s taking it yo my dragon is sick dude like it’s just like three hit a wyvern that’s awesome that’s pretty useful it did 300 per hit oh I got a Reaper statue that’s cool ooh mythical ore what oh mythal mythal my bad my bad dud Sor H’s inventing stuff oh oh I’m going to go steal your money I only dropped seven gold so you’re not getting much you’re broke yeah a little bit that was the time is after 8:30 before 12:30 for the butterfly okay so we have 6 hours in Game of waiting I see oh D I have thorns potion I’ll give you one oh nice are you uh oh no you’re back home um I’m just putting my money away that’s probably I was carrying one platinum coin on me that’s wild damn bro I’m rich all right I’m rich [ __ ] I’m rich um oh wait we can both sleep in a bed how do we make a bed I don’t know we could speed up time we literally never made a bed the whole time how do you make a bed 6 minute window to find the butterfly 4 minutes allegedly a four to six minute window to make or to find the butterfly tonight that is the most intense butterfly hunting we need cloth and wood I have cloth I have a bunch of wood right now oh wait that’s silk how do I make cloth hold on I’m going to go to the loom here wait Blake why all right uh if you need some wood we need cloth where you at where you at uh cloth what do we do kill a sheep like Minecraft um yeah are there any sheep can you use shears we don’t like killing animals uh it says one of us uh I’m practicing I’m practicing my hunting shut up I’m practicing my butterfly hunting skills right now and I am just a slaughterer let me say that’s insane dude that’s it’s one of those things that like you question friendship you know what I’m saying what do you mean guys guess what can you say what like what dude Blake and I are talking about moving in together and making a Content house yeah and I’m going to be the big spoon what what what what no but yeah it’d be crazy it’s uh it’s kind of a cool idea we’re just tossing it around you know just tossing the salad as of the idea you know and uh yeah we’re just thinking about it we’re tossing the salad we’re trying to see if it’ll work for us and if it doesn’t it’s okay if it does it’d be awesome and we could actually do some really cool IRL content together we could play we’re not moving to La though I will say that I’m putting my foot down right now we’re not moving out to LA I’ll I’ll go a lot of places I will not go to LA yeah I’ll visit I’ll visit I’ll I’ll hang out for a little bit it’s cool we can go we can go vacation but like no we’re not moving to La we’re going to stay right here but we’re going to move together I’m just manifesting it because I think it’d be really cool to live with you I think it’d be a Vibe dude it’d be a good time so people are asking about my girlfriend now she has her own place she has a lease for a year that’s why we can’t move together yet and that’s why Blake gets the big spoon for now no I’m just a I’m just a placeholder SP that’s all it is you know but it’s cool it’s cool we’re just sharing spoons that’s all it is yeah sure sure uh all right all right it’s it’s nearing night time it’s nearing night time do we need to kill the butterfly or do we need to catch it kill it murder it it’s they said butterfly hunting so I would assume like you know what I’m saying okay I’m getting conflicting information some people are saying kill some people are saying catch this is horrible you guys know that this is our first time playing I’m working that thing on site who do I trust Blake who do I trust who do I trust man go away I don’t want to live with you anymore I don’t want to move in with you where do I go bro oh man what do I do oh who can I trust now that I have three and a2k subscribers oh no man this is not gnarly dude all right I’m grabbing I’m grabbing a clock uh so that way we know what time it is uh while while we’re hunting for this thing just for the record okay yeah we’re going to kill it we’re going to kill it consensus says kill consensus is murder I’m so glad we have chat we should have done this so much earlier it’s definitely it keeps it it keeps keeps it moving which is very helpful and we appreciate you guys if you’re tuning in live uh shout out to you you’re the homie yeah and if you’re tuning in on YouTube as well you’re also the homie just not a live homie yeah you’re you’re a you’re uh what would you call that homie uh a post uh post post post humus uh homie Post Live homie yeah on alive homie uh well no cuz they’re live but like a a post like like I’m trying to think whatever my cat is trying to catch this dragon on my screen right now dude I would too my cats love uh uh rocket League my cat Bruce is a big fan of Rocket League oh gosh dude all right wait wait wait it’s it’s 7:30 let’s find this thing oh my cat loves the dragon it’s 7 p.m. all right find it and kill it I’m on the hunt I’m on the hunt I’m going to stay on the left side of the biome I’m going to stay on the the left side of the biome you stay on the right you got it boss I hear I hear the sound what do you mean hear the sound that’s a pixie they said that they said that there would be a sound so I’m just on you’re on the alert I found one wait let me see it before okay you did it all right he’s here where is it where is it to the left he’s in the sky oh my gosh wa what the hell this hold on that looks like my she’s shining oh my God I’m trying to just hit her once so my dragon focuses her holy crap dude let’s go let’s go she is quick she is so quick I need I’m getting na buff buff dude buff buff buffing buffing buffing there’s lines through the screen dude this is so trippy you better heal you better heal you heal heal I’m trying I’m trying I can’t I I can’t she’s dude she’s on me she’s on me bro she wants me dude she wants me no she doesn’t she literally doesn’t want you she’s really it for real oh my go dude all right 20 seconds just survive dude just survive there’s no way I’m surviving no way got it no way I survive no dude oh okay oh my God how low was she how low was she like 20,000 out of what it had to be like 20 out of 70 out of 70 okay yeah damn bro so if we if we actually buff up I think I think we could do it we could we could do it if we we had like some serious potion action but that’s the thing if that’s how that’s going we really need some pots if we’re going to be going for the big boy if we’re going for the ingame in game you know what I’m saying I would agree because if this is like if this is like the almost the last boss I can only imagine what we’re about to take on later you know so but chat is saying that that boss is actually harder than the final boss th this boss the Empress of life yeah we almost annihilated her we put in some serious work we put in some serious work so I don’t know like they they’ll have to be the judge of that as far as like how ready we are um I don’t know I feel I would feel a lot more comfortable with potions on both of these regardless you know okay so we I have one more Thorn potion I forgot to give you last fight okay so come here that would have been useful yes it would have and we’ll also make some some iron potions to give us five more armor or whatever it is oh yeah that would be nice what do we need to make those yeah what’s the what’s the requirements on those I don’t know I’m going to grab a potion apparently if we fight her during the day um it it is uh she one hit you no matter what oh interesting you want to try it no that sounds terrible actually all right all right let’s see so I got some death weed if we can use that for any uh any potions okay okay we have a regeneration potion can you go to the chest with all our stuff and then I can tell you what what to grab oh yeah here let me let me come back home I was out on vacation my bad what’s up all right what am I looking for the chest all right so we need day Bloom and mushrooms uh okay here hold on we need blink root and Cactus blink root uh I know we have Cactus somewhere and we needink okay blinkroot what else mushroom day Bloom blinkroot Cactus mushroom day Bloom blinkroot Cactus and uh some some type of iron ore I think lead will work okay I’m not worried about that we definitely have these y uh I feel like the fire Blossom is one that we need too uh where’s cactus cactus has to be over one of these let’s see dangerous sonar Cactus maybe a Comm what what was the other the other thing blinkr mushroom said mushroom was one mushroom yeah tell me what you got okay I got mushroom blinkr Cactus there’s one day Bloom day Bloom got those day Bloom blinkroot mushroom Cactus that’s just the four we need okay okay that’s it and uh and a lead ore is there any any other others that we can stack on these nope trust trust we will actually beat her with these okay all right if you want to drop it my way oh you want me okay got you here uh there’s that there’s that there’s good good man good man good man go and we’ll grab some ore real quick nice or up or or what nice massive all right perfect what percentage milk do you get when you go to the grocery store uh I get whole milk like real talk real talk that’s a real man right there do you know who you’re talking to it’s a real ass man right there uh where’s the place that I can craft potions yeah the potion crafter I think is in our other house if I’m not Mist oh no it’s literally right next to the [ __ ] potion chest EXC my careful wow oh yeah you were standing next one but there’s also one right here okay I found it iron skin swiftness regeneration and last but not least uh apparently I’m missing something apparently I’m missing something we do have a campfire over there and then Blake if you want to grab wood we can make a bed wood oh I have wood I think I have wood I could sworn I had wood so we have regeneration Thorns iron skin and swiftness gang right there that’s that’s some good stuff let’s go and and we can make where’s the bed what’s the bed look like I’m trying to find wood I have enough wood I think oh you have wood I have spooky wood that counts can you grab me regular wood uh possibly if we have it what thing I like I did a stack I did a quick stack and I don’t know where my where my wood went we do have a loom we do have a loom oh maybe we just make it up here that would make sense spooky wood platform I’d love to make a cactus bed it doesn’t seem like that’s possible uh there’s a rainbow brick yeah we need normal wood uh we have I know there’s wood in one of these chests but like it’s like one of those is it worth it to look for oh what’s that I say we just we want to go mining just to get it right there look at that wow there you go wait grab another one grab another wait bro just yeah take that take that just for now is 16 enough I don’t see a bed grab more got more wood for you you’re the goat bro can you can you just take my wood already okay 15 Wood five silk and oh you need the Sawmill that’s what it is a sawmill thank you thank you thank you where’s The Sawmill do we even have we definitely have a sawmill right probably find The Sawmill oh I think I think this is a sawmill does it look like a sawmill that looks like a sawmill it’s making a noise right click but it’s not working that’s definitely a sawmill bro okay maybe it’s near the loom oh that’s a sawmill let’s go Blake would you like a spooky bed yeah dude or do you want a cactus bed oh o spooky bed all right one spooky bed for you oh wait hold on one spooky bed for you thank you and I’m going to make myself a pumpkin bed I have dudee I have an obsidian bed come here we could have used that that’s really annoying all right I’m sleeping come on have two of them we’re going to sleep the night away do I just get in is it working what what happens now is time supposed to go faster it’s just 5:00 a.m. oh we can sleep in one bed together I’m coming over to you it’s not working do we need to be inside a house with a roof bro I just wanted to look up at the stars that’s what I’m saying dude oh it’s because the lunar event is active apparently interesting okay well I mean we could just uh you know do a little like uh intermission and then uh come back and take out the empress yeah I like that I like that you know what I’m saying uh just a little you know dude this has been a great uh great little episode uh I’m excited to come back here in uh just a little bit so thanks everybody on YouTube for joining like it’s been amazing thank you Blake we’re almost there dude it’s we’re right on the edge we’re right on the edge we’re Ed whoa I’m sorry thanks for joining along hit like And subscribe use your Contex exclusion we’ll see you in the next one goodbye bye

I can’t believe it’s almost done. I’m so excited to share today’s video, the last video before the final boss of Terraria. Enjoy.

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  1. 10/10 stream, gives such a great feeling to watch 2 terraria noobs grow up into full fledged terrarians. cant wait to see the final episode (even though i know how it goes).

    btw i would absolutely watch a video where you and blake go shark fishing

  2. Cloud I really recommend fighting the empress at daytime it is harder but she will drop one if not the best summon in the entire game if you fight her at daytime. Also I’ve loved your play through more than anyone else’s you’ve instantly become one of my favourite YouTubers ever.

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