Terraria But All Enemies are the DUNGEON GUARDIAN…

what if every Terraria enemy turned into the dungeon guardian once you got close to them will I be able to defeat a boss while doing this challenge let’s hop in the game and find out I’m ready so any monster we get close to they turn into the dungeon guard it sounds very weird right it’s like how do you complete a challenge like that well you know for these challenge runs the goal is to kill a boss so if we just never get close to the boss then technically it will never turn into the dungeon guardian let’s find or not a boss an enemy all right ready d go that’s how it works so uh how close is too close oh it’s like a short sword Gap away oh my God that’s terrifying if I miss like any attack Point Blank I’m getting hit I’m taking I’m taking them shots now back shots but front shots this is basically edging the enemies sure if that’s what you youngans call it nowadays your youngans in chat oh launch death slime keep your distance buddy I need better weapons this is a scary enemy oh my God I need some new gear see I thought it was going to be easy once we got like a range weapon but as you can see if an enemy legit like sneaks its way in there is nothing you can do about it yo we got a fch staff these are fake weapons the fch staff does not exist gr are you on fent right now on fing but I’m not on it yo a worm is actually terrifying I got to stay on my toe oh bro underneath underneath woo gr acting like he got Ops in Atlanta but how do I even act like I got that oh my God there’s a Bat thech Staff just saved me I don’t know if y’all seen that fch staff I take everything back [ __ ] you they’re spinning the block on me you saw that was three dungeon Guardians watch this though baseball bat up in the air oh [ __ ] I missed that’s a strike baseball up in the air boom yeah I don’t think think I’m going to fight any of these bosses but the rot gourd these are scary enemies the knockback is just not working too well it’s holding them at Bay for a little bit if I miss time a hit or something though it’s over I’m dead I’m surrounded I’m surrounded dude it’s over there’s no way one of these don’t turn into the dungeon guard some way somehow I’m alive dude this is so bad oh my God I snuck under him you saw that snuck under his dumb ass this better not be a giant hole oh we’re dead we’re actually dead there was no way I was killing that worm technically a Terraria One Life challenge low key that boy was zooming he had a mission Morthal the demolitionist that’s got to be a Skyrim reference cuz when the hell has Morthal ever been like a word used like anywhere outside of the Skyrim town I don’t think I’ve ever heard moral that’s the top five worst Skyrim town too that [ __ ] is like Ohio I’ve be seeing like Skyrim memes that are like Modern Day memes sometimes be like Nords wake up in moral and be like what’s the move like there is no move bro we’re in Morthal fighting enemies with any normal weapon oh my God thank you Finch holy the finch saved us are you kidding me I think what the [ __ ] just happened what just happened I look away for 1 second what the hell that was literally a second I looked away to rehat and I’m dead y got anything who who whoa dude he just it was a tough angle why would I expect there to be a zombie in a cave they don’t just [ __ ] spawn in caves romly that is legit like a Minecraft ass spawn D grapple hooking without a double jump feels so useless it’s like I don’t get around as much Mario Party stream I actually do really want to play Mario play will a dungeon guardian turn into a dungeon guardian let’s find out no the answer is no I did not even see that thing if you guys saw the other day Ryan was streaming and then if you don’t remember me and Ryan used to like give gifts to each other for Christmas and there would either be like troll gifts or there be just something like really funny or weird so one Christmas Ryan got somebody to commission like a hentai piece of the mushroom the game Raiders mushroom and I was like I was talking to him on that stream I’m like I don’t even remember what that hentai piece looks like so I got him to send me it from the original artist and I was like bro that’s what that looks like now I remember cuz I really haven’t seen that picture since the first time he ever sent it to me that [ __ ] was funny as [ __ ] he was like he’s like I paid $70 hentai artist begin in that bag y’all any aspiring artists in here you know what to do okay I should have been smart there I was being stupid damn spinning a block on me but there you go that’s my weapon x the blunder bus minus 12% damage oh well break it break it oh my God please oh this might be a solid weapon what the [ __ ] I didn’t even see an enemy let’s fight this gourd bastard I let’s just see what happens really a test of strength not even a test of strength I don’t even know what happened I couldn’t even comprehend what happened like it legitimately happened all so fast that I could not figure out what happened that was insanely quick like I literally just died let’s run it back that was just a fluke little something we call fluke happens I don’t know y’ I don’t know I think I might have chose the worst boss for this challenge there’s no way he just Slams on your head like this okay so he does oh my God somehow he did not turn so he does slam downwards oh my God this is the worst boss this is the worst boss I could have chose for this normal difficulty turret chose the worst boss for this it’s fine we go to the second option we go to the second option AKA The Grand Thunderbird which is honestly a harder boss in my opinion wait where’s the desert at kill ant Li oh my [ __ ] God it’s like it doesn’t get through my thick dumb skull what this challenge is are you kidding me yeah let’s just fight King SL I don’t know if I can fight these [ __ ] anymore the thing is King Slime is kind of scary too for this challenge just think about it he could teleport on us this is just this is just a tough challenge in general okay this might be like one of the only summons that actually makes a lot that makes a lot of noise consistent oh my God that dude literally fell on me godam [ __ ] around make a graveyard up in this oh here we go lock in lock in lock in y’all lock in stay moving stay moving time to lock in it goes up we go down pling is simple all right well the fight’s over I think that’s less of me like not dodging the King Slime more than it is just all these [ __ ] slimes everywhere kind of giving me a little bit of a obstacle course it’s like my wipe out video but what in the [ __ ] am I supposed to do here that’s like my wipe out video but there’s slimes everywhere that turn into dunon Guardians rather than an actual obstacle course I’m dead Okay so slime rain doesn’t end if the King Slime spawns I’ve answered your question oh my [ __ ] God all right running back running back he’s going to spawn on me and this run is going to be over in a second I just need the Slime rain to go oh is it over oh my God thank you thank you it’s [ __ ] over I could come out of my bunker bro okay let’s get it King sign please don’t small far thank you thank you thank you up down like we’re doing the [ __ ] Pacer test up down up down there’s so many slimes there’s actually so many slimes I think I’m just going to use the grenade for this to not only just clear out the slimes but to uh just do the most optimal damage I possibly can let’s do it baby let’s do it baby let’s do it baby come down yes sir yes sir he’s got nowhere to teleport yes sir we did it clutch Raiders he’s back oh my God this this challenge was a little bit annoying but I’ve still done worse cue back to that Boulder rain challenge where it literally was getting rained on 24/7 all right people had some questions in chat and so did I for example did the eater worlds or did the Destroyer turn into multiple dungeon Guardians let’s see and indeed does turn into multiple dungeon Guardians destroy is no no longer after us that’s how many dungeon Guardians there are moon Lord this is a problem it’s kind of hard to like get near Moon Lord so I got to I got to force the moon Lord to touch me not in a sus way though I don’t think it works on moon Lord that’s interesting I thought it would definitely work on let’s do it these are the beautiful mods in today’s challenge followed by the star of the show all enemies turn into the dungeon guardian when you get close wow should be fun that is the end of that challenge if you guys have any challenges to suggest make sure to leave them in the comments and then I will stream them on my twitch twitch.tv/ gamers1 where I always do the challenges on make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on the notification Bell so y’all don’t miss future videos I will be seeing y’all in the next video have a good one

This is totally a GOOD IDEA and NOTHING will go WRONG.

Dungeon Guardian Enemies Mod – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2997104220

Join the Discord! – https://discord.gg/G7Fwd7GyRJ


  1. Anyone willing to edit a terraria challenge video.i have already recorded it ,but cant edit it.(challenge is that every weapon only has 1 dmg).i have completed till wall of flesh.but i am not motivated to continue unless i edit the first half .you can put the video in your channel or we could be partners where i do the challenge and you edit the video.pls help i have these videos with me for too long

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