I Survived 100 Days in a Cave Only World in Minecraft Hardcore

this is Minecraft this is a cave this is boring but what if Minecraft was cave wait I mean that’s not what this is a cave only world and it has every Overworld and Cave by even Villages spawn and they’re uh they’re doing great clearly and this is the story of how I survived 100 days in a cave only world and built this epic underground city in Minecraft hardcore with no trees for Miles danger looking around every corner and nothing but a world as dark as my grandpa’s sense of humor all around me I was entering one of M toughest challenges and while this fictional world is dark and depressing at least I have friends in this world cuz I was already being swarmed by the local creeps Second Amendment enjoyers and decrepit old men wait actually I’m pretty sure they’re just trying to kill me okay uh okay uh creeper okay so after touching grass for the first time this month oh my God and getting down to below half Health okay okay okay okay uh what what what where do I go where do I I got to run past these creepers I managed to successfully evade taxes wait no the the Minecraft MS I pay taxes I swear I picked up 2.8 metric tons of dirt and then ran over to this Cliff side to get some more it’s now time for operation get wood which stands for go around everywhere in order to get some God dang wood all right let’s go we’re still miles away from any tall bushes just deadliness everywhere so the quickest way to get wood is going to be to find an abandoned M shaft but I couldn’t find any way off this Cliff to get lower down until I absolutely inhaled another couple metric tons of dirt and used it to smack this piece of stone out of existence and then I found this little aaer a in here there was nothing inside just like my skull but it did make this little waterfall allowing me to safely well not safely but it allowed me to break my ankles getting down and continue searching for wood then I found a trial chamber oh yeah and I forgot to mention that we’re playing with 1.21 features enabled and one of our goals for this video is to collect some of the new blocks and items but more on that later oh my God the trial Chambers already that was a bit quicker than I expected but that’s completely useless to us for about another 99 days so I continued our search for the ruins of an ancient civilization walking Barefoot directly next to 1600° liquid rock because in block game it’s actually safer than everywhere else cuz mobs can’t SP oh I wasted a dirt I don’t even have any way to get food until I get wood so oh no also I kept running into freaking diamonds so many diamonds more D dude that I can’t mine cuz all I have is dirt anyways then I ran into this explosive gentleman he seemed nice at first but then he had a little Outburst which was a little rude man I’m hilarious YouTubers aren’t built for this exercise stuff wondering what that is that is actually ocean Monument they just spawn really weird I’m also currently starving which means I can’t even Sprint not like I could go much faster if I could but I can’t we have some lofty goals to achieve in these 100 days one transform this awful Place into an epic sprawling underground city two get full Enchanted netherite armor and tools plus an elytra which will require defeating the Ender Dragon and taking on NC and finally collect every block and item added in 1.21 about that last one this video was recorded a while ago before the mace and wind charges and even armadillo scoots so this goal basically just means all the new tough and copper blocks and a trial key which we’ll have to take on a trial Chambers for okay back to the video but after evading this swarm of creepy gentlemen and saying hi to this cave duck and another creeper I finally got my grubby Ms on some sustenance and stumbled into an entire Lush caves biome after getting some more food and mending my broken limbs I realized that if I got some bone meal from a skeleton I could use it to bone meal one of these Lush bushes into a tree but that thought process was quickly interrupted when I finally spotted a m sh yes we’re saved yes oh perfect I mean it’s burning down but perfect I was practically overflowing with excitement but then I got shot in the liver my liver is important to maintaining my crippling caffeine addiction not to mention we were one hit away from actual death so I ran away as fast as I could for one of those two reasons then I boxed myself into a box and ate some glowing berries that don’t glow to mend my damaged organs once my health was healed up a bit I made my way back into the open and stockpiled some more magic fruit I tried making my way back over to the m shaft but the Assassin was still looking to collect the0 bounty on my head wait that doesn’t make any sense I literally lost M after collecting some more question able Greenery I ended up finding another M Shaft or a different entrance to the same M shaft on the morning of day two either way I can finally get my non-existent AEL fingers on some tree meat I managed to get a few planks before getting assaulted by this rotting old man but after building six actual feed into the air in mere seconds I took my first life and I’ve never been the same Axel since besides questioning the moral implications of my actions I managed to collect some more wood make a temporary shelter and craft up our very first crafting table of the world along with a pointy stick and our first double sided pointy stick attached to another stick okay I think to be safe I’m going to begin a little mine right here just to get some blocks okay that was a short mining session I grabbed some more wood grabbed our first pieces of stone well deep slate I guess made a pointy rock on a stick got more wood and then made a pointy a pickaxe I made a pickax I continued collecting Stone and wood until I almost had a full set of rock tools then this creep started stalking me so I escaped via this aquafer and began operation gear up which stands for get every iron armor and Tool thing I need right now and also up I cut an A A lot of my brethren so I treed onward through the treacherous landscape until we got our first pieces of iron and then I found some more iron made our first Iron pick and found some gold I was being stocked again so I made a run for it and then stumbled into some more iron which led me to another aquafer which led me up to the surface oh no never mind it’s still all caves I used our pointy Rock to conquer my Arachnophobia found some sugarcane which is going to be crucial for achieving all of our goals in these 100 days and now it’s time for operation home find a place to live yeah we’re not done with operation gear up yet but we also need a place to settle down start a family get a divorce caused by our crippling gambling addiction and eventually retire so we can enjoy the metaverse for our remaining years so I continued our adventure got some more iron smelted it up and then accidentally broke all of our glowberries oops and then I made our first pieces of iron armor along with our first shield on the morning of day three then I set out to continue searching for our home also if you go on to enjoy the video I’m trying to hit a million subscribers and we’re only like 870,000 in a way so consider subscribing after a bit more exercising and Exterminating this horde of zombies I managed to finally find a force I also got some more iron yes I can make a bow I don’t have any arrows I can make a bow and then mutilated these acts of nature our day was going a bit too well though so Notch summoned a skeleton from the cave Heavens to assassinate me and I once again found myself using my power of run I boxed myself into a box and ate some possibly human rotten flesh to regain health I decided to try digging my way out of this situation but everywhere seems to just lead more danger so I decided to swallow my fears and Fa the unknown head on like a real Axel never mind I got scared so I continued the safest and slowest method of traveling tunnel can’t make arrows but I have a bow I tunneled for the rest of the day made some shoes and then found a vein of coal in the morning of day four I tunneled up I reached the Bedrock ceiling and then tunneled across for like half of the day mining more iron and coal along the way before running into this open area I ran around a bit and mined around a bit and then smelted more iron and made more shoes bro I then mined around a bit more until I got to this corner of the massive cave and I was honestly getting a bit sick of Mining and risking my life to find a place to live so I decided to just live here what are you doing and it needs a little work but ultimately I think it’ll work out nicely for the plans I have so on the morning of day five I marked my territory with a torch and some Cobblestone and I had completely run out of food so I started a very legal crop Farm in this darkened room I also lit up the area a bit more although there’s not much of an area to begin with and chopped down the trees which were detracting from the property’s curb appeal then I saw an apple and realized that was would be another decent option for getting food I chopped down more trees and lit up more area and then inhaled this vein of iron in the ceiling it was uh also detracting from the curb field then I made a door for our new home and began Renovations and boom yeah this should sell for about 1.8 million but if we add a basement that should go up to at least 1.79 million so I marked where the stairs to that will go after a bit more landscaping water bucket making nice I can finally make a helmet and and wall and stair creation on the morning of day six I actually just went back to landscape I’m still in dire need of more sustenance so I dug out this hill and constructed a dirt platform to grow some trees on in hopes of getting some more apples from the leaves then I continued our wall down the stairway and expanded our front lawn to about I don’t know like a few Acres probably and there you go home site real estate I mean profit I mean tax evasion I mean home home sweet home I also made an iron hat at some point meaning it’s now time for operation actually never mind I’m going to stop doing that it’s time for our next major objective full diamond armor and tools so I began Excavating the Earth’s crust while dodging ing the pockets of Earth along the way I also grabbed our first bit of copper I continued the extremely annoying process of mining to y58 until my brain imploded and then went back up to chop down our trees they really do grow up so fast a and I got a singular Apple epic I also mined this other iron vein in the ceiling and then placed stairs into our mind for the rest of day six I finished doing that on the morning of day s and then continued the Mind rotting process of getting to y58 until my pick broke so I went back up to make another one and Cho some more trees but I didn’t get any apples and I currently have zero other items of food in my possession other than these spider eyes but those give you poison which would end up doing more harm than good so I decided to dig out an area below our base for mobs to spawn in in the hopes of getting easy access to rotten flesh to eat or some bone meal to grow our crops and trees faster then despite my state of utter starvation I dove back into the mines to hop back on that grind mining down to Y = 59 well it’s 58 but 59 Rhymes I found some deep slate coal and then continued deleting my brain cells for the rest of day seven oh shoot oh I wasn’t p oh no why then dang it and for like half of day eight and managed to find this little cave but then I had to retreat cuz I’m literally on two hunger bars and if I run out of hunger will literally just die so I mutilated some tree leaves upon reaching the surface well not the surface cuz just never mind but I managed to get an apple and gain a few bars of hunger I also checked our mob farm and was surprised to see that it hadn’t worked somehow I forgot that we’re underground and the mobs and all of the caves are filling up the mob cap despite me already learning this lesson six videos ago I guess I forgot or maybe I thought it would matter honestly I don’t really remember what I was thinking but since I really had no other option for food I decided to eat our spider eyes and take the health hit for the Hunger G which got us down to 2 and 1/2 hearts for like three hunger notches I thought maybe you could eat sugar which we can get from our sugarcane farm but you can’t for some reason I still need more food though so I made another Wheat Farm but that didn’t get me any food so I mined a ton more leaves like one skeleton shot and I’m done right now and managed to get an Apple but that still wasn’t enough to regen my health so I broke a ton more leaves and managed to get one more Apple Apple which was enough to heal our health and hunger back up almost fully epic I also destroyed the leaves of these nearby trees to get more apples but didn’t have any luck then in the morning of day nine I expanded our lawn a bit more and then headed back into the mines to begin another overworked underpaid shift but then I actually spotted our first diamond vein in the ceiling of this opening I ran into so I made my way over and up to it and mined our first three diamonds I then made our first shiny double-sided stick on a stick and continued mining to y58 but then I ran into this abandoned mine shaft in which I spotted another of shiny Blue Rock but after spotting this tiny spider spawner my osteum tractop phobia kicked in so I ran away I then cautiously mined my way over to the shiny blue rocks and mined them I then continued my descent and finally made it to Y = 58 and so I could finally continue mining well anyways I continued the exhilarating process of mining for the rest of the day and managed to find a six bane of Diamonds by the end of the day it’s now day 10 and we’re officially 10% of the way through this challenge we’ve made a decent bit of progress so far but we still have a lot left to do so I continued mining in search of diamonds on the morning of day 10 and actually found a seven vein pretty quickly but we still didn’t have enough for a full set of armor and tools so I continued M but didn’t manage to find any more diamonds so I headed back up to the surface upon surfacing I harvested our crops made some bread it only makes one bread that is so pathetic Cho down our trees and began smelting our profits and we got 21 diamonds meaning we can craft a diamond shirt pants shoes and a sword epic and now that we’re almost done with getting full diamond gear it’s time to begin on our next major objective getting level 30 enchantments on all of our gear which is actually going to be a much more difficult process than you might be thinking but before that we also got some Copper from all that mining meaning we can begin to chip away at the 1.21 blocks on items by crafting some of the new copper blocks so I made some copper grates and chiseled copper which I then placed on the ground because we also need to get the three different oxidized variants of each copper block then on the morning of day 11: after eating some breakfast I got sniped by this interesting looking fish then he started beating himself up and I felt bad so I put him out of his misery and lit up this area which is where I assume he spawn then I began inching slowly into new territory to spawn proof more of our newly acquired property and after a little bit of exploring I realized we’re right next to a jungle and this Geo and then I found this patch of melons which means we finally have a decent renewable food source but then I chopped some of these trees down and began planning how to go about conquering the rest of the area around our base you see in order to enchant our armor and tools we need an enchantment table and 15 bookshelves which require books which require paper and leather we already have access to paper via sugar cane but leather is going to be a lot more difficult but my first first idea to get leather is to light up a large area of grass and just wait for some cows to spawn cuz passive mobs should randomly spawn on grass blocks with a high enough light level so I need to light up this lower level but that’s going to be tricky cuz there’s really no easy way to get down to this lower level so I decided to just mine down to the lower level in order to begin lighting it up and after a bit of effort I had made it down to the lower area and on the morning of day 12 I began building out a safe house so I could begin picking up the mobs and after a bit of whacking zombies and expanding the safe house I ran out to un alive this final remaining skeleton and then began lighting up the area it is a bit unfortunate that a lot of this area near our base is just sand but you know what are you going to do cry about it yeah I might but anyways my territory expansion was rudely interrupted by Phantoms yeah apparently there is literally just no escaping these Abominations no matter what challenge I’m doing and these demonic flying creatures go on to be especially annoying throughout this challenge cuz it’s always night time in this state of and I barely ever sleep so that’s something to look forward to but nonetheless I continued lighting up the area fighting mobs running away EX e jokes fighting more mobs and lighting up the area more basically just until I run out of torches and I managed to spread the light of the one true Axel religion join us today sorry that was my evil blue Axel twin don’t listen to him also for some reason there’s a swarm of bees hanging out in this amethyst geod literally why I guess there’s a beehive up there but I don’t know how that would have happened cuz beehives only spawn on trees so I don’t know but yeah I managed to light up a pretty large area all around our Base by the end of the day and then on the morning of day 13 I destroyed our SA house returned to our base and expanded our crop Farm a bit in order to make room for our newly acquired melon seeds we also got the first oxidation level of the copper great block now this is a truly epic moment for all Gamers then I continued lighting up the upper level of the cave and found some pretty Epic World Generation then I checked to see if any passive mobs had spawned yet but none had so I did a bunch of random stuff and then headed back into the mines to get some more diamonds at the end of the day I began mining on the morning of day 14 and pretty quickly ran into another abandoned M shaft after a bit of exploring I found this lava pool and after a bit more exploring I had spotted multiple veins of diamonds so after a bit more lighting up the surrounding area to check for mobs I mined out the first second third and fourth Diamond veins that I had spotted yeah abandoned M shafts are kind of op for finding diamonds then I decided it would be pretty fun to spend the next 5 minutes mining obsidian so I took a break to do that and we got 20 obsidian enough for a nether portal enchantment table and a few extra just in case I also went around collecting up cobwebs for string which we can turn into wool for a bed even though we can’t use beds to make a daytime in the World sleeping still decreases Phantom spawn so it’ll still be useful to have then I went back to strip mining and mine for the rest of the day and I found four more Diamond Vans which is honestly pretty insane I continued my 1 by1 strip mining method back on my strip mining tunnel on the morning of day 15 but I wasn’t having any luck so I gave up and headed back up to the base and there still weren’t any passive mobs which was a bit confusing to me cuz I thought I had waited long enough for mobs to be spawning and then I remembered that piglins occasionally drop leather via trading and based off the chances of leather dropping I just need to get like three stacks of gold and I should get enough leather for a Max enchantment setup but before I deal with that I made a bed and slept for the first time in the world so it’s now the morning of day 16 and hopefully we won’t have to deal with Phantoms for a few more days but also I realized I could immediately get back in the bed so because it’s always night time I could technically just sleep through the entire rest of this challenge so I slept until day 100 and that’s it thanks for watching just kidding obviously that would basically be cheating so I’m only going to sleep when I need Phantoms to stop spawning anyways then I decided to begin mining out this amethyst geod by our base the reason being for our base my plan is to build a giant amethyst Shard coming down from the cave ceiling next to a giant sniffer head and a giant Pink Cherry Mansion why a sniffer head you may ask cuz it’ll make the thumbnail look better I mean because I just love sniffers yeah that’s it anyways I mind out all the amethyst blocks other than the budding amethyst blocks cuz they can’t be picked up and then I placed in and lit our nether portal nice then I realized we have everything we need to make the new crafter block so after looking up the recipe the crafter met its crafter ha anyways that’s another 1.21 item checked off our list then I tried to use the crafter to AutoCraft some buttons but I couldn’t figure out how it works so I just gave up but anyways once we do eventually get some leather for enchanting we’re going to need a renewable source of XP we also need bone meal for wood collecting and gunpowder and string for TNT and bed making for netherite mining so basically we need a mob farm but as I already learned mob Farms don’t work in a cave only World unless we can go somewhere where the mobs won’t be loaded in we need to get above the Bedrock basically if we build the mob farm above the Bedrock roof as close to to the build limit as possible it should work and in order to break bedrock to get back down we need pistons and TNT so I started by crafting up the Pistons we need and then I went into the nether for the first time but my recording failed so hopefully you’re seeing a replay mod recording of that happening right now if not U I’m sorry but basically all I did is check out spawn and build this Cobblestone shelter around our portal then in the morning of day 17 I headed out to find a piglin to trade with also I am aware that I can also get leather from hogins but that’s more dangerous than piglin trading and probably wouldn’t be that much faster I could also build a hogland farm but that would require finding a warped forest for warped mushrooms and getting above the nether roof which would require an ender pearl and then we’d have to find a Crimson Forest to build it at and that just sounds like a lot of work so I’m just going to start by trying to get all the leather we need from piglins so once I found a piglin i lured him into a pit with actual bars of gold and began trading with them and pretty quickly we got our first leather trade along with some arrows another leather trade string obsidian and an enchanted book then I went around trapping all the piglins in the area so I could steal all of their natural resources without any resistance after collecting a bunch of nether gold I crafted all the Nuggets into ingots then I trapped another piglin and began trading and I managed to get a Fire Res potion which is going to be super useful because if you haven’t already noticed there’s fire in the nether yeah after collecting a bit more gold I dropped all my gold next to the piglin so he’d automatically continue trading and then a flying marshmallow spat a God dang missile at me and destroyed my profits and my hostage so I blew him up yeah considering half a day’s work had basically been for nothing I decided to give up and just head back to the Overworld despite that minor crushing defeat we still got a bunch of Leather So I crafted up some books and made our very first enchantment table along with our first three bookshelves then I expanded our storage system on the morning of day 18 and began Gathering the blocks we’re going to need for the mob farm into one of the chests we need about 26 stacks of blocks for the mob farm plus ladders trap doors chests and water buckets so basically we have some grinding to do I made the trap doors chests and water buckets and then headed into the mines to get more blocks we also need more gold for pig trating so I’m mining at yal 8 which is the best y level for General resources after a bit of mining I found some gold and then ran into this amethyst Geo again we’re going to need a ton of amethyst blocks for the giant amethyst Shard I want to build so after exploring this open area it led to and finding another trial Chambers along with some more gold I blocked off the opening and spent the rest of day 18 mining it out I took a trip back to the base on the morning of day 19 to empty out my inventory along with making some new diamond tools and enchanting our first diamond pickaxe also I made a diamond helmet at some point in a while ago I I forgot to mention that and then I went back into the mines and finished mining out the amethyst Geo then I went back to strip mining and did that for the rest of the day and then I continued mining on day 20 until I ran into this cave I began exploring it and managed to find some gold and other resources then I went back to strip mining for a bit and then finally returned home from my sweaty shift in the mines I began smelting up our profits and reorganizing the mob farm materials chest on the morning of day 21 then I made some of the ladders we need and then headed back into the mines to get the remaining amount of blocks we need I mined until my pickaxe broke and then made a new one and continued mining for the rest of the day and then I continued mining on the morning of day 22 I ran into a cave but it looked dangerous so I just continued mining but then I ran into another cave and decided to explore it to find some more gold a little bit of mining later and I mined right under a skeleton spawn so I looted it all it really had was a couple name tags then after a little more mining I finally had enough blocks so I ran back to the base and arrived on the morning of day 23 and now that we have enough blocks I crafted some of them into slabs and realized that I wanted some extra so I raised the ceiling of our basement for some more blocks and we now have everything we we need other than the rest of the ladders so after collecting the next level of oxidation for our copper grates I began farming wood we also got the first level of oxidation for the chiseled Copper at some point so check that off the list too but after mining some trees and then going downstairs to mine even more trees I made the rest of the ladders and we officially had everything we need to build a farm but before we do that I went into the nether to trade the gold we got for mining with piglins for more Leather So after finding my dealer after finding my business partner I imprisoned him and then gave him my life savings and after a bit of weight I managed to get a decent amount of leather but then when I made this chest to store some of the more useless things we got my business partner got offended so I trapped him forever and left what’s that saying if there’s someone in your life who just gives off negative Vibes you should imprison them forever and leave them to starve or something like that then I went around collecting more nether gold and then found a new business partner to trade with but then when I went to check on my old business partner he evaporated jeez can you take a joke so sensitive anyways I went back home and used our profits to make some more books and added six more bookshelves to our enchantment setup so we now only need six more for level 30 and with that there’s only one more thing we need in order to get above the Bedrock so we can start work on the mob farm an ender pearl so I ran downstairs and began looking for an Enderman I found this Enderman chilling by the pool so I began staring into his soul but I guess he didn’t see me cuz he wasn’t getting angry so I got a bit closer and on the morning of day 25 we were officially a quarter of the way through the challenge and we’ve made some decent progress towards our goals but we’re going to need to pick up the pace a bit so we can accomplish all of our goals by the end of the 100 days so once I finally got the end of him angry I ran away immediately and then tried and failed to protect myself with a water bucket but I managed to escape to my hidey-hole and got lucky with an ender pearl drop on my first try so now it’s time to make preparations for getting above the Bedrock I’m not going to get any gunpowder for TNT for Bedrock breaking until I finish the farm so essentially we’re going to be stuck above the Bedrock until we finish building the mob farm but I also don’t have enough inventory space to bring all the supplies so I began putting what didn’t fit into my inventory into a chest in the nether we’ll build another one directly above where the first one was and we should be able to come through to the nether to get all the materials so with all the materials safely stored in our nether house made some final preparations and got a couple stacks of sand for the TNT we’re going to need to craft and then after reorganizing my inventory one final time I marked the coordinates of the portal and then broke it down and then I began mining up to bedrock on the morning of Day 26 and once I got there I searched around until I found a piece of Bedrock where we were at y = 125 when standing directly under it once I found one I marked the coordinates built our ladder and after preparing myself mentally I looked right here and Ender pear through the Bedrock while holding down the space bar and after popping through I was immediately SW formed by like 100 Phantoms that somehow spawn I have no idea how this happened but they were still hitting me through the corner so I quickly filled them in and then went back to cowering in fear it was at this moment that I realized that the one thing I forgot to bring was a bed meaning we’re going to have to deal with constant Phantom spawns while building this Farm but nonetheless I tried to slowly snipe them out of the sky and after a bit more sniping I took out the rest with my sword then I spotted this shipwreck in the distance so I began running over to it I knew structures had a chance of spawning above the Bedrock and potentially breaking through the bedrock in this data pack but I didn’t expect to pop up so close close to one and after a little poking around I actually found a section that did break through the Bedrock so I take back all that stuff I said earlier cuz this is going to give us a pretty easy access point to get back to the base but I marked the coordinates and headed back to where I popped out only to have to fight off another herd of phantoms upon my arrival but then I built our nether portal directly above where our old one was along with a chest to store our items and a safe house to protect us from Phantoms and then I headed into The Nether to grab the mob farm resources on the morning of day 27 and luckily the portal actually took us to the correct place so I began transfering all of the mob farm materials into this chest and now we’re ready to build the farm so I demolished our old safe house and then decided where to construct the farm then after making an infinite water source I got attacked by another gang of mistakes and I then realized that I could just go ahead and mine back to the base via the Shipwreck we found right now so I can sleep and then we wouldn’t have to risk dying to Phantoms while building this farm so I ran back over to the ancient ruin and began Excavating a tunnel back to the base and I continued lowering my IQ hacking at stone for the rest of the day and managed to arrive above our base head down and sleep then I ran back on the morning of day 28 and placed down our bed at our Bedrock base in case we needed again I then began using our infinite water source to create a giant man-made lake well more like a man-made puddle to protect us from Fall damage if we get head off while building the farm and then I began the ascent into Axel Heaven once I finished building the tower I jumped down and then I built ladders all the way up to the top once I reached the summit I realized I have no torches to prevent mob spawns so I fell from the stratosphere into 3 in of water completely unharmed and then decided to to go ahead and start a tree farm to get some more wood while we’re up here before using the wood that I packed to make some torches then upon reaching the summit again I constructed a small platform and lit it up and I know everybody in their 97-year-old grandma named Dorothy have seen this mob farm be built before so I’ll try and speed through the rest of it a bit quicker I hopped back down to the Bedrock ceiling grabbed more resources to Begin work on the actual Farm expanded our man-made puddle a bit and then headed back up to the platform on the morning of day 29 I built the breaker of ankles then built the inescapable water slides the mob spawning plat platforms the walls and the roof I lit up the top of the roof and then headed back down to the Bedrock ceiling to restock supplies but when I got back up to the farm to continue building I heard zombie noises somehow our farm had began producing mob spawns earlier than I anticipated also I’ve officially played block game in a cave only world for an in-game month maybe I should reconsider My Life Choices anyways I slowly worked my way up to the zombie and whacked him out of existence then I placed in the trap doors put water in all the water slides broke out all the Torches and hoped that nothing spawned to end my Minecraft life as I mind my way out of the farm luckily we escaped and we’re officially finished with the mob farm and profits should be rolling in any second now any second now okay there we go it works since we can’t enchant anything yet the main thing we need this for at the moment is gunpowder for TNT so we can break the Bedrock arrows and Bones would also be nice though I smacked mobs until I felt like I had enough gunpowder and then headed back down to the Bedrock roof now it’s time to break the Bedrock for easier access to our base I identified the coordinates where we teleported through the Bedrock which is where the Bedrock ceiling is only one block thick and marked it with a dirt block then I gathered all the things we need into my inventory blocked off a bit of our puddle so we have a bit more space and then built the contraption anyways after watching a tutorial and rehearsing what I had to do in my mind I made my first attempt on the morning of day 31 and it didn’t work it also broke our chest and our nether portal I only had two more pieces of TNT but I tried again and it didn’t work again so I went back up to the mob farm and smacked mob legs until I had enough gunpowder to make some more TNT after a little more effort than I’m used to I decided that this honestly isn’t worth it and accessing the Bedrock ceiling through the Shipwreck we found earlier won’t be that much slow but I already had the resources gathered so I made one more attempt and failed so it’s now time to return to our base so I broke down our nether portal and headed over to the Shipwreck after some more running I made it back to the base on the morning of day 32 and placed our nether portal back in then since we won’t be using this until we have all 15 bookshelves anyways and I want to move it up to the mob farm for ease of access I broke down our enchantment setup and put it in a chest then I collected our freshly oxidized copper blocks and we now only need the fully oxidized Varin of the copper grape and all of the other copper blocks I forgot about but we don’t talk about that and it’s now time to complete our objective of getting a Max enchantment setup so I prepared my inventory for the nether headed in and set out in a New Direction in search of nether gold and piglins to trade with for leather and I’m not going to lie I might have scoped out our nether a teeny tiny bit in a backup row cuz if there’s one thing I honestly don’t like about this game it’s searching for things in the nether but there happens to be a Bastion and a nether fortress right by and then I got attacked by this gas on the morning of day 33 but then he immediately disappeared so that was easy then I began trading my profits with this piglin and continued fighting Ghasts and Mining nether gold but this process was going a bit slower than I anticipated so my insatiable Greed for profits was beginning to get tempted by these blocks of gold clearly visible in the side of this Bastion and it looked safe to grab them if I just blocked myself in so that became my new strategy I bridged over blocked myself in and carefully mined the gold blocks one by one but then I got interrupted by this gas but I continued this strategy and managed to get 55 gold ingots so I headed back to my prisoner and began trading all my new found profits with I did that for the rest of the day and on the morning of day 34 and managed to get almost all the leather we need but I still need a bit more so I headed back over to the Bastion and headed back in to steal a gold block but this time I heard a bunch of angry piglin brute noises so I ran away and was too scared to go back for another one so I just went back and traded the profits with our prisoner but it wasn’t enough to get the rest of the Leather So I headed back to the Bastion stole a couple more gold blocks and headed back to our trading facility and we finally got more than enough leather to complete our Max enchantment setup so I headed back into the Overworld harvested our definitely legal crops and crafted all the books we needed and then after conducting some wood harvesting for the rest of the day I then crafted all the bookshelves we needed on the morning of day 35 and we can now finally actually enchant some of our gear So I placed down our enchantment setup made an anvil and then checked what enchantments were available for my armor and tools the best one available was protection 4 on my helmet so I did it and not too shabby then I Enchanted my pickaxe with just efficiency 2 bro and then I Enchanted my shovel with efficiency 4 then I got ripped off repairing my diamond pickaxe made a grindstone and then disenchanted this Soul speed book we got from piglin Trading earlier so we can enchant it with something actually useful but before I go up to the mob farm and grind for XP to enchant all of our armor and tools we’re going to finally begin on our last major goal of this challenge build an epic cave base so the thumbnail looks good I mean build a cool base so we can retire I don’t know in all serious I have a pretty cool idea for transforming this cave but it’s going to require a lot of work and I’m honestly not sure we’re going to be able to finish it by the end of the challenge so let’s get to work first I’m going to build an outline for a Giant Mountain Hillside thing I’m going to place right here which is what the sniffer head amethyst Shard and our house will be on so I began collecting dirt with our epic new shovel to build the frame width after destroying the natural landscape I began work on constructing our artificial landscape then I lit up a ton of this upper area so we don’t get sniped or exploded while working on the frame and also lit up some of the lower area for the same reason then I went back to putting in the frame on the morning of Day 36 after fighting off a group of phantoms of course it was kind of difficult to visualize how I wanted the frame to look cuz this spot is a bit awkward for what I’m going for but I continued building the frame for most of Day 36 nonetheless I then began bone mealing this patch of grass and harvesting the flowers I’m doing this because I need red orange and yellow diey for the sniffer head build and the red and yellow flowers give us access to those D so I did that for the rest of the day and on the morning of day 37 I then used our profits along with the sand we gathered earlier and some gravel I had laying around to craft up a ton of concrete powder and then used this contraption to turn some of the concrete powder into normal concrete and I was getting annoyed walking up and down through this extremely convoluted Stairway to get to the lower level of our base so I built a temporary dirt stairway up to the upper level of our base except it’s not temporary cuz it stayed there for the entire rest of the challenge my diamond shovel is on the brink of implosion and I have literally zero diamonds left so I headed down into the mines to get some more shiny blue rocks I then mined for the rest of of the day found a vein of diamonds continued mining on the morning of day 38 and then ran into this m shaft which I promptly explored found some diamonds and then went back to strip mine and found another mine shaft which led me to another Diamond vein then I began my one by one tunnel every three blocks method back through the tunnel I mined out found and explored the rest of a m shaft I’m pretty sure we found earlier in which I found a mine cart and two more veins of diamonds and we got 35 diamonds which is insane so I headed back up to the base and I was above level 30 so I Enchanted my bow and then repaired our shovel with our Diamond profits and then collected the final oxidation level of the copper grates on the morning of day 39 epic then I finally crafted some of the tough blocks we need tough stairs walls slabs tough bricks polished tough tough brick slabs chiseled tough polished tough stairs and tough brick walls yes there are more tough blocks than that but I was too dumb to realize that in this moment I then went back to collecting dirt for the frame and correct the mistakes and then I went back to work on the frame and I kind of want the bottom of this Hillside looking Abomination to be deep slate then transition into stone and finally into dirt as we go up the mountain thingy but for some reason I still filled in this area with dirt but after a little more work on the rest of the build I took a look in replay mod and realized I didn’t like how it was looking so I began tearing down some of the right side and then I went down to the even lower levels of this cave to begin lighting it up I did that for the rest of the day and continued doing that on the morning of day 40 my thought was that I wanted the base to start all the way down here and go all the way up to the ceiling but that ended up being too big of a dream so I never really did that but after a bit more of that I began digging this right side of the base to be a bit lower down which is where the giant sniffer head is going to sit but my giant spoon was about to break again so I went back up to the base and repaired it again and then I went back to lowering the right side and Phantoms were starting to get a bit annoying and they’re going to continue being annoying for the rest of the challenge there’s not much we can really do about that I continued reshaping the outline fighting Phantoms every 3 seconds and getting attacked by mobs every 2 seconds for the rest of the day and continued on the outline and placing in deep slate and stuff on the morning of day 41 and then continued destroying the right side of the outline so I could begin rebuilding I continued building the frame and filling in some of it with more dirt and then took another look and replay mod I decided I need to lower this area where the sniffer head will go so I got to work on doing that while making sure it still looks natural I had absolutely annihilated my pickaxe and shovels again so I replaced them on the morning of day 42 and now with a bit of the frame done I want to Begin work on the giant amethyst Shard so I moved all of the amethyst blocks we collected earlier to a chest down by our new base and then began envisioning how I wanted it to look I started by outlining the rough size and angle I wanted it to be with these angled dirt pillars and also outlined where The Shard should contact the roof with amethyst blocks I then decided where I wanted the tip of The Shard to contact the ground and then began creating the actual outline for the amethyst Shard with amethyst blocks after adjusting the outlines for the sizing a bit I began the outlines for the shape on the morning of day 43 and I continued that process while also filling in some bits for the rest of the day I then began work on filling in the entire thing on the morning of day 44 but I almost immediately ran out of amethyst blocks luckily however I know of a couple more amethyst GEOS nearby ready for profit section so I headed over to this one peeking out of this little corner and dug right in I then proceeded to mine the entire thing out while listening to a one piece analysis video I then headed back up to the base and promptly got attacked by more freaking Phantoms and then went back to work on filling in the amethyst Shard and then I continued filling it in on day 45 and manag to finish and begin work on fixing up the shaping by the end of the day it still looks a bit rough around the edges but I’ll just finish fixing up the shape later for now I’m going to build the giant sniffer head so I grabbed the concrete we made earlier and crafted up some orange concrete and then turned some of the orange concrete orange and then began marking where the sniffer head is going to go I’ll link the tutorial I used for this down below but we’re going to be using slightly different blocks than the ones used in the tutorial I’m following cuz we don’t have access to Terra Cotta green dye black dye or warped wood yet but anyways I began carefully placing in every pixel of the sniffer head for the rest of day 46 then I continued placing in the sniffer head on day 47 and I’m just using dirt as a placeholder for the blocks we don’t have and don’t have any reasonable replacements for but yeah I finished one side of the head and then began work on the the other side before running out of resources I then collected up some more concrete for the rest of the day and went back to work on the sniffer head on the morning of day 48 then when I ran out of concrete again I realized I was also out of gravel so I headed over to our local body of water and began stealing some of the gravel surrounding it then I broke some bones and went back to work on the sniffer head I continued doing that for the rest of the day and I was getting sick of dealing with Phantoms every two actual seconds so I went sleep and then continued work on the sniffer head in peace on the morning of day 49 I finished the second side and began work on the front and once I I got to the sniffers I realized I needed Brown dye I could use dirt in place of it but then I remembered we live right next to a jungle which have cocoa beans which make brown die so I headed over to the jungle and tried looking from afar to see if I could find any cocoa beans after a bit of scoping the scene and dealing with Mobs I wasn’t having much luck but on the morning of day 50 we were officially halfway through the challenge we’re making a lot more progress towards our goals but we’re still a ways away from completing them so on the morning of day 50 I ventured a bit further into the jungle at top of the trees and managed to spot some cocoa beans so I quickly grabbed them and ran back to our base I crafted up some brown dye and then some brown concrete powder then I turned some of said concrete powder into concrete and then went back to work on the front of the sniffer head but then I realized I had built it slightly wrong so I broke it down and began rebuilding it and I continued work on that on the morning of day 51 I finished the sniffers sniffers and then began work on the top starting by placing this deep slate platform in so the concrete powder doesn’t fall when we place it in and then I began work on the pixel art for the top but I needed more gravel for concrete making so I went to steal more natural resources from this Lake and then I went back to work on the sniffer head I finished the top of the nose placed in the Deep slate platform for the top of the head and went to work on placing in the pixel art on the morning of day 52 and now all we have left is the back of the head so I gathered up some more concrete and began work on the back of the head but the tutorial didn’t show the back of the head cuz it was for an entire sniffer so I just mostly filled it in with red concrete with some red concrete powder at the top I then realized that I built the top of the red part of the head one block too low so after questioning My Life Choices I broke the whole thing out built another deep slate platform a block higher and then placed all the concrete back in on the morning of day 53 and with that we finally completed the sniffer head aside from the placeholder block which will replace with the correct colors once we get access to them later on it’s now finally time to get level 30 enchants on all our gear which is going to require a bit of grinding at the mob farm so I prepared my inventory to head up to the Bedrock roof broke down our enchantment setup and crafted all the books back into bookshelves then I headed up and through our tunnel to the Shipwreck and then finally over and up to our mob farm but I was stopped by another gang of phantoms but after deleting them I headed up to the mob farm and quickly constructed a roof to prevent more Phantom spawns I also placed down our enchantment setup Anvil and grindstone and began the grind up to level 30 I smacked mobs reached level 30 and Enchanted our axe with efficiency 4 and fortune 3 by the end of the day I continued the grind on the morning of day 54 got to level 30 and this time Enchanted our shovel with efficiency 4 then I Enchanted my pants with protection three which I assume protects it from stains or something a sword with looting to and before this gets super repetitive I ended up grinding at the mob farm enchanting all of our armor and tools for a total of 5 days so I’m going to quickly recap the highlights of each day but on day 55 I fought off some Phantoms and got efficiency 4 and Fortune three on a pickaxe day 56 I got Infinity on a book which I’ll put on our bow later on day 57 the farm seemed to be slowing down and my levels were down from enchanting and disenchanting books to refresh the enchantments so I tried going down and back up the mob farm ladder to get more mob spawns and it kind of worked I think but I also got sharpness 4 and knockback on another sword which I’ll combine with the Looting two one later on then I got protection four on our shirt and finally got feather falling four on some boots as well as protection 4 on another pair of boots on day 58 then finally on day 59 I got Unbreaking three on a book then added it to our pickaxe added Infinity to our bow combined both of the swords we got combined both of the boots we got earlier and boom there you go not a perfect set but a pretty close to perfect set of diamond armor in tools not to mention we were walking away with six stacks of gunpowder for TNT making for netherite mining the Looting sword we got early on definitely helped with that but now that we’re Plum out of diamonds again from crafting almost a whole new set of armor and tools for enchanting we need to do a little mining session to get some more shiny blue rocks so we can repair some of our armor and tools so after heading down and grabbing some stuff I needed from these chests up here I headed down to our base and then crafted up a stack in 16 TNT for netherite mining later on and then I tested out our new feather falling diamond boots by jumping off of different levels of our dirt stairs and I even tested falling from our third floor Cobblestone porch and we only take two hearts of damage hence why I really wanted feather fall but anyways after making a new shield and preparing my inventory on the morning of day 60 I finally headed back into the mines I began Mining and found diamonds in like 10 seconds no I mean literally 12 seconds after I started mining I found diamonds bro and we got enough to repair our Axe and helmet so yeah I guess that was it 12C mining session complete so I headed back up to the surface and made an anvil so I could use the profits of our extremely hard work to repair our helmet and axe and now it’s time to mine for some netherite to upgrade all our epic new armor and tools I have three strategies in mind for getting ancient debris one TNT two beds and three if we run out of the previous two and still don’t have enough we’ll just mine with our pickaxe to get the rest but I grabbed all our TNT crafted up some wool which I used to make beds with a bunch of string we had laying around and headed into The Nether I then began our mine to yal 15 then I realized I forgot Fire Res potions so I grabbed some after the slightly annoying process of getting to Y 15 I began mining out a tunnel for the first method and found a of ancient debris after literally 5 Seconds what is actually going on anyways I continued mining out a tunnel and then placed in the TNT and began excavation besides having to relight the chain of TNT a few times I managed to find a single ancient debris but anyways I began the next tunnel found another vein of ancient debris and then placed in the TNT and blew it up on the morning of day 61 and found another vein of ancient debris I then continued this process and found 1 2 3 4 five and six more veins of ancient debris before I ran out of TNT I then switched to the sleep deprivation method placing a bed with four blocks between you and the bed and then shifting and clicking at the same time to minimize damage this method is slightly more dangerous so don’t do it without some good armor with protection on it and some Fire Res potions and it’s slightly slower and more annoying CU of having to clear out fire and replace and explode beds every time but its main advantage is that it’s a lot cheaper assuming of course you’re in a normal world where sheeps don’t spawn but this method yielded us only a single ancient debris granted I only had a few beds but still TNT is probably the most effective method despite being more expensive but anyway we managed to get 20 ancient debris which isn’t enough to netherite everything but is enough for all our armor and our pickaxe which is enough for me but after struggling to find the exit to the nether back rooms on the morning of day 63 and discovering in replay mod that it was hidden behind the scravel that fell I headed back up to the portal went back to the Overworld made a smithing table crafted up our netherite ingots and then came to a realization I had completely forgotten about smithing templates being a thing since 1.20 basically we not only need to loot a Bastion to get a netherite upgrade template but we also need a ton more diamonds to duplicate said template so we can upgrade everything but luckily we live really close to a Bastion so I headed over to the local Bastion and began infiltration and I was suddenly gifted with the Divine knowledge of exactly which chest contained an upgrade template I checked in a backup World okay I’m sorry but not really cuz I ain’t trying to risk the last 63 days of effort searching the whole freaking Bastion for this stupid item but after slowly making my way over to the chest I grabbed the template and promptly exited the facility in a professional manner well after murdering everyone inside and taking illegal ownership of more of their stuff of course but anyways I returned to our base and then headed back into the mines to get all the diamonds we needed I began Mining and then found and explored this m shaft that I’m pretty sure we explored some of earlier on the morning of day 64 and found four veins of diamonds I also found and explored a bit of this cave but didn’t find any diamonds so I headed back into our mine and continued smacking deep sleep and after a bit of mining I found another vein of diamonds and because of Fortune 3 we already had almost a stack of diamonds so I headed back up to the surface and crafted up a bunch of upgrade templates and then finally upgraded our armor and pickaxe to Nether and so we’ve completed the first half of one of our main goals but for the next half the elytra we’re going to have to beat the game and I won’t spoil it but the end fight is a little different in this data pack but in order to beat the game we first need blaze rods and ender pearls to find the stronghold so after preparing our inventory and jumping off our balcony again I headed into The Nether and like I said earlier there’s a nether fortress directly next to the Bastion so after that extremely long and perilous journey I mind my way down into the Fortress it’s been a while since I’ve been in one of these but nonetheless I began cautiously exploring the Fortress firstly in search of Nether wart so we can make potions and after a bit of exploring I managed to find and collect some I then made my way to the open part of The Fortress in search of a blaze spawner and after a bit of searching I managed to find one so I made myself a little Safe House drank a fire reses potion and then began extinguishing blazes looting definitely sped this up a bit but after a bit of patience and effort my two least favorite things we had like 28 so I headed out after slowly making my way back to our Portal’s coordinates I returned to the Overworld I then began construction on a guest room to add some square footage to the property but then I decided it would be better to use it for Brewing magical potions so I set up a Nether wart farm and then crafted up some Brewing STS but we still have no ender pearls to make ender eyes that’s right I got literally zero ender pearl trades while I was trading with piglins despite trading the equivalent of Jeff bezos’s net worth with them and the best place to get those is Warped forests in the nether at least until we have access to the end so after smacking this Enderman that I found almost immediately and getting two ender pearls cuz of looting I began the search for a warped Forest on the morning of day 65 and by search I of course mean that I look at chunk base and I’m heading towards the nearest War for but it’s still a bit of a long journey so after running Mining and bridging for like a third of day 65 we had arriv ride another reason we needed to find this biome is for warped wood basically the sniffer head requires warped wood for the blue green parts so I began farming up some blue wood and also some of these warped fungus things so we can grow more at the base then I accidentally looked at this Enderman so I quickly dug out a hole to hide it but he didn’t teleport over to me so I dug closer to him then he did teleport but then teleported away and then I think he died in some lava oh well then purposefully angered this Enderman and got a pearl upon its dele I then continued collecting ender pearls and warped wood for the rest of the day and for most of day 66 and I ended up with two stacks of Ender Pearls and a stack and a half or so of warped logs which should definitely be more than enough so I began the perilous Journey back home and arrived back at the portal on day 67 Upon returning to the Overworld I crafted up a stack of ender eyes and then began Brewing up some potions in preparation for the ender dragon fight I first made some slow falling potions with one of the billions of phantom membrane we have which is arguably the most important potion for this fight cuz the only actual dangerous thing the dragon can do is hit you super high into the air but anyways I also crafted up some regen potions speed and strength I then crafted up two ender chests on the morning of day 68 so we can have some extra inventory space and loaded up the potions into one of them I also made some instant health potions but I needed some Gunpowder to make them splash potions so I set out to find a creeper and then this squid suffocated and dropped some inket which is perfect cuz we needed black dye for the sniffer eyes but anyways I smacked this creeper out of existence got got some Gunpowder and then made some black concrete and put it in the Snicker’s eyes then I sniped this creeper and then finally made some Splash instant health potions and prepared our inventory and Ender Chest for the dragon fight then I headed up over and then up again to the Bedrock roof upon reaching our Bedrock roof base I threw an Ender eye and marked the Direction with Cobblestone basically I’m going to get silk touch on a pickaxe and then use the openness of the Bedrock roof to find the stronghold and then just hope there’s a structure nearby that we can use to get through the bedroom but anyways after getting bullied by more Phantoms I headed up to the mob farm and recycled the enchantments by enchanting and disenchanting a book until I saw silk touch and now it’s Day funny number nice anyways by the time I finally saw silk touch I was down to level 21 so it took a bit of grinding to get back up to level 30 so I grinded a little more and then made our epic bow but it’s now time to find the stronghold and beat the game so I headed down to our man-made puddle and finally began our journey just kidding I actually went back to the base used the gunpowder we got to make some fireworks for when we get the elytra put them in our Ender Chest made some more inventory preparations and then headed back up to the Bedrock roof and then I finally set out on our journey to the end I ran beat up these funny looking birds threw ender eyes and ran some more for the rest of the day and I was getting close on the morning of day 71 after a little bit of advanced mathematics calculations and triangulation the eye finally went straight down meaning we were directly above the stronghold the only problem is that there’s no structures in sight so after marking the coordinates I just picked a random Direction and ran to try and find one nearby but after a bit of running and not seeing anything I decided to head back towards the cuz I remember seeing some structures on the way over here and I eventually found this amethyst Geo but when I went to check if it broke through the Bedrock it didn’t so I headed to this ocean ruin but it didn’t either then to this other ocean ruin and it didn’t either which is really weird and a little confusing but I realized we were pretty close to the Shipwreck anyways so it looks like I’m going to be digging all the way to the stronghold sounds fun but yeah I just went to the Shipwreck headed down into our tunnel and began mining to the coordinates I marked down earlier this isn’t the fastest but it’s the safest and I’ll take safe over Speedy every day of the week when playing in hardcore mode but yeah I did that for the rest of the day and for the morning of day 71 until I ran into this Lake it seemed like a pretty open area so I hopped down and began traveling towards the coordinates on foot but once I got to this more dangerous looking area I just pillared back up into the ceiling and continued mining I mined until I found this cave which led to this open area and then I continued mining found another open area and then went back to mining for the rest of the day I then continued alternating between Mining and walking on foot for the morning of day 73 until I arrived at the coordinates I marked down earlier I knew the stronghold had to either be above or below me so I started by digging upwards until I hit the Bedrock ceiling but I never ran into it so I began mining downwards and although it was slightly annoying after dropping into this open area and then mining back to the correct coordinates I finally ran into the stronghold and after finding an eye armor trim I pretty quickly found the end portal room after destroying the silverfish spawner I filled in the portal epic then I found a silk touch book in this chest and then I realized I had forgotten something I never set my spawn by sleep so that we’ll teleport back to the base once we hop back through the portal in the end and I didn’t even bring a bed so I can’t even set it here so I set out to find some spiders to get some string to make a bed but I actually found an abandoned M shaft which is even better cuz of cobwebs so I ran around collecting cobwebs and diamonds of course and then crafted up some wool and a bed and slept to set my spawn point and on the morning of day 74 it was time I blocked out the lava underneath the portal and then mentally prepared myself and finally I jumped into the portal and here we are and you might notice that the end looks a bit different that’s right it’s a cave everything is a cave in this world even the end but anyways the first thing we need to do to take out the dragon is to take out the end crystals so I made my way over to the first obsidian pillar and began pillaring up and then took it out then I used our bow to knock out two more then another one and yeah so the end being a cave is so far making this easier than usual but that might not be the case for some of these pillars but nonetheless I took out four more and actually managed to do a bit of damage to the dragon and then the dragon finally showed his face and exhaled his stinky breath at me this is interesting cuz before this I actually thought the Ender Dragon would be trapped above the Bedrock meaning we’d have to teleport above the Bedrock to actually defeat it but this is going to complicate getting to the last few pillars cuz the Ender Dragon can fly through walls so I grabbed some slow falling potions and a regen potion and headed over to the end crystals we’ve yet to explode and this is what I meant I have to pillar up there and just hope the Ender Dragon doesn’t un alive me at any second so I pillared up to the first one I had already exploded it so after doing a recount and identifying the two I’ve yet to explode I ran over to the first one and started by trying to shoot it out I managed to hit the dragon some but it didn’t work so after waiting for the dragon to leave I quickly pillared up and took out the Crystal and I nearly fell to my Doom too but I survived and water bucket clutched my way back down and after waiting for the dragon to leave the area again I headed over to the last pillar towered up took it out and the knock back actually almost had me turned into a pink stain on the endstone floor below luckily I survived though and mined back down to the ground below and now that we’ve taken out all the end crystals it’s time for the second part of this fight taking out the dragon and since taking him out down here would take the rest of my natural lifespan we’re going to get above the Bedrock so I began by running until we were out of the dragon’s range so it can’t attack us while mining up to the Bedrock and after a bit of running his health bar and fog disappeared I then went a little further just to be safe and then pillared up and mined up to the Bedrock ceiling Once I arrived I searched for a piece of Bedrock where we were at y 125 when standing directly under it again once I found one I set up our ladders grabbed some ender pearls from our Ender Chest lined myself up and well that scared the living poop out of me but after mentally preparing myself I I lined myself up again and try it again this time holding down the space bar and managed to pop through the Bedrock epic well nearly biting the dust right before fighting the dragon isn’t exactly a good omen but nonetheless on the morning of day 75 with only a quarter of the challenge remaining I prepared my inventory for battle and after drinking some strength and speed potions I ran towards 0 and pretty soon the dragon’s health bar came back and then I reached the dragon and so the final battle begins I began shooting my bow at him and managed to get a few shots in before he perched then I accidentally threw an ender pearl then I ate a golden apple just in case and went back to sniping the dragon honestly this fight wasn’t really that epic despite me shaking in my boots the whole time I got some good shots in on the dragon it perched then it charged exhaled aggressively I shoted it some more and after a bit more of that I only had a few more shots left and then finally we beat the game epic and we can get back to the Overworld now but before we do that we need to get an elytra and shulker boxes which is the whole reason we did all of this in the first place so I set out in search of an n city and yeah the n city are a bit bugged from what I could tell from testing out this data pack beforehand and they spawn above the Bedrock but that just makes things easier for us so I continued running and pretty quickly ran into an end City and one that had an end ship too epic so I ran directly over to the first end ship pillared up with endstone and after a little bit of breaking and entering we’ finally gotten an elytra and our first shulker shell so I immediately put it on and then looted these chests and after grabbing some fireworks from our Ender Chest I finally took flight I bullied this purple box out of existence and took a shell and then flew over to the next in Shion I grabbed the elytra and then found this insane shovel in one of the chests and then I made our first shulker box and stored some of our loot inside I then flew around the city smacking purple boxes to stock up on some more shulker shells and after a healthy dose of committing violence I got six more shulker shells and made three more shulker boxes for a total of four which should be more than enough for the rest of the challenge so I began flying back to 0 Once I arrived on the morning of day 76 I said goodbye to the cave end and headed back to the Overworld but yeah we spawned next to the bed we placed in the end portal room so we’re going to have to make the journey back home but luckily we now have an elytra so after breaking my way up to the surface and fighting off some mobs and also grabbing some more diamonds from the ceiling I took flight to get back home and honestly this is what I’ve been waiting for the entire challenge so far the mergence of normal Overworld biomes and caves just looks so cool to me but after a bit of flying through the Epic terrain we made it back to the base and with that we’ve completed one of our main objectives of this Challenge and with less than a quarter of the challenge remaining it’s time to get to work on our last two goals and the first one of the two we’re going to work on is of course the base and now before we do anything else we need Unbreaking 3 on our elytra and I didn’t have any leather or books left so I headed into The Nether traded with a piglin until I got a leather trade and then headed back to the Overworld on the morning of day 77 traveled up to above the Bedrock flew up to the mob farm and then didn’t grind up to level 30 cuz we were already at level 49 I then recycled the enchantments using the grindstone until I could get them breaking three on this book and then added it to our elytra I then used the rest of our levels to try and get Unbreaking on another book for our elytra but I didn’t get it so I skedaddled back down to our base and now it’s time to do a bit of traveling with our new power of flight to get all the blocks we’re going to need to build the rest of the base I have planned so after preparing my inventory I took flight and you know the deal I used a backup world again to find where I needed to go okay stop judging me please I’m lazy but I first arrived at this dark oak forest and Lush caves biome and began collecting dark oak saplings moss and glowberries the next things we need are a Cherry Grove biome for Cherrywood Mesa bom for terracotta and some bamboo for foliage so after grabbing everything I needed I flew to the Cherry Grove first and gathered up some saplings and wood and then I also spotted this Village in the distance I flew over to the Village to see if there were any animals we needed but I didn’t see any so I headed over to the Mesa and after executing all the mobs in the area I began mining out a ton of terracotta basically we need this for the sniffer head so I’m just grabbing some in case I ever decide to go back and place in the correct colors for the sniffer with terra cotta but I never did so once I was done with that I flew over to this jungle and quickly grabbed some bamboo and with that we have everything we need to build the rest of our base so I began the journey back home and Upon returning I planted all of our new saplings and some bamboo I then realized I didn’t grab any Spruce saplings and Spruce is the best sapling type but luckily there’s a spruce Forest right here so I just grabbed some saplings real quick and then headed back and planted them with the rest of the saplings then I artificially accelerated nature and collected the profits for the rest of the day I then continued collecting wood on the morning of day 79 along with fighting our Phantoms and now it’s time to get the final wood type we need Crimson wood the base I have planned uses a lot of pink and purple wood so we’re obviously going to need to get a lot of CRI Crimson wood so I headed into The Nether and used our power of flight to find a Crimson Forest I honestly don’t remember if I used chunk base or not to find this but I found one pretty quickly nonetheless despite being attacked by two gests upon Landing I quickly switched to my chest plate and shot them out of the sky well except for this one he just ran away but anyways I began collecting Crimson wood along with the Crimson fungus on the morning of day 80 I did that for a while and then suddenly got attacked by a baby hogin skeleton and ghast at the same time and I was being slowed down by the soul s then another gas started shooting at me so I ran away and ate a golden apple to regenerate health and then fought back and then after making sure I could bone meal the Crimson fungus to get more Crimson wood I decided I had gotten enough so I made my way back to the Portal’s coordinates I then returned to the Overworld and now it’s time for the first step of completing the base terraforming so I headed into the mines and begin mining out deep slate with our silk touch pickaxe I want the hillside that our base sits on to transition from Deep slate to Stone and then into grass so obviously we’re going to need a ton of deep slate and stone for that so I mined out a poop ton of deep slate and tough and also grab any ores I ran across to use for decoration I did that for about half of the day before switching to mining out Stone and the stone ore variants I did that for a while and then finally returned to the surface once I felt like I had enough and then I finally began work on putting in the deep sleep and I continued working on that on the morning of day 82 I started with the bottom area around the sniffer head and the left side of the base and then slowly worked my way up the Hillside and then I began destroying this little cliff thing which was going to get in the way of things later on but then I realized I didn’t build this part steep enough so I redid it a bit steeper and I I ended up continuing the Deep slate all the way up to where we’re going to build our house forgetting the fact that I wanted to transition to Stone and once I had finished the majority of the deep slate section I began placing in some of the ores I had gotten for decoration and then I began work on placing in the stone section Beginning by blending it into the deep slate and then on day 83 I began building up the wall by the amethyst Shard and after making it up to the top I finally transitioned to dirt then I began filling up the area where our house will go with stone as well as placing in the Deep slate for this side area and then I began filling in the side of the Stone Mountain thing with stone then I sniped this zombie and now it’s time to finally begin on our epic Cherry Mansion so on the morning of day 84 I expanded our basement to get some more Cobblestone for our new real estate project and then began farming some Moss cuz I felt like it but also for decoration in our base then I flew over to this nearby amethyst geod we dug out earlier and gathered up some calide before deciding it was too tiny and heading down to this much bigger geode and Mining out a ton of its calide and then I realized you can silk touch amethyst crystals or clusters or whatever and actually pick them up which would obviously make our giant amethyst Shard look a whole lot better so I gathered up a poop ton of those as well and then on the morning of day 85 I began work on our epic Mansion I started by building the foundation out of mosy Cobble normal Cobble and tough and once I finished that I began putting in the Cherrywood pillars once I decided on the placing I built them up and then placed in the cow site behind them I then began placing in these Cherry log support bar things to add some more detail to the walls and then I went back to farm and Cherrywood for the rest of the day and I continued doing that for about the first half of day 86 before going back to working on our new house I began work on the walls for the second story building them pretty much the same way as the first story once I finished that I began putting in the Crimson roof trying to angle it a bit more steeply than a normal roof I continued work on the roof for the rest of the day and then realized I was building it there was only supposed to be a crimson border for the roof and the rest was supposed to be cherry wood and other pink blocks so I crafted up some cherry planks and pink concrete on the morning of day ‘ 87 and then got to work on building the roof the correct way I continued work on that for a bit and then began carving out this upper cliff thing a bit more to make more room for our mansion and then I went back to place in the roof did that for the rest of the day and then on the morning of day 88 I began work on putting in this circular Lookout type building again to add some more detail to the exterior of the building I used cowside as the walls with some dark oak as a kind of border and then crimson and Cherry for the roof but I actually want this to have two layers so I began work on the second one using the same design just a bit smaller I then took a step back to take a look at the whole build so far and I’m liking how it’s turning out it just needs a bit more detail in but I also built the second story of this thing too short so I broke it down in the morning of day 89 but I didn’t have enough room to finish the roof of this thing so I began digging out the ceiling to make it taller then after doing that I got distracted working on adding some shape to the other roofs I basically just wanted to extend the top parts of the roof out a bit more to make it look a bit more interesting but I did that for the rest of the day and on the morning of day 90 with only 10 days remaining in the challenge I actually put in the floor and I made it out of Cherrywood of course then I added in the front doors and after a bit of Designing destroying and redesigning I landed on something I was happy with and I also went around the house adding in dark oak fences and lanterns for some more details on the exterior then on the morning of day’ 91 I began mixing in some diorite with the cowside and the walls to add some texture then I added this thing I don’t know what to call it but I added it to the right side of our epic house and I was getting annoyed having to go back and forth to our old base to grab stuff so I began destroying our old chests and moving the stuff into our new home I did that for the rest of the day and on the morning of day’ 92 we fully moved out of our old box and into our new then I added some walls to the backside of our new house and began putting in the second floor I also made a Stairway to the second floor and a Stairway to the lookout thing I extended up the back wall some more began adding in a third floor and then got jump scared by this creeper and if I had my elytra on instead of my chest plate right then the last 92 days might have been for nothing but anyways I finished adding in the third floor and began on adding in the fourth floor yeah this house is a little taller than I thought it was but I did kind of cheap out on the back wall for this floor cuz I ran out of calside anyways I finished the fourth floor and then on the morning of day ‘ 93 I began redoing this thing I built earlier cuz it didn’t really look good and yeah I think that looks better and then I finally continued working on the roof of the lookout thing I also found these two Phantoms that got trapped in the amethyst Shard somehow so that was interesting anyways I finally finished the roof of the lookout thing and continued mining out the ceiling to make it taller and then I began attempting to finish the roof of our house on the morning of day ’94 but then I just gave up for some reason and even though it’s not technically finished I think our new house turned out looking pretty epic but anyways then I finally replaced all the temporary blocks and our sniffer head with the correct colors and I think it looks pretty good then on the morning of day 95 I bone Meed a bunch of glowberries and began placing them across the cave ceiling above our base to add in some more Greenery then I went around the base and added in some bamboo and Moss for the same reason and then I began Gathering up some cherry leaves in order to make a custom Cherry treat but I wanted to mine them faster so I used all three of my brain cells and put this silk touch book we found in the stronghold on a Diamond H yeah I played this game for a living and I forgot that shears existed I’m just not going to comment any further on this matter but after collecting up some cherry leaves and some more cherry wood I began placing in our first custom cherry tree and yeah it isn’t much but it’s honest work and I also added another one more to the right of our house and I think it looks pretty good but now it’s finally time to fix up the shape of this monstrously ugly looking amethyst Shard and add some more details to it so on the morning of day 96 I grabbed some amethyst blocks built up to the thing and got to work fixing up the shape and adding in amethyst clusters occasionally I then realized I was running out of amethyst blocks so I flew up to this other nearby amethyst geode and began mining it out and despite the fact that I have absolutely no actual clue as to why there are bees in here that have been in here for this entire challenge I managed to collect pretty much all the amethyst blocks from the Geo so I headed back over to the base and began work on adding in a smaller Shard protruding from the giant Shard I’m going to add a few of these all around the giant Shard as well as a reverse geod thing towards the top of the giant shark just to make it look cooler and more detailed so once I finished the first one I began work on the second one and it’s looking pretty good so far so on day 97 I made another protruding Shard and then realized something there are only 3 days left in this Challenge and I haven’t gotten all the 1.21 blocks and items one of our main goals for this Challenge and that’s not a problem in and of itself but a few of them are copper blocks which we need the oxidized variants and we don’t exactly have enough time to get all the oxidized variants which sucks but nonetheless I made some polished tough slabs tough brick stairs copper doors copper trap doors and then the expensive copper bulbs which are all blocks that I forgot to craft earlier I then placed down all the copper blocks in hopes that somehow maybe Notch would hit us with a luck potion and all these would oxidize in time but honestly that’s definitely not going to happen so we might not be able to get all of the 1.21 blocks in item but anyways I began on building another Shard protruding from the giant am Shard and then once I finished that I built another one and then I continued the giant amethyst Shard into the parts of the ceiling that we raised on the morning of day 98 and that’s most of that thing done so I’m going to add a few final details to the base before I add in the reverse Geo and unfortunately I don’t have time to connect this bottom part of the base all the way down to the ground below but hey if we get negative seven likes on this video and a trillion comments and 8 billion subscribers by tomorrow morning and Elon Musk buys me the moon for my birthday I might do a 200 days no I’m just kidding I probably still won’t but anyways then I began placing in some Stone down here at the base of our base so I can create this epic waterfall nice then I placed in and Bone me some Moss so this area looks more natural I also placed in some bamboo we don’t have time to completely transform the surrounding area of our base to fit in better so it does look kind of awkward to be honest but I can at least try to blend the Deep slate edges with the surrounding area so I began work on doing that and then I headed up to the cave ceiling bone Meed a ton of glowberries and began placing some around the ceiling to add some more Greenery to our base then I flew back over to this amethyst Geo to get the balt we need for a reverse Geo I bed Bal for the rest of the day and then continued doing that on the morning of day 99 until I felt like I had enough once I did I headed over to the giant amethyst geode and dug out a giant hole in the top to place the geod I then placed in the basal border and added in the calside shell and then I of course added in some amethyst clusters okay I don’t know if you would call this a reverse geode but whatever I then went around the entire amethyst Shard placing in amethyst clusters to add more texture at detail then I bone Meed this single piece of moss epic then I headed back up to the cave ceiling and continued spreading the glowberries all over it occasionally bone mailling more along the way and managed to cover a pretty decent area by the end of the day so I broke out all my Netherrack scaffolding and got one of the oxidized variants of the Copper Door and we’ve now finally completed our second main objective by completing our epic cave base and ignoring the fact that it doesn’t blend in very well with the surroundings and we didn’t really finish parts of our house I think it actually looks pretty good it’s now the morning of day 100 and it’s finally time to complete our final main objective by getting the last 1.21 item the trial key and in order to do that we have to to defeat a trial Chambers so after preparing my inventory for battle I flew down to this trial Chambers I found super close by to our base in a backup world and upon Landing I could already hear the noises of the trial spawners and the other new Mobs so after putting on my chest plate I broke a hole through the wall and began sniping the mobs from the outside and then I broke out a bigger hole and managed to take out all the skeletons then I decided to hop in and take out the breeze up close but there was another skeleton so I got scared and ran away even though I’m literally in full protection netherite armor don’t judge me anyways I eventually came back out and managed to to take out the breeze and it would have been cool if the breeze dropped Breeze rods in this version but they don’t so we get nothing but nonetheless I was quickly battling the next Breeze and more skeleton and after some pretty epic battling I defeated the second Breeze but didn’t get a trial key but then I realized that the skeleton trial spawner I had beaten had dropped and with that we finally gotten every block and item added in 1.21 so far as of the recording of this video in the 1.21 experimental data pack add-on for Minecraft Java Edition version 1.2.4 besides the oxidized variance of some of the copper blocks but then after grabbing this oxidized copper bulb I realized that the oxidized variants of all the copper blocks spawned naturally in the trial chamber meaning that we actually can get all of the 1.21 blocks and items obtainable in this version so I began exploring the rest of the trial Chambers and pretty quickly found a fully oxidized copper door and after a bit of searching through this pretty epic looking structure I eventually managed to find a fully oxidized copper trap door and I got a fully oxidized copper bulb earlier so using an axe to scrape off the layers of oxidation we can get every variant of oxidation so I dug my way out of the chambers got jump scared by this creeper and then flew back to the base and after scraping off each layer of oxidation off these copper blocks and picking them up we had finally oh wait no I made one fatal mistake because I forgot to do this process for the copper bulb and I only got two different oxidized variants of the copper bulb in the trial Chambers meaning that I got every single 1.21 block and item I had access to in this version other than the lightly weathered copper B anyways I’m trying to hit a million subscribers so if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more more content like this please consider leaving a like And subscribe if you’re looking for another way to support the channel want a shout out at the end of each of my videos or you want the world downloads for this world or any of my other 100 days worlds consider becoming a patron it’s a dollar for the lowest tier and helps me bring higher quality content to you more frequently a special thanks to Darius rangoni Kathy rinil smelly Brit Harper exotic J Eli Elijah Martinez RBX Pros pack Reese man Leland Kelly Zachary W and the bed 234 for being diamond and netherite patrons and thank you to everyone who’s become a patron so far thank you for all the amazing support on the channel in 2023 you guys actually changed my life and I couldn’t be more grateful so thank you seriously but yeah thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed and I’ll see you in the next one

I Survived 100 Days in an Only Caves World in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials

Become a Patron ➤ https://www.patreon.com/user?u=81881380
Datapack ➤ https://modrinth.com/datapack/better-cave-worlds
Datapack Creator ➤ @quidvio

I survived 100 days in a world that merges normal Minecraft biomes with cave terrain generation. In this Minecraft hardcore challenge, I transform this barren cave world into an epic 1.20 tales and trails inspired village. I also explore the 1.21 tricky trials update by taking on the new breeze mob and the new trial chambers structure.

subscribe for more videos 🙂

Hardcore Logo Creator ➤ u/rdyEmber (Reddit)
Sniffer Build Tutorial ➤ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVe9Uzawe_o
Cherry House Inspiration ➤ graysun_builds
Intro Song ➤ @lowresbones

This video is similar to TheTerrain’s video of a similar name, Kolanii’s video of a similar name, Suev’s modded cave only video of a similar name, and LegionVee’s video of a similar name. If you like channels like sandiction, ezy, WelcominTV, or aCookieGod, then you will likely like this video as well.

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