an army of mutant spiders are coming to attack us at nighttime we’ll need to build Transformers to protect and save us before the Army arrives I’m going to build bumblebee because he’s the best Transformer Bumblebee is a great idea I’m going to build him as well but to do that I need to build a bumblebee car to spawn him in oh that sounds like fun let’s build Bumblebee cars you can’t steal my idea you know what fine my bumblebee is going to be way cooler than yours come on axie I’m going to use sl/ Pace to spawn in the base of the car and then if we can customize this car well enough it’ll spawn in Bumblebee and he’ll come and save us hey you can’t just spot in a car whatever it doesn’t even look like his car well it will Woodle come on I think the most important thing is changing this car to be the right color exactly bumblebee isn’t the white color he’s the yellow color so come on what I need to do is replace this white concrete over here to be yellow concrete and automatically this is going to look like Bumblebee and wo look this car looks 10 times better already axie ha little does it look like bumblebee now ow I mean it kind of does but it just looks like a yellow car well it looks better than whatever you’re building voodo you literally don’t even have the legs of Bumblebee our bumblebee is going to look so cool when we spawn him in but we’re going to need to build the interior of the car for that to happen we can’t build the interior yet there’s still some work we need to do outside you’re right axie we’re going to need to secure our bumblebee car Bumblebee is super duper strong and we’re going to need all the security that he would normally have let me just put in some black blocks over here just so it looks more like Bumblebee and boom now it looks even more like bumblebee what I can do is just take some of these doors over here and I can put some of these secure doors at the entrances over here that way only we can enter him axi that sounds like a great idea but we need to be able to know if someone’s trying to break in which means we need security cameras Oh yeah axi you’re right come on I’m going to put down security cameras all over the place so we can see what’s going on outside and so bumblebee can see everything that’s happening around him let me just put some cameras in the back over here as well and no way this is looking absolutely insane axi I know I bu this so good but bumblebee is a Transformer which means he has tons of defenses on him I don’t see any way he can fight right now you’re right we’re going to need to add his first line to defense which are going to be these insane turrets over here that we’re going to put in the front hey wudo guess what what is it our bumblebee has a bunch of different weapons that can take down your bumblebee well my Bumblebee’s weapons are going to be waste stronger trust me bumblebee is not a force to be reckoned with oh yeah W what kinds of weapons does your bumblebee used exactly we have a bunch of different turrets that do so much damage what turrets that’s it my bumblebee is going to have way more powerful weapons than just some poopy turrets if you guys think our bumblebee is going to be better than rud’s bumblebee then common bumblebee right now common bumblebee axie now that we have all of the weapons for bumblebee on the outside we need to go on the inside and add some defenses as well bumblebee is not weak whatsoever he’s probably the most strongest Transformer there is so come on let’s edit the inside to be ultra strong sounds like a good idea let’s see how would bumblebee deal with Intruders inside the car well AI he has the first line of defense over here which is going to be a giant M maze M maze that sounds super dangerous what if he blows himself up ax that’s just not possible these are just here just in case someone else gets into the car look at this the mind maze is going to go all the way over here and it’s going to make multiple turns isn’t that super duper cool wo wo that is really cool I don’t know if anyone’s going to be able to make it through this maze you hear that woodo our lines of defenses are so insane that no one is going to be able to mess with our bumblebee that’s what you think until I bring my bumblebee to life and it destroys yours oh yeah W well what if I had some turrets around our maze to shoot anyone going through you can try axi but my bumblebee is just going to be too powerful oh yeah voodo well as soon as you come inside of our bumblebee you’re going to get boomed we’ll see about that mango I doubt it’s ever going to happen oh my goodness axi this guy is a little too confident so I need to add another line of defense that’s going to scare him are you ready for this yeah what’s it going to be this line of defense is going to give bumblebee an op power and that’s going to be the power of using lasers wow I didn’t know bumblebee had lasers of course he has lasers we need to make sure our lasers are super duper strong so our bumblebee can be strong too I’m going to place down some lasers right over here that go across keep going these lasers look awesome exactly look I just need to add one more and we can move on axi yeah that sounds great but after these defenses what else do we need inside of Bumblebee’s car well we have defenses but we need a place for bumblebee to train and become an even stronger Transformer than he already is those mutant spiders are going to be super duper dangerous you’re right we need the ultimate Transformer training room exactly so let me just grab some pedestals and actually the first part of the training room is going to be all the different weapons that bumblebee has and can train with I bet bumblebee uses a stick to smack people wait what no he doesn’t ax that’s probably what wo’s bumblebee does but not our one are you sure I think he definitely uses a stick what in the world axie you know what you should be banned from building bumblebee you don’t actually know what it takes to build him oh he has wood and you would know of course I do I’m the biggest bubblebee fit ever then tell me woodo what kind of car is Bumblebee um he’s um um a yellow car that’s right woodo you don’t know anything about Bumblebee exactly I bet you don’t even know the weapons that bumblebee uses actually look at these different weapons that I’m going to add bumblebee can shoot out Flames over here and he can also use this weapon from fortnite Wow bumblebee has so many cool weapons that’s right axi and with these different weapons he’s going to be able to train all day long all day long sounds like a lot of training though wouldn’t bumblebee get kind of tired that’s what it takes to be a Transformer axi Bumblebee isn’t like the rest of us okay well now that bumblebee has all these cool weapons how do we teach him to use them better well we’re going to need to add some targets and some dummies that way bumblebee can practice his aim and be able to get his targets at the right times wo that’s a great idea I’m going to try too axi please do not miss oh yeah I have the best name ever oh oh oh no I’m going anywhere axi you’re literally missing so much what is wrong with you I guess I don’t know how to use weapons after all ha you’re bad oh yeah wood I bet you couldn’t do better we’d both be terrible Transformers that’s why we’re building bumblebee no I think you’re just a worser one oh my goodness you can’t let woodo say that about you axi come on you need to grab these weapons over here and you need to practice your aim watch me and then go afterwards okay okay watch this I have great Aim so bumblebee will have good aim too boom bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo b Bo boom look at that axi I’m hitting every single Target in the middle this is how you properly aim okay you’re hitting most of them watch me oh my goodness axie you completely missed again wait wasn’t I supposed to be targeting you no you’re supposed to get the targets it seems like aiming isn’t the best thing you can do but what if you practice your parkouring instead that’s a great idea I might not be good at aiming but I’m great at parkour exactly actually and Bumblebee needs to be good at parkour too do you know how many buildings and different roads and different highways the Transformers need to go through probably at least like two exactly they need to go through so many so we need to definitely make sure they’re equipped with the best movements in the world hey woodo are you adding a parkour course inside of your bumblebee bumblebee doesn’t need a parkour course he’s the goat what wudo you do realize that we’re putting in everything here so bumblebee can be stronger right yeah but my bumblebee is going to spawn in strong already he doesn’t need any of your weird wacky things to make himself strong mongel even strong people still need to train woodo otherwise they’ll get all czy exactly you don’t know the first thing about Bumblebee I’m going to add these fans over here to make these parkour jumps a little bit harder axi wow are the fans going to blow you away when you jump that’s right and then look we’re going to have a slime ball right over here that’s going to take you to the next slime ball which is going to take you to the next one and then you’re going to need to go up the Slime balls boing boing boing hey you’re not supposed to be having fun axi this is supposed to be super dangerous can’t you have fun and train at the same time no training is not fun training is hard work a why can’t hard work be fun it’s not fair look over here I’m adding a bunch of different fences do you want to know why oh is this going to be my bedroom I could use a nap no actually after the parkour there’s going to be some mobs bumblebee needs to fight we’re adding all of these things so he can be super strong and take out the spiders and if he’s going to be strong he needs to be able to take out regular spiders and skeletons really easily oh that makes sense oh no I hope bumblebee can take these mobs out cuz I don’t think I can don’t worry if he does the training properly he can easily take out these mobs ax I hope so I don’t want to get eaten come on I think there’s one thing that we’re missing inside of this training room and that’s the armor protection that bumblebee has you see his car isn’t a regular car it’s a super duper strong car so whenever he crashes into stuff it doesn’t break automatically like wo’s car wait that’s a great idea we can’t have our cars breaking as much as wos hey my cars don’t break yes they do voodo and whenever you drive you always crash that is Absolut absolutely false MoGo I think you’re just jealous what would I be jealous of wudo I’m adding the strongest armor for bumblebee over here and I’m even going to add some superhero armors in there too because bumblebee is basically a superhero Bumblebee is even better than a superhero who do you think is stronger bumblebee or Iron Man I think bumblebee stronger and would look great in this bikini wait what bumblebee would not look good good in that bikini if you guys think bumblebee is stronger than Iron Man hit that subscribe button right now we’re getting really close to a million subscribers subscribe especially if you like this bikini oh my goodness actually that bikini is going to make bumblebee super goofy no I even added sunglasses so it’ll look even cooler we’ll see about that axi I just need to add these last few armors and we’re going to be done with the entire training room really I bet wo’s making much slower progress than us no I’m not I’m actually making a lot of progress actually we need to go see what progress he’s talking about this guy constantly keeps saying how his statue is better than ours so why don’t we just go invisible and check it out for ourselves that’s a great idea let’s sneak over there all I need to do is fly up here and what in the world is this oh my gosh bubblebee you’re the goat I love you so much actually this isn’t that bad oh no axi if you’re saying he’s making good progress then we need to ruin his bumblebee cuz look we only have the car version of Bumblebee right now our statue still didn’t spawn in while voo already has his come on we need to make his bumblebee weaker and I think I know the perfect perfect way to do it really what’s that all I need to do is this single Commander right here axi what this is going to do is replace his bumblebee to be pink instead oh my gosh take a look at his bumblebee now M go you’re helping him pink is the best color wait what I’m not helping him axi bumblebee is not supposed to be pink and now he’s pink come on we can also give him a dress bu is going to look so cute I wonder what woodo thinks of this oh bumblebee I can’t wait to make YouTube videos with you and we’re going to go defeat evil monsters together and and and wait a second bubblebee are you becoming bubble girl oh my goodness looky finally noticed axi do you think he likes it oh my gosh why does it look like this I mean Bumblebee if that’s how you want to dress I guess that’s fine I’m just so shocked a I thought he would be more scared come on we need to break some of his bumblebee parts so he can truly see what we can do let me just put some fire over here and break part of the arm over here just like this oh that’s a great idea come on let’s completely destroy bumblebee now his bumblebee won’t even be able to take out the mutant spiders we’re going to have to be the ones to save the day oh my gosh what is happening to bubblebee why is he on fire voodo are you okay why do you sound like you’re freaking out no I’m not okay look at what’s happening oh my gosh woodo I can’t believe your bumbleby looks like that he’s looking pretty good this is bad what do I do it looks like your bumblebee is overheating voodo I don’t think you can continue building this I would quit the Build Challenge right now and just admit that we’re better Builders no you know what this is all Bumblebee’s decision I’m going to let bumblebee do whatever he wants cuz he’s the goat oh my goodness axi come on let’s just add some ice to Bumblebee and I’m going to give him a giant mouth over here just like this look at these luscious eyelashes I’m giving oh my goodness his bubblebee doesn’t even look like bubblebee now he looks like goofy bee all right bumblebee you know what I think we need to start over I’m going to build your golden Bumble mobile right now wait what wudo is literally going backwards he built a poopy statue and now he’s building the car actually he has no idea what we have up our sleeves once our car is done which it almost is bumble buby is literally going to spawn in and he’s going to be super duper gigantic I can’t wait but Bumble be is super boring right now we need to build something that’ll make him more fun and interesting you’re right axie we can’t have our bumblebee be like wos where it just stands there and does nothing we want bumblebee to be able to dance attack and be super duper fun yeah which is why I think we should build a dance party room boom that’s such a cool idea come on I’m going to add a huge table over here and this table is going to be the DJ table I’m going to be standing right here making all the beads I’m going to add the dance floor and it’s going to be made out of rainbow Neon Lights wo these lights can literally change colors check out my cool dance moves oh not axie you’re different those dance moves are absolutely insane oh I know I’m pretty much the dance Queen well guess what axi we need to make this dance floor look a lot cooler than it already does yeah making it more fun is going to make it 10,000 times better than Wood’s build you hear that voodo you have some real competition I don’t have any competition my bumblebee is the greatest ever okay I don’t know about that one buddy we have an entire dance studio inside of our bumblebee so not only can he attack but he can dance too oh really well we’ll see if he can really dance what do you mean of course he can he’s bumblebee oh yeah well my bumblebee can do a lot more than that that’s just not true voodo I’m going to add these lanterns over here and they make the dance Flor pop out 10 times more axie that’s awesome Longo I’m adding these cool pendant lights we’re forgetting one thing though every single Dance Floor has giant speakers in the back so I need to add the giant speakers over here just like this and oh my goodness we’re going to have the greatest dance party of all time and Bumblebee is going to be able to dance oh wo our build is 10 million times better than yours no it’s not stop saying that actually let me just add a yellow trampoline over here just like this and wow look at this thing bumblebee is so fun now that’s right axie but if we want the Bumblebee statue to look really really good we’re going to need to put up some pictures of Bumblebee that way he knows what he looks like look at this super duper awesome picture I have over here axie wo that’s so cool I bet I could draw a better one though no way I’m adding the world’s coolest paintings of Bumblebee over here and you think you can do better bro look at this thing it’s uploading right now and it’s going to make bumblebee look absolutely sick literally just give me like 2 seconds and I’ll make an even better one well at least we have paintings inside of our bumblebee hey wudo what are you have buddy oh I have Bumblebee’s amazing bedroom he lives like a true Transformer King a bedroom buod are you serious that’s not going to make bumblebee any stronger we’re adding so many different images and when the statue spawns in it’s going to look exactly like these images I’m so excited oh I’m basically done with my bumblebee what in the world axi are you drawing in an actual bumblebee uh yeah isn’t that what bumblebee looks looks like no he’s not an actual bumblebee he’s a Transformer look this is what he’s going to look like after we’re done with the car he’s going to look so awesome and I can’t wait to see it you have to remove that painting right now no I’m putting it everywhere maybe if I put down enough of them bumblebee will look like a cute little animal instead of a big ugly man actually see if bumblebee looks like a cute little bee we’re going to get destroyed by the mutant spiders that just let me keep one of them please okay fine but look over here I’m going to add a bunch of cars in the back over here that way bumblebee is super duper fast he’s going to have the speed of every single one of these cars over here hey voodo how fast do you think your bumblebee is going to be the fastest in the world okay you don’t need to lie to us buddy we literally have like a hundred different cars how many cars do you have huh I have more than 100 I have 101 what in the world how is that even possible axie it’s not right unless W just spent the last 20 minutes only placing them cars and doing nothing else wait how did you know wait what you’ve been doing that actually he’s probably just lying don’t believe him no I believe believe him but having 10 million cars doesn’t make his build better than ours yeah you’re right and if we’re going to have our bumblebee be faster than wos we need to add an entire racetrack axie yeah we need to make the best racetrack ever with a bunch of obstacles so that bumblebee can be the best driver in the world hey wudo you hear that we’re adding a race car inside of our bumblebee car a race car really hey wudo we’re building an entire racetrack inside of our bumblebee oh really then I’m going to have to build an even better one wait what you’re going to copy us are you serious right now yep I’m serious right now oh my gosh actually we need to make sure our racetrack is the best thing in the world we can’t let this guy copy us you’re right but I think we don’t have anything to worry about our race tracks already tend th000 times better than wos oh yeah this looks absolutely awesome so far all I need to do is just add in these final blocks over here and wo look at this racetrack it goes over the entire training course it’s so cool I wonder what woodo is going to think when he sees it look I’m going to add a bunch of traffic cones over here so we don’t fall off the edge when we’re racing I would never fall off the edge while I’m racing I’m just that talented axi you don’t even have your driver’s license yet what do you mean what’s a driver’s license are you serious a driver’s license is what you need in order to drive a car if you don’t have a driver’s license you can’t drive says who I can do whatever I want oh my gosh I did not realize you were a boss like that that’s right human laws can’t control me I’m an ex a well check it out axi now we have the entire racetrack of bumblebees and I think there’s one last thing we need to add in order for bumblebee to spawn in there is what is it well actually what we’re going to be building over here is the communications room that way bumblebee can speak to us instead of just standing there that sounds awesome but how do we help bumblebee speak well I’m going to add a bunch of different microphones over here and they’re going to be connected to speakers and with these speakers and microphones bumblebee is going to be able to communicate with all humans and axelos hello bumblebee can you hear me actually he can’t talk right now we’re still not done with him yet oh okay well do you think bumblebee also needs a bathroom oh my goodness bumblebee is a Transformer and Transformers don’t use the bathroom really well I’m going to add one anyway cuz you never know oh oh my goodness ax look I’m basically done with the communications room I just need to add some different buttons so we can turn on Bumblebee and his huge statue will appear okay I hope it works it is definitely going to work axie but before we spawn in bumblebee let’s go take a look at Hud’s newbie car one last time okay I bet it’s terrible hey woodo we’re here to see your build can you please show it to us oh sure this is my bumblebee Bumble truck wait what woodo bumblebee is not a truck he’s a Camaro it’s the same thing it’s a car anyways the Bumble truck looks way cooler what are you talking about this doesn’t even look like it would work and random smoke is coming out of him you really we call this bumblebee exactly this truck looks nothing like our amazing car over there voodo I don’t know what you’re doing oh yeah why don’t you come over here I want to show you the amazing bubblebee him or herself woodo this does not look like bumblebee this looks like Bumble Bella this is Bumble Bella then and she looks beautiful that’s what bumblebee wanted so I left him the same he does look pretty beautiful wudo but he doesn’t really look ready to fight I mean where are his weapons don’t worry now bumblebee has lots of beautiful luscious pink hair so he’s going to use his hair twiddling Powers oh my goodness wudo he’s going to use his hair and his dress to fight are you serious what’s going on in the brain of Bumblebee and hold on there’s just a bunch of cake and there’s boxing gloves here yeah I put these here so that he can train take this hey stop it that hurts wudo bumblebee is not looking that strong whatsoever I really think you’re going to have to rely on our bumblebee let’s see it well if you come over here voodo you’ll see this amazing beautiful yellow car that has a horsepower of 550 which means it’s super fast and if you come in the front over here you’ll see that there’s a bunch of turrets to make sure no enemies can get through interesting mango but where’s the brains of Bumblebee well voodo that’s a good question everything about Bumblebee is inside of his car over here check this out wao there’s everything in oh what are these things woo you have to go through the me you can’t just explode everything oh my gosh you’re getting a little too ahead of yourself voo get on the ground right now let me show you the communications room first with this room bumblebee is going to be able to communicate with us ooh that’s pretty cool what does that red button do don’t press that woodo don’t press it yet voodo we’re not ready to press it we’ll press it at the end but this is Bumblebee’s bathroom over here and now we have the defenses that you need to go through in order to access this training course oh I justum jumped over all your defenses and ooh what does this do hey you were supposed to jump across everything and wait stop using no weapons so recklessly these are the different weapons that bumblebee has that he can train with over here are all the different mobs he needs to take out with them oh yeah get destroyed mobs hold on wo stop using that weapon there’s a bunch of other different ones too you can use really like what like this one over here it’s super duper strong wo these are all such awesome weapons exactly but wudo after you use the weapons you need to be able to do parkour bumblebee can move however he wants and he’s able to do that by doing the parkour that’s so sick but what’s this over here mango this right here is the racetrack leading to the back of Bumblebee over here as you can see we added a billion cars that way bumblebee has the same speed as a billion cars wo this is so many cars I can’t even drive out of here you’re not supposed to drive it wudo it’s for bumblebee look over here this is what he’s going to look like when he spawned in doesn’t he look absolutely awesome he looks so sick B girl can we spawn him in now not yet Lodo first we have to show him our sick dance moves yeah this is where bumblebee dances so he can be a little fun and not boring oh I’m dancing wait those dance moves are insane but guys I think bumblebee is going to have the most insane dance moves come on it’s time to go and press the buttons let’s do it all together let’s do it 3 2 1 press and ha it didn’t work are you you serious we’re still stuck inside of the car which means bumblebee didn’t spawn in wait look outside wait look outside and oh my goodness it did work bumblebee has now spawned in he looks so cool no why did he spot it with this he can destroy that army of mun spiders and save us exactly we’re saved saved thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed then watch another video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye-bye

Mongo and Wudo have to build a BUMBLEBEE STATUE! Who builds the best statue? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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