Minecraft Reverse Telepathy 6

3 2 1 place oh my word I almost placed that okay ready place oh it’s ready Place o I was going to get that one okay ancient city ready [Music] place oh interesting okay there’s very green ready place oh okay boats ready place aha okay you wouldn’t place the boat that’s already there I guess yeah you’re not going to get this I might okay ready please told you you wouldn’t um I’m really good at this wow okay ready pleas ah okay cool ready please ooh okay place what

#shorts #funny #minecraft #memes
This is Minecraft Reverse Telepathy, a game where me and my friend try NOT to place the same block. We have 10 categories and if we make it to the end without placing the same block we win! Enjoy the best series on YouTube!


  1. ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗




  2. I love you 1%
    I love you 2%
    I love you 3%
    I love you 4%
    I love you 5%
    Who ever move first is gay

    (Baby you got somethin in your nose
    Maybe not there but can you feel the herd hope you find peace in yourself)
    Btw there silver lion blocks your golden dog

  3. One time I was playing Reverse telepathy with my friend and we both picked TINTED GLASS IN THE FIRST ROUND. so when we did the second, we picked the same one again 😂 it was black glass but then in the third round, I picked gray class and he picked white glass

  4. i must ask, are you the creator of this? and if so, are you okay with other creators playing this? because i saw someone playing it, and someone said they were stealing the game.

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