Can I Beat Infernum Terraria with the ROGUE Class?

there are four classes you can play in Terraria the melee class the ranger class the Mage class and the the no friends class but in this video I played an all new modded class called the Rogue class added by terraria’s clamy mod it’s an insane class with new mechanics new armor sets so many new weapons and more oh yeah and also I did this on infernum the Calamity Mod’s hardest difficulty so sit back and enjoy this one hell of a show w [Music] so I spawned in then activate infernum let’s go we’re actually doing infernum oh my God I opened up the Calamity starter bag and also my own starter bag I have a custommade starter bag which gives me magic storage units torches and other things to get me started for now I’ll allow myself to use the weapons of any class but once I get my first actual Rogue weapon that’s when it’s going to be Rogue only okay uh I guess we place like Ines okay we found a cave let’s go let’s go oh cool medicine climbing claws that will for sure help me in my RO class play through Skeletron was once the final boss yeah but that was like in the one of like the old oldest version of the game whoa uh recall recall before I lose my gold please if you get cancelled life wouldn’t have meeting anymore dude I I I don’t have Twitter I can’t get cancelled I don’t have have Twitter I can’t get canceled I’m immune not that would get canceled anyways if I had Twitter anyways I just did a bunch of boring looting that you’d probably not be interested in it’s just basic early game looting Gathering ores Life Crystals yeah yeah yeah but by the time I got out I already had 240 Health which was amazing uh I’m going to like make some more houses don’t need these you think that’s not Rogue I can just straight up sell I roped up to the skies since there was some amazing loot I can get from Skylands and calamity’s plantoids so let steal magnet that is not that is like the least useful accessory I can get what if you could just make the exom explode I never thought of that so yeah we got some pretty good loot from Sky looting now we can make an inator and I can place it like right over here I guess yep I went to the underground and mined some more using my insulator as an easy way to [Music] explore now here’s the thing I wanted to craft the crystalline my first Rogue weapon and I had everything except for fallen stars so I waited till night to get the stars but I’m going to sleep uh till here are you kidding me are you Kidd kidding me I’m trying to get fallen stars are you kidding me no no Calamity spawn rates and blood moons are so insane can I sleep through it I I can’t no so I just waited till it ended we can finally make the crystalline we’re so we’re so back this is our first Rogue weapon Chan our first ever Rogue weapon our actual first Rogue weapon I went and found the snow to gather materials to craft our first Rogue armor set the snow Ruffian armor now that we have our first Rogue armor set we can use a new mechanic called the stealth strike whenever a rogue weapon is not used for a short time frame the stealth meter will build up using the weapon with the stealth meter full will make you perform a stealth strike a much more powerful version of your base attack and stealth strikes vary depending on the weapon you’re using but anyways let’s fight our first boss the I cthulu or I guess LeBron [Music] James I forgot this is infernum wait wait the the the the second phase now he’s truly the sunshine what the he does some damage 55% oh oh oh oh no give me give me back on my Arena no please please please please oh we’re about to die we’re about to die we’re about to die we’re about to die please please why am I doing this no I tried again and just got destroyed I needed more Mobility so I crafted the cloud in a bottle you can craft it in clamity also I did the goblin [Music] [Music] army anyways back to I attempts like how does that work just just kill me D just kill me just kill me just kill me I don’t care I don’t care anymore I don’t care this is such a bad boss after a few attempts this finally happens die you stupid die die let’s go yeah easy first try first try first try oh my God anyways that’s our first boss of dis play through down now after the eye a lot of NPCs were going to move in cuz I had Alchemist NPC light enabled along with Fargo’s mutant mod and a lot of the NPCs started moving in once I is killed also I stopped streaming and I did quite a bit of this playthrough off stream cuz I didn’t feel like streaming anyways I went to go find the goblin tinkerer just cuz I wanted reforges and rocket boots surprisingly I actually managed to find him pretty easily unlike most of my playthroughs where it takes me like half an hour for no reason anyways I made myself Spectre boots as well as a cloud and a balloon I needed more money so I fought the eye again I used the money to buy potions from the Brewer NPC anyways I made myself into the underground desert I grinded materials like anline mandibles so I could craft the desert Medallion I used insta Bridges to make an arena in the desert and I summoned the desert Scourge now it’s been like a year since the last time I did infernum and I don’t remember anything this fight was much more insane than what I’m used to in Death Mode so I died on the second attempt I died again although I got the boss much closer to death and on the third attempt I won [Music] using materials from the desert Scourge I craft myself some victide armor then I decided to actually make my way to the right side of the world so I could find the sulfurous SE and do the acid rate event I went I went to the wrong ocean okay so I went to the left found the sulfur sea and did the acid rain I got sulfur scales from the acid rain enemies so I kept grinding [Music] it I use the skills I got to make a set of sulfurous armor an amazing Rogue armor set anyways I crafted a slime crown and summoned the King Slime the King Slime was very big in infernum but other than that it really wasn’t that bad [Music] so I actually went to the sun can see because I wanted to fight the giant clam now even mini bosses have different AI on infernum which includes the giant clam so I kind of got destroyed so the next time I had an actual Arena prepared and I fought it again [Music] now the reason I wanted to kill the giant clam was for the Sea King NPC which sold a new rogue weapon called the Sand Dollar which I bought it’s basically just a boomerang that deals some crack damage anyways I went to my nearest mushroom bom to build an arena so I could fight crabulon and luckily this mushroom biome already had a pretty open space anyways let’s fight crabulon h [Music] [Music] [Music] so next I went straight to fighting the the brain of cthulu the first phase was pretty easy honestly having some basic attacks but once he got low and entered the second phase that’s when I started getting destroyed by his much more different attacks so I died so then I just spent quite a bit of time dying to the brain over and over again but hey I got a good attempt at one point and here’s what happens [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] so I crafted the deathbringer pickaxe and went to go M hellstone in the Underworld now what did I craft with hellstone I crafted a Molten Pickaxe a molten hammock and that’s that’s it I genuinely forgot I didn’t need hellstone to craft anything special cuz I wasn’t playing melee so anyways I went straight to fighting the perforators at first I was doing somewhat okay but I I died yeah so I decided to get myself some more Buffs I reforged my items and I tried again with way more preparation the perforator fight became way easier [Music] so I want to go mine AAL light from Skylands [Music] then I crafted a weapon called the sky stabber which allows you to place these sphere type things in the air that damage enemy once they come into contact with them think of them as flying spiky balls also I crafted the bloodstained glove which gave stealth strikes more armor penetration and healing properties after reforging a bunch I actually did the Old One’s Army it was mainly for fun I didn’t know what else I could do but after that I used a city Buster in the underground jungle just to make a big space for the Queen B fight after making an arena I summon the queen bee which I managed to pull off on the first try [Music] [Music] I started streaming again so more live reactions let’s just I’m going to make this Arena big all right nice I made a new weapon called the Sledge splotch so wait what does this do that’s cool first try infernum Skeletron let’s see how this is going to go can’t I can’t see oh I get this attack I think I do I get this one I remember I’m not doing this first try I’m not doing this first try whoever told me to do this first try are you serious I hate this so much what is it doing oh this I remember this this is such an easy attack oh my God how did I dodge that I’m I’m so good at this game it’s a stack I hate the stack so much don’t die don’t die Skeletron please no what I’m I’m throwing okay this attack is the easy attack never mind never mind this is not easy what was I thinking hey I think we got this I’m I should just not say anything then I say we got this get hit die nice oh okay let’s go ah easy easy easy you better a rip off of you exactly dude I’m the real one I went inside the dungeon and I managed to get this cool new weapon called the Shinobi blade oh that’s cool okay so wait what should we do now I think we’re pretty much good honestly I grinded bladed slimes in the Crimson for bladed gel and I crafted the overloaded sludge yeah I forgot everything about this fight in infernum I’ll go for the Crimson one I guess I’ll go for this one I fought this one year ago you’re still no match for me doesn’t the core phase exist in Inferno I think I remember that existing no [Music] okay just focus enter a flow State Skeletron why do these guys keep getting slain stop it like it’s not that hard to like get out of the way maybe I’ll get this one low and then I’ll start going for the Crimson one all right go for this one now adrenaline is going to be helpful and never mind I can’t it’s not going can be helpful if I can’t aim it what the okay I’m getting the attack patterns the counter scarf save nice you literally can’t hit me I’ve already adapted to your attack never mind okay I’ve already adapted to your attacks you can’t hit me I’ve already adapted all right let’s go now that we have access to purified gel there’s going to be a ton of cool things we can make before fighting the Wall of Flesh I crafted myself a set of stat gel armor and I made a new consumable rogue weapon called the gel Dart so wa hold on oo they bounced I crafted the bundle of balloons just for some extra mobility and I used an obsidian inage in the Underworld so I could have an arena to fight the Wall of Flesh okay I feel like we don’t need to go too far let’s see First wall of flesh try oh yeah I forgot has like these heads that you have to kill which is weird shels are doing good though uhoh we might be dead uh I mean we’re still good amount of Health I need to get far away from this boss why is there lava this is this is so stupid this is actually stupid why is there lava adrenaline Maybe please oh oh o easy how did I not wake my cat up dude God damn Freddy Faz Bears that you okay so now we’re in hard mode the road class was I feel like not really the best in Pre hard mode however it gets way [Music] [Applause] better so anyways I spent a lot of time mining for Plum and Cobalt I might as well first go I I’ll go for some tinan heart armor first I went to my new astro blim and grinded Titan Hearts oh yeah guys I installed catalst mod that’s that’s going to be [Laughter] fun this is going to be fun after getting enough Titan hearts I made myself the Titan heart armor set an amazing Rogue armor set now I finally had myself good armor but I still needed a good weapon so I went to the Crimson bomb to grind ior stickers since they can actually drop a rogue weapon called the ior spear never mind I died I just want iore stickers what if I get hit one more time all right you give me it easy so wait what is this spam or stealth this is a stealth seems cool I crafted the merge mirror an amazing gr accessory giving me a ton of Buffs to stealth strikes stealth regen and Rogue damage also I crafted fairy wings for that juicy mobility and I reforged all my items the last thing I did was spend a ton of time making a gigantic Arena just for the bosses to come since a normal Arena wasn’t going to be fit anymore all right now let me just excavate all these walls chat you guys think this is satisfying God damn look at this I I just don’t like the walls when I build my Arena that’s so satisfying exactly dude guys look at this after adding the platforms to my Arena I crafted the gelon Crystal and yeah you can do that on Calamity so I summoned the queen slime and by the way this boss is absolutely insane in infernum oh what the I can’t this attack I completely forgot about this we do some really really good damage though what is that what is that oh it’s this it’s this dude this is insane dude I forgot how insane this fight is oh my God we do some really good damage though that’s good come on die die oh nice nice 1 minute okay dude this actually does some insane d damage what that’s really good yeah this fight was cool but it was extremely short cuz for some reason the iore spear absolutely melted her let’s go fight kosan let me make the Kow key I had to farm enemies in the snow biom for essences of alium then I crafted the crow key creen oh it’s fre spred some good damage it has a ton of damage reduction though I think we have less damage uction as the fight goes on probably I forgot this existed what I forgot everything about this fight dude I forgot all how all the infernum fights work I’m missing no there are so many things on screen now Skeletron don’t die Skeletron don’t die skeleton don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die oh no no I am Miss I keep missing these I keep missing like stop oh oh one more you’re already dead nice first try let’s go nice so what can we do now so I went for the mech bosses with the twins being the first Mech boss go I guess I’ll go for Spas first both don’t both of them have to go in the second phase at the same time so I don’t know if it matters okay so that’s one of them now the other all right there we go who should I go for first I’ll just see whichever one dies first I don’t know I’ll go for both I guess what the I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die what is this oh what I’m not kidding I forgot everything about this please just give me my healing potion I beg you oh give me my heal give me my heal I know this I know this he’s going to be on his own now he’s going to transform he’s going to go to Super Saiyan he’s going to have plot armor oh this is so okay he literally went Super Saiyan dude after that I died a few more times because this boss was actually pretty hard okay dude can we get adrenaline for this that go that’d be so good hold on I got to got to use adrenaline when he’s like use adrenaline use adrenaline use adrenaline oh oh let’s go let us go finally here I finished the stream but I decided to try my luck with a few bosses off stream I first tried Skeletron Prime and it was actually pretty easy [Music] so then I summoned the Destroyer now the boss would be easy if I wasn’t doing the damage of an actual toddler either this booss has so much health or the ior spear is just trash the destroyer and so I got it to around 40% Health before dying anyways I started streaming again I went to the underground ice bomb to M for cayore which spawned after crowen Was [Music] [Music] Defeated I crafted my myself a full set of dayless armor also the ornate Shield just for the amazing Dash then I went to the brimstone crack to farm enemies for essence of Havoc I got to do this fast before I die I just need a bit of infernal Suite there it is get all in yeah okay then we go I used the essence of Havoc to craft the Rune Medallion an amazing Rogue accessory so I got ready to summon the destroyer again I forgot how this works okay yeah he’s like insanly fast I should maybe try getting a better weapon than this yeah look at this trash damage yeah I do no damage dude [Music] I’m probably actually going to run out of time that’s the thing I got to try to get adrenaline or something please don’t run out of time please don’t run out of time please don’t run out of time just die just die just die oh oh what the hell okay what oh Dron I guess easy this would have been so easy but our damage sucks how long was this 7 that was almost 8 minutes this would have been actually one of the easiest fights but are my damage is so bad I crafted a new weapon called the Spear of Destiny which is actually an upgrade to the iore spear that’s cool is this better spam or what I wonder if this’s better spam or stealth after making an arena of the sulfur SE I got ready to fight the Aquatic Scourge yeah okay we do some good damage this is so weird what am I getting hit by this the smoke what is that what what am I getting hit by I actually don’t get what I’m getting hit by do not get go near that smoke I think that smoke is what it’s hitting me oh okay nice I mind out some of the space in the sulfur seed just so I’d have more space to fight the boss what the hell get away from me beans Skeletron stop selling why does the second phase look easier than the first one never mind I spoke too soon I’m going to die give me my he healing potion this attack is horrible oh my God yeah I just got to circle around him when he does that what [Music] [Music] [Music] yep all right now it’s this crap what the die maybe die maybe oh let me default dance on him easy whoa his skeleton is showing oh no default dance default dance so anyways I crafted the charred Idol then I summoned the brimstone Elemental I remember this attack I remember this attack fool oh I don’t remember this I don’t remember this oh what the oh what is this what is this this attack is easy okay so half Health nice this this is so far easy so far not too bad you know I mean I’m gu getting I I’m speaking way too soon [Music] okay please please please please oh yeah GG’s guys guys oh yeah doesn’t she turn into stone imagine imagine could not be me we just do calamus clone now I guess isn’t calamus clone change into like Shadow clamus or something I don’t know let’s change into something cancerous like that that’s going to be fun I guess let me see let me see okay yeah okay yeah I remember this I remember some of this oh yeah that’s a death laser what oh yeah this this stack I remember this stack wait what what what is that how okay how do I dodge that how do I dodge that okay man oh what happens oh yeah the these guys These Guys these guys I remember yeah oh yeah this this this is easy attack easy attack easy attack easy attack nice and I died yep how how low did I get her 31% 3 minute fight I won’t go into too much depth but I died many times so here’s the attempts where I actually won I [Music] [Music] all right I’m going to die now this is like the part where I die oh wait he’s going to get to the Final Phase [Music] [Music] maybe maybe maybe maybe oh oh GG’s God damn I hate this fight voice crack I hate this fight so much okay good why do I have four of these what what why do I have four of these huh then there was this cool weapon I got called The Crusher claw and for some reason I got like four of them is this is this spam this seems like spam anyways I wanted to fight planta affordable planta come here you do some good damage pretty good damage I mean I wonder if the lunai helps oh what the oh yeah that that I remember this stack I remember this I remember this you fool whoa I remember your attacks oh yeah she’s dashing here right our arena is way too small for this crap he’s going to do this okay it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die give me my heal okay oh we got it we got it easy first try let’s go okay so yeah planta Was Defeated and now we’re done like half of the game I consider planta to be the half point of the Calamity mod honestly [Music] so what now I should get life Fruit I completely forgot like about life Fruit I should get life Fruit yeah I want to the abyss to get planty mush which I used to craft myself some life Fruit also I crafted the blood orange for an extra 25 Max Health then I summon the solar Clips since I wanted to get solar field from the solar Clips [Music] enemies using solar F I crafted Umbra fill armor then I contaminated some of my Arena into the astral infection just so I’d have space to fight the next boss the clown also known as asham marus cuz God damn I hate this boss all right we do some good damage I am dying already what I’m going to die I’m going to die stop stop stop let me back oh my god oh it has the missile missiles now what 51% all right we’re doing we’re doing better I’m getting I’m getting I’m getting this fight slowly but surely okay okay okay chill chill chill no wait what the what okay wait what is that why does he that that is so bad that is so bad what [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah if he’s just going to keep doing that attack dude it’s over oh what I’m TR Instinct you can’t land hit I I got hit easy okay Ash Marius actually goes from my least favorite boss to actually a pretty cool one in infernum I still hate it though I made an arena of the ocean and summoned anahita and the Leviathan let me hit you please I beg you I beg you let me hit you let me hit you man L woman I guess all right it’s time for queso why am I like dying whoa he is fast what I am yeah I’m actually going to die hold on whoa he he’s so fast he was even on screen before trying again I went back into the dungeon and found the astral B chest unlike every other biome chest the astral one didn’t need a key and I was able to get the heaven Fallen stard disk from it so wait what do we use with this is it spam or is it stealth this is this looks like it’s stealth probably I don’t know I went back to attempting the Leviathan fight why is this so hard to hit oh I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die save me oh [Music] leviathan’s dead now it’s just the woman or not Leviathan queso of course damn but she’s way faster that’s the problem Oh what she shoots ice now or lightning I don’t know what it is it’s wa water maybe I don’t know [Music] 1% I think we got this GG’s yeah let’s go I crafted the Abyssal mirror an upgrade to the marriage mirror and it’s an amazing accessory for the Rog class giving me a lot faster stealth generation and giving me the ability to straight up evade attacks anyways I went to the temple and set it up with torches so I could fight Sands not Golem Sans cuz you’ll see how this fight is like in infernum also before fighting Sans I move the liard into the H Bim and bought the rod of Discord from him all right guys it’s Megan time now if you don’t know why I call this boss SS in infernum it’s because the fight is literally an undertale fight let’s see what happens if I use the heaven Fallen Stardust it does good damage I guess but I’d rather just use this oh this do I get infinite flight time why do I not get infinite flight I have to look like grapple I think when he does that I’ll probably have to Grapple he’s doing it again [Music] come on Sans die you know if we can first try this that’ be fun thing is our damage is bad dude why is rogue’s damage so the Rogue class’s damage so horrible like it needs to have better damage all right it’s green now this attack Skeletron don’t throw please ulton I beg you easy all right nice why you just instantly spawns wood dude okay okay dude a plaguebringer just spawns the instance like why does it do that anyways I ended the stream for the day but I recorded a lot of this off stream again so it’s going to be more narration for a bit I farmed a lot of brain of culas for for money and I made the Abyssal diving gear then I went into the abyss to mine scoria ore eventually I got enough and recalled using scoria I crafted myself a full set of hydrothermic armor granting me a ton of stats and damage anyways I bought a few truffle worms from the seeking NPC then I summoned Duke fishron and I didn’t need to build an arena since I already had one from the Leviathan fight now in infernum Duke fishon was was very fast like insanely fast but I still managed to somehow pull it off on the first try [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I bought some more Duke fishon treasure bags till I got both the fish ons and the Duke’s decapitator a weapon farming a pretty SL projectile that also summons bubbles it’s pretty damn good so I got to farming plague enemies in the underground jungle so I could get plague cell canisters I used them to craft the bombination and I went to my plant Arena and summon the plaguebringer Goliath on the first attempt I actually got kind of destroyed also on the second and the third but the fourth time’s the charm right [Music] [Music] the next boss on the list was the Empress of light so I crafted the fabsil Vodka allowing the drunk princess NPC to move in then I bought some Prismatic lace wings from her this boss is insane in infernum I swear I died I spent a lot of time getting rid of a Skyland in the way since it was blocking my Arena and I also decided to buy some candles from the drunk princess these candles actually give Buffs when they’re placed it’s like the campfire heart Lantern except it’s not with just health regen so then I tried the emperess of light fight again I got her to the Final Phase where she turned into the literal Moon then I got obliterated but on the next attempt uh this happens [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now you might be confused where was the moon phase that you mentioned well uh you see the duk’s decapitator does some insane damage against stationary enemies the empress was standing still at the end for a pretty long time so I dealt so much damage that I basically just ski the Final Phase it’s funny so anyways I crafted the death whistle then I summed up the Raper [Music] [Music] it crafted a new weapon called the subduction slicer it’s kind of just a boomerang that deals some pretty amazing damage anyways time to fight the cultist sorry for the insane Rush of bosses that’s just how it is at this stage of the game the cultist was very different in infernum and I couldn’t even get him to 70% Health before dying I died some more then I got a somewhat good attempt [Music] n [Music] so I went for the vortex pillar first now here’s a thing every pillar enemy can actually drop these things called melt blobs which can be used to craft some very good Rogue items think of melt blobs as a rogue version of pillar fragments anyways I destroyed the vortex pillar then I made a new rogue weapon called The Shard of antumbra antumbra antumbra I don’t know a javelin type Rogue weapon I went for the starter pillar as well since I still wanted more melt blobs and I crafted the Dark Matter sheath a really good Rogue accessory also I bought the glove of Precision from the banda NPC which actually decreases my rogue attack speed but increases my damage by 10% crit by 15% and velocity by 15% so it’s meant to be used with stealth strikes stealth strikes stealth strikes stealth strikes stealth so I out for the next boss astram Deus in infernum astram Deus never duplicated and he had a ton of cool attacks [Music] [Music] so then I summon the next boss astel then you were expecting that were you that’s right we’re using the Catalyst mod now for some reason I dealt very little damage to this boss but I’m sure I’ll be fine the first phase took me a very long time to complete but then I entered the second phase where I I was humbled now thankfully after you beat Astro Jon’s first phase once the fight skips over straight to the second phase which is something I absolutely love now although I was dying a lot I was getting it pretty close to death and at one point I finally got a good attempt here is what happened [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] so after Astro jelan is defeated we actually have access to a new or called Medan NOA or in the underground astral biome so I went on a mining session for [Music] it so I crafted a new armor set called Intergalactic armor that’s right not intergalactic intergalactic cuz you know Asel and slime gel yeah but it summons these little rocks around me that deal damage to the enemy along with boosting my rogue damage I also crafted a new rogue metan NOA weapon called the interstellar Evolution now this weapon is absolutely insane just you wait anyways I went to this new underground desert structure I entered it and it teleported me to a new desert subor after going further into it I found a new boss called the barff vassel which is actually an infernum exclusive boss now here’s the thing I’m not even going to show a montage of it want to know why because this boss got absolutely destroyed melted shredded obliterated this man’s HP melted so fast it’s insane I don’t think it’s necessarily the boss that has low HP I think it might just be the insane power of this weapon the boss was pretty cool but maybe I’m using a weapon that’s a bit too overpowered I don’t know so anyways I destroyed the solar pillar then I destroyed the nula pillar in the moon Lord spawn that instant the pillar was destroyed this was honestly a really cool fight but uh my weapon that’s all I need to say n [Music] okay let’s go we’re in hard mode or I mean post Moon Lord yeah whatever [Music] I made sure to use the celestial onion I got from the mooner just for the extra accessory slot now I went on a very big crafting session so get ready I first made the daic cay giving me more invincibility and Immunity frames also I crafted Exodus Wings using meld blobs and I also crafted a set of emperion armor lastly I crafted the Moonstone Crown summoning flares on enemy hits and giving me more Rogue weapon velocity oh yeah I also crafted the miracle fruit for an extra 25 Max HP finally I’m done now here here’s a thing you might be thinking okay so you crafted new armor you crafted new accessories but shouldn’t you also upgrade your weapon well my dear friend no here’s the thing this weapon I had was so good that I thought I’d be fine without upgrading my weapon so I went into the first fight of the post Moon Lord stage of the game Bumble b or n actually the dragon Folly and I was right this weapon was still amazing post Moon Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] so anyways I went to the underworld and I started going right soon enough I found the profane temple in infernum this is where you fight the Guardians and Providence I needed Unholy Essence for the profane Guardian summon item so I grinded profane enemies for a bit then I accidentally summoned the wall of fish run so uh yeah so anyways I crafted the profane Shard and I summoned the profane Guardians the beginning of the profane Guardians fight was just Flappy Bird and I also saw sness while I was fighting this boss so that’s kind of funny anyways I decided to actually use a percentage of my intelligence and I didn’t damage the wall at the end of my Flappy Bird phase till I got adrenaline once I got it I destroyed the wall and I used my adrenaline to completely Shred the first Guardian sometimes I wonder why I’m so smart then I just went with the fight as normal here’s the rest of the fight [Music] [Music] I went to the right of the profane Temple and found this building which had a wall that broke I made my way inside and found this Arena the arena we’re going to use to fight Providence so I summoned the boss just a side note this is probably like my favorite boss in infernum it’s just so awesome and the attacks are pretty fun to dodge that’s my opinion though but on my first attempt I got dog walked so then I spent a lot of time just dying to this boss but I wasn’t that mad because this fight was fun one of the things I actually like about for him is the fact that a lot of the bosses are more fair and actually fun to fight so even though I die a lot I’m still not too enraged beyond belief anyways at one point I got a good run in so here’s what happens [Music] [Music] [Music] so I guess the Devar of gods just ate Providence or something I don’t know it’s funny I wonder how much protein Providence had so after this point I streamed the rest of the playthrough I went to mind the ulum ore that spawned in the jungle after Providence Was Defeated uh first off we’ll craft Crystal Crystal piercers so we can craft whatever this is profane cartisan uh so wait what is this now what let me make some teron throwing darts as well teron throwing darts are pretty cool so self strikes erupt into thorns on enemy hits cool I also used deoo to make myself some Teragon armor I even made Teragon Wings the last thing I crafted was the Elderberry for another 25 Max HP so then I summon the first Sentinel of the Devourer signis I can’t aim this oh yeah I remember this I suck at this I’m actually not going to lie I’m going to die no the only problem I’m having with this fight is I would be doing more damage if I could like actually consistently hit him okay we’re doing some good damage now also we might get adrenaline maybe never mind oh oh oh oh [Music] oh okay there we go so all right give me the cosmic kunai let’s go nice now this now we have a good weapon we have an actually good weapon now take that in so I summoned the next Sentinel the storm Reaver let’s try this what I don’t understand this fight I don’t wait why do we why do we have why is our health so low already like I don’t know why we just died instantly oh what is it doing what is it doing I I forgot this attack existed what is that this like this guy is just like the devour of Gods why does he like dash at the same oh my God all right guys time to go Ultra Instinct okay we’re going to win guys right we’re like we’re actually going to win this right there’s no possible way we’d lose he’s his HP is so low there is no possible way we’d lose [Music] this okay anyways uh let’s make the twisting Thunder whatever that is cuz apparently someone say it’s broken I made a new weapon called the twisting Thunder which is apparently really good I mean is it is it spam or is it stealth stealth strikes summon more lightning and travel faster spam oh so anyways I went to the dungeons forsaken archive and I summoned the final Sentinel the seases void okay okay devour of FPS okay [Music] okay oh what what what what whoa whoa who who oh okay finally we get back our camera oh yeah I remember this I remember this you fool you fool you’re literally no match for me I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die stop stop how how much time is this going to take for you to just die man oh oh oh like my FPS my FPS help me he I won the fight but he won the war he destroyed my computer God damn so after a very laggy fight every Sentinel is now down I grinded enemies in the dungeon for necroplasm which I used to crap the necroplasm beacon so I used it to summon poter Gast all right yeah I remember this attack fool fool I remember this stack I remember this one why is this lagging why does he do that stupid sound oh what I’m not going to lie I don’t know how this works oh yeah this attack this attack it’s the asgore attack you fool I’m an undertale player well I played undertale get away from me please give me my heal give me my heal oh just imunity frame through that oh what what what is that I’m I’m dead I’m actually dead I I’m I’m trash at this game how how do I dodge that I don’t know how to dodge that I don’t know how to dodge that attack after a few more attempts I managed to get it to 0% HP but it has a desperation phase nice I remember this I remember this you just have to do this do this circle around it I remember this asgore undertale nice I’m going to die I’m I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die no certified skill issue all right man all right okay we have a ton of more Health that’s the thing never mind we’re we’re going to die we’re actually going to die this is yeah we’re dead we’re dead that last attack is going to we’re dead we’re dead we’re dead we’re dead we’re dead oh what what do you want from me come here come here come here stupid cat get on my desk get on my desk right now get on my desk the cat is here to celebrate with me let’s go let’s go I love you so much meow to the microphone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I killed the rav Dragon since it drops Bloodstone after Providence using Bloodstone I crafted myself some blood flare armor is there anything else we can do all right guys so like let me just power of God this is going to be so cancerous this is going to be so cancerous so let me make sure to put this on all right let’s see I remember this we have to Loop him right oh what we do in our damage is insane what the hell is this our damage is insane first try Inferno devour of gods guys first try infernum devour of gods guys oh my god oh and then never mind no no first try no first try no I mean that was good for a first attempt though we got him to 50% no man like this is 10 times easier than I expected cuz the last time I tried this it took me like 3 00 attempts like a year ago and I was having so much trouble with it but we are already doing insanely good [Music] [Music] oh oh we got him let’s go all right H you know I’m kind of just confused cuz I thought this was actually going to be like insanely hard like 100 attempts 200 attempts hard so I’m just confused how I just beat this in five attempts I mean hey you know what I’m not complaining I made a new weapon using cosmalite bars called the Executioner’s blade this seems this seems cool I’m not going to lie I’m not going to Sugar Code it the two moons and the solar eclipse all drop new things after the devour of gods so I first farmed the Pumpkin Moon for nightmare fuel then I farm the frost moon for endothermic energy [Music] lastly I found the solar eclipse for Dark Sun [Music] fragments I Ed those materials to craft God Slayer armor and a few other accessories anyways let’s fight yon yeah I remember this oh what the hell oh what the hell never mind I don’t he is fast he dashes so fast what okay yeah I don’t remember him dashing that fast maybe that or I just fought normal Death Mode you’re on too many times at this point the fact that he does so much damage is what’s concerning oh now he now just teleports yeah I I remember that I forgot everything about this fight all right now it’s this phase let’s go you are my message to my master let’s go he’s going to start dashing like crazy now yep I remember this how did I just dodge that it’s over no he’s going to start teleporting now right never mind he’s not going to start teleporting cuz I’m dead as you guys can see oh this is bad [Music] [Music] I don’t get what’s happening right now I’m not even going to lie what the maybe die maybe die maybe die what oh oh oh all right GG’s why I get like 5,000 chicken nuggets so now that we beat yaron we only have two bosses left to defeat so I first M up some of the arore that spawned after beating [Music] yaron I made some Arc Tesla armor and when it comes to a weapon I was using I used a wrath wi which I had already obtained from yon thankfully also this weapon completely breaks my FPS for like no reason also I got the rampar of Dees the Drew’s wings and dragon skills which are all really good accessories now you might ask Skeletron what do they do well I genuinely don’t feel like explaining accessories anymore so shut up nobody’s telling you just go read the wiki I’ve already explained these accessories in my last 500 playthroughs of the Calamity mod okay so let’s fight the next boss the exom that was an accident let’s fight the next boss the exomax your nature fascinates me for I do not understand it you will face my Creations which have surpassed gods and you will show me your disposition like this guy this guy talks so pick two the first Mech will be fought alone one sufficient one sufficiently damaged the second Mech will be summoned and those two so wait uh okay I forgot how this works I’m not even going to lie I I forgot how this works dude why am I already so low oh the Tinker was slain nice amazing awesome what how do this work all right I think I remember some of this some of how this works never mind I can’t see anything this is this is actual projectile hell what why it stop okay what the oh nice nice amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing oh this I need a dash all right I’m doing Thanos first I should do I’m going to try than first and see what happens oh what the got to enable this I think okay hold on I got to I got to focus hold on let me get into my gaming stance gaming stance gaming stance I suck at this game gaming stance okay just adrenaline I’m not on my Arena right now this is actually bad what am I getting hit by how could this possibly happen I’m actually going to die oh nice nice just like turn around like just just turn around all right nice amazing what what what am I supposed to do against that nice how am I supposed to dodge this how am how do I dodge that why am I okay why am I actually bad at this game I need to I need to focus again okay yeah just I’m cook by the way yeah I’m actually done for I’m done for what is that I don’t know how this works I’m not even going to and then Thanos just goes at the speed of light I crafted a new weapon called the dreamtastic weird name all right but it’s actually an infernum exclusive weapon now it looks like it’s supposed to be a mage weapon but for some reason it’s a rogue weapon and look at how cool it is wait how does this this work oh what is that is that just how it works we just you can’t stealth with it oh damn okay now this weapon was actually really good 10 times better than the Wrath wi because not only did it deal more damage but it also didn’t completely destroy my computer so I can actually do better at dodging the attacks oh my God so I was doing way better okay you know what Chad this is going to be an attempt this is going to be the attempt this is going to be the attempt this is going to be the attempt now I know what to do why does it just like I don’t know which side it goes on that’s the problem [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh yes yes all right now we can just beat Supreme calamus which will probably be easy because of Jon’s heart and yeah baby so using materials I got from the exox I made the Supernova a weapon that legitimately summons a hydrogen bomb I’m not even kidding what the hell this weapon is so cool okay so it’s time to fight the final boss Supreme calami time going to kill myself okay so wait I forgot everything about this fight oh yeah we need to like actually fight the cultra right oh what yeah I remember this I remember this she dashes why am I actually bad at this game uh spam is better for spreme calam this then she’s going to do this oh death ray death [Music] ray how am I dodging this oh yeah the these guys how do I fight those so wait what should I is dream is what’s better Supernova or dreamtastic I don’t know honestly let’s see if dream fastic is better oh yeah this is doing some good damage against these guys okay she’s going to do a death R now right yeah that this is going to be annoying to [Music] dodge oh this this this this this this is weird give me adrenaline give me adrenaline what she does it again what am I what am I getting [Music] H I’m do 3 hours 43 minutes yeah I’m done dude I I am done I kept dying to this stupid boss so I kind of got a little bit enraged so I decided to do the the rest of my attempts off stream cuz I wanted to actually focus on the fight instead of focus on streaming so unfortunately there are no live reactions for this fight but let’s begin [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

Pretty fun class

Subworld Library
Recipe Browser
Fargo’s Mutant Mod
Boss Checklist
Calamity Mod Infernum Mode
Calamity Mod
Ore Excavator
AlchemistNPC Lite
Catalyst Mod
Terraria Ambience
Realistic Sky
Lights And Shadows
Census – Town NPC Checklist
Hook Stats and Wing Stats
Auto Reforge
Instant Platform Fallthrough
Skeletron’s Starter Bag Mod
Change Sleep Time
Nycro’s Nohit Efficiency Mod
Helpful NPCs
No Pylon Restrictions
Begone, Evil!
Magic Storage

Music credits (In Order)


Battle Cats – The Filibuster
Dokkan – LR STR Super Saiyan Vegito OST

Part 1 Music:
Terraria – Day
Celeste – Mirror Temple
Skippy’s Waves – Ocular Menace (By SkippyZii)
Aria Math
DBZ Kakarot: Cruel Game
Wayfair: Gelatine Groove (By ENNWAY)
Calamity Mod: Infestation (By DM Dokuro)
Starlight River: Gauntlet of Glass (By Sbubby)

Part 2 Music:
Lobotomy Corp: Gebura Suppression
Celeste: Forsaken City
Calamity Mod: Blood Coagulant (By DM Dokuro)
Stinging Onslaught (By ENNWAY)
Curse of the Dungeon (By ENNWAY)
Celeste: Celestial Resort
Under Night-In Birth: Night Walker

Part 3 Music:
Riya – Final Hope: A Dance of Fire and Ice
Antarctic Reinforcement: Structured Mix (By DM Dokuro)
Starlight River: Auroracle
Calamity – Antarctic Reinforcement (By DM Dokuro)
Sonic Frontiers: Undefeatable Instrumental
DBX2: Metal Cooler OST
Persona 5: Beneath The Mask
Starlight River: Ceiros Phase 2 (By Salvati)
Calamity Mod: Outcast of the Sulphurous Sea (By DM Dokuro)
Calamity Mod: Left Alone (By DM Dokuro)
Calamity Mod: Raw Unfiltered Calamity (By DM Dokuro)
Terraria Otherworld: Rage of Tarunnk

Part 4 Music:
DBZ Kakarot: Super Warrior Skirmish
Calamity Mod: sanctuary (By DM Dokuro)
Calamity Mod: Interstellar Stomper (By DM Dokuro)
Infernum Mod: Misanthropic Encounters (By PinPinNeon)
Megalovania (By Toby Fox)
Spirit Mod: Sticky Situation (By Salvati)
Hell or High Waters (By ENNWAY)
Calamity Mod: Fly of Beelzebub (By DM Dokuro)
Terraria: Empress of Light Remix (By Kuudray)
Calamity Mod: Open Frenzy (By DM Dokuro)
DBZ Kakarot: Fight to the Death
Hollow Knight: Reflection
Calamity Mod: Pest of the Cosmos
Catalyst Mod: Galactic Destruction (By Heart Plus Up)
The Binding of Isaac: Antibirth OST Innocence Glitched (By Mudeth)

Part 5:
Dokkan: LR Int Merged Zamasu Intro OST
Hollow Knight: Greenpath
Calamity Mod: Murderswarm (By DM Dokuro)
Calamity Mod: Unholy Ambush (By DM Dokuro)
Calamity Mod: Unholy Insurgency (By DM Dokuro)
Cold Front (By ENNWAY)
Cave Story Arranged – Meltdown 2 (By DM Dokuro)
Calamity Mod: Feral Amalgamation (By DM Dokuro)

Part 6:
Devil May Cry 5: Bury the Light Instrumental
Calamity Mod: Scourge of the Universe
Calamity Mod Scrap: Engineer’s Sanctum (By Heart Plus Up)
Calamity Mod: Roar of the Jungle Dragon (By DM Dokuro)
Karakuri Spirits: Mekai Arrange
Riya: Final Hope (used it twice yes)
Lobotomy Corp: Second Warning

Dragon Ball: Gogeta Theme Remake (By Gladius, side note this song is so awesome)

Night Study Music (By DJ Catz)

Thanks for watching! If you like my videos, make sure to like and subscribe, as I want to get 100k subs.

This isnt me playing terraria’s calamity mod in hardcore mode, or playing terraria’s masochist mode, this is me beating infernum terraria with the ROGUE class


00:00 Intro
1:25 Part 1: The Beginning Of It All
13:09 Part 2: The End of the Beginning
21:36 Part 3: The Risen Difficulty
39:26 Part 4: Advancing Further
59:39 Part 5: The End is Approaching
1:13:18 Part 6: Finale

tags: #terraria #gaming #calamity


  1. Just get to home from jiu jitsu classes, and I was considering what I should watch. Then bro come to rescue and cooked infernum rogue class

  2. Whenever I play with Catalyst mod, I always lock in whenever Astrageldon enters phase 2. So I actually die more on phase 1 than phase 2 nowadays, since in my first few playthroughs I got so used to the Phase 2 attacks due to how much he was annihilating me.
    Also Calamity + Thorium when

  3. A odd thing about my magic storage mod is that EVERY LETTER IS ******** so basicly every item and every npc dialogue is just ***** (item needed to craft) ********** even in the settings it’s all ***********

  4. Just stumbled onto your channel from my recommendation page. I thought you had about 3 mil subscribers becuase of how quality the content was. When i saw you only had about 100k, i subscribed immediately. Keep up the grind 💪

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