I Used 100% Of My Brain For This..

my brand new Minecraft world is going great this is not good this is not good this is not good oh this is not good oh no okay well last time we did visit the brand new trial Chambers and actually survived and today we find something mysterious and use all of my brain power to build something useful for once what could possibly go wrong with that and go on help me out you should subscribe I’m starting today off with good news I’ve got the pack back look at the doggos look at that Tails that’s right because we updated to the new version of Minecraft we didn’t have the fancy animations this is my guy why is he tampering with my horse don’t even don’t even no no no no no stop it what are you getting so mad at me for you’re sighing he looked at me and shook his head and now he’s creeping off over there look at him he’s even sneaking who is this guy I just saw him walk out of here before I started recording he’s up to something I can hear like water running in his house as well what is going on wait how did you just do that he just parkour into my house this is a this is a fence he’s just parked into my house how did you even get up there you do do a better job of yeah yeah yeah better job of guarding please oh this is not how things were supposed to go as if now he’s on my bed look at him he’s so happy with himself you’re going to become a victim of the lava pit around the portal I can feel it I don’t know how it’s going to happen but I feel like it might do suspicious anyway what trades you got I’m not I’m not giving you trades I can’t believe youve just broken in here I need to think of oh my God that’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen I didn’t think of a punishment for this man but not not quite yet but yeah the pack is back I’ve got my fancy Zoom as well but um everything is back to normal sorry it wasn’t added in one of the previous episodes I just forgot to include it but it’s back we’re fancy and we are packed full of stuff I mean look at this we got channeling we got the new music disc we’ve got apples don’t need the map anymore we got the trims we’ve got some stuff to combine for enchanting new protection chest plate and the rest of the stuff I put in here we’ve got 31 diamonds we got plenty of emeralds we got lots of stuff we’ve got the new fishing rod as well overall it was a very very good haul from the first trial chamber that we took on now today I want to focus on one of the other brand new features which is the crafter so let me just see if I can even craft it I can’t so what is the recipe for it I don’t know how to make one is it going to be it’s going to be something like a hopper isn’t it should we see we can craft the hopper and see if it unlocks it cuz there’s also something else that I want to touch on um is this enough yes it is how do we make a hopper actually is this in here it is Hopper I’m trying to look to the top right on my screen but I’m not seeing it well we have a hopper now and what I think I’m going to do with the crafter is kind of come for your job I’m afraid like none of them want to speak to me whenever I look them dead in the eyes they turn the other way but I’m coming for your job I need to automate some stuff now I know I said I’m not doing Farms but I just meant the ones the abuse mechanics so we’re talking about villager slave Farms where you just roll until you get the enchantment you want we’re not doing that iron Farms abuse the mechanics of villages to be able to get all the iron you want so we’re not doing those but we can come up with ways to automate these as long as it’s the way that Minecraft designed it so we’re going to be doing that today oh and the reason I want to do that is because I’ve got no food like literally none I’ve got golden apples that’s how we’re living out here we’ve got golden apples and that’s it so we need to make a farm so we can start eating good eating as we deserve to but I also want to address the fact that some people saw in one of the previous episodes that I looked up a crafting recipe for something I think it was this oh wait where’s that gone um that’s been stolen the daylight sensor I looked up the recipe for that and in the first episode I said I wanted to play Minecraft as intended and that didn’t really cross my mind so from now I am not going to be looking up anything in Minecraft play it as intended so I’m going to be using the book I’m going to try and unlock the recipes myself and go with the natural progression of the game because that is kind of what this is designed to do we can also go into advancements and follow these but if we follow these we’ll naturally start unlocking recipes anyway so if we grab the scoop which we definitely need to do the brush we need to do we need to get some of these going as well the spy oh maybe I should be doing the spy glass instead cuz I have got my fancy Zoom what do you guys think but one exception to that rule is you guys in the comment section you can tell me little things as long as I ask you cuz I feel like that’s a little bit more of a community Vibe but anyway I have done too much talking let’s try and unlock lock this crafter recipe what could it be what haven’t I crafted yet could it be like I mean I haven’t crafted much of the Redstone stuff so could it be like a h we’ve done a hopper could it be dropper that’s really easy to make let me grab one red stone what else it dispenser wait what’s a dispenser cuz it kind of dispenses it at the end a bow Redstone Dust let me try that that feel like it makes way more sense uh one two three oh my god I’ve got so much stuff on me man I’m going to put this in here this in here wind charge in here then we’re going to start going through the enchantments at some point to Compass definitely taking that out let’s make some sticks I always do this recipe wrong yep yep you Bo done it wrong is it really like this I guess that makes way more sense okay I forgive you give me some cobblestone and we’re going to make this bop and Bop dispenser well I guess we’re I guess we’re trying the other one never mind have we even got enough Cobblestone that’s crazy we’re almost out of cobblestone as well we are running out dropper oh that’s it that’s it that’s it okay crafter oh the recipe is kind of interesting five iron dropper so we can use one we’ve just created I’m going to put the dispenser away though we do not need that yeah this is the cooler way to do it cuz I think that’s what this book was basically designed to do was show you the progression of the recipes otherwise you have no other way to kind of figure it out so we need two of these we’ve got the iron on us I think we can make one right now and you know what we are actually going to need that Hopper so where did I put it cuz we need to Hopper items into it so that we can craft them no no no we’re not crafting them the Crafter is crafting them here it is this is a very exciting item look at it look at its face it’s even got ears on either the side I know you not seen one of these before have you their facial expressions just crack me up man the villagers everything but I think I want to make these into kind of like little robots if I give them a body they’ll look super cute so you put the oh you can disable the slots as well I guess that makes sense right let me sleep on this I’m going to do a little test and see if they work I mean I know they are but kind of figure out how they work cuz my idea is to automate this but like the classic way so I’ll let it all grow then I’ll use water to knock it all out and then push it into a hopper and then the hopper is going to feed into the crafter which is then going to autoc craft bread that’s how this is going to work so if I what can I automate I can automate this and then disable all these so hopefully if I do that oh my god oh yeah it’s working it’s working I’m going to put oh wait I need a redstone torch so I can activate the the crafter because I didn’t realize it stores it so let’s quickly do that just to show it off yeah this is this is a very exciting item oh we got new recipes unlocked as well sweet um let’s do this yeah oh it’s only going to activate it once I need to have a um a lever there instead listen listen listen oh it’s such a good noise I thought if you had it constant it would work but it doesn’t opens its little mouth as well it’s so cute grab this type in the old lever I guess that’s going to go in here right this is going to work that is not going to work let’s put it the other way around wait that works okay it’s got the lights on on the back so we’ve got the crafter craf in we want to craft wooden plank is that how it works and then you feed the planks in there yes so they start going in I don’t want all of them to go and then when you add a redstone signal it just crafts the blocks for you yes this is perfect no crafting needed let me do another one actually let’s do I mean we’re going to need chests so let’s grab chests so if you tick that once it’s going to craft it but the materials are going to disappear but if I disable that oh wait do it not like save the recipe it would right if you do this yeah so now it’s filling up with wood would that work it does work now I can craft another one now it’s empty now we can craft another one this is great this is good okay so now we should be able to fill it up with bread recipe and then allow it to make infinite bread so we can just pick the bread up rather than us having to craft it which is a really like small thing we we don’t need bread to be crafted ourselves but it’s going to save us at least a little bit of time which is good so what do I need to work on I guess I need to kind of tear this guy’s Farm apart I feel so bad look at him he loving life I’m going to it’s going to help you out though buddy it really is unless I make my own and let him tend to this one because he’s going to start wrecking mine isn’t he yeah I should probably do that I’m borrowing some seeds dude I’m borrowing some some of these weren’t even like ready to be harvested were they my bad there you go I got some seeds I’m just borrowing them you didn’t see nothing where should I make this um God I really need food like desperately is nothing growing over here you got the worst Farm I’ve ever seen no offense no offense I’ve been trying to protect this forest from the Flames but do I just want to start ripping it down or I could just start blocking this I’m going to block this out I’m going to do that instead and that’s what I did lots of digging dirt lots of placing dirt and then I was jumped wao woah wo wo whoo wo what are you doing here no that’s not okay ow okay bro oh the animation is cool oh dog’s getting him the dog’s getting him don’t even chop my dog oh my [Music] God what happening this is not okay this is not okay I’m just going to sleep real quick if if my Viller buddy buddy well loose buddy my new coworker where is he actually if he steals that I’m going to be very upset I just need to grab it I just need to grab it I can hear the others out there so I want to be quick get rid of this get rid of this this is crazy I didn’t expect this to happen man got an ominous bottle bad Omen four right where are the others I need food I cannot I cannot do this right now I don’t have the time or the resources let’s just use this wheat here get one piece of bread whoa whoa whoo are you kidding me why are you he’s dancing he’s taking a bath in my bath I’m on to you buddy can’t believe it this guy’s got so much character and he can’t even talk I got some people to take out I don’t want my dog to die though I can hear him there he is look at this guy I can hear behind me as well oh God behind me where is he oh he’s in there don’t even kill my dog it’s got the enchanted crossbow as well don’t even don’t even why you why are you taking out on the dog when I’m right here you’re insane no I’ll share my pork chop with you there you go buddy enjoy was it just two of them there’s no way it was just two of them right maybe it was good job boy good job good dog good dog yo did you send them to my location did you tell them where I was well now you’re trapped in my bath you have no kind of Defense whatsoever I’m not letting you out I’m just not doing it well that was a nice distraction let’s get back to the task that was actually really lucky the ominous bottle I’m going to throw it on the ground and look it look at that thing I kind of love the way it looks you know I was going to say ominous that’s one of my favorite words as well but we got it oh I’ve got an idea we need to put this outside his house I’m sure he’s a supporter I’m sure of it he’s sent them here there’s there’s no way he didn’t that’s why he got the job in my house so that he could snitch on me I knew it right back to the task at hand and without being rudely interrupted this time I got back into dirt mode digging placing digging placing you know the drill until I was done yeah that looks much better okay we can definitely expand the village this way so I’ve decided that me and wait where did this guy go is that him there yeah me and this guy are now Rivals he’s going to have his little poxy Farm here which I helped him to expand and I’m going to have my farm right here and it’s going to be epic but I need to plan it out I need to have it so it’s an automated system it’s good that I’ve got the dispenser actually let me just check if that works how I expect it to work cuz otherwise I’m going to be pretty embarrassed need some water so let me grab this actually get rid of the shields that’s so much Freer my goodness so we need to test this so if I do no wrong if I do this and then put bucket of water oh it doesn’t take it back in oh it does oh I have to do it like that okay that makes sense cool okay that works as intended so I need to have a dispenser put the water out to destroy all the crops and then it needs to collect so that it goes this way towards a c to towards a hopper that then goes into a crafter okay everyone everyone got that okay good and I want these things to look like little robots so that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to see if I can have it so that they almost are just like super friendly look at them and then we can have little arms on the side look at this does that activate it oh it’s perfect little lever on each side what block could I use though we could we could do iron but obviously that’s super expensive we need something better than that something that’s just going to look a little bit nicer we could use copper yeah maybe we should use copper it’s it’s new it needs to be done we need copper let’s smell some of that then shall we we’ve got 32 copper already oh there’s some in here perfect let me just go and get a lava bucket it’s so weird seeing this already like it being all big like that let me see if this guy’s in here he’s still in here and he’s bought he’s building an army maybe that wasn’t my neighbor then I’m confused this is why we need name tags oh no no no stop st I’m going to kill you how do they Dodge it so well you can’t go any higher oh my God they look really cool with the animations yeah get out of here I think a gas here just went in the lava that’s annoying oh oh no oh oh he’s just been oh he’s been attacking people and lost the battle you don’t attack a pig man oh God oh God you didn’t see that either little gold nug I don’t think I need that right now I’d say stay safe but I don’t I you’re you’re weirding me out uh yeah we’re going to go and smell this copper add some copper to this bad boy maybe get another lever as well so let’s grab another one of those I need food so bad I can’t believe I’ve just got like no food here look there you go perfect so that needs to run into a hopper which is probably best like that so it needs to run on top of there which means the farm needs to be elevated right cuz it needs the water needs to flow into that so it’s going to have to be a little bit up which is fine we can work with that I just need to break this to grab these cuz I need to put this at the end of something so if I put my guy here that there I think that will work and then it will flow into there that’s how this has to happen it’s a little bit awkward I think it’s going to work as long as the water floats this way it’s going to be ugly it’s going to be real ugly there’s got to be a better way to do it but I’m not looking anything up how far does water go let’s figure that out together here we go that’s too far 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay go seven blocks which means 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 the water needs to start in there so if I do this oh no I broke his arms don’t believe it this is going to be this going to be so ugly oh my God so I need to have it all the way in like that for it to flow correctly everything’s going to flow into this and then flow down here let me see what happens if I throw this down I mean it worked and then it went in the crafter so that works I need more food I’m going to have to go and kill some pigs I feel really bad but I’ve got to do it this is not a vegan let’s play sorry sorry sorry my bad I can’t even run oh what’s going on down here huh cook me pork please oh look at all this copper as well nice right let’s make let’s see what copper stuff we can make I think oh the wax copper bulb oh Blaze Rod yeah never mind not that I think we might do oh the raw copper looks kind of cool I think the copper great is going to look nice so let’s do 1 2 3 4 that feels like a lot of copper though maybe the normal one will look good enough let me just grab this pork chop so I can actually run I feel like we’re rich but also very poor knock this out bang I’m liking it but I do think the other one will look better what are you doing he’s so happy be more like that villager please do you know what to make this look less ugly we can use glass I think that’s going to look better but the farm is going to have to be like on stilts or something so we’re going to have to do that so this took me me a while to figure out I actually ended up just sitting and staring at it for a while but partway through I needed to try something right okay new test so if I put water here it will link to that but we’ll spill out and kill everything oh God how did that go so far what maybe I need to go back one more so after flooding the place I managed to get the water in the right place and build something like this okay so this is what I’ve got it it’s I’m just trying to see what gets ferment ferment is not the word is it which Farmland is wet that’s how I’m saying it cuz I’ve got water under here some of this water is doing this but not as much but I’ve got water under here which is hopefully making all of this as wet as possible now I need to test where this water goes okay that’s not ideal the idea works just Minecraft water is just well it’s weird so after this I tried a few different things the main thing is just adding more dispensers to see if that would work and it almost did but I didn’t want to see another dispenser for another few hours so I went to sleep and came up with a solution in my dream I’ve got a better idea I don’t know why this just came to me now actually I’ve been thinking about this world when when I sleep so that’s where the idea came from I oh my God my inventory is ridiculous you wait you think you’re over there making tons of wheat tons of money you won’t even look at me in the eyes but I am going to out profit You by a lot I think that told him so dispensers are going away in favor of trap doors how do I God why a trap doors this expensive huh I want to see if this is going to work I don’t know why I made six it might not work let me see so dirt goes here like that I need to grab this real quick don’t need you right now I’m going to see if this works I need one more of course I do so the idea is but I’ve kind of already spent all my other monies well my my Cobblestone and stuff on the dispensers but this means I don’t need any more so this should be fine if it works I have no idea if it will so the idea is I should be able to do that yeah it’s it’s one too short though but then if I do this oh we genius my sleepy brain is a genius but I need to move these one more forward does this also make it watered I think it does I actually think it does okay let me open it real quick and and then throw torches in are they going to get stuck yeah some of them are going to get stuck okay we need to move that forwards and then the whole last 1 hour and a half of recording was a waste of time I should be able to Redstone this as well but I’m not sure I’ll have to check so if it goes like this instead how have I got under yeah we need to do this fill all this up with water and they should make it here we go you’re looking at a genius I’ve finally done it I’ve peaked it’s downhill from here let me close these up oh my God I don’t believe it right let’s get planting we’re going to plant these I need seeds more seeds yes give me seeds more seeds I need as many seeds as I can get feel like this isn’t the best way to do it actually have a better plan a way better plan I have got a lot of bones in here so let’s make us some bone meal and let’s accelerate the process actually if I do this this should allow me to get the wheat going straight away pretty much there we go right let’s make some bone meal I know how much bone meal we’re going to need probably a lot right yes okay here we go more bones more bones okay so now when oh whoo whoo whoo back up son don’t even think about it he was coming to have a look no that’s not going to happen so now I should be able to do this it’s beautiful it’s so beautiful did anything go in it did okay we’ve got some spillage but that’s okay oh I’m not going to have a way to reuse the seeds though that’s quite annoying unless they get stuck in here or maybe they get stuck in there wait I need to test this 52 seeds oh that was genius move so if I throw these in they get stuck in here because the wheat goes in there now I’ve got bread I actually feel smart for once just once look at me I’ve evolved the only thing we want to do is try and make this automated but how do I do that oh wait oh oh hold up that works wa oh end Pearl ender pearl end pear give me that yo and you’re doing work from behind there as well good work sir I don’t know why you picked a fight with Enderman I don’t know how that just happened but I’m pleased about it give me Redstone I just got a rare grass block as well look at this I mean I’ve got silk touch now but still I’m keeping that grab some Redstone let’s see if we can automate this and then I’ve severely gone to the next level I don’t know if this is going to work but it’s worth a try I don’t believe it I’ve done it I’m I’m Next Level I have just made from scratch my very own Farm that’s crazy I’m so happy I don’t believe it I actually can’t believe it now we just need to make it look good cuz it looks awful right now oh look at him yeah yeah stay where you’re supposed to be buddy I keep catching you stay back stay back you’re not looking at this he’s so disappointed I don’t believe it yeah look at this too hey look at it don’t don’t he’s not going to go and harvest that is he he walks in there I’m going to I’m going to have to put you in prison buddy if you go up there look at this look I can even make bread automatically I guess my only issue is when I run out of wheat it’s all just going to go in there that’s the only downside for the crafter I guess you need to make sure that you don’t run out of the stuff in there is that right I’ve run out of brain power to figure that out I’ve used the rest on this right so now I can actually get rid of what can I get rid of I get rid of this no I can’t get rid of this this needs to stay cuz it acts as a barrier for when all the crops pop out and it’s ugly it’s so ugly oh God I came here to improve the village I put this in there and now this this is my first creation and yes I am pleased with it how are you surviving there look at that stand in lava doesn’t even care right next job make this look good because it currently doesn’t I think after this is all fully grown we can get a full restock of it just to show off how it works we’re going to do that and then give it a makeover at least we know this bit can go definitely bye-bye see what I mean by it floating we also don’t really want anything to spawn underneath so let’s put this little let’s put that there for now when this bit is gone it’s actually going to look good I need to have some access to it so I can flick the lever oh actually I can just put the lever on the edge if I do that and then put the lever on here that should work then I don’t need to get up there bang and you know what playing it this way rather than copying a tutorial so much more satisfying when you actually make something I don’t know if it’s more fun to watch but it feels better to play and this is my first of many robots I need to give him a hat what kind of hat would look good on him cuz we’re going to need a way to O little antenna wait wait wait wait we’ve got those antenna things right what are they called they’re called it’s like copper something node is it a node what’s it called ah there it is lightning rod oh I have it as well oh my God wait this could be dangerous but I feel like it for the look of things it’s going to look amazing let just gone in there never mind we need to put this that’s what I’m talking about look at this guy that’s perfect but if I have loads of these robots around it could get a little bit crazy in the the thunderstorms which we have pretty often here but for the Aesthetics I’m taking the risk call me crazy but I actually don’t think this looks too bad I trimmed every block that I don’t need and I think we can make this look super nice I don’t think we need this either yeah there we go trim that out so if I add I feel like if I add Glass to this I can actually make this look better so I’m going to go get some pains there we go we got paines ready panes and glass I’m going to put the panes here might even be able to put it there as well actually yeah yeah yeah yeah this is could to be good oh no oh no oh no block it block it we’ve ruined everything again why does why does it travel so far as well this will mean that I can actually see if the stuff is grown as well so my idea is to actually make the solid blocks that need to be solid like these ones and these ones into copper to match the row because I want homegrown versus big Corporation up in here that’s right we’ll start it with copper and then as we build it it will get taller and taller and taller or just kind of like big guy versus Little Guy this is mean I was meant to be supporting the village but I’ve changed my mind actually this bit could end up being glass as well yeah here we go this one needs to be too high though so that it blocks everything that’s coming over right now I can finish off the recipe in here but it’s only going to to be bread that goes in there anyway this tree needs trimming tactical trimming yes that’s better now the easiest way for me to get loads of copper is to actually go to the trial chamber the only problem is I have like no food still I got seven chops and five breads that’s all I’ve got to my name so I need this this Farm to kind of start paying out dividends so I can go over there and actually Harvest some copper and the blue blocks I like the blue ones as well however I’m going to need me a new diamond pick I’m going to need some new armor as well so I might as well start building building crafting diamond armor so I’m going to need some pants oh this feels expensive man feels expensive these are going to have to go in I’m going to sacrifice them they’re going to go in here this is now the pool of sacrifice bye-bye see you later I’ve upgraded oh yeah I also need a new diamond pick as well so that is going to be expensive cuz I’m going to be I’m going to be harvesting all the blocks is there anything else we need I don’t think so we could do helmet and then we just keep the chest plate for now we could actually do both but then am out of diamonds and there’s going to be no new loots when we go there either so I will have if I crafted a chest plate and the diamond and a helmet I would have four diamonds left which isn’t good yeah let’s let’s just make the Hat let’s at least make the Hat there we go add that on there cuz the spawners are going to respawn and start attacking me but the trial vaults are not going to be able to be opened which is a little bit annoying I just found fish I’m actually cooking up fish this is crazy actually you know what that’s not a crazy idea we could go fishing oh really this better not be a thunderstorm for this robot’s sake this better not be thunder I’m going to go fishing in the rain let’s see what happens let’s get some fish cuz I really want to go back and get some blocks puffer fish I got a puffer fish I can’t eat that it will kill me it’s so relaxing in the rain oh oh oh did I get one I did raw I did that without even looking that’s crazy I’m going to go on this edge here cuz it’s deeper water I don’t know if that’s a myth but I feel like it will make it better there we go oh my God fishing Tak so long oh what the what was that that a water bottle what on Earth right I’m going to just go in and kill these with my bare hands these big old Salmons and punching there we go give me give me wait there’s drowned under here what are you guys doing here wait a second oh that’s that’s what I built I was like what is that structure it’s mine guilty yeah this is Quicken and fishing isn’t it there we go a whole family this is very upsetting it has to be done for the greater good okay let’s let’s cook up all of this as much as we’ve got got Cod we got some more wheat now which I’m just going to straight up turn into bread what do we actually need to bring with us we don’t need levers did I hear someone dying anyone dying no we good you know what I’m going to take the fishing rod with me because then I can I can fish for food if I need it even in like a tiny square of water so I’m going to do that how’s this looking look at this yeah he’s jealous he’s so jealous or he’s just got like a wheat addiction and he’s like he can smell it up there I know what a worried face looks like and it looks like you right if I remember correctly the trial chamber is that way going to take the trial Keys just in case as well let’s get out of here I have actually forgotten one crucial thing if we’re going back to that place I’m going to need leather boots but I don’t think I have any leather you know what that means sorry bud I need four leather please give me leather don’t make me feel bad about it yes okay I need some more I need more than that oh what is happening here don’t ooh yeah yeah yeah yeah give me one more then I can keep your friend Al Al oh he saved your life without knowing he saved it and this is one of those things that the comments helped me out with because I had no idea how to stop sinking in the snow apparently you just grab leather boots that’s the secret I had no idea let’s go oh my dog from before that I left behind hey buddy hopefully you survive here we go the shoe change look at this gliding across the snow not sinking at all this is how it was meant to be done uh okay that that’s how it’s officially meant to be done and the dog knows did you see the dog go around look light as a rabbit walk on Powder snow without sinking I’ve done it I’ve evolved see the the dog just teleports it’s a wizard it knows which snow you can and can’t go in so I’m actually looking for that Beacon that I put up before the really um not an official Minecraft Beacon just uh a classic one by one aha I found it I followed a trail of snowballs through there so this is where I came out so I should be able to just run straight into the chamber which is super overpowered oh I’ve accidentally bought the dog the dog actually followed me this time uh-oh here we are back again I got my power two bow though this time yeah you guys are in trouble that’s right that’s right I got diamond armor now too oh the dog the dog’s going to get killed I can feel it set the resp oh no no no no please oh the dog’s gone down he’s gone all the way down come here you oh I’ve got the pack on this time as well oh no oh no what was that what was that the pack it makes it look way better oh God oh God oh God why did I come back here I just want to I don’t want to mine in peace bro that’s all I want to do stop it oh he tried to get me on the way down can’t believe it it’s cuz there’s two next to each other look I can I’m doing better this time oh my God golden skeleton do they get harder there’s no way right don’t even gotcha come on doggo let’s go I didn’t bring anything for the dog I got I can feed the bones back that’s all I can do there he is where are you going huh I just want to steal all the blocks from here he’s running away hey that’s so cute cute in a weird way get out of here oh no these are going to start spawning as well oh God I messed up I messed up I left my dog in there by itself let’s just close that door doggo it’s fine I should just start mining blocks really I just wanted this is all I came for I just want these ignore the chaos just grab the blocks this is what happens on a budget let’s play like mine oh wait I should definitely be wearing these what am I doing can I grab these oh I can oh that’s crazy I guess the thing is structures like this is that you can just pillage all the blocks and we’re Minecrafting on a budget here no farms in that so I kind of want all this green as well oh there’s waxed and non waxed ah that makes sense oh no oh no Dogo is dying do you eat fish you don’t eat fish I didn’t bring anything that heals you oh God I’m just watching him die take this did that work I hope that worked no his tail is down oh wait I have pork chops okay you can eat these that’s it get that tail up boy you hiding now it’s okay it’s going to be fine oh I got another key that’s not that handy oh I do want scaffolding actually I can’t craft scaffolding cuz I think it needs bamboo so I’m going to grab some of that I’m going to grab the bamboo planks as well but I’m already running out of space cuz all this Copper’s like different stages look waxed weathered waxed oxidized eat this bread and free up a SP face bamboo Bamboo don’t mind if I I always say that don’t mind if I do so from here I pretty much took the next 20 minutes mining up every single copper block that I could find stealing is okay if the place you’re stealing from tried to kill you last time and then I sailed straight back home to build something ah now I haven’t been in the same chunk so that hasn’t grown yet but I’ve got the copper Goods I’m going to just whack all of the copper in here so I can just see what I’ve got actually a decent hole and it’s not even taking me that long to get to be honest now the reason I wanted scaffolding was to kind of maybe do this so it looks like it’s being held up but maybe I won’t do that it doesn’t look great hey save me some uh some bamboo for sure now I just need to use the copper to actually build something out of this let’s see what I can come up with okay I’ve started with something like this uh I don’t really know what to do next though let’s do that and then go oh wait lamps do I have to how do I make these turn on though how do you do that I’m actually not sure okay this is looking pretty industrial I like it I’m going to go like put these more structural parts in maybe across like I kind of still want to run through it just in case I like me a shortcut yeah that looks okay I kind of like that I’m liking the industrial Vibe of that yeah how do I how do I turn this on though have I got let me just let me just grab a lever oh you do have to turn them on that’s kind of annoying but in the tri oh oh they just stay on oh that’s sick yes I don’t think these match do they match yet I’m not sure that looks cool okay I’m down for that I think we might be able to put one here as well so you can turn them on and then just like leave them on make this one orange though so turn it on leave on I don’t know if that’s how they’re supposed to operate but that’s how we’re doing it today so we can put another one here there we go so normally I would time lapse this but the mod that I use for replaying stuff like that isn’t updated so we can’t do that I kind of wish I got more of these greates now mind you I do want to kind of cover up this dirt if I can so let’s do that all the way around around a it’s uneven I need to move this across I think as well I might need to Honeycomb this unless it’s been preh honeycombed already I don’t know how to tell if it has been but the way to stop Copper from oxidizing from going from is it from wait oxid yeah from Orange to Green is Honeycomb right hey that one’s already active sweet oh it’s got a little dot in the middle if it’s got a Redstone power to it that’s kind of cool okay this one will need turning on cuz I’m going to destroy this lever but only when this is ready to go and it’s getting there this is I don’t think this is going to yield enough it’s going to get me like 10 wheat or something so we might have to change the carrots but then we can’t use the crafter unless I change them to golden carrots but I need to figure that out the only other thing I need to do is figure this bit out that bit needs to stay there because it needs to hold the water in what happens if I just do this oh it just works okay easy let’s try and make this look a little bit more even how’s that let’s get rid of this now that’s kind of that’s the only what I don’t like mind you I’ve got some 3D Parts here I guess I could incorporate some 3D or just do this that’s what was missing I was like something doesn’t seem right probably Line This bit up too it’s not even but it’s working so we can actually change this right yeah if we change the Redstone on on it I just don’t want if I break this is it going to destroy all this I think if I get rid of this Redstone current it’s going to break it let me see what happens oh it does no oh okay you know what just have it all have it all out there we go why did I have to do that and now I’ve broken it too oh it oh the glass is going to be annoying oh no it can’t be glass it has to be something else well this is a fail get rid of these get rid of these get rid of this so it did work as intended how much is it making though it’s working look at this bread machine is that is that it oh my God it made one 2 3 never mind it’s not even 1 2 3 4 5 7 eight no stop stop stop no no no I want this get out it made eight pieces of bread why are you celebrating oh look this is oxidizing too look at that it’s going green that’s cuz I crafted that one oh I need one of these bad boys still not figured out the crafter after all this time you’re exposed copper that looks cool all right okay some improvements need to be made actually this is going to work so that can change to that and then that’s even now now and this can go all the way across oh I’ve run out how do I make these what are they called wax copper grates let me go craft one of those I knew I should have picked up more of those that was the least amount of copper there I think that was all the things that I walked on so I didn’t want to destroy them uh great oh we’re good it makes four of them okay cool these ones are going to degrade though there we go I guess we want to do that and then one more underneath so this here needs to be blocks of glass so that the stuff doesn’t get caught on the edges but then what do I make this or I need to get rid of this actually no that needs to stay there this one can go what do I make the top part now cuz you can’t put redstone on glass right wait you can you can put it on glass since when oh okay you learned something new every day I thought you couldn’t put redstone on glass what well this problem is solved we’re going to do this all the way to here and do that hello this literally worked 2 seconds ago what changed is it the glass that’s weird the Redstone doesn’t pass through it is that right cuz look that one works weird a I’m annoyed cuz that looks good okay this is much uglier but we’re going to make it work if this works this is fine okay that’s fine I didn’t know I had no idea that Redstone Works differently on different blocks I had no idea right so now we need to replace this all with glass and then I think we’re done with this so from here I think I’m kind of liking it obviously I wish those were pains instead just to give it a little bit more uh I don’t know a better look but it’s operational I just need to put these grates here oh you can craft them as waxed because they’re already waxed okay this is making way more sense now so I’ve already got the wax stuff so it saved me a ton of honeycomb which we don’t have this needs to go along here and then where did I put it there is that the only place I put it I’m going to put it there as well there we go it just needs one more thing property of danc that’s Dan Crop I guess that’s a funny any type of Dan Corp can I type in the TM sign oh I’m a genius look at that property of Dan Corp TM this is the for now this is the bread bot 3000 but I might have to change it to carrot bot but we’ll see we’ll see I know I know you’re disappointed right you’re disappointed in your own Farm I get it it’s fine I’m disappointed in mine too eight bread it made me eight I’m actually going to see how many carrots this gives cuz I feel like that’ll be better I also need some easier way to get up here kind of wish I kept these Corner ones as pains actually yeah that looks better let’s do that that looks way better the only problem with the carrots is it literally defeats the point of having the crafter but I just want to see this is the service ladder which we’re going to go up here this is how we plant the crops we do that bone meal try and get ourselves a little haul of carrots rinse and repeat oh yeah check this out and fully bone Meed that got me like a stack of carrots so this compared to nine bread is definitely going to be more efficient you’re being renamed you are now the carrot bot 3000 there you go I don’t really know what we’re going to do in terms of a recipe but hey we can do golden carrots if we can figure that out then we fixed our food supply which we’ve done temporarily anyway a stack of carrots from this is really good I’m pretty pleased with myself here the Dan corp Corporation has now been trademarked and we’re ready to turn this old school Village into a hustling bustling town and there you have it I’m pretty pleased with this little thing it’s the small things that mattered and I figured it out by myself it’s way more rewarding to play Minecraft this way I had no idea it was going to be but I’m finding it way more fun hopefully you are too and if you are leave a like that’ be awesome subscribe if you’re brand new and hopefully I’ll be back with another one next week is see you

In this DanTDM Minecraft video, I’m playing my brand new Minecraft world and take a look at some more of the new stuff from Minecraft Tricky Trials update!

Edited by: Me, DanTDM

00:00 Intro
00:36 sus neighbour.
02:21 Crafting the Crafter
34:28 Return to the Trial Chamber
38:16 Will This Work?!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DanTDM
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/DanTDM


  1. You should get the other villagers from your old village in this village transfer their houses and make a town of sorts!!!That would be amazing. Thank you Dan !

  2. If you ever get around to naming the villagers with name tags, you should name the suspicious neighbor villager Mr. Peterson because that is the official name for the Neighbor in Hello Neighbor.

  3. You should get a hopper full of golden nuggets connect it to the carrotbot3000 and make the recipe for golden carrots but you’ll need a chest full of golden nuggets witch tbh are quite easy to obtain and love the content keep it up❤❤❤

  4. Use a repeater type system so that it always crafts without you having to use the lever, then see where the blocks are landing or place a block two blocks in front of the craft so the items drop straight down, then add a hopper to the floor there and a chest connecting to it so you then it’ll be Almost fully automated

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