I Solved More of Minecraft’s Problems

Things like trees, structures, and even entire land masses can float in the air without any support. Please fix this. No, you know, I think this makes sense. I think this is completely reasonable. I think that’s… I think that’s completely reasonable. But, you know, if you have a problem with this, actually, there’s a… Oh my gosh, look at behind me. Minecraft actually has two buttons that’ll fix this problem for you immediately. Here’s button one, and here’s button two. Well, at least nothing’s floating. Hopefully that solved your problem, because today I’m solving more of Minecraft’s issues as suggested by you guys on my community tab. I’ll be using a combination of vanilla features, mods from other creators, and some features I created myself to craft the most perfect Minecraft play experience possible. See what I did there? Heh heh, craft it. Heh, like mine… Minecraft. Heh heh heh. Heh. I’ll see myself out. Oh, look, the first comment! Baby zombies seriously need a buff. Way too easy for real. Thank you, Garrett the Carrot. Very cool. Buff baby zombies, huh? Yeah, you know, baby zombies are just, uh, a little boring. I mean, sure, maybe they’re a little bit faster than their full adult counterparts, but like… But like, look at this mans. Neither of these guys aren’t moving. Why aren’t they moving? What happened here? Why aren’t they… What’s happening here? I broke something? Hey buddy, hey, oh, there he goes! There he’s runnin’, he’s runnin’. Man, so scary, so scary! I definitely think they need a buff, and by "buff", I mean literally a "buff". As in, buff! Buff baby zombies! Look at this swole man! Look at how swole! Look at the arms! I’m so… Oh, and not only are they just buff looking, they also are really powerful. Uh oh. Look at how much faster he is than the regular one, too! Oh my gosh! Please, please, please, no, please! Uh oh. Oh my gosh, the knockback. These guys are so buff that they knock you back incredibly far. Oh, jeez. Bob and weave! Bob and weave! AHH And there’s… Oh my gosh, I got launched. They’re so buff that they don’t even take damage. They don’t even light on fire in the daytime. These guys just stick around. They just don’t leave you alone. They’re so buff. And while regular baby zombies, oh my gosh, only have so much health. You can kind of pretty easily take these guys down. This guy has like 40 hit points, so they’re so much more difficult. I don’t know what… I can’t do anything. I can’t… Oh, I got him! Yo, unlocked buff baby zombie identity? Wait, wait, guys, calm down. Look, I’m one of you. I’m one of you. Wait, please, calm down, please. Guys, calm down. We’ve been talking about– Well, I guess being buff didn’t do too much for me. But you know what definitely will? A buff to your gaming PC. Unless your PC is like an absolute unit already. But this video is sponsored by Apex Gaming PCs. Before I tell you anything else, though, I need you to know that code "Knarfy" will get you an extra 10% off any PC on the Apex website as we roll into July, including the three tiers that I chose for my partner page linked in the description. I don’t know why that nametag is so high. That wasn’t intentional. Apex builds high quality computers to your specification, tests the hardware for you, and then sends you the finished build right to your door. You can configure your own computer with any hardware you want with their comprehensive in-house configurator. Or you can choose one of the preselected configurations they have on their website. You should absolutely choose one of the builds I selected, though. It helps support the channel. So I’d super appreciate it. Just like these ridiculous zombies, these computers can handle pretty much anything you throw at it from modern AAA titles to Minecraft shaders. Plus, Apex gives you a lifetime parts and labor warranty alongside a 30-day, no-questions-asked return window if your computer shows up damaged or doesn’t work for some reason. And yes, you can get a full refund if that happens to you. So head on down to my partner page, linked in the description to finance or purchase a new computer for all your summer gaming needs. Also remember to use my code Knarfy to get an extra 10% off your purchase. Thanks again to Apex Gaming PCs for sponsoring this video. Why am I so small? I don’t understand. Say yeah, we’ve got the Buff Baby Zombie now. They do spawn naturally. They’re very buff. Was this what you meant? Was this better? Did this solve your problem? I think this helps add to the perfect Minecraft experience. What do you think? Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. This is weird. Steve is literally a superhuman, holding tons upon tons of blocks and able to move at incredible speeds. All right, I’ve got an easy solution for you. Effect, give @a slowness, infinite three. Perfect. Now Steve can’t move fast at all. He just can’t. This solves part of your problem. Steve moves way too fast. Oh, man. And the other one is actually related to one that we saw in the previous videos about this topic. Any stacks of 64 are now set to one. So now I literally can’t pick up anything more than one at a time. Check this out. Nice. Yup. I just– you can’t do anything else. It’s just full stacks of one. Look at this. The perfect survival experience. The perfect Minecraft experience. One dirt at a time. Minecraft is better because of this update, right? Minecraft, this is a better way to play the game. Look at how much inventory space I have left. One, two, three, four, five, six. Perfect. Now my inventory is full. Oh, wait. Never mind. No, it’s not. Offhand. Perfect. My inventory is full. What do you think, Spider? Is this better? I’ll take that as an absolutely– this is so much better. I think this also makes crafting better because you’ve got to be really intentional about what you’re putting in the crafting table. Perfect. Wooden pickaxe. But that was also cleared out so much my inventory. It’s crazy. Imagine playing Minecraft like this, where you’re this slow and you can only carry one of everything at any given time. Man, brilliant. Did I fix your problem? I think this is better, right? This is a better way to play the game. I’m going to destroy this block. Not because it’s bad, but because it’s perfect. That makes sense. I’m also resetting the stack size. Not because, not because it’s not perfect. Not– it’s so perfect. I just think I’m just– I need to move. I just need to– next comment, please? The fact that there is no subscribe to Knarfy block. You know, I agree. I think it’s a very necessary part of Minecraft. So don’t you worry. We got the sub to Knarfy block. Boom. Sub to Knarfy. Like the video. Sub to Knarfy. Like the video. Smiley face. Have you done it yet? Thank goodness with that previous mod, I can only hold one at a time, right? The fact that when you put a blue tropical fish in a bucket, it magically becomes orange. And then it turns back again. Why is the bucket magic? Why does it like clownfish over other fish? Why is there seaweed in fish but no sushi? We got solutions to these problems. Don’t worry. First of all, I can answer that question of– hello. I can answer that question about tropical fish. That’s not actually a problem. Because as you can see when I’m swimming around in here in the coral reef, they’re all clownfish. In fact, every single tropical fish that I spawn is a clownfish. So I don’t know what you’re talking about. The bucket of tropical fish here is just accurate. I don’t know what else to tell you, man. It’s just what they look like. That’s just how they are. All of them. Every single one, naturally spawning ones, ones that I spawn in myself, all of them are just clownfish. Not a problem at all. Not remotely. But I do share your questions about sushi. I feel like that does make a lot of sense. So I went ahead and fixed that too. Check it out. Take some tropical fish here. We got a couple of sushi. Take some sand. We got some sushi. Take some cod. We got some sushi. That’s right. We love ourselves some sushi. Oh, well, you are what you eat, I guess. And this is a reference to this video, which you should go check out. But not before this one. This one’s first. Finish this video first, and then go watch that one, because it’s very funny. Anyways, now I’m a normal person again. I’m actually genuinely so happy with this. This is so cool. For context, I just have a command block over here somewhere that– where did it go? Where did I put it? It’s gone. I just have a command block called the fish transformer that changes all of the tropical fish into clownfish, which this is the variant if you want to try it yourself. Fix your problem. Staircases think that they deserve way more materials than they deserve. Might want to give them a stern talking to. Hey, you stairs, listen here. I’ve been hearing that you require yourself six planks for four of you, which according to my maths doesn’t make any sense. Four of you is equivalent to just three of these. So what are you doing, huh? Who do you think you are taking up that many planks? I think you need to change your crafting recipe right now. Oh, wait, recipe updated? What do you mean? Oh my GAHHH– It worked. The stern talking to worked. It actually functioned. Well, I hope you learned your lesson from this talk today. I will be expecting your report on my desk by Monday, because that’s what that was about. No, that wasn’t, no. Let me, hold on. I put in way too much effort for this feature. All of these different wood types, all of them have the correct stairs now. Oh, except for cherry, apparently. I guess I didn’t do that one. Mangrove, correct recipe. Dark oak, correct recipe. Birch plagues is, birch stairs, jungle, jungle stairs, spruce, spruce stairs. They’re all fixed. They’re all better. They all make sense now. And the reason I didn’t do any of the like stone ones stuff is because the stone cutter exists. And this already kind of does a lot of that for you. So like that makes a lot more sense than the other one. You stairs and you’re not making sense. It’s all right though. I fixed the problem. We’re good. No more problem there. We’re good. That stern talking to worked. Can’t sleep in the end. Are you sure? Are you sure about that? Because I don’t know if you’ve checked lately, but I can sleep in the end. That’s right. It’s just that easy. And not only that, but I can just sleep anywhere. I guess just not in the end. I think I need a bed in the end. That’s right. I can sleep anywhere. Check it out. Don’t have the bed anywhere. Honk shoe. But why stop there? Am I right? Because check it out. I can sleep in the daytime. The sun is up, but I don’t care. I’m sleeping through the day. Life of a YouTuber, I guess. I don’t know. Who am I kidding? Yeah, that works. No longer explodes. There it is. There it is. I’m going in. I’m going in. We’re going to take down the ender dragon zero cycle, baby. Oh, well. Yeah, that makes sense. Problem fixed. Oh my gosh. I just realized all the buff baby zombies here. That is not working as intended. How’d you guys get here? You guys okay? What? Do you want a hug or something? What’s going on here? So I says to the guy, I says, that’s not me. And then he looked him in the eyes and died. Obsidian being so hard to break. In real life, obsidian is super brittle and easy to break. So either make obsidian easy to break or give us something that makes it easier to break. Bro said break a lot. I like it. This right here is the obsidian breaker and it’s got quite a recipe. I’m really proud of this texture. I made it myself. I’m very happy with it. But we need all of these things. So give me a second. (upbeat music) Okay, got everything. Nice, awesome. Obsidian breaker. When in main hand, 100 attack damage 2 attack speed. Yes, this has 100 attack damage. And as you can see, it gives me a nice haste effect. Haste six. Of course, this is incredibly powerful and mines obsidian super quickly, but there is a small caveat. Anything that you mine, also, yeah, this thing is so powerful that if you mine anything, it explodes. So it’s great for mining really far down. Oh, yep. And then you can just keep going as long as you don’t want any of your stuff. But hey, on the plus side, you can break obsidian faster. Oh, I love me an overpowered weapon. I know I have resistance. Can I survive? Yes, yes. This is a way to mine right here. This is great. This is a great tool. Definitely worth the crazy crafting recipe. Hole, all mined, copper, nice, easy mining. Super useful tool that definitely isn’t dangerous in any way. If I just hold it, it just keeps going. Oh my gosh. And I’ve hit bedrock. Yeah, it’s still, boy, I wish I could mine bedrock. Powerful enough to do everything else though. How am I gonna get out? Awesome. I think I fixed your problem, right? This is a good solution. At least it looks cool and is probably the most expensive item in the entire game now. (explosion) Please make villagers speak English. Wait, CringyGull??? Thank you, CringyGull, very cool. What you’re about to witness is a pack created by not Vixios. And oh boy, we might need to remove a few of these clips because they might not be family friendly, but editor be ready to censor things. I’m not entirely sure yet. We’re gonna find out. Oh, villagers. Oh, here they are. Oh boy. Hey guys, how’s it going? (upbeat music) What? (upbeat music) Man, what? I don’t understand what you’re saying. Man, I hate everything about what’s happening. Stop. Oh, jeez. Get away from me, you st– hold on a minute. Frickin squidward lookin guy. I hate the skibitty thing. Whatever’s happening there, it’s just my least favorite. Go to your homes. Get awa– Ah. Oh my word. Okay, what happens if I hurt you? Oh my word. What? Oh no! Why’d you kill me? Is this English? Does this count as English? I won’t get away from you. I’m gonna stay here all I want. These guys are crazy. I don’t know what to do about this. I don’t know how to feel. I don’t know how to feel. Vixios, what have you done? He has other resource packs too. You can find him at his Discord server. There’s links to the videos in the description. This is, ugh. This is pain. Take that. I’m getting rid of all of the villagers in here. This was a terrible, terrible idea, Cringy. This was a terrible idea. There are no villagers here other than those two. What happened? And both of them couldn’t say anything other than skibbity something. (screams) The fact that portals don’t look like they go anywhere. I know immersive portals fixed it, but I want to see Knarfy trying to fix this issue. And boy did I fix it. Let me tell ya. Lucky for us, there’s a ruined portal right here. Ah, perfect, flint and steel. Boom and boom. (laughs) This portal goes somewhere. Check it out. Does it look like it goes somewhere now? (laughs) Yeah, this portal goes somewhere. Boom. And guess what? This portal also goes somewhere. They go, the portal goes somewhere. Did I fix your problem? Are you not confused anymore? This portal goes somewhere. I know immersive portals looks really trippy and is super cool, but like, this gets the point across, right? This goes somewhere. You can tell that it goes somewhere, right? I just love the completely just out of place text on this portal. It’s still animated and everything. And then there’s just this text on it. I just love how that looks. (laughs) Is that what you hoped for? Is that what you expected? Cause it worked. I did it. I fixed your problem. Now you know it goes somewhere. I’m going to go through this portal that clearly goes somewhere. I’ll see you later. The biggest issue is like, I don’t know, gas prices or something? I haven’t played Minecraft in hundreds of minutes. Yeah, man, you know, those darn gas prices in Minecraft, really, really rough. You know, really rough for my car, my vehicle, my vehicle, the way that I get around in Minecraft. That’s right. Gas prices are way too high, man. I, the worst is so terrible. Oh geez, I’m stuck in a hole. Yup, awful. Just hating everything about them gas prices. That’s a wall. Man, it cost me like four emeralds to fill this tank up. So much. Okay, this mod is actually kind of cool. I kind of like this mod a lot. It’s kind of fun. Vroom. This mod is called Treps Cars and it adds quite a few cars, but this one is the one that I chose. So this one’s cool. You can actually like build cars. It’s actually kind of sick. Here’s another one. That’s the same model. Here’s a wood one. This car is legitimately made out of wood. What about that one? Oh yeah, I like it. Heck yeah, baby. Just driving around in Minecraft. Vroom. In game, these actually don’t have any sounds. So they kind of just sound like this. Yeah, there’s no sound. But with sound effects and editing, they sound awesome. They sound so speedy. They sound so sick and like a real car. This is the greatest. This is the coolest mod of all time. I love this. I don’t think I fixed the gas prices though. Those are just gonna stay high. I think Mojang made an error when coding the creeper. The explosion is too small. They move too slowly and they don’t spawn enough. I feel the game would be much better if these issues were fixed. Well, don’t you worry. I’ve got the solution. I’m back in the super flat world because it’ll be way cooler here. This is creeper chaos that I made myself and oh gosh. I didn’t realize I had that much power. That was crazy. Oh my gosh. Whoa. Bro, I’ve got so much power. Look at how fast these guys are. You’ll notice that every once in a while, a bunch of them spawn in and then they just grow to be really big. Uh oh. Let’s hope I can punch these guys enough because they, they, the explosions. Oh, these ones are too big. Oh my gosh. I’m protecting, I’m protecting this world. Oh, oh, oh, oh. They get so large. They’re just big and then they explode. Oh my gosh. That guy went blind. Their explosions are just crazy. Oh geez. Get out of here. Get out of here. Get out of here. Pew, pew, pew. Uh oh, uh oh. I just got to run. I got to pick up all this giant gunpowder, I guess. Oh gosh, the creepers. There’s so many and they’re going to explode. It’s going to get me. Oh my gosh. Look at them. They’re so fast. Oh geez. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Yeah, this is just, it’s just chaos. That’s all it is. It’s just called creeper chaos. It’s called that for a reason. Hey pal. You all right down there? Oh no. I love this one because it also ties in really well. It ties in super well with the next one. Putting a single block in between you and an explosion, creeper or TNT, negates most, if not all of the damage. I think that’s completely fair for creepers if they weren’t this massive. But yeah, these guys are a little bit excessive now. So I think that aspect of this problem is fixed, but I have another solution for the second half. I’m going to turn off the creepers for now. So usually when you’re putting down TNT, you might put like a little wall or like a block there just because that will like block most of the damage of the TNT. But in this case, there’s a problem because the TNT runs after you. That’s right. Can’t get away from these anymore because the TNT is going to run after you. Hold on. Wait, watch this. Ooh. (laughing) They all run after you. That’s crazy. Yeah, there’s no escaping TNT anymore. Hey, buddy, how’s it going? They also explode if they take damage. So literally if I’m trying to like get rid of him and he doesn’t quite get to me yet, I can try to punch him him, but he just explodes. I’ve also coded them to be just a little bit faster than your sprinting speed so they can catch up to you. Oh gosh. Wait, please, please, please. By far my favorite feature about this is just the simple fact that when one of them explodes, it damages all the other ones. And then the knockback stacks. Give you a second to just light all these guys up here. Excellent. We’re going to survival mode. Whoo. Yeah, that didn’t last very long. Hold on. Let’s do this in creative mode. (laughing) I’m just gone on my recording right now. I just literally don’t ex– Oh, there I am. Shadow creature. Oh my gosh. How high? How high am I? Yeah, 74,000 blocks. Yeah, you know, that’s all right. Oh man. Well, I think I solved that problem. There’s no escaping TNT anymore. So I hope you enjoyed this video. I know I sure did. Be sure to subscribe, leave a like, and all the mods are linked down in the description except for the ones that I made because they’re so jank and not at all ready for release. I’ll see you guys next time. Hey. Don’t leave a comment saying that I told you you’re my favorite 🙂 Don’t do it. Tell nobody. – Subtitle Knarfy

Did it work? Did I fix your problems? Did I craft the most perfect minecraft play experience of all time?
heh. Get it? cuz craft?… Mine… CRAFT heheh… heh…
ok moving on

🔥 A new PC from Apex might solve a few problems!!
► https://apexpartner.app/redirect/Knarfy

Mods Used in this Video:
► https://modrinth.com/mod/all-stackable
► https://modrinth.com/mod/day-dream
► https://modrinth.com/mod/sleep-anywhere
► https://modrinth.com/mod/sleepatease
► https://modrinth.com/mod/pehkui
► https://modrinth.com/mod/treps-cars
► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/identity
*(Other features were created by Knarfy specifically for this video and are not suitable for release! If you’d like to try to re-create them, feel free!)*

Villager Voices Resource Pack created by @notvixios
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MT67iM4Buk&t=119s

Edited by Eddie
Finalized by Knarfy

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#knarfy #minecraft #problemsolving


  1. Got any more problems you want me to solve? I'll do it 😎

    Also you better subscribe to my second channel Knarfy Too 👀 Not this channel. The second channel. Very important.

  2. gotta love how people rant about random floating blocks meanwhile everyone is completely fine with the fact that your ENTIRE MINECRAFT WORLD is floating above ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

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