I Survived 100 Days as TEEN TITANS in Minecraft

the Teen Titans Robin Beast Boy Starfire Cyborg and Raven are some of the strongest Heroes alive from Beast Boy’s ability to turn into crazy creatures to Raven other worldly Powers the Teen Titans are not to be messed with and so because the Teen Titans are so strong I’ve added them into Minecraft and now I’m going to try to survive 100 days as the Teen Titans all while three villains try and Hunt me down oh and this won’t be easy because on day one I spawned in as Robin the one te Titan who barely has any real powers and just to make matters worse there are three villains completely surrounding spawn right now we got one on this side right here and then there’s two over the back over here and I’m pretty sure I see something in that one’s hand so uh I got to be careful and I’m going to be careful because luckily I can unlock one of Robin’s Powers right now and that’s his birang and I just have to complete the three quests you see on my screen right now to actually get the birang but uh it’s easier said than done because obviously I have to survive these villains first I guess let’s jump down in this hole and let’s see if we survive okay here we go let’s jump in let’s do this okay let’s go let’s start going this way let’s start going this way he’s down he’s down there we go a little fall damage but it’s worth it get him go go go okay the villains are behind us let’s go here I can shrink him I can shrink him shrink me that’s a shrink gray in her hand oh my God dud he’s just out of range come on come on oh my God I can see her shooting at me please don’t hit please don’t hit please don’t hit oh oh I got H small hit him hit him oh you’re down for now oh my God they did so much damage who who who who D keep going L keep going low keep going low get the hearts back up get the hearts back up okay and we’re to we’re to die go go for it no yes di go this way go this way we need food we need food first thing we need food first thing get height get height so they can’t punch me get height so they can’t punch me put a block in between put a block in between there we go there we go let’s go let’s go let’s go this way okay go go go o it’s another Cliff village Village village Village we’re going there we’re going there we’re going there jump jump in the water jump in the water go go go go go go go we need food we need food we need hay bals we need hay bals let’s just go let’s just go hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey please yes give me this okay this good just grab this log make a crafting table oh this huge put it back in wheat bread oh we got food we got food we got food I don’t see them I don’t see them I’m going to take this chance I’m going to grab more quick okay that should get us enough bread for now okay now let’s just eat this bread we just need to get five pumpkins one beehive and then die a piece of leather armor and clean it oh they see they’re right there they’re right there they’re right there okay this going to be tough we just got to keep jking them around the village for now okay let’s just go ahead and let’s grab some more logs cuz we need something so we can fight back okay where are they I just heard they’re still down there in the village okay let’s just make a fresh crafting table sticks a wooden pickaxe break two blocks let’s go we got a stone sword we can fight back we can fight back huge moment right there okay now we just need to get five pumpkins oh there’s a kitty oh oh he’s right there they found me they go we got to run we got to run they just saw me they saw me they saw me oh I saw it too they’re not in the back of the village off this side let’s go this way okay all we need to do is break five pumpkins which honestly pumpkins are pretty common in both savannas and PLS we just got to look around for those and if we find a beehive I’m just going to take it no get away oh yeah they’re still behind me go go go go go go go go go pumpkins pumpkins pumpkins pumpkins for pumpkins one two oh God three they know it’s my quest they know it’s my quest four five Gone Gone go this way go this way go this way get him I have a trick I have you’re right behind him he has a sword they know I have a sword di take and back up Hey ow okay we whacked them back we whacked them back let’s go this way care back up here back up here back up here we can hit I’m right behind him careful careful oh my God I just fell in water get him get him get him dude I’m so low oh the sh gray yeah yeah yeah he’s small go go go oh they punched me down to 2 Hp oh my goodness Dive Dive Rob dive nothing about the damage he was doing swim back up we just need to find a beehive now we just got to find a beehive now or leather armor or leather armor if we can find cows we can get the Lea armor done with I’m running low on food now oh my gosh I’m I’m going to die okay no he’s after me oh my God they’re going to kill me they’re going to kill me they’re going to kill me oh my goodness oh my goodness the punching is so bad I think he’s lower than me I’ll ow why’ you punch me I’m going to die I’m going to die go this way this way this way like two hearts you can’t can’t go this way actually oh wait I’m going to drown hold on oh me too me too heart a heart no two of them are two them are done yes get back here yeah yeah he’s still chasing he’s still chasing go go go we need to get some wood we need to get some wood if I can get a boat I can lose these guys yes let’s go we’re losing them and we’re back at full HP he’s right on my tail though and go go beehive beehive behive break it yes oh go get back here and fight me no okay this guy literally will not let up we got the second Quest complet though now we literally need to get leather armor which is like how do how am I even supposed to do that and then I got to clean it wait a minute I have an idea I’m just killing him I’m done with this I’m done with this he’s done okay there we go okay now let’s just kill some of these cows there we go perfect let make another crafting table really fast here we go we we quick about this then we make ourselves two leather boots now just go over here and grab a flower oh my goodness I can’t believe this is working there we go let’s grab this yellow flower turn it into yellow dye combine it with our boots to get some yellow boots and now we just going to go back to that Village from before to wash these things back to neutral and then we’ll be able to unlock our brand new ability okay we’re back at the vage no okay we’re back at the Village but like the villains are still here they’re literally like breaking all the wood and stuff and they’re around the leather worker I need to go to just be sneaky for now and wait for them to leave let’s start by stealing their boat that way if we need to get away we can now let’s go over here and let’s get to the leather worker I got to be I’m going in quick we’re going in quick we’re going in quick ready go go go ow there we go I died a piece of leather armor and now I cleaned it no shot I got away with that no shot I just got away with that they didn’t see me well let’s unlock our brand new bang and let’s try it out on them since they didn’t see me there’s a crafting table somewhere here there’s a crafting table right here okay she’s at she’s right next to me at this crafting table hold up okay I am going to make some tools ow he what hit me what was that I saw you blinking red oh my God the bur can hit around the corner oh wait he’s here wait where is he where is he he’s right over here by the crafting table what is that okay ready ready careful don’t get close to the bed the crafting table oh what is that they can’t see me oh they found me right here oh they found me got him with the burang yes get back here let’s get this last one with the burang here we go ready oh he hit me yes I got him yeah you better run yes he’s done and now we’re getting out of here with our burang complete with our new burang unlocked I simply ran super far away and began to work on the first Teen Titans base which uh let’s just say it’s not going to be as luxurious as the Teen Titans tower but it doesn’t have to be because right now I’m just Robin and I have to work to unlock all of the other te Titans before I ever can worry about making a nicer base okay so welcome to our new base which is right over here behind this waterfall in fact we just go inside right down here open up these Gates and we’re in and in here we’ve got a nether portal a bunch of chests a smelting area which yeah that’s really it but that’s all you need for a first base you really don’t need much right now because all we need to focus on is unlocking all of the team Titans Now obviously we have Robin and we have the burang unlock but we still have to unlock all the other team Titans on this list and all of their abilities so yeah this isn’t going to be easy but since we have our burang unlocked we can now actually work on our next upgrade which is for a grappling hook and Robin uses grappling hooks a lot so let’s go ahead and let’s unlock it and now we have a bunch of quests in the upper Le hand corner which starts with name tagging a bat Batman I literally have to name a bat Batman that’s dumb yet cool at the exact same time on top of that though there’s a few other things I need to do like cook food with a campfire tame a cat tame a wolf and tame a parrot well let’s start with the easiest part which is just cooking with a campfire I mean the recipe to cook a campfire is literally on screen right now so watch us get this in the a few seconds we grab a log and now we simply make ourselves a crafting table put that down get another log and now we take one of those logs and turn them into sticks and now all we need is some coal now I have coal back at my base but I don’t want to go get it so is there any coal down here that’d be really nice oh there is let’s go sweet let me just grab that now let just go back to our crafting table real quick put together three of our logs with three of our sticks and a coal and we got a campfire now let’s just pick this up so no one finds it and now we just got to cook something on the campfire which is going to be this cow so let’s put the campfire down throw the meat on top and now we wait it’s done and there we go we’ve officially cooked with a campfire okay so now that we’re done with that we just got to tame a wolf cat and parrot wolf wolf right there hold on I need to go get some bones I can tame him right now how many bones do I have 10 that’s more than enough come here puppy where’ that wolf go he was somewhere over here where’d he go he ran up this way there he is okay we just got to right click it with some bones come here come here no no be my friend stop murdering sheep are you done be my friend and there we go we’ve officially now tamed a wolf so now just see if we can find ourselves a jungle because in a jungle we can get both a parrot and and a cat oh that looks like a jungle up there is it o okay I’m currently out looking for a jungle but look who I just found the villains are literally right there through that grass let’s get closer and see if we can see what they’re saying they’re right over there behind me yeah they’re literally just fishing they got really that’s all they’re doing fishing rod wait okay are you joking you know what I’m not dealing with this if they’re just fishing I’m just going to sneak around them and go find a jungle in a different direction so uh let’s get out of here okay there we go I found a jungle now let’s just head over to that jungle and find an ocelot and a parrot okay now parrots aren’t really that difficult to find in jungles you really just got to jump from tree to tree to look for them though ocelots are a lot tougher in fact I don’t even remember the last time I’ve seen an ocelot inside of a jungle though I know they exist cuz this is where they come from ocelot right in front of me how do I get a new cat can I feed him salmon I got raw salmon do you not eat raw salmon oh he does he definitely ate some come here buddy where’ the ocelot go there he is there there’s the ocelot come on oh what so it’s now been brought to my attention that ocelots do not turn into cats in Minecraft anymore when did this change take place I thought ocelots have always turned into cats in Minecraft I know I can get cats in a village but dang I have no idea when they made that change that’s kind of crazy so anyway let’s just go back to looking for parrots I guess because I guess the ocelots kind of useless okay I found a parrot he’s down here come here you beat my friend don’t fly away oh yeah we got him yes be on my shoulder how do I put you on my shoulder come here get on my shoulder I don’t know if he’s actually on my shoulder cuz I just realized I have a robin model so uh we won’t oh yep he was so he’ll just disappear when he lands on us but anyway we got the parrot so now I guess let’s just head to a village to find a cat I don’t think do these types of villagers even have cats I don’t know if they do oh right here literally they do there’s a cat right there come here you I got some more salmon with your name on it come here come here there we go we got it boom We Ted a cat and now we’ve officially tamed a wolf cat and parrot which means there’s only one Quest left to name a bat Batman but to name a bat Batman I needed a name tag and since I didn’t have one I be to look around which of course with my luck took until day 17 to find one H we got a spawner let’s look for name tags now we will take the gunpowder though and the music disc might as well take everything else to be honest and there we go boom bunch more gunpowder and the name tag we need though I am going to leave the worst music disc in the game behind I won’t even say its name but now we need to do is go into our chest and grab our iron and use that iron to make ourselves three iron blocks then we just take those iron blocks put them like this with some iron ingots and boom we got ourselves an anvil which we’ll just put right there and now using that Anvil let’s go ahead and let’s rename that name tag to Batman and now we just have to find a bat to name Batman bat bat b b b b b bat I got to name you Batman get over here yes I named a bat Batman I did it his name is Batman I saw it for a second and the quest is completed which means we can unlock Robin’s grappling hook our new grapple that uh I mean I guess let’s try it let’s see what it does I charge it up and boom hey look at this I’m now on the ceiling but is this going to kill me on the way down oh God nope no fall damage but that could have been bad now let’s see does this shoot in any direction so like if I were to shoot this way will it work oh it does and it works well okay this grapple is awesome but now it’s time to get Robin’s third upgrade which looking at our list is literally his last upgrade called Robin staff and this ability is really exciting because the Robin staff is not only his main ability that you see him use in Teen Titans but that also means that our next upgrade after this is literally unlocking a new Teen Titan named cyborg my personal favorite Teen Titan but uh before we unlock cyborg let’s get Robin staff now to unlock Rin staff is actually kind of difficult we need to catch a fish using our grappling hook bring a drowned into The Nether and then killing it and finally we just need to slide down a honey block wait a minute catch a fish with my grappling hook can I do that I guess let’s see if we can find a fish first to Grapple I don’t see any fish around here though so uh oh a salmon a salmon a salmon I found one all I need to do is Catch it with my grappling hook so I think if I right click it I can catch him oh my God I can oh and it pulls him to me wait does that mean I can do that on the villains too Quest completed we grappled a fish but now let’s see what what else we can learn from this so there’s more down here let’s grapple another fish oh my God look at that it pulls them on the land okay let me double check that this works on More Than Just Fish real quick because if this works on this sheep up here then it’s definitely going to work on the villains too okay let’s see shoot it oh it does it pulls them in they’re either blind or slow I can’t tell okay now that is busted and now I need to get it drowned into The Nether somehow so uh let’s quickly go back to our base and let’s grab our diamond pickaxe and now with a diamond pickaxe in hand we can go mine some more obsidian to trap a drown okay we’re just going to put some water right here that’ll make that into obsidian and we just break this block and we get mining there we go that’s 10 obsidian okay so now we just got to go find a drown somewhere in the world which is probably easiest at a warm ocean ruin okay I found a warm ocean ruin let’s just see if we got any drowned we should they’re pretty common yep yep there’s a drown right there let’s just build Cobblestone up right here just like this in a tower and now our goal is to get the drown up inside of this Tower somehow into this nether portal we’re going to build right here and now let’s just light it off and let’s go to the nether to activate it and then we’re going to bring it drown with us in a moment okay perfect now let’s go back through okay now we need to get the drowned up here in this portal where’d he go there he is there he is there he is come here come here big and ugly did I get him yes he’s in oh my God I did it now we’re going to kill the drown in the nether oh my God oh my God oh my God where is he go no no don’t go back through don’t go back through yes yes yes I killed the drown in the Nether and he almost killed me oh my goodness that was close wait where’s my armor where did all my armor go where’s my armor and wait what where’s all my stuff my Armor’s gone my Shield’s G where is it all wait what are they just back at the bait did I how long have I not had that on for I literally have no idea how long that’s been okay well we’re back it’s night time let’s go home because for our last Quest we just got to slide down a honey block wait what the heck where is all my armor I’m so confused what happened to my armor and shield oh I found iron armor and a shield okay gu ready traps for sure okay sounds good let’s up in front Okay well that’s weird I can’t find my iron armor back at home either whatever we’re going have to remake our armor this is going to cost me pretty much all my iron but we need to remake the armor cuz I can’t find it I guess there we go Shield okay cool we’re re-equipped and now we’re going to slide down a honey block but before I do that let’s just go to sleep be careful will you step Robin I’ve planted mines all around your base it would be a shame if something were to happen what um okay that’s not good oh my God I see one there’s a mine right there I can see it it looks odd Gizmo planted mines around he said watch where I step okay I do see a ton of Mines everywhere hold on there’s one right here is there something below oh my God there’s TNT below them oh my goodness they found my base there’s one right here okay see one right here that’s diffused see one right here okay that’s diffused there’s one right here that’s gone okay just check over here I don’t see any we’re good and then I heard TNT I heard TNT no it’s right there dog no no no run did he live oh thank goodness you’re alive buddy oh that was so scary I’m so sorry Gizmo blew you up now it’s time to get revenge they tried to blow up my dog I see one I see Gizmo I see literally see him there’s one up on the tree oh he’s coming out I see you Slade ow oh my gosh no guys I need help he knocked me off the tree oh I got him I got him I’m hitting him oh he’s hit me no help him help him he’s done he’s done he’s done let’s get this one he’s got to be low he’s got to be low come on oh no no oh no how’s he not dead no way there we got him with the crit yes one more behind me one more behind me go this way go this way there’s Jinx there’s Jinx Shield wait oh got her got her got her got her I got her got her die I’m going to die she’s backing off Shield oh that was a good hit oh watch this ready B rang oh it didn’t work ooh okay grapple what if I Grappler get over here oh what is this what is this oh my blind yes it blinded her and we won even though we won that our base has been found meaning I’m just going to pack up and move I’m not even staying at this base we don’t even have that much stuff so let’s just pack up and get out of here so with Gizmo placing traps all over my base I had to leave because obviously with my base found I can’t stay there cuz them just knowing where it is is enough for me to get Robin’s butt out of there okay this might just be my favorite base I’ve ever made and I actually made this one I didn’t have my build team do it like I normally do actually spent some good time on this base all you do is enter in right here oh step on those trip wires and boom you were inside the base now I was going to do a cool entrance where I slid down the honey in the beginning and then got that Quest done but I missed regardless I’ll go ahead and do that again in a sec let me show you the base though so yeah this base is absolutely massive and ready into the back wall there we’ve got our crafting table and smelting area if we go to the left over here we have another portal and our cave and then back over here we got our lava generator and all our chests and a couple armor stands then there’s this chest area here I’ll be honest I wasn’t going to put chest here the only reason there’s chests here is cuz there’s actually a hidden room back here I didn’t mean for this to happen this way I was going to build a cool room back here I was I was like designing a whole room back here and then um I didn’t need it so uh we’re not going to use it we’re just going to keep it blocked off and never use it but anyway yeah that’s the base we just got an enchanting table in the exit over here which the exit just leads us out into the jungle on a platform that I camouflaged with lots of leaves and Vines anyway let’s go back over here to the entrance of the base and let’s do that entrance again but this time actually slide down the honey blocks okay step on the trip wire and we’re going down now grab the yeah we slid down the honey which gets us the sticky situation advancement and our Quest completed and now we can unlock Robin staff the weapon he is most known for and I’m not going to lie this staff is so cool it’s literally so iconic to Robin but let me actually tell you what this thing does because you’re going to notice it’s way stronger than an iron sword four times as much attack speed but that’s literally not it it gets better than that because if I right click Robin staff he does this and charges around in any direction that I’m looking I’m guessing if I hit something it does a lot of damage so let’s test it on this cow oh yeah that killed him so yeah that is Robin’s staff and now that you’ve seen the staff and the base it’s now time to unlock cyborg that’s right we’re finally getting a new team titan and this is the point in the video where I can finally tell you how we’re going to be able to switch to all the different Teen Titans so if you look at the bottom leftand corner of my screen you’re going to notice that little Robin icon if I click that button right now it just flashes but once I have cyborg that ability is going to let me switch between all of the Teen Titan so if we simply start by clicking cyborg right here now the first thing we need to do to unlock cyborg is crafting a flower charge Banner pattern and that is this Banner pattern right here which can simply be made by getting paper in an oxid disy now oxidases are pretty common in savanas so we can actually head over to the savan to look for one I think right there right there right there there’s noxid ay let’s just grab this and now all I need to do is grab some paper and right in front of us we got sugar cane so give me some of this and some of this and now we just quickly make ourselves some paper combine that paper with that flower and we got the flower charge already done with first quest for cyborg completed and now we just have to break 15 amethyst clusters which means it’s time to head on down to the mines and get looking for a big uh amethyst Shard okay now amethyst is those big black balls you find down here that have the purple crystals inside though I find them really difficult to locate like I can never find these things in fact I found more diamonds down here than I have amethyst purple oh it’s amethyst yes we found our first one I highly doubt this has 15 clusters but this will work hold on let’s see how many this one has we got one here we got two here what about you do you count yep that’s three don’t think this one counts it does yes four and these little ones on the floor don’t count right nope okay that’s four nine more to go let’s go we got another amethyst and now according to the quest there’s only three more amethysts We need oh we found another amethyst let’s go hey look we got a floating one we got one right here that’s 14 and then we got one right here that’s 15 booah and we are done with these crystals and now there’s only one Quest left and that’s literally just to summon an iron golem okay for the last Quest making an iron golem is really easy all we need to do is get ourselves two iron blocks just like this then we just go ahead and quickly Shear a pumpkin like this grab the pumpkin back two iron blocks on the ground with the pumpkin on top and boom huh was it not a carve pumpkin is it just a regular one oh I’m dumb my wait I forgot the two arms make two more iron blocks and we stick those on like arms and then we got the Golem huh maybe it’s a regular pumpkin I’m pretty sure it’s car pumpkin oh the car pumpkin just has to go last there we go and boom We spawned an iron golem and now that we’ve spawned in an iron golem we can become cyborg the first of the other Teen Titans that we’re actually going to be able to unlock so let’s go ahead let’s open our Teen Titans menu and let’s simply click cyborg to unlock it and now we’re cyborg look the one thing you’re notice right away is that now that I’m cyborg I have 20 hearts of HP but even if I switch back to Robin you’re going to see I still have 20 hearts of HP and that’s because as I upgrade my Teen Titans across this Teen Titan upgrade menu you’re going to notice that for example Starfire has 40 hearts of HP so once I get that all the team Titans get 40 hearts of HP makes sense right oh and also the team Titans can’t use each other’s Powers so like cyborg here he can hold Robin’s staff but this staff actually does way less damage when cyborg uses it compared to when Robin uses it you’re also going to notice that if I right click it to use the right click ability that absolutely nothing happens cuz it says you are not the right Titan to use this item so by simply switching back to Robin I can go ahead and use my lunge power anyway now that we have cyborg let’s unlock his first Power because Cyborg’s first power is actually really strong and that’s his overload ability where cyborg will sacrifice all of his Hearts but one and then explode and that explosion should kill everyone in and around cyborg making him extremely powerful but like I said there’s a massive setback where I go down to one heart of HP so uh if I somehow don’t kill someone I’m dead so yeah we’re going to use this ability sparingly to stay alive but we still got to unlock it and actually unlock the over load ability there’s three things we have to do first we need to poison a villain with a puffer fish then we just have to scare a piglin with a soul torch and finally ride a horse and kill it with fall damage now I’m going to start off with doing that horse damage just because you know I’m near a bunch of Plaines biome so it’s probably the easiest to get done with finally we found some horses there they are way out there and now just go ahead and let’s ride on this horse till he likes me there we go now we just go ahead and shift right click him put the saddle on his back and now we can ride this horse wherever we want but now we have to make the horse die of fall damage which you think about it is kind of messed up but we got to do what we got to do so let’s just go and let’s quickly grabb some dirt okay these spend blocks should do let’s now just go ahead and let’s build a staircase of blocks going up like this and now we just hop on the back of our horse and we jump off this staircase a lot of times okay that’s two hearts this could be it here oh it’s it you’re done yeah and that’s a horse that’s now died of fall damage okay next on the list of things we have to do is scare a piglin using a soul torch now if you didn’t know the soul torch is this little Blue Torch right here and to craft it you just need a stick a coal and of course some Soul Sand or Soul soil below it okay so first things first let’s grab some sticks and some coal and now I need to head to the nether to grab some soul soil okay so we’re in the nether let’s switch back into Robin and let’s pull out his staff and now let’s go and launch ourselves across the nether like this till we make it to the Soul Sand now we’re just going to switch back into Cyborg and we’re going to grab some of this stuff now let’s go back across the Nether and let’s go a and let’s grab some wood over here and now let’s go and let’s just make ourselves a crafting table to make our soul torch so we just put Soul soil one stick and a coal and we’re going to get ourselves four of those torches which now we we just have to scare a piglin with and actually there’s a piglin right there which is perfect let’s give it a shot okay he’ll come after me but boom you’re scared he doesn’t look very scared why are you not scared bro not fear me no okay he didn’t fear me but uh the quest completed so that’s good enough for me anywh who now we just have to go ahead and poison one of the villains using a puffer fish which means we have to go get a puffer fish okay so let’s go ahead and let’s just look for a puffer fish that we can steal from this coral reef real quick oh I see one over there I see a little puffer come here scoop okay that’s one puffer fish I’m going to grab a second one just to be safe here oh there’s one right here ow he got me oh he got me ow ow anyway great we got both puffer fish we need and now we just have to take these puffer fish over to the villains and uh puff puff them what do you call attacking someone with a puffer fish with a puffer fish in hand all I had to do now was use them on some villains I just had to find out where they were hiding oh it’s the game’s glitching I can see them I found the villains let’s go I probably never would have seen them I would have ran right by them if it wasn’t oh wait no I probably would have seen them that would have been so obvious if I just ran a few blocks forward now we just got to get them with the puffer fish okay hold on for a second why why’ you break it why’d you break it huh that’s not fun it we made it up we made it up nice now we just going to sneak up to them and get them with this puffer fish okay okay they think it was that okay ready and I I him water get him get him got I missed the water I missed the water I missed the water I missed the water oh God I finished the quest shoot that across yes now let’s just go ahead and let’s unlock Cyborg’s overload and now to use it we just turn into cyborg cyborg let’s turn back into Rob I didn’t see anything and boing now we let grapple into their base watch this come on hurry up we got to go get them okay stay together we made it yes now we turn to Cyborg and we’re going to use this ability in their base when they climb upit get off our base okay four blocks and then watch this here we go what does that do huh and that was rude up here oh is why is it blue what wait I lived one of them lived have half a heart oh she’s oh she’s low come on please I’m going to die I’m going die yes we got her yes let’s go we nuked their base oh my God one of them is alive I’m running we need to go we need to go we need to go we need to go we need to go I’m out of here I’m so out of here we need to get out of here okay so now that we have Cyborg and have officially unlocked overload let’s use it one more time it’s so [Music] cool look at that and then everything around me dies which is perfect and exactly what Cyborg’s meant to do now let’s just e some food and get our health back up because with that cyborg ability unlocked we now can unlock Cyborg’s most famous move which is his arm Cannon the ability he uses like I don’t know a million times in teen tit now to actually unlock his arm Cannon I need to kill 10 mobs at once using the brand new overload ability we just got then I you have to trade rotten flesh with a cleric villager and defend against an onslaught of aggressive llamas what what does it mean defend against an onslaught of defensive llamas that ability is so weird like I don’t even know how to begin on that uhoh hold up I got a message oh no I’m really nervous what is this going to say please type the following command to fight an onslaught of aggressive llamas oh no apparently if I type the command and/ Lama attack a bunch of llamas will attack me but this Quest will be completed okay I’m doing it llama attack Ry Rocky boom Oh my god oh they’re spitting on me I need to switch to Robin Robin is the better Powers right now I definitely don’t want to use Cyborg’s power and set me down to one Health cuz if these things somehow live I’m in so much trouble okay here we go let’s start taking them out yeah get him Robin how much health do these have oh my God stop oh my they’re actually doing damage you know what I lied cyborg blow him up come on get him let’s go and and we actually just got two quests completed with one because in doing that we just killed 10 mobs at once using overload and killed the aggressive llamas which means just like that all I got to do is trade rotten flesh with a cleric so now I just had to trade with a cleric for some rotten flesh however to trade with a cleric you’ve got to find a cleric with the right kind of trade first and I didn’t even find a cleric until day 41 okay so I found a cleric right here and it’ll trade me 32 rotten flesh and give me a single emerald in return that’s a terrible deal but I got to do it for the quest all right let’s just see how much rotten we currently have 12 we got 12 in this chest 21 in this oh we have enough okay so now we just got to trade with the cleric and our final quest is completed let’s go and now we can unlock the arm Cannon which does this oh my look at this I can shoot it like a machine gun this is crazy look at this that ability is so cool oh my God this might be my strongest ability yet look how much it destroyed that ability is awesome and now that that’s done there’s literally only one more cyborg upgrade to unlock and then we get Beast boy and I know everyone loves Beast Boy so uh you’re definitely excited for that you can’t lie to me I know you like Beast Boy but like I said before we actually get Beast Boy we need to unlock cyborg cyborg slam which is going to send villains like Slade flying into the sky now to unlock cyborg slam I just need to activate a comparator with a chisel bookshelf break a turtle egg by jumping on it and then blowing up a mine cart with TNT so let’s just start by getting TNT now I already have a little gunpowder I believe in my chest I shouldn’t have a lot I think I should have like yeah I got 23 and 10 in here so then I just need to go quickly grab some sand and now we just combine that sand together with that gunpowder and that should give us everything we need to make all the TNT so then we just do this like that Bo we get six TNT we then grab our iron make ourselves a mine cart and then we put the rail down the cart on top TNT next to it and then we just simply light it off with our flint and steel and bye-bye mine cart Quest completed and now we just have to get a turtle to lay its eggs and then we break them this is another messed up Quest what is with all the messed up Quest first the horse now the egg what’s going on here aren’t I supposed to be the good guys now luckily for me there is some turtles right behind us right here and to breed them together to lay some eggs we just need to get some seagrass oh there actually is some seagrass right here that’s good so if we just take two of our iron ingots and make ourselves a fresh pair of shears and go down here we can actually grab this seagrass using our shears and then we can bring it over to these Turtles over here and they’ll lay an egg wait what oh this is kelp not seagrass hold up run stuff I need to grab this stuff here we go okay now we’re going to give you seagrass and you some seagrass and then we’re going to give you seagrass and you some seagrass that should get us a turtle egg now somewhere I got the XP for it why is no one laying an egg they even gave me the XP for it listen here punk I’m going to shoot you with this cannon if you do not lay an egg right now oh what I missed I literally can’t aim for anything you’re so lucky is this where you’re going to lay the egg he started doing it yes yes he’s doing it yes lay an egg yes yeah yeah yes I heard the egg I heard the egg sound I heard the egg where is it where is it where is it I there it is there’s the Egg and I think I just accid broke it I did I just broke another one yes and that’s the quest it’s completed okay so the Last Quest we have to do is just activating a redstone comparator with a chiseled bookshelf and the crafting recipe for a chisel bookshelf is on screen now so let’s make one all we need to do is make a bunch of wooden slabs just like this put them in the center and then surround those slabs with a bunch of wood and we get ourselves the chiseled bookshelf now we just put that bookshelf on the ground right here and then we just need to get a redstone comparator hooked up to the back of it and to make one of those we just need Stone Redstone torches and nether quartz so Cyborg’s making his way back to the nether so we can quickly get that nether quartz and finish this Quest up with cuz once this Quest is complete we can unlock Beast Boy anyway let’s go ahead and let’s go find some nether quartz like this right here okay so now let’s just go and let’s make ourselves some red Stone torches which once we combine all that together we get ourselves three stone three Redstone torches and of course one quartz in the center to get a comparator now we take this comparator and put it on the back of the bookshelf but you’re going to notice this thing’s got no power and that’s because to power a comparator next to a chel bookshelf you have to add a book to that shelf and the more books you add the more power this little guy will let out now luckily we have the soul speed one enchanted book I think this will work as being able to put it in the bookshelf so let’s just put it in and boom the book is in and now this thing is powered meaning our Quest is now completed and I can take that book back give me that and now we can unlock cyborg slam our new ability that does this okay let’s hit this guy watch this boom and that skeleton just got annihilated anyway yeah that is cyborg slam our new ability and now it’s time to unlock Beast Boy but unfortunately for me becoming Beast Boy is not going to be easy because to unlock him I have to use our new cyborg slam ability and kill three of the villains with it then I just have to drink a regeneration potion inside of some lava and finally I need to bounce on a slime block and honestly I’m going to start with the easiest part which is literally just getting a slime block and jumping on it okay we found our swamp which means now we can get some slimes done I even see a bunch of slimes back there but oh my God the zombies are crazy okay there’s a slime right here let’s kill him and let’s hope we get enough slime balls for just to just make a slime block guys come on is that enough no it’s only six slime balls and we need nine was there any more slimes I thought I saw two slimes but I guess not I don’t see anymore okay let’s just go ahead let’s build up on these wooden planks real quick okay there’s a slime way out there and that’s the only one so let’s go ahead and let’s use Robin staff to get over there and let’s go kill that slime actually let’s hit him with it watch this we got this oh the ability ran out come on slime bring it on there we go just get us a few more slime balls a few more and there we go we now have 12 slime balls which means now we just need to go ahead and make a crafting table just like this put all the Slime balls in there to make a slime block which we’ll put right there and now we just go ahead and climb up to the top of this tree leap off the tree and bounce on the slime block Quest complete and now we just have to go make a regeneration potion now to make a regen potion we need to head to the Nether and there’s a bunch of stuff here we’re going to need to actually make this happen now I think we already probably do have some blaze rods like I’ve been to a nether fortress and stuff but like let’s just get this all done in the nether now doing it this way cuz it’ll just be easier to keep track of okay we’re in the nether fortress now let’s just go ahead and find some blazes oh there’s one right there okay that Blaze is gone we got a blaze rod switch to cyborg that way we stop taking fire damage now let just take out the skeleton okay we just need one more blaze rod and then we can go looking for the Nether Warts oh I see a blaz spawner right there let’s use our grapple to get up there there we go we made it okay now we’re back to Cyborg and let’s kill these blazes for their blaze rods and there we go that’s the second Blaze Rod we needed so now let’s just go get some nether warts and boom here we go here’s the Nether Warts we needed grab all these and now there’s only one thing left in the nether we need to actually make ourselves a regeneration potion I just choked on my own spit and that is that we have to now go get some gas tiers oh I’m not sure you can tell my throat is still that did did not enjoy that okay there’s a gas right here all we need to do is actually hit him with our grappling hook and we can reel him in watch this boom and now we kill him he’s gone oh me shot up by another one wait what I was wondering what was happening there hold on let’s reel this one in and got him got him got him got him got him oh what he broke free he’s not breaking free this time got him come on oh cyborg quick switch okay now we’re not going to burn oh I tried to kill him but it didn’t work okay let’s get some wood real quick we can get out of this we can get out of this there we go we’re out we’re out we’re out switch back to Robin let’s grapple our way up here there we go switch back to cyborg Bring It On ghast I’m still here to fight you all I need is one gas here it’s literally all I need switch Titans again here we go and get him yes oh you’re mine you’re mine you’re mine yes yes we got it thank good good and now that we got the Gest here we can leave the nether okay now let just go wait a minute what happened to my brewing stand that was right here literally right here where I’m standing there was a brewing stand right here that I was going to use cut back to the footage I know I made one of these earlier you can even show it there someone’s definitely been in my base oh God we got to look around for a sec there could be someone here I don’t see any explosives on the ground like before nothing in here no trip wires this is so weird there’s nothing in here I just looked around I don’t see anything out of the ordinary I’m so confused whatever let’s just go ah quickly make a new one and since I luckily grabbed an extra Blaze Rod we can use that blaze powder to then power this thing so now what we need to do is add a Nether wart to turn these water bottles into awkward potions and now we simply add a gas tier and these will turn into regeneration potions and there we go three potions of regeneration and now we got to turn into cyborg drink one of these potions and now go swim in some lava oh I missed the nether portal inside of the nether okay right so just go over this way Fly Above some lava like this turn into Cyborg and boom Oh wait I was supposed to drink the potion while swimming in lava oh I need to drink another one okay now let’s just drink the potion in lava and boom now the quest is complet completed which leaves us with only one Quest remaining and that’s to kill three of the villains using cyborg slam so that’s exactly what we’re going to do so since I kind of nuke the villain’s last base I had to find their new one and I’m not going to lie this base was definitely one of the craziest bases I’ve ever seen the villain’s Mak in one of my videos you’ve got to see this thing okay there’s another Village this way oh this is beautiful too look at look at this Village like you have this beautiful Village you get some cherry blossoms upside of a mountain leading into a giant ice Mountain if this isn’t their base I’m I’m definitely taking this as my next base 100% cuz this is actually SI it is their base I hear them I hear them I hear them it literally is their base oh I see their names they’re down here I don’t know I have a Nemo oh my goodness hold on a minute hold on a minute hold on a minute look their base is right down here this is a fake house entrance okay I need to kill three of them with cyborg slam so maybe if I go down there and slam immediately I can get a bunch of them let’s get their attention ready watch this oh use the use the we sh oh I’m tiny oh what the heck I’m tiny why am I oh they shr me I’m tiny oh God tiny go go go go outside I’m big again I’m big again I’m big again my he’s over here you got in the way of my sword yes come on yes oh that’s almost hitting me that’s almost hitting me go go go go go go go quick get ready to with slam I’ll go down here well I’m not scared okay I’m scared okay I got him I got here we go slam he was down here no the base use the shrink R go back upstairs back here there we go we came at the farm now let’s go back down and go back in the base keep going in this little circle we got going where is he here we go here we go oh down here come on get him oh no he’s really coming here help no no hey kill I got one kill I hit her with the sidewalk slam and they got a kill finally we got the first one oh they’re trying to trick me Dodge Dodge DOD Dodge Dodge you blocked him off great got you now and slam what that should kill him that should definitely kill him with fall damage right no boom that was the plan to kill them we just got two of them with that oh we need to get out of here now we got the quest complete we can unlock Beast Boy in fact let’s go let’s become Beast Boy so now we get 30 hearts of HP let’s turn back into Robin and now let’s just go ahead and get out of here for now with Beast Boy now unlocked okay so we’ve unlocked Beast Boy but uh he has no powers so he’s kind of useless right now like for real we have Robin with all three his powers cyborg with all three of his and Beast Boy with nothing but Beast Boy does have some of the coolest powers in all of Teen Titans because he can turn into animals meaning we’re going to get abilities like animal transformation the ability to talk to animals and much much more so let’s go ahead and let’s start with Beast Boy’s first actual upgrade now that he’s unlocked which will give us the ability to turn into any animal we want with some animals even giving us special abilities that are going to help us survive but of course like usual it is way EAS easier said than done to actually unlock this ability cuz to unlock it I need to deplete my hunger bar down to one bar obtain the healing power of friendship advancement and then finally catch five different types of tropical fish inside of buckets and honestly since my Hunger is already starting to drop let’s stick with that one first now my hunger bar is already down two bars at the minute but we need it to go down even more than that so let’s go a let’s jump in this lava and take a little lava damage there we go and really we’re just going to be running around taking some damage doing a lot of stuff that takes up energy in fact actually wait a minute if I switch to Cyborg and use his explosion ability we’re going to set our hearts down to until like one oh that doesn’t drop any blocks oh that’s unfortunate I was really hoping for that would drop some blocks okay this just actually got difficult because now as cyborg I only have one heart of HP and I can’t eat anything because the quest I’m doing needs my food part to go down so I’m stuck at one heart till this Quest is completed oh my God if the hunters show up right now I’m so dead I need to hide myself or something cuz I could actually be in trouble here oh my God I could actually be in trouble we need to hide I literally can’t even take a damage okay here’s a shipwreck we can hide under the Shipwreck oh my goodness we’ll also check out the Shipwreck while we’re here break this block here okay here’s the chest ooh a bunch of lapis bunch of iron ingots let’s go okay let’s just dig down now and start going this way I shall hide here until my Hunger hits one bar and then to guarantee it does I’m building a quick little Loop track so I can jump around in here okay now that I’ve removed all the blocks down here we’re going to put a ceiling on it so I can’t accidentally jump my way out now I can just hop around like this inside of here to lower my Hunger okay now we just need to lose the last two hunger bars come on please there we go we did it one hunger bar yes we’re done the quest is complete and now I can eat food and get myself back up to full HP and not risk dying oh my goodness okay so now it’s time for the easier quest which requires us to capture five tropical fish inside of buckets that are all different from each other so I got a bunch of water buckets on me so we can go ahead and capture these fish nice and easy okay so we have some tropical fish right here there’s one right here we can grab we got like this orange guy right here come here you now let’s grab this red one and this yellow one and then this blue guy right over here and there we go we now have five different tropical fish buckets which leaves only one Quest remaining and that’s to get the power of friendship done with now if you don’t know how to get that advancement it actually is an advancement that requires you to get an axel lottle and have it defeated drowned alongside you cuz it like heals you or something I’m not fully sure but overall this should be pretty easy this advancement is not that hard to do we just got to find an axel first and luckily I know just the place to go some Lush caves all right the Lush caves are literally right here we just need now need to grab an axel lottle inside of a bucket and then bring it to a drown and hopefully there’s multiple so we can grab more than one Axel lottle we need to start looking at all these little like Rivers off to the sides here and yep here we go here’s a brown one right here that’s one Axel lottle let’s just check down here for any other Axel modles I don’t see any down there Noe there’s none down there okay let’s keep going deeper and see if we can get one more Axel just to be safe yep yep we got some more water over here oh yep here’s another brown one booya we got two now let’s just get the healing power of friendship okay so now we’re just got to go ahead and head over here where I can see some drowned over in the ocean over this way and now we just got to kill that guy with an axel lottle by our side to get the healing power of friendship okay here we go so let’s just go here we’ll put the Axel lottle down we whacked him okay so now I have to wait for this guy to kill him real quick there we go he killed him which gets us the healing power friendship advancement and our Quest completed meaning now we can unlock Beast Boy first power animal transformation but I’ll show it to you tomorrow cuz uh I kind of got to head home it’s really late okay so with Beast Boy’s new ability I can go ahead and turn into a bunch of different animals to disguise myself as an example if I go up to this sheep here and I hit one on him or if I go up to this pig over here and do the same thing on him you’re going to see that now I can open a menu and I can turn into either a pig or a sheep but of course because I’m Beast Boy I just turn into a basic green sheep or just a basic green pig so uh I can’t really disguise myself amongst normal mobs however with our next ability I’m going to be able to to speak to animals and get them to join my team where they’ll also turn green and I can blend in with them but before I tell you more about that ability let me show you some other things that Beast Boy can do with his animal transformation like as an example if I go up to a chicken here and use the Ability on the chicken and then turn into one you’re going to notice I got a chicken item in my inventory and using that chicken button I can go ahead and flap my wings like this look at this I can literally fly around how cool is this and then because I’m a chicken I’ll just start floating my way to the ground nice and easy so I basically can fly now how crazy is that now the four mobs you see on screen above all abilities that I can use with Beast Boy with the chicken being our first which allows us to fly but I’ll be honest we need more than this chicken so let’s go ahead and let’s unlock a bunch of animals that are going to help us specifically one will be able to help us use in battle or something okay and luckily there’s a mountain literally just up over here so let’s just get over to that mountain and let’s go ahead and let’s get the first of those animals a goat goat spotted come here goat come here okay now I hit one on the goat goat’s unlocked and now we can simply turn into a goat where we get another new power which is going to allow us to Ram forward as a goat and RAM the haters except apparently also the goat can fly oh my God the ram ability with the goat can fly no way this is broken and now we’re going to hit one of these sheep coming in hot boom and the Sheep is done for this goat is broken I can literally fly with this goat oh it’s over I can fly now this is even better than the chicken and I can land like this look boink oh this power’s awesome Beast Boy is going to be broken because like I mentioned Beast Boy’s next ability is going to allow me to talk to animals as well meaning I won’t be able to just fight as a goat but disguise myself with a bunch of other goats you can’t tell which one I am so let’s get this ability by simply taking a load Stone from a Bastion duplicating a map and a cartography table and then eating 15 different types of food whether it’s good or bad and let’s start by duplicating a map because that’s the easiest part in fact we can make a map by just simply getting a bunch of paper and a compass together so let’s go ahead let’s just grab some sugar can real quick and now it’s turning that sugarcane into some paper and now if we just simply combine that paper with two compasses we get ourselves two maps and we only want to open one of these Maps so let’s right click this one and look at it now we can see that this has been generated now let’s take this other map bring it over to this cartography table and if we combine them together you’re going to see that it actually tries to make us two new maps that are now identical so with the click of a button I get myself a duplicated map at a cartography table and some nice green text in the upper leftand corner of my screen meaning our Quest is completed so now let’s just take a load Stone from a Bastion okay so we just have to find a Bastion that’s going to have a load Stone and the bastions that have load stones are actually the ones with bridges in the front not like the one with the bridge going across the center that I call a bridge Bastion but the other one which is actually a bridge Bastion okay hold up I’m clearing the confusion here on the left side of my screen this is the one that I call a bridge Bastion this is not a bridge Bastion I just say the wrong thing the one you see on the right is actually a bridge Bastion and the place that we can go ahead and get a load Stone so uh we’re going there I see a Bastion literally right over this hill so let’s just go check this one out I don’t think I’ve been to this one I don’t think okay it’s a bridge Bastion but it’s like the wrong kind of bridge the one that I call a bridge but isn’t a bridge which is kind of confusing cuz it clearly has a bridge but whatever now that’s not the right type of Bastion we need to go to so we’re going to ignore it for now cuz there’s no load Stone in there and now we have to go find the right type okay we found a Bastion no it is I think this is the right Bridge hold on grapple up there there we go made it okay yeah this is definitely the right type of Bastion I recognize those gold blocks now we just have to go ahead and find ourselves a load Stone hey look his head does a little dance when I click look at that yeah one I think is right here it’s somewhere around here I know it’s on this side of the Bastion I’m like really close to this thing okay let’s get over here okay we’re behind the lava now this is a good spot to be let’s take out this guy that could be it that could be it is this the load Stone chest this could be it it is we got a Lo Stone let’s go okay perfect we’ve got the load Stone and now we just have to eat 15 different types of food with us currently already having one which is steak okay in my inventory right now I grabbed all the food items I could find that we had that we could start eating to get the number up so first things first we need a few cooked Foods so we’re going to cook ourselves some salmon right here some chicken right next to that and some mutton right next to that and now while those cooked let’s eat a tropical fish to get our second food a raw mutton to get our third food a raw beef to get our fourth food and then a raw chicken to get our fifth food which should give us hunger lowering our hunger bar back down if I just Sprint her a little bit there we go now let’s just eat this spider eye which should take us some damage and that damage should lower our hunger again then let’s go ahead and let’s grab our cooked mutton our cooked salmon and our cooked chicken as those are the next things we got to eat starting with the cooked chicken which gets us our seventh food so now while we wait for our hunger to return let’s make our way over to the surface to start Gathering the rest of the food we need okay let’s see what we can find cocoa beans can make us cookies so we’ll grab some of these actually oh and I just learned something new apparently Beast Boy can swim underwater forever look his bubbles don’t drop cuz he can turn into animals just like fish that makes sense okay but like I I said we’re looking for some new food choices so right now I’m trying to find some pigs so we can actually get some pork chopped as well which haven’t seen any there’s cows and I see pigs take you out two pork chops perfect now let’s go and eat the cook salmon so we get our eighth food and now let’s continue looking for some more food items then if we come over here we can just simply kill some of these Cod give me two so I can cook the other one and that should be all the food we need okay so now let’s get eating some more food starting with this rotten flesh that we’re going to eat right here and that’s going to give us our ninth item then we should eat a raw pork chop and that gets us our 10th item next we’re going to eat a raw Cod that’ll get us 11 and we’re going to throw that our extra cot inside of a smoker to start cooking alongside this other pork chop while we wait we’ll eat a raw salmon giving us 12 food and then all that’s left is a cook mutton which gets us 13 a cooked pork chop which gets us 14 and a cook cod which gets us 15 but we obviously have to take damage first to get our hunger to go down I can’t drown I also can’t burn in the nether hold up I got another way to do this yeah Beast Boy still takes lava damage perfect now remove that step in the water that should get rid of some hunger and it did so we can eat some cooked Cod some cooked pork chop and last but not least some cooked mud Quest complete and now we can unlock animal communication and talk to animals as Beast Boy and you’ll also notice we got a beast call button in our inventory that button simply allows me to call all my summon mobs to me at any time now this ability may not sound too crazy but let me show you just how crazy it is let’s go ahead here and use this ability on this sheep and you’re going to notice this sheep turns green and now he just kind of stands in the world now let’s go ahead and let’s turn a bunch of sheep green now if I simply turn into a sheep you’re going to notice I look the same as all these other green sheep here so if I use the Beast call button I call all my sheeps to me and now suddenly you can’t tell which sheep I am I can walk around and start acting like the sheep and suddenly I’m disguised and the villains won’t be able to find me that’s the power of this ability I can blend in with all the other mobs that I turn green oh yeah which leads us to Beast Boy’s last power which is the Beast tools a Beast Boy themed Omni tool that also lets me enchant my own items but more on that later for now let’s just unlock this thing which we can do by making a wither skeleton my friend and then having it kill a blaze I’m guessing it means to do that using this ability here which wait a minute if I hit two on you I can unlock Iron Golems oh my my God wait a minute can I turn into him oh my God I can and look how many hearts I have I get 50 Hearts oh I’m literally a 50 heart Iron Golem right now I’m a tank which is perfect timing because after we make a Wither Skeleton my friend and have it kill a blaze we have to kill a ravager and they have a lot of HP the final thing we need to do is escape the villain’s puzzle room I don’t know what that is so I’m just going to ignore that one and in fact let’s go ahead and let’s start by simply heading to the nether where we just have to kill a blaze with a friendly Wither Skeleton all I got some wither skeletons chasing me we just need to make them friendly here we go ready friendly and friendly okay we got him we got him we got him they’re on my team now we just need to make him kill a blaze let’s go over to the blaze spawner okay we punch it Punch The Blaze oh he’s they’re not close enough these we’re getting so close come on switch to Beast Boy now watch this I hit him yes yes he’s aggroed on him yes get him yes we had a friendly Wither Skeleton kill a blaze let’s go Quest G please now we just have to kill a ravager and luckily that’s easy in fact all we need to do is head over to a Pillager Tower which I know there’s one in this cherry blossom biome so let’s just get over to that thing real quick and get bad Omen and once we have bad Omen we can then get a ravager to summon in a village so oh here it is right here now we just need to find a Pillager that has a banner which is not you you don’t have a banner come on Bannerman where are you at there’s a banman there’s a banman there’s a Bannerman kill him and now we have bat Omen let’s go now let’s just quickly head to a village where we can start a raid and kill a ravager okay let’s start a raid in this Village here we go and the raid begins okay here we go this is where things are going to get a little interesting cuz we need to take out this raid quick where’d it go I I hear them I just don’t see them the raid part is literally dying there’s only two left one left I literally don’t even see them the first round ended I didn’t see a single Bob let’s get on this roof let’s find them this time come on right there yep I see them take him on call him get him go him get him he’s running got him okay next raid okay here comes the next wave here they come he’s gone two left oh there’s a ravager there’s a ravager let’s switch to Beast Boy let’s go ahead and unlock the ravager as a swap option swap off of him and now let’s fight this guy there we go hit him once oh my god let’s switch to Cyborg and let’s blast him instead here we go ready I did not mean to use slam that’s okay definitely kill the ravager okay the ravager’s dead we just got to kill this last wave I think okay most of them are gone two left two left two left come on one where’s this last Pillager here he is Bonk okay we got another round I guess one more raid where are they they oh there’s a bunch of mobs here maybe they’re down here I literally can’t find anyone I see one I see one there is one down here oh my God hold up hold up hold up cyborg blast our way down okay hold on a minute I definitely saw one down there let’s just break these two blocks he’s right here both of them both of them both of them gone okay there’s still one more down there did I get him yes yes we are hero of the village which means now it’s time to go home and uh hopefully learn what this escape from Hunter’s puzzle room is cuz I was assuming I would get a book after that Quest but I didn’t get anything oh wait I got a totem I guess I did get something any who time for bed let’s go to bed and figure out this villain puzzle in the morning wait what whoa whoa where am I why did I not wake up in my base hold on wait what is this W silly Titan you fallen into our trap the only way to get out of here is to gather the materials scattered around this room craft an item and then place it in the hopper how are you going to do it we’re not telling you dum dum ha good luck okay make another brick block and throw it here okay that’s the hopper I guess use this crafting table to make another brick okay so I guess I’m making a nether brick block and throwing in this Hopper wait but how did they even get me down here wait this room is made of Bedrock I can’t even Escape if I want to where do I get the Nether Bricks is it like oh there’s these barrels up on the walls I bet you those have the Nether Bricks in them okay wait a minute let’s try this one this one looks to be the easiest so if I hit this lever it extends a pist then I just have to oh that’s so hard so we hit it jump hit it jump hit it oh that’s so difficult okay here we go let’s try it again hit it jump hit it I missed oh we hit it oh hit it go yes okay that’s a lever that’s like a checkpoint now we go here hit this button hit this button hit this lever locks that I can reach the barrel and boom we got a nether brick oh my goodness I cannot believe that worked now let’s just get down from here and let’s see oh there’s another nether brick right up there see the third one so I guess let’s go for this this one next it says question mark question mark I got it barrier blocks invisible barrier blocks I got to walk across you can barely see their outlines when I look at them oh we’re going this way now we got a gap I got to jump got to jump to here now oh it’s so hard when you can’t see where you’re jumping we a little staircase here and then boom We reached it yes that’s two now we should need two more and then we can craft the nether brick block and get out of here I I think okay it looks like there’s another one over there which means there’s probably a fourth one somewhere over here hidden in all this scaffolding wait a minute I’m being dumb I could just use my grappling hook why don’t I just do that oh oh wait it’s not it doesn’t even work I’m clicking it nothing’s happening so wait it doesn’t work in here I guess instead let’s just do this the normal way so we just jump jump jump far this one’s really easy this is the easiest so far done just like that easy and we got our third nether brick and now we just got to find the fourth one guessing is got to be in the scaffolding so I haven’t really been over there yet let’s see if we can find it there’s definitely one in here right yeah it’s definitely just like a hidden barrel amongst all this scaffolding somewhere there’s no way I’m just trying to get to the top right like this seems too easy yeah this is way too easy am I blind what is going on with these scaffoldings I don’t understand this I I found it look goes down right here into the ground oh what wait there’s a few I figured it out there’s a few hidden rooms down below I got to find the hidden room down below like this yes I found it this has got to be it right what it’s not so confused this H I didn’t know it is it’s right here fourth Nether Brick we’re done now let’s get out of the scaffolding go to the crafting table turn this into a nether brick now we put this Nether Bricks inside of this Hopper wait wait where am I no way oh my goodness is this a Teen Titan space for completing that puzzle room oh my God no way I just got a fully Decked Out Teen Titans base it’s literally the full Teen Titans tower that I can fully live inside of okay let’s go and let’s pack up all our stuff from the other base and let’s bring it here cuz this has got to be our new Teen Titans base so now that we have the Teen Titans tower I took a d to move all my stuff to the new base where I could then focus on unlocking the rest of the Teen Titans Okay so now that we’ve unlocked our Teen Titans tower let me give you a little tour of the place okay so if we actually go inside this is just little smelting room with some lava that room is mostly for lava generation and nothing else then down here we have our like kind of chest room though I don’t really use this chest room at all it’s got like you know a couple things in it but that’s it then if we keep going up we’re going to go ahead and reach the Teen Titans floor this is basically an area I made to look like you know each Teen Titan had a bed like Beast Boy was here Robin was here just so they each had somewhere to go and then if we go all the way up to the top this is the most important floor this is the nether portal floor where we can make potions we have a Nether wart Farm which then leads us to the top floor where we have our enchanting table an infinite water source our actual bedroom with all the chests I actually use and then if we go to the other side we have another bed which I don’t use and then a bunch of smelters which I do use this is my actual smelting room then I also broke this window here if I want a quick way to get outside I can literally just turn into Robin pull out his staff and go ahead and that did not work that did not work I didn’t have my shield on oh my goodness you need a shield for that the ability to activate that could have ended so bad oh my gosh okay let’s try that again here we go woo so right out the window I can fly away and quickly get wherever I want in the world anyway yeah you get the idea this base is awesome and now we officially have the Teen Titan Tower as our base so yeah that’s the Teen Titans tower but I still haven’t even had a chance to really show you the Beast tools we unlocked so if we simply become Beast Boy and we go down here so if I simply just go out a field like this and shift right click you’re going to notice I change between a bunch of different tools starting with the axe if I go ahead and break a log it breaks a 3X3 area instead same thing for the shovel and for the pickaxe however it also comes with two other things which is pretty cool I get infinite ender pearl I can throw in the world and I take no damage when I teleport which is great then we get an infinite flint and steel which we can light off infinitely and then if we put out those fires you’re going to see we break a ton of blocks in that area leading us to the last multi-tool the enchanter which when I right click it just opens up an enchanting table where I can enchant anything I want so as an example if I did put 10 lapis in there along with Robin staff and wanted to give it sharpness I would just click the sharpness button and now I have sharpness five on Robin’s staff it’s automatically the top upgrade and it barely cost me any levels so now let’s go aad and get all our armor upgraded as well we just open up our enchanter throw it all in wait am I actually at a Lapis I think I am hold up let’s grab some more lapis real quick and I’ll finish my thought just grab this right here that’ll work now let’s just enchant our chest plate with protection and our boots with protection and now we have full protection for diamond armor to Keep Us Alive for right now actually honestly while we’re down here I don’t think I have any hostile mobs on Beast Boy team so let’s go ahead and let’s unlock you real quick and now we can turn to skeletons we might as well take this chance to also unlock zombies and now we have a bunch of bobs with us in fact wait a minute what actually happens if I turn into a creeper oh creeper has a special power too I’m guessing is the creeper I can explode let’s see oh my goodness I can right click this to blow myself up look at this oh my gosh I can literally explode like a creeper now oh this is so op and it barely damages me so I can just Spam this forever so yeah that’s the brand new Teen Titan base and our Beast tools but now it’s time to actually unlock another Teen Titan with this time us unlocking Star Fire and to unlock Star Fire we just need to light a redstone lamp using lightning kill two villains at one time with an end Crystal and finally just simply hatch a sniffer and I’ll be honest the easiest thing to do for that is to set up an area where we’re going to go ahead and have lightning strike a redstone lamp in fact I honestly may have some of the stuff we need for this one no I literally thought so I was like I made all this earlier cuz I knew this Quest was coming up we still have the comparative from earlier the redstone repeater we have some Redstone lamps this is literally all we need so all we need to do is come over here with all this stuff place a redstone lamp right here and right here and then we simply have a redstone repeater going into this one Redstone connecting these both up putting a lightning rod right next to both of these and then we can go ahead and put a comparator right here run some Redstone through here and they should make it so everything kind of gets struck and then just in case I’m going to have some go directly into a lamp from a lightning rod I don’t think that’ll actually do anything but just in case now this Quest won’t complete until it’s storming so we just got to leave this here until it rains so now that that’s done with let’s simply go below the base real quick and let’s just go right here and quickly grab one of these Moss blocks because we’re going to need Moss blocks for our next quest which requires us to hatch a sniffer so let’s go ahead and just simply put a hole in the ground right here oh no hey skeleton then let’s just fill in a bunch of that area with some Moss blocks like this and now we have an area to hatch a sniffer let’s just go and let’s build some walls around this structure so that way the sniffer doesn’t try to run away or anything and now let’s just go ahead and sleep and tomorrow we’ll get a sniffer okay I found a warm ocean ruin down here I don’t see oh there’s a drown here we got some drown oh it’s not the drown we’re here for we’re here to actually look for some suspicious sand that we can start brushing and hopefully getting ourselves a sniffer egg but I don’t actually see any it could all be inside the structure to be fair I just want to be careful I don’t want to risk breaking any of the uh possible sniffer eggs no that’s not one okay we got to set sand right here it’s a sniffer egg no way that’s the first one I’ve done literally the first one I brushed just had it we have the egg we need we can can literally go back home now okay let’s just bring him over here put this egg on top of the Moss block and now in about 10 minutes this egg is going to hatch into a sniffer okay so now we we wait for this sniffer hatch we’re going to sleep and tomorrow we’re going to get some end crystals and to get end crystals we got to head to the nether Now the recipe for end crystals is on screen right now so we just have to kill a bunch of Ghasts and we’ll be all set to go ooh that almost ended terribly anyway as I was saying we just need to go ahead and kill some Ghasts and once we kill some gas we will get their gas tiers and we’ll be able to make these end crystals pretty simply okay there we that’s the biome I want get to over there let’s just go ahead and switch to Robin launch ourselves over okay let’s just shoot the gas with this thing I hit the fireball no I didn’t get it yes okay that’s one gas tier but just to be safe I’m going to get a second one in case my first end Crystal somehow fails to kill any of the villains got to shoot with C thing come on yes got him gas tier gas tier gas tier yes okay that’s the two gas tiers we needed now just quickly go through this warp forest and look for some Enderman so we can make two Eyes of Ender for these end crystals there’s an Enderman right there in front of us oh go over here yes there we go and bnk gone dang it no Ender Pearl that’s one and there we go that’s two ender pearls now we say we combine those ender pearls with some blaze powder to get some Eyes of Ender and we combine Those Eyes of Ender with some glass and some gas tiers we’re going to get ourselves two end crystals which we can now use to kill the villains all right so now I’ll just take these crystals to the villains and let’s take them out starting to rain it’s starting to rain we need to go back we need to go back to the Teen Titans tower our little set up for our uh little like lightning lamp thing we need to get back there for it yeah there it is I see it I see it I see it it’s right here okay we just need lightning to strike this lightning rod did it work it worked look they’re lit up let’s go we use lightning to turn on these lamps giving us our first Quest complete and now we can start making our way to the villains to kill them with the end crystals wait hatch a sniffer just turned green did the sniffer just hatch upstairs no shot did we just complete two quests right as we’re trying to leave get there’s a baby sniffer let’s go we have the baby well hopefully he’ll become an adult by the time we blow up the villains so let’s simply head out the window and let’s go pay the villains a visit okay so we’re back in the village where the villain’s base is I’ve got a bunch of green sheep together so now I can turn into a green sheep and use this disguise to sneak in their base if I call all my other animals with me I’ll definitely blend in so that’s going to be my goal let’s go over here let’s call the animals right here at the entrance none of them even came close Okay this is not working let’s just jump in the base and summon all the Sheep oh hey got you why are they green green like Beast Boy Beast Boy is around one of these I think it’s this one look at them I’m I’m looking at this pig this pig looking funny oh my God they believe it I’m moving pretty normally okay here we go ready 3 2 1 and go who’s here ow ow get him oh oh oh there we go we’re around this corner place this wait s together go get him they’re not going to hit that go and careful yes yes it counted it worked go obsidian the top here we go he BR it off what boom and Crystal them now let’s turn into cyborg cyborg slam where is he okay where’d he go two of them down what oh no no she’s done and he’s done let’s go they’re all taken out and now we can unlock Starfire our brand new Teen Titan who can fly and now it’s time to go ahead and fly on home okay so we’ve officially unlocked Starfire who just happens to be one of the coolest Teen Titans of like all of them especially in this mod like look how she flies look how cool this looks she actually has hair that Wiggles in the wind and then if I start going down she even dive bombs like she’s diving to fly down like Starfire’s awesome and she flies super fast which is cool but now that Starfire is unlocked we only have one more Team Titan to go and that’s literally Raven but of course to unlock Raven we first have to get all of Starfire’s Powers unlocked first starting with her star blast and her star blast is actually my favorite ability in this whole mod and you’ll see why in a sec but to unlock Starfire’s star blast we first need to use a smooth quartz block and a stone cutter brush 15 suspicious sand or gravel and then simply just break an anvil by dropping it on dripstone so these quests are actually pretty easy so let’s get started now I already have a brush on me so we might as well just go around brushing suspicious sand that we find okay here’s the first suspicious sand I found there’s three right here so we just have to brush this right here we’re going to get an emerald that’ll get us our first then let’s just brush this one right here that’s going to get us two two then we got a third one over here in the side a fourth one right here and a fifth one right around the corner okay now I think that’s it let me just double check here real quick CU I don’t see any others might as well check the chest while we’re at it oh we got some Berry treasure look at that anyway let’s head to another War ocean ruin so we start brushing some more stuff oh this guy’s got a trident hold on there we’ve got him now just simply brush up some of this suspicious hand oh we got another guy there we go we got some sus sand right here see what else we can find there should be tons in this this one’s a big one yep here’s another one right here okay that’s it for this one I don’t see any more here so let’s goe and let’s get out of here and find another one real quick one right here that’s 10 here’s another one right here that’s 11 12’s right here okay that’s it for this one we literally just need three more okay here’s another one here another Emerald let’s go that’s 13 we just need two more suspicious sand come on there we go we got deep enough yeah there’s some sand down here here’s another one right here that’s 14 there we go boom one more right here that’s it 15 right next to the chest and just like that the quest is completed so now let just head on home and let’s go use some smooth quartz and a stone cutter okay so for next Quest we need to get some smooth quartz and put it inside of a stone cutter now we need to do this if we want to get the star blast unlocked so let’s just go ahead and let’s go quickly grab some quartz there’s a bunch everywhere down here so let’s just go over here we get some more quartz right here okay there we go 30 quartz should be enough now just put that Quartz in groups of four like this to get a bunch of blocks of quartz now just go ahead and split these blocks of quartz between these two furnaces and that’s going to go Ahad and give us a bunch of smooth quartz that’s going to appear on the other side of the Furnace right here perfect that’ll do and now we have to take this smooth quartz over to a stone cutter which we have one right here so we’ll just throw it in there click any of these blocks like the stairs and boom we’ve now used smooth quartz inside of a stone cutter which means now we just got to break an anvil by dropping piing on dripstone which uh that’s pretty easy too like for real all we need to do is make ourselves three iron blocks like this put them on top of a crafting recipe with four ingots below and we get an anvil and now we just got to find a dripstone cave really fast using Starfire that dripstone yeah dripstone right here now just go ahead and let’s get right here looks straight up click there move and boom we did it and now all three quests are completed so we can unlock Star blast Starfire’s new power that looks incredible let me show you if we go over this ice over here I’ll show you the power we literally just aim and we shoot out Starfire’s lightning like this look at it look how crazy this looks the visual is so cool and in fact this is my favorite ability in the entire mod except for one which just so happens to be the black hole ability that Raven’s going to get later now I obviously have to wait to show you that one but for now at least you got to see this cuz this ability is sick and now it’s time to work on our next Starfire power which is actually Astro control where I can pick up and launch enemies far away and I don’t mean like pick them up with my hands I mean like use my aura to lift them up into the air they actually unlock Astro control I’ve got to enchant six different items grow five mang five what five Mangrove propag goul what the heck is that is that a real item oh it’s this thing what is that is that just like a sapling I thought Mangrove saplings already existed do they they don’t this must be a mangrove sapling and then finally we just have to catch a fish while standing on a diamond block now I’m still questioning what a prople is and since I’ve literally never worked with them let’s head to a mangrove and quickly grow five propag gouls okay here’s a mangrove now how do we get propag gouls do I just got to like cut down the tree and it will drop them I’m guessing that’s the case hold on the propal are right here they’re like on the sides of the trees you look they like dangle from the trees they’re hidden amongst they like there’s one here one here how many do I have I have five let’s just bring these five back to the teen titans’s Tower and let’s grow them okay all we need to do is plant one of these propagules on the ground and then we just need to use some bone meal on it and it should grow right and there oh my God look at that it did there’s one there we go that’s two plant another one right here that’ll be three that did not work I need some more bone meal and since we need more bone meal let’s just fly up here real quick and we’re just going to quickly grab some bone blocks switch to Beast Boy so we can use the Beast tools and now let’s just go ahead and grab all these bones okay that’s 42 bone blocks which gives us an additional oh my God that’s a lot of bone meal now just plant another one of those propag right here and let’s grow that thing go over to this prople over here and grow this one and then plant our last one right over here and grow it and there we go we’ve got five propagules grown right outside of our Teen Titans base now let’s just gohe and enchant six items now I did notice that it already says I have one Enchanted but if I drop my sword well uh we have zero so obviously this one does not count nor does our armor cuz if I take my armor off it also registers now we have five items Enchanted so that’s kind of cheating so let’s actually enchant six items from the ground up let’s go in this chest and just start grabbing a bunch of old tools and now let’s get Enchanting all let’s throw some lapis in with our iron chest plate and we’re just going to go ahead and give it protection now if I drop my Robin staff you’re going to see that we still have six out of six items Enchanted and that Quest is now completed so all we got to do now is catch a fish roll standing on a diamond block and we’ll be done but I don’t have enough diamonds I’ve literally used them all on making my armor so uh let’s quickly go mine diamonds for a diamond block how many is that 12 so now let just make ourselves a diamond diamond block okay now just put this diamond block on the ground right here and let’s do some nice morning fishing to finish this Quest up boom got it caught a fish on a diamond block done now let’s just take that diamond block back and let’s unlock Starfire’s next power which is Astro control which will let me pick up the villains and mobs and send them flying let me actually go ahead and show you this power so if I go up to this pig right here and I use this ability on this pig you’re going to see I pick the pig up and then if I hit the key again I can send the Pig flying away where he then dies and because I could fly I can actually have a lot of fun with with dis ability like asess an example if I go to this sheep over here and I grab him instead you’re going to see I can fly super high in the sky with this sheep and then throw him and uh yeah he’s not surviving that so yeah Starfire’s awesome and now it’s time to get Starfire’s last ability and then we unlock Raven now Starfire’s last ability is called healing Aura and to unlock it we need to get a silverfish to infest the Deep slate use a netherite Ingot for an armor trim and finally just navigate to the villain’s Death Run course which I’m guessing is another thing I’m not supposed to know where it is cuz uh I don’t I I don’t nothing about this Death Run course wait actually if I go to my inventory I have a death course book the villains have set up a death run that you have to complete if you want to unlock Raven good luck death run and then some coordinates so if I know where this death run is let’s actually head there first and get that done with because that just sounds kind of fun I’m not going to lie like a death run Count Me In what the heck is this oh my God look at this thing I just found like a giant Pink is this wool yeah it’s literally all wool it’s a giant pink wool thing that’s so weird oh it’s right next to the death run I bet the builders forgot to remove that this is got got to be it here this is the apparently the Hunter’s death run oh no the villains are here hey Titans before you try and survive this death run I wanted to warn you that we have now finished our Omega bomb on day 100 this bomb will detonate destroying an area of 100,000 blocks by 100,000 blocks which is my biggest bomb yet so big in fact that it’ll crash This Server thus destroying it exactly so now you have no choice but to come to to us Titans are you kidding me so you have an Omega bomb too so wait I have to deal with this death run and deal with your Omega bomb fine Bring it on I can do it and I’m going to do it all as Robin I don’t even need anything else watch this wait a minute I can just yeah how did you do that I Bo you going to get me Bo that’s not how it works I can just jump over it okay here we go on to the next one they didn’t think about the fact that Robin can jump super far watch this oh that would not have worked oh my goodness I actually would have died there okay I got to be more careful this death Run’s actually serious okay where’s the next one am I safe in this oh it’s going to shoot arrows out of that it’s obvious ready watch bong got him easy trick okay on to the next one I’m guessing this is another one that’s going to fill with lava or something I fell in I fell in I fell in I fell in o oh I see these are going to activate so I can just kind of whoop yes go oh yes okay he’s touching all of them quick just go go go go all the way to the end yes I ran all the way to the end I’m faster than you let’s go no oh my goodness okay we got through meaning I’m finally oh God I’m going back home with this escape button bye losers no bye-bye that’s funny they’re trapped in there with bedrock right now so now let’s just turn into Starfire and head home with our third Quest completed okay so now that we’ve officially completed that death run there’s only two quests left to do and that’s to get a silver fish into deep slate or use a netherite Ingot on Armor trim and I won’t lie I kind of want to get the silverfish one done with cuz to do it I have to find a stronghold which lead me to the end later so let’s go ahead and let’s find that stronghold which to do that we just need some Eyes of Ender and as you all know to get Eyes of Ender we got to start by getting some blaze rods okay let’s just go kill a bunch of these blazes here here we go we got one right there kill you okay there we go that’s eight blaze rods now let’s just head to a Bastion and get a bunch of gold blocks so we can start trading for some ender pearls starting with this Bastion right here okay let’s just go here let’s grab this gold block over here grab this gold block that’s two now just sneak on by jump all the way down to the bottom here where we got all the these Gold Blocks okay now that we have all these Gold Blocks let’s go back up to the top real fast now let’s go around the back where we can get a bunch of gold blocks around the back oh my God how many is there there’s 12 total Gold Blocks back here oh my God we’re have a ton okay that’s all the gold blocks now let’s just get trading with these piglins for some ender pearls now we’re just going to give you a little gold to get you started so you can get started trading and now we’re going to go get your friends okay that should be enough now we’re just going to let these guys do their thing and give the rest of the gold to these piglins in here I’m seeing a lot of Ender Pearls along this Edge I’m just going to grab as much as I can and see what we got okay right right now we have 16 ender pearls which h honestly should be enough and I see more in there as well so let’s just kill these guys off we don’t really need them anymore and now that we have the end pearls we need we just have to head back to our base and now we can find a stronghold okay so like I said it’s now time to head to a stronghold let’s turn those blaze rods into blaze powder combine them with our ender pearls to get some Eyes of Ender and let’s throw our first one off to see what direction we have to head in we’re going that way let’s just grab our IE of Ender on the ground and let’s start heading in this direction to find this stronghold because we’re not actually going to fight the dragon right now we just need to find a stronghold to complete our first Quest is to Simply get a silver fish to infest some deep slate so uh before I actually leave the base we’re going to need some deep slate which I know I have some here’s a bunch of Cobble deep slate let’s just grab this coal and then let’s just start smelting some of this Cobble deep slate into regular deep slate really fast all right let’s go let’s throw another eye ofender and see how close we are to this thing oh still going this way there just nice Ravine here is it in this Ravine by chance it turned around oh my God it’s right below us somewhere boom if I go down straight here this is where it is yes yes yes we’re in and honestly while we’re here let’s grab this chest cuz there should be an eye Trim in there yes there is the eye armor trim okay now let’s go and let’s find the stronghold portal because at that portal we can find ourselves was a silverfish spawner I just got the quest no shot that Quest just worked oh my God I get it cuz we’re surrounded by Deep slate so I just had one go in are you tell me I didn’t need to smell deep slate or bring all this deep slate with me you know what I’m still doing it cuz I didn’t even get to see it happen found it I got the portal I got the portal I got the portal okay you got to infest the Deep slate my friends there we go I got a bunch of deep slate right here now let’s see if I can get these guys there’s currently 1 2 3 4 5 down there so if I see that number drop then I know we did this legitly they infested I saw it happen you’re probably thinking with that Quest complete I’m going to go ahead fill in this portal and head to the end and you’re 50% correct I am in fact going to fill in this portal with all the eyes and open up this portal but I’m not actually going to enter the end right now I don’t have any quests that really require me to I just had to come here for the silver fish so now we just need to Simply use a netherite Ingot on some armor trim which we can do with our brand new eye armor trim we just got so let’s unlock Raven before we actually go and fight that Ender Dragon now if we look through our chest let’s see how much ancient debris we have we got a netherite upgrade in this one with two ancient debris this one we have two netherite scraps and some smithing templates oh that’s definitely doable let’s just throw 2 ancient debris inside of a blast furnace to turn it into some netherite scrap and then we simply just get a bunch of of gold combine that gold with the netherite scraps we just got and we’ll get a netherite Ingot which in a smithing table if I combine that netherite Ingot the ice smithing template and my diamond chest plate we get a netherite trimmed Diamond chest plate with a big eye in the center and with that Quest completed we can now unlock Starfire’s healing Aura which when activated creates an aura around us that is going to heal us no matter where we are in fact you’ll notice while I have this on I have permanent absorption permanent resistance and permanent regeneration meaning as long as I have that aura on I’m literally so like I mentioned we now just have to unlock Raven and once we do that we’ll head to the end so let’s go ahead let’s click Raven let’s get our quest to unlock her which apparently to unlock her we just need to fling seven of the villains away using Astro control kill 20 chickens using fireworks and finally get the caves and cliffs advancement which requires us to fall from the top of the world to the bottom of the world but let’s start by just killing some chickens with fireworks cuz I don’t know that sounds fun okay so we go to crafting table and combine our red dye with our gunpowder we’re going to go and get ourselves a firework star but if we add a diamond to it we’re going to get get a large fireworks star which is exactly what we need combine that with some paper and some Gunpowder and now we have three fireworks but I’m not sure that’s enough so let’s combine together some more of our ingredients like this to make another fireworks star and combine that together with our paper and gunpowder to get three more rockets and these Rockets should be able to take out some chickens so uh let’s get to work okay so the best way to do this is just to trap 20 chickens in a hole and then kill them that way so let’s just find a bunch of chickens we can trap here we go there’s a bunch right here so this is perfect okay let’s put our rockets in our off hand and let’s see how many of this is cuz we definitely have enough to take out the first wave and here we go let’s see how many we get here that was 177 kills with that one shot okay there we go we just need to kill three more chickens and that we can do just by shooting individually so let’s just find some chickens there’s some chickens I found some shoot these two that’s two down shoot you all 20 dead Quest completed let’s go and now what we need to do is get the caves and cliffs advancement which we’ll finish tomorrow and now let’s get caves and cliffs now luckily we could fly so this ability is not hard to unlock let’s just dig straight down to the bottom of the world real quick using Beast Boy okay we hit Bedrock there we go so now just turn back into Starfire and let’s start flying up now we literally just have to fly straight in the sky and fall straight down we got it boom and now all I need to do is fling the villains AB bunch of different times using Starfire’s Astro control ability so let’s quickly head back to the team Titans base gather up some extra stuff and then let’s simply throw the villains around a bunch of times okay we’re back at their base let’s do this I love that this blue thing is still stuck here can I get rid of it now no it’s stuck it’s stuck stuck let’s go under their base I got to fling them seven times with Astro control so let’s just go down there and get their attention first oh oh my God he’s here I missed I missed I missed fly okay there we go okay let’s go and let’s pick them up and start flinging them around here we go I’m going for Jinx first my gosh no what’s this come with me we’re going all the way up here away from the water and good luck yeah no you didn’t survive that one villain flung and six to go there he is behind you hello you’re coming with me again let me go and then we fly all the way over here and byebye oh my God that is so awesome bunk oh my God I’m tiny now so you couldn’t see me let me go you said let me go I’ll let you go there you go three down okay who’s left I see two over here I got 9 ready got him got him got him got him got him got him let me go let me sure I’ll let you go three more to go I have a surprise for you a oh God ow I was supposed to get you not them come back here I want to redo oh my God he just nuked his own teammate okay Gizmo apparently is a bomb hold up I got to be careful we only need to fling around three more here they go they came out and mine I got one I SC yep let’s go up yes you did and now you’re going back down okay that’s five down two more two more is all we need got him I got him I got him I got him I got him oh no no let’s have some fun with this I’m going to fling you straight up oh my God he went flying we just got to fling one more oh I hit him I hit him once I got her yes see you later oh she can land in the water no she’s not and now that we flung them seven times we can actually unlock Raven our brand new te Titan who gives us 50 HP but for now let’s turn back into Starfire cuz Raven has no powers and now let’s make sure they stop using this base cuz I’m SI of it this base is annoying let’s just go inside and let’s use Starfire’s power to start the destroying this place there we can destroy everything with this stuff look destroy their beds yep now they can’t respawn oh they shrunk me they shrunk me okay the beds are gone now we got to just kill them off ready there I said one of the bed back come on come on come got him turn to Starfire and oh no no no I’m dead I’m dead I don’t a b she’s gone she’s gone there’s only one more over here and there’s a bed oh I killed both of them with it did he respawn I don’t think they did yes oh yes he did it’s not over yet here have a boom you missed go no yes let’s go and just like that Starfire has saved the day and this villain base is now destroyed so now let’s just use her healing Aura and let’s heal herself back to full shall we ah much better time to go home with Raven now unlocked okay so we’ve officially unlocked Raven and now that Raven’s unlocked all we have to do is unlock all three of Raven’s powers and we’ll have all the Titans and their powers fully unlocked well let me actually go ahead and show you Raven’s first power so if you look at my abilities menu in the bottom left hand corner you’re going to notice I already have a power and if I hit that key you’re going to see I spawn a portal right where I’m looking and let’s another one over here and basically what this does is this allows me to create portals that let me teleport from one spot all the way to the other if for example I put a portal on top of the tower again and then flew all the way over here to this Village and put a portal down here I can simply return home by jumping into this portal so yeah that is Raven’s first power but I won’t lie Raven gets really broken because our next power is azerath Metrion Zinthos and if you a big Teen Titans fan you know azerath Metrion Zinthos now to unlock it all we need to do is deal the final blow on the Ender Dragon with a wooden sword get the dragon head from the end and power it and finally we just have to activate a beacon none of which is really that difficult it’s just kind of timec consuming anyway let’s just go ahead and simply get started by going to the end and killing the ender dragon with a wooden sword all let’s just go through the stronghold again and quickly jump in the portal I really hope this doesn’t go bad okay let’s go Ahad and let’s start by simply destroying all the end crystals this should be really easy since we can fly let’s just go ahead and switch to Starfire cuz she flies a little faster and let’s just take these things out and last but not least 10 there we go all crystals taken care of now it’s time to just kill big and over here so let’s grab our lightning power and let’s try to shoot him a bit does my lightning not hurt him it does not hurt him okay I guess we’ll just fly around a Starfire and take him out that way it’s probably the easiest trick okay last hit we just got to hit him with this wooden sword come on there we go we got him killed him with a wooden sword and that Quest is now completed goodbye ugly Dragon you’ve been defeated by the Teen Titans okay let’s just grab all this Dragon XP real quick and now it’s not like I really need this thing but let’s go ahead and let’s grab the dragon egg as well there we go now we got that and now let’s simply go to the outer end so that way we can get ourselves a dragon head because next Quest requires we get a dragon head and power it now normally I would just throw an ender pearl through here by killing one of these Endermen that’s around but uh I’m not going to do that since I’m starf Fir and can fly really fast if I just fly far enough this way I’m pretty sure I’ll just reach the outer end right oh there it is it’s loading I can already see it let’s go yeah we’re at the outer end and now what we got to do is quickly find ourselves a dragon head which uh we can get one not right here oh I thought this end city was going to be it but it’s not it’s a troll and it even has a floating shulker box oh there’s another n city literally over here and this one has an end chip okay this is perfect let’s just go to this one we can grab the dragon head right here perfect now we have the dragon head and now that we have the dragon head we can leave the end and simply head on home okay so now that we are officially done in the end all we literally have to do now is activate a beacon and to get a beacon going we need to head to the nether now let’s just fly on over to a nether fortress real quick and now let’s just start killing a bunch of wither skeletons for their skeleton skulls okay there we go that’s three Wither Skeleton skulls which means now we can summon a Wither which is exactly what we need to make a beacon okay let’s just go ahead and simply summon the wither right here we’re just going to quickly kill him right near the ocean the Starfire really should be pretty easy let’s just go ahead and put all these down then we’re just going to put all the skulls on top and now we just fight him come on Starfire let’s beat him he’s dead no come back nether star come back there we go we got it and now that we have NE star we have all the items we need to craft ourselves a beacon all you need is three obsidian a bunch of glass and another star in the center and you get yourselves the beacon now we got to activate this thing so we just need to make some iron blocks so let’s just go ahead and make a bunch right here now because Beacon’s let off a huge beam of light in the sky I am not doing this near my base okay let’s just put it right here we’ll do three iron just like this put the beacon on top and now we just got to power this thing with a little Ingot we’ll click speed in the check boox and boom we’ve now activated a beacon and to Simply wrap up this Quest let’s just walk over to this tree over here real quick let’s cut it down and now let’s use those logs to quickly get ourselves a crafting table which we’ll put right next to our Beacon and now we simply are going to make ourselves some sticks grab some Cobblestone and now using Cobblestone and a stick I can make myself a lever which if I put this dragon head right here with a lever right next to it that’s now activated and all three quests are completed meaning now we can unlock azerath Metrion Zinthos Raven’s most famous ability that does this okay let’s just go up to some ground over here and let’s use it watch this oh my goodness that’s right Raven can pick up entire blocks of land and then throw it around anywhere she wants and she doesn’t even have to throw it if she doesn’t want to if she just wants to like you know come over here and suffocate some animals she can like watch this see this poor little pig right here yeah he’s done see he’s dead or we can simply come over here and throw it at these pigs which you can’t see but they’re there that is azerath Metrion zenos our brand new ability meaning Raven only has two more unlocks till she is at full strength and the Teen Titans can get rid of the villains once and for all okay so Raven’s next ability is literally called azerath projection where I’m going to be able to use the powers of azer to control the villains I guess I’m not exactly sure how it works but it’s actually really easy to unlock to unlock it I just need to break 20 skull sensors in an ancient city dry 10 sponges inside of the Nether and finally just steal 10 items from the villains without being seen and if you know me I’m going to an ancient city to Simply break some skull sensors cuz uh I actually haven’t been to an ancient city this video I don’t think I think we’re overdue because what if I use Beast Boy to tame a warden that might be cool okay so we just have to break some skull sensors here which uh the sensors are these blue ones right here so if I just go up to this sensor over here and break it right that gets me one skull sensor done that’s two that’s three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 and last but not least 20 and we’re done boo yeah and now that all 20 skull sensors are broken all I’m going to do now is dry some sponges from an underwater Monument okay so we’re officially at the monument that we found earlier and now we just have to get inside and see if we can get sponges so let’s just ooh lots of those guys okay we’re just going to go straight down and break oh we found sponges already just break a few of these how many do I need I just need to dry 10 and boom there we go that should be enough that’s 14 let’s go okay perfect we have 10 sponges now we just head to the nether to dry them so let’s just start putting them down one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 there we go done and now we got the sponges done with which means all we got to do now is steal from the villains the quest literally says steal from the villains 10 times without being seen and actually I think I have just the plan to make that happen and so I began searching for the villains and I found them pretty quickly to be honest but the main problem was this base was not going to be easy to steal from so before I went to steal I came up with a plan and that was to Simply gather up as many wardens on my team using Beast Boy power as possible so now I have an army of green wardens by my side that I’m going to use to steal from the villains okay so I found the villain’s base it’s literally just over here now let me quickly walk back over here this way so they can’t see me because I have a secret to tell you to finish this Quest I obviously have to steal 10 items from the villain’s base without being seen but what if I just blend in as Beast Boy instead by using his ability to go ahead and turn myself into a warden that’s right I’m now a green Warden and I’m going to go into their base like this so they can’t see me oh yeah one more thing just to make sure they can’t tell it’s me I’m going to use Beast call right now and summon a bunch of other wardens to come join join me oh my goodness look this is my Warden Army and now there’s no way they can tell which one is me now I only have like 40 or 50 Hearts right now but that’s all I need so now let’s just go ahead let’s make our way over to the base and then we’re going to summon all the wardens in there in a second let’s go above their base so that way they don’t see me let’s just go this way across the top and once we get inside all we have to do is summon all of the wardens I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m in and Beast call what’s that oh my God there’s a lot of more oh my go look at this look at this oh they’re all coming they’re all coming get them what are we doing okay just keep walking okay let’s just go in one of their chests oh they have a bunch of items here we just have to steal these from their chest and we’ll be good and while they’re busy dealing with the wardens my quest is now completed oh my God this is crazy they’re having to deal with all these wardens and they don’t even know which one’s me they have no idea which is me I’m just going to go ahead and leave and let them deal with all of Beast Boys wardens that worked extremely well but I won’t lie it did glitch out and I still have that Warden power in my inventory for some reason but I’m not going to worry about that for right now because now that we are done with that power there’s literally only one more power to unlock in the entire game and that is Raven’s black hole and once we have that the Teen Titans will be at full strength but I’m not going to lie Raven’s black hole is actually the most important ability in this entire mod and the reason for that is simple because the black hole will literally ban anyone from the server that gets sucked in so once we get this black hole done with we win anyway to unlock this black hole there’s only a few things we need to do first things first we need to get the with our powers combined advancement which we can simply get that advancement by getting all three frog lights in our inventory then we just have to Simply kill a warden and kill the villains 10 times and the black hole ability will be ours so let’s just start by killing a warden okay now let’s just go ahead and activate a few shers to get a warden to summon yep there he is okay cool okay we’re just going to trap the warden in this hole yep we got him in the hole nice now let’s just eat some food and let’s just Whack Him a bunch there we go and just like that a warden is now dead next let’s get the our power kid bind advancement done with and luckily this Quest is actually pretty easy to do as we just have to find the three variants of frogs and get them to the nether so let’s simply start by heading to a swamp and finding a frog over there I’m looking for frogs I don’t see any no wait wait I see one right there on the lily pad okay now we just got to get this frog into The Nether which shouldn’t be too too hard to do we’re just going to go ahead and build a nether portal right here real fast okay here we go this will work for a little box now let’s just get our frog to come into the nether with us come on he’s in there we go he’s stuck yes now we just got to bring a Magma Cube to our little friend here and then we’ll get the first of three frog lights okay come on little Magma Cube come on he jumps up and he’s got him come on yes and now we have the yellow Frog Light let’s go now let’s go get another frog and the next frog we’re going to go for is actually the warm frog which is the white one so I just want to start looking around these edges here to see if we can find any frogs I found white frogs now we need to get these guys into The Nether so let’s just go ahe and build a nether portal right uh here let’s light that off and let’s go through oh my god look where it spawned me this is perfect magma cubes spawn in this biome okay the box is pretty much ready to go now we just need to get a frog inside now we just going to push one of them inside get in get in get in yes oh my God I blocked them in yes let’s go get a Magma Cube there’s so many around here really shouldn’t be too hard to get them oh he’s here the Frog’s literally right here we got a bunch of mini ones break that let the Frog Out eat him yes he’s eating them and now we have the pearlescent Frog Light meaning now there’s only one Frog Light left to go okay so for the last frog I’m actually bringing these two frogs out here out into the ocean where we’re going to get them to breed the last frog we need okay there we go I’ve now clicked both of them with the slime ball so now they should want to make Tad poles which will turn into the green frogs we need okay this Tad pull just turned into a green frog now we just got to get him to the nether okay let’s actually just load up this nether portal real quick perfect we got magma cubes spawning nearby again so what we can do is just go ahead and build a little wall like this and now let’s go back through and grab those frogs he’s in we got him yes now we just cover this guy up and bring those magm up here can he make this he can yes come on buddy we’re literally right here come on little magma boys there we go and you’re eatting get eaten yes and we did it with our powers combined officially done and now we just need 10 kills on the villains so let’s go find them okay so we’re back at the villain’s base right now and I’m pretty sure they’re still in there I just saw one walking where’d he go yep there’s one I just saw him right there right there okay so now that I know the villains are still here at this base I’m actually going to fly over here to this forest and build a giant Cobble stone tower that you’ll see what I do within a minute okay this many block should do now let’s go ahead and let’s use Raven’s portals to put a portal right here and now let’s destroy the tower ready for this ready for this this is going to be crazy and now that the Cobblestone gone if we fly all the way up here you’re going to see we have a portal all the way up there in the sky and now all I need to do is put a second portal inside of the enemy base and I bet you I’ll be able to get some of them to fall through that and get some kills they didn’t fix my hole in the ceiling that’s huge let’s put the second portal in there now going to put it right there oh that did not go where I wanted see if they notice it in the sky they literally don’t see this portal I I know it’s misplaced but how do they not see this thing oh they see it they see it they see it they see it they see it I don’t know what are you guys talking about I like go touch it go touch it go touch it go touch it please looks pretty okay hold on we can use the grapple hook to shoot one of them into this watch this wait he’s here it’s him it’s him it’s him he’s there quick go inside I missed I missed I missed I missed I missed he’s not getting away from us this time wrong I got away from you he’s right over there oh yeah they’re coming in they’re coming in they’re coming in what are you doing hello why is he blocking huh there we go I’m I’m going down there I don’t care I teleport one I teleport one they’re dead they’re so dead killed one wait did they live I don’t see a death did they somehow survive that fall they survived the fall okay we need to set up another one quick okay we got another portal set up in the sky let’s go set up another thing in the base and see if we can get him to teleport I want to get a kill this way so bad I got teleported somewhere oh she did get teleported oh they’re coming here we go ready get him and Boop did one of them just teleport I think one of them just teleported again yep okay where’d he go the other one teleported this way so they should have fallen somewhere around here somehow my teleports aren’t killing them that’s so lame you know what we’re doing this the oldfashioned way let’s just start killing them oh he’s throwing you know what fine throw your sword oh my gosh no I’m yeah that’s right yeah that’s right azerath Metrion Zinthos okay that’s four kills now let’s turn to Starfire and watch as they come up we’ll get him with the lightning what what is hitting me he there that’s five I can’t even hit oh my goodness you can’t Shield it that’s right that’s six that’s seven he’s destroyed the base there we go that’s eight let’s go let’s take out this base we can just start grabbing chunks of this thing watch thisle no my my uh one down no get get that get it away from it run run from it now I have them trapped in here let’s just grab the base watch this oh we can unlock black hole and if I use black hole I’m going to ban them hold up hold up hold up time for you to die friends you ready to get banned from the server it is time for the teen tit no you can’t just you can’t leave wait they broke the beds no don’t you dare we still have our own mega bomb no great well now they got away and all because they wouldn’t just wait 2 seconds for me to explain what the black hole did anyway as I was about to say was that we’ve now unlocked our final ability black hole which is the ability we need to ban those villains from the server and finish this video but because I couldn’t say that I couldn’t summon the black hole and actually finish it so now we’re got to head back to our base and find the villains in this Omega bomb that they apparently built and then of course using each of the Teen Titans we’re going to stop that bomb and ban the villains from the server so I began looking around the world for the villains who are obviously now hiding from the Teen Titans cuz we’re so strong and they definitely knew their time was near because when I found them on day 95 they had their Omega box ready to shut down the server that’s a really cool mountain look at this no no it’s the villain the villains are here there’s a bomb right there that says Omega bomb it’s just a tower with TNT but you know what I’m not going to question it it’s time to ban the villains from the server once and for all but first let’s give them one more piece of our mind with each of our Titans starting with Robin oh oh he’s here oh my I killed one I killed one I killed now let’s go and use Robin’s burang okay yeah the burang okay oh we oh right forgot we had the grapple watch this where is he oh he just I don’t see him oh he’s right there oh got her yes there we go he’s gone oh eat some food eat some food okay that’s enough kick but his Robin now let’s turn into cyborg let’s start by using his arm Cannon he cyborg now oh yeah that trashy piece of old cyberware back to the scrap oh yeah say that now he’s coming down oh no I now we could nuke them Miss cyborg but uh I don’t want to have one heart so uh instead let’s go ahead let’s turn into Beast Boy and let’s go and let’s become a warden is that a warden again oh no no oh no go oh he’s low he’s low no got him let’s Go Beast Boy is broken what other mobs can we become for Beast Boy let’s switch into a goat oh wait no the goat only has five hearts of HP but he can do this Ram ability watch I don’t know why a goat goats aren’t really that strong oh okay okay yeah goats aren’t that strong what’ you say and now for Beast Boy let’s become Starfire time to die Starfire time I don’t have a shield oh you’re getting cooked and then you you’re not going anywhere you’re coming with me no no please that’s right this yeah you’re please please let me go please let me go say goodbye oh my God Starfire is so fun now let’s go and become Raven and now let’s go ahead let’s suffocate them with this careful careful we can’t DCH this okay you know what nope you’re a shadow now she should automatically attack the other one attack slay Jinx yes it’s our brand new Shadow ability does this I can literally control Jinx to fight Slave oh and now she’s gone she’s gone she’s gone okay and now that we’ve gone ahead and killed him a bunch with every ability there’s only one power left to use and that is Raven black hole this is definitely where we win let’s go oh maybe not maybe not now if they shrink me oh god oh Dodge the shrink ray Dodge the shrink ray oo stay close to the wall I got an idea let’s use azerath real quick to block the shrink ray no they’re all dead They’re All Dead They’re All Dead ready okay it’s time for the black hole let’s summon the black hole let’s end this oh he got sucked in he got sucked in boom they all got sucked in they’re all banned and and it’s destroying their bomb Raven’s black hole is sucking in the entire world and now the villains are done for just like that which means officially that the Teen Titans Are Victorious and these Teen Titans have officially survived 100 days in Minecraft thanks for watching

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►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as TEEN TITANS in Minecraft


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  1. Why are you using the pathetic teen titans go and not the original teen titans? Cuz the teen titans go series is an insult to the original teen titans series

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