I RETURNED HOME in Minecraft Hardcore…

nearly 3 months ago I used a pig Cannon to go to the world border and I was stranded unable to return home so I built a new base I built ways to get rare items and then I built 100 Farms waiting patiently for the day where I would find a way to get back home and ladies and gentlemen that day is today you see I’ve received hundreds of comments of people telling me to just break my bed go through an ortal and then I’ll end up back at spawn I don’t know why I didn’t think of this soon it’s just so simple I can use my blaze farm to get the blaze rods my Enderman Farm to get the ender pearls and then I’ll craft 64 Eyes of Ender which means we can now track down the stronghold oh wait on Java Edition there’s only 128 strongholds in a Minecraft world and they stop generating after 24,000 blocks that means I’d have to travel 29,9 76,000 blocks to get to one which would take pretty much the same time that it take me to get back to spawn so please stop in this idea the actual way to get home is much much more complicated because we’re going to need thousands of boats melons chunk loaders a fancy fishing rod and a pig yeah it was a pig that got me into this mess and it’ll be a pig that gets me out of it now straight off the bat I need a load of redstone components that includes observers Hoppers repeaters Pistons droppers and and so so much more for all of that I’m going to need over 10 stacks of redstone so how about we make a a bit of a challenge out of this I’m going to put a 1our timer on screen and I’ve got a try and get 10 stacks of redstone before the time runs out with the time now ticking my first portol is to find a cave hopefully this goes down oh yes it does I’m going to grab my fortune pickaxe and get busy mining already we’ve got six Redstone what a great start although this game is a dead end maybe not such a great start after all if I have to I will dig down but it does kind of keep opening up and there little deposits here and there just annoying because in a lush cave I feel like a lot of the ores get hidden by the Moss which definitely makes it trickier but already I have managed to get one stack and there’s still a decent amount of redstone knocking about this challenge looks like it’s going to be quite easy doesn’t it oh wait you thought I meant 10 stacks of redstone dust in an hour oh no no no I mean 10 stacks of redstone blocks we’ve only got 25 so far and I’m pretty sure I’ve completely explored this entire cave and popped a what are you doing sp737 fly carefully I’ll never get home if I do stuff like that will I let me grab another totem we’ve only got four left now and let me be a little bit more careful when flying around also whilst the time is sticking guys do you like a little t-shirt I’m wearing it’s quite cool isn’t it it’s a little s sp737 penguin with sunglasses and I’ve actually gone ahead and bought a fancy new printer machine to make merge for you guys just look at it go it’s really really fancy it’s really really cool and it can basically do anything and so with all that power I I chose to do this cuz I’m still learning to use it and I’m still testing out new designs all the time also once you’ve printed it you put it into this fancy draw dryer and it makes it lovely and warm to wear afterwards and it makes sure that the ink dries for you too ooh diamonds don’t get distracted SP you’re meant to be looking for Redstone so I’ll put a link in the description if you’d like to buy these little penguin t-shirts we’re in four different colors and I’ll be helping the team to print most of them out because it’s it’s it’s very very fun to do to be honest and I’m also adding an option on the product page where you can personalize it and add your name on it because I can literally print anything onto it so you can get S SP 73700 if you want or if you name something else then you’ll be able to add that you can type in whatever you want it will cost a little bit extra because it does take a little bit extra time to put the name in and make sure it’s all calibrated correctly Etc like look at this I’ve got one with d and yes I have it is by the way I’ve got one with Daniel printed on it if only I knew someone called that oh wait that’s my name I actually think that is really really cool so if you want to be one of the ogs and help me test out this fancy new printer then go ahead and grab yourself a t-shirt they’re only going to be on sale for a few weeks I think so don’t miss your opportunity in other news I have a stack and 14 of redstone blocks 10 Stacks an hour is going to be a real challenge it might be doable but I’m going to have to find a really really big cave that is absolutely full of redstone also the t-shirts on sb737 store by the way link is at the top of the description and now I have just 45 minutes left to get another 8 and 1 half stacks of redstone blocks over two stacks okay things are moving well and it’s just under 40 minutes to go it’s going to be amazing if I actually somehow pull this off cuz I almost feel like I’ve left myself with too much to do any Redstone into oh well that’s a great little boost get out of here you I’m going to waste time taking out the spiders and my only worry is I am having to spend quite a lot of time strip mining to find new caves which is okay when you find caves that are this big although when it comes to Redstone I suppose there is a little bit another spawner they’re not normally this easy to find with more Redstone well that’s a great thing a third one I I tell you what you can never find these when you want them can you but as soon as you’re not bothered they’re everywhere and right next to them is the Redstone much more excited about this I now have less than 30 minutes left and about 3 and a half stacks it’s not looking good but I might be able to pull it back if I can find one good cave I reckon I can instead I just keep finding diamonds everywhere just over 20 minutes remain and I’m at four stacks and I’m also Happ to do a massive strip mine a massive strip mine which has led to a pretty good cave complete with a redstone this is it guys this is the cave that I’ve been dreaming of it’s huge there’s Redstone don’t tell me it’s going to spawn a warden or something stupid cuz that is not a problem that I want to have to deal with I’ve spotted a shrier let’s just get rid of it then I don’t have to worry when I go to this Redstone it’s another big game I tell you what there is a chance that we do this I know my chances are slim but there is some serious serious red stone around here and if I was looking for diamonds it would be amazing I’m not really bothering with the diamonds too much but they are everywhere too now down to less than 5 minutes left and let’s be honest I have got a lot of redstone and I’ve just come across another great cave but it would seem as it is sad to say that 10 stacks of redstone blocks was maybe just a little bit too steep yep we’re into the final minute I don’t think I’ll find any more so I’ll craft up what I’ve got and we ended up with with six stacks and 19 blocks not too bad you know what that is a valiant effort in just an hour’s mining plus we got a stack and a half of diamonds which is a bonus I reckon if I hadn’t spent some of the time plugging this t-shirt we might have done it no we wouldn’t have done it anyway oh hey more Redstone but yeah I used up valuable minutes plugging the T-shirt so you should definitely go and check it out and with all the Redstone now out of the way and my haircut too I can now focus on making every single one of the needed Redstone items although for all of it I’m going to need another 21 slime balls and due to the Mob switch in my world slimes won’t spawn which means we’re going to need to get them from weak baby pandas sneezing yep that’s how we’re going to do it feels kind of evil but hey it does get results and after a couple of days of using this I’ve got more than enough I’ll be so glad when I can just use a normal slime farm again to get all of those and when I upgrade my world to 1.21 which I will do in this video I just have some things to do at my base before I’m ready to update but when I do do that I can use a new oozing potion effect to get absolutely loads of slime now as mentioned earlier to get home I am going to need melons if only last episode I’d built 100 farms and had a melon oh wait I’ve got one right here I’ve also got all these Phantoms attack me four of them well you know what it’s time to turn the tables because if I go into here they will then get trapped as they try to attack me yeah that’s right you should have stayed at home anyways 30 millons in total that I need so I’ve got more than enough you know what else I need to get back home sea pickles if only I’d got a sea pickle for oh wait I’ve got one of them two getting me loads and loads of sea pickles that I can use for the build in other news I will also need about 10 stacks of sand which I can get fairly easily by destroying this whole desert and how am I going to smelt all of this you may be wondering well it’s a good thing that last episode I also built this fancy little super smelter I’m going to use deep slate bricks for the building blocks as well as some quartz and with enough glass now smelted all I’m missing is four stacks of rails and I also need a few more powered ones but I’ve only got two gold so I reckon the quickest way for me to get more is not to go mining not to go to a Bastion but instead head up here to grab it from my gold farm and with that I now have all the needed materials to build the actual machine that will get me home to actually use it I will still need thousands of boats a fancy fishing rod and a pig but I reckon it’ll be good to at least get a few blocks down and make a start on the machine that will get me home these chests are going to be where all of the boats are going to be stored and the boats are what will give the pig it’s momentum I’ll explain it properly when the machine is in use this right here is where the boats are going to be dispensed which is why the trap door must be water loged this Redstone mainly affects the timings it’ll detect when the pig is over here and then dispense the boat accordingly plus this Hopper clock right here will decide how long the pig will gain momentum for I know it might not properly make sense right now but I will explain it when the machine is in action and you’ll fully understand it I promise and in the meantime I need to add a long Redstone line that goes 16 chunks in this direction this block is going to be where the pig will be inside a mine cart as you can see it is just into lazy junks and if you push a pig that’s in a mine cart whilst it’s in lazy chunks you can get the pig back over there and keep the mine cart in laser chunks and then that is why we’re able to use the pig to travel millions and millions of blocks this is where the melons come in because they will not be moved by the slime blocks and this part of the machine is also done the top Redstone line will make this Flying Machine push the pig over there and the bottom line of redstone will push the remaining mine cart Into the Fire which is what will release the pig and make it fly so so far and when using this machine for the client to see the pig that’s here you need to unload the chunks and come back again so whilst the player isn’t loading the chunks the game will be using chunk loaders but to achieve that I’m going to build a massive mine cart track that takes me about 20 chunks in that direction distance-wise I’m happy with this I just hope I’ve got enough rails but I’m not convinced I have nope not quite I am unfortunately going to have to fly back home to craft quite a few more although I do have 18 in a chest that’s useful if I combine some more with a bunch of sticks I think a stack and 18’s got to be enough although now I’m looking ahead I’m thinking may maybe I misjudge this and there we go the machine is built I’m going to push a hopper mine cart up against this Anvil and then using a piston I can push a block into it add back the water and now when the lava in this dispenser breaks all the boats the hopper mine cart will we pick them all up which will refill the entire system couple of extra mine carts are also needed and I’ve added four stacks and 33 items into this Hopper which determines how long the pig will gain momentum for so whilst the machine is now done there’s still quite a few things I need to get let’s begin with all of those boats right here I do have a little manual Tree Farm which it it works okay I mine away plant a new sapling and I can just keep getting wood over and over again however for me to use this and get all of the boats it would take quite a long time and then for the second option there’s my aelia leaves farm this works by me sitting here and planting down aelia trees and then I can gather up all of the leaves using shears I do get logs as the TNT blows up the tree but because I have to wait for the play to mine up leaves in between I still don’t get that many logs which means I think in order to get back home I should build a brand new tree farm one that is extremely quick and that will allow me to completely fill up the system with boats and thanks to all of these Farms plus all of these redstone blocks that I got I can get almost every single needed item to build it but I am going to need 73 sticky pistons that means I need 73 slime balls so I’m going to have to do a lot of breeding and these baby pandas are going to have to do a lot of sneezing I’ve now finished taking advantage of all the sickly children don’t say that out of context and I have all the Slime balls I need and those were definitely the hardest of the things to get everything else can either be grabbed from somewhere in this chest room out of the little super super smelter or I can craft them that is everything except for one item because I’ll also need 78 Spruce logs something I can pretty easily get from this tree if you didn’t know this tree was part of my podle and dirt farm as I can place down loads of moss and then it will get converted into puzle or dirt for me most importantly it has got me the 78 logs that I need so let’s build the final farm that I need at the world Bard and on a side note why are there sniffers everywhere how have they escaped they’re supposed to be trapped in here getting me loads of different seeds I guess I’ll have to make these walls a bit higher or something right here is the spot that it’s going to be built and this water will push the items all the way to here this hole here is going to be the storage system I’m going to have glass blocks like that so that water can push what am I doing going all over the place with these Electro anyway yes water we’ll push the items along right here we have a dispenser onto the dirt block and this is what’s going to grow the trees this system is going to have the bone meal in it and this lever is the onoff switch so as you can see these are now going crazy at these dispensers and droppers I’ve turn it off and they stop with that out of the way I can make this wall a bit taller when I say a bit taller I mean quite a lot taller actually all of this water is going to protect the wall from explosions this is where the Redstone gets a little bit more complicated as it collects all the items and is eventually going to destroy the leaves and move the logs through here you can probably see why I now needed so many of these sticky pistons and and I’m just going to keep doing this all the way up for six in total and what you see over there it’s going to be repeated on this side too they’re going to be powered by these rows of redstone dust using these slabs is how I’m going to power all those pistons and to power these ones we’re going to use a combination of glass and top slabs all of this Redstone that you see at the top here is for the TNT duping machine that will just drop it down into that water and then right there where it will break the logs that go into the chests and after I add these two pieces of redstone dust the tree farm is ready you can grow oak saplings Birch saplings and Spruce ones as you can imagine bone meal is very very important for it and this Farm has plenty in there and you remember that little tree farm that I was showing you earlier well it has a bunch of saplings in the chest so I I I’ll just use those all of the bone Mill goes into this storage right here and flicking this lever will turn the farm on as you can see up there it is producing TNT which drops and blows up and then I go through this door stand in this corner and a hold right click here it grows the trees pushes them out and notice how it destroys all the leaves for me instantly as well it’s very very good indeed and that’s why you could just grow another one because it’s strip Spruce logs the trees can still grow and as the leaves above me get destroyed I get replenished with new saplings as you can see I’ve already got loads of logs very very quickly so I’m going to grab a full stack of saplings so that I definitely don’t run out it kind of just makes it look like Herobrine’s been in this Forest doesn’t it and then I can get all of the wood that I could possibly need need from this Farm the farm was running well but it would seem I have run out of bone meal so I’ll switch it off and after not running it for very long I think we might have okay I don’t know why we’ve got a strip Spruce log in there but yes I think that should be enough for at least most of the boats that I need but I suppose I won’t know until I’ve crafted them all and put them into these chests this is also going to be really annoying inventry wise cuz I’m just not going to have the space for it and not only have I got to make sure that every single chest is filled but all these Hoppers need to have boats as well as these droppers too and so that is every single one of the chests filled up and for this to get me where I need to be the amount of boats is kind of a precise amount if I have one boat too many it could send me like 100,000 blocks too far which I don’t want so I’m adding seven extra boats to these Hoppers all the Hoppers underneath have also been filled well as the droppers so alongside a very precise amount of items in this Hopper clock I have everything I need up here to go the correct distance back home but we’re still not ready we’re going to need two chunk loaders to make it work and we’re also going to need the fishing rod once I’ve got those I’ll also need some pigs up there I already have the saddle so that’s at least something I’ve got and my idea to get a really good fishing rod is to actually go fishing you see last episode I built this fish farm the way it works is you close up this gate you walk as far forward as you can and then you use your fishing rod from there you hold right click and then you’ll automatically reel in anything you catch we literally just just then got lure two all right fantastic we’re switching out to that already I’ll be honest guys I’ve been here for some time I have managed to get a lot of loot including a mending fishing rod which I I started using it started to get his durability back but I don’t really want to spend too much more time there so I’m going to offload all of the fish related stuff that I CAU I’m breaking three and mending is good enough technically you could do this with a normal fishing rod but but since it’s such a a fancy big thing that I’m doing going home I wanted a cool Enchanted one yeah did I go about it the fastest way maybe not but it was certainly an easy way to get one I also had some SK sensors in my Ender Chest so I’m going to go like this mine them all up which means I’ve got a full durability fishing rod and so now I need to build two more chunk loaders so the farm will properly work and I need to get some pigs cuz that’s be a pig right here I feel like getting the pigs might be tricky although there is at least one there come on mate surely You’ve Got a Friend where where is he yes he has fantastic right if I can just get both of you into there then that will be fantastic leads will be using I’d have to update to 1.21 to put them in boats and then lead the boats up there that that would probably beit easier but I’ve got another way of doing it I’ll just leave you right here for a second Cedric so that I can grab some blocks to build a massive staircase next I’m going to grab little Cedric and I would carefully lay him upwards but he’s he’s so stupid come on walk around and up the stairs spend 5 minutes building it at least use it little fell right here you can go and I would give you a name little fell but we ran out of name tag so yeah you’re just Pig okay it’s not because I don’t love you as much I I yeah I just ran out of name tags in you go as well let’s break all of this and you guys can be bread there we go get me a baby and this system will allow me to breed more of them and also get one in a mine cart once I’ve got one it’s going back and forth we can flick this lever it’ll go down there and I can then push him into okay I broke it I’m sorry Cedric oh and he’s gone down no don’t die do something this B he’s going to die isn’t he I am so so sorry but at least Cedric’s still alive it look baby have a load of carrots and then I can grab him and this time I’ll make sure he doesn’t die and let’s make sure that that pig sacrifice was not forgotten and not in vain instead it’s a um yeah it’s a tasty moral my fishing rod can safely go into this chest and the only thing we need to do now before we can go back home is build two chunk loaders chunk loaders are seriously one of the simplest things to build very very quick so I’ll grab the needed materials and then the building can begin now this chunk here needs to be in entity processing chunks at all times that means it needs to be in the exact same chunk that the nether portal is in or in any one of these eight chunks that are connected to it so there’s nine chunks in total that that this could be in I’m going to do it the exact same chunk just to make it easier we’re going to have a couple of Hoppers like this and when I said it’s really simple I wasn’t joking you put a slab there you get rid of that then place the hopper Mine Cut here makes it slide to there I’ll light up this portal and record the coordinates and then I’m going to go to this portal above the nether and build a portal that will perfectly connect so looking good to me if I put this Mine Cut here it’s going to eventually go through the portal as you can see the hopper mine cart stays there and then I just Place Netherrack either side of this mine cart and as you can see it’s going to now keep coming through well it will when I place the first one down so as you can see it’s going to get broken on the the side instantly going to this Hopper and a new one is going to get replenished and dispensed over and over again so the chunk load is working nicely if I put this here I’ll be able to see that it’s working from further away because of the light as well and the chunk loader that’s going to be over here is where things will be ever so slightly different you see this Pig needs to be in lazy chunks at all times so at the end of my render distance this would be in my render distance this would be in lazy chunks where entities aren’t properly processed so if I build a chunk loader in this chunk then this chunk will be loaded properly this chunk will be loaded properly but this one and all the others kind of around this line will be lazy chunks and it happens that this one is the one that has the pig in the mine cart in does that make sense the mine cart’s got to stay in lazy trunks at all times and as far as building this is literally the exact same thing again and there we have it two working chunk loaders which means it’s done there’s nothing more I can do I am ready to go back home okay I suppose there’s one more thing that I do need to remember I cannot under any circumstances leave without buddy no you can’t stay here little fella you’ve got to come back with with me why is he looking out the window come come this way now the way I intend to get him back is by using the nether now the chunk loader should in theory mean that he’ll teleport to me because as long as the position that buddy is at is loaded yeah he should teleport now can we can we get him okay we just sent a panda through I’m just slowly getting more and more pandas in the nether anyway buddy is through and if I take him to one of the chunk loaders that he’s going to run the farm as long as he is in any one of these loaded chunks so basically anywhere along here he will teleport so I can head through you stay there body I’ll be back well actually in he it I’ll just see him back home so yeah I I I think we’re good I think it’s it’s ready to happen my Ender Chest has the needed saddle there’s a needed fishing rod there as well the correct amount of items are in this Hopper the chests are filled with every single needed boat and both chunk loaders are successfully running so I’m going to begin by making sure my render distance and simulation distance are 16 chunks and then to start the machine I very simply use this note block this is going to make a flying machine bring the pig but leave the mine cart behind and it’s going to bring the pig all the way to here here it is the flying machine there’s a pig right there might not look like it but there is now it is dispensing boats now these boats are pushing the pig okay I I’ll be honest you can’t see the pig I’ll make it so you can see the pig while these boats have been dispensed as I said this chunk is now being loaded the lazy chunk is still being loaded we can hop in this mine cart and unload the chunks on the client side so on my computer the game will still load them because the because of the chunk loaders but my client side won’t won’t have them loaded I hope that makes sense I could have done this by just flying to the world border and flying back but I thought a nice mine cart ride would be better you’ll see that very very shortly that will disappear out of render distance there we go now it is gone and I’ll be sent all the way back and now as I return over here you can see the pig he’s he’s now visible to you guys so as you can see these boats now these pigs he can’t actually to be moved okay He is building up momentum because the game still thinks he’s in a mine cart but the boats are pushing him so the game is giving him momentum all right but he’s stuck in the mine cart as soon as I destroy that mine cart that’s still moving by the way but as soon as I destroy that mine cart he will then go flying because all of that momentum will bu built up all the boats are now dispensed they’re just constantly pushing him his momentum number is going up and up and up using this note block will activate this Redstone and will destroy the mine cart that is what will send this little fell flying and I will be riding him when he does it as you know we have a saddle we’re going to put that on him now the boats are giving him sideways momentum they’re going to make him go flying that way but we also need him to go a bit upwards so that he don’t just go flying straight into the terrain he needs to fly upwards as well to do that we’re going to use the fishing rod the fishing rod is what will give him upwards momentum so I stand right here and I hook him and I’m going to do this 20 times in total so already I’ve done it three times and you’ll see when I actually hook him back in he doesn’t move because he can’t move the game thinks he’s in a mine cart but it is giving him upwards momentum I can technically do this as many times as I want and I’ll just go higher and higher I haven’t actually tested but I wonder if he could go like a million blocks high if you gave him those upwards momentum I think you could anyway that’s enough upwards momentum 20 times it’ll make him fly about 600 blocks something in the air which is is more than enough for the for the process so now I just have to wait I have to wait about 5 days for this entire process to finish basically this is constantly counting down moving this redstone block every time it moves an observer moves and once all of these observers kind of move so that they’re all in a line right here the timer finishes but because of like the the the system it takes way longer it it takes like I don’t know 50 times or something stupid so the pig is gaining momentum all this time I’ll be back in 5 days when when this is finished and I know it’s finished cuz that stupid dispenser will stop making a racket and the lava will destroy all the boats too and the Machine is now completed the lava destroyed all the boats and now the hopper Mine card is picking them all up so I’m just going to wait for every single one to go in so the system fully resets itself there we go now we jump on the pig the the game thinks that the pig is still in a mine cart all the way over there in lazy chunks but he’s not so if we go ahead and get on him pressing this note block will send a redstone line which will destroy the mine cart this pig has loads of momentum and he will go flying all that momentum will suddenly take action he’ll go flying in that direction now are you ready little fell you’re not Cedric I should done this with Cedric although there’s a chance the pig would die which we really don’t want so it is time to go home top left I put my coordinates so you can see how fast we are moving with 29 million blocks at the moment and we are going to do this in three 2 1 ready little fella let’s go this will destroy the mine cart in the distance and okay I don’t know what just happened there it was a really weird graphical glitch but we have carried on through okay and now we are traveling as you can see already we’re down to 22 million blocks 20 million blocks 18 million blocks oh it’s incredible 17 million 15 million 14 million and we actually kind of see the terrain every now and again 12 million we’re flying across I was so weird when I thought I’d gone into the fire but anyway it was just a uh a slight visual glitch we’re now at 8 million 7.3 million 6.6 million we are going home and this pig is coming with me if he survives he’s going to get his own hotel and house and everything he deserves it 4 million 3.7 million look at it it’s getting closer and closer to it 2.8 million I mean I could probably fly back at this at this point you know if I went in the nether we’re down to 2 million now less than a million 700,000 650,000 and now under 100,000 it’s 90,000 blocks 84,000 79,000 we are getting closer and closer guys it’s happening 48,000 46,000 it’s just watching it count it’s so crazy easy to see how we’ve literally just flown 29,900 th000 blocks so fast 36,9 48 I’m worried about the Zed saying we’re 272,000 away we might have a little bit of traveling we’re right now look like I don’t know what we’re above the terrain wise 355,000 oh it was so close we’ve got to 255,000 and we’re pretty much now at the point where the pigs more or less run out of momentum he’s now falling down and he is going to survive yes he Landon W how far down did you just go he went straight to the bottom from all his momentum so I’m very pleased he survived yeah there is the slight issue that we got a little bit of sideways momentum so we’ve still got 272,000 blocks in The Zed to get home I’ll try and get you home someday mate but it it may be a slight challenge I’m just impressed that we have managed to get within 200,000 blocks of home that’s good enough for me and of course if we go into The Nether suddenly we’re only 34,000 block and we’ve got buddy oh this is brilliant mate so it works the Chung loader system worked as well that’s fantastic okay buddy um you stay you stay there I’m going to break this portal in fact before I do that I’m going to send budy through then I’ll break it and from there I need to go above the Bedrock I would say it’s easily done but I I I have the ladders didn’t bring any ender pearls did I so just give me one second I’ll just have to try and track down an Enderman there we go I’ll grab an ender pearl or maybe I’ll grab two who knows you can never have too many in fact we’ve got five all together then I shall fly all the way back to where I was thankfully I wrote down the coordinates of my portal so I knew exactly where it was and with that I can place some ladders and throw the ender pearl through come on then buddy you can come through Pig I will return I don’t ever forget Buddy where are you swimming off to come here I’ve just traveled 29 million blocks on a pig and you can’t even go back through a portal yes you need to go back to the nether I’m sorry where are you trying to go I am your master please listen to me the next update has eight new wolf variants don’t think that I can’t replace you having said that if there’s anyone that’s been through thick and thing with me it is you also I’ll only be able to find this portal by looking at this video so there we go I’ve put the coordinates on I’m not going to write them down any other way when we go back for the pig that’s where I’ve got to go and this is it only 33,000 blocks stand between me and home and yeah I’ve got to kind of fly slowly to make sure that buddy can make it back well I’ve got some slightly bad news I have run out of fire with rockets and I have no paper I should have stocked better for this journey I didn’t think I have to fly all this way so I’m going to have to use these last Rockets quite well I can only fly up and down every 500 blocks otherwise buddy will not teleport so I’m going as far as I can with these remaining Rockets and the remaining 24,000 blocks are all going to have to be done on foot good thing at the very least I’ve got loads of food haven’t I I’m literally just holding a load of keys down on my keyboard with various items that I’ve got so I can go hands free and and I’ll be able to get back pretty soon thankfully there’s nothing above the nether that can kill you yep probably famous last one words I’m going to go make a cup of tea although usually something bad happens when I make a tea anyway I’m sure I’ll be fine is that Civilization I see a chicken three chickens why are there chickens everywhere I have no idea very very strange indeed but it doesn’t matter because I know that these slime blocks lead to the portals that’s the huglin farm that’s another chicken and we’re here we’ve made it 3 months in the making and I am back home and not only have I managed to get back home but I kind of have a method to get two and from the world border assuming I don’t run out of firew rockets let’s head down let’s do this all right buddy you go first hopefully it’s okay hopefully nothing bad has happened whilst I’ve been gone and here we are here we are oh my goodness everything’s just as I remember hello villagers you’ve been trapped here for so long my house everything the sub counts outdated I got to update that painting to be the later subc count we got way more subscribers it’s all here it’s all here buddy do you remember this it’s been so long Sonic the villagers the villagers head all my items the storage the obsidian it’s all here finally I can put items into the auto sorter I can grab a bunch of paper so that I’m no longer going to run out of firew rockets we’re back ladies and gentlemen we’re back and we’re back on top look at all the cool posters all my Notch apples all my diamonds my beacons years of work back in my hands buddy you can go back in your house you’re probably not going to have another adventure for another 3 years now now and boy is it great to be back I can do so many more projects again now we can get going this this is everything we needed but ladies and gentlemen as I have said a new Minecraft update has come out and we are still in 1.20.1 we need to update to 1.21 but updating will break something in my world and that something is my fancy XP farm you see the Shuler box update suppression will no longer work if you don’t know what that means you need to watch the video where I build the world’s fastest XP farm but basically these are all glitched Sher boxes and the comparators are update suppressing upate suppressing the furnaces if I go like this on a random one and I break and replace it over and over again look how fast I’m gaining XP over and over again it just keeps replenishing the XP it is such a fast one it’s the fastest possible XP XP farm in Minecraft it’s physically impossible to build a faster one and once this update once the updates it’s not going to work anymore so I have to use it as much as I can now before it’s gone I can’t use it to get the highest possible level cuz I think somebody got 100,000 levels using this method just by afking for like weeks well I’ve go way past 10,000 days and everything if I did that so I I don’t want to do that but I’d like to at least get past like I don’t know 12 13,000 levels maybe something like that I don’t know exactly how high but I’m going to use it for a few days maybe 10 days something like that and see where I end up because once I update I can’t use it other than that I don’t think there’s anything else that I want to do before before I update what are you guys doing here this is this is not open to the public but yeah I don’t think there’s anything else that I want to do before I update my world all these glitch blocks should still be preserved so right now I’m just going to focus on getting as much xp as possible and that is 12,000 levels that I’ve just surpassed I I think I’m going to go for 13,000 so guys we’ve got a situation I’ve managed to lose my world again well kind of as you can tell right now I’m I’m at my office where all of the merch gets made and before I was recording from home in my bedroom so I copied my world onto a hard drive so that I could record here because my world is over 80 gigabytes inside but my hard drive must have broke because I’ve copied it on and it’s not showing up and the exact same thing happened yesterday and I double checked this time that it definitely copied on so I don’t know what’s going on I’m running a data recovery scan to see if that works but there’s over 11 hours left so my world is okay it’s just that it’s on my PC at home which is an hour away from me right now and I don’t have time to drive back home and then record some more of it cuz I’ve got things I need to do today as well Plus I want to make sure the video gets to you on Saturday if I go back home continue recording when I can it it won’t happen so I’m going to end the episode there and then in the next video we will update to 1.21 and also reach 9,000 days which means there’ll be a new poster and I’m also going to go ahead and buy a new hard drive of Amazon 2o so I hope you enjoyed we’re back home everything’s looking good I’ve got a yellow t-shirt on go check them out on s727 store you have your name custom under there and I will’ll get busy making some T-shirts

COOL NEW T-SHIRTS – Help me test my new printer!
Penguin Chest Logo Unisex T-shirt

►STARTING OVER IN HARDCORE: https://youtu.be/XpLLUS4eI1g
please follow these thanks
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/sb_737
►Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xjFUEuFnXB
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsb737
►SB737 Merch: https://sb737.store

In this Minecraft video I survive over 8903 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Pig Cannon Design by Rythm: https://discord.com/channels/809607812312858684/1217714832090992750/1217714832090992750


  1. This is so reliving. I've been watching this series from the start when I was around 8 years old. Ever since you got stranded at the border, I couldn't be able to sleep at night. When I went to bed, the only thing in my head was "Will SB737 ever get back home????" And the day has finally come. Im so happy

  2. Is his name really Daniel I ain’t gonna lie SB I thought his name was like Sebastian or something!
    lol I can’t be the one that thought that!

  3. I need a download for your tree farm. I'd figure you could almostfully automate it by dispensing the saplings that it produces back into the player, then hooking it up straight to a skeleton spawner and converting the bones into bonemeal with crafters.

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