Stardew Valley The Namek Experience – Feasting upon a star

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty time to get back into some more STW do see I think last time we left off we got our headit list AKA our Target for present giving of Jodie I know she likes chocolate cake and diamonds and I’m pretty sure somewhere in the recesses of my great horde yes we we have the thing she probably needs SL wants sounds good to know okay so now uh we could probably continue to clear this out I do need to go shove that into the recycler to finally finish up Linus’s thing and I guess we just continue to work on our whatever it is we’re doing I know so eloquent and so mesmerizing yep there’s jod okay so I’m going to go ahead and do our typical Loop of selling things I don’t really know if I want to keep the quality fertilizer but I guess I could just for whatever I need later I’m going to leave the melons alone going to run around and collect some other [Music] stuff and then we’ll go down I’ll go ahead and check up on our chickens and I think today it’s Thursday so there’s not a lot going on I don’t believe I would be able to go into the mines to continue to work on leveling up so I could probably yeah throw away most of our things although I feel like I need to smoke most of these fish just to clear them out since I’m always struggling for any inventory space at least some of that stuff was able to be collapsed okay yeah so we do a pumpkins we’ll be able to continue to deal with that as we go yesh Al though we are very very full on everything else huh yeah totally full to the gills okay so yeah I guess we’ll try to smoke these guys while I’m still on the farm I guess I could just eat the broccoli now just to clear out the inventory yeah really do be just I am a full of crap that I don’t need SL want and there’s nothing I can really do about it huh in case I decide to do anything else with those guys let’s go ahead and Chuck our strawberry into the seed maker just to get it out of here hand is squid to down I wonder if you can smoke this thing oh my God you can for some reason in in spite of it being poisonous you can go ahead and smoke the horrifically poisonous cucumber you know whatever works I guess I’m going to let the eggs just build up in here I don’t really much care for them at the moment at least I will come and do a full sweep to pick up all the random stuff that I have but yes for now I think our priority should be okay so we got we got stuff to harvest it should be to go go down into the mines but I guess I’ll take care of some of the random uh sure things we have going on those guys are going to take a while I’m going to wait to pick up any of that stuff just for right now because once again I’m suffering from very anemic inventory space I simply love hoarding things way too much there we go nice okay so farm animals are happy and dealt with I think I might just sell some of this stuff straight up as much as I love processing The Cranberries well now I guess yeah I can stack those but the other ones I’m going to get rid of um yeah I’m going to get rid of these random seedlings that don’t really fit the bill then we’re going to start our adventure down do the mines okay yeah the gold one seed seed gold beat that thing yep still horrifically poisonous I’m glad that hasn’t changed another Mayo there we go so Le cheese and that is all stacked yeah we still need to run by the recycler sell you wait until that’s smoked to at least get that out of the way uh these guys aren’t woren anything for me smoking so I guess I’ll just keep them as is still need to do something about the winter seeds and all that oh God the infinite Troubles of chest two full I value everything when I probably shouldn’t um yeah I’ll deal with that later in the mines we will figure stuff out okay so what is our goal down in the mines uh I spent a lot of time getting copper or at least wasting copper on a whole bunch of tree tappers so I’m going to restock on some of that but then I guess also just get more gold to get more quality sprinklers so when the new season ER rolls around will be good and ready to start just using quality because I’m nowhere near ready for uh oh whatam call the Iridium sprinklers just yet I wish I was but I ain’t cuz that would help me a lot I might try to get those seeds and artifact later I will come back for you I I want to pick up as little stuff as I possibly can just for the moment so we don’t have to worry about our forever anemic inventory and there we go only 500g but you know what it’s fine lonus do be finding money from whatever Pockets he has and I’ll accept whatever he’s got okay time for some caving real quick uh i’ say if we get about CU yeah so we could probably just sell that thing uh if we’re a if we’re able to I’d say around a hundred copper would probably be good bone 100 iron would also be pretty popping but we will see what happens of it all I guess also while we’re down here we just do some more fiber farming for any potential tea tree saplings we get later on just to get more money cuz I love money I think I will once I’m done with the pumpkins uh start to focus on getting more star fruit potentially but I know I kind of want to wait for ginger Island to start any Grand expansive project on that and for that one I’ll definitely need some sprinklers I do not want to be stuck on Ginger Island just watering for days on end that is insane and not fun yeah and I guess the coal is good too never going to complain about coal oh yeah just one thing of cover [Applause] actually yeah I haven’t visited the adventures Guild in a while have I I’ve probably earned a couple of monster killing um quests and pretty straight on well we’re getting a bit more copper spawning so that’s pretty good I was starting to get worried it’s a bad luck day or something and we’re just going to be hdden the infinite dry spell oo ancient seed actually quite good we have more Ancient Ancient seed for later I was thinking about when they start to fruit I’m just going to have to shove it in the seed maker and then hope and pray it comes up in time CU it’ll probably be year three before I get a very consistent source of ancient fruit which is due to the nature of the ancient seeds I guess I can I don’t know maybe use some speed grow and stuff which would definitely help it but even then I think it only cuts it down like 2 three days or something like that so it is not the swiftest thing but it is the key to our great Empire actually I should probably also look up I know the uh smoked lava heels are an excellent way to make money now that they I guess concerned ape has changed the way fishing and smoking stuff works I’ll take an emerald but I do need to see there’s any other funny ways other than like your typical wines and stuff cuz I think wine is still primarily the best source of money either it’ be iridium quality star fruit or just a big old chunk of ancient fruit whatever it may be I shall find it also I’m not sure if I’d be able to do the statue of perfection glitch anymore I feel like that was patched out so my infinite iridium horde will probably no longer work which is a little unfortunate I did enjoy abusing that okay it just kind of tells you what people like too bad for that I already have a Wiki all right this time I’m finding a way down is uh little bit more rough has been not overly exciting collection but you know what it’s steady enough that I can’t say it’s a total wash so I guess I shouldn’t complain too much but I know people may argue I should just buy it from Clint cuz uh time invested versus uh what I’m getting right now is not the best and yeah maybe for copper I would agree but you know I wouldn’t have gotten another ancient seed if I didn’t so you know my Counterpoint to their Counterpoint but for gold I think it’s definitely best for me to go into the mines copper I would agree is uh more readily available and not terribly exciting let’s go down one more floor and then maybe maybe do a couple of iron Loops was it 45 that I usually like no it was probably 40 and I guess murder mon murdering monsters also is not a terrible idea to continue to get coal and XP got bounce oh wow we’re already full [Music] 70 copper so that gives us [Music] what not a lot that’s fine it helps us gain XP and that’s why we’re doing it straight up purchasing is good but being able to also getting the mining XP is really why I’m here still on a level 10 for everything grind and I think with the amount of winter seeds I planted in Greenhouse I should be able to get my foraging all the way up and I guess worst comes to worst I can wait until uh a book seller day and then watch The Experience books I think I value the Frozen tear a bit more than random slime oo actually this was a good floor so let’s go ahead and use this bomb just drop out for now there we go a fair trade I’d say I think I like the bat wings more than I do the Slime I know eventually I can get at the Slime Ranch but bat wings help me make uh the lightning rods and more Monster musk so I like in just a tiny bit more this floor is a little more sad at least there’s still a little bit more iron here 44 okay not terrible for how little we’ve farmed it up actually that’s pretty decent nothing over here nothing with any eyce shots that’s fine actually no let’s uh 040 and then we’ll finish up here soon because it’s getting a bit late I guess I am still hunting things for Gunther in the museum so I don’t want to totally ignore all of the uh geod random five void I’m not going to miss this floor is a little sad ain’t it h yeah it’s not even worth continuing down okay let’s run back up I guess reset the floor try to have 40 one more time yeah oh okay I see worth one of these days I will upgrade my tools and this will be broken in one, but not right now right now we on that Struggle Bus but damn yeah look at that reset all worth absolutely so that puts us at 88 so now we’ve somehow passed copper orang Jesus was bless enough all right but it’s almost midnight so we got to get out of here there we go pick up a couple wings I hear another bat but at this point I don’t care we got to get going a more forgea bles but I’m going to have to ignore them at least until I can run to the chest empty out some stuff uh while we’re running by there we go let’s just quick dump things quick dump things get some what do we have we have 55 40 okay we’re still working on that iron yeah that’ be fine uh move you guys for later I could just sell that straight up no problem did I want to smoke anything else I guess we can get rid of this well actually not let’s do a smoked spook fish to keep you I can sell that thing uh and I don’t think there is anything else I needed to do immediately so we’ll keep forging on with that sleep time all right wow actually super cucumber is the best and yet like I thought see cucumber is not even worthwhile so I guess super cucumber is another Super top tip fish to go and smoke at least I like to fool myself until I remember you know that uh e gold smoked eel is just like leagues above there we go at least the Cranberries keep us give keep giving us a consistent Harvest so we can just keep on keep it on with that all right now we can sell a bunch of stuff we produced who want fiber oh thanks lonus it’s actually very useful let’s get that XP no why stop being me okay I’m just going to switch okay so we’re officially like at of space for our current uh forgea bles I guess I have too many qualities of too many things quick stack okay so we got gold yams and regular Crystal fruit that don’t Vibe that’s fine we’ll find space and a reason for him there we go okay so I’m going to leave the rest of the field untouched cuz I don’t think there’s enough time for anything did I talk to the cat have not do another spook fish cuz why not so today is Friday we should probably go visit traveling cart lady but we also got to thin some of this stuff out okay so we can probably get rid of two and sure I guess two Cai uh not good enough what do I miss it snow yams oh I already have the crocuses right I need a regular snow yams okay I could probably Loop that again so two more snow yams and sure I guess the silver fruit that’s fine one one winter route and I do well yeah I’m not going to sell it quite yet there was some more stuff for us to get a ping pong just back and forth back and forth get that for the cows and stuff run around Copper in my hand like a lunatic it is time um very appropriate let’s go nice so we got our final finally our Dino EG is hatched so that’s all good I’m probably going to wait until I have I don’t know do I want to wait I feel like I should get a couple more chickens running around CU I do enjoy them I Ducks what a what a duck so there there there we go going to leave that one alone just for a minute because my inventory is once again just full actually yes very uh so it’ be worthwhile for me to run back I wish I had another egg maker or I guess Mach mayonnaise machine not an egg maker that’s a chicken quick stack just anything and everything I can here which is not a lot so what can we do I know I want to save you for canning pickling oh yeah I should probably change something with the ancient fruit seed I just sell that probably let’s stack those back up and yeah we’ll get some speed grow for you the crab I don’t know I’m keeping around actually I could probably just sell that the chat has loaded well that’s incredible we do him smoked crab cuz that’d be funny he’s just stuck in limbo where he couldn’t speak banished through the darklands oh yeah speaking of dark lands happy uh almost release shadow of the earth tree to everyone who’s going to be playing that my friend just got his uh package from from soft with the Mesmer statue and stuff so he’s as happy as all can get but I’m still debating on getting it myself and it’s probably going to be the next Super hype thing to have but it is quite the investment for my setup to get rolling with it that’s why I will debate it I will ponder it like the orb but in this the ring Elden of ring I haven’t visited the mushroom cave in a while I probably should there we go probably sell those things no chat box all silent wow all right we got a bunch of stuff I’m just going to sell those straight up I don’t really need them don’t need the seeds I’ll keep the funny ones around I guess let’s just keep smoking random things okay so we should visit tring cart lady probably get some more random forgeable oh yes tell you have to keep you around can’t forget that uh trees is here I guess I can put the finished copper bars away put you down here sell you God there just so much running back and forth I’m simply too productive too industrious got so many side hustles I’m hustling everywhere all right so plan is traveling cart lady see if she’s got anything interesting or funny um let’s run around see if there’s any other forgea bles we can change them into more winter seeds for later make a big hella money or use the uh not really or use the tea tree saplings just proper to make a uh permanent wall for the animals um I haven’t seen a whole lot of nothing so I don’t think I’m going to continue down that way y a whole bunch of nut okay good to know I suppose I guess I can run by the beach just to see if there is a muscle or something real quick then head back up and eventually go to the bus stop cuz today is not going to be a very Forge heavy day Lou should have probably given us a ticket now I think about it since we did the big ticket Quest all right so Granny’s coming up tomorrow uh chubs well I I don’t know about it I mean I guess I could fish at my pond CU that has a a greater chance of giving me mid quality fish but I don’t know I legitimately don’t know what I’m going to be doing with that cow well that’ be cool to get to if it’s either just a straight up animal or uh oh got a cut scene crabs what did you do [Music] Willard what to experiment the the crab homunkulus cycle everything returned back to [Music] [Music] [Music] crab wait why am I going to help I don’t want to fight these things [Music] oh my God you’re have the crab [Music] re grab cakes actually I never did check after this uh little cut scene does he actually have crab cakes if he does that actually be kind of cool well you know what it’s late enough he should be open I could probably run by the saloon here double check make sure he’s not lying all right we got some Coral which is always fun I guess I could pick these things up just to sell them oh he’s got to me forging getting that hustle oh we are absolutely full I can’t get rid of anything I guess not okay well sorry random CL uh but I got too much too many other goodies can’t be bothered all right back to I guess run by the saloon out of curiosity see if good old Gus boy does have crab cakes oh my God he does actually no meme uh well if I th a my inventory a bit I could probably buy a few crab cakes are actually pretty good speed defense 16 minutes that pretty much covers the whole day not the best but I mean it’s some yeah I forgot I got to get all these things howdy Pam I’ll uh come bother you later a the other artifact spot is gone I guess I’ll just take the seeds while I can so you don’t watch enemy or Fury stuff and you getting recommended hot Miku this feels like a cover up story now back in my day we used to lie about not watching anime until it came out that we loved anime and here in this house we St anime anime is life anime is love I put all my copper and Co away listen son there’s no shame in loving anime why your mother loves anime just as much as anyone else does it’s good for the economy this is the poor Japanese economy which is exploding I have nowhere to put this I guess here sure it’s in the way but at least it’s not taking up space in my inventory or my chests stack those guys go get more crocuses and stuff uh I guess I’m need to keep these things on the side sell the mayonnaise I’m just waiting until I can pickle these pumpkins right now I’m just on The Struggle Bus okay uh let’s run back pick up forgeable run by Gus get some crab cakes I do not want to eat the Holly I do not want to die cuz it’s yeah it’s just poisonous it is always funny the game gives you the option be like would you like to poison yourself for no reason I’ll probably just straight up sell them to whoever wants to buy them I don’t know why they would all right let’s buy I don’t know 12 cuz why not that sounds funny the you the infinite YouTube algorithm does whatever wishes so it’s either an anime or music that is the hand you are dealt with I don’t know I get recommended like poor clean videos and like blackhead removal shorts and I’m just like when in the [ __ ] was did I ever watch anything like this YouTube you are confusing me with somebody else in a CHS CU I mean I do get like crunchy roll and stuff but that’s because sometimes I click on their videos just to to see what the little snippet was about so I understand me getting anime but then the other stuff is completely wild and and totally blindsides me uh is there anything I can get rid of even if the are gold or iridium quality these guys just suck I really don’t know if I want to keep a hold of them too much longer they are very much a bother man okay you know Bo joint I’m just going to clear you out that I don’t need that bad okay um I guess we can just R it feels much later than it is much like real winter so I have this weird stresser of like oh I need to be done already but I actually don’t uh I think this is another ancient fruit waiting to come up these guys are about to fruit I don’t don’t know what you are you know what you just to be safe I’m going to wait but I guess I can Harvest you o gold quality BL a’t Dash some uh speed grow and ancient seed nice uh with this being gold I think it is just still better to be either turned into wine or pickled than fortunately I don’t think being gold doesn’t give me more in return for it uh let’s run up the north side see if there’s any other random forgea bles and stuff cuz it’s a bit too late for me to do anything oh there’s a crocus the wing huzar oh how elus are you enjoying The Frigid uh Lake oh cuz I did his like little side quest but still God look at the scene this is cold that is oh poor lius homeboy get out of there I know you have a fire but you’re going to freeze to death this ain’t the time the weather nor the place well actually missed yeah some more stuff to mulch you know now your mind me actually probably should go back and watch some more anime because there’s more funny stuff coming out soon my mind and body needs to be ready although some stuff is going to be a little difficult for me to watch uh oh there’s a crystal fruit but I am still wanting to watch dungeon meshy but I still going to watch a few other things prior to but that is on my list unfortunately we uh probably have to uh go through some questionable means to watch it because Netflix is cringe but I will one day witness the beauty of uh the greatest uh dysfunctional party going down and consuming things they kill probably just chop down these trees cuz I remembered they exist and it’s free wood and why not nature is free I can take it whenever I want who’s going to stop me good old good old payday you know I was told uh the third one is not as good as the second cuz I was hoping to also hop on the bandwagon and a hype train for it but then others let me know that like at launch it was kind of a buggy horrific mess and then it took him forever to get things stabilized and then even after that it was just okay at best so I don’t know maybe they’re just blowing smoke at their tailpipe or maybe it’s actually fun because I remember just infinite amounts of content people love the second it’s like any other game you know left for dead halflife just anything too it’s just a bang but then for some reason whenever the third one comes out Sans Halo 3 it’s like ah you you sure are a thing than for existing I guess uh yeah these couple of trees have come up I can probably chop them down as well damn unfortun to here they truly went from like one of the greatest memeable things to uh oh this game is just okay was there a Killing Floor 3 I think there is isn’t there because I remember once again people love Killing Floor 2 but then like I hear uh very little about the third one I used to watch a couple of people stream at way back in the day which I think would show its popularity a the things have finally been pickled uh actually I’ll save the star fruit for wine so these guys I could just go ahead and toss in here mayonnaise finally do up my last egg okay what can I clear out of my chests uh I don’t know can I pickle the cactus probably that’d be kind of funny oh my God he can all right cool uh other things that I have lying around that would be worth many much money I want to keep these guys just at least for now uh yeah I could probably get rid of some golden pumpkins it’s fine not going to stress it too much just to double check you know maybe shove in a random powder melon why not see how much it costs why not we’re we’re experimenting here I could look up the actual values on the wiki and minmax my uh you know returns or I could just say he you know what let’s just guess and see and then they’ll probably be a unsurprised that pickled the pumpkin is still probably the best thing I can shove in there okay we’ll do a fin a little bit of copper smelting which finally puts us probably back around 70 so then we can start to work on getting some iron back up probably have that uh tomorrow I guess we can run down to the caves but I should probably get some food so I can survive the perilous Journey yeah 10 uh good enough okay so it’s coming soon so I thought for some reason it was already out and about okay so melon jelly of course tops cauliflower but cauliflower is still good B chy just want to get you out uh what gave me the most out of here spook fish yep pretty good all right nice another day another grind set keep on keeping on with that cranberry uh nonsense do our final bit of copper here sell those guys put you down so I don’t accidentally mulch you you go talk to our cat nice and I don’t think there’s anything coming up here so we can just kind of ignore all that until it’s need to be harvested let’s go talk to our mini creatures in here all of three has my many creatures I think eight is the maximum amount of things I can have in here so I still want to have probably two dinos running around I guess two chickens two ducks and maybe two dark chickens and then I can have another coup for anything else that I want but yeah let get back on thought that Fleet fleeted my mind long ago Elden rain let’s go I saw I don’t remember the name of the streamer but what I did see um he was like on on a 50 hour stream withon and he just eventually gave up I forget what it is he died to but it wasn’t even like a major boss or anything but he just effectively slammed down his controller and just said I’m I’m a little [ __ ] boy I can’t do it anymore I’m like okay it would be fun to play that game again damn inventory full tragedy never recover I would definitely need to warm up though because I’m very much out of practice and I’m sure if I had to go fight melenia cold turkey ah she would she would whoop me something fierce okay so we’re still dealing with our overlap problems I guess I could get crocus two yam two Crystal fruit no not Crystal fruits uh snow yam there just clear out the inventory a bit more I guess I can stack the coal since I’m not doing anything that I need you for food and to expedite our adventure let’s which random box was it in there they are bombs I just get six for now uh I’ll put them over here I don’t want to accidentally blow something up that I shouldn’t okay let’s make today oh no today is Grandma’s birthday ain’t it unless I forgot about it let’s go get a diamond for uh dear old gramy and then we continue on with our exciting Journey ah more crocus yeah I don’t know if I want to spend all my money on or guess spend all my resources on making tea tree saplings to get more money or just use the tea tree saplings to build a barrier I guess it doesn’t matter if it is or isn’t I’m just going to give this to her anyway but it is that makes it easy oh granny oh we doing the George cut scene okay I’m your doctor who are you to tell me I’m your doctor yeah I do remember you’re trying to um moded up but the textures I think you said weren’t working the Caren call outs I’m assuming it either changes everyone’s dialogue to be more like a uh a [ __ ] Karen or maybe only particular characters I have to assume I don’t know could be either or man I hate it when the music just there we go the music just dies down I’m like just running in silence all right two the mines probably try to get some gold hold up this thing got to die first God you Shadow Demons spawn of Satan come they hurt a lot but today should be a pretty good haul and get us to the next level if not super super close I imagine I’ve been going at it for a while got to get there soon [Music] yeah the Shadow Demon I just do love my uh approach that is just start swinging and don’t stop ouch there we go uhhuh yeah I don’t know it has to do with the Karen cuz if it’s any dudes acting [ __ ] then should be the Kevin call out since I think that’s the uh the male equivalent of being a Karen is just you’re being a Kevin which I don’t know that many people named Kevin at all so I don’t know how true that is [Music] nice well there’s a very unexciting floor here did I really never get the call I must have been in a rush I I swear I should have been able to get that uh I feel like it’s good enough nice get caught up in the blast and then easy so many things get better at pairing those guys stop running away and just die I don’t care if you want to Live just die already being an inconvenience to me by being alive there we go okay now I can finally mine my golden piece a male care yep simple ass don’t got to make it difficult an ass is an ass no matter who’s controlling it um I do want to keep the clay as silly as that sounds so I guess rip to the fiber yeah sure why not you’re easy to kill a rip iron the one piece of [Music] iron this is in the way so I have to do that demon I banish you oh got another one demon I banish you again oh the slimes are ganking me got to some berries here real quick before I get Molly whopped into non-existence how dare you that’s rude okay I think I want the copper bar a little bit more than I do the quartz I am curious to see what’s inside but with me having no inventory space I don’t want to keep just randomly picking and choosing what to delete Lord take it or leave it to be [Applause] honest cool so we got our way down and another bomb nice come on sometimes I do hate it when you aren’t oriented correctly but you keep swinging your mouse and then it just stun locks you in your own animation you’re like no please God turn around I’m going to die do not do this to me no do Vibe with the cave sound C though how stressful it is this is very jamming that’d be pretty good forage XP actually what would I be willing to sacrifice I guess the stones can always get more rock and for two mushrooms I’ll take it cool really symbolize I’m just hoping I don’t find any more random Gems or anything or otherwise I’ll have to throw away the topaz I even just pickled a bunch of stuff how is that I’m already full what am I full of just random crap yeah I guess so and I’m can’t wait until spring cleaning so I can thin out my inventory but I will probably go and visit Robin soon so that I can extend my house and have more places to either put more chests or just get upgraded chests I don’t want to start the whole thing over so let’s go back to 90 here we’ll try to okay never mind the floor didn’t let me speedrun anything I just said no next one I’m getting a bit hurt but I think I still should be okay need to be able to run away and eat somebody oh that’s not what I wanted okay I’m glad that got hit with the back of the Swing get B you need to get God first slime next oo [Music] stressful the Soviet Afghan war listen dystopia is a Vibe uh so around I don’t know 140 that’ be very late probably 12:40 that clock is not the the best drawn I have to guess yeah you’d pass out at 140 so I probably has to be around 1240 oh my God he’s so angry stop that de he a funny red shirt too bad I don’t really need it cuz I like my drip the mean style then the mean swag is too strong well we’re almost at 70 gold I’d be pretty happy if we were able to reach that before the end of the day Jesus those guys give me heart palpitations all right just be safe about it eat a couple berries oh a gold bar all right well sorry topaz I can’t say no just a straight of gold a ink there’s so many things that I want and I just can’t have I guess the amethyst I could get rid of as much as I like collecting amethysts for gifts and stuff it is the least exciting thing I guess the magma yeah okay sure you’re tearing me apart with all this decision making I don’t like it I like to fight these guys the most they don’t do anything just going to slowly walk at you and then die stard Do’s combat system that’s really the best case scenario nice all right no other resources or nothing it’s 11 so I guess we’ll have to call the fun here here it’s the random cocut I should probably get that before sleeping because I think the resets tomorrow being a new week and all that um I will sell these guys and I guess get some gold on the Fire stack anything nope cool so that was a fair chunk of stuff actually um but I think yeah we’re still working working on getting you getting you stack whatever I can I thought I had purple mushrooms somewhere but I guess not I got more gold ones in here H yeah we’ll see because I forget if I had pulled them out yet or not okay I I could actually keep them and get a stack of five Goldies shove that in somewhere gu put the four regular ones here okay so that thins that out a little yeah switch that if need be again I don’t know what to do with all of you my life is in shambles there we go random explosive ordinance uh let’s get an egg may all right I guess best time to keep ah thought I could hit it right before I got to 12 I thought I’d s the more stiff but I guess not so yeah before the year is over we’ll need to hit up Robin to get like three four maybe even five stacks of wood as insane insane as that sounds it’s hardwood okay but yeah having a a lot of wood will make construction and stuff easier down the line you know what actually let’s go deal with our farm animals and thin out some of our geodes yeah still got eggs inside the house that’s fine how are we doing inside our little shed oh very well all right I guess we’re making a quick pit stop here we going to be replanting some uh pumpkins surely I got to be getting close to uh getting forging up because I’m pretty sure this all counts towards that random crocus yeah and we got strawberries and stuff okay definitely need to make a quick pit stop sorry cows and pig and goat I will come back for you in a minute got a quick stack some stuff cool all right so we still got the problem of too many win and not enough to do with it um I guess I can just take geod and pop them take these guys and pop them that makes me put you back yeah that should be fine put away the gold oh God what else can we do uh Omni geodes I think I’m going to keep those for later for trading yeah that should be fine everything else in here looks okay enough I guess sure we’ll say yeah any random geod or anything in here don’t believe so oh I could have pickled you instead yeah I probably shouldn’t have anything in there nothing to crack open in here a man everything’s a mess and I don’t think there’s anything in here either okay yeah so we’ll crack open the Frozen those and the Mystery [Music] ones oh I had some Squid Ink here okay uh it’ll probably be a while so we can put that back just put you back need to crack that need to take God knows how many of these pumpkins oops yeah keep you there run it back oh yeah we need to visit traving card lady don’t we it is Sunday oh we never went back for the crocus I I said the words out loud it’s like hey let’s go back for the crocus and uh immediately for gold funny how that works doesn’t it so I don’t even know if this is going to be enough this might literally just barely be enough to cover what I had picked up nope not even okay well sometimes it be like that you know I think I’m just going to sell the potatoes or remember the price for them was not very good in pickling them so unless I made vodka out of them which I don’t have enough kegs for all of that I do not believe I will all right so let’s get the cheese cheesing go get the geod popping and oh yeah trailing C lady I guess before all that but let’s clear out the inventory a bit what else can we do oh mushroom oh man more things to pick up but their inventory is full yeah we got to full clear it out before we uh Comm to anything here mush yeah we’ll keep the other ones for now you keep the other ones that seems fine enough H egg what you mean all right well I guess we got to get rid of this one Crystal fruit so let’s just do that the extreme measure oh one thing inconveniences me kill everything okay so that’s all that there we just open you up strawberries go there I don’t know what to do with you don’t know what to do with you need to sell you crack open all of those okay mayones let’s drink some poofy go to travel car lady we’re moving we grooving we moving we’ll pick those up later fine okay yeah so we got to Du a quick lap around the house just around the Barnard get what we need to get done I’m still trying to find muscles for this guy and eventually I will catch a midnight carp I know he’s begging for stuff and asking but I am currently unable to uh do the that for our friend he jelly Pathways okay well aside the shrimp cocktail for fishing I do not believe anything else is useful so let’s go ahead and go get our geod popped and I guess other mystery things cuz those mystery boxes really do be like concerned AE should have never put him in it got my gacha brain Lottery spinning dopamine receptors absolutely fried and fizzled it’s like oh I can either get a minor Street or rocks sounds a good odds to me I’m tired of you throbin I see you deal you later Clint my boy it is time to work actually will take the clay so H the old pattern is no longer repeatable and I forget what I need it for very [Music] pretty and I’ll crack a few of these before my inventory’s I actually don’t care for the shirt okay tell what them bombs oie more Opie uh seeds and this last thing probably because it’s y to do actually Deluxe speed grow I want to get more um oh whatam want call it so I could probably sell these guys yeah when I get more ancient seeds I can go ahead and put the deluxe speed grow just to speed all that up what the the Box had more boxes into boys the game plays itself the lottery continues all right very funny very [Music] funny greetings have my thing that is all I can give farewell uh as much as I want to run by the beach I kind actually do want to go to the desert cuz it’s been a hot minute since we’ve been back so I might be able to put some more Tree tappers on and collect up some stuff that has come out of the fully built one yep there they are or at least a couple of them it seems it would be nice to fully uh empty them out of my inventory but seems like nature is taking its time that’s fine you will get there when it gets there uh yes I do have my hoe excellent oh Gunther I have another thing to give to you [Music] uh another tree perhaps yes there we go okay maybe it’s not the perfect distribution of things that I wanted but that is good enough it helps clear out my inventory so I makes me happy enough as is hey more butterflies all right to pay it’s been time for us to go back this was a quick little pit stop go back to Gunther real quick as much as I hate running back and forth while I still have this random thing I should probably give it up I have found this Priceless artifact made of pure solid gold but I’m sure you’ll buy it off of me for like 100 G’s right I wish it was 100 Grand but it’s just 100 gold all right run back to the house clear out some of this crap uh do I want as cargo I don’t know if oh it’s actually plus two fishing I was going to say do I really need it but that’s not terrible sell these random seeds that I don’t really need this SL care for quick stack yep quick stack okay quick stack oh quick stack again the absolute state of my farm a continuous mess I don’t even know what to do with this thing I wish I had a mannequin or something oh no I do not wish to sleep not yet sleep is for the week and I’m strong very strong uh yeah still need to collect up those guys but I remember we had some random uh pine tar down here yeah we do then I think stack of five more [Music] rails guess finally get these guys picked up um what else can we do with ourselves before the day is over some more gold uh I thought I had a lot more gold but I guess not once again the problem of Crystal fruit so I guess more seed making I’m going to have so many winter seeds I should you probably thin out that box pretty well here coming soon um I can I guess put that into no I can’t put it into the greenhouse cuz we just replanted a bunch of pumpkins didn’t we well ain’t that just a thing man really can’t thin out or do anything with anything huh there okay so I have another shirt okay so I could just get rid of that one sorry for the uh mystery shirt and enthusiasts I don’t really need it um not a lot of time but you know what we’re still on that grind let’s go back down to the mines why not six bombs should be plenty oh food veggie medley will carry the day if I need to quick heal yeah we’re probably not going to be there too long so let’s go ahead actually check out the Quarry has anything uh has some coal some cap some over here some Forge spots I guess I could just eat that if need be ah actually don’t yeah as much as I love having random crap this is a bit too much random crap this now burdens me with too much too many choices oh my God what are these floor louts random slime you have no reason to die but I choose violence must be a rather unfortunate luck days because I do not see a single or yet okay but it gives me instant ladders though so I guess I have to appreciate that oh God as much as I appreciate the ladders they’re also getting in my way of murder that’s not what I want I didn’t want to actually get rid of it all right little bat come on ah the dwarf and scroll instantly to the trash and a home bunch of nothing okay we’ll reset the floor or maybe we can actually uh head down to floor 90 again the INF Horrors that await me on this floor get some more gold while we’re at it’s very quiet I don’t like that means usually either a crab or something else is going to sneak up on me or nothing I guess the option of nothing is also not exactly uh hated you know what we need the XP I’ll stay and fight the bats they’re all coming from weird angles I’m not appreciative of that fact so riveting isn’t it just sitting waiting how many of you are going to come okay that’s the last one oh come on there we go no no more I fought too many of you already I am bored of your enemy type I guess I could be tantalized oh yeah that’s good enough already had some iron on [Applause] it well actually I can get rid of the random slime I’ll take some solar Essence I like that more than random slime really wish I would have just given me an easy ladder down but I guess I ask for too much it’s either suffering or success there is no easy Road between speaking of H goodbye random winter roof I like geod more than I do that an easy spawn I’ll try to gank you one of these days I’ll level up ah no Shadow Essence I’m I’m too too tired to try to micromanage my limited inventory two Shadow Essence will not break the bank oh we got some gold though that was a nice little Hefty stack there well for Diamond I suppose I could micromanage my inventory that was the sound of a crab all right quartz goodbye another crab well say less the angry red eyes means he means business oh my God there’s so many bats frantic Furious clicking go [Applause] cool w we got a fair chunk of bat wings on that run so definitely got more than enough for a uh monster musk but it’s almost midnight I supp you should run back home as fun as this was I should probably call it uh yeah I think my inventory is a bit too full I don’t think I can shove in another gold or anything as until I uh sort my inventory here get back 10 of you two of you put the bombs away I think we netted one bomb somehow I think I was trying to save those guys for later but simply cannot be be bothered I do not have a random Crystal fruit a tragedy it must die and become seeds actually all in all that was pretty good I wish I knew how far along the level up Trek I was but I’m doing I think pretty well I’ll and all our chest is looking mighty full I hate that the the gohost copper gold iridium and iron I wish that would switch that’s weird on like that uh but it is what it is I suppose all right going to finally call it here this has a good little stretch of time we still got what six more days before the end of the year so it’s still possible hey book seller I’m curious to okay so it was just normal mushrooms I didn’t need to give the gold ones I could have probably just sold the gold that’s fine you know 11 learn yes I’m still working on the level UPS I must be getting close to them I picked up so much foraging we’ve been mining and fighting for forever now and fishing will happen when fishing happens but all righty folks I think that’s going to do it here I thank you all so much for watching and giving me your time and eyes on this fun little uh straw de Journey I’ll be back again next week either with a Hades more straw do or something else all depending maybe I can be MD and convinced to uh spend an unwise amount of money to go play Elden ring but uh we’ll just see how explosive the uh turnout is for that game which I’m assuming vary which also makes me kind of not want to try to do it cuz if everyone else is doing the same thing uh everyone’s attention will be fought for and I want everyone to enjoy their time you know not uh needing to feel like there’s a sense of fomo just to be like oh I I want to see him fight this really tough boss and get really angry and break his controller stuff like that so you know maybe in the future I will but for now I think that’s going to do it so I thank you all so much for watching feel free to check out the links in the description below for both my Twitter and my Discord uh I’ve been a little bit inactive on there but You’ been busy with Destiny things and uh if you miss me for some reason you can feel free to check out any other past streams and videos I’ve done uh speaking of Destiny did a bunch of streaming with a campaign for that so get to see me suffer and be mildly either good or terrible at a first person shooter you know a different departure from the straw do life but I’ll be back again next week with whatever it is that I play it will be having a grand old time so I hope you’re all doing well staying cool staying warm staying hydrated all the good stuff and yeah I’ll be back again next week so thank you all so much until then bye-bye

Howdy, after a long long time of playing the challenge run I finally updated the game to 1.6 and plan on checking out all the cool new things. Watch along to see this farm go from humble start to whatever degenerate state we find it in.

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