The Best Terraria Mods That Are Actually Worth Playing 2024

have you ever wished that there was a place where you could find all of the current best mods for Terraria that aren’t just dumb shortlived memes or barely finished pipe dreams but truly really good mods that are actually worth the time to play well that’s what I’m here to do today with this video I went through t-mod loaders Steam Workshop page and found what I believe to be some of the best mods that would actually be worth the time everything that I talk about today in this video will be linked down in the description for you to check out quick disclaimer every mod that I talk about today in this video are in no type of order now let’s get started started with this video Calamity The Godfather of all Terraria mods this is the most popular mod Calamity adds 27 bosses during all points of progression over 700 different weapons one new class and tons of different tweaks to the vanilla game making it better to play I myself already have a few videos playing this mod because honestly it’s one of my favorites once you have played through the mod at least once your next playthrough is going to have to be with some of calamity’s add-on mods like infernum catalyst hunt of the old gods last but not least the wrath of Gods each of these add-ons brings new and popular bosses and features that complement the Calamity mod in their own way thorium is a big content adding mod that currently adds 11 bosses spread throughout the progression of the game it also adds in three new types of classes such as the thrower class healer class and presumably one of the most popular of them all being The Bard class where you use musical instruments As Weapons thorium also has a Calamity compatibility mode mode if you’re trying to make your game completely filled to the brim with game-changing content startup River has most recently been a very popular and new content mod honestly simply due to its unique new bosses and breathtaking visuals however it’s still fairly new and is currently released as an open Alpha where the developers are looking for a lot of feedback to improve upon the mod I’d say if you’ve played some of the bigger content mods and just want a little something different you should definitely give this one a try Fargo’s mutant mod along with its add-on Fargo Souls mod are two mods that add an almost impossible difficulty tons of crazy visually pleasing bosses and just plain absurd accessories that make you literally Invincible this mod also adds in 15 bosses that you’ll have to farm to gain enchantments which when you get all of them in whichever respective theme can be crafted into crazy complicated accessories which you’ll need in order to beat the final boss Fargo himself the spirit mod in my opinion is the content adding mod that looks most like it was made by Rel logic themselves as a DLC this mod adds in a quest system eight bosses three new world events and a unique weapon enchantment system in my own opinion people should be making more videos about this just due to the fact that there are a ton of new and unique [Music] features now if you like anime and Terraria this is a mod that you definitely want to try the stars above mod adds in two main NPCs that when you choose either one of them guide you through the mod and teach you just how to progress on top of that there are nine new bosses added with their own unique Ai and cut scenes along with that this mod also adds in 24 passive abilities like perks that you unlock as you play and to top it all off there are sub worlds that can be explored for rare materials and accessories maybe you like more of a story when you play these games if that’s the case you’ll probably like the mod of redemption this mod adds a lot when it comes to content and lore there are newly generated buildings and one of them being called the laboratory it also adds 11 bosses and over 1,000 new items they’re also plan on adding a new class called the ritualist the mod claims to be in beta but already feels like it has a ton of interesting features making it feel like it’s pretty much a full release homework journey is a smaller mod adding in a total of 12 bosses with the majority being post Moon Lord 113 new NPCs and over 800 items now the mod is not finished but a my own opinion it does have a lot of interesting bosses that look fun to add to an existing mod pack that you’re already [Music] playing last but definitely not least for the content mods is the spooky mod this is obviously Halloween theme with a lot of unique items bosses and biomes there are four new biomes added along with six new bosses that are spawn within the respective biome or structure this mod is without a doubt best to be played during Halloween for this next category I will show you the mods that I think are some of the best quality of Life mods to add to all of your playthroughs quality of Terraria is my go-to Quality of Life mod this adds a ton of features such as non-consumable boss summons instant NPC housing and wads that Can Build Destroy paint and place walls and that’s just a few small examples not only that this mod also allows you to completely configure the mod to your liking now I know that I’ve already talked about the Faro mod so I’ll keep this one short and sweet Fargo mutant mod is arguably one of the most popular Quality of Life mods with its instant elevator instant and PC housing infinite Buffs ammo and more this is interchangeable with the previous mod Auto TR is very self-explanatory if there’s an item that you never want to pick up again you can put that item in the filter box and whenever you pick it up it goes straight into the trash I myself basically have this mod permanently on friendly NPCs don’t die mod well the NPCs can’t die [Music] next or excavator is another mod that I will more than likely never play without now you’ve probably heard it being called ban mining well instead of breaking each individual block of ore once you break one any other of that same ore that is placed next to it will break two making mining go a lot faster magic storage is an easy way to keep all of your items organized the storage system comes with a search bar item filter and compressed crafting stations this mod also adds a Wireless Storage interface and crafting interface so that you can access your storage system from anywhere in the [Music] world recipe browser is a mod that allows you to search for specific items in order to see its crafting recipe and what crafting station is needed to make it you can also see what an item is used for if it’s a material or what enemy drops what [Music] item Alchemist NPC mod adds in seven new NPCs that all sell useful items that can help eliminate the grinding parts of Terraria but most importantly it adds in an NPC that sells all of the buff [Music] potions no more items stuck in blocks you know I love terar moders sometimes just cuz there’s no way you don’t know what this mod does these next mods are all about making your game look completely new lights and shadows adds light streaks and glows from the Sun and any other light sources in game during the night it also enhances [Music] Shadows atmospheric torches add a little bit of a flicker from torches improved movement visuals makes your character’s head follow the direction of wherever your curse is at this adds a small little bit of detail to to the [Music] game Terraria ambient adds a nice ambient noise to the game from a simple bird chirping to different footsteps based on the sound of what type of block you’re walking on here Give a listen [Music] realistic Sky gives the sky an amazing amount of detail you’ll see more blues and orange Hues galaxies and light changes the high that you get into the atmosphere these next Mods make a small tweak to the game that I personally love High FPS allows you to increase your frame rate in game without having the game speed up to me this makes the game look a lot [Music] smoother boss checklist shows you all bosses events and mini bosses that you’ve defeated or not it can also tell you in what order you should be taking these bosses on there’s also a little book in the bottom right hand corner and when you open it up you you can learn a lot about whichever boss that you want boss cursor adds a cursor that is constantly pointing at the boss that you’re fighting allowing you to be better prepared for attacks census Town NPC checklist is a mod that shows you all of the possible NPCs that you can get in your world and tells you whether or not you have them the mod will also tell you what you need to do to unlock the NPC you don’t currently have it’s a pretty helpful mod better Zoom allows you to go past the limits of your regular zoom in and zoom out you can get a real close view of your character angler shop adds a shop to the angler NPC so you can buy items that you would typically have to fish [Music] for imk sushi mod also known as token mod adds drops that can be used in crafting that can assist in reducing the grind of Terraria all of the tokens scale along with you as you play and there’s even a token that let you swap boss drops now it’s always good to try something new so these next mods I’m confident that you haven’t heard of at least [Music] one weapon enchantments adds a ton of unique and interchangeable enchantments for your weapons armor and accessories I think there’s a ton of potential for new and interesting videos with this mod just in general a lot of fun jokio is a mod that is highly influenced by a game franchise called toow I’m probably pronouncing that wrong but it’s a bullet hell game this mod adds 21 new bosses a new biome and one NPC I believe that this would do really well as an addition to a big mod pack the story of the Red Cloud is a huge content mod with its own custom world based off of the popular game Dark Souls the story of Red Cloud adds in 27 new bosses eight NPCs more than 800 unique items and Dark Souls mechanics apache’s classes reborn adds in a new way to look at classes in Terraria with currently six new classes this mod also adds in Daily Quest that can be completed for rewards and a Rog likee system that lets you use runes to unlock small permanent and scalable Buffs for your [Music] character expanded Terraria is a tiny mod that builds into the vanilla game by adding new weapons armor NPCs and more as of right now the majority of the changes in the mod only affect the early game but it’s currently in the works to add more for the late [Music] game foldering is a UI mod that allows you to have folders in your character and World menu this is perfect for people who just like to stay organized and neat or if you’re a YouTuber and you just don’t want to mix up your worlds to end off this mod list we have one of my favorite mods that I found called lunar veil by the way I streamed this not too long ago link is down in the description if you want to check it out lunar Veil is a huge content adding mod that includes a massive change to World Generation over 1,000 new items four new main NPCs a complete soundtrack and a ton of bosses that are throughout the entire game of progression that is my mod list of the most entertaining useful and just simply worth your time mods I know that there’s basically an infinite amount of mods that are constantly coming out every single day so I just wanted to give you a solid list that you can’t go wrong with now if you believe that I missed a mod write it down in the comments and let everybody know now I hope you found this useful and hopefully learned about a new mod today if you did please click the Subscribe button down below I make a ton of Terraria videos that you probably would like well that’s it for this one good night [Music]

I made a list of all of the best mods that are complete or feel complete and are worth your time to play in 2024. I tried to keep each mod short and descriptive as to not waste your time. Feel free to search through the video/description and find a mod that you’re interested and click directly to it. I hope this video has been helpful! Subscribe!

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0:31 Calamity:
1:09 Thorium:
1:35 Starlight River:
1:59 Fargo’s Mutant/Souls:
2:27 Spirit Mod:
2:50 The Stars Above:
3:18 Mod of Redemption (BETA):
3:46 Homeward Journey:
4:06 Spooky Mod:

✨Quality of Life Mods✨
4:33 Quality of Terraria:
5:13 Auto Trash:
5:29 Friendly NPCs Don’t Die:
5:39 Ore Excavator:
5:59 Magic Storage:
6:16 Recipe Browser & Magic Storage Support:
6:31 AlchemistNPC Lite:
6:46 No More Items Stuck in Blocks:

✨Visually Pleasing Mods✨
7:01 Lights and Shadows:
7:12 Atmospheric Torches:
7:19 Improved Movement Visuals:
7:31 Terraria Ambiance:
8:18 Realistic Sky:

✨Smaller Mods✨
8:35 High FPS Support:
8:46 Boss Checklist:
9:02 Boss Cursor:
9:12 Census Town NPC Checklist:
9:27 Better Zoom:
9:40 Angler Shop:
9:51 imkSushi’s Mod/Tokens:

✨Unheard of Mods✨
10:12 Weapon Enchantments:
10:27 Gensokyo:
10:45 The Story of Red Cloud:
11:04 Apacchii’s Classes: Reborn:
11:23 Expanded Terraria:
11:39 Foldering:
11:53 Lunar Veil:

🔴 Lunar Veil Stream 🔴

00:00 Intro
00:31 Big Content Mods
04:33 Quality of Life Mods
07:01 Visually Pleasing Mods
08:35 Smaller Mods
10:12 Unheard of Mods
12:17 Outro


  1. Really interesting and helpful video I really had no clue what other good mods I could play after calamity Infernum so this helped a lot and another thing that helped is all the Quality of life mods that you mentioned didnt know like half of them 😅

  2. Ok how does this not have more view, i thought you were a big channel but man, you only have 714 subs ? Thats criminal, time to make it 715!

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