Destroying a Trial Chamber for Blocks! ▫ Minecraft 1.21 Survival Guide S3 [Ep.98]

hello everyone my name is pixel Rifts and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you’re all having a good day in the previous episode you may remember right at the end we were able to acquire the mace and I don’t know if we’re actually going to use it today because I still want to focus on trial Chambers for a little bit longer we abandoned that last trial chamber after having got the heavy cord just because I was so keen on getting this thing home and using it but I think what we’re going to do is tuck the mace away in my Ender Chest where it’ll be nice and safe and we can enchant it with Unbreaking and mending later to make sure that we have a mace we can use we’re going to return to that trial chamber and we’re going to unlock a few more ominous vaults because I’m hoping for some enchantments that we can use on the mace that will make it even more effective as we get into it while I’m back here at my base I’m going to take the opportunity to drop off all of this paper and iron and the various bits and pieces I’ve got on me we’re going to fly back through the nether to the portal that’s going to take me to the Savannah Village from there we will head back to the trial chamber and today we’re going to tear the whole thing down now as you’ll remember from the previous episode we are going through this trial chamber systematically blocking off the trial spawners and trying to open up the ominous vaults that are going to get us some special items we might use some of our trial Keys here as well doesn’t really matter to me either way now that we’ve acquired the heavy core and gotten a hold of the mace but I want to see how many blocks are in some of these trial Chambers especially an example like this one a lot of people are going to want to come here to get hold of a lot of resources like copper which which is often a bit of a pain to get a hold of in larger quantities if you want to use it for building they’ve also added blocks like these copper grates and the chiseled copper blocks along with the copper bulb to these structures there’s the chiseled copper I want to get hold of a bunch of those and while it’s obviously possible to craft them since we have access to copper and the stone cutter I think it’s going to be kind of fun to see how many blocks are in here and see how much copper we can avoid making ourselves because it’s available to us in structures like this the first task of course after returning to the ominous vault that gave us our heavy core is to continue exploring and I think here might actually be where we run into a problem with the generation of this trial chamber because I think right here it’s butting up against some of the chunks that I had already generated before this and areas where I hadn’t deleted chunks for the world to reload them so I think that wall there is a cut off point where a chunk boundary has occurred yeah you can see it in the yellow lines right there and that’s unfortunately going to be where this trial chamber finishes generating so we won’t find too much going on behind the walls over here and we won’t find a great deal over there either but we’ve got a spawner up there that we can probably block off if we can find which way the entrance is I think it’s right here so if we block this off right there that should prevent this spawner from getting line of sight to us we can even open this barrel and see what’s inside there’s another spawner right here that looks like it’s probably cave spiders perhaps or possibly even regular spiders there is a decorated pot there but we can block that off like so and now we have three rain in this area there’s also another spawner directly above and I don’t think there’s going to be another doorway up there doesn’t look like there is they’re usually ringed in Copper but blocking off the spawners like this is going to be essential for us to avoid combat if we want to tear this entire thing down which I’m going to do on a live stream because every Tuesday on my twitch Channel I like to harvest resources whether it’s chopping wood or digging stone or whatever other resources we might need and today I’ve singled out this trial chamber in order to chop the entire thing down or at least as much of it as we can in a stream and see how many resources We Come Away with now these zigzag rooms are probably going to be the hardest ones to prevent spawners from spawning anything but I’m wondering if perhaps if we play our cards right here we can get up a little closer we can place a block against the trial spawner like that and we’ll attempt to do that on all four sides question is can I hop up onto this block I can and the spawner still hasn’t seen me so if we break that mushroom place a block there we will dig our way around to this side and if we place a block on this side and above that that’s going to be the tricky one but maybe if we place a couple of blocks over the top there now I should be able to walk around this and the spawner is not activating because the thing is completely encased in stone and it can’t see me so that’s a really helpful trick for avoiding combat like this especially if you’re concerned about mobs like the bogged who will shoot poison arrows at you I’m going to assume that the next layer does have a bogged spawner as well so we’re going to hop up here and I’m actually going to activate this one so that you can see the bogged in action we have not encountered them yet and there you go they they fire poison arrows the effect only lasts a couple of seconds and then they take a few seconds to line up their next shot so you’ll often find that you’re waiting around for longer than you do with skeletons before they fire their next shot naturally like Strays dropping slowness arrows the bogs are going to drop poison arrows as well and they’ll spawn about as frequently from these trial spawners as the regular skeletons do but once again they are affected by Smite so if I switch to my Smite x wait for a bog to spawn in we should be able to onot it immediately there we go and as long as your reflex are good and your reaction time is fast you should be able to take out the bog very easily with a Smite weapon now it’s on cool down and we’ve received the rewards we can just block that thing off and not have to worry about it finally we have two more trial spawners up here and I think we should be able to block off two sides of that one and probably two sides of this one but the remaining faces are going to be a little bit difficult to achieve without activating it let’s see how far we get we can grab one from there oh if we’re sneaking we can actually get one there as well so that’s blocked off three of the five faces that we need we’ll dig around here to place another block there we’ll dig around on the other side of this as well to place a block around there block off the top of that one and block off the top of this one too and we’ve managed to avoid contact with the bogged in all but one very deliberate occasion and all of the trial spawners in this chamber should now be blocked off now let’s see what this ominous trial key will get us and I want to debunk a misconception that is happening in the comments on these videos because some folks seem to think that this works a little bit like a slot machine well unfortunately I don’t think that’s the case because I used this when some diamonds were there and instead we got the music disc we didn’t get any diamonds at all during that process but we did get a copy of Creator which is one of the other pieces of loot I was really hoping for for another example let’s try that down here looks like this is cycling through wind charges a honey bottle it’s probably going to show us maybe an ominous bottle in here let’s try for the ominous bottle since that just showed up no we got poison arrows it actually changes the Sprite to the item it’s going to be spitting out next once you’ve put the key in but if I try very specifically to get the music disc out of this one nope it’s just going to show me poison arrows after that you see what do we get oh we got a sharpness book from that okay interesting so as I was saying don’t be fooled by the fact that sometimes you get what you want out of these it’s nothing to do with what the item is showing when you put the key in it will simply show you the next item to pop out once you’ve added the key so hopefully that’s cleared up that misconception Now we move on to the real task for this video and the task that’s going to be performed on the live stream we’re going to tear down as much as we can of this trial chamber collect all of the supplies collect all of the pots collect all of the copper and the new blocks but of course we are going to leave the vaults and trial spawners behind because they are unbreakable even with silk touch you cannot move them they’re similar to mob spawners they will take longer to break and if they break they will leave you with nothing you won’t be able to collect them in survival You’re simply expected to leave them there but I’m going to open up my ender chest while stash these shelter boxes away for now we’ll grab a bunch of empty ones and it’s time to start tearing this place down hey folks welcome back so I’m in the process of taking down this trial chamber I am about I’d say halfway through at least most of the structures here seem like they are about halfway done we’ve taken down a lot of the zigzag room that had the skeleton spawners over there the bogg spawners and this little section here there was a secret room there I’m fairly certain that that’s the only secret room we’re going to find this is the corridor section and you’ll notice that I haven’t even taken out a lot of the Copper from the floors and everything yet I’m sort of working from the top down this is possibly one of the most interesting parts of the whole structure for me because over here this winding series of corridors sort of looks like a maze and it’s always interesting seeing mazes from the top down but it also exposes a couple of details about how these structures are put together it seems like this area spawns a room of a certain size obviously cut off here by this chunk that we know is part of the old terrain generation in the area but it also seems to add features in like the connecting walls and corridors and stuff like that after that initial box has been created if you take a look here you’ll notice that there’s a dispenser behind the wall here with some lingering potions but in this case the wall is completely solid and there’s no way that dispenser would ever be activated it sort of generates these in case that’s an open section of wall like this bit here would be and then it lays features like the vaults and the dead ends of certain corridors over the top of them so it might even end up filling those in with different stuff and having been to a couple of other trial Chambers in Creative to film The YouTube short that I published the other day I’ve actually seen a few of those walled off by copper greated walls so that you can see through them but not necessarily get through them unless you start breaking blocks it’s really quite fascinating but so far the process of blocking off the trial spawners so that they don’t spawn anything just by encasing them in blocks like this has gone remarkably well the vaults are staying where they are I see no reason to destroy them and it takes a long time to do that it’s about the same equivalent of punching obsidian with your hands it takes about 4 minutes or something but if you wanted to destroy them it might be sped up slightly by having a haste 2 Beacon and an efficiency pickaxe the efficiency 5 haste 2 combo will also instamine tough bricks so that has made this structure a lot faster to take down let’s take a quick look at how many resources I’ve gathered so far enough actually that I’ve stopped storing all of them in shulker boxes and saved the shulker boxes for the miscellaneous things that we’re getting along the way bits and pieces of gravel that have fallen in from the ceiling and the occasional things like ladders pot shirts and components like dispensers in here we still have some of the copper blocks that we’ve been Gathering we have a decent number of copper bulbs and you’ll notice that each of these is waxed so the chamber doesn’t actually generate any unwaxed copper bulbs likewise a lot of the copper grates including the oxidized ones and the chiseled copper are already waxed you’ll find that all of the copper blocks themselves are waxed as well and I’m pretty sure when they initially posted trial Chambers in snapshots there were a lot of different variants of copper inside of here or at least some of the copper was unwaxed allowing it to age over time as the player discovered it but I think one of the reasons this has been done is really to help players with inventory management because you can imagine all of the different copper variants if you broke a few blocks here and there ending up as four or five different Stacks in your inventory would be disastrous when you were trying to collect all of the loot in here it would be a real pain for inventory management and so they p it down to just two different types of copper all of it is waxed so it’s not going to age and create different variants even stuff like the stairs and slabs of both variants of copper are also waxed so if we want to use all of this copper later on which I imagine we would if there is this much of it we’ll also probably want to unwax some of it so that it could be aged to different stages and then be waxed again to preserve it in that state so that’s another consideration for the trial chamber stuff actually if you want to take this whole thing down are you prepared to go through the addition work of un waxing a bunch of the copper by scraping it with an ax that’s something we might make an automatic machine for a little bit later although the player is still going to have to be there doing the scraping but the other major thing I wanted to cover before we move on and continue taking the structure down is this section in the ceiling over here you might have noticed that once we were over here and I think this is a section of the chamber that has generated higher up that just didn’t have a staircase leading up to it because this room here got cut off by previous terrain gen so I’m actually kind of curious if we pillar on up here are we going to encounter any of the structure of a trial chamber that we haven’t been to yet oh oh looks like we’ve got a little something there is a vault up there but once again it looks like this structure has been cut off by existing terrain generation the chunk border right here kind of proves that this was part of the chunk when we had it originally we got one trial key though from The Trial spawners that we had to fight our way through earlier so let’s use that on the other Vault little cheeky bonus Vault here let’s see what we get that’s going to be some poisoned arrows some bottles of honey and some more poisoned arrows and that’s it okay fair enough if we break the pot up here ooh that’s got some better loot for us that’s got a couple of diamonds and we’ll take the pot home with us if I uncover anything else in the process of doing this I will let you folks know and after about another 3 hours I’m possibly going to call it quit here even though we still have the room downstairs which features a couple of the spider spawners and the breeze spawner down there I think we’ll maybe come back for those but for the moment I think I’m happy with what I’ve managed to acquire in about 5 or 6 hours total of work we have now gathered close to seven full double chests of tough bricks we have a bunch of miscellaneous bits and pieces from the rest of the trial chamber we’ve got like decorated pots and the pot shirts and all of the decorative blocks that come along with the ominous vaults like the red glaze terra cotta the candles there are a few other normal candles just kind of scattered throughout the dungeon there’s a little bit of loot that I missed we also managed to find the last music disc that it’s possible to get from this experience this happened on a live stream so apologies that it wasn’t here on camera on YouTube but I managed to get to a corner of this little area that I hadn’t broken the pots and it turns out that there were two of the Creator music box discs these were just waiting for me in decorated pots over there so we now have both precipice and Creator from the vaults and we have Creator music box Edition from the decorated pots those are the three new music discs that have been added in the 1.21 release we’re up to a full shulker box of waxed copper and then a little extra in one of these there we go we got another row of copper there as well all of the oxidized cut copper and the regular cut copper is all stashed in here because the oxidized copper has now made it to its second Shel box as well and right here we have a bunch we have like a 100 copper bulbs we have a bunch of the individual types of copper bulbs along with a couple that I scraped the wax off of so they no longer stack with the waxed ones we’ve got these copper grates and oxidized versions of those as well and a few other blocks besides over here we’ve got all of the variants of tough we’ve got some polished tough in here and we have some chiseled tough bricks and chiseled tough we can look at the difference between those two I didn’t put anything in these chests I don’t think but there are a few other classifications of blocks that could have ended up in there and I think these barrels yes have some of the loot from the dispensers and that room with all of the beds in it that’s pretty much all we are bringing home with us today but that’s a lot of stuff for a single and only half generated really trial chamber and the other really cool thing is that everywhere we have removed blocks despite it being deep slate and having no signs of the trial chamber left except for the trial spawners and vaults still hanging in the air all of this is pretty much mob proof as far as I can tell like I take out all of the Torches from around here creating a completely dark area there are going to be mobs spawning in surrounding caves which will still add to the Mob cap and the vaults themselves give off a little bit of light but we could darken those if we wanted to just by surrounding them with blocks if I step away if I head down to the other end of this space you might find that something spawns there if this was not a completely spawn free environment like if I got over here the mob cap has probably deleted a few mobs in the distance and it might spawn them in a dark area like that but when we come back over here you’ll notice there are no mobs spawning in these dark areas this is the kind of thing that if we were strip mining all of this out using a beacon and we didn’t light this area up you’d get some skeletons and creepers and stuff spawning in the distance but it seems like this space remains spawn proof even after we take away all of those blocks and it’s just a matter of making sure we know what the bounding box of the structure is and we do not exceed that so as long as you only remove that final layer of tough bricks and no more you are likely to still have a spawn prooof area that you can effectively do whatever you want with you can build a base down here and not even bother to light it up if you don’t want to if you want a nice gloomy Batcave style base and the entire time I was working on digging out all of these blocks on streams the only mob that ever appeared in this space was an Enderman that I think warped in here by mistake I think it turned up in one of the neighboring caves and just went out here because there was a large enough space for it to teleport to obviously there are also some diamond or blocks in the floor so I’m going to grab a few of those because I honestly can’t resist even though I don’t really need the diamonds at this point it is just Instinct as a Minecraft player to collect them and I have a few blocks of Cobble deep slate that I’ll just fill up the space over here with but then we’re going to take all of this stuff back to base and we’re going to observe some of the new blocks in the light of day I think that’s what we’re going to do with the rest of this episode because this is really an episode for the builders this is a reason to come to trial chambers that isn’t the combat experience we’re here to decide is it worth coming here just to grab all of the blocks to get hold of all of this copper an additional tough and a few other resources that you might have overlooked or not be considering crafting yourself well one thing for sure I’m going to have to free up space in a few more shelter boxes if we’re going to bring all of this home because as afle mentioned I have seven double chests of tough bricks so I’m going to do a little bit of traveling and I’ll see you folks in a second in the light of day outside our storage room I’m going to lay down the Shel boxes which I think contain the most exciting blocks from The Trial Chambers I’m also going to grab myself some food in a second because I just ate my last baked potato there we go we can be back on the golden carrots diet for a little while we’ll pop that away in here and we can take a look at these blocks because some of them are truly quite spectacular personally I’m a really big fan of the copper range and I think it’s a very smart thing that we just get regular copper and oxidized copper and we don’t get too many of the ones in between those are already reserved for the copper bulbs because of the fact that the copper bulb light level changes depending on the stage of oxidation but obviously the entire tough block range is brand new for this update and can constitute a really effective building tool because it provides a smoother transition between the lighter grays of the stone block palette and the darker Grays of the deep slate block palette tough is kind of the middleman in that gradient of continuously darker bricks the fact that polished tough exist is also really nice because there’s polished and aight which looks kind of similar we can work that into a few Floor Designs and as’s accent blocks in various things and of course over here we’ve got two new chiseled variants of tough the first time I think that a block family has had multiple chiseled variants and these actually look quite unique because of the designs on the sides and the designs on top actually if you look at them this has a really strong beveled kind of look it’s sort of a raised section even though the texture is completely flat and this has the spiral pattern invoking the breeze and the other wind-like imagery that you find in trial chambers that is on the top and bottom face of the block and you’ll also find that on the bottom of shulkers which is an interesting twist but the sides obviously have that spiral as well kind of like two winds meeting and the cool thing about these blocks is that they are intended to go together if you place them side by side like that you’ll notice that the zigzag pattern this kind of indented pattern along the top actually matches up with the side of the chiseled tough as well so you can have bands of chiseled tough bricks with a chisel tough in the center and that’s going to give this impression of almost like a wall freeze that’s been put together spiral patterns like this were also often found at the tops of columns although they’re typically symmetrical so you might want to have two of these side by side somehow and unfortunately they can’t be rotated so you’re always going to have the higher one on the left and the lower one on the right you also can’t have that top texture face any other direction if I attach it to the side of a block it’s still going to come out this way which is fine for building with if you want it all to be in the same direction but it means you can make limited use of the Spiral and bevel textures like this you couldn’t have this sticking out at you from a wall regardless of those downsides I think the Chisel tough and chisel tough bricks are really interesting blocks and you get a ton of them from looting the trial chamber the Chisel tff is there as an accent look so it’s very very infrequent but you’ll find bands of the chiseled tough bricks around the walls that you’ll be able to pull out if you need them of course the other side to this is that if I pull a stone cutter out of my Village box and bring a few tough blocks along we can actually craft each of these blocks ourselves as you might expect the stone cutter gives us access to a whole variety of the tough blocks and this now includes things like natural tough stairs slabs and walls which are fantastic for doing some environmental decoration if you want to provide a bit more natural landscape using tough which I really enjoy doing as part of like almost a dry stone wall aesthetic or even some rockier Crags of a mountain side then tough stairs and slabs are going to be able to provide a bit more up close detail for environments like that you’ve also got stairs slabs and walls of the tough bricks which is something that does not appear in the trial chamber you find the tough bricks only but you don’t find any of the variant blocks of them and equally you don’t find too many polish tough slabs although there are a couple around the ominous vaults those are Al available as stairs you don’t have any slabs and stairs of the Chisel tough and chisel tough bricks but I think that’s primarily because those designs are a little bit ornate to appear on the side of a stair where they’re going to be cut off by the indentation but let’s put all of these blocks together out here so that we have a little diarama and we can appreciate quite how many new blocks have been added in this update so we’ve gone from tough one very nice block but a block on its own that we’ve had to pair with other types of resources in order to really make it work to this an entire tough family of blocks with bricks chiseled variants and a polished tough along with slabs stairs and walls of three different types I think that’s great and considering how much of these materials you can find in trial Chambers you should have more than enough to make all of the variants you want and you can stretch out the natural tough for a little bit longer since while it’s abundant in deep slate levels you still got to go out there and mine it I like using tough a lot but there’s absolutely no way I could fill up a shulker box from just one small patch of tough whereas you can fill up multiple Shel boxes probably about 10 or 15 of them if you just fill them with the tough bricks you get from mining out a trial chamber not only that but they are instam minable with a beacon remember that because you’re going to need a lot of them if you plan on building with these before we move on to taking a look at the Copper stuff let’s slot the tough bricks into this little gradient of bricks that we’ve got here and as you can see that’s a perfect middle gray leading into this but it does have some of the natural tough coloration to it there’s a little bit of green and blue in there that could match quite well with some other resources I’d be interested to see people pairing tough with say prismarine or something like that now that it’s got a little bit more green and blue in that brick you could also potentially add quartz bricks onto the end of this if you wanted a really interesting five block gradient going from very light to incredibly dark the other thing I brought with me is some polished and aight so we can put that side by side with some of the polished tough and consider how nice it would be to make a subtle checkerboard floor out of this I think those two go together really nicely there’s a little bit less grain to the polish tough it feels a little bit more like Limestone and that’s really appealing I like that a lot honestly it just feels good to be able to put something in the tough variant Barrel after so long because there’s clearly a few pieces here that we can throw in there that just didn’t exist before now it occurs to me that while we’ve been looking at all of these tough variants we should probably have been putting the copper variants out to age these are currently waxed but I will unwax them by scraping the wax off with my axe we’ll do a couple more of these and just lay out the chiseled copper back here as well as with all copper blocks you want to lay these out four blocks apart to give them the maximum chance to age but copper grates and chiseled copper also have variants even though you don’t find them naturally occurring in trial Chambers you will find Copper doors and trap doors naturally occurring in trial Chambers though and of course we’ve got a massive contrast between these two we’ve got a regular Copper Door and a fully oxidized copper door we’ll put that alongside one of the trap doors now unlike the iron trap doors which can only be manipulated using Redstone and can’t be opened and closed by the player copper trap doors work like wooden ones you can right click on them to open and close them no other concerns there but they will be activated with redstone as well similar to The Wooden variants likewise you can open and close copper doors at will even though I’ve been breaking them in the trial chamber just to collect them and Mark where I’ve been it’s possible to manipulate them just normally as though they were a wooden door and if we use an ax to scrape the wax and oxidation off these you can see that they go through the usual four variants of copper so if you want to you can have a copper door which is slight less worn than some of the ones that you’ll find in the trial Chambers and that means the addition of a copper trap door has left you with not just one but four different variants of trapo now which is pretty exciting they still need to be mined with a pickaxe since they are made of metal but I think it’s really exciting to have some of these in the game and while we’re waiting for these blocks to age we’re going to look at crafting copper blocks like this ourselves and I brought all of that waxed copper back from The Trial chamber we can unwax some of it if we want to I’ll bring some of the oxidized copper with us too and even though it’s raining outside side we can turn to our stone cutter and we can see that now the copper great and chiseled copper recipes appear in the stone cutter and once again you get a 1: four ratio on these blocks so the single block of copper can be transformed into four full blocks of any of the variant and obviously eight of the slabs and four of the stairs you’ll notice that the stone cutter doesn’t remove the waxed property of these blocks either so if you want to get the wax off and have them at different ages you’ll need to scrape that with an axe yourself oh boy is that a pretty block palette so many subtleties of the oxidized copper the weathered copper and the exposed copper that are really really nice in these little chiseled indents that are carved into the texture of the block and likewise I think the copper grates really show off their full range once you’ve got a few variants of them like the oxidized ones and the full copper ones are great but the fact that you’ve got these nice like almost greenish blue ones with a couple of hints of the previous weathered stage still in there and you’ve got the pixel of this that are starting to turn a little bit Greener I think those are really beautiful and we’re going to find lots of ways to use those remember that if you like them in these phases we can go ahead and wax them again to lock them in as they are but remember this is going to mean a lot of inventory management because each of these is now going to take up an individual slot of my inventory without them stacking together and this feels like a bit of a nightmare as far as inventory organization goes meanwhile the blocks that I laid out over here haven’t even started to oxidize even though I unwaxed all of them so we’re going to be waiting a while for some of those and it might be a good idea to start with oxidized copper and then work your way back up which is why I find that I like to set up a copper aging facility in latter stages of a world to allow some of the copper to age naturally while I’m wandering around doing other things so that’s a future project it does require a lot of redstone the way I build it though so we’re going to have to save that for another day one other thing to note and we’re going to do this indoors out of the rain is that if we break down some copper into copper ingots that’s when you’ll notice the copper trapdoor and door recipes become available to us because these are crafted in much the same way as iron doors are you’ll find six ingots arranged vertically like this makes three copper doors and unlike the iron trapo recipe which I think is made with four iron ingots you do need six copper ingots in order to make yourself copper trap doors this was kind of a controversial one during development because for a while it took six full blocks of copper to make copper doors because copper was so abundant and the argument was that you get a ton of it out of the or blocks but copper ingots don’t age while blocked do and the thinking was that you could craft a door of any age you could even craft a pre-oxidized door if you were using copper blocks of the appropriate age but after a while the player base argued that it was simply too expensive and the recipe was reverted to only provide you with fresh copper so you will have to age any copper trap doors and doors if you want them to be a certain age for your build but that means the price of them has gone down from 54 copper ingots in the form of six blocks to six copper ingots which I think is a lot more reasonable considering you only get two or three doors or trap doors out of it incidentally that’s another really great way of getting rid of the wax on regular blocks of copper if you simply want to uncraft them into copper ingots and then recraft them into blocks of copper they will lose that wax and stack back up with the rest of your copper so that they can age which is going to be a lot simpler than my previous recommendation of scraping all of the wax off with an axe we don’t have to do that with these blocks of copper with these unfortunately we will because we can’t craft those into copper ingots anymore but that’s food for thought anyway something to consider the last thing we’re going to talk about is the copper bulb and the copper bub is probably my favorite new addition hello skeletons in my backyard anyway as I was saying before I was shot in the neck the copper bulb is probably my favorite new addition to this update of Minecraft because we’ve got four variants of that they all look absolutely beautiful we’re going to lay these out side by side so you can take a look at each of them look at that honestly the weathered copper bulb might be my absolute favorite Block it’s just got so many little details to it so many little pops of color but the fascinating thing about the copper bulb is that it responds differently to Redstone input than most of the other lighting sources that are controlled by Redstone right now I’m going to turn on this copper bulb you’ll notice it has a little red dot in the center to indicate that it’s being powered but once it’s been powered once we can remove the power source and the button just turned itself off and as you can see the lamp stays lit unlike a redstone lamp that requires a constant Redstone power the copper bulb only needs a pulse of redstone power to turn on and then it needs another pulse in order to turn off we can do the same with each of these and you’ll notice of course that the light level is dimmer each time indicated by how mild the glow is on these latter two compared to the bright full glow of the fresh copper bulb this is such an interesting block palette to work with and I think even in their unlit form these are going to be really interesting copper accent blocks one of the coolest things about them though is that they are detectable with a comparator if we power on this copper bulb you’ll notice it outputs a comparator signal and once again that comparator signal can be disabled by switching it on and off and this makes for a very compact T flipflop in the real world we’re so used to buttons staying pressed think about anything you turn on using a button even your computer or something like that it’s going to have a button that effectively powers on the device but it doesn’t turn it off again after a second and a half so over the years various Redstone Circuits have been invented which turn the button into something a bit more like a lever providing a constant state of redstone power usually by triggering a t flip-flop effectively a part of the mechanism that responds to button input but leaves the rest of the mechanism powered and unpower it when the button is pressed again but they’ve never been this small before because now we can power this copper bulb and it will keep the comparator active because it stays lit which means this piston behind here stays powered until I press the button again and it retracts so we’re going to do a lot with that in the future and we can do that with all four colors of copper bulbs so you can even suit one that fits whatever aesthetic you’re working with you can of course craft copper bulbs yourself although the crafting recipe for these is a little bit more complicated though you actually need a Blaze Rod in the mix as well as some redstone dust and three copper blocks around the outside and I think we’ll need to start farming blazes in the near future if we’re going to work with a lot of them but I think that’s where we’re going to leave this video for today folks and hopefully this has given you a bit of food for thoughts about what you’re going to do with a trial chamber if you’re not interested in the combat experience there is plenty here for Builders and you can acquire resources in bulk that might be a little bit more difficult to get hold of otherwise at this point I’ve taken the stealth approach to a trial chamber and it’s worked pretty well consider taking the stealthy approach and just mining out all those blocks later folks thank you so much for watching this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide my name has been pixel riffs don’t forget to leave a like on this video If you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now [Music]

The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 3 continues in Minecraft 1.21 – the Tricky Trials Update!

In today’s video we tear down a Trial Chamber to look at the anatomy of the structure, observe the boundaries of its spawn-proof space, and unpack all the blocks you can get from these structures!

First, we take the stealth approach to avoid activating any more Trial Spawners. We have the keys to unlock any more Vaults and Ominous Vaults, and briefly discuss the misunderstanding that Vault loot can be obtained by timing your key input. Then we tear down most of the structure, keeping an eye out for hidden rooms, and recap all the blocks and loot we obtained!

After that, we return to base to discuss the new additions to the block palette from Trial Chambers. Tuff and Copper got massive upgrades in 1.21, giving us Copper Grates, Copper Bulbs and Chiseled Copper; Tuff slabs, stairs, and walls; Polished Tuff and Tuff Bricks, both with slabs/stairs/walls; Chiseled Tuff, and Chiseled Tuff Bricks! We take a look at how to craft each of these blocks, and a brief overview of how copper bulbs interact with redstone.

Survival Guide Season 3 world seed: 787419271612053211

Minecraft soundtrack by C418, Lena Raine, Kumi Tanioka, Aaron Cherof

Season 3 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.20 and beyond!

Follow the Season 3 playlist here:


Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time!
Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff!

GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #TrialChamber


  1. At 27:00 "which is why I like to set up a copper aging facility"

    That is one of my favourite things Pix does. Even though the redstone is well beyond my current comprehension, every variant of David brings me joy! Which one are we up to now? David 5.0? 6.0? Can't wait to see how he sets up this one 😀

  2. I love all the new tuff and copper blocks, but just thinking about destroying such beautiful structure is causing me mental pain XD. I like to preserve my world as untouched as possible, so I will never mine trial chamber. I'll mine all the tuff and copper for my buildings from the ground, even if it'll take me way more time!
    Still, great video Pix. I love your way of making content for every type of minecraft player, builders, explorers and redstoners etc. You're the best!

  3. Honestly i bet if the copper golem won the mob vote i bet they'd have a big role in the chambers

    Since in there theres some dispensers with buttons on them and they could try and press them to shoot stuff at you on accident

  4. also a good thing to note, if you are in hard difficulty, zombies can break copper doors in the same way as wooden ones

  5. You can get new enchantments pix from rolling villagers I got breach 4 and density 5 from them and it was actually easy the hard one to get was unbreaking 3 took 9 minecraft days to finally get it after rolling several villagers before this one I have 140 villagers all over my world I rolled 132 villagers none of them got unbreaking 3 as I rolled them the 133 villager took 9 minecraft days of rolling him and I finally got unbreaking 3 the 7th villager I rolled got unbreaking 2 for 10 so I took that because I needed it badly in the beginning of my world I'm 2574 days in now and still no deaths I'm the only one left on my realm with no deaths too all 6 others have at least 2 or more deaths I'm super proud of my self that I have no deaths

  6. Nice Video Pixlriffs is it a possibility that where the old chunk Borders ends is where the Village is located above the trail Chamber?

  7. Nice. So about a full shulker of aged copper. Seems well worth it. Especially if I want to make more copper roofs. I'd likely also use some of the regular fresh copper blocks while I'm at it.

  8. You could do with making a big ‘town square‘ area infront of the storage area to showcase and build temporary blocks. Just a big open space with a decorative floor.
    Keep up the good work!

  9. Hola Pix, little question: Somewhere, a minecraft SOS mod appeared and the SOS Wiki gonna do a ripoff. Now the following question came up: Is the mod compatible to 1.21 or are we struck in 1.20.4?

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