ELEMENTAL KING Speedrunner vs Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!

all right let’s get started today we’re playing hide-and seek the rules are simple if I can slay the Ender Dragon without dying then I win if I’m stopped from slaying the Ender Dragon then Mikey wins I love hide and seek so I just have to get your health to zero right that’s it but this time Mikey is it all right if I use my special abilities special abilities all right what kind of abilities instead of wasting time explaining them to you why don’t I cut right to the Chase and show them 3 2 1 po hey Mikey today I will become the Corral of elements and will not let you win thanks to my magic you’ll have to work hard to beat me today ready when you are let’s start W yes I almost fell in that hole where’d you go Mikey hang on I’m coming oh a village it looks like there’s a bunch of resources here check out all this hay I won’t be running out of food anytime soon I better gather some wood without wood it’ll be really hard to craft anything now I can get to work on making bread wow 33 loaves of bread in total I only have two hearts so I can’t let my guard down hey I found a chest 3 2 1 open paper I won’t be needing any paper for today’s adventure oh what’s in here wao these are pretty nice take a look I got iron leggings that’s fantastic next I’ll need need to find some ore the best place to look for ore would be a cave I’ll check out this cave down here it’s still super dangerous to explore a cave with only two hearts so I’d better be extra careful uh-oh this is bad I better run away for now I can’t go any further into this cave with a skeleton blocking the way I’ll head back to the village and return once I’ve unlocked another heart hang on that villager just turned into a witch I’ll get her there it’s looks like poison isn’t very effective on Giants changing your size sounds like fun it is time to do it again I need to collect wood once I have enough I think I’ll go explore the caves I’m going to collect some wood from this villager’s house great now it’s time for me to make a crafting table after that I can craft a wooden axe for myself a wooden axe makes it easier to gather stuff that should be enough wood once I make a stone pickaxe I’ll look for a cave W how’ this zombie get here I guess I have no choice time to grow there okay that was easy now that my preparations are complete my next step will be to find a cave I’ll need to collect some iron ore somewhere if I have iron I’ll be able to enter the nether in that case I should have at least three iron ore all right I did a good job losing Mikey it’s about time I find a cave and starts searching for diamonds to make a diamond pickaxe and smash that stone Idol but actually I don’t even need to search for a cave I can just point the item straight down and keep going until I reach a cave with this cool see it’s easy awesome I can easily reach a depth where I can hunt for diamonds i’ better be more careful going forward H going straight down is too dangerous so I’ll take my time like this to gradually go deeper H I wonder how deep this is let’s see [Music] gouch okay now I’d like to upgrade my equipment so I’ll start Gathering some stuff oh here are some diamonds nice I’ll collect as much as I [Music] can oh there’s more here yes H I can’t seem to find any [Music] more all right [Music] [Music] nice wao this place is really big [Music] h Huh I’m at elevation of 11 so Mikey I’m at the right height for diamonds how is it going so well for you well I still have to strike diamonds I thought I could win if I had guns come on [Music] diamonds I can hear bats does this connect to something H oh diamonds I’m mining them right away you found them already oh are you kidding me really all right I need a crafting table sorry Mikey go ahead and make a diamond pickaxe I’m crafting a pickaxe it’s no big deal huh oh and how about a diamond sword I’ll craft one of those too yes oh no where are you now I just arrived at the cave again all right I can do this I found diamonds after all no fair all right wo there are even more diamonds here that’s bad you can craft equipment with that can’t you this is amazing no no no great I think I’ll craft a diamond chest plate bling wa I can win this where are you now Mikey I’m definitely not above you above me definitely not oh there there you are Mikey I’m not above you Mikey’s right there whoa G I know you’re here oh there you are hey take this no no why does he have that yes huh where’d you go there you are take this melee hey wait a second all right close one you can really deal some powerful damage Mikey now I just have to get back up there I see signs of him here perfect JJ shoot Mikey found me JJ you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place gotcha oh you escaped upward way up they’re on to me oh I need to escape he’s a escaping upward ultimate Hunters to me I can hear him climbing up perfect come Hunters this way come this way this way follow me aim straight up all right here we go head upward okay up through here everyone here we go he must have escaped to the surface it looks like he lost Us in the cave too bad Mikey I’m already long gone seriously okay next up I need to go find something else all right we finally made it out of that cave go after JJ let’s take a look around with my new found treasure I hope I can spot Mikey with this h oh there he is I found Mikey what’s he up to looks like he’s at a crafting table making something but what is he huh oh it’s an iron helmet he has a wooden sword too looks like he’s working on some upgrades he’s climbing that mountain where are you going buddy off in the wrong direction Direction huh good riddance at least he’s not following me around anymore I can relax for a bit I’m going off on my own looking for some new and interesting trees let’s go oh is that a sword all right here I come uh-oh wait for me watch out for the hole time for a detour I’m out of here wait for me so fast got to go right behind you oh nice I made it onto the Treetops you’re quick I need to lose Mikey ouch I’ll hide I fell no ow yeah JJ yes he’s lost sight of me where are you oh there he is are you hiding where did he oh there come out here I see Mikey maybe over here Mikey’s gone that way so I’ll go this way huh I’ll be sneaky I’ll okay you time to hide in the shadows and try this magic paintbrush out and now somewhere over here all right with all this sweet loot that I have life’s almost too easy I’m pretty sure I’m the clear winner of this game wait what’s that there’s a lever H what’s it bore huh H this lever really pequs my curiosity it must be one of Mikey’s traps but still look at me I’m super strong with all the items I have I can survive anything that gets thrown at me so I’ll charge up with a golden apple and I’ll hold a totem too maybe one more Apple for luck I’m ready no matter what happens 3 1 Y wao what seriously look at the TNT W you fell for it what huh you died too right or just me no I’m fine I somehow managed to survive that explosion all of my equipment is Enchanted that must be why I don’t have a scratch on me I didn’t even use a totem of undying for that trap sorry hey Mikey I guess I’m moving on goodbye hang on in the distance is that what I think it is is that a pool of lava let’s Dash over yeah I was right it is a pool of lava what a lucky find I can use this lava to start building my portal to the nether let’s see first I’ll place a dirt block then my water then I have to break the dirt block and now I think I can scoop the water back up then some dirt over here okay now I bring back the water now for the lava almost done and with that the frame is in place that part is done but I still need a way to light the portal I don’t actually have a flint and steel yet but my lights sa is probably hot enough if I just whoosh it around right here it should light the Nether Portal okay let’s give it a try 3 2 1 whoosh hey look at that the lightsaber worked there you are attack huh wao Mikey’s back I just need to take down the portal hey hey hey Mikey what are you doing see you in the nether wait what I’m going in first uh-oh that could be a problem yes I bet he’s planning an ambush I have to hurry no I need more time oh no I’ll admit that was a pretty good idea idea no something’s attacking me get him zombie pigman you can do it there we go oh no rest well zombie pigman you did your best now it’s my turn to show you my plan I’ll lure Mikey run away or not come on help me out monsters we’re right next to a nether fortress watch out Mikey well if Mikey wants to run away that’s fine with me I’m more interested in fighting blazes these guys drop blaze rods which I’m going to need later on I only need to gather seven and luckily there’s a lot of blazes here normally blazes are a lot tougher than this they don’t stand a chance against my lightsaber I want to use my telekinesis again wao cool I think I’m really getting a hang of this ability I only need to get a couple more blazes so far I’ve gathered five out of seven blaze rods that’s bad I need to stop it there he is just one left okay cuz now we’re never I’ll stop you I have a plan take this yeah take this the lava will burn out everything everything meaning you too A Mikey took himself out I really thought that would work oh I somehow missed a blaze rod nice I thought the lava would melt them all before I go I’ll scoop up the lava Mikey left behind I’m starting to run low on food so I’ll use it as furnace fuel to cook the rest of my pork chops thanks Mikey once that finishes cooking I’ll go back to the Overworld and start Gathering ender pearls there we go all done finally let’s go back to the portal and get out of the nether hang on there’s a NE Fortress Yeah it spawned behind me you must be here yeah hang on I’m sure he went into this nether fortress we’re invading it there are signs he was here now to move around a bit we’ve arrived in the nether fortress where are you JJ all right now I’ll use this for a little [Music] something I guess I’ll do it here H Mikey where are you now I came to the nether fortress and got lost oh hold on I just found some amazing treasure I can use this to upgrade my equipment no way are you Looting the treasures from The Fortress it’s so I can keep you from slaying the Ender Dragon I’ll take this to upgrade my equipment no way I wanted to loot that huh does that mean you haven’t come to the nether fortress JJ must not be here after him my ultimate Hunters here we go this way we’re on your Trail huh H Mikey wait huh where’d you go JJ oh hang on there’s your crafting [Music] table ouch yes I did it you fell for it Mikey what was that woohoo all right we found JJ but I died I did it I beat the hunters I dropped all my items Mikey I was actually waiting for you okay huh JJ come fight me come on uh fight me hurry you know you want to Mikey there are pressure plates everywhere it’s a trap what ignore those come here nothing good can come from this you have no other choice h oh JJ please huh what are you doing hey I have an idea really you can set off pressure plates by throwing stuff onto them watch oh it activated oh no this is bad wao uhoh wo wow Mikey oh man come on no you ruined it I’m coming Mikey’s really armed up I’m not sticking around where’d you go far away I found a bunch of Enderman to fight it’s going pretty well take this there he is huh is he wearing diamond armor that’s right you’ve met your match huh let’s go Enderman wo wo wo I might win this not a chance you’re too weak good try though well Enderman it’s all up to you now I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you Mikey I can take on all the these Ender at once this should get me plenty of Ender Pearls I’m up to three so far nine to go don’t I missed one there now I need eight just a few more that brings me up to seven and that makes eight just four left nice yes those Enderman are going down only one ender pearl to go I almost have 12 already let’s do this thing once and for all uhoh yes that’s well you’re strong now then if I combine the blaze powder and the ender pearls I can follow whichever direction the eye ofender goes that’ll take me right to the end oh that way I better follow it hang on a [Music] sec TNT I missed oh Mikey I’ll get you you won’t survive this yes you missed me go black holes I dodged them W that’s pretty impressive Dodge I fell good wait it’s raining arrows oh no oh man that was a close one thanks to you Mikey I don’t remember which direction to go yay my plan worked that way okay almost there let’s go wao hm H hm it should be around here somewhere and the end portal is down there too once I find it I can reach the Ender Dragon you know I don’t feel like digging around for the portal so I’ll blast my way [Music] down energy blast I’ll use these to dig the hole pH wo look at that it worked I’ll drop down this to get inside so what do we have here H there there’s a skeleton [Music] here nice finally made it now all I have to do is find it huh that’s suspicious look it leads down I knew it he hit it with blocks of cobblestone it’s this way let’s take our time to dig through [Music] wait be careful it’s dangerous follow JJ watch out over here I’ll go H I heard something that’s not good JJ’s close by strongholds are built like mazes so we can Corner him come on H there’s equipment in this chest he’s here yes JJ was hiding here let’s Corner him in these tight spaces he ran we’ll end this here JJ that’s hot take that is his dad come on no I accidentally opened the best no way okay oh he got caught in the cobweb ouch [Music] seriously yes so that’s hot all right only one left and he got caught in the cobweb too yes I did it my sword has a knockback effect oh H I pushed them into the cobwebs and stopped them that way oh that surprised me but here this is the place I can’t believe it this is the end portal awesome now I just need to fill those slots with Eyes of Ender like this and now the end portal is open perfect I’m definitely going to slay the Ender Dragon and win let’s go oh wow I’m here at the end and there’s the Ender Dragon let’s go there you are JJ oh it’s Mikey wait I won’t let you win I’ll protect the dragon sheesh that’s going to be tough I need to slay the ender dragon as as fast as possible I’ll fight the dragon hand to hand no you can’t kill it I’ll fight it head on yeah now the first thing I need to do to win is get rid of the end crystals these end crystals are like weird bombs you need to destroy otherwise the dragon can heal itself and that’s no good oh wait I can see the Ender Dragon I’m going to catch you I won’t let you wi huh that sounds like Mikey wo he’s around here somewhere oh there he is where are you you’re fast oh man I need to fight while running away from Mikey let’s do [Music] this the Ender Dragon and Mikey 2 where are you look can Mikey go I’m out I got to keep moving Mikey went past me okay you’re too fast I can’t keep up no he’s getting close wa I need to destroy all the end crystals Mikey is around here somewhere okay what now think I got them all now I just need to fight the Ender Dragon with my web shots here it comes yes I just need to focus on defeating the Ender Dragon I’ll keep an eye out for Mikey and attack him when I [Music] can ouch oh no man ow it’s working no there’s Mikey away run stop it you’re too fast come on the Ender Dragon is almost done oh yes I got a hit on it no and now wait another one yes what I win seriously I beat it woohoo no I did it I beat the Ender Dragon not fair if you enjoyed today’s adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: ELEMENTAL KING Speedrunner vs Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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