I Survived 100 Days in FANTASY Minecraft Hardcore

I survived 100 days in fantasy Minecraft hardcore this mod pack adds a bunch of unique structures mythical gear and even a variety of classes to pick from and so much more in these 100 days I obtain Legendary Weapons discover magical creatures and battle the most deadliest bosses I have ever faced so sit back relax and enjoy as I try to survive 100 days in fantasy Minecraft hardcore okay so right off the bat we have to choose our origin so as you can see there’s quite a few to pick from such as an elf half orc high elf ooh look at this Yeti what do you get with this yetis are immune to the slowness effect thick fur the blessing of thick fur becomes a curse in deserts their movement is slowed and health reduced okay so we don’t like the deserts guys we do not like the deserts there’s many different Origins to choose from I’m just trying to think which one we want preferably we want the origin with the most health because that’s going to help us along the way we’re not going to choose the human variant because I feel like that would be absolutely pointless compared to all these other Origins look at this you can be a mage you are a mage who can always find the magic in things Fast cure that’s pretty cool so by the looks of things we have more power in the snow and obviously Less in the desert and we also take more damage to fire so that’s what I’m pretty worried about oh it also says we’re immune to the slowness effect so that could be pretty useful oh we’re also taller than a regular human so that’s another perk as well but most importantly yetis have Farm more Health than a regular human so I’m not going to lie let’s go ahead and select Yeti ooh so it appears to be we are in the Maple Forest we also start off with a wooden chest plate a wooden sword nine pieces of bread or a quest book and also a runic book okay well oh we also start off with an oak iron shield that’s pretty useful but look at this oh my gosh okay Your Story begins so I’m guessing obviously these are all the quests right oh my gosh look at all of these quests we’ve got to go through well there’s lots and lots of different swords around bows this looks crazy wo look at that well look at this place there’s little fishies around I see a structure over there which I’m going to check out okay and this map looks kind of crazy so I’m guessing this is oh no this is actually behind me that structure so the one we just saw is obviously over here but there’s also a structure here and here we got to check that out also seems to be a little village over here as well so wait what is that there’s a floating island another one the all different ores on it okay there is a lot to dive into but I’m going to get down from this tree if I can very safely can we chop this tree down oh my gosh okay well I just realized we actually need an axe to uh chop this tree down so it’s very realistic um we definitely got to get used to that where should we head first should we head over there or should we head over there something’s telling me to head over here first because I’m not sure what is in there I also don’t know what’s laying over there but it just looks safer so I’m definitely going to go ahead and check that out I mean check this place out though it looks absolutely beautiful hello little bee are you friendly yeah okay you’re friendly hello little chickens something’s telling me I need you I’m sorry about this that’s pretty cool look at this wao the animations are so cool okay come here chicken I need you ooh also I take your feathers and also raw chicken that’s going to help me a lot as you can see I have a lot more Hearts than the usual human as I mentioned what is that is that an owl let me go and check this out is that an owl yeah it’s an owl what are you uh what are you doing here buddy something’s telling me you’re very suspicious oh don’t fly away I kind of want to slay this owl I’m going to slay it oh my gosh I think it just attacked me back well let’s cross over this bridge then and see what’s over here o I’ll leave this owl alone okay check it out what’s lying around here then for us ooh little bed I’m going to definitely take that okay anything in here any chests that’s what we’re looking for okay we have a chest so we have a stick and a compass some empty maps that we don’t really need but hey I mean I’ll take the compass that could be helpful right anything in here oh hello God I won’t um attack you but I will take your loot who we have an umbrella slows your fall when held can be used as a shield well that could be pretty useful I’m going to I’m going to take that I’ll also take these Lea tunic leather boots I’ll also take that as well and obviously the bread but look at this umbrella wo that is super cool look at me no way it really does slow my falling down that is so cool okay well that’s very very useful let’s go ahead and check this out over here though another bed another chest o a weapon Smith that’s pretty cool another chest oh my gosh okay we already have two diamonds what that is crazy so early on okay we also have a dark iron ingot which I have no idea what that does okay so we can craft a dark iron Witcher sword with that that is is awesome wao look at this we also have an iron Club no way check it out I’m going to go ahead and equip this got some bread here got an iron helmet which I definitely take look at this club though that is super funny I’m guessing this deals quite a bit of damage here so it it deals eight damage I’m going to equip this iron helmet though two diamonds though that is crazy for us or what is this a Way Stone we’re going to have to take that in a second I need to find somewhere to get a pickaxe anything in here maybe more chest oh there is wao an emerald necklace check it out what what does it do plus one luck so I’m guessing obviously gives us luck then right got some gold here nice some charcoal some other raw gold yeah we’ll uh we’ll take it pretty nice cozy setup someone’s got going on here hello Jeweler ooh more potato some sweet berries oh I think we have some quests that we’ve complete okay so we have we got gifted some apples there that’s uh that’s pretty nice what else have we got here oh wait what is okay raw gold so we get more gold for that we have any bed oh we get one XP level so that’s all that remains for the quests as of right now let’s head upstairs here o some bookshelves yes we need these this is pretty cool there we can go sort of third person here that is awesome so this is literally like an RPG MMO so if you guys are a fan of that you definitely love this one but it is becoming night time and I am scared of any Hostile Mobs around so I am going to place my bed down and go to sleep okay that is much better it is now Sunshine outside and I have no longer got to worry about any Hostile Mobs interrupting me well it is quite the beautiful morning isn’t it what is that well I’m going to head over in this direction then because I believe there’s some stuff over here but I would like to go ahead and check this out but before we do so I am going to make a quick axe for us while the crafting table first and I can make myself a cool wooden axe I’ll do the trick for a moment it’s so thin hurry up and break come on now there we go at last that took forever to break wa look at that though hopefully there’s some cool loot in here for us so let’s see what we can get here but we’re right next to this biome over here we definitely check that out afterwards but check this out we got to be careful though as well in case there is any traps in here or any mobs or anything like that okay what is in here oh there’s some chests what is that little thing is that a little birdie yeah we don’t really need anything out of here right I mean concrete and stuff we can always get that what are you a sparrow okay I definitely need to eat right now ah cuz now we’re in the snow biome we can Sprint right well that’s definitely the perks of being a Yeti right that is super cool look how fast we’re moving I’m not even sprinting right now that is crazy check this out though what ow ow ow so I’m going to find an entrance to this place okay it’s got to be up these little staircases here right I’m guessing we’re going to have to do a little bit of Parkour here let’s go ahead and check this out there’s a block of emerald rotten flesh no we we don’t want that iron horse armor though I’ll take that oh wait what what is this oh I’ve located a staircase I’m very scared is this the wrong decision to make right now oh there’s a chest please don’t be anything in here oh oh oh what did I just get hit by oh my gosh a paladin chest plate what a lightning staff oh my gosh a panda plushy look at the loot in here well I don’t mind if I do we are granted with a paladin chest plate that is crazy what do we get with this plus six armor we get armor toughness Max Health that is absolutely crazy I mean I take this Panda plushy cuz why not okay cool let’s actually head up though so I think we’re freezing I don’t know if we can freeze as a Yeti or what but I’m going to head up regardless we’ll come back to that and explore the rest but I do need to just quickly go ahead and eat some food so I think we can’t take any fall damage oh my gosh look at this that is crazy that is super super helpful okay let’s get out of here I don’t think we can freeze as a Yeti right so I’ve located a campfire which seems to be defrosting my hearts right now not quite sure but we was frozen for a little bit there but now we are okay so I’m going to head to sleep real quick and then wake up in the morning and cook some of this food all righty once again it is a beautiful morning and I’m going to go ahead and cook some of this chicken if I can so I’m going to go and take some of this Cobblestone from this little house here hello buddy oh I’ve oh observe a cat wait what does that do stay still buddy hey what what just happened there did I just get a quest for that I got three XP levels for that one what other Quest have I got here Wizards oh yeah I got that lightning staff right that’s cool so another plus 5 XP levels for that by the way check this little staff out if you look at the bottom left here it says right click I can do a little lightning effect but I’m missing the lightning rune so I can’t actually use the special ability yet but it looks pretty cool what was this we got a spirit orb what does this do a coin pouch what is uh what was in here for us o some coins nice I’m going to take some of this Cobblestone for a furnace I know it’s quite rude you know someone lives here but hey I got to do what I got to do out here guys let’s get that crafting table down then make a f F we can cook some food up here so I’m going to cook some raw salmon first and then I’m going to cook some chicken and then the rest but what was this Panda plushy we got I mean what is this thing what can I do with it is just an ornament I mean I definitely take it because I mean who wouldn’t want this Little Panda plushy right I’m going to keep hold of you oh my gosh I can wear it on my head this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen okay well this Panda plushy is coming everywhere with me but let’s talk about that Mythic Paladin chest plate I got that is crazy we got that off of the bat right that’s really good oh check that out though we definitely have a look at that later but let’s check on our our raw salmon see if that’s cooked yes it is we’re going to put some raw chicken in there next and eat our lovely cooked salmon nom nom nom nom nom oh yeah that’s good okay nice we’re fully regenerated and look at those hearts just go up what are these bunny Hoppers grants immunity to fall damage what wao that that is awesome hold up a second who’s going to take me serious in this Village I mean I have bunny slippers on and a panda on my head that is so funny let’s cook some of these potatoes as well why not and then we can make a move for it and go and check the rest of that place out up there that was some crazy loot we found off of the bat so I’m guessing there’s better things to come right another thing that I didn’t notice as well is that if you look at the left side here it says I have a jump boost to so I can literally jump so high maybe not as high as that but let me try and jump up here oh my gosh I can literally jump Heights you can’t normally jump well that is definitely going to be useful along the way so I’m definitely going to keep these on but we’ve gathered some food so we’re going to go and head back into that little place that we originally was and we’re going to explore the rest of it because hey there could be something lying around that we haven’t yet seen which I’m pretty sure that is the case so let me go back up here oh my gosh what what is that okay that’s a brown bear I’m going to head the other way we’ve discovered our first zombie by the looks of things come on zombie aha there we go monster hunter advancement made what was that rotten flesh we don’t really want that what is that oh that’s a skeleton oh my gosh look at it oh no you have a new skill point press K to open your skill tree ooh okay we’ll uh let’s look at our skill tree let’s get out of here cuz we’re literally freezing all the time and I don’t know why oh no there’s lots of hostile mobs around I got to be very careful here they’re literally everywhere oh no what is that oh my gosh run run run run what is that thing what is that oh my gosh okay okay look at it what is that thing and why does it want to attack me what is that oh it’s Al L help me please oh my gosh it’s so scary oh no no no no it’s dealing so much damage okay we managed to sleep through the night and lose that little creature I have no idea what that is and where it is it’s probably still lurking over there somewhere but if I click K here I have two skill points at the top right here and we get to choose different paths and they all do different stuff so this is to all schools of magic this is for movement speed and this one’s for melee damage so what I think is very important here for us is to obviously go for the one with the melee damage cuz I feel like that’s going to be the most beneficial so I’m going to go ahead and go with that one okay can I go up here oh there we go right Max health so we’ve used both of our skill points up right now but as you can see we got more Health now and also 10% more melee damage which is going to be very helpful for us as well but let’s head back over where we was going to originally go I hope that thing isn’t still around because that was actually really scary these sky islands are crazy though I have no idea what they’ve got up there but I guarantee they are packed with some serious loot they got to be right cuz how difficult they are to get to I need to eat some bread real quick cuz my Hunger is going down seriously fast okay so we’re back in the cold terrain right now I’m probably going to start freezing up yeah there it is I don’t know how we stop that but I’m going to quickly go inside of here though okay and we are back so let’s return back down here then also being very careful okay this is the original chest right so what is down here here then oh there’s a trip wire there I see you oh my gosh of course why didn’t I see that oh my gosh what is this what does this do okay I hope there’s not a boss down here I got to do some serious parkour here okay oh my what is that we found something there is a bed and a barrel what is in this Barrel okay two pieces of iron do you know what we take that oh my gosh there is a chest oh my gosh look at the loot in here there’s another Spirit orb again I have no idea what these do invisibility what is that okay we have a fire Claymore yeah that’s way better than what we have at the moment oh my gosh look at this thing what this is insane what does it do one attack speed 2.75 attack Range four plus fire spell power wait so we can oh my gosh we have a special ability wao what does that even do that is crazy look at this oh my gosh we’re doing like tornado spins right now with this ability what the heck that is crazy that is an unbelievable find off of the bat look at this thing what else is in this chest Kitty slippers okay I need to make an iron pickaxe too so let me just craft one of those there we go so what is through oh my gosh there silver fish please go away ah there’s another silver fish please leave me alone please guys oh my gosh why is there so many of you there’s tons of you guys no I’m outnumbered oh okay you’re you’re in there now look how cool this is my sword on my back that is super super cool okay I’m checking around okay please be worth it what is in this chest oh my gosh what is this no no no no I don’t like this I don’t like this no oh my gosh please let me out let me out let me out let me out oh no why did that room just fill with the literal water what is this I’m going to take these emeralds though right I’m getting out of here I think I’ve got what I came for yeah I’m starting to freeze again oh no I’m going to have to do some quick parkour again oh my gosh I actually just bossed that oh yes sunlight please shine on me shine on me on my beautiful fire sword I’m literally shivering look at me I’m freezing I’m going to grab my umbrella okay where else should we head should we head over here let’s head in this direction and we are flying oh there’s another little village here okay let’s check this out I think standing on this torch is helping me defrost as you can see at the bottom left my hearts are just dropping down so wait what what is this when I go no way this is what the invisibility cloak does so when I hold shift I go invisible look at me you can’t even see me anymore that is crazy oh I’ve interrupted a little villager here I apologize for that I’m going to close this now oh wait there’s a way stone that we are actually going to take what there’s a gray shark toy there’s more bread though which we will take hey guys anything for me oh that’s a good trade I’m going to take one of those okay we have torches now so hey we’ll uh we’ll take that oh my gosh oh my gosh look at this that is super cool what is that is that a ghost okay that’s not scary at all is it I need to put this bed down and go to sleep somewhere real quick I’m going to sleep here cuz why not okay beautiful we had another lovely night’s sleep and what is that up there okay well we’ve reached some sort of burnt down Watchtower you could call it let’s uh oh wait hang on a moment there’s a barrel here ooh Some cooked pork chops nice oh no why is it taking literal ages to slay this zombie right now what is even going on okay come on how are you not there we go is there anything in here please nothing oh a brewing stand we can take this brewing stand because that would be very uh useful later on I’m going to have to craft myself a backpack how do I craft one of those I just need leather look at this one look at the endless backpack it requires a dragon head and a withered backpack and of course endstone wow we just need to craft one backpack so it’s much more easier to manage all my items because I keep running out of space and keep having to drop things all the time anything up here aha we found something an iron sword it does have an enchantment Unbreaking two sharpness 2 knock back one hey that’s pretty good down the ladder we go oh hello Ducks sorry about this Ducks what is that oh my gosh uh are you friendly I hope so you look very cuddly and cute so please don’t attack me we’ve stumbled upon another Village again let’s check this out ooh more bookshelves which means more books wao what is this a spell binding table that’s pretty cool oh there’s a chest that’s just save me from mining all the books can we make this oh thanks to the bunny slip as we made that little jump there got some guards around here obviously guarding their territory okay let’s explore this Village though cuz it looks like there’s some interesting things going on around here we have a little aquarium how nice is that a chest a water bucket okay nice we take that a little aquarium look at this how cool is that oh hello God don’t mind me just coming through and looting everything you have oh a spell tomb what does that do oh an anchor what an iron chest plate a mace no way but more iron ingots so we’re definitely take that I need to definitely start making a backpack can I open this you learned a new spell did I okay ooh 24 bottle of enchanting nice going to go ahead and place this down then what a cool reward that was it’s two-handed so I can’t use a shield with it there is an iron chest plate who would have thought an iron chest plate is better than the old Paladin one oh well I’m going to take these apples as well the MCE I’m not very interested in wao look at this place though oh my gosh there’s a lots of these spell binding tables which is interesting is this what this is for no I can’t I don’t I have no idea what these Spirit orbs are for H some more bread nice Enchanted grass what does that even do just as there are powerful Heroes who answer the call to fight there are powerful Enchanted sheep who will join the fight when summoned what okay I got I got to check this out what this is crazy this is actually crazy I’ve just spawned in an enchanted sheep what is going on what can I do with silver ooh I can make some gear out of it that’s pretty interesting not the best of gear though I’m so overwhelmed right now with so many builds around me a check out the iron go goem you’re not going to attack me right bro okay you’re just going to stare me out that’s absolutely fine wait what is that diamond door well I’ll definitely take that I almost just walked right by that ooh what have you got wow you got lots of food there we go okay just so you know we have lots and lots of cooked food and we don’t go hungry out here okay so by the looks of things we’ve discovered a prisoners quarters and to be honest it looks kind of scary um I also received a mind cells guide book which basically just explains what is sort of in this portal the prison was where criminals and people who showed symptoms of any mutation or disease were thrown some of the less fortunate who survived in these cells are still dwelling around here to this day so seems to be there’s some prisoners in here evidently so uh I don’t know if we’re ready to check this out just yet but we will get back to it but it looks pretty interesting oh my God wait what the oh my gosh poor guy well I’ll let this guy rest which I’m sure he is already doing oh my gosh what I just fell into some sort of Cave opening there oh no oh my gosh look at the arrows sticking out of me what is this okay well let’s not get too distracted then and just keep heading out that really hurt so this thing sets me on fire but hey it got rid of the um Frost effect so that’s pretty helpful wao look at that up there why is there so many emeralds up there ooh we got a little wishing well here okay what is this it’s a massive pyramid I think we should definitely check that out instead but look at that oh my gosh I think I see it okay oh no there’s a Pillager there we go oh my gosh look how cool these torches are okay so I see a chest and I see a pressure plate which looks very sus okay let’s go down though okay ooh a boat oh with some arrows okay let’s drop this lightning stuff take that cool so we’re grinded with a bow and some arrows that’s uh that’s pretty nice we need to jump over that again got to be careful for traps haven’t I what is the purpose for this place very strange what is that what is that oh no it’s a stray okay okay let’s take that and let’s head in this direction then okay there is like a bunch of slimes for some odd reason okay it looks like it wants me to do some Parkour here or something okay what does that do ah oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh what is in here oh some golden carrots nice definitely take those I’m going to eat one actually oh scaffolding oh and a chest Emerald lots of cookies oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no no no no no no no no no bro give me out okay I’m getting out of here okay finally we’re out okay so I’ve discovered a little villager camp in this little ice biome and I want to see if they have any interesting loot for me which I see a chest um excuse me sir some brick stairs what we got here some gray dye a firework star interesting they got a very nice setup going on here ooh oh nice potatoes what is that oh we found a Mythic iron shovel wow has 30% dig speed 10% speed plus free reach I’ll take that wa what is that a wooden knuckle what also have a flint spear here some Oak planks some apples oh my gosh I can I can hit people with this that is so funny ooh there’s a little boat here and it also has another chest more bread all right let’s keep heading in this direction then okay what is that thing an amethyst Golem oh my gosh look at ah please go away oh my gosh wait it’s nearly it’s nearly gone yes did it not drop anything wait is that another one up there oh my gosh it is look I’m going to try and avoid those guys oh my wait what is that okay we’re not going to go near that thing hey check these little friendly mobs out look at the little cow hello buddy oh my gosh look at this cow look how hairy it is it has like a little Fringe I’m not going to lie though guys I am getting kind of hungry oh hello pig look at your little is a wao look at this cow what is this you are super cool okay there’s lots of cows so I’m going to come here come here cow I’m sorry about this cows I’m sorry but I need your leather as well oh yeah I need some leather so I can craft myself a backpack there’s another cow here there’s lots of cows so we should be fine here boom Oh my gosh what the I’ve just looked up in the sky and look at that thing what is that oh my gosh I need to go and check that out oh my gosh what are those Bears okay yeah I’m I’m going to avoid those Bears what is that on fire over there what come here C okay surely we have enough leather now right so let me go ahead and make a crafting table real quick let’s make a chest right and then it’s one chest in the middle and then leather all around right hey there we go we have a frayed backpack now let’s go at last can you see it yeah you can see it now that is awesome we just click this if you want to go in our backpack all we do is just click that and then boom we’re here I’m going to put all of my food supplies in here why not all right cool so now we freed up some inventory space I don’t want to attack this thing cuz it’s got a little family oh my is it coming towards me are you friendly yeah I’m not even going to risk that oh my check these little deers out we even got a baby deer what there are some beautiful creatures in this mod is this a Cave opening wao look at that look at the different ores you can get as well we’ll definitely go mining later on we just need to find a little starter base you know just to get started by the looks of things we’ve stumbled upon some sort of Pillager Camp as you can see there’s like a big tower here and there is a chicken here as well oh wait look at these little guys in here okay oh no they’re coming over fast uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh oh run oh my gosh why is there so many okay I’m going to go through here okay go I’m going to block this off so they can’t get up ha hey what is up here oh there’s a chest wa check this out dark leggings okay we’re going to take that and put that on look how cool that is what else is in here oh an iron Claymore is this better it is right yeah okay I think this has more damage check this out more apples more arrows wo an iron raid axe another iron we already have one of those well had one of those anyways iron knuckle some wheat okay we can take some wheat I mean we’ve taken over this little Camp here but I need to get back down cuz there are some Angry Angry pillagers down there yeah they’re they’re all down there waiting for me waa check that out over there there seems to be another Camp as well okay I’m going to pop this down and probably go to sleep okay perfect they’re coming run I should be fine now right hopefully okay they’re over there now I should be okay I think that’s our first legendary though right this uh little Claymore sword that’s kind of cool these trees have like branches hang on a second I think we’ve just stumbled upon a huge castle and there’s another Pillager why can’t I escape these guys I have a bow arrow I just realized I can beat you at your own game Pillager wait what is a special ability on this it looks like I can do some sort of huge attack here with a right click that’s very good but look at this thing we’ve just stumbled upon a huge castle wao check this huge castle out oh my gosh no there’s another Pillager oh and here no no no no no so like where is the main entrance of this place then ow he just eliminated his own teammate okay run run run run run block it off block it off nice we’ve blocked it off okay we’re inside now we’re inside of the castle so let’s go and explore this place ooh an enchanted book a lucky Miner what aqua affinity okay wao there is too much to wrap my head around here okay I’m going to take that though okay wait let’s do one floor at a time another chest nice there is so many enchants here I have no clue what they even do reckless three your health is reduced by 60% but you gain the strength effect okay this is cool lucky Miner what I already have XXVI so it increases the likelihood of the user finding ores around them as they mine oh oh no oh you’ve got to be joking there is a baby Pillager ooh look at the food in here oh my we got to be so careful here cuz there’s lots of pillagers around and some other Hostile Mobs too ah he came out of nowhere no this is why you got to be why do I keep getting surprise attacked okay anybody in here no I think we’re fine oh my gosh look at the food whoa oh sorry Pillager did I uh interrupt something who look at these cool beds I’m definitely taking this yellow one right what the heck oh no no no no there is an illusioner did you guys see that gear though oh my gosh I’m going to wait till this blindness wears off and maybe I can pick this guy off illusioner come here uh-oh uh-oh this guy is tough I’m not going to lie oh no no no illusioner yes okay we got the illusioner what is that oh totem wao let’s go we have a totem of Illusion okay that’s pretty cool um that’s definitely going to be useful look at this armor check this out that is super cool bro the golden helmet just looks amazing okay I’m going to put these gold boots on yo that is that is awesome this golden helmet is so cool it’s like a little Crown we got on here I’m not going to lie that is actually really cool okay anything in here though I mean is there any like hidden chests around or there’s some block of emeralds though we take that put that in there turn them into emeralds well that was an interesting find we battled an illusion and give us a little totem okay come on okay ooh is that an enchantment table we actually need that well that just happened okay there’s an enchanting table we actually need this so I’m going to take that was we about to die there is that why that totem just got used ooh Some arrows nice I love the way we can loot this chest without even going in here let’s go look at the arrows in here imagine we turn this Castle into our temporary base that would be literally crazy oh no we have a bad Omen no these guys are not happy okay I’m trying to get away from these pillagers oh my gosh they’re after me okay go go go go go go go I forgot I can’t take any fall damage of these boots so I might as well just like do this what’s over here please don’t tell me there’s any pillages over here hey what is that up there check that out should we go and see what it is let’s uh see if we can swim over to the other side here and we’re going to go and check that out up there because hopefully there’s some good loot in here I don’t know what to expect who knows what we can go and find temperate Grove nice level five okay we’re finally starting to see some structures again what’s uh what’s in here oh a skeleton spawner I’m going to get rid of that wait a spirit orb is that what they are hold up a second so this whole time that’s what Spirit orbs are that makes sense now oh my gosh of course there is a Pillager oh there’s a barrel there I’m going to withdraw my axe just in case because I can use my shield with it as well cuz pillagers tend to shoot at me and I don’t like it so I’m going to check this out though what’s in here hopefully loot right okay some bread some baked potatoes uh-oh what is that oh my gosh oh no oh no I’m facing a little mini boss here oh oh my gosh what finally so we got more skill points now oh my gosh wait we have eight I didn’t even know that um okay melee damage Max Health melee damage again more melee damage some stamina maybe melee damage again okay cool I dropped the lightning stuff we already have one of those ooh Paladin leggings nice an iron Witcher sword okay Luna Crystal wand um holy staff an arrow another smithing template more arrows okay a new Shield we need that I’m not going to lie Titan shroud leggings another iron mace we have another silver smithing template bottle of enchanting okay um what is that thing oh my gosh um whatever that is I hope it’s friendly is it friendly so I’ve just stumbled upon some sort of Witch Tower here and for some odd reason it’s literally on fire so I don’t know what is causing it but whatever it is what is even in here there’s just a zombie chilling over here but what is up there anything there’s only one way to find out right I’m almost at the top I’ve just ran into some sort of ladder here so let’s head up here okay it’s a cool little setup someone’s got going on here there’s a chest there’s an Ender Chest there’s another black bed here some chain Mill armor which is pretty nice okay let’s check this chest out though just some glass bottles some glowstone dust some Phantom membrane magma creams yeah nothing too great I’m not going to lie nothing too crazy up here but look at all this over here though oh there’s another house and if I’m correct these slippers don’t cause any fall damage so I just just risked it all there I’m not going to lie I was kind of scared I got a little bit nervous before the landing there but hey we made it okay oh no my armor looks kind of low actually might have to put this Paladin chest plate on in a second eat some of this nice cooked duck though eh okay let’s check this house out then looks very strange but hey we don’t judge right ooh some golden apples nice look how stack with food our backpack is now we got lots and lots of food here now so look at that up there there’s just so much to explore around here I mean so many different structures I see a campfire oh no that isn’t yeah let’s check check this out then what’s in here oh what is that can me get rid of this oh no oh no what are those things oh my gosh they’re little leeches get them away little leeches we don’t want them around was this a gtil Ingot I think that’s how you pronounce it ooh we found a house let’s go in here then shall we for the night oh don’t want to let that zombie in sneaky zombie Safe Haven ooh a chest what what is that what is that thing oh it’s a little trophy I got okay I got you I’ll take that trophy it’s quite cool actually let’s explore this little place and we could use this as a little temporary base for now cuz I’m not going to lie it looks pretty safe you know it’s called Safe Haven so hey let’s go upstairs here though see if we have any friendly Villages around or anything like that there’s another chest ooh stray Fortress map oh hello little snow golem how are you buddy I guess that’s our little friend but yeah I’m not going to lie we can use this as a little safety oh we have a little unemployed villager here as well nice to meet you buddy okay well you look very cold you have like a little esimo outfit on that’s how you know you’re in some serious cold biomes but I will go to sleep though real quick oh all righty then cool it is now morning time and I’m kind of hungry I’m not going to lie there’s some Hostile Mobs outside waiting for me well I have a stack of bread so this is definitely going to help n Nom Nom n n don’t go out there going to get infected oh my gosh these villagers oh yeah like I mentioned I might just make this my little stter base you know put some chests around here store some things and that so you know I have a place to actually sleep for a little bit we can always think about moving back and forth somewhere else and maybe making a little home but this honestly this will do for now let’s make a little starter base here are we so I don’t like this here these hay bells so I’m going to just take these up real quick put a little torch in here as well lighting things up a little bit e we got a lovely little view out here as well look at the mountains and some snowy trees I like it this can stay what is that where did you just come from and why did it make that weird noise I don’t know it’s really scary though but anyways this is going to be my little chest storage area I’m going to store some things in this chest for now but what we’re going to do is we’re going to go outside collect some wood and make some chests so then we can store some Goods in them okay so right off the about there’s some trees down here some Pine logs ooh finally so we’re greeted with some Pine logs which is pretty cool let’s head back up then what is this iron as well okay we got iron here we got some salt ore some more coal okay right this is good this might be a good little starter base for us then so first thing is first I’m going to make some chests like so I can only make four as of right now but that’s that’s okay it doesn’t matter there we go we got lots of chests now so that’s good we can actually finally start carrying more stuff but I am going to take this iron though while I can that’s for sure there’s lots of it we’ll definitely get some coal as well you know just use as some fuel what does salt or do as well we get some of that what does that actually do oh just literally gives me salt that makes sense I guess let’s go and see if our snow Golem’s okay are you okay buddy are you okay yeah he’s just mining his own business right now aren’t you I’m going to go back inside now cuz you’re kind of scaring me a little bit where did that villager go did he get infected I hope not that’d be a shame I need one more piece of cobblestone to make a quick furnace there we go now let’s hit the crafting table make a little furnace like so and then we can put this right here and then smell some of this cool raw iron that looks pretty good to me but right now I think we’re going to go mining but before we do so as you can see my armor isn’t looking too good so I’m going to go to the crafting table quickly make myself some iron armor real quick my iron chest plate has had it so I’m going to have to put my Paladin chest plate back on but I need to craft myself a helmet and some boots so let’s quickly make myself a helmet and a quick pair of boots nice and I’m going to go and equip that so now we have extra protection on our back the iron pickaxe isn’t looking too great either so I’m probably going to have to craft myself a quick Diamond one like so three across the top and boom we have ourselves a diamond pickaxe our first diamond pickaxe as well I believe what we’re going to do is go mining there’s a Cave opening just over here somewhere which I will find but look how pretty that sky is oh my gosh is this is this the northern lights that actually really cool I’m not going to lie oh what is that over there is that like a well H going to have to check that out in a second but as of right now I’m probably just going to go to sleep and then in in the morning I’m going to go mining I need to locate a bed real quick there’s one in here isn’t there okay right let’s go to sleep okay and that should be a lot better for us the sun is rising it is a beautiful morning and we’re all ready to go mining and explore all different types of ores and see what they do okay so I’m going to probably head this way and just maybe dig down I think that’s the uh the right idea hopefully there’s no scary mobs down here for us maybe hold some torches in my left hand here so I can actually see where I’m mining because it’s getting pretty pretty dark and gloomy down here or what is there some iron I’ll take some iron definitely that can uh help along the way later on as well I am going to craft myself an ally Forge and what an ally Forge actually does is it increases the number of ores you get when you smelt it by like 1.5x I think I think like yeah I think like 1.5x is the ores you get so it’s a lot more efficient so I’m definitely going to do that and there is a creeper um and it’s heading straight towards me might have to pick this creeper off I’m not going to lie why am I freezing down here what was what is going on there is another creeper over there and I’m very scared but what what is that glow lien I have no idea what that is but I’m going to take it oh okay it doesn’t it doesn’t even drop anything okay well I’m going to have to place this torch and sit on it um as you can see the the frost hearts are going down literally look at me I’m shivering I’m going to eat some bread as well while I can okay that is a lot more better the hearts are going up and we’re looking a lot more stronger so I’m going to leave that torch down there for a second so we can actually see where we’re going what is this more iron we’ll take that we’ll take more iron of course we will we got a lot of iron down here haven’t we we got 15 pieces so far okay right what’s down here I see lots of coal okay I see more of that stuff over there which doesn’t even drop anything I think I’m supposed to like take that off of shears as you can see at the top left oh what is this down here the jagged Peaks okay what is this more salt ore more iron around here there’s lots of iron laying around I’m not sure if we can be bothered to literally take all of it as it’s quite easy to receive in here what what is that that is literally a zombie with a sword and a shield okay he’s heading straight towards me as well what’s down here okay I he zombies and I do not like it if I told you guys I wasn’t scared I would literally be lying I’m really scared look at me in my panda look how scared we are right now we’re shivering in our bunny boots okay so it seems to be like more sort of cave openings I don’t know why I’m freezing down here why am I freezing down here can someone please explain that to me oh we have some more quests though hold up a second have we got any more quests oh what is this find the ocean o what what is that sail and a question mark book okay what is this in Realms of pixels and bytes where coordinates align seek you’re not just one oh okay this is like a pirate book I’m guessing but two to see The Grand Design add the x’s and they shall show a pathway to uncover then double up with Zeds embrace the secret they’ll discover yeah okay so I’m guessing this is obviously a sort of pirate thing as I have a sale and a little pirate book as you can see by the uh vocabulary there what other quests have I got here paladins and Priests o what is this what do I get here five XP levels ooh what is this the ultimate minor okay so we got coal okay we take four coal raw iron yes we’ll take that as well and I believe that is all the quests for now right so let’s take our torch and let’s head to that big opening down there which looks interesting oh and I see a skeleton okay I can’t take fall damage as well actually which is pretty useful so I can literally just go that pretty cool isn’t it wa look at this place though what is that is that a skeleton creeper all right uhoh I’m being I’m being shot at oh no hang on a minute I need my shield what is that a skeleton creeper what what can that even do why is a skeleton literally got Aimbot though look at it it’s aiming straight for me I’m going to have to pick the skeleton off I shall battle you to the death okay the skeleton is down we should be all good to go now right uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh go go go I just got an achievement what was that even for kill a graveyard mob okay that’s interesting Boom the Creeper’s running away from me what scared oh all righty then I’m going to have to eat some bread now oh no go away Creeper please please please please go away please it’s annoying I can’t use my shield when I’m holding these big Claymore swords but never mind we eliminated all those mobs why are the creepers moving like that though look at them oh you’ve got to be kidding me oh and there’s a skeleton oh my gosh and it has a helmet okay Dodge come on hit Dodge hit Dodge hit oh my gosh I just completely owned that skeleton okay I want to go down here though I’m sick of all these mobs just spawning in out of nowhere or just more iron ore wao the Lush caves look at this place oh don’t want to fall down here let me up I don’t know why as beautiful as this is it’s probably really dangerous down here I think there’s a flower boss down here isn’t there yeah so it’s this boss here void Blossom yeah found underground near Lush caves so I’ve got to be very careful for that thing some more salt ore is there any other different types of ore down here there’s got to be right let’s go down here wao this is massive look at this place wa uhoh more skeletons give me any other mob apart from skeletons please go on skeleton what is that down there oh my gosh wait is that oh okay buddy okay this place is actually huge please go away from me zombie please what is that in your hand he has some sort of weapon on him that should do the trick oh a rusted chain mail helmet definitely don’t need that okay we’re going to check that out oh my gosh another skeleton you’ve got to be kidding me you’ve literally got to be joking okay so now we’re in in the deep dark a little skull biome here can I jump over that how have I accidentally just discovered the deep dark already uh-oh uh-oh please I don’t like the deep dark it’s too dark don’t tell me something’s just spawned I want to explore the Lush cave I need to explore the Lush biome are you kidding me if I build my way back up here a look at the little tropical fish so cute oh my God what is that a ghost I’m guessing the arrow is just going to go through it isn’t it um is it waving at me what it can phase through things as well that is so unfair okay that was that was spooky I’m not going to lie okay so I’m in the Lush caves right but then down there’s the deep dark this can’t just be all the Lush caves right cuz it goes like really far down unless it’s jointed with the deep dark which would be really weird well well well what have I stumbled upon here it looks to be like someone was living here before I just casually see a campfire a torch lit and some crafting tables chests and a bed and also a loot Barrel so let’s go and check this out what’s in here so we only got some bones okay which we can hold that at the moment but what is this a crystal H increases the wearer’s maximum health equippable on the out trinket slot well it is plus 10 Max health so I’m guessing it does something quite useful so I’m actually going to take that out uh I will take the coal as I can raw copper I don’t really need it I’m not going to lie that was better than nothing right you know we we like looking at loot like that but check this out wait what is what is that let me go ahead and check this out over here verg glass or I mean should we take it I think we should take it right let me get rid of some stuff I’ll get rid of the pine planks and I’ll get rid of some Gunpowder as well as I don’t really need it but I will take this ore whatever it does o look at that check that out false water what can I do with this or wo look at that I can make a sting sword that looks pretty cool wo check this out look at all the stuff I can craft a leviathan axe okay wao look at this okay check this out that looks pretty cool to me well it appears to be you can craft lots of cool stuff with this so it might be worth collecting it honestly but that’s cool we have one piece of that now what is this silver ore should we take that oh wait what hang on a minute there’s more stuff over here right hang on we’ll check out in just a second let’s collect some of this silver or real quick which turns into what raw silver what can we do with this I’m guessing you can craft more armor and whatever with it right so that’s pretty cool uh let’s head down here though there’s more stuff down here another chest o an iron chest plate a golden hook increases experience dropped by creatures oh increases experience dropped oh that’s pretty cool that’s pretty helpful if I look on my mini map here look at this a redstone cave but check it out let’s go ahead up here then whoa what what is that okay we got some Crystal I’m going to definitely take this does it drop anything oh okay it does wait did it I don’t think it did I’m making things wao look at this okay I think I’m making things up but let’s head down here though wa check this out I see some more Ores up there oh I actually really want to take that the Redstone caves well check that out oh what is that is that life Crystal but it doesn’t drop anything though oh wait or does it what can we do with this a crystal block can it be crafted into anything else or I’m not sure there’s so much that goes into this mod pack it’s literal crazy ooh Some what is this citrin or please someone correct me in the comments if I’m pronouncing it right or wrong but I’ll take it regardless okay well that’s that’s very cool uh wao check that out over there that is possibly the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in Minecraft look at that okay we’re definitely checking out in a second but as of right now I need to collect some ores what is that ore up there okay let’s build up okay that’s only Redstone we don’t really need Redstone what is this cuz it’s like sparkling and stuff okay I think it was just some raw iron okay that’s pretty cool sometimes it might just be like laying around then well I’m going to head towards whatever that is over there because it looks very interesting and very ey catch if I do say so myself but oh wait what is that is that a little gold rock oh that’s kind of cute I’ll take actually no I won’t take that I don’t need that right now but check this out here Redstone bulb but look at this over here this is awesome this is literally the coolest thing I have ever seen check it out Prisma right cluster does this do anything okay it just makes Prisma glass which actually looks really cool so it makes like a multicolor glass that is awesome I’m not going to lie that is actually really cool I might take some of this is there any other cool ores around here though I see a copper Rock I don’t really need that what is this mithil ore I think that’s how you pronounce it I think my pronunciation has been very bad today which I do apologize about some more down here as well which is pretty good okay there we go so we’ve obtained three pieces a raw mythal ore okay what is this morai ore oh my gosh there’s so many different types of ORS burn time I’ve got to burn it what I have no idea what this does but hey I find out soon right I’m going to find out one way or another so I’ll definitely take it just so I’ve got it but that’s very interesting so what does this do now I don’t know cuz I think think I need to smelt it right but hey we got it anyway O Okay so there’s more of this verg glass ore so I will definitely take it going to try avoid that lava here as there is lots and lots of it but whoo this place is crazy what is that Prisma charm biome I think this is called okay now I’m entering the Redstone cave again oh okay there’s more Ores over here uh-oh I see mobs I see a little creeper over there oh it’s a level five zombie okay I’m out of here okay wait what is that actually yeah we we definitely got to check that out right okay so we’re here right now and we need to travel all all the way over here I say all the way it’s not too far so let’s head in this direction and we’re going to discover whatever that is on the mini map I have no idea what it is but we’re going to go and check it out whatever it is and that’s a skeleton and there’s a creeper oh no run run run uh-oh uh-oh okay okay Skelly okay I’m sorry I’m sorry ow ow uhoh I’m being attacked by all angles here wait what is that there’s a chest down there oh my gosh what is this yeah there’s lots of mobs around okay so what is this ah okay oh my gosh what is this I don’t know what I’ve just discovered into the darkness um okay okay okay okay okay I’m trapping myself in a box I need to put this torch down and I need to eat oh what’s in here oh okay what is in here some Endy pearls we’ll uh we’ll take those actually okay there’s one under here as well some more bones coal nothing too interesting what have we just discovered here I’m very very scared uhoh what is this place it’s very scary um I do not want to touch that button there’s like Dead skeletons around and stuff he zombies I don’t like it um what is that oh my I have no idea what I just have done there but what I do know is is I’m frightened oh my gosh this is creepy oh my gosh they L like tombs this is way scarier than the nether what is that oh oh okay stay back stay back stay back oh my gosh okay I’m out of here I’m out of here oh my gosh get up get up get up so why can’t I bow an arrow these guys oh wait I can okay I’m going to have to pick you guys off from here because honest ly you look way too powerful for me okay so I’m just going to try and sneak attack you yeah I’m I’m definitely keeping my distance cuz it appears when I attack one of you all of you want to attack me especially on my own I have no companions no help with me at all it’s just me myself and I I need to check all this out up here oh my gosh wa dark iron what is that oh my okay okay buddy what are you guys okay you guys are only weak stay back whatever you are okay you have to go away because you’re really bothering me now that skeleton hand is pretty cool to have in my own home I’m not going to lie okay what is this what can I do with this okay I can make some cool stuff with it I think it’s worth taking what do you guys think I’m going to take it why not all right let’s check this out down here then why is there so many of you okay oh my gosh I don’t know what just spawned but it was a lot of something I don’t know what it was but there was a lot what are these things okay these are pillagers oh my gosh oh my gosh well I’m very pleased I build up look how many corrupted pillages there are what is this okay I need to get to the other side and explore this place place but I need to get rid of these spawners maybe I need to place some lights around like some torches okay please Scoops do not fall down there I am literally begging you please don’t okay this is so risky well it’s safe to say I’ll definitely get a lot of skill points by doing this so hey maybe it is really benefiting me right now how many skill points do I actually have I do only have three um but hey we can we can use them right your melee hits have a chance to cool down a sword from the sky dealing damage to your Target and all nearby enemies wa that is awesome okay well I’ve used that up now so I’m not sure what that does but that is pretty cool so now I deal a little bit more damage now oh apparently the iron Claymore it deals more damage anyways yeah it probably does actually look how quick they’re all eliminated now I could make a runner for it but it is very risky shall I do that oh no okay screw it okay I think I’ve blocked them off oh that was that was kind of easy that was like a piece of cake okay what’s in here for us more coal nice wao an enchanted book now the trouble is I get so much stuff I don’t know what to do with it that is the problem here we could do going back to the surface very soon what what is that oh my gosh it’s it’s you again you come out of absolutely nowhere all the time and I’m sick of it who’s in here anybody Infinity okay I definitely need that that is really really really good for us that like one of the best enchants on a bow it’s so helpful oh that’s cool oh we can actually make a staff if we wanted to I might start collecting that actually yeah what you again why do you love me so much oh my gosh what is that is that real okay no it’s just a skeleton that actually scared me I thought I was being chased by a creeper there for a second oh my gosh my my armor I have none I need to put a crafting table down oh my gosh okay make me some armor please oh my gosh oh no oh my gosh oh no this isn’t good oh no oh no oh that was close guys I need to make a run for it I think I’m going to head back to the surface I’m not going to lie it’s getting pretty pretty scary down here okay so we have officially reached the surface and wait what is what is that behind me on the top right there I think that’s another Castle right oh my gosh okay hang on a minute let’s go and check this out then wa look at this what is this is there anything in here oh my gosh this is a spawner what spawner is this I think I have to break it I don’t trust it I need to take precautions around here wao looks like a mini castle actually I’m going to have to go and see what that’s all about but from mining I managed to obtain a bunch of new different ores so in a moment we’re going to go back and smelt them down and see what we can make of it we’re going to head over this way check the castle out and see if there’s any interesting loot for us oh okay Pillager okay buddy come on now well shall we enter then oh no no no no no there’s another Pillager these guys just spawn out of absolutely nowhere can I come in here please oh there’s a mini one oh my gosh and you deal some damage and my my sword broke anything in here for us ooh look at that some steak too maybe have we got any steak oh yeah there we go we got lots and lots of food so we haven’t got to worry about that for a good moment really ow let’s go to the top I want to go to the top of the castle cuz after all I am the king of the castle okay what is that I don’t know what that did what is this oh there’s an illusioner down there isn’t there let’s go in here shall we ooh Some More chests with some cool stuff in them actually oh yeah look at the arrows in here and iron ingots lots of iron ingots oh my gosh anything over this other side okay what is this just a block of coal nah that’s not really nothing helpful is it I’m going to mine my way up okay we’re almost at the tippy top of the castle now ow I don’t really see anything up here is there any chest in here maybe there’s a Pillager over there we shall fight to the death Pillager I can shoot you but you can’t shoot me waa what is that we got to check that out that looks awesome aome okay well I’m going to place my bed down and possibly go to sleep right now that is much better look at this beautiful view imagine waking up to this view like every single day it’s just absolutely beautiful okay but let’s take our bed for now and I want to go and check that Island up there I don’t know how we’re going to get up there though hey what is that over there look at that thing oh my gosh wait is that is that table should we go down oh yeah I keep forgetting like we literally don’t take any fall damage so let’s just jump down here oh no pillages pillages hello buddy you going to attack me please don’t attack me is it oh my gosh why is there so many pillagers around me oh no why is there so many I’m going to have to do some sort of Spin Attack here oh my gosh no it’s actually doing so much damage oh I don’t want that thing to like disappear though can I like tame it or something is it sleeping right now seriously why are you sleeping bro okay no do not step near my Zar tuck these guys are dealing damage though okay what can I do with you then oh Zar tack zap tuck I’m not sure ow this pillage is going to kill me can I tame you then do I just what do I what do I do then oh do I just have to keep like sitting on it I think look at me oh my gosh look at the arrows sticking out of my head do I just keep doing this then you going to like fall in love with me please hey there we go we got it now that is so cool okay well we’ve tamed our first Mount I guess you want to call it okay we need a saddle though right so let me figure this out okay I’m going to I’m going to trap you zap tuck right now in this little I might build like a little home for you so you don’t escape okay there we go don’t fly away you’re staying in here I don’t want you disappearing on me please so we’ve trapped the zap tuck the zap Tac I don’t know how you pronounce it I think it’s I’m just going to call it zap tuck so we’ve trapped it it’s in here now all we got to do is we’re just got to get some leather to craft a saddle and then we can literally fly this thing so I need some cows is there any cows around what is that that’s a sheep okay well we got to find some cows okay so let’s go and slay some cows okay I see a cow come here cow I need you wait that is a cow right oh my God it’s literally a sheep you’ve got to be kidding me what is that okay we got a spider on our case come on oh I’m sorry about that sheep but uh you got in the way there buddy two pieces of leather let’s go okay there is a bunch of spiders coming after me but to be fair I do need your string so give me your string and there’s a zombie on my case okay come on drop string okay there there’s some string there’s two pieces of string how many pieces do I need okay I have two how many do I need for a saddle again oh my gosh zombie come on back off oh my gosh I’m too Hots why did nobody tell me this okay I need to eat okay I think I think we’re safe oh there’s a chest in here what’s in here okay there’s lots of apples I’m going to jump up here wait can I even ow oh you can pick grapes from that that’s pretty cool oh there’s a creeper oh yes another spider come on give me your string come on did it drop any string oh my gosh it really didn’t okay come on guys I’ve got to find another spider somewhere ow I’m getting attacked by bushes now ah there’s a spider there’s two spiders okay come on okay there we go I think we have enough now right let’s find a crafting table then going be one in here somewhere right oh crafting table okay here we go so what is it three leather two string two iron that’s pretty straightforward so three leather two string okay there we go we have our first saddle let’s go all right let’s uh drop that and let’s return to our zap is it Zap Attack keep King how to pronounce it but it’s over there look it’s it’s literally chilling right now in its own little Cobblestone box but I’m going to release it so it’s fine but I think it’s becoming daytime again I think the Sun is going to rise any moment now so let me mind my way out of this little castle or prison as I like to call it I’m going to go over here avoid all the Hostile Mobs I possibly can hey Zar attack how are you buddy okay this is a waste of obsidian but whatever okay I’m sat on you now all I got to do is put that there and then oh my gosh let me get out of here I got to check this out okay guys we’re about to fly are you guys ready 3 2 1 oh my gosh look at this no way this is the coolest thing I have ever seen oh my gosh I’m literally flying this is crazy I have literally already completed fantasy Minecraft this is absolutely insane okay what should we call this AR attack I don’t know what to call it but all I know is it’s very very cool now we can get to places such as like that for example so let’s go and check this out if we can fly up here oh my gosh okay we’ve made our way up here now is it going to go away though that’s what I’m scared about I feel like I need to box this in I’m going to leave it here is it going to is it going to move what’s your slowness wait what gleaming feather oh my gosh it even dropped us a feather I love you Zap Attack you are my best friend forever okay well let’s go and check this out in here then this looks like a pretty cool house ooh welcome to Cherry Paradise okay hey well this is very inviting this isn’t a trap though right I think this is okay okay what we got here brewing stand we got some smokers oh we have some nice chests though let’s check these out oh okay we have slime balls mushroom stew we have a Mythic iron sword which doesn’t look too bad but it’s not as good as a weapon I already actually wait is it okay no it’s not the one I have is better okay what I have an epic bow this is obviously better than that one right so let’s take this one but let’s check this one out over here ah of course there’s a saddle here when we’re up here that’s that’s pretty typical right but what else we got in here just some iron axes some more leather nether quartz I can make a wizard staff out of that that’s pretty funny okay well that’s pretty cool is there anything else over here I mean let’s go up the Treehouse here this looks pretty cool let’s enter up here what’s up here then oh another chest okay more apples I think we have a stack now don’t we yeah that’s pretty helpful you know well listen at least we can go and explore these sort of Sky Islands now that is the coolest part where’s my zap tuck there it is why is it trying to escape please do not run away from me I will be very very very sad let’s take flight then I guess my beloved friend I’m going to head in this direction because why not me and my Zar attac are going to travel this world waa check this biome out the Birch Forest we can go and check this out oh there’s a skeleton creeper just chilling hey I’ve discovered a little Lighthouse here that looks pretty cool should we go and check that out I think we should okay come on then let’s go okay so we land down here there we go my Zar attack can stay there and let’s go and check this out so there’s like a little Hut here first so we go and see what this is all about in here okay nothing a balloon what does that do a hat okay oh I don’t really need that I got some honey bottles how do we get in this Lighthouse here is there okay here okay what’s in here ah a book if we actually take this book I believe if we go and find a fine spelling table we can do something with this all we need is a book and some lapis so I’ll take the book I think I need to make a better backpack okay what one I’ve got at the moment I just got the basic one okay I need a how do I make this one okay just iron we’ll make that in just a second but oh look here we have a bow it doesn’t look too great though I’m not going to lie and I believe is is that it is there another level up here that’s going to be something interesting for us or it’s just okay I don’t know what that does maybe it turns it off okay yeah it’s been behaving and it’s just sat there oh my gosh it’s made a friend look at that little crab it’s literally just chilling okay well let’s go back down here then and let’s get back onto our Zar attack and let’s go explore I got to look out for any Sky Islands as well who what is that check that out up there do I trust this place I’m going to stay put on my Zar tack for just a second here oh no come here okay there we go whoa check that out oh okay look at this uhoh I hear pillagers though okayy what is in here smithing template there’s a rune we’re going to take that Rune actually we might need that uh-oh I just want to see what’s up here okay there we go that’s a way to deal with that oh look at this though a thief vest okay well we can we can actually take that okay there we go we got some new piece of equipment on now and it’s actually better than this iron one anyways so oh we have a crossbow check that out is this better than my bow it’s got to be right yeah this does more damage refreshment to refills empty bottles as health potions upon kill with a weapon okay well that I’m definitely going to keep that okay well we take what we’ve just received okay and let’s get out of here okay come on let’s go wait can I know why I can use my bow and arrow on this oh my gosh this is so op look at this boom that deal good damage I mean we just got an advancement for that so um why is old Champions remains disappeared on my screen okay I I don’t know what’s down there I think it’s a boss I’m not going to lie this is so pretty in here look at this this is so cool okay I think we should head over this way though I want to know what that old Champion’s remains is slay the old Champions remains can be resummoned by using boss’s sword the moon alter where do we go then I mean what do we get for this netherite ruby ring should we go and check it out at least or okay so now it’s appeared on my screen again but where where is it and what does it even look like is it up here maybe it’s in like this thing here I mean I can check okay it’s got to be something in here right what I’m going to do is I’m going to take all of these logs real quick and I’m going to turn them into Spruce planks with these Spruce planks real quick I am just going to I don’t want my zap tack going far and me having to literally like look for it so I’m going to make it a nice little shelter here I don’t think you can fly out now right ow that block is so annoying oh my gosh and it deals a bunch of damage too okay well hopefully my Zar tack is now enclosed I’m curious what this is down here it says old Champions REM oh my gosh oh my gosh I don’t know if I’m ready for this oh no oh oh come on oh no how how am I going to do this where is it gone why is it over there I think it’s only like a newbie boss I hope it is anyways okay okay this is probably so stupid isn’t it I have no choice hey the zombie’s gone can it just stay there and I pick it off we got to get it when it does that little charge attack thing okay like that there we go now we can attack it I think that’s the whole trick here why I’ve got weakness oh my gosh he’s right there do your thing that’s it oh my gosh how have I missed that I’m so I’m so bad okay come on come on come on do it do it how have I missed I’m not going to lie I’ve actually nearly defeated this boss that’s it do the little thing stop tapping your Shield Buster ow it just hit me okay it’s so low I think it’s like one shot now though right I have no choice come on oh oh wait is it dead oh my gosh wait no is this she one H die yes what is that you’ve got to be kidding me there’s not another boss is there no no there isn’t there isn’t what is that are you kidding me there’s another boss oh it’s really weak though what is that well it’s just phased through the roof that’s helpful isn’t it I’m going to have to mine my way up now why am I fighting bosses with no armor where is it I can hear it but I just don’t know oh wait what is it doing up there I can see it up there snipe it aren’t I oh what oh there we go we got it frenzy shade we actually got it oh my gosh finally what did it drop ah Lord Soul that’s what it is okay what is this this is crazy what I mean what what what does this do who look at this so I can make a dark moon Longbow but we have a lord soul so look we can actually make one of these now if we get Soul Sand we can turn them into Soul infused ingots two sticks and we can make a soul Reaper I think we should go and do that but of course we’d have to go and explore the nether so let’s go to the nether we go and explore it check it out see what resources and stuff we can get there see what other structures are there if there’s any other like tough bosses as well that we could have potentially faced we go and check that out but my mission is to craft this right here the soul Reaper I mean look how cool it looks who doesn’t want this so that is my journey for today so I’ve discovered yet another Sky Island up here so I am going to go in check it out while I can I wonder what’s up here looks very nice oh what is that is that a hang on a minute are these villages let me roam around here why is there a jellyfish up here what is up here though okay so we have a weapon Smith who’s offering me an iron sword well I don’t really want that sir I’m not going to lie silver Ingot iron pickaxe iron Hammer I’ll take these silver ingots I hope my Zar attack doesn’t run off okay what do we got in these chests more arrows we actually do need them I’m not going to lie what is my zap Tech doing no what is he doing oh my gosh well it’s fine there’s water underneath us anyways but we can’t take any fall damage because we have these like the bunny Hoppers so we’re chilling right now oh here we go an iron chest plate now this we do need and we need that as well so we take that some more iron hello buddy oh what is that a heavy chest plate okay there it is some iron armor can we put this on our zap tuck it looks pretty cool though I mean it’s a nice setup they got going on here seahorses oh my gosh look at these guys but we’re going to go down to our Zar attack oh there it is oh my gosh okay get me up I do not like this I don’t know what creatures are lying in this ocean I don’t want any sharks attacking me right now that would be absolutely terrible okay I’m going to get up here though there’s a little boat here there’s another little thing over there like a little float so we have found a little villager Outpost here and as you can see it looks quite nice it’s very beachy well we are at the beach so that probably would be why what we was talking about earlier about these spell binding tables is that if we take a book we just go here put a book in there and put some lapis in there as you can see I can pick a book to choose from so tomb of Frost fire Witcher techniques Phoenix rights fire techniques holy book runic Paladin librum there’s a bunch of things to pick from so we’re going to run through that so I’m going to go down mine some lapis and then I’m going to come back up and then pick one of those books as you can see I put that horse armor the iron one onto my Zar attack looks pretty cool doesn’t it so now our Zar tack has got a bunch of armor and protection on it now so we haven’t got to worry so much about you now have we my friend it is becoming night time so it would be ideal to probably find a bed real quick oh my gosh I’ve just realized in our skill tree we have literally 14 points left well you know we do all this in the morning we also need to craft ourselves a better back pack so oh my gosh oh my level 19 Phantom why does it sound so scary oh finally okay right let’s hit the hay okay that’s much better that Phantom should be gone now there you go it’s now burning a take that Phantom what is this crab doing look at this crab though this thing looks really cool oh no no no it’s coming for me okay well I won’t be too long Zap Attack I’m going to go down get some lapis and we’re going to go and check those spell books out is that lapis yeah okay I think that’s lapis okay nice ooh seven pieces that’ll do the trick okay hello zap Tac I bet you’ve missed me haven’t you cuz I’ve I’ve missed you I’m not going to lie let’s hit all these spell binding tables like so let’s put one book in there then one piece of L RIS and then what one shall we choose honestly having a good look through these I think I’m going to pick the Paladin one wao okay we’ve we’ve chosen our path well I mean let’s let’s check it out okay so it’s now equipped in one of my trinket slots which is right here I hear a zombie wa what is fighting it oh the guards get him guards come on get him we have flash heel stonefist Divine protection and judgment which we can’t get what does that do strikes your targeting enemies around it within six blocks that’s pretty good okay so they all require a healing Rune H I’m not sure what one to pick here okay so to actually use one of these spells I need a healing Rune so they all require a healing Rune so in order to craft one of these pretty straightforward all I got to do is get a golden nugget and put some Cobblestone next to it and it gives me two healing runes so before I do any of this I’m going to go ahead and get some gold and then craft some healing runes okay we are back and we have some Cobblestone here to make a little furnace and we can smell some of our raw gold okay there’s already a furnace here anyway so that’s pretty cool but what I’m going to do is I’m going to put some coal in there put some raw gold and I’m going to let that smell up for us and then we’re going to make some golden nuggets just like so there we go we now have officially nine golden nuggets so let’s hit the crafting table don’t know how many we need so I’m just going to use Lally all of my nine golden nuggets I have okay there we go we have 18 now I have no idea what I do with this now but I’ll figure it out I actually need one more piece of golden ingots if I’m going to the nether so I can you know make some golden boots so I don’t get attacked okay now we have efficient healing runes now we can obtain some of these spells so I mean I’m probably going to go for judgment here as you know it strikes your targeting enemies around it within six blocks causing up to 0.9 to 1.3 damage and stunning them for 3 seconds so I’m going to go ahead and click judgment like so there we go okay I think I need some more lapis here but whatever Divine protection I’m I’m going to get flash heal I’m going to go ahead and equip that now so hey that’s pretty cool so I’m just going to leave my healing runes there for a minute but that’s pretty cool we’ve obtained you know some cool spells there it’s going to help us along the way I’m going to sort this backpack out as well actually let me go find that crafting table again okay so the next one’s the iron one right so we just put it in the middle and then get our iron ingots and put it all around okay cool and what’s the next one a golden one oh gosh ideally we want this one but okay how much better is this one now okay right so now we have an extra slot okay so hey it it’s better okay it’s a lot better but to be fair along the way we could actually get the gold one and then obviously the Beed backpack as it looks way better but doesn’t matter at least we have an extra slot now okay so that’s pretty cool but while we’re here I mean we may as well just cook up some food cuz I noticed we have quite a bit of raw food here so I am actually just going to cook this there we go 25 pieces of raw beef we also have like some I actually think that’s the only food we need to cook right I mean we already got potatoes which are already baked so that’s wonderful but like I was saying I’m just going to wait till this cooks and then I am going to go ahead and visit the nether so wish me luck for that if we’re planning on going to the nether as well it would be wise to enchant some of my tools so I’ve just put my iron raid axe in here and I’m going to roll these enchants so that is the good thing about this you can actually roll your enchants let’s roll that again Smite let’s give that one a go okay so hey look we take that okay Smite five fire protection when you are shot with an arrow there is a chance Arrow will do half damage and could be flung away from you okay well that’s pretty cool magic protection three reduces damage taken from magical sources as well as the duration of harmful status effects okay he do some pretty cool things okay at least we have some Enchanted tools right now I’m going to maybe put that bow in here as well what does that do Radiance three a chance to spawn a healing Cloud around a Target what is that I’m going to reroll that Phantoms Mark 3 what does all of these enchants do okay Power three maybe just you know decent solid enchant increases the damage of bows fired yeah okay I think we’re just going to go with that one actually should we just make another diamond pickaxe quick if you look at this it has you know- 20% dig speed minus 30% durability and minus 2 reach so I’m probably just going to go and myself a quick diamond pickaxe okay so two like that and then three along the top okay boom it’s an uncommon one so it’s minus 10 dig speed and minus one reach but you know it’s better than the common one anyway it’s uncommon so we we take it we take it so let’s enchant this then real quick efficiency I and Unbreaking three okay that’s listen that’s quite cool okay that’s that’s pretty cool but now we’ve Enchanted some of our gear I say we go and explore the nether what do you guys think obviously first we have to create a portal so we’re going to go get some obsidian and then get prepared for the nether all righty then so we’ve grabbed all of the resources we need and I think we should get going uh what is that is that an owl I’m going to my nether portal probably down here actually might be better I’ve got all my food supplies I’ve got some Cobblestone to go with me obviously we collect like lots and lots of Netherrack there anyway so you know it doesn’t really matter and then I’m going to start building the frame okay and then three along here as well boom okay I think that is the frame right that’s please tell me that’s right okay so now we have the frame up and using my flint and steel I’m going to ignite this portal okay three 2 1 boom there we go we have officially created the nether portal oh my gosh it looks scary honestly I am very scared I literally say this on every single one of my videos but if you know me well enough you know I’m really really scared of the nether but it’s fine I’m willing to make the sacrifice just for your guys entertainment so I’m going to eat some apples and I’m going to get going into the ne oh my gosh it’s so scary okay um this honestly what is that okay this place actually does look really cool though I’m not going to lie where do I even get started here look at this map okay that is awesome before I forget I am going to make a little Waypoint here just so I remember where I’m going I’m going to make it in purple here maybe light purple and I’m just going to call it portal so now we can’t forget you know where the actual portal is what is this though okay I’m I’m actually really excited to go ahead and explore this place then Anor tree bar I think that’s what it’s called I just want to know what that is though to be honest I mean that looks kind of scary but it looks friendly it hasn’t attacked me yet okay we do not want to fall in the lava it’s nice to know that I can’t take any fall damage oh my gosh okay this biome looks absolutely awesome I’m going over here what is this Cobalt obsidian what is uh going on here then playing a little instrument for us I guess oh it sounds weird though when I walk on this stuff I’m going to collect some Netherrack actually while I’m at it just so I got some stock on me oh okay so I’m now above a fortress okay I do see a fortress this is so cool how I just don’t take any fall damage so we have some company here I’m not sure if they’re going to attack me yet or not okay yeah they they are oh my that was a one hit okay well oh my gosh will the skeleton please oh my look at that one did you see that helmet that was actually pretty cool oh my gosh this Blaze is really annoying me remember I am a Yeti so I don’t get on too well with heat oh my gosh no no no no no it’s you it’s you it’s you it’s you I’m sorry check it out there we got a a maximon helmet which actually looks pretty cool but I’m going to put my original one back on oh legendary golden boots I’ll uh I’ll take those I’m going to put those legendary golden boots on then cuz they’re way better than the ones I already had on oh my gosh upside down forest well it really is upside down isn’t it okay I want to check that out over there that looks really really cool definitely checking that out next though that looks really cool how do I enter do I enter here oh my gosh that scared the absolute living life out of me oh my gosh that that isn’t even funny oh it’s a ghas that literally scared me why is it so loud what is this smithing template Golden Axe golden carrots oh we take those more arrows nice oh we found a diamond pickaxe we take that for spare I guess what’s this R okay Soul Sand that is what we actually do need you look pretty cool I like that big staff you have there sir just get me out of here I keep burning on everything life is so hard once you’re a Yeti especially when you’re in the nether ooh okay oh two three diamonds nice netherite ruby necklace oh I’m going to equip that that’s better than the one I already have okay nice more iron ingots and golden ones too we got a rune there oh Diamond horse armor okay that’s great we’re going to keep that that’s just for you zap Tac whoa this is awesome o we have another little structure here oh I hate hoglin so much oh my gosh can we just appreciate how nice this looks look at this place it looks so cool okay I’m going to go down here though and check this out I want to see what that thing is up there there’s more hoglins is this a Bastion I think we’ve just found a Bastion haven’t we wonder if I can find some cool chests in here hey find the Bastion where are the chests oh that’s more Soul Sand I need that come to me why am I so scared right now oh man it’s just these hoglins they’re so like I just just hate them every time I hear that hoglin noise I just get so scared okay I have no idea where I’ve just gotten myself what even is this place oh there’s a chest ooh what’s in here a cursed axe wao that deals quite a bit of damage oh a nether eye let’s go oh my gosh we found one of the eyes so if you guys didn’t know basically to enter the end portal I need to find 12 different unique eyes and we have actually obtained one of them which is the nether eye that is actually a really good find what else is in here stone sword more golden ingots we take that that’s a pretty good find though I mean what what is in this place though this is really scaring me okay this is very suspicious but whatever we don’t ask no questions we just do oh that was close okay check that out down there oh my gosh what even is this place well let’s definitely check this out then ooh upside down forest again let’s make a jump oh there we go we made it okay hello zombified piglin oh no there’s a little Blaze guard thing there well this looks so cool oh my gosh look check it out what is that look at that statue I need to get my ax out just in case anything lurking this is so cool though wa I wonder if there’s any chests in here for us or anything like that respawn a statue I’m going to take that oh no got to be careful for that guy oh just check this place out though tell me this isn’t the coolest thing you’ve ever seen the detail that goes into this mod are just so cool okay well there’s nothing up here for us let’s go back down there’s an enchantment table in here that’s pretty cool oh oh no the there’s wither skeletons and they’re after me oh and I just missed ah finally some chests okay what is in here nether Ruby helmet ooh nether Ruby what can I do with that okay I can actually make a few things with this wao that is pretty cool that wao check the diamonds out in here let’s go I’m going to take this nether well these two nether rubies let’s go Ruby or the chest is so cool though I love those mushrooms chest lethargic draining wait what where is that what is that is that like a little boss oh here it is what is this little Wither Skeleton let me just get rid of this guy real quick he keeps making me go blind oh there we go oh I have 10 skill points left melee damage more melee damage o we have a crusader tab now this is pretty cool okay what is this cool down an anvil from Heavens to crush your foes wa yeah I need more skill points give me skill points guys that’s so cool when I do that I love using my abilities oh there’s more chests in here oh no my ax just broke oh nice more nether rubies wao look at this we got a little nether Ruby hoe and some more diamonds oh and we have netherite scraps Don’t Mind If I Do nice more nether rubies let’s go oh okay what’s this is this better than I think this is actually better it’s an epic one as well 8.81 attack damage 1.8 attack speed 20% durability 20% Parry okay this looks pretty good to me looks pretty cool as well see if we can do a little ability here boom boom okay I’m going to get out of here I got a lot of of these nether rubies though I can actually craft quite a lot of stuff now I need to get some nether reads don’t know where I’d find those okay well I think we should make a move then oh wait actually there’s another level how do we get up there H there’s only one way to find out and that’s building up another chest oh okay what is this smithing template fire Ruby upgrade ooh what does fire Ruby do oh this looks really cool fire Ruby yes okay I’ll uh I’ll take that that is pretty cool I’ll take some more nether Ruby too we actually might need some Netherrack to build put all the ores and stuff in here for now and netherite scraps can go in there too okay that should do it now we can hold some stuff oh my gosh I just realized we have 23 nether rubies what oh we need this to uh turn into fire Ruby that’s what that’s what that’s for there is actually 1,000 wither skeletons I’m definitely not dropping down there right I’m getting myself out of here so look we need to find all these different eyes in order to actually go to the end so can I get any other in the Nether Nether fortresses H this one found in bastions so wither eye dropped by the Wither small chance to obtain when enchanting items okay well that’s very achievable found in desert temples we’ll have to do that founding igloos M shafts bastions Pillager outposts jungle temples buried Treasures there’s many different ways of obtaining these eyes all right well I think we should just honestly get out of here now okay so I’m back at this little Bastion here and I do believe I have to defeat this little mini boss in there so that is probably what I’m about to go and do so let’s just go up here okay come here buddy oh there’s a chest there uhoh I do believe I have to just keep hitting you right okay there we go that will do the trick come on Samuel The Pit Master get lost buddy we defeated it nice got some gold nuggets and coin pouches okay right now wait I did see that chest though so wonder what’s in it wa look at that Wilding head what that’s cool orange suit that’s pretty cool glacial Gladius it’s got a frost spell power on that freezing aspect one caus the mob to slow and hit if I right click o see that like little Frost I’ll show you guys again so look if I right click o okay we take it we’ll take it okay is there any more chest lying around I wonder what is that oh there’s a chest what’s in here oh okay what is this Smite oil add Smite to a tall and turns into a spell container H drag over item right click to use okay I’ve just given this sword Smite oil I have no idea what that does what else we got in here Banner pattern lightning stuff some more arrows okay we take that netherite upgrade we’ll take that as well is there any more chests lying around I think there is ah there it is there’s a little pigling brute this sword is so cool I love this sword diamond pickaxe some ham more arrows golden Club golden nuggets we take that Spirit orb okay nice okay people we are back in the Overworld from the nether so let’s go back to our chests and check on our Zar attack because I mean I think this is the longest I’ve even left my friendly Zar tack for it’s been a while so I’m going to go back check on him I also have some Diamond horse armor for it as well so I’m going to go and give it to him but the nether was a bunch of fun I mean we discovered some more structures but we will have to obviously return back to the nether for obvious reasons of obtaining some of these eyes but hello Zar tuck how are you buddy what I am going to do is I’m going to take the iron horse armor off and give you the diamond horse armor now you look way cooler but let’s go back in here check the chest okay so here’s where we left a bunch of new items so first of all what I’m going to do is I’m going to make this Soul Reaper weapon here as it looks absolutely awesome so before we do this we need to craft some lost souls from smelting some Soul Sand so what I’m going to do is I Got My Soul Sand I’ve got 10 pieces here and I’m going to go to a furnace hit the furnace and then smelt this stuff so there we go Soul Sand is in and then put some coal there we go now it is smelting this will now will give us some lost souls good stuff I think we can craft some more stuff out of this though which is pretty awesome I can make a hunter pistol this is crazy Hunter Cannon I can even make a Gatling gun which is Absol absolutely just insane but as you can see I can make some pretty powerful weapons from this stuff so but I think the most powerful thing we can make out of this is obviously the soul Reaper so hey we’re going to craft this okay so it takes two Soul infused ingots and one Lord Soul which we do have the lord soul back in the other chest okay so I need eight pieces of this okay one more piece okay good stuff so now we have eight lost souls what we’re going to do now is quickly oh hang on a minute hello Iron Golem how are you buddy all I’m going to do is now real quick is grab a log probably just grab this little uh jungle log here as it’s easier to take there we go and then I’m going to quickly put that in there okay make some jungle planks make some sticks make some more actually how do I make this so it’s ingots and then L SS all around it like so so like that and then boom boom boom boom okay there we go okay boom we have two so infused ingots oh my gosh this is so cool I’m so excited to craft this okay so it’s like that two along the top and then where is the lord soul I think it’s back in the other chest isn’t it okay so I’m going to leave that there let’s go back here and then take the lord soul oh my gosh guys I’m so excited to craft this this is going to be my literal best weapon yet okay here we go so lord soul to the left oh my gosh it’s right there oh my gosh it looks so cool okay right let’s take this please give me a good buff on it okay it’s rare that’s not bad okay so we get 7.5 critical damage with it plus 5% armor pen 11 attack damage we will take that okay this thing looks absolutely insane I’m going to go to sleep real quick though cuz I think it’s actually bad weather outside okay there we go we have slept but it is still raining maybe it will clear up now okay there we go that is much much better there’s a little Rainbow now look how cool that is but I mean look at this thing you can literally see it Holsted on my hip this thing is literally huge I mean look at it oh my gosh I am so excited to go ahead and test this thing out this thing is literally huge look at it oh my gosh I am so happy I’ve crafted this cuz I’m not going to lie I’m probably going to need it along my way on my journey but I have a Mission okay and that mission is to go ahead and obtain some of these eyes so the ones I’m looking to do I’ve already obtained the netherite luckily but what I’m looking to do is I want to go ahead and obtain the Lost eye which can be found in M shafts then the corrupted eye found in Pillager outposts the Rogue eye found in jungle temples the black eye which is found in Buried Treasures old eye found in desert temples and so on I mean I want to go ahead and find the evil ey as well which I have to actually trade that from a villager so I want to do this one I have to craft it using an undead Soul which I get from killing a skeleton horse hoping it drops one of those a witch eye so I’m going to have to slay a witch get the witch pupil and then craft it from that like so literally put an eyee of end and then put the witch pupil in it which gives you the witch eye and some more okay so basically I’m going to have to do this in order to go to the end which I really want to do and I do want to go ahead and slay the end of dragon as well and it would be pretty cool to go ahead and explore the end cities so that is my journey that is my mission so I have to go and obtain all of those different sort of eyes as you can see I already have the nether eye which is actually pretty lucky that was a pretty good find don’t need that for a minute okay that’s pretty cool that looks good to me all righty then well let’s set out on a journey so the first eye I want to obtain is going to be the Lost eye founding M shafts so what we’re going to have to do is we’re going to have to take our Zar attack and basically just try and find a m shaft so I’m going to mine this I’m going to guard my Zar attack and get out of here oh my gosh look how cool this Zar attack looks now now it’s got some diamond armor it’s all like blue now that’s so cool but okay let’s uh try and locate somewhere where we would find a m shaft I mean I don’t know maybe look for a Cave opening or some sort but anyway we’re just literally going to keep going until we stumble across one oh this looks like a m shaft opening here I’m going to have to get off my little Zap Attack there can you sit please hey just just stay around please do not um actually do you know what just don’t escape please can you promise me that Zap Attack okay there we go now you are definitely not escaping okay I’ve made a little temporary way point just so I don’t forget where you are but oh my gosh okay right let’s jump down hopefully we can find a chest down here that does have the eye in it that would be much appreciated oh my gosh this is scary what is that down there is that TNT oh gosh I come in peace mobs if there is any down here oh just come across Diamond door nice okay we’ve got a little crafting table and a furnace oh it has 21 coal inside the only thing with these mine shafts is that you can get so lost so quickly oh is that a chest okay I see a chest tunnel Treasures okay we got a coin pouch we got a smithing upgrade a mythal drill upgrade okay well I’ll take that that’s interesting oh what is this there’s some barrels here raw gold oh my gosh oh no I have no healing runes so I can’t even use my special abilities oh my gosh that scared the life out of me that was so close to blowing that TNT up what we got here oh okay another chest what’s this a snorkel allows the weor to breathe underwater for a limited amount of time H Golden Apple we take that wait I think I see a witch though oh my gosh okay we actually do need a witch come here witch but it didn’t drop anything oh no we need a witch eye ow there is a zombie on my tail please can you just back off what oh my gosh where did you come from ah you can’t get under here can you aha wait no what what okay nothing can attack me from behind now okay this is so risky come on Cor in the rotten come on you’re almost eliminated come on I’ve came here on a mission and it wasn’t to defeat you but here we are I guess come on oh at last woo finally we have a nether right hoe that he just dropped some Crusader boots at last what is down here though the Lush caves check it out it’s like a lush M shaft oh was a little chest here let’s have a look okay oh there we go let’s go we got the Lost eye oh yeah baby okay smithing template uh what else we got in here iron spear we got more torches we actually do need that oh my gosh I’m so happy we got the other eye okay well we got what we come for let’s get out of here and the good news is that M shaft wasn’t far at all from my villager Outpost so that was really helpful okay I’m going to trap you in there for a moment Zar attac and following that I’m going to quickly go to sleep okay that should be much better right the sun should be rising yep the sun is sure is rising just over that mountain there look how beautiful it is slowly coming up and it’s another beautiful new day so as you could probably tell we did manage to go ahead and obtain the Lost eye so as you can see it says it is told that it was forged by the first blacksmiths of time that’s pretty interesting but hey we actually managed to get hold of it so that can go in the collection next to our other eye which is right there so I’m going to put them all in the bottom so there we go we now have officially two eyes that is pretty cool but the next eye I think we are going to try and obtain is the evil eye and what we got to do is we got to get a brewing stand put it down next to a villager get them a job and basically try and level them up with trades and trade with them so for this I am going to need some emeralds which I do have some in my inventory right here but I’m just going to leave them both in there and I’m going to go ahead and find a villager aha there’s a villager right here it is a Mason okay right what I’m going to do is I’m going to trap you in here Mason so I’m going to I’m going to get rid of that okay so then you turn unemployed whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh there you go okay go in there go in there yes this is perfect right I’m going to have to go ahead and try and find or worst case scenario go ahead and craft a brewing stand so what we’re probably going to have to do is here is quickly sneak a blaze Roder out of the chest and go ahead and craft myself a brewing stand so the Blaze Rod on top then three down here boom now we have a brewing stand so let’s go back in here and make this villager have a new job take that new job aha okay we take that we take some lapis you know get leveled up again come on offer me that eye okay we didn’t have much luck with the other on so we’re going to have to employ you buddy come on come over here and love your new job okay right what have you uh what have you got here okay so I need more emeralds oh gosh I’m going to have to try and loot more emeralds aren’t I okay well just stay there oh my gosh what is going on over here why is there so many guards just trapped where’s our Zar attack we’re going on a mission to go hunt for some more emeralds let’s s on an adventure I think there’s uh some structures nearby actually okay there’s this thing I love my Zar attack so useful okay we’re going to go up here please be something in here please okay what is in here oh there’s a brewing stand here as well ooh emeralds lots of blaze rods as well nice cooked chicken wow okay there we go more emeralds nice okay well now we have some emeralds to at least level up to begin with so let’s go back to that little villager ooh ni nice we’ve collected some emeralds and let’s head back to our best friend I heard you have some ender pearls for me okay come on please please give me the eye oh my gosh you’re kidding me okay please offer me the eye yes finally at last we have the evil eye okay what do we need to obtain this wait what do we need 64 emeralds yeah I think I need a stack of emeralds and a rabbit’s foot right so I’ll be back aha rabbit come here okay we didn’t get a rabbit’s foot we just got raw rabbit instead oh wait actually wait oh no and just rabbit hide come here rabbit okay so now I have officially secured the rabbit’s foot as you can see in my hand here but now all we need now is just some more emeralds so let’s go and get some emeralds oh okay yep that’s what we’ve came for two emeralds nice let’s go that’s what we like to see okay but now after looting all these villages we now officially have a stack of emeralds so what we’re going to do is now ouch we’re going to head back to the Villager Outpost and trade with this villager and secure our eye but first things first let’s go to sleep it is now a brand new day and gosh I need to eat some apples real quick but today is a good day because we are officially going to craft evil eye where are you villager I know you’re in here somewhere okay here we go boom boom there we have it we have now officially secured the evil eye I’m going to go ahead and put this with all the other eyes real quick we are slowly stacking up the eyes okay here we go so we have the eyes all in order now we’re going to fill all this row with eyes so now we have the Lost eye then we have the nether eye and now we have the evil eye so the next eye I do want to go ahead and get is the corrupted eye and I believe the corrupted eye you secure that from a Pillager Camp so we’re going to go and check out the Pillager camps well what is this I’ve stumbled upon here it’s very strange do not want to fall down there is that a little uh ax thrower guy I think his name’s a Marauder is it or something like that but I don’t know hey what is what’s up here oh my gosh I hear footsteps oh uhoh uhoh what was that a Basher what there we go that was real risky oh okay what is this come here oh no provoker oh no not you oh okay I think it’s gone oh we got a totem of undying nice oh my gosh uh-oh come on there you go just attack that there you go the vind dictator okay is that it oh there’s chests wa check this out oh we found an eye a magical eye without this eye the invoke has no power let’s go no way we just obtained an eye like that let’s go oh look at these legendary Wizard boots we actually need those I’m actually so pumped about that well that really helps I didn’t even mean to obtain this one but anyways there’s a villager Outpost literally over there hence why I come all the way over here I have no idea what’s down there though but I don’t want to search it yet but anyways let’s head to this Pillager Outpost and hopefully we discover another eye cuz that would be super super super helpful I’m not going to lie I’m going to M my way in here okay I don’t hear any pillagers I know it’s really dark I’m going to get my torch out because how dark it is okay is there any anything up here no nothing okay right okay well let’s search this chest what have we got here iron quarter stuff goat hor oh there we go the corrupted high no way oh my gosh this is the best day of my life okay right come to me all righty so we are back at the Villager Outpost and we have now secured two other eyes let’s go ahead and put them with the rest of the eyes and our collection is building up pretty pretty quickly so I’m very excited to see how many eyes we can secure obviously we need as much as we can right to go to the end because that is the whole point okay so I’m going to put this one right there and that one right there so we have 1 2 3 four five eyes okay we only have a few more to go you know not not too many but there we go so we have the corrupted eye the magical eye evil eye nether eye and the lost eye man I’m I’m so happy honestly I’m so happy we actually killed the two birds with the one stone we went to The Outpost but then come across some sort of invoker territory I’m not too sure but I do know there was a magical eye in one of the chests so that was helpful then I went to The Outpost and then boom there was another eye so I’m so happy right now so the next few eyes are going to be a little bit more challenging um so a couple of them is like I have to go and kill a witch which then drops a witch peup and then I put the witch people with an iron Ender and it gives me a witch eye and then another one is like I got a killer skeleton horse and collect its Undead soul and mix it and craft it with a load of other different stuff we’re going to dive straight into that so first things first I headed over to the enchantment table and I thought it’d be a smart idea to enchant my soul Reaper axe it gave me some pretty decent enchants such as Looting 3 gravity 3 sharpness IV and knockback 2 then after that I remembered I had an Infinity enchantment book so I located my nearest Anvil and put Infinity on my crossbow after exploring for literally ages I managed to stumble upon a jungle Temple so fearing for my life I entered I was having no luck finding anything in the chests and to my surprise I found exactly what I was looking for I found the Rogue eye and now it was time to go and hunt down the witches so I located a witches hut and of course I got attacked and slayed any witch that came into my presence but I got lucky with this specific Witch The Witch’s pupil exactly what I was looking for so to craft the witch’s eye I had to do a couple things I had to make the the blaze rods into blaze powder and get a normal ender pearl and combine the two to craft the ey of Ender then all I had to do was put the I of Ender with the witch’s people and then boom it gave me the witch’s eye oh yeah look at the collection now baby we are collecting oh no there’s Phantom trying to attack me oh wait I actually need Phantoms I just remembered I need a phantom membrane for one of the eyes come here hey oh didn’t give me the membrane there’s another one though wonder if I can snipe it out of the sky oh oh there we go nice there we go Phantom membrane that’s exactly what we need okay then right let’s just put that down here you know just so we remember where we put it I’ve just noticed we have some quests to complete as well ooh 7 XP levels nice deep slate brick Way Stone oh nice and a diamond and XP levels for all the eyes I have collected oh my gosh we are leveling up I’m literally level 102 right now 1 2 3 4 5 I only need five more eyes okay what I’m going to do is though cuz I’m running out of room to put stuff I might actually just build a house so I’m thinking of basing up maybe like obviously around here but I might just base up literally like over there somewhere on the hill or I think there’s like a Pillager Camp somewhere and I’d like to just overtake the Pillager camp and make it my own so I might go and do that oh where does this take me kir wait where am I oh my gosh what have I done hey what is this oh hello uh villagers and this takes me back here I like that okay so that’s the place where we’re at now I guess and then we can go to these other two places that’s actually really cool but like I was saying I might go ahead and go up towards this Pillager Camp I might overtake it real quick and get rid of them while I’m here but I might flatten all this land out and just make a cool little base you know just so I got more chests and stuff and so I can call it more home you know okay why is there an owl trapped in here another epic crossbow oh no there’s another Pillager here so I might get rid of all of this land here flatten out a little bit and just make a cool little base on the hill just in front of the Villager Outpost here I think I need an axe though I’m not going to lie might just go ahead and craft myself an iron axe real quick and then we can start flattening out all the land and then I want to focus on obtaining some good armor enchanting that and then so on I want to make sure I’m prepared for the end because we all know the Ender Dragon isn’t the easiest you know it can be kind of challenging at times okay I need to locate a crafting table okay boom two sticks and then some iron there we go oh a legendary iron axe o that’s a very good buff it has nine attack damage on it that’s only like a few less than my actual Soul Reaper get rid of these towers I mean at least we’re collecting lots of wood while doing this as well dark oak log nice take some of this oh what is that is that a little ladybug there’s loads of little creatures and insects roaming around here I might actually enchant this axe yeah I’m going to go and enchant this axe actually it’s a legendary so I mean hey you might as well right I need to go and grab some lapis first okay boom efficiency IV bane of afop PODS V and Unbreaking three okay pretty decent enchants there almost done with this little Tower here oh I think it’s becoming dark again though oh it’s you again little ladybug okay and we still got this little one bit here to chop down it’s all chopped down and flattened out I might have to chop a few more trees down around me just to make sure that I have enough space but before I do get attacked by any Hostile Mobs I am going to go to sleep okay so now we flattened out a little bit more land I think it actually looks pretty good I think this is all the land we need to be honest with you oh my gosh there’s a skeleton with a sword I want to sort of go with this theme maybe like build like a little beach hut or something cool like that you know just to go with it oh my gosh look at that owl up there look how scary that looks I don’t want to bother you buddy while flattening out my land as well I also noticed something up there now I’m pretty sure what this is the prisoners quarters portal we will go and check that out but I think that’ll actually be very very scary yeah I mean just liter oh my gosh what is that what is that oh my gosh what is that where have you come from the graveyard what where did that just come from that just scared the life out of me but like I was saying as you can see it looks pretty pretty scary so we might go and check that out later but right now I do want to focus on just building my base getting it all up putting all the chests together and literally just stor all of my Loot and gear into it so but honestly let’s just crack on building the base wish me luck so I decided I’m going to build it out of a lot of smooth sandstone and like the Sandstone blocks so I’ve just smelted up some smooth Sandstone here so I’m going to collect that I’m going to go back over and show you the progress I’ve already made I’ve only just made a start really just you know putting up some pillars as you can see over there just so I know really like where I’m going with it but that’s all in place now all I’m going to do now is Lally just fill these walls in so I’m just going to come along like this I’m just going going to go along put the walls up and really just carry on with it okay so it’s looking pretty good so right now I just got to come this side so I’m going to mine this little section out here and replace it with stairs so it gives it that little effect so I’m just going to come along like so all I’m going to do now is I’m just going to build up a little bit here and place them and just put them in like so that’s all I got to do and then I just put some windows in so I’ll probably put them like right here so I think this side I’m going to make like three Windows cuz I think that literally only make sense really so then obviously it looks like even as well if you know what I mean so one 2 3 we’re getting there you know we nearly got the you know the frame up at least we’ve got the pillars up and now we’re just putting in the windows which we’ve already done looks pretty good to me yeah I decided to go for something different like the smooth Sandstone as I just think I don’t know I think it’s all beachy and stuff you know I just I like it I’m just going to do the same here as well so smooth Sandstone all along hang on a second I need to make a little like entrance don’t I so and then I can implement the stairs and then just come along the top with the smooth Sandstone blocks little Archway now it’s pretty cool I like it use these stairs up real quick okay there we go I need to craft more but the idea is I’ve already put all the walls up okay so that’s the main thing as long as we have a little like Foundation where we’re like a little bit safe right now you know obviously I need to put more windows in I think I am going to go to sleep though oh my gosh cuz that’s what I want to avoid okay now I’m going to implement the stairs that going to go up the side so I’m just got to fill this back bit in here okay there we go and then I’m going to put the stairs in right so then now the stairs is here now I’m just going to fill all this roof in looks like I’m going to have to craft some more of this stuff but I’ll just use what I already have left over I should do this bit of the roof oh no oh my gosh that’s so annoying so I’ve worked on the top as you can see here but I’m going to do something different with the roof so one side I’m going to do a dark oak slabs and then in the middle I’m going to fill it up with some dark oak trap doors I just think it looks cooler gives it that like beach Vibe you know so I’m just going to carry on doing this this okay I’ve had to make more campfires to put on the roofs so as you can see I’m progressing as you can see it looks pretty good okay I’m pretty happy with it so far so you know we come in here but right now this is going to be like a little wrap round balcony so what I’m going to do is I’m going to place that on top of there like so then I’m going to follow it with fence gates like this hopefully I have enough oh okay just just enough and then I’m going to put some lanterns on top of these I think it actually looks really cool though I mean check it out I really like it obviously I got a lot more detail to add like I might put some like bushes up there and along here and stuff you know just to give it some extra detail I might need a lot more than this actually cuz I want to sort of do what I’ve done over there but like here maybe there we go so there’s our little balcony I might put a little roof on it as well actually like a little shelter so I need these campfires okay now what I’m going to do is I’m going to make it like what basically exactly what I’ve done here I’m just literally going to place these on top of here like that just for some detail yeah I’m definitely haven’t I haven’t got enough here oh my gosh it’s so frustrating but yeah you kind of see where I’m going with this right right I’m just going to come along like this with the campfires just filling this floor in hopefully I have enough stone bricks cuz if I don’t that would be really really sad I’m pretty sure I have got enough though but I decided to go with stone bricks for the flooring for this level because I feel like gives it a little bit more contrast you know I I like it it looks pretty cool so but what do you think so obviously there is literally nothing inside yet like it is completely empty but I’m going to put like lots of chest here and you know put some stone cutter furnaces you know all that all your Necessities you know but obviously I’m not done here you know there’s still a bunch of work to take place I still need to add like extra detail outside so like you know I want to add some bushes up here some stairs some more trap doors and stuff you know just to give it that extra extra detail I mean it’s pretty much done oh my gosh why is there a zombie here but I’m going to run back to my usual spot and quickly go to sleep so I have no hostile mobs on my case just like that one but oh my gosh what do you think I think it actually looks really cool let me stand back a little bit and go up here oh yeah that is pretty cool it’s like the castle on the hill I like it we got like our own little sand castle I’m really pleased I built it out of that material you don’t like it do you buddy you don’t like it well just die die already and my mission for today is to transfer everything in the other chests and put them in my new home up there so what I’m going to do is I’m going to figure out where I’m going to put everything inside but firstly actually I’m going to make myself some shears real quick I’m going to head a little bit out here so this thing right here is really scaring me I’m not going to lie oh my gosh just look at the side of my house actually looks really cool all righty so I’m going to take these leaves just here okay so I’m going to collect a bunch of these guys as I’m going to decorate all the outside of my home with a lot of these I’ll take like two stacks you know just in case so we really do have enough okay boom just like that we have two stacks Shear are so fast honestly what is that who okay buddy oh I might also make like a little pen for my zap tack as well cuz obviously it doesn’t look too comfortable in there honestly so there we go that looks pretty cool then I’m going to follow up some stairs to go next to it so basically I’m just going to put some leaves under every window sort of thing so just like that you know then I’m going to follow up with some trap doors and other stuff it’s going to be decorated all nice looks very like Italian looking then in between these stairs I’m going to come along like that as well and then of course we’re going to do the same here right so let’s just go along the side nice look at that oh my gosh that actually looks really nice let me know in the comments if you guys like this build let me know really appreciate you guys’ feedback on this build now it’s all been decorated with some bushes some trap doors Etc so now what I’m going to do is I’m going to take my bed bring it inside so it’s officially my bedroom I think I’m going to put the bedroom at the top I think that’ make more sense and I’m also going to obviously carry the storage from inside there into that home up there so I’m going to bring all the stuff from the other chest and put loads and loads of chests in my other one also might take that way Stone and put it next to my house but hang on a minute we need to go to sleep it is getting late hanging this up TCH I promise you I am going to make you a little home I promise you’re not going to be stuck in that little box forever let’s collect some more Oak clogs here and then once we collected this like I mentioned I’m going to make more chests so then obviously we can put all of our storage inside okay eight chests that should be just enough for now now let’s head back to our beautiful sand castle that’s exactly what I’m going to call it I’m going to call this a sand castle cuz technically it is this just a huge sand castle you know which I can literally live in okay I’m going to put my chest about here now we got some chests in place finally so I’ve stored all my loot in there so you know it clears out all my inventory then now I’m going to go back to my main chest and just bring everything inside of there and put it in that one up there so now I’m all organized you know it looks pretty good it looks very very good now I’m actually very happy with my house I’m really happy the way it’s turned out also I’m going to take a bed is there a different color bed though I don’t like the green so I’m going to take everything in this chest and then also oh wait actually let me go back and put that all in I might actually later on make a staircase leading from down there all the way up here so you know it’s easier easier access okay everything else has been stored in there okay then take all of this including all of my lovely eyes I have collected okay we are back inside now I’m going to put all my eyes in this chest I’m going to put that there cuz that actually looks pretty cool I’m not going to lie so you must have full glowstone to set your spawn point here oh it won’t really come in that useful as it’s literally Hardcore Minecraft but whatever all of my eyes are now on this chest and then I got all like junk in there and stuff but hey at least we’re all organized now so all these chests are now empty which is exactly what we needed and I’m going to take this other bed as well just so I’ve got it so now we officially have our own home we’re not using someone else’s place we now officially have our own home yeah okay that looks cool all right well we’ll leave that there okay so now we have that in place um I’m going to put a crafting table that side and a furnace that side and now I’m going to go upstairs and then put my beds down okay now we’ve made it upstairs I might put my bed here right I think that’s pretty pretty good place to put it and then I can put like that scaffolding table you know put it either side puts two lanterns on it you know just decorate it up a little bit so I don’t mind if I do steal two little lanterns here scafolding where are you there you are we take our proper furnace we have in the other place because I believe it has like lots of coal inside so we take the furnace of the coal in and put it back in my home okay here it is so let’s take this and then let’s head back to my home and then after this I’m actually really excited to see where this journey leads me so I need to collect a few more eyes and then of course we’re going to head to the end slay the Ender Dragon go and explore all the end cities and Etc we’ll see how it goes from there but okay I know it’s pretty generic but hey it’s something right you know it’s just a place to sleep we’re not too bothered about this but let’s go downstairs and put that furnace in here we’re going to put that there and then we’re going to stick this furnace right there and put the coal inside perfect I actually really like it what do you guys think you know it’s very simple but yet effective right it’s good now we have our own place to stay um I am going to take that way Stone though actually and I’m going to put it back cuz that could be very useful if we exploring other Villages or whatever and it’s got a Way Stone we can just sort of teleport back home okay let’s take that thank you very much and then we do actually need to sleep as well because it’s very late again and I don’t want no Hostile Mobs coming out now do I I believe this is going to be our first night sleeping in our new bed hopefully we get comfortable and you know we don’t get a little bit homesick you know from the previous home we can be able to sleep properly and you know okay but I’m going to put this way Stone about here I think that’s pretty pretty good right okay and let’s go up here and let’s go to sleep there we go we managed to get through the night okay that wasn’t too bad see Scoops he wasn’t too homesick and look I can just walk out to my beautiful view of my balcony and Overlook all the village the sea that little Tower thing over there you know we got a pretty good view that’s a million dollar view right there and that should do us for a minute so let me know in the comments do you guys like it do you not like it let me know would you change anything about it or or do you think it’s pretty creative honestly I like it it goes to the whole theme of this so it’s a it’s it’s a 9 out of 10 for me cuz I believe there’s always room for improvement but you know I’ll give it a 9 out of 10 okay so all that’s now in place but now I’m thinking of going mining and collecting some mythal as I need to get better armor if I want to go and slay the Ender Dragon and also face some other bosses so I’ve already got some raw mythal that’s already smelting in the blast furnace while that already has smelted in the blast furnace but we’re going to need a lot more so I’m going to quickly go mining and then I’m going to come back and smelt it all and craft some myal armor if you didn’t know what it looks like this is exactly what it looks like here and it’s pretty strong as well so I’m definitely going to obtain this stuff uh what is that what are you a moss Bloom okay well I’ll leave you to I guess so I’m now on my way back from Mining and to be fair I had a pretty successful mining Journey I’ll show you exactly what I managed to obtain in just a second when I actually get indoors from that horrible weather why isn’t that closing okay at last as you can see the weather isn’t too great at the moment it’s very bad weather but we managed to obtain quite a lot of loot so as you can see we managed to get some diamonds emeralds lapis Moonlight shards some other ores like Moonstone raw camat raw gold raw mithil what we looked for uh so we actually got plenty of that Redstone Dust Scarlet Shard and basically a bunch of other stuff so it was pretty successful and we also had five raw mythal in here which we smelted so in we got quite a few things of myal so I’m going to leave that in there to all smelt but check this out with the Scarlet shards and the Moonlight shards and this stuff right here this citrin if I combind all three of these together it gives me magical ingots and now with magical ingots I can craft like Elite wizard leggings Elite wizard hat I can craft a bunch of different things which is actually pretty cool so that’s another option if I really wanted to go for it and craft like wizard robes and wizard boots and a load of other stuff I could actually go and do that I just need to make a block of iron then combine these two and I can make it which to be fair I actually might do that if you look I mean the mythal armor only gives you plus eight armor plus two armor toughness but this right here literally gives you like fire spell power Frost spell power it’s pretty good so to be fair I might actually look into that and I mean we had a bunch of iron in the chest so to be fair we might actually give that one a go so if we just make some block of iron here use it all up there we go six block of iron I need to make a smithing table as well actually don’t I like that there we go smithing table is now complete I’m going to put that right there mythal ingots are all done I have 32 now wow that is quite a lot I’m not going to lie so if we put that in there then put the Block in there then put the Scarlet shards there we go we got six magical ingots now wao check that out okay that is that’s actually really cool we need lots more iron if we want to do that now I’m debating whether to make mythal armor or the magical wizard armor oh I don’t know it I mean it does look pretty cool I mean why not right why not surely we got to go with that I mean look how cool that looks so I have enough magical ingots to make all of these stuff so basically I’m just going to go and bring back a ton of iron back and then hopefully we can craft some Elite wizard gear aha some more iron nice there’s a bunch of different ores down here um what is going on what what is that is that a mutant zombie oh my gosh well it isn’t very happy is it don’t know how strong it is though I don’t even know if I can take this on oh my gosh well this is the last thing I was expecting to get back from mining oh my gosh bu Golem get it come on yes please help me Iron Golem yes why is it dying why does it keep getting back up get it okay there we go iron golem on top comment W for Iron Golem as I was saying I’m coming back from mining I obtained quite a few pieces of raw iron so I’m going to go back smelt it down and then we can start crafting the elite wizard gear I’m actually really excited for it it’d be a bit of a change because we haven’t really had much armor going on this video but at least now you know we got the weapons then we’ll have the armor and then we’ll all be ready to go and hunt for the last few eyes but there we go I’ve just put the raw iron into the blast furnace I’m going to let it do its thing and then we can get Crafting the elite wizard gear I mean just look how cool it looks I mean how could I not have it right I know I’m not a wizard but I mean come on it looks better than the mythal gear and I believe it’s stronger as well so okay so now all my iron should be smelted like so and now all I got to do is just make normal iron armor like so make the leggings make the boots and make the helmet right all I got to do is go over here I’m going to put the chest plate in first put one those in and then put one of that in and then boom W check that out oh my gosh okay that is really cool it’s El leite as well so that’s a pretty good buff we got on that okay let’s keep doing this then let’s put that in there let’s put that in there and then that there oh yeah this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen I’m so happy right now boom okay and then wait what’s left okay just the boots and then 3 2 1 boom there we go now we officially have a full set wait look at the bunny slippers okay that is cool we are now dripped in Head To Toe with Elite wizard armor that is crazy we finally did it I mean look how strong we look now who’s going to get on our way well I’m not going to lie I’m so excited oh my gosh wait let’s go to sleep we’re going to go upstairs go to sleep and then wake up in the morning and get prepared to go and hunt for these last few eyes oh my gosh I just can’t get over how cool this looks I’m definitely going to go and enchant all this stuff as well oh of course there’s another zombie though trying to bother me okay right let’s go and enchant all all this armor then I’ve never been so excited to do anything in my life I mean I just look so cool what is that a rhino beetle okay I don’t want to go near that all righty then let’s start off by enchanting the helmet multi roll one what does that do Grant extra rolls no we don’t really need that I’m breaking three yeah we we take that why not oh fire protection okay that’s pretty helpful let’s put that on our head now let’s go for the chest plate fire protection IV should we take that I think we should right there we go oh it’s got amplifier spell three oh wait what oh my gosh hang on a second I got company oh my gosh I can’t do anything in peace around here let’s put our leggings in I’m breaking three we take that yeah it’s got the spell stuff in it magic protection okay right and then let’s lastly put the boots in hell rried to as you glide through the molten rock you feel a surge of speed and power csing through your veins allowing you to swim through Lava nice okay well now we’re fully Enchanted we are ready to defeat whatever is in our way I’m going to eat some steak though that I had in my backpack because I am starving out here and we’re still level 97 oh my gosh look at us oh I found a skeleton horse but I have someone on my case right now which is yak the toxic oh my gosh why is it so fast no way it dropped an undead Soul as well oh my gosh okay let me get rid of these zombies though that’s exactly what we came looking for I think that’s a pretty rare drop as well or maybe they might be more common on this mod pack I’m not sure but let’s get away from his up attack well now we’ve successfully obtained the undead Soul we can now go ahead and craft I believe it’s called the undead ey so all I need is is the undead Soul a phantom membrane one bone gas tier have I got one of those yep I have got a gas tier Perfecto now what we got to do is put it all in here now I’m not sure what order it goes but I know it’s something like this there we go right now we’ve got ourselves the undead eye let’s go all right now we can put this with the rest of the eyes oh yeah look at that we have eight now in total we just got four more to go people we just got four more to go so now I believe the ones we need to obtain is like the old eye wither eye black eye and then the cursed eye the next one we need to do is find it in a desert temple so me and my Zar attac are going to go on a mission so first off I attempted to find the old ey which is always located in desert temples so luckily I came across this one I came across a few chests but not the one I was looking for normally the chest with a rad guy is located in the center of the temple underground so after breaking through with literal mining fatigue which by the way took absolutely ages I managed to find the hidden chest what I was looking for all I had to do now is hope that the eye was in one of these chests and then finally I found the old eye and would you look at that we are back at our lovely lovely home and I got to say we got exactly what we was looking for and that will be the old ey so let’s go ahead and check this out and also put it next to the other eyes so let’s hit the chest and then where is it okay there it is Boom there we go we filled out the top row now all we need is three more eyes that’s all we need need just three more to go so we’re going to get the last three and then we’ll be on our way to the end one thing I am actually going to do real quick though is that I had some yellow dye that I managed to get from the desert temple so I’m going to go here quickly grab these two beds while I can and then I’m going to go back downstairs put them in the crafting table wait actually I don’t even think I need the crafting table I think I can just ah there we go ha we can now dye our bed yellow you know so it’s good for the channel branding right the whole Scoops theme well there we go I actually think that looks way better now as well what do you guys think I really like it and I mean hey it goes with the whole Scoops thing right so that’s that done like I mentioned let’s go and grab these last few eyes and then we can set off to the end oh yeah the next eye I had to obtain was called the black eye which was found hidden in a chest located at a shipwreck so all I had to do now was find the berry treasure and hopefully find the black eye and there it was the black eye in all of its Glory so I grabbed my eye and went home then I deposited the eye into the eye chest and just have a look at all of the eyes I have now oh my gosh why is a spider trying to get up here get back please the knock back on this thing is actually kind of crazy I’m not going to lie but one thing that caught my eye while I was down here oh wait check it out it’s a little Rainbow that’s super cool well anyway one thing I noticed was down here there’s like a little ornament or like statue sort of thing and if you give it Spirit orbs it offers you stuff here it is right here right so I’ve taken my spirit orbs with me but if I give four Spirit orbs oh okay well it’s giving me a heart container so I think it’s giving me extra Hearts I think that’s what that means thank you very much goddess statue I uh I appreciate that buddy but today we’re going to go to the Nether and we’re going to try and obtain the last two eyes which is the Wither eye and the cursed eye so obviously the Wither one is from killing the Wither and the second one is locating a Bastion and finding the cursed ey so let’s get straight into The Nether and just try and find these two eyes I’m really scared I hate the Nether and just like that we are back in the nether people oh my gosh I hate this place so much it creeps me out I’m not going to lie I don’t like this place one bit I would much rather stay at home what is a what is that oh okay well that can just go back in there I guess all right so we’ve came here for one thing well actually two things that’s a lie what is that now I just want to know how can you not be scared of this place when there’s things like that roaming around here in the lava pit I mean let’s check the map oh what is what is that yeah I think we’re going to head in that direction then so it’s over here you would now believe your eyes if a level seven Firefly oh nether quartz oh okay well I’ll take that why not bit of XP there do not mind if I do I’m going to collect lots of Netherrack while I’m at it as well actually I can never get enough of this stuff get it nether get enough of this stuff nether like you know like the nether what I’m in right now all right I’m sorry I’ll stop oh my gosh the fireflies back and we’ve entered the nether waste well how um friendly does that sound all right I love me some never wastes oh my gosh look at that little zombie piglin what is that oh my gosh oh what was that thing well I’m going to try and ignore that I guess I hate this place so much I cannot wait to get out of it what is that smoking Shrine well I’m going to stay away from that oh my gosh there’s a blaze Guardian right there come on Blaze guardian come on you’re weak now Blaze Guardian die there we go oh I’ll take your Blaze Rod though die Wither Skeleton so we need to keep slaying all of these wither skeletons so hoping that they drop a Wither Skull and obviously you know we can create the Wither oh hello wither skeleton how are you buddy I’m going to have to pick you guys off I’m going to use this sword actually so I don’t waste my other good one drop me your skull please I’d really appreciate that right now well now we have two Wither Skeleton skulls that means we only need one more remaining so oh my gosh okay why are you so fast okay buddy let me in come on with a skeleton why are you so strong please can you go away with that wonderful armor you have on okay there’s loads of you now come on you are the only thing I need drop me a skull please oh wait did did I drop a Wither Skull yes okay yes finally right we have three wither skulls now that’s all we need now all we need is Soul Sand right to make the wither where where can I find Soul Sand well I just realized that’s actually like the Wither right there that’s actually what we’re going to face okay watch this I’m going to go around you that was smart place by me there right I need to find Soul Sand where would I oh there’s a chest down here wonder if I can oh there’s a netherite what what is that what stormy blinding toxic oh my gosh what what even are you you oh no oh no this is this is not good this is not good get me out of here please what is going on I’ve got to get out of here why did I just get attacked so hard like that wait this is a Bastion isn’t it okay well I’ve just found myself an a Bastion this looks so scary in here as well I hear all really scary noises and I don’t like this okay there’s piglins there please do not attack me okay where do I where should I go I mean wait isn’t there an eye in the Bastion the cursed eye right Soul Sand Valley oh I actually do need Soul Sand I need to find some chests cuz I believe that’s where I’m going to find the cursed eye where do I even go I mean okay if I can just like mine down we’re progressing I mean we’re getting we’re getting lower and lower but I can’t see any chests so far oh yeah that’s how it’s done okay I feel like I’m getting somewhere oh what is that okay that’s golden blocks there’s a spawner there I could do with getting rid of that I’m not going to lie is there any chest down here or any wait oh wait yeah there’s a chest okay please have the cursed Eye Inside please please make this worth it if I’ve came down here for nothing I’m going to cry I’m going to pick these guys off maybe I can drop down oh there’s another chest there I need to go and get that chest I want to see what it is what’s in here o red mystery chest plate Spirit orb netherite upgrade that’s actually a really good chest plate but I don’t need it at the minute still no sign of an eye I think the eyes down there personally all right there we go I gu we can access it okay what’s in here Spirit orb purple mystery uh what is that necklace okay I’m going to I’m going to take that I don’t know what it is um oh there we go cursed eye let’s go okay nice okay I have no idea here ancient debris I mean yeah we can take that I think we should try and find some Soul Sand now and defeat this wither and get the Wither eye okay all we got to do is defeat the Wither though that’s insane look we lit have the cursed eye and we found the nether eye again but that doesn’t matter we have the cursed eye so all we need now is the Wither eye and then we’ve got all the eyes that we need to go to the end okay I just need to get out of this place okay nice we found some soul sand at last let’s collect some of this stuff as we’re going to make our friend the Wither I’m just kidding it’s not really our friend it’s our enemy if anything we got a it so we got to get prepared for that okay is that is that enough all we got to do now is summon this wither so I believe it’s like this like that oh my gosh yep it is it is okay oh my gosh this wither has no chill what is going on it’s right behind me oh my gosh the Wither is going crazy come on oh my gosh I’m sacrificing so many hearts come on wait did I get it oh my gosh I got it okay oh my gosh finally I need to wait till this wither thing really last off why was that so hard and why didn’t I bring that many regeneration potions with me luckily I had some in my backpack though and especially golden apples cuz honestly without the golden apples I wouldn’t have been able to do that let’s go through everything we just got so we just got the Wither ey the main thing what we came for we got a lord soul here I think we got a Nether Star didn’t we see yeah we got a Nether Star We Got A Shard of uncertainty oh my gosh that was intense but I think it’s time to go home oh home sweet home boy have I been excited to see you okay well that was pretty intense I’m not going to lie but listen it’s all over and done with now we did exactly what we said we was going to do and we’re still alive okay so that is the most important thing but now I’m going to return to my home and put the two eyes in the chest and then go through all the eyes that we have collected but we’ve successfully collected all 12 eyes oh my gosh this is the best day of my life let’s hit the eye chest deposit the two eyes in here boom there we go we have now successfully collected all of the eyes check it out so we now officially have all 12 eyes that we need in order to go to the end so let’s go through everything that we got okay so starting off we got the black eye corrupted eye the cursed eye evil eye lost eye magical eye nether eye old eye Rogue eye Undead eye witch eye and lastly the Wither eye so now we have all 12 eyes now what I’m going to do is I’m going to get prepared to go and locate the stronghold and then of course we’re going to put all the eyes around the end frame go to the end and attempt to slay the Ender Dragon now I am very excited to do this I’ve been waiting a very very long time and I’m sure you guys have been waiting a long time to watch me go to the end as well but hey the time is come and we’re about to get ready and go so what I’ve done is I prepared a few items I’ve brought lots of Netherrack with me I’ve brought some arrows just in case I’ve got some Arrow of harming which is pretty cool I’ve BR some healing runes with me lots of Netherrack of course my weapons and a bucket even though we don’t take any full damage due to my bunny Hopper slippers as you can see that are clearly on my feet but I’ve BR the bucket of water just in case we need it or anything like that you know I’d rather be sure than not sure but what I’m going to do is I’m going to take all of the eyes with me of course cuz I need to put them around the frame and obviously to locate the stronghold what I’m going to do is I’m going to actually quickly craft some normal of Ender and obviously right click them to try and find the stronghold so that’s exactly what I’m going to do I’ve just taken some blaze rods right here so I’m going to turn them all into blaze powder and then I just need some ender eyes oh ender pearls I mean there they are I have some right there so what I’m going to do is I’m going to put okay I make six Eyes of Ender that should be enough that should be enough Eye Of Enders to get me to the stronghold so that’s everything sorted then I’ve got all the eyes in place and I’m ready to defeat this Ender Dragon so I’ve got everything I need and I’m going to try and locate it right now let me go over to here though and quickly get a bucket of water this eye doesn’t want to be used what hm maybe I’ve got to use one of these eyes then okay there we go okay so it’s over in this direction then oh that’s very risky using these eyes isn’t it well I’m just going to try and uh you know not lose any eyes and just I suppose head over in this direction actually I’m going to take my zap tack with me I can’t leave the zap tack out right especially on my mission to slay the Ender Dragon I mean I can’t leave the Zar attack out like that can I that would be so mean okay ztac you’re coming with me buddy let’s go on an adventure together now this adventure is quite a serious one so I need you well behav ztac do you think you can do that for me please okay well I’m going to head in this direction anyways as it is apparently over here so please wish me luck on this journey because I’m going to need it I have no idea what to expect because after all this is fantasy Minecraft oh look at that we’ve already been in a couple of those but like I was saying this is fantasy Minecraft and it’s not going to be like any ordinary end now I don’t know what to expect the Enderman can be different there they could be stronger ones the Ender Dragon might not be as easy as usual so but hey I’m all for it I’m going to check it out so it’s still in this direction then like I mentioned I have no idea what to expect in the end I mean it could be a complete disaster hopefully it isn’t wao check this Valley out though how cool is that this mod pack is amazing honestly the things that is on this mod pack are just absolutely mindblowing I love fantasy Minecraft if you guys would ever be interested in seeing more of this please do let me know in the comments down below cuz I’ve had a bunch of fun so far and I would be very very happy to do this all over again or even to carry it on if you want to see a 200 days comment down below and let me know I’m going to Chuck this up here oh okay yeah still over there thank you ooh the Rocky Mountains what are those things oh my gosh wait are those like little mushrooms look at these things wao check that thing out oh my gosh look at that big mutant skeleton wa what even is that oh wait we’ve gten past it okay so it’s back down here then well it must be around here so I think I’m going to start digging around here then well it’s very dark down here so I’m going to hope I don’t bump into any lava or anything like that cuz imagine it all ending now that would be absolutely terrible oh okay A little Cave opening here oh my gosh there’s a skeleton of course well that means the stronghold must be around here somewhere then right what was that okay can can somebody tell me what just happened I’m going to keep going down here aha the stronghold I knew it was down here oh my gosh okay okay I really need to be careful though don’t I I can hear skeletons from an absolute mile away yep there they are oh no little baby zombie go away come on now buddy I thought we was friends come on what is that Fisk of sand what come on guys you you literally spawning out of nowhere now I’m going to use this as actually it’s a lot faster what’s in here then teleportation Hood H power three efficiency one that’s quite good what’s in these barrels here wizard robe top oh okay I have an elite wizard one oh them torches might actually come in very useful I’m going to get those and put them right here so I can see where I’m going a frost orb what does that do what’s this spell oil allows a tool to cast spells from a spell book more torches in this chest yes I’ll absolutely take that okay what is that is that an Golem doesn’t look like a friendly one though why is it highlighted like that are you friendly oh my gosh it isn’t friendly zombie please go away okay come on Glen the construct I mean what is your deal here like what do you what do you even do I don’t think you can fit through that door can you okay I mean this is helping me out so it’s almost defeated ah there we go little mini boss there right anything interesting in here Spirit orb oh come on zombie what is that oh my gosh what creeper minion wa oh my gosh get that thing away from me no way that isn’t real that isn’t real oh my gosh it keeps setting it minion Creepers on me the creeper minions aren’t the problem here cuz cuz they’re very weak but it’s that huge creeper is it this thing on the map I mean surely right it’s it’s got to be I have a strong feeling it is actually down here aha I knew it okay oh no there’s a skeleton creeper there it is the frame is all there in its own Glory I got to get rid of this cuz I do not want them guys spawning but there we go we have uh We’ve made it the time has finally come we are here opposite the portal and I’m actually very nervous I’m not going to lie so I’m going to put all of my eyes here well most of them actually um I’m going to start off with the Wither eye the witch eye the undead eye nether eye oh my gosh look at that actually looks really cool okay then the cursed eye corrupted eye I’m just hoping no mobs come up behind me and push me in the lava cuz that would be absolutely terrible right so we just got four more to go which would be the Rog eye the old eye the Lost eye and the Magical eye okay well here goes nothing I guess Rogue eye old eye lost eye and the final eye which is where all the magic happens is the magical eye so here we go oh my gosh it’s been done would you look at that the portal is right there behind us in all of its Glory I mean look how insane this thing looks with all the different type of eyes on it it looks actually really crazy okay we need to organize out what we’re going to sort of do here I’m going to put my food on the end organize all of this um I might need some ender pearls actually so I’m going to hold that there oh my gosh this thing looks insane but people we are already ready for the nether so here goes nothing oh my gosh I’m so nervous all right let’s go we have made it people we have made it to the end oh my God this is creepy as you can see the Ender Dragon health bar is at the top oh my gosh this is scary this is so scary okay I’m going to I’m going to mine up oh my gosh there it is look at it wa that thing looks crazy okay first of all we’re going to start off I do not want to look any Enderman in the eye thank you very much okay so I’m going to go up here and just build up as much as I can okay uh that scared the life out of me why did I jump down like that oh my gosh I got to stop being so scared I thought it was coming right towards me oh no no no no no no no okay I’m just going to build up here then oh my gosh why is it so scary okay I’m got to keep going here I have no idea where the Ender Dragon is but whever it is I hope it doesn’t bother me here’s the the first one right okay let’s take this one down boom there we go oh we can actually get a few from up here so if we get that one then we get that one yeah okay we got that one oh that’s a little bit far but I think we got it yep okay let’s get this one as well okay we got that one oh my gosh how am I doing this I’ve actually got Aimbot I’m being so inaccurate right now come on okay there we go we got that one let’s get that one as well the Ender Dragon trying to hit me with its dragon breath okay come on okay we got that one where is it where is it okay it’s right below us oh my gosh wait did I get it okay wait I got that one wait so what one’s is wait is there any left okay wait there’s this one here oh my gosh wait I think that’s is that all of them okay wait I think we have all the towers okay now we can start attacking the Ender Dragon let’s go come on I need to get a few shots off there we go okay let’s go down here this is like the best thing about it we can just take full damage like it literally doesn’t matter oh no I don’t want to look any of these Endermen in the eye cuz I don’t think they like me I don’t think they like me at all what is that what is that oh my gosh end end W what is that what the what is tell oh my gosh oh no oh my gosh what what is that get away from me oh my gosh it’s clearing out all the Enderman look at all the Enderman oh my gosh we just got a little bit hit there by the dragon but it’s fine I think they all don’t like the dragon anymore I think they’re all chasing after it to be honest I don’t think they’re very happy guys come on let’s get a few hits I’m very in accurate right now oh there we go oh no the dragon doesn’t like that the dragon does not like that at all come on come down here oh no no no no no no I’ve been waiting for this moment for a very long time and the grind to get here collecting all those eyes was something else so please just let me slay you oh I think it’s coming down it’s so hard not to look these guys in the eye come on I can’t hit it yes yes there we go come on oh yeah now we’re getting some hits baby oh I think it’s coming down oh my gosh it’s coming down okay let’s have a few hits ah we wasn’t supposed to do that that was not supposed to happen but we managed to get a few hits off of it anyways okay now you can fly away buddy come on oh my gosh Enderman why are you trying to stare me in the eyes go away what is that it’s literally trying to make me look at it in the eyes so it can just attack me that isn’t fair this dragon’s getting really weak now it’s just a few hits away it’s so close oh my gosh why isn’t these hitting oh oh it’s coming back down okay come on let’s TR I get a few last hits oh my gosh he’s going to die we’ve got it let’s go come on one more shot okay screw it there goes nothing die yes we got it we’ve taken it out oh my gosh oh my gosh look at this Ender Dragon plushy wao look at that thunderbrand wao check this thing out look at this one it dropped this thing looks insane oh no wait it’s one of these things again after us guys we did it though guys we finally did it we slay the Ender Dragon oh my gosh it even broke all of our armor it broke our helmet and boots oh my my gosh that was intense I’m not going to lie it dropped a little egg here as well but as we all know there’s always ways around it but oh my gosh that was intense so what did it drop it dropped a lord soul this Ender Dragon plushy I think I think we’re going to have to wear this as well right we’re going to take the panda off and put the Ender plushy on as you know it’s an achievement we’ve just slain the Ender Dragon that was a crazy battle I’m not going to lie let’s quickly just do this there we go all right cool now we’ve got the dragon egg uh I actually can’t believe we’ve just slain the Ender Dragon well that that was pretty successful that was a good fight I mean the Ender Dragon didn’t put up too much of a fight we got hit quite a few times but we managed to come out on top and that’s the most important thing right so but I think it’s time to go and explore these end cities over here and you know see what it’s all about in fantasy Minecraft see if anything’s different and just really showcase and check it out but if you guys have enjoyed this so far and want to show your support please do drop a like on the video as it helps me a lot and I appreciate every single one of you like so much so I love every single one of you guys who tune into these videos I do put a lot of effort into these videos and a lot of time so just dropping a little like and even subscribing goes a very long way for me and I really do appreciate it okay but I’m going to build up here okay maybe that might be a bit too many levels okay now I’m going to build up across like so I’m nearly there and all we going to do is Chuck a little ender pearl inside there we go so we’ve successfully made it up here as you can see by the Netherrack trail behind me and I’m going to get a ender pearl right now right there and just throw it inside oh yeah okay we’ve made it we have successfully made it people wo check this place out though where are we right now in the Shadow Forest wo I mean check out all these different ores well end node o I might I might take a bit of that end gem what can I what can I do with this oh I can actually make things with this well that’s pretty cool Ender blade I can make a few things out of that check out this ore here okay well what can I do with this stuff what does this stuff give me wao oh I can make another shield with that that’s pretty cool looks to be like a more powerful Shield ooh that’s actually really helpful well it certainly is the Shadow Forest isn’t it I mean look how dark it is down here and we just got blinded for a second okay well I’m going to keep heading in this direction see what that is over there cuz that looks really bright I’m still so happy that we just defeated the Ender Dragon such an achievement waa look at this foggy mushroom land oh my gosh why is there so many spiders here wao look at the dragon flies look how cool they look they’re like glowing and oh my gosh this looks really cool wo I mean check this out look how nice this looks wo why is it like hundreds of spiders trying to attack me right now oh my gosh leave me alone look at these dragonfly want to attack one what is that um okay I have no idea what that is oh so it’s like that huh buddy okay end Islands Enderman please oh okay well goodbye I guess what is that little orb that keeps trying to hit me what what is that wa what is that good job I bought ender pearls because okay this is so risky oh okay thank God oh my gosh not you again no no you are so annoying oh my gosh especially when there’s two what is this oh my gosh can you guys like go away please wo look at this thing here amberland oh my gosh this looks crazy oh look there’s buildings over there what is that like a little village what is that place wa what is that why is there different types of buildings around and stuff I’m oh wait what is that an end slime oh my gosh look at these little guys okay what’s inside here though is there like loot in here an end Village okay check it out look how cool these chest look they’re all pink okay leather WRA sticks but look how cool this end Village is though wow these blocks are actually really awesome look at these barrels they’re even Pink as well what okay let’s go inside here see if we can find any tasty loot okay more ender pears Shadow berries oh look at these doors they’re actually pretty cool okay there’s even more structures over here so I mean oh okay just more ender pearls smithing template I mean I I I’ll take it wa look at that it’s like a little end whale looks seems to be stuck as well but oh well more barrels and more ender pears oh my gosh more of these smithing templates as well look at this combined with a leather handle oh maybe that might actually come in useful then oh we got some of these ingots as well oh check these out that bow looks so cool okay well that’s interesting oh I like those bulb lanterns do you know what I think I’m going to steal these actually why not yeah I could I could use some of these why not there we go don’t mind if I do you guys know I like stealing things that crafting table is super cool that is pink I really like that let’s enter through here though anything in the barrel for us Blossom Berry jelly that’s that’s quite a tongue twister anything else more lanterns wo look at that what is smoking like a little campfire oh check that out little sky island or that like it’s supposed to be like a little star or something like that that’s pretty cool okay what is this netherite Hammer upgrade okay what is this in here oh there’s a little ladder that leads upstairs oh check this little chest out that’s cool shulker shells ah okay make a shulker box actually I will take that perfect I can fix what what did that just do why is it acting really suspicious it just went in there and charged out it got all like scared I think a look at this little well look how pretty this is oh look at these Amber gems there’s so many things to hold ooh fireworks nice some more ingots I’m going to carry these fireworks actually more fireworks oh we found an elytra let’s go no way oh yeah I’m definitely going to equip this oh my gosh okay and we have fireworks too let’s go well that was a pretty good find we actually managed to get ourselves a elytra as well I need to take this Shield off though so I can actually like use it I’m actually very happy we managed to get an elytra I just realized all my armor is broken as well which isn’t a big deal because when I get home I can just go ahead and craft myself some more so you know it’s not the end of the world for me okay what is this thing coming after me an Ender warthog oh my gosh no go away wait what is that is it all floating pirate ship whoa check this Fountain yeah okay buddy I’m just going to get an ender pearl and just teleport up here away from you guys cuz you guys are so annoying there we go ha now you cannot catch me loser I’m going to keep building up though I want to see what this pirate ship’s all about would it be rude to break in can I uh can I do that is there anything in here oh my gosh there’s shulkers okay okay ah come on shulker oh look there’s another elytra there but I think the Electra we got is actually legendary so to be fair that was actually like an insane find wao look at the stuff in here spell tomb Ender o what happens if I learn this spell then you learn a new spell cool I’m actually going to need some armor I’m not even lying so wouldn’t be a bad idea to equip some of this to be honest ooh diamonds don’t mind if I do whirlwind oil adds Whirlwind to a tool we got more Rings we got more Iron Butterfly elytra smithing template oh that’s actually really cool so I just get the smithing template and a little bit of Dy and put my elytra in there do you know we’re going to take that then anything else up here though I should be aware of I might take these um end rods as as a quite decorative blocks to add it home okay goodbye Shuler ow oh of course I can hear another one cuz it’s right there oh my gosh are you serious Shuler oh my gosh what oh no okay there’s more oh my gosh I’m so happy I can’t take any fall damage right now these are just so annoying give me the end rods oh my gosh you got to be you got to be kidding me well that was actually a pretty good Ender pear there well done Scoops okay I’m going to take more of these rods anything in the Brewing stands no okay where where is this other sh oh my gosh there it is come on there we go are you kidding me I can hear another one oh my gosh I’m getting attacked from all over right now but I’m not going to lie I think I’ve taken all the loot up here so I’m probably just going to get down hopefully I don’t get attacked by shers anymore I wonder if we can see anything else around here oh my gosh this is so cool though how we now have an elytra I mean look at us we’re flying woo Ender baronss oh that doesn’t look too promising this is so much better to travel this way it’s like I’m riding my Zar Tech obviously apart from I’m I’m not but you know what whatever well as I’m casually just flying around honestly this mod pack has been a bunch of fun to play and I know we’re coming towards the end of the video now but honestly I have had such a blast playing this mod pack if you guys do want to see a 200 days of this please do let me know in the comments section down below because I would be more than happy to survive an extra 100 days of this just for you guys oh check this out the small end islands is there anything inside of here oh there’s a spawner nothing inside though never mind I thought we uh you know might have had something there but obviously not aha there’s a little like n city structure here let’s uh let’s go up here then we found a little n city oh all righty as you all know there’s some yummy loot laying around in here any chests any chests for me oh my gosh okay we got one shulker box oh oh my gosh it’s there these guys really do just like to teleport anywhere don’t they okay it looks like I have to do some sort of Parkour here I can try we’re just going to keep doing this and I guess oh and I’ve been attacked again okay anything out here oh this is pretty powerful uh-oh I’ve just been hit it’s so annoying when you start flying cuz it takes absolutely ages for it to wear off we’ve nearly reached the top here oh there we go little one hit there that was pretty satisfying okay and we made it to the top I don’t think there’s anything up here though yeah I don’t see any chests laying around oh well that’s quite disappointing I mean at least we have some elytra anyways so that’s the most important thing wee this is so fun o look at this neon Oasis oh okay you don’t say what why is there like a a mini boss Shuler in here can someone just explain that to me please oh it dropped a diamond Hammer though we can take that we can always take that what have we got in here diamond pickaxe iron lots of smithing templates I’m seeing here Crusader boots swap apparently it’s a new spell so and while I’m at it I have a few more skill points actually while I can level up some stuff so some more melee damage that’s for sure oh yeah okay that that’s that’s a lot better now I feel a lot stronger wa check this thing out what is this oh my gosh okay um I’m going to get rid of that waa check this huge like end castle out this thing looks crazy what is up here for us then is there like anything in here what was a loot Barrel nothing too interesting in here oh there’s a stray what is that oh it’s one of these things again okay buddy can I pick you off from up here yes I can oh my gosh these Strays oh no ouch oh what’s in this place I just hear Strays though to be honest what’s up here then on this level o little like dining room table I like it I think this looks awesome hang on a minute are these skeletons what is up here let me get rid of that spawner cuz I don’t want any mobs spawning now do we but look at this bed someone is definitely sleeping well up here I’m not going to lie who owns this Castle I mean whose Castle is This and like why is it here is there like a boss in here or anything like that or what is this uh-oh okay come on stray I’m going to try and pick it off through this window ow I’m going to mine this there we go a I’m being attacked no what is this I’ve located down here is this some sort of like underground prison oh my gosh there’s a skeleton here someone just didn’t survive did they well I’m going to break through here because it’s a bit you know I’m being a little bit naughty here oh there’s actually a staircase here this whole time okay anything in these chests oh lots of diamonds okay a legendary diamond sword okay um more shulker shells oh my gosh this is this is terrible look at these poor prisoners oh diamond boots more diamonds we love those what is this in here then I have no idea what this is like an abandoned castle I mean it’s pretty cool though wa check that out epic diamond boots I’m definitely going to put those on new helmet as well don’t mind if I do oh look it’s Little Panda plushy a oh look at these diamonds I’m collecting these Diamonds oh my gosh what’s through here oh a pigling head what oh no there’s a straight okay okay buddy what’s in these chests anything Diamond chest plate yes please come to me Spire armor trim just some more golden ingots uh you know not the best oh definitely more diamonds I will uh take that enchantment book backstabbing two okay oh an epic AR Shay hang on a second can you like not please I’m just trying to actually like organize some stuff H okay oh my gosh why are these so these guys are really annoying okay I’m going to take that oh little Enchanted Apple there I’m really scared I have no idea what’s like under here honestly I don’t think it’s anything I think it’s just a little castle honestly it looks pretty cool though ah more chest ah and more Strays apparently oh my come on you guys cut it out please there’s no shulkers up here though which I’m actually very shocked I thought there’d be some shulkers up here at least but honestly there’s there’s nothing apart from Strays very annoying Strays anyways so o Ender Chest oh an enchantment table as well that’s pretty cool what’s through this bit then more chest and more Emerald oh my gosh wait where what where did I just get bow and arrowed from lingering potion of invisibility oh nice ah better shovel for us too that will do oh my gosh stray are you kidding me what is this guy’s problem I found 34 diamonds in here pretty impressive what’s through this side oh oh look at these hidden chests nothing in that one nothing in that one wait oh my gosh I’ve just been scammed there’s nothing even there’s nothing even in those ones oh well what’s through here then we haven’t been here yet eat this cake oh yeah that is scrumptious oh nice more diamonds oh a legendary one we take that one over the Epic one that’s for for sure my gosh if you guys want diamond armor this is the place to come I got lots of Sher shell as well actually that’s pretty funny some more diamond armor some more diamonds as well not too bad there’s more Strays okay I got to get out of here see you later guys I’m not risking that today let’s go and check this out over here look how cool these islands look though I mean they’re so colorful and so bright wao what are these oh my gosh end slimes not you guys again you guys look so beautiful though I just can’t help but slay you guys get some of that XP right here oh yeah oh what is that a treehouse let’s go and check this treehouse out that looks actually really nice okay I’d actually live in here what this thing looks cool how do I uh how do I get up here though maybe like try and break in I think that might be the uh best way here can I get in here please there we go right oh look at these crafting tables wa what is that a shadow Berry interesting oh my gosh what can I do with these ingots oh I can make some pretty nice things with these actually that’s that’s pretty cool more ender pearls some music discs okay well this looks really cool but now I think honestly I’m just going to head home and see you guys on the other side I guess so I have successfully explored the end I’m now officially back home all safe and sound back in my little village but that is going to conclude this video for today I hope you guys have enjoyed because I have enjoyed playing this mod pack so much it has been a bunch of fun and honestly I would highly recommend you guys play this I’ll leave a link Down Below in the description if you’d like to go and check it out yourself which I would highly recommend you do as it in my opinion it’s a lot better than vanilla Minecraft but if you guys did enjoy this video I’d appreciate appreciate if everyone could just drop a thumbs up and even subscribe when you’re around here because I’ll be uploading a lot more especially if you’re interested in this sort of content there is plenty more on the way and as I’m only a smallest Channel it really does go a long way for me I put a lot of time and effort into these videos so honestly I would appreciate every single one of you if you did that even drop a comment down below and let me know if you enjoyed but with all that being said I have been Scoops and I will see you on the next one peace out

Hardcore mode in Minecraft is the hardest difficulty in the game, I survived 100 DAYS in Fantasy Minecraft Hardcore! I Explored medieval fantasy themed structures, mobs & weapons! I use magic spells, wizard staffs & modded weapons to conquer magical dimensions, castles & mythical bosses! It looks to be my toughest challenge yet, but I’m biggest brain – so I did it, and my base looked pretty good too! (I think) Fantasy Minecraft Hardcore was really challenging 😀

Hit the like button if you liked the vid! 😀


Try the challenge out for yourself: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fantasy-minecraft-fabric

Let me know your thoughts in the comments…


  1. Can we have 200days nobody does it anymore and you can defeat the other bosses. Just a little thing can you not repeat yourself 50 times in 2minutes we know you have the eyes and how many thank you n keep up great work

  2. Ever since my pc fried ive been too lazy to either repair it or finally build a new one but i really miss modded java. I love bedrock but better Minecraft speaks for itself 😂

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