Preparing For WAR On Squid Island!

no no no there’s a sign on craner’s land that says bye King glowy King glow is still here oh my God why has Craner done and where is slogo is slogo here wait somebody broke a piece of glass why are there cobwebs no Bor Co has been abandoned this is taking time are you kidding me I have left a book for them to read but both Craner and slogo have left Squid Island ladies and gentlemen welcome back to what used to be the greatest series in the world I don’t know what’s going on but it appears my friends have left the Museum of Squid Island which was on slow GH land is abandoned why is there a chest here he stole the beam where did slowo go where did Craner go in case you guys have missed out on the previous episodes let me quickly explain what’s been going on in our beautiful Minecraft world we’ve got our own States those States together create the United States of Squid Island which used to be ruled by a president and the president and all citizens followed laws and a constitution however Craner resigned as a president which wasn’t even legal and clearly abandoned Squid Island which is also not legal and then I don’t know exactly what happened to slogo but um I’m just going to quickly check at our little throne room we made over here if our law book and Constitution book is still in place it is oh my goodness all right we’re taking those with us I do not trust my friends right now it appears that a piece of glass was broken like you saw at the start that could have killed our King glowy squid over here which by the way now that grer resign as president is the only official ruler of this land now in the previous episode I left a book for my friends to read in that book I invited them to have a little chat in that throne room we were just that tomorrow so if if you want to see that video make sure you subscribe right now like this video because well I’m really curious to see if they’re going to come back and if they do what they’re going to say all right we got to check the Vault we got to check if Craner or slogo has taken their armor with them has taken diamonds and all the wealth of Squid Island am I the only sane person left like what is going on man something I don’t understand is slogo was present for 6 weeks and he created all of these laws like how can you create laws and then simply abandon them oh my God no no slogo took all his netherite armor with him crater took all of his armor with him but left his garbage okay I’ll take some of this my armor is still here okay so they didn’t steal that’s interesting so did they steal from The Vault then let’s have a look in our vault we’ve collected diamonds and other resources because we’ve been paying our taxes let’s have a look okay this is still fine that’s weird this is a lot of diamonds look at all those diamond blocks each diamond block is nine diamonds right so I’m curious why they didn’t take that but anyway I think it’s safe to say I cannot trust slogo and Craner right now we have to protect our King and we have to protect Squid Island clearly I’m the only person here sane enough oh no I left the president’s suit and president Trident right here in this chest and they have been robbed somebody took him in it’s either Craner or slogo they have taken oh my God the presidential items okay that’s that’s stealing there’s a sign right here what’s this say jelly equals what jelly is stupid I’m sorry to whoever put that sign down but it kind of looks like I’m the only one still living on this land following the rules following the Constitution now I do agree now that they left yes we’re going to have to go over all of these rules again because clearly they’re not working right sure maybe there are too many rules but I didn’t come up with them I’ve never been president the only person that came up with rules is slowo man we’re hiding our constitution our law book we got some other books to hide I think I need to go get those diamond blocks from the vault as well I will go hide those now what is the next step I need to protect this land I I don’t know what else to do I clearly can’t trust my friends let’s start by removing that ugly byy sign can I do that this is not my land I agree but this is now King Glow’s land and I am simply serving my king by cleaning up the mess this buy sign has no real significance we readed it now so I guess it’s time to go all right let’s build up I believe shears is the quickest way to remove wool isn’t it maybe we can reuse some of this black wool from the sign to build something new I don’t know it’s not exactly a resource that is very sustainable I mean it burns wait a minute it burns oh my God I have a flint Ste oh I’m so dumb bro why did I even bother well let’s hope the whole thing burns down because then I don’t have to come back up here huh all right now I just need to get that pole over there and then we’re good the byy sign is gone byebye sign okay this is looking good this is looking good I think the entire thing is yeah pretty much gone so how exactly are we going to protect Squid Island then well I’ve been looking looking at this mono rail right theoretically speaking that is a really good wall it’s going to require a lot of blocks but what if I use my company Beano to build an entire wall around Squid Island now I know that might look like uh slogo and Craner are not welcome anymore but that’s the exact opposite Craner and slogo are extremely welcome and you know what this is still craner’s land however they have to behave in order to live here we as a group came up with the Constitution and as a group we’ve decided what works and what doesn’t work and clearly it’s not working I need to go back up there cuz there’s still more wool I personally think what I’m going to propose tomorrow is that our beautiful King glowy III comes up with a base set of rules somewhat similar to the Constitution however there will not be a president anymore there will not be a single person in charge and there won’t be new laws each week that way I think it should stay a little better it’ll be less chaotic I suppose gu yeah I mean the power just keeps going a slow goes head you know what I mean wait what’s that there’s a fire I mean this this has been landscaped oh my God have I just found where another person lives is it Craner or slogo let’s go have a look okay uh this is very built up oh huh dogs is it Bor we’ve got cat and we’ve got Bor this is slowo hot ah what is this spot bro what am I looking at we’ve got a tree what is that king henard king henard is dead bro did slogo kill him King hen word soo’s got his own King nah n n n n n you can’t be doing that slowo all right I realize he’s not exactly here right now but slogo what are you doing what is this so I remember this piece of land back when we started Squid Island this piece of land was actually connected to Squid Island that’s right uh this used to be built up with dirt and we actually chopped that away and so now slogo is living on another Island you can’t do that slogo slogo is literally the person who came up with a law that states if you want to extend your land you need the authorization of another person slogo that’s a little selfish don’t you think coming up with a rule and then i’ following your own rule he damaged my pyramid and I went through a lot of trouble when I broke that rule Ru and so slogo is just going to go get away with it and now he’s got a new king and so he’s not even going to obey anything that King glowy wants and says I mean technically squids can’t speak but still this is King Glow’s land he’s the OG King glowy II was murdered by slogo King GL the first was murdered by sloo and I believe King hward was abandoned by sloo he’s got a great reputation everyone he’s got a great reputation I kind of understand trer leaving now now that I now that I look at this it’s just looking rather weird at the moment I mean if I really truly didn’t care I would probably leave this island and find myself a nice new place to live but I’m not like that I don’t give up like that that’s right I’ve got my pets here Melvin Perry and beanie I’ve got my company beo a security company very successful much WoW clearly the most successful company on this land I am not the type of person to abandon things all right I’m just really sad that even after I went to prison they leave me here they’re kind of making it look like it’s my fault I wasn’t even president I’ve not done anything all right I’m going to stop ranting and I’m just going to break this sign down the next thing that I’m going to do is I’m going to remove these walls if my friends abandon me over here on this land there is no reason for interconnecting walls in fact I believe that slogo and Craner abandoning the land means that this is now a part of squid City and not a part of slogo land so I’m taking all the iron I’m taking all of the brick slogo can have the iron if he wants I mean I can build an iron Factory I don’t care but I’m just saying there’s simply no reason to have these walls and what’s with these armadillos here like can they just all right well I should probably get myself a diamond pickaxe um I have diamonds still and if not maybe I’ll use the diamonds from The Vault they abandoned me okay clearly we need to re redo the law book and everything so I’m not stealing oh also I’m going to check if I’ve got diamonds myself first I do it’s not a lot I am going to grab this armor though although I should probably make diamond armor all right let’s just quickly enchant this pickaxe um I do have an XP farm but I’m too lazy to go down there right now I just want to remove those walls the walls have got to go if you guys remember I had an oath book where I actually stated that I think the walls should go as well so technically this kind of follows with my idea of what squid Island should look like anyway I’m still just a little sad about the fact that I’ve just been abandoned here I’m I’m going to pretty this place up and hopefully when they come back they like what I’ve done I just really hope slogo isn’t actually going to move into a new land that would be weird why did I decide to do this you see how much pain I go through to make this land look better everyone uh by the way I removed this entire section now I’m going uh I’m going to remove the border between ah between jelly land and ex slogo land now it’s starting to look pretty good though it’s starting to look pretty good what’s kind of weird is I’ve got my like Farm over here and then there’s a giant slowo Tower o sorry orange sheep so I’m also going to have to work on technically like the transitions between the land but that’ll be fine oh I just broke a piece of redstone oh no I just activated the farm ah I can hear all the water flowing great this is just going great all right I need to empty this chest a little bit o I did not know there was a shortcut like that I mean my inventory not the chest uh we’re going to move on and remove some of these borders um obviously the wall is is looking pretty good most of it is gone on the slowo side I guess I mean that was arguably the biggest wall so the Craner one will be a little bit easier um one kind of issue I have if they come back and they kind of want to reinstate the borders we have an issue cuz I just removed them like the walls isn’t the isn’t the problem but the borders is but maybe I’ll create or make a sign uh so there is a reference point if that makes sense or string we could use string maybe string is a nice material what is wrong with these armadillos like actually anyway um look at that look that’s pretty cool it’s open hey I like it I really like it we’re going to have to redo some of the paths as well but we get to it when we get to it and there you go I just did a little fast forward but yet uh crater’s wall it’s gone yo look at this oh my God we got a little chest with all the wall stuff o dies are nice I kind of fix the transition a little bit this is looking very clean I like it and then if we redo the paths it’s going to look pretty good and there’s the jelly wall gone I mean that one was just one layer of brick walls deep slate brick walls wow I like how open it is we should probably have one color for all the paths we’ll get to it when we get to it but now that our wall project is somewhat running to an end we need to start the second wall project I’ve been looking at this idea um and I feel like it makes sense since that Squid Island is one big island now roled by King glowy and no one else we need a castle wall I’m just looking at this um monor rail right now and what if we just build it down literally that’s it we just we just fill it up with brick wall I do have a lot of brick wall available I’m not sure it’s enough cuz this is a lot this is going to require a couple thousand brick wall blocks but I mean I got pickaxes and I got diamond blocks and I I have an enchantment Farm uh an XP farm I I can do this it shouldn’t take me that long let’s have a look yeah that’s a lot of deep slate we got to smelt this stuff we already have a lot of brick stuff um all right let’s get this stuff smelted then all right there we go while we wait for that we can already get started with some of these now I realize here um X president slogo broke a piece off the monal and yeah I think Craner gave me a portion of this landback so I’m not sure where to where to end the wall over here so maybe we start next to our monoral station and we just buil down from there uh yeah we’re going to remove these we’re going to leave those iron blocks good 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 two three I’m having a good time this is going to look pretty spectacular once it’s done I think everything for Squid Island we must protect the land I realized anybody can just break through the wall but it’s about the idea of a wall all right we have to protect the land from the fen I I mean slowo Craner all right Bank bank wo it’s looking pretty good already um that was a good like 20 minutes at least maybe 30 uh it’s looking pretty good though especially when you take into account we’re going to of course make sure that the monil works and I kind of want like staircases on the other side and we need ladders to get up there uh maybe we can build towers on certain parts I’m starting to like it I’m starting to like it Squid Island is becoming one wow I’m running out a deep slate obviously uh we’ve been using a lot of resources here so uh yeah I’m just going to quickly mine some more maybe I’ll try and break this pickaxe I don’t know how many blocks is I think that’s usually around 2,000 blocks oh I forgot to enchant this one why did I walk all the way down and not bring an enchanted pickaxe the things I do for Squid Island dude the things I do for squid I’m going back up we’re going to enchant this thing and beam so I was just thinking right these mines some of them might be underneath Island that slogo is living on what are we going to do about that cuz theoretically these are mins that slogo crer and myself have been working on while we lived on Squid Island so surely it’s squid Island’s property in fact what slogo is doing is illegal but I don’t know if I can stop him I’m going to have to convince him to come back but yeah I don’t know it’s kind of a weird spot that we’re in right now and again I’d like to say Craner and slogo are still welcome back Squid Island is in my land guys right don’t think that I’m doing that this is King glow thei third’s land and as long as you come back you must take care of the land if that makes sense gosh I’ve been building too much today okay I’m about to start on the wall again however I just checked my chest and I found Vines from when I went to look for my Parry pet parrot Vines I think are mostly found in the jungle but I thought why not use these Vines and kind of create like an abandoned look on slow ghost Tower by placing some Vines I think that would be a really cool idea so let’s go up a little bit and place some these are going to like grow and spread and hang and I don’t know do all kinds of stuff like that I at least I hope it does I’m not sure it does on glass it might not work okay we made it to the top of slow GH Tower I’m a little bit scared about going down now but uh let’s hang some Vines oh look at the wall by the way it’s looking really good all right let’s continue on this Tower then I mean wall you see how uh building can just change your brain I’m not going to lie I’m getting really really really really really bored of doing this but it’s almost done I’ve accidentally broken a couple of Parts uh for me it’s really important that the monor roil will be functional at the end and I did have another idea oh missed a piece my other idea was what if we like extend it by one block this way and yeah we create like you know we put some uh brick stairs down to make it look like more of an ed Edge Let’s have a look what does it look like from um This Island right now oh my God yeah that’s a that’s a goodl looking wall that’s a good looking wall I like it and you can like go around with the monor rail this is sick all right it’s almost done all right so let’s have a look then we are going to build a ladder going up here let’s put a little crafting table down for a little bit um we got to make some more stairs we I’m going to try this so I don’t really want it to be too complicated so it’s simply going to go like that I mean that will look pretty cool I think maybe it’s easier if I place it just in One Direction first and then I place the other direction on the way back all right so now this direction we cannot mess any up really curious to know what this is going to look like this is a proper castle wall at this point man king glowy almost has a true Kingdom at this point we have to um obviously put some rules in place for it to be a true Kingdom but we already have a throne so there’s that okay all right that part is done oh my God it’s looking good let’s continue a little bit further and then the way back okay I want to have a look from this land which is still Squid Island let’s not forget oh my God that looks really really cool I kind of like that you can see some old iron beams as well kind of memorizing everyone or that it’s that it’s still a monor rail and I actually really like the outer edge man it’s almost done the last thing we’re going to do today is not remove the flag no we’re going to remove three out of the four states on Squid Island the flag now unfortunately only has one star shining bright for Squid Island thank you for watching today’s video tomorrow I meeting with slowo and Craner let’s hope they come is it a war I hope not

Slogo and Crainer left Squid Island, now it’s up to me to protect the land..

Official Squid Island Reddit:

Jelly Store:

@slogo @MisterCrainer

#Gaming #Minecraft


  1. Jelly you cover all the land into your land as you are the only citizin of squid island under king Glowy lll 's Monarch as slogo and crainer left it

  2. Jelly Why don't you just? Take over the island. Nobody's there Come on. King Glowie. It is sweet. You can rule the land. Hair down. Everything. Elsh And make it. You're land.

  3. jelly thinks that the laws need to be followed to make the island better, but politics and these things is the reason they left. they wanted freedom, which they had none of on the island. not begging, but like if you think they should go back to the old times

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