Hunting Minecraft’s Most Scary (Dangerous?) Myths!

there are hundreds of videos on the internet showing us how to summon the scariest Minecraft myths what do you do when they’ve invaded your world terrorizing and destroying everyone and everything today I’m hunting down these dangerous myths to show you how to protect yourself it all started when I first received an email from a fan one of you guys Danny Johns who started his own Minecraft server but has now come under attack from scary myths which he claim has to do with this Lake being filled with Blackness honestly I would usually think this was a prank until I realized that he actually sent image evidence of this Lake and sure enough it has been totally sapped out of color now I put it through our filters and this is not Photoshop we couldn’t find any evidence or artifacts of the image that were unnatural this is a real in-game screenshot that obviously got me hooked but then when we look deeper he said there’s also some other myth that he doesn’t understand all I know is that if this is real I am very worried for Danny Johns because I mean he’s one of you guys he’s one of the fans and somehow scary myths have gotten to him too we need to figure out what’s going on and put a stop to this but how I guess the best we can do is see if this IP address is actually real find out we’re loading in this isn’t going to work is it oh it actually did what in the world bro what is this lag I mean I can move around just fine the blocks are actually blurry in fact This Server is totally glitched out dude these don’t even have color glitch textures removed from the game everywhere blurry pixels I don’t even know what to say I’ve never seen a server like this before I mean look even the walls have been replaced with like levers how does that happen I don’t understand and where are all the players I mean this was clearly someone’s house and yet nobody is here what happened to the something very wrong happened here unless this is all somehow connected to this Lake that Danny John’s emailed us about or even worse what if it’s this something else that he said he didn’t know much about I wish he’d given us more information maybe there’s some Clues around here oh what do these signs say Welcome to our server please enjoy your stay be sure to visit our shops and our Lake for a quick fish okay so I mean the server def definitely has players or at least it had players what happened to the civilization oh my gosh Lord I thought that was literally one of those entities for a second that we got emailed about but no it’s just another player on the server add me on Discord I have no mic okay well clearly people do still play here but should we add this guy on Discord I don’t know guys given all of this it seems a little bit risky he’s also getting real up and close in my face all right well I guess we don’t really have any other way to communicate with him here guys let’s just add him real quick hello can you hear us okay I think he can hear us um so now what sorry I just wanted to say hi it’s been a while since we’ve had someone new in our server I’m the owner this guy’s the owner okay well that makes sense considering everything else going on the owner would be the only one who would still want to play on this corrupted mess of nonsense the better question then is is it this corrupted nonsense or like why why is no one you joined your server yes we’ve been attacked by a weird Golem that’s stalking us what leaving all kinds of strange blocks could you stop it huh go that must have been the thing that Danny John’s told us about I mean yeah I mean of course we’re here to stop it it’s actually one of the players on This Server he was a fan of mine he was actually more concerned about this black Lake thing do you think you can show me that that doesn’t seem that interested guys I it’s not far behind me going straight don’t worry about it what you’re looking for is the Golem I don’t know I feel like that’s definitely something that you should worry about I know you’re stressed about this weird Golem owner dude but I’m just going to go take a quick check it out real quick just in case all right I mean they could be connected and if you want me to solve your problem I’m going to need to have a look at it as well he doesn’t seem to be following us I don’t really understand why I guess he must be just as scared of this Lake all right so it’s looking like we’ve got a mysterious mob that we need to find but also this Lake as I walked towards the lake I kept an eye out for this mysterious mob no is this it I mean this this has to be it what happened here dude this is crazy just sent shivers down my spine I don’t there is just something so wrong about this how does this even happen if it was a lighting glitch it would just be a really dark blue and you would still be able to see through it not to mention there would be lighting glitches around the area and yet everything else is fine and dandy oh wait there’s a peer over here this must have been the good fishing spot that the sign in the village said clearly it’s not a good spot anymore it all just seems a little bit fishy okay I look I know the joke was bad guys I’m just kind of stressed out right now so just come me a little bit of slack okay what what we got over here a little bit of bread some cobweb stick not sure what we could use any of this stuff for w wao What bones and fish what happened to this liquid that caused everything to die how dangerous is this liquid and how do we get rid of it I guess the only way to truly know is to jump in there oh man I guess if I die it’s not the end of the world I can just respawn it’s not hardcore Okay jump in go oh my gosh bro I have wither I have wither I have wither go go go go go out out out out ow ow ow ow what was that there was also something else in there guys rewind the video when I went in there was a light it was coming from that direction over there everything else was completely dark like when I turned around Darkness black nothing you couldn’t see at all and yet there was a light there coming from the center of the lake we got to see what that light is I only lost a couple of Hearts so one more try wouldn’t hurt right I should be able to survive it here we go here we go ready run up run up jump go okay swim towards the light see I told you look there’s a light there come on come on come on what is that what is that wait what the fish are attacking me no no no no no no swim swim to the top oh no no no no I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die eat eat the bread eat the bread eat the bread what the guys there’s a fish there’s fish they’re chasing after me they’re attacking me ow ow no no no I thought all the fish were dead I thought all the fish were dead what were those what were those we almost just died there what was that the fish bit me fish don’t normally do that other than Papa fish and they weren’t they they were certainly not regular fish and speaking of which these ones are dead so maybe it wasn’t the liquid that killed them it was whatever those were but they only appeared when I got near the [Music] light look at those bubbles they’re waiting for me they’re definitely protecting something we’re going to need to kill those fish I won’t survive otherwise I reckon that has to be connected right but without proper gear I stood no chance against the Black Lake so I quickly returned back to the village and asked players for resources they were actually really generous because they all seem to be very terrified of this Lake but hopefully they’re generosity will not go to waste because now we have armor to protect us from the fish weapons to take them out but most importantly golden apples to stop us from dying to the water giving us just enough time to actually focus on figuring out what is down there but the Sun is setting and I don’t want to be underwater when it’s dark so we better hurry and get down below to the depths wait I swear I just saw something I saw something in the in the forest right there there was something I saw something walking through there there wait wait what was that it was just here in these trees it was here in these trees wait without without the sword it looked like an iron golem maybe it was here I saw it just walk through here I think it was walking in this direction more of those sort of blocks the blur and the black water spreading out from the lake it was here you guys saw that right okay I’m going crazy there was nothing there I looked here and there’s just nothing Iron Golems are slow if if if I saw something there’s no way it could have disappeared in that time even if there was something there I it’s one myth at a time I can’t chase everything okay we just got to lock in the sun’s about to set and I need to find out what is going on with that light last time the fish were there so I reckon if we come around from the side we could potentially miss them all together but of course we still need to survive that water which I think this golden Enchanted apple is going to help us [Music] do we got to do it now it’s now ever go all right that light’s in the center the light’s in the center head there oh no oh oh no the fish are right there the fish are right there okay just swim past them no no okay they’re attacking us they’re attacking us get them down come on out you go baby you thought you could take me oh oh no that’s a whole lot more fish that’s a whole lot more fish oh no no no no no no no no they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming I’m going to drown I’m going to drown I’m drowning too I’m drowning too get up get up wait I have an idea I have an idea come on we just got to get them to attract to us oh ow ow ow ow eat bread eat bread oh we’re on two hearts we’re on two hearts eat the golden apple oh that was so close come on come on get the fish up here here come on stick your heads up stick your heads up I know you’re in there ow swing the sword around randomly there’s one there’s one come on this is like whack-a-mole but terrifying guys where is it where is it there there there come on come on yes ha do we get rid of them all I think so we’re good now we can head back in there towards the light here we go oh man this hurts okay come on swim okay eat another Golden Apple dude it just absolutely knocks out our health entirely wait what dude that isn’t just a light there are Hoppers here as well oh we’re going to drown we’re going to drown get some oxygen Hoppers and it’s a dome this is a perfectly made sphere this looks player made this had to be made by a player at least I think so unless this is an incredibly intelligent AI I mean with AI and everything these days but wait these are Hoppers connected into chests what this doesn’t make any sense Hoppers into chests it’s like it was designed to collect items Oh wait we’re going to drown we’re going to drown we’re going to get out of here go go go go go go go go go wait what was that what uh guys did you see that thing that was there it was like in the shape of a player wait respawn respawn I was killed by I didn’t even notice that what I didn’t drown I I thought I died from drowning but clearly I didn’t did I die from the lake or did I die from that thing that appeared I mean it looked like a player but there were black dots on him like as if he’d been corrupted or glitched out by but if it’s a player then it could be someone here right now that would make sense I mean it looked like a player made structure it was manmade could an entity really do that on their own I I I I don’t know then I reckon we should probably start investigating the people who are on right now I began my investigation by exploring every house in in the village questioning their owners they all had one story in common both the Golem and the Black Lake appeared when the server started pitching this is a rare glitch that occurs when the server’s game files are modified without even saving causing them to corrupt but why these files modified in the first place and while I have learned a lot more about this Golem from the players not a single one has given me a lead as to who built the structure or Who Killed Me Maybe the last house has some Clues wait up there up there I saw it that that’s the Golem thing that everyone one keeps talking about I mean it was I think it was missing its head it was it and it had like something on its chest but I didn’t quite make it out I I just missed it maybe that’s the same thing that I I saw over at the lake but I didn’t get a close enough look at I mean the owner did say it was stalking the players but why is it planning to attack I’m just going to have to focus on that next all right we’re still trying to sort out this black leg thing okay this house was my last one to have a look at some shovels any leads no what is this I don’t know if you’ve noticed the significance of these blocks right now but Hoppers chest stone bricks sea laned Stone these are the exact blocks that we used to build the structure in the Black Lake which means it’s not an enti it had to be a player but then that was that Iron Golem so that thing is clearly some sort of myth are they connected or are they separate I don’t know what is going on on this server is so weird I never joined anything like this anything else well what’s this the lake is still going well e joined today they knew about me don’t tell me I was the fan Donnie D Danny he set me up for this no no no no no no no as one of my players told him about my lake so it wasn’t Danny I I tried to make him go after the Golem but he went to the lake anyway I need the Golem gone or my lake is ruined okay so this Golem is separate it appeared when the lake was made so somehow that is a real entity that came out of whatever this person was trying to do to the lake that is the real glitch but then who is this person my he keeps saying my play is my L wait a minute there’s only one person who knew we joined who the players belong to this can’t be no this can’t be this can’t be serona oh no oh no he’s right there he’s got weapons okay we’re not going to fight him we’re not going to fight him just going to join into his VC and we’re going to confront him very carefully he knew we read that book he knows we know just join in um okay I look you know I know we both know it’s you okay now I’m not going to try and fight you so just stand back I I I I just need to know how could you do this to your own players why why why make a server it’s my server I can do what I want I wanted their items so I killed them and took them I changed their game files to make my lake fck so you changed the game files but you stuffed up and now the Golem appeared that wasn’t you didn’t plan for that and so now you want to kill that Golem cuz it’s going to ruin your server it’s going to ruin your plan exactly and you will not tell anyone or else there’s nothing vanilla in this game that can destroy that Lake it’s over you’re wrong it’s not over and I’m not giving up you are going to tell me how to destroy that leg or I’m never getting rid of that Golem for you and I’m going to expose you in the entire internet all right to all my viewers my house get get them away wait what’s going on uh what was that sound what is that no oh he just killed the owner he killed the owner get out of here ow ow ow ow oh no no no no no no no what do we do wait the other players are going in to attack him we have to help them as well but I need to be full health first come on come at me bro come on ow my sword did nothing why did my sword do nothing it did no damage dude neither are this they’ve got diamond swords and it’s literally doing nothing wait what is it doing oh my gosh it’s sucking up the house it just sucked up their house no no no no we can’t let it touch us again we can’t let it touch us again dude ow ow I’m in the fire I’m burning I’m burning I’m going to what okay guys if we don’t do something it’s going to destroy the server and all the players in it okay clearly normal tools are not working it’s just blowing everything up normal tools aren’t working maybe there’s something in here we can use um TNT TNT TNT magma that could work diamond sword that’s a nice little upgrade I’ll take that thank you maybe we could trap it in a boat I I don’t know I’m just trying everything out here guys okay let’s whip this all out go go go go go go go what do I do we need a plan we need a plan um wait a minute I know I know no no we can build a hole right it it’s just literally running after us I don’t have a shovel I don’t have a shovel okay we got to go back to that house I saw a shovel in that chest go go go go go go go okay grab that grab that grab that there it is go go go go go come on come on come on come on come on come on oh my gosh guys he’s probably ah oh it got up to us it got up to us okay so it clearly takes fire damage did you see that it was burning so as long as we can get the magma down there we should be fine wait all the other players are dead oh no it’s just us against this thing all right there it is there it is there it is come on come on come on come on go go go go go all right and then I’m going to put TNT on the edges as long as it’s distracted we’ve got plenty of time here come on come on come on okay so it’ll fall in the hole it’ll start burning and then we’ll light up this TNT this this has to work this is so much explosives this would kill an iron golem normally anyways in an instant right there it is it’s here it’s here it’s here hey buddy walk in the hole no no it’s walking around the hole are you kidding me come on get get close enough we’re just going to have to punch it we’re going to have to punch him no ow it got me first it got me first okay come on come around the side where is it where is it where did it go where is it guys where is it wait it’s over there it’s over there it’s sucking stuff again all right come on over here buddy over here in the hole in the hole just get in the hole yes yes we got him wait he’s not burning he’s not burning go it doesn’t matter back up plan back up plan TNT light up the TNT wait what huh wait what wait what is going on I’m lighting it light up what guys come on come on come on what how is he doing this he’s just sucking up the TNT does that mean he’s going to explode no no he’s not okay but he’s trapped there he’s trapped there all right we got to get out of here we got to regroup replan TNT doesn’t work magma doesn’t work but at least he’s trapped he’s trapped we just got to find something we can do okay get out of here go go go go go what uh okay so we’re out there in the forest somewhere why is it still jumping up just don’t go that way we’ll go the other way that’s fine that’s fine okay at least it’s not coming for us oh my gosh it’s still coming back ow ow bro it just obliterated through everything okay we’re just going to have to stay hidden we’re going to have to stay hidden hold up I have an idea I have an idea nothing vanilla can destroy it that’s what he said that’s what the owner said nothing vanilla can destroy the lake maybe that’s the same thing with the entity what if just like the lake it needs to be destroyed by something non vanilla like the Golem if we could get that Golem to suck up the black leg the same way it’s sucking up all of those buildings maybe that would kill it and in the same process it would destroy the black leg two birds with one stone it’ll get here any moment okay we just got to prep we got to get started we got to go go go all right come on I’ve got the idea get out these Oak planks but how do I get him to suck up the leg oh he’s right there he’s right there what do I do what do I do what do I do the one doesn’t work no no no no no no wait the boat the boat the boat the boat the boat get on get in get in go go go off off off are you kidding me wait I have an idea I have an idea we just need to get back there and build a bridge out the only way to get him to suck the lake is for him to be trying to attack me which means we need to be right in the center okay hi mate hi hi come on to the side to the side duke it all right good we’ve got a solid lead come on come out here all right and then place the block all right it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming just keep going okay we need to go to the center we need to go to the center build out build out it’s coming it’s coming it’s there it’s there oh oh he destroyed the Bridge he’s in there he’s in it wait the water level’s going down the water level’s going down he’s sucking it up where is he where is he where is this Golem come on we got to get him close to the center we got to get him close to the center keep moving keep moving it’s working it’s actually working all right we need to make sure he’s in the deepest end here guys keep going yes where’s the Golem though the Golem’s gone hold up I think they canel each other out we did it I never had any doubts it’s finally over both mys are dead and busted all right that server owner better not mess with us again or I’ll come back and fight him up I’ll whip him up and guys of course if you need somebody to take care of you you need someone to protect you from the scary Ms you know who’s coming to hunt him down it’s me baby thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click Y Mega fan

I Searched through Minecraft’s Most CREEPY Cursed Terrifying Stories and Mysteries! Is the HEADLESS Golem Actually REAL?

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