10 Idiots Vs Terraria’s Calamity Mod | EP. 5: BEYOND STRENGTH

previously on 10 idiots most terrar is Calamity mod there he is the evil fish dude it say it says it’s just that shrimp hole why is it just head plague nuke barrage arm son is down freezing cold a predator dream dude that squid was freaky as hell back in high school I used to jerk it with my hands look like ninja God damn The Ten Commandments What does it mean when he like latches onto you and he’s sucking you dry is it bugging why are the hands respawning I’m thinking bugs Moon Lord Reign Victorious this time but we will win the [Music] war The Flying Dutchman oh no oh no where is he oh is it me oh get his ass oh my God waa he’s so squishy I was trying to shoot the Flying Dutchman and my weapon just shot some random pirate that poor pirate is like a full charged shot coming towards him it’s only him there he became a pirate to like try and feed his family like his wife and kids just gets obliterated hello Dum H it’s me I’m at the boss Place let’s get our Buffs on yeah yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum all you guys ready mhm yep all right let’s do it oh only performed at night I know way to fix that oh I think I did it I did it I did it something’s happening oh that’s him that’s him get his ass oh it’s another worm big ass worm scary worm I’m going to die no we’ll be f look at his health look at his health oh King slime’s here hey giant ass worm ow ow ow ow ow ow ow I’m out of here go heal go heal quick quick quick quick the nurse isn’t here the nurse isn’t here nope uh uh uh that’s not very good that’s not very good ah no it’s not oh my God what are these balls that’s leaving behind hello oh no oh no oh no oh no uh uh I think that was a good first attempt yeah I think we should try to get the nurse true see where’s the time skip thing I just skip the blood moon oh there go she’s there now what’s this ravager you talking about it is in the chest oh yeah summon him let’s go should be easier right oh shely uh I hope so sping he’s like Golem like that’s what I was about to say he’s like Golem Golem if he was not easy oh ow ow okay chill ouch that’s going to leave a mark is that all he does he just like tries to stomp on you it’s like a th from Mario he like oh 2% 2% 1% there we go there we go that was yeah that was something all right let’s Down The Relic bam I got a melee weapon let’s see what is this Ultimus cleaver just a big ass sword this weapon is interesting an enemy hits this dagger boosts the damage and life regen of all members of your team however there’s a small chance it will cut your health in half oh oh it’s gambling wait we love gambling H ofone bro is a predator mm you’re not a predator t no no no what do you think about that comment on last video that was like T sounds like a gay POA I don’t know what they mean by why would someone say that they’re just telling the world that they watch keep true how would they know what it sounds like that’s kind of sus of them we should build an arena maybe we should build an arena that was a devious Voice break bro that was a devious Voice break oh my God shut up all right I’ve got all my Buffs ready hey we haven’t fought de clps yet de Eclipse de clubs dears de the guy from Don’t Starve the guy from Don’t Starve wow all right I’m locked in here I’m back I’m back and ready for more oh wait is he coming our way no he’s dead no he’s in the sky for some reason what the hell why is there red squirrel Red Squirrel boss five Health where is it okay I don’t I don’t think we are good enough to beat this guy right now who else what’s can we do do we have what we need for M um I have all the stuff I need yeah let’s try it out let’s try it out okay what hi sh we’re in the middle of moon Lord right now and I’m dead oh okay okay first hand first hand it’s going to respawn immediately it did it did why why oh that’s not good oh okay should we make another long platform in the sky uh yeah we can do that that I’ll started like here is fine here is fine yeah a few moments later I have a thousand on my side yeah yeah I I have like 750 on my side we’ll be fine oh I got the cranium Smasher ooh I need Cranium ooh you need Cranium BR come on now I’m going to try out using solar eruption cuz the guy is saying it’s actually really good yeah it’s one of the best melees hold on uh I I got to check what’s better or what’s the best thing to equip after was that a what sound effect was that that’s like Earthbound sound effect oh yeah oh yeah yeah that was an Earthbound one BR has the mods or resource pack I think it is yeah no not resource pack I think just like that’s it’s something I like how the [ __ ] what’s his name you know the one do what am I say what are you talking about bro I’m like I’m really ready I’m like I’m ready I’m about to be ready in like one uh two man man what the we should be able to take him right now we should be able to take him at all of his tentacles oh you you you I’m I’m just going to stay quiet over that man what the [ __ ] should I get ier uh curse Flames or Venom uh I already have AA so you can do a different one all right I’ll do Brimstone yes King Brimstone Brimstone Isaac oh my God it’s all so corrupted it’s getting harder and harder come to me I will not be doing that I will not be coming to you we should kill the moon Lord with rocks right now all right you guys ready yep bam I’m going to go to the left I’m getting my ass kick um oh what um we’re the the nurse oh true we didn’t put it back uh well I’m dead a awesome oh ow okay yeah almost got his head though oh dead this you and me sh come on come on oh laser laser yes no get his head can open your head please oh there we go open your head what my face what happened to T and go down bro why did the heck head respawn hello that didn’t happen last time wait the core is open it it’s just glitching guys it’s just glitching it’s just really really broken cuz of all the players and lag I think oh are you good Zach uh no no no I’m about to die yeah yeah I can see that yeah I’m about to I’m about to die 40K more please I’m TP you Z okay 30 20 10 come on come on yes let’s go yes let’s go dude oh my God oh my God oh let’s go was up 38% me too yeah same same oh the lot’s over here what Jesus yes yes dude I got the star wrath I got the star wrath let’s go we beat theara we beat the area no way I got more accessories wait more accessories wait oh oh my god let’s go dude poker though I’m trying to make the Zenith what do we Dage we’re missing a star Fury and oric bars what are oric bars oh oric bars are like end game end game so I can’t make to Zenith no no should I should I use star wrath or miamia for now uh probably miamia I like me more the fire armor whatever it’s called yeah solo flare there go got bam bam bam I have one empty slot I’m just going to put this in there for now yeah just put whatever in we’ll be fine we’re about to destroy this dude I’m not even going to lie this worm stands no chance all right good luck have fun ghf I was shredding him bro we’re shreding Jesus what the hell oh my God oh my God uh I’m about to die I’m going to be so real you say how yeah I’m the melee I have all the target targeting so Dodge oh my God we need to kill this guy with the rocks oh what was that about dodging what was that about dodging hey in my defense he’s tping no no no in my defense in my defense in my defense you fell off wait hold on in my defense you’re on my dick holy [ __ ] was good we’re in the middle of astrium deas where’s the worm I’m finally playing with the worm ym confidently playing with my worm right now come on oh oh oh almost dead where is he oh huh where is he where is the loot hello oh no back on the floor it’s on the floor it’s right here it’s right here yeah yeah there we go let’s get that Relic down almost up to a new lion oh wait wait who got the moon Lord Relic hello wait what we didn’t get a moon Lord what that doesn’t sound right oh my God we didn’t get that I’m myself that’s it what did I get I got the hide okay uh the microwave what wait Le the sound this way oh my God golden toilet is this skip toilet wait let me cook let me cook okay I need to make Arc of the elements now W 1,000 damage hello what yeah it’s insane it’s insane and if you right click with it you can do a Parry attack hit with the parry and you do even more damage all right let’s see what it does let’s see what it does whoa whoa what is happening I don’t I don’t know what dude wait like I pulled out a pair of scissors what happened there you bro n Godly not godly I don’t want Godly give me legendary give me legendary myself I only giving me Godly wait is Godly the best one in here gu God’s probably the best one I usually always take Godly I just did Godly consecutively like 10 times just wasted 10 Platinum okay what is this yeah I need to kill uh Leviathan so I can have five waifus swarming me what are you yapping about no I’m not joking I’m not joking true facts facts it’s overpowered no actually [ __ ] have we done the um the Pumpkin Moon and the uh Frost Moon yet we’ve done pumpkin oh I person alive oh no oh no no no no no oh my God oh my God there’s too much going on oh she don’t fing play around n we’re chilling she’s about to die she’s about to head out 1% 1% head ass bye-bye oh my God I wonder oh no not again are you serious bro I’m going to go to the Hallow I’m going to see if it works okay hold on let let me let me let me check this out there we go there we go that’s what I’m talking about have you guys made any heart upgrades past yellow nope no y’all should oh wait wait wait wait wait The Shield is down wait we’re actually killing it now we got it we got it 70% 69% hey redit moment wait I don’t have Buffs on hello there go do you not have the the blessing of the third stage nope the what now you should that that makes you spawn Out full health 3% oh oh no I died no nice nice nice I got a relic wow the sand Shar thing is coming oh he’s coming whoa whoa Miracle oh my Hots are like Nintendo switch Hots now what sure can you bodyguard me while I eat this toast go ahead I go thr go [Music] mous all right are we ready to go yeah I’m ready let’s kill yo chill chill chill I’m popping bu oh true let’s go Dragon Foley where left hello oh asgore attack all right no got to lock in we got to lock in we’re actually killing it really quickly all right what is that what was the big laser beam thing oh yeah don’t get hit by that no I I’ll make sure to not uh sure sure we’re trapped uh do you not have to do R of Discord oh wait I do I do facts wait facts my brother spit your [ __ ] I’m about to die what was actual death audio hello let’s finish this guy no he’s going to finish me off bro no he’s not no he’s not I would never have another man finish me off all right what 2% 1% come on hey light work hell yeah I got a rogue weapon well never mind I I got a fly hat I got oh I got a lot of things what permanently more rage I’ll take that my bad my bad my bad my bad my bad he buing on it does a 360 on it okay myad refrain from refrain from speaking up to me no I’ve got to be from Ohio not my bad are you are you are you okay in the mental brain in the mental brain you making the elemental thing how do I make an enchanted Boomerang how do you make a wooden boomerang we don’t have wood in the okay like there’s no trees at Spa neither go to the and buy some trees I’m not doing a lot bro respectfully of course game is game I hate all of Y kill her kill her kill her game is not game that is not Leviathan dog what oh she is dead as hell she does have the level 10 Gap though I will say wait where’d she go here’s the actual boss oh there’s an actual oh oh no oh no waa actually no he’s squishy we win we win almost died wait how hello he threw every single Rock right at me oh unlucky okay he’s dead bye-bye oh I didn’t get the treasure bag kill the Mermaid kill the Mermaid kill the mermaid oh the mermaid where’s treasure bag at it’s probably at the bottom of the sea oh or maybe the mermaid drops it thought so yeah whoa does anyone need the community who is who is this theive again what’s the NPC that sells the um the potions which make you teleport to different places I need that bad it’s uh this guy not this guy this guy no not this guy um come to me are we ready to kill this guy with rocks yeah I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready SpongBob Bro think he SpongeBob I’m SpongBob one of my accessories I see oh wow dude he’s got women around him oh my God I wasn’t kidding Jus yeah all right buff up buff up you ready yeah get your Buffs on hold hold hold up let me get them Buffs on all right we’re so back it’s time for an epic battle of great proportions Deo don’t say that again all right let’s do it so this fight keep your eyes on the [ __ ] ground the yellow triangles on the ground will [ __ ] you up yes King oh oh two of us are dead all right I guess that’s it sure’s about to die as well um I’m fine that’s not that’s not great that’s not great I’m not I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine don’t worry I’m goed I’m goed I can stay alive I’m goed I’m a predator I did not spawn at full health I’ve been lied to [ __ ] a dumb oh oh I’m gone what what the what what is happening what dude spawn is covered in fire um I’m locked in I’m locked in facts facts get his ass get his ass oh bullet bullet H bullet Hill I’m not locked in I’m not locked why is it fire everywhere yeah welcome to Providence skill check my ass we can get this guy we can get this guy the nurse Platinum to heal is crazy American Healthcare wait yeah no literally hit by everything I don’t know from where I know that’s that’s me I’ve never seen that attack y z z z stay alive stay alive no no sh sh go go sh oh my God oh my God what is happening against fire everywhere this is this is the most like over stimulating boss ever now we’re got to get him 33% that’s 2/3 gone I had 500 HP what killed me he’s doing the bullet hell thing run run run run run oh god oh [ __ ] I ran into all of that ow is it just me it’s not just me ah no oh miss yes yes yes please heal use use a potion or something oh my God I’m in oh sure’s back actual Tag Team Battle bro okay okay it’s doing the thing hide hide run do do something just run just run but don’t go too far 10% 10% we can do it we can finish this ah is that it why is the lag happening now wait who have we got who have we got do we have anyone no we can’t we can’t TP cuz server laggy yeah oh no uh uh uh H there is fire everywhere for me oh no wait oh oh okay okay oh I’m back oh we’re fine we’re fine the lag oh my God what is happening hello oh this is the most broken thing ever bro hello what the hell is happening why is she up there dude this is broken still invisible we’re going to get her we’re going to get her hey hey game is game game is game game is game hey that was so broken oh my God we we should not have won that in anyone I’m I’m going to upload this [ __ ] to streamable I need you to see my POV all right I’m going back to look for kic or yeah at the end of the day at the end of the day we won that’s all that matters that’s all that matters we won facts facts I got a yo-yo I got a gun I got I think this is a melee that’s it I got a magic weapon I got The Relic by the way oh B put that [ __ ] down I’m gonna buy a bag no that’s why I got it that’s why I we oh we got new healing potions now we get Supreme healing potions 250 29 Platinum for one bag are you on crack bag alert no you’re being gassy bro nah that is enough call it gassy again I’m stardos pickaxe Vortex pickaxe they’re all the exact same thing Stardust Ora Ora AA Tabo okay I’ll okay okay hold on reforge holy thing bulky no large no what are these bulky and large it’s actual pyrocynical all right I’m at the other pillar now real oh my God the brain sucklers oh my God the brain sucklers oh my god there go I made 300 balls that’s what I’m talking about I’m trying to like wake up and do stuff cuz I’ve been in bed like forever I’m sorry about that sorry about that sorry about that you know that you know that song yeah back to bed no no no no no I’ll get the clip I’ll get the what missing two and a half Terraria sessions does dude I literally hopped off after defeating Wall of Flesh I was like and then I woke up and see we defeated the mech guys I come here now Providence okay what is good at the game oh my God that’s a Providence method that’s a Providence method the Providence of meth yeah okay tainted blade then I need a cotic Edge Edge edging no Edge evil flask what is an evil flask [Music] hello why is the dog barking what the dog doing me if I was a dog what do you mean by that H go I can make it bam there we go defile great sword bam oh it thises it does 500 less damage than what I already have hello wait wait what’s the boss that we have next uh the three um the prep for um devour gods and then two other bosses why are we actually good at Calamity wait hold on look at all these boss his Providence Providence wow Providence more like fidence wait that’s actually true okay anyways smash like subscribe I’ll see you in the next one bye thank you to my tier two patr Ash and you guys are the best

subscribe w/ the bell thingy for Episode 6 😈

‼️ if you gotta be caught up – we have to beat the game in a week. this is day 5!

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0:00 – welcome back!
2:25 – RAVAGER
4:04 – astrum rematch..?
5:10 – Shuri is here!
10:33 – Mitz is here!
19:55 – Mel is here!
21:21 – outro

I LOVE TERRARIA MODS!!! THE TERRARIA CALAMITY MOD! This isn’t a terraria 100 day challenge, terraria skyblock, one block, nor an infernum or thorium playthrough. Nor is it terraria master mode or terraria for the worthy, it is 10 idiots vs terraria calamity mod.

#terraria #calamity


  1. I'm not typically one to glaze, but your youtube channel is a revelation! Your humor is a rare gem, polished to perfection with each video. Your ability to craft content that resonate, entertain, and occasionally make me snort-laugh is a gift. Your dedication to the art form is inspiring, and your followers are the lucky recipients of your comedic brilliance. I wouldn't dare resort to glazing, but your channel has become my go-to source of joy, a daily dose of hilarity that brightens even the most mundane days. Finding and following your channel has turned my life around and I am forever grateful.

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