HARDEST Minecraft 1.21 Challenges

last week Minecraft updated to 1.21 adding tons of new features to the game the only problem is I have no idea what any of them do so to teach myself about every new Minecraft feature I’ve been given 10 1.21 challenges I need to complete we’ll start with easier ones then progressively get harder and harder as the video goes on as this usually works so to start I’m going to try and make a 10 block jump using the new wind charges all right here we are I need to get from here to there seems quite simple the problem is I need to hit this like exactly right to to get the the right trajectory I guess so let’s do it okay this is going to be a long day all right oh my God oh my God that was the second attempt I’m so good I think there’s a reason this is the first one it’s probably supposed to be easy I’m assuming the next one is going to be way harder I just did this in like 30 seconds the next challenge uses the newest Minecraft weapon the mace and more specifically the wind burst enchantment windurst launches you back in the air when you hit someone with a mace so for this challenge I need to get a 10 hit combo using that enchantment I need to get a 10 hit combo while I’m like bouncing up and down like a bunny you have to make it hard for me we’ll stand still for the first one and then you can let me rip here okay yeah yeah you ready it’s time all right we we go again there we go oh my God why that’s so hard this is so hard like this is so it’s hard to even hit you dude what you guys need to fix your game I’m butterfly clicking okay okay all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute wait a minute so did I not hit him this time’s the time now that I’m going to hit you every single time all right wait wait wait wait oh my God this is the hardest I have plenty of totem still by the way okay wait wait wait that’s three that’s four wait that’s five wait that’s six hold on S eight please please nine okay one more we’re chilling okay we’re chilling we’re chill now I’m just going to kill you for fun now just try to kill me dude I’ve got the Rhythm down now never mind I lied that’s kind of a stupid enchant I’m not going to lie like actively try to swing at me and kill me that’s what I’m saying you could probably just kill me you just hit me and I shot you up the next challenge will involve the most useful feature from this update in my opinion the crafter I just need to use it to make myself a cake once again a very easy one but I’m not exactly the smartest the only problem is I have no idea how this works at all so like if so how do I do this so if I go like this and I make a little chest and then I go Hopper and I put this like that is this how easy it is can I just like boom egg put three wheat in there I don’t remember how to make a cake I think it’s like that if I like put a lever right here okay okay so that did not work do I need to put it in in a certain order do I need to go this that first then a piece of sugar then an egg then a piece of sugar then 1 two three is this is this it wait what that is how it works wait that’s so sick wait that’s got to be goated for Farms right I’m not smart enough to like know how to do Farms but like I’m sure someone’s going to find some like other worldly use for this but uh for me I made my dumb little cake was that very challenging no but I actually learned something so I I I mean I personally feel very validated by that but anyway the next one is probably going to be a real challenge here Minecraft added a new mob called the breeze it’s essentially the cousin of a blaze but instead it shoots wind things at you so for the next challenge I will have to fight 100 breezes at once and kill every single one of them all right so in there is about 100 breezes I I did not really count I counted to like 70 and then just spammed it pretty much so now once again this is a new update so I don’t really know how powerful these things are I just gave myself full prop 3 sharp 3 with a stack of gapples yeah I’m I’m kind of scared here I’m not going to lie I have a feeling I’m about to get bodied by these things you know what just for just for good measure I’m going to give myself a totem I’m about to get destroyed all right here we go oh wait oh oh they do no damage to me wait this is so easy oh my God this is a little chaotic though it is a little chaotic though I can’t lie to you they do absolutely nothing to me I’m chilling bro I feel like I’ve killed a ton of them but there’s still so many so like why are these things powerful they don’t do any damage to me this is like the easiest thing ever oh wait oh fall damage is how they kill you so this is literally a mob that kills you with fall damage maybe they’re supposed to do damage but since I have good armor they don’t I don’t know what’s happening I thought this was going to be like really epic but they’re all just like they’re just little jumping beans they’re just little jumping little beans dude they’re almost all dead they just keep running away and the second to last one he keeps jumping there he goes and the last little dude look at him he’s stuck in the glass he’s like a he’s like a dude in a little fish tank he’s kind of sweet I mean this is kind of wholesome I’m sorry but you must go all right GG’s that was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be I definitely uh overestimated their strength I just assumed they would do damage to me but they didn’t the next challenge is much harder than the last one I need to trap someone using a wind charge now you might be a little confused as to how that works because you know how do you really trap someone with like a snowball looking thing well one of the cooler features that the wind charge does is that it can interact with things like buttons and levers which are obviously perfect for activating traps and after contemplating what trap I should make for this challenge I landed on a big sand trap that is activated by a lever so I picked a good location and started digging but while I’m making the Trap I want to remind you to subscribe if you haven’t but I also want to tell you about my plushy that is right I have a plushy now I mean look at him okay he’s such a cool little dude but yeah for the next 4 weeks my plushy will be available to buy it actually looks really good I I’m super happy with how it turned out if you do end up purchasing the plushy there’s a little added bonus too if you send me proof that you bought one I will put you in a future evident P video so if you want to be in a future video or you just want to support me or you just want to get a cool little plush you can throw at people go to the top link of the description go get one it would mean a ton to me but anyway the Trap is finally done so let’s see if it actually works all right pontis boy hello you have like 5 minutes to kill me I can do that give me like a little head start here you know let me just uh all right go now you can go you got a wood sword I feel like I deserved a little something you know what is your plan uh don’t really know but I’ve watched so much dream so I’m going to be fine were those wind charges what I didn’t use the thing I didn’t you didn’t see that I’m escaping I’m Dreaming right now can I hit you with these and like knock you back I don’t know you want to try it oh I think he missed that was pretty sweet did you see that oh full damage oh my God yes oh my God thank God oh my God you scared you really I really thought you were going to see that and then you did it and now we’re good now I succeeded thank you pontis what did you break with it if you hit a lever with a wind charge it pulls the lever another new 1.21 feature is the bogged it’s essentially a skeleton that shoots poison tipped arrows and they’re actually pretty strong so for Challenge number six I will have to kill 10 of these Mobs with absolutely nothing in my inventory all right I think this is going to be by far the hardest one I have a bed so I will just respawn infinitely but this is going to take such a long time you have no idea I’m kind of banking on them starting beef with each other I have a feeling that’s what’s going to happen but I also have a feeling I’m about to die 27 times so let’s just do it I don’t even care all right shoot each other shoot each other shoot each other shoot each other yes I’m not even going to hit them I think they’re just going to start beef with each other we all know Minecraft skeletons are really stupid they’re just shooting each other look at this they’re all beefing they just stop one’s dead okay I’m dead too but look at them they’re beefing in there another one dead all right that’s all the beef for today let’s just go back in maybe start some more beef you already he’s going to shoot him in the back that’s another one dead if I couldn’t die this would be a lot harder but the challenge never said I could not die all right they stopped beefing maybe I should start doing damage let’s start like critting them out with my fist here that’s one dead if one of them drops their bow it’s pretty much GG’s and what did I just say you’re dead you’re all dead you one of you dropped the bow that was the biggest mistake you could have made and now that was dude the mobs in this update kind of stinky I’m not even going to lie that challenge ended up being a lot easier than I thought but this next one was quite the opposite my next challenge was to find a trial chamber in under 10 minutes so I essentially need to spawn in dig down somewhere and pray that I’ll just run into one let’s run it I know this is going to take me so long but I just have to find one you know I don’t have to do anything else and boom we started all right let’s go so I I think my Strat is to try and find a village and then maybe there will be a cartographer villager there that might sell a map to a trial chamber if that doesn’t work I’m just going to run a couple hundred blocks out and dig straight down and pray to God I just run into one I see a village right there in the distance look at that well if there’s a cartographer villager here he pretty much needs to immediately try and sell me a map or else this is going to take too long I don’t think this Village has a cartographer I’ve looked forever okay I’m just going to dig straight down in a random location let me get a stone pick I think that’s literally all I can do honestly I I don’t think there’s any Rhyme or Reason to how this is going to work I did check on another world they seem kind of common hopefully they actually are common let’s just dig right here I have 6 minutes left I can’t really waste more time just have to find if I dig straight into it and I die it doesn’t matter I just got to find it for the run to be over I don’t think there’s one here I think I’m out of luck you know what I I’ll like strip mine a little bit and then we’ll reset I might as well I got like 4 minutes to spare I got like 2 and 1/2 minutes to find this thing am I confident no but uh you know there’s a chance I guess but while I’m digging I might as well explain how this works so I don’t have to do it in the edit I’m pretty much just going to cut out every single run after this one except the one where I find it just so you know you know all right and 10 minutes is up and I officially have to reset all right here we go after 2 hours of failed attempts I finally got the run I needed and at this point I obviously wasn’t commentating it has been hours so I thought it’d be a good time to explain the strategy I was using as we watch the run I would start every run by getting enough wood for a pickaxe an Axe and some extra for building and stuff I’d then choose a random location I felt was lucky for some reason and dig straight down by this point I had ditched the whole villager thing I was talking about before because it didn’t really make sense and it just took too long but yeah while I was digging down I would mine some Stone to make myself a stone pickaxe or two and speed things up then I would dig to around y Lev -20 if I survived my journey down like I didn’t fall in lava or anything and I didn’t find a trial chamber I would just build back up and choose a new location to dig down now in this run I actually dug straight into a water cave and while normally I’d go back up since water caves are really annoying I decided to stick this one out oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I found it thank God I kept digging I was going to give up right there oh my god dude all right well I won’t be exploring this yet that is for a later challenge but oh my God that was a really really long experience actually like this took so long the mace is a weapon that does more more damage the higher up you are it can do so much damage in fact that it can actually one-hot the Ender Dragon so for the next challenge that is exactly what I’ll need to do all right so I have to oneshot the dragon now I I did not really know what was like Fair gear for this because I’ve you know I’m learning how to play this update that’s the point I gave myself full prop 4 the best mace in the game I don’t know how uh easy or hard this is going to be it might look like given myself way too much stuff but I don’t know if I’m completely confident if I’m being honest but uh let’s just go so yeah I I have to one-hot it this might be like an overpowered kit if I did not have to do that but I do so that’s a problem for me we’re going to Pearl up here and then I’m just going to start building straight up dude this is the most annoying I am going to be here for for a long time I knew this is exactly what was going to happen by the way like I knew the hard part wasn’t even going to be one-shotting the dragon it was going to be just staying up there the Bedrock dragon is the most Petty loser of all time and it’s going to hit me okay oh okay I actually clutched this okay okay okay this is it this is it the other problem is is I don’t know how high I need to be for this to work out I’m going to go as high as I can until it does doesn’t load in and okay bro just teleported up here oh my God okay this has to be high up enough look at how high I am dude he went for the perch I’m going to try it no I missed okay I got to get back up my my big fear is that I’m going to do all of this then drop on him and not kill him in one hit I’m like seriously convinced that’s what’s about to happen no look at how close that is to one shotting it oh that’s so annoying all right well now I got to sit here and wait for it to go back to full health or else it doesn’t count all right he’s at full health let me let’s go uh let’s try to get back up here okay so I know I need to go even higher this time I’m like just about where I need to be which is good okay so we’re going to build up like just a bit bit more hopefully this does it this is probably the one I just need to time this absolutely perfectly so then I actually like land on the dragon when it’s right there you know yes oh my God yes that is so sick if you do that in vanilla survival you are actually a g that took way more effort than just normally killing the dragon but it was so worth it that was sick we are now on the final two challenges and if you thought that was hard just wait for the ninth challenge I need to clutch from height limit with a wind charge if you throw a wind charge right before you land you don’t take fall damage but I need to do it from 300 blocks in the air all right here I am up at height limit you can barely see the ground down there now I tried to practice this a few times it’s very difficult like I seriously don’t know how to do this I’m just going to jump so does this fall faster than how how does this work okay that does not fall faster than me okay if I throw it here oh that’s a problem this is going to be so hard what if I just kind of let’s just let’s just Spam them I’m about to live oh no not okay never mind that’s the Strat I got to throw it and then wait super long then go oh I can smell this one come on oh oh my God that had to be so close oh my God it needs to be like perfect it’s crazy no I thought that was it I’m going to throw a bunch of them early doors right then I’m just going dude I’m so close every okay this is what I’m resorting to cuz I can’t time it properly cuz I’m a bot dude this better be possible I better not be getting scared scammed bro yeah so after doing this challenge I actually learned it is impossible to clutch with wind charges don’t quote me on this I just saw it in a video and from a few friends but they all said that you actually can’t clutch with wind charges from a certain height on Bedrock but despite that I still found a way wait a minute what just happened I don’t know if that counts I just didn’t take fall damage you all might cyber bully me in the comments here but I am I am taking that I feel like if I don’t take that I’m going to be here for like the rest of my life pretty much I don’t think this is possible on Bedrock I’m sorry and now all that’s left is the final challenge which is also the most difficult one in my opinion I need to get both of the new armor trims which can only be found in trial Chambers all right so here I am in a trial chamber I not exp I don’t even know how these work okay I’ve heard that they’re a little tricky so I gave myself kind of the equivalent of what I would have if I did this on my survival world full prop 4 Sharp 4 I have like really overpowered stuff I think I should be fine so let’s see if I can figure out how to get these armor trims for those of you who don’t know how these places work I’ll give you a quick rundown basically you kill mobs from these spawners until they run out and give you some random item sometimes this item can be a key you can then use that key on these vaults with the rare chance of getting the First Armor trim there is another kind of Vault though called ominous vaults and they work the exact same way you just need to drink an ominous potion if you kill things from these spawners but you’re ominous it’ll give you an ominous key that you can use on an ominous Vault for the chance to get the second armor trim that might sound pretty easy but these armor trims are very rare and it took me way too long all right spawn stuff does this give me a key if I beat all of them is that what this does it gave me potatoes what why so how many of these things do I need to kill before I get a uh before I get a key oh hey that’s a key right there okay so does this does this go in there okay give me another key oh it did give me another key oh wind charges huh give me this armor trim okay there we go this is the omen thing another key got one of the new music discs but I do not need that there we go thank you for the key another key thank you all right this is what I like to see thank you another key we have three now we have four all right surely I find an armor trim soon this is like gambling you know this is like opening loot boxes or something got the music disc again okay how is this so hard I’m going to be here a while I’m just going to I’m just going to cut until I get one honestly if that is okay with all of you I just got a piece of chicken for killing all those mobs it’s going to be long day yeah so I actually got bored so I drank the omen potion and just went for the other uh key thing all right give me a key give me a key give me a key give me a key give me a key thank you give me a key give me another one yes I have two ominous Keys If I don’t get it from this I’m going to cry realistically I should get the armor trim here I got to Smite four book all right come on please thank you oh my God yes low armor trim that is one of two now it was back to going for the other armor trim the harder one to get in my opinion I’m cutting the majority of this out because I think it is very boring it is just me killing things getting a key opening a crate it’s not there rinse and repeat I even went to a whole another trial chamber I went to a second one and after lots of suffering eventually I found it all right if this gives me the armor trim I’ll sell my bones on Craigslist I got it uh just I’ll just mute what I said before that oh my God finally that took so long never again all right well there we go I did all of the challenges I got both armor trims I beat up some people I did everything I’m done and that is all for the video I’ve done all 10 1.2 one challenges let me know down below do you like this update do you not if you liked this video and you want to see more consider subscribing to not miss future ones and also click the thing on screen right now if you want to watch something I’ve already made

I completed The Hardest 1.21 Minecraft Challenges. These were all done on Minecraft Bedrock, and included New Features from the Minecraft Update like the Mace, Trial Chambers, and more. Will I complete every 1.21 Challenge?

GET MY PLUSHIE: https://www.makeship.com/products/evident-plush


  1. get netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noobget netherite noob

  2. Bonus challenge, difficulty: near impossible
    -Get a wind burst 3 book from ominous vaults.
    Near impossible because you’ll really only get it at a 0.73% chance

  3. hey evident listen to the music disk called creator (not the music box version) if you don't listen you are big stinky ……. it is soooooooooooo good, it has electric guitar 🙂

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