I Built a Working AIRPLANE HOUSE in Minecraft

Milo are you sure building on a plot with this many animals is a good idea it’s the only good plot I could find in chip are you sure that has of that doesn’t belong to Alexis it’s very pink and I just can’t stand it anymore me neither Milo but there’s no way she can find us all the way out here the moving people said it was a nice old lady who owns it so it’s definitely not Alexis I’m chip if that’s the case we better get building quickly before meeting our new neighbor all right Milo come on let’s go I think we will really impress our new neighbor if we build our house on stilts yeah but we really going to use this kind of wood uh yeah what other kind of wood would we even use I don’t know maybe a blue one a blue one no way Milo we can’t use blue wood our neighbor would think we’re so silly although to be fair her entire house is built out of pink yeah but if she’s an old lady she’s would like to have a pink house exactly I think she’ll probably really like it if our house is just normal color for once exactly and we’re going to build it so beautiful yeah we totally are now we need to remember to bring these wood bits really far back our house needs to have a lot of space if it’s going to be a nice place for both of us to live exactly we’re going to have to build it really up high so that no flood if anything gets us exactly that would be terrible and I think we should not let any plants inside our house because then they’ll just grow and leak water and then it’ll flood that is soy now we need to add these wood blocks going between each of the pillars just like this this is the next step in completing the house it’s already looking so good y I’ve had an idea wa what’s your idea Milo I’m going to bake our new neighbor some muffin so that she will be our friend a that’s a really nice idea Milo I’m sure she will totally appreciate your muffins now we need to add Spruce planks to the floor like this make sure we place them in every single area otherwise our floor is going to have holes in it and our new neighbor would not like that at all yeah we do want to make her think that we’re really bad at building exactly that would be really embarrassing what if she thinks we’re messy or really bad at other things that would be so embarassing I’m not messy or bad at anything what Milo you’re bad at lots of things like cleaning up off to yourself when you eat hey that’s not true Milo yes it is we got so many ants in our old house that they actually made a trail that crazy fan girl followed right to us that was really bad I can’t believe she found us cuz you couldn’t clean up your crumbs what CH the an my friends yeah Milo they’re your friends cuz you keep giving them food that you leave on the floor yeah well I don’t want them to go hungry yeah okay maybe you can feed the ants just a little bit further away from our house this time okay I could do that perfect now we also need to make sure we reinforce each of these pillars with Spruce fences this way it’ll be really tough to break them down and that’s important because our entire house is going to need to be on top of these yeah exactly and we need to have them really strong cuz I do a lot of jump around in the house yeah I always hear that what are you doing Milo do you run a secret trampoline park in here I wish but it’s actually just me pretending to do the Just Dance game on the Wii what Milo we don’t even have a Wii are you just pretending to do the dance oh maybe it’s actually the Nintendo switch oh what Milo that’s crazy oh my goodness you’re so silly but hey are you at least good at dancing yeah I’m very good do you want to say uh sure Milo show me some moves okay Dad’s party you yeah boy yeah boy wo Milo those dance moves are insane and hey be careful your dance moves are so fire they’re destroying the wood of our floor sorry I got to calm down a bit yeah you definitely do now I’m just going to place the final few Spruce fences in here like this we’ll only place the ones up the top that way animals can still walk underneath our house and it’s like they have a nice little Garden area that actually works really well because there are quite a lot of animals around here and I kind of want them to be a friend yeah me too Milo now we need to build the next part of our house like this we are going to have a white concrete wall that goes all the way around our house not one single spot is left yeah this is beauty but actually I’m going to do something oh sure what are you going to do Milo going to make it blue what no Milo we can’t make it blue why because we need to have a normal color house if that neighbor does not like the color blue then they won’t ever want to visit us but blue is a normal color even the sky is blue yeah I guess that is true but Milo what if you get lost trying to find our house and you just think it’s part of the sky whatever I made it white again thanks Milo don’t worry this will still look really good I actually think we can even push this concrete one block backwards that way it’ll look three-dimensional along with this Spruce Wood CH I just had a scary thought oh no what’s your scary thought Milo do I look three dimensional uh yeah Milo of course why is that a scary thought are you sure it look threedimensional yes Milo you’re made out of cubes there’s nothing more three-dimensional than that well maybe a circle uh yeah I guess but Milo you’re not made out of circles why would you want to be made out of circles well I don’t know I just always really like the IDE DOA up being in a circle yeah I have uh really bad news for you then Milo you’re probably going to be a square for a while what yeah Milo didn’t you know that already uh-uh I thought that I was going to be a circle when I grew up uh no Milo that’s not how growing up works at all oh my goodness sorry I didn’t mean to break the news to you yeah well now I’m feeling emotional hey don’t feel emotional my it’s okay there’s nothing wrong with being a cube it’s actually really fun and cool okay I’m going to try and be a better Cube you’re already the best Cube you can be Milo now we can also place down a little door here oh wow this already looks so cool we can make sure we add enough space for a second story I’m going to add a little bit of white wool to the corners of our house just like this we’ll need to make sure it frames the whole thing and can go in every single corner and wa Milo that’s a whole lot of Windows is that an awful too many hm I think this is actually a pretty good amount maybe we should have one or two walls without a window though you can do that okay I’ll make sure that the ones at the back here don’t have that many windows I think we can just have some windows in the middle like the ones you’re doing there yeah that’s the middle one perfect now the rest of it can be a wall and this corner piece can be a white wool section like I did in the other ones I don’t really like the white wool very much wait you don’t like the white wool Milo why not because it reminds me of my sheep that I lost oh Milo is this Mr sheep sheep yeah he really is gone on wait a minute Milo is this the sheep that you took sailing with you yeah and also guess what what Milo milet still gets to have his sheep well Milo that’s cuz he didn’t take his sheep sailing with him his sheep didn’t get lost in the ocean it’s okay I heard that your sheep was doing Pirate Adventures now yeah he sends me lettuce sometimes wa hey Milo does that mean he’s not lost at all yeah he is still lost the lettuce pretty much say help me Milo you get help letters and you don’t answer them up there Milo it sounds like it’s kind of your fault that sheep sheep is lost yeah I guess but I just don’t want to think about that right now because we’re building a beautiful house you’re right Milo soon all this house will remind us of is how amazing we are at building and our new friendship with our new neighbor yeah our neighbor’s going to be really a big fan of us because we’re very quiet and very kind uh yeah we’re at least very kind I don’t know about quiet though and Milo I hope they’re a big fan of us but not a crazy big fan because the last neighbor we had was Alexis and she was such a crazy fan girl W crazy fan girl gives me a massive headache yeah I know she’s always talking about how she wants to get married but I don’t want to marry her oh I’m so glad that our new neighbor is definitely somebody else and is not crazy fan girl yeah and they definitely don’t want to marry us yeah exactly especially if it’s a little old lady I think she’s probably Happy by herself exactly look Milo we’ve almost finished building the walls soon all we’ll have to do is build a roof yeah that’s actually fantastic for us yeah it’s going to be so epic oh wow look Milo we’ve done it now we just have to place the glass and then we can start building our roof shape our roof is going to look so good it’s going to look like a real classic house I kind of got tired living in a giant orange castle looking thing it actually looked a bit like a sand castle if I’m being honest I is what it looks like now that I think about it and I just thought a something oh what was it mil remember the time the crazy fan girl smash the glass on your windows to get in side yes I do remember that that was horrifying bits of glass got everywhere and it took me weeks to repair that window cuz I had to get the gloss yeah and I got gloss in my face oh yeah that was horrible how are you doing with that by the way it’s okay I got the tweezers and I pulled it out oh that’s really good yeah we need to be a lot more careful around windows and hey Milo we missed a window back there oh right it’s okay as long as we can make sure every single window is fully built then crazy Fang girl will not be able to climb through them I’m so glad we don’t have to to worry about her anymore she doesn’t even live in this area she still lives back in the old village I’m verying peaceful and happy me too Milo this is going to be the start of such a fun time now I’m going to place these wool blocks because we are about to make our roof I’m going to use Spruce stairs for the roof because I think it will look absolutely perfect oh yeah that’s a great design idea thanks Milo I’m really proud of it I also have some Spruce slabs and we can even add the stairs to the other side like this oh yeah this is about to be the nicest roof ever made I’ll also make sure I put stairs on the underside this way the roof really fits in together and it doesn’t just look weird like a strange staircase Now by adding the stairs on the underside we make it look like an actual proper roof on an actual proper house proper house that’s what this is yeah exactly Milo now under this side of the roof we can add one last little bit of spruce slabs like this and we can make sure they go all the way around we also have to remember to build the stairs all the way out to the end otherwise we’ll have a part of the house that just really weird yeah and I hate placing stairs I know you do Milo but don’t worry we only have to place a couple of these on this roof cuz this house is really compact we’ve done a great job making sure we keep our little land footprint pretty tiny it’s going to be the best house ever though we are going to cram so many fun things inside such a tiny area can’t way chip I’m really excited for this house to be the best one we’ve built in the world yeah and I think our new neighbor is really going to like it I wonder what our new neighbor does for fun oh she probably loves playing chess and Uno and is really smart and I bet she does the knitting oh yeah Milo because she knits I bet she could knit you so many blue pieces of armor yeah and even like a jumper yeah oh especially when it gets really cold that would be so nice maybe she can knit me a big orange crown yeah that would be cool yeah I’d feel like a king wo Milo this could be such a fun place especially with such a fun New neighbor yeah I’m really excited to meet her actually she’s going to be my best friend she can be like my grandma well what about your actual grandma Yeah well she can also be my best friend oh wow okay you’re going to have a lot of Grandma best friends pretty soon I bet our new neighbor will take us out all the time and maybe we can play bingo with her bingo I love Bingo wait isn’t Bingo one of your cousins yes and also it’s a game I like to play yeah I love playing Bingo I’m actually so good at it I always get all my numbers in a row W Milo building this roof is going by so much quicker than I thought it would yeah because I’m helping yeah thanks Milo you’re doing a great job helping we are actually making this thing so quick I’m very impressed yeah I’m trying not to be messy with it Milo I can see you breaking the same staircase over and over again do you need some help oh yeah but it’s really really tough over here what is it different on that side of the roof yes wo how because the sun uh Milo the sun is in the middle of the sky we’re both getting the sun on us oh yeah I didn’t really think about that then why is it more difficult overun on your side well maybe because my arms are sore oh poor Milo yeah it is really hard to build a roof with sore arms hey look now I can place the final Spruce laabs on the very top hey I can’t believe we actually made the roof together cuz we were working together so well yeah well that’s like a very good team and also that is something that Alex sister fan girl could not understand yeah she’s so crazy she did not want us to be a team anymore she actually wanted to get rid of you so that it would just be me and her forever yeah she really does not like me bro no yeah I don’t know why she doesn’t like you you’re so cool he always calls me funny names like Maro and Meo and mop mop that was a weird one but hey it’s okay she won’t be able to call you any names now that we’re living far away from her and she can’t find us anymore what chip come over here what is it Milo oh no is something wrong yeah you just need to come here right now okay what is it look how good the house looks from here oh yeah Milo the house looks great but hey why did you have to yell and feel scared that totally Terri me sorry chip I just was trying to show you how good it was yeah it totally is really good you’re completely right Milo now I’m placing the last few glass blocks and oh my goodness Milo are you ready ready for what for The house’s walls to be done oh boy now they’re totally complete we can start making the inside yay that’s my favorite part yeah now we can make an awesome ground hallway area I think this is perfect we’ll make a wall in the middle here and uh excuse me Milo I think I just need to put a wall there there the camera thanks Milo Wa this is already looking like a grand entrance room but hm there needs to be more I think over here we can have a nice little kitchen and then we can have a doorway leading to even more okay I’m going to put the walls up a little bit great idea Milo maybe put the walls to about this High yeah I think this needs to be where the floor of level two will be yeah that’s Perfection yeah it totally will be oh boy this is so exciting now H what other rooms could we possibly need I think we also need a dining room over over here and then all over here we can do some sort of other staircase Yep this is going to be perfect I just know it oh why don’t I place the rest of these wall blocks and you can help me make the roof Milo I think that would be really really good okay do it thanks Milo now that we’re working together and making different parts of the house it will go by so quickly and definitely in time for the new neighbor to arrive back home do I do it just like this uh yeah Milo totally like that good job okay that’s good because I was a little bit worried just now don’t worry Milo what whatever we build I’m sure it’s going to be absolutely perfect and will really impress our new neighbor and be really fun for us to live in yeah we have a really big design idea but I’m really scared to tell you uh okay Milo what’s your big design idea well I think it would look really good if there was a big blue M on the front of our house Milo that’s crazy why would we add a big blue M this isn’t just your house you know I got to live here as well yeah but do really mean that you don’t want to put that on the front what Milo how would you feel if I build a giant RNC for chip really angry yeah so we can’t just have a giant big blue M for you I don’t understand why that’s okay Milo I’m sure our new neighbor is very wise and can help explain that to you in a way that will not confuse you at all yeah I’m pretty excited for that yeah me too oh this is about to be epic and uhoh I think I built this staircase a little too small let me extend it out just slightly there we go now I can place more stairs like this this will be a lot nicer to climb up than the one I had four oh yeah now we can also place the rest of level two just like this yeah and I like running up the stairs a lot so I need them to be big for me yeah the stairs right now are two blocks wide they are big enough for both me and you to run up and down them at the same time yeah it’s pretty epic we’re not going to have to worry about waiting for space or getting cramped at all we’re going to be so free in here this house is going to be so nice because we’re about to build the first story I think we can have a really good kitchen maybe one of the nicest kitchens yet kind of want to build the kitchen now oh yeah well that’s perfect Milo because we can build the kitchen right here hm let’s grab some kitchen benches what color do you reckon we should do okay voo we can do blue kitchen counters here we go we’ll place them just like this and wao this is looking so nice we’ll leave a little bit of space here so that there can be a nice entrance room and wao hello why are you looking at me like that this is not blue what yes it is Milo it literally says light blue kitchen counter yes is Papa Milo do you want me to show you what what a purple kitchen counter is yes okay here you go this is a purple kitchen counter that is not purple that’s like pink or something mil I can show you what a pink kitchen counter looks like but Milo we’re going to be here all day if you keep doing this fine whatever I guess we can have the silly purple kitchen bench Milo it’s so blue oh my goodness see pink purle blue now we can also keep making it all the way around like that he this is a lovely bed kitchen yeah it totally is and we can even have some really nice wardrobes in here look I say we put the wardrobes right over here like this and wait a minute maybe we can even have a walkway directly over into the staircase room oh I like this a lot of lot yeah me too although wait I built this lopsided oh no that’s so embarrassing let me move this over so it’s not super duper embarrassing anymore wait chip something is really wrong here oh no what’s really wrong just the lopsidedness is really throwing me off uh yeah don’t worry M I’m fixing it right now oh okay be quick don’t worry Milo I’ll try my best to be as fast as I possibly can I think I just got thrown off by the windows back here I don’t know whoever made the windows back here must have built them l-sided um that wasn’t me oh wait who built the windows back here probably one of the animals or something wait Milo I did not realize the animals around this area were smart enough to build windows we must be living in the smartest animal area of all time yeah definitely now we can grab some kitchen cabinets like this wo they really fit the color of the house uh excuse me Milo I think we might want to put something there I’m just not sure what I thought this could be my standing spot okay let me Place some hay underneath you so you don’t get it messy and the hay can soak up any of your spills what I almost never spill St Milo you drop water on yourself all the time and hey it looks like there’s water on you right now what where everywhere because you’re always spilling stuff why are you just saying that cuz I’m blue what yeah maybe I am Milo I was just teasing you because you’re always spilling stuff and hey look this fridge comes with a picture of your cousin Harry oh hey harry wao Harry’s so cool I bet he totally want to visit us here no I don’t want him to visit oh why thing’s not good with you and Harry right now yeah we had a big fight oh no wait a minute Milo was this about the thing you told me about yeah it was oh yeah okay yep that makes a lot of sense well anyway now we can play some flower pots over here I think we should grab a corn flow wo those look so cool here we go wow doesn’t that look amazing no what Milo you don’t like it no because it’s not corn colored okay hang on let me think about this corn is a yellow color even though it’s called a corn flour it is not the color of corn this way maybe we can add a dandelion instead hey doesn’t that look like corn that is way better yeah I totally agree great I’m really glad you like it now we can also add an oven so we can cook things in wao Milo we should definitely add a royal oven yes that’s the one I want wow perfect to me too I’m also going to add a little bit of a wool here to be like a steam vent wao look at that Milo our kitchen is looking so good but we definitely need a copet here do you want to know something really cool yes I have added a blue caret just for you wow I love this me too Milo now because I added a blue carpet here can I add an orange carpet over there in the dining room yeah for sure yeah thanks Milo W are those blueberry muffins yeah these are the ones I’m going to give to our nebor when she arrives oh wow I’m sure she’ll totally love them I just hope that she’s not allergic to blueberries oh man I didn’t even think about that yeah that would be really bad I’m just going to add a little bit of a bench over here and I’m also going to go over here and just grab some little tables hm I think we’ll need to pick a really nice one wa I think these counters look amazing Milo yeah which ones um well the one that you’re on right now and these ones as well look at these lovely counters and wait a minute maybe we can put them over here and add a TV that looks professional yeah I think it totally does now we’re just going to add a nice table in the middle here so that we can totally enjoy some meal time lovely and chill y you know what we really need now what Milo well first of all I think we should take this part of deal away yeah okay I’m liking where you’re going with this oh we need some chairs oh that’s so true Milo good thinking I think we should get these really fancy ones they look super oldfashioned and because our neighbor might be an old lady I’m sure she’ll really like these yeah I’m chip I’m going to tell you something else and you might not like it uh-oh what are you about to tell me I think the chair should be close to the table and I think that means we should make the carpet go away what but the carpet is so beautiful Milo well how about we do this yeah that totally works good thinking Milo now we can slowly get rid of the chairs that are on the outside and bring them even closer towards the middle that is exactly what I was thinking sometimes you can be a real genius yeah I know now that we’ve added the table I think we really need to get some things to put on them I think like money and hm what else can we get oh I know stackable pumpkins of course yeah I really think that’s a good idea and I have another thing to put there okay what is it Milo well it’s dinner yeah okay dinner looking good and a little treat oh Milo is that a boiled cream treat Yep they’re my favorite oh my gosh Milo I can’t believe you’re still obsessed with them it’s been ages yeah it has been ages and also it hasn’t been very long well you do know what ages means right no it means very long oh I didn’t really noce that’s okay don’t worry well Milo now I think we basically built the first floor what chip I have something else really good okay what is it Milo it’s actually just some flowers oh Milo those look so nice I really like the colors we’ve got inside here yeah there’s lots of different colors yeah this is so perfect hey Milo we should totally get started on the second floor of our house I think that’s a really good idea oh yeah this is going to be perfect yeah what’s that what’s what Milo there something out there oh no wait hey it’s a moving van and I think somebody’s inside I think it’s our new neighbor w at least we got the the outside of our house done now we can go meet them oh this is so exciting I bet they’re going to be so cool I wonder who it could be maybe this old lady is an astronaut or something awesome like that that would be so epic I’m so excited I can’t wait I can’t wait hello new neighbor we would like to meet you oh my gosh it’s my darling chip and his weird unfunny sidekick Marshall oh my gosh how have you found us again Alexis a it’s just a small world isn’t it my grand lives in the house near the One You’re Building and she told me a cutie and a weird little blue bird actually move next door I’ll see how she’s doing and then chip you’re going to come over and meet her and then you’ll meet my parents and then we’ll move in together and then we’ll get married and then we’ll live happily ever after oh I can’t wait you know what I’ll be back soon see you love oh my God goodness Milo this is terrifying come on we need to get home now we need to talk about what on Earth we’re going to do I am feeling very stressed out oh Milo don’t stress out wait calm down calm down stop breaking things I can’t do this anymore we have to move away I simply cannot live next to her don’t worry Milo don’t break the house down I have a plan for this exact same type of thing what is your plan tell me now all right don’t worry Milo once I patch these roof holes I will Loop you in on everything this is going to go really well we are going to turn this entire house into a working airplane Milo what did you just say we need to turn this house into a working airplane and I know just how we’re going to do it we’re going to need balloons and we’re going to need some engines wow yeah it’s pretty incredible now we’re going to grab a Helm an engine and these balloons we’re going to make this house so good Milo first we’re going to need to pick a place to make the actual steering room of this airplane and I think this area is the perfect one although H this might actually need to be the engine room let’s place it at the back here and wait we’ll need to leave some of these staircases just like that that way the engine house has a lot more structural stability now all the way over here we need to have the actual propeller room and I think the best place for it would be on our own custom Second Story we’re going to make the front of this house go outwards just a little bit this way there will be room to have a front airplane wow it’s going to go outward yeah it totally will this is going to be the coolest airplane house you’ve ever seen we just need to build this part really quick so Alexis doesn’t see yeah because we need something really really crazy to get away from her the front part of this plane house is going to be so perfect it’s going to be really protected from anything that could possibly go wrong look we even have a giant glass window we can look out from yeah and I can stand here when I can look at stuff yeah exactly my little bit be careful don’t be too loud otherwise Alexis might hear us we also need to make airplane Wings to make make sure we can properly take off the wings are the main part yeah they are very important Milo we cannot forget them all right the back Wing has seven then I need to do seven more okay like that hey this is actually looking really really good now I need to make sure I fly over here and oh my gosh I didn’t mean to place that that was so messy wait a minute why are there stairs you know what it’s totally fine now I’m going to fly all the way over to this side and I’m going to place down another Wing block this is about to be so amazing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and then I will do seven more back here like this okay I think that’s exactly seven yes perfect now I will build the front part of the Wings going out like this oh boy our plane is about to really take off Milo are you ready for this yeah and I wish I could count like you a Milo you could totally count someday I believe in you now we just need to add a little bit of a tail fin to our airplane like that this way the plane will actually be able to fly and steer in the air this will basically be like the plan’s Rudder this is so good because we’re going to be zooming food is sky and Alexis is not going to know what’s going on no she will be very confused all right now I need to quickly go inside and place down some seats up here on the airplane H I think I’ll place down an orange one and Milo would you like a light blue one yeah I’ll one all right perfect now I will grab a light blue seat for you oh wait a minute where is it oh no there’s so many but hey I think I managed to grab it perfect now we will put down one ship engine are you ready for this really Budd this is the Helm of the ship it should turn the whole thing into a real working plane oh yeah boy let’s go wo wo wo chip what are you doing your house looks like an airplane um that’s kind of because it is an airplane now Alexis and we are going to fly this airplane really far away so that you cannot follow us yeah Alex say Good Riddance wait what what do you mean good riddance I’m not good ridd Stone you want me to come along no there’s no time for this let’s go watch we’re taking off wo wo wo come back wo our airlane house is really working look at this this is insane now we can take this airplane house to new heights and find a place to live that is safe and far away from crazy fan girl let’s go yeah we’re totally ad doing this Milo this is so cool yeah we dare yet I’m not sure where we’re even going Milo although wait a minute hey this area seems like a really nice flat location I just wish there was a village nearby and oh hey look a village nearby this is perfect Milo this is the place we need to set up our new house oh yeah boy this is great come on let’s land this thing and start building now we’re slowly making our way down and we’ll be able to make sure our house this time can be perfect and it is way further away now Alexis has no way of reaching us because we crossed mountains and oceans to get here yeah exactly it was a really long fly yeah yeah a really long flight but luckily the pilot was super cool and all right everybody it’s time for Touchdown boom we have officially landed everybody please unplug your seat belts and get ready to build part two of our house yeah that’s right we need to build an awesome second floor exactly Milo now what can we even build here oh I know we can totally add some bedrooms I call dibs on my bedroom being on the right hand side um well that’s good because I wanted to left anyway really what but my bedroom being on the right is great because I’m always right about things s that’s not true you’re actually wrong all the time what no way when have I ever been wrong about something Mark when you told me my hair looked bad uh Milo I think that was pretty correct you had a crazy head do yeah well I was trying something new yeah I guess trying something new is pretty cool now I’m going to make sure you can enter my bedroom this way oh this is so cool I’m going to add a nice little dark oak door like this and I’m just going to put it here yeah perfect now I’m going to grab the white concrete and I’m going to build my room up like that well that’s very good for you but I’ve got some design ideas that I’m going to try out over here really okay I’m a little interested to see what you do actually Milo I bet your room’s going to look really cool yeah it is actually going to look cool and also better than yours no way Milo my room’s definitely going to be the best here a chip I’m really glad we managed to get away from Alexa she actually really freaks me out a lot of the time oh boy me too remember how she was just talking about us getting married even though we just became neighbors I told you she was going to say something about marriage if she ever found us again yeah you did say that Milo and you were completely right yeah and I don’t want to go to your wedding yeah I don’t even want to have a wedding but wait Milo are you saying if I got married you wouldn’t come well I probably would go but I would just be running around and having a funny time Milo you’re not meant to do that at a wedding why not because it’s rude people are trying to get married but I want to have fun at the wedding you can have fun at your own wedding Milo wait a minute speaking of when are you going to get married well maybe when I meet someone that I love yeah that’s pretty fair a do you have a little girl bu you want to get married to yeah I have a crush wait really oh my goodness Milo I didn’t know you actually had a crush I was just teasing you but wait a minute who do you have a crush on that’s oh Milo that’s so sneaky okay I guess I’m just going to have to figure it out someday I bet I’ll eventually realize your that is so funny it totally is I’m just going to make a little staircase here so that we remember that this is the way to get to level three of our house or better known as the attic the attic is going to be a pretty creepy level honestly that’s why we need to make sure we leave it really nice inside so that nothing creepy happens in here yeah like ghost yeah ghosts are absolutely terrifying that’s why my room is going to be the opposite of haunted and creepy it’s going to be non- haunted and UNC creepy which is very cool I’m going to add some carpets here and we can also add some bookshelves oh boy these are going to look so nice hm I wonder what else I can add oh I can have a little quartz staircase that I will use as a seat W this looks so awesome I really like this yeah I like my bedroom too wo you’re already getting started on your bedroom Milo of course wow I’m very impressed you’re moving real quick I’m also going to add some more smooth quot stairs here and wow Milo now that we’ve moved location we actually have an ocean view yeah the ocean view is stunning it’s very cool especially on my side of the house hey I think I got really lucky by having the bedroom on the right or at least the left hand side I don’t know it depends which way you’re looking yeah but I got a view as well and it’s also up the water wait really how is that even possible oh Milo are you talking about the river yeah the river oh can I come in and see your room sorry I open the door and already saw wait your room’s looking nice yeah just putting the smart boy books around wao that’s very smart Milo and hey you have two doorways that’s really cool I only have one though cuz I just like my privacy well that’s fine but I want to be able to walk in out of my Lim all the time yeah that’s totally fair I only need my privacy this bad because otherwise crazy Fang girl would try and make her way over here oh that would be actually so bad I know it would be terrible but hey at least my bedroom’s looking awesome this is so cool I’m going to place some more smooth quart stairs there like this and wao this place is looking so good right now hey Milo I think we should also probably add some really fun things to this part of the house right next to the engine room yeah well I’m actually just doing something in my room right now thank you very much okay Milo H I’ll try and think of something really fun to add here then I’m going to grab some concrete and some light blue concrete and we’re also going to need some slime blocks I’m about to make the most fun area possible and it’s going to go right up here in the Attic that is really great yeah it totally is I’m going to make a nice orange and blue bouncy castle up here the entire floor is going to be a big bouncing Zone it’s going to be so much fun can you imagine going to your ad Milo and all there is is bouncy trampolines yeah I can’t imagine that because that’s exactly what’s happening for us exactly this is about to be so cool all right I think this is looking pretty nice I like these colors actually perfect now we’ll just add a slime block here and wo this looks so much fun yeah it’s really fun but it’s not as fun as this not as fun as what oh Milo is that an actual trampoline yeah it actually is and it’s so fancy this is pretty fun but Milo my trampolines are safe for air travel that’s why they’re made out of slime blocks this stuff can stretch and bend during air travel and some of these strings can snap making it not very safe really oh we got to get rid of it right now that actually scares me so much yeah but don’t worry Milo we can add a carpet this way on top of the Slime we’ll be able to jump on actual stuff that looks like trampolines and we won’t get slime all over our feet every time we want to go for a bounce and I have one other idea oh Milo I think I’m seeing where your idea is going actually yeah it’s going to have a lot of going up so that we can jump off it wa Milo this is absolutely genius yeah I love this area so much wellow me too now I’m also going to add a little bit of a random structure over here that we can just play on it’ll be so cool it’ll go up and down and I think it’ll just look really nice oh yeah that’s actually really great idea because one thing about me is I love climbing stuff exactly this climbing frame is going to be so cool and hey you can even go under what you can go underneath it yeah it’s pretty cool honestly I’m going to make one over here as well that you can also go underneath or above although this one’s going to be over the stairs so you’ll need to be pretty careful this is cool yeah I totally agree I’m glad you like it Milo yeah I’m really happy with what we’ve got in here chip I think it’s the most fun place in the world yeah me too although I am going to add a little bit more yellow carpet around these trampolines the more yellow carpet we add the better this place will become wo this is looking so cool I really like this fun area of the house it’s so much better than the other Area Yellow was a really fun color for me yeah me too I love the color yellow wow this room is looking so fun but we’re going to need a lot of lanterns and not just any boring Lantern we’re going to use Soul lanterns that’s because these are a lovely blue color and hm I don’t like how messy they are here now I can arrange them like this to put them neatly in the corners wow we really turned a room that was kind of creepy and ghostly into a room that is mostly fun yeah it really is mostly fun this place is so cool I’m coming Mal love wait a minute why do I hear crazy fan girl oh no she’s right there oh no how did she find us chip why you always running away from me I only locked you in the cage that one time I’ve been good since then oh my goodness Milo we got to go now I’m going to add coal to the engines before she can reach the front of the airplane this is going to be a close one CH I got to do something really Fray what are you going to do Milo I I’m going to put two redstone blocks on the wings which will make it go Z oh my gosh okay be careful Milo she’s almost at the front I’m going to assemble this aircraft right now and all right we need to fly it now 1 second oh CH placee come back by crazy fan girl sorry Alexis no can do we need to live in a place that is safe and where I don’t have to get married and if this airplane house is what it takes to do that then so be it goodbye no come on Milo we got this we just need to find another place where we can live safely and happily oh my goodness but wherever we go we need to make sure it is far away enough that crazy fan girl cannot find us that’s wait a minute Milo look I found a really good mountain range this is where we need to land our house and do our final build this will be so secure oh it’ll be so secure there is no way crazy Fang girl will find us here all right I’m landing this this thing as quick as I possibly can don’t worry Milo this is going to work we just need to make sure we land really closely in the center of this area otherwise oh boy we won’t have enough space to build our defenses yeah we don’t want to fall off you’re right Milo we don’t all right now it is landing this is very good yeah it’s really like right and ship I think we might need to build some defenses in case she finds us again yeah of course Milo that’s what the security defenses are going to be it’s really important that we make them extra strong oh boy wait let me try and get this Landing really good okay I think I’m going to do it really softly and all right hold on Milo this could be rough and oh hey we did it yay you feel like my pirot thanks Milo come on let’s get building the first line of defenses we are going to need is a giant Lava Moat going all the way around our airplane house yeah that’s good but I want to do a cobwebs wa that’s a great idea Milo I actually was thinking the same thing yeah I’m going to do a little ring over here with not good H good idea Milo I think we should space out every single defense so it forms a perfect circle around our perfect house that will be very very awesome yeah it totally will there’s no way Alexis will find us over here we’re millions of blocks away on top of a mountain and surrounded by lava I don’t think she will ever be able to find us and if she does we will be ready yeah and for us the cobwebs might make her think that spiders everywhere and she does not like spiders yeah me and her both hate spiders if we ever did get married that would probably be the one thing we actually have in common we don’t have anything else in common at all she’s just crazy and I think I’m pretty normal yeah you’re pretty normal guys thanks Milo I totally agree now we just need to place down these cobwebs to make sure she cannot get over them hey look this cobweb barrier is going really really good wa this is perfect now cobwebs are not the strongest defense we could possibly have inside the lava ring I’m going to have a ring of diamond spikes that’s really great and I’m just going to make the cobwebs one block taller yeah good idea Milo otherwise she could just jump over them and it would be really dangerous for us exactly imagine if she got all the way here and all she had to do was jump over the cobwebs to reach us she would instantly be able to find us and make us live with her and make me marry her that would be terrible I really wouldn’t like that and she’d probably send me away to boarding school yeah she probably would actually that seems like the exact sort of thing she would totally do look Milo because I don’t want you to go to boarding school I’m actually going to make the Ring of lava a lot thicker thanks chip that means a lot to me no problem Milo I’m always here to help you to make sure she cannot send you away now that the Lava Moat is really really thick we can start placing down an army of iron golems these guys will definitely help defend us against crazy Fang girl if she ever tries to come up here yeah they’ll probably throw her into the sky yeah exactly and because we are so high up throwing her into the sky could be really good for making her get whooshed away by the wind oh my goodness if only she would actually do that and stop trying to marry me instead hi Mr Golem are you going to protect us oh yeah Milo you don’t even need to worry the Golems are definitely going to do everything they can to protect us crazy Fang girl will not stand a chance especially when we surround out place with these Golems I do not want to leave a single spot undefended by Golems these guys will really come in handy to save us hey Milo since we’re already up in the mountains I have a feeling you might want to spawn down some snow golems oh yeah boys that’ll be awesome this way your snow golem friends will be able to help us oh yeah this is going to be so good normally when you spawn Snow Golems it’s kind of crazy but now I think it’ll be really useful yeah because especially since they they a bunch of snore they can get so many snorers exactly Milo I think they actually make infinite amounts of them themselves but hey it could be even better now that we’re up high and there’s no rain to hurt them only snow wo this is so cool hey I’ll even help you spawn down a bunch of snow golems look we’re about to have so many I don’t think I need help I think I’m good oh great that’s perfect but look Milo there are so many snow golems and hey one added bonus of them is that placing all the snow everywhere will help disguise our White House in with the white snowy mountain that is genius thank you Golems you guys are really nice yeah thanks gol cols now we also need to transform this fun jumping Ladder into a ladder that leads onto the roof I think also on the roof we should have some emergency chests filled with bows and arrows these bows and arrows are going to really help us all right now we’ll grab a bunch of arrows here like this perfect I’ll put a bunch of them in this chest and then we will have an infinite amount of arrows to use we can use these in case crazy fan girl ever gets close and we need an extra line of defense okay Milo I think your house might actually be complete now we could live here and be really happy on this mountain no way this is awesome oh my god there you guys are you took forever to find oh no Alexis found us on this mountain oh don’t worry Milo luckily we’ve got some epic defenses come on let’s head up to the roof and grab our Bose Alexis stay back we do not want you here and I don’t want to get married to you aw chippy stop denying inevitable we’re going to end up together and I’m going to get on your airplane house whether you like it or not oh no you won’t stay back oh my goodness wait she’s destroying the cobwebs is up here wa chill out Milo you don’t need to attack me so much jeez I’ll go around the other side then no I’m going to get you in my Els oh my goodness this is insane Alexis come back here oh no oh no this is crazy no she’s killing my snug oh no poor Snow Golem she’s throwing the Snowballs back at us that’s so bad wa guys leave me alone just for one second I just need to break some of this spider web you got to leave us alone for 1 minute I don’t want to get married to you yeah get away this isn’t a place for you to be we’ll say about that chippy what she just jumed across oh no Milo she managed to get inside our house this is bad we need to go down and check oh my goodness oh my goodness although wait a minute Milo maybe she got destroyed by one of the Iron Golems or something um yeah we can H some hey wait Milo I don’t see her anywhere this is really good wow we might eventually gotten her hooray this is epic we can totally be free I don’t have to get married say Dad I told you he’s a good Builder and look over here Mom this is where our first born’s bedroom will be all right come on I want you to make the man of my life sorry Dad this is my husband chippy what we’re not married Alexis um sorry sir I’m not her husband and wait a minute Alexis is this your whole family yeah look how cute my little sister is oh no this is terrible Alexis how have you done this wait what was that Dad oh CH guess what my Dad gives his Blessing for us to get married how good no no

Milo and Chip are building a working AIRPLANE HOUSE to Escape from CRAZY FAN GIRL!

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


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