Minecraft but the LONGEST ANSWER WINS With Crazy Fan Girl!

it’s time to do our homework together I brought the whole OHS crew and Crystal you’re going to be my study buddy yay I always wanted to be your study buddy come on let’s do our homework hi guys how’s the studying going it’s going great I’m with my girlfriend I mean I’m girl Lily my friend Lily your study buddy you mean Lily study buddy is the best time to get Rizzy with the girl Luke how is your study session going with Alexa it’s going very good I’m showing her how good I could spell nice dude girls like a smart guy and chryst’s my study buddy yay I’m going to get super Rizzy with her not so fast objection oh hey Heather are you here to study with us here you could sit right over here and you can study yeah move out the way Crystal I’m going to study with SS today what Heather I’m sorry you can’t do that cuz Crystal’s my study buddy cuz I’m going to get Rizzy with her um no you’re not cuz I’m a smarter girl than her what no way I’m way smarter babes you’re working with me girls relax Heather you don’t want to do this cuz Crystal is super duper smart I’m serious are you sure then Crystal spell Super califragilistic X alidocious that is the biggest word in the dictionary well Crystal super smart she could totally do that right crystal yeah I could totally do that if I wanted to but let’s talk about how smart Heather is wait did she just change a subject so she doesn’t have to spell the word uh yeah I don’t think she knows how to spell it SS well Heather can’t spell a word crystal give her something super hard yeah spell vomit W that’s super hard good luck Heather you can’t do it simple b o m i t what oh no she just spelled vomit correctly that is very impressive SS you should work with Heather hey um actually I probably should Heather you are very smart what did you just say babe no say you don’t want to work with her you’re she’s not smart Crystal she did just spell vomit perfectly um Heather do you want to be my nothing she doesn’t want to do anything with you Heather you’re kicked out of the study session Crystal I am way smarter than you and SS will be mine Heather what is that in your hand what are you going to do H it where am I what what what just happened Heather what is this welcome to how I’m aov that I love you more Heather stop this and wait actually you are pretty smart what is this this is type Tower everyone start the game by throwing the block uh all right oh gosh there’s a count on on my screen waa what is this uh if the water touches your feet you die H what do I do it says name something you can put in your mouth but not consume I know mouthwash mouthwash mouth wash done and wo Alexa we just went like 1,000 blocks up yes but I said bubblegum instead ooh oh hi Lily hi Roxy and uh Crystal Crystal are you okay no mouthwash put mouthwash oh no she’s dead she is so dead clutch oh my gosh that was crazy and guys the water just Rose every round the water rises and we have to type answers like name a country in North America wh what I thought North America is a country oh no bro didn’t study what’s a country in Texas is Texas one uh Texas uh uh no it’s the United States oh United space stes thank you oh gosh Roxy’s CED Roxy’s cooked oh the water’s Rising did you get a Roxy I don’t think so he was too late and oh the water’s barely even Rising name a currency um there’s dollars there’s pounds there’s rup there’s rubies uh I’ll just put dollars with an S so I get extra letters what I have to get rid of the S dollar let’s go this is easy I’m getting smoke how to spell dollar d o l l a r oh a r are you good oh no Crystal the water’s right next to you are you in that back corner oh oh you’re cooked name a unit of weight measurement uh Heather what’s something you weigh with pounds kilog oh Roxy genius kilograms see you later I’m in first place I’m popping off right now Crystal are you going up yeah I doing up oh nice and Alexa’s up too oh gosh Roxy and Chris are in last place H yeah cuz I didn’t know how to spell kilograms oh no bro gave you the answer and didn’t know what to do okay name something that you would have in your yard Luke how are you doing this so fast I put grass cuz that’s what I eat boy oh my gosh fence no oh oh lawn mower please be one please be One S oh my my gosh I just went up so high and hi Alexa what did you put Lun mower thank you for that me too oh Roxy W comeback dude you’re not right next to Lily I somehow spelled it you’re actually popping off right now nice job hi Heather it looks like your girlfriend’s still down there though hey yeah name something you would see on an airplane uh passengers passengers Crystal p a s s a n g e r s It’s s e G no g e RS e r s e RS Crystal you oh no she G RS did you get it oh my gosh but wait Heather’s still down you have a chance and oh no the water’s Rising name a military Alliance uh America uh no not what does that mean ly what’s a military Alliance uh the British un I I I don’t know oh multinational okay multinational now oh I lied what is it um um um um um I don’t know going to die Crystal how close to the water to you like a few blocks we’re out of time oh no okay okay we’re going to get next one and Heather didn’t get anything either I’ll get it next time though oh name a condiments mustard mustard uh ketchup mustard Oh no I got a crazy one I got a crazy one okay how do you spell it oh 12 blocks honey mustard honey space wait I should have not said that to Heather Crystal h o n e y m u s t a r d there’s a space in between honey mustard oh she’s cooked she’s cooked e r e d oh gosh Chris you have like 3 seconds I don’t know bro she didn’t to the space Oh no how close is she to the water crystal how many blocks away I name a place where you could swim the ocean the river lake lake I’m trying to think what Lily what did you put to get 12 blocks that’s crazy bathtub oh wait B up oh oh swimming space pool boom nice bab I went up I went up baby you went up so you’re not going to die um yeah but now it’s getting close again oh no but Heather’s still super far down so she’s going to die as well you’re trash and and your dreams not in my dreams no I couldn’t get it oh no Roxy the water’s right next to you dude are you nervous yes name a mythical creature what’s a mythical creature ooh Dragon um fairy well Shrek count I’ll do Shrek I spell Dragon d r a g o n uh I’m trying to think of a big one that’s true uh Tooth Fairy wait fairy fairy is that right what how is Tooth Fairy not mythical oh my gosh oh my gosh Dragon bro getting troll d r a g o n Crystal d r a g o n oh no is she cooked is she Crystal did you get cooked uh um yes yes yes I on how know how to spell Dragon Oh No Name a popular story ooh there’s definitely long store names Walmart kid Empire what Walmart what else is Target that’s only five letters Luke what’s a long store name uh I tried McDonald’s but it didn’t work um popular oh Wegman’s Wegman’s no that’s not long um toys are us huh are you serious uh Macy’s you ran out of time Macy’s I got Macy’s b i about the water do you die no oh gosh it’s right next to you name a disease o o I’m going to put cold virus cold oh I want up four blocks the flu crystal that’s like three letters wait put the space flu put the space flu okay boom and name a payment method what does that even mean luky like money what’s how how’ you get something I put PayPal card debit card wait how did Heather get 10 how are you doing that Heather it’s easy I got credit card oops by m Le I got a debit card oh wait wait wait I’m I’m going to try and be cheeky bank debit card come on oh gosh oh that’s what I get for being cheap a debit card deit card babes I’m back in the lead what how did Crystal make a comeback book hether still above you went ah the water’s right here name a fingerprint pattern what does that mean Alexa I need the answers bro I need the answers one second I’m just figuring it out she’s Googling it oh my gosh we don’t have time for that um what is it circular maybe a plain Arch what PL what playe pling Arch I don’t know what how did Heather get heather what did you put loop loop it’s Loop oh L they definitely looked it up Sue last second oh gosh Crystal the water’s about to touch your butt bro no cap not for long name a music genre um classical classical wait is that a thing classical let’s go what Roxy what just happened I reached the water oh no Crystal get up oh no Crystal’s next to die Crystal’s next to you’re clutch oh no oh Alexa’s going to die Alexa why isn’t it putting electronic music oh no yo Lily’s so high Lily how are you actually doing this bro you’re insane and the next one is named something that emits light uh the sun wait the space sun light the sunlight oh gosh sunlight sunlight uh uh light bulb let’s go Luke what did you put dude how’d you get so high I put flashlight my boy ooh and oh no the water is getting so close and is Heather losing right no don’t look I’m going to get back up there oh no you’re cooked bro you’re cooked name a type of galaxy Milky Way space galaxy I keep trying to get in the second words ah they know about it luky they know about it how you spell Milky Way I don’t even know l SP milky wa milky it’s not letting me spell it either um Tye Galaxy um um star system what’s the Galaxy Luke Luke I don’t know the end game what is it oh wait Alexa is B me the water Alexa you’re cooked you’re oh no Alexa’s dead roxxy’s cheating his way back into the map are you serious right now Roxy name someone you can trust really um a friend maybe uh no a a a a parent uh uh uh put yourself yourself wait is that an actual reasonable answer oh what yourself oh my gosh W and Roxy somehow bypassing the server kicking you w Roxy C yourself back in here and Crystal you’re going to die put yourself no Heather you’re next you’re cooked Heather you’re cooked she’s submer oh no you have to get this right or you die I a type of quadral don’t that Crystal like you know what that means what the heck is that square oh it’s like a shape square is that soe square how youell Square oh my gosh oh my gosh Luke you’re actually popping off and Heather sh what did Heather put she got nine oh no triangle s q u a r e s q u a r e you have 2 seconds Crystal’s dead Crystal no Crystal’s clutch for that for real oh gosh okay name a dessert o Lily it’s your specialty chees oh cheese cake how do you spell cheese it’s not dessert it’s desert what name a oh s how do you spell cheese Sahara Desert Sahara s a r a r a h a r a s a r a r a d e s s e RT you guys better hope the water barely Rises you better hope it goes up like two blocks I’m super low I’m super high up how you spelled a horror desert it’s already over name something/ somewhere you can watch movies on/ movie space theater Crystal when you say the answers out loud you’re helping Heather and oh she got it oh no you’re cooked you’re cooked and Heather’s fast at typing thank you Crystal Lily how are you in the lead right now I’m not giving away any answers oh no Lily’s playing as smart she not yapping like that and is Roxy how is Roxy not bro glitching the game right now I’m not going to question it no I’m just not drowning like a noob you’re that look you’re a noob but let’s see what we got something easy please something easy Name another word for good awesome spectacular oh no spectac really it’s not right um awesome uh great great let’s go great was one and Crystal you might be smoked right oh yo you just did it last second before the water Rose W I’m so scared this is getting too intense for my brain bro oh gosh name it no not this one again m i l k y the black eye Galaxy Li what did you put reveal yourself Luke what reveal yourself the black eye what black eye black eye it’s 53,000 light years in diameter what is bro he’s Googling he’s Googling n w Google and it’s over for Crystal there’s a Sombrero Galaxy too what oh my gosh Crystal on Heather is cooked the wi is right next to your butt who do you think is going to die first ly Heather or Crystal I got my money on Heather oh no name a game you could play on the pool table what pool uh no bards bards Bard oh bro smart for that bro put pool when billyard is the long way to say it and Lily I just passed you wait I got to now watch me with a cut watch me n night you’re getting smoked right now you are trash I’m going to make a comeback H CST in the water if they get one more wrong they’re cooked ly they’re cooked crystal is over for you oh no you’re going to lose both your bibs oh gosh this is intense this is intense hopefully we got something easy name a mountain Mount Everest Mount Everest is a kly what how you Everest Mount evera yeah that was 12 did you guys both get it yes W clutch and Luke how’d you get 14 what do you do the castle mountain bro is using Google stop cheating what are you talking about I just know that yeah yeah yeah blood’s yapping blood’s yapping but girls don’t think that the water is right next to your booty cuz it is right next to your booty look at that and it’s going up so fast oh gosh I’m scared name a Minecraft potion potion of heing potion of strength potion of potion of invisibility oh my gosh potion of invisibility potion of invis 20 blocks no way why don’t you put all those extra words let’s go potion of invisibility easy idea thank you Roxy I’m coming in clutch right now I’m super duper high up and I barely could see you girls and the water’s near no I’m getting farther away from it ooh W Crystal you actually are name something you would have in your garage Lamborghini Lamborghini wait how you Lamborghini you’re so extra words how do you sp Lambo Rini Lamborghini okay okay um Ferrari Ferrari um oh gosh I’m going just put car uh wait motor veh motor motor v v v car just give me car oh my gosh I didn’t get anything are you serious and Crystal rip Crystal bro she’s cooked you’re cooked Crystal you’re cooked name something that floats in water um floaty ooh nice water floaty water floaty no I’m just putting both what did it work did it work yeah uh floaty with a Y uh oh my gosh all right I’m put I it’s floaty with i e I’m about to put yacht what what do you mean yacht doesn’t work boat uh wait Mega boat like a super boat no no way I just folded this one too oh my gosh I folded this one too oh obsy butt look who’s on top of you no and both the girls are in the water if you name one more wrong you’re both dead name an article of clothing that’s easy panta wait wait no no wait shirt no wait umir um Su dress H are you serious dressshirt sweat sweat yeah that one’s good that one’s good s w e a t s h i r t uh Crystal who are you spelling it to you do know your competition’s right next to you right she already did hers oh Heather’s actually coming in clutch look the girls are just not dying can the game kill them already oh no which one you want to go first I want Heather to go first name something you can put in a bucket in Minecraft milk water axolot no you’re a genius ax lot is that right I’m just going to go with oh how do you sp Axel Luke Luke please please Axel I don’t know I I honestly can’t I just put it I just SP water I just SP water spell Axel no you don’t have time for that why did you just spell water I could Google this one uh Pegasus pegus huh really Pegasus the andr Andro no what BR Andro Andro Mina oh there was some longer ones oh no I don’t know how to spell it l i can’t see cuz it’s being covered how do you spell it meta androa oh let’s go I’m cooked I’m cooked no it’s over for Crystal name a musical term uh anopia anom manop huh how you spell classical classical piano classical what name a music term piano how are you getting this Heather it’s algro algro do you know what that is algro okay Heather how do you know all these random things about things uh because I took music class in fifth grade if I get one more wrong I’m dead Crystal’s cooked Crystal do not fail this next one Luke my girlfriend going to die name a tast sensation GG said it’s his girlfriend uh Crystal what are you going to do for that oh spicy spice wait spice Oh no you’re cooked um salty salty salty oh salty Works salty Works we’re in the clouds with it Crystal n it’s over for you Crystal please don’t did you get it did you get it yes yes yes you he’s one block away wait Heather submitted the longest answer possible with six blocks what did you put dude I put Savory really how does she know that Luke how are you that high right now dude it’s cuz I’m that smart boy oh my gosh name something that you could watch is cool on YouTube OHS is cool on YouTube really Mr Beast let me try YouTube itself boo are you serious um TV uh what Tellis Vision television movie oh my gosh guys name something you what does that mean l movie movie Shoot too late oh my gosh and Crystal it looks like it’s too late for you the water’s on your butt again name a part of a speech chryst you’re cook GG the beginning is that one how are you getting that you’re looking it up I just put verb verb yeah it’s a part of speech oh wait wait noun verb what’s the other ones what’s the other ones verb um uh oh a preposition prep PR preposition oh my God preposition verb I put verb oh adjectives I put verb and wait Lily are you dead yes oh no it’s just me crystal Heather and Luke but Luke is bro he’s try Harding name a unit of distance measurement mile centimet CTI meters Roxy please stop saying stuff out loud I don’t want Heather to win and Luke I’m getting near your butt dude oh gosh I should have put the S at the end yeah an oh Heather you just went so high I stole that one from Roxy oh no now I’ll whisper it and SS is ear only thank you I appreciate that Roxy Crystal you are way too close to the ground for Comfort you’re making me nervous don’t worry I got it okay okay I believe in you I believe in you no BS okay come on name a popular holiday Christmas CHR CH christas oh I could have done Thanksgiving I could have done Christmas Eve oh my gosh wait look don’t do it don’t do it why did I say that New Year’s Eve oh my gosh Thanksgiving wait did you put Thanksgiving Crystal did it go up high no what did you put Christmas oh my gosh W and Heather I could have got 12 how do you smell how do you spell Christmas c h i r s t she doesn’t she doesn’t name of season summer winter spring winter spring I think Summer’s the longest yeah wait Lily wait Luke got the longest answer did you put summer let me try it summer yes sir yeah yeah summer is the longest and Crystal you’re lowkey C enough to he her keep locking in and you can beat her I’m going for the king Lucas you’re coming down here boy you’re coming down here boy oh no you ain’t got nothing on me Baka boy I do have something on you Baka boy and that’s said I’m a way better speller than you okay what’s next come on I can take it I can take it no cap I’m I’m the goat I’m the goat come on give it to me give it to me name something you would do in your sleep P fart p is an answer I didn’t think I I was trying to do a joke I got three letters ly oop I got I’m trying to think ooh nice job Crystal what wait don’t say what you put say after the timer runs out so Heather doesn’t steal it no say it Heather what are you going to put I don’t I don’t know what do you do you fall asleep and that’s it oh no I’m going just put dream no God oh no Heather don’t do it don’t do it ding is fast I put Sleepwalk oo that’s a very creative one name a language English Spanish Uh Russian um North Korean wait actually Korean is is that a language no it’s not a language I think it’s just a place uh I’ll just put English uh come on Boop let’s go all right Luke you’re actually getting a crazy lead this is insane dude can you not no I’m going crazy oh no Heather’s losing right now no no is Crystal going to Crystal that is way too close for comfort and the water is getting near oh this is crazy name a type of wavelength what does that even mean uh musical wavelength music no um VI vition this so hard vibration no vibration infrared infrared he’s def cheating what how do you spell infrared look it’s cheating or microwaves micro what ises s let’s go sorry and none of them got anything name a Minecraft world precept that’s easy super flat Boop let’s go hi ly we’re getting closeth and the girls are both cooked dude the girls are both cooked yes sir they’re going to get smoked Heather what are you going to put for a Minecraft world preset what in the world is a preset what does that mean are you serious right now super flat super flat Roxy stoping super fat super fat super flatten she submerged Heather if you get another one wrong you lose you literally lose you literally lose I’m going to drown okay name a type of juice um apple juice orange juice oh Roxy can you not bro Roxy keeps leaking wait let me see if it’s going to give me the second word orange juice Lucas hello I’m going to put something way longer what are you about to put bro oh my gosh he’s literally banana juice that’s not a thing bro that’s not a thing cranberry burn the timeout no I spelled something WR yes yes yes L get WR get WR de C and wait are you dead no I got the word I’m still in the water oh you got another life name something you would bring on a camping trip what how did I do that I but tent sleeping bag sleeping bag oh bad I put sleeping bad sleeping bag hi ly oh oh hi oh gosh I give it to Heather too how are you guys so high I’m all the way down here is Roxy still play he’s still in the game I have to the girls my platform is all the way down there Name a United States or territory um New York come on how do you spell it oh my God no no hey Siri spell North Dakota North Dakota n o r t h d a that’s cheating so what’s up Luke hi hey he Siri stop spelling a crystal are you in the water oh no one more wrong and then I lose name a popular game really bro Minecraft in Roblox let’s go fornite ly hi you’re H what did Heather put Super Smash Bros you’re a genius is Chris wait Chris survived 15 blocks what did you put dude uh League of Legends oh I know that game one of my friend plays this a lot okay guys we have to lock wait Roxy are you still how is he alive did Roxy just break the game no I just swim up whenever it does that and then I don’t drown cuz I have the bubbles things yo bro definitely broke the game name something you have to charge you’re so okay uh I need think I need to think soie um Android for hi Lucas one black away one black away what did you say I I said um I said um the p p e e e p bro was a troll I’m going just say phone no I put iPhone oh wait Crystal close oh no this is actually crazy how girls are you even trying name something you would see on the road a [Music] bear construction no way rock is actually genius for that no hey Siri spell construction just put spell construction come on come on come on she she’s not activated I’m cooked put billboard billboard car I put with an as Loki let’s go and chrst a cheaters she’s in the water crystal you got one more wrong I die this is bad this is not good at all name something you would see in the ocean uh Crystal am I right octopus o got it let’s go thank you and oh Crystal got it too bro what did you put what the what I’m wait I’m waiting for for it to go out did you put beluga whale no did you put great white shark uh no that was a good one wait look it’s for beluga whale my boy are you seral right now what did you put Crystal everyone answered I put great work shark o W cap but Luke put it too I should have kept my mouse sh name something you would have in your car I know this from Dusty trip um a tank of gas what it doesn’t work uh okay I got it hi ly I’m going to say myself what no way bro oh did that not work no uh charger ooh that’s still not working don’t don’t put anything else don’t put anything else just stay right there stay right there stay right there come on come on go let’s go let’s go blood ran out of T time thank you Lan bro I literally can’t even see the girls C submerged if you got one more wrong you’re cooked name a unit of weight measurement kilog kilog kilog let’s go oh no you hit her steal it oh no and it looks like Crystal’s toast ly she can’t spell kilograms Crystal GG GG’s no is oh no she’s so focused Crystal hello no I raised five blocks so I can still win I can if I if I lose next round then I lose this is not good at all Heather is actually making Loki have a comeback and Roxy I don’t know what to say I can’t even see my platform name something you would have in your kitchen H what would we have in our kitchen luky uh what are you serious dude uh you should put salt wait refrigerator OHS what a thing check in Che what oven OV no there’s no way Ro you should have done a refrigerator oh refrigerator genius name something you could write with I was so close to dying oh no she’s she’s byebye Crystal I had one air bubble left Heather chill name something you can write with orange crayon Roxy that’s or all right let’s say orange crayon if this works I’m about to be actually nope it doesn’t work but I know it would work this Boop H oh okay how do you keep getting the lead like that bro you keep getting the drop on my butt it’s cuz I put Crayon with an S Crystal’s out no I’m not wait is Crystal out he’s swimming like me Crystal’s dead I’m still alive Crystal you are not still alive game I’m still alive it’s about to eat you bro no oh gosh my crystal this is not good name a type of celestial body what does that even mean luky dwarf planets d oh it didn’t work Celestial Bud oh maybe a galaxy galaxy okay let’s go ah it’s right next to my bus oh no if Heather get another one wrong she’s cooked name something You’ have in your living room um my waitress I mean my nurse what what look you don’t have a maiden shake shake hi ly spei spei tall enough oh no Heather didn’t get tall enough she’s about to get K what are you serious Luke did we just die yeah I think we did really bro are you serious so I guess that proves that no one in the group is the smartest yes sir I am cuz I got the highest I guess that is true but that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are seeing who is the SMARTEST AT SPELLING! We are playing Minecraft but the LONGEST ANSWER WINS!


  1. …….…..…,love seeing Principal Steinbeck return., The fact that Cody being in kindergarten is an arc reminds me of Junior going to summer school which was also an arc.😍

  2. …….…..…,love seeing Principal Steinbeck return., The fact that Cody being in kindergarten is an arc reminds me of Junior going to summer school which was also an arc.😍

  3. …….…..…,love seeing Principal Steinbeck return., The fact that Cody being in kindergarten is an arc reminds me of Junior going to summer school which was also an arc.😍

  4. ……..…,love seeing Principal Steinbeck return.., The fact that Cody being in kindergarten is an arc reminds me of Junior going to summer school which was also an arc.😍

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