Fish Ponds are Broken?

[Music] have a close look at this 999 Prismatic shards from this fish pond you saw that right this here is a rainbow trout fish pond that produced some Prismatic shards and I just got 999 Prismatic shards from that do you want to see the process of how that happened of course no you don’t want to see okay we’re done we’re we’re going to animal well so to begin with I need to get a prismatic Shard into the fish pond I’m on Legacy RNG for ease of how to perform this but this this can work on your RNG as well so we want to wake up on the 22nd with the fish pond on one of these tiles the top left on one of these tiles that will get us a prosmetic shot so we’re going to bring up a build menu to move the fish pond around and we’re going to put it there that’s one of the spots so when we wake up in the morning tomorrow there will be a prismatic shard in there let’s prove that boom Prismatic Shard this is two Prismatic shards why do you think that produced two Prismatic shards we have an animal cracker in this pond so the fish produced a prismatic Shard and then the animal cracker doubled that let’s reload cuz we’re not harvesting it yet cuz we’re getting this up to $999 in order for me to get more Prismatic shards in here I need this fish pond to produce nothing so to help with that we are going to get all of the fish except for one you want to fish the garden here you’re welcome so now that we’re down to one fish we going to make sure that this fish pond is on the tile that’s not going to produce anything tomorrow okay we’re going to place it that tile there this tile here I believe it was if I go to sleep now how many Prismatic shards are we going to have in this fish pond tomorrow [Music] if I sleep how many Prismatic shards are going to be in that fish pond if I sleep again how many Prismatic shards are going to be in that fish pond if I sleep again I think you see what’s going on here 64 128 256 512 999 Prismatic shards from one fish pond you sleep 9 days you get 919 Prismatic shards that’s 2 million gold that is 2 million G that I just earned and that was over 9 days but but but but let’s keep the 9009 man on there shall we let’s make it so that I can only take in about 500 I I can only take in 499 of these Prismatic shards into my inventory will that work 499 now what if I sleep how many Prismatic shards am I going to get now and how about now you can consistently get 499 of these Prismatic shards each day it’s 1 million gold a day from one fish pond 1 million G just under 98,000 G now what’s going to happen if I sleep again trick question the fish pond was on a tile that the object got overwritten so you’ve got to make sure that the fish pond overnight is not going to provide any object so I would need to move this fish pond somewhere else in order to keep doing that but a golden cracker on a fish pond on strategically placed tiles is just going to consistently double and double and double and double and double how is this discovered good question on that today in the do crew Discord it all started this entire thing started let me scroll up and find it it started with a question this is a public channel in the Discord so I’m just going to do this start with a question from Pixel does anyone who understands fish puns better than I do know why now with golden animal crackers they can give an absurd amount of row picture here 128 slime Jack row this is a good question usually you get two to four and occasionally six to 10 but then sometimes it’s just like here you go have 12 at row so I dug into the code so this is at 13 9 minutes later I responded I’ll show the code here but this m I had notic that change row has a rolling 20% chance increase then gets doubled with anual cracker however if the initial check for an item fails then this applies to the previous day’s produce I.E it gets doubled again on a new day I’m going to explore this next string hello let’s explore that let’s look into the code to see what causes us to happen the serious demonic mermaid please be abusable please be abusable please be abusable please be abusable I want 128 slime EES 128 I have anle stack okay so let’s come into the code let’s go fish pond so this is the day update overnight when you sleep this happens if you have anything in the fish pond you can’t bring the occupants down to zero cuz if you do this entire bit here is skit so you need at least one in there then the first thing it does is it makes a seeded random and then has this check here if the random number is less than lurp lur 15.95 and current occupants over 10 so this is checked to see are we going to try to produce anything in this fish pond if you hit this cheick then set the output to the result of this get fish produce which means that if this check doesn’t hit then it’s not going to set the fish pond output this lurp here if we pick that it’s just a bit of math so 0.15 .95 at one current occupant is is 0.1 so 0.15 plus 08 so there is a 23% chance for a fresh Pawn to produce something overnight when you have one occupant in there and for every occupant that increases it is another 8% so it goes up to 95% so if you keep that number low then you’re going to completely skip this check here and we want to skip that check there because if you don’t overwrite the value of output if you have a golden animal cracker and there is something in there double the stack so this is what we we’re abusing so you get the initial item then you ensure that you miss this check so that you double the stack the next day you miss miss this check you double the stack the next day you miss this check you double the stack keep on doing that till you get the stack to 999 and then all the other stuff in here about adding fish to it and doing quests and and the like but this bit here miss that check so that the output value doesn’t get overwritten and then double the stack just abuse that over and over and over and over please be reful on General items I want 128 tiger slam yep when this was discovered I wasn’t at my computer I was just looking at my phone I’ve got the on my phone I can access the text files for the source code so I don’t have development environment on my phone but I can just search the text files so I was looking at all this from my phone just from plain text oh yeah here’s an interesting thing if you don’t get the full stack you don’t get any XP it would be awesome if the XP scaled with the stack you get a stack of 999 tiger slime eggs and that gives you like 27 th000 fishing XP from my Harvest a lot of discussion here this is in the general channel on the doku Discord discussing about how we can actually use this this is Tech that I can build a route around for seated Perfection this is Tech that you can build a route around for unseed Perfection because we can use results of RNG to predict other RNG on a specific tile we can keep an eye on it to see when it produces and if you note we are in that cycle then that gives you all the information that you need so Alexa here jumped on this and confirmed that it works got to 999 tiger trat row and threw together a quick video bookmark this go watch it later go subscribe to elexion and then Elixir came up with some steps finest specific spot in the pattern the specific spot is no row no row row note down the current location of the fish B let’s follow these steps so we’re going to do this for row and to make it easier we’re going to change this out so that we don’t have to worry about fishing fish out we’re just going to do tiger trout tiger trout never spawn always says it one so it makes this a lot easier to do okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to find that pattern and that pattern is no row until you find row let’s move the SS down here so we got space to work with so let’s do this so no row no row so now as soon as we hit row we know where we are in the Ping so I’m not using the predictor tomorrow is a festival of course it is it’s annoying where you can’t sleep on your own farm when these pisky towns folk are having their own celebrations off in the middle of the Town Come On Target chot you can do it here we go row of course it’s when there green rain go away okay so we have hit this pattern step one find the specific spot in the pattern the specific spot is no row no row row cool note down the current location of this Pond I use to Stone low these do the same be prepared to move specific quantities left and right I place on PA to help with that okay so we’re going to mark this we’re going to be copycats we’re going to put a stone owl down there okay sleep once I forgot to do something cool sleep once from here the sleeping and movement is consistent move move the fish pond four to the right sleep 10 times move the fish pond four to the right one 2 3 4 and sleep we find the pattern we make one move 1 2 3 eight so just from that one pattern just sleeping until we got row and then moving the fish pond once and just once 999 TIG TR row I did that without looking at the projector I did that without knowing the seed just a simple fish pond move and I got a full stack of tiger trout row and Alexa here has so many more steps to sleep to another nine another 11 another 12 another 9 another 9 another 7 we’ve now slipped 67 times return to step three and as we showed before that you take half of the stack and then you get half the stack again the next day and this pattern that works for any any fish pond for any item in the fish pond these patterns that we’re going to come up with what Alexa provided here was done like 6 hours after this is first discovered and this here is a pretty strong pattern and there’s probably more tools that we can do around this so what is the most valuable item you can get from a fish pond anyone know not prosmetic Shard not pear the best item you can get is Tiger slime egg from a Lon fish one tiger slime egg s the 8,000 G so if you’re getting 499 tiger slime eggs a day that is just under 4 million g a day we can use this in our Perfection runs one fesh Pond 10 tiger slimes 4 million g a day and not only that we can use it with octopus to get Omni geodes you can get stacks of omni geodes which you trade for the treasure chests to that’s a question do you go for treasure chest or do you go for Treasure totems but you can stack the Omni geod in order for opening them to get your minerals to get your desert W totems so this is powerful this is super powerful but you are stuck behind Mastery you need to be able to claim farming Mastery you need to be able to get your hands on a golden animal cracker in order to get this going so it takes a bit of setup also also we’ve seen here how it is theoretically possible to do this unseated you can make a lot of money fast well not only is it that theoretically possible but Alexa has already used it in a Perfection run open Perfection waver full Perfection here is another video for you to bookmark and watch later Alexa has already used this Tech in a speedrun to purchase all the waivers for Perfection and this is just a first attempt so I suppose there’s going to be a debate there’s going to be the question of do we allow this in speedruns personally I think that the like it’s it’s busted but it’s in the same vein as how Casino was busted and it takes a lot more setup to get going like you need level 10 on all skills first should concerned ape fix it maybe I don’t think that the development team are aware of it I’m going to I’m going to draw their attention to it they will be aware of it soon but I just wanted to show this sof first 9 days to get to a stack is it technically a glitch that’s not a glitch it could be unintended it’s easy enough to fix you you put this code up here you put it within this of statement so that it only doubles anything that has just been set so if we see it fixed oh well if it is fixed we have it on patches 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 3.4.5 6.7.8 so then the question comes to will out in speed runs I can’t make that decision by myself the gaing of Mastery keeps it fairly balanced in terms of speed running yeah yeah it’s an exploit it’s not a glitch but it’s an exploit the animal cracker is doing its intended effect of doubling the output it’s just a matter of where it doubles that allows it to be exploitable but it is it’s neat is it only doable on liny RNG now it’s possible to do on your RNG you can use the predictor to let you know where to place the fish pond to ensure that it’s going to double it’s just that on Legacy RNG you just move the fish pond once and then get your full stack of items a lot more setup than casino but once you got it rolling the money comes in a lot faster finally we saw had Casino one of the reasons why I haven’t routed seed of perfection yet it’s still on my to but the reason why I haven’t done it yet is because I haven’t had anything to build throughout round that seeded has a massive advantage in over unseated so for 1.5 that Advantage was the casino and unseated you can’t manipulate the casino to give you your billions of qu coins in order to conver to the F tokens to get your money but I was able to build a route around that for 1.5 and before 1.6 got released concerned AP made decision to limit the items you can get from the casino which is weird because it seems like his Philosophy for things like this was that he’ leave it in the game for those that liked doing it and liked enjoying it liked enjoying it that that like performing it like the naming yourself item names to give you those items he has explicitly left that in the game like Hammer spam he explicitly left that in the game it’s weird how the casino a thing that pretty much only Nerfs me was removed the explo that was removed I I I I find that weird I do expect to see this changed but we’ll see I’ll make the case to L then and I might even bring up casino at the same time like can we have that back but we do have released version of 1.6 stue that this this Tech is in the game so it might be that 1.6.8 is the patch that I use for building a c of perfection run can someone give a tldr of what this exploit is fish ponds with animal crackers double the output and they do that each day as long as no new item is produced from the fish pond the previous days items are doubled which means it gets doubled then doubled again then doubled again then doubled again then doubled again do that nine times to get a full stack of items busted exploitable [Music] [Music]

In 9 days you can get a full stack of items from a fishpond.

Alexa’s channel:

Q: HOW?!
A: Animal Crackers double the output from a fish pond. If a fish pond doesn’t produce an item, the previous day’s produce will double instead. Keep on doubling and you end up with 999.

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Alexa’s dupe sequence:
Step 1 – Find a specific spot in the pattern. This specific spot is “no roe, noe roe, roe”.
Note down the current location of the fish pond [I use a stone owl] and be prepared to move specific quantities left and right [I place down paths to help with that]

Step 2 – Sleep Once

From here, the sleeping and the movement is consistent.
Step 3 – Move fish pond 4 to the right, sleep 10 times [safe to move one early]
Step 4 – Move fish pond back to stone owl, sleep 9 times [safe to move one early]
Step 5 – Move fish pond 3 to the right, sleep 11 times [not safe to move one early, if necessary move one left of stone owl for between 1 and 10 times and then continue to step 6 with the according amount of sleeps counted]
Step 6 – Move fish pond back to stone owl, sleep 12 times [safe to move one early]
Step 7 – Move fish pond 3 to the right, sleep 9 times [safe to move one early]
Step 8 – Move fish pond 4 to the left [1 to left of owl], sleep 9 times [safe to move one early]
Step 9 – Move fish pond 3 to the right [2 to right of owl], sleep 7 times [safe to move one late]

To optimally obtain roe, sleep 9 times in step 3 and then start collection. IMPORTANT – On any fish that isn’t tiger trout, you need to fish out the extra breeding fish. Tiger trout is good to practice on since you don’t need to, but it’s critical that you do fish out the excess each time

2.3% chance of process failing by/on day 231, 8% by 298, 13% by 365 but it shouldn’t get that long.


  1. Honestly, blade is one of the best YouTubers I’m subscribed too. Though I’m still wondering how he finds all the seeds that he uses in his seeded runs

  2. BlaDe video BlaDe video BlaDe video BlaDe video BlaDe video BlaDe video BlaDe video BlaDe video has just hit the recommended page.

  3. do the steps shown at 9:23 also work for non-roe items? For example, if I wanted to duplicate cinder shards with stingray, could I set up the fish pond with "no roe, no roe, cinder shard" and get cinder shards by moving it?

  4. Noticing that my phone helpfully put "expositional growth" instead of "exponential growth" in the chat and now that's faithfully preserved in close-up video form. I suppose I should figure out what that even means.

    ETA: I've decided "expositional growth" refers to trying to explain something, only to realize first you need to explain something else, only to realize before that you need to explain yet another thing, only to realize… and so on. See also: Kingdom Hearts.

  5. i think it would be cool if concerned ape did one of those things where he keeps it in but nerfs it or acknowledges it, like maybe it would be x1.5 if it hadnt produced

  6. This is something that can happen in casual gameplay. I can see why they would fix this.
    Also I 100% see this as a glitch. Due to a mistake in the code the items are doubled every day under certain conditions. Unless Concerned Ape says that was actually intentional, then that’s a glitch.

  7. Hopefully the fix (there's no way it doesn't happen) is just a cap at 500 or something, you'd need 750 of the item to even begin infinite duplication, and the process would be harder while keeping the use cases.

    Also question: does leaving the stack continue to add xp or does the amount stored reset each day? Getting 90k xp to hit all 5 masteries seems REALLY funny

  8. I would not say it being in the code is enough to say it is not a glitch.
    Most glitches are based upon something being in the code. Either something unintended getting through or strange edge cases.
    I would say this falls into that category. When you test it you would see the output is there and test it is doubled.
    You wouldn't normally leave it in there and see it double again.

  9. I have a question: if I catch all the fish in the fish pond will it still duplicate the items?

    I'm curious because it will still be a fish pond with a specific fish, a lava eel fish pond for example, but it won't be able to produce anything since it needs at least one fish to produce something. And, since it can't produce anything, the golden animal cracker can double what's already there.
    Maybe it's a stupid question.

  10. I have a video idea request! 💡
    We know we can level all skills individually in one day, but what's the shortest amount of days you can level all of them at once?
    I imagine this would be challenging to do since you can't make preparations using other skills and you also have to manage the space in the farm for skills strategies.

  11. The thing about the casino exploit is it's a lot less popular and well known than something like renaming yourself after items. It makes it feel a lot less like a fun unintended feature and more like a glitch. I wonder if that's why it was removed even though Concerned Ape usually intentionally leaves things like that in the game.

  12. I think the way it would be balanced a bit more for a speedrun is disallow purchasing of perfection waivers or even limit the amount you can purchase. It allows you to skip some of the money grind without skipping things like walnut collecting or fishing

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