Stardew Valley Made Me Cry

bro the the complete Whiplash of going from Elden ring fighting bosses to this is so funny no you’re right man you’re right all right here we go guys yep Acres year four Rebecca there we are everyone’s blood pressure is lowering that was fun though I like I like eling a lot just talking about Chris what the interview process like interviewing for jobs and how I was talking about how it’s kind of just like two people in a room lying to each other the whole time you know what I mean it’s two people who are like mhm yeah okay and absolutely absolutely they’re like yes indeed indeed and like but like one has all the power and the other one is so desperate yeah exactly exactly but they’re also like lying on half of the company you know what I mean they’re like oh yeah like we offer really really great PTO it’s like 5 days like out of we have competitive pay no you don’t no you don’t the only competitive thing about this [ __ ] place is getting here on time let me tell you that the road stinks and then like you’re just like you’re as the person who’s trying to get the job you’re just lying the whole time too like light little lies you’re like oh yeah you know I really love coming in 30 minutes early to work every day just to make sure that you know all my ducks are in a row like girl you’re never showing up to the office 30 minutes early oh working on weekends is actually personally one of my favorite things to do um I love oh and a a week-long camp out with all employees and no family oh it sounds so fun I would love to work here for sure that sounds just so beautiful I really enjoy that the camaraderie Must Be Wild I also really appreciate when we have to work overtime for no extra pay you know I’m just really passionate about that for real I’m proficient with Excel that’s the funniest one to to say is uh like I’m good I’m good with Microsoft Word and Excel and emails it’s like okay yeah who isn’t these days bud true but that you say like an obscure program that you know the company uses and you don’t know anything about it at all yep but then you just Google it in your free time you’re like oh yeah I can figure this one out oh you know we you know you know what we were doing by the way the mines and they sucked oh yeah we on we were on the mines how many days do we have for that um three days left great bon John F [ __ ] both of you guys let’s do bombs let’s some Mega bombs in the mix here yep Elden ring did prepare us for this guys for these boss fights wait where did all of our money go what happened oh I I just bought a bunch of bombs Oh no you’re a good guy it does matter no we so we need money for the next uh warp right yeah yeah that’s what we’re saving for right now okay Bet I was just trying to remember I just got um bombs don’t hurt me so I’m just going to just Spam bombs the whole time oh yeah yeah yeah yeah drop those things you know dropping them dropping them oh yeah dude our Farm’s pretty it it’s kind of wild like to go back after not playing for a while and you’re like yeah we did some we did we kind of did some stuff here all this all that all that a lot of that was on you though if I could be honest n i was a collaborative effort you’re right you’re right I don’t have ginger ale oh no that’s going to be an is we’re ruined now that’s going to be an issue guys all right I’ll wait till I can heal again I got a minute and 30 I think we have over 90 hours on this Farm yo pause plays hell yeah that’s exciting Big Country there you go there you go that’s the way to do it yeah I have ginger at home but I’m I’m yeah I could probably just go get that real quick hey Pam [Music] [Music] I have onions where’s my Ginger [Music] at there it is [Music] my baby’s [Music] dancing it is pretty funny to go from Elden to [Music] this Y what up deskin thanks for the 52 welcome welcome appreciate that come on bro this is crazy there’s so many things here man this is harder than Elden [Applause] ring why am i Fishing no I didn’t mean to leave the mine man I was trying to eat my food bro I’m going to need help with this this is like impossible dude yeah yeah yeah I had to go to Ginger Island to get the uh to get the um ancient Fruit Harvest but I’m coming over I’m on my way this is actually harder than elen ring I think dude the the M challenges are difficult I think they made them like the GU like extra tough to kill or something they did they’re like impossible yeah is it a no eat one or no no you can eat but they’re eating me like the whole time no I feel you and there’s a million of them entirely too many guys too many guys just dropped too many new guys are here there he is head bu hey man there’s a million people by the way I know why is there why is there there so many oh there’s a a ladder over there get a clue ow taking the ladder nice oh this freaking freak eat a ginger real quick so and the spiders are difficult because they don’t jump in like a uh regular pattern yeah it’s kind of random random random oh not the bat oh great bro woke up watch out who’s this ghost green if he gets you uh nauseous you can’t eat oh great yeah the whole time unless you have ginger bro almost drank mayonnaise chat I did drink it it gave me energy back that’s a Midwest princess right there now would I drink Mayo IRL no maybe if I was in a cave with this many spiders I would true but yeah strange Bun over [Laughter] here I wish this mine had um holes like the skeleton yeah that’d be kind of chill right it would be ladder thanks watch out bombs bombs bom bombs everywhere oh God oh God it hit me sorry what Su Jin these guys hate my guts yeah why is this more difficult than elen ring no cuz I’m I’m sweating right now El ring I was playing like Charlie XCX and like killing boss is no problem I’m like locked in everybody says stard Valley is a cozy game manzy my ass right now I’m sweating cozy my ass dude this game is tough you’re not a real gamer unless you 100% stardo Valley exactly here we go oh no more dudes cuz they’re everywhere oh oh oh God oh God bring it to me bring it to me I got you hey you mushroom [ __ ] I’m training him I’m training him Loop the killer got him stop it spiders I can’t eat this guy hurt me here have one of these thanks bud eat that then you can eat pick it up it helps your little stomach when it’s in pain thank you a stomach ache when I have tummy ache keep going keep it up we need to we need to get down down to the I’m coming oh man it’s already 9:50 p.m. I know we made we made no progress really this is something else maybe we’ll have really good luck tomorrow yeah we also need like a better location I think these ones are just weird you’re right yeah you’re right oh man this creep away from me yeah you freaking bat more like rat with wings got him you got that guy dude Even Rats are rats are kind of cute though but so it’s not really good roast I like rats yeah come on any ladders are no there’s another creep this guy woke up we just need one more level yeah we do oh he hit me again not Slimer here here thank you thank you I’ll poop out another Ginger PR St on me I got too much stuff on me need a cave carrot real quick here where it go uh amber probably not because they die like really soon after you like they they don’t live that long and it’s just sad cuz like especially when you have ones that are really cute and awesome you get like attached to them and then they just die because they don’t live long and it really sucks so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah probably not not um which sucks cuz Shan really loves rats but it’s just not worth the uh like the the grief kind of because they’re great pets dude they’re cute they’re funny but they only they only live two to three years maybe 66 yeah Miss malicious for real yeah Chloe like they’re cute and they’re fun but it’s just a fancy rack L to five I mean if it doesn’t get cancer probably but they always end up getting sick because they just H that’s just what happens like it’s very common for them to get sick we’ve had so many different kinds of rats too ancient seed hey man night night time true what rings do I have let me see yeah CH it’s also like you’ll you’ll build a connection to them and then just get sad over and over because some are different than others yeah V uh vard that is they do kind of uh do that too cuz if if they’re alone they get sad also which trinket do I have I have um the ice rod my gold hoe is ready nice I got the ice rod and then I’m rocking this ring it gives me uh monsters have a greater chance of dropping Loot and then plus five defense and then when you defeat an enemy they explode and they you stay Invincible for a little while longer after taking damage which are both solid I think [Music] and this one’s uh one that I sometimes use the fairy or frog might be better for this I could try it and see how it goes it doesn’t really heal much but maybe it’ll heal enough where it’s fine now that’s a classic Bop right there oh you know it didn’t realize they were playing a banger today you might me do a quick pause I’m going to go fill my coffee I need to focus up here sure Bud all right thanks pal all right be right back what’ you say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay sorry about that it’s time to lock the H in if that’s okay yeah let’s lock in okay um I’m gonna buy some bombs I don’t want to spend too much money but I’m gonna buy some [Music] and some heals as well okay greater chance of finding stairs I hope you like making money Chris because oh Sammy of course I do that’s why I’m a twitch streamer yes uh why did you sell a ton of ancient fruit wine or what no no but we’re setting up for our biggest uh Harvest yet oh yeah it’s time we’re setting her up it is Time Marino it is indeed all right I’m going to come help let me just get this last thing this needs to be the Run no it has to be there’s no other way we’re packing up y yep Acres if it’s not yape Acres [Music] y oh we’re getting I’m finding uh ladders very quick which is nice oh yeah another one another one maybe good luck today maybe good luck well I also have the thing for my uh my my d statue that gives me uh ladders better so I think I think we’re chilling n you’re fair I’m also getting some of those special ores as well nice oh yeah we’re chilling yeah the statue is huge for us that’s so sick I’m on my way over on my way I’m on my way I’m on my way oo ice floor hey bud hey man oh an iridium needle nice I think always drops from down here I we can just go down watch out I’m going to drop some Bombs over there all right all right he skull guys are annoying they’re kind of strong I got a ruby ring nice these guys are kind of silly with it they are kind of silly with it yo D that sounds incredible dude oh my God a lot of guys down here yeah they could try Prismatic Shard yeah we’ll be taking that Steve O right there as well behind you nice two bomb boys as well more a ladder yep a those guys throw bones it’s like hey man stop it’s like hey that you just threw your arm at me enough enough’s enough Bud enough I’m going to bomb I’m going to bomb over here real quick so we can just clear some stuff out y Melody I appreciate that thank you dude Juba just had pepper corn uh steak tenderloin for dinner oh man when I hear the word peppercorn I get I’m just like yep cuz you know that’s nice no that’s real nice right there that’s the good stuff yeah that’s that like expensive thing you order on the menu and you’re like yeah I will be taking that yeah you’re coming yeah I’m treating I’m treating myself who cares down here by the way okay keep it up nice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come at me skulls yeah you skull you you bone head imagine not having a brain oh right here right here on me nice ah ah there’s a lot of them ow ow ladder nice Chloe I can’t read chat right now I’m locked in this this is this is more tough than than Elden I’m not even lying I literally I know I can barely talk to chat while we’re in the mines it’s just there’s so much happening okay I’m in it nice you did it you did it than fun I’m getting this guy that this freaking dip dip [ __ ] right here yeah tell him man tell him he’s embarrassed good I hate I hate these guys too oh it’s dark I can’t see [ __ ] and I’m sad and scared and alone no no no I’m here I’m here oh ladder’s over here what what are these weirdos yep oh oh he hit me he hit me you can’t see anything yeah it’s hard it’s hard to see ladder D why is this literally the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life true like the level of this is so beyond ridiculous ladder right there ladder our luck is good today don’t kill me nice we have to get to floor 120 or 100 I think in the time frame ladder 120 [ __ ] ladder yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is today the last day um no we have two days so tomorrow’s the last day so tomorrow we really got to cook ladder we’re making really good time though today if I could say that oh shoot we could get it today low key if we keep finding ladders at that pace no you’re right ladder you’re true oh die I hate the bow guys they’re hacking ah stop hitting me ladder top right right oh oh Chris what did you die yeah there’s like five of them on me that’s right I’m coming back I couldn’t eat my cheese in time let her eat her cheese in time she’s from the Midwest guys come on no that’s all right I didn’t lose anything major or so oh shoot there’s a lot of dudes down here I’m eating a a couple cheese and I’m there I’m killing a Gob stopper got got him yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right I’m here area’s overrun with monsters great nah great oh so that means we have to kill all these nice give me ice cream real quick nice eat it I’m going drop some bombs go ahead nice these last fools up here tell them tell them tell them ow ow ow sorry I was eating cheese I’m back fine who’s left I’m drinking I’m drinking on the job there we go there we go there we go bang oh nice lot of weirdos down here Oh weird weird weird fools lot of lot of weird guys ladder ladder ladder nice nice nice who who what’s all this oh great oh great great what’s oh awesome just [Music] lovely that’s too much there’s too much stuff holy [ __ ] oh no oh no did you uh did you dip no I’m here I’m here okay nice nice nice nice there too much stuff there’s too much stuff next person to say St Valley is a cozy game I’m showing him a clip of this mine right here show it to him tell him tell tell them a thing or two the people need to know I’m stressed my blood pressure is high lad by me lad by me too nice nice nice oh we got to go low key ah we’ve got to know n I’m I’m going all the way man bro bro going all the way we got we got to we got to take advantage of the time we have here the problem with stard Valley is is the time the time that you have to deal with you’re right man that makes it not cozy cuz you’re like constantly worried about the time there we go dude that was good though GG yeah we’ll go to bed and do it again tomorrow so what oh wait you could go to the desert right tomorrow and get a bunch of bombs uh a bunch of ladders actually yeah mhm mhm that’s what I meant said though I’m leaving okay we we’re at 95 that’s pretty good we will be sleeping by the bus I’m I’m sleeping on the bus yo shiny hero Captain Nemo Hannah thank you guys all for the reubs appreciate it uh sorry we have to get to the bottom of the mine uh uh by the end of the day yeah you could say that we’re uh mining expert you could probably say that yeah you could yeah you could yeah you’re right okay we got final day all right let me sell my stuff and then then I’m there she’s there like swimwear wait let me check the luck just so we know good call good call displeased oh oh yeah dude great awesome just what we needed man stok to hear that great just just what we wanted man yo what up Kanto how you doing dude 14 okay all right I’m going to go to the desert uh get some stairs with the uh Jade that I got but I’m going to start grinding a little bit in the mines just to get some some progress going to yeah yeah that sounds good to me greater chance to find ladders we’ll take that hi K today’s a rest day then it seems like for okay yo Mugsy let’s go congrats man hell yeah okay we got to 100 cool now I’m going to go buy some stairs all right we got this by the way I’m buying stairs right now and then I I can I could probably just we can either go through it all or I could just stare all the way to the bottom yeah whatever works um I think I want to be there though for the XP if yeah yeah cuz I still I need I’m at level 9 I she said I don’t want to be left out and I’m I I want to be be left out man hey man it was my idea you’re let the Gin join you let the Gin have a have a have a say uh it was a wine day today so we’re making some cash money okay Cash Money [Music] oops posted a fortnite dub of us today our first one of the season you’re right man yeah you’re right okay ooh stretching you ever have just like a good stretch or no that was a good stretch yes thanks going to the mines floor 100 here we go a Kento there you go you know you know you got you know what you need you know what you want you’re probably flexible as hell yo what up Carrie how you doing dude welcome on in Well Carrie I don’t know I don’t know how goofy you are man cuz we got some Goofs in here you might have to take a test to see if you fit in just right cuz we are a little goofy here I just got Squire’s helmet I got two of those I have to give Sammy one wait Sammy when you get here by the way I have a gift for you you have a gift yeah all right I’ll be there in a little bit cool I just have to check one more thing and then I’m over there ew your mannequin was uh moving around oh yeah he was just saying hi all right here I come he was saying hi hey okay watch out these guys are popping off right now tell them to stop tell them to stop never mind they’re bad I’m better you’re bad kid you’re bad you’re bad y you grabbing the nick a30 uh skin or not really um I’ll I’ll let you know on that one all right okay you want we can match one of the guys dropped that oh oh you Pi one up this you put it on let’s go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we’re going back to Our Roots right here ow I know that hit me too no right there nice nice right there you’re going die right there so many yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah our luck was bad yeah right Bud Not Today disp pleased yeah check again Spirits guess what don’t even care don’t even believe in you I believe in I believe in myself in the morning I look in the mirror and I what I believe in someone’s got to okay I’m beating the [ __ ] out all these rocks trying to find anything and everything we look like kids laring from like the treeh house uh Adventures or whatever they how that Treehouse kids magic treeh house I don’t know what the [ __ ] it was called [Music] okay oh my God there we go thought your fairy was a little bat accidentally hit it hey don’t hit my fairy I’m sorry that’s scoot Pilgrim I hate these flame guys I just heard a gunshot or a firework probably a firework probably fire low yeah probably right I’m dead I wasn’t paying attention oh it’s fine right it’s okay I’ll I’ll simply eat a cheese eat a cheese R the monsters have guns imagine well look at this floor this thing’s weird this is getting so scary Cavern yeah I’m just going to use one of these yeah do it oh there’s one right here already spawned in for us nice yeah they knew we needed that yeah they’re like we got you brother I’m going eat a carrot are you a baby Bell or bab Baba Bell how do you say it baby Bell yeah B baby Bell I don’t know I don’t actually know how to say it but yeah I’m a cheese appreciator nice you eat it with the code on or off Sammy ladder on me cool were you talking to me you do you eat it with the uh coat on her off like the little jacket thatan the wax like no like the little jacket they give it no girl I don’t I don’t eat that girl I don’t know I don’t eat the I don’t eat the red wax it’s tasty no it’s it’s not I don’t think you’re allowed to eat that and that’s like a problem it’s not a problem it’s only a problem if you uh eat too much in one sitting I don’t I don’t know about that Chris I don’t know about that I don’t know about that one all right when Sammy calls me girl it’s so funny to it just makes me laugh well sometimes I have to like girl stay the last day yeah we’re getting it I’m on 119 oh [ __ ] get here I’m coming I I don’t have anything else to heal with though oh wait maybe there’s something here I’m just going to kill everyone yeah just kill the whole kill the whole Squad yeah I can’t see anything you don’t need need to see man just feel The Vibes you’re right that’s not a rock that’s not a rock that’s a little guy he’s going to kill me all right I’m here I’m here I’m here I was feeling The Vibes oh here we go wait I got to take I got to take a ladder or two I’m catching up though okay I forgot all my cheese today that was my problem oh don’t worry we’re talking about it instead yeah you’re right you’re right I’m here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice yes wait my inventory is full did you get an item from this uh did I let me see I don’t think so okay cool we did it we just got the gems cool yipp all right well we don’t have to do that again at least yeah did all that before yeah then tomorrow we got a new one cuz it’s Monday yeah we get a new one tomorrow hopefully it’s a good one the mining ones are always just so annoying but to be fair they’re all like they’re all kind of challenging yeah you’re right you know what yeah you’re right okay I’m going to go talk to those boys uh who work in that Adventures Guild store [Music] I can’t see [ __ ] there we go [Music] [Music] they’re called nickel nips oh they’re like little nips okay John do you know the yippy came from um a German boy drinking Coke and playing fortnite he’s like SP some myON FL again yippe look it up it’s real found out the other day no so it’s dude it’s not even a lethal thing it’s a mod you would assume it’s vanilla or base game based on The Vibes but it’s literally just uh a mod Matt you knew I spoke fluid German I let everyone know uh as much as I can when when it happens all right I’m going to take my little helmet off if Sammy has hers off that means it’s time to take it off [Music] bedtime time to get a good night’s sleep oh yeah Chloe those things suck they always feel like they’re stale our goal in game is to get 100% uh completed just so you hate me and move on you [Music] know it’s suing fortnite on drink Cola yippe [Music] [Music] yippe do you need Oak resin I have some ah yeah can you put it in the purple full chest by my house oh you got it oh never mind I I got it thanks oh I I didn’t realize you going you were still wearing your hat I changed mine cuz I thought we were going we were done I’ll put my back on I could change it no I’ll put my back on all right then it’s kind of fun it’s kind of like a a guzin thing yeah it’s kind of like hey man night to the gun table G table ain’t no way oh my gold ho ready yeah should probably go get that quick our place is pretty as [ __ ] it’s real nice Mak be so guz playay for twitchcon John huh who yeah it didn’t sound good [Music] going to go the mine I mean I’m going go to town talk to this [Music] guy um get my hoe back we’re going to upgrade our hoe [Music] now w it been swimming orbing schwamp or something right is that how do you say I’ve been swimming we still hating clean this [ __ ] or what’s up yeah I mean always always for sure gun gun is made up too I don’t know if that’s anything you’re fluent in German you know what it is oh true you’re [Music] right yo Hunter Wells thanks for the resub by the way I appreciate that [Music] dude ver hobman gwan what the [ __ ] is this lonus and Leo are talking he talks like a bird hello Leo my name is lonus I’ve heard all about you and your parrot family it’s really something special aad lonus lives on the mainland with the rest of us after hearing your story I wanted to help so I talked to lonus here and it hatched a little plan go on lonus tell him Leo I’d like you to come back with us to stardy Valley it’s a beautiful place not as warm as here but still full of life and I live right in the middle of it I know the lay of the land and many things about the waters the trees the animals and M you see I’m a child of nature too you might say we’re birds of a feather birds of a feather but I’m getting old and I’d like to teach someone all that I’ve learned before moving on bro Leo will you come back with [Music] us leave this island I can take you back for a visit anytime but lad you can’t live here forever you know there are other back home too I’m sure you’d love to meet they’d love to meet you oh other kids what do you think Chris I think it’s a great I think it’s a great idea it’s up to Leo Leo you make the decision you’re the you’re the one I I’ll go yes but my [Applause] family yo Moon’s Mountain let’s go hell yeah thank you she says she says the parrots are all happy for me and then they want me to start the next chapter of Life wherever it may lead [Music] and no matter what happens they’ll always be my family [Music] forever I’m [Music] ready a new arrival to the valley it seems our little town is growing sorry Sammy I just uh I’m tearing up over here why what happened um I got a cut scene that was just so cute a cute let’s just I don’t want to ruin it but also maybe it’s already happened who was it with well let’s just say our boy Leo might potentially be somewhere else oh cute I don’t think I’ve gotten the cut scene yet but I do you know what happens yeah him and uh lonus essentially like are going to be the guys like cuz lonus can also speak parrot yeah that’s really cute dude that was yeah we’ll we’ll make sure our boy is okay that was so cute bro it was really nice I love that um I’m going to buy the recipe for all these wow dang ship 100,000 gold worth of freshly cooked items is that possible I think if you make bread which is just but you have to like grow the weat I don’t know man do we have anything else what’s the other one or give 50 loved gifts in one week um we might want to do that one just because we need to up our friendship with that one’s also more reward let’s do that one okay yeah we need to up our friendship with everybody anyways all right I need to find that freaking list that that uh if you find it can you DM it to me yeah phonic did you send it to me last time someone send it to me last time Pam said oh my head ham come [Music] on no we have a list that someone gave us and it worked last time we we we’ve already done this one before it’s pretty we did it before but it’s like it’s really nice since we’re going for Perfection and we need to try and uh max out everybody’s friendships yeah I’m maxed out with a couple people I’m maxed out with like I think like eight oh wow seven yeah and most of the other people are like pretty close not the kids though I have like no friendship with them oo I think this this is my gift giving um one pearl diamonds nice Frozen tears fish taco salad spaghetti Sashimi oranges poppy sunflowers leak beer okay [Music] now someone someone sent me like a document on Discord recently and it had everything and it was perfect like they they made it themselves I forget who it was yeah and it was like really easy to follow along okay I’m going to give her a diamond that should be one yep there we go Pam’s not there anymore oh flocking media that’s right it flocking media it’s in the stard channel w there it is okay all right Sammy it’s in I’m I’m I’m gonna send it to you right now thank you hold on hi there it is okay thank you oh wait hey come back oh man this is wild yeah it’s it’s super helpful though Frozen tear to the boy uh oh yeah it’s real nice we’ll be checking that out yeah block a basan oops hey Seb here thanks babe keep going Seb loves me I’m happy for you guys can I get it to the museum even though it’s after hours with the key you can yes cool Mira that’s more than chill dude that’s dope do a he okay that’s your husband that’s Sam’s husband cou more artifacts before we’re done we have one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 uh more 38% Perfection by the way all we really got to do is just build those Obelisk and cook a ton of [ __ ] yeah we need we need to finish the museum though I’m pretty sure yeah I need a void essence so we’re like 11 away my void Essences aren’t here why did I go here not the call out Marne is Marney home or Shane Mar’s sleeping already okay I gotta find Shane and give him a beer not because I want to it’s because it’s what he loves he’s not even here Pam likes beer I’ll give and what what does Clint [Music] like Clint [Music] likes it doesn’t [ __ ] matter no Gus likes oranges but he’s leaving hold on Gus wait I got something for you yes oh it’s his birthday bro I just gave G’s birthday today I just gave him an orange right before he went to bed goes oh birthday gift thanks man the birthday birthday birthday birthday oops a pre max out with nice yeah he’s he’s good to be friends with too cuz he gives you so much dope stuff yeah he sends you like gifts sends you food in the he sends me gifts like memes sorry don’t be sorry all right Clint Emerald amethyst okay oh it’s 150 oh great oh great great I’m sleeping in the let me in okay atast at Le I made it at Le I fell as sleep at the front door we’re both sitting on our asses with our helmets on at least we in the room oh wow what is this he’s getting a little Treehouse that’s so cute oh that’s so cute look at this little spot now we’re going to have to go check that out he deserves that he does really nice okay that’s so cute dude I’m gonna pluck my eyelashes that’s so cute the fact that um lonus was like I need I’m going to need you to uh learn things around the island for when I’m gone made me really sad [Music] [Music] what is Leo like yeah I’ll be talking to the Book seller today what about yeah give him give him a little ring yeah maybe I will I think lonus likes cactus fruit yep okay I’m gonna go get George up and give him some stuff too here sounds good what does uh Evelyn like she likes diamonds of course she does they all like diamonds they love them I got a leak here Mr George is your name on it Alex salmon dinner complete breakfast you know what uh Alex shut up okay there’s Pam hey Pam why not how about a beer at 740 nice then who who’s [Music] this who’s this this is Penny penny likes who’s this an emerald who’s this [Music] man nice penny [Music] okay my relationship with Elliot is so bad cuz I never see him bro I never see Elliot I see him once in a blue moon he’s going to be our downfall it’s true I’m rising up the whole town right now where are we at 10 got to keep it up [Music] [Music] ew song rocks lus is on top of the tire over here [Music] oh there’s Leo Leo’s walking around it’s so cute how do you like the place Robin I got you a spaghetti nice oh lonus there you are bud I got you some cactus fruit let’s go Ellen you said your second baby okay 13 out of 50 yeah we we got to keep keep it going what’s this all about in [Music] here Chloe that I think that’s always been a thing I’m pretty sure oh the bird look at this little house I’m pretty sure that’s been a thing it’s been 2 years and S months maybe it was part of a new update I don’t know all right I got to go back into town oh came out with a happy home [ __ ] all right what does Elliot like he likes a bunch of a bunch of uh difficult [Music] things oh my God everyone’s here it’s farmer Chris that’s right Pier likes fried calamari Marne Marne likes the [Music] diamond Caroline fish taco I Got You Caroline Emily I got you with a emerald and who’s this that’s jod jod we got you with the diamond or a salad actually salad no eggplant parm no I got you with the oh my God look at their outfits [Music] let’s go Professor or mayor Lewis hot pepper vegetable medley Autumn’s Bounty glaz DM weirdo 17 out of 50 avelyn we’ll give you another diamond oh we already giving her a gift today I’m going to give what space another orange where’s Gus he died there here’s [Music] Gus cool this dude Pizza cactus fruit oh this guy likes cactus fruit random Kent roasted Hazel and fiddlehead risoto then his son Vincent likes grape oh I have grape I’m gonna give your son this grape real quick please don’t get angry sweet there Shane Shane I got you Shane here you go man H I know this is your favorite few cut scenes to be honest okay I’m going to go to I need to bring a daffadil or a crocus or a sweet pee to uh what’s your face I’m going to grab two sweet peas and bring them to [Applause] Sandy Sammy I am speed running these gifts dude nice let’s go yeah just gave just gave uh Shane a nice 2 pm beer going to the going to the desert now giving a sweet P of Sandy yo liquor buddy thanks for the resub appreciate that dude yeah I know the rabbit’s foot and Prismatic Shard are Universal loves but um okay I get that cactus fruit as well to Sam again and the lonus this is Sandy you you poor burnt thing okay I’m not burnt [Music] a wallcon yo staggy let’s go Chloe yeah I saw that oh wait kobis likes um void Mayo too your loyal horse Waits patiently for your return kobus I’m a 27y old idiot nah come on man what’s this guy like the doctor what’s his name this is Harvey he likes coffee pickles and truffle oil I don’t [Music] have I don’t have coffee God damn it oh penny likes Poppy I already G her gift today sick I’m going to go buy some coffee from Gus need a drink no let me buy some coffee and some [Music] [Music] pizza okay Hazel no because it’s not as like CU I I feel like I know them by now you know Sam he likes pizza and cactus fruit let me see if I can give him I think I already gave him something today yeah I did oh sorry you can see like the kids playing in there and stuff that’s funny oh an acorn we know everyone on a personal L here for the most part Omni geode void egg okay wait is is there like a a back room in here oh you that’s his bedroom all right we’re at 26 out 50 which is pretty good yeah it’s not too shabs hey man hey man oh George is asleep hey George oh my God’s sleeping hey Evelyn you made an old lady very happy okay oh yeah all the vine stuff was on Happy homes that was all the new [ __ ] they added that was cool though okay do you have the stack of diamonds yeah you need some here yeah I do I’m going to put uh thank you I got a kobis one yeah it’s in the purple I think than you freaking kobus got to give our boy kobus one crobar uh did you do the thing yet for the the raccoons one thing we’re doing great Bobo oh they’re doing great never mind oh yeah yeah we turned that in okay we turned that in last time I didn’t know if there was a new one dude happy homes was was was was very very fun this guy does not sleep koba’s tattoo could go hard I feel like we’re at 27 27’s pretty good I haven’t even seen Willie actually you haven’t seen Willie well cuz I have I haven’t even gone that way oh you’re valid yeah I’ll give him maybe an aridium bar or a catfish or a sturge it’s hot in here yeah it’s cuz you showed up oh hi Shen true did you hear what she said uh she said is it hot in here yeah and you said it’s because you just walked in W right w w RZ W is with the wife or no what can I cook 20 20 minutes to bed oh got to [Music] sleep we’re in what’s up lore how you doing dude Branda I like that emote that’s fun okay my idium hoe is ready oh tomorrow’s the luau don’t care kind of supposed to be a crouton but I said it looks like a front cheese it you thought it was tea cheese ball right that’s what I said kind of aridum ho new drag name called [Music] it cruit wait is the is the L out tonight or no who’s this guy this guy likes that’s Kent is that Kent I think that’s Kent can’t move out of my [Music] way Sam I got you a cactus fruit Sam I know you’re in bed still but there’s a cactus fruit and who’s that that is jod jod I got [Music] you a diamond J oh my God she’s look at her is she crying or cleaning the dishes she’s balling her eyes out I got you a diamond hey why is the fairy jumping on head look at the fair’s is jumping on her head making her [Music] cry okay let’s give this guy kobis a do I have a radium bars no I don’t but I do have a diamond for you brother diamonds are forever what are we at now 32 32 out of 50 y yep y yep yep y y yep yep y y y yep y y didn’t give saling nobody’s business call me call me Chris Kringle instead of Chris melberger okay exactly sorry let’s give this guy a grape we keep going um let me go get Willie over here Willie I got a sturge in here with your name on it man okay now do you have anything for sale that would make sense to give to someone else no cool you take yeah dishes over laundry for sure oh my God all the whole crew is about to leave they making it so easy for me there you [Applause] go wait no go go go go go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah not Sam I going to give it to this guy yes oh that’s Pierre I thought that was Harvey [ __ ] oh no that’s fine Pier is difficult anyway where’s Marney at um probably in her house or who knows what looming somewhere I’m GNA go I’m G to go get my hoe real quick yeah you go do that then I’m also going to go get my aridium ho [Laughter] okay oh great I have a cut scene maybe it’s good no it’s a shame one no it’s a shame oh wait no never mind never mind this is his good cut scene take it back okay I’m going to go give Sandy another daffodil thing situation here can I give her a beer somebody giv her okay I feel like a paw emote is just like a Sammy or Chris laugh one it’s like the same thing kind of that’s close that’s all BTV has yeah that’s it’s close enough I think Sweet Pea there you go Sandy andjoy what are we at 36 39 Oh my God we’re cruising Chloe’s got every better Twitch TV tab open right now hey she’s help she’s helping make the stream an exciting place to participate when you’re in chat one okay we get out of here now oops I’m convinced has four arms like a freaking elen ring monster only 10 more Chris yep where’s your husband at I got a [ __ ] Frozen tear with his name on it think he might be home I don’t know no one wants to work anymore no nobody works these days let me see yeah dude slacking oh actually he’s watching the kid he’s doing a great job bro said he’s slacking I did take a coffee from your kitchen though no offense wow I told you I could have just taken it hater alert how’s that a hater stole my coffee no that’s not a hater that’s a thief in the night it’s both true but no I’d be a hater if I said your coffee sucks hey Chris I’m busy okay sorry what are you doing I’m trying to gift everybody’s stuff Demetrius doesn’t like anything bro I got to give him a strawberry or something true it’s like hey man look it up did you notice I stole your horse or not really no I didn’t even notice oh wow I took chores I think yeah no I took your borse your bunny horse your I no I didn’t notice because I’m locked in Chris is this a is this a rat horse a roor yeah no it’s a Morse it’s a mouse oh it’s a Morse we’ve gone over this it’s a heist it’s a house bro arguing semantics at a time like this so locked in and broke you can’t just drop the word semantics and walk past that yeah we can why not no that’s pretty impressive if I could say thanks thank Melissa for that one all right um 43 out of 50 we’re so close Demetrius where are you open up where are you where are you where’s Robin at I got some also Demetrius I haven’t seen him all day oh he’s here he’s by the community center okay dude likes strawberries and ice creams and bean hot I I give them a strawberry nice only five more a penny I got a poppy with you here Penny yes and then the kids what’s this girl like a fairy Rose a plum pudding oh what do you think this is you think I Mary Poppins they always want this random stuff it’s like hey Jody I got a diamond for you I know you’re I already gave you one you were crying earlier oh my God the dog’s outside today ain’t no way that’s wild wild comment from that guy or wild question rather hey man you think I’ll ever go pro no did you say no I said you have to practice oh I would have laughed so hard if you had been no no no [Music] bud Shane I got you with the uh pizza here all right we got two left dude mney here’s a diamond I already gave you enough where’s where’s uh the mayor where’s Louis have you got you got a hot pepper for him yeah I do I do he’s oh there he is I’ll stop oh look at the whole line of them they’re all here oh yeah we got the whole conga line get give give gift them all nice fine hey Clint I got you with the freaking no I’ve already given them too many wait wait wait do you want to give um Caroline here wait I have a feather for Elliot where is he no come follow me follow me follow me I I I have I have amethyst for uh Heather here or not Heather um Abigail Abigail here take one of these before she runs off go get that to her yeah yeah yeah go go go yeah yeah yeah yeah no I have a cut scene chis exit it oh I’m skipping it I’m skipping it I’m trying I’m trying to block her I’m blocking her I’m blocking her block her block her her dad’s in the way her Dot’s in the way got it get her get get her got yeah that that was the quest [Laughter] finisher steal her bed steal yeah steal her bed whoa I’m married Abigail holy [ __ ] oh my god wow that was something else we finish that so fast we did I’m G to go play Juno Kart for fun bro do it wind down with some Juno cart oh my God my relationships are all good now I got to start cooking stuff and selling things oh wait I’m full Mastery I can go get uh my upgrade for my final thing oh [ __ ] let me go do that real quick from that little cave and then we’re we’re good actually let me get that truffle Heather felt right I don’t know felt like a name that makes sense all right here we go and here we are actually for the oh fishing’s the final one a perfect catch yields triple the fish however each time a fish escapes the fishing bar the catch is reduced you can now encounter golden fishing chest Advanced aridium Rod oh my God just gave me that you feel Grandpa’s hand patting your shoulder huh huh what what Grandpa Grandpa don’t pat my shoulder what the heck the final path that’s really nice thanks Gramps I can’t believe this game made me tear up before what did you say I can’t believe this game made me tear up earlier Oh no you’re valid thought you said start screaming I was like huh see made me throw up [Laughter] before like syrup who syrup pancakes pancakes that made you cry CL really dang oh yeah that’s the good stuff right there okay let’s add all this random [ __ ] in here CU this is all gifts we can give to people for next time cool if we ever get that Quest again oh there’s our coffee that we needed this house rocks oh complete breakfast is over here too Hazel that’s funy as [ __ ] Sushi welcome back welcome back happy to have you day 11 of Summer year four so what’s so good about this one [Music] up to two oh two Bobbers at once is [Music] dope Clint just told me how to make bean Hot Pot Marne told me how to make rhar pie I’m getting dude I’m getting so many gifts from people because I that’s so funny double The Bobs Mystic syrup what’s the fun stuff we can make with Mystic syrup [Music] again there’s something wild you can make with [Music] that oh the treasure totem that’s right I I need like the syrup and then some random ass [Music] [ __ ] hard oh hardwood and Moss so that’s easy [Music] wait Sam you want to come to the island real quick yeah I can come to the island hold nice what’s sup Keanu how you doing mushroom tree seed I’m coming over okay oh the L’s at the beach who cares 38% got to catch all the fish Mickey I think we’re at like like are you 80 or 90 um meet me at the Mr uh snail Dr snail’s um tent okay I’m going to show Sammy the treasure totem feel like she’s going to be like what the [ __ ] she won’t say that but she I don’t think she’s seen it you what up Madness how you doing you you already finished Chloe there’s no way the one for um the yellow elephant oh there you are all right check this out ready yeah Eloise yeah yeah yeah okay here ready yeah stand right near me wait hold on right here ready yep whoa worms all right we do we hit him yeah circle of worms circle of worms circle of whoa golden I got a book shy Valley Almanac already I I’m already maxed though so same that was cool thanks worm Circle worms worms Oh yeah lot of omni GEOS down down these parts mhm you can say that again man maybe I will this this creep in the cave we have to buy something for Perfection for 500,000 gold and it’s probably a scam that’s all right man you live in new learn true [Music] okay whose bone is that I got a bone to pick with you yeah this song this song Works personally [Music] question yeah Luigi please bring it in man bring it in you put this on in uh class y [Music] I’m going to keep the coffee with me um Bon’s over there all that stuff goes over here I’m going to sell all these mushrooms shoot okay I’m going to go fish oh you put it on like in within your class yeah I’m going to use those geod for uh the special hat I think oh while they’re working that’s awesome yo Levi gifting a sub to the real Madness yo enjoy those emotes you got a free sub there you go Moran is for real you play Dark Souls osc for your kids The Best of Both Worlds It’s the Best of Both Worlds man you’ve got the [Music] B I run a cadaver lab for medical sales company and Now That Is Random but very cool just didn’t know that about you are people dying into that business boo hey good one thanks man that is super cool though I know a lot of people who uh have had to work with caders for their uh jobs new Luigi Lord just dropped [Music] [Music] yeah that would be funny like the volcano song during like an intense [Music] fight up John Mr Cheetos how you doing dude any day now cool okay this is something Luigi that’s cool dude there’s so many people who I feel like would um relate and know you’re talking about too like I know Rico I think did something similar for a little bit Sara true cuz Rico they um they used to do like medical stuff I think they still do but I don’t know if they were I think they were in something like that cat there really are three perfects in a road does that mean anything oh a golden chest I wonder what the [ __ ] that has oh nothing really cool are the Pirates here [Music] today when do the Pirates show up is it like once and like random or is there like specific days they show up oo sea jelly every day they’re not here right now even number days oh got it what’s an even numbered day oh like the actual date like 12 okay I I like Monday Wednesdays I didn’t think about dates I was like what like is Monday odd or even yeah it’s after 8 or 900 p.m. yeah what’ you just buy I bought the book from the doorf where uh bombs take less damage smart thanks sorry for being a creep but I just noticed that it went down randomly no you’re good not the not the creep Sam to be honest I gave it a shot and I enjoyed it but I didn’t keep up with it and I don’t I’m not like necessarily super stoked or like excited for it but I know a lot of people are and I know I probably will like it I just haven’t gotten around to it Sunday Tuesday and Thursday are even by the way would you say Sunday Tuesday and Thursday are even or in your brain uh even thank you I knew I knew you were my [Laughter] friend I feel like Sunday being even makes sense even though it’s like the start it’s it’s still even in my brain mhm like Friday’s odd Friday’s wild and different exactly exactly and Tuesday has two in it Sunday is zero oh Le I know those are not odd those are even come on man you got to get with the progue Wednesday is hump and therefore odd oh [ __ ] yes I just made it oh my god oh yeah I’m going to the skull Caverns tomorrow wait say a random word right now uh peanut butter all right why I’m on the edge of my my seat what’s going on um my second child is named Peanut [Music] butt not you naming a kid peanut butt they name the peanut [Music] butt that’s beautiful thanks he means a lot to me that is absolutely beautiful congratulations Thursday has the same Vibe as November the number seven John I was going to go with eight I feel like Thursday November and eight kind of works Seven’s I think a little bit of a throw personally but maybe I’m weird Thursday and November I can get behind though that makes sense and also red Thursday November in red or orange as well why who knows there’s probably science behind it maybe Monday is Monday has like May Vibes Monday is orange no no no no no no no no that’s Thursday Thursday’s red or orange Monday’s green I think you said green Monday Monday’s not green it’s the start’s no way it’s the start of the week so it’s green it doesn’t matter Monday’s not green there’s no way I don’t know Monday’s dark blue no Tuesday gives me blue Vibes no Tuesday’s yellow dude no man you’re not right on any of that Tuesday’s yellow bro Wednesday is yellow no yes Wednesday teal no Wednesday notop teal yes it is bro you’re out of here you’re out of here you’re wrong Thursday’s red or orange teal brother and then Friday is fun Friday is Friday green for you no Friday’s like purple Friday’s no Friday’s not purple Friday’s like oh what is it Friday’s something it’s like it’s like a funky fresh fun time that doesn’t make any sense Kate’s like a gradi picking the most random obscure colors he can think of bro I said yellow and green what do you mean random and obscure no you said teal bro Teal’s not even anywhere near the days Teal’s a good color it’s between it’s a good color but it’s not any of the days of the week Teal’s not on there why not Friday’s not Pur I will say Friday being pink does make sense Friday’s argue maybe like a magenta FR Friday’s orange uh like a fire it’s it’s hot no that’s Saturday no Saturday’s dark purple no it’s not Saturday’s not dark purple get on or or blue like sky or sky blue maybe even robin eggs blue what’s this guy talking about okay I can see Saturday being a blue but it’s not it’s not purple Sunday is is like um rot color rot cuz we’re rot we rot we’re we’re rotting all day on Sundays yeah it’s like a dark green or something not like dark green bro says or like Cloud white like for the heavens what are these colors like a mildew even okay man all right whatever you say man where do I put all this uh hay at I’m putting hay in this uh [Music] box okay can we all agree though that July and Friday work or no no July and maybe Saturday actually I can see Friday or Saturday for July I feel like Saturday makes a bit more sense but I could pass Friday April and Sunday ooh okay I’m feeling it out sorry no it it might make sense well it does cuz it also you got Easter as well no December has like a where where’s December at December is like it’s like a Tuesday it’s either a Tuesday or a Thursday December I think November has Thursday so I’m thinking December’s Tuesday I could see it can we both agree that August is Wednesday I can give you that all right we’ll take it man what I don’t even know what I’m doing I’m running around I’m still hung up that you said teal what’s wrong with teal Teal’s a great color it’s one of my favorite colors it’s not that it’s not a good color it’s just it’s nowhere near the days of the week yeah but that but that is your opin opinion no I don’t think it’s just my opinion all right I wish Elliot liked something other than all this random [ __ ] he likes feathers that’s what I gave him the other day birds of a feather together does haly like coffee let’s we’ll find out she does she’s not seen the vision I don’t think she could see the color blue personally cuz teal is a great color let me tell you [Applause] June June is yellow first off what is yellow June June is yellow yes it’s also Tuesday June Tuesday yellow [Applause] o red mullet we’ll take it did anyone see the video of Ed Sheeran on a city bike singing his song while like go drive like riding through Brooklyn I don’t believe I’ve seen that now dude it’s so funny he’s just it’s just straight up there’s Ed sheer on a city bike just riding along in Brooklyn and he’s take me into your loving arms and just like and there’s people behind him like harmonizing with him and it’s just like so funny I’ve never seen that before I think it just dropped actually I think it’s new it’s didn’t he make that song 85 years ago yeah he did but like it’s still a banger he just made like a a new music video no no it’s not no it’s literally him enjoying his day and people are filming him what do you mean he’s just riding fan footage yeah he’s like riding his bike in Brooklyn and like just living his life randomly and people filmed him and it’s like an iPhone and he’s just like singing while riding his bike what and it’s like these other dudes who are with him like just harmonizing and [ __ ] okay yeah I don’t I simply don’t know and he he wasn’t like just singing his own song while writing like I think people were like encouraging him too so he was like yeah why not all right but one of the top comments on the video was bro is always singing I feel like like Bros just never never stopped singing Bros always singing that’s funny oh yeah Twitter likes are private now they’re trying to encourage you to uh be be be a weirdo I used to go to people’s likes to see like what they were vibing with and like a like toine content and now it’s like not a thing anymore I really I’m going to be honest I never really looked at people’s Twitter likes I did but it was either uh to see like what’s up CU I feel like some people had good likes like funny things or if like someone was uh you know in the in the [ __ ] Crossfire I’d be like okay what’s this person’s [ __ ] thoughts or like what are they what are they who they with I see yeah I’m a sleuth I’m a slth I’m a detective let him slle like what shitty takes is this person agreeing with today Fair take me in your fing arms dude they love playing Edge hearing at wedings ooh they do there’s like at least five tracks of his on the wedding playlist nothing nothing wrong with it though or is I really listen I don’t have like personal beef with Ed Sheeran it’s just like that the only time I listen to his songs is if they they’re playing at a wedding like you don’t go out of your way to listen to them absolutely not but like I think he’s very I think he’s very talented respect to him you know I think he’s very talented but I’ve never gone out of my way either list yeah I don’t know I just never have bro just bro just happens to be on you know what I mean when bro showed up randomly in Game of Thrones I yelled okay he’s wrong for that though it was just like so EDG Sheeran in a night outfit like what are we doing why was bro on Game of Thrones for no reason it’s cuz he just probably wanted to be he’s like yo can I be on this episode So Random like yo that’s Ed Sheeran dude like they didn’t even try to make him look any different it was just like him no it’s just him in like a cape it’s like we know who that is wait hold on hold on I got he’s like one of the only gingers on the whole show hold on it it was like there was like no reason for it at all are you looking up the scene with him in it just looking at the picture oh yeah I’m going to watch the scene real fast it’s so good yeah yeah dude it’s so random random on yeah he sang I forgot that he sang oh he’s singing in it that’s probably why then yes dude bro sings in it hold on I’m watching this I’ll be right back wait wait let’s play the same time ready hold on okay okay hold on three two one go oh it’s quiet guys keep in mind the video is so quiet no one’s expecting this at all like it’s just Game of Thrones it’s like violence and blood and gore and nudity randomly so you’re not expecting this at all don’t make me sing and a chain and a keep are compared to a woman’s kiss for hands of gold are hands are okay the reveal to is so it’s a pretty song I’ve never heard it before it’s a new one are you hungry it’s a new one dropping it’s a new one dropping on my album coming out next week not feeling one stream now like he looks CGI in there it’s like random guy Ed Sheeran’s head doesn’t look real he doesn’t look real in it like what’s bro up to oh my God anyways guys you had to be there you had to be there guys you had to be there during the Ed she Game of Thrones episode yo if they for the dragon uh House of dragons Premier try to get like his great grandfather and it’s just him with like long hair and a beard I swear to God that would be the funniest thing that they could do they’re just walking through a [ __ ] Street and you hear the song like come on and it’s just him he’s in the same fit but he’s just his long hair that sounds incredible yeah we need that ooh I’m going to go kill some dust Sprites if that’s okay all right man you do your thing yo up mick how you doing by the way you were mid cackle I got an ad I’m sorry man oh the tiny Des is good yeah I’ve watched it already Mick are you ever though are you ever expecting to see him snail good luck dude good luck Jasper seaweed he always catches me by surprise tuna actually I’m going to keep tuna I think I could use it for making food how bit okay I’m going to keep start keeping like rare fish for recipes I think okay Broan he could say that he’s allowed to say that since he is one okay here we go coffee Horse flute life Elixir okay ancient seed me also so it’s really it oh true doxing your own mods wow I thought they was this was known stuff all right guys well I have bad news and good news poor taste has freckles and red hair I’m sorry I’m sorry I uh I never told you guys this sooner that is my bad I know I know I do apologize um I hope you you could forgive me and he and he’s he’s tall as [ __ ] too call me poor we’re friends you’re you’re right ew red hair John Noob I know how how dare he can I pull off red one of the best moments top Shack moment if I [Music] can red heads unite Sammy you have any uh redhead friends [Music] uh yeah John Noob yep bring it in it was a test and you passed and Michelle yep [Music] [Laughter] y yep and Ashley Robata y yeah now now you’re starting to think of everyone you’re like wait okay yeah um in real life no wow Wisconsin not that I’ve like avoided them or anything I just I don’t think I have any redheaded friends non IRL interesting y all nice what about you other than John Noob um Ashley robot Michelle okay other than all the people I listed um a few a few people that you wouldn’t know like Billy oh yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure Billy from down the block yeah chance two sisters M Fair s and such as I see John John you know who exactly I’m talking about too which is so funny 11 ancient seeds in this uh teal box thanks which is which is like Wednesdays also what up Alicia bro won’t let it go from Child’s Play Ron Weasley but only him I see I see none of the other ones Chucky from rug Rugrat very interesting all your personal friends that you’re listing off yep y Jim John’s brother that I it was his birthday yesterday Kim Possible Nigel Thornberry Dexter from Dexter’s Lab oh right yeah uhhuh uhhuh great kid great kid for real for real mhm anybody else or um little Little Mermaid ah yes Ariel yeah Ariel yeah yeah Pippy long stocking for sure a yeah Tippy long stocking Jimmy Neutron’s mom kind of bad though um who else true oh the mayor’s assistant from The Powerpuff Girls Miss Miss um what’s her name she’s she’s one of my best friends her name what she’s she’s one of my best friends what’s her name again she has a name oh Sarah Bellum yeah Sarah Bellum sorry sometimes she I see I see I see I almost called her Sarah never mind oh mhm H oh Dexter’s mom as well y yeah all these all these uh all these people Chapel rone absolutely absolutely BR yeah bro I was doing the name a woman challenge right now Ronald McDonald not a woman but red [Laughter] [Music] hair did anyone else hate Dee growing up or just me I couldn’t I don’t know what it was but I really did her Vibes were off for some reason for me that’s fair yeah Jessica Rabbit yo Jessica Rabbit now hold hold the phone poison ivy exactly Velma yo what up Wags how you doing dude no Velma was a I thought she had um brown hair dapne yeah had the red hair yeah yeah DNE she kind of bad though dude she was that was like one of like the few cartoon characters when I was younger I was like she’s pretty no literally you’re like who Mr Crab so I don’t really so that’s different so he’s a crab and has no hair I think he’s bald I don’t know bro’s bald as [ __ ] call him Mr CS bald is [Laughter] funny oh man yo Sam true yeah bro is red SpongeBob’s bald yeah he is wait yeah bro doesn’t have any hair Misty wag Misty times three Misty was cool Misty that’s valid though Roger CLS I hated that guy Nicole kimman sometimes true bro a lot of redheads out there yeah Amy um Amy Adams Amy Adams Jessica Chastain John Cheetos knows what I’m talking about Haley Williams Amy pwn now we’re now we’re just naming stuff now we’re just same people every drag queen when they wear my sister my dad hell yeah guys just name name every family member who has red ha just do it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Joan from Mad Men oh what’s her name she was like I don’t know reddit’s favorite for years like every every every thread they would always yeah Christina Hendricks everyone would always be talking about her even when it was like unrelated to anything the kid you two from the office true Frankie from foster home for imaginary friends true oh s s anybody be redheads out here huh really you could pull off red I feel like maybe I’m I’m pale enough to where I feel like maybe I could that’s what I’m saying like you’re call me pasty black hair though I’m way too pasty really you don’t think like not at all have you tried no I don’t think it would look good on me let me let me do a quick uh Photoshop here real quick no I’m just kidding Toby from the office wait why does the office have so many red heads what the heck it’s a conspiracy normalize redheads Mr Krabs is bald don’t guys don’t forget that hey Chad what’s one color that would not work with with you for your hair like like one that you think would just suck like just not look good for me I feel like maybe blonde or black you could not bleach your hair I don’t think I mean you could but like I feel like with I coloring it looks it looks just a bit off yeah cuz i’ also have you would still slay but like it just wouldn’t be like your best SL bleaching my hair only works if I keep my beard uh dark ooh yeah which is a Cool vibe but if you bleach your beard and your hair you look silly and maybe even sick yeah it wouldn’t be it’s not correct Shan’s been itching uh to D her hair again she misses she misses having color that’s fair Shan pulls off every hairstyle she has like the right pigment in her skin to do anything kind of it’s like a blank canvas valid like a shanas if you will a shanas love shanas thanks I’m going to [Music] go over here I’m going give these guys some coffee yeah I think she I think she’s trying to go more blue green they call you Casper no they don’t come on I look like a dying Victorian child with yellow hair ended up with an orange afro Yousef dude yeah that would I don’t know man I would probably look silly based on what what I even have I have to be careful you know you can’t keep dying [ __ ] I mean you can if you have healthy hair but it’s a risk it was oof okay um Omni geode what are we at now 36 I’m going to give this golden animal cracker to someone eventually spicy eel yeah we’re chilling and a crystal fruit oh keani word uh all this Honey’s good should I put it somewhere maybe in a box or sell it sell what I’m putting the honey in the Box uh that’s next to it oh you can sell it right away if you want all right up to you though true we don’t need it same yeah I mean the the salt and pepper look is is fun you know I I know people who are rocking that and am I am I nervous for when that when that time comes probably but at the same time like it’ll pro it’ll happen you have to just kind of embrace it so I’ve seen people you know rock it octopus lion fish resist and dye your hair until you’re 70 uhoh your dad would D my dad had black hair and he still pretty much does he he’s got like a lot more grays now but he pretty much had black hair easily into his late 50s early 60s like he was chilling you do have a little salt bro a good amount of my friends do to be honest she just give me a little kiss yo Chloe giing a sub to your dad’s beard has uh gray in it you think it’s a Vibe yeah both your parents went early uh gray early so I was doomed what’s weird is my beard will have like red hair and blonde hair in it and gray is probably too depending on like the angle or I don’t know it’s weird like I’ll like I’ll randomly pull a hair out and I’m like that’s like red or blonde it’s very weird okay okay okay let’s lock it in this is a cucumber I think what’s up Jor how you doing yo what up Bobby you get white in your eyebrow hairs oh that’s interesting the key Quest is done we finished it way too early so uh now I’m just fishing we get we get a new one on Monday I could farm and uh try to get those try to make some of that grow fertilizer and [ __ ] that helps like the super fertilizer or try catching all the legendary fish Mar we did it uh we did it last time it’s pretty wild the way it works you have to like essentially get a bunch of that super super grow and place it all over the dirt and make a massive massive setup for it oh the since I didn’t see the bird at all all it sits here the whole time until we see it that’s so funny Bobby thank you very much for the resub man yeah it’s on um it’s it’s on YouTube it’s the the thumbnail is me with a bunch of like the the berries in it or the fruits I guess can we do a quick BRB after this day yeah sounds good cool hon Shu me me me honk Sho all chat BRB think I I’ll [ __ ] that later hold a for a okay I’m back sorry now you’re good welcome back thanks M green rain oh green green rain oh yeah we could Farm fiddlehead ferns and stuff for this [Music] true you’re right wait I wonder if it’s green on the island it’s not I just woke up here oh great it’s normal as hell all right I take a back oh Clint sent me bombs in the mail thanks Clint Clint you’re going to be on a freaking list soon enough if you aren’t already but bud sign him up you’re right this guy out of here what up Charlie welcome back work bro has be on the no flyless already true I feel like no one’s flying though when like out of stard Valley these people don’t leave it’s like a cult once you’re here you’re family and what do they say what do they say they say they say they say the family re Oh I thought you were going to say Keep It In The Family oh true either one true we do love keeping it in the family so hey every time dude okay you cannot say that stard Valley doesn’t like keeping in the family you can’t say that because it would be false because they do they do because they do I am looking for don’t work today nobody wants to work these days well Sammy it’s because the green rain will melt them and kill them that’s why all that okay I take it back that’s the Jun are hiding for their dear lives cuz they’re afraid stay in your Hut my bad yeah let them stay let them stay in their Hut man let let them stay in the [Laughter] Hut I haven’t seen one Vine yet if I can say that I’m trying to find some fiddlehead ferns here one Vine just go to YouTube and look up a compilation yes yes yes yes dude you would have you would have made uh a lot of money on Vine thanks I was too busy being 18 so hey man that’s fair like the peek of Vine I was going to call Sam’s the funniest streamer I watch I mean I loved watching Vine Alicia then tell her I was bucked okay yeah you are old enough to make content you are you made tens of dollars true I might have made 20 bucks I really didn’t make much cuz like it wasn’t monetized right you’re right that’s why they failed away that to be too real dang still hurts sorry sorry bud that’s fine but what would have happened if Vine never got shut down would you do you think you’d still be making Vines if Vine never shut down Tik Tok wouldn’t exist and that’s just true no that’s valid valid take Tik Tok essentially took advantage of the market when vine dropped the ball significantly yeah you’re right um would I still be making it I don’t know I feel like possibly but also like you eventually run out of ideas or you just don’t feel funny true you’re so funny though thanks but it’s fun to it’s fun to be funny I saw oh no continue no I already forgot no I was going to say I saw on Tik Tok the other day about this girl talking about how she feels like she doesn’t have anything to say anymore ever because she’s like I’ve said everything I’ve needed to say yeah that’s that’s and I I like sat back and I was like wait a minute like that’s a wild take but like true some sometimes when you like friends or loved ones and you’re just like sitting there you’re like I got nothing really to talk about today actually I got nothing to say I’ve said I’ve said everything John legit why you never tweet I could just see you like looking at your phone like no one cares even what’s the point everyone’s everyone’s already said this I feel like that sometimes though like if I’m going to like make a tweet I’m like uh somebody’s probably already somebody funnier has probably already said it my tweets are just pictures of me going live now and I don’t care no that’s literally my whole Twitter is just selfies of me which is like messed up cuz it’s like okay we get it like your Instagram is just go going live or whatever Twitter going live in case anyone cares I’m live again I do love yapping though but I do I do feel like sometimes I’m like I’m just I don’t know what to say well you know what’s funny Sam Sammy uh Co col I’m doing a joke but I’m saying it out loud yeah yeah yeah sometimes I feel like Sammy uh col sometimes I feel like there’s nothing to I have nothing to say also Sammy on stream that’s me yapping uh the whole time like you are right now I do love yapping it’s true I am still a yapper yeah but I I think I think it depends on the environment you’re in as well like Twitter is a different environment than streaming on Twitch I think in terms of the Yap discour you could have true cuz a lot of a lot of like streaming is where bound in off of chat you know what I mean like chat’s keeping keeping the Good Vibes going this is true but yeah I S I saw that Tik Tok and I was like wait what if what if I do run out of things to say then that’s just it and you’re like oh dang that’s it it’s over that’s it I got nothing else [Laughter] oh yeah private Twitter is fun because you can like use like a diary and just Yap away that’s true I got so much fiber today my doctor’s going to be so proud of me yes yes nah cuz we’re killing it I do miss close friends on Twitter but Elon sucks so you got rid of that like the circles or whatever remember that there’s like nothing good left on Twitter yeah I I I didn’t use circles like that often but I mostly use them just for like streamer advice like I I would ask other streamers stuff hey guys my CCV is at an alltime low what do I do not like that guys what other games are Tech issues honestly i’ be like guys the circle guys what’s going on here screenshot a picture of my OBS error does anyone else have this person in their chat they’re so annoying oh my God n I’m kidding she never said that guys what the heck imagine Sammy being mean it’s such a weird concept it couldn’t be possible I just honestly I don’t have the energy to be mean well you could I don’t sleep enough hours a day to be mean true what do you get like eight 10 six no uh six to seven I would say all right but seven is like fine for me typically it’s a pretty average amount yeah I would say so yeah same I would say it as well oh I can make Blue Grass oo nice Chloe I mean you could have fun and then also slap an edible at some some point and then just Zonk out you know or naturally fall asleep because you’re tired cuz you had so much fun for the day Mystic tree seed Acorn Maple pine cone mahogany mahogany Maple pine cone Acorn I think I can make one of those I need more acorns okay I have a fun idea chat I’m check this out real quick hold on okay oh does that look that looks kind of cool actually does that look cool is that like worth doing that or is that like and then I I could put hay on top of it I’m pretty sure let me see how it looks with the Hy on top of it [Music] 10 mayonnaise I’m going to get one Hy and see how that looks you know you’re right it does matter oh you can put some under it is that how that works straw floor place on the ground to create paths or spruce up your floors huh whatever tomorrow we get a new Mr key quest which is fun uh oh you need more it’s CU it’s just one okay you have to like connect it gotcha got banana banana saplings I’m going to go plant some more bananas gotcha gotcha octopus I’m going to bring all these things over there as well I’m go buy another butterfly Hutch too actually ah Pam’s gone we’ll do this again another time yo our Garden’s popping off by the way right now I think our sunflower is going to be [ __ ] huge too it’s getting massive and then um a lot of peppers are growing in tomatoes are looking good cucumbers peas we’ll probably get you guys another stream soon uh our grapes a lot of them got eaten by bugs which sucks but we put bags over a bunch so hopefully we could save them so when they get big that the bugs can’t eat them anymore biles dude so I think what happened was the the one that we got like the sunflow that we have right now is from last year but it like I guess it started early and it is dude it is big it is like big and thick it’s going to be taller than me I’m pretty sure straight up it’s like almost already it’s like five or six feet right now and it’s thick like the the base of it is like very very thick so which is cool I think it’s going to be very healthy cuz I feel like we started ours super late last year so they didn’t get to their full potential Hannah hell yeah volunteer plants of good genetics are volunteer plants the are you saying like the ones that just show up when you don’t expect it cuz that’s very cute I didn’t know that was like the term that they used oh Breezer there you go tortilla poy cool I’ll sell that PO but yeah biles it’s pretty big it’s just one but it’s going to get huge I think oh B’s word are you are you saying like the a sunflower is good it’ll be good for uh like yeah like a like a fence situation can’t be planted here oh to take your Tomatoes that’s cool yeah flocking we have a we have a good amount of those I guess we found tomatoes that that uh popped up from last year as well people cooking their sunflower heads probably tastes good I would say dude I have so many I have so many bananas are you home today Chris uh no I’m on the island perfect I’m sleeping in your bed okay I just I just barely made it perfect great great yeah I farted in there a lot so good for you what why did you fart in your bed weirdo it’s my bed I can do whatever I want don’t sorry it’s too late stop farting in your [Music] house oh my God big guy Speed Run B first off can you get rid of that [ __ ] muted button next to your name cuz I know you’re not muted and you do it to annoy me also don’t call me a [Music] douche okay um I’m gonna make another what’s he saying yeah dude yeah [ __ ] right well I can make a mushroom log that’s cool I might make two just for shits [Music] [Music] [Music] song’s good yo ratman thanks for the resub by the way appreciate that and Bobby once again thank you dude appreciate you as well [Music] oh I missed out on a few that sucks that’s okay oh my God it’s just free how’s it going man what are you working on today um I’m going to get the the new key Quest and see what we got to work with here oh it’s Monday Monday Monday I have been in the skull Caverns I’m trying to level up my uh I’m trying to hit my level 10 let her level up let me level up man I need this exactly why is my horse a chicken uh he’s chilling that’s the chores that’s the chores there’s just deep lore for that I don’t know I don’t know if you’re ready for [Laughter] it 39% is dedicated to wearing these helmets all day today by the way yep yep find po find four Prismatic shards place them in my collection box that that’s kind of 14 days that’s free yeah that’s free I’ve been in the skull Cavern anyways yeah I feel like I feel like I just go to a skull Cavern and or I could open up a bunch of uh geod too oh true either one honestly but I could but I also can buy a cool cowboy hat with 333 goess true you could lot lot of things a lot of things out there I’m g go open up some stuff and then get out the hell out of here sell them no I want to um I want to uh get like the the cool hat from for them get your cool Hat Man Live Your Truth thanks what sup Charlie how you doing oh true cool um let’s go to the bus stop put some stuff away here and sell some [ __ ] as well two weeks to find four Prismatic shards should be fine right if you’re like actively trying to get [Music] them okay I I have spicy eel all right this Farm looks so good thanks I worked really hard on it all right let me know if you found any uh Prismatic shards as well I’ll let you know I’m in the mines right now we out here okay B it’s going to be fun trust there he is there’s our guy 13 levels oh man oh yeah that’s what we’re talking about right there yeah yeah that’s the stuff there’s a ladder uh by the front okay [Applause] hle oh yeah ho is there better another hole right here is there better odds of getting um Prismatic shards from here or like the updated place I wonder like the upgraded mine on um I don’t Valley I’m pretty sure you can get them from in here no you can I’m just saying I wonder what the better odds are oh right right right right yeah here we go I found another hole no way I found another hole there’s three holes on this level what to pick a random one this was six what uh what what uh where were you at I was I think a floor ahead of you now I’m on 26 oh wait never mind I see your ladder wait if there’s multiple holes do they all have the same depth I don’t know I feel like they shouldn’t I feel like they should be different Vibes I feel like they should be different Vibes but I don’t think they are H something to think about e there there so many things over here it’s a raid I got a bomb don’t worry I got this thank you [Applause] ladder ha [Applause] ladder on me okay oh here we go oh yeah P Shard [ __ ] nice no no no I didn’t find one I thought you I thought you found one no I it back not nice but the deeper you get levelwise that’s when you can get like the Iridium true better odds still going crap what’s the matter just no luck too many too many guys too many guys on you no these guys are nothing all right bet uh ladder over here nice any holes any ladders ho lot of nothing ladder nice come on nope ladder up here oh it’s midnight yeah midnight already this economy midnight this economy n there’s no one all right oh there’s a hole right here oh nice oh there’s two I’m taking the other one nice I fell four four okay so it’s the same interesting it’s the same that’s annoying I feel like no yeah it should be a little weird and different all right I’m out of here okay sleeping in your bed again sorry what the heck it’s closer I want to pass out I thought I had totems I don’t know where they are I might just fall asleep out here wa I actually made it to my own bed tonight we did it oh we did it [Applause] [Music] okay okay Marlin oh a banger is playing today yeah how dare they how dare they shaking all of it okay after I do all my chores I’ll be there did you did you wait is this a glitch junimo or is this a stuffed animal oh there’s a glitch junimo right here oh really maybe yeah oh there he goes I thought it was one of the um statues that I put down I was like what is he doing over here he was just lost song Bops oh it’s a banger all right oh cool wallpaper cool wait I need to get a I’m going to bring some some steps with me bring some steps with you yeah lunar let’s go somebody’s got to step out here somebody’s got to step it up to the streets Y what up bang how you doing dude [Music] I have stairs somewhere I don’t know where I put [Music] [Music] them he’s wearing the sh emote he is [Music] okay I’m G to bring that with me I’m g go to the island and and camp out uh so we could like really grind for a full day Su uh Liza how you doing dude bombs rocks [Music] stairs tent kit okay [Music] I’m bringing a tent so tomorrow I could go in and uh like start at 6:00 a.m. mm that’s smart [Music] yeah I’m also going to bring uh this statue with me the dwarf statue oh does it affect it yeah it affects any any uh mine stuff that you’re doing nice I didn’t know if it worked on the skull Cavern that’s cool though okay I’m going to put this dude right here greater chance to find geod I think that’s probably fine oh my God I almost used that snail I’m sorry I mean I can trade you mine eventually if you want cuz I have actually I kind of like Bob I would I would be willing to part with Bob though if you really wanted him hole or or Tori could hook you up with tickets as well sheesh Tori that’s that’s a common W right there f oh a Miner’s treat cool fell four levels oh my game’s laggy look at this it’s laggy oh my God yes it’s whoa I’m in like a new world Chad are you seeing this I’m in a new world what the [ __ ] bro is in a new dimension over there oh this is wrong it’s not lagging for me which is weird this is something else I need to leave and go back in that was something else man let’s leave oh that was just a weird bug okay they trying froze [Music] time Bros Doctor Who Doctor huh hole if my title’s goofy it’s probably from Ryan or John Cheetos maybe or maybe even Chloe or Miranda even even Kush finish dream home number four names all the options that is not all the mods there are good amount of others those are the ones I think would be up to something though I’m gonna hit this real quick what’s sup Cody how you doing [Applause] [Music] o this has to have something okay nothing lur you love to see it you love to see it o o Kush dang and so it was we finally find out the true culprit of the matter here the the the Kush fashion even devious John that is such an old ass alert or command for bro just go 1150 I think I’m going to go up uh now and then just grind a battery random [ __ ] I need to go I’m going to take a coffee real quick we’re going to lay right here yes wait do you actually mind if I take a BRB please thanks man I’ll be right back sounds good Chloe I don’t know if I did let me see oh yeah with the ones of your cat yeah yeah Fifi yeah she’s she’s cute I think I showed him on stream oh no I didn’t get that one he texted the wrong Chris probably that’s okay it happens let’s get to the gym Arc bro I can’t my back sucks Chloe it didn’t send I swear I swear to God it didn’t send oh I got the screenshot yeah I got the screenshot okay all give me a sec I gotta grab something here yeah I never got those pcks maybe maybe my phone knows that it like I hate those pcks I need to find what [ __ ] email I use for my stream where do I go for that I don’t even know where to go for that at all account settings probably that would make sense okay all right we’re back the Acres have been yeping dude it’s been good it’s been solid yo rat and cryst thank you guys for the reubs by the way to to give you so many tickets I want a cross it’s very nice of them very very nice thank you all for hanging by the way tomorrow we got Pummel with Julian Julia and B and then Friday we got GIC phone we got a lot of stuff going on tonight and tomorrow and Friday even in this week and Pummel Pummel will be good you’re missing pel party o tomorrow bro you’ll have viewers man don’t worry you seeing Noah Kahan tomorrow I’ll watch if you need me too Kush that’s a that’s a good guy right there going back to no audio okay I’ll be around unless I’m dead valid you saw him a few months ago what’s up Mrs crafty how you doing h all right there he is H man there she is saying there he is after like you’re the one taking a BRB is funny to me yeah like like you’re waiting on me but I’m like hey there there’s our guy like we’ve been waiting for for you man like since when that good that’s funny next bon star fire BL fire I don’t know yeah we’re a couple funny guys know sometime soon but not anytime like right like not not immediate it’s got to be like good weather and the right Vibe you can’t just you know you can’t force it you know let’s see here we got right now and I just leave okay actually I’m G to keep those I’m get rid of that oh dang she wasn’t kidding second Diet Coke of the day baby uhoh oh bombs cannot damage you yeah we’ll do that one uh is it really hot for you today um not necessarily it’s like 85 here maybe it is I don’t know it I think it was like a little overcast today personally I see yeah yeah it’s real hot real humid here it’s like hey figure that out you one that [ __ ] stinks ooh I’m trying to get as deep as possible so I could start finding like more of the um idium ores and stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz that that’s the better chance to get oo cool yo hot to go would be a fun uh emote on fortnite I feel like a fortnite emote that would be so fun you know they’re going to drop it eight months too late but because got to go through like 25 years of contracts or whatever yeah it’s very smart though are you getting the nck 30 skin I already asked you first yeah it’s called a call back Chris oh my God I didn’t realize you were into all that look it up man comedy 101 bro you would actually kill it doing improv no I’m too nervous to do improv nah you’re funny shush I’ve got I’ve gotten sorry for saying shush but you you you do good no it’s okay um I don’t think I would I don’t think I’d be good at it though because I think I would get too like in my head I get nervous all right you forever get in your head when you’re playing fortnite no well my head’s in the game when I’m playing fortnite you know so your head will be in the game when you’re playing uh no because it’s like different cuz you’re like in real person life you know yeah I guess you’re right I don’t know maybe if I like took a chill pill I could do it o a chill pill would help yeah we call that zanx or [Laughter] zoff but obviously talk to your doctor yeah no you’re right man true for what for what’s best for you thanks man all right I’m here bright and early skull Cavern all right I’m already at floor 17 it’s whatever though oh bro’s different yeah I’ve been working all day well I have to wait for Pam yeah she’s taking her time hey man she’s hung over let her let her live let her drive the bus let her drive the [Laughter] bus talk to your doctor to see if a bifi is right for you bro why is that thing not dying it’s not oh I knew it I got goofed what level are you on 17 or you you pass 29 now 29 bro I’m cruising bro it’s different oh my God I’m about to die don’t don’t don’t where’s your ladder I don’t see you wait wait what mine are you in the skull Cavern I’m a 29 where’s this ladder am I clueless oh did you miss a hole maybe I’m on 11 oh you might have missed a hole brother I might have missed the hole I might have found a ladder and missed the hole that’s okay it happens to us sometimes and man what can you do nothing what can you do just my luck okay oh another hole right there let’s [Applause] go H let’s go catching up now you got to be oh yeah they thought they could hold me back they thought they could hold me back bud no Chris melberger live in New York City when you know I it’s weird hearing you say my full name right cuz you don’t ever say it probably so it’s like there’s there’s that no I really don’t I like your last name though but I don’t really ever say it you know CU like why do you say your friends last name you know what I mean it’s like just a mess with them what’s up with that yeah I guess it’s like psychological warfare yeah like if I said your was right now nah I’m just kidding BR want to dox me so bad you’re like shut the I’ll curse curse I already forgot yours to be honest good keep it that way good your brain stinks bad brain bro oh great I just goed it’s not hster girl I know who would have thought yes yes yes yes what floor are you on I’m on 30 I’m on 46 bro’s cruising I can’t cruising I am stopping to hit some of the Rocks though cuz I’m trying to get to level 10 but other than that I’m cruising oo this is a fun little fun little moment [Applause] here just killed Barney the dinosaur Barney don’t kill him sorry had to happen though it had to happen bro had it coming he did de come on no Prismatic shards yet is wild it’s 5:00 come on it’s I know it’s only 5:00 p.m. you’re cruising bro it’s different yeah I mean I would have I would have seen it drop Kayla that’s why that’s why I I know my T is full but I would have definitely seen it drop for [Music] sure there we go one get us on the board Sammy with one y you seen one no I just got one oh yes yes yes yes we’re on the board we’re on the board oh I saw you there’s our guy I keep running away from you but not on purpose don’t run what the heck don’t run from the Gin sorry [Laughter] man oh I have bombs don’t hurt ont Ro’s eating cheese battery I got a oh there’s a battery pack yeah okay what do you mean I’m Sealing all the good stuff from Sammy we’re doing the Prismatic Shard quests yeah looking for uh ho I’m stopping anyways in uh hitting stuff where I need it I have to hit those double gray rocks cuz apparently those give more XP okay so I’ve just been hitting those when I find them or like the ores here we go this is what it’s all about down here nothing yet I never actually uh get this far and like stick around cuz I’m always like rushing to get to the bottom you know right true that’s weird it’s like all this all this this is kind of nice all this all right good for you guys didn’t realize you guys were chill like that no I really didn’t realize you guys were chill like that I really didn’t dude you’re crushing Elden ring by the way yo thank you what the heck yeah I it’s very fun so what what’ you say I said yeah I lur so what it’s a good vibe I feel like Elden Rings a really good uh Vibe just to like have on you know but I’m also like watching I’m like he’s still on that boss there he goes H he’s still trying he’s persevering huh he’s persevering two Sammy two yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah did you were you there last night when I killed the one boss to nasty girl or no no I I went to bed early yesterday I know dude so it was the boss um that was like giving me a problem and it was my final run with it with Nasty Girl was going to match my free playing and I literally killed the boss to it and I started dancing dude that’s funny it was it was maybe get that up on YouTube shorts that’s actually a interesting idea thanks it might rip I was no I was try I was trying to match match the boss’s freak cuz the boss was a freak for real for real for real for real it was like a rot [ __ ] tree demon dragon thing so I I I got to match this this guy this guy’s energy N I got to match this freak did you leave are you still here no I’m still here I’m cruising I’m on 85 bro L bro’s literally different midnight already great there she is oh I’m dropping bombs left and right now you’re good I don’t think they hurt me true nothing hurts me n I’m Different you know you know what nothing even hurts me anymore so what I wish I wish I could say this name ah come on man you got this six and Stones you know ow that guy did 41 damage that guy’s a creep gu’s a bad dude you know like it’s like that’s a bad guy yeah that guy’s a villain that guy’s a villain that guy’s on every list imaginable okay wait we got to go we got to go home Chris you can go I’ll stay bye I have a I have a I have a tent oh right right I forgot about that I’m sleeping in your house thanks someone’s got [Laughter] to 130 [ __ ] it’s getting okay I mean it’s a floor 90 dude we’re actually different straight up if that’s okay to say oh oh great oh I fell asleep right next to your bed I just made it in my [ __ ] tent nice that was way too close dude oh no wow all right I’m going to go back in there and just run for it do it man do it book sell’s in town today if anyone give the crap yes 19 okay okay uh bombs cannot damage you again let’s go yeah the the 10 is great it’s so helpful it really is especially when we were doing Ginger Island stuff when we say that again yep y yep yeah we’re going for prismatics that’s we’re trying out here wait I got a magic quiver shoots a magic Arrow at nearby enemies every 1.6 seconds yep that’s the one we love to see it that one’s cool as hell I can’t use it yet that’s soon soon you were built for the mines got to be bad luck today it could be but then we have a hole right here Andes Grim six levels is pretty good yeah that’s not too it’s only 8 a.m. we’re looking for four and we already got two so we’re kind of chilling another hole okay I usually just find the ladder and then um but I get there pretty quickly and then I get a few rocks and then I just continue and if I can’t get to the ladder fast I’ll just I’ll use it like right now I’ll just use one cuz the way this is laid out I’d rather just do this this one it’s worth killing this guy getting some bombs and [ __ ] then just going to this ladder right here cuz we’re kind we’re kind of speedr running right now which is good put a bomb down there these big guys give me a lot of uh rocks too which is awesome to make a ton of [Applause] yeah we are [ __ ] Cruising right now let’s get that right there okay this is really good Pace not even 11 yet we’re already at almost not even noon we’re almost at floor: 30 already yeah that’s what we call different out here in the business yeah someone’s got to Prismatic Shard yes dude yes yes yes yes one more for the road skin brother a crystalarium too randomly for who knows why oh cute on floor 27 okay we we got more uh batteries today by the way oh no there’s a hole there and I missed it two holes back to back never mind okay okay okay those ones are very close together H comms are wild out here sorry another chest iridium bar we’ll take it thank you bro luck has to be good today oh it’s got to it’s feeling feeling like something else you say that again then it’s feeling like something else yes he did it he did he did what I asked him to do yes you can eat a prismatic Shard if you wanted to yeah or be like crunchy and glassy it would taste it would be like um rock candy interesting eight levels take candy before yeah yeah I feel like it’ be like that texture you know okay even even if it’s naturally forming you think it has a rock candy Vibe still I I think so I mean I’ve never personally eaten like an IRL rock or like gem so I don’t actually know but I feel like it would be similar you’ve never been curious like what’s this amethyst going to taste like or this tiger’s eye no I’ve never been curious like that before have you um I’m okay on floor 48 mm I see so you’ve eaten rocks before nah come on you give that Vibe kind of what the [ __ ] does that mean Sammy N I take it back come on no you already said it’s too late people heard it already wait yeah Abigail eats rocks so bro’s doubling down man that’s that’s cool to eat rocks this guy ate rocks this R it’s fine you’re not alone man sometimes sometimes I feel like I am dude no you don’t come on bring it in you’re right call me call me later Chris all right thanks Sam call me later [Laughter] man oh Pop Rocks pop rocks have dairy in them fun fact they have dairy they’re not yeah wow I never would have thought what’s why is there dairy in it I don’t know but it’s in there makes you think it really does oh yeah this is going to be nice yeah I might have an idea or two to sleep on oh she’s got ideas oh she’s got ideas watch out dangerous who gave her ideas oh it’s need some more spicy eels yeah lot of meat there she is there’s our guy hey bud you any bombs uh yeah I think I have five nice let me see yeah watch out there’s a ladder right there we didn’t even need it that’s all right that we’re still good guys true nice oh lot of good stuff around these parts look at her go watch out take cover go go go go go go got a I got a bomb watch out [Applause] nice oh was that good that was pretty good actually thanks oh I needed that dinosaurs okay Jurassic Park I’m just going to build another one do it we need one or two more one more hole oh double hole okay okay ladder nice can you get them in the barrels or no I don’t know probably these just in case oh my God that bat dropped a witch hat I already have one though so you can have it if you want that’s fun ladder I might have to go home okay sh H made it just in time just need one more why they praying on our downfall like that I don’t know and we we can get it from anything I think we don’t need to we can get it from like opening something uh like opening GE I hit Level 10 mining let’s go all right let’s do one more day and get the last chmatic Shard real quick okay cool I’m down yeah we have a good amount of omni geod that I could crank open if we have good luck this I don’t know if it actually matters or not though I need him for a key Quest y ow my Noggin thanks for the three months I appreciate that dude [Applause] [Music] I’m going to put the witch’s hat in your dresser sounds good you have so many scary mannequins everywhere yeah it’s fun we have fun here it’s fun just a couple guys being dudes you know I have a bunch in I have a bunch um in in my in my chest but I don’t think it counts you have to find them I’m pretty sure what’s up Alex y s Arana thanks for the 57 I appreciate that [Music] dude yeah you have to find new ones oh it’s Clint not there to open geod today cuz it’s like Friday or [Music] something or can I still do it [Music] [Music] is [Music] yeah I had a second kid and we Nam it peanut butter [Music] [Music] [Music] bro is not here man that is so annoying so do I have to will he open St up if he at the [Music] um other thing or no is he just not working today cuz I know Clint’s here no he’s a dick what a [ __ ] douche [Music] H H we’ll bring that anyway Who’s the bird bird following you that’s my uh that’s my little friend she’s a fairy [Music] though what’s up Bear yeah that’s Gary all right I’m going to get that bomb bomb heels bomb’s canot damage you that’s good I don’t want I don’t want it though [Music] oh there she is hey there bud wait what happened how’d I lap you you didn’t you I never started cuz I was going to go to Clint to to get stuff but he’s not working today cuz no want to [ __ ] work anymore classic you know so I was wondering why I couldn’t find a ladder after a certain point I was like where’s our guy dude’s not here here yet D press not here right here nice ladder ladder is today the last day no we still of a while but I was wanted to get it done today oh no no no I was just I was just seeing like where we were at mentally you know what I mean oh yeah yeah last day of for of of uh started yeah I think okay cool ah yeah yeah yeah what watch out for that yo what up Megan happy birthday dude hello hello bday G’s in the chat guys if you got him come on give us give it give us it right now who cares [Music] another another ladder right there another ladder down here another ladder oh that’s a fun little setup this one yeah we’re trying to get four Prismatic shards yeah we’re trying to find this last guy over here yeah it’s like hey you know it’s like hey give us one more guy any ladders I think we have to take out every single freaking rock it looks like oh hole oh let’s go only three that’s fine these little guys out of here hle oh nine you want to give me all your any stones that you have or do you want to make uh stairs real quick yeah here oh as well just don’t drop it in there thanks welcome oh hate what you just munch on I heard it in game piece of cheese nice yes yes ladder up at the [Music] top oh man ladder nice come on Prismatic sh right now nope they don’t want us to win man ho nice we’re going to pass out no no no we won’t I can’t I can’t pass out yet I’ve got a job to do got I’m I’m booked that day I’m booked I’m booked and busy dang oh I don’t even have a TP on just I’m just goofed down here that’s all right you’re still a good guy I’m just going to sleep in this little corner make yourself a Little Rock blanket all right what do you think should just pick up on this when we come back that’s all she wrote all right guys we’re gonna have to pick up on that when we come back and hopefully we get the fourth and final mhm lot of problem progress today though I skilled up a ton which is awesome same that’s good oh the trout deres today too dang all right I was going to have us do our iconic sign off where we’re standing next to each other but we’re too far away I think oh and I’m also already out yeah oh bro’s gone sorry bro bro quit the game so fast dang was like I’m out of here man n come on I’m not said I’m out of here nah that’s not my style

Welcome to Yupp Acres. Sami and Chris start a new Stardew adventure together with the release of update 1.6! Vanilla run with NO MODS. #stardewvalley

This is part 19 of the playthrough – Summer Year 4.

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