I Added CUSTOM WEAPONS into Minecraft…

well I had a cool idea what if you could take random weird items and turn them into weapons just like this sword so that’s exactly what I’m going to do me and my friend are going to spend 45 minutes collecting and Gathering materials in order to fight however I’m going to be using custom weapons with special abilities with um without telling him and if you guys want to be in videos just like this one then join my Discord it is free and the link is in the description now enjoy the video all right Henry we just have to collect everything we need in 45 minutes and then we’re going to fight okay bye where did we start I’m just going I’m going go go hello Henry okay once again we’re out of reach I can’t hear him ooh Cherry boss and blim okay did I just say cherry boss and blim I think I did that’s embarrassing here we go easy Woods I’m just going to grab five of this and then run because I want to find some sort of structure cuz I don’t want to farm food unless I absolutely have to it’s just not looking good I might have to just Farm food first thing I need to actually do is just get the item that allows me to convert wait is he near me can Hamry hear me oh good basically I can convert items into custom weapons and the item we need to craft is this one it’s pretty simple I just need iron and coal basically once we’ve got that we can start focusing on collecting special items is there anything not even a village nothing oh okay good at least there’s a cave and you know what it’s looking like I’m just going to have to waste time getting food normally like an absolute slow man the first item I actually want to go for is an iron ingot because one we need it to craft but also we can do something insane with it so I just need to keep looking can I see any iron near me here actually yes okay good and don’t be one one iron angor really wow okay we need six to do the thing I need as well as coal which I can grab from here ooh what cobweb entanglement discover a spider cave okay good good for string I like this LOL he has no idea what I’m looking at and to be fair neither do I oh they’re cave spiders nope that’s no no no we need armor I’m actually just going to grab a load of pigs okay yeah that should be enough also plenty of wood should be enough what how has he got diamonds okay that’s terrifying okay okay okay go iron good this is what we need please be more than one really I want to get this stuff done okay moreai good EC on please be four nope just two of course story of my life I’m going to make a few torches cuz I don’t want to deal with this Freer reer how I was miles away from that that’s fine there’s more iron there of course of course the skeleton saw me thank you Creeper Creeper don’t okay great we are going to need to start healing but that is all the iron we need I’m going quick grab it come on where’s that zombie where is that zombie it’s coming near me that’s the iron that’s the iron good we’re actually just going to stay safe down here because if I die this is over and hemry hasn’t even done anything yet good we’re fine we’ll stay here for a second there we are furnace get that iron smelting I also need to sort out my food situation because this is bad right now thank you the rotten flesh is going to have to do oh yes didn’t give me hunger okay we need two more iron inot let’s make our coal block just like that right this is where it goes well now we go boom boom yes and we get what are you doing to my cave oh my goodness whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa do not shoot me get out of my cave man hry this is my cave you need to leave right now okay well you’re lucky I only had one Arrow uh you know what I’m I’m going to leave this here oh that skeleton almost shot that everything’s fine everything’s fine oh my goodness he literally we got the weapon Hammer as he came okay right iron inot this is what I wanted to show you boom We Chucks on the floor we right click it and we get this this is an iron Boulder because it is a weapon because wait where’s that skeleton gone why shoot this skeleton with it Y come on come on come on someone cool down wait wait wait yes hit him no no no no oh no the back oh my goodness it’s just destroying everything hit him kill it oh don’t hit me don’t hit me oh no oh okay that was bad that was really bad so yeah this iron Boulder it just diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds are you kidding me thank you yep yep yep oh my goodness we can get so rich Henry left me at the worst possible time what an idiot okay we’re going to be picking up so much rubbish now we just need to make sure we collect everything we can need just do be so careful though oh my good it goes on for so long we just got so many diamonds what we don’t need any more diamonds we have got 19 diamonds loads of iron as well so much xp I need to go back and get my food though thank you how much iron is this as well 15 iron and if we want to go back up to the surface yoink takes us all the way up I don’t even need those diamonds but oh my goodness oh my okay yeah we’re leaving gold as well thank you I need to get out of here before I start dying this is not smart now because we’ve got the iron Boulder we need to go for the next one which is made out of gunpowder oh gunpowder please did that drop a gunpowder I wasn’t even thinking gunpowder okay gunpowder gunpowder we’ve got the gunpowder okay I need to not die right now I don’t even have an iron pickaxe and I’ve got 19 diamonds I don’t remember where I was I need my food now is this where I was did I blow up my stuff do this I think this is where I was did Henry Oh Henry didn’t come from over there where did I come from I’m actually so lost right let’s just let’s just be smart about this because otherwise I’m just going to die oh end do not come near me right now this is not safe making a shield I’m doing it thank you good all right and now once we’ve done that we can turn this gunpowder into a custom weapon right gunpowder yink what is that there’s the end what is this gunpowder Blaster right click to shoot a powerful gunpowder rocket while also launching yourself backwards sneak to explode at your location but take no damage oh okay and oh ender pearl we literally just can’t oh no we need this ender pearl thank you I’m just going to make a diamond helmet now uh also we don’t need to make a diamond sword we’re getting custom weapons this is eight attack damage how long’s to cool down on this okay it’s pretty slow so it’s not as good as an axe oh my goodness so if we boom explode oh my goodness I need to shoot this at more mobs oh oh my it just killed the skeleton in one okay we’re going to have to go back up to the surface in a sec but this is very good and we’ve got this ender pearl we’ll go do that on the surface I just want to collect my iron and get out of here first we’re going to make diamond no we’re going to make a diamond chest plate yep and diamond boots as well yeah okay fine fine I should have made a pickaxe but whatever it’s fine it’s all good oh get that diamond down there as well wait a second if I go oh I don’t I don’t do this this will just go through everything oh please tell me he doesn’t please tell me he doesn’t figure that out I’ve only just got an iron pickaxe but I’ve already got 19 diamonds that’s the diamond yeah I need to go up to the surface cuz we lost all of our food doing that explosion thing let’s go boom pickaxe we’ve got a bow don’t need that we make a better bow all right so so far we oh and we can do this we’ll do this up at surface so far we’ve got the iron Boulder which lets us mine super easily the gunpowder Blaster which is actually insane is there any mobs around here I can test on creeper dead oh my goodness it’s insane it’s also only got a cool down of 5 Seconds 3 seconds to right click so we just go dead what okay Henry okay okay we need we need to hurry up Henry’s getting Enchanted I’m going up and I’m going to turn this end Pearl everything’s I’m done that’s hilarious oh he got me L bro as well that’s just rude up thank you and then we can just build up a load of blocks I’m not even going to bother with in chance is there any point I’m just going to let Henry think he’s got a massive advantage on me and then he’ll just get absolutely cooked and he has no idea that’s so funny so much rubbish we don’t need because of that stupid Cannon all right here we are the ender pearl waa why is that 3D what is this ascended ender pearl iens if I right click this oh my God how long does this keep going for sneak to teleport where you’re looking no way we just teleported from over there okay this is insane this is insane we just go Boop over there Henry’s chasing me I just go Boop over there he doesn’t have any idea I jump over here boop I’m free oh my goodness and then if I want to travel somewhere far yoink I want to see what’s around me actually cuz I need food let’s go grab it it carries Ono as well does it I bet it does damage aim at this pig okay it doesn’t okay it doesn’t do damage to the pig that’s fine we just need food food is all I need give me food nice now my guess is that hry won’t be anywhere near me right now out so that’s perfect let’s just stick all these in and whilst we’re doing that should we just destroy an entire Forest just get a load of wood because I need more wood and I’d rather use wood as building block so let’s just go y okay yep we have in fact destroyed what okay we’ve destroyed most of the forest that’s lovely so many planks just lying around for me apples as well we can already make two golden apples any more for me here we’re going to keep this in my third slot the ender pearl as my getaway come over here to my furnaces that’s so good we’ve got plenty of crafting tables now I always craft loads and loads of crafting tables just to annoy everyone in the comments for some reason you guys get so angry I love it it’s just so passionate and now we have plenty of food okay which is good actually because the next thing I want to do is go to the nether so let’s make a bucket yes grab water and now we just need to go find a lava Port there was definitely one down here if we go yoink you can just teleport all the way down oh armor okay don’t be stupid now I need to go to the nether where was the lava pool it’s over here perfect oh my goodness this is the greatest day of my life uh oh wait what am I doing okay that was close need to remember that it’s I keep pressing R which is my zoom key it’s just shift shift shift okay right let’s do this and because of the mining thing we’ve got plenty of Flint for flint and steel okay boom yes okay nice I see you oh oh my goodness wait we just saw hry we just saw Henry Henry don’t do this don’t do this don’t do this how Are You full diamond get away from me get away from me hey hey hey you why do you have an enchanted sword because I have full enchants bro your your Armor’s Enchanted get out there I came here to get potions what are you doing oh my God nope I’m leaving I’m leaving yeah yeah this this is my Fortress this is my Fortress you stay over there okay I’ve muted my mic I just need to get blaze rods and I’ll be sorted okay okay here no I need one Blaze one Blaze R is all I need cuz we need to get a fire charge this is why we’re here okay I’m so low I’m so low okay oh Place r i can literally leave I can leave I can leave it’s good I don’t know where hry is go like that no okay ouch all right I think emry came down I’m going in I’m going in oh no he’s still in there okay he’s getting wither skulls why why what an idiot okay okay good break that and you know what just fill it in so he comes through a different one do not need to deal with that right now right there’s all we needed now for a fire charge you need one coal which we’ve already got one gunpowder and one blaze powder where is the Creeper Creeper I need to go shoot you let’s uh let’s have a ride on up here see if we can see any creepers in this cave you literally ask and you shall receive let’s go yoink gunpowder oh my God this is going so perfectly okay yes gun powder yoink yoink boom boom and boom fire charge and S a sword fiery saber okay okay okay I’m not going to read what it said I just want to right click right click oh my what the is that okay wait that’s huge that’s huge wait if I what it’s firing at a beam wait a second wait wait let me let me look at myself quickly yeah we shoot out a beam and then we turn stuff into The Nether oh my goodness let’s freak Hamry out let’s freak Hamry out so much oh my goodness it’s just contaminating the whole world if I right click this creeper does it kill kill it what is I can’t see what’s going on is the creeper dead well it’s not there anymore so I think it’s dead right click to shoot a beam when collides with an N steel block summons a 5-sec fiery beam from the sky damaging and setting nearby entities who are not holding the saber on fire oh so I can’t do it to myself I’m fine in here so if ever I need to hide from hemry I can just do this oh that’s so cool okay oh okay don’t like that 15 minutes left now the next item we actually need to get is something that we’ve come across I need to go up to that spidery cave back up to the surface so we go okay idea we’ll go like that and then we just hold this we go yoink take me up oh my goodness and up we are boom jump off here where is that cave it’s right here literally right as we come out and a little shooting star flies away oh my goodness this thing is awesome okay right so now this is this is where we saw everything isn’t it yeah this is where we saw everything this sword is insane there was a spider down here wasn’t there okay yeah we need a spider eye okay spider spawner nice oh yep good hello okay that’s fine go away surely a spider eye somewhere no spider eye okay nothing great and whilst we’re here let’s just start smelting stuff why not get all our gold smelting we can make two golden apples actually I think we can yeah we can always make three I just need to get a spider eye oh yep I hear spider ow what the come on spider ey spider ey spider eye no of course not oh my no no oh my goodness I’m on half a heart I’m on half a heart I need to play much more carefully okay we’re we’re just turning it all into The Nether down here let’s do it I’m going to keep doing it okay okay makes it so much easier to mine yes get rid of all these cobwebs come up here buddy come on no spider eye again oh spawner as well wait is it a spawn no it’s just part of this spider eye yes okay torch torch torch I want to be able to see what I’m doing yes oh my goodness oh that’s the fire sound as well so we just can’t get harmed by it that’s insane okay thank you okay spider eye spider eye what does this do oh my God what is that oh no get out of here and we’ve only got 10 minutes left great poison staff right click to enter a poison mode when nearby entities will be poisoned oh my okay sneak to shoot a cave spider that poisons and spawns cobwebs at the Target wait oh we can get hemry stuck and so you’re poisoned but it’s cuz you’re a cave spider so it doesn’t bother you okay that’s fine but that was poisoned that thing was poisoned okay up we go please back up to the surface go yoink fly the way up there we are easy nice okay there’s a reason I’m the goat there’s a horse yoink yep here we are poison oh so it keeps on me everything near me gets poisoned for a while that’s insane I like that and then if I go yoink trapped yoink traps okay okay we just need to be careful doing this because I don’t want hemry seeing everything the final thing okay the final thing is red stone red stone why did I not get that in the cave okay good news is that’s so easy we just go like this let’s go think good go straight down oh this is going to be so easy to find Redstone just took us to the bottom of the mountain with no issue whatsoever I left all my gold I’ve got to go back yeah it was over here come on it’s already been 5 minutes okay that’s bad get out of here you all suck thank you okay Henry’s ready and waiting what how how is this man so prepared making two golden apples that is not much but at least it’s something right you Redstone keep going down yep there we are right here in this cave thank you we go yo oh my goodness and Redstone thank you we’re out we’re leaving let’s go up here up here again and we’ll just keep going up until we’re all the way up the absolute last thing is redstone a chest oh my goodness right click to spawn a random naturally generating loot chest yes please what oh okay iron that sucks can I do it again cool Down’s only 5 Seconds okay nice now it hasn’t what oh of course you can get empty chests please tell me I can get a good one that’s what I’m talking about that is what I’m talking about gold can I get load Stone oh wait I just realized one I could potentially get I could potentially get an ncity chest let’s keep going till we get an ncy chest mending no terrible also better food thank you Golden Apple yes now we’re cooking come on I’m going to go until I get an chest efficiency five are you kidding me oh great of course there is one minute left of course there is oh entity knock back two that’s quite good we’ll keep that diamonds we don’t need we’ll take them just so hry can’t get them even though I don’t think he needs them got a bow we’ve got our poison staff I won’t need to use the iron Boulder at all the gunpowder Blaster though I will definitely use okay yeah none of these I need if I need to run away and get something I can let’s do it okay I’m running to 0 yeah meeting at Center just going to fly over please tell me hry doesn’t see this please tell me Henry doesn’t see this okay I’m not going to hold out my sword I’m going to hold my enchanted iron one so it doesn’t look like I’ve got much Henry okay I see him I see him he’s on a horse now we just got to wait for kit to arrive wherever he is hello buddy oh Oh Henry wait k before you come any closer you okay there oh oh what the you’re lucky I only had two I’m for you what the hell is that here we are come on buddy you want to go yeah let’s let’s do it let’s do it what the hell was that okay uh you know what no no no no no no it’s it’s time to drink up some potions okay I don’t like that I don’t like that for one reason one reason only oh no oh no oh no what is this wait oh oh here we go yes yes oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m at one and half I’m coming down coming down Henry oh my God that almost killed me oh buddy you’re going to regret that oh I have some nether no not again not again not again not again oh my goodness oh my goodness why fire what the hell is that what the hell is that what the hell is that hey there man how you doing oh my God you do so much damage nope see you oh my goodness oh oh my goodness Emory yes ow leave me alone this is good dude you just did four hearts in one hit yeah the strength’s got to hurt man the strength’s got to hurt right come on buddy get away with your stupid Little Rock throwing at me come on I have more than enough time to dodge these like I don’t know why you keep trying oh oh my that was so close you know what let’s come let’s do this hey that’s what huh huh come on what is this what are you doing why am i p oh my goodness yes no oh my goodness oh my goodness down okay okay I don’t need that uh okay strength yes come here you know what no I I mean not my no apple oh no that’s bad that’s bad yes yes on I can’t see oh my goodness oh my goodness how are you not dead dude your AR oh my what is that bow that one too boy no oh my God Doge that no oh now he’s in a hole love bucket come on what no no yes oh my goodness come here wait I already block my okay okay okay okay I need to be so careful where are you kids out fire away ow okay I shot that with my arrow yeah yeah come on now oh oh I shot it again wait I can just shoot them wait this nice okay oh oh no yes come on oh yes no no no no no no no no no no oh my God come here come here hry yes no oh my goodness oh my goodness no oh oh my God no oh how are you not the shield saved me oh no I’m out of heals good good I’m checking this what’s in these chests nothing nothing what’s in these chests oh oh wow that’s trash loot go away go away Henry hry check this out and I’m out of arrows okay wait this is not good ow ow oh my goodness oh my goodness ow ow ow ow ow okay heal up heal up he up emry coming buddy oh no no no no oh no oh my God you want to do this let’s do this I was not expecting You’ be there quickly oh oh the strength this got to be strong enough no no what I can’t even see you where are you I can’t heal I can’t heal cook it off no come on no oh oh my God oh my goodness no no come here come here Hamry come on come here come here come here oh no no no no I got to get away got to get away got to get away no come on come on come on come on leave me alone k no come on go come here out got to get out come onry I will use it come here no no no yes no come on come on yes absolutely destroyed I love this sword I hate this

I Turned Random Minecraft Items into WEAPONS… (Hardcore Challenge)

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  1. I hava a video idea that I think could be interesting, 100 days (your choice of hardcore) as a dragon. The mod I had in mind was Dragon Survival by BlackAuresArt. Where you get to play as a dragon! I have personally played the mod and it is fantastic! So check it out if you want, I think it would be cool. I hope you at least see this comment…

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