Minecraft, But You Click The Button

Minecraft but what happens if you click this red button W it just got bigger and it’s dropping powerful items and abilities can I hit this button one million times to save the server from the mafia overlords so uh this button just appeared out of nowhere I don’t knowwhere I launch nuclear missiles on the USA and I don’t think the president’s going to be too happy with that but it’s just calling to me it’s calling to me ah who are you guys want you to keep pressing this button do it all the server will be ass yeah funny funny funny the mobster one mobster bro you’re making me laugh guys the server will be yours really really uh look at the IP it says ey server my name is literally in it right okay and all my fans can join on any device they like for that kind of ridiculous trees and heresy see L uh you don’t have permission huh why am I no longer RP this is my server did you all do made sure you wouldn’t be able to cheat it what keep clicking the button or things will get work hey hey oh no no if they were able to disable my admin privileges that means they really could take over my server well I guess we don’t really have much Choice I’m literally a glorified clicker right now whoop do did you see that I have a click counter it went up by one so I just have to keep doing it I’m a famous YouTuber out here and this is how I have to spend the rest of my days tied to the button click it how how much longer do I have to do this okay come on seriously H the button just grew it’s a living button what the hey wait wait what’s this in my hand clicker let this robot click for you and I got something else here as well hello I am your clicker robot let me press the button for you wait hey yo dude why does a Loki look so cute aw this is so cool I have my own robot and wait what does this button do satellite remote control okay hey yo activate wait no sat found please summon giant satellite to use wait you’re telling me that the bigger this button gets I might get my own satellite station here let me give you a hand until the mafia get back what do you think they even want wait who’s this person what are you doing are your fans hey I’m so glad to see you guys okay can you help me click this button I need all the players we can get so if you have friends please contact them bring them out here LMO are you laughing at me I know this sounds crazy but I’m trying to save the server a group of Mafia threaten to take over if I don’t click the button watch too many movies what way to get op items no no do you know how much time I spent building the server for you guys I don’t care about being good at it what are you even talking about dude I I do this all for you I’m not trying to get op items or whatever you’re talking about Hey ow ow ow ow ow no no no wait my clicker stopped going up they destroyed my robot no that’s the last STW out of here you bozos click that button oh wait what it just got bigger it got bigger and I got a new item the slapstick you mess with the wrong guys see you later boys yo I can literally just Spam this and fling them into Oblivion yeah you you coming you you coming back you’re coming back for more ow ow ow O O O D real Cito your friends they haven’t lived see you later girl you’ll be back really yeah and when you do come back I’m going to finish this job and baned you all right clickers going back there robot get to work do you think I could use that on the button as well check it out guys it’s flying up we’ll be done with this job in no time and so me my robot and my giant slap Sticky Thing continued to smash that button things were actually going pretty well until H with the clicking guys nothing has happened in like forever this is lowy getting kind of lame oh wait I just got something in my inventory hey yo am I shooting out lightning no no no electricity oh this would be useful if those players ever come back here oh I’ll show him who boss wait it said make things go faster and it looks like a little battery in it do you think the electricity could like supercharge the button oh I think it could what look at the clicker dude I don’t even need to press the button anymore Electro I use the stuff we’ll be done in no time look at how much faster it’s going there’s no way I could click that fast power to the button oh yes guys I can’t even see the numbers they’re moving that quickly that is insane right now Electrify why did it stop working huh huh wait what huh it’s not working why is it sparking out like that what is this the smoke ow it’s a full electrifying me what uh-oh uh guys I’m sorry I didn’t mean to break the button I I didn’t mean to you need to press the button not Sho your way through it what what difference does it make here guys use this thing to fix the button whenever you can’t press it but what thing what is that is that a some sort of like bone do it through the damage wa oh wait I think it’s working yes we once again have reestablished the clicking protocol okay so we really can only click it we can’t cheat our way through this but then why give me a staff that I can’t use I don’t understand what are you trying to tell me button whisper it to my ear I am [Applause] listening all I hear is click click click I don’t understand I don’t speak more mod wait what if instead of using it on the bottom we use it on our robot oh wait this is genius activate ultimate clicking speed yo it’s just going Flip Flip Flip Flip come on Buton give me something good and hopefully not something that will bring the mafia back here oh it grew bigger and I got not just one but two things okay buddy what is this robot Golem pet spawn egg Golem that quintuples your button presses huh it’s like a baby Iron Golem but like robot form wait I just noticed something guys every click that our robot’s doing is now times 5 oh this is insane so if I use the slapstick as well would that also be times 5 oh yes now we’re really talking some serious upgrades Never Back Down never what never give up and we can even use these villager minions what is going on what H are you seeing this it’s building a village but not just any Village this is like a a a village a castle dude these are going ham they’re absolutely chuning on this what is this supposed to be some sort of worker camp or whoa look at their arms dude they going I have never seen villagers do that before and we could use the Energizer stuff to speed them up right wait excuse me guys I where are you going I was only going to electrocute you what kind of magical beds did these villagers invent okay maybe another one hello bro I literally gave you this Village and this is how you repay me okay look at least there’s two of your brothers who are at least doing something we don’t need them anyways guys we got slapstick we got a little robot Golem over here and I’m going to call this guy Fred and Mike we just got a new item I think for reaching 5,000 but it didn’t grow so I think it grows on every multiple of 10 but we get something new every multiple of five what is this Farm plot let’s Chuck it down look at this dude okay this is more than a farm is that a wait is this an automatic farm okay well I I don’t know how bread was going to help me click the button but at least something in these chest will help me me right it’s just a farm producing bread unless someone else liked bread I have something that might motivate you have some bread oh he’s up he’s up and about have some bread over here I forgive you for uh just you know betraying the team and everything why does this button want to be pressed so much I very odd I I don’t get it here but we are almost at 10,000 guys which I can assume at least from the pattern that’s been happening so far will be our next unlock and hopefully we’ll see this boy get a little bit bigger each up my fellows villagers I will continue supplying you with the bread hey yo check it out when I gave them the bread guys they started clicking even faster click the button oh we’re almost at 10,000 all right we’re got to do this together as a team boys I know I threatened to like murder you before that thing is huge and hold up is that a is that my cursor no wait wait I have two cursors but one of them is an item clicking Factory need more fire power for your button this s sounds dangerous and I like dangerous let’s see what this thing does baby wo wo wo this is insane what is I don’t even know what’s happening here it’s not doing anything for my button it it’s not increasing the clicks at all hello Factory do you guys have villager workers as well why are you not operating what what does this say main Factory control okay do I just need to click this button click of factory requires coal to function let’s head underground and grab me some coal without wasting any time I ho to a nearby then got to work ladies and gentlemen we got ourselves the coal wait why is the clicker stop are you serious did I not feed you villagers enough oh no no no no no what are they doing they’re killing our villagers are these the guys from before they are is the button sparking did they break the button no you guys are paying for this prepare to be electrified wait continue pressing the button to charge the stuff excuse me I I need to fix it oh my gosh okay we got to go fix it get the wrench out get the wrench out okay we got to fix this thing he’s trying to press the button yeah I am trying to fix the button get out of my way ow ow ow no no no no no I can’t even electrocute these guys are you serious right now I’m going to need to fix that button if I want to activate my stuff again all right slap you away see you later come on come on fix it fix it fix it slick them away like flies on my wind screen see you later what do you guys have against my little robot here dude wait if it’s not sparking anymore we should be able to use the Energizer stuff oh you think you got the best cuz your diamond armor where all your friends are dead and you’re next see you later bye-bye we got the factory and it’s about to get lit in here we’re generating actual clicks hey yo does that like multi click it hey that did like 10 clicks at once dude we’re going to have a clicky operation now we are securing an absolute ton of clicks all at once bring in the clickies baby surely by now the mafia’s got to have enough clicks where even are those bozos anyway okay inhuman reaction giv you all no don’t wait no I need the satellite control don’t take that we reached 50,000 did we get anything new clicker Squad summon an army of villagers to shoot for you let’s see what this does guys what are those tags actually I’m going to stand out of the way I’m going to stand out of the way go go go go go go go run run run what are they doing what’s going on Chia huh bro it’s an entire Squad villagers with like little are those Nerf guns they’re using Nerf guns to shoot the but that is too good look at them they’re all like villagers really are the strangest men alive and who where do these guys come from what are these the FBI of the villagers oh guys this is so good we’re about to reach 100,000 this is about to be awesome the button didn’t grow bigger this time though but we did get the satellite laser surely if we’ve got a full-on satellite the mafia will be happy with us right and let’s see what’s going on Chia clickity click and wao whoa whoa wao what is going on okay NASA just called and would like our video budget because holy moly that is a satellite okay I don’t know which how many people we had to pay off for that and uh how many illegal crimes we committed to afford this but we got a satellite and it’s not doing anything uh hello over Roger Mr satellite man we would like uh some assistance please over Roger sh all right activate what dude the power is unlimited unlimited power I just joked on all that power guys it was a little much for me there this is crazy this is insane oh dude we’re going to reach a million in no time at all I can’t believe it I can’t believe it this is crazy man oh oh yes yes wait what what what’s going on what’s going on no no no no no no no what happened did it overload did it blow up wait a minute what is that who’s launching TNT at us no no no no no no no bro are you kidding me it’s these guys again wa what did I just get did we get that for 500,000 this a giant hand Auto clicker Auto clicker oh oh suly mully you’re done for you think TNT a little small little Cannon gets St me prepare to be Auto L to the face look at him he’s just instantly dying over and over oh you like that is that tickling is that tickling you stop destroying the button and I’ll let you go oh is that tickling a it bro he’s so glitched out there’s like five of his bodies okay we have Auto clicked the game to the next moon look at him tried to typ oh what are you going to promise oh what is that what is that you want it to mess with me let let me poke those little boys little little poke oh you stop you stop all right fine I’ll stop auto clicking you what is going on dude I have literally broken the game I’m pretty sure uh his entire PC just crashed oh normally I feel bad about that but these guys are really getting on my nerves right about now dude they damaged the factory are you kidding me well you know you needs that when we have the power of the auto clicker oh guys I cannot wait to see what this does to the button [Applause] activate look at the speed the speed is mighty and powerful oh my gosh dude that button is huge oh the Mafia the mafia are back okay okay all right stay calm stay cool okay good work thank you thank you oh wait I got this Treasure Chest did I get that for a million bro I worked so hard to get this but I guess the whole reason I’m clicking this button is to save the server who needs the treasure anyways here you go mafia boss I hope you all are happy now can we please give the server back wait we can’t risk you living enjoy this new form wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let’s talk about this H why am I shot why can’t I move I’m a Buton no you guys get back here o o i I’m the admin I can ban you no I mean I can’t at the moment but I will guys what do I do what do I do I literally can’t move I’m I’m a button what has happened to me there has to be way out of this form maybe one of the items wait it’s Ethan it’s my friend oh Ethan over here down here can I get some help please bro is he in Discord wait o a button no no Ethan don’t you dare hit my face stop hitting my you’re standing on my face not the stiny face he

DO NOT Press the RED MYSTERY BUTTON in Minecraft or ELSE… Find Out What Happens Next!

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๐Ÿ’™ Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
๐ŸŽต Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


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