I Did EVERYTHING in Stardew Valley 1.6

well here we are 1.6 is finally out and I just want to do a completely traditional casual playthrough the only goal is I want to do absolutely everything I’m not calling this a Perfection run because I’m doing things outside of perfection such as getting all of the achievements and filling up this new menu that includes things like the new book powers of course we will also be getting Perfection here’s s he’s on the blue farm and homage to the new type of tree and my favorite thing is train because a lot of this playthrough was recorded while I was riding on a train of course we’re playing on the brand new Meadow Farm it comes packaged with a coupe and two chickens during this playthrough I’d like to focus on animals a lot more than I usually do as opposed to crops this play style will be supported by all of the blue grass around the meand farm which gives double the Friendship when eaten as opposed to normal grass and it’s really pushing you towards this our getting started mission is no longer Harvest a parsnip it’s harvest an egg and those 15 free parsnips you get at the beginning of the game now it’s 15 free hay despite this I do still want to have some crops so I clear out the field and I go to the store to buy mostly potatoes with the 500 gold I started out with while of course introducing myself to the town I’m not really decided who I want to romance yet we’ll figure that out as we go on I’m also doing the traditional day one Forge hunt and during that while I’m in Cinders saap Forest I found some suspicious very large trees those were definitely not there before I plant the potatoes and all of the mixed seeds we’ve found and that’s pretty much day one watering that crops on day two presents an issue I ran out of water in my pale not a big deal right there’s a pond nearby no not on this Farm the closest source of water is the river all the way past my Coupe that’s an issue unique to this Farm since day two of course we get the fishing rod I’m not interested in pushing to hit level 10 in this first spring so that I can catch the legend however I am interested in trying out a lot of the new features added to fishing so I’m going to push for that a little bit and also yes I’m playing with controller I thought I’d give it a try just to see how it is and it’s uh pretty nice it’s very relaxing compared to playing on mouse and keyboard like I usually do I fished until I hit Level One fishing and God bless you can see when you level up because a popup comes up that says you’ve got some new ideas to sleep on that is such a nice quality of life feature I also see the fish smoker recipe being sold at Wily shop I want that the next couple of days consist of a lot of hunting for forgea bles and fishing speaking of my first achievement was the fisherman achievement for catching 10 different types of fish it’s a little easier than usual because there’s now these sea jellies that act as trash items that you can fish up now one for salt water one for freshwat and one for the caves which I haven’t been able to get to yet by the end of day four I’ve managed to get a piece of copper from one of the treasure chests while fishing I earned enough money to buy the rest of the crops I’ll need for the spring crops bundle and I’ve reached level two forging and level three fishing the fifth of spring is always a busy day we finally get access to the community center and the mines opens up so I go and check on one of the bundles just to see that I can’t read it yet and then we head up into the mines while working my way down I did manage to get one level up and I did randomize the mine chests so out of our first chest we got a wooden blade instead of boots I’ll take it and lucky me I got a small glow out of a barrel not super important but it’ll make nighttime a bit easier to look at I tapped out on floor 16 with 55 copper to show for it not too bad so I crafted a few furnaces and had them work overnight surprisingly I got level one in both Mining and combat so it seems like you only get one level up notification per day I’ve got some of the mixed seeds I planted ready for Harvest plus the brand new carrot crop this gets me up to level one farming I just toss them all into the shipping bin to fill out the ship list The Wiz invited us to drink a potion so we could understand the Juno language and we do so no questions asked I grabbed the four spring forgea bles we’ve collected up to this point and head on up to the community center and I forgot to mention I also randomized the community center bundles and since I ate all of my spring onions last night in the mines I can’t complete the spring foraging bundle all of the other bundles here look the same except for the winter forging bundle which now requires Holly I’ve heard that some of the remixed bundles include the new items introduced in 1.6 and I wonder if we’ll get to see any of them lucky for me when I went back and checked I did leave myself one spring onion in storage so I complete the spring bundle I take this opportunity to take a sneak peek at some of the other bundles we just unlocked some crop bundles got swapped around now including the new forage crops and I have a garden bundle where I need four of the five given flowers and somehow my fish bundles all came out vanilla I go and donate my first three items to the museum I’ll need to complete this both for the achievement and for the star drop and then I go and talk to jod and now I’ve officially met everyone in the valley I spend the rest of the day fishing at a bubble spot I can just barely reach in the lake and I got to level three fishing from it I uh planted some rice on the far side of the farm and the crop fairy got them all right all of those potatoes we planted are ready today and I just barely have enough money for the backpack upgrade it leaves me completely broke it’s been a while since I’ve played the early game without having clay farming so money is a little rough catfish from a trash can to rebuild my money a bit I spend the 300 wood to reach the tide pools and I sell all the coral I find also for every couple of fish we catch we can now change the style of our bobber in Willie shop I choose to move on to a pink one and I do a little bit of ocean fishing while I’m here it is ls’s birthday so I give him a leftover parsnip and I spend the rest of the day just talking around I’m usually pretty bad at building relationships so it’ll be a bit more of a focus this time belal hand I’m starting to get a lot of items so I’ve implemented the gift chest this is where any geodes gifts or items that need to be donated go it’ll help me stay organized and thus concludes our first week we’re going to move a little bit faster now that you have an idea of our daily activities we have quite a bit to go through after all the next day was another mines day we hit level two mining pretty quickly on floor 20 we got the elf blade which is normally unobtainable unless you have the remixed mines chests it’s all right but I’m still so weak HP wise that it’s too risky to start using daggers this early I reached floor 30 and then I did something I normally wouldn’t have done I’m grinding out bugs for the bug Slayer goal and that’s because the insect head got two different Buffs in 1.6 first it now only takes 80 bugs and the damage was increased from 10 to 20 to 20 to 30 mind you that’s about four times as much damage as our current weapons do that and it still has plus two speed and crit chance I’m playing a little risky but I do manage to reach the Slayer goal that night the adventurers Guild is already closed so I’ll have to come back for it another time petting my chickens has finally netted me my second farming level up I busted open a bunch of geodes and donated nine more items to the museum unlocking both cauliflower and melon seeds and then I went to push the mines down to floor 40 which is as deep as I can go comfortably without upgrading my pickaxe the chest with the slingshot is not randomized like the other chests the same will be true for the master slingshot and the the star drop I also forgot to grab the insect head but we’ll be able to use it next time we got a rainy day so I’m going to push my luck and try to catch some early catfish usually I’d wait until reaching level five fishing but there’s no reason not to try and while I did hook a few wasn’t able to catch any I did make just enough money to upgrade a tool though and so we got our copper axe started I hit level four fishing and unlocked to the new Deluxe bait as well as the buffed worm bin looks like the deluxe bait needs Moss though and we haven’t been able to find any up to this point spring 11th is now a very important day in 1.6 as it’s the first day that the book seller comes to town unfortunately though I have like no money so I have to scramble to get a bit before visiting and that’s how I found out that you really got to save up some money before this everything was several thousand gold with the cheapest thing being 3,000 all very cool bonuses though speed Buffs experience and seeing the price of items in your inventory can’t wait to get them I catch a chub to complete a help-wanted quest for Willie these help-wanted quests by the way are going to be very important since after doing three of them we unlock a ticket that was my second one I also have to do at least 40 of them for an achievement I donate a carrot and a potato to the spring crops bundle and some wooden Stone to the construction bundle I’ve been saving up a lot of the fish I’ve caught and I’ll donate them some other time our copper ax is finally ready now that we can cut stumps I focus on getting the rest of the resources to complete the construction bundle by 3:00 p.m. I have everything Unlocking The Boiler Room bundles at a glance all that’s new here is the treasure hunter bundle replacing the adventurers bundle and I won’t complain about that I dump all of the fish I’ve caught into bundles and then get a head start on some of the Boiler Room bundles from what I found in the first few trips in the mines egg hunt day as always I go for the gold and I get it this marks the first hat acquisition not the one we’ll be sticking to but it’s welcome nonetheless I also grabbed some strawberry seeds of course they’re the best seed for spring the green bean has grown so I donated to the spring crop bundle leaving only the cauliflower left I decided my next big purchase is going to be the fiberglass Rod fish tend to be my go-to money maker this early on so I’ll make the money back quickly and on that note I spend a good portion of the rest of the day fishing I managed to not only hit level five fishing where I chose Fisher but level six as well which introduces the brand new bait maker and sonar bobber because I need instant gratification I immediately sell all of the fish I’ve been stockpiling up to this point now that they’ll s for 25% more thanks to the Fisher profession I also use this moment to test if the new sea jellies will be affected by Fisher they sell for a good amount on their own and then I go to catch some fish from the mines Lake from all of those fish I made a decent 7,000 gold unfortunately those sea jellies don’t get the Fisher bonus so they’re much better off just being used as crafting materials that money gave us our first money achievement for making 15,000 gold we complete another Help Wanted quest for jod and since this is our third we get our very first TI ticket we head into Louis’s house and he gives us a rundown on the brand new ticket machine the idea is to incentivize people to help out around town with the promise of rewards a very neat idea I’ll take my 12 Kat seeds and prde today was also the day our cauliflower grew so we donated to finally finish the spring crops bundle and unlock the bulletin board bundles all right what’s the damage looks like we have a brand new bundle called the helpers bundle which needs one ticket and five mystery boxes which we haven’t seen up to this point and the only other change here is that we need an aridium bar instead of a red cabbage honestly good and now it’s time to start divvying up all the money we made first we’re upgrading our pickaxe to Copper there’s no need to buy any more seeds since I just got all these carrots from the ticket machine but would you look at that I have enough money to get a barn just need to grind out some wood for it and by reaching level four forging we get a brand new mushroom log recipe I really like how early we unlock some of the new stuff not that I have the items to craft them spring 7 was the first of many zone out days I walk around talk to people as I see them give some gifts grab the forage catch a few fish and cut a few trees that’s really all I can do before my pickaxe finishes upgrading I do have a lot of money that needs to be spent though so I start building a barn picking salmon berries keeps me busy for a few days usually I’m one to make use of the trick where you exit the game and then reload it so that the berry bushes are filled more but that was actually removed in 1.6 so I’m really focusing on making sure I get enough this time finally I have my pickaxe back so we head back into the mines and I got to say the ice floors feel so good with the new and improved insect head 20 to 30 damage is nuts for this early on on floor 50 I finally get my first pair of shoes the combat boots and I call it on floor 55 mostly because my inventory is getting full now that we have iron we got to start smelting it the barn is finished so I’m going to clear out some of the areas around the blue grass so hopefully they start to spread more we have a bit more money left over which I’ll use to buy some of the recipes from Robin eventually we’ll have to craft them all it was pretty slow going so we stop after only five floors getting the iron Edge from the chest nowhere near as good as our insect head third Museum donation trip it’s another eight items and that’s 20 total bought a cow ladies and gentlemen today was the day while I was fishing I found our very first book The Jewel of the sea which gives fishing treasure chests a chance to hold the row of fish you caught which yes for the first time ever you can now get the row of legendary fish we’ve made 25,000 gold total so Demetrius visits us to set up our farm cave so while I believe fruit bats would probably benefit us more in the long run along with the mushroom cave getting a little bit of a Nerf I’m interested in the free dehydrator you now get with the mushroom cave so I choose that first set of stobs ready that stands for strawberries but I shortened it so it’s cool got a few fish to donate as well as a gem and a bar for the boiler room and today is is the second book seller day there’s two a season and even though I barely have enough for the book that shows the sale prices of things in your inventory I’m not ready to give that much up for it yet I have no idea how the dehydrator works so we’ll try it out with five salmon berries and it’s about that time we’re setting up basic pathing to all of the important spots of our farm both to prevent any debris from piling up and for the slight movement speed buff next day our dried salmon berries are ready we’ll be selling them to see how it does we get the steel pickaxe started during all of our gifting Caroline has always been the priority and it’s finally paid off with the tea sapling recipe we’ll get that in the mail tomorrow while I was cutting a tree I got yet another book and I didn’t even realize it until 5 minutes later it apparently makes trees have a 5% chance to have double wood interesting effect I did hit level five foraging and I go with gatherer I’ve cut down a ton of trees so far so I’m good on wood also the salmonberries sold for 62 gold a little more than a 50% increase from the original sale price so I’m once again doing something I wouldn’t have done in 1.5 I’m planting my tea saplings so the raw sell price of them was decreased by half but when you break planted tea bushes you get the tea sapling back So the plan is to grow some tea and then break it and sell everything and we should make more than we made before if we only sold the tea sapling it’s dance day I choose to save my money and not buy the tub of flowers recipe get and unfortunately I didn’t hit four hearts with anyone so I just watched the dance I have a huge Harvest the potatoes ready which is important because they’re one of the crops in my quality crops bundle with that everything we need from Spring specifically is done the steel pickax is ready which once again Yes means back to the mines not to go deeper this time though I actually need more copper since I blitzed through the first 40 floor so quick and lo and behold yet another book this one gives monsters a small chance to drop double loot upon looking it up I found this is a 3% boost which is pretty nice I do dig deeper down to floor 65 after getting about 30 copper on our way out I donate an Earth crystal to the bundles Boiler Room is pretty close to being done completely ticket number two has been acquired plus another five floors in the mines netting us the master slingshot and five floors barely squeezed out after that we got a bone sword dropped from one of the skeletons and as much as I don’t want to say goodbye to the insect head it’s time it has the same damage stat but a slightly higher speed [Music] stat wait a mystery box drop it seems like we’ll be able to find them around the Valley now I wasn’t actually sure what set off that cut scene if it was dependent on the day or what so I looked it up and turns out it was from collecting my second prize ticket now that’s happened I actually knew that this existed before from when I ran around exploring the 1.6 update right after release there’s a little box right behind where the book seller usually is that contains yet another ticket even though I do need one for the helper bundle I go ahead and use both on the ticket machine since I’ll need to find five mystery boxes for that bundle anyway we got a fruit tree sapling and some new mixed flower seeds which work like regular mixed seeds but now with flowers wake up it’s milking time I decided to get just a little deeper into the mines I reached floor 80 and got G the templar’s blade just absolute dog water weapon only weapon in the entire game with a 0% crit chance I’ll keep saying it if this weapon has no haters I am dead it’s not even better than the bone sword or the insect head that we already got rid of funny though just a minute later I got a tempered broadsword from a crate and it had two innate enchantments yet another new mechanic it got a slight extra crit chance plus slime gatherer which I’m assuming makes slimes drop more slime It’s the final day of spring but there’s no rush because we’ve already done everything I set out to do this season kind of sad I didn’t go for the legend though because we got rain on the very last day of spring would have been good we have a huge Community Center Trip doning some flowers I’ve been holding on to mushrooms we got from the mushroom cave and exp 80 plus loot from the last trip into the mines and this unlocks the final set of bundles the vault which don’t get remixed I’ve raised 10,000 gold and so I’m going to make one of the most important purchases of this entire run I’m buying the fish smoker recipe with the right setup this could make us Oodles of money that’s a little while off though and now we’ll just do some chill fishing to end off the [Music] season summer begins with us immediately getting another book Power Jack be nimble Jack be thick can’t put that in a kid’s game it gives one point of Defense we do the usual for the beginning of a season buying a bunch of seeds mostly blueberries for profit and we get the farm setup which takes most of the day and I have the last few gems I need for the treasure hunter bundle which fully completes the Boiler Room unlocking the mine carts it’s time for the start of season chores Gathering the new forgea bles which we turn in and complete catching new summer fish and going for the ice pit the hardest fish we’ve caught so far I’d like to focus on hitting the bottom of the mine soon since I usually like starting skull Cavern runs in late summer on floor 90 we got the bone sword not very good at this point and we managed to push to floor 100 earning our first of seven star drops that’s a huge milestone after a few harvests of our mushroom cave we’ve just about got the Exotic forging bundle finished pushing down to floor 100 the mines earned us tons of geodes netting us four more items to donate to the museum it’s really starting to slow down now for sure time to continue the mindes dive on floor 109 I found an immunity ring not the most useful thing but it’s neat to have and on floor 110 we got our second pair of shoes from the chest the crystal shoes and that’s the last of all the remixed mines chests we’ll leave the end of the mines for later I did reach level five combat and I choose fighter I really want to clutch out the mines early so I get right back to it the next day and by 5 p.m. we reach the bottom obtaining the skull Kitty we’ll be back a lot for things like ore and The Slayer goals though I spend the rest of the day catching summer fish from the ocean now that the mines are done things are going to start to slow down we’re attending crops Gathering materials smelting all of that gold all in preparation for our next big set of upgrades our next quest for a ticket has appeared just gather some Stone and that’s the ticket I take this opportunity to go ahead and build our Silo too upgrading our axe once again and I complete a simple fish quest for Demetrius marking our 10th Help Wanted Quest giving us the Gopher achievement just 30 more go from reaching floor 120 of the mines we have the mining level to build lightning rods now and I build a couple to prepare for repairing the boat early and since the mines are done it’s time to start one of the most important grinds of any playthrough the dust Sprite Slayer goal for the burglar’s ring which doubles loot from all monsters it’s still one of the wildest items in the game even after 1.6 this won’t be one trip though we’re going to be working on this for a while 500 dust Sprites is a lot on the ninth both the summer Spangles and sunflowers were ready completing the garden bundle the steel axe is ready and again we have a million geod to pop open donating eight more items now at 38 total and now that we have both the steel Axe and pickaxe there’s actually a new secret on the east side of pelicant town for a book the alleyway Buffet gives us a slightly higher chance of finding items in trash cans also with the steel axe we can finally reach the secret wood since I sore off any kind of exploits for this run acquiring hardwood will be added on to the almost everyday chore list and before leaving we of course need to grab a wood skip I also go around clearing hardwood off the farm and I make a few donations to the specialty fish bundle on the 10th we have our first harvest of batteries giving us five which is enough already to repair the boat once time comes and while fishing with what is easily the best aesthetic bobber in the game we get the best treasure in the game two wood while cutting down some trees on my farm not only did I get our first mystery box of the playthrough but I got the starty valley on Almanac as well this is one of the books that doesn’t actually fill out anything on your power screen it just gives you some experience so for the luau I want to try something the result of the soup is based on both the sell price of your item and how much it heals when it’s eaten based on those two numbers almost any smoked fish should give the best result so I’m testing a smoked flounder and sure enough the best result so if you’re not sure if you have anything good for the luau there’s your solution this gives us two more achievements one for the Friendship game and a new achievement for getting the best results another stormy day while we already have the five batteries we’ll eventually need to fix the boat to Ginger Island more are important mostly for aridium Sprinklers and crystalarium big get I remember that the workbench exists if you haven’t used the workbench before use it it allows you to use all of the materials in nearby chests when crafting which helps out the whole item Shuffle every day our first blueberries already on the 14th which were the last crop I needed for the summer crops bundle and as another another win I go and buy the idium rod fishing is a pretty big Focus right now because with our fish smokers the level 10 buff from angler is going to go crazy so we’ll be doing a lot of fishing during which we were able to finish the lake fish bundle and it’s finally about time we get the second backpack upgrade further making Inventory management a little bit easier that’s often one of the biggest issues with perfection runs by the way you’ll have to hoard so many items for later on in the game that you’ll have multiple chests you’re juggling between and finding items can take a a lot of time if you’re not perfectly organized so every bit helps later on WE complete our 12th Help Wanted Quest netting yet another ticket and I really don’t need this one at the moment so I’m going to donate it to the helpers bundle and the reward for completing it is a stardrop tea this is a new item if you haven’t seen it before it gives a full heart when given to an NPC or three hearts on their birthday the important part though is that it ignores the one gift a day limit and the two gifts a week limit which is huge if you give someone both an aridium loved gift and a stardrop tea on their birthday that’s an immediate seven hearts these items are super rare though so we’ll have to use them well next building to be built is the fish pond mostly for the caviar later on when we unlock the missing bundle more geod six more Museum donations the total donations now is 46 out of habit I went to the TV to check the weather another storm would be nice but uh an anonomous reading that sounds spooky well that’s kind of like rain so let’s go ahead and upgrade the watering can and now I bite the bullet and get the lava eel it’s such a long wait through all of the trash but there it is and we won’t have to catch another one waking up the next day we have green rain and we’re not able to check the TV at all outside everything is super overgrown and there’s new clumps of grass that give us Moss there’s a bunch of new Mossy trees too which drop Mossy seeds so I can have these trees whenever I want all they is increase the rate of moss that grows on nearby trees not good for much else funny enough today was also a book seller day unfortunately I just spent all of my money both on the backpack upgrade and the idium rod so still no books I found everyone huddled in the saloon worried about a bunch of different things The Fish Everyone Else God’s Wrath it’s actually really spooky and a crazy tone shift from the rest of the game although it’s really cool to see how the villagers operate in a crisis situation I spent quite literally all day getting as much much fiber and Moss as I can this opportunity only comes once in a year popping open our first Mystery Box speed grow just so you know the items I pop out of these mystery boxes are never too fabulous nothing I ever need for any kind of progression just some items that are kind of nice to have while fishing I managed to get yet another Jewel of the sea book and if you’re wondering what it does now it just gives 100 fishing experience which is equivalent to catching two easy difficulty fish like chubs or bream with a perfect aridium catch so not a lot I hit Level 9 fishing that night close to being able to use that huge money Boost from Level 10 all of that money we got by the way is from selling tea saplings which still make crazy money even with the Nerf the next day marks the annual Trout Derby before I head to it I get my big Coupe built and I spend some money buying the first few Vault bundles it’s trouton time this works as a great time to showcase the bait maker the way this event works is that trout will have around a 33% chance to hold a golden ticket and trading in a Golden Ticket will give us some rewards that 33% can be super frustrating though because you’re not guaranteed to hook a rainbow trout in the first place that’s where the bait maker comes in by putting in a fish you get 5 to 10 bait that has a massively improved chance to hook the fish it was made with what exactly that chance is depends on whatever fish it was originally but with rainbow trout it seemed to be around a 95% chance which is really nice that made this entire event simple to complete the bait maker is one of the best additions to fishing because it makes so many specific goals like this much more enjoyable I got a couple of interesting items a sprinkler some mystery boxes a crab pot the only unique item was a new bucket hat which was pretty neat the next day it was raining which gave me an idea I have this bait maker now so let’s try to use it to make some money I head to the secret woods and catch a catfish and then I use the bait maker to try and catch as many as I possibly can all day catfish not only sell for a lot of money but also give a good amount of experience being one of the more difficult fish in the game so we’re knocking out two birds for the price of one here the catfish catch rate was almost 100% I caught 39 catfish and only one carp and wood skip each as with all the other fish I’ve been catching I won’t sell them until I hit Level 10 fishing it’s the last week of summer so finally we get to harvest tea from the bushes we planted all the way back in Spring we’ll Harvest them every day for the next week and then sell them all at once to see our money Skyrocket got to grab an apple tree since I chose the musroom cave and it should be grown before the end of fall I’ve started tapping trees enabling us to complete the Exotic foraging bundle and we’ll need Oak resin to complete the enchanters bundle we have a couple of things to donate to The Artisan bundle as well one day of tea leaves earned us 2,300 gold so we’ll be getting that every day for the next week and with that money I finally buy the big chest recipe from Robin and with the leftovers our first gold upgrade for the pickaxe so for the last few days I’ve been spending a lot of time just standing around smoking my fish on my farm I want to cut out a lot of that weight time so from now on while I fish I’ll be bringing the fish smoker and Co with me so that I can just smoke fish right after catching them I pretty much just fished for the next two entire days until I finally got the notification for hitting level 10 fishing and right after that I hooked the legendary Crimson fish I’ve been hoarding so many smoked fish for this moment and that night of course I chose the angler profession for the 50% boost to the fish sell prices and then we start shoveling fish F in you may be wondering why all of this is a big deal why I keep talking about it so what smoking a fish does is it doubles the sell price that and it retains its quality so you still get the double price from it being aium quality and if you also have level 10 farming with the Artisan profession smoked fish get the bonus from that as well but I’m not that patient regardless these fish are going to sell for a ton of money gold pickax is ready we waste no time and get the copper trash can going and now from all the fishing chests we got we have four more items to Don to the museum and now we can finish the ocean fishing bundle as well as the Crab Pot bundle and as if this day couldn’t get any better propeller hat from a tree I’ve been jumping from hat to hat as I get them but this this is the one it’s always been in the game by the way it’s just now you can find the ones you normally have to tailor in the wild like from trees or monsters and I really like that really makes me feel like I was meant to find this hat our chests are starting to struggle so it’s big chest time look at that that’s never going to fill up nice all right here we go 82,000 gold the one smoked Crimson fish on its own made 6,750 gold man that feels good and we still have the te saplings to look forward to first thing to use all that money got to buy the rest of the Vault bundles giving us access to the desert tomorrow I went to upgrade another tool but I forgot my trash can was still upgrading also this is a few days after the update where you can now use the blacksmith while the tool is upgrading very cool I also wanted to try something else I heard that Evelyn now likes broken glasses of all things and sure enough she does apparently they’re her old glasses that she lost next use of money our first house upgrade knocking off another 10,000 gold and earning us a kitchen I don’t really have any use for it yet but we will need it eventually for Perfection I’d like to get more gold tool upgrades to spend our money on but I need more gold so that’s what we spend our day on bus stop and level eight forging giving us the new tent kit recipe don’t really have any uses for it now but it might come in handy later and almost right on time another book seller day I buy the price catalog letting us see the value of items in our inventory and way of the Wind part one slightly increasing our movement speed the final day of summer has arrived which means it’s time to cut down all of these tea bushes yes I could leave them up for another month but I think having the money from them sooner will help out better than money a month down the line This is actually the same reason a lot of people consider the t- bush changes to be a heavy Nerf despite the fact that you can Harvest and sell the bush itself for a larger profit in the long run it’s a trade-off for sure I’m not sure which side I actually prefer I’m also spending the time to properly set up the farm with quality sprinklers so it won’t be as much work tomorrow and we see off Summer with the dance of the Moonlight jellies a lot of people call this the most useless Festival but you can’t deny that it’s one of the best songs and visuals in the game tea saplings earned us another 20,000 gold that night back to work time to set up the farm I’m grabbing tons of yams since they’re in our quality crops bundle and a bunch of cranberries for money because they’re the best for money fight me and a couple of pumkins just for fun I also plant the rare seed bought from the traveling cart need it for a stard drop what a beautiful site a fully sprinkled farm with fall our special orders board has been built and there’s somewhere around eight or so specific missions that we’ll have to do from this for crafting recipes so I was uh busting open mystery boxes and yeah I got that prizzy that was a 4% chance as for the board I take the biome balance Mission required for the farm computer recipe I immediately head to the desert for the first time hold the Prismatic Shard above my head and stand in the middle of the three pillars for the Galaxy sword this is the best weapon we can access at the moment so it’ll be what we use from now on while I’m here I do just a little bit of foraging and look at that broccoli seeds that’s about it for now I’m not really prepped for a skull Cavern dive yet I took some time to forge all the fall items and donated most of them I just haven’t found a hazelnut yet the die bundle is also almost done thanks to cactus fruit found a hazel nut and donated it leaving just the winter forging bundle in the crafts room time to do our monthly fish catching some of the new fall fish from the ocean in the river and fall fourth is going to be the day of our first skull Cavern dive I still have to wait for Pam to get to the bus at 10: a.m. though so while I’m waiting I do a quick Quest and get another ticket giving us a bed I’m also going to utilize the kitchen for the first time to make a mchy roll and fried egg both for the chef’s bundle and then we head to the desert it’s a little later than usual but this isn’t intended to be a super deep dive we’re just dipping our toes in starting our first skull Cavern dive with the Galaxy sword by the way wonderful usually I have to struggle with like the obsidian Edge so this is a nice change of pace early on I got a hole with the max amount of skipped floors 15 so immediately this turned into a not half bad run I found and defeated a dinosaur no egg unfortunately but they drop a bunch of skeletal artifacts that I still haven’t collected yet I’m getting quite a few decent holes so I’m kind of zooming until I I died from the damage of jumping down a hole but wait holes can’t knock you out so what’s up turns out the nearby serpent hit me at the very last moment after I chose the option to jump and it must have knocked me out unreal and of course the aridium ore I gathered was lost it’s only eight but it’s not nothing well I did catch a tiger trout before I went to the desert so now we can donate it to complete our riverfish bundle I also caught a sandfish in the desert completing the specialty fish bundle and all that leaves for the fish tank is the night fishing bundle wheat was ready today we’ll need that for the fod bundle when checking out the traveling cart I noticed that a truffle was for sale for 1,875 gold that saved me a lot of time and money from upgrading my barn and buying a pig so I go for it I do buy a duck though both duck eggs and feathers are useful for all sorts of things and that truffle completes our Chef bundle I also donate the wheat while we’re here I’ve got to recover their rum ore with Marlin’s lost item service it’s only 100 gold per ore so it’s not too bad open up some geod from the skull Cavern trip leading to just two more donations in the museum that’s 54 donations total dangerously close to the 60 we need for the rusty key for the sewer we don’t immediately need the deluxe Barn anymore so I opt to get the deluxe Coupe going mostly for the rabbits foot we’ll need for the community center I spent some time fishing to raise yet more money and very quickly I caught the angler it is the easiest legendary fishing after all and that night my first aridium bar finished melting and I used that bar to complete the die bundle I spent some time fishing until I finally caught a walleye which is the last fish we need to complete the last of the fish tank bundles which will remove the glittering Boulder tomorrow the book seller is back but man is it so expensive I’m still not willing to spend more and I uh forgot that I need eggplants for the bundle I’ll buy the seeds now for the next set of special board quests neither gives us any crafting recipes so I take the one for Gathering hardwood as it gives us an excuse to work on our forging level a bit and before I forget I briefly head to the mountains to grab the copper pan hitting level eight farming has earned us kegs I don’t actually plan on using these too much I want to focus on the other methods of making money that were added in 1.6 it’s Blackberry season I’m not actually going to focus on it too much this year I have plenty of money to buy food at this point if I need it although it is neat that you get experience from harvesting from bushes now and we do bring linus’ Berry basket back so if you didn’t know the copper pan can finally be upgraded in 1.6 and I really want to try it out so I’ll be upgrading it as much as I can immediately with our Deluxe Coupe finished I buy a rabbit in addition to the rabbit’s foot it’ll also make some wool for cloth since I don’t have any sheep we also had our first harvest of pumpkins today leaving only the eggplant left for the fall crops bundle level 9 forging getting really close I finished Gathering all of the hardwood we needed for the special order and honestly I thought about maybe just keeping it all but seeing how special orders actually give you a ticket every time you complete one I turned it in anyway it also contributes to the 40 quests we need to complete for the Gopher achievement for that Friday’s traveling cart I grab a pomagranate tree probably way later than I should have got it but we can just plant it in the greenhouse once we unlock it I grab the ticket from the special request and I use the two we’ve built up to get mushroom logs and a pomegranate tree well our next reward is a big deal I can see that it’s a book power I just don’t know what kind I set up the mushroom logs and I plant some pine trees around it I don’t plan on them being a major Money Maker but it’ll be cool just to test them out I’m going to use a trick I learned recently might work might not I have some leftover winter roots that dropped in the ice floors of the mines if I put them in the seed maker I can get winter foraging seeds which in turn can lead to me collecting the winter forgea before winter if I grow them in the greenhouse it all comes down to if we get the greenhouse unlocked early enough to make use of it we’ll see and my eggplants are ready today now it’s just down to completing the quality crops and Artisan bundles to finally obtain that Greenhouse I also have a ton of leftover yams from growing them for the quality crops bundles so they can be used as gifting items for a while vegetables are a universally liked item by everyone except for kids so they’re always a safe B level 9 farming so close you may notice that I’m really trying to push for level 10 and all my skills and there’s a very important reason for that that we’ll go over later I use the money I’ve built up from farming buying all of the crafting recipes from robins and you no longer have to back out for each braier type that you buy which is nice steel pan is ready I crack open a few geodes and donate three more items to the museum and we’ll also upgrade the last basic tool we have left the hoe I made the decision to buy another rabbit I’ve had times where it’s taken absolutely forever to get the rabbit’s foot even with a very happy rabbit so so I’m taking no chances y’all it’s about that time we’re preparing for the skull Cavern once again the luck is bad but I’ll still give it a try before we go though the first set of mushroom log Harvest is here interestingly it seems like tree saplings still increase the amount of mushrooms you get but they don’t yet influence what type of mushroom is made I use the mushrooms in the dehydrators it seems right since you get five at a time and it’s Monday which means another special order I choose Gus’s famous omelet since I have plenty of chickens for all of the eggs and even though it’s not required for a crafting recipe that extra fridge will be super useful when it comes to knocking out all of the cooking recipes and at 10:00 a.m. we head to the skull Cavern not much goes on we get plenty of crummy ho drops until another prizy from our first skull Cavern chest and from a dinosaur a dinosaur egg other than that though our luck is still pretty rotten so I bail on floor 20 at 5 p.m. yeah I only made it 20 floors in after 7 in-game hours y got a cloth from a mummy though which I can donate to our Artisan bundle Jin’s up it’s the stardew Valley festival as you may know it’s important because it has one of the star drops but funny enough it also has a ticket and I want that too I didn’t have anything really all that amazing for the gr display but that Prismatic Shard really makes it come together it does win us the contest and good thing it did because I didn’t realize there was a new achieve achievement added for it you know what happens next gambling yay it took a while a long while but I finally gambled enough money for both the stardrop our second one and the ticket we bring the ticket to the machine the next day and finally get that book it says it helps you become friends with people a little faster I actually looked it up and it’s a 10% increase which is huge as a reference that makes an aridium loved gift given on someone’s birthday give you over four four Hearts got my five gold corn today completing the quality crops bundle we only have one more item in the Artisan bundle and we’ll have the greenhouse that’ll probably be an apple from our apple tree and even though we got the most important item from the ticket machine I still have to do help wanted quests at least until we get the achievement for doing 40 of them I have three items to donate to the museum from our short foray into the skull Cavern and that is exactly 60 items we’ll have something to look forward to tomorrow morning sure enough we get the Rusty key we also got the last of the eggs we needed for Gus’s omelet today next tool to upgrade the pan to Gold yes I know I still haven’t used it yet but I really want to be amazed the first time I use it I’m wasting no time we’re heading into the sewers and meeting our buddy kovis and as you may know he sells a star drop for 20,000 gold which I’ve made sure I always have on hand waiting for this moment that’s our third one quick after the second something I’ve ignored up to now was Crab Pot fish I still haven’t caught any so I set up some crab pots in the ocean regardless of whether or not I need them for Community Center bundles I still need to catch them for our collection log before we got stopped by our bad luck I was super prepared to go crazy in the skull Cavern so I want to go right back in we still haven’t had a decent run for a good amount of a rmore but once again we’re just absolutely slogging through the caves only five floors down halfway into the day time to bail almost forgot there’s a few recipes we actually need to buy from kobis as well wel completing a quest for Carolyn we get the networking achievement meaning she’s the 10th person we’ve hit five hearts with if you’re wondering where we’re sitting in terms of relationships and we continue the quests by delivering the eggs to Gus for his special request and that’s another ticket we got bombs for helping the community that’s normal the dino egg we got has hatched so now we’ll be able to get as many Dino eggs as we want the gold pan is ready so we move on to the steel hoe for completing the egg Quest we got the mini juke box which I will never use a recording because I add in my own music kind of a shame really the rare seed thanks to the speed grow I used on it is ready early turning it into old man canoli in the secret Woods we get our fourth star drop only three to go another Monday another Quest aquatic population would have the same reward as the biome balance Quest we did before so we’ll take curious substance and so the infamous ghost hunt commences ghosts are pretty rare to start with and they only have a 10% chance of dropping ectoplasm for the quest West we don’t get it the first night I do however have an apple to donate to the Artis bundle which is the last item we needed for the greenhouse I’ll plant the two pomegranate saplings I’ve yet to plant in there since they’ll produce all year that way and I can’t plant the ancient fruit seed that we got from the museum until I get my hoe back I’ll also extend our pads to go out here a very important step we grab the steel hoe and we continue our attempt to find the ectoplasm still no luck but I did find the for experience book from a slime so that’s something and now we’ll set up the greenhouse with an ancient fruit and some coffee just two quality sprinklers worth for now it’s about time we get that shed going you know the one The Keg shed I’m not sure how much I’ll actually use it this time around I’d like to try some other moneymaking methods if I can fall 24th 1:10 p.m. Harvey said I have a healthy glow I will wife this man up that night we had some heavy wind along with the sound of a tree falling down that’s new and level 10 farming Artisan of course I head into cindersap forest and sure enough one of the giant trees is fallen down and I need to donate 100 hardwood to fix it up and I easily have enough so I slap it in perhaps someone will move in with more apples from our apple tree we now have everything we need for the F bundle now all that’s left in the Bolton board bundles is the enchanter bundle back to ectoplasm no ectoplasm plasm I decided to take another quick drop into the skull Cavern on the 26th our goal is to reach floor 25 as we have a quest for it that will give us 10,000 gold and this time it’s a pretty solid run I have a good luck buff from the spicy eels so luck isn’t nearly as much of an issue this time I did get red cabbage seeds it’s only when you don’t need them apparently and while going down I was thinking the carbon ghosts would give us a chance for the ectoplasm but it doesn’t seem like it because I defeated a ton of them and no ectoplasm drop I ended up reaching floor 48 we gathered 23 idium ore meaning we now have enough for either a tool upgrade or to fix up the boat to Ginger Island whenever we get that unlocked and we reached level 9 mining giving us crystarium I check on the fallen tree and there’s a raccoon living in it turns out it’s another sort of bundle type Quest he needs a muscle and a smoked midnight fish little random but I can do that while waiting for the Spirit Festival we hunt for all together now ectoplasm and I found it just kidding no I didn’t at the festival I buy both the rare Crow and the crafting recipe for the Jackal Lantern the only two things that we need from here I do also go through the maze for the golden pumpkin which can either be sold for 5,000 gold or given as a loved gift to anyone I’ll save it for now I’m not sure what I want to do with it and at last it is the final day of fall we only have two bundles left one needing a rabbit’s foot and a pomegranate the other for winter fora so there’s really nothing we need to rush for I started filling up The Keg shed and since I’ve now hit eight hearts with Harvey I give him my one and only bouquet I actually don’t have to give bouquet to any of the other marriage candidates for Perfection so they’ll all stay at eight unfortunately it does look like I won’t reach marrying Harvey this year unless we somehow get it to rain in Winter got a lobster and oyster from our next set of crab pots just a few more ocean fish to go and it’s our last day to do it I got to get the ectoplasm today or we’ll be taking that Quest again in the future ah nothing as a break from all the combat I’ve been doing I take some time to catch a midnight carp for the raccoon and fall comes to an [Music] end during the last few days of fall we collected some powder melon seeds from the seed spots in the ground and since my farm is split into two sides already I’ll set up one side for powder melons and the other side for the usual winter forging seeds also small detail you may have noticed that there’s still grass in the ground it can’t be eaten since animals don’t come out side but we can still cut it for hay a nice little quality of life change in 1.6 I grabbed the magnifying glass not only do I want to fill the collection list for secret notes but a few of them give hints towards really rare items that I probably wouldn’t find otherwise this week we need both of the quests that are on the board fragments of the past will be oodles easier once we have ginger Island unlocked so I’ll hunt for the Prismatic jelly and I’ll be tackling that today you won’t believe it but I actually found it immediately I deserve it bonus when I turn it in I get a fat 5,000 gold and it gives me the recipe for Monster musk the next morning this is an incredibly important tool for a playthrough that involves a bunch of Monster based goals like the Slayer missions or ectoplasm winter second is our patented fishing day trying to clean up all the fish we’ve yet to catch that are exclusive to Winter and now that we have Artisan the smoked fish are going to sell for another 1.4 times multiplier which is wild a quick and easy 15,000 goal and I didn’t even sell everything I caught that day I haven’t busted open geod in a while I have 36 Omni geod to go through as well as a handful of Frozen and magma geod I decided to actually keep 20 of the Omni geod to trade for treasure troves at the desert Merchant and I’m able to donate six more items to the museum that’s 69 items donated total nice only 26 to go I’ve waited a few days for the forgea bles to build up before hunting for them I dig up the snow yam and winter route easy enough there’s plenty of Holly in the secret woods and both crocus and Crystal fruits are found in the forest an easy finish to the crafts room bundles leaving just one bundle left it’s basically a waiting game for either the rabbit’s foot or a pomegranate I may have gotten a little stuck on a train that went by today if I didn’t have a warp totem I would have been a goner and the Quarry Bridge has been built now that we’ve collected some forgea bles we can populate the other side of our farm well we got to do it the hardest fish in the game the Scorpion carp I must have been goated some would say with the sauce because I caught it first try very important Milestone we’re too rich for basic torches so we’re upgrading to some wooden bers a lot of our time this season will be focusing on gifts things are going to start slowing down a ton with the community center almost done giving me a lot of time to just walk around handing people various vegetables so that’ll be a bit of my focus going forward we do have to check out the Quarry though I figure this will be a lot easier with bombs also the addition of coal nodes here is really neat I believe they can only be found here and in the volcano I’m also grabbing the golden Scythe from the Quarry cave but I’m very interested in this extra area they added from the update there’s a rock that takes like a million hits to break and behind it you can find skeleton Mages normally they would only be able to be found in the normally they would only be able to be found in the dangerous mines way later in the game unfortunately though they don’t really drop anything interesting and this area doesn’t really add much else so it seems like a kind of a weird thing to add well we grab the scyan piece out it’s another book day and finally I’m loaded I by way of the Wind part two increasing our base speed once again and old Slither legs which now makes walking through crops barely slow you down at all we now essentially have half of a coffee speed buff at all times next on the to-do list the legendary mutant carp one of the easier legendary fish so there’s basically no struggle and I got a treasure chest from it which gave me mutant carpo thanks to that book power we got earlier that’s just really cool I don’t know it’s just an item you couldn’t get before grabbing a few things from the desert Merchant a desert totem for our next dive some spicy eels and three treasure droves I popped them open and not only did I get what’s normally one of the first Treasures I get the chicken statue but I also got the treasure chest another chunky 5,000 gold our next tool upgrade will be the steel trash can on the fifth of winter I went to bed super early why I didn’t actually know it but in 1.6 winter gets dark super early compared to other Seasons it’s only 5:00 p.m. and from my quick glance at the game it looks pitch black outside so I went to bed assuming it’s late this happens a lot this season actually we have our first coffee Harvest and I take this opportunity to expand them out a bit I spent some time in the mines and I got two important secret notes the first asking me to reach floor 100 of the skull Cavern where we’ll then get a prize and the other to bring maple syrup to the secret woods and I oblig earning us the ever important ability to sell salmon berries and blackberries for three times the price it’s not important but it’s a check mark on the powers list level 9 combat from that trip into the mines and I’ve finally gathered items I need for the raccoon and as a reward we get 25 powder melon seeds now he’ll be able to start a family and I can plant those seeds next day is the ice fishing Festival which I’ve come to consider the least memorable of the all but there’s still one thing we need we grabbed the Snowman rarecrow from the special traveling Cart shop and we do beat the ice fishing competition we didn’t actually need to beat it for an achievement or anything but we get the shy do hat which is better than any reward I could have asked for on the ninth my house got upgraded again which I pretty much only needed to do for the achievement and we go for the glacier fish which is actually one of the harder legendary fish to catch but I was able to catch it even without any fishing Buffs like I said goated with the sauce so I’m swimming in money I don’t really have anything pressing to use it on so I used the large majority of it on the catalog allowing me to change the flooring and wallpaper of my house to almost anything I want I just wanted to make our side room a bit of a Vibe 10th of winter it’s a great luck day I have that note to reach floor 100 of the mines and I have a desert totem we’re going to give it a try we’ve got bombs plenty of food and just about the only thing I don’t have at this point are copious amounts of staircases things are going pretty well I’m already at floor 27 by the time I would have been able to start if didn’t have the desert totem in fact you could say that we’re positively zooming mostly in thanks to the over a 100 bombs that I’ve packed you’d be surprised how much they speed things up and around the floor 70 point I just get back to back to back holes that send me all the way down to floor 100 and that’s our idium snake milk reward adding 25 points to our health permanently I didn’t stop there we kept going until we couldn’t anymore not only is the aridium valuable but the Rocks here give tons of mining experience and the the monsters tons of combat experience both of which were just barely off of level 10 from I end up finally stopping at floor 120 we collected get this 229 aridium ore one Prismatic Shard two diamonds and 18 Omni geodes among many other less rare items as well I really couldn’t wish for a better trip we’ll be set for a while off of that I did hit Level 10 Mining and I actually chose prospector for a change I don’t plan on selling any bars any anytime soon so I’ll take the extra coal we have all of this unutilized space in the greenhouse and until we really start getting our ancient fruits going I’ll fill it up with starf fruit so it’s Thursday now I may have forgotten to check the special order board up to this point once again I need both of these Quests for recipes and I’m not too keen on spending a full week hunting for ghosts again so I’ll gather bug guts instead squid Fest has begun just like with the Trout Derby our job is to catch as many squid as we can up to eight for the best reward once again the bait Maker shows its usefulness I can’t imagine catching them all without it pretty much the only difference here is squid are a little bit more difficult than rainbow drought after catching all eight I get all of the rewards most notably a universally loved Pearl and a new book power which gives us a 25% chance for a double yield from crab pots a much needed buff for the alternate fishing method unlike the Trout Derby though each day of squid Fest has unique rewards so we get back to it the next day giving us a treasure chest mystery boxes seafoam pudding but most importantly the squid hat incredible this is my fourth and last day of grinding out bug meat and this will be our first instance of using monster musk to help us out and we did get enough meat in time our steel trash can is ready and I’d like to buy our first aridium upgrade for the pickaxe while walking around cindersap Forest I noticed that our raccoon has a friend there’s another mission for us as well dried Crystal fruit and powder melon jelly should be easy considering those are the only two crops this season Monday two quests both needed thought I’d take a break from combat and do the one for fishing and Harvey has become my very first 10 Harter so we get to experience one of the most beautiful cutcenes for sure great gradient on the back happy pride month got to say though I am also afraid of heights and you won’t catch me anywhere near a hot air balloon from the sky to the Bottom of the Sea The Night Market is open and while there’s a ton of interesting shops selling all sorts of things from coffee to decoration to out of seon seeds we’re interested in the submarine here we need to catch a midnight squid the spook fish and the Blobfish and I have no issues with any of them I also bought a bunch of plants that I use to decorate the empty rooms of my house just for fun I’ve forgotten something incredibly important there we go so for that mission that we needed to catch a bunch of trash floor 100 of the mines is by far the best place to do it you almost always catch trash and if you don’t you catch one of the most valuable fish in the game it’s a win-win we finished it up super quick you may have noticed that I haven’t mentioned the ticket rewards in a while I got a plan so there you go I always forget to do the casino Quest I should already have everything ready to go for it we put the battery into the bus stop Rainbow Shell into the train station and a solar Essence into the desert skeleton Casino pass obtained we could have done this at pretty much any point after summer but again I just forget about it the aridium pickaxe is ready probably the most important tool milestone in the game at this point we’re level 10 in all skills other than foraging and combat both of which are level 9 today I worked tirelessly to push forging up not quite there yet but I’ll continue to push I’ve collected the items I needed for the second raccoon Quest earning the raccoons Journal bit of a pointless power making mixed seeds more common from weeds but we do still need it to fill out our book list from training forging I finally have the wood needed to upgrade our barn to Deluxe and we cinch out level 10 a little later in the desert and while we’re here I’ll take a quick trip into the casino to see what there is to do I don’t quite want to gamble everything away yet we’ll want to build up some luck buff since that increases our gains from now we’ll just check out the shop there’s the rare Crow we need to buy but also a few new items like the fireworks and some wallpapers and Floors just one more stat to build now combat is always my last level 10 so this might take a while for forging level 10 though I actually chose tracker finding artifact spots could help us finish out the museum and painting spots will be more useful with an upgraded pan checking the coupon winter 20th we have finally got a rabbit foot drop see this is why I got the second rabbit we’re now just waiting on the pomegranate tree and then the community center will be done I popped open a ton of mystery boxes we’ve gotten from various sources and I got the book of mysteries giving us a slightly higher chance to find even more mystery boxes and just the next day we got our pomp Gran it not from the tree but from the traveling cart even though it’ll still only just be a few days until the tree produces I’ll take this opportunity for an early clear done that was the last bundle this is a very important point of the run because not only is the stress of missing an item and having to wait another year to collect it gone but now we can set our sights towards the next major goal Perfection which really is just a ton of smaller goals we’ll be working towards all at the same time the most the media of which is probably collecting all 130 golden walnuts to do that though first we’ll have to unlock passage to Ginger Island I spent a lot of my free time in the next few days slaying monsters both for combat experience and for the Slayer goals along with celebrating the completion of the community center all of that until we start getting our post Community Center quests on the 23rd first we have the witches swamp Quest we open up the mutant bug Lair with kobis grab the dark Talisman from within and while we’re there we grab the exclusive fish the Slime Jack enter the witches layer catch a void mayonnaise for the henchmen yes you can just catch a void mayonnaise here for the quest it’s actually a really decent Money Maker as well get another exclusive fish the void salmon and grab the Magic ink which unlocks the magic buildings from The Wizard we’ll need to buy all of these excluding the junimo hut for Perfection including the wildly expensive golden clock we also unlocked the boat fixing Quest luckily we prepared early and to already have the five batteries 200 hard W and five aridium bars that we need and the boat was repaired that night tomorrow we’ll be busy wasting no time we’re heading out surprisingly we actually got an achievement upon rival that’s new like I said our immediate goal is to collect as many golden walnuts as we can they are Perfection task but they also unlock everything from areas to fast travel on Ginger Island we can’t really make too much progress without them we also meet Leo another character will be gifting gifts to to hit 10 Hearts I’ve done this hunt a million times times at this point and I quickly grab all of the easily accessible hidden walnuts in ginger Island North although notably there’s this new Parrot here that you can pay to collect all of the walnuts for you I won’t be doing that this early as I believe collecting all of the golden walnuts is a very important part of the experience but maybe we’ll check it out later it appears to be 10,000 gold per uncollected Walnut I also grab a few golden walnuts from the volcano as well this is more than enough to unlock access to Ginger Island West which has another plethora of gold walnuts to collect my goal on the first day that I reach Ginger island is always to collect at least 30 golden walnuts which you can just barely do without any RNG based ones as long as you know where to find each and every one and are decent as Simon Says and the reason I want 30 walnuts is first to unlock Ginger Island West with 10 and then to unlock our second Farmhouse with an additional 20 I collect more than enough so we’re good this just makes setting up things on the island a whole lot smoother with our remaining time I set up a small plot of crops notably including melon and wheat we actually still have quite a bit to do back in Pelican town so we head right on back the next day not to mention it’s the Feast of the winter star just talking to Penny here got me the popular achievement meaning we’ve hit five hearts with 20 people and our person to gift was Demetrius he likes hardwood right and the gift for us was a single magnet bait from Willie surprisingly not the most useless gift I’ve gotten from this event shout out one clay from Vincent the raccoons have a baby now and yet another Quest dried common mushrooms and white algae all right I already have the mushrooms but surprisingly not the algae after giving out some gifts around town I head back to Ginger Island to get back to business I’m going to go ahead and tackle the volcano there’s a bunch of walnuts in here and it’ll help me work towards level 10 combat not to mention there’s tons of other things we need here Center shards for upgrading tools new monsters that have Slayer quests new resources we’ll need for crafting recipes and possibly better weapons than we currently have access to oh and also pineapple seeds which I forgot about I hit floor five and unfortunately I still don’t have the dwarvish translation guide so I can’t access the shop here probably something I should get on I also forgo unlocking the shortcut I don’t want to spend golden walnuts on anything that doesn’t unlock access to more walnuts yet and we get a few more nuts destroying this hot head did it level 10 com that’s another treat to look forward to tomorrow on the final floor as luck would have it I get the dragon tooth cutless from the rare chest which is in fact one of the two swords that are better than our current sword and not only that it came with an innate enchantment that increased its critical power even higher than what it normally has that’s going to be our new main weapon and we reached the tippy top of the volcano earning two more golden wallets a prismatic Shard and access to the forge where we can enchant our tools and weapons combine rings to SA save equipment slots and improve the stats of our weapons later though we’ll need to gather more Cinder shards for that I do go for one enchantment while we’re here on our pickaxe and I got Swift this is actually exactly what I wanted it allows us to swing our pickaxe a lot faster and remember I’m playing on controller so no animation cancelling for me I use the walnuts we’ve collected to gain access to the dig site but it’s a bit too late to do anything there for now level 10 combat I’m going to take that 15% damage boost in the morning we got the sense that a new way is open this is actually thanks to us hitting level 10 in all of the skills before we explore that though let’s take a quick pass at the dig site I release Professor snail from the cave we’ll need to collect a bunch of bones for him so I go ahead and clear out the dig site getting both legs I’ll need and I also immediately dig up a golden coconut that’s pretty rare it only becomes common once you’ve popped the first one open so wow I also dig up a snake skull and grab the four golden walnuts hidden here already I have three fossils to donate to the display in Professor Snell’s Hut I quickly grabb the mummified frog from the jungle portion of the island as well as a journal scrap which is basically a secret note for ginger Island donating the Frog earns us and walnut and I answer the two quiz questions that I definitely know off the top of my head and didn’t have to look up for another two nuts oh look a panning spot 10 aridium ore a diamond and a hoodie okay the upgraded pan kind of goes crazy back to Pelican town we have the items ready for the raccoon and this time we get oh a raccoon hat I’m not going to ask how you made that but now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for this door has been added to the bottom of cindersap forest and it leads to the Mastery room a final experience challenge to earn some of the best crafting recipes and tools in the game we need to earn another 10,000 experience in any stat to earn our first set of upgrades while I won’t be going out of my way just to get experience I’ll keep this in mind going forward I also happen to have a ton of coffee and starfruit to harvest from the greenhouse today and this is actually before the farming experience got nerfed for Mastery in a future update so I’m getting full value here it was nerfed because farming experience is just so easy in the late game when you have like huge starfruit Fields so yeah this is pretty good it is the final day of year 1 we’ve made some good progress nothing really went wrong can’t complain real quick one of the things we need to do for Perfection is cook every meal and I’ve never been good at keeping track of that I just throw everything I can into the fridges and cook whatever’s highlighted that way we knock out eight of the recipes right now don’t expect me to seriously tackle this until later on some of the future upgrades will make it a lot easier while I’m in town I pop open the golden coconut we found getting the guaranteed golden Walnut and I head to the desert to buy an atrocious amount of starfruit seeds yep it’s time we’re setting up a starfruit Farm on Ginger Island the earlier we get this setup and start making money the less Soul crushing that grind will be in the end pretty sizable plot for our first setup I finish off the day spending some time fishing we both need to catch the ginger Island exclusive fish and get the five golden walnuts hidden in the water and I did get the lion fish and blue discus but no nuts year two baby for a reminder of what this means for us we’ll now have access to Kent another NPC to gift for prices of resources have increased throughout all the shops which is fine I don’t usually use them anyway and we’ll have access to the year 2 exclusive crops from Pierre and of course we’re back in Spring new week new Quest Robin’s resource Rush gives us a crafting recipe so we’ll take it we need to collect 1,000 Stone so I head straight to the mines from that I found a third dwarf scroll to donate I still need to find one more before I get the translation guide Pierre I need that garlic seed for some golden walnuts Believe It or Not Another Small Step Up need to start taking towards Perfection I have huge chests full of all sorts of resources and a workbench I’m just going to scroll through my entire crafting list and craft whatever I haven’t crafted yet by the way if you’re not seeing that number crafted thing at the bottom of the descriptions it’s actually a setting in the options you need to turn on I was able to craft just about everything we currently have on our list including the bungus sign Ginger island is raining the next day and we got an emerald from bird in ginger Island South that’s the first step of the the bird puzzle completed planted the garlic on Ginger Island very important and I head back into the volcano to hunt for some more nuts I got four of them as well as a mango sapling those nuts give me just enough to rebuild Ginger Island South and get me access to the Pirate Cove which leads to another three walnuts plus two more while fishing trying to catch the stingray in that night it’s apparently our first rainy day over in the valley because lightning blows open the defunct jojamart so now that we’ve caught all the new fish we have access to let’s take a look look at what’s left there’s a few Crab Pot fish The Legend and an octopus all expected but somehow I’ve never caught a puffer fish and I believe that’s a ling cod that’s new there’s also a fish I’ve never seen before on page two yeah there’s two pages now turns out it’s a new fish edited 1.6 guess we’ll clean that up soon so Ken clearly he’s behind everyone else but his birthday is pretty quick here on Spring 4th I’m going to give him that golden pumpkin we’ve been saving a love gift and and the stard drop tea we got immediately he’s at six hearts and actually in front of Abigail that felt powerful speaking of friendship now that it’s raining we can finally wife up that man expanding the farm a little bit and I now realize that now that we have Kent we can do the fetch Quest I’ve unlocked all the major areas to Ginger Island now so I’ll give up some walnuts for the mailbox we have to do this first before unlocking the warp Obelisk back to our regular Farm which is really useful to have back in the volcano I find a dragon tooth we’ve got to find a ton of these for a couple of different recipes they’re super rare so it could be one of the last grinds we complete I use the remaining five wallets we have to unlock the shortcut out unfortunately I didn’t find any golden walnuts but I did find the journal scrap revealing another hidden spot and I also got the hot Java ring from a chest one of my favorite rings of all time that’ll solve our coffee troubles forever I randomly decided to cook some hash browns the next morning and I got the cook achievement for cooking 10 different recipes so that shows how far behind kind we are there I’m making a point of checking my Coupe every few days reminder that every single item on the ground is five experience as well as petting each animal that adds up very quickly for Mastery it’s a rainy day so it should be easy to find everyone for the fetch Quest we give the war momento to Kent the Gourmade tomato salt to Gus the rose to Sandy coffee to Harvey the remote to George the Arctic Shard to the wizard we give Willie our worm and finally we return the Pirates locket earning a juicy five walnuts I’m a little curious where we’re sitting at this this point so I checked the Walnut Room and we’re at 75 which actually means we’re at 76 walnuts but that’s besides the point that’s a whole rant in the imperfection run I did a while ago back up at the forge I’m looking for some damage upgrades since our Dragon tooth sword now has a ton of crit damage I’m forging it with three aquamarines for a crit chance buff kind of a pseudo crit build here and it’s an even night meaning that the Pirates are partying for some of the most often missed walnuts in any playthrough we play the darts game three times for a golden Walnut each time I never really found the game that hard but I will say I see what people mean now that I’m giving it a try on controller it’s still not too bad though my strategy is to not move the aim at all and just wait for the cursor to sway into the spot I want spring 7th of year 2 is our wedding date I got to say one of the major reasons I went for Harvey this run is because of a bunch of lovely Comics I found on TiK ToK by Casey Casey fan Comics always add a ton of characterization to the NPCs and stardo and I sometimes start to get it mixed up with can just a bit it’s time I’ve amassed the experience which skill Mastery do I choose first I’ll be frank they’re all good all add interesting and useful things but first I think I’m going to go with fishing mostly because it’s what I’m most excited to try out immediately I’m taking it for a spin what I’ve opted to do is use the new challenge bait to potentially catch three fish at once and I’m using the advanced idium Rod to have two cork Bobbers so that we have as good of a chance as possible to get a perfect catch I also have a ton of fish smokers to smoke whatever we catch I kept going all day long catching the puffer fish we were missing in the process and I ended up shipping 52 fish total for almost 60,000 gold and I just started at 1:00 p.m. that is not shabby at all not to mention a lot of fun next day I get that Walnut we saw in the journal scrap as well as two walnuts from the muscle rocks it is in fact a new week but I don’t need either of these quests and they both actually give me the same Rewards the mini shipping B kind of lame I suppose I’ll Bean it up though I’m once again doing something I couldn’t do in 1.5 cutting down my fruit trees now they refund the sapling letting me replant them in the greenhouse never know when I’ll need more apples or apricots so having them available year round will be nice it’s about time I check out the missing bundle in the old jojamart building and it doesn’t look like it was remixed at all we’ll start working towards it I’m able to quickly get a gold quality void salmon and I’ll throw in one of the extra prizes I’ve got that’s two out of five items already it’s raining and I’ve put it off long enough we’re going to catch the final legendary fish the legend itself not without preparations though I’ve got seafoam pudding ready to go but unfortunately it took so long just to hook it that the buff were off before it could be useful but I guess I’ll give it a try anyway wow yeah I do not like doing that without fishing Buffs but at least we now only have a few more fish to go I did sell it by the way 42,000 gold smoked feels good and that was enough to earn us the millionaire achievement the next morning the melon and wheat have grown on Ginger Island but I can’t Harvest it yet we’re going to have the gourand Frog check them out giving us five walnuts each the third crop garlic that we need him to check out is still growing also side note his speech has been de gungan ified which is one of the hot controversial topics of this update we use those walnuts we got to build the farm Obelisk allowing us to teleport straight back to the farm whenever we want and we just need five more walnuts to access the Walnut Room to improve the island Farm I buy a bunch of deluxe speed grow and more star fruit seeds speed grow is the best option since we’ll be turning the star fruit into Artisan products anyway so we don’t really need any quality in the volcano I was able to find one more Walnut plus the mummified bat which is of course another Walnut one of the items for the missing bundle we’ll need is a silver quality wine and for that we grab the seller upgrade for our house for the next task I’m simply using monster musk to slay a bunch of the monsters we have left for Slayer goals mostly the dust Sprites I’d really like to get that burglar ring at this point but we’re interrupted by the egg Festival starting even though there’s not anything we need from here all of the festivals in 1.6 are unique in year 2 and I wanted to check it out sure enough the eggs were in completely different spots and I just barely managed to win and now you get prize tickets for winning festivals you’ve already gotten the reward for and that ticket earned us the Yoba cow back at Ginger Island our garlic finished growing earning us another five walnuts which allows us to enter the Walnut Room at this point I consider us officially in the end game here we’ll get a bunch of incredibly hard missions for key gems and we’ll need to spend those key gems on Crafting Recipes which we need for Perfection as well as some items that will be super useful for us on the way like Pierre’s missing stock list and the key to the city the first mission we take is to reach a score of 50,000 in Juno Kart we can also check on our Perfection progress just 39% but that’ll be speeding up soon putting our cow God in her rightful place and I’ve harvested a good amount of starf fruit at this point allowing us to set up a junimo Hut on our regular Farm better get to work then while I consider myself pretty decent at junimo Kart I really don’t like playing it I sometimes play games like Call of Duty and OverWatch and I just do not rage at all all it’s a calming experience to me this though broken controllers at the very least 1.6 made the mini game a bit easier both by adding a bit of Grace When jumping late and the whale stage has been massively nerfed there isn’t even like a third of the bubbles that were here previously it’s actually one of the more fun stages now I will not be choosing that Quest again we got a bit of a weird letter the next morning an alternate solution to Perfection maybe we’ll check that out before we do though the desert Festival has finally arrived this is our first time experiencing it because we didn’t have the desert unlocked at this time last year there’s many ways to earn the special currency here Calico eggs but I choose to use the skull Cameron for them first thing I do is get some extra Buffs from the chef here I choose defense and luck and checking out the shop I’m not sure if there’s really anything I need it’s mostly aesthetic items they do give a quest for some extra eggs I choose to slay 10 purple slimes and while heading down it’s normal except now there’s these statues that give us more eggs but have a chance of giving a negative effect like less healing from food or more monster spawns there’s also Calico egg nodes that work just like any other or node these negative effects from the statues add up pretty quickly lots of more Monster effects stop me pretty early and I do end up getting knocked out luckily I didn’t bring any value that’s all of my galico eggs well checking in with the adventure Guild afterwards Nets me 88 eggs so it’s not all bad what interests me more than everything else are the random villager shops set up on the south side of the desert Robin offers an alternate way to get the furniture catalog and Penny sells her previously unobtainable weapon as well as some of the unique furniture from her 14 heart event I think I’ll save my galico eggs for now anyway what’s up with that fizz guy seems like he’ll sell me 1 percentage of perfection for 500,000 gold each and while that’s enticing Perfection is like the entire Journey doing the math this would also let you skip the golden clock for half of the price 5 million gold instead of 10 million gold still not interested though while at the dig site I found the vertebrae needed for the snake fossil giving us another three walnuts which gives us enough to unlock the island Trader there’s two recipes we need here I have enough for the first but we’ll have to save up Cinder shards for the other and I make another attempt at the Calico skull Cavern the next day it goes a lot better I managed to reach all the way down to 74 and I leave mostly because I need time to do everything else at the festival I collected around 200 eggs while in the skull Cavern and I earn an extra 100 from Gil for our Calico eggs score and at the festival the traveling Merchant is selling a bit of a special item the joa catalog I imagine with joa themed items neat but I don’t really need it George is Manning one of the Stalls selling five artifact troves for 10 eggs each I actually need those so I yoink I also grab the Retro TV because I think it’s neat I’m gifting out items just to try and clear out my inventory so I can buy more items and while I’m doing that I earn the Beloved farmer achievement for reaching 10 hearts with eight people the last of the Friendship based achievements it also gives me the best hat of all cough cough I have 50 eggs left over that I save for tomorrow while in the cavern I got enough experience for our second Mastery choice and we’re picking up combat this time again because I’m excited to try it out with the whole trinket system third and last day pushing into the skull Cavern for Calico eggs this is a good time to mention that the statues aren’t always negative effects this one just straight up gave me 50 extra eggs we got our first trinket drop on this run too the Golden Spur it gives us a temporary speed boost whenever we get a critical hit which is a pretty good fit for the build we have going here I managed to reach floor 73 and although the depth was about the same I hit a bunch more of the statues this time through resulting in a massive 200 eggs from Gil and also Gil’s hat our boy Harvey is operating one of the shops with a bunch of furniture from his normal house and I grab a few things Haley has a weapon cake and photo decorations nothing I’m really interested in this leaves me with 439 eggs so I blow some on the desert themed decorations a magic rock candy and mystery boxes even though I don’t really need them and with those decorations I bought I set up one of the rooms in the house to be more to Harvey’s taste our seller’s finished and I have a bunch of starfruit wine to throw in them most importantly I do need one for the missing bundle bungus sign reminding me what’s important in life life I found out that to catch that fish that was added in the update you need to fish in one of these fancy new waterfalls very neat idea for a fish that gets us the goby while heading to the island Farm I saw that we got lucky and Gus visited this needs to happen at least once because he sells a cooking recipe from here don’t need to worry about that anymore now I’m off to the volcano to work towards the 50 Cinder shards for that crafting recipe I didn’t quite get enough but there’s no rush it’s been a while since we’ve done some work at the blacksmith first I’m going to upgrade my axe to aridium next we’re busting up all of the geodes we’ve gathered yes that’s 77 Omni geodes the goal is to hopefully only have a few items left to donate after it’s done it took several trips but we got to donate 12 items alt together which leaves only two minerals left we’ve been giving gifts to Harvey every day like a good husband and he’s finally hit 13 hearts with us giving us our fifth star drop only two to go another rainy day on Ginger Island gives us a Ruby from the nor that’s the second part of the bird puzzle completed I also take this rainy day as a chance to complete the mermaid puzzle tuning five blocks one time for each small Stone near them and five times for each large Stone another five walnuts even though it’s Sunday I remember to check the key quests and luckily the extended family Quest is there and it always gives you 3 days regardless of when you take it I have something that I want to try with it I used my first 20 key gems from the other quest to buy the key to the town allowing me to enter any building whenever I want so I’m going to make ourselves a little setup here and with the advanced idium rod with a cork bobber and quality bobber plus targeted bait I’m going to try and catch as many Legend twos as I can unfortunately while I did catch a few of them I just wasn’t hooking them enough to really be useful or keep up my targeted bait Supply I try a similar setup for Glacier fist Jr and it goes a bit better as you can see we made a lot of money from that only one day of work not even a perfect setup and over a 100,000 gold I do the same setup for the son of the Crimson fish the next day and I catch the radioactive carp normally once again I got Row for it which is pretty funny and that just leaves Miss angler which is easy as always another decent chunk of money although it seems like the legend really is the best to go for even if it’s much harder and doesn’t seem as lucrative it just sells for that much more I made sure to head back to the flower dance this year as I still needed to buy both the tub of flowers recipe and the rarecrow the only thing new this year is all of the dialogue line nothing too notable another rainy day at Ginger Island once again gave us an emerald at the ginger Island South which is a bit of a shame I didn’t even know it could repeat gem spots I thought it would cycle through all of them and then repeat while harvesting my crops I hit my next Mastery level even though I haven’t used combat much yet and we can once again choose a new key Quest I choose the dangerous skull Cavern mostly because it’s the most interesting of the two and I spend another 20 key gems on the magic bait recipe I fished in the dig site River to find the final fossil I needed for the fossil collection earning us another six nuts and a banana sapling and I’ve also collected the items needed for the next raccoon quest in exchange for some fairy dust at this point I don’t believe there’s any reward we need from these quests but finishing them is an achievement the next Mastery we grab is for mining no particular reason this time it just seems like the most useful and we might make use of the craftables in our next skull Cavern run I grab our aridium axe but I’m a little short on bars at the moment to upgrade much else because I’ve got to use the aridium bars I have to buy the desert totem recipe from the desert Trader and with that desert totem recipe we head to the desert early to tackle the dangerous skull Cavern Quest the biggest difference here is that the monsters are going to be hitting harder and if we’re lucky we’ll get some radioactive ore needed for some of the new crafting recipes we’ve gotten luckily we do end up getting a prehistoric floor important because the Slayer quest for dinosaurs is almost always the hardest one and we can also naturally find some key jumps down here a nice little bonus while heading down we find the ice rod trinket it shoots a slow moving shot that freezes enemies in place let me tell you this is probably my favorite trinket out of all the ones I’ve used and that’s even coming from me post production salmet who’s tried them all already a second prehistoric floor makes me very happy but unfortunately all of that work only got us to floor 67 that’s all right though because we can give it another try the next day same Buffs as before but with better daily luck I end up getting a bunch of the other trinkets on my way down but I don’t enjoy them nearly as much as the ice rod if I’m honest things are looking good here decent time we’re close to floor 100 until I get the wildest floor I’ve ever seen and I’m just knocked out yeah I’m cashing in the one day reset I’m allowed listen it was the last day to do that mission there’s no telling when we’ll get it again and we made it to floor 100 this time but as usual we’re pushing as far as we can go which ended up being floor 115 not too shabby for the dangerous caverns and that brings us to summer of year 2 one thing I’m doing for the new month is buying a little bit of every single crop to plant on our main farm this is because of the poly culture achievement which requires us to donate 15 of every crop and will also help us fill up the shipping log AR junam MOA will harvest them on their own so it’s no skin-off our backs it’s completely automated our next special order board Quest is Island ingredients this one’s a doozy taking the entire month to gather 100 Ginger I’ll be gathering pretty much whatever I find from here on out as for the key Quest I take danger in the Deep the mind’s version of the quest we just took out of all of the key quests this is the only one that is required as there’s an achievement for reaching the bottom and I buy two more recipes with the gems we have we get straight to working on the mines and we do get to use the elevator so there’s no need to do it all in one run and we can work our way to the bottom freely there’s nothing really special we need to grind out here it may be just my imagination but it does feel like the ice rod helps out a ton here especially with the new floor 40 jungle theme that swarms you with tons of bugs and bats and afterwards just because I randomly think of it I go ahead and buy a pig since we’ll need to ship Truffles and truffle oil we got a lot of regular geodes in that first dive which hold one of the minerals I need and luckily I do get it as well as the last dwarf scroll I need for the dwar translation guide while I may have almost all of my minerals accounted for I still have a lot of artifacts left so I trade all of the 110 Omni geodes I have for 22 treasure troves and from those dives into the dangerous mines I found plenty of radioactive ore enough to place into the brand new heavy furnace we got from mining Mastery so I can cook five at once and that should already be all we’ll need I’m also making it a point to explore Ginger Island pretty much every day to clear out the space for ginger yeah it’s that tight fun fact if you’re unsure you’ll get enough Ginger just from harvesting you can knock out tiger slimes for the chance to drop them as well and it will count towards your quest I’m also in here to clean up some of the leftover walnuts this is our first time reaching the dwarf after getting the translation guide and turns out there’s a book for us to grab we’ll have to trade in 10 diamonds for it though for now we’ll grab the recipes for the Island warp totem and ginger ale and now we pop open those 22 treasure troves lots of valuable items but unfortunately not even a single thing to donate I finished out the day pushing to floor 89 in the mines would have gone one more floor deeper but I literally had no time left the next day is actually the green rain day I forgot we would get another one if I’m honest I did take this chance to get a bunch of more Moss because who knows how much we’ll need for crafting speaking of I took this opportunity to do another run at my crafting list we’ve got a lot of new recipes recently after all notably I built our first statue of the dwarf King a reward from mining Mastery that gives us a different mining related buff every day and our first set of silver wind is ready we’ll be saving one for the missing bundle and I just remembered I need to check the regular mindes dwarf shop as well and they also have a new book for me that makes me take 25% less damage from bombs which is a minor buff but cool I also grabbed the random flooring recipe while we’re here I knock out the last few floors of the dangerous mines without too much trouble it’s really nothing compared to the forest floors and that earned me an achievement for beating the dangerous mindes but funny enough that was also the 40th Help Wanted Quest I did giving me the a big help achievement as well so now we no longer have to worry about doing quests just for that counter now for the next step for our star fruit farm instead of using kegs which only take one star fruit at a time take forever to complete you who wants that I’m setting up a bunch of dehydrators which can take five star fruit at a time and only take one day to process these will be able to deal with the starf fruit as fast as we Harvest them so it’ll be a little more real-time efficient for us and we have a line of dried star fruit waiting for us the next morning another Mastery level has been unlocked and we finally go for the farming one mostly for one thing the aridium Scythe now that we’re putting a lot more effort into our starfruit Farm it’ll speed things up significantly and our mineral list is so close to completion I’m kind of ready to just get it finished the last gem we have left is most commonly found in magma geodes so I go to the lava floors of the mines to hunt for them no luck from this first trip even though we’re still working on the ginger collection since it takes a whole month we can take on fragments of the past at the same time the reason I left this quest for later is because of the tons of bone fragments here at the dig site and at this point it’s been a while we haven’t been getting any new hints for the bird puzzle I’m just going to take it into our own hands if you didn’t know you can slap in every possible combination and eventually you’ll get it right that’s another five nuts so at this point we only have five nuts left I know three are from the banana Quest and the rest are somewhere in the volcano instead of doing that I’m going to pay the bird it’s only 50,000 gold at this point and I kind of want to see what happens it doesn’t have any lasting impact on our Perfection run time for the next key Quest we’ll be doing Keys Prismatic Grange which requires us to donate 100 of five different color items honestly this one’s just a bunch of busy work speaking of quests I just have a few bone fragments left to collect which I can get from skeletons in the mines and that completes that overnight we get a fun little CLE of more sending out parrots that’s fun and that gives us all 130 golden walnuts next day I’m able to dump a bunch of items we just had lying around into the Prismatic range completing the yellow and green colors and now that we have all the walnuts we can spend a few to get some extra key gems then I buy Pierre’s missing stock list allowing us to buy any crop in any season which is indispensable for cleaning up the last few tasks that we have left before we leave the island for the day I went into the volcano to grab the diamond Hunter book from the dwarf which gives us a small chance to find a diamond from any Rock actually very useful and we return Pierre’s stock list before we make a ton of use of it I’ll need to make some lists of what crops we still need I was popping open some more geodes and wouldn’t you know it we got an extra ancient doll now that may not mean much to most of you but I know something that I can do with it heading to floor 100 of the mines we toss it into the lake and that is a bizarre thing to see in stardy Valley we can bring that stone to the Wizard’s basement to get meow Meir a weapon from Terraria yes this is vanilla the second Lua has come up fast and I use it as a chance to clean up some of the leftover friendships but our loving husbands skipped the entire Festival just to cook us a nice home-cooked dinner for the red items we need for the Prismatic range I chose to buy a ton of spaghetti and shoved it all in my pockets of course and for purple I gather bug me during that grind we finished the Slayer quest for Dougies and after all of that all we have left are blue items so remember meow Meir that we got a little while ago unfortunately it’s not that good of a weapon but it looks super cool and makes enemies explode when you kill them luckily we can make our reliable Dragon tooth saber look like a meow Meir at the forge very girly pop another one of the major goals for Perfection is shipping every item in the shipping log which basically contains every item that isn’t in the other logs I haven’t paid too much attention to this so we actually have a bunch of items in storage that we can ship out immediately knocking out a sizable chunk of the log for the blue items in Prismatic range I chose to grow tons of blueberries and just like that it’s finished up the next recipe I buy is for Blue Grass ST which was added in 1.6 it’s just like regular grass starter but for the blue grass that you can always find on the Meadow Farm the next Quest I take is key Cuisine we need to sell 100,000 gold worth of cooked food I cook up any food we have lying around but as expected it’s just a little over halfway there for the rest I just buy a ton of wheat flour and turn it into bread it’s one of the most cost effective ways to just buy this Quest out taking a break from cooking and farming I’m doing some Slayer quests in the mines where I reach our final level of Mastery and we finally finished the dust Sprite Slayer goal honestly I’ve had a set of pretty good rings for a while so I wasn’t really too rushed to go for the burglar’s ring and right after that after taking the ectoplasm quest for the third time I find it I grabbed the fin Mastery upgrade for foraging giving us Mystic tree seeds treasure totems and the ability to find golden mystery boxes little did I know I would be using this Mastery the most of them all I had a few more magma geot to pop open from the Slayer grind and good Lord there it finally is tiger’s eye the minerals tab has been completed I do another raccoon Quest and I got the Jazzy jungle fish tank in return I’m setting it up with two frog eggs of course and it took a while but I finally went to grab the octopus that leaves leaves just one fish left unfortunately it’s exclusive to Winter just to keep track of things I thought I’d see what Slayer quests we have left just three pepper rexes serpents and magma Sprites it’s also a book seller day and I thought I’d check it out just in case there is one new book called The Queen of sauce cookbook and it gives us all of the recipes we didn’t have yet which are 14 from the rest of year 2 I’m not sure when this one gets unlocked but it shortens the minimum day count for a Perfection run by a lot the only thing for forcing it to be year 2 now would be Kent there’s also the special charm from the JoJo truck I can get now at some point I got the secret note for it and never noticed checking our special Collectibles list that leaves only two books and swing onion Mastery I do a little more cooking that night earning the Su Chef achievement that’s 25 recipes cooked I also sold a chunk of dried star fruits nice I grabbed the deluxe retaining soil recipe from the island Trader and our next move is completing the leftover Slayer goals I’m doing a skull Cavern run both for serpents and pepper I’m very powerful at this point by the way survival isn’t a problem especially since we’re just in the regular skull Cavern I went all the way down to floor 102 didn’t complete any goals but we made good progress taking a break from slaying for now I check the traveling cart and see Harvey’s portrait in it I believe that’s from reaching 14 hearts of course I take it I also grabb the first of the four obelisks we need to buy for the desert since we’ll be heading there quite a bit in the next few days I’ve gotten some of those golden mystery boxes from Monster drops by the way and the items they give aren’t half bad I set up the picture in the Harvey room and now it’s back to grinding Slayer I choose the dangerous skull Cavern this time just on the off chance that we can grab some key gems while we’re here still not done but we have collected a metric ton of aridium from these Dives during these runs for a while now I’ve been on the hunt for the last trinket I’ve yet to get the parrot egg I decided to finally give the quarry mines a try since monsters from there have a very high chance to drop trinkets specifically since the Quarry is essentially treated as floor 5,000 I must have had the right idea or I just got lucky because I got it immediately this has a parrot follow behind us and makes enemies able to drop money and we’ve been knocking a lot of enemies out lately so that’d be pretty useful what I did next is continually Forge the egg on an anvil until I got a level four egg which has the highest chance for enemies to drop that money it took six stries which was 18 aridium bars total was it worth it I don’t know I took it for a test run in the forest floors of the mines and uh yeah pretty crazy I’m able to get 2,500 gold in just a few seconds First Tool upgrade in a hot minute time for the aridium trash can and I bust open some treasure troves finally getting the golden mask we’ve been looking for I also got the treasure appraisal book from the troves allowing me to sell artifacts for triple the price and that just leaves one book left I have to confess I knew this book existed this whole time so I’ve been hoarding all of the extra artifacts we’ve gotten and I’ll sell them all off now for a change of pace I went for the magma Sprite Slayer goal that night and I reached it must have not been too far off and all of those artifacts made 32,000 gold back to the serpents now still didn’t finish them this strip with Just 4 days left in the ginger Quest I’ve finally collected enough I also knock out Robin’s resource Rush which we had to take a second time a month of work all for the solar panel recipe and with the tickets I got from those two quests I got another stard drop te since we unlocked Leo so late he’s been behind everyone else so we go ahead and give it to him for his birthday maxing him out I’ve gathered enough money for one of the cheaper obelisks so I’ll knock that out as well two more to go there in what is probably the wildest looking room full of enemies that I’ve ever seen we finally knock out the serpent Slayer Quest that leaves just the pepper rexes unfortunately it’s rare to even find a single one so who knows when we’ll complete it I got a large goat milk why is that important it’s surprisingly one of the last items I still need to ship and I’m Downing a lucky lunch because it is gambling time yeah so the higher your daily luck and luck Buffs the better chance you have to win the slot machines and if you need proof I got this like 5 minutes into it yeah that covers us even though it’s year 2 I can’t bring myself to skip the Moonlight jellies and this time I have my parrot with me and rv2 I guess that brings us to our second fall I do the same thing that I did in summer and just buy a variety of all of the Fall seeds for the poly cult achievement and shipping list I only have one more special request to take and it is cave Patrol for the geode Crusher recipe this one was incredibly quick to complete in the dangerous mines we are done with the special requests board and doing the math I should only need to do one more key Quest so I take the extended family Quest once again the only recipe we still need from the key shop is the hopper I grabbed the Legend 2 the radioactive carp Miss angler the son of crimson fish and the glacier fish Jr and and that’s it for the Walnut Room recipes so I’m looking at that last fish there yeah and I’m thinking I’m not really Bound by season am I I can make magic bait now with it I’m able to quickly and easily snag a link Cod doing three things completing the fish collection log unlocking the master angler achievement and earning our sixth stard drop only one left from the museum so now I turn my attention to the artifacts I have left the first one I can get from artifact spots in the mountains and I use a treasure totem get it first try the Arrow Head now there’s only three left the two dolls and the golden Relic I have some treasure totems left over so I use one in the desert to try and get the golden Relic and again I get it on the first try it’s all downhill from here because the two dolls can be guaranteed from the secret note hints the first spot is right here in the desert bada boom bada bing and the second one oh I’ll just get another one later it can’t be too hard I believe the best chance for us to get them are from the Farm but I use all the treasure totems I have left and nothing oh well this will have dire consequences for this run I go ahead and donate what we got leaving just the green doll left maybe I can just go and get it the next day if it’s lost that’s not good I still have the resources to make a few more totems let’s give it another try well one of the last things we still need to do is complete that missing bundle I set up a sturgeon Pond and we get some row pretty quickly we’ll need caviar both for that bundle and it’s one of the last few items I need to ship too although I go and check on that missing bundle and it turns out we don’t need the caviar at all we can just ship it that marks the completion of the movie theater which for the goals I set out for myself actually wasn’t required for anything except one of the new achievements another progress check after shipping all of those fall crops we planted there’s only two items left the caviar which I previously mentioned and one item on the last page that seems to be new upon looking it up I found that it’s actually dried grapes specifically I’ve got some grapes planted so it shouldn’t be too long I spent some time in the volcano now exclusively for crafting resources afterwards I was able to afford the incredibly expensive mini Forge recipe which is a shame because it’s also not the most useful item it’s just a mobile Forge I also have enough money for the water Obelisk leaving just the island Obelisk left to buy caviar’s finished processing leaving just one item left for shipping and unfortunately for the grapes I need five of the same quality to put them into the dehydrator that’s a bit of an odd issue this late in the game when we’re getting a lot of higher quality grapes speaking of finishing things up I’ve been heading into the skull Cavern every now and again but it’s pretty rough even on good Dives I still find only one or two pepper rexes we’ll keep it up here is the full custom Bobber list by the way we’ll be rolling with the star drop from now on took a few days but the grapes have been inserted and the next day we get some raisins from it so these can be used to give junimos a chance of double harvesting but we’re a bit late to make too much use of that shipping log done so things have been a little chaotic jumping back and forth on what needs to be finished so here’s a summary of everything that’s left we have the one green doll artifact one book power as well as the spring onion Mastery one Obelisk as well as the golden clock the pepper Rex Slayer goal five characters still need friendship three crafting recipes most of the cooking recipes and then a handful of achievements most of which will naturally be completed by doing the other tasks so for that last leftover book I did actually have to look it up it’s just sitting at the back of the adventurer Guild it’s been available since we’ve defeated 1,000 monsters and who knows when that was it reduces the cost of the item Recovery Service just spring onions left on this list one of the crafting recipes that was the most daunting was the Statue of blessings but after enough fiber for farming I can finally afford it that’s another random daily buff for us although at this point I don’t really need it now for crafting recipes all we have left is the oil of garlic and Deluxe scarecrow turns out the last rare Crow we needed was with the dwarf and I didn’t actually realize that the stone chest had a big version as well so we grabbed that recipe we got the deluxe scarecrow recipe the next morning we can craft it and the Big Stone chest right away just oil of garlic left but I’ll have to grow some more garlic for it the night of fall 23rd marks the announcement of our first baby and I said yes because I thought Full House was an in-game achievement it is not most things we have now are just an inch away from being finished except for this cooking list so I’ve got to do something drastic I scrolled through every single recipe and made a physical list of everything I need to cook them all it is a long list and I separated it into crops and fish first up I’m buying and planting all the crops I need and I get straight to catching some of the fish I need the next day our garlic is ready which means we can craft the oil of garlic craft Master is done to help out with the dwarf I’m going to give her the movie ticket she likes every movie so it’s easy and we needed to do that to get the two thumbs up achievement one of the new achievements added in 1.6 next getting back to the cooking recipes I’m going on a fishing trip to catch all of the fish I need salmon shrimp sardines sea cucumber large mouth bass carp a snail and crayfish mayo and void Mayo Periwinkles flounder tuna and I’m grabbing some magic bait for the out of season fish yes I’m that serious we just need it for the Sunfish of all things last crab Lobster and Squid all we’re waiting for now are a few crops and just fishing took so long that we are now in winter so at this point I really don’t have too many daily things to do since we’re really close to the end so I’m going to be sleeping through a bunch of days on Ginger Island solely for making money that’s our farthest away goal at the moment every week or so I’ll pop out to give gifts to our last three NPCs and collect Mystic syrup for Treasure totems by the first Sunday I’ve made enough money to get our very last Obelisk the island Obelisk I also complete another Quest For the raccoons there’s still a couple more to go our first baby has been born we won’t be able to get our second baby until this one’s fully grown but again I don’t actually need it although I thought I did so after sleeping through a few weeks I have acquired over 100 ladders I would like to bang out one more skull Cavern run to hopefully kill all the pepper rexes we need I also waited until we get the plus one or buff from the statue of the dwarf King and I slammed it luck was crazy at one point I got two treasure rooms in a row I reached floor 250 but would you imagine it not a single pepper Rex o well next day all the crops I needed for cooking ready so if I calculated everything correctly I should be able to cook everything in one go I forgot to include one cheese and done I completed yet another raccoon Quest and I got a star drop te for it a little late but I can probably still use it it just happened to work out this way but the dwarf Jass and kobis who we used the stard drop ton all got maxed out on the same day we’ve done a ton of work the last few weeks I go to check out the Perfection tracker to confirm our progress sure enough all that’s left is the golden clock the pepper Rex and that darn green doll those are three very specific tasks so what I like to do when I’m in the home stretch here is sell all items that I do not need this will give us a good idea of where our money lies everything in the coupe everything from the greenhouse the barn and all of our chests after everything is done all that’s left is some materials to dive in the skull Cavern and for the crafting recipe for Treasure totems and some seeds 1.2 million a little more than a tenth of our goal that’s not bad I did save myself five aridium bars because we still need to upgrade our ho to aridium I already commissioned the art in the thumbnail so it’ be a little weird if I didn’t get it so here’s the method I’m setting up all of the crystal Arium in my Ginger Island house and eventually I’ll have enough staircases to force pepper wck spawns I bought a stack of 999 starfruit seeds and we’ll see where that leaves us once they’re all harvested and then every 7 days we’ll head back to the regular Farm to harvest Mystic syrup for the treasure totems let’s begin winter 19th we got our aridium ho our second year ended pretty quickly after starting this process which means it’s time for Grandpa to rate US and it’s a little overgrown to see well but we did get all four candles thus earning our statue of perfection also started sleeping at my regular house because I thought I had to if I wanted to have a baby so just a slight change in our plans I did have to take a slight detour every now and again partway through spring I decided to knock out everything we had left for the poly culture achievement by selling 15 of every crop and we finally achieved it near the end of spring I also noticed that I didn’t have spring onion Master yet despite having full friendship with everyone so I head to cindersap Forest to fix it that’s a full Powers tab at the very end of spring year 3 we have over 200 Jade I’ve decided that today we’ll try to defeat those pepper rexes luck was with us finally on floor 28 we had a prehistoric floor and then finally we got it two tasks left since that went so well I decided it’s finally time we attempt the doll again we have 24 treasure totems and at this point I’ll need more Moss to make more I’m waiting on the green rain rain day to do that I use them all up and I do get a doll but it’s the wrong one I’m so mad I also noticed that I need to make an infinity weapon for an achievement I already have the battle souls and Cinder shards but I think I sold my Galaxy sword at some point so I buy the Galaxy dagger instead and I Forge it up easy enough green rain came on the 14th and I made use of it now we can make some more attempts on the doll while continuing to work through our treasure totems we start to adopt our second child but that doesn’t mean I slow down H again three is it even here Seasons passed but finally it happened keep in mind this is the best possible way for us to hunt for a strange doll it is a 8% chance from each artifact spot there it is a complete collection and the final star drop finally I can spend my time relaxing and harvesting my star fruit I can properly enjoy the birth of my daughter tostada it warms my heart to see her play with Crunch Wrap it doesn’t take long for us to earn the legend achievement for earning 10 million gold that is the last achievement we needed so there’s only one thing left wait what there’s there’s another achievement oh I just had to go and visit the raccoons again now that’s all of the achievements which which means there’s only one thing left the golden clock I don’t just farm for all my money I swap back and forth between doing some skull Cavern runs using the parrot to get extra money fishing using challenge bait and all of that makes it a varied and enjoyable experience finally we reach our final day of harvesting the golden clock has been placed and we have 100% Perfection next day I head up to the summit to meet our husband at the peak the journey is over and might I just say way more fun than a 1.5 Perfection playthrough if I were to give a summary of The Experience I’d probably say that the early game is a lot harder due to various Nerfs and more things that you have to pay attention to but then the end game is a lot easier due to many things such as having new money-making methods the stard drop te for making friends and being able to make use of golden mystery boxes for example to get items that you would normally have a lot of trouble obtaining I think I’m going to leave more specific discussion about the experience to be in a different video we can talk about the positives and negatives but like I said overall very positive run thank you all for watching I’ll see you in the next one and good night [Music] n [Music]

Before making guides on all of the new content, I needed to experience it within the natural progression of the game, so I sought to do EVERYTHING I could in the new update!

What resulted is a 50 hour long run where I got Perfection, unlocked all achievements, and filled in the brand new special collectibles page!

Thank you @Raespark for the art in the thumbnail!

0:00 – Intro
0:32 – Spring Year 1
17:52 – Summer Year 1
31:39 – Fall Year 1
47:06 – Winter Year 1
1:00:31 – Ginger Island
1:30:35 – Pushing Towards Perfection
142:33 – The Final Push

Here’s the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

🕹️ Stream Archives: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfYxeuIkNALOBeSpVEI4ipQ
💜 Twitch – http://www.twitch.tv/salmence100
🕶 Tik Tok – https://www.tiktok.com/@salmence?lang=en
🐦 Twitter – https://twitter.com/Salmence100


  1. Niiice! Been waiting for another Sal video. Of course, I've also been waiting for 1.6 to come to consoles and NOTHING. But I'm not jealous of all you PC players or anything…

  2. "The adventurer's guild is already closed…" Nope. 1.6, guild stays open until 2 AM. Now to continue watching to see if you inevitably point this out and thus make me look like an idiot for posting this and trying to be helpful. 😀 (Though I'll have to watch the rest later, sadly can't see the whole video right now.)

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