Scary ANNABELLE is WANTED by JJ and Mikey Family At Night in Minecraft! – Maizen

okay let’s get started today we’re at Grandma’s house paying her a visit that’s right her place is huge mm I love the atmosphere in here I can’t get enough of it it’s so nice I have an idea let’s go exploring this place is huge after all yeah let’s do it what’s over here H why don’t we start by checking out this room on the left okay let’s see what’s behind these doors taada it’s the bathroom is that a toilet yep an absolutely massive one not that there’s anything wrong with that it’s ginormous how extravagant what’s this a lever I wonder what it’s for should I pull it no Mikey don’t do that I’m not sure why it’s here but look at the sign that symbol means we aren’t allowed to pull the lever a but I want to know come on JJ just one quick little pull no absolutely not Mikey if Grandma found out she would totally yell at us I don’t want to get yelled at then leave it alone let’s check out another room okay follow [Music] me huh uh was Grandma watching us it’s a good thing we didn’t touch the lever we would have gotten yelled at for sure yeah good thing indeed um shall we let’s keep exploring but super quick do you think Grandma could have been spying on us or am I overreacting no way she’d never do that yeah you’re right anyway look over here it’s the living room huge huh uhhuh even the TV’s gigantic I love this place well you need a big TV when you’ve got a big couch what’s that some kind of off limits area it’s got iron bars and everything there’s a staircase and is that a ventilation shaft H does all this seem strange to you uh not really most houses have vents this is just a big fancy one for a big fancy house H that’s true okay want to check out the bedroom yeah this way I’m pretty sure this is it ooh talk about jumbo sized this bed is huge I love Grandma’s house every room is awesome yeah I guess so but Mikey uh-huh don’t you think it’s weird that there are so many restricted areas that’s off limits and this door is surrounded by do not Eder [Music] signs not to mention it’s locked too H maybe she’s just got guarding her treasure most people want to protect their valuables right I guess that’s possible but why does it feel like she’s hiding something H grandma oh hi hm uh-huh oh sure hey JJ yeah grandma says she needs help baking some cakes let’s let give her a hand sure h ah grandma says she really needs to go to the bathroom oh of course uh go ahead Grandma all righty then I guess it’s up to us now think we can bake all these cakes on our own yeah we can handle this let’s see is this where the ingredients are wo we’ve got more than enough to work with wow we could feed an army with all this no kidding let’s bake a whole bunch then okay if I remember the recipe correctly it looks something like this add some of that there that’s the first cake down I made one too awesome I’m up to two oh good job you too buddy well let’s keep making more I love Grandma’s house I wish I could live here it is a pretty cool place [Music] H hold up Mikey stop stop what you’re doing what’s wrong look in here H what’s that it’s a lever Mikey a top secret lever what’s it doing there that is an excellent question since Grandma’s not watching us I’m going to flip it right she’s in the bathroom or is is she yeah she’s gone I can’t stand not knowing what it does pull it all right 3 2 1 uh did it do anything hey Mikey H look what there’s a hidden chest wo let’s take a peek inside then I bet it’s chalk full of treasure H only one way to find out open sesame H gross it’s filled to the brim with rotten flesh and what are those skulls that’s so creepy what’s with this chest yeah what’s all this about why is that stuff in there I don’t know Mikey but something strange is definitely a foot we should check up Grandma she’s been in the bathroom for a really long time come on let’s go good idea uh is everything okay in there Grandma hello knock knock why isn’t she saying anything maybe she’s feeling really sick let’s go check in on her okay we’re coming in h where’d she go she’s not in here huh H check this out Mikey someone pulled the lever and now there’s a secret passage this lever must be the switch that reveals it oh I’ve got a bad feeling I’m not so sure we should go down there no we have have to I’m worried about Grandma and just plain curious okay we can check it out but proceed with caution what’s this great question oh it’s Grandma what she’s in some kind of prison cell and she’s not alone what’s she doing uh I’m not sure maybe they’re having a chat she just no huh no no no no no what this can’t be happening I can’t believe it it’s worse than I ever could have imagined Mikey yeah what our grandma is a werewolf and she just ate a villager why this can’t be real this isn’t a dream is it or some kind of Illusion [Applause] [Music] yeah Mikey she spotted us run run let’s get out of here come on to the front door what is it oh no it’s blocked off quick this way JJ follow me who’ have guessed that Grandma was a werewolf I know hang on there’s a chest up there let’s go yeah parkour oh a lever it must be a key let’s make a run for the restricted area okay yeah run go Mikey the door’s open I’m going hurry JJ get in all right I’m in she’s coming don’t look back just keep running she stopped following us I guess she can’t climb up here let’s take a breather then oh there she is I need to refuel I still can’t believe it me neither to think that Grandma is a werewolf I knew something was off but this oh hey Mikey look up there huh it’s a chest want to open it yeah okay oh it’s another lever H H let’s see what’s at the other end of this vent great idea ah there’s some slime let’s hop to the top of this bookcase come on Mikey coming now we’ll put this lever here and see what it [Music] does huh oh Grandma’s right below us let’s hope this lever open yeah we’re heading to the toilet right well there’s one right here but this isn’t the right one though dive on in what into the toilet yeah we’ll travel through the sewer system to reach the giant one gross but I guess we have no choice are you sure they’re connected pretty sure but I guess we’ll just have to find out you see anything a it looks like a dead end a wait where does this go careful you don’t know what’s up there yes we made it to the giant toilet now that item is supposed to be inside somewhere but where I didn’t see anything me neither hold on a second there’s a hopper down here it must be inside well open it already you got it Mikey who yes we hit the jackpot it’s a real life rocket launcher check it out cool but how is that going to help us Escape are you serious Mikey we can use it to blow a hole through the front door of course great idea let’s go tell me if you see Grandma anywhere it’s all clear for now don’t let her spot you got it ready yes then here we go to the entrance [Music] grandma get away all right stand back Mikey hurry 3 2 1 fire in the hole yes woohoo run for it I’m running and I’m never coming back let’s get away as fast as we can yeah keep going keep going we’re going to make it what Mikey’s house has been robbed uh-huh that’s right even though I’m sure I had the door locked shouldn’t my iron door have been secure in enough oh H all my precious Treasures were stolen even my flowers oh even all the food in my fridge all the treasure I worked so hard to collect was stolen yeah there doesn’t seem to be any sign of the thief getting in by forcing the door that’s because the thief couldn’t have used the door I’m sure the door was locked uh-oh this section is flooding look oh huh no kidding oh H why me what’s this huh huh what huh Mikey huh Mikey does your house have a basement huh I don’t have a basement what are you talking about yeah but look here Mikey huh right by the toilet see there’s a passage that leads underground what for real but my house isn’t supposed to have a basement there’s the possibility that the thief may have entered your house through this underground passage huh should we try going down there it could be dangerous oh it is pretty scary but we have to go let’s catch the thief JJ yeah let’s check it out what could be down there h be careful all right we’re going underground wao cautiously proceed with caution it’s pretty narrow looks like a tunnel what’s inside uh wow what it’s dangerous here Mikey that’s security lava huh the thief rigged the tunnel with security yikes Let’s cross carefully okay we have to move pH I made it cross no turning back good luck careful I needed a cross okay next up H hold on huh so what could be in there there appears to be a door let’s be careful there might be more security inside I’ll go first thanks Mikey carefully go with caution all right what could be inside okay I’m opening it hm [Music] ouch huh what you okay Mikey here oh it’s secured with arrows that fly out whenever the door is open oh hi ouch ouch ouch wo oh I see it’s dangerous let’s be careful M let’s go Mikey go go go I don’t think any more arrows will shoot let’s catch the thief what does a thief need this much security for what’s that a ladder huh there’s a ladder h w h i don’t know what’s up there but let’s proceed with caution Mikey with caution up we go let’s go will it be safe if we open the hatch I’m opening it what could be up there huh huh is the thief up there be careful no nobody’s home but huh Mikey is this The thief’s Hideout oh it must be look those are my treasures and my flowers so this was yours it’s all mine this is all yours oh even the food in the fridge wo my food okay so this must be The thief’s Hideout fortunately the thief isn’t home I still want to catch the thief JJ no matter what definitely the thief isn’t home right now so let’s make a device to catch the thief while we still have time let’s do it we’ll definitely catch the thief on that note where is this place where could it be let’s take a look outside how far did we come where are we we’re above ground actually hang on huh now that I’m looking our houses are right over there look there was a house by the trees this whole time seriously it looks like the thief moved in right next to us I’m kind of scared we definitely have to catch that Thief let’s catch all right then we’ve taken back all of Mikey’s treasure first things first let’s put Mikey’s treasure back where it belongs like this then we’ll put the flowers back too yeah ah and then let’s put all of Mikey’s items back where they belong hm just like that so I predict the thief will likely try to break back into Mikey’s house again so let’s catch him on security camera let’s put the security camera right here oh there okay then next up about your food Mikey yeah the thief will probably take my food again that’s probably right let’s try to predict what the thief will do look what I have what this potion is a sleep potion let me borrow your crafting table for a moment sure I’ll take these apples mhm and mix in the Sleep potion oh H just mix in the Sleep potion uhhuh okay look now I’m holding sleep potion apples incredible even a single bite of one of these apples should knock out anyone now we’ll take these sleep potion apples and put them in the refrigerator wow we can catch the thief once they pass out still Mikey just in case the thief steals the sleeping apples eats them and doesn’t pass out let’s build the device to trap them in their own Hideout woo we’ll be waiting here yes amazing and I’ll tell you what we’re going to do when the thief comes back uh-huh first we’ll Place some TNT here and once the thief falls asleep in their bed ooh then we’ll light it once we do uhhuh we’ll blow up the bed and the thief should fall right down there into the cage we built below the bed that’s our Thief capturing device I think it’ll work mhm nice idea mm this will absolutely catch the thief mm let’s wait for them to come back okay we’ll be waiting here under the bed for the thief let’s wait are they coming we’ve been waiting for quite a while I wonder what kind of person they are H oh the trap door opened oh the thief is coming they are huh huh that’s the thief that’s what he looks like huh that’s the thief wow that’s him what’s he doing huh gig do you see him I see it but I can’t believe it oh hey he’s taking your items Mikey huh what no way H are you kidding me he’s stealing them no he’s definitely stealing them wo no way he’s taking my items no a huh wait those are my treasures they belong to you to you Mikey he stole your gold your Diamond H even your Emerald are you kidding me wow ow he’s taking everything huh what now now he’s looking at your refrigerator H oh he’s going to open your fridge nice the Sleep potion apples are in there they have a powerful sleeping effect so if he takes even one bite he should fall asleep [Music] yes he strong enough to make him sleep right he at one now we can catch him yes good good good he’s eating so many all them wo huh huh huh but it doesn’t look like it’s working at all he’s not sleeping he doesn’t look very sleepy at all huh uh huh it looks like eating those apples might have given him a stomach ache what but he’s not sleepy I don’t want him to use my toilet wo seriously the sleeping potion didn’t make him sleepy but gave him a stomach ache that doesn’t help us oh oh he’s going back down he’s coming back oh down he went he Ratt oh I think the thief is starting to get sleepy he looks sleepy no he’s right above us yes he’s asleep Mikey this is our chance we’ll blow up the bed mhm and drop the thief into the cage yeah drop it in ready here we go first I’ll set the TNT here and yes yes yes we’ll catch him we’re doing it Mikey once I light it run that way okay here we go yes we’re catching the The Thief 3 2 1 ignite yes run for it I hope it worked oh hey it worked oh we did it we caught the feet H wow look what huh Mikey yeah check it out H wao wait what’s this awesome interesting no way are four mysterious Towers I bet we’ll find something really incredible on top I wonder what we’ll find why don’t we climb to the top of each one what do you think JJ there’s got to be something amazing up there all these villagers are looking up there I guess we should go check it out sounds good to me let’s start right away with the dirt Tower come on there’s a hidden door here the color is different 3 2 1 huh I choose the middle one trust me the middle is the way to go you sure I’m sure sure but I don’t really have a good reason I got to trust my gut I’m starting to feel like it’s the middle one too oh well go for it my gut tells me it’s the right one sure let’s try it out okay ready this is long I’m coming hurry here I go wow what it just keeps going Mikey I bet there’s treasure at the top I’m so excited I can’t wait what’s up here I’m opening this trap door ready go is there treasure H did you pick the wrong ladder JJ oh wait Mikey I think I chose the correct one I’m not falling for that wa that thing just punched me you better not open your door Mikey these hippo men are after me I’ll be right back hold on why are they only targeting me at least I’ll be safe as long as I stay on this side of the fence what’s in that chest wow I got Stone swords and apples I’ll share them thank you Mikey come here H one sec I’m coming you made it that wasn’t too hard take this really thanks let’s defeat them with our new swords sure let’s take them down attack nice I’m lucky they’re not attacking me yeah I don’t know why I’m the only one being targeted I guess you did choose the right ladder in a way they’re ignoring me oh well let’s go this way woohoo time to climb the next ladder this one seems pretty long too I want treasure keep going ouch I’ve been hit but how are those snowballs ouy uh-oh climb back up I’m too weak wo I’m being hit by snowballs yikes ow Mikey eat an apple I already had one I might be in big trouble wait a minute there are more snowballs up here I should be safe soon hurry up Mikey I hardly have any help left eat another apple good idea will I make it oh Mikey are you all right I can make it are you kidding me close one hang on I’ll be right there try to hurry I’m on my way in the meantime I’ll take a look around up there 3 2 1 well any treasure huh stop there’s a giant hippo man up here what no way are you okay I’m going to help you step tight hurry Mikey I’m hurrying yo this guy’s strong ouch can you beat it on your own maybe I can deflect stuff he’s throwing snowballs at me I’m climbing as fast as I can come quick faster Mikey uh-oh it’s so far away wo wo woah woah woah woah don’t hurt JJ I have to fight it let’s go is it big yep how big massive what it can’t be that big well it is no way for real oh I beat it you w but I wanted to see if it was as big as you said it was I still don’t believe you it was huge Mikey I bet I could have fought it oh there’s a chest over here 3 2 1 open wo hm oh sweet there were 64 golden apples and look Diamond helmets I’m going to eat one now I’ll eat a couple golden apples too we’re lucky we have this many I’m so happy plus there was a lever in here can we use it to open the door only one way to find out what’s this I bet there’s more treasure is it slime I want to know what’s inside 32 it looks like it’ll take a long time until we reach the top but maybe if we push this button hey sweet stop it it w what’s that no what’s wrong there’s something up there enemies I bet we can take him yeah let’s do this thing you’re right an enemy let’s fight him y there I took care of it all [Music] right oh there’s another enemy nope sorry here I go jump got him wow okay nice wo this is pretty [Music] cool oh one more I’ll deal with it look out I bet there’s treasure up there another one come on Mikey I’m coming let’s get that treasure this is fun wait a minute we’re almost at the top great I wonder what’s up there maybe some treasure hey I made it to the stairs no way I was so close to Falling that was really dangerous yeah oh well let’s keep going we’re almost there treasure here we come wait a giant monster help okay it’s burning the sword I think it has some sort of Firepower this thing is super hot let’s take it down ouch yes hey take that monster nice we beat it good job treasure let’s open it up 3 2 1 Diamond chest plates no way wow plus some slime blocks and a lever I think I’ll wear this there wo this one is the diamond Tower I hope there’s treasure in here come on do you think they’re supposed to be friends or foes friends I think one second really huh oh well they’re not attacking me then again neither were those hippo people I think they’re okay JJ I guess you’re right wa they’re enemies no way let’s fight leave it to me punch yes I’ll get them from behind swish got them cool oh nicely done now let’s open this Treasure Chest 3 2 1 open wow wow bats and bows and arrows really that’s useful yeah it is I wonder how we get to the top from here it’s a dead end hey an opening I’m going to use one of our bats oh 3 2 1 which way do we go H check out this bat what we can fly around on them really no way oh wow maybe this is how we get up wo wow let’s fly to the top on our bats good idea this is incredible wow this rocks we can shoot arrows while we fly for real here we go ouch are you okay hurry there’s an enemy let’s take it down slow down uh-oh ouch are you okay I messed up come on I’ll use my bow and arrow take that yeah let’s use our bows arrows we got this let’s finish it off yeah it’s tough super tough yay we did it nice job good work that was hard yeah TR let’s open it ready open no way we got totems of undying diamond leggings and a lever we have almost full diamond armor sweet it looks good doesn’t I’m curious about this one it’s the last one I bet it’s epic I wonder what’s up top open is enormous it’s on your tail miky hey now it’s after me back off clown take it down I’m on it JJ I’ll use my sword I ran out of ammo JJ reload hurry one sec good job bye-bye giant clown nether Blaster I’m out of ammo get it ow stop that careful oh no huh Mikey what happened are you all right yeah time to end this I’m back let’s do it wo cool entrance Mikey thanks come on nice work hooray yes we won that was tough yeah it was I think that means we finally cleared the quartz tower a chest let’s open it 3 2 1 wow we got a lever and some diamond boots to complete our outfit check out our diamond armor I’m fully had fun today I had fun too to sum it up we climbed four super tall towers I draw becomes reality check it out I’ll start off drawing something simple I’ll add a few more lines and finished W just like that the picture I drew became real my plan today is to use this power to try and prank Mikey without being caught is it again oh wait I know Mikey take this seriously why how could it be dangerous if it doesn’t move well we’re fine right now because one of us is watching him but the moment we look away he’ll attack us oh I think I’ve heard of this so we just have to keep our eyes on him that’s right or he’ll come after us let’s put some distance between us back up but keep watching him this feels a little extra I’m serious he’ll attack but JJ I need to see it to believe it if I don’t will he really attack I want to look away aren’t you curious we’re far enough away now that I think we can test it Mikey I’m going to look away so keep your eyes on him okay I’m watching I’m going to look away and then press F5 ready you can look away now but look back quickly it’ll be fine what’s that scary noise he makes I need to look this guy really might be bad news yeah he’ll keep coming for us so let’s try to survive wait where’d you go Mikey I’m way over here we’ll be fine as long as one of us is keeping watch for now let’s just make a run for it let’s go this is dangerous he’s coming this way I feel like he’s getting closer let’s run we have to gather wood he’s following really he is you gather wood while I keep keep my eye on him yeah don’t take your eyes off of him okay don’t let your guard down he’s seriously so scary I’ll try glancing away for a sec he moved JJ here thanks Mikey I thought we had more distance between us but he’s right there can we even craft let’s see oh we’re safe as long as we’re facing him while we craft I think I’ll make an axe for Mikey here and a pickaxe for myself oh yeah it’s no use fighting him attacks have no effect how did you know I was trying to fight him the only real way to counter him is to keep watching him he’ll follow us to the ends of the Earth Mikey okay let’s run let’s get some distance now that I have a wooden pickaxe I want some Stone go for it I’ll keep watch no [Music] this is scary you really won’t look away yeah leave it to me I have to look at my work so I can’t see them are you really watching I’m watching can I trust you of course H what no it’s fine JJ he moved you stopped only for a second I promise I have 23 Stones so I’ll make a furnace we need to cook our food to survive this thing I have meat and now I need to make a shovel for Mikey thanks there you go he moved again neither of us were looking oops sorry all right we have a set of stone tools so what now stop Don’t Take Your Eyes Off him this is dangerous the meat is cooking so Mikey what are we going to do next let’s get iron it seems like he keeps getting a little closer let’s get out of here once the meat is done cooking who’s faster us or him let’s find out let’s move quickly let’s make a run towards that Birch Forest over there okay 3 2 1 run away oh is he coming he’s following us huh huh he’s not coming coming huh he disappeared no way run he’s coming this is bad I glanced at him I feel like he’s much faster than we are he keeps getting closer just run something not good huh I just woke up outside how Mikey uhoh hurry get inside I’m dying give me food okay hold on was that him he’s outside hang on I’ll get some food oh no I hear an Enderman this is bad for now I need to get this furnace back okay I’ve got the furnace there are a lot of noises coming from out there oh cook these quick here take this you’re a lifesaver do you think he’ll attack if I open the door well let’s try making some windows I fell asleep here and woke up outside I wonder why where is there he is where there right in front of me I see him JJ this face is no good good it’s terrible let’s move okay watch him for a second I’ll get the beds really please fine how much longer let’s see oh the meat isn’t done cooking yet we have to wait huh it’s fine I just looked away W he’s close it was just a second I’ve gathered our stuff but we’re out of stone and we’ll need more okay oh there’s a creeper behind you ow I’m keeping watch so you do what you need to do Mikey just make sure while you’re whoa that hurt Mikey I need to get to that furnace can you watch him yeah of course don’t take your eyes off him I know sheesh did he just move we don’t have enough stone or coal we need to find a cave I’m already long gone hey don’t leave me behind he’s coming for us see he can’t climb a cliff right yeah we ditched him that’s good time to get some coal hey we might even be able to escape that guy you nice is he climbing wait I hear him he’s climbing after us I didn’t think he could let’s make a run for it we need to find a new cave we we managed to ditch him but it doesn’t matter how far we run he’ll eventually catch up I’d hate for him to surprise us in a dark cave seriously for now let’s just focus on finding a cave let’s see oh wow it’s a cave uh come over here Mikey come on huh he’s here he came sprinting out of the forest how I don’t know we were so far oh he’s still coming after us hurry get inside the cave JJ yeah you’re right block it off okay spider oh no hi all right now that we’ve closed it off we can he’s there I see him we blocked this off so we should be safe there’s a way to go further in let’s go mhm we need iron if we want to upgrade all of our equipment a H it’s a dead end what now what about the nether let’s get iron and make a nether portal he can’t follow us there it’s possible he won’t follow us into The Nether if we build a house there then maybe we’ll win I think so too if we can be self-sufficient in the nether then it’s a perfect plan that’s great for now let’s just keep going through this cave oops this is back outside we still need iron to reach the nether let’s look if we can craft buckets we should be able to enter the nether it’s getting dark let’s sleep he won’t attack while we sleep I don’t think so yeah let’s get some rest good night huh it’s him what already fine let’s hurry up and Escape he won’t follow us into The Nether would he attacked if we’d slept any longer I think so how did he find us I don’t know he’s scary let’s just find iron oh what it’s lit sweet finally let’s go now yeah before he finds us he can’t be in the nether right nope good let’s go we’re going to win finally let’s run for it Mikey are we really living here now that’s the plan let’s build our house here anything is better than running from that guy let’s make a safe space we can totally get used to this you okay huh huh how how is he here seriously how come on the nether was supposed to be safe run no where’d you go run JJ I’m in trouble I looked shy guy in the eye what am I going to do are you serious yeah this is bad looking at Shy Guy directly in the eye fills him with rage he’ll hunt anyone who dares to the end of the Earth he’s a terrifying creature I hate to say it but you’re doomed Mikey there must be something we can do oh I’ve got an idea we need to enhance our security before Shy Guy shows up looking for you cuz he’s searching for you as we speak and he’s set on Hunting you down then let’s get started well the first issue is we don’t know which direction he’ll be attacking from true that’s why I suggest we put our shelter on top of a long staircase it’ll act as a funnel good thinking so to build our stairs we’re going to use an armor stand what wow the stairs start building themselves not too shabby shy guy will have no choice but to climb these stairs that’s right now it doesn’t matter which direction he comes from he’ll have to come up here and if we add some security measures we can fend him off when he attacks I’m sure of it yeah we could definitely fight him off okay here’s what I’m thinking mhm we’ll set up our first security measure right here what’s it going to be I actually have something really cool in mind first first things first we’re going to build a super long hallway yeah that’s [Music] it is our first line of defense uh just this you’re right an empty hallway won’t stop shy guy but a hallway full of lasers might we’ll make a laser Minefield but we got to set it up so that the two of us can make it through okay I get it so we can jump over this one pretty easily but keep in mind shy guy is a lot taller than us M the best strategy is to put a bunch of lasers at his height oh that makes sense check it out we can walk underneath them no problem but they’re sure to hit shy guy right in the face woo that’s clever those lasers pack a serious punch if we scatter a whole bunch of them throughout the hallway there’s no way he’ll be able to get through here not without getting hit so the more lasers the better yeah check this out [Music] these are sure to hit shy guy hit him right in the face nice how’s that looking H ooh not bad I think it’s great he definitely can’t survive this this one we jump over and we’re here now to add a vertical ler ooh good thinking I’ll put this here and that there [Music] you get the idea when the shy guy shows up we’ll Bob and weave our way through while he gets lasered over and over how about a couple more why not that should do it now once we make it to the end of this hallway we’ll turn here and climb even more stairs awesome that’s a great idea I’ll just get things set up for the staircase sweet that should do it there wo look at those stairs go is that high enough yeah okay I’ll get rid of this and meet you up there in a sec all right here’s what I’m thinking Mikey this is where we’re going to set up our second anti- Shy Guy security measure another one huh what’s it going to be we’ve already got stairs and lasers what security feature could we possibly add I’d like to propose a narrow walkway over a pit of lava I’ll show you pit of lava seems strong okay now for the lava M this should do the trick cool taada lava woo oh oops it’s overflowing wow look at this lake of lava there I fixed it we now have our obstacle but what do we need next uh see this pipe yeah I’m going to lay it down all the way across this is for security yep I call this the tight rope walk oh we’ll need to keep our balance as we walk along the pipe and cross over the lake of lava ah I get it I’m making it harder by making the path super windy it is hard lose your balance and it’s game over you end up taking the hottest bath of your life no kidding great plan JJ thanks now this is security wo oops my bad okay go this way and this way how’s that looks good to me Shy gu’s pretty fast on his feet he sure is and he’s got stamina true but I think these twists and turns will really slow him down oh yeah I’ll add a few more bends then if Shy Guy loses his balance he’ll slip off the pipe and fall into the lava hopefully what a great plan how could it fail and done no way he can make it across it’s a tough path but there’s actually a trick to it what is it you and I can just jump over the gaps see how simple it is to cross wo yeah it’s a shortcut yep amazing so easy for us but I doubt shy guy will take a shortcut true that he’ll probably try to cross here ignoring the shortcut cut he’ll lose his balance then fall into the lava for sure we’ll be safe and sound while he takes an accidental dip all righty then I think it’s time to make another staircase and we’re going to use it to build a shelter oh cool ready to get started let’s do this what kind though I want something super safe H let’s see so we have a bunch of lasers yeah and the lava walkway so there’s only one reason we would need this place if the two security measures aren’t enough to shake off the shy guy right so it’s a last resort kind of shelter exactly there’s no way he’ll make it this far don’t underestimate him shy guy is no joke he’s incredibly strong that’s why we can’t just build a place to hide we also need this shelter to act as our third line of defense you mean with a security system what do you have in mind I hope it’s super duper secure you’ll see we’ll focus on our shelter first we’ll make the walls out of iron you can give me a hand this is very durable material great for shelters true as long as we don’t leave any weak spots it should be difficult for shy guy to break in yeah these are sturdy iron walls are no joke you said it next for the entrance a wooden door should do the trick yeah a simple flimsy easily breakable wooden door wait what H wooden doors aren’t very secure at all yeah that that’s true I chose it on purpose I want something weak because this door is a trap really uh-huh walking through this door will activate a pitfall trap causing the floor to collapse wow look at this if Shy Guy were to fall from this height he’d hit the ground and go Splat yikes great idea though so this is the trap door right which means we need a secret entrance that’s safe for us to use let’s see here M put these here wo and then some of this fill this in [Music] there that should do it woo now when we push this button the door will open just long enough for us to get inside that’s perfect now as for shy guys entrance we need to build the actual trap what I’m thinking is we make it out of TNT and sand okay step one placing the TNT all right that looks good now to lay down a platform of sand wo then I’ll Place some redstone on top and then another layer of sand right at floor level now this part is extremely dangerous Mikey step back okay got it I’m laying down a stone pressure plate wao now when Shy Guy shows up he’ll most likely break the door down it’s just a flimsy wooden one so he won’t have any trouble with it the moment he steps on the pressure plate the Trap will activate and he’ll go crashing back down to earth there’s no way he’ll survive that awesome he doesn’t stand a chance all that’s left to do is wait he could appear at any moment true just be ready can do a setting but there’s still no signs of Shy Guy H that’s right since he’s not here yet let’s take the time to properly prepare ourselves put some armor on great idea looking good now I’m really ready with all the work we’ve done I’m kind of hoping he shows up oh he’s definitely coming so don’t let your guard down sure thing where could he be still no sign of him Mikey he’s here JJ JJ he’s chasing me yeah he’s locked on to you run as fast as you can quick this way I’m coming that’s it hurry you okay I’m scared but I’m glad we have a security system me too oh oh oh oh hurry ow I just got hit by our own laser shy gu is getting hit too but our system doesn’t seem to be slowing him down one bit he must have a ton of help no way just keep running Mikey this is not good it sure isn’t ouch I need to get my health back up come on Mikey run run run he made it through all our lasers it’s time for Plan B we have our lava walkway so we’re going to be okay are you sure he can’t cross this how could he we’re the only ones who know the trick you can do this come on Mikey we got to go what is it Shy gu is walking across like it’s no big deal what hurry up I’m trying don’t tell me he’s right behind me he’s right behind you I said not to tell me that to the shelter of Last Resort quick Sprint Mikey we have to hide get in get in that was close too close yes it looks like shy guy is trying to break through the wooden door don’t stand on the sand Mikey I’ll be fine I don’t think he’s trying to get in wa that scared me wait yes we beat him that’s right amazing we defeated Shy Guy you look shy guy in the eye but you survived congrats thanks well done it was a lot of fun yep I finally have my own castle my lifelong dream has come true congratulations Mikey was building Your Dream Castle difficult indeed constructing a castle is simpler to describe than to accomplish those are some pretty big words you’re using there if I understand correctly you’re saying it was easier said than done yep I’m reading the dictionary I’ve learned so many new words including back to the point is there a prize today for the best castle Yeah grapefruit juice it’s in season the prize will go to whoever has the most secure Castle sounds good to me I bet drinking grapefruit juice in a castle feels super luxurious H anyway let’s start by checking out my castle all right let’s go well this is it hey that’s a nice Castle you built in the snow thank you isn’t it so cute mhm it has a security system you better be careful it’s super secure you sound pretty confident I’m starting to get nervous I’m not sure I can beat your defenses that’s okay it’s natural to feel anxious I completely understand it’s pretty intimidating my castle gives off power powerful Vibes I’d be scared too you’re overflowing with confidence okay I’ll do my best good luck follow me to the entrance this is where you start uh-huh you got that you have to follow this path JJ all right then one question I know we just started but would those pressure plates happen to be part of a trap well aren’t you clever I’ll give you that one okay then I’ll make another path for you oh thank you there’s just one thing huh you see how I’ve lined the path with redstone torches I’d like you to continue straight down this path sure okay let’s start again from here I’m going to the castle to wait for you okay see you there off I go you walked right into my ambush system huh fire wo well what do you think you didn’t see that coming did you well that sure is a lot of arrows but still I feel like I could just move to the side it truly is the perfect system hey Mikey down here huh I miscalculated yep okay I’ll admit it that was pretty clever of you come on inside JJ the front entrance is right there see it just let yourself in I’ll be waiting for you inside H I turned my mic off there’s more pressure plates right in front of the door but at Le looks like I can just go around them these traps are so obvious all right Mikey I’m coming inside now okay huh now what you found the side entrance still my real security system Starts Here the strongest defense of all is me huh it’s me I’m the Ultimate Security System you’re the security system what does that even mean do you see this map uh-huh I’m putting it on okay this mask gives me the power to summon an army of Warriors they will follow my every command they will fight with bravery and honor come forth my allies uh-oh attack JJ time to go don’t let him Escape I really didn’t expect that there’s no Mikey did you just just give up wao huh wow oh man did I really just do that I lost one of my allies oh well then I think you get the point let’s just go look at your Castle now okay if I can get in easily I win well then Mikey here we are wow that’s a fancy looking Castle thanks a castle up on a Snowy Mountain surrounded by a lake how fantastic thank you I’m glad you noticed but my castle doesn’t just have impressive looks I put just as much effort into the security system oh is that so I’m getting excited mhm well I’ll do my best to break into it good luck and be careful I’ll be watching you in creative mode this is the starting point over here all right I can’t wait to put my knowledge to the test get ready to lose JJ I’ve had a full night’s sleep so I’m at the top of my game I’ll see through all your traps wow I can practically taste the grapefruit juice first up is there any way around this bridge I don’t think so for a speedy Turtle like me a bridge this long is nothing I’ll be across it no time or I could be slow and methodical checking every block for traps be as careful as you want but sometime today please okay okay I’m not afraid of your traps my turtle senses are so sharp I’ll just avoid them all you should already know that about me JJ mhm of course wait a second what’s wrong this bridge is longer than it looks huh I was so focused on talking hey I get it now so you figured out my first trap ah there’s the trip wire an infinite Loop interesting that was very sneaky of you JJ I can’t believe you caught me in a trap so quickly time to start taking this seriously I see you’ve got a laser grid maybe I can just sneak around it no my the hell am I supposed to get in it’s impossible maybe you should take a closer look at your surroundings a closer look at my surroundings but where maybe behind you I don’t miss anything oh except that a trap like this is no match for me I’ll be pushing this now you made it too easy for me at this rate I’ll be past your traps before you can say grapefruit good luck get through that entrance was surprisingly easy you should be careful Mikey it’s only going to get harder so you’ve got two doors this part might be too tricky for you need a hint no way not a chance I’ve got this one of these doors must be correct all I have to do is open them both what do I need a hint for this is easy well I can’t argue with that I might as well start with the door on the left interesting here I go huh what’s wrong it’s like there’s an invisible wall I guess this was the wrong door oh well a too bad what just happened you chose the wrong door not a problem ohuh now I know the answer if this door was the wrong choice then the door on the right must be the correct one I see here wait what nice try sorry Mikey you got to be kidding me welcome back hang on stop what’s up the left was wrong and the right was wrong there can only be one explanation for this mhm this must be a prank your Castle is actually impossible isn’t it I bet you weren’t expecting me to figure that out no it really is possible H well in that case could I please have a hint I was too proud earlier but I think I need one M of course I’ll give you a hint why don’t you try looking behind you oh do you see that Target I see it hey hang on in the middle is that a button yep oh you should look in this chest too there’s a bow and arrows yep now have you figured out what to do I think I’ve got it you can do it come on nice good job Mikey that’s a hit really see woohoo I should have just taken the hint from the start I’m finally inside it looks like there’s two doors again which one should I choose you should look behind you no I never look back aren’t I always saying that is this the wrong side that doesn’t look right yeah really look behind you watch out wow it’s okay I can make it go go I just have to jump through the door on the right that’s my final answer wait they’re both wrong oh Mikey it seems like there was no right answer not again so there’s no right answer it really is a prank this time isn’t isn’t it I totally get it now JJ it’s not a prank I promise there really is a solution watch what is there an invisible door or something actually Oh you mean I was right Yep this is embarrassing on the other side of that door is the final stage the final stage huh Bring it on I can handle whatever you throw at me there’s nothing here does that mean I’ve beaten the whole thing that was an easy final challenge between our two cast

Scary ANNABELLE is WANTED by JJ and Mikey Family At Night in Minecraft! – Maizen

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

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