They Turned Terraria into ELDEN RING and YOU NEED TO PLAY IT!

this terrario mod turns the game into a Souls leg it adds a whole entire custom map along with custom bosses and enemies with some insane fights this is a terrarium mod you got to play now let’s hop in game and check it out we are here checking out the story of the Red Cloud aka the mod that turns Terraria into a soulslike with the Elden ring DLC literally like around the corner a day or two maybe the day of when I post this I thought it was a great time to cover this mod I played a little bit of this mod in the pass before I think I beat a handful of bosses now I got stuck I was getting my ass beat yo look these enemies pulling up on me Ambush yeah it is a very cool adventure map combined with a souls-like mod you have the ability to roll and a bunch of other little minor Souls features for example Souls themselves but look at this look at the map bro you automatically generate this well you don’t generate it you download the map with the mod pretty much and as you can see it’s kind of crazy it is gigantic I don’t even remember exploring 90% of this I think like the furthest I got was like this jungle over here I really don’t remember the last boss I fought but as you can see hey shout that boy Tim there is so much so many areas to fight bosses explore Adventure is very fun it’s very dope and in this video we’re probably just going to glaze over some things because obviously this is something for you yourself to experience but yeah when you start this up there’s going to be a lot of tutorial dialogue boxes that pop up like this for example when I get closer the message will actually like pop up for most of these and then you can r read them by clicking on them but yeah look boom this pops up gives you a little description a little lore you start off in this nice little city here you got some people to talk to Jade the emerald Herald is this the the the person from Dark Souls 2 everyone’s favorite Souls game yo is a bonfire yes sir yeah we kind of got the little the little town the little Hub area and this is where you set up all your equipment and stuff and of course all the NPCs are here who do we got who’s new we got a dwarf what’s up we got is that my boy Solair yes sir oh look at him he’s praising the sun who else do we have here legala the tibia Archer okay Teragon the shaman Elder padrea the tibian Mage I’m looking for the tibia Mariner where my boy at yeah I don’t even know where to start in terms of showing off things let’s just start going places the thing is you’re probably not supposed to be in god mode SL sheet sheet exploring around the area so we might inevitably break some things it’s all good it’s all for the Showcase what’s popping here oh my boy pulling up yo that thing is sick it’s kind of got like the gear clops AI but the attacks are actually like customized like all the animations and everything not the attacks the animations kind of sick look at this thing incestrial Spirit now that’s the that’s the little deer that you f know the name I think F that thing twice but this one looks way cooler than the deer in the mod or in the game itself let’s do some damage though do you have multiple phases or are you a singular phase sort of boss you do play this an expert you have no choice but to play it an expert that’s just the regular difficulty but does this dude have any any bonus attacks or is it just a deer cops reskin this one is just a deer cops reskin what it’s looking like still sick looking like that’s an insanely cool resite that thing dropped all the goods is it supposed to do that I’m assuming yeah that is one example of the bosses there’s a lot of bosses in this where it’s like oh it’s just a vanilla boss a little bit harder maybe maybe a couple new tacks and then there’s a lot of custom bosses in this too and I think that’s what makes this really cool lowkey sharing similarities to actual Elden ring damn is dark yeah sharing similarities in terms of uh getting some generic enemies turn bosses or generic bosses turn regular enemies you know what I’m saying aka the worst thing about Elden ring yeah let’s keep on checking out some more areas cuz I’m very interested to see everything here I’m going to make it daytime so what’s popping here we got something like wraith spawning what does this mean what do these wraiths do is this like an arena for a boss a strong force field expels you from the runes ah so this must be like a final boss area maybe we shouldn’t check this out but I guess what I really want to do is just teleport around and see if we run into some bosses oh another Ambush going on down here Taurus Knight dwar Abyss Walker hold up Abyss Walkers I literally just beat artorius in the DLC a second ago before I started recording this this thing has 10,000 Health though this ain’t no damn regular ambush my boy is tanky there is actually controls in this to roll I just don’t know what button it’s on yeah look at this boots reflection Dodge roll special abilities like there’s so much stuff in this let’s put the Dodge roll a mouse five yeah so it is actually a Souls lag now officially once you get the rolling I’m trying to find more bosses though where are some more boss Arenas this got to be a Boss Arena look at this let’s check it out what scary monsters down here it’s so dark in here you have found the origin of the Abyss oh speak about the abyss and artorius what y’all got for me oh my God what is that those effects are crazy what’s going on look how much damage I’m taking if I wasn’t in god mode I’m dead says the abyss permeates the arena without protection you will not survive let’s get them in god mode fire fiend Merith I’m trying to see what the Sprite looks like it looks scary whatever it is it’s got like multiple hands is what it looks like crazy attacks I think this mod has updated a good bit since the last time I played it and there’s like a lot more new Sprites new animations and stuff that I never got far enough into the mod to experience all this new stuff be a sick boss I kind of don’t want to sit here and fight her for forever I’m sorry oh whoa whoa whoa he pushing me he’s pushing my ass away how do you even counter this you got to dash against this this is sick though for a boss fight this is on some like some of the top Tera boss fights in terms of just pure quality of it this is not bad I do want to kill you though I think we’ve seen enough it probably has way more attacks and phases but we got more to check out I’m sorry let’s just keep teleporting to random spots cuz obviously that’s working what do we got over here in the jungle this is a water boss so once we enter this circle boom Oh it’s not even a water boss it just spawns in the water the hunter that thing looks sick a giant bird are you going to come up here oh there you go it’s coming on up we probably just fought like one of the hardest boss and now we’re going to just like this bird boss it still got crazy attacks it’s got 22,000 Health it’s going to be a tough fight it has to be a tough fight again the Sprites look amazing in this mod this kind of makes me want to do another playthrough of it it’s a really long play through though oh my god did you see how many times that thing flash or flashbang my ass I’m sitting in the darkness right now you can’t be doing that I don’t got no lamps on yeah again another sick boss Sprite a oh my God death animation is beautiful too what other scary Critters are there what do we got down here is just a demon alter nothing here you have discovered the lay of the Lich King the Earth fiend Spirit whoa what the heck was that just a like explosion from the boss who just killed here we go we got another boss the Lich King okay so he is down here just more to the right this dude he looks a little bit goofier compared to the other sprads like he doesn’t look bad necessarily but he looks like he’s from like a Super Nintendo game rather than a terraria Mod cuz the last two they were insane so I’m guessing this one just hasn’t been updated yet in terms of sprite work he’s kind of got a lot of projectiles it’s going to be an annoying fight and I can’t fly either like I’m stuck on the floor torn wings so you have to fight this dude with no ability of flight maybe you get a grappling hook I don’t know if they even give you hooks searo I guess technically they do give you hooks in Solium this dude has so much health though holy almost 500,000 Health that’s insane so this is definitely like got to be one of the last bosses you fight in this playthrough let’s check out a couple more and see what’s popping with some of these other areas this area looks sick nice little place you could chill actually I feel like I’ve been here in my playthrough what else do we got we got some sick looking Arenas like what is this this a bonfire checkpoint so that means what is there a boss here we’re down here taking a Stairway To The Abyss it might be insanely dark yo look at this there’s like bosses floating here what is that are these like bosses I got to kill to get in here I have no idea let’s see what happens though if I go in here you have found the Tom of Gwyn Lord of Cinder AKA that’s the final boss of Dark Souls I he’s just a regular ass dude just like in the game but he’s kind of like he like 10 ft he’s pretty tall he’s built like a one piece character in terms of height let’s see the attacks though he’s got the music playing one of the best soundtracks in the Soul’s history uh in terms of attacks it’s kind of a little bit more tame I guess Gwyn is more of like a presentation a theatrical show more than it is like a crazy boss fight but I guess it’s pretty cool I don’t know if I like him being a size I’ve said in previous videos I don’t know if I like Terraria bosses being the same size as a human or a regular Terraria player cuz they just don’t feel as intimidating there’s something about it that just doesn’t feel as intimidating like when I fight the lunatic cultist he kind of feels goofy even though his attacks are crazy he’s just he’s just a little ass dude he’s the same as us but boom let’s get rid of Gwyn that’s cool that some of the regular Souls bosses are in this let’s just keep teleporting around though to find any creatures and monster well not really creatures and monsters really just bosses I’m trying to just find all the bosses at least a good chunk of them what about right here where’s the next boss there got to be an underground lava boss here we go oh is it just like a little little fight we got ulisa demon I don’t even know how to say that ulil and then we got a knight so a little little mini boss type fight here which is cool that they do have them kind of spread out that isn’t just all big bosses got the little mini bosses there’s a giant fossil over here looks sick let’s keep it pushing though whoever like hand built everything here it’s just amazing all this stuff is really sick looking kind of makes me want to you know look at more Terraria adventure maps but I kind of wish there was a whole section of Terraria mods that were built in with adventure maps cuz this would be such a sick thing just like Mor teria mods that instead of you know World generating thing they just actually make their own world with an adventure map that comes with the mod just like this it would be sick where where’s the end of this area is there an end is this just like a big area you walk in I don’t know I don’t see a boss spawner anywhere all right who do we got over here I found a boss in the bottom right oh we got another little bird it’s kind of got the birds from what’s the name of that mod is it Terraria reborn I don’t remember one of the OG Terraria mods from like tap API T config days where they had the three Elemental Birds which are still lowkey my favorite terrario modded bosses ever I wish somebody brings them back current day Terraria it would just be nice to see those three birds again I guess this counts doesn’t it so maybe this mod counts as bring them back and I don’t have to wait for another mod but we got the rage I don’t remember what the the the bird one the green bird one was was called let’s see I could I can scroll back up the hunter so we got the hunter we got the rage I wonder what their lore is what plays into the whole lore of this with these birds but I have seen enough sorry get the rage up out of here the little like explosion effects are insane hold up we got to fight the ice one this has to be the ice one oh it’s not a Ice Bird what the hell it’s SE I just beat SE like an hour ago ew he looks nasty just like he looks nasty in game now the Sprite actually isn’t terrible given that se is pretty ugly literally a scaleless dragon this is pretty spot-on I guess in terms of looks but in terms of design he’s really just a giant triangular Dragon kind of like Wiggles around but in this he’s a worm I guess it’s all right I I don’t like worm bosses I don’t know if I can say how much I like this but it’s cool seeing the Soul bosses in this I wonder if it’s all just Dark Souls 1 bosses that are in this wait what do I need to do he like called upon his powers I need to break the crystals okay just like the regular boss fight I see you but there go SE is dead what else is popping down here a traes hold up Paul the tradies [ __ ] Dune oh it’s the Ice Bird okay this is the one we were looking for I like how all the birds have different designs like they’re not all just like the same bird Sprite with different colors they actually have different designs I’m all the way in the top right Island and I found the Great Red Knight I can’t see anything this dude made it dark as hell he’s just another regular dude slightly taller than me so maybe not that regular but I say we check out like a handful more boss and then I think we call it there so you guys yourselves can kind of just like experience and explore the entirety of this mod yo the queen slim there we go there’s a regular boss she’s kind of just chilling in her own cave down here I I actually really do like the incorporation of regular vanilla bosses incorporating them into the lore of this mod who else do we have is it the Golem chilling down here yeah it’s the Golem ain’t it I want to see one more custom boss though one more custom boss and I think we can call it there don’t want to spoil too much I probably accidentally fought like the final boss you killed my brother I did not do that I don’t know who the hell this is okay here we go last boss I’m checking out death literally death himself hold up lordo this is all the way in the top left he’s got his own little Cloud area look at this look at some of these builds these are insane there’s like legit like a tower over here this sprite’s a little bit more tame in terms of some of the ones we’ve seen but I’m going to kill them off quickly here and I’m going just go over the the NPCs that are in this just so y’all can see there there’s some cra crazy stuff like look there pin wheel who doesn’t love pin wheel this is everyone’s favorite Dark Souls boss don’t die to them though yeah there is a lot of stuff as you can see look how far you can scroll down all this insane insane how much stuff there is in terms of bosses enemies new NPCs and then of course don’t forget about all these Soul items Incorporated some of these just being regular Dark Souls references other of these being some completely custom and new items so pretty sick it’s a dope mod you guys got to check it out shout out everyone that has worked on it if you don’t have Elden ring or just haven’t played a Souls game then you can ease your way in with this I guess because you know this this a nice little Gateway into it potentially but thank You’ all for watching this video hey make sure to leave a like subscribe and hit the notification Bell so you don’t miss future videos I potentially might stream some of the Elden ring DLC maybe not like all of it maybe like an hour or two like first hour or something I don’t know we’ll see gamon one make sure you follow the twitch but I will be seeing y’all in the next video have a good

Turning Terraria into a Souls-Like game is one of the BEST IDEAS EVER…

Story of the Red Cloud Mod –

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  1. the only youtuber that made me want to play terraria after whole 2 years of not touching the game

    great fucking mod great presentation of this masterpiece

  2. Anyone willing to edit a terraria challenge video.i have already recorded it ,but cant edit it.(challenge is that every weapon only has 1 dmg).i have completed till wall of flesh.but i am not motivated to continue unless i edit the first half .you can put the video in your channel or we could be partners where i do the challenge and you edit the video.pls help i have these videos with me for too long

  3. Fun fact: This mod, or more accurately, the original The Story of Red Cloud (the current mod is TSORC Revamped), predates tModLoader. I remember playing the original mod back when you had to use tConfig for managing mods. Even back then, it still had the massive map, the custom bosses/enemies, and the dark souls soul mechanic.
    The team doing the Revamped version did an excellent job retaining the exploration feeling of the map while modernizing it.

  4. This is a perfect mod for multiplayer, it even have chests with different classes so you can play with friends. I love how it incorporates puzzles, exploration and actually new mechanics to summon the bosses.

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