I Built an Ender Castle in Minecraft Hardcore

so I have a massive project in today’s video but before we get started I have a question oh my God all right how many years ago did Minecraft add the n c to the game was it 4 6 8 or 10 years ago I’ll give you some time to think okay the answer was 8 years ago which is actually kind of crazy the nend city is the only structure to spawn inside the end other than these pillars which is actually not here cuz I transformed it but these are actually older than my grandma super cool in 16 but now it’s kind of old news so I got the idea to spice up the End by building a castle or whatever this is going to be cuz why not it’ll be fun all right so my plan isn’t to build this on an oh my God what did I do to this nend city I control alt f4 deleted this thing this thing is demolished oh my God I I am ruthless okay anyways my plan isn’t to build this end Castle on top of an end Island cuz that’s just boring my plan is to carve up one whole side of an end Island and build the end Castle inside of there so I just need to find a flat thick end Island somewhere and I think this one is perfect it’s right beside my portal and it’s it’s thick let’s start removing this giant section give me give me about 9 days yeah I’m not actually going to mine this entire thing do you think I’m insane I’m actually going to put a bunch of TNT duper dropper thingies that will annihilate this entire side of the island which will make my life a lot easier and it’s super satisfying to watch so and there we go we have an entire end Island cut in half it looks it looks kind of funny all right but my plan is to build the ender Castle right here on the side of this island and inside of the castle I’ll be building a bunch of cool things but you got to wait to see what I’m going to build what happened to these ones why are they broken hello I guess I’ll just destroy it since I don’t need it anymore let’s chuck all this into the void but now I need to work on a frame for this giant Ender castle and the floors so I think I’m just going to build it out of grass just to add some Greenery into the end so let’s fly home H oh oh my God I thought I was going to die let’s grab some grass oh that’s not going to be enough okay let’s get started so the castle is going to hug this wall of the island so I don’t really need to build a platform all the way like close to this wall if you know what I mean I should build it on the outskirts so let’s build a giant half circle and fill it in and all of this will be the front lawn of the Ender castle and I already feel like this is pretty bougie like there’s there grass inside the end Dimension this is only something Elon mus like Mr Beast would have like buying their own private island but it’s already becoming an Enderman farm please go away there you go you guys don’t belong here you know what what if I just punch all of them and have them chase me oh God oh God oh God oh God okay okay okay okay wait they actually do a lot of damage oh my God okay what if I just walk up the edge they follow me oh never mind I thought I thought they were Dumber but that’s kind of oh wait it’s working it’s working wait they just push each other off the edge but they’re going teleport right back up I’m pretty sure okay but like I said the plan is to build the castle right here it’s probably going to be taller so it’s going to stick up a little bit I’m going to build some custom walkways and stairways and custom Ender trees and just make this entire thing look super fancy cuz the main goal is to add a nice structure to the end Dimension cuz that is looking hideous well I guess I had some part in it but yeah but anyways let’s grab some more dirt and start building out the frame for this entire Castle cuz I honestly have no idea what I’m going to be building yet so I’m going to be freestyling right here okay this is the entire frame it looks pretty crazy and I haven’t even really taken a look yet on the entire shape and the structure so this could turn out horribly um let’s fly over here to this island and see oh okay it looks like it looks like a giant cake I mean my birthday was like a month ago well well it’s in it’s tomorrow but when this video comes out it’ll be like a month but yeah it kind of looks like a birthday cake but that’s not too bad so this is the castle I’m going to be building right in the middle here I think right here is where the Giant Eye of Ender will be and is and is where the castle will see I’m also going to be adding a ton of pillars and some rooftops to make this look all nice look at these dudes just yonky my entire Castle okay but that took me about an hour to do now we got to fill it in and build the actual castle which is even harder so let’s start collecting a bunch of resources for this entire thing um how do we make end bricks do we just do this oh yeah okay that’s actually pretty easy let’s start mining a ton of endstone wait I do have a beacon right here please tell me there’s haste two on it wait there’s nothing uh-oh oh never mind okay sweet oh wait I already M out a giant section of the end maybe I do have end blocks already I don’t know let’s just mine since we’re already here and try to get as much endstone as we can and a full inventory of endstone will make me the exact same amount but in bricks I don’t know why I didn’t know that but yeah I am officially stupid but yeah this is my enter Castle inspiration shout out to bread builds um for the Epic build but anyways I need a ton of different blocks [Music] [Music] [Music] bro okay I have all of my materials inside these Sher boxes here here and all I got to do is take these items and throw it into this Frame and build a crazy Ender Castle cuz why not the end is boring and we are Builders so try to do something cool here let’s fly down here and let’s start building hopefully these Enderman can’t y a Shuler box cuz they’re going to be stealing a lot of materials okay but let’s first start by just filling in the walls with some endstone and some random [Music] blocks and and I think that looks pretty good I tried to like mix up this purple here so it’s like dark and then it gets light using purple concrete and purple powder then I transition it into these endstone bricks which I think looks really cool look at it oh yeah this is going to be this is going to be insane when I’m done but I don’t want to use too much endstone bricks cuz then it’ll match with the island and it’ll just blend in and look ugly so I have an idea let’s grab some wood okay guys please shut up you guys are making too much noise and let’s use these Oak planks to kind of separate it if that makes sense so I kind of want to bring the overhang back out like this just so it’s not like getting skinnier and skinnier and like it won’t match this entire frame so let’s uh do this and now let’s add some wood pillars to kind of just give us some support beam looking thingies and I think that looks pretty good to start it’s like a nice block palette color thingy and in my opinion this is starting to look really oh my God again move Block it’s you’re in the way making my life so difficult even though I was the one who placed these blocks but yeah I think having all of this wood inside the end makes the end just kind of stand out more oh yeah I like it this is starting to look really good I just need to like add some windy thingies right here I just didn’t bring any glass um yeah I guess I’ll just finish the base of this Castle oh my god dude I can I cannot fly [Music] oh oh yeah dude this looks sick now just imagine windows inside of it and like a nice staircase here like a nice Pond or something and flowers this this is going to look amazing we’ve only finished a third of the entire castle and we got this entire cake left so let’s continue grinding here I’m really excited to see how this Castle ends up looking at the end and we’re still going to fill up the inside of the entire castle with a bunch of cool things so this is going to be [Music] cool bro what do you want go away go go go what do you want [Music] now and there is the second layer done it looks a kind of different from the bottom layer cuz I forgot to use Crimson planks so I’m going to have to try to add it into this bottom layer o maybe I could just like replace this bottom layer of wood right here and make a border of crimson wood I feel like it gives a nice separation to everything going on it’s just like a nice darkish red just a little hard to reach around with my short arms I got to right click this tiny Edge the size of a particle oh wait I literally could have just done it up here this makes my life a lot easier just doing this oh yeah that’s not too bad but yeah it kind of feels like I’m building a giant cake in the nether you know there’s like a base layer then it keeps getting taller and taller and taller but I will be adding some Towers on the like the left and right side just to add some depth but um let’s continue building the cake up and worry about all that stuff later oh yeah we got a giant cake going on this looks sick I love the the color gradient I did over here there’s a bunch of purple blocks End Stone and it kind of just gets like different color you know what I mean but I am completely out of purple blocks so let’s go Hulk smashing another city and demolish it bro put me down man I feel like a little child like a short kid say like put me down man yo why is this Enderman checking me out hey yo chill all right but I got some purple blocks here and now I can continue building this cake up we are almost done we just need to design this top part there’s still just so much more I need to [Music] build I’m missing one slab and all I have is an endstone brick oh it looks so bad why does Minecraft always do this to me just one block of missing delete uh replaced [Music] and there we go the cake is fully complete um it kind of looks like I built a mini house on top of the cake and this is like the Cherry but they’re still going to be an extra cherry on top on top of this cherry and that is a nice roof and oh my God I should really get rid of this what if I just accidentally turned on one of these machines it would totally just run through this entire thing that I built oh oh oh my god oh there goes my last firework but yeah the inside is still super empty so we’re going to have to work on that later but let’s work on finish finishing up this entire exterior and start by building frames for the pillars around this Castle okay there are my pillars I’m going to add some two giant ones on the sides here and just little baby ones on these flat rooftops and these Ed already Ying my blocks oh my God and this one is all gone oh my God these guys are so annoying okay let’s just let’s just work on these pillars and built them up from the ground oh yeah we got some pillars going I finally added the warp wood block so it adds a different type of color to the whole build this is like reminding me of like wizard towers and and Clash of Clans for some reason all right but for these pillars they’re going to be a lot smaller than these ones obviously they’re just going to add a little bit of more depth to the front of this entire Ender Castle so let’s remove this Frame right here maybe I’ll take some Crimson planks and put it in the middle and some purple concrete like this maybe so it’s like kind of gradual and then I’ll also do it up here as well so like that’s the center area you you know what I mean now let’s take some Birch planks and kind of build a window is thing like that and do it all around here we go now let’s use some purple blocks to build a rooftop I don’t want to make it too tall cuz it’s going to like intrude onto this area so uh maybe I’ll just do something like this I I honestly don’t even know what I’m doing guys when do I even know what I’m doing I’m always just right clicking random blocks and trying to make make it work okay there we go um I think that looks all right I could definitely use some work maybe I should put some more Crimson wood here like that oh man this is this is hideous oh my God it’s like me staring into the mirror what if I replace all of this with some oak wood just so it can stand out a little bit yeah that looks a little better it’ll definitely look better if I add some window panes too that are like purple and now let’s uh let’s put some hobble Stone fences and stuff right here maybe that’ll add some more depth or something I don’t know maybe replacing the wood with endstone will look better oh yeah it’s looking it’s looking a little better how about I change the rooftop with some warped planks so it kind of matches these pillars let’s also add some walls to the roof and maybe a pillar right on top to add some height oh yeah that’s looking pretty good I’m not going to lie I’m telling you if you guys want to be a decent Builder all you got to do is just Spam right click blocks until it works now I just need to add like a upside down roof on the bottom here just so it’s a little smooth and a little Spike down here here let’s add some fences and walls again and I think that looks pretty good it adds so much like texture to the the flat front of the castle so now I just need to do that all over the castle just to add some more some more zest some more uh swaggin and I forgot to mention but right in the middle of this castle inside this square is where I’ll be building the Giant Eye of Ender so the castle has like an eyeball in the middle of its forehead and it’s going to have like a six sense or something let’s finish up off these pillars [Music] okay look how sick the castle looks now oh my God like I thought the pillars would add a little bit of detail but look at it it makes it look so much better it makes it look like a wizard wizardy tower Castle thing like where Harry Potter used to train I don’t know I never watched Harry Potter but yeah that is the exterior of the castle basically all done except the eye that I mentioned earlier but do you guys remember what the end Island looked like at the beginning of the video well this is what it looks like now it’s pretty insane before we start working on the inside of this Castle let’s work on the outside again well I guess I’ve been but I mean this bottom part so my plan for this is to have like a giant staircase come down that’s kind of symmetrical on both sides and on the edges I’ll have some flowers come out maybe some water some decoration to make this place look even cooler that is the plan so let’s go ahead and grab all my purple blocks some pillars stairs some slabs and let’s just come up with a staircase design that’ll lead up into the castle entryway thingy migy yep okay yeah this looks kind of horrible it’s just not curvy enough and it’s like too straight maybe if I could like bring it in a little bit like curve it at the end here it will look a little more fancy fly fatty oh my God yeah I don’t know let’s just keep building and see what happens do it the cookie way there we go um this Enderman is mad at me but for some reason he’s just Frozen he’s honestly just mad at the air right now he’s not even mad at me anymore this guy’s just mad for no apparent reason reason there you go yep leave I spent a very long time building the staircase to make sure it’s 100% symmetrical I would run to one side and run to the other and just keep doing that over and over until I perfected the staircase and I think it looks really really good oh my God it actually does look really good wow now I’m planning on having like a big water fountain in the middle here on the sides I want to add like a nice flower Forest farm and add in some custom Ender trees okay but now let’s fill it in there we go wow that looks way better than having a hole right in the middle of the ground so I don’t really have the materials to build the fountain right here I want to use like stone brick um I could use Cobblestone but that’s kind of hideous so let’s fly back I’m kind of sick of being in the end let’s fly into my giant end base and let’s head into my base and grab some stone brick uh what the am I that poor I only have 37 pieces nah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this isn’t good um why do I have so much smooth St but not stone brick let me check my stone machine over here it’s so weird seeing paths as well well man this place has changed um oh yeah never mind we are never short let’s also craft some of this into some stairs and some slabs and let’s fly all the way back to the end I could actually take my mine cart system that I built on the last episode but uh I don’t have a mineart so just pretend that we’re on a really fast mine cart right now guys wow this is lightning speed boom okay this thing looks crazy from the far but let’s take all the stone brick and start building my myself a fountain oh my God I already got Enderman in here my God they do so much damage now how how are they so strong oh my God oh my God jeez Louise okay let’s start building this water [Music] fountain I think that looks pretty good it kind of justes like a standing Stone structure right now but trust me once I put water on the top of that it’s going to look pretty insane um let’s oh my god I didn’t even bring water with me holy brain dead activities okay I’m back let’s just make an infinite pool right here cuz I’ll probably need some more water for later let’s place down what the Ender’s hate right in oh there oh yeah you guys better watch out watch out boy yeah oh I didn’t do anything that wasn’t even me you stepped in the puddle bro so the water pours out down there and also pours out on the sides it looks pretty fancy now let’s just grab some water and smooth out this entire Pond area oh yeah okay that makes the water fountain done right in the center of the Ender Castle but now we got to work in the sides here so let’s start building some Flower Farms just to add a bunch of color hey that looks pretty good I I really like this it makes it feel so earthy and homey and I’m just like overtaking the end suck at Enderman oh my God okay but right here I’m planning on building some custom Ender trees kind of just purpley looking trees how about this oh my God that looks horrible oh my God okay I’m deleting that instantly this is disgusting let’s try something [Music] else he hey that looks pretty good oh dude stop go away man what did I do to you that Enderman almost killed me but yeah these these Ender trees looks pretty good now I used some purple concrete and some glass and some wool and stuff now let’s just build some smaller Ender trees at the bottom and the entire exterior is done well only uh one side oh yeah this is awesome I love it I definitely could have done better with these trees they look kind of like skinny corn dogs or kebabs with like meat on it but kind of still wanted to give it some weird Ender Vibes you know what I mean the last thing I need to do is build the Ender eye obviously but that’ll be at the end of the video cuz that’s like the the main part of the entire castle and to add some stained glass to these windows right here so I don’t know if I should use purple stained glass or magenta purple matches the end more but magenta is so much brighter and it just looks cooler so let’s just place it down and fly back uh yeah I yeah I think I’m going to go with magenta it’s just brighter and just cooler looking so I’m sorry purpled but uh you’re no longer welcome here let’s fill in all these windows with some glass oh yeah this looks awesome just just take a look at the end City real quick this is what Minecraft added to the end you know it was really cool when we when we first got it but like come on now imagine if Minecraft had this this would be insane to explore but the entire exterior is basically done now we just need to work on the interior so since since the outside floor is birch I’m going to continue the same trend on the inside and also build a bunch of floors up the castle all right so I built two floors inside of this enter castle and the first thing I want to build is actually going to be right here in the middle and it’s going to be a little baby enter dragon I don’t know if it’s possible but I’m going to try so let’s head home and grab some TNT some black stone and some other stuff to build this dragon all right let’s start blowing up a hole inside of this mountain I got to be a little careful though cuz I really don’t want to blow up any of the Castle so let’s be very careful where I blow up my TNT but after all of thiso yo yo yo yo oh yeah that’s a nice little cave right here and now I’m just going to use these materials an aite and Blackstone and just try to build a mini dragon in here honestly this could go horribly wrong and just look hideous but uh might as well try right let’s line it up right in the center here like that maybe it needs to be a little wider like the legs over here maybe let’s bring them up a little little bit let’s put some little stairs here so it looks like some claws now let’s put um some stairs here let’s add some some muscle right here oh man this is this is not going to be good guys okay let’s work on the other leg first let’s put a leg right here and the other leg will be like back here somewhere oh that is not right here bro’s got a broken leg let’s put it a little closer like right here okay um I’m going to continue building and try my best to make this look good but no promises at all this might be one thing that I cannot build yeah it’s coming together it’s coming together I tried making the legs look a little beefy so they look kind of strong you know it just protrudes out a little bit I got the belly going here and the neck’s going to come up here somewhere it’s looking pretty decent um I’m lit just winging this so hard but I also got some some walls here I added some on the back foot here and I also add some random ones like up here maybe I’m sort of running out of space to to build the wings in the head but let’s keep going this is this is kind of fun all right I think this is the best I can do he looks kind of or I guess she the dragon looks pretty pretty weird looking looks like a dog with wings like is this not a shape of a Bulldog look at him beefy ah I still need to add her eyes and the nose I got a tail back here which looks pretty good but yeah I don’t think it’s getting better than that so can I make anite buttons I cannot okay let’s fly home and grab some stuff all right oh my God there’s already Enderman standing over top of her let’s come up here and add some nostrils right here okay okay and I decide to use some purple concrete powder for the eyes so let’s go on the side here and mine out uh maybe further back here like that oh okay let’s slap an eyeball right on this side as well and we got our an Ender Dragon oh yeah a little goofy looking but you know not horrible not horrible but yeah this is the Ender Dragon’s Castle she she owns it basically I brought her back to life next up for the inside of this Castle I’m planning on planting some chorus fruit up up here um just cuz I don’t really have much to do and I totally forgot to plant corse fruit out here so let’s steal some of these guys uh yo oh yeah oh wait I can’t plant these these just teleport you for some reason I actually need to get those those bulb thingies let’s grab my bow and arrow and do a quick flyby shooting y y oh my God is 100% accuracy oh never mind give me your balls give me them give me them bulbs I don’t even know what they’re called horse flowered all right I think 15 is plenty wait wait why can’t I collect this one hello wait what what’s going on wait why there falling from the sky wait there’s another one why are they just falling from the sky like meatballs 15 will do let’s fly into my second doorway and fly up and I’m pretty sure all I got to do is just plant them right here and I’ll have a little farm going pretty pointless but it it’s nice to have a touch of the end inside of my castle just like that now let’s build something on this second floor and my idea is to actually trap some mobs already have a bunch of Enderman here which makes it pretty easy but I also want to trap some shulkers and some endite parasite dudes I’m going to need a few name tags so hopefully oh I have 21 in here that’s perfect let’s bring an anvil and some materials to make these trapped mobs at home all right first things first let’s trap some Enderman cuz I already have a bunch of these guys here let’s build them a little jail cell oh wait they could teleport um do I have leads oh my God I don’t have leads bro stop no one likes you there’s no way you can put a lead on an Enderman they just teleport away how are we supposed to trap them I guess we could use a boat h oh my God look at him sit on the boat please get off let me put the boat right here all right guys come sit oh my God that kind of scared me okay we got him in he’s probably going to teleport away cuz he’s mad at me unless he won’t that’ be so cool to have an angry Enderman stuck let’s craft another boat and let’s put one right here let’s get this guy mad oh he’s a flower too wait he stole that’s my flower bro let’s build them a little cage and surround them with some glass all right let’s come with some names what should we name these two guys H let’s name one clerson and the other one will be Bobby perfect names now let’s just build a cover on top so they can never Escape there we go we got Clon and Bobby now on this side we still have the Ender mites and the shulkers so let’s build a few more platforms here all right let’s first get some endermites and I’m pretty sure you get that by shooting an end Pearl or something so um let’s grab my sword and just go on a killing spree yeah give me my rose back you’re lucky Bobby that you’re in there I don’t know why they’re all crowding around here they’re trying to let Cleon and and Bobby out of there they’re finding a a way oh my God all right I got two stacks of Ender Pearls and let’s just start chucking them I don’t remember the chances I’ll probably put it on the screen what the chances are of uh spawning an endermite but if worst comes with worst and I don’t get one I can just fart one out just straight out of my two butt cheeks oh I got one oh wait I should have built oh yo yo yo wait why are you guys killing your cousin what the heck guys yo yo okay this is friendly fire I probably should have built a a frame first let’s also build a little roof over over top of it so maybe the Enderman can’t like spawn inside and kill it you know so let’s try to spawn another guy in oh yeah okay okay we got one we got one yo chill oh my God there’s no way you this BR just sacrificed himself to kill his cousin oh my God I’m done let’s try this again why why is this even a feature in Minecraft come on I have three more come on come on oh my God okay I got another two stacks of Ender Pearls and I’m not getting oh there we go there we go um could I quickly build out of here and be okay move before you die all right let’s Juke him out okay there we go we got I’m trapped hopefully these Enderman don’t oh no I look oh my God how did I look at so many wait no he’s going to despawn how did I look at so many at once oh my God look at these Apes I’m out of here is the might still here oh my God he’s gone how am I struggling so much with this guy okay let’s just come up with the name now let’s call him frankus uh uh uh uh uh uh okay there we go we all frankus stay please don’t kill me oh yeah we got frankus and now all we need is oh my God bro I don’t want you man all we need now is a Shuler right here in the middle and the closest end city is probably this one but honestly I feel like I completely eliminated every single Shuler I do have a shulker farm right over here that I built probably months ago yeah it’s right here there are a bunch of shulkers right here that I could steal deal oh my God it’s loud over here what I totally forgot how this even works all right maybe there’s one inside this ship unless I killed him yep I I killed him I just need one Shuler to be alive in here come on is there any survivors what what did they do to you what did they do I transported one before over here how could anybody do this to a city Humanity man horrible horrible people all right let’s just yo one from here this guy looks pretty juicy and the boat daddy oh yeah okay why do I have a feeling this boat will like float will it float or will it fall straight down oh it floats a little bit oh my God what is happening to him hopefully he doesn’t kill himself with his own Shuler star shooter things stop I’m taking you to safety I’ll see you guys in like 5 years wait where’d he go how do he how’d he get out yo you’re not supposed to be you’re not supposed to do that okay we finally made it and somehow this guy didn’t die I had to take a giant Loop though I had to like go all the way like I started over there to go all the way around it was it was painful like just following this little track now I just need to transport him in there and I’m probably going to do that with some mine cart so stay let’s build a super long Dirt Road oh yeah perfect now I just need to take this guy on a mine cart not going to lie this guy was like my fifth guy let’s take this mine cart all the way down and right into my castle let’s try to just drag him across oh there we go I forgot to light these bad boys up but I should be able to just give him a little boost oh my God this is slow go yes yes it’s working oh my God this is actually going pretty fast okay let’s put a powered rail there oh my God oh my dude these guys are so annoying let’s land right here push them down oh yeah okay it should be smooth sailing from here right into my castle yes let’s just trap him really quickly cover him up cover him up hide from those thingies oh my God stop it I just cover them okay there we go oh my God yeah how does it feel huh oh let’s name him pain hopefully he doesn’t hurt himself with all those orbs and stuff but we have trapped all the Ender mobs now so now we just got to clean this whole thing up and honestly I don’t even care if I lose these rails into the void cuz I already have unlimited everything inside my world it’s nice being rich all right next up I want to build a dragon head wall I feel like that’ll be pretty cool it’s going to be pretty tough to do though because only one dragon head spawns on every single end city that has the end sh so it’s kind of rare maybe I could just find two and place them at the front of the castle so there and there and it might look pretty cool I guess so oh yeah operation find myself two dragon heads this might be really difficult and I should probably uh repair my wing oh my God why I take those off a good thing I checked cuz I would have been stranded or died in the void all right let’s go searching may maybe I left one on that n city ship come on please be dumb and leave it a I took it no oh there’s one right there too oh I took it too I see the little dirt patch up there well let’s go searching around and try to find some more nend cities around here there’s one right here oh wait there’s two oh wait wait wao why am I running into so many this one looks untouched oh yeah wait that was actually way faster than I thought okay since we’re here we might as well steal the elytra as well excuse me let me just yoink that thank you very much thanks for the business oh yeah oh oh no oh yeah that was so fast okay we just need one more this end City over here doesn’t look like there’s a end ship so we didn’t get super super lucky that would have been insane back to back oh that one’s a puny one that one that one’s my sized okay I’m not getting as lucky now I’ve been flying for a little bit and I haven’t seen any signs of any cities oh yo the second I say that dude that’s hilarious the second I mentioned something I find another n city oh yeah thank you for the wings see you later let me just slowly fly away and let’s yoink this oh I got to be careful there’s a void right there make a little platform grab this I’m a dragon now oh my God my nose is so big it doesn’t even fit on the screen this this what a villager sees let’s come over here and plant a dragon the head right in front of the castle there and one smack right where did I put it right here oh yeah dude that that just finishes up just two Elite Dragon HS in the yeah yippee the very last thing I want to add is inside of the castle and that just some waterfall ender pearl and and Eyes of Ender Stuff cuz those just look so cool and it just fills in the wall very nicely you know so just imagine like a honey wall right here with pouring down ball sacks and stuff it’s going to look pretty cool but you guys have all seen me build these before so I’m just going to do it super quickly here and I’m probably still going to struggle even though I’ve built this five times there we go I haven’t even tested it yet so I’m really hoping it works yeah it’s the same thing as I usually build so I have a ton of Ender pears in here it should go up this water stream elevator and start flying down oh yeah oh yeah dude I love these honey waterfalls now I just need to do the same exact thing over on this side and this side will be the Eye Of Enders and the second waterfall is done I also myself some Blaze Rod so let’s turn that into some powder and turn them into Eyes of Ender why does ender pearl sack a 16 but Eyes of Ender sack is sack as 64 I might sound a little weird I have a lisp I have a teeth whitening strip Sean but I can’t I can’t stop playing Minecraft so I I couldn’t wait let’s throw all of these Eyes of Ender into the the thingy oh yeah okay and speaking of Eyes of Ender that is the very last thing that we need to do which just to build a giant eye right in the middle of the castle right there so it’ll make this entire Ender Castle feel alive and there we go the entire Ender Castle is done dude this actually looks insane like when you fly from a distance it looks like a whole wizardly wizardly Town Castle I don’t even know how to explain it it just looks awesome if you guys want more cookie content go check out my Roblox Channel I upload like almost every single day with my friend brick and it’s just a lot of fun a lot a lot of laughs and yeah love you guys see you ah

Building an End Dimension Castle in Hardcore Minecraft (#57)
• roblox channel: @aCookieBlox
• watch from EPISODE #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDYifz45dhU&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTmHfheGsE70w9uzcas3BFH

• watch my LAST EPISODE: https://youtu.be/PS3y3WS6os4
(I Connected My Entire World in Minecraft Hardcore #56)


follow me or no cookies for life

• twitter: https://twitter.com/aCookieGod
• instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aCookieGod/
• discord: https://discord.gg/cookiearmy

• signed cookie posters: https://creatormerch.com/products/acookiegod5million


• Build Inspired by BreadBuilds 🙂

This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better! 🙂

I Built an Ender Castle in Minecraft Hardcore


#minecraft #hardcore #but


  1. Me asking myself why cookieblox (his roblox channel) and acookiegod is on my recommendation.
    Basically cookieblox says 2hrs ago and acookiegod is 1hr ago, you know half if 2 is 1. Hehehe

  2. Guys he mentioned his birthday was a month ago and today is jun 21 and 7×3 is 21 so 21 days ago was his birthday day and he posted [his mom has cancer video] and says in the comments that it was a weird video to upload on his birthday day

    I hope your mom gets better the doctors where kinda trash for taking that long to figure out the cancer 😢😢😢

  3. Cookie I'm also here though❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

  4. Hi cookie ty for inspiring me to play Minecraft and now the back then depressed me always playing Roblox alone now I'm always happy playing whit my friends and doing the things you build (low budget) but still have a good day stay safe and may your mom recover from cancer

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