I Built a SECRET UNDERWATER House to Hide From a MONSTER!

Oh Daddy this is so stupid I hate fishing even throwing it in the water Oh Daddy I caught the fattest fish in the ocean you’re catching you’re catching me that hurts ow you’re ripping my hair like f get him you like fishing I kind like fishing I just oh my gosh you just actually caught a fish I saw that this is cool this is’s the only one actually enjoying this experience all right Daddy what do you do when you catch a fish throw it back in the ocean no you’re supposed to kill it with a spear what the heck I’m not killing the fishy well that’s what you’re supposed to do you’re supposed to eat it for dinner yeah you’re supposed to make sure it’s dead oops you know what I’m going to throw you in there how about that you want me to throw you in here no no that’s what I thought stop being pain the butt on the boat okay Daddy I you throw that Daddy stop Gooby help me wheel him back in yeah let me do it to you okay guys guys guys let’s have a fishing challenge everyone throw your fishing rod in and we’re going to see who catches the fish first me go go go no it’s going to be me I’m going to get such the best I just got one I just got a raw card I just got a raw C how did you do it so fast it was instant it was like 2 seconds in it was actually crazy yeah wait I got a name tag heck that’s not a fish name my fish you guys are hogging all the fish on this side I got to get to the other side scoby I think you’re just really bad all right I’m going to catch all the fishies um you guys you guys this is a fish over here go where oh my go what is that I’m going to try catching it I C the W card guys that is not a normal fish that thing looks like a dragon oh my God his mouth was really wide open he looks so scary it’s not good Bo guys I have my Spiel oh my God Gooby oh my God oh my gosh Gooby gooby this is really not good I’m going have to break some of the boat to save you come on go I’m coming what are you doing you’re put a hole in the how to do it okay we sa gooy that was so scary guys there was these big soap now yes Gooby we saw everything happened oh gosh what was that oh my gosh guys the ship kind of is taking a lot of damage from the sea animals oh come on it probably took a Chun out of it I really did we’re going to sink oh my gosh daddy they’re underneath our boat right now oh they’re circling they are circling you want to eat us probably probably smell really good to them daddy this ship is is terrible we need to make a better ship we need blocks that are a lot stronger yeah I agree we need way stronger blocks cuz I think this is only the beginning all those little sea animals are probably going to go get their friends well we don’t want that to happen they’re going to eat us for breakfast lunch and dinner oh no we got to make this super secured we got to make it Monster prooof so no sea monsters can eat us what do we use yeah what do we do first well first off let’s start by rebuilding the ship cuz look what happened you had to go in the water Gooby you just had to show them what people taste like I fell in and little bit yeah a little bit it was an accident okay stop yelling at Gooby yeah it was an accident M yeah that’s what they all say but we all know it’s your fault oh my gosh I got to fill in so many blocks like these blocks aren’t strong enough um then what block should we use Daisy like iron or something iron o wait maybe that’s a good idea hold on ooh iron okay we could use iron it’s just super strong oh my goodness this is actually looking so much better okay you do the whole top and I’m going to my way down with it oh yeah this boat is looking so good right now oh this is looking really good like a big iron ship it’s looking way better than the poopy gray concrete that we had well Jon you just said diamonds I thought they’re really pretty we should replace all this wood pots with diamonds o we should me and my daddy are working on the bottom of the ship right now and it’s actually coming out so good make sure they can’t break through oh yeah this is looking pretty good ooh I love the diamonds this looks amazing so fancy yeah super strong I got an idea let’s replace the entire floor with diamonds we have to whole floor yes daddy the entire floor we cannot have this poopy wood in here hey whatever you guys say okay this looking pretty good we got to make sure the inside of the ship is also good as well so everyone let’s go downstairs and replace these blocks it needs a lot of work oh gosh okay all the walls should be Iron guys we got to start thinking of some defenses we could add as well o we should make big Nets big Nets what yeah big Nets cobwebs Daddy are you sure yeah I’m sure I don’t know big Nets kind of sound stupid we also need a lookout underneath the water so I’m going to start making an underwater bubble ooh that’s a good idea we should definitely do that all right guys this is looking pretty good it looks super strong Oh Daddy where are you going with this going down below can we be careful cuz there’s sea serpents in here yeah yeah yeah stupid sea serpent doesn’t matter we need to make this so we can actually see them well what should we put in this entire space we need some armor and weapons hey okay that’s a good idea let me start getting some armor stands definitely going to put armor weapons down here I’m going to add cobwebs to the side of our boat that could be good that’ll like trap all the monsters and they’re not going to be able to get us exactly it’ll be super sticky and they can’t get through monsters are never going to know oh no what’s your idea Gooby it’s should to be so cool tell us what is it it’s a surprise really a surprise yes all right well you know what this surprise better be really good okay well I wanted it to be a surprise but I think I need help so I’m just going to tell you so you can help me all right Gooby what do you need help with where are you I’m going to replace all the sails with Magma blocks what the heck why would you do that magma blocks this makes no sense Gooby why would you actually do this cuz if the sea Sant jump in the sky and try to get on our boats then they’ll just hit the magma blocks I mean I guess so but I don’t think they’re going to be jumping in the sky that’s it’ll look really cool okay fine it will look pretty cool Gooby all right I’ll help you he is going to go pretty quick if both of us are placing down these blocks yes we’re going to have magma sails that’s so cool literally our boat is going to going to be on fire it’s going to be the most fire boat in the sea actual Flames wait Gooby I have an insane idea hold on look at this I’m actually going to set it on fire oh that looks amazing yes yes yes yep yep there we go now we actually have a fire boat someone help me good forget about me down here that’s Daisy’s job Daisy what are you doing I’m busy I’m adding defenses to the outside like what what defenses spider webs oh wait this is actually really smart this is actually really smart and looking pretty good come about to get stuck in there well we kind of need help replacing all these blocks with Magma blocks so help us I’ll help you let’s go we have a lot of blocks to replace guys oh my goodness guys this actually came out amazing this is the best battle ship ever we just placed like 1,000 freaking blocks but it doesn’t matter cuz it was worth it made the daddy you made the underground Place yeah come down here okay I’m coming I’m coming you see all the fishes wait this is so awesome I feel like I’m in a big fish bowl exactly it’s an air Bowl instead yep the total opposite it’s a reverse oh it’s like Sandy cheek’s house I guess so but she has a house inside of that s cheek house Daddy yeah she’s down here she’s not down she’s not no she’s not here hey Sandy I’m Le we SpongeBob and Patrick they’re not here you idiot what this place is lame we’re going to start building it up daddy where do we start let mean where do we start we need to add something down here it looks boring well I can make like little corridors yeah we should make room wi over here over here just one oh that’s God rela relax don’t don’t be scared don’t be scared Daddy can I get my own room over here sure yeah I’m going to make my own room got to build make a hallway I think there’s a water leak yeah there’s a lot of water leak wait we need to use sponges so we can get all the water out what I’ve been doing ooh it’s coming out so good wait what did you guys even do to this ship D we made it amazing you have to check it out after this what did you do what we made it awesome this is horrible no it’s not Daddy why is there so much fire and destruction because daddy our ship is fire really so that’s why you put fire on the sails now we can’t even move the ship well Daddy we need to get protected from the monsters you made the boat look lame no it’s it so cool daddy it was Gooby idea so don’t blame me Gooby it is my idea cuz it was really cool it was kind of cool daddy super duper ugly no there’s a bunch of boogers in the water daddy why is there so many boogers kelp it’s kelp it’s a plant Bo you stupid kelp boogers are everywhere it’s so disgusting sure those aren’t goobies E I think they were no I haven’t picked my nose in like 2 days yeah loing up over there Daisy what are you doing building my room oh I just keeping tabs Daddy I’m building my room too and it’s actually super big no one ask hey Daisy but you don’t want to X me no cuz he likes me more than you okay that would be really sad boy how’s your room it’s coming out really good all right it’s good thank you for asking yeah no problem I’m just really interested in what you’re doing my room is coming out really good I bet my room’s coming out way better than yours Gooby no I think so it’s almost done wow I just got all the water out and it looks so amazing in here oh I got to do that next still working on the floor Slowpoke yeah you need to hurry up where the serpents come someone help me no I got to add carpet down on mine sorry Daisy really all right now I need a bed there we go and then I also need this guys my room is completed I finally did it I’m just going to put yellow carpet in going all the way to the middle okay why is there water everywhere guys what are you doing W nice room Daddy it’s so much better than yours right no come in my room what let me see your room kind of flooded in here Daisy I’m fixing it check it out oh my goodness this is terrible okay enough time in there what the heck are you talking about going to goo’s room next Gooby let me see your room oh yeah this is terrible okay next room oh gosh there’s water everywhere in Daisies my room is really good look at this you just you just spammed pictures on the wall this is terrible you don’t like pixels no if I got R of that one okay it’s better then get rid of that one that one that one that one and also it’s cool half notot so you can see the water where am I right now your room gives me a headache okay it makes my head hurt I think it’s really good where’s your room oh mine’s across from yours it’s pretty good look how bad this room is Gooby it’s actually amazing looks like pee it looks like pee in here it’s amazing okay looks like somebody just took a pee pee on the floor big PE no they did not take a pee pee wait guys look at daisies it’s actually huge Daisy you made the biggest room so far I told you I just needed help building my wall it’s going to be the worst room by far all right let me help you Daisy what are you doing nothing I’m helping you am I helping who’s breaking my room who did that oops don’t worry JY I’m help you too I don’t need piggies in here she always like making a room pigs so I all Piggies will be good cuz they pink boy I will destroy your room no don’t kill all the piggies all right guys while dais is finishing up her room we need to work on this bottom floor of the boat I got to add a bunch of armor over here he make this look awesome all right I’m just going to get all these netherite armor and oh my goodness there’s actually so much different armor I need it all give me all the amazing armor in the game trust me guys with all this armor those sea serpents are not even going to get close to us no they’re not I don’t want to get eaten I’m almost done placing down all the armor if I get eaten it’s gooy fault I agree what no yeah you even added in here anyway adding a nice little room of armor yeah Gooby help us yeah okay I’m going to add one right just make sure it’s good armor though cuz if it’s bad then I’m going to break it I’m going to find the best armor in all right do it and then place it right on that little middle one wao this one looks really good wait something else we need to do is get swords just in case oh my gosh a Phantom Blade oh my God there’s so many good ones hey you copy me I was going to put that noral Gooby okay then we just have two of them okay oh I like it it’s really cool Gooby look how big this sword is waa it looks like a ghost Blade no it’s actually a lightning dragon bone sword and I’m going to use it to kill the sea serpent okay that’s the coolest sword I’ve ever seen I need to get one really good too okay I’m going to get some armor too I think I’m going to I think I’m going to take this armor all right let me just get some of this wait I actually look like a knight right now this is so awesome whoa what about this sword it’s the fantasmal blaze W oh my gosh I saw that one before that’s really good Gooby wait what the heck W I’m getting one of mine it shoots out the swords that’s so cool wao you almost hit me oh my gosh that’s so sick all right Gooby I’m going to get one as well so we can both shoot swords okay I’m going to get the same almost and we mad Gooby stop shooting me Gooby stop it Gooby so cool I can’t stop it you’re making so much particles everywhere uh oh uhoh SC shoot Daisy with it you like that Daisy what are you doing hey you got one too okay everyone has the same sword you guys are copying me Daddy get the dragon bone bow that’s what I have CU my sword seats at more swords okay guys before we fight the sea serpents everyone needs to come to the top I have some I have a little gift for everyone gift I like yes everyone come to me I’m coming all right guys come over here I got a few potions for us we need to group up so we all get the effect okay first off we have strength and second off we have swiftness oh yeah we’re super fast W this is awesome oh yeah this is going to help us get all the sea serpents all right now we need to attract them I’ll do my sea serpent battle C okay while you do that I’m going to shoot off a bunch of fireworks like this would you do that it’s going to bring them over here Daddy let’s go go go yes Gooby keep going keep going keep singing We’re attracting them mys to the boats sea serent guys do you see any sea serpents I don’t see any of them oh I don’t see nothing should be around here somewhere I’m looking but I don’t see any oh gosh oh my god oh they’re flying out of the water wow shoot him with the sword shoot him with the sword trap Daisy shoot with what sword oh my goodness this is insane o nice trap Daisy oh they’re coming for hit me off I’m shooting them I’m shooting them guys does everyone have golden apples I do yeah but I’m in water i l one on fire big one there’s a big one on the boat I’m trying to sh on us shoot arrows at him shoot arrows who just hit me um daddy I don’t know but it definitely was not me it was 100% you I’m doing so much damage oh my gosh this guy is so big wow he keeps jumping in the sky he’s trying to rip one of us down nice Daddy I’m in the water and I need help like yesterday oh y you’re going to die you are going to die ow daddy your lightning sword does a lot of damage to me I have a lightning sword I do have lightning sword that’s a lie daisy behind you okay you got him oh God I fell I fell no no no no no guys did we not make our way back up no I think we forgot we have to break into our base underneath oh yeah D that’s the only way up okay go go go I’m swimming down in it D it I’m going into goo’s base I just died oh now I’m back on the ship though I died my lightning k i got this goopy kill him kill him kill him sh my lightning sorry guys maybe we stop using the lightning swords cuz it’s literally killing everyone okay fine I’m not using anymore does anyone have one of those Phantom sword things no I don’t goie with my hand really with your hand oh it just shank to the bottom of the ocean where did you throw it where’ you throw it oh my goodness I’m destroying them with this sword I found it drop Gooby oh my God there’s one on the boat oh I do not see that the make touch the yeah get the F it’s actually working oh my gosh there’s three where they Ambush me in the water daddy did you die no uhoh oh my God a big blue one there’s a huge blue one over here it’s found the spider webs I can’t move gosh Gooby here I’m just going to have to kill you gooby it’s the only way it’s the only way Gooby small little baby one over here I’m getting him he’s the one that killed me oh and then there’s another one over here I think they’re almost all dead guys I think there’s a huge one still underneath the ship cir kill it you stupid sea serpent ow what the heck it jumped up and bit me in the face oh my God they’re destroying the ship we’re going to S we not oh no that’s bad ah I just the water oh no guys they’re destroying the bottom of the ship they’re eating it from the bottom that is not good Johnny I might have to go to your base for a little bit no do not even dare break any of my glass in my base no this room is the worst room too really guys really I’m in I’m in kill it kill it kill it guys where are you are you in my base come on guys really I see you down there no I’m coming down there I’m going to come kill you Daddy get out of my base in the boat oh gosh oh gosh everyone I would suggest we go down into our glass bases I think it’s way more safe I like it I don’t like it I like it it’s not safe it’s not safe it is safe I’m safe down here I’m going into Daisy’s room ow I’m going into my room nice B you got here I’m going to on hey don’t put my bed no D to kill him I fell in I fell in I fell in Daddy help me Daddy help me Daddy help me Daddy you’re hitting me you’re hitting me Daddy you’re hitting me get you out I’m tr get you you’re hitting me oh my gosh you killed me no I did not you H me you suck daddy you hitting me right now my lightning sword yeah you can’t reach me uh-oh you’re a ghost now why is there a ghost go you see that that’s not good a ghost oh my gosh Stacy’s ghost Stacy’s ghost guys I found the biggest sea serpent up here oh my god look how big this one is Daisy how is it so big there’s two of them that are actually huge maybe this is the mommy and Daddy I fell in I died getting stuck in the spider kill him kill him going in with the lightning sword I don’t even care anymore everyone just back away from me cuz I’m using my lightning well guys I don’t see any more sea serpent so I think we did it yay finally it’s over check this out Daddy I got some sea serpent fangs make a cool sword with these I got some scales too here you go some armor wo you can make a necklace wear their head okay that’s crazy start singing The Serpent song uh my we just have one problem what uh since we turned the sails into magma blocks uh how are we going to get out the field man if only someone didn’t do that huh Gooby but it looks so cool well it looks like you’re going to have to go in the water and start dragging the boat oh my goodness that’s going to be a lot of dragging Gooby good luck no uh what if I just call my whale friends oh no whale friends wh go come here the whels go in there daddy oh my gosh no get in there with them I’m not going in stop no Take that Daddy ow O I can’t wait to go to GameStop I just stole my daddy’s credit card and I’m going to get so many robox oh yeah this is going to be so awesome okay I just got to walk all the way down this street oh hi Johnny what the heck Becky were you just hiding in a bush yeah why were you hiding in a bush Becky cuz I was waiting for you silly let’s go on a date no no no no back up away from me Becky I’m going to GameStop right now to get Robo yo back away no you don’t want to play video games let’s let’s go for a walk on the beach it’ll be so romantic e I’m not going to a walk in the beach with you Becky you’re weird you were literally stalking me from a bush why not we need to be together forever Becky no get away from me right now or or I’ll call the police on you yeah all right fine but can I at least show you my any toy wait what you have a new toy yeah look at it what the heck is that it’s like a Nerf gun here you want to see how it works um no I don’t want you to shoot me with a Nerf gun hey what are you doing why you pointing that at me h no oh oh gosh what happened to me oh my gosh what is this hi why am I trapped in the cage Bucky let me out yes we finally got him girls wooo we got Johnny y Becky you better explain to me right now what is going on here why am I trapped in a cage and why is there so many girls we all wanted to take you on a date at the same time and when we all met each other we came up with this awesome plan to just trap you forever well this is not really that awesome Becky let me out you’re going to go to jail for this we love you Johnny we’re so happy to have you here who is that girl Clara hi this is the first ever meeting of the we love Johnny fan club what the heck we all met at school and we all love you well I don’t love you she’ll let me out we’ve got Stella she’s like the new girl and she’s really rich and we got Clara who’s like she’s like the goody goodie of the group okay Becky what about this one staring at me with a knife in her hand oh yeah uh she won’t tell us her name and she won’t get rid of her knife but she loves you um okay that’s a little weird and of course you know me number one girly loving you every day of my life actually Becky you wish you were the number one girly but you’ll never be Stella we don’t have time to argue about this we have to just get ready for our date with Johnny oh my gosh a date well who’s going to go on a date with me first oh me me I want to go on to date with him first actually it’s going to be me no you guys we had a strict schedule I’m supposed to go on a date first oh seems like you guys can’t figure it out looks like I just can’t go on a date with any of you then no you’re going to stay there Johnny we’re we’re just going to figure this out and then uh I’m going to make you the best chocolate cake ever how do you know that’s my favorite dessert cuz I’ve studied you what the heck what is going on let me out of this stupid box someone help me Johnny you’re never getting out of there cuz we love you well guys I’m getting kind of hungry in here is there any food I’m going to die oh oh I’m going to make him food I’ll make him food and then then I’ll come back up and feed you oh she looks like that my favorite fan girl so far because she’s actually making me food well Johnny actually I can buy your own restaurant so I don’t need to make you food ooh that sounds actually really good but guys what about a toilet I need to go pee pee poo poo and there’s no toilet in here all right Johnny fine if I let you out a little bit will you just go to the bathroom and then just get ready for our date yes exactly Becky I need to get ready for the date so I you got to let me out of here all right Johnny I trust you cuz you’re the most wonderful trustworthy person in the world yep yep trust me Becky trust me let me out now yes yes I’m free I’m free all right just go right to the bathroom and then we’ll be ready okay uh where’s the bathroom at Becky um it’s right down there okay I’ll be right back up guys yep I’ll be right back up I got to find a way to escape this place I’m going all the way down hopefully you don’t see me what is this what is this a portal oh my goodness this could be the way to escape I’m going to run through it no Johnny I have the best food ever made ever you’re going to love me so uh guys where did Johnny Go Becky let him go to the bathroom and he’s not back yet he’ll be right back Becky it’s been like 25 minutes he’s like definitely gone what are you guys talking about a let me just see uh he’s not over here um Johny Johny wait he said he was going to the bathroom clearly he’s not in here so I bet he escaped no no this is awful uh-oh mysterious girl’s going down to the basement guys who left the portal open Becky we talked about this what I wanted to take Johnny in there for our date oh no he must have ran in well guess what now we have to go running in after him and catch him again all right well if you all help me it’ll go much quicker well when I catch him we’re not we’re not sharing him yes we are we have to work together well like actually no matter who catches him we all know that he’s going to pick me I’m the richest one here duh but I’m the the smarticle one girls girls we cannot fight each other we have to just go and get him okay let’s band together and go through this portal yeah oh whoa where am I what world am I in now wait read me what does this say there’s a book in here let’s see what it says if you have any chance of escaping this crazy fan girl world you must collect the four plushies only then will you be able to escape through the Grand portal here is a map to show you where to go good luck what that’s it oh my goodness it looks like I need to get to all these different places and collect all all these plushies well it looks like the first plush is in this direction so I’m just going to run this way and I should probably start collecting some wood and food cuz I’m in survival mode and I do not want to die I’m just going to run all the way in this direction oh my gosh where’s John at he’s got to be around here somewhere oh no I left this here for our dat and he must be doing this oh my gosh what did it say Becky there were four Plushies that he had to collect and we were going to go on a romantic walk to collect them oh my gosh Becky you’re so stupid that’s why I’m the smarticle one oh no we got to find him before he finds those plushies you basically just give him a key to escape well not if we stop him we got to use our girl power well you’re lucky I’m so smart Becky because I gave us trackers and now we can track Johnny wherever he goes wao That’s so smart good job Clara well when we track in the first time I put a tracker in him so now we can go wherever he goes well ladies you know what we need to do let’s go find Johnny like right now let’s go get him oh yeah I’m getting so much materials I do need to find some food though ooh and maybe some iron but I see something up here that I’ve never seen before in Minecraft wait what is this oh my God is that a Lucky Block wait it’s a fan girl lucky block has Becky’s face on it o I need to open it up and test my my luck please be good please be good ooh I got a bunch of leather armor wait that’s actually not bad wait is there another lucky block up here yes I think I see another one oh gosh if this is bad then I need to get ready to run okay here we go here we go oh oh TNT TNT is really good that is actually going to be very useful and another one there’s actually so many Lucky Blocks okay please be good please be good wow I got a bunch of doggies oh my gosh oh oh my goodness I have a wolf pack now this will protect me from any monsters in the night all right come here Mr doggies we need to go mess up some cows and get some food oh yeah this is awesome wait what the heck hey hey Stella what are you doing here listen here Johnny I really just need you to come back with me okay no no no no no back up for me hey what are you guys all doing here I’m trying to escape hi boo boo bear can I uh can I go on a date with you now Clara no get away now what why because I’m just going to take Johnny with me and you’re going to go home well I want him now come here hey hey guys you know if you hit me all these dogs are going to come after you I’m not going to hit hit you I’m just going to pick you up and take you home with me hey I’ll hit you get her get her get her Johnny let’s just go home okay I want to put you back in that cage help me help me hey none of you are getting Johnny but me no I’m going to take him get away from me right now come here get away come back here Johnny do something my do not save me oh God oh God she’s got the knife love you I’m running this way I’ll see you guys later no come back no get away from me you guys are weird guys I’m going to have to kill you if you come near me I just want to give you one big smooch ew not on my watch I’m the only one that should be smooching all right you guys are talking way too much you know what that CLA he’s hitting me I love you too much I love you too much no no see you later Becky see you later Clara oh hey Stella Johnny if you keep hitting me you’re going to hear for my daddy’s lawyer oh yeah I don’t care about your daddy’s lawyer hey die oh look question mark girl come over here yeah good job you’re really hitting me you’re doing a lot of damage here yeah you’re terrible ow yeah die all right I think that took care of that problem all I need to do is just find these plushies and then go home with these fan girls are making it so difficult I think I need to upgrade all of my armor and all my weapons to Stone ooh or maybe even iron ooh is that another Lucky Block I see yes yes yes yes please be something good all my lucky blocks have been really lucky so here we go what a baby Johnny what the heck this is so weird he’s got a bunch of armor on ooh and a stone pickaxe wait that’s actually pretty good wait and he had a Johnny head okay that’s kind of creepy I don’t know what I could use this for all right let’s just continue this way maybe I could find a quick cave and get some iron ooh this cave looks really good Johnny oh Johnny oh gosh no no no no no no what are you guys doing back don’t run away don’t run away I have a present for you what’s the present no I have a present for him hey I have what what what is that in your hand it’s a diamond sword my daddy bought oh Stella give it to me give it to me I want to kill you with it I have a blue robin I don’t care about that Clara how I’m the smart verticalist one Johnny I will give you the diamond hero sword if you pick me over all of the other girls no come on dogs run run run run we can’t trust them Johnny hey why are you raising your voice at me just get back here wait what is this I found a tower ooh it’s like a Pillager Tower oh this could be super good yes yes yes yes I think there’s Loot on the top of this thing I’ll see you guys later I’m going to the top of the tower yes I got a bunch of car right um this kind of poop this is kind of poop o another Lucky Block down here please don’t be bad can I share the love with you no get away for me ow yes yes yes it’s a love potion it’s a love potion what the heck why do I have love potions o guys look this one’s a hate potion take that yeah you like that joh love me take that Clara oh my gosh it says it gives you luck it gives you luck o another Lucky Block go go go go go ooh a bunch of food perfect I’ll see you later guys hey Johnny come back here I just want to shoot you with my love arrows what the heck no Becky why would I want to get shot by that I’m back I don’t want any of your love please keep it far away from me all right oh gosh I need to look at the map I’m going literally the opposite direction oh my goodness these fan girls are making this challenge so hard okay I need to go this way this way ooh I need to make a boat that’ll make this go so much faster yes yes yes this is a good idea IDE oh God clar’s coming clar’s coming go go go no I just miss you see you later I’m going across this Pond Johnny come back here hey stop shooting arrows at me what the heck I’m shooting my love arrows they barely missing me calm down oh God oh God it’s question mark girl go this way go this way okay there we go break this boat come on now I need to run run run run ooh I’m getting close to the first plushy it says it’s right on top of that Tower wait what the heck is that Becky up there oh my goodness what are they doing up there how’ they get in front of me oh heck no stupid seagull you’re in my way I’m waiting for Johnny I need to get a better sword also I’m going to use some of these overpowered potions on myself wait a minute did that just make me invisible no way this is perfect I’m going to be able to sneak right around them oh my goodness this is going to be so funny okay the dogs are kind of ruining it though sit sit sit everyone sit all the dogs must sit wait I got a horse okay I’m going in with the horse no the horse doesn’t swim okay I’ll be back horse oh yeah I’m going in stealth mode right now this is so awesome all right I’m just going to go in this direction where the heck are they I know I saw one of them up here oh my God it’s Becky it’s Becky yeah hey what was that yes yes yes go all the way to the top all the way to the top no o it’s this girl ah take that yes there’s a chest up here I got a bunch of food there we go and check this out it’s a plushy I got the dog plushy okay quick now time to escape oh my God Becky’s back what’s going on a carrot a floating carrot no Take that Becky another one down here come here you like that yeah yeah I’m invisible as a floating sword ah ah take that you can’t hit me let’s go oh I’m so good at this game all right now let’s go back across this Pond and then we got to get back to this horse that’s one out of the four plushies completed that was way too easy all right Mr horse you got to get back on land for me yes jump jump jump come on get up get up get up nope this horse is too fat stop acting like my daddy and get up there yes I did it all right come on Mr doggies you guys are going to follow meing horse going into the water ooh this is going to be so fast to get to the next plushy this horse is actually insane fast go go go go go o we’re getting super close to the next plushy we just got to go all the way down this way we got to follow this little island all the way down and then the next plushy will appear I just got to watch out for some fan girls ooh and I also need to get more food come here Mr Cow hey stop running away from me take that yeah you like that you like that let’s go I’m getting super duper close now I think I got to go on top of this mountain hi Johnny we see you where are you guys um obviously we’re by the plushy oh my goodness hey we wanted to apologize we wanted to apologize and say we’re really sorry and we think you’re the hottest boy ever what the heck well that’s a bad apology we just want to give you hugs hugs and kisses no I don’t want hugs and kisses I just want that plushy so I can escape and never see you guys ever again okay back up I’ll shoot no you don’t even know how to shoot ow what the heck ow hit me right in my face excuse me Clara did you just like shoot Johnny yeah cuz I want to show him how much I love him and I just I just want him to come on with me that is not allowed what the heck Stella you just killed her um did you want her to kill you no but are you going to kill me um actually no see the thing is is I know that you’re going to pick me over all of the other girls so why don’t you just take this plushy and take this sword too what oh my gosh you’re going to actually give me that sword um obviously I’m so much better than those other girls Stella give it to me give it to me yes let’s go you just gave me a hero sword um well yeah and I got this Axel plushy let’s go so like when we return home just make sure to pick me all right well uh I’ll send you home early um there we go stop Hing me yeah s yeah I even like her now she gave me a free sword and I got a free plushy this is so easy they’re so bad at playing this I’m going to be able to go home and like 5 seconds away he going I’m going to use another Love Potion too oh yeah now I got a health boost and regeneration where’ my horsey go though horsey no I think my horsey ran away oh I found him that was a close one hey Mr horsey I’m going to have to put you on a leas soon stop running away hey stop running come back here right now Mr horsey he’s so fast he’s actually so fast all right I got you now we need to go all the way up here all right so we need to go in this direction Johnny Johnny come back here oh heck no oh no no no no Becky get away from me I’m trying to collect iron I need to shoot you with my Cupid Arrow no hey what the heck make you fall in love with me ow oh my God oh my God I got to get on my horse get on my horse get on my horse direct head do you love me yet no I actually hate you more now what there’s no way come here Haya Haya take that ow ow stop it you’re making me miss my love arrows get them doggies get them oh yeah you can’t hit me you can’t hit me no no no let’s go got you Becky you’re going to have to try harder next time oo I think I’m getting close oh no what the heck I just fell oh my goodness oh God this horse is stuck all right Mr horsey I’m going to have to abandon you I need to continue my journey without you you’re too slow and you’re too fat I think we’re getting close to the third plushy I just need to go into here a little bit wait what the heck hey Clara what are you doing up there Johnny this is the last draw you need to give us those plushies right now you can’t escape oh yeah well uh how about I open up this Lucky Block right underneath you no you can’t do that what is that oh oh my God I got a frame Johnny photo what the heck ah going hit you with it how about that oh gosh oh gosh he’s going to kill me hey why you trying to trap me what is this hey stop it we want to show you our love we want to show you our love got TNT watch out this thing is awesome I think this’s like a sword of some sort wait this is the coolest thing ever even though it’s a little weird cuz it’s a picture of me it’s still kind of cool o another lucky block oh what the heck it’s a giant zombie oh no no no no no no no I am not even touching you Mr giant zombie I’m just going to get this plush and I’m just going to keep moving on to the next one where’s the plush at where’s the plush at ooh it’s a bear plush I have three plushies and I need one more and of course it’s like the furthest one away from me it’s all the way over here but if I can get into this River and then use a boat to go all the way down I’ll be right next to the plushy okay that’s what I need to do o it looks like I need to make another boat as well all right just going to place this down there we go and now I just need to follow this River all the way down this is super easy and then I’m going to win I’m going be the best winner in the world Johnny you are not getting that plushy where are you where are you hey hey hey hey Becky stop it hey what the heck are you doing I need to stop you we’re supposed to be on a date right now no we are not going on a date and I’m getting that last plushy and I’m escaping and there’s nothing you can do about it I can shoot you with my love arrows E I broke your bow no that’s not fair that’s actually not fair yes wait Becky Becky I actually have something for you you do uh yeah it’s a it’s a framed photo of me since you like me so much wao what an amazing gift that was so thoughtful oh yeah Becky look take a take a little look at it take that Hur oh yeah take my frame photo oh that took care of that problem but now I got to make another boat oh my goodness she’s so annoying all right now let’s continue to this last best and final plushy it says that it’s right over this little mountain all right so we’re just going to go all the way up to here and I’m going to break this boat just in case I need to go back in the water oh no this is not good I also need some food there any cows nearby oh cows Piggies yes a piggy a piggy die oh yeah wait what charred meat wait can I eat this no I think I just charged the meat and put it on fire ooh a Lucky Block I can get some food from this oh my gosh golden apples golden apples wait that was actually so lucky okay I’m going to eat two of them this should hold me over yes yes yes and I have extra hearts that was actually so lucky okay now I need to go this direction to get to the last and final plushy oh gosh hopefully there’s no fan girls over here oh no I see them it’s Stella Stella what are you doing well Becky told me that if I didn’t stand here she was going to shave my head well move out of the way or I’m going to have to kill you with this sword again M no I don’t think that’s going to happen really you don’t think I’m going to kill you well you shouldn’t all right let me just grab this real quick let’s see if you stop me oh yeah you really did stop me think wow really you hit me with your fist did you want me to try to kill you yeah do it let’s see what you can do good luck wow you’re doing a lot of damage wow joh let me show you something yeah take that oh I’m shooting arrows I’m shooting arrows that was sick all right now I have all four plushies now all I need to do is go all the way up here to the magic portal oh my goodness this looks so cool and it looks like there’s a bridge right here I can cross okay so let’s start traveling up this way yes I’m getting super close to this bridge yes yes yes yes yes oh my goodness this looks crazy look at those trees oh god what the heck Clara how do you guys have diamond armor uh let’s just say we’ve been having some fun mining together oh no and this one has a diamond horse okay guys back away from me no you you back away from us cuz you’re going to stay here forever I need to go across that bridge so I can escape so move out of the way don’t make me shoot you I don’t want to do it I don’t want to do it all right then don’t shoot me and just let me cross the bridge take that oh my goodness really this oh I have a fishing rod I’m going to fishing rod you out no I’m going to have to come over there and get you ah cobweb cobweb get trapped all right I’ll see you guys later no no this is not fair this is not fair walk away from me I just have a sword I could break through these in like two hits have to make a TR no get away from me I’m just going to block this all up all right just going to go past here oh gosh see you guys later bye no Take that fishing rod fishing rod hey stop trying to trap me you’re not going to get me he so annoying on the bridge we got him on the bridge we CED him ha oh wow you guys really cornered me a take that to the face no you are you’re hopeless I don’t even know that girl she doesn’t talk what are you trying to do come here no bye see you later yes I did it I crossed the bridge now I just got to find this portal I think it’s all the way up on top of this mountain oh my goodness I’m going to have to climb so high these four plushies better allow me to escape this place cuz I never want to come back here again espe esally not with these crazy Fang girls what the heck am I looking at it looks like a giant portal oh gosh and a lot of crazy fan girls wao this place is crazy looking that’s definitely where I need to go to escape this place before I do that let’s see what I get from these other three love potions what the heck yes more golden apples and a cake oh that was perfect I’m going to have so much health I’m literally never going to die okay it’s time to eat this enchanted golden apple go go go oh fan girls fan girls what are you doing over there finally my husband’s arrived he’s not your husband Clara yes he is he’s mine guys stop fighting stop fighting are you going to allow me to escape or not we have to just get him he’s going to try to escape through the portal no I’m not I’m not trying to escape anywhere whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m going to hug him I’m going to hug him okay really guys we need to do this no you can’t go up there get him ow oh my goodness no building allowed you guys are so annoying we’re taking you home just like stop running all right let me just grab this I almost grabbed him come here guys get away from me right now come here sugar Boo ow e don’t me sugar me I almost got him no I didn’t mean to obviously I got him I got him oh let me out let me out come here I’m going to give you a big old bear hug ow who just shot me it’s Becky I’m trying to Johnny I’ll see you later where’d he go he was just here a second ago the compass is thing is he’s this way are you guys having a hard time finding me um obviously where did you go all right just going to make that there we go guys let’s just say I went into the floor you actually went into the floor like that’s such a smarticle idea I would do that too wait this place looks different than everything else it’s wood he’s definitely down there obviously you guys are idiots well I was theone that noticed it no it was my idea to dig down um what is this supposed to be was what oh my God it’s Johnny he’s so cute I’m just going to give him a big old smooch CL Clara you are so stupid it’s not Johnny wait he’s up here you guys he’s up here no I’m not I’m nowhere guys are getting tricked oh no place plushy yes I need to place the plushies on all four of these and then the portal will appear wait oh my God oh my God you turned into me oh my God kill it kill it kill it I need to kill it Johnny I have a bone to pick with you hey chill oh my goodness you hit me so far yeah I bought it was my daddy’s credit card so I’m going to have to kill you okay um you can’t kill me if you can’t hit me yeah I’m throwing eggs at you you like that come here Stella ah oh my gosh oh my gosh take this stop shooting me that’s really mean oh bye Stella Becky you’re last oh no is it just me and you Johnny hey that’s weird that means I’m going to kill you Becky I’m going to kill you yeah I did it I killed all the fan girls now all I need to do is place these plushies down and then I win okay I’m going to place a plushy down there Place one here and finally I need to place the aash plushy right here W the portal actually worked let’s go I did it and now all I need to do is escape and then no more Fang girls will ever mess with me ever again bye Fang girl world yes I did it I made it back into the regular world that was a close one I almost got stuck in there forever but now I think I could finally go to GameStop and get my roox let’s go Johnny we finally found you what oh my God what are you guys doing here I’m back here Johnny you can’t escape us get away from me guys it’s been like 10 minutes where’s our teacher at maybe he’s getting us snacks snacks he’s definitely not getting us snacks that would be so good guys what if he’s getting a pop quiz for us did you guys study no we had nothing to study oh Joe want to fish a quiz on how to sit in a jail I’m not W I didn’t study F you were literally just sitting in a chair how do I do that oh my goodness really is on the table no Gooby you got to put your butt in the chair okay now you’re just laying down I forgot how to sit in the chair you guys this is really bad I’m going to fail the quiz hello CL sorry I’m late I just had to pick up our new student what new student who is this um hi my name is Stella wait Stella guys why does Stella kind of sound like Skye wait she does sound like Skye hey are you Sky just in a different body or something wait a second um did you say sky yeah no but that is my cousin I knew it I knew it I smell Sky All Over You Who Sky oh my goodness really Gooby you don’t know who sky is y well Sky’s my cousin and she thinks she’s popular because her Daddy bought all of her Tik Tok followers wait are you more popular than Skye obviously I am wao that’s actually pretty cool all right class enough of introductions let’s just take our seats all right come on um okay I’m going to sit right here oh no I this going to happen What do I do just sit in your chair how do you forget how to sit down just go like this Gooby just do that in the chair okay okay it’s good enough Gooby it’s good enough you know what I’m not even going to ask what’s going on there all right so we’ve covered the first two problems here on the board and now I want to look at the Third bird problem you see that one 2 + 2 equals fish what 2 + 2 equals what Mr grumes Fish yes yes it’s like have you ever heard of a variable no I know what vegetables are oh yeah I hate those no no no no not vegetables variables it’s like a little placeholder for a number all right so I want you to look at the board and imagine what the fish number would be wait Mr grumples how about we Act text the new girl Stella and see if she can answer it see how smart she really is yeah okay uh Stella what do you think the answer is honestly this class is like pretty boring so I think maybe we should just go home oh I agree with Stella go home we just got here class just started yeah but this is like not really working for me so like I’ll see you guys later what no wait come back here you can’t leave I’ll give you detention for this ooh attention well actually I was thinking that I could just pay you for your time and maybe I’ll see you later what diamonds uh look uh that’s against my teaching code I don’t think I could really accept money to stop teaching my students what kind of teacher would I be well right now you’re being a bad one and you don’t really have a choice so here you go I could never accept this oh that’s a lot of diamonds uh you know what class uh I just realized I have a an eye doctor appointment so uh I got to go class is ending early today uh why don’t you guys just go hang out in the lunchroom um okay Stella how’ you get all those diamonds to give to our teacher obviously my daddy’s Rich so your daddy’s Rich well uh uh can me and my friends get some of those diamonds um your friends absolutely not have you seen them but you and me can hang out after school oh wait what we can hang out let’s go what no we all used to hang out after school you don’t know how it works around here but uh but Gooby I’m about to get free diamonds shut up you’re going to ruin it but Johnny we have plans we’re supposed to go see a new movie after school yeah we don’t have plans don’t you remember it’s Godzilla movie instead to say destroy the city oh Johnny you have like plans well I guess never mind then no no no we don’t have plans we’re not going to see stupid Godzilla I’ll be very free after school okay sounds perfect but I’m getting a little hungry so this cafeteria better have vegan food all right Stella we’ll be at the cafeteria soon guys let’s go I’m about to get so rich from this new girl in our school yeah but you’re ditching us we already have our movie tickets Lizzy I don’t care Johnny we’re going to get good popcorn and put as much butter in there as possible look Gooby I could literally buy a movie theater if I get on my hands on some of those diamonds buy movie just buy friend guys I just need like one day to hang out with Stella trust me guys it’s going to be worth it whatever you say but Gooby and I are still going to this movie later all right well guys let’s go to the lunchroom because we got nothing else better to do so everyone follow me oo I can’t believe we’re going to be able to eat some food early today come on guys let’s go into the lunchroom are you serious you’re telling me you don’t have vegan Sushi to today uh this is a cafeteria we don’t sell sushi in all those high-end meals you’re going to take this sandwich and you’re going to like it well at my old school they had vegan Sushi we don’t sell that here whatever just give me the sandwich so I can go sit down okay guys I think it’s our turn to order food um hello lunch lady uh I want some food cuz I’m hungry okay well grab a sandwich a glass of milk and then there you go yes let’s go this sandwich looks so good thank you there you go and for the kid with the dro on his face there you go o thank you uh do you have swim juice instead of milk oh my gosh like I told that other girl we don’t sell high-end products oh it’s not in the high-ends it’s on itself shelf well we don’t have it rby come on just sit down they’re not going to have shrimp juice oh want fine I’ll just take the milk we’ll get you some before the movie yeah um Johnny I’m a little lonely over here are you going to like sit with me or not um uh Stella I was kind of like sitting with my friends because that’s what we usually do at lunch actually I think you should move over here should I move over there with Stella she’s asking me to sit with her no we always sit together I know but just this once I’m going to go over there you’re already ditching us when we go to the movie and now you’re going to ditch us at lunch a fine Daisy you’re right Stella I’m not moving over there I’m staying over here with my friends all right unacceptable move over here right now but what about my friends though do I look like I care about your friends I will literally pay you to move over here so what if I just give you a diamond or two oh a diamond oh I’m moving over there right now I’ll take that take that there we go sorry guys uh I just got to do what I got to do whatever I don’t like this SLE me either goopy and she’s making Johnny act weird so Stella what do you want to talk about actually I wanted to talk about those people you’re hanging out with they’re like a little pathetic no they’re not they’re my bestest friends ever okay ew you actually like that one with the pink hair yes and if you’re going to start hanging out in our group then you need to start liking everyone not just one person oh absolutely no way am I hanging out with that group you and I are like dating now so you won’t be hanging out with them either wait what we’re dating no I’m not dating you Stella we’re just hanging out as friends um no this is clearly our first date this is not our first date this is like the worst date ever in a lunchroom well obviously we’re at school and our second date is after school when we hang out well Stella if I keep hanging out with you am I going to get more diamonds obviously I have like a 10 more where those came from no way yes yes oh my goodness I’m going to be so rich but there’s one condition what you’re not allowed to talk to Daisy or Gooby ever again ever again um yeah that’s what I said oh my goodness it’s going to be really hard to ignore then but I’ll try I’ll try just for you Stella um yeah you better try hard because if you talk to them in this next class class we’re done oh gosh no not already yeah it starts now all right my mouth is sealed that was really good lunch okay I’ll see time for next class come on Johnny are you ready to go remember Johnny not a word oh no I think Johnny going to SW up his lunch are you okay actually you pathetic losers he’s not talking to you anymore what what do you mean he’s not talking to us well Johnny’s my boyfriend now and he’s not allowed to talk to either of you he’s your boyfriend you know what fine come on Gooby let’s just go to art class all right I guess I’ll see you there that was so hard sella I need to be able to talk to them nope you’re not allowed oh my goodness I hope these diamonds are worth it all right come on let’s go to art class we got to catch up to them come on Stella we got to make it into art class sorry teacher we’re like too seconds late I was running as fast as I can honestly I’m not sorry that I’m late waa who is this Johnny oh it’s a new student her name is Stella welcome Stella hi I’m Stella and like what are we doing here this is art class we love to paint our passions on the canvas I’m sorry what did you just say Stella art class you draw on this and you make pretty pictures oh yeah sh up uh just go and just paint on these things right here ew no way that you’re starting to talk to me um Stella I think Gooby should shut up yeah shut up Gooby yeah I think he should too but I’m just going to take my seat and let’s get this class over with all right I’m going to sh right here all right class today we are going to be painting our best friends ooh that’s so exciting ooh this is going to be really good yeah it’s going to be super easy all right class get ready set and go o Johnny I know who I’m going to draw who are you going to draw but you can’t talk to me shut up why not because Stella said I can’t talk to you guys so don’t talk to me oh okay um Johnny were you saying something to me uh no just keep drawing Stella I’m going to draw my best friend now well I heard you talking and it wasn’t a me and you know the rules I was talking to you actually I was saying how great your painting is coming along oh thank you I know it’s the best yep that’s what I said all right here we go I’m just going to make the head there we oh yeah he coming out really good o my painting’s coming out so good Stella you should check it out um what the heck is that oh it’s my best friend Gooby obviously remember what I said you can’t talk to them anymore so Gooby is not your best friend wait what are you talking about but look how good my drawing came out it’s so good looks horrible to me how about you start over and draw me this time ah fine I’ll draw you so stupid give me another canvas all right so I’m going going to start by adding the face and now I need to add the eyes so I’m just going to do something like this time is running out my students make some finishing touches on your paintings oh gosh I need to hurry up I need to hurry up all right I’m done okay let me just call this Stella boom Oh Stella you want to see my painting of you ew you Dre me fat what no no no no I did not that looks exactly like you look you have the same color ey same color hair it’s literally you that looks nothing like me well what did you draw Stella obviously I drew diamonds a girl’s best friend oh my goodness wait that’s actually really good and you drew little money signs um yeah I’m not poor wow let me see your painting students uh Stella what is this obviously it’s a diamond a girl’s best friend oh no no no I was talking about human best friends you know like people you play with and talk to um yeah I talk to my diamonds like all the time ah I see uh well Johnny what is your painting oh I drew Stella cuz she forced me to no no friends should not force each other to do anything wait shny you didn’t even drop me I drew you you’re my best friends uh uh uh Stella can you send a message to Gooby um I guess so well since I can’t talk to him you need to tell him that I was drawing him but then you told me to draw you oh okay um goopy Johnny said that he would never draw you because you’re not his best friend and then I am hey Stella I didn’t say that oh no yeah you did well Stella um can you tell Johnny that uh I’m still his best friend and that his painting looks really good um Johnny Gooby hates you now he did not say that Stella really yeah he did oh my goodness well Daisy let me see your painting I you Johnny wow that is a very nice painting let us see what Johnny thinks of it Johnny what do you think um Stella can you give Daisy and Gooby a message saying that their paintings look really good oh yeah I guess so Daisy Johnny said that your painting is even uglier than you are Stella I didn’t say that well you’re not allowed to talk to them remember oh my God it’s really hard what why would he say something so mean that’s not nice yeah Johnny that’s really mean why won’t you even talk to us oh I guess he’s too obsessed with diamonds have best friend anymore I guess so Gooby for the movies and now this joh is the worst friend everil why does he hate us so much I can’t even say this all class Mr teacher I’m very sorry you can keep my painting if you want but uh I got to leave this class yeah and I’m going with Gooby can’t believe how split up this friendship looks this is breaking my heart why don’t you take the rest of the day to mend this relationship that is your homework yeah thank you teacher doesn’t even want to be your friend anymore let’s just go home yeah great Stella look what you did you made Gooby and Daisy not want to be friends with me anymore wow Johnny I’m like really impressed with you I think it’s time for our second date now and we’re going to go shopping wait we’re going to go shopping yeah and I’m going to buy you whatever you want no way whatever I want yeah I have my daddy’s diamonds remember let’s go wait this is actually going to be so awesome I think it was worth not talking to Gooby and Daisy just remember you can never talk to them ever again ever again yep never again I mean at least I have you to talk to just remember you’re all mine now let’s go to the mall all right let’s go woohoo goopy Are we almost there yet yes yes this is the best place to get swim CH in the whole town and you’ve bought it here before yes I really need it today cuz I’m really sad yeah me too I wish Johnny wasn’t Hing out that new girl yeah she’s weing everything she making Johnny act all weird I know and she’s super mean whatever maybe this swim Che will help hello Miss wheel guy cuz I have that shrimp juice I had before Oh hey there yep shrimp juice coming right up thank you I really did it today it’s not a good day what seems to be the problem oh it’s nothing my best friend just hates me and I don’t even have any friends anymore Gooby I’m right here you don’t count you’re my sister yeah I guess you’re right well friend troubles I guess nobody stays the same forever yeah but it’s all this other new girl’s fault she just came Johnny’s acting all different yeah he won’t even talk to us now sounds like he’s hiding something I know whenever I need to find the truth I use a special truth serum well we don’t have that what’s a smth serum it’s like a little drink that makes somebody tell the truth ooh that would be perfect we need to get that Gooby where can we get that well I might have some back at my house if you want to check oh yes let’s go there can we go down yes Gooby we need to we have to save Johnny Yes okay Hy kick us out all right follow me finally Johnny we made it to the mall wow Stella what should we buy Here anything you want silly anything I want well yeah why else would he be here okay well I think there’s a PC store over here follow me let’s see if they have some good deals we don’t need deals Yes we made it to the PC store uh hello Mr salesman um do you have any good deals today welcome Bros check it out I got all the best gear you could ever want oh my gosh this is the new stuff I’ve never seen these PCS before yep and if you look over there we got the latest uh keyboards and monitors yo this is sick Stella are you seeing this right now um obviously I’m not blind we also got some gaming consoles bro right on the other side ooh a new pps5 you have an Xbox series X you have a Nintendo switch what could I help you guys find today bro well it sounds like Johnny really likes it here so we’re going to buy the whole store wait what still at the whole store um yeah why would I buy anything less um are you sure about this Stella what if you run out of money you think that I can run out of money now that’s funny are you guys sure you want the whole store Bros um obviously do I look like I’m kidding to you waa that looks like some major coinage here you go is this enough waa yeah I think that should cover it bro well perfect if you could just like pack all this up and have it shipped to my house that would be wonderful I’ll be right on it yeah no way Stella you just bought the entire store um obviously it’s what you wanted oh my goodness is so exciting I’m going to have all new equipment and gear and awesome stuff ooh and also Gooby and Daisy will have new PCS as well um yeah about that you’re not allowed to go home because you can’t hang out with losers so you definitely can’t live with them wait what no hold on I need to go back home Stella what about my daddy and how am I going to eat food well you’ll just live with me with you um yeah I live in like a seven bedroom house with like nine bathrooms is that good enough for you wao that sounds insane but Stella I can’t just leave my house so sorry that’s not going to happen if you don’t want to live with me then um excuse me salesman Sam yeah I think I want to return all of this and get my money back what but bro I I I just parked it all oh no wait wait wait wait no no no no we we want it we want it all Stella I’ll live with you okay okay perfect well then salesman Sam go ahead and just have this all shipped to my house all right R will too oh my goodness Stella I can’t believe I’m going to be moving into your house I need to go home though and just pack all my clothes okay fine but you have like 5 minutes 5 minutes that’s it yep only 5 minutes okay it’ll be the fastest 5 minutes ever all right come on follow me Stella all right it’s just up here see this tree house wao this place is so cool but Gooby this is kind of scary we’re in the middle of the woods with a stranger y don’t wor I’ll be cool guys okay it’s right up here just go up this ladder get yeah can’t wait to get the swo let’s see it should be around here somewhere we’re kind of on a time crunch do you think you can hurry of course I can here uh let’s just see here here we are one true serum I mixed it in with a cocacola oh this is perfect we can get Johnny to drink this so easily you won’t even know that it’s a SW serum wait before we leave do you have the shrimp juice too oh yeah here you go o thank you I told you hobby the best that’ll be uh 30 diamonds for the two things 13 diamonds anybody no Gooby I think we just need to run yeah this one hubby look a squirrel go hey come back here you got to P for those goby just run HBY I’ll pay back lat bye all right Stella we made it to my house I just need 5 minutes this house is like the ugliest thing I ever seen what are you talking about this is one of the nicest houses in the neighborhood um clearly there’s no other houses okay just give me 5 minutes here you can come inside if you want um this is so gross Oh Daddy Daddy Daddy uh I have some big news I need to share with you what what’s the what’s the big news well actually I’m uh I’m moving out of the house today you’re moving you’re moving out yes daddy and I’m moving in with Stella wait a second is this your new girlfriend I mean she’s kind of a girlfriend but also kind of not um Yes actually I am his girlfriend and who are you supposed to be I am Marty I am Johnny’s Dad this is the best day of my life wait this is your dad um yeah that’s my dad I know he’s kind of fat and ugly and bald you should be thinking me getting you out of this stink co wait a second so uh John you’re moving out forever yes daddy this is my last day here so I just got to get a few things then I’m gone do you need help I I can help you I can I can grab your PC I can grab your desk I’ll throw out the window um do you need a car I can run the car no Daddy Stella already bought everything for me I just need my clothes and stuff wow isn’t she something else well how about this Johnny I can just pick you up you can just leave right now hey no no no you don’t need clothes yes I do Daddy what I’m going to be naked in 3 days no it’s called you just buy more clothes just have still buy you clothes well of course Johnny I’ll buy you like all the clothes in the world I didn’t even think about that let’s go well s this is happening I’m so excited you know what I got to go somewhere I got to go sign up for like a a yoga class to celebrate what you’re going to celebrate daddy you’re not going to miss me heck no I’m going to leave right now so I don’t have to see your face ever again all right uh have a good time Stella I I don’t feel bad for you that you’re taking Johnny woohoo yeah oh my goodness well he seems really happy about it I’m just happy he’s not here anymore he smelled like really bad yeah he does need to take more showers all right Stella I’m just going to go upstairs and grab a few things and you just stay down here all right okay okay Gooby we’re finally home yeah we just got to find Johnny and oh no Stella what are you doing here well if you losers really want to know Johnny and I are here just to get his clothes so we can move to my house what you’re going to move to your house you mean Johnny’s not going to live you anymore obviously that’s what I mean he picked me over you guys remember no where is he I want him to say that to my face um he’s in his room but he will be down here shortly um Stella who you talking to down here uhoh Gooby Daisy uhuh Johnny remember no talking to them what do you mean you can’t talk to us well Daisy nice of you to ask but I don’t want him to get infected with your loser so he’s not allowed to talk to you anymore oh yeah that how Johnny really feels um obviously or he’d be talking to you well I guess then there was nothing else we could do but share a lovely Coke yeah can we at least give Johnny this Coca-Cola fine but that’s the last present you’re ever allowed to give Johnny and the last time you’re ever allowed to even look at him you know what fine Gooby remember this Coca-Cola is going to be our tell all and we’re going to really know what’s going on yeah I can’t wait for him to tell all Johnny drink this and drink it [Music] now wait what the heck I feel so much different yeah so why haven’t you been talking to me in Gooby oh that’s because I wanted diamonds and Stella told me not to talk to you guys and that’s why you were being mean to us um obviously I’ve been wanting to talk to you guys this entire day but Stella wouldn’t you allow me to um Johnny what are you doing right now I’m talking to my bestest friends in the entire world duh I told you not to talk to them but Stella for some reason I can’t force myself to lie anymore yes it’s working what did you losers do uh we went to this little guy in the woods and he gave us this potion that makes sh tell the truth yeah and his name is Hobby well Stella I have something to tell you I actually don’t like you and I just want you to buy everything for me and I never want to talk to you again cuz you’re mean especially to my friends this is absolutely in furiating you know what Johnny you’re a loser just like Daisy and Gooby and I’m going to go back to my house and return all of your gaming stuff oh my goodness you know what I’d be really mad right now but I don’t even care as long as I have my best friends back then I don’t really care this is so pathetic I’m going home see you losers never hi Stella see you yes it works we have our best friend back we did it oh yeah oh yeah thank goodness you guys saved me cuz I literally was not able to talk Stella was really scary and mean you’re you’re being a Meenie weenie all day um yeah about that guys I’m really sorry okay I just wanted diamonds well did you at least get any well she took them all away and she’s going to return all of our gaming setups that we went to go buy so I didn’t get anything no that would have been so cool oh man but at least we’re all together true goopy wait guys you guys want to go see that movie that Godzilla movie that we were going to see after school yes we’re going to be late if we don’t leave now yeah let’s go come on guys let’s go put some butter and popcorn today me and my friends are playing murder mystery in Minecraft but what they don’t know is that I’m going to be pretending to play dead that’s right I’m going to be dead on the floor check this out oh my goodness look at this I literally looked like someone murdered me already this is going to be genius watch until the end of this video to see my friends reactions oh guys are you ready to play some murder mystery finally we’ve been waiting waiting for you all right so you guys know how this game works right one of us is going to be the murderer and the other three are going to be innocent except one of us is going to be a sheriff we need to kill the murderer o I want to be the m i want to be the sheriff Gooby you do not want to be the murderer that’s the scariest part o I want to go get you guys and murder you boom boom okay Gooby calm down calm down guys follow me it’s time to vote on a map I’m going to be the best murderer all right I say that we go to to this place right here the train yep go to the train come on guys no I hate the swing I don’t want to go on the boat nope we’re going on the train get out voted Gooby no no no Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat all right guys here we go in 10 seconds we’re going to see who the murderer is oh yo on a way I want to be on the boat here we go here we go I’m innoc I’m innocent oh I’m innocense I’m the Gunner well someone just lied and said that they were innocent when they’re really the murderer well your daddy said that he’s the Gunner so I bet Gooby is a murderer what no I bet J M go I’m innocent well I’m innocent too maybe it’s Johnny nope it’s definitely not me maybe it is oh my goodness guys guys the murderer just killed me I’m dead oh no oh D’s dead you guys no way where is he I’m dead oh God I’m in the back of the train Daddy I died second floor bottom floor who killed him it was you JY it had to be you it wasn’t me yes well come out here then I don’t even know how to get there oh God guys the murderer is really scary I didn’t even know what happened everything just went black that’s okay Johnny we’ll find the motal thank you gooby you got to help me m mot come out here oh dang it I went to the wrong side of the trainy where are you show yourself I’m trying to find Johnny’s body do you know where he is you the one that killed him I’m not the murderer yes oh we dead yeah look at him I’m dead it was the murderer Daisy oh my god well Gooby please don’t kill me again because I’m already dead oh no come back here yes I win wait wait why am I still in the game yes I got a gun no back I missed I missed ah yeah yeah what I thought you were de what happened crazy he faked his own death what no I didn’t daddy actually I just fell over because uh I got too fat for meet McDonald’s before this no that’s not fair he was dead I saw him he was dead let’s go and I wish I had popcorn oh it tastes really good I can’t daddy too good cheating he’s cheating right this a cheat I’m not cheating I’m not cheating Gooby you’re just really bad at the game all right no I saw you get on the floor you were like I’m Kay and then I killed Daisy and they like oh no he said and I killed him and then m game and he’s like Hello everybody and I killed him too well Gooby here’s the thing I didn’t know who the murderer was so I faked my own death to figure out who the murderer was and then I got you that’s not fail come on guys let’s go into the next round I hope I become the murderer next I want to choose the map okay fine daddy you can choose the map I’m going to eat my popcorn what do I want what do I want to play boats boats I want to go in the boat definitely not a boat we’re going to go to this The Vineyard okay this place I want there’s going to be some grapes there you could eat so shut up next round Gooby next round we’ll go to the boat all right guys let’s see who becomes the murderer I got to hide I got to hide I hope it’s me I’m the Gunner I’m really inocent I’m innocent Gooby are you the murderer again yeah I’m innocent no definely the murderer e that’s probably M cuz he’s trying to blame me no no no it’s not me I swear M you’re a bad I don’t know where to hide I don’t know where to hide yeah and you’re a poopy liar too I got you back what no I just died what someone happen I’m the murderer uh-oh uh-oh oh yeah you guys are dead no we’re not yep you’re going to die I don’t think so where are you guys who’s got the gun who’s got the gun I do oh Daisy you have a gun maybe I hear someone I hear someone come here Daddy I can’t get up here the stupid stairs don’t work oh no I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running Daddy I saw your stupid face where’d you go nowhere oh yeah Daddy that’s right behind you oh God Daisy no I’m on your hunt I’m on a baby Hunt No you get teleported yeah okay good why would you way closer shoot him in the face oh daisy Daisy what the heck was that you ran right in front of me really Daisy you had to shoot me are you kidding me thanks for letting me win yeah you’re you’re welcome cuz cuz I definitely just let you win M good popcorn all right we’ll just see until the next round we’ll see what happens so rightful kidding me hey hey hey hey stop hitting me okay this next round is going to be super fun all right come on guys why’ you say it like that cuz I just can’t wait to play it’s going to be super fun E I know just the map to go on the launching pad no we going to do one we’re not going to the boat Gooby no I hate boats I lied last time we’re going to do the boat the next next round don’t you throw up on boats Gooby no I like boats you throw up all the time well that’s fine cuz it’s cool wo this map looks so awesome guys ooh this is a big map it’s not the boo okay let’s see who the murderer is I’m in oh who’s the murderer oo I’m the G ooh I’m the murderer that is a murderer we need to run guys I’m going to get you I would you say you’re the murderer yeah Daddy that’s so stupid it’s cuz I’m the murderer I see him run oh God oh God I’m going this way I’m no where is he I’m nowhere Gooby I’ll see you before you see me why that’s really scary I’m a really scary murderer where are you I need to hide by you I’m in like a hallway with some glass all way with glass oh wait I see that over there over there get him get him shoot him oh no I’m really bad at aiming I’m not the murderer you kidding me it was a joke oh what oh what how [Music] you I thought it was funny I thought it was funny yeah Daddy I don’t play games as a murderer yeah I can tell I’m on your butt daddy oh gosh I didn’t know you actually on my butt oh Daisy Daisy Gooby di with the gun in the hanger why do you keep teleporting me cuz I got to get you no come here I’m getting my revenge on you guys you made a lot of fun you made fun of me last game now is Revenge um no thank you but thanks anyways no thank you but thanks what are you saying daisy I’m saying anything that’ll get you to stay away from me oh cuz it’s definitely working all this stuff you’re doing where’d you go exactly oh I see you no come here Daisy no just turn around and go like home yeah no that would be way too easy Daisy where did you go I’m hiding that’s a lie he’s definitely getting the gun wait you’re actually hiding well yeah how else am I supposed to play this game Daisy how are you da oh yeah that’s so unfair use murderer back to back games no let’s go let’s go ooh this popcorn is going to taste so good when I eat it in your face oh I’m not looking I’m not even looking at it even see the popcorn that was a fake round oh you guys suck well now at least we get to play on the boats no we got to play this color filth let’s play The Boat let’s play The Boat let’s play The Boat you want to do the boat fine we’ll do the boat the boat play the boat for Gooby oh yeah oh yeah I can’t wait to play the boat a stupid boat what’s so special about boats anyway that you like M it’s the best level it’s not the best level yes I’m telling you the vineyard with all the wine is the best one all right guys we’re on a cruise ship this is pretty awesome yay I love this map this is the best one this is a horrible map I actually hope I’m not the murderer again oh my God why am I always innocent I’m in I have the gun all right who’s actually the murderer someone speak up I have the gun oh yeah it’s probably Johnny again if it’s Johnny again I’m going to cry guys it’s not me I’m not the murderer three times in a row that’s actually crazy well at least we got to play on the best map in the whole game no noo I jumped off bage you no this is my favorite map and you died Gooby really no it’s not fair not fair I’m going to hop to the boat next door wait can you do that no it’s impossible I thought I thought the murderer might jump in there trying to get me oh no no I just just died you died oh my goodness oh heck no Daddy it’s Daisy Daddy it’s Daisy I guess the murderer got you Daddy it’s Daisy you got to get her it can’t be me I have a gun she’s in the back of the boat daddy wait I’m in the back of the boat Daddy I would run if I were you I’m dead I’m dead wait that means it’s Morty hey what the heck it had to be you why would you shoot me I didn’t even try to attack you you psychopath well Gooby is already dead yeah and guess what the game’s not over yet is it oh wait Daddy she’s in back in the boat and she killed me and it was really scary well how’s that possible John because I died and Gooby died unless Gooby didn’t die wait daddy you’re dead yeah I’m dead ype I’m dead too well I’m dead too in the back of the boat so wait a second then why are we still in the game what do you mean wait chy look at Johnny’s dead body he’s holding something no not he’s holding more things it’s a I don’t even know what that is guys I can’t walk really fast cuz I shot Marty and he wasn’t the murderer yeah I know you made a big boo boo easy where are you Daisy nowhere walking really slow Daisy come down that hallway I think I just saw you no thanks come on Daisy come down the hallway you know my feet are really tied together right now so I can’t really walk oh are they that would really suck if someone just came over and killed you right I hope that doesn’t happen yeah that would be really terrifying Daisy take that how are you the murderer again let’s go let’s go three times in a row I’m the murderer are you hacking the game I’m not hacking the game guys I I actually don’t want to be the murderer I don’t want to be the murderer so not fail Johnny all right Gooby how about we play the boat map one more time since you died early yes yes yes yes all right just for you just for you we’ll play it again okay we got to need the boat then after this this is the last time we’re playing the boat map cuz I don’t like it that much it’s the worst map of all time like you’re on a big boat you want some popcorn want some popcorn yeah no only the winners get popcorn I don’t want y popcorn I want to get my own you want some popcorn oh wait you lost I killed you last round Daddy what about you oh yeah you lost I love some popcorn me does it have extra butter and salt yeah it does Daddy it’s buttered up oh I love buttered up popcorn oh yeah all M I’m taking a bit to back corner all right guys here we go this time I actually hope I do not get the murderer you’re such a liar I don’t want to become the murderer you’re such a liar okay here we go I’m innocent oh I’m innocent oh man I’m the murderer wait daddy you’re the murderer no it’s a lie it’s a lie I’m the Gunner does that mean it’s Johnny again let me see the Gunner let me see if you actually have a gun I have a gun I’ll shoot you why get away from me I don’t want anyone near me any anyone near me if anyone comes near me I will shoot you well that’s a Meenie weeny move well that’s not very nice no it’s not a mey wey move I’m protecting myself I have the best hiding spot in the whole map I do too why would you guys be hiding cuz I’m scared of you guys I’m not the murderer I can’t get it that many times in a row it doesn’t it doesn’t work like that I feel like you’re lying I’m going just have to find you and shoot you I know somebody’s lying here come on guys I just want to be friends with you what was that oh gosh oh gosh ow ow this game is a lot of fun what John the M again how is that possible go in the back of the boat back of the boat guys I’m not the murderer I don’t even know what you’re talking about I just need to hide here until I win the game that’s what I think oh yeah that’s a good idea you should do that he’s a cheater he’s cheating the map not true Daddy not true and wait he had an invisible potion no I didn’t daddy that was not an invisible potion it was so invisible it was unbelievable I didn’t see a thing he was like a snake in the grass uhoh no my gtic box hi goopy KY we got to St together do you have any scraps no I only have one scrap that we start with come on guys I just want to say hi I don’t think you do guys keep hiding we got to find the gun I’m just looking for scraps I saw Johnny where where what are you guys hicking like I actually don’t see you do why you ring that Bell that was perfect Gooby you just told me exactly where you were no what are you invisible or something that’s what I’m saying I’m literally Not Invisible guys I’m just always cheating you’re cheater I’m just better than you no I’m going to watch you and see your cheat all right Watch Me cheat see what happens daisy daisy Daisy what how’d you get a gun got you I collected scraps what a snipe I didn’t know you could collect scraps to make a gun oh yeah poporn we got cheater good we got a cheater I’m not playing this game anymore I don’t want to play it oh yeah oh yeah okay guys this next game I swear if I’m murderer again then my game must be glitching that’s a liar I don’t want to become murderer I really don’t I really do I 100% do all right I’m not going to vote for the map you guys vote floating islands let’s go there color fils nope we’re doing floating Island all right guys hopefully this time I do not become the murderer please make me the murderer please I want to be the murderer so bad yes I’m innocent I’m the gun oh no I’m not the M all right guys good luck finding me Johny where are you I want to hide with you no I don’t want to hide with you I’m good I’ll pass what why not because I’m hiding by myself I don’t know if you’re the murderer or not yeah oh I think it’s Daisy wait is it actually Daisy no I’m the Gunner I’m looking for scraps ooh it’s moldy it’s definitely moldy why would you say me why would you single me out cuz you like I’m looking for scraps cuz I am sounds like something a murderer would say daddy is it the whole point to get scrap so you can kill the murderer well you would know that M oh hey Gooby bye Gooby what where are you I can’t tell you would like a super secret hiding spot yes Gooby super super secret literally no one’s going to find me in here are you invisible no I’m Not Invisible all right Gooby I’m invisible what yep I’m ghost that’s a murderer power no it’s not I think you’re the murderer Gooby you’re running out of time you have 8 minutes eight minutes to hide no we know you’re the murderer stop lying you already know what I’m not the murderer Gooby you’re the worst liar ever you better not come near me that’s it oh God come here ah kill me no no no no no no no get away from me I have to run come here help me help me help me I’m being chased over here he’s over here over where keep going straight no I yeah I was going to kill you this is the best map yeah this map was so good yeah Gooby take that you’re the worst murderer ever me the war I like the boat no one even saw where my hiding spot was was the best hiding spot in the world we’re going back on the boat no we’re not we’re not voting for The Boat no no no no no we’re not going back to the boat color filth yeah let’s do that one what what even is that we haven’t played it yet what’s a filth it’s dirty it’s you cuz you’re filthy no you’re fat and bald you did not say that to an elder the disrespect wa guys this map looks crazy it’s so colorful wow looks like Phil to me I’m the Gunner oh my gosh I have a gun I’m innocent I’m innocent again okay one of you is lying because I’m innocent and so you are lying no I’m innocent I am 100% innocent oh my goodness I just got the best hiding spot in the entire game I have the best hiding spot no find me no what was that what was that what happened uh-oh uh-oh Gooby screamed like a little girl it wasn’t me I’m not even near Gooby m it’s a little sus I don’t know what’s going on over there I’m just going to protect myself with the gun Johnny I think we team up Daddy I don’t know if you’re the murderer or not well I just won’t come after you Daddy I am in the secretest spot in the entire world uh-oh um Daisy what are you doing I see your head no you don’t hey hey stop trying to hit me how am I supposed to get you under there hey daddy she cheated no I didn’t oh my goodness my head was poking out I was playing dead oh my where’ you die where’ you die where’d you die I need that gun how are you even playing dead can’t tell you Daddy run daddy she’s right under there yeah I can tell he she just threw a knife at you Daddy throw knives you have to come and get me that was so easy I doing parkour that was insane I was escaping you guys are bad at hiding casy you said you were innocent and I came to hide with you sorry goopy it’s how you play the game no you lied you’re a liar no yes I’m going to tell mom and dad you can’t tell them well then next time you can’t kill me okay okay guys I decided we’re playing a really good map okay thatd what map is it it’s a secret what the library ew we’re in the library this is poo poo I hate it here you’re going to learn I’m the G I’m innocent okay that’s all the innocent just come over here oh yeah good idea wait wait who’s the M Mar no stop me only you have to tell the truth I am telling the truth and nothing but the truth you promise uhoh I see all of us I see all of us Daisy’s running around she’s not talking cuz I’m looking for a hiding spot why are you being sus no she’s being a real sussy sus girl I see her she on top of the bookshelves where is she where is she should I shoot her daddy why you acting weird like that I swear I’m not the murderer back up back up JY hi remember you promise trying to kill me I’m not the murderer Gooby it’s got to be Gooby why are you aim on everybody no it’s got to be it’s got to be you you psychopath what if it’s you Daddy it’s not me it’s not me I saw you in the water over here oh no who did that I get no I just teleported what the heck who did that actually who did that what kind of game are you playing m it’s not me goby stop blaming me it’s definitely mold you guys we got a one yeah good run away from me I don’t want you near me cuz then who the killer won’t be next to me okay I’m actually really scared I don’t know who it is I got to find a really Gooding spot okay I’m going to start asking some questions it’s either my daddy or Gooby so what Gooby what’s in your inventory right now quick go going uh I got a knife I got a thing KN no no you sho me that’s fa yeah I told you guys he was the murderer oh God oh God come back here payback he didn’t like that very much my you better come back here no you get away from me I got to kill you I need one more scrap I need one more scrap help someone help me no Daddy I’m good I’m just hiding right now you were hiding in the water fountain I saw you before no I’m not you were before dang it Daddy now I got to find new hiding spot hopefully Gooby comes and kills you where are you I got a gun this time I’m Jo this is like Extreme Hide and Seek well I don’t like this game very much I don’t know where Gooby went I’m nowhere I’m in the shadows well get out of the Shadow so I can shoot you in the face no why not why not Gooby where are you gooby has to be mysterious in the shadows the heck sounds scary where did you guys go well whoever the murderer is you only have 6 minutes and 40 seconds so you better hurry up and start murdering people guys I think I’m in the best hiding spot ever that’s what they all say until they die back you Daddy I need help Daddy I need help come up to the third floor I’m being chased I’m actually being chased uhoh uh I think I lost my knife what was that what was that I heard someone die something just fell on me oh that was me no what happened so I was sitting on a chandelier and then the chandelier just fell from the sky what the heck how’ you even how’ this happen daddy it was an it must have been my way I must have been too heavy for it you freaking broke the chandelier you fat person you all you all hurt no that’s not fail that’s like cheating no no it’s not it was an accident I swear buto I ended up killing you and I won oh my goodness you’re actually so fat daddy I’m very fat well guys it looked like I was just the best at hiding because I was playing dead the entire time wait what yep you you cheated he’s a cheater guys all of his WS don’t count I don’t want to hear it m you’re the one that cheated by falling on the sandal where where’d he go he’s right there disappeared Daddy see hey you you can’t hide in the walls like that yes I can check this out where’d he go now where’d he go now that’s crazy that’s the biggest Cheo move ever and I was the best murderer cuz I killed you guys so many times nope you’re poo poo he you’re poo poo that’s why you were the worst murderer ever last round yeah no you were bad well Mary cheated by being fat hey I didn’t cheat by being fat you cheated by being a fake murderer then you were the real murderer why don’t you eat less big BS next time why don’t you stop being so stupid that’s it m Myster me right now One V One One V one can me and Daisy join no a at least we have popcorn yeah Daisy I guess you’re right let’s just eat popcorn wait for them to be done oh you guys this is a full moon out we got to tell scary stories around the campfire wait scary stories but Gooby I’m scared to SC scary stories that’s okay here I brought some marshmallows so you can just occupy yourself with that ooh okay I’m going to eat these they can’t be too scary Gooby don’t worry don’t worry it’s going to be really good okay all right Gooby say the story this story is called the werewolves in the city it hasn’t even started yet I’m scared of werewolves and I’m scared of cities yes well this has both of those oh no no I’m got to eat more marshmallows okay so once upon a time there was a little boy named Johnny what why why am I in the story Gooby it was different Johnny oh okay but he went to the city to pick up a new pair of shoes ooh okay he wanted to find the yellow ones cuz yellow was his favorite color I’m starting to like this Johnny guy he sounds like you nope it was different Johnny that loves the color yellow and so he went there with wearing his spinny hat and his suspenders and went to a shoe store Koby this is me you’re literally describing me nope different Johnny anyway so they went into the shoe store to find a white pair of shoes but they couldn’t find the right size so they have to go to three more stores three more stores yes but none of the stores werewolves hey I’m getting see well hurry it up so none of the stores has a size to for him so he had to go walking in the streets at night it was a full moon just like tonight and all of a sudden he could hear some howling oh gosh was it the doggies no it was a werewolf and bit him in the face I’m being bit in the face okay okay that was a wi good story Gooby I didn’t like this story okay please never say it again do you have a better story or something oh yeah Gooby I got the best story ever all right Let Me Clear My Throat all right so this story starts with my daddy being big fat and bald what did I just hear out here what did I just hear the end did you just say you were going to tell a scary story about your dad being fat and bald no I didn’t daddy it was the marshmallows in my mouth I couldn’t understand me well guys I got a story I have a story about a kid named Gooby Daisy and Johnny they’re both pain in my butts and they really stupid we’re not stupid that was mean Daddy take it back yeah well not in your butt okay Gooby I didn’t mean it literally well the reason why I’m coming out here is because Johnny I have a mission for you a mission yep since it’s night time and uh and the garbage needs to go out by tomorrow morning for the garbage men you want me to take a poop I am having you take garbage to the garbage P I’m going to take the longest poop Daddy it’s the bestest Mission ever no it’s not it’s not the did you not see what I just said stop it Mission completed Miss not complete get out found side quest there’s a little side quest over side quests nice Gooby I want to join you stop it this is this is ridiculous this is ridiculous I can’t believe this in my life a good Mission this a whole mission it’s not the mission it was never the mission the mission is you got to take the garbage of the garbage pal the garbage of the garbage B but Daddy I don’t want to do that well you have to cuz you’re the oldest here you go take this this this this you’re embarrassing me in front of all my friends well they’re basically not even your friends anymore they’re basically like your your your siblings you to take out the garbage guys come on this is not funny and you have to go by yourself no but I I I think Daisy wanted to take out this rotten apple nope no I didn’t tell her to do it I told you to do it I’m actually getting kind of tired so I’m going to go to bed what oh there goes no no Daisy come back Daisy hey Daisy Johnny yeah be Johnny um I’ll see you in the morning uh you enjy yep yep see you no Gooby daddy we were having so much fun at you came you ruined it I didn’t ruin anything I didn’t ruin nothing all right Johnny you got chores to do okay you got to take the garbage to the garbage pail and it’s all the way down there wait what it’s not like over here somewhere nope so you have to go down the road make a left and then make a right in an Alleyway daddy why would the TR can be that far it’s what the governor wanted he he changed the rules up for the town so that’s what we had to do okay Daddy well it’s night time out I’m really scared just make it quick if you do it really fast then no one will come and get you all right daddy I’m going to run really fast I’m going daddy I’m going all right make it fast all right Daddy I’ll be back soon what an idiot this is what you get for clocking the toilet every morning hopefully he learned this lesson I wonder where that trash can could be oh wait I think it’s down that way yes I see the trash cans okay I got to cross this street let me look look left now let me look right no cars are coming all right let me just cross this street real quick I found the trash cans all right um I think this one’s ours let me just put in all the junk keep my marshmallows and Destroy yeah I did it let’s go wait a minute what was that noise oh my goodness it’s a werewolf no please please please back away from me ah ah ah a Johnny Johnny it’s morning time I don’t know where you went come back Johnny where are you Johnny oh no guys this is not good I shouldn’t have sent him to go put the garbage in the garbage pales a block away you should have went with him well I thought it was going to be fine I mean just taking out the garbage it’s my fault it’s my fault I wanted him to go alone it was supposed to be a prank because he keeps clogging the toilet in the house well now he’s missing and it’s all your fault oh man I really messed up God wait a b don’t Johnny what do Johnny what happened to you oh daddy daddy is that you yeah it’s me Daisy and Gooby Daddy I don’t know what happened everything just went black and oh whoa what is that thing in the sky that’s a dad I’m going to eat it it’s the sun I’m going to get it I’m going to get it Daddy no stop why you acting like that come here what’s wrong with your clothes oh cuz when I was taking out the trash D I got in a raccoon battle yeah it was a nasty raccoon I hit it a raccoon battle really are you okay did you get bitten um I don’t remember daddy you look fine to me I don’t see any bite marks Mo this is all your fault now he’s all dumb no he’s not dumb oh my gosh Johnny how about this you go inside and change and uh I can make it up to you we can do whatever you want for the entire day wait whatever I want yeah if you want ice cream if you want to go to the mall if you whatever you want oo okay Daddy this sounds so much fun all right let me go get these clothes off man guys Johnny kind of looks like he’s in rough shape I can’t believe he survived the night I can’t either all of his clothes were so torn up yeah M if something’s wrong with him it’s all your fault you have to do everything he says I mean I am I offered it hopefully he wants to have that ice cream cuz ice cream man’s right there a got a fresh new pair of clothes on and I’m feeling good daddy all right that’s good that’s good so you want some ice cream yeah Daddy let’s get some ice cream okay let’s go to the ice cream truck yay hello ice cream man um what do you guys want oh I want chocolate chip okay I want one chocolate chip Gooby can I get strawberry a strawberry and Johnny what do you want um uh can I ex ice cream man if he has a certain flavor oh yeah go ahead uh Mr ice cream man do you have any meat flavored ice creams what the meat flavor uh I don’t think I have any of that nothing with like pork or like beef flavored ice cream just a lot of it are you sure I can’t get you some chocol lip no I don’t want chocolate I want some meat flavored ice cream that’s a strangest request I ever heard why would you ask for a meat flavored ice cream that’s like totally opposite of what an ice cream flavor would taste like well Daddy I’m just really hungry for meat that’s weird why why are you hungry just for meat like only meat you know what guys I don’t want ice cream anymore um uh I want to go find a piggy or something a piggy you or a cow oh that would taste so delicious you want a burger would you rather a burger what ew they actually cooked that meat Daddy I want raw why do you want raw meat I’m going to go find myself a piggy hey Johnny stop it oh gosh maybe he needs to go to the doctor I think he has a concussion I don’t think he has anything wrong with him I think he’s just being weird cuz he’s a weirdo does this mean we’re not getting ice cream no we’re getting ice cream hey ice cream man can I get a a chocolate too well sure here you go nice thank you oh yeah this tastes so good oh yeah oh this is amazing hey you’re next buddy get out of my way Johnny where’d you go wait is that him over there what is he doing I have no clue Johnny what are you doing Oh Daddy I was just eating uh some meat I told you I was going to get a piggy or a cow what you just that cow to death and eat this meat um yeah Gooby you want some here you go it tastes really good ice cream gross what’s wrong with you something that something’s definitely up oh it just tastes so good Daddy I need more where’s the other cows at come here hey whoo whoo wo grab leave alone I think I’m going to swow up come here Johnny you got to stop eating these cows hey Daddy put me down no not until you tell me another activity that we’re going to do it doesn’t require killing something well now that I ate all this food I have a bunch of energy so how about we go for a little jog oh okay we could do that you guys want to go for a little run yeah can I just walk sure you can walk you can watch us run I think we should have a race Gooby you think you’re faster than me yeah I can beat you oh yeah in your dreams no in my real life well Gooby first one that can go around the entire block wins bye he I’m joining too can’t wait oh yeah I’ll see you guys later oh God I got to take a break oh this bad I’m wining so good how are you so fast oh yeah oh yeah actually insanely fast right now this is so sick The Flash I’m going to cut across I’m going to cheat hey that’s cheating that’s cheating that’s not fail no it’s not cheating it it’s being fair and square no I got to op wife I’m going to win I’m going to win what the heck how is he so fast fast bye guys he’s actually the flash he’s a superhero oh Gooby I’m coming to get you what I thought we were supposed to go this way see you later yeah I’m going this way how are you so fast what do you mean this is always how fast I ran no we were like the same speed now we were like super lightning speed Gooby I’m the winner I went around the block first let’s go I don’t know how you got so fast well Gooby all that running kind of made me hungry again well I sld my ice cream if you want some of that no I I think I’m looking for something a little bit different oh ow did you bite me oh yeah it tastes really good thanks Gooby what the heck man guys guys what’s happening over here who won well Johnny won the waste because he was super fast and then he just bit me out of nowhere you B him yeah Gooby tasted really good that’s so weird why would you bite him that cuz I got hungry again okay there’s something going on with your tummy because you seem to be really hungry lately well Daddy I need to eat a lot to have really crazy energy to run that fast duh here you can add the rest of my ice cream yeah same ew ice cream be I don’t want ice cream no o I’ll take that oh yeah it tastes really good hey Johny give me some of that meat oh you want to share here you go yeah I want to tast some of that okay it tastes really good this is so weird to watch right now and you know what yeah because you guys are getting really weird I think you guys need to go to bed I think we have an early bedtime today what bed but Daddy we still need a hunt what do you mean you need to hunt what I don’t get this I don’t get how about this you can hunt in your bed you can hunt in your dreams what is that what was that why is he growling I don’t like that I don’t want to go to bed how about this I’m going to bring you to bed hey hey I don’t like this put him down Daddy yeah what was he going to do to me bite me in the butt what an idiot maybe I should bite you in the butt no you’re not going to you’re not going to bite me in the butt because that’s not a human thing to do well Daddy we need new bed we don’t want to sleep in the beds inside where do you want to sleep we need to sleep in dens where it’s nice and cozy well you know what Johnny something’s not right one night out in the wilderness and it changed you you know what fine you get one night in a den yay we’re going to sleep outside all right I’m going to make mine right here what the heck no go somewhere else don’t go underneath the house nope there’s where it’s going Daddy yeah let me help you come on Daisy help us okay okay I’m not going to sit here and watch this this is weird you guys have fun making your little dead and I’ll come back in a little bit hey Daisy what are you doing over here I’m building me a room what does it look like no no no we don’t need any of that we don’t need this we don’t need that he Daisy get rid of all this where are we supposed to sleep o I know what we need we need some dirt ooh yeah this looks really comfortable oh yeah I’m going to sleep all over this I am not sleeping on dirt I’m just going to make my own room over here no you’re going to ruin our den Daisy I’m not going to ruin it ah Daisy are getting really annoying Gooby are you getting kind of hungry all of a sudden hungry oh well now that you mention it I’m feeling a little bit oh Daisy come here what’s up come on Gooby get her why are you guys biting me join the Dark Side Daisy that really hurts and I think I’m bleeding oh I know something that’ll make it feel better here you go eat some of those why does it smell kind of good it’s really good Daisy you got to eat some meat this is so delicious yes it’s better than ice cream wait Daisy do you still want to sleep on these stupid beds and stupid couches not really I don’t think we need any of this ah let’s go yeah we just need do guys we’re going to make this Den look so good ooh it’s kind of getting late outside I wonder if those kids are done making that weird Den they’ve been in there all day and it’s kind of weird that Daisy out of all of them hasn’t come back inside knowing that there’s a bunch of dark let me go see what they’re doing out here guys guys are you guys done making your little stupid dead out here is it finally time to come inside do oh God to get back in the house get back in the house before eat me close the door close the door I got to go in my room I got to go in my room and I got to lock this thing up and uh what do I do what do I do there’s werewolves outside I think they’re Johnny Daisy and Gooby um um let me call my friend let me call my friend let me real quick oh gosh they’re looking inside they’re trying to get in trying to get in this not good it’s not good Okay the phone’s ringing the phone’s ringing please pick up please pick up hello hello are you the Monster Hunter what can I do you fo name’s Steve okay Steve the Monster Hunter um I have a big problem right now there’s a bunch of werewolves outside my house but the trick is or the catch is that they’re actually my kid they turned into werewolves and I don’t know what to do werewolves say no more I’ll be right there wait do you know how to like save them of course I do I’m the best Monster Hunter okay well please get here quick because they’re about to eat me I’ll be there with a chiffy mate okay thank you oh gosh oh gosh hopefully he gets here quick because it looks like Johnny Daisy and Gooby want to eat me oh gosh oh God the break it in the break it in is not good it’s not good help help me oh gosh oh gosh hey mate where’s the werewolves they’re outside in the back right now they might be coming to the front of the house too I don’t know where they are don’t worry mate I’ve got potions that will turn them back to normal in a jiffy oh thank goodness because I don’t want to kill them I want to kind of save them I’ve handled many werewolves in my day and this should do the trick right okay well we have to be careful and look for them oh gosh I see them I see them don’t worry mate H take this take this them get them look they’re running away because they’re in pain that should do the trick those werewolves won’t be bothering us anymore well we need to go look for them where’d they go where’d they go oh I think one went this way oh hey Daddy oh Johnny am I a werewolf Zill uh you still have ears in a tail wait that’s strange he should have been turned back to normal I think he was bitten by a werewolf King what the heck a werewolf King I didn’t even know that existed we’ve got to find the others there’s no time to expl BL oh my gosh there’s Gooby hey Gooby e my head it’s okay you’re Sav now the Monster Hunter saved you am I still werewolf um you kind of still are I think uh the Monster Hunter has a poopy potion and it didn’t work it’s cuz you were bitten by the werewolf King well your stupid potion didn’t work so make another potion I can’t we have to destroy the king of the werewolves but uh we still need to find Daisy guys oh I know where she is I’ll get her over here right now woo it’s not going to work I’m here what the it work it’s the language of the werewolves you guys don’t understand if we don’t kill the werewolf King by the time the night ends then you’re going to be stuck as werewolves forever I can’t be stuck like this stuck for werewolves forever I do not want to be stuck as a werewolf kind of like it I can just he outside and just R around and do whatever I want oh I could also poop outside too no no no you guys need to be changed back because I’m not dealing with the smell of wet dog in the house house that’s going to smell like horrible D I want to be ugly Daisy you don’t need to worry about that you’re ugly with the werewolf or without it no you’re just looking in the mirror hey she got you well I have a question for the Monster Hunter where is the werewolf King anyways well who was the first one that got bit you’re looking at him it was me right here where did you encounter the werewolf king um uh wait maybe it wasn’t a raccoon it was a werewolf that bit me oh it’s starting to make sense now that’s a big difference Johnny a raccoon’s really small and a werewolf King’s got to be pretty big well Mr Monster Hunter I got bit in the alleyway and it was y my Daddy’s fault no no it was not my fault it was not my fault it was actually his fault we have to go back to that Alleyway and kill that werewolf King well everyone follow me cuz I know exactly where it is oh yeah what the heck you guys are able to jump and run really fast woo this is awesome I guess we got to walk around Monster Hunter don’t worry Marty I’ve got some weapons for us too nice oo that’s a pretty cool weapon we have to kill this werewolf King all right guys here it is this is the alleyway where I saw the werewolf he was standing right here and then he came up to me and bit me this alley smells so gross yeah it’s because this is where they keep all the trash cans and garbage wait a second I have an idea since you guys are like werewolves can you use your sense of smell to smell them out wait a minute daddy that’s actually really smart oh oh God all I can smell is your butt daddy oh go get out of the alleyway you’re smelling a lot of garbage all right let me go over here you guys smell anything I smell cupcakes no wrong I’m going to eat them all stop that okay get out of the bakery taste so good daddy all right can you start smelling the werewolf now um daddy I’m getting a scense this way over here okay I think we’re on the something oh my God slow down you’re so fast I got a lead daddy oh oh yeah this is really fun here it is this is where I’m smelling another werewolf yes a cave that’s where werewolves love to set up their dens all right guys we need to go in and we need to kill this werewolf King come on go go go you guys go in first cuz you guys are probably stronger than me guys look there he is I just saw him get him get him he’s here he’s here he’s attacking oh there he is that’s the guy that bit me oh my goodness oh my goodness it’s a wild werewolf me at him get out of here you werewolf King ow yeah this is what you get this is the exact werewolf that bit me yes we killed them oh gosh I feel a little different guys what happened me too my body hurts all of a sudden I feel like I was jumping for a whole year you guys turn back to normal wait what we turned back to normal we’re humans again destroying that werewolf king must have walked oh my goodness I have no tail and I have no ears and I’m so pretty let’s go and I don’t want to eat raw beef anymore wait a second I want that raw beef give me that oh yeah what this is some goodu why do you want to eat that beef uh-oh I think there’s something wrong with your daddy Everybody Run oh oh my God oh my God goopy come on pass over the remote I want to watch what I want to watch on TV no it’s almost time for Dragon Tails that’s my favorite show swagon Tails swagon tails is Dragon T swagon taals it’s the best show everil well I want to watch Thomas the Train so pass it over Noy you want to watch swagon Tails no I want to watch fineas and Ferb oh no no no no no do not give her the remote do not give it to her Gooby come on guys we can watch it together it’s such a good show but guys I want to watch Thomas the Train chug CH that’s for kids yeah that SS for babies Dragon Tales is all about adventures and you go into the Dragon World give me that remote right now shake it out of here give it to me give it to me help me Gooby pass me the remote I want it yes I got it yeah I got it I got the remote no Thomas okay guys how about this how about we just go onto the TV and just go through all the channels until we find something everybody wants to watch and works for me okay all right everyone sit down let’s see what’s on TV breaking news I’m standing here at the sight of a major earthquake at the Town Mall as you can see a giant fissure has opened up and a giant hole down to the bottom is visible I don’t know how much more damage the town can hold and it looks like there may be even more aftershocks coming if you you’re still in your homes I advise you to stay indoors and go under tables if there’s any kind of shaking nearby oh what is that it’s a Giant Wave It’s a Title Wave a tsunami is forming here we got to go we got to go oh oh oh this is not good this is not good and keep that camera [Music] rolling oh my goodness did you guys see that there’s a tsunami coming for our house I don’t even know how to swim oh no h what’s the tunami did you not just watch the news a tsunami is a huge wave that just eats everything in its path ah it’s a giant monster wave in of water exactly Gooby we’re going to die we’re actually going to die we need to go and uh we need to find my daddy we got to find my daddy daddy daddy where are you number two I hate Johnny because he smells funny number three what are you doing in here booby’s drool is really drooly today hey well I’m writing down my notes why I don’t like you guys hey Daddy we don’t have time for notes daddy we just got done watching TV and on the news a news reporter said that there’s a tsunami and it’s going to hit our house there’s no such thing as tsunamis the only way a tsunami would happen is is if there’s an earthquake I didn’t feel no earthquake Marty you probably didn’t feel it because you were probably just walking around was that a fat joke I’m not that fat okay the house does not shake when I walk around in it okay maybe a little bit wait daddy you were the cause of the earthquake that then caused the tsunami so it’s all your fault what are you guys talking about the amount of power that the that the earthquake would have to be would have to it’s like the sun’s dropping down on the earth yeah that’s like your butt okay you know what let’s go outside and see even there if there’s a tsunami coming I don’t even think a tsunami’s on the way all right fine D let’s go outside I don’t see nothing out here there’s no there’s no tsunami well guys let’s check the other side of the house maybe it’s just coming from this part of the house well let’s see oh my God oh my God it’s AI it’s a mommy oh my god dad is huge it’s coming for us come on get inside get inside get in get in get in oh no oh no oh no where we go upstairs everyone go upstairs it’s going to eat our house okay go upstairs go upstairs go upstairs oh no oh no we in the Walk siid we’re in the wrong siid oh no it’s not big enough the house is big enough daddy you left us to die in this house no go go upstairs go upstairs quick quick quick hey there’s one on here BBY come on Daddy look at the window it’s going to come into the window oh God it’s coming fed our house is flooded ah I would swim Daddy I don’t know how to swim I’m drowning stand on something stand on the furniture oh no guys this is not good a tunami is literally going through our house right now oh my gosh the whole house under water look daddy this all your fault it’s cuz you had a jump no it’s not my fault oh gosh yeah it’s above the house it’s above the house oh my my goodness well guys this isn’t good this is like being buried alive we literally can’t go anywhere this sucks I can pee wherever I want hey Daddy if you’re going to pee stay far away from me all right oh no guys the whole house is ruined the furniture’s ruined the floors are ruined oh we need to get down to the bottom floor we need to we need to go underneath the ground wait underneath the ground yeah we can’t live up here how we going to see that we got water H we’re going to have to think of some solutions maybe maybe we need to go in the basement in the basement Daddy but that means we going to have to swim underneath all of this what if we drown down there we’re going to have to hold our breaths all right are you guys ready to go underground that’s like basically burying ourselves alive though but it’s the only way Daisy okay we need to do it okay all right guys everyone follow me oh gosh there’s an air pocket down here don’t worry guys behind behind you what we to go in here go go go go go yes okay we’re pretty much safe in here Gooby get in here all right daddy right here is where we should put a ladder yep we got to dig all the way down all right like this all right guys I’m going to start clearing out a bunch of blocks down here I’m going to make it so we have a lot of space I need room to build we’ll have you come down here and help me come on guys I’m going to add a ladder oh yeah we definitely need a ladder even though we’ll probably never see the surface of Earth again going I have to live down here forever yes Gooby we’re never going back up cuz this tsunami remember oh yeah what we’re going to have to do is basically make a house underground we need a bathroom we need a living room we need a kitchen bedrooms I need a a place for my dog you don’t have a dog yeah where are you going to get a dog daddy that makes no sense I’m going to go find one where it’s going to be a water dog okay like a seahorse but a dog basically well I want to get a sea bunny uh there’s no such thing ooh that would be awesome oh Dad can I get a sea carrot no actually maybe that’s my favorite pet I just want a fish yeah we should have a fish tank for all of the pets wow guys look how much space we have we broke so many blocks this is bigger than our old house no no no this is still not good enough guys we need to start decorating and start putting like rooms in here all right Daddy I think I’m just going to sleep right here no you are not a caveman my room’s done Daddy this is where I’m sleeping yeah you get you get to sleep on rocks and the rocks will go up your butt in the middle of the night well Daddy what should we add next then what we got to do is a floor we need to make the coolest floor of all time okay okay how do we do that H I don’t know anyone have any ideas I know how to do it okay okay just follow this pattern okay she’s going to make the most complex pattern of all time no it’ll go by so quick wait I don’t know how to do this there’s a hard pattern to follow not really since everybody just take a color of wood and just go all the way around am I doing it no no no that’s not the right pattern oh I see now I see all right Gooby look you do that and I’ll do the one next to you like this okay okay and then do this wood right there guys I’m getting good at doing the pattern I told you it was easy look I already did the pattern out for everybody just got to copy it going all the way down all right Daddy I think you messed it up D what do you mean I messed it up just everything you do daddy you always just mess it up no I don’t you mess everything up all right marty farty you didn’t say that you just say that he said it now everyone in the comments is going to say that to me marty farty marty farty shut up yeah I hate that nickname whoa finished it looks so good let’s go this is the best floor ever it looks okay yeah my design is pretty good I’m not going to lie this was my design anyways uh Daddy what should we add next we got to add walls we’re going to use stone brick Oh yeah okay so what we need to do is figure out how big we want your bedrooms and where we want to put them so I think maybe this whole left side is where the rooms are ooh yeah D it’s a good idea so what we got to do is split it up so we’re going to put a wall right here across the the whole entire side all right I’m going to make the wall really big okay good good good and now we need to split up the rooms evenly we’re going to have to do some math nope not doing MTH I think this entire side should be mine all right this entire side right here well no you got to split that with either Gooby or Daisy and then you guys can get this room and then Daddy can get that room and then I’m make my own room somewhere else I just made your rooms right here what are you talking about look this is all mine no no no no no this is all mine no it’s not all yours this is too small where am I living in like a right there daddy in that corner I’m not living in no corner all right well you know what then I’ll just going to go somewhere else why are you annoying you guys don’t want to be near me well how are you going to split this up evenly daddy well we could make corridors we could just like you know split it up okay E I have an idea okay so you got to go down the middle like this okay and then you got to go down the middle like this pretty even pretty even okay that’s not bad but um how are the people that are living in this room supposed to get to it do they need to walk through this person’s room got to be hallways okay so we just make that all right all right this looking pretty good guys interesting it’s like we’re making a whole house in here yeah this is actually kind of awesome I’m not going to lie we’re just buried alive dad do you think the whole earth just died and everyone on it I mean probably unless they’re smart like us and they went underneath the ground yeah but there’s no one smarter than us or if they went on a mountain o true Mountain where they live in the sky and the sky people guys those people do not exist okay they definitely could exist wo okay this is a lot of room o my room’s coming out the best so far I’m not even going to decorate my room yet already working on it yep I’m already working on it I want to work on my room too don’t steal any ideas from my room cuz that would be cheating course I got to put some dos to make sure we don’t look at it I’m going to make a bunch of my walls in my room yellow oh yeah this is coming out so good now what I need to do is get a bed which one of these beds look really good obviously yellow and then we need some bed stand like this and like that all right now over here I’m just going to do some of this before my daddy starts building there we go now I have secret glass that looks into his room I’m going to know exactly what he’s up to all day long this is going to be so funny and then what I’m going to add over here is I’m going to add some armor stands these are going to look so awesome in my room all right now let’s just get a bunch of different armors o this green one looks really cool there we go now we see one more armor there we go this looks awesome daddy why are you not building your room yet because I’m decorating the whole other side oh okay Daddy do well my room’s almost done and then you can come in and see it ooh okay okay hopefully it’s not poopy it’s actually really good this detail I’m adding is actually next level this looks so amazing I’m going to come in right now and look at it what the boom check it they’re yellow in here well obviously daddy wait I didn’t do the ceiling hold on it’s not done yet what’s this thing a TV oh yeah it’s my TV daddy looks like an alien it’s not an alien it’s a TV with detail it doesn’t work hold on Daddy look I’m going to make it work right now oh wait wrong thing wait for it oh oh check what’s on the TV Daddy help me change channels cat oh I’m changing channels you broke the TV wait what’s this what is this what the heck are you what did you put on the wall oh that’s a painting daddy there you go no it’s see-through glass no it’s a painting daddy why you want to look at me when I sleep out of my room I my privacy Daddy get out of my room why do you want look at me when I sleep know Daddy I was thinking about getting rid of these doors as well there we go all right trap yourself in there I don’t care I don’t care what you do you a poop on there for what I care that was a close one my daddy almost figured out what I was up to well time to finish this ceiling I think I’m going to put some white quartz up there oh yeah this is looking so good this is the exact detail that I was missing in my room and then I think I’m going to add some more fancy paintings around my room maybe I’ll add one somewhere over here all right my room is officially completed but now I want to go see what Daisy and Gooby have been working on Gooby what the heck is this Gooby what are you making in here o welcome to McDonald’s what you made an underground McDonald’s yes cuz since we’re never going to be able to go up to the surface anymore I thought we needed a McDonald’s no way this is genius yes now I can eat french fries and Big Macs I’m going to put some tables over here so you can sit down and eat some food wow wait can I work the McDonald’s and get paid sure we’re going to need somebody let’s go all right let me get my McDonald’s outfit on Gooby check it out do I look official wa just like you’re walk at McDonald’s yep yep uh what would you like sir to eat today cuz I get um a 20 piece nuggets and MCB okay and a ble also today is free fry day so you get unlimited free fries woo yes thank you Go free fries free fries okay okay kid mold’s not going to have any of this let’s go all right I’m going to go see what Daisy’s working on okay Daisy Daisy wait what how do you get into your house Daisy it’s a secret wait what do you mean it’s a secret my go in there where is it Daddy all right there we go it looks like some weird tunnel thing that goes to Daisy’s home um whoa this looks crazy um why are you wearing a McDonald’s uniform um because Gooby opened up at McDonald’s duh Gooby opened up at McDonald’s yep he did and it’s really awesome does he have MC fles of course he has everything from McDonald’s you got to go check it out I’m going to have to get one of those this looks insane this room oh my goodness I think this is the best room I’ve ever built ooh I don’t know about the pink beds with the hearts though those are kind of cringey well I like them and I’m a girl so cringe cringe Daddy are you ever going to start working on on your room or you just making this interior I like working on the interior because you know what in here is where we’re going to put a big kitchen ooh and then we can make more McDonald’s let’s go wait this McDonald’s oh yeah Daddy Gooby made of McDonald’s but it’s not for fat people like you well I’m not actually I’m actually not fat oh yeah no you can’t go there sorry I’m not fat look where is it let me go look for it hey daddy where are you going no no no McDonald’s oh there there’s my room I got to do my room it’s not in here whatever you do do not go in this room okay why would why would I want to go in this room hey oh my gosh Mickey te welcome to McDonald’s I I would like to buy everything in the store daddy we need to for the rest of Eternity when we have to stay here well the funny thing is I’m really skinny right now and I can you know do with some Plumping up all right daddy how about this look I’m going to give you maybe one double cheeseburger that’s it and daddy that’s on the house that’s free I ate it what you just inhaled it I need another one I I didn’t even feel it Daddy we need to save this food food what about in like 10 years if we’re still hungry remember McDonald’s food never goes bad so we’re going to have to save it well the worms will try eating it cuz we’re undergr no we need to save it we’re buried alive Johnny I need food now okay here I’ll give you the extra crispy super deluxe meal here go thank you oh my gosh this is incredible all right uh can I get that that wrap over there oh my gosh we got to get them out of here the eight of deluxe meal that’s supposed to last for like a whole year it wasn’t even Del get him out of here we got to get him out of here okay well I guess I’m going to starve to death well Daddy if you’re going to still work on this I’m going to work on your room all right you’re going to make my room why don’t you make the kitchen No I’m going to make your room why would you make my room I want to make my room nope you’re waiting too long so guess what I’m making your room it’s going to look so good just give me a chance all right all right fine I’m going to see what Daisy’s up to what are you making Daisy I’m making a garden wao this is going to be the garden section yeah just so we can have fresh crops wo and your room looks really pink it’s supposed to o I like your bed JY that looks really nice thanks Gooby this is a really soft couch oh I might just have to hey you can’t sleep on my couch oh this is a great couch get up oh come on I’m sleeping there it’s my room you can’t sleep in here that was a soft cozy couch okay I’m going to need that I’m going to have to take that out of your I’m confiscating it no you can’t take it I got I got to take it for um uh safekeeping just get your own Johnny sorry Daisy I’m sorry I’ll keep him out of here Johnny I got some for the room oh yeah Daddy what is it check it out check out your room what are you doing what is this why is there only toilets a plunger and a big weird bed well Daddy you’re a pretty uh you’re a pretty big guy so I thought uh you know you use a really huge bed well I need you if you’re going to be doing my room to throw this in here some of these cushions what is that it’s a really soft couch I just slept on it in Daisy’s room and I I passed out ooh Daddy this is pretty soft yep yep I’m going to have to sit here real quick and just daddy wake up wake up that’s why you have a bed to sleep in not couches we’re getting attacked no we’re not that’s just you snoring oh I’m going have to go back to McDonald’s I’m going to go back to McDonald’s see what they got in here no Daddy all right we got a Big Mac meal we got some fries ooh a McFlurry guys we need to stop my daddy he’s going to eat all of our food I’m not eating I just took a big flurry that’s your third one today what do you mean this is my first one okay I just ate three yep definitely my third one today now guys we need to have a big meeting in the main room all right everyone come over here I’m building sorry I can’t uh they can’t intervene dadd we need to talk to you in this meeting okay hey Daddy see that’s what we need to talk about you’re going to eat all of our food supply and then we’re going to starve the death no I don’t have anything see it’s not here did you take c MC Floy no no I’m not eating nothing Daddy this is a serious issue okay we need to stop eating because we need some food as well oh you want to lick no don’t want lick here you can lick it e really good you want lick no we need to save the food we have to live here 400 years well the way that it’s going it looks like you guys are kind of you guys are going to laugh one more day cuz I’m going to eat all the food we’re just going to have to eat you if you don’t stop me you don’t want to eat me I’m full of Assa salt and diabetes well Daddy I think you should take a rest and go into your room okay fine I’ll go sleep on the couch in here how that go take a rest I locked him in there guys I locked him in there hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you can’t do that I put chain doors dadd so I can lock you in places why do I hear water water I hear water wait I don’t hear water wait let me check my room oh my God oh my God no no the water’s coming from the ceiling guys the tsunami is coming in oh no it’s getting worse you’re going to have to let me out this is really not good let me out of here guys I can help now you’re not helping by eating all of our food that’s not helping our Solutions what so I got I’m locked in here that’s not helping our problems daddy well what are you going to do keep me in here forever yes oh maybe yeah probably I just walk out hey Daddy hey how’d you do that it’s called the McFlurry in the lock technique all right fine you want to play that way see what happens when there’s obsidian yeah Daddy you like that hey hey hey hey let me out of here now you’re actually trapped I guess I’ll sleep and take poopies in here have a good time all right daddy we’re going to work on the kitchen have fun in there wait can you get me some food from the kitchen I’m really hungry no no stop eating all the food Baldi I’ll get out of here one day all right guys Well that took care of that problem but now we need to make the kitchen but wait what is this dude it’s going to be all fish tank wa we’re going to have a fish tank yes got to make it look super good wow you guys can make this a fun room and you can put a TV in here and I can build the kitchen by my farm ooh yeah it’s a good idea yeah we definitely need a fun room so I’ll go work on that all right I’m going to work on the fun Parts all right I just added a TV and a couch now I got to add some little trees ooh this is looking really amazing and now now what I’m going to add is a little computer setup this is going to look so good all right we’ll put it right here maybe oh yeah this looks so good okay now what I need to do is just get some signs there we go this looks awesome all right now we’re just going to get some paintings for more detail who Gooby this fish tank’s looking so good what the heck what’ you say Gooby what I I can’t I can’t hear you because it’s War in your mouth Gooby you got to come out here come here oh God it’s getting all over the floor now I said thank you oh that’s what you said but uh gooy where are you going to find fish to put in your fish tank uh maybe I just go up into the tsunami a little bit and just get them oh yeah I guess that’s kind of a good idea the heck hey hey what’s going on here Daddy hey look go back up hey no Daddy come back here where are you going I went the wrong way what is this are you trying to Escape no oh my gosh there’s water everywhere from the tsunami you can’t catch me alive oh God he’s on me Daddy I’m right behind you I’m following you I got to go to the McDonald’s I got to go to the McDonald’s hole oh my goodness guys my Daddy’s going through the ceiling trying to find McDonald’s oh I’m going around you okay got to go down guys everyone come in the McDonald’s right now I need help oh no it’s flooding everything where did he go hey Daddy got to go back up got to go back in the hole got to go back in the hole oh my goodness okay you know what I’m just going to cover up that hole you ruined it Daddy is he destroying things again yes he’s destroying things he’s being so stupid right now someone needs to put him in a Bedrock box yeah I agree you’ll never be able to find me I’m digging around I’m like a snake in the grass well Daisy I want to come see the kitchen area or you’re working on I’m just working on seeds right now oh my goodness this is insane wait this is going to be like a farm area yeah we can have everything we want wait we should add some like Piggies and chickens too you’d have to make a different area cuz I don’t want that near our food why cuz they smell bad you just you know kill them and put them on a plate and eat it oh gosh uhoh this is awkward Daddy what are you doing here uh I am not trying to see what Daisy’s up to you’re flooding my form it’s not flooded no more we’re about to add a chicken and pig pen right now oh great so that’s where I sleep right yep wrong I’m make my own bedroom far far away dadd I think you’re going crazy living underground no I’m not I’m just eating my MC flurries and I’m happy I’m really happy guys why don’t you just come look at my fish tank over here okay I’ll go look at your fish tank you broke up the ceiling and got all the water everywhere I I found some fish in there really I helped you out yes so look it’s done W this looks incredible thank you thank you I walked really hard on it they’re like little tsunami fish these are all the fish that need to a new house cuz of the tsunami well now they can live here forever you have fish food right uh no no they’re going to die oh no we need to make fish food at the farm I got to go to Daisy Daisy we need potatoes we need potatoes we need uh we need fish food Gooby what do you even feed fish uh uh raisins we don’t have raisins potatoes potatoes are a good secondary fish food bananas we don’t have bananas but I can plant potatoes yeah potatoes we need to get a bunch of potatoes wait Daisy what are you doing I’m just adding lanterns so they have light ooh that makes a lot of sense but wait we should put them on chains yeah chains are definitely the way to go look at that that looks so much better when you put it down oh my God perfect we need some carrots we need some wheat what are those strawberries those are in the game I didn’t even know those are in the game of course they’re in the game yeah Daddy it’s in the game okay what what game are you playing Minecraft no he was talking as if we were playing a sports game I want to grow some strawberries yay strawberries I got a bone meal them o I think we need some cows in here too ooh you’re right and some sheeps make them over here guys this looking so good we’re literally going to be able to live in here for years as long as Marty doesn’t eat everything I’m not going to eat everything guys stop I just need to kind of go and uh go this way you guys have fun making your farm daddy where you going you better not be going back to McDonald’s no no no no I’m not going back to McDonald’s why would I do that all right well Daddy I’m going to put up a camera in there so if you’re in there I’ll know all right go ahead I don’t care what you do I’m not going to McDonald’s all right let me just go put the security camera up okay yeah sure go ahead by all means all right just going to place the security camera right there all right let me make sure it works there we go go all right daddy you come in here guess what you’re going to be back into timeout Jo all right I’m just going to make like a super super fun room all right yeah you do that work on the ceiling of this room it need some it need some fixing well I’m going to work on a fun room all right go for it little do they know I’m going to devise a really cool trap to trap them in it and then I can eat all the food in this bunker what I need to do right now is I need to make this fun house so I can bring them in and then I can put obsidian around it and then I can trap them yeah that’s what I’m going to do um Gooby what is wrong with with this cow uhoh um I think he’s like a a weird one okay I’m going to try to get a bucket and milk it come here there’s a strawberry cow it’s not working I’m not getting any milk from him the strawberry cow is stupid hey don’t hold him just because he’s different yeah I guess you’re right what other animal can we put in here we need sheeps yeah let’s see what sheeps we can spawn in oh yeah there we go W it’s all different colors wow they look so amazing these sheeps this room is really coming together guys yep s our farm is pretty much ready what are you working on now the kitchen ooh yeah this is going to look super good okay my fun house is finally done now the last step in my evil plan is to go Wrangle up these kids all right o Gooby is right here Gooby gooby I need you what are you doing oops oops get back in your eggs chickens Gooby you can’t reverse the process after you throw the egg in it cracks you can’t put them back in it oh oops um I made a mistake myy and there’s always chick everywhere it’s fine it’s fine just follow me Gooby I have I built a fun house I built a really fun house what did yep and there’s a lot of cool things in there I just need you to follow me so we can go get Johnny and Daisy he yeah let’s do it Johnny Daisy I got something fun I doubt it Daisy I got something really fun I need to show you okay let’s go see it it’s a fun house there’s a lot of fun things in there Gooby is really excited W this is a cool area in here Johnny what are you doing dancing in the farm well guess what I need you cuz I need to show you my fun house wait what the fun house house it’s done already it’s done it’s really fun okay everybody follow me this is going to be the best day ever want to go to the fun house this is going to be like the best room in the whole entire bunker because whenever we’re living you know underneath here buried alive this is the one thing we’re going to do and have a lot of fun in all right everybody hop in there with there’s a little chicken in there wa guys this is so fun it’s like a bouncy castle Yeah let’s go keep jumping around in there and have a lot of fun I’m going to do backflip oh yeah backflip time man it looks like a lot of fun in there guys like I’m getting a cool twick like I’m doting really cool Twi daddy why don’t you join us because you’re locked in there I locked you wait what guys no no no Daddy open this up nope you guys are stuck in there forever and guess what your big old daddy Marty can eat whatever he want no Daddy stop it please don’t eat all the strawberries he going to eat all the McDonald’s oh Gooby that’s what I’m going to go after first John you have a camera in there right oh yeah well hop on it real quick cuz I’m going to go with eat everything in there no wait no no no no no no no no he’s in the McDonald’s guys oh man let me just take one of those let me take one of those have a little bit of that he’s taking everything on the menu Daddy stop it some ice cream cones too let me let me have some of these oh my goodness not the ice cream cones oh yeah I have this bread for us guys he’s eating it right in front of the camera oh yeah look at this chicken got some fries oh my goodness stop it Daddy you guys are going to be stuck there for ever oh gosh guys what are we going to do we have toble to stop him somehow oh yeah doing the chicken dance Gooby what is that in your hand oh Gooby gooby chill it walk it walk let’s go we’re free hey Daddy guys come on we got to get him come back here momy shoot him with the rocket launcher come back here stop EA blow him up yeah yeah yeah take that Daddy yeah oh no all the animals are getting loose don’t worry I’ll save them I’ll save them get out of our underground bunker where am I going to go you’re going outside to the tsunami yeah we can send him out there let me down no you’re leaving uh-oh um guys what’s happening oh no oh no the tsunami it’s going underneath it was the Bazooka goopy look what you did it did me too go stop you’re making it worse it was an accident oh no guys it’s all in the fun house oh God stop do that oh God oh God it’s going to ruin our rooms and everything no I’m safe I’m safe oh yeah oh yeah guys now we just ran into the same problem as we did upstairs this sucks now what are we supposed to do so mold’s fault we’re supposed to grow gills and we have to become fish people all right daddy let me do that real quick daddy am I a fish ew you’re a catfish he’s ugly yay I can swim under the water though and you guys can’t whoo I want to see that wait I want to be a fish come on guys everyone turn into a fish waa what type of fish are you guys Oh Daddy you’re a blob fish no I’m not I’m beautiful you’re a big and fat and ugly blob fish Daddy I am why is this my fish wait is that you Daisy yeah I’m a flying fish wow and Gooby where are you wait Gooby you’re so small I’m a puffle fish oh my goodness well guys it looks like this is how we’re going to have to live the rest of our lives yeah I guess so but it’s better than being buried alive yeah I think you’re right at least I have my McDonald’s well if you guys enjoyed watching this video and want to watch another one then click one on your screen right now also make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe bye

Today, Johnny is on a fishing trip with his friends when they are attacked by a SEA SERPENT! How will they survive? Watch until the end to find out!

#johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft


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